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Miguel Serrano

ToRudolf Hess ,
the figure-Imam of Esoteric Hitlerism,
a necessary victim
in the resurrection of the myth.
‘Be true to your old dreams
so that our world
will not lose hope’
—Ezra Pound

‘Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans’

—Friedrich Nietzsche

Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way

to the Hyperboreans’

‘For the warrior of the Order of the Walkers of the Morning Star,
of the Watchers of Dawn, a battle that ends badly is a spiritual
adventure that has been successful’
—Song of the Walkers of Dawn
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
What the Master Told Me 3
Hitler, One of the Initiated 4
What Really Happened 7
What Could Have Been 9
The Astral Body 10
A Dream with Stalin 12
He Knew He Was Bound to Lose 15
Hitler Is Alive 17
My Search in the Antarctic and the Himalayas 21
The Hollow Earth 22
The Phantom of the Poles 25
Admiral Richard Byrd 27
The Flying Saucers 29
The Prophecy of Josef Lanz 31
The Mirror of Princess Papan 33
The Astral Tube 35
We, the Surdics 38
My America Is the Land of the White Gods 39
The Losers 41
With Ezra Pound 43

Who Were the Cathars? 47

Luci-Bel 49
Cathars and Troubadours 50
The Cathars, the Gral and the SS 51
The Druids Converted to Manichaeism 53
Who Were the Druids? 55
Hyperborea and Atlantis 57
Where are the Hyperboreans? 59
Mu and Gondwana 61
They Came from Other Worlds 63
Are All Men Really Men? 67
The Fascination for the Abyss 68
Papan and the White Gods 69
The Other Science 70
Lilith and the Stone Cithers 72
The Flower of the Druids and the Hyperborean Number 74
The Federal System of the Druids and the SS 78
Chromium and Soma 81
A Different Concept of Reincarnation 84
One Inconclusive Symphony 86
The Initiation of Compostela 88
Ezra Pound, Does He Know the “Trovar Clus”? 90
Dog of the Goths, Dog of God 91
The Chilean Race 93
The Synchronistic Path of Transmutation 98
Scattered Pieces of the Broken Crown 100
The Entrance into the Sacred Peak
-The Initation in Noya and the Transmutations in Ageitos 103
The Cathedral of Santiago Maria Del Sar Mirrors,
the Dolmen of Agetos 105
I Was Looking for Celts and I Found Germans 106
The Ancestral House 108
The Collective Unconscious of Jung 110
The Blue Blood of the Hyperboreans 112
Wanderers and Nostalgics 113
The Templars 115
The Mystery of the White Gods of America 117
The Dates Do Not Coincide 120
The Christians Destroyed the Traces of the White Gods 121
The Templars, the Benedictines, and Hitler 124
The SS Centers of Hitlerian Initiation 127
The Exoteric Fundamentals:
Philosophy, History, and Mythology 130
The “Urmensch,” Total-Man 136
The Mortal Secret of the Templars 139
There Are Two Distinct People in the Gospels 142
The Incarnation and the Hermetic Law 147
The Templars Only Denied the Crucified,
Not the Symbol of the Cross 148
Christ Is the “Self,” According to Jung 151
The Childhood of Hitler in the Convent of Lambach
and the Order of Thule 152
The Initiation of the Leftward Swastika 154
What Is the Templar Order Created For? 155
The Second Tablets of the Egyptian Moses:
Are They the Same as the First? 157
Deuteronomy Is Not “The Fifth Book of Moses” 160
The Religion of Blood and the Counter-Initiation
of the Renewed Covenant 162
Judaism, Like Brahmanism, Is Not Missionary:
One Is Jewish by Blood 164
The Blood, “Motor of the Imagination” 164
Symbolism of Names 165
When the Hebrews Were Aryans 167
There Are Four Different Species of Men upon the Earth 169
The Jews Are Not the Hebrews, They Have Appropriated
the Tradition, Adulterating It 172
The Profound Reason for the Enmity between
Aryans and Jews 173
The Tales of Jacob 176
The Jew Exalts the Part above the Whole:
Jehovah, Marx, Freud 178
The Two Swastikas 179
The Templars Intended to Restore the Royalty
of Divine Origin 180
Racial Sin and the Sense of Guilt 183
Do Not Judge, Only Oppose 185
Can One Stop Being a Jew and Become a Hebrew Again? 186
The Law of the Pendulum 187
Esoteric Hitlerism Is Not “Anti” 189
The Conflict Is Not of Men, But of Gods 191
The Dance of Shiva 192
Three Fundamental Positions in Esoteric Hitlerism:
First, the Symbolic 194
The Initiation in Agharti 197
Second Position, the Synchronistic: Initiation in Shambhala 199
The Third Position Harmonizes the Other Two 200
When Krishna Danced in the Cathedrals 203
“Thou Shalt Be King As Long As Thou Art Righteous” 204
The Other Gral 205
Skorzeny and the “Unknown Psychology” 206
The Secret Directors of the Templars and the SS 208
Hitler, “High Priest of the West”: A Tulku? 209
Social Organization Based in Different Initiations 213
Three Different Conceptions of Power 215
Magical Science and Technology:
Hitler Had the Atomic Bomb 217
Causes of the Destruction of the Templars 220
The Magical Empire and the Code of Manu 222
What Was the Secret Templar Initiation? 223
Tantric Alchemy in the Medieval Orders and in the SS 225
The Two Tantric Paths 227
The Hitlerian Initiation, an Unknown Occidental Yoga 232
Shakti, the “Will to Power,” and the Hitlerian “Absolute
Personality” 234
The “Vira,” Or Tantric Hero 236
Woe unto Him Who Loses His Valkyrie! 239
The Cabiri, the Two Cabalas, the Horse (Caballo),
and the Virgin of Carmen 240
Esotericism of the Nibelungs: Siegfried, Christ of the West 243
The Treasure of the Nibelungs and the Valkyrie
Brunhilde-Kundalini 245
Siegfried Betrays His Valkyrie 247
“The Song of the Nibelungs” and the
Bogomil-Cathar Heresy 249
The Epic of the Nibelungs Does Not Take Place Here,
But in “The Way of Iring” 252
The Symbols Are Too Intelligent to Be Rational 253
The Pilgrims without Course 254

The Rosicrucians 257

The Stem, the Thorns, and the Rose 259
Vedanta, Samkhya, and the Yoga of Patanjali 260
The Love of Shiva and Shakti 262
The Tantric Metaphysics Surpass Monism and Dualism 264
Esoteric Hitlerism Is Tantric 266
The Six Million Victims: Materialization of the
Jewish Collective Unconscious 269
The Swastika of the Exodus and the Swastika of the Return 270
The City Is Also Kundalini 272
The Fantastic Declarations of Rudolf Hess
about Hypnotism at a Distance 273
The Center of Telepathic Forces 275
Black Magic and the Sinking of Atlantis 277
White Magic and the Passage to the Other Earth 278
Kalpas, Manvantaras and Yugas 279
The Polar Origin of the Vedas 281
The Second Appearance of the Rosicrucians 282
The Castle of the King of the World 284
The Four States 286
Masonry and the Invisible Government 288
“The Jewish Virus,” According to Marx,
“Has Already Passed on to the Blood of the Non-Jews” 291
“If the Protocols Are Not Authentic, They Are True” 293
Chile, Chosen in 1942 to Be “Nai Judah” 294
The God of the Losers Will Be Vindicated 296
The Fourth State of the Robots and Ant-Men 297
The Earth Is Set in Tune with Man in His Destructive Fury 298
Today the Graal Is in the Andes 299
The Light of the Morning Star 301

Epilogue 303
All that which in human life
lies beneath myth
belongs in the realm
of the subhuman

Hermann de Keyserling
What the Master Told Me
t seems to me that the years have not passed, but, in

I fact, they have. It seems to me that I have not aged,

but, in fact, it could be that I have. Little by little, I
have realized that my work seems to be directed. So,
yes, the years have passed, and, yes, I have aged, so I should leave
a testament of certain things that I know, and which no one else
has in their attic—certain things that have been guarded for over
thirty years, but are still new, almost like yesterday, without
communication, without being used until the present. One treats
the Great War so great as in the Mahābhārata, yet greater still, as it
signaled the end of time, as if it were a Manvantara, cosmic and
earthly. He who considers that tragedy as simply a World War
does not understand anything that occurred. Those of us who
lived through it, even in “the ultimate corner of the world,” have
been marked by the essence of it, and shall never forget it.
When the war ended, thirty-two years ago, it was easier to
speak liberally and say what one thought. Today, the atmosphere
is dense, and the shadows drown us. The chains imposed by the
winners multiply, and the truth, or the light, has now disap-
peared. No one dared tell us what was possible to see or say until
five years after the end of that frightful catastrophe. The youth
born these days are spiritually weak (they like to be called “sons
of Aquarius”), kneaded, moderated (not by the Aquarian waters,
per se), placed in the margins by a directed education, by propa-
ganda, by hyped information, drugs, “universal love,” the “flow-
ers,” the music of the last days of Lemuria, or by a terrorism with-
out grandeur, without Mount Olympus, without the light of god.
If they were to bring back a diurnal conscious, the unconscious, or
a collective superconscious, it could attract some reflection of true
heroics or manliness, against fear in the face of so much insidious

Miguel Serrano
propaganda and compromised literature of the demon of stupidi-
ty. For those that are able in this effort, I will thread these pages—
also for those ex-combatants, my comrades, those imprisoned, and
the tortured in all the “Caucasus Mountains” of the world.
My revelations will not be antiquated, even though they have
remained hidden in an old attic for more than thirty years, be-
cause this war has not reached its end, and because there is no
more time: for us it has turned inward, upside down, and right
side up. Yet there will be time in the compression of the past. To-
day it is more difficult to speak of yesterday in fear that the win-
ners are always increasing, which proves that nothing has finished
and that everything is sloped, like before it all happened. For
those reasons, we will reveal it here.

Hitler, One of the Initiated

In Ni por Mar ni por Tierra and La Serpiente del Paraiso, I had told
the tales of when I was with my Master, and of my initiation. I
will not insist upon this subject. Let me tell you that I have never
left the path, even though I have followed it my own way, and in
the center of many difficulties, I have survived continuous battles
with myself. The Order is of warriors, and my loyalty to the Mas-
ter is for life, and beyond life.
Something I had never mentioned before was that he was the
Master that esoterically joined us with Hitler and the Great War.
The Master told me: “Hitler is one of the initiated; he can com-
municate astrally. I do not know who his Guides are, but I have
decided to help him. Hitler is a being of unshakeable will, defini-
tive, once it has received the order to act. Besides, he returns to the
past. I have been in communication with him.”
Another day he had explained to us that Hitler had a mission
to transmute Destiny in the vertex of these times, giving the land
the impulses necessary for its mutation, its transfiguration, in

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
which it was possible to win over physical entropy, overcoming
the Kali Yuga, or Dark Ages of Iron; the transmutation of all val-
ues, the only possibility for survival. Hitler was a vehicle, which
through him traveled a ray from the Spirit. In the initiation, he re-
ceived the power of Vril, the victorious energy of Hvanero, or Farr.
Against him will be triggered every force from the shadows, and
of death, of inertia, of its elementarwesen, of the elementals. That is
why we had to help him. This War would be of gods and demons.
A Cosmic War, reflected and dramatized to its maximum upon
the land. Each one of us helps in his own manner. I edited a mag-
azine, La Nueva Edad, and there I made references to all of this.
Twenty years later, the archives into the process at Nuremberg
were opened to investigators. The secret archives have surprised
many, in fact, with the secret roots that seem to remain ignored.
On another day, the Master had confirmed all of this again.
When the book El Retorno de Los Brujos by Louis Pauwels and
Jacques Bergier was published, it awakened such restlessness and
curiosity, even in the Marxists. Around this time, I was Ambassa-
dor to Yugoslavia, and I was the Secretary General of the Socialist
Party of Chile. Raúl Ampuero, friend of Barreto, the “Jason” of my
Flor Inexistente, spoke to me in Belgrade of the truths and revela-
tions of Esoteric Hitlerism. Later, Eugenio Gonzalez, director of
the halls at the University of Chile, espiritu selecto, even-tempered
and profound, and also a socialist, came to look for me while I
was visiting Santiago to converse about the revelations in this
book El Retorno de Los Brujos. I would remember how twenty years
ago I had put forward these ideas in my magazine, my part in the
combat. Was this certain? How could I have known these things at
that time?
The Master had always confirmed this. He was never mistaken.
Within five years of things coming to pass, he would tell me what
would happen to our mother country: “Chile will reach the depths
of its misery and, from there, shall rise, newly reformed, to place

Miguel Serrano
itself as the head of the nations of the Americas.” He never de-
clared a thing that did not happen. Corroborated by the stars and
by Destiny, we should never pull away from it, nor fall back-
wards, nor could we return to our previous position in our com-
bat in this Grand Cosmic War of the Worlds. To the War I owe my
initiation; to the Master, my knowledge of Esoteric Hitlerism. The
Master never changed his opinion. If he had done so, or ordered
me to do it, I would have followed. He never said that maybe we
had been mistaken.
At the opening of the archives of the Nuremberg procedures,
French writers had begun the publication of a sensationalist book,
El Retorno de los Brujos, which was filled with inaccuracies (though
they do refer one to the subject). Those works don’t translate well
to other languages, save but in a few Spanish publishing houses.
The Anglo-Saxons ignore this, or pretend to ignore it, because
they are the ones who know all of this the most. They decide who
else is allowed to know. The Germans don’t count, with their en-
emies’ foot on their throat, with an education and propaganda
that is directed unto its most minute detail, but in the end only to
reveal to the new generations its true tradition, its true history.
The Italians will never liberate themselves from the Vatican yoke,
which has marked their souls with fire from the Index, and which
pushes one to Marxism, their true “son of man.” Because of this,
we do not publicize, nor do we universally transmit the message
outright, though we will add to this book a bibliography that co-
vers these subjects—a majority of them written with perverse in-
tentions by the declared enemies of Hitlerism, but, besides their
enormous disagreement, they could not help but show a fascina-
tion and a terror towards that which is defined as “magic social-
ism,” or “realist magic.”
We shall now comment and often transcribe paragraphs of
works that have a preoccupation with the mystery that is con-
cealed behind this drama.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

What Really Happened

Adolf Hitler is one of the strangest personages in the history of
this land. If there are doubts over Jesus’ birth, with Hitler there are
doubts over his death. If, from the beginning, there didn’t exist
verified testimonies about Jesus outside of the Jewish legends of
the Bible, and in one fashion or another one finds himself inside
the grandiose edifice constructed by Bible, by the very people in
the Bible who said that Jesus existed but who never saw him in
person (in the flesh); though when it comes to Hitler, there exist
testimonies of those who have seen and touched him. Further-
more, there are millions who could see it in the newsreels, admir-
ing his strange appearance, his disconnected persona, as though
he was a Celestial Being from another planet.
During my ten years in India I saw yogis, mystics, magi, and
men outside the normal current, but they all resembled men. Even
my Master was “human, all too human.” Hitler wasn’t. He was
above human, or inhuman. He wasn’t from here. My first impres-
sion was many years ago, suddenly finding myself looking at Hit-
ler’s photo in a display window in the center of Santiago. He wore
a cape, and his attitude was hardly natural, but more so ridicu-
lous, with an intense look—as though he were trying to impress
someone—towards an unknown world, which was alienated to
him. He had that little mustache above his upper lip, and his net-
tled hands, one on top of the other; tense, like broomsticks, to use
an expression from Carl Jung, who described him as a scarecrow.
My first impression was to reject him, disagreeable and laughable.
To be sure, even Saint Paul would have felt the same in this case,
had he also seen that image. Later, everything changes, as we
didn’t know much else; everything would soon transfigure.
Those that were with Hitler, like Otto Skorzeny, Léon Degrelle,
Hanna Rietsch and others, with whom he had conversed, main-

Miguel Serrano
tain contradictory impressions, letting us see that no one really
knew him (save for Rudolf Hess, perhaps). For each he presented
himself in a different fashion, jealously guarding his secret. An
exception must be made to my Master, who would meet him on
the astral plane, where no one can hide or disguise themselves.
And I’ve already written of his impression: a being with a will of
steel, a vehicle for a lightning bolt from another world, a trans-
muting energy of the land and of mankind. To reach becoming an
agent of our species, Hitler became a naturist, a vegetarian and
chaste. We should view his relationship with Eva Braun the same
way we envision that of Jesus and Mary Magdalene from the
Christian legends, as the alchemist and his soror mystica, or of a
Cathar warrior and his amaxia uxor, his Spiritual Wife. The pres-
ence of this woman, of her telepathic energy, communicates the
tensions that awaken—on the opposite end, like the termite king
and queen—and are necessary for a tantric magus, for a vehicle of
this class.
So, certainly, Hitler’s Mystical Wife was not Eva Braun, but an-
other—just as the first wife of Adam was not Eve, but Lilith, or
Haisha, Ayesha, the Inner Woman, the one that has not yet come
out, or the one which has returned, or the one who remains out-
side. Eva is a strange presence, concomitant, who appeared sur-
reptitiously, suddenly—as “a thief in the night”—and took control
of the Countenance of the Predestined One. It is possible that here
we have encountered definitive proof that he was an initiate. His
defeat would then be treasonous to Lilith-Ayesha, to Death, to She
Who Is Invisible, accepting that Eva, the furtive one, the one of
corruptible skin and bones, took the place of the Mystic Wife. It is
thought that Napoleon was left to the stars when he abandoned
Josephine, as when Jason was unfaithful to Medea. In some great
archive of the Universe, each hero, each magus, is allotted one
Spiritual Wife, and he who abandons Her shall himself be aban-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

What Could Have Been

At the beginning of the war the Master told us, “I have seen Hit-
ler’s army invade England. They reach the royal castle and take
the king prisoner.”
This premonition was written in the Akashic Record, out of his
time, in the Circle of Eternal Return. It could have been, it should
have been. It was permitted to happen, so why didn’t it happen?
Today we know that Hitler held back his generals from attacking
the British soldiers trapped at Dunkrik, allowing them to retreat
back to their mainland, if arriving before the English army could
retreat, the Germans could of encircled them and destroyed them.
The war should have ended there; the English were helpless in the
isles. Who convinced Hitler? Who held him back? Skorzeny refers,
in his book The Unknown War, to the treason by Admiral Canaris.
André Brissaud, in his book about the Admiral, Chief of the Ger-
man Army’s Secret Intelligence Service (Abwehr), relates the Ad-
miral’s double-cross with Karl Haushofer and his son, who influ-
enced Hitler—through his disciple, Rudolf Hess—to not invade
England. His arguments were backed by the legends of Hyperbo-
rea, as England is Aryan and a part of the Hyperborean continent,
land of Merlin, the Grail, of the Knights of the Round Table, Mey-
rink’s England, and of the alchemist John Dee, the “Land of the
Angels,” of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Land of the Dead of Sacred
Thule. Hecataeus of Abdera, 400 years before our current era, re-
fers to the British Isles as Hyperborea, and Stonehenge as the “cir-
cular temple dedicated to Apollo (God Apollo, A-Polo, Without
Pole, God of the North Pole, Hyperborea, Thule), who visited Hy-
perborea every nineteen years, when the stars complete their revo-
lutions.” England was the maritime power of the white race, and
Germany the earthly power. Therefore Hitler sent Rudolf Hess to
England, attempting to establish a Sacred Pact with the remainder

Miguel Serrano
of the Hyperboreans.
There exists proof to all of this.

The Astral Body

Paracelsus uses the expression “Astral Body” to indicate an entity
of which man receives influence and energy from the stars. This
subtle body was called Eidolon by Agrippa. Same as the soul, it
perishes if it is not united with the Spirit. It is the work of the Ini-
tiation. Magi and certain initiates can project this entity outside
their physical bodies, “materializing it.” Those who practice tantra
call this body Linga Sarira, and in Samkhya, sushnasarira. René
Guénon says that man existed and was created in various worlds
at the same time, and spoke of “parallel lives,” not to mention
“parallel worlds,” or instantaneous “clusters of lives,” which are
alive all at the same time, even when, generally, we are conscious
of only one. The Tulku consciously live them all at the same time (I
will refer to the Tibetan doctrine known as tulku later in this
book). For today’s man, the sequence of consciousness is “reincar-
nation,” and also the “Circuit of Eternal Return,” life and death.
Not so for the Tulku; he is in all parts at all times, consciously, in
all the parallel worlds.
The Master would see Hitler in the “Astral Body,” as I’ve men-
tioned before, and Hitler would see him as well. One day he told
me, “I went very high, to the top of a mountain, where there is a
stone house. Inside, looking through a telescope, behind a win-
dowpane, was Hitler. He had seen me approaching, and made
signs with his hands so as to drive me away. ‘Voyager, go on your
way,’ he told me.” On another day, the Master revealed to me that
he had perhaps done something extraordinary, and that he should
mark the definitive moment in the drama: “I saw myself in front
of Hitler,” he explained. “He was very close to me, so close his
face was right in front of mine. Shaking the index finger of my

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
right hand, almost rubbing him, I said to him in an energetic tone:
‘You will reach the salvation of your colonies, and not a step fur-
ther will you go. That last part I will repeat: Not a step further will
you go!’”
Those were the days in which Hitler had conquered France, in-
vaded the Nordic countries, and stopped his armies at the border
of the English Channel and the Pyrenees, trying in vain to obtain
from Franco (who was participating in Canaris’ treason) a passage
toward Gibraltar. With my Master, we meditated over the signifi-
cance of the warning. To me, the references to “colonies” seemed
absurd, at the level of a subject so transcendental. Quickly, the
mystery became clear: Rudolf Hess flew to England, and Hitler
attacked Russia.
About that incredible flight by Hess, today we know he offered
the retreat of Germany from all the occupied lands of the West,
and the preservation of the English Empire and its marine forces.
He only asked for the return of Germany’s African colonies. He
prepared for the great crusade, a return to Asgard, to Thule, the
Original Mother Country, marching back to Paradise of the Cauca-
sian Ases. The Grand Polar circuit of the Svástika Dextrógira—the
symbol of the Return to the Solar Epoch, and the end of the re-
gression of the Kali Yuga. More so, for this, it was too late or too
early. It was not permitted. What happened? Why did Hitler dis-
obey? Once I consulted Skorzeny about the attack on Russia. To
him, there were no doubts, it was inevitable and necessary; it was
in agreement with the themes in Nazism. The pact with Russia,
however, had taxed an extreme mental tension on the German
leaders, becoming a contradiction to the fundamentals of National
Socialism. This was evident to the Führer. Without doubt, but in-
sistent, it was too late or too early: late because England was not
invaded, or early because they could not fight on the other fronts
in what soon came to be a contradiction against declared princi-
ples. One should always desire to physically win the war.

Miguel Serrano

A Dream with Stalin

The night of the Russian invasion, I had a dream, almost a vision. I
saw Stalin on a balcony. Below him, in a plaza, a gathering crowd.
Stalin made a gesture with his hand, like a priest or guide, crest-
fallen, afraid of the future. He had doubt. This dream made an
impression on me. Twice, I have had dreams with Stalin during
the war. The second one was near the end of the war. I saw him
and his men seeking advice from an archive about the Vatican or-
ganization. An event I’ve never mentioned was that, being a sem-
inarian, Stalin lived for a time in Rome with the Jesuits. It’s always
the Jesuits! Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, studied
with the Jesuits. The Illuminati had great influence on Lenin; his
tactics and principles were quite industrious in the Russian Revo-
It occurred to me, on certain occasions, that I don’t need to see
the facts, nor do I need to be present, to know how things hap-
pened. In relation to the theme of the war, I remember that a bit
after the attack on Russia, I found myself in the street with my un-
cle, the poet Vincente Huidobro. As we walked a stretch together,
he would argue throughout our conversation, which would al-
ways fall back to the conflict. He was against Hitler. He would
characterize him with vehemence, pausing once to say to me:
“Hitler is the only one who does not know he has unavoidably
lost the war.” He had such conviction in his words, where I was
certain that he had come from some situation where they had as-
sured him it was so, because they already knew. It was like I was
already there, and had already heard. He was a member of a ma-
sonic lodge, where they explained to him that the world pact
against Hitler was sealed, and all means were in the hands of Ju-
daism, in this world and others—those who enter to work fatally,
irreversibly. This includes International Freemasonry, the Catholic

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Church, and the Protestants, the Rotary Club, the Red Cross, So-
cialists, Communists, the whole Democratic world and the Grand
Capital. Hitler was lost, the enemies’ front was enormous, invin-
cible, guided by extraterrestrial forces, and by the Prince of Slav-
ery and of Shadows.
Years before, my uncle Vicente, had insinuated that I join the
Freemasons. In his peculiar manner of expressing himself, he of-
fered: “If you behave, Miguel, I will take you to where you will be
given triumph.” Without his explaining, I knew what he was say-
ing. So curious, so curious, because Huidobro was a rebellious
spirit, with an almost Satanic pride, who never obeyed orders; he
didn’t need help from that kind. He intended on changing his
cosmic identity, his very blood. When one does this one loses their
true identity and their racial spirit—the death of the Spirit of one’s
Race. Was it something similar that happened to Hitler when he
disobeyed a Cosmic Order? Intending a change in the direction of
a star, entering dependence to another from which he did not
originate (like the Tibetans or Japanese), where the ray that passed
through him no longer fell? Or good Medea had abandoned him,
and he could no longer win the Fleece of Gold at the tops of the
Caucasus? A mystery that is still impenetrable today is the rela-
tionship between Hitlerism and Tibet, with Mongolia, and with an
India that is not the one we know today, but a former under-
ground India—subterranean. The Teutonic Knights and the Baltic
Barons (Rosenberg was Baltic) tried to follow the path of the Svás-
tika Dextrógira, like the Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, who
speaks to us, in various books of Ossendowski (author of Beasts,
Men and Gods) as well as Count Hermann von Keyserling, another
In 1926, Tibetan and Hindi groups were established in Berlin.
At the last battles in Berlin, Tibetans and Hindi were found
fighting alongside SS. It’s proven that the revelations about the
Jews and Gypsies come from Tibet. It’s possible that Tibetans and

Miguel Serrano
Mongols were in charge, like guardians, on the terrestrial surface,
the entrances to the underground world of Agarthi and Shambha-
la, refuge to the grand Guides of Hyperborea.
In reality, Shambhala is KAMBALA (K. B. L.), the center of Eso-
teric Hitlerism. Its entrance was around Xigazê, or near Gyangzê.
My investigations have taken me to believe that around there, one
would find our Center. Then, the relations to Hitlerism are not
directly with Tibetans or Mongols, but indirectly, as this facilitat-
ed contact, the way to, and messages with the Hyperboreans of
the submerged world. They were the German’s servants (assem-
bly of the faithful?) guarding magical access points. I’ll wait to see
that there has not been produced a provocative confusion caused
by passing one another false, adulterated messages. In any case,
Tibetans and Mongols today are slaves to shadowy forces from
the external world after their loss of Hitlerism at some stage of the
Great War. There must be some profound reason for this.
In my visits to Berchtesgaden, Adolf Hitler’s home in the Ger-
man Alps, a tellurian vibration came to my attention: something
in the air that instantaneously connects the Alps with the Himala-
yas and the Trans-Himalayan Tibetans; Hitler’s high refuge with
the Lhasa of the Dalai Lama, with Kambala. It was for this reason
that Esoteric Hitlerism chose that terrestrial point, filled as it is
with direct connections of magnetic vibrations and grand specta-
cles, as the sacred center of his New Order, avoiding the carrying
on of the final physical combat which could have undermined
those ways. Berchtesgaden is almost entirely pierced with tunnels
and subterranean passageways. The intuitive observer will notice
a grand difference in the heights of Berchtesgaden from any other
place in the Alps—Austrian or Swiss. There exists no possible
comparison. However, there are similarities with Montségur, even
in the position of the castle of the Cathars and Hitler’s Eagle’s
Nest, at the summit of a lifted mountain. Also, one should re-
member that Esoteric Hitlerism called this refuge Gralsburg (Grail

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Mountain), or the Castle of the Grail. Also, in Montségur there are
“instantaneous” and “direct” connections to Tibet.
There exists a sacred geography and geometry, secreted and
masked, which corresponds with an architecture that is also sa-
cred—like the one of the Templars, for example, and of Hitler’s,
which, unfortunately, wasn’t totally developed. Before the re-
mains or ruins of a Hitlerian building, one experiences something
like a quick “exit,” or connection, with the most ancient Egypt, or
well, like a Universe hardly insinuating against a plan distinct
from that of existence, to those who could pass through this grand
Door which is half-opened, in the center of bi- or tri-location of
space, or of the mind—a retreat of either. It is not by chance that
the Magus Hitler would feel, before anything else, that he was an

He Knew He Was Bound to Lose

Nevertheless, with the new coordinates of Destiny that entered
into play after the attack on Russia, the drama was amplified until
it was seen to go out of this world, beyond our dream on earth,
spanning across the Universe. There no longer exists the possibil-
ity of realization to the dream over the land, in its primitive puri-
ty, Hyperborea (perhaps it can never exist at this crucial point in
the Kali Yuga), of a return to the Golden Age. Now Hitler is rais-
ing all the levels of this drama up to a grade of irresistible tension,
of which he maintained until the end, though his people were in-
capable of supporting it. He’s left with one last possibility: make it
known to the Enemy, once and for all—Manichaeanly polarizing
the Cosmic Combat between gods and demons, between the Light
and the Shadow, between the Fire and the Ice, “Hörbigerly,” in
rivers and seas of flowing blood, knowing one will lose here on
the physical level, in order to win in another place and at another
time, simultaneously, in a parallel world. Because if he won right

Miguel Serrano
then and there, it would not have been the same ideal, the same
dream as it was in the beginning, being obligated to bring into the
battle of the steppes, together with his Hyperborean crew, those
who did not know with their blood, those who did not believe,
because they are not of the pure race of the polar warriors of Luci-
fer, of the Morning Star, he could not count on those who did not
truly believe! They would go over to the Demonic forces, in trea-
son. Hitler would have won the war here on earth if he had in-
vaded England, but he did not invade England, and then England
betrayed Hitler, therefore, now, either Hitler or the Gods want
vengeance. They want something bigger.
There came non-esoteric Italian Fascists, the French, the Span-
iards of Ignacio de Loyola, the Catholics, the Hindus who fight
simply to gain national independence, the Tibetans, the Japanese
from another planet—who didn’t attack Russia—it’s all the same;
and including those same Russians. All of the limited objectives
that could have been accomplished with the attack on England
(the “re-vindication,” as my Master would say), no longer existed.
Maybe it was never to be, or Hitler and the Gods wanted some-
thing bigger, more tremendous, more fundamental.
Opposite of what Huidobro thought, Hitler knew that he had
been beaten, that he would have to be beaten, then and there, to
triumphantly return at the end of time, upon “completing his Mil-
lennium.” For they should fight without surrender, without ever
giving up, opening the eyes of those whom, in the world, can
see—in the metaphysical reasons of this war—unmasking the En-
emy, exposing the International Jew. The blood of our fallen he-
roes gets more blessings from God than those with wisdom or
who constantly offer prayers to their God.
Hitlerism, like the Templars before, knows that it could not ful-
fill its program here, because it had been distorted in the combat
and by the natural conditions of the times. It has been exhausted.
Only the blood of sacrifice would let him be reborn in purity, in its

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
esoteric purity. Because “one does not forget that the color of
blood is very red, so intensely red,” as my friend Jason would say
years ago, and “because the blood of the heroes reaches much
closer to God than the knowledge of the wise men and the prayers
of the saints.”
The gods, who know they cannot die, admire and perhaps en-
vy the sublime courage of the heroes who do not know they can-
not die, and, nevertheless, enter voluntarily their only life for an
ideal, for a dream. Does there exist anything more beautiful? The
sacrifice most appreciated by the highest divinity, Odin, or Wotan,
is the heroic death of the warrior, the one which produces the ma-
jority of earthy fruits. For that reason, they are immortalized in the
summits of Valhalla.

Hitler Is Alive
To weigh it all out, it was so, that the energy of his being, and of
his people, came to the point that would win him the world in this
battle of titans, of stars and galaxies, the energy was so strong that
he almost won the war.
My Master also saw Stalin. He told him: “We cannot go on any
longer; we’re with water up to our necks.” It was the final mo-
ments of the war—a little longer, and everything would have
come to pass, but Destiny was laboring on; it could not change.
For, with the attack on Russia, two decisive months were lost in
which Hitler should have helped Mussolini in Greece and Yugo-
slavia. In only two months, these two countries were conquered,
but they were lost by the Russian Spring. How fatal. He could see
his end. The landings in Normandy and Italy came. The claw be-
gan to close. Then, my Master heard the Voice. It was an enigmat-
ic sentence, and even today I don’t know how to interpret it: “See
where that woman, who, having power spread out all over, did
not know how to vindicate herself.” Who was he referring to? To

Miguel Serrano
Germany? Later, on another day: “The skies have permitted Hitler
to carry out an act of extreme surprise.” Not much later he pro-
voked the unexpected offensive in the Ardennes with the SS, and
the last forces picked by Hitler. Destiny turned here…almost. Le-
on Degrelle had recounted how all was lost due to lack of fuel for
the tanks and trucks, and they had passed without even seeing,
due to the snow and mist enormous deposits of gasoline that had
been abandoned by the North Americans in their retreat!
During the Apocalypse, in the Twilight of the Gods, Berlin suc-
cumbed, and Hitler’s subterranean refuge was inundated by flame
and shrapnel while celestial music played for the Heroes who had
fallen. However, Hitler did not die there. Hitler did not die in the
Bunker—He was transported, alive, far from those territories. In
those days, one of the major disciples—who, like my Master, has
disappeared—saw Hitler on the Astral Plane. He questioned:
“Would you admit me amongst your group?” Since some time
ago, Hitler had direct information on South America, sending out
writer Paul Rohrbach, expert of German relations and world Di-
plomacy, to investigate. Hitler also sends him to Central Asia, Ti-
bet and India. We can only cite this one name, as the majority of
those sent were secret. When all should have ended, at another
time, my Master heard the Voice which always speaks. “He was
victim to his own mental creations,” so it spoke to him. And then,
he saw a female spirit, white, who separated, pulling away from
the region of land where she had been incarnated. It was a beauti-
ful, luminous spirit. My Teacher thought it might be the Spirit of
Germany, her Collective Soul that was abandoning her. If we ob-
serve today’s Germany, it is so different, a country of obese
ghosts, materialists, a country without soul (that conclusion
would be just). This Feminine Spirit could be the one referred to
by the Voice when it said, “See where that woman…”
Time passed; from the skies fell a rain of enveloping shadows.
The tentacles of the winner went and covered oceans, cities, conti-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
nents: the hate and revenge, a plan meticulously prepared, the in-
sidious lie centered in the education of the young. Taken to the
soul of both child and adult with the terror of hunger, of persecu-
tion, of torture; of misery, both material and moral; they replaced
a heroic climate, the solar greatness, the valor of transparent light,
of Luciferian beauty, of the Gral, of Hermes’ Emeralds, of the
Morning Star, of the Black Sun behind the Yellow Sun, of the
Green Ray behind the Black Sun. All of that died there on the sur-
face of the land. The blood died, as did valor.
One afternoon, many years ago, the Master summoned me to
his sanctuary and revealed to me this secret: “Hitler is alive. He
did not die in Berlin. I have seen him underground. He has
changed; his moustache is now long. We faced one another. He
approached and spirited away quickly. I called him by his name,
but he disappeared below, in the half-darkness.” This secret I have
guarded for many years, because it was dangerous to reveal it,
and even more difficult to publish it. I once told (my adventures
will be better explained throughout) of my voyage to Antarctica
especially, in 1947 and 1948, to look for a sanctuary where one be-
lieved that Hitler could be found: the Oasis of the temperate wa-
ters in the middle of the ice, and the “entrance” to the subterrane-
an world. I have related all of this in my books, Ni Por Mar ni por
Tierra and Quién Llama en los Hielos, in veiled forms due to reasons
of that time. In the 1950 edition of Ni Por Mar ni por Tierra, on page
88 I wrote: “These and another very special reason—which, at this
time, I will not reveal in this book—were what took me until the
end of the year 1947 to plan my trip to Antarctica, and to search all
means within reach for a way to accomplish it all.”
In total war, at the end of 1943, Admiral Doenitz had made the
strangest declaration. “The German submarine fleet is proud to
have discovered a terrestrial paradise, an impregnable strength
for the Führer in some part of the world.” Where was this para-
dise? Not long after the war had ended, Stalin declared, to the

Miguel Serrano
United States’ Minister of Foreign Affairs, that Hitler did not die
in the Berlin Bunker, but was alive. Until this very day, the politi-
cal reasons for that declaration remain inexplicable, which, in any
case, corresponded with the truth, because the Russians never
found Hitler’s corpse, or his charred remains. The body they later
dug up and took to Moscow was not Hitler’s. Twenty-five years
later, Lev Bezymensky published in Russia a book titled La Muerte
de Hitler with photos and x-rays of Hitler’s presumed cranium
(none of which match the x-rays of Dr. Erwin Giesing and the
dentist Fritz Echtmann, who took x-rays of the Führer in Septem-
ber and October of 1944). Dr. Werner Maser, author of the book
Apellido: Hitler, Nombre: Adolf, has deeply investigated this matter,
inclusive of interviewing Echtmann in 1971, and emphatically de-
clared that they have never found Hitler’s remains: “who has dis-
appeared without leaving a sign.” The same should be said of Eva
Braun. Otto Skorzeny, by the way, reveals in his books that the
interrogators which the North Americans submitted while he was
held prisoner always returned, obsessively, to the same subject:
“Where did they take Hitler? Where is Hitler hidden?” A curious
book, printed in Buenos Aires in 1947 by an author who would
rhyme, an author with a Hungarian name, Ladislao Szabó, de-
clared that Hitler had been secretly transported to Antarctica by a
convoy of German submarines, where the expedition of Captain
Alfred Ritscher discovered, at the end of 1938, an oasis of the tem-
perate waters and lands in the territory of Queen Maud Land.
Captain Ritscher belonged to the German Air Force, which was
highly secretive, even when he published two volumes on this. I
was only able to page through the first. In my lecture, La Antartida
y otros Mitos, read in Santiago, Chile in 1948 and later edited as a
booklet, I reproduced the conclusions of Szabó.
Like that, the Hyperborean Myth of the hero’s resurrection, in
the Kingdom of Laurin, in the Mountain of Red Beard, of the
Phoenix Bird, transferred from Thule by inverting the South Pole.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Now, coming right at us, were the Hyperboreans of the Great
South. All the visions came true. First: “Would they let me enter
amongst them?” Later, the Teacher pointed out a Subterranean
Kingdom, an Agarthi, a Shambhala, in an interior land.

My Search in the Antarctic

and the Himalayas
There is no danger now in revealing all of this, because the Demo-
cratic and Marxist world, (which is one and the same) I know per-
fectly well they are aware of this information, but they have been
paralysed, suddenly, since 1945 they have been unable to stop this
Destiny. In Quién Llama en los Hielos, I wrote of my voyage to Ant-
arctica, in search of this “oasis,” without saying what I pretended
to obtain; besides, I had knowledge of the polar entrance to the
internal land. In La Serpiente del Paradiso I narrated my search in
the Himalayas for the Ashram of the Siddhas, which are also sub-
terranean, inside Mount Kailash, in the antipodes where reside the
Teachers of my Teacher. Today, I know that all of this is in the in-
terior, and connected directly to a star—ours, Lucifer’s—the
Morning Star.
In Kalimpong, at the gateway of Tibet, I found a man who,
passing the time, confirmed that the Order has connections, and it
influences in matters of recent and past history of the world. More
than this I did not know. This man disappeared. The Order has
also submerged, succumbed, in the invisible. My Master has de-
parted, and everything that now remains is a dream. I’ve lived
like that, pursuing a dream, possessed by enormous Archetypes,
and also as a prisoner of Myth, a victim who knows all the same
of “mental creations.” And like this, I will continue until the end,
until it is accomplished in the external, or until they destroy me in
their fire or lift me up in their Vehicle of Light, to return with the

Miguel Serrano
Work of the Heroes, in the Wheel of Destiny, in its Eternal Return,
when the “laurels will flower” again, as the initiated Cathars
would say.

The Hollow Earth

Before entering into the arguments and theories of those who be-
lieve in the “Hollow Earth,” it is important to know that in this I
see only the repetition, the “reincarnation,” of an ancient idea,
which we see in humanity’s most important myths and legends,
as we will come to understand and confirm in the course of this
work. The “scientific arguments” reproduced here are of no great
importance, even though it may be of interest to make them
known as a matter of curiosity. I see the truth of this all in the re-
incarnation of an Archetype, in the Platonic more than in the Jung-
ian sense, where something of a much stranger and “autono-
mous” origin came to be “psychologised.” As if pushed and di-
rected by an irresistible force, myths alaways adopt the “Hyper-
borean” direction; they move towards the Poles and towards the
resurrection, of Apollonian “rejuvenation,” there, of the solar he-
ro. Hitler’s resurrection takes this Polar and subterranean direc-
tion. The Antarctic oases come to incarnate the Mandala Arche-
type and also the Archetype of the ideal Centre of Totality, of di-
vinity, of “warmth amidst the ice”—the Centre that is nowhere.
The U.F.O.s are symbols and signs of this same truth.
This book focuses on the matter of this absolute ambiguity,
embodied in the Hermetic Law: “As above, so below; as inside, so
outside.” Everything will be possible, the Archetype, the Symbol,
having to incarnate itself both “in the highest of heavens as in the
deepest pits of hell.” “If a tree needs to reach the sky, its roots
must go to the very hell.” Said Nietzsche.
In this way anything is possible, because the Archetype repeats
itself throughout the whole of Creation—it reproduces itself,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
clothing itself in matter. Nothing can be denied in advance, not
even the real possibility of a Hollow Earth; not the physical sur-
vival of Hitler, nor the U.F.O.s because they are all Archetypal
truths. It is in this sense that the majority of the doctrines and be-
liefs presented in this work need to be understood: as symbolism,
within the inevitable duality of the rarefied archetypal spheres,
outward from which emanate their irresistible power to shape and
form, their force of possession and terrestrial manifestation—the
Will to Power, their Magic, their Meaning.
In the same year that I traveled to Antarctica, searching for the
hidden entrance to the Inner Earth, the United States and Admiral
Richard Byrd went to the North Pole, and “for the first time.” Be-
cause no-one has actually reached the Poles, since they are not lo-
cated at an exact geographical point on the earth, since they are
not on the outside but on the inside. The earth is dimpled at its
extremes and curves inwards, so that if one goes beyond the lati-
tude of 83 degrees, either North or South, he will, without know-
ing it, be in the planet's interior. Gravity is located in the centre of
the earth's crust, which has a thickness of 800 miles. Beyond it
there is air, the inner hollow of the earth. The crust, in reverse,
would comprise continents, seas, forests, mountains, and rivers,
inhabited by a superior race, who occupied the interior in ancient
times and who would be the Hyperboreans of legend. Its civiliza-
tion is much more advanced than that of those on the surface, and
some of its Guides maintain contact with a select few of those
from “here.” There, it is likely to be Argathi and Shambhala, sub-
merged (Argathi means “inaccessible” in Sanskrit), which Mongols
and Tibetans call the seats of the “King of the World,” and of the
“Kingdom of Prestor John,” and of the symbolic Orient of the
Templars and the true Rosicrucians. The unknown leaders of both
Orders and of the esoteric Hitlerist Order would have gone there.
From that place, Hitler would receive instructions. It might have
been the “impregnable terrestrial paradise” referred to by Admi-

Miguel Serrano
ral Donitz. His seamen allowed to enter there, navigating beneath
the vast polar ice barrier or through hidden passages. (In and out
from there sails the Caleuche, in the Antarctic, and the ghost ship,
the Wafeln, in the Arctic.) In times long past, the Gypsies and the
Eskimo were cast out from there. The Eskimo have a song, I n
which they sing: “Great and terrible are those men of the interior.”
And the mammoths sometimes lose their way and are found fro-
zen, “outside.” It is there in the rivers of the Inner Earth that the
fresh water icebergs originate from.
The climate in the inside is in equilibrium, as was once that of
the outer Earth, before the deviation of the axis and the inversion
of the Poles. There, the Solar, Golden Age still exists. In the centre
of the Inner Earth there is a Sun, smaller than our Sun on the out-
side. As gravity is less on the inside, the inhabitants are of gigantic
stature, and they live very long lives. Hitler, young again, still
lives. Whoever reaches this place will have the impression of hav-
ing fallen into eternity, “at an enchanted continent, in Heaven.”
My Master would say that in the depths, where the Order’s Tem-
ple was located, all was constantly illuminated by a glowing white
light unknown to us and that was not electricity.
The first to write about the Hollow Earth in our times, towards
the end of the last century and the beginning of ours, were Ameri-
can. Also, to write was one of Darwin’s grandfathers, Erasmus
Darwin, in his unusual book, The Golden Age. The ancients had
knowledge of the Hollow Earth’s existence. The secret teachings
of the Druids referred to it as the Inner Earth where the Guides of
the Hyperboreans had disappeared. In Ireland, Saint Patrick’s
Purgatory is a Celtic blood memory from esoteric Druidism. The
voyage by Pytheas of Massalia, 500 years before our Era, intended
to find the “Polar Entrance” under the covering of Ultima Thule
which the Greeks knew had vanished. Like my voyage to Antarc-
tica, 2,500 years later, theirs were undertaken clandestinely. The
Templars also knew the secret of the Hollow Earth and revealed it

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
in their Hermetic Circle.

The Phantom of the Poles

In 1906 William Reed wrote a book The Phantom of the Poles. In that
book he says that the Earth's crust is 800 miles thick and the Hol-
low Earth is 6,400 miles in diameter. The openings at the Poles
have a circle of 1,400 miles. Mr. Reed maintains that the so-called
Poles are a Phantasm because the Earth has openings on each end
of the planet. The Earth is not a sphere. In reality, the Poles are in
the middle of the air, at the center of the openings found on each
end of the Earth. When explorers tried to find the North Pole,
their compasses would go in strange directions. After reaching
latitudes 75 to 76 degrees, North and South, the land begins to
curve inward. On the surface the Pole would be the same as mag-
netic North, closer to the Polar opening. The magnetic North Pole
was believed to be along the Arctic Islands, but the Soviets have
defined magnetic North as a line 1,000 miles long ringing the
opening at the Pole. When an explorer has found the opening then
he has found the magnetic North Pole. Even if the compass con-
tinues to mark North as you continue forward it is not a true read-
ing. When you pass the latitude indicated the compass turns up-
ward. This is because you have entered the opening and the com-
pass continues to mark magnetic north which is at the border of
the opening. The true North Pole is in midair which is a phan-
Once you enter the Hollow Earth you don’t realize it because
even though you are in an inverted position you feel as if you are
on top of land. This is because the force of gravity emanates from
the crust of the earth. A sailor of the seas knows he is navigating
the globe in a circle, but all he sees is a direct line and the same
happens with a pilot. If an explorer wants to know where North is
or where South is after passing the latitudes mentioned, then he

Miguel Serrano
should turn back towards the border of the openings until the
compass begins to work again. Otherwise he will continue into the
Hollow Earth and investigate a new Universe.
Is this possible? Would we be allowed to encroach upon anoth-
er civilization?
The Aurora Borealis is the reflection of the sun and the nostal-
gia of the Green Ray from the interior of the Earth. The rays ema-
nate from the openings at the Poles. This is why the planets Ve-
nus, Mars, and Mercury shine at their Poles. They are also hollow
inside. The icebergs freeze in the rivers inside the openings then
float out into the ocean. This is why we have fresh water icebergs
in the ocean. Another North American writer published a book in
1920 titled Journey to the Center of the Earth. The author, Marshall B.
Gardner, argues that the central sun inside the planet is part of the
original creation of the planet and that this is a principle upon
which the universe was created. The rotation of the planets, and
the centrifugal forces pull the greatest mass outwards. As we can
see the largest planets in our solar system are also the farthest
away from our sun. This means that these planets are being
thrown farther out by their centrifugal force because of their mass.
This mass forms the outer crust of the planet. A central sun is
formed on the inside of the hollow planet. The greatest mass is
found at the central line of the planet, which we call equatorial
lines or the equator. If the planet was originally just a ball of fire of
molten metals, the fire would continue to burn on the inside while
the centrifugal forces would cause the mass to cool and form the
outer crust. This internal fire would become a sun providing light
to plant life, animal life, and human life.
If there is any doubt about the force of gravity as to the possi-
bility that one would automatically be drawn into the center,
Gardner reaffirms that the force of gravity comes from the outer
crust of the earth and not the center of the earth. The center sun is
found 2,900 miles into the center of the Hollow Earth. This same

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
force of gravity will keep you firmly on the ground once you are
inside the Hollow Earth.
The common myth is that the planet earth is a solid sphere and
at the center is boiling hot iron or lava. Forget this myth. If the
outer crust is 800 miles thick then the molten lava would be 7000
miles in diameter and 21,000 miles in circumference. The surface
of the earth is 197 million square miles and it is estimated that the
earth weighs approximately six-trillion tons. If the earth were a
solid sphere it would have to weigh much, much more. This is the
greatest factor in proving that the earth is hollow. The old myth is
that the closer you get to the center of the earth, the hotter it gets.
Forget this myth. The temperature only increases until you reach
80 miles down into the crust. After 80 miles, the temperature starts
descending. What produces the intense heat is radium and radio-
activity. All the rocks and stone of earth contain some radium and
some radioactivity. The source point of all volcanoes is also found
within the outer crust of the earth. The interior of the earth has a
subtropical climate, therefore many of the discoveries made on the
surface of the earth of certain vegetation or animals originally
came from the interior of the earth.

Admiral Richard Byrd

Military and civilian flights across the Poles do not see the open-
ings because they think this is a geographical location and not
some ghostly opening within a certain circumference. They hardly
touch the outer border of the opening before they go off in a dif-
ferent direction. Admiral Byrd did find the opening. Admiral
Byrd flew 1,700 miles into the interior of the earth in 1947, enter-
ing through the North Pole. Admiral Byrd saw land, sea, conti-
nents, and vegetation. He couldn’t wait to go back and once again
see such a paradise.
Dr. Raymond Bernard revealed Admiral Byrd’s secret, a friend

Miguel Serrano
of Byrd and friend to me under very special circumstances. It was
Admiral Byrd’s expedition which inspired me to go to Antarctica.
On December 2, 1946 Admiral Byrd sailed towards Antarctica
with an Armada ready prepared for a major war. The ships were
Mount Olympus, Capitana, Pine Island, the destroyers Browsen
and Henderson, the ice cutter North Wind, the aircraft carrier
Philippine Sea, the submarine Sennet, fuel ships Capacan and
Canisted, and the Cargo ships Yankey and Merrick. There was
also another aircraft carrier named Currituck. The Armed Forces
from other Nations were all arriving at Antarctica at the exact
same time. No doubt this was a military operation and not an ex-
Who was the enemy?
Admiral Byrd stated that the Poles stood between them and the
enemy. He made that statement on the 7th of June 1947 in Santia-
go De Chile. It looked like the Normandy invasion all over again.
Admiral Byrd apparently dropped a bomb into the opening of the
South Pole because it was like throwing a rock into a beehive.
Suddenly his planes were missing, ships froze, men perished and
died, it must have been a catastrophe. He went limping back to
the United States. We only later heard of his expedition inside the
North Pole, then there was complete silence, then came his sud-
den death. Ever since 1947 there has been a close watch on the
Antarctic continent of some 14 million square miles. It is here we
should ask if Admiral Doenitz, who was the Secretary of State un-
der Hitler before his escape and disappearance, was tortured and
forced to reveal Hitler’s hiding place. The allies never believed
that Hitler died at the end of the war. Admiral Byrd was definitely
after someone in the Antarctic. I also went to the Antarctic at the
end of 1947 and the beginning of 1948, but I lacked the proper
technical equipment to get to the opening or to the warm waters
that are talked about so much, but I did receive ample input from
my psychic and auric antennas. It was the book The Morning of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Witches by Jacques Bergier which was the first book to inform the
masses that Hitler’s administration was interested in the “Hollow
Earth.” Jacques Bergier, a Jew who belonged to the Intelligence
Service of the allies during the Nuremberg trials found out about
Hitler through the interrogations of SS men. The SS made the first
experiments in radar in the Northern Sea and with this radar they
found the “Paradise” for our Führer.

The Flying Saucers

Very important statements were made by Ray Palmer, editor of
the North American magazine Flying Saucers. In an article pub-
lished in 1959 he claimed that Flying Saucers come from Earth. He
challenged what was top secret. He claimed that the Flying Saucers
do not come from other worlds, but come from a country from the
surface of this Earth. According to Ray Palmer the Flying Saucers
come from within the Earth and they began to appear in 1945 at
the close of the Second World War (is this a so-called “coinci-
dence”). They appeared as a warning to all countries to stop the
use of atomic weapons. The highly evolved civilizations from
within the earth will not permit an atomic contamination of our
planet. The national “blackouts” of electricity that occur all across
the globe without reason are warnings caused by these civiliza-
tions that they mean exactly what they say. Palmer agrees with
the arguments of Reed and Gardner about the Hollow Earth theo-
ry. After this article was printed the magazine was never seen
again, according to Raymond Bernard. Palmer’s ideas were ap-
proved and defended by another American authority on flying
saucers, Gray Barker, in his Saucer Bulletin, on January 15th, 1960.
According to Palmer, the governments are well aware that the
U.F.O.s do not come from other worlds, but this is kept secret
from the public. The flying saucers appear in great numbers after
1945, with the greatest concentration in the Antarctic.

Miguel Serrano
Isn’t it curious that the whole world came to an agreement in
1959, the year of Geophysics, to place Antarctica off limits to
atomic testing? While I was the Chilean Ambassador to India the
Indian representation to the United Nations rejected twice the
proposal to make Antarctica an international territory. I feel I had
a part in this.
In the summer of 1976 a new expedition was organized to ex-
plore Antarctica by 10 nations, called the “Ross Ice Shell Project.”
What they intended to do was to drill down under the ice for a
quarter mile in the Sea of Ross to see if they could find a continent
or if there was just water. Something mysteriously unexpected
happened. The project failed and the project was suspended as
soon as it started. All they said was that they would restart the
project at some future date. Nothing works in the Antarctic. Space
satellites don’t work while passing over the Antarctic, neither do
NASA flight missions except for the space Photographing of the
openings at each end of the earth. This they do have.
Raymond Bernard expanded upon Palmer’s claims and said
that he has had contact with some of the people of these flying
objects and they look like Germans and they speak German. Ber-
nard claims that these people say that they are from another plan-
et only to mislead everyone from the truth. But it is very possible
that they might have bases in outer space. The principal Hispanic
author of Flying Saucers, Antonio Ribera, claims that the U.F.O.s
belong to the Nazis and they come from the Antarctic. Many
U.F.O. investigators believe this. Theories of the hollow Earth and
the origin of inside the Flying Saucers are defended by some Bra-
zilian occult writers. Among them is one of the first German colo-
nizers of Brazil, who wrote a book in German and did research on
the Hollow Earth and its possible entry by Santa Catarina. The
search still continues, according to Bernard. In Chile, another
German claims that more than 30 years ago the flying saucers are
a weapon discovered in the aftermath of the war by the scientific

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
and technological revolution of Hitlerism (the other science, an-
other technique). These dishes would be piloted by the “Final bat-
talion,” by the Wildes Heer, the spiritual army of Odin, composed
of fallen heroes, already immortal, to fight against Ragnarok, the
dark fate that was prophesied for this world in a past age. This
last battalion will intervene at the peak of this great catastrophe.
And it will survive. “The last battalion will be mine,” Hitler
would have declared.
However, the most ancient texts of India speak of the Vimanas
and represent these flying vessels in paintings. The Surya Siddhan-
ta, the Ramayana, the Mahābhārata and several others describe them
with enormous powers. The hangar of the Vimanas was called
Vimana Griha. And to think that they had a blue hangar, an artifi-
cial planet, perhaps Venus, where there would be a “point of fe-
ver.” The other science would have only been rediscovered in
1945, on the surface of the Earth. Forever preserved. The antigrav-
itational powers of Vril.

The Prophecy of Josef Lanz

Curiously all of this concurs with the prophecies of the Austrian
Josef Lanz, or Georg Lanz von Liebenfels, editor of the Ostara
journal and who had been the first initiator of Hitler in Vienna,
during his “secret years.” In one journal published in 1912, nowa-
days impossible to find, the founder of the Order of the New
Temple (ONT), has prophesied the hallucinatory career of Hitler:

The legends tell that the Ases will return one day to reconquer the
city of Asgard in the Caucasus guided by the Walkyries and the
Great White Knight, transformed into the Supreme Lord. They
will return to the Sacred Osetia and to the Magic Mountain, El-

Twelve years after his true birth (the initiation) he will have the

Miguel Serrano
first revelation on the meaning of the sign, with which he will de-
sign his banner. After having received the Lower and Higher Mys-
teries he will be chosen, rising towards the twelve grades of the
Sonnenmensch (a Sun-man, God-man, Superman), which will
give him the magical powers to achieve his mission. Nevertheless,
he shall suffer the trial by fire and ice (the war?) unto his flesh be-
fore starting to gather his disciples (from now on only the initiat-
ed) and appear in full light. (In the terrestrial surface and at the
end of his second true Era, that of the Return.)

The parenthesis are ours.

He will undertake his crusade against the evil forces (against the
elementalwesen, elemental beings, half-animal, the Sheidim from
the Bible) and he will become the Supreme Lord of the whole Uni-
verse, in the City where irradiates the Great Rotating Cross. He
will place his Banner at the top of the Ark’s Mountain. (Hitler and
his SS climb the peak to Mount Elbruz in the Caucasus and there
they carved the Rightwards Svástika before the battle of Stalin-
grad, where he thought he had found the Sacred Osetia, the leg-
endary City of Asgard. Aware of the prophecy of Lanz, he thought
that at the peak of this Mountain he would find the Power of
Ahoma (Sacred Persian drink) of Hyperborea, the Hvareno: Victo-
ry. He repeated step by step the premonitory signs, hallucinatory.)

The Cathars used to affirm that each 700 hundred years’

blooms again the Laurel. Hitler used to repeat that mankind rises
a step each 700 hundred year. There is an offensive of fire each 700
hundred years according to Horbiger. The Rightwards Svástika rep-
resents the fire. There is a new assault from the ice. The War of Ice
and Fire.

Possessing the true Power of Odin, he will make his enemies know
the fires of heaven, which will be at his service and will whip the
earth more violently than a thousand lightning bolts. (The atomic
bomb, the ray of the U.F.O.?). He will be the Supreme Lord of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
world and he will inaugurate everywhere the rules of his Order for
a thousand years.

Some say Hitler had the atomic bomb during the Second World
War, but he never used it. Skorzeny tells that he did not want to
use it. Perhaps the Guides of the underground world, the Hyper-
boreans of Agarthi and Shambhala had not allowed him to do so?
Probably the bomb the North Americans dropped in Hiroshima
was Hitler’s bomb that they had stolen from him.
Lanz finishes his prophecy:

The Supreme Lord will undertake the Great Journey. The son will
have constructed the Golden Eagle (curiously the Vedic god
Pusaan travels on a golden bird; Vishnu, on Garuda), that, in the
end of the Sixth True Age of the Supreme Lord, will conduct him
to the doors of the Celestial City (the one of Byrd?), carved with
the twelve Rotating Black Crosses, which irradiate in the night of
time. (the Black Sun, Midnight Sun?).

Behind the Götterdämerung, the Twilight of the Gods, the Gold-

en Eagle will return from the underground world, from As-
gard/Agartha, the paradise of the Edda, from Walhalla of Wuotan-
Odin and the Walkyries, from where the Priestess Allouine re-
sides. In the Age of the Condor, foretold by the magi of the leg-
endary America, that of the Return of the White Gods, of Quet-
zalcóatl, of the Winged Serpent, with feathers of flame; in one of
“these boats with neither helmsmen nor helm, which travel faster
than thought” and that according to Homer “know the thoughts
and the feelings of men.”

The Mirror of Princess Papan

There are supposedly various entrances to the subterranean
world. There is one in Tibet, in the Gobi Desert, Mount Kailas,
there is one under the great Sphinx in Egypt, in Guatemala, Peru,

Miguel Serrano
Brazil, in northern Chile, the Polar caps, and the Andes Mountains
where I have actually seen the giants. The Sphinx and the Pyra-
mids are called the “Icebergs of the Desert.” What this means is
that what you actually see is very little in comparison to what you
would find below and within them. They are firmly situated on
top of subterranean worlds connected by tunnels and temples, old
remote cities, so what we are really looking at from the desert is
the top of a mountain, the top of an Iceberg. What we would find
underneath are cities which have been abandoned for ages–the
pre-Egyptian Atlantean age. There are also cities and worlds with
inhabitants and more subterranean tunnels.
John Dee, an extraordinary Alchemist and English mathemati-
cian during the 16th century said that the Earth was not round,
but concentric at the Polar Caps. He said that according to math-
ematical calculations the Earth was not solid, but was a series of
Spheres superimposed which made it possible to communicate
between the Spheres. He tried to convince Queen Isabel of Eng-
land to take over Greenland because this land gave access to a
Parallel Universe. John Dee received these revelations by concen-
trating on a Black Mirror, a Black Sphere, that is located today in
the British Museum. It is said that John Dee could communicate
with Extraterrestrials from Hyperborea, beings from inside the
Earth, and beings from Venus, the Morning Star. The “Angels,”
according to Dee, could pass from the present into the past or into
the future. I have thought a lot about John Dee’s Mirror in the
British Museum. I suspect that was the Black Mirror of Princess
Papan, in which she could clearly see the White Gods of Hyperbo-
rea. Those who have seen U.F.O.s or Flying Saucers know that the
U.F.O .knew the thoughts within their minds. For the Disks of
Light can read the “thoughts and emotions” of man and woman.
This is because the Flying Saucer materialized from a parallel
world. Therefore, the U.F.O.s are always present, but we cannot
see them. Fortunate are those who are able to see them! If we fly

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
up into the atmosphere 200 miles, satellite pictures will not show
the topography of our Earth. If we were beings from outer space
we would say that no one lives on this planet. Out of 250,000 pho-
tos of Earth taken by NASA, only one shows Earth as an inhabited
planet. From this high of an altitude the astronauts have been able
to see lost continents and ancient civilizations. The original inhab-
itants of this Earth were the White Gods of Thule, Hyperborea.
They showed mankind civilization and put their genes in the
blood. They came to earth from other planets, maybe Venus, the
Morning Star, in some ancient age. They all lived in Thule, in the
pure virginal white Polar regions. Walls of Ice protected this
world of Masters and Supermen. When the first catastrophe oc-
curred on the planet Earth, they went to live in the inside of the
Earth. When the continent of Atlantis disappeared, those Masters
who received the Hyperborean Initiation joined the others inside the
Earth. Many more are arriving who have been Initiated.

The Astral Tube

The openings at the Poles are not only openings into the interior
of the Earth, but they are also a window to other invisible and
parallel worlds, the fourth and the fifth dimension. Through these
dimensions one can enter and exit analog worlds. From these di-
mensions come beings from other planets, the Hyperboreans, and
from distant stars. Through these portals disappear the Masters.
Through these portals U.F.O.s and Flying Saucers travel to distant
galaxies. This window to other dimensions can also be found in
Kenya, Africa and in the “Bermuda Triangle.” Is perhaps the
Northern Column the location where this is eliminated, the place
where the sky and the ground meet, about which speaks the leg-
end, the enormous Tree, the Mother Ceiba of the America Anti-
gua? High up on the Pole there is a “vacuum” where the electrical
fields and magnetism of the ground does not exist. This is the As-

Miguel Serrano
tral Tube of the occultists, where the psychics, the Magicians, the
Siddhas and some yogis go with their astral bodies towards anoth-
er dimension, escaping towards the world of antimatter. Through
these portals my Master communicated with Hitler. Through
these portals the U.F.O.s do not disintegrate. Through these por-
tals miracles happen and it is where the greatest discoveries have
been made. Through these portals one can travel astronomical dis-
tances. The “Exits” to parallel worlds and “Entrances” to the inte-
rior of the Earth vary according to cosmic and planetary cycles.
Therefore, if an entrance were closed during a cycle a person
would not be able to find the entrance psychologically. The en-
trance is there, but it is impossible to see or recognize. In the cur-
rent cycle all the entrances and exits are located at the South Pole.
The civilizations inside the Earth are superior to the inhabitants
on the surface of the Earth. The civilizations inside the Earth con-
sider the inhabitants on the surface barbarians, beasts, and they
know what our destiny is. The “New World Order” will be impo-
tent against the power of the interior world. The signs are always
present. If they weren't we would have had an atomic war a long
time ago. The plan of “The New World Order” is total destruction
and dominion over the planets so that they can finally install their
“Messiah,” the false King of the World. But they are scared of the
“Last Battalion.” They try to keep it secret so that the masses will
not know and rise up and destroy their conspiracy. No matter
what happens it will be catastrophic.
The writer Bulwer Lytton, a member of the Golden Dawn, an
English esoteric society connected with the German order of Thule,
predicts in his last book, The Coming Race, the annihilation by the
inhabitants of the interior of the Earth. Jules Verne was also in-
formed about the Hollow Earth; but it is Edgar Allan Poe—as we
have seen—who delves more into the mystery. The current of the
waters of the South of the world drag Arthur Gordon Pym pole-
ward, to meet the white giant, emerging from the Antarctic. Poe

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
was the repository of an esoteric Celtic tradition, perhaps stored in
the memory of his blood. One has to travel more than 1,500 miles
inside the Earth to find the cities of Agartha, Shambhala, and their
giant inhabitants. You will not be able to visit them without their
permission. You must know the proper signs to get through.
Raymond Bernard has said that the superior race affirms that Je-
sus Christ never existed and that the Jewish Bible is only a concoc-
tion of lies and plagiarism. The superior race does not believe in
sin. The legend of the earthly paradise, of Adam, Eve, the snake,
the Apple and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, really refers
to the magical love, Amor, the magic of the ancients, taught by Siva
Lucifer, by the Sacerdotisa Maga Hallouine, to those who keep the
apples of gold of the garden of the Hesperides of Atlantis and the
Gral. The Bible, i.e. Genesis, is a document of Atlantis. Plato has
said that Atlantis was originally inhabited by a single human cou-
ple. You should ask yourself which Atlantis, because for Hörbiger
there are two, one which existed 150,000 years and the other, the
smaller and more insignificant, 12,000 years ago. In both cases, the
first man was called Evenor and his wife Leucippe.
They had a daughter, Clito, whom the God Poseidon falls in
love with and creates a semi-divine lineage. And the first couple,
where do they come from? We have been told that the woman
was created out of the first man, while he sleeps. It is, then, a
dream that materializes. Hence, it is thought that she has no soul
and that he will only recover it when she enters back into him.
This is surely Eve-Leucipe, because there is another legend that tells
of Lilith-Ayesha, who does not originate in the dream of the man,
but who has always existed. This woman has a soul. So there are
two breeds of women, and it is the progeny of the second that de-
liver to the man immortality, the Graal. Goethe referred to them
when he says Das ewig weibliche zieht uns Hinan (the eternal femi-
nine leads to heaven). They are Arctic magicians, of the Order of
the god Odin, or Wotan (Guatan for the inhabitants of the Peru

Miguel Serrano
and Mexico); this is the Odinic Priestess Allouine, who teaches
Magic Love without physical orgasm, without physical sex, in a
touch of subtle Astral bodies, in a penetration or mental interpene-
tration, in meditation, as in a dream, where the kiss is like a “snow
feather,” the joy is unspeakable and procreation a projection of the
The name of the internal woman is Cidrupini, in Sanskrit. Abris,
a Hyperborean God, perhaps an alien, because he travels astride
an arrow. Could he be Eros the Hyperborean, come to help the
Sacerdotisa Maga, Allouine in this esoteric cult of magical Amor?
Surely, he travels between the Pole and the Star of Morning, Ve-
nus, the Green Ray, whose month, May (Maya), is propitious for
complying with the mysteries of magic Love. These mysteries
teach us that Lilith-Ayesha (Papán in my book The Inexistent Flower)
has not disappeared, but only sleeps and there will be an awaken-
ing. She is the Sleeping Beauty. Absolute Woman can sleep or die,
which is the same thing. There is that awakening, resurrection.
And then she is naked. Even an eternity is not enough for the di-
vine contemplation of the naked body of the Absolute Women.

We, the Surdics

Very well. What about us—the South Americans, the mixed races,
belonging to the surface of this “corner of the world,” or to use the
Peruvian author Antenor Orrego’s term, “the Southics,” the Nor-
dics of the South, of the great south—what do we have to do with
all of this? What is our meaning in this drama? Do we have any-
thing in common with the Hyperboreans, or with the Cathars, or
with the Druids, or with the Templars, or with the Hitlerist SS, or
with Nazi Esoterism, or with Hitler’s esoteric return in the Golden
Eagle, in the Disk of Fire?
The answer is to be found on the affirmation that the race to
which this great cosmic theme refers to is a Race of Spirit and of

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Legend. Nothing of this has to do with biology, with the strictly
physical nor with the science of the exterior Earth. The Myth and
the Legend are invisible, as with the Archetype. They do not seize
a determined spot on the planet, if not momentaneously, and to
invest on it, inwards and outwards, in the Unus Mundus. Only in
certain historical times do they seize a physical center of the
Earth’s body and, acting from there, they incarnate in men, to
make their message reach its destiny, as with the White Spirit that
my Master saw leaving Germany until it reached the exact posi-
tion of its Drama.
Christianity has impoverished us because it has cut the cosmic
roots of the tragedy, of man’s celestial history. We weren’t born
6,000 years ago, but hundreds of thousands of years ago. We do
not come from this Earth, we have our ancestral origins in other
stars. The essential differences that exist on Earth’s surface do not
lie between English or Frenchmen, Germans or Italians or Span-
iards, Chileans or Argentinians, Japanese and Hindu, white or
black, yellow or mulatto. Those differences have metaphysical
roots within different cosmic origins, in opposite stars, in “Cosmic
Centers,” so to speak, from which come the influences, the mes-
sages and the orders. And that is what cannot be changed at will
without causing a great disturbance in the Unus Mundus, above or
below, everywhere. This war didn’t begin here, nor will it end

My America Is the Land

of the White Gods
All men are not equal. And those who are to be sought are scat-
tered through the outer and inner earth, throughout the Universe.
Surely, I have more similarities with the ancient Chapoyas—white
according to the Incas, the Aino of Japan, the Uighur of Mu, com-

Miguel Serrano
patriots of Chile, and among other things, Gerbert Hauptmann,
and the Vikings Hamaron Hvetramannaland, the White land, and
the Templars, Albania, the White; My America is the land of the
City of the Caesars, of Patiti, of Trapalan, of Elelin; the Kontiki, of
Virakocha, of Mamakocha and Quetzalóatl: the Caleuche is the Ghost
ship which sails underwater and stops in the inland ports of the
Hollow Earth. All these legends are archetypal memories of the
unknown soul of Atlantis and Lemuria of America.
They have never been penetrated and lived within its final fire,
to its ultimate consequences of its existential drama by changing
its flesh (“Trial by fire in order to suffer within their own flesh” )
and changing our lives, for a very few; Pedro Sarmiento de Gam-
boa, and perhaps for me and a Spanish alchemist who will come
for the liquid gold (aurum potabile) which resides here, which is
drunk and gives Eternity, in the Secret West, where physical gold-
en sunlight gives birth to the Spiritual Light of the Black Sun and
Green Ray. These legends, these myths, they are the essence of
America-Atlantis, we connect simultaneously with the White
Gods of the legendary Thule of the Hyperborean North Pole (even
more so after the Earth's axis tilted and the Poles shifted, the
North Pole is now at the South Pole), within the Hollow Earth,
with the Cathars, the Templars and the Nazis initiated in the last
Great War. What was sought out there was also the fate of the
White Gods of America. Because some have moved to these
southern regions of the world in search of the Antarctic polar en-
try. They knew that Hyperborea now resides in the South, the
door to the inner world, the “Impregnable Paradise.” No wonder
the Master put us in an Esoteric battle during the Great War
which is not yet over. It is in the south of the world where it will
happen if it has not already—embodied in the Initiates of the Blue
Spirit of the Polar Race of Venus-Lucifer. And from here the re-
covery of all the seemingly lost, to save what still can be saved,
before the catastrophe that will end the dark period of Kali Yuga

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
or the Iron Age.
All our legends have universal value, because its existence is
played out on a cosmic scale. The City of the Caesars is Agarthi and
Hurcalia is the region of spiritual events, Tir nanog, Land of Youth,
and Ogigia, the Sacred Island, is Ariana Vaiji, primeval homeland of
the Aryans. The Caleuche is the Wafeln, the ghost ship sailing the
Arctic seas, with sails of flaming lights. The White Gods of Tuatha
De Danann are of the Icelandic sagas, the Hyperboreans of Thule,
the Oses, or Aces, the Caucasus, the mythical Asgard, the hosts of
Wotan or Odin, are the Hohuen selnam legend of Tierra del Fuego,
the South Jon Magicians. Apollo is Abraxas and Shiva, He is Luci-
fer and is also the god Quenos, or maybe Quanyip in the mytholo-
gy of the Ona. You also read about the “White Island in the Sky,”
so speak the Selnam, and the “Celestial City” of Admiral Byrd.
These are mainly stories of an ancient science. Archetypes that are
incarnated and reincarnated. Flowers that are nonexistent, but
that become more real than all the flowers in the gardens this
Beneath the waters, or perhaps up where the surface of the
planet resides, El Cordon Dorado moves, the Catena Aurea, which
connects to all the beings of the same racial Spirit, the same Star,
through all continents of the external and internal land and it cre-
ates comrades within a war which began with Creation. Here,
there can be no defections and surrenders. Do not switch sides in
this conflict. There is only a short break in death, because the war-
riors are eternal, immortal. This book refers to El Cordon Dorado,
the Golden Thread. (If immense things like this happen, it is be-
cause he loves his Star and the depths of her green light.)

The Losers
In the Great War there were two writers of international renown
that stood on the side of the Golden Tradition: the North-

Miguel Serrano
American poet Ezra Pound and the Norwegian Nobel Prize win-
ner Knut Hamsun. Both were institutionalized in mental asylums
after the defeat. The French poet Robert Brasiliach also had to pay
for his courage. I have reported my interviews with Ezra Pound in
journals and magazines from both South and North America. I
saw him in Venice, in his last years, when he entered in a volun-
tary silence, a silence that he broke with me. Unfortunately, I
wasn’t able to meet Knut Hamsun. But I have read all of his en-
chanting works, full of the poetry of the Great North, of the Hy-
perborean nostalgia, maybe from Ariana Vaiji. Today—who, in the
new generations, reads Knut Hamsun, enjoying his descriptions of
transfigured nature and his magical love for the latitudes of the
world and of spirit? The strict control over publications and pro-
motion of written material, the directed propaganda, that artifi-
cially constructs and de-constructs glories, the writers that are
compromised in service of the victors, the ruthless vengeance, all
have fallen upon their heads and “will make them prey until the
last of their spiritual descendants.”
When I was still very Young—a writer unknown outside of my
fatherland—I also suffered persecution. Then came the years of
silence, of investigation in the far-off corners of the world. I have
said that until five years after the end of the war, control was
much softer. Thus, forgetfulness has fallen upon some of them. I
kept writing, investigating, incidentally protected by my diplo-
matic position, disguised in that way, while I searched for the
comrades that were spread all over the world, and who have suf-
fered like Ezra Pound. Now, when it seems that the time is pass-
ing and I am aging, in the surface of the Earth and in myself, then
time has arrived for making a recount of the Golden Legend, and
recapitulate it for some people. My work is almost finished, with
publications in different countries and languages. I have earned
this. I don’t know how. Those who have read it with attention
won’t find the revelations in this book strange at all. But well, here

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
they will find the key.

With Ezra Pound

I knew that Ezra Pound was a follower of the God of the Losers in
this world, in the obscure period of Iron, called Kali Yuga by the
Hindu. He was also an acolyte of the ill-treated and discredited
Lucifer, and even, not knowing, of the Cathar’s Lucibel, Apollo,
Abraxas, Krishna, Shiva and also the Quenos of the Selnam; the
bringer, the Herald of Light, of the Morning Star, that heralds the
arrival of the new sun and goes away very quickly, awaiting a no-
bler, purer world, to which belonged heroes and giants. I started
telling Pound about my peregrination to Montsegúr and I also
spoke of the Sierra Maladetta, through which Bertrand de Born,
troubadour which he loved and translated, let himself die by
freezing, as Otto Rahn tells us in his book The Court of Lucifer. It
was in that moment when the rock made a gesture, a light of joy
shrouded it. That is because Ezra Pound had also climbed
Montsegúr. He was also a heretic and a warrior. I had an idea, as
if some secret was revealed to me: Ezra Pound was incorporated
in a Luciferian tradition that came from the origins. Through his
hands, without him noticing its success, passed the Golden
Thread of that virile warrior tradition.
The interest of Pound, in his youth, for the Poem of El Cid, for
the Chant of Roldán, for Parsifal, for the songs and the civilization of
the troubadours of the Languedoc, made him a contemporary rep-
resentative of those who fought for a world that wasn’t based on
usury, as once when the Templars fought to organize the base of a
more spiritual and fair economic system. Due to the fact that such
effort wasn’t prematurely destroyed, it was possible to bring the
Earth in the epoch of Pisces a very distinct development, without
destroying it in the cataclysm that we saw coming, as an effect of
the rough, mechanist technology, tangled to the satanic gears of

Miguel Serrano
usury and of the consumerist society, of rationalism and the col-
lectivist materialism of the universe of the masses.
Ezra Pound has supported Italian Fascism and German Na-
tional Socialism during World War II, believing them to have an
economic system that was not based on usury, that also had a dif-
ferent technology and different sciences, an organism that finds its
metaphysical roots in a purified and lively Earth. Very well, it is
known—based on documents who offer such proof—that the
structure of the Hitlerist SS (the abbreviation of the German word
Schutzstaffel, “protection group”) was inspired in the Templar Or-
der. In the secret ruling layers of the SS, they possessed a kind of
esoteric initiation, besides having several instruction centers in
castles scattered in distinct areas, like Templar gendarmeries. The
SS intended to build cities in the far-off corners of Europe—in the
Caucasus, in Rochelle, in the middle of France, maybe even in
Montsegúr, with the end of the War—freeing them from taxes
and, where money would not have any power, commerce would
constitute a spiritual bond, as in antiquity. Today, there is an in-
tent not to know the new social and economic system, or to say
better—very old system, that both Fascism and National Socialism
tried to establish, labelling any dictatorial or authoritarian non-
Marxist regimes as “Fascist” whenever such enthrone themselves
around the globe.
For such reasons, Ezra Pound sided with Italy and Germany in
the Great War against his own country of birth, in which he saw
the opposite, an economy, a technique and a life system that were
based on usury, as he said himself. Ezra Pound lost, and he was
locked away in an iron cell, in Piza, as a fierce beast, and was kept
to the weather, to cold and sun alike. Soon he was taken to a men-
tal asylum in the USA, where he stood for 13 years, the best of a
man’s life. The greatest poet of their time, who knew Joyce, who
helped writing Elliot, who translated Confucius and interpreted I-
Ching! The same has been done in Norway, for the same reason,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
with Knut Hamsun. Also, their Guide—loser in an extraterrestrial
battle—was tortured, calumniated and, at last, jailed in the ice of
the North Pole, where he made Ultima Thule flourish. Here the
losers are always transformed into legendary demons. He is
Ravana, defeated by Rama. He is Luzbel.
And if Ezra Pound was mistaken... well! Plato has already said:
“All great things are built over danger.” Heidegger has also said:
“Who has thought in large scale has also committed mistakes in
large scale.”

Who Were
the Cathars?
ery little is known of this heretical sect of the 12th cen-

V tury that once had a decisive influence in the area of

the Languedoc, in Southern France today, in Aragon,
in Northern Italy, in Germany and even in England.
Had it not been destroyed by the Albigensian Crusade and the
Inquisition, one may think we would have a very different history
of Spain and, consequently, of South America.
The sacred and solar temple of the Cathars was the Castle of
Montségur in the Pyrenees. Sacred centers and networks of caves
existed in all of that region where the initiation took place. Besides
that of the Consolamentum, which was a sort of second baptism or
second birth, there was an esoteric ceremony called Manisola (its
meaning remains unknown). It is believed it comes from Mani,
Manichaeism. It likely had to do with the previous Aryan tradition.
Mani, Manas are Sanskrit words meaning “man” and also “mind,”
the “memory of the origins.” The Cathar symbol was the dove,
Parakletos, the Holy Ghost, the Cathar Church or Community, the
Gleisa as they called them. Paloma was also a Templar emblem, as
was the dove that brings the sacred seed of the Aryan home and
deposits it on a Stone in the Manichean festival called Nauroz, the
Vernal Equinox, when the two poles are at equal distances from
the sun. The secret Manisola is also fulfilled at this time, but no one
knows what it really meant. It is said that the Cathars were vege-
tarians, they burned their dead, they were clairvoyant and prac-
ticed magic. They were also dualistic like the Manichean and the
Gnostic. Lucifer was not the devil for them, but rather the Bearer
of Light, Lucibel.
The demon was Jehovah, the demiurge, that created the pre-
sent earth. God's perfect creation emanates from here, but from
the fifth heaven downward as an opposing force of Chaos, Noth-

Miguel Serrano
ingness, altering and mixing within this creation, making good
and evil at the same time.
Christ, for the Cathars, is a Solar Entity, not embodied in this
imperfect world of mixed substance. Christ acts only from higher
planes, helping to free the good spirits. The Cathars are Christians
yet undoubtedly Gnostics, denying that Christ was crucified. They
followed the Gospel of St. John, who was considered apocryphal
more than once.

Cathars and Troubadours

According to the writer Louis Charpentier, radical comradery
made the likes of Atlantis. (We will refer to this later.) The Giants
from above are similar to the Atlanteans, the Juanes. In Basque, an
Atlantean language, Jaun means Lord, Sage, Magician. Thus, the
Juanes are wise teachers of Atlantis, they came from Atlantis, from
Hyperborea, from the Venusian Star. They are also the Druids and
the Tuatha Dé Danann spoken of in the Icelandic Sagas. Accord-
ing to Otto Rahn, cited above, the Cathars were Druids, magicians
and seers. And although nothing is known about them with cer-
tainty, René Nelli, a serious researcher, states that they followed
the Gospel of John. But in all of this there could be a good deal of
confusion in the names Juan, Jaun, Giant, Geant. It is in the Pyre-
nees where some Atlanteans also preserved the origins of the tra-
dition. The Gospel of John, in this case, would be a reference to
Atlantean tradition, saved by the Jauns, the Giants of the Pyrenees
(and also by the Cathars), which is, according to legend, the tomb
of Pirena, the beloved of Hercules.
The Cathars are called “good men,” “bon hommes.” Cathar
means “pure.” The Cathars practiced a transcendent chastity, just
as the Knights of the Gral. (We use the German spelling, accord-
ing to Wolfram von Eschenbach, author of Parsifal, and not the
later Christianized term Grail to designate this most mysterious

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
object). The Cathars did not believe in procreation, an act which
ultimately forces the embodiment of heavenly spirits. People
claim that they believed in reincarnation. But there are many ways
to believe in reincarnation, or rather, to conceive. However, the
Cathars did not oppose Courtly Love, the love of the troubadour.
It is stated that it is they who inspired all of the literature and the
evidence implicating the initiations into the esoteric love of the
troubadours, the love of Provence and of the Minne, of the German
troubadours, the Minnesänger. Minne would also be Mani, Manas,
and of the Manisola. Minne means, in its deepest sense, “to re-
member.” The Minnesänger sang of the “memory of lost love at
the beginning of time.”
Trovador means “one who is.” Trovare,” one who has found
something which was lost,” a Law, an Order. It is said that the
first troubadour discovered the secret Law of Love on the branch
of a Golden Oak. It is said that a bird (would it be a dove, a hawk,
a crow?), whispered the name of the first troubadour who carried
that name Jason.

The Cathars, the Gral and the SS

We insist that nothing of complete certainty can be known of the
Cathars. As with the Druids, their predecessors, they did not keep
written records. Their wisdom was transmitted orally. And if
something were written down, the essence would have been
burned right along with the Cathars themselves. They did, how-
ever, carve signs with their hands in the caves of the Pyrenees.
Otto Rahn says that the Cathars guarded the King of the castle
of Montségur and reached safety at the last moment, just before
the fall of the fortress. Files of the Inquisition retain the names of
the four Cathar knights who escaped with the “treasure,” sliding
down the abyss during the dark night. Where did they go? Otto
Rahn looked for them—as well as the Hitlerian SS—in the

Miguel Serrano
Sabarthé caverns in the Pyrenees. René Nelli, professor at the
University of Toulouse and a man learned in the poetry of the
troubadours of the Languedoc, does not believe that the Cathars
had anything to do with the Gral. The Italian philosopher Julius
Evola says likewise, writing that they were protecting and guard-
ing the Templars. However, my own personal experience and re-
search coincides with Otto Rahn. Everything also depends on
what is meant by the term Gral. Wolfram von Eschenbach said it is
a gemstone detached from the crown of Lucifer in his celestial bat-
tle. Will it be a stone of emerald fallen from Venus, the Morning
Star, which Parsifal found? This stone has had different names.
For the Greeks it was Xoanon. Alexander called it Clausgestian. The
stone of the Maya was Giron-Gagal. The Persians, Sangideh. Babur
has in his memoirs that the Turks called the Stone Yedeh-tāsh, and
the Arabs, Hajar-al-matter. This stone was extracted from the head
of a horse (more on this extraordinary affair later); it had the pow-
er to make the rain fall and, at the same time, to make the waters
stop. Originally it would have been the stone that told of the
Flood of Noah in the Caucasus. The name of God and the wisdom
of God was engraved upon it. Noah gave the Rain Stone to his son
Japheth, the Mongol conqueror of India, as D'Herbelot says in his
prologue to the first English edition of The Memoirs of Babur. But in
the Germanic tradition, the Stone of Lucifer falls within a moun-
tain of fire where the heroes dwelled. It is there that one also finds
King Arthur, who is Thor, the head of the Knights of the Round
Table, and in this the Gral Stone also ordains divine kingship.
In Hyperborean Thule, it was possibly amber or moonstone,
fallen from the sky.
Lucifer is the Crown of Entry and Exit and Eternal Life. But the
King is also the Philosopher's Stone of the alchemists, and the
Third Eye of Shiva, and the Cyclops. Can it be said truly, then,
that the Cathars did not possess it?

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

The Druids Converted to Manichaeism

Otto Rahn says that the Cathars were Druids originally, then con-
verted to Manichaeism. Louis Charpentier argues that the Druids
existed before the Celts, that they were from Atlantis, and were
perhaps Basque. Their name would be (Lord) Jaun, Jeanes, Juanes,
Giants. This confusion about the Druids extends to the Gospel of
San Juan used by the Cathars. The sacred language of the Druids,
according to Charpentier, would have been Basque. It would not
have been too difficult for a group of Druids to convert to Mani-
chaeism, because Mani, religious founder and Persian poet, also
received his revelation and his gnosis from farther North, the Hy-
perborean tradition of their Iranian ancestors, of the deepest mid-
night. However, for Gérard de Sède, in his book The Treasury
Cátaio, Mani would not have existed physically, being instead a
symbolic character. The name indicates this: Mani, Mana, Mana
haya, Manachei (living glass), that contains and from which is
drunk manna. The Gral, food of life eternal. Interestingly, the
Cathars were called patarín, patera: (copa in Latin); Grail, in this
case. But Manachei is also gema viva, stone, Gral. The Cathars are
included among the Albigensians, from which is taken the name
Crusade, which was destroyed. It is said that this name comes
from the city of Albi in Languedoc. But de Sède says it comes from
Albanese, of Albania, land of the heretical Bogomilism that is close
to the Cathars, “White Earth.” In both cases, white appears: the
color of the Druids and the mysterious Pelasgians, the color of the
White Gods of the Albania on the other side of the great ocean,
which would be later called America. They wove, in truth, the tu-
nic of the wedding of the soul, the astral body, subtle; the tunic of
Neso, the bonfire in which then is burned the “children of the fire,”
the Luciferian body of pure light uncreated, the of the new land.
The subtle white tunic, white light, white fire and Sun, weaving

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slowly. The color white is the color of purity. That is why the
Cathars were also called pure.
There is a Golden Thread that maintains the tradition of the or-
igins, a pure initiatic science of the fallen stars.

Who Were
the Druids?
Hyperborea and Atlantis
n Critias and Timaeus, Plato tells us that three sisters

I kept the Garden of the Hesperides: one Black, one

White and one Red. The Garden was in Atlantis. Black,
white and red are alchemical colors. The alchemy
comes from Atlantis. In Timaeus is this mysterious sentence: “One,
two, three, but…where is the fourth?” Also in Montsegúr, four
knights escape with the treasure, with the Gral; only the names of
three are known. Where is the fourth? In the alchemical process
there is a yellow color that is between white and red, and which
actually transforms into the same white and red; it is the state of
indecision. From this way, the third is the fourth. What we would
then have to look for is the fifth, the Philosopher's Stone, the Quin-
tessence, the Gral. Which color is the fifth? Perhaps blue, the color
that the Atlantean kings used in their sacred ceremonies, in
memory (minne) of something or someone lost, who is gone al-
ready, who no longer occupies the mind, is no longer here.
“Where was that blue, that blue race of blue beings?” In the Hy-
perborean Thule, perhaps on Venus.
According to Jürgen Spanuth, in his work Atlantis of the North,
the missing continent, the land of the Aryans, would be found
where Heligoland is situated today, in the North Sea and not in
the Antilles or in the Canaries. It would have definitely sub-
merged 1,300 years before our era. Plato tells us that from Atlantis
one reached “the continent that lies on the other side of the sea,”
that is, our America. In no other part of the world is the presence
of Atlantis felt as much as in South America, because it was also
Hercules, latinized name of Heracles, will steal the golden ap-
ples of the Garden of the Hesperides and fight with the gigante
(giant) Anteo. The latter may be a generic appellation, perhaps for

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a whole race or community. There, where the radical is located, of
Anteo, there was the Atlantida (Atlantis), according to Charpentier.
It was found, then, in the Andes, in the Antilles, in Andalucía
(Andalusia). After the sinking, nothing remains except the
memory of a Gigante, a giant, who may have been a hero or a god.
It is remembered by the Ligurians, in the lands of Europe resur-
faced from the waters. Gigante also has the radical Atlante (Atlan-
Ancient legends tell us about Hyperborea, a continent inhabit-
ed by giants, a community of supermen located in the farthest po-
lar north with a city “like transparent glass.” The white skin of
these beings was almost blue, their hair was pale gold, “like
wool.” The Hyperborean women, of divine beauty, were priest-
ess-magicians, being able to communicate with the most distant
celestial worlds thanks to the spiritual organ, or energy, called Vril
(Hvareno, the Mana which the Moai of Easter Island levitated).
They cultivated the Magical Love. Hyperborea was connected
with all the other continents, occupying the Arctic regions before
the modification of the Earth Axis that produced the second uni-
versal glaciation. Iceland, Greenland and Spitzbergen would be
vestiges of that fabulous continent. Atlantis would have been a
kind of peninsula, an extension that allowed the direct union of
Hyperborea with the now-called America (hence, the mentions of
Tula or Tule by the Toltecs, Olmecs and Mayas, who said to pro-
ceed from Thule).
Some have thought that Hyperborea and Atlantis were one
continent—the Atlantis of Plato, located in the present arctic re-
gions. The Icelandic alchemist of the sixteenth century, Arne Sak-
nussemm, would have believed so, writes Serge Hutin, “consider-
ing Iceland a remnant of the missing continent.” He claimed that
the cataclysms that sank that world mixed all of the convulsed
lands in a way in which the only place where ruins could be
found today would be in the center of the earth. The alchemist

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
would also know the path that leads there. The great continent
existed even during the prehistoric glaciation of the Quaternary,
on the other side of the great European glaciers, whose imposing
remains were visible at the beginning of historical times. These
would be “the walls of glass” referred to by the elders—the gigan-
tic wall. The travelers of the year 4500 before our era could con-
template these remains of the glacial time, “here dwells the God
According to the Chaldeans, Hyperborea could only be
reached by a secret tunnel in the ice that arrived at the Euphrates.
The glaciers melt rapidly after the Fourth Millennium and an
ocean of mud prevents all contact with Hyperborea, submerged in
catastrophe. The islets of Iceland and Greenland survived, where
some Hyperboreans take refuge, as well as the “Isle of the Dead,”
Albion the White. Irish Monks visit the first two in the Middle
Ages and find them deserted. They only find remains of El Cordon
Dorado, the Golden Thread, in the Saga of the Edda. The Vikings
also found the islands uninhabited.

Where are the Hyperboreans?

The Indian philosopher Tilak states that the Aryans came down
from the Arctic, first to the Gobi Desert and, from there, to India.
Other branches descended to the Caucasus, then to Europe, but
they are nothing more than fragments of Hyperborean colonies.
The divine Siddhas have disappeared. All the wisdom of Hindu-
ism, its philosophy, its yoga, its pantheon, is a stammering
memory of a science of tremendous power whose key has van-
ished from the surface of the earth.
That extraterrestrial power possessed by the Hyperboreans, the
organ of the Vril, Hvareno, Urna, Soma, was joined to a technique
and science different in essence from those of the Kali Yuga,
which made it possible “to go faster than thought, in aerial boats

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without pilot or rudder.” In the Mahābhārata, a tale of a war that
does not refer to historical times, these vehicles are called Vimana
and Dhurakhapalam. They were “driven by a sound, like a subtle
music” and “captured the thoughts and emotions of men.”
In Hyperborea, women were Magicians, especially the 5th
(woman) born in a family. The number five is the Polar one, that
of Hyperborea.
Eastern and Western alchemy, Egyptian and Chinese wisdom,
astrology, astronomy and the crude science and technique of our
present era correspond to another reality; there aren’t compari-
sons. The keys of an astral, cosmic science have been lost irretriev-
ably, submerged. Only a tenuous Golden Thread remains in the
Myth and Legend, which must be intuited, traversing it in reverse,
backwards, “leftward-rotating.”
The Iceland of the Vikings had a very advanced civilization,
with a superior occult science and alchemy, in any case. The point
of origins was almost there. Iceland possessed a solar magnetism
and had a special “resting point,” being close to Ogygia, the fabu-
lous one. In her it is remembered the secret of “The Celestial City
of the Four Masters,” marked at its entrance by the “Twelve Black
Rotating Crosses” of which Josef Lanz speaks to us, “which will
receive the Supreme Lord at the end of the Sixth True Age.” But
what was done of the survivors of Hyperborea, of those who took
refuge in Iceland and “Groenlandia,” Greenland, the Green Earth
of another time? Did they perish? Did they return to the star of
Origin, to another constellation closest to the Black Sun, a reflec-
tion of the Green Ray, in their vimanas, “flyers” that “go faster
than thought” driven by the cosmic music of the spheres? We
know that some remained here on Earth to continue guiding the
mutation of man with their tremendous powers. But not outside;
they remain inside. Legends say they went to the “Inlands,” to the
cities of Agartha and Shambhala.
Of Hyperborea we speak of the Old Ones as we have already

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
seen Diodoro refers to the descendants of the Boreal God who in-
habit islands of the Far North, the mysterious Ogygia, perhaps
discovered and kept in secret by the Carthaginians. Piteas de Mar-
seilles went looking for the inhabitants of these islands. It is spo-
ken of a cavern of Iceland that transports to a very distant time;
maybe the crater of the extinct volcano, Snaefellsjokull. Antonio
Diógenes writes about Thule, the capital of Hyperborea, shortly
after Alexander's death. He says that the teacher of Pythagoras,
Ferekides de Syros, was a Hyperborean or possessed memories of
its Wisdom.
The oldest sacred texts are always nostalgic. It is also said in
the Popol Vuh: The Hyperboreans, the White Gods, will one day
leave the inner earth, or return from the stars in a Winged Serpent,
in a Golden Eagle, in the Age of the Condor, in a White Horse,
they will come to judge us when the time of the Kali Yuga is ful-
filled, in the return of the Golden Age, when the Axis of the earth
returns to its right position, after the catastrophe that will close the
Manvantara. The Poles will be One again, reunited in an exact axis,
as in the Satya Yuga, first Age of the World, when man lived more
than a thousand years.

Mu and Gondwana
The earthly descendants, half-divine, of fallen angels, are the Sons
of the Widow. One of them would be A-bel, meaning “Without
Beauty.” The mother is called Isis. She is black, has the color of the
land of Egypt, of the alchemical matter and also the night sky. She
is worshiped by the Cathars and Templars. It is today, as we have
seen, they adore the Black Virgin of Montserrat and other shrines
of the Piscean Age. However, Cathars and Templars knew that it
was necessary to pass from that color to others, until reaching al-
chemical gold, the “drinking gold,” to return and be more than a
demigod—a god; more than an Atlantean—a Hyperborean. The

Miguel Serrano
Hyperboreans did not mix with the children of the earth, or with
the mutated survivors, involuted from the great cataclysms that
also destroyed Hyperborea, submerging the old continents Mu,
Gondwana and Atlantis. We already know where the latter was.
Mu would occupy what is now the Gobi Desert, part of India,
Mongolia, Malaysia, the surviving Easter Island and Tahiti.
Gondwana encompassed South America, Antarctica, some of Af-
rica, Australia and also parts of India, being, rather, a remnant of
As we have said, it is in some fragments of Critias and Timaeus
that Plato tells us about Atlantis. Critias recalls that in his child-
hood, his grandfather relates what he heard of Solon, who in turn
heard from an Egyptian priest from the Temple of Sais: Solon said,
“When the gods purified the earth with the waters, only the shep-
herds of the mountains were saved, and the waves respected only
the uneducated and the ignorant. So you will become as young
again, knowing nothing of what has passed, nor what was your
world like during the times gone.”
A huge wave, in a single night, submerged Atlantis. With the
cataclysm, the “continent on the opposite shore of that sea” was
also disturbed. Tiahuanaco, which was a seaport, rose thousands
of meters above the waters.
The science of our day speaks of the precession of the equinox-
es. Because of this, in each 26,000 years, the Pole goes through a
spring, a summer, an autumn and a winter. In the winter, glaciers
accumulate and increase the weight at an extremity of the earth,
moving the waters toward the Equator and accelerating the veloc-
ity of planetary rotation in the central regions. When the polar
summer arrives, the ice melts and the masses of water descend
toward the Equator by centrifugal force, passing from one speed
to another, there would be an unknown “synchronistic” phenom-
enon, so to speak, that would have melted the ice almost instantly.
An indication of such an increase in speed of rotation of the earth

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
is the “acceleration of historical time.” Today we see that phe-
nomena which did not take twenty years to take place, now do
not require more than five years to happen. And this acceleration
is increasing. It's a sign. The Hyperborean Thule would have
bloomed in the polar summer. When the balance is restored later,
with a new speed of rotation of the earth, the waters cover the ex-
treme regions, and also Ultima Thule disappears.
Solon tells us that only the ignorant and the shepherds were
saved from the high summits. In the Caucasus Noah was saved; in
the Andes, Tamandaré, Nala and his wife Neua, perhaps on Mount
Casuati. According to the Patagonians, it was Sue-ca, and he may
have taken refuge on the summit of Melimoyu. They didn’t pre-
serve the science, wisdom, and remote techniques; only a legend
was saved. A “serendipity” of El Cordon Dorado, the Golden
The 26,000 year period is a Kalpa for Hindus: the Days and
Nights of Brahma; cyclic destructions, successive cataclysms. Un-
doubtedly, preserving the Golden Thread cannot be counted sole-
ly on the shepherds and ignorant refugees at the summits. They
will have to proclaim the physical species so that it is not extin-
guished. The Tradition will be kept in the underground cities of
the legend: Agarthi and Shambhala. Also the mythical Tiahuanaco
would have been an underground city. The Sun Door, Porta del
Sol, opens today to an entire invisible, disappeared world. It is al-
ready the door to nothing.

They Came from Other Worlds

Like Jürgen Spanuth, Hermann Wirth holds a Neo-Hyperborean
conception of Atlantis, placing it in higher latitudes, due to the
degree of superior civilization (something that Charpentier does
not know) of the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic regions—
especially of Greenland. Rudolf John Gorsleben asserts that his

Miguel Serrano
ancestral Nordic pre-Christianism is a vestige of the wisdom of
Hyperborea-Atlantis. Their gods and symbols are the pieces of
knowledge that should be assembled and interpreted.
The initiation of the Golden Thread reveals that the Hyperbore-
ans came from the sky. They were gods or demigods. Apollo-
Lucifer was a Hyperborean. Every nineteen years, he left Greece
to reside in Hyperborea, returning rejuvenated. Then, in the Age
of Pisces, we are informed that Lucifer-Apollo has been chained in
the ice of the North Pole. The sun has left the world, the extrater-
restrial wisdom has submerged.
It is Lucifer-Apollo who initiates us into the secret of the Gold-
en Apples in the Garden of Atlantis, in his knowledge, in his Gno-
sis. Lucifer is the Bearer of the Light of Knowledge. He has also
been called Shiva, Abraxas and Quetzalcóatl. And he is a Winged
Serpent, the Serpent of Paradise. In the Piscean Age, the world
falls into the pit of profane knowledge, without contact with the
transcendent world, descending into the sink of rationalistic “il-
luminism,” a technology without soul, in the deepest portion of
Kali Yuga that still awaits, in our time of the Iron, of the atom to
which we shall be reduced—and all of this because Lucifer-Apollo
has been tortured and slandered.
Who came in the beginning to teach men? Without a doubt, the
Gods. And so do the legends. After the great collapse, only the
legend lasts; all ancient science, all refined and superior technolo-
gy based on transcendental magic has been lost. We are left within
that golden fog. Who are the men then? Not long ago, anthropol-
ogists found human bone remains of more than a million years in
Ethiopia. Man would have existed on earth millions of years ago.
What happened to civilization? Is it only six thousand years old?
Did man return periodically to barbarism? In any case, knowledge
would have come from outside. The gods bring the Gral, the
Treasure. The Angels remain here to guard it. They have lost a
celestial war. A vanquished Angel falls in love with an earthly

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
woman and procreates a race of demigods. Then he leaves. Would
Osiris-Lucifer be the Angel? The wife is widowed. The half-divine
descendants are the Sons of the Widow. It is interesting to re-
member that Parsival, or Parsifal, was the Son of a Widow (the
work of Wolfram von Eschenbach is from 1210). Raised by his
mother in the forest as “a pure madman”—he “lost the valleys,”
the ancestral heritage—his Mother’s name is Perlesvaus. At the
Round Table of King Arthur, or Arctus, the twelfth seat was emp-
ty; it was “the dangerous seat.” He waited for the knight to find
the Gral. In ancient Ireland the stone was called Tara. It is the
name of the Star of the Morning, Venus-Lucifer. Gral would also
come from “gradalis” in the Occitan language, that is to say
“graduated,” progression by degrees, as in the search for Parsifal
who arrives one day at the “desolate lands,” to the moors. T.S. El-
iot gave his capital work the title The Waste Land, “Desolate Land.”
We could think of the symbolism taken from the Romance cycle of
the Gral, the Celtic and Arthurian heaven, attributed in the poem
of Eliot to a modern time, to a land that must be regenerated as it
arrives partial, thanks to the recovery of the mysterious Gral. Let
us not forget that Eliot's poem was inspired, corrected and, to a
large extent, modified and written by Ezra Pound. The Tired Earth
has been devastated by a Magic curse. Nothing grows there. The
King is sick, lame, wounded, and is a Fisher King. Parsifal, the
“pure madman” and the Son of the Widow, in order to find the
Gral in the Castle of Montsalvage, must ask the right question, say
the correct word, the mantra of Hyperborean, Orphic Kabbalah.
Moreover, he must abandon the Mother, the Widow, the Great
Mother who devours. Then, the sick King, Anfortas, is improved.
Parsifal replaces him and occupies the Dangerous Seat in the
Round Table, which has the number Twelve. The Age of Pisces,
that of the Fisher King, will be replaced by that of Aquarius, that
of the Holy Spirit, of Parakletos, the Dove (which is female), the
Morning Star, of uncreated light, Venus-Lucifer. The Old Earth

Miguel Serrano
will be replaced by the New Earth which has begun its transfig-
uration. The involution of the Kali Yuga will have been overcome.
Wolfram von Eschenbach believes that the Gral is in Montsal-
vage. Otto Rahn says that this name is symbolic, meaning “Mount
of Salvation.” It is certain that the Gral was kept in the Cathar cas-
tle of Montsegúr. Gérard de Séde thinks that this name (Segur)
comes from egu, a Celtic word that means “sun.” Fernand Niel, in
his meticulous and documented study of the Castle of Montsegúr,
maintains that it was never a fortress but an initiatory solar tem-
ple, built on the ruins of another monument, of the most ancient
antiquity, that rose on the summit of that magical Mountain, re-
constructed according to astronomical and hermetic laws by the
Cathar initiates.
The mountain of the Gral can be Montsalvage, Montsegúr, or
Mount Thabor in the Pyrenees; Mount Meru, or the Kailas, in the
Himalayas; The Melimoyu in the Patagonian Andes. Indeed, it is
the Polar Mount of the Ultimate Revelation in the deepest Mid-
night. It can, therefore, be all mountains and none, because it is
the undeniable Center, the Self, the Inexistent Flower, the Sa-
hasrara Chakra, inside, above, at the base of the invisible skull of
the Earth.
For those who may doubt the references to Esoteric Hitlerism
which are hardly known, we will tell you that they are repro-
duced here mostly from authors opposed to Hitlerism, so that
analysis and revision are given, as far as possible, in the realm of
credibility. The favorable balance will be reached with our com-
ments. Gérard de Séde, for example, in his work The Cathar Treas-
ure, loses good sense in writing that Otto Rahn was beheaded with
an axe by the Nazis. It must be rebutted, because Otto Rahn was
an SS member. Otto Rahn has thought, and the SS initiates with
him, that the Gral was found in the Pirineos, because it is there
where the Visigothic kings discover a treasure, a secret, an indeci-
pherable Stone that they put in shelter in all the combats. Then,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
they transport it to Spain, maybe to San Juan de la Peña. The
Cathars, too, as we have seen, conceal their treasure, their Gral. It
is carried by the four initiated knights and is announced that they
are already safe, lighting a bonfire at the top of the Bidorta. They
announce it with fire.

Are All Men Really Men?

We must realize that races divide the men of this earth and they
are distinctly different from one another. The Hyperboreans are
the divine race because they are pure and have never intermixed
with other races. They are the Polar race and they are the Supreme
Guides of humanity. Those of Earth who have intermixed racially
with Viras or Heroes or with Divyas, the twice born Aryans or
with the very Hyperboreans themselves are the semi-divine race.
Therefore not all men on earth are really earthlings; there could be
offspring of Hyperboreans walking among earthlings. They are
Sons of the Widow (Isis, Belisema, the Black Virgins). This tradi-
tional division, of the Golden origins, corresponds precisely to the
three Gunas, the dualist philosophical system of Samkhya, of Hin-
duism: Tamas, Raja, Sattva, and to the three categories of humans
in Tantrism: Pasu, Vira and Divya; or, animal-man, hero and divine
Siddha. The last category belongs to the initiated family, the Tan-
tric kaulas (Hyperboreans) and the secret initiation rite of Pan-
chatattva. The Siddha, or the God-man, is released (even from the
influence of the stars; for he does not have astrology); he is
Chakravarti, King of the world; Master Magician, according to the
language Basque-Atlantis. In the sense of alchemical initiation, of
magical transmutation, it is possible to move from one race to an-
other (the Hyperboreans and the mythical cities of Shambhala and
Agarthi remain to assist in this), ascending and descending also.
In our time the races have become lowered, going even further
down to the human earth, as it is in the countries which practice

Miguel Serrano
materialistic collectivism. In the same way, the races could move
upwards and become more divine. In this, we see why not all the
men of this planet are equal. Novalis wondered: “Are all men real-
ly men?” “It is possible that there are beings who appear human,
but are completely different from men,” he added.
Hercules-Heracles, the proto-greek, the Hero, the Argonaut, was
going to steal the secret of the transmutation in the garden of the
Hesperides of Atlantis, the Apples of Gold, the Fleece of Gold, the
Gral, that would allow him and his people to be deified. His chief
was Jason. Did Heracles find the secret? It would seem he did, be-
cause soon the Greeks began to refer to the Golden Ratio, upon
which they built their civilization. At the beginning there is al-
ways a theft, something taken by force. Also Moses steals an Ark
of gold in Egypt and the Templars steal another great secret in the
Temple of Solomon. On this theft is built the world. At the same
time, Parsifal conquers the Gral by force, with his “rage,” without
the help of God and “only in the company of his lady of thought,”
as advised by his friend Gavin. For he was a hero and also a thief-
Thule, Hyperborea and Atlantis existed at the same time. All
the great Masters existed during this time. They were all Initiated
into the great occult mysteries. They were all given Extraterrestrial
knowledge. Thule was not a nation, it was a town, a Temple, a
place for magicians, masters, wise men, and divine souls. In Hy-
perborea they maintained the purity of the Blue Blood of the Blu-
ish race of the North Pole, for they were the Guardians of the
Morning Star (an old term for the “Nobility,” the Aristocracy, the
“Blue Blood” represented the unblemished in inter-marriages
with people of a lower Caste; “Blue Blood” means “Pure Blood-

The Fascination for the Abyss

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
As the archives of the Nuremberg trials are being opened today,
we confirm something we knew more than thirty years ago: Hit-
lerism tried to reinstate the Nordic-Polar myth of Hyperborea-
Thule, re-establishing contact with the Unknown Guides of
Agarthi and Shambhala, in order to affirm thereby its every action
from within the entrails of the legend. The statements of some of
the accused mention those mythic cities and the polar region of
the most distant Midnight.
An Esoteric Organization would have been reestablished in or-
der to recover the Minne, the Memory, the Remembrance, from the
depths of Blood Memory and the light that circulates there. And it
is quite possible that it is exactly here that a minimal, quantum,
that is, an immense, cosmic error of interpretive calculation takes
place in a “parallel time.” Perhaps a disobedience instantly trans-
formed into coincidental destiny. Maybe it was done to lose in the
Age of Pisces to render respect to the God of Pisces in order to be
victorious in the Age of Aquarius.
Those who can understand this will have found the narrow
gateway to an incredible world of events, to a hallucinatory stage
of magical realism.

Papan and the White Gods

The living body of Earth has its delicate channels of “exit” to other
universes within the Poles, the Chakra Sahasrara, or Brahma Chakra
of the Earth. Therein resides the “leaping spot,” of escape, on be-
ing able to reach the “Void,” which should stay between the brain
and the skull of the Earth, even better, between its physical head
and its astral head, between “this Earth” and the “other Earth.”
The Poles change position according to the Kalpas. Currently the
South Pole is the sexual chakra of the planet, the Chakra
Svadisthana. There, in Antarctica, is also a temple and an escape
point, an exit point: The Path of the Left Hand of Tantra. In that

Miguel Serrano
place there is located the inverted and Sub-Boreal Thule. I have
searched for it through the mysterious Oasis of this Pole, in whose
neighborhood I was destined to be born. I still search for it. In the
South one best sees Venus. Tiahuanaco and the Temple of Kalasa-
saya were consecrated to Venus. Quenos, maybe Quanyip, the
Gods of the Selknam, resided in the Morning Star. Thus these Gods
were also Lucifer.
The Hyperboreans, arriving from other stars, establish them-
selves in the North Pole, the place of the connection and the
“leap,” where the great astral streams permeate and escape in
form of the number eight. There they inhabit the Pole, over the
highest peaks, where there is less oxygen which makes their blood
blue. Shiva, on the peak of Mount Kailas, is also blue. The same
for Krishna.
In the oldest America, which was called Albania (alchemical
name, like Albedo), lived the White Gods, Quetzalcóatl, Kukulkan,
Virakocha, Kontiquí, Mamakocha and others. They were the Hyper-
borean instructors of the Toltec, Mayan, Aztec and Incan gover-
nors. The Toltecs and Mayan asserted that they came from Thule,
from the most distant north; the wise Mayan returned to Thule.
The Popol Vuh speaks of the White Gods. The Princess Papan,
Moctezuma’s sister, waited for them. In their place, Hernán Cortés
arrived, who was unfortunately similar only in the skin colour.

The Other Science

The earth is a living, breathing being: Each region has its own
magnetism and vibration, with which it Influences the beings that
inhabit it, modifying them, transforming them. In the Malabar re-
gion, in India, I could see that the Jews who arrived there shortly
after the Dispersion did not differ from the Dravidians, natural in
that part of the world. In contrast, the Jews whom arrived in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were white. Even without

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
mixing with Germans and Czechs, it is quite possible that the Jews
who came to Europe after the Middle Ages take centuries to ac-
quire the somatic characteristics of the races established there
from ancient times, utilizing osmosis and mimicry, favored by the
subtle forces of the earth. China converts the races to Chinese even
faster. The white Ainu of Japan are almost nonexistent. The
Chachapoyas of Brazil do not exist, they went away with the White
Gods. The Hyperboreans did not stay in other regions of the plan-
et for long periods, so as not to change. They were thus the mem-
bers of a College of Initiation, mighty magicians, wise men,
guides, a folk, creators of civilizations. When Atlantis disappears,
they send groups of missionaries and distribute them throughout
the world who would then teach the human survivors. They are
first instructed in how to soothe the raging waters of the post-
diluvian period. They use the stone. We have already seen that
Noah delivered the “Rain Stone” to his son Japheth. He would
have been able to stop the waters too. After the sinking of Atlantis
you see stone constructions that could avoid new catastrophes,
establishing magical equilibrium in the secret currents of the plan-
et. They are the menhirs. This mysterious science acts on the cur-
rents of the earth, which are neither magnetic nor electric. They
place them in the ground where there is greater danger of sinking
by flood. It is a kind of acupuncture applied to the land, establish-
ing a balance between these currents. This lost magical science
corresponded to a different technology which was born of the
domain and knowledge of more subtle transhuman remnants of
that wisdom, which impels us to imagine what their civilization
would have been like. Built on the great foundation of a different
science and technique, are the Zahoris, who discover these things
by using underground water which influence the vibrations of
their rods. I've seen them perform in Vienna. Also the ancestors of
the Chilotes, in the south of Chile, stopped the waters thanks to a
knowledge now lost, that of the serpent Tenten. Thus they are able

Miguel Serrano
to save these few islands, remnants of the submerged Gondwana.
In the Piscean Age, the Templars will be the first, and then the
Hitlerist SS, to resurrect this old legendary science and technique,
without having been given the gift of time which was necessary to
achieve it fully. But in the Age of Aries, of the Golden Fleece, the
Druids understood and applied it. That science and knowledge of
the Inner Earth and its magical technology delivers the authority
that will “transfigure” it, that magical collaboration which nature
by itself is incapable of completing and would leave all this unfin-
ished. Only in this way can the critical point of the involution of
the Kali Yuga be stopped, “inventing” the New Earth, “making it
first invisible within us,” as Rilke would say. Otherwise, it will
truly be the Twilight of the Gods, fulfilling the prophecy of the
Maga Vola, of the Edda. Because mechanistic science and the ra-
tionalist and crude technology of our day, it does not intend to
transfigure the earth, but to dominate and constrain it, it will de-
stroy it along with man.

Lilith and the Stone Cithers

If the Chileans knew this ancient science of Atlantis, of Hyperbo-
rea, or if the Druids could teach us, then we could, safely, prevent
earthquakes, major catastrophes, and avoid being submerged by
the ocean. We could, perhaps, help revive our shores with the old
Continent of the Spirit, of the Giants, that of Elella; City of the Cae-
sars, the Hyperborean Antarctic.
The science of the Menhirs is taught in Europe by the Ligurians
according to the giants; also of the Dolmens. The latter is true that
they play stone like harps, which vibrate in designated terrestrial
centers, being wet with dew, or “Waters of the Moon” and this
allows the chosen mutation, initiating it within and so one can
“Leap” from one race to another, mutating first into a Druid, then
Atlantean and finally, a Hyperbóreon. It is the “Music of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Stones” which enchants all of nature. It was this same zither
which one played for Orfeo and he found Jason, my friend, along
with the Fleece of Gold.
There's a book of stone open to the initiated in the megalithic
monuments. It is there which is written ancient alchemy, Atlantis,
and with it the esoteric history of man. The Menhir represents the
first polar mountain, the polar axis—also, the spine of man. Then
the Stupas of Buddha, every temple also notes the Mountain of
Revelation, in the farthest Midnight. All are built promontory and
primitively, all are “central stones” or omphalos. They have been
discovered on omphalos swastikas carved, the sign of the Central
Pole. Clearly, the polar axis of the earth. All are the Temple Moun-
tain and also they symbolize the body of man. By the same token,
the Tree of Life, Axis, Menhir, the Lingam, the Backbone.
There are omphalos engraved with serpents. In Paradise the
tree snake was coiled, the God El, Lucifer, the knowledge, the Sci-
ence of Good and Evil, Gnosis, which would make man god. It is
kundalini resting at the base of the Tree of the Spine of the initiate.
We are told that the woman gave the man an apple from the Tree
of Knowledge. In this case, man is not the hero who will conquer
fighting. The woman delivers. It is the feminine initiation, lunar,
which discovers death. By accepting it, the man saw the naked
woman for the first time. Before, man was inside, the hero, as Par-
sifal, always carrying himself inside. A fundamental fact has al-
ready happened before this story of the Garden, and the Apple
Tree. It tells the esoteric legend that Lucifer had a partner named
Lilith. She was the first woman beside Adam, before Eve. Does
one go inside and find the same Lilith who, when projected out,
changes you? The test, or fatal game, has been to project it, see it
out in the open and reinstating it, in the contemplation of the na-
ked Eve. Then the man wants out, perpetuating the Advienne gen-
erations of death, the involution, lengthening the drama to keep a
hope of return, it appears within Time and the image becomes

Miguel Serrano
more consistent and hard, harder to reincorporate through the
“rib of man.” But the science is still there, in the Polar Axis, which
has been chained to Lucifer, in the Root of the Tree of Life and it is
called Kundalini, the Igneous Serpent. Man could invoke this to
try to repeat the steps already taken, tracing involution. Then, the
Menhir is transformed into a Dolmen and Cromlech, into a Tem-
Alchemy is the Stone, Lapsit Exillis, Lord, broken Crown of the
fallen Lucifer. It is his own temple and must be rebuilt, based on
the Menhir of his invisible spine, through the Kundalini snake
coiled in the Black-Green Stone that fell from the sky in an extra-
terrestrial craft. Then, man will build a roof, a dolmen, above, in
the Crown Chakra, at the Pole. From there he will jump into the
void, to the Hyperborea of the Other Earth, and he will already be
a cromlech, a Circular Temple, just as Stonehenge. But the Temple
was always there from the beginning, virtually, in the ancient
Stones. And it is on that stone that the Gleisa must be built.

The Flower of the Druids

and the Hyperborean Number
Druid means Sage, Seer and Magician. It is a Celtic word. But the
Druids are not Celtic. The arrival of the Celts in Europe occurred
in successive waves. Perhaps they come from Iran, where two
thousand five hundred years before our Era the Aryans arrived.
They may also come from Asgard, in the Caucasus, from where
the Germans departed, led by Odin or Wotan. The Aryan tribes
migrated outward, some to India, others to Iran and Europe, de-
scending to the Baltic and to the Iberian Peninsula. The common
center will have been the legendary civilization of the Gobi, fol-
lowing the disappearance of Hyperborea. In the Himalayas are
hidden the mythical cities of Agartha and Shambhala, inhabited

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
by the Supreme Hyperborean Guides, survivors who keep the
great lines of hidden and traditional knowledge of the extraterres-
trial science of Magical Love, which comes from Agarthi. From
Shambhala, that of the “planetary acupuncture.” In truth, both are
in the Hollow Earth, inside.
The Druids, who are Atlantean magicians, would be the bear-
ers of wisdom and Hyperborea tradition. In the West they arrived
with the Celts. They guarded the Gral, helping to produce the
precise number of transmutations in the Age of Aries, of the Ram,
the branch, that of the Golden Fleece, of the Lamb, who would be
sacrificed at the end of that period and the beginning of the Age of
Pisces. God in Aries is Belen; the Goddess is Belicena, who the
Cathars and troubadours continue to worship in Pisces. The tree is
the oak and the beech; the bush is the laurel. Also to the Araucani-
ans the cinnamon tree is sacred. The drink is mead and haoma. In
the age of Pisces it will be wine, the blood of the mysterious land,
which is made in certain geographical points of special mag-
netism, where there are deep arterial forces circulating; in the
South of France and in Chile, for example. In the era of Aquarius,
the wine disappears, possibly along with those who drink it.
The Druids are magicians who possess powers. César speaks of
the Druids in his Bello Gallico. It is said that they were white, tall
and blond. They could change the climate, producing atmospheric
phenomena at will. They could move heavy objects, levitating
them. They knew the science of healing. César speaks of a battle
where the Druids were all still as statues in deep concentration,
preventing the arrows from hitting them. However, they gave
great importance to the formation of armies and were the inven-
tors of Celtic sacred warrior chivalry, which originated the Gral
Cavalry, the Cavalry Errant, of King Arthur and the Knights
Templar. But, like the Cathari Pure, Druids do not fight or use
weapons, they do not kill living beings, whether man or animal.
They also believe in reincarnation. We will again ask ourselves,

Miguel Serrano
what reincarnation? Learning or initiation of the Druid lasts for
twenty years, serving in four stages or degrees.
The number four is the number of the Druid, it is Celtic. The
Druids give the Celts their social organization, which is divided
into four castes or trades: farmer, merchant, builder and warrior.
They instruct them and direct. The Druids symbol is a four-leaf
clover, considered up to the present day as a sign of good luck
and happiness. It is a non-existent flower already. The four-leaf
clover is a swastika that turns, forming a double eight, sign of
eternity, the twice-born, of immortality conquered in hard combat.
It is also a Carbuncle fallen from heaven. It is the Gral. It symbol-
izes, in addition, the division into four levels of the society and the
harmonious organization of the world of those times. The Druid
was sitting in the center of the flower.
It is important, however, to know that four is not the polar
number of Hyperborea. It is five. Thule stood in the Centre, on the
mountain of the pole. The Hyperboreans are the fifth caste, or
unique caste, called Hamsa. They were, thus, “no caste,” they were
beyond all caste, they were Ativarna: without color, beyond all
color. Five is represented in the Celtic organization by the Druid,
who sits in the Centre of the four-leaf clover, the flower. In the
swastika, five is the Centre of confluence of the four arms indicat-
ing the cardinal points. The arms rotate, but the Center does not,
remaining as still as the Polar axis, the unmoving mover of terres-
trial movement. The unspoiled self. The number five thus symbol-
izes the inner man, also the total man, divine, perfect. In the Dru-
idic organization five is accounted for, in addition, by the sacred
city, the image of polar Hyperborean Thule. This is where the
Conclave is carried out, in the Atlantean tradition. The city was the
Centre. Always there was a stone that symbolized the shaft of the
pole, “Navel of the world,” the bridge and commander of telluric
currents, image of the Primordial mountain and also the spinal
column of Columbia. Also, in the Greek city of Delphi there was

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
held the meeting of the Hosts, twice a year, to interpret the Oracle
of Pythia, next to the Central stone, omphalos, as we have already
The Celtic city, the Center, Llamóse, means Lanon—means, cen-
ter. Milan, located in the region of the former ancient Cisalpine
Celtic language, taking its name, according to the writer René
Guenón from there. And it is significant that the dialect today
spoken in the Ticino, in the Italian region of Switzerland, is of
Celtic origin. In all this region, including the Italy of the North, is
located those of blonde hair and eyes of clear blue. To Otto Rahn,
Verona was the former Visigothic king, Dietrich von Bern. It
would not be unreasonable to think that the Federative Celtic spir-
it is still alive in Switzerland. But the Confoederatio Helvetica is built
on principles and purposes purely material, lacking what we will
call the Celtic number par excellence, of the four, or from the Dru-
id, of the spirit. We can also say that Geneva means “White Lady.”
However, when one refers to Hyperborean initiation, mention
cannot be made of the four without the five. The same cross, as we
will see later, has its “polar center,” represented by the rose, in the
symbolism of the Rosicrucians. It is situated in the Centre of the
junction of the four arms. The rose cross is transformed, it be-
comes the swastika cross, turning, breaking the inertia of Kali Yu-
ga, and becoming a Hyperborean symbol.
The stone that has fallen from the sky, Lapis ex coelis, must have
as its number five. It is the Quinta Essentia, the Lapsit Excilis. The
Philosopher's Stone. It now represents the center of the cosmic
Pole. In ancient Chinese tradition, the number five is transcenden-
tal. The name that the old Chinese gave the Hyperborean Island,
Thule, the farthest, the unattainable, the sacred land, to the mythi-
cal Erin of the Irish, was Kouchee. The Selman of Tierra del Fuego,
the southernmost point of the world, the central paradise was the
“White Island” which is part of the cycle. In Sanskrit it is called
Svetadvipa, where Vishnu resided.

Miguel Serrano

The Federal System of the

Druids and the SS
The Romans destroyed the Celtic world, as did the Huns, and the
Mongols destroyed the Vedic world of Aryan India and the world
of the Iranian Aryans. The Celtic Kings ruled in the federation
style of the Atlanteans, gathering from time to time in Conclaves,
in their sacred cities, their Center, where they balanced the affairs
of their States. The Druid would speak at the beginning and at the
end of the Conclave. All was done more or less in the style in
which Plato tells of Atlantis.
The Cathars also favored such a federation system in the
Languedoc. Just as the Celts of Ireland, the peoples of Midday
loved above all else their freedom. This is a Nordic heritage, Hy-
perborean, and finds its most ancient expression in the ragged
Germanic tribes who broke off from the root and disappeared in
the great catastrophe. And in the Männerbund, the Band of War-
riors bound by an oath of life and death, but at the same time,
with great moral and spiritual independence of the individual
from the Center, or Führer.
The SS tried to organize in our time a Europe of “ancestral
homelands,” Federated, led spiritually by the initiates of the Black
Order. Near the end of the war, the headquarters of the SS pub-
lishes the “Declaration of Charlottenburg,” as a response to the
“Declaration of San Francisco” made by the Allied powers to
propagate its democratic principles. The Declaration of the SS dis-
cusses the principles of the New Order, the organic, vital sense of
the Third Reich and the Federation of Europe. The Order of the SS
did not speak for Germany only, because in 1945 the SS majority
was composed of members of all European Nations.
Of the million men belonging to the Waffen SS, more than six

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
hundred thousand were not German. In the crusade against Bol-
shevism there were represented the whole of Europe, and volun-
teers from other continents. In the SS were Spanish, Belgian,
French, Dutch, Norwegians, Swedes, Italians, English, American,
Czech, Hungarian, Croatian, Russian, Hindu and Tibetans. It is
known that the last and most ferocious defenders of Hitler's Bun-
ker in Berlin were the Frenchmen of the Division SS Charlemagne.
Miguel Ezquerra, Commander of the SS Spanish Division, who
fought to the end in Berlin, accounts in his book Berlin, Life or
Death that Goebbels said: “Where you see men struggling with
total contempt of death, there are the Spanish.” He adds that Hit-
ler called him to the Bunker, shortly before the end, to give him
the highest decoration and offered him German nationality. Ezq-
uerra writes that he was grateful and excited, but he refused, say-
ing: “While I live I will always be Spanish.”
The Ukrainian and Caucasian Russian troops, commanded by
the Russian General Vlasov, totaled more than two hundred thou-
sand men fighting alongside the Germans. At the end of the war,
the Americans delivered them to the Bolsheviks, knowing full
well the fate that awaited them.
In August 1941, or one month after launching the attack on
Russia, under the name of “Operation Barbarossa” (the name was
chosen as a symbol of the Emperor who sleeps in the world of the
Inner Earth), Hitler declares the energy sources of the future will
be found in the water, the wind, the tides, coal and gas, in the
wells of fermentations. During the 8th, 9th and 11th of September
he returns to address his comrades, as a Visionary: “If only I could
make the European people understand what the East represents
for our future... to the Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Dutch, that
Iran belongs to those huge territories which will form part of the
Reich. I will not see that day, but I'm happy for the German peo-
ple who, on the other hand, will see English and Germans togeth-
er... When you imagine the amount of creative forces asleep with-

Miguel Serrano
in Europe, in Germany, in England, in the Nordic countries, in
France, in Italy, in Spain, we should understand that the America
of the United States represents, truly, a giant squid-like thing. The
key to our power will be that throughout the New Reich, there
will be no more than a single army, a single SS, a single admin-
The plan of the SS, after the war, consisted of the creation of a
Federated West according to ethnic, not just linguistic, features.
The problem of nationalities, which Russian Communism infil-
trated within the West, to achieve its purposes, would have dis-
appeared, having been solved with an organic, vital, non-
rationalist sense.
Artificial large crowds, forming the present Nations, would
have given way to the voluntary association of the ancestral
“homelands.” The “Basque problem” would have ended as well
(which is not linguistic, of course, but a deeper problem), the
“Irish problem,” the “Catalan problem,” the “problem of the
Languedoc,” the “Croatian problem,” the “Armenian issue,” the
“Ukrainian problem.” It is known that Éamon de Valera sent a
telegram of condolence on the disappearance of Hitler. And no
one, to my knowledge, dared to admit him to an insane asylum, as
they did Ezra Pound and Knut Hamsun.
Of that Ancestral Federation there is a map, once owned by the
SS. The capital of the European Federation would have been Vi-
enna or Prague. The book of Saint Loup, The SS de la Toison d'Or,
an epic of the great fighting of the Division of Léon Degrelle on
the Russian front, explains how Hitler accepts the dream of De-
grelle to restore the Kingdom of Charles V, the great Burgundian
homeland, and imagined also Berlin as the capital of a regenerated
Europe, which has won the right to continue to exist in a heroic
struggle against the elementalwesen, the elementals.
The SS project after the war was to strengthen the order, in the
style of the old Cavalry of the Templars and Teutonic Knights,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
keeping a permanent defense on the Eastern borders and trans-
forming Europe in colonizing and civilizing the vast Asian area,
on the basis of the Luciferian, or Faustian, axiom often quoted by
Saint-Loup: “East minus West, equals zero.” The SS divisions ad-
vancing in pursuit of the Caucasus were already great inventors,
the engineers, the men of the recovered magical science and tech-
nology. The Gendarmeria SS would protect a Europe of 500 million
against a tide of two thousand million Asian men, through a chain
of fortified towns, from the Caucasus to the Baltic. The civilizing
mission could extend to the Bering Strait. “Ancestral Manage-
ment” would also reach to both Americas, globally, finding a solu-
tion, vital, deep, and in accordance with the Hyperborean legend
and the Atlantis of the White Gods, and with the most remote ori-
gins of this mythical region, which was formerly called Albania
and Hvetramannaland.
With overwhelming passion in the universal war, which is ig-
nored, the truth will not be known, only emphasizing the defor-
mations imposed by the propaganda of the victors. It will not be
known, especially that in the inner circles of the SS, among the ini-
tiated, in the order of the castle of Wewelsburg (SS Gleisa) between
the Sonnenmenschen (Sun-Men), they saw and practiced things in a
very different way from what is known. In the maelstrom of
events, politicians, precipitated by fate and by directors with wills
of contrary initiatory currents, everything has been interpolated in
its visible manifestation, and an adulterated history has been re-

Chromium and Soma

As far as possible, we will have to go to the very depths of these
issues. We have said that the root of mythical thought, of the races
that were saved from great catastrophes, also arrived from the
post-Flood Diaspora. “Chromosomal memory” is being discussed

Miguel Serrano
today, as the very place where the memory of the Origins is found
in a particular hereditary line. The similarity is within the
memory, it is the inheritance transmitted in a family, tribe, race or
town. The chromosome constitutes the nucleus of the cell; Deoxy-
ribonucleic acid, the so-called “DNA,” where it is believed one can
see the origin of life. The genes which build it up are like the basic
pillars of the gothic cathedral of the ancestors, the “dolmens.”
Chromosomes appear as small Pillars under a microscope. The
term “chromosome” deconstructs into chromium (color) and so-
ma (form). Color and shape. There within lies the Minne, the
Memory. For the Aryans of India, compilers of the Vedas, caste is
called Varna, meaning color. That is, the breed was created to pre-
serve the racial color during the conquest of the Dravidian sub-
continent. The word caste was invented by a Portuguese sailor
and refers to the classification of livestock. Aryans need to pre-
serve memory, their Minne, the Hyperborean memory. And their
sacred liquor was called Soma, the drink of immortality, of a miss-
ing tree; in ancient times as of the Tree of the Blood, of the Tree of
Paradise, in the disappeared Aryana Vaiji, in the Ultima Thule.
The primordial Soma has been lost. It was white and was drank
on top of the Hyperborean Mount, on Meru, on Dhruva, or the
Pole, on the Chakra Sahasrara, on top of the head of the deified
man. It was the liquor of immortality. The Haoma of the Persians is
no longer the original soma. It has changed color, varna, chrome; it
is yellow. It is no longer of the same Hyperborean spiritual race.
Vril has also been lost, the power over the two worlds. Then the
Haoma will be lost. It will be replaced with the thick red wine,
which will be used in the Sacrificial rite of Dionysus and at the
Christian Mass. It is already a dark liquor that has been made to
lose the memory of the extraterrestrial ones. Soma and Haoma were
used in Magical Love. Wine, too, sometimes intervenes in the so-
called Tantric coupling of Maithuna. It has now been claimed that
“LSD” is the legendary soma, rediscovered in the Age of Aquari-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
us. There are those who recommend its use in the Maithuna. But it
is a mistake, because we are still in the Nadir of the Kali Yuga and
because the original Soma was drank on the Sacred Mountain of
the Pole, extracted from the Tree of Life, from the same polar Axis,
escaping into the Sahasrara Chakra, or head of Brahma, next to the
Great Void and the Point of the Leap, in the Cup of the Tree of the
Vertebral Column of the Initiated.
In the liquor of the spiritual blood, the Aryans found the divine
origin, their memory. The soma was the Aryan force (Hvareno),
opening the Vril, the Third Eye, allowing one to see the divine an-
cestors, the Extraterrestrials, from ancestral lands and Paradise
Lost, Paradesha, or Upper Region, Mujavat, in Sanskrit. So that the
memory of Paradise is not lost, the Gods send to the South of the
world a dove, carrying a branch of the Soma tree, and so they can
drink it there too. In this way, the Hyperborean tradition is at the
other end of the earth, connecting the North and South, to both
Poles. We have already seen that the Dove is the Cathar symbol of
Parakletos, of the Holy Spirit. It is noted that Esclarmonde de Foix,
builder of the castle of Montségur, becomes a dove and flies to-
wards the farthest Mountains of Asia. To Shambhala, to Agarthi?
The White Gods of America are also Hyperborean pigeons, sent
there by Divinity.
The German troubadours, the Minnesänger, sang of the Minne,
the memory. But Minne also means Love. They sang, then, the
memory of Love. It has been said that A-Mor means: Without
death, eternal life, immortality. The troubadours sang the memory
of a Magical Love, which conquered death, which made Love
eternal. It was the love of the priestesses of Thule, of Agarthi. Jean
Paul Richter says: “Memory is the only Paradise from which we
can never be expelled.” The bards and the Minnesänger sang the
memory of a love already lived by the ancestors, in the month of
May (or Maya), when the Garden of the Roses of King Laurin is
opened, that perhaps it would not remain in the Tyrol, but in the

Miguel Serrano
distant Asgard, the city of the Caucasus, founded by the Hyperbo-
rean Aryans, from which the god Wotan comes. And they said,
“Give me a beautiful rose from ancient times.” The door to the
Garden opened and the troubadour could enter into eternity. The
German troubadours practiced a ceremonial cult, called Min-
netrinken, in which they drank in Memory of Love, of the memory
of Eternal Love, of Eternal Life. Surely he drank the Soma, the
magical blood of the race, where the memory of Hyperborea cir-
culates, of the priestesses of golden hair, of the eternity of the ice,
of the Morning Star. They raised the Stone Cup and proclaimed:
“My friend, pour me the soma. The cup tells me that I will once
more enter into an unknowable silence.”

A Different Concept of Reincarnation

We will try now to answer the question we asked on reincarna-
tion. Which reincarnation did the Druids and the Cathar initiates
believe in? We imagine that their idea regarding the theme would
lie in the concept of Minne, which we have already sketched, and
which does not relate to the simple and romantic development of
a belief which supports the return of a certain individuality, of a
particular “I,” descending or ascending in a zoological ladder, as
Darwinist, evolutionist, of descending to the animal or ascending
to the angels, due to a mechanical law called Karma, filled with
restriction and with a sense of sin. That is the idea of Theosophists
and western occultists from the end of the last century and begin-
ning of this one, developed in romantic and pseudo-mystical nov-
els. It is also the belief of ignorant witches and “shamans” who,
once dead, are transformed into frogs, foxes or snakes.
The concept of Minne is utterly opposite. Minne is based upon
involution and not evolution, on the “remembrance of a lost di-
vine life,” of a Golden Age. Man does not descend from the ape,
but it is the ape which involutes from man, as well as man invo-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
luted from the divine world, from the God-man. The Earth herself,
so-called Mother Nature, where the worst cruelties and aberra-
tions come from, is the involution of another Spiritual Earth,
which possibly was located inside man. Thus, the involution is the
stratification of implicit vices, of pre-existent possibilities in the
Total-Man, or it is a result of the action of the Opposite Principle,
eternal and destructive, of Chaos and Nothingness, of Evil, as the
Cathars would have said. However, there is a First Earth and In-
ner Earth where “nature” is also of another kind and to which it
will return once transfigured from the present earth. In this con-
cept, the animal would also be the manifestation of pre-existent
trends of Total-Man, cosmic, of the divided Great Anthropos,
which would have started to manifest, materializing, hardening
outside, so to speak. The Cathars did not want to be of the present
earth and after abandoning it they ascended from star to star until
they found God. Their idea of reincarnation might also have been
inferred from the Minne-Manas-Mani, Mind, Manisola, and its ini-
tiatory ceremony with which they would return to the origin, to
We have been studying the deeper and Hyperborean concept
of reincarnation in the last part of our work ELELLA: Book of Magic
Love. There, it is presented, the idea of reincarnation in the virile
initiation, warrior, polar, against the feminine initiation of the pre-
sent Earth, against the initiation of the Mother and the matriarchal
concept laid by the woman detached from man and dedicated to
the reproduction of scattered pieces after the Great Partition, the
first catastrophe. Diotima, in Plato’s Symposium, refers herself to an
entity or archetypal man, which would be expressed in all men
and these would be only its tests below. Immortality would be
achieved only by preserving and reproducing the species, procre-
ating. That is the feminine Initiation, of the Aegean Mother. How-
ever, the Hyperborean initiation, Aryan, Olympic, conceives im-
mortality in another way. The biological lineage may end, as well

Miguel Serrano
as family, race and folk but man can remain forever as a member
of an initiatory Order, of a Spiritual Academy, which is Druidic,
Hyperborean, where it is taught that immortality is achieved in
conscious collaboration—Gnosis—with the Archetypal Entity,
with the Monad, from which man is a involuted projection. We
remember what Jung says in his Memories: finding himself severe-
ly diseased, he saw himself hovering in space, getting closer and
closer to an Entity which, sitting with its legs crossed in the Lotus
position, was “thinking about its own life” (Jung’s life). He, now,
would reunite with this Entity, merging himself with Her. How-
ever, Jung resisted, he did not die and, with effort, returned to his
body, to his terrestrial existence.

One Inconclusive Symphony

Reincarnation would be, therefore, the recurrent attempts of the
same Entity or Monad in a finite time and in a closed Circle, to put
an end to a story, a motif of a symphony, trying to reach the eter-
nal “intonation,” the “music of the Stone Cithers,” the Gral. Be-
cause this Monad somehow needs to eternalize the emanation, the
Son of Man, to become conscious. It has been said that “God did
not completely imagine the world and only through man is He
able to do it.” Moreover, in the free will of the initiated-man, the
sacred-warrior, the same immortality of the Monad may be at
stake. Eternity to the Gnostic means knowing. After Jehovah im-
prisoned Adam and Eve in a world of miseries, Lucifer gave them
the science of good and evil, the redeeming and divinizing Gnosis,
as say the Gnostics Ophitas (ophis means serpent). Lucifer is the
bearer of the light of Gnosis. The prize of the Luciferian effort of
the “emanation,” of the semi divine man, is his immortality
which, somehow mysteriously, benefits the Monad, making It
wiser. Besides, the immortalization of the “emanation” happens
with the body as the tantric Siddhas used to say. The immortal is

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
taken from this Earth with the body in a Chariot of Fire, like
Enoch. Immortality does not belong to all. It must be won in ruth-
less battle in each day down here. And it is the conquest of a few
Reincarnation is not the return of a personal “I” possessing
new bodies and other stories. Reincarnation is the same “I” and
the same story repeating itself, both of them the same, inside a pe-
riod and a limited number of tests in a Nietzschean circle of “eter-
nal return”; the same story in a melodic motive, inside an Ances-
tral Archetype which repeats this “note” or this “I” in a precise
number of times, searching for the perfect, immortal, sound in dif-
ferent intensities of time, in different, but kindred, positions of the
Circle. The Archetype, Monad, or Sanskrit Purusha has a certain
quantity of notes, which are its “family,” its “race,” its “bloodline”
through whose repeated sounds (reincarnations) it brings out the
reunion with the perfect Melody. When family, race or folk trans-
forms into an Initiatic Community, in an Ancestral House (as in
my book ELELLA), the possibilities of immortality increase to the
“individual notes,” each one being able to represent one Melody.
In consequence, an opportunity of salvation. The finding of the
“exit” in a narrow door is then enabled to make an escape from
here to immortality. Thus, it was undoubtedly good that Jung did
not die, because he would have gone back to the Monad, the Ar-
chetype which was “thinking of its own melody,” even though
partly, and where he would not have been eternalized, but dis-
The chromosomal memory allows the remembrance of the ee-
rie Melody, which must be executed until accomplishing its im-
mortal perfection. That is the memory of a pact with our own
God, or Gods, with Lucifer, Lord of Enlightenment and the Gold-
en Apples of the Hesperides. The premonitions are like a
“memory of the future” inside the circle of Eternal Return, a
memory of what will happen because it has already happened,

Miguel Serrano
repeating itself. Also in the chromosomal memory the waves of
the cosmic catastrophes are kept, the sinking of Atlantis, of the
disappearance of Thule, of everything that will happen anew, be-
cause it has already taken place. The initiation consists partly in a
technique of the reactivation of the chromosomal memory, activat-
ing it to be able to complete the immortalizing Melody between
the banks of freewill which grant the initiated-warrior the Hyper-
borean revelation.
If I am capable of sometimes remembering the lost Avalon, the
marvelous City of Golden Apples with emblematic fruits and an-
imals, which used to speak to man because they were his friends,
an intrinsic part of man, this is possibly due to my Celtic, Druid
and Visigoth heritage from the Villa de Mura, from Mondoñedo in
Galicia, not far from Santiago de Compostela, this “Field of Stars”
and due to my birth not far from the South Pole. All this happens
inside, in the Memory of the Blood. This is Minne; it is also part of
my Polar Initiation. This is my “reincarnation,” my Melody.

The Initiation of Compostela

One must not be afraid of repeating: if the Cathars had not been
destroyed, the history of Spain and, therefore, that of our America
would be another one. Nevertheless, under the rock and the
stones of the Iberic land, a hidden and Anti-Christian Spain con-
tinues to live and is even older than the imposed Christianism.
The initiatory cult of Mithra, which Christianism plundered to fal-
sify and to exteriorize it, continues to live in bullfights, which tru-
ly are a Mithraic Mass. The bullfighter is the initiate, the Self, in a
fight against inferior nature, against instinctive forces, against the
dragon, to sublimate them, to alchemically transmute them. The
Bull must be symbolically killed in the cult of Mithra so that the
initiate reaches the world of solar light, the divinization. All this is
exoterically reflected in the “Mass” of bullfighting. The folk un-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
derstand it in its deep collective soul. In the medieval city of Me-
dinaceli, once a year, the Celt-Iberian and Mithraic pagan fest of
the Flaming Bull takes place, where one communes with its flesh
of fire, one drinks the wine of his blood and dances in a Dionysiac
The legend and the pilgrimage of Compostela in Spain has
been incorporated and transformed by medieval Christianism.
Miguel de Unamuno wrote that “the dead buried in Compostela
was of another.” Obviously, it was not the Apostle James the
Greater. Louis Charpentier, in his book The Mystery of Compostela,
says that Compost means “Master of the Star.” The pilgrimage has
a legendary origin, before the Celts; the Iberians restart it, guided
by the Druid magicians. It was a way of initiation through Pyre-
nean abysses; truly an alchemical pilgrimage, of death and resur-
rection, following the direction of the Milky Way, of the return to
the Star of origins. The Constellation of Canis Majoris is located at
the end of the Milky Way. The Apostle James the Greater used to
always be with his dog. This way was followed by the god Lug
and by the Ligurians. In my opinion it continued within the ices in
search of Hyperborea and the Atlantis of the North Sea and not
towards the Atlantic, as believes Charpentier. Looking for the ices,
I had a dog in the Antarctic as well, which indicated to me the
Path of the occult Oasis in there. That is the eternal Archetype
which fatally reappears in the Initiatory Route of the Pilgrims of
the Soul, of Alba, of the Watchmen of Dawn, of the Order of the
Morning Star. The Path of Camino de Santiago is the way of Luci-
fer, of the Morning Star. From Compostela there followed Stone-
henge in the British Islands, which alchemically were called Albi-
on (the White), the Isle of the Dead of Avalon, remnant of the
missing Atlantis of Heligoland and of the polar Thule. For believ-
ing in this, Hitler did not destroy the English forces in Dunkirk
and did not invade Albion. That was also the reason of Rudolf
Hess’s travel to Scotland, the Celtic land. In the book of the Amer-

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ican Lieutenant-Colonel Eugene K. Bird, The Loneliest Man in the
World, to which we will refer again, Hess confirms that Hitler did
not want to entirely destroy the English expeditionary forces, op-
posing his generals.
Regarding the legend of Compostela and its initiation, we be-
lieve it is of interest to refer to a significant note of Ezra Pound, as
if it was meaningless, in his study The Spirit of Romance. Referring
to Shakespeare, he adds in parenthesis, Jacques-père. That is, “Fa-
ther James.” Jacques is Santiago or James and Jacques was the
community name, or of an initiatory community, of stone con-
structors, of alchemists able to transform matter; the name of the
Order of initiated Pilgrims of Compostela. Shakespeare would be,
thus, a symbolic name, a generalization, indicating the key which
must be sought in the Shakespearean dramas and in the ancient
Albion of Stonehenge, the fundamental point of the Pilgrimage to
Compostela, which would mystically end in the Hyperborean ices
and in the missing Thule.

Ezra Pound, Does He Know

the “Trovar Clus”?
It is important to emphasize this reference of Pound, because he
would indicate to us that he was aware of the mystic background,
existent in the entirety of romantic literature and in the works of
the troubadours. In his aforementioned work, he refers himself to
trovar clus, or in code. In our meeting in Venice he admitted,
breaking his silence: “I did not occupy myself with mystic poems,
nor with the mystic of the troubadours: I dealt only with their lit-
erature.” Besides, Pound worked in England for several years as
secretary and friend to W. B. Yeats, member of the initiatory Socie-
ty The Golden Dawn, connected to the Thule Society from Mu-
nich, where Nazism originates. The flight of Rudolf Hess, member

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
of the Thule Society, was intended to be in Scotland with members
of the Golden Dawn.
Ezra Pound has never approached magical or initiatory
themes, but that does not mean he was unaware of it. This might
have been his secret. In the end of his days, Pound lived with the
I-Ching, horoscope Book of millennial China. He consulted it dai-
ly. Sometimes I dare think: Has not Pound found the trovar clus in
his Cantos o Cansos? Has not he left there a key, in these poems
often as unintelligible as the prophecies of Nostradamus?
The similarity of Pound to the Cathars (He had also climbed
Montsegúr) would be founded in the following sentences written
by his hand: “We desire a European religion. Christianism is cor-
roded by the Semitic infection. What we really believe in are the
pre-Christian elements that Christianism was not able to expel.”
“Jehovah is a sparrow egg placed in Europa’s nest. He has no
connection with the God of Dante. The latter’s ultimate concept of
supreme Love and Intelligence does not come from the Old Tes-

Dog of the Goths, Dog of God

The Visigoths are the ones who, besides giving the blue coloured
eyes and the blond hair to many of its people, preserve the initia-
tory tradition of the Way of the Star, which continues to the Polar
North through the mysterious routes of Amber. Louis Charpen-
tier, fanatically anti-German and anti-Nordic, willingly ignores
this situation, redirecting the origin of the Great Tradition of the
Golden Thread, assuredly polar, to the Atlantic.
The Visigoths are an extraordinary people, initiated in their or-
igins. Having adopted the name of God as cognomen, they could
not be otherwise. Goth comes from God. There are the Ostrogoths,
the “brilliant Goths” like the Golden Fleece and the Visigoths, the
“wise Goths.” Inhabitants of the mystic Asgard, or Mitgard (cen-

Miguel Serrano
tral place as well), in the Caucasus, attacked by the elementarwesen,
they had to migrate towards the West, guided by their hero, Wo-
tan or Odin. Their mysterious language is that of the magical
signs, the runes, which vibrate in the interatomic zone and have
power over stone, tree, over entire nature, the skies and its
spheres. They will reclaim Asgard, according to the prophecy,
guided by the White Knight. (Is there any connection with the
Hindu-Aryan legend of the White Horse, in which Vishnu will
come to judge in the end of Kali Yuga?). The Visigoths are wise
and their civilization in the West is noble and fair. Their true
origin, their deep nostalgia, is the Hyperborean North, Lucifer, the
God of the moistened light, the White Sun, the Mount of Revela-
tion, in the deepest Midnight, the Star of ELELLA.
The Cathar Languedoc is Visigoth. The Visigothic kings are Ar-
ians, that is, heretics. They follow Arius, who asserted that the
Son, being generated by the Father, is not immortal. Rome will not
forgive them. A whole anti-Germanic legend, of which Charpen-
tier is a guardian, projects itself to our days, against the Visigoth
ethnology of the Cathar Midday people and Secret Spain. Char-
pentier also believes that the Basques, of Atlantic origin, whose
legend is sacred, are the ones in charge of guarding the initiatory
tradition of the Way of Caminho de Compostela, the Way of the
Star and that the Druids were probably the magicians of the
Basque mythology, the Maxa Jaun, Lords of Nature. The Irish leg-
end tells that the Druids arrive from Spain. Perhaps they are the
Tuathas de Dannan of the Sagas, the divine instructors who came
from the Venusian Star. Nonetheless, it is more possible that the
secret lies between the Cagots in the Cathar Pyrenees. In the Span-
ish side, they are called Agotes, these mysterious forbidden beings,
who hide themselves on the mountain ranges, pursued by a curse
for centuries. They are accused of having built the cross of Christ.
Over their shoulder, they take the banner of the gander paw, col-
oured in red. Most probably they were followers of Lucifer, the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
god of the losers. The meaning of the name Cagots is unknown, it
has been imposed over them. It has been thought to mean “dog of
the gods.” (Again, dog; “Dog of God,” in this case). Otto Rahn be-
lieves the latter comes from Cathar and Goth. The Cagots would
be the last descendants of non-converted Cathars, of the “Cathar
race,” Visigoth, Germanic, Nordic, Hyperborean. They are white,
blond, clear-eyed. In place of what Charpentier wants to believe,
the tradition goes back much before Atlantis, whose sinking—
fairly recent—is a repeated drama. In all this Southern European
region, a Nordic-Germanic civilization, of Hyperborean tradition,
spread alongside the “remembrance of lost love,” with its nostal-
gia and its Minne, which Christian Rome hates from the depths of
its Semitic soul. Charpentier echoes the Roman, Latin, Judaic-
Christian prejudice, the ferocious hate against everything Ger-
man-Hyperborean, Cathar, Heretic, Luciferian and solar; due to
ignorance of the planetary initiation and of the previous polar
cosmogony, of a “prologue to History,” as Berdiaeff would say.
The Cagots represent Midday in the Pyrenean region, the same
mystery as the white indigenous of India, the Toudas, possibly
pointing out a similar lineage of broken off tribes from a polar lin-
eage, of a mythic North, of the lost Hyperborean land. I saw these
white aboriginals in the Mysore region, in Utakamund, south of
India, living in rucas, like igloos, even though made with straw
and braided branches, they could indicate a possible survival, an-
cient, from the ices. They also resemble the Celt pallozas of Galicia,
which have round roofs.

The Chilean Race

The ideas of Nicolås Palacios, presented in his book, Raza Chilena,
are taken up by Francisco A. Encina in his ria de Chile and in his
Portales. He claims that the Chilean character is Visigothic. Be-
cause of the constant war, which lasted almost four hundred

Miguel Serrano
years, in the Kingdom of Chile against the warlike aboriginals, the
Spanish armies lost here more than double the number of men
they did while conquering the rest of the American continent. A
martial spirit and hard race were created in Chile, because it was
the Visigothic element that arrived here with reinforcements sent
from Spain, mixing itself with the autochthonous warrior and es-
tablishing across the entire region a life like that of an army camp
for almost four centuries. Immigration from Germany, encour-
aged by Vicente Pérez Rosales a hundred years ago found in the
Chilean a kindred soul, where what Hans F. K. Günther would
call “the Nordic element” and Spengler “the Prussian spirit,” both
in the sense of “spiritual race” rather than with pretensions of bio-
logical race, was dominant. Spiritualism comes from the Celts, the
Germans, the Hyperborean Aryans, the ancient man of Galicia, of
Castille, of the mountains of Asturias.
Chile is the country of the Lone Star, of Venus-Lucifer, and of
the inverted Hyperborea of the South Pole. The Pyreneic and
Catharian Gral, that of St. James' Way, of the magnetic center, of
San Juan de la Pefia, the Emerald Stone, the Cup of Resurrection
and Life, have been brought to the country of the Lone Star and
the Oasis of the South Pole.
To Chile also came the Basques, assimilating themselves whol-
ly within the rest of the nationality, so that they completely forgot
their language. And it is a pity because it may be that the Basques
had as their mission to preserve the perfect language, which was
very ancient and which, according to Charpentier, would have
been the sacred language of the Atlanteans.
For those interested in ethnology and philology: one day, trav-
elling across the Alps, in the Lower Engadin, having visited the
house where Nietzsche had once lived in the Upper Engadin, and
thinking of following one of the Amber roads that pass through
South Tyrol, in the of movement of the Right-Turning Swastika,
towards the North and the vanished Thule, I encountered, after

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
hours of climbing, an imposing summit, covered in part by glaci-
ers. Its name is Buin. Across this entire region, the ancient Ro-
manche, or Ladin, language is spoken, a neo-Latin, as we are told,
that comprise ancient Rhetian, that is. Rumantsch Grischun and the
Tyrolean, Friulian, and Triestine dialects of today. Ladin is also a
term used to refer to Old Spanish, to Romance derived from Latin.
The Roman legions passed through here over twenty centuries
ago. But, what was the race that populated these heights and
mountain passes? Old rooms are engraved with Swastikas. The
Swiss Grison is adjacent to Austria and the Italian Tyrol—that en-
tire region of Merano, Bolzano (Botzen, which was once governed
by the Gothic king Theodoric, the magnificent Dietrich von Bern
(Verona). Through here passes the Troj de reses, Tyrol's Rose path,
which is perhaps the same Amber Road, the road of that mysteri-
ous stone, perhaps of the Gral, towards the North, towards the
Mountain of the Re-encounter, in the High Midnight—that Stone,
or Treasure, that the Goths possessed. Gérard de Sede said that
the Goths came from other worlds, from other stars. And Saint
Augustin was one. Dietrich von Bern was Arian. From there came
the whole black legend, Latin-Semitic, against Gothic and German
mythology. (“Tacitus' barbarians,” said by Mussolini, who, be-
cause he was not initiated, didn't know that the origins were the
same and that the final loyalty and help he would obtain precisely
from those “barbarians”). The Inner Earth has been turned into
Hell because it is there that Lucifer resides with his Angels, or
vanquished heroes. Also there is King Arctus (“Bear,” emblematic
animal of the Hyperborean North), who is Amphortas, King of the
Gral, Fredrick II of Hohenstaufen, and Dietrich von Bern; because
there is found truly the Rose Garden of King Laurin, King of the
Tyrolean Gnomes. That is Paradise. And the solitary mountain-
eers who climb the summits, not for sport but for mysticism and
adoration know this. It is only on the highest peaks that Lucifer
accepts a dialogue and allows communication, because it is there,

Miguel Serrano
in their silence, where the igneous lilies of Eternal Love flower
and where, sometimes, the Entrance to the Inner Paradise can be
Otto Rahn cites verses from a Mountaineering song: “We are
the princes of this world and we will remain so in the beyond.”
And the King of these princes was Lucifer the Climber of the ver-
tiginous peaks from which he was thrown. Always climbing high-
er, higher. When a mountaineer finds the entrance to the inner
world, to the Rose Garden, in Mount Buin, to the City of Asgard
in Elbruz, to the City of the Caesars in the Andes, in order to open
the Door he will have to sing a song filled with nostalgia for the
faraway Beloved, who died in the month of May (Maya—Mayan
festivals), the song of the Minne for the Bride of May (Maya—
Mary), found again (retrovada—from trovar) in his blood memory,
in the nostalgia for the Lost Paradise of Venus, of the Morning
Star, of Aryana Vaiji, of the vanished polar Thule. For that reason
the mountaineer, the climber, must be a poet besides a warrior, he
must be a Parsifal, climbing in search of the Gral, with the
memory of the Dead Beloved in his heart. He will find her resur-
rected in the Garden of King Laurin, in the Troj de reses, in the Val-
ley of Flowers, in the City of the Caesars, in the Amber Road, in
the Morning Star. Otto Rahn said that Dietrich means key in Ger-
man, sesame, master key that opens all doors. The Goths come
from Asgard, from the Caucasus, from the Golden Fleece. Perhaps
they transported it. They are descended from the divine Ases or
Oses, which are the very Tuatha Dé Danann of the Irish Saga, of
the Eddas.
All those people from Grison and Tyrol would also have come
from the East. But they no longer know it. They do not even know
the meaning of Buin, an archaic word, vanished from the Ladin
they speak today. It has been hard for me to get to know it. It
means bull, ox. And it is understandable that it be that way, for
that peak comes at us like a dark charging bull. The bull is a sym-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
bolic animal in the Aryo-lranian cult of initiation of Mithras, god
of Solar Light, cherished by the Roman legions that with their ma-
gi-priests and their Emperor passed through those parts. Also, the
Bull Nandi, is Shiva's Vehicle, initiation. Master of the Yoga of
Immortality in the Aryo-Hindu initiation. In both cases it means
the struggle of the Hyperborean, solar hero against the dark forces
represented by the monstrous bull, which he destroys within and
without himself; he triumphs, he dominates, he turns them into an
obedient vehicle. Thus, Shiva and Mithra are one, as are Apollo
and Lucifer, gods of Light.
Now, and it is here that we wanted to get to, in Peru there is a
river called Buin, in Chile there is a village with the same name,
and also a regiment. (These are soldiers who possess the martial
spirit of the old legions, but who know nothing of esoteric Mithra-
ism or of the Golden Thread.) The word buin does not appear in
any Spanish language dictionary. Nevertheless, a common root
can be seen for buin and buey (like for bull, in English; bæuf, in
French; and bue, in Italian). What strange design, or coincidence,
has made this curious word to appear in regions so far apart on
Earth, meaning, perhaps, the echo kshatriya (an initiate of the Ar-
yo-Hindu warrior caste, like Arjuna) in the soul of vernacular le-
gions, of a Mithraistic cult of Light from a Solitary Star, foreshad-
ower of the Black Sun, behind the Golden Sun and of the Green
Ray behind the Black Sun? With good reason Father Mascardi
thought that hermetic Latin or a sacred Greek would be spoken in
the City of the Caesars. And with good reason did Hans Günther
claim that the polar Nordic element was to be found in the most
remote regions and peoples. Then, in this case, precisely in the
South Pole, and they would derive from the White Gods of the
American legend (which is not a legend, as we will see).
What mysterious synchronism (to carry on using the Jungian
expression) also took me, guided me, with the sure Instinct of an
Antarctic skua—the Hyperborean dove of the South Pole—to that

Miguel Serrano
Alpine summit, so distant from my sacred Andes? But, is it really?

The Synchronistic Path of Transmutation

The elder Initiation of the Star, which does not really equal with
that of a Christian pilgrimage to Compostela, is an esoteric path,
possessing terrestrial and celestial points destined to transform
the pilgrim inside his inner most being. A sign of that which has
been attempted is given to us by the Christian legend of the Three
Wise Men, of three different races. It is an alchemical opus, with
its various colours and transmutations. Within the legend of the
Garden of the Hesperides and of the three sisters that protected it,
it is now understood, the colours of the races have symbolic mean-
ings and a mission of occult significance, each with its own mis-
sion, ordained by the Universe. The very reference to a Magi-
Priest reveals the secret to us. King and Magi. The semi-divine he-
ro, the King of Atlantis, directed by the divine Hyperborean
Guides. The King, who is also a Magi. The King of the World—the
Celtic lituriges, Maxa Jaun. The Three Wise Men are guided by a
Star above a “new birth,” a transformation or mutation, towards
eternal life, the end of the path of the star. And the rebirth—the
“Son”—is born in Bethlehem, that is, in Aries, within the catastro-
phe of the sinking of Atlantis, of the dismemberment, of the Exo-
dus, of the loss of Eden, having taken place already. Belenus and
Belicena are the gods of Aries, also Iberian gods. Belicena, the
Mother Goddess; Isis, the Black, goddess of the Cathars and the
Templars, goddess of the alchemical Nigredo which seeks to re-
join the scattered fragments within the great catastrophe, the scat-
tered pieces of the Broken Crown. It is the Morning Star in the
darkest time of the night, the Star of Elella. The Path of the Star is
thus that of Venus-Lucifer, of the Walkers of Dawn, of the origins,
in whose pursuit one finds help from a dog, that of St. James the
Greater (also of the ice of my Antarctica), the same that awaits us

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
at the end of the Milky Way, with the constellation of Canis Major.
The fact that the Path of St. James is that of alchemical initia-
tion, with the synchronistic transmutations of inner and outer
matter, is shown to us by the very Portico de la Gloria of the San-
tiago de Compostela Cathedral, where there appear the twenty-
four Elders, each one with the alchemical signs. They are also the
“Musicians of the Stone,” of the “Stone Zithers,” sages of the audi-
tory, phonetic Cabbala, that of Orpheus and the Minnesänger. In
the Portico one finds St. James the Greater and St. James the Less-
er. The latter carries in his hand the Stonemason’s Staff, which is
the one that transforms matter with sound and vibration, build-
ing, as are the laws of a musical, orphic, Pythagorean geometry—
that of the Music of the Spheres. It is the Staff of the Pharaohs, of
Maxa Jaun, Lord of Nature, of the Magi. St. James the Lesser is
lame, proving his Luciferian provenance. Like Taoma, or Thomas
(we will deal with this being later on), the double, Jesus' twin
brother, he of the apparitions beyond death, “who resembled him
even in the way he broke bread,” perhaps St. James the Lesser is
the astral double of Saint James the Greater.
The alchemic Athanor is also found in San Juan de la Pefia, at
the beginning as well as at the end of the Path of the Star. The
search is for the Gral, that which is the Stone of Lucifer, that which
is of an Exile, that which “is beyond stone and wood for construc-
tion.” That the Path in reality was directed to the Polar, Hyperbo-
rean North is indicated by the strange Northward inclines of the
transepts, the Choir, and the very Portico of the Compostela Ca-
thedral. Charpentier confirms this, without understanding it. He
also discovers them in Chartres Cathedral and in some of the gal-
leries that exist beneath some very ancient dolmens. In his Atlan-
tean and ethnic prejudice there is no space for a true polar revela-
The Hyperborean initiation, that of the transcendental muta-
tion, is the synchronistic one of the Walkers of Alchemy, of the

Miguel Serrano
Pilgrims who search in two worlds, in the outer and inner one,
simultaneously, in a way that all limits are lost, in a sort of total
symbology and magical realism, of transfiguration of the inner
and outer landscape. It is in this sense and direction that all of my
work and all of my life, here on this Earth, must be analyzed and
understood, from beginning to end, forming a unit, from Ni por
mar, ni por tierra to ELELLA: Book of Magic Love. The last part of
ELELLA falls within the alchemical initiation of the Path of the
Star, and was finished precisely in Santiago de Compostela and
Pontevedra (“Horse's Bridge,” from the Celtic, Orphic Cabbala).

Scattered Pieces of the Broken Crown

My family on my maternal side is native of those ancient lands.
The fact that my ancestors once received such an initiation is indi-
cated by the name: Fernández and Santiago Concha. The Conch is
the symbol of the Path of St. James, it is the “Goose's Leg” on the
accursed shoulder of the Cagots, or Agotes. To bear the names
Santiago and Concha is like revealing to oneself that they are Goth
or Visigothic, like allowing oneself the name of God, of a divine
initiation. One needs to have been authorized. The family's coat of
arms makes direct allusion to the Path and to the symbol: it has
the conches and a stylized staff of the Compostela Pilgrim. Those
who conceived it knew very well what they were doing to them-
selves within the Circle of the Eternal Return.
I feel, in some way, that a distant ancestor departed for Ameri-
ca in search of the Aurum Potabul, of the Stone of Resurrection and
of the White Gods who keep the Gral in the City of the Caesars.
He knew, through his initiation, that his true ancestor was in some
subterranean world, in the Albania of the Hyperboreans of the
South Pole, who had come there in ancient times, before the
emergence of the White Gods and their civilization of Tiahuanaco. I
have done nothing but follow the trail of this Great Ancestor, at-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
tempting to make progress in his own quest. It is natural and it
will be understandable that I also had to undertake the pilgrimage
to the sources of Compostela, choosing a magical route that starts
at Montségur and passes through San Juan de la Pefia, without
ever losing sight of the Star while crossing the Pyrenees, the loca-
tion of the tomb of Pyrena (Beloved of Hercules, whom he be-
trayed), and of her people of the giants. From summit to summit
the giants communicate, from the Pyrenees to the Andes of my
It is told that the mother of St. James the Greater arrived at Oc-
citania, seeking refuge there with other women. She arrived, also,
seeking the beheaded body of her son. Mutilated, it had been
placed on a boat. Drifting in the water, it came to ground in Pa-
dron, near Noia. His first tomb was the Sacred Peak. Later, it was
at Santiago de Compostela. This is a clear transposition of the leg-
end of Osiris. A scattering, a body mutilated during a catastrophe,
during a sinking, the Exodus of a divine race and the search for
the lost unity. Of the parts scattered in the four winds of the Left-
ward-Rotating Swastika, that they might be rejoined, here or
there, on the Other Earth, within the Inner Earth, where they came
out of, or in the Morning Star. It is Lucifer's broken Crown, the
Gral that must be discovered and reconstituted. Totality. But there
are those who, instead of seeking integration, have forced further
division, mutilating anew, adulterating the deep meaning of the
Exodus and of the Return of the Leftward-Turning Swastika, in
the direction of the Hyperborean North, in order from there to
leap to the Star.
Maria Salomé also arrived in Occitania, where the pilgrimage
to Compostela should really begin. Salomé appears to be a generic
name, referring to a race, to a people of initiates, to an Order. The
same way that Marfa is Maya and is Shakti, Salomé is female for
Salomon and is also Salem, the City of Peace, of the Sanskrit Samad-
hi. And let us not forget that the Cathar's land was governed by

Miguel Serrano
the female principle of Parakletos, the feminine Dove of Love, the
Catharian Gleisa—that is, Shakti. Salomé is thus the Queen of She-
ba, who is said to have had an A-Mor with Salomon. According to
some authors, there once existed a princess with that name, who
also had an A-Mor with Jesus, of the House of David. This Prin-
cess-Queen then gave birth to a solar, Aryan, semi-divine race,
which lived in Salem, Agarthi, Shambhala, Thule, the City of
Peace, of the Samadhi. Now, Marfa Salomé is the mother of St.
James the Greater. In Gothic, Celtic Occitania and Galicia, she
went to search for the pieces of the “Son,” scattered during the
Exodus of the semi-divine ones; to reintegrate the solar Osiris. In
the year 1,300 before our Era, the Aryans were expelled from
Egypt by the armies of Ramses II, according to Spanuth.
A corpse, shredded to pieces, arrived in Noia, a name that re-
minds us of Noah. Part of the lost totality. Others would arrive in
the Caucasus, of course much earlier than 1,300 before our Era.
They also arrived in America. The Sacred Peak, before Santiago de
Compostela, would be an anchor place for the Ark. (In later pages
we will discuss the meaning of this name, which means Ar-yan,
reborn, twice-born, on the Mount of Salvation.) From there they
would descend on the plains, once the waters retreated. There is,
therefore, a double event, corresponding to very diverse and dis-
tant epochs, a synchronicity and a palimpsest in the legend of the
Apostle St. James the Greater, as there is in the corpse buried
there. Because the first to set anchor were the survivors of the Hy-
perborean Atlantis of the North, of the North Sea, of the North
Pole, during the last sinkings of the remnants of the primordial
Continent. Much later the wanderers from Egypt would arrive,
seeking to reintegrate themselves with kindred branches, survi-
vors of the other Exodus and those that remained in Occitania and
in the Iberian Galicia—the ancient Nordic builders of Dolmens,
Menhirs, and Cromlechs, which Charpentier calls Ligures and
Basques. In reality, those of the true Exodus are Hyperborean

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

The Entrance into the Sacred Peak

-The Initiation in Noya and the Transmutations in Ageitos
I arrived at Santiago de Compostela on the 21st of June. Without
knowing it that day they were going to open the “Sacred Door of
the Temple” which is opened once every five years when the sun
is in direct line with the Summer Solstice. This marks the path to
the sacred peak. The gate opens out towards the peak which in-
forms us that Compostela was a solar monument. At the column
one can find an image of Gilgamesh, King of Assyria three thou-
sand years before our era. He was the one who built the walls of
Uruk (is this the Hyperborean pillar connecting to the sky?). He
opens the heads of some lions, a solar symbol and he descended
into Hell to bring forth light. He is Apollo-Lucifer. His Son is
Breogán, also beheaded in England, the land of extraterrestrial
angels, land of the dead of Hyperborea where a mutilation took
place. This Son arrived in Galicia on a boat and was shredded to
pieces. Without any doubt, it is his corpse which is buried in San-
tiago de Compostela, or on the sacred peak, and this body must be
resurrected. A Hyperborean corpse that the very Celts of Galicia
adored as their legendary hero. The initiatory meaning synchro-
nistically makes all this visible. In Santiago de Compostela a per-
son of Hyperborean lineage must reintegrate himself by alchemi-
cal means, mythically, with the loss Totality, with the extraterres-
trial Origin, affecting the leap towards his Star.
To go through these mountains and secret passages one has
time to meditate, to prepare for change, and receive divine vi-
sions. Inside the Church of San Milagro is a green Gral and it is
said that the other Gral is in San Juan de la Pena where the words
“Parsifal and Wagner” are inscribed. To drink out of that Gral is

Miguel Serrano
to drink the blood of the Blue Race of Hyperborea. The Gral is
green like the colors of a ray passing through a Black Sun. But be-
fore coming to this place you should stop at the Convent Benedic-
tino de Samos, which is in reality a German name, a Visigothic
name, with a Sanskrit history, which in translation means “The
great Hyperborean Ancestors” In this way one can see that
Breogán is also Wotan and the sacred peak is the Occident Elbrus.
The convent was built in the fifth century. I climbed the sacred
peak. When I reached the top I was met by a young person, a
shepherd, who led me to a cave, and he told me that I could enter
the interior of the earth through this cave. There are some shep-
herds, always the shepherds. They slowly lowered a lamb, the
“Lamb of Aries,” tied to a rope and when they pulled it back up it
was shredded to pieces. Like Breogán, like Saint James the Great-
I continued on to Noya and at their cemetery I contemplated
the strange signs, remembering the magic runes, this is the place
where many were initiated who are ready to enter unto that Other
Earth, subsequent to the sinking of Atlantis. On the cave walls a
man suddenly appeared in the form of a swastika. He had a head,
arms and legs, with a Gral in his hand. The man represented sym-
bols, schematics, that don’t start with him nor do they end with
him, showing all the possible changes and involutions. They are
lines of force, which exist in all the caves of the earth. These for-
mula-signs are atomic numbers, which means that even if the man
disappears, the vibration of the sign, present in stone, will recreate
him over and over. The Divine man, the Superman. If one lets his
instinct guide him he will be lifted to new heights guided by his
Star. This is the reward of this grand journey and pilgrimage, for
he who has arrived here, taking the precise steps. It is 36 miles to
Ageitos through a pine forest. One will find himself in front of a
huge Dolmen. It is here that one receives the secret. Three rocks
hold up the roof. Four rocks support the other three. The total is

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
eight. This is the number of the Templar’s Monument. I entered
the Dolmen as I did in Frederick's castle and the Templar monu-
ment. The tension in those stones creates an irresistible force. Then
you will hear the music of underground water flowing, the river
of the Other Earth, this is the “exit” to the other side.

The Cathedral of Santiago Maria Del Sar

Mirrors, the Dolmen of Agetos
Paul Bochet wrote much about the Druids. He wrote of how they
constructed megaliths. Before the arrival of the Celts, the Druids
knew the secrets of the invisible magnetic currents that flow with-
in the Earth. It is the law of the circulation of blood through the
first Astral Earth. In these subterranean hydraulic currents you
place a needle, just like acupuncture, or like those who put nee-
dles into dolls to injure some person, called black magic. This is
the key to creating a magnetic circle, the contact point between the
visible world and the invisible world, between the material world
and the Astral plane, between two worlds of vibration. The Men-
hir and the Dolmen are a Key which creates a “click,” a magnetic
circle to a coincidence and a synchronicity. Between these two
currents a mantra and mudra is produced, this vibration forms
“moon water” or the “dew of dawn” on the stones and to preserve
the Other Earth, the city of the Caesars, the Oasis within the Ice,
the entrances to the Hollow Inner Earth. These keys are still there
to be used, by any pilgrims and wanderers between worlds, who
wishes to use them.
If you can only hear one current of subterranean water you put
a megalithic stone in the form of a needle (wide on one end and
pointed on the other) into the ground. But if you hear two or three
currents of water you build a megalithic monument with two or
three supports (needles) and then connect them with a stone slab

Miguel Serrano
on the top. Many churches have been built upon these sacred
grounds and this means that there exists an invisible church
where one can enter the invisible world. The Dolmen in Ageitos is
a tremendous Key, like an entrance into a maze which one must
traverse, but only when all of the eight tensions in the eight stones
have been resolved. Eight, the magical number of the Templar
Order and of infinity.
Those who built Santa Maria del Sar, next to the river of the
same name, on the outskirts of Santiago de Compostela, knew the
secrets of the Dolmens of Ageitos, because they gave its walls the
same powers. The Outer Pillars were later reinforced, so that the
Archetype, knowingly or not, had been precisely reproduced.
Once again the same tension of the stones and the same music of
the stones happens. The inner walls of this temple are carved with
decorative signs from the Initiatic stone-builders. There is also in
Santiago Maria del Sar a man called “of the Rain.” It is the sculp-
ture of a warrior on a grave, lying face up, getting wet which will
pronounce the rain. Also, like the Dolmens and Menhirs, he prob-
ably will vibrate, it will resonate when dampened by the waters of
the moon, with the dew of the nocturnal sky. But those who will
hear this music will be of the few.

I Was Looking for Celts

and I Found Germans
I came to Compostela, following step by step the Path of the Star,
pausing in the afternoons to meditate in the woods of ancient,
scented oak trees. I met pilgrims from the Basque Country, France,
Germany and even some from my distant Andes. However, they
did not know what is hidden there, under these ancient sacred
rocks of the Spain.
I went to Galicia looking for Celts, for my mother’s ancestors

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
and I found Germans. The Professor of the Department of Prehis-
tory and Archaeology of the University of Santiago de Composte-
la, don Carlos Alonso del Real y Ramos, the most serious investi-
gator of the ethnology of Galicia, tells us that the same happened
to him. All that world is permeated by Germanic, Visigothic tradi-
tion. There are no moors, nor jews, barely Celts anymore. The
Vandals, the Suebi, who would soon be replaced by the Visigoth,
this semi divine race, founder of a great civilization, who were
deliberately ignored and of an empire which replaced the Roman
for a while. Gerard de Séde confirms us that the Visigoth soldier
was civilized to the point to carry in his bag a hair comb and a
brush for the teeth. That was in the 4th century. The Visigoth are
civilizers, whom the Merovingians inherit, by a mysterious act of
giving all of themselves, from night to morning, like obeying an
instruction from some unknown centre. The invisible Guides of
the Visigothic kings may have been located at a mysterious Baltic
Order. However, long before the Visigoths, other Nordics came to
Galicia, then the Celts guided by the wise Hyperborean Druids.
According to Professor del Real, the German tradition is to be
found in the folklore, in the buildings, including these ancient
stone works, the horreos, in the language and, above all, in many
of the names of women. I can confirm it, because my mother was
named Bertha, just as the mother of Charlemagne, which has al-
ways attracted me, knowing that my mother came from Spain and
not from Germany. And I come from Aragon, from Castilla, from
the blond Basque Cromagnon by my father’s branch. From Galicia
by my mother’s branch. Now everything is explained, even this
song of a troubadour of Minne which flows through my veins,
with nostalgia for the ices, for the Midnight Sun, for the Reunion
Mount, for the lost Avalon and for Lucibel, the Morning Star.

Miguel Serrano

The Ancestral House

The glorious memory can be lost in appearances, but it will surge
again in the re-encounter with the initiation of the Golden Thread
and in the blood memory, in the Minne, upon walking the trans-
figured and symbolic Way that leads to the ancient North (South,
in my case) in the Walker's secret synchronization. With St. James
the Greater, toward the Star, accompanied by a Dog, toward the
constellation of Canis Majoris, at the end of the Milky Way. The
great leap will be made in the ice, at “the point of departure,” to-
ward the Star of the origins. The dog shows the way (The “Dog of
the Goths,” the “Dog of God”). To the North, as to the South. And
St. James the Less is the great companion, the “example for living
and dying by,” the favourite disciple of Lucifer, who is lame be-
cause he cannot walk well on this present involuted Earth, for his
bad leg is only good for the Other Earth. He is a follower of the
god of the vanquished ones in this world. Lameness is thus a sign
of solar initiation and of the Lords of Fire, of the alchemist magus
who transforms substances with fire. Vulcan was lame and so was
Weyland, gods of Fire. So was Mani. The hero, beloved of the
gods, is always born with a deformity in his foot. Achilles' weak
point is in his heel. In Chilean mythology, the Trauc and the In-
vunche have their heels twisted backwards; they walk backwards.
It is said that the Lemurians had a double heel that enabled them
to walk easily in both directions. Oedipus suffered from a “bad
foot.” Certainly also suffering from it were Merlin and Goebbels,
who disappeared with Hitler in the fire. A dog accompanied Hit-
ler until the end. The Archetype reappears with the “Symbolic
Figures,” as Keyserling would say. For the Cathars it all ends in
fire, in its enveloping flames. Gérard de Séde writes, in The Cathar-
ian Treasure, that “pure,” a name that was given to the Cathars,
comes from the Sanskrit Pur, which means fire. The fearsome, al-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
mighty “Autonomous Archetype,” as Jung would say, takes pos-
session of light and shadow, incarnates itself in life's stellar mo-
ments and in collective tragedies.
The Conch, which was used as the Symbol of the Way of St.
James, is the stylized leg of a goose. It is engraved in the stones on
the route of the pilgrimage and, in red, on the shoulders of the
Cagots. It is, without a doubt, a hint at the trident of the god of At-
lantis, Poseidon, and also at the oar that saved from the waters the
initiation of the Golden Thread. It makes reference, in addition, to
a deformed, initiatory foot. There is a web-footed queen, or god-
dess, in Toulouse Cathedral. Charlemagne's Queen mother, Ber-
tha, had a foot with fused toes. The Queen of Sheba had goat-like
feet. Solomon found her out by a ruse. But Sheba means South,
Queen of the Southern Light. She may also be the Morning Star,
Lucifer's star, ELELLA's. The sign of the goose, of the goose's leg,
of the Christianised and stylized conch of the Way of St. James is,
in addition, a symbol of initiatory sailing, of the Boat of the Sun,
on the sea of the Milky Way, toward a more distant origin, in the
firmament. It is the sign of a solar, Hyperborean initiation. The
Conch is also a symbol of birth, or rebirth, of the “twice-born,”
thanks to the Alchemy of the Way of the Star.
All that was lost in Pisces could be recovered in Aquarius, at
the bottom of the “chromosomatic memory,” thus overcoming
involution—reincarnation of the Circle of Eternal Return, in the
“Music of a Family Archetype,” which runs in the blood of few
and in the veins of the constellations. All of this is “The Ancestral
House,” as described in ELELLA: Book of Magic Love. It is the music
of the spheres, that which can be heard in the Way of the Star.
There existed once a brotherhood of the warriors of fire, an initia-
tory, solar family, a Surya Vansa, which would have to be restored,
searching now under the stones of the Andes, digging into the ice
of Antarctica, on the Oases of the South Pole, which long ago, very
long ago, were those of the North Pole.

Miguel Serrano

The Collective Unconscious of Jung

For all this, Hitlerism aimed to conserve the purity of blood, hav-
ing as their goal remembering, Minne. Although what has been
written of similar ideas, even today the Jews do not mix with oth-
er races. Their religion, or Law, does not allow concessions be-
cause it is in the blood where they submerge to daily renew the
memory of the Pact agreed with their particular god in order to
contemplate him face to face, in his remembrance. When Jung
spoke of the existence of an Aryan collective unconscious and a
Jewish collective unconscious, he referred to this even though he
was “psychologizing,” we would carefully add, to an even more
mysterious subject: the existence of different gods and demons to
both peoples. Thence Jung was unfairly accused of sympathy to
Nazism and even today one finds it difficult to edit his works in
many capitals of the world, as Frankfurt and Paris, for example,
where the “scientific” and publishing environment keeps the
prejudice of the winners of the war, opposing Freud to Jung, with
some deceptive racist spirit. I have personally confirmed that. The
Frankfurt publishing house Suhrkamp Verlag has not published my
book The Hermetic Circle because it refers to Jung in addition to
Hesse. The counselling team of this publisher is Marxist and
Freudian and opposes the edition of Jung’s works or works which
refer to him. Even Hesse is watched with suspicions. Neverthe-
less, the publishing of his works could not be avoided because the
publishing house holds the rights to all his works; besides the
president of the publishing house, Dr. Unseld, owes the publish-
ing house to Hesse. Hermann Hesse, on the other hand, was trans-
formed in the trade of the century. Despite that the pro-Marxist
counselling team think that Hesse dangerously arouses the basic
mythology of German Romanticism, “which generated Nazism,”
and it also means an “escape of historical materialism.” Since all

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Hesse’s works and those about him must be edited in Germany by
Suhrkamp Verlag, my book has not found an editor in this im-
portant country, due to what has already been explained, even
though the best critic in all the world press without exception has
been that of Germany when the work has been published by
Rascher Verlag from Zurich, unfortunately closed these days.
In the critical moment of Kali Yuga, in the involutionist catas-
trophe of earth and man, in which we live today, it is almost im-
possible to seriously discuss these subjects. It is very hard, intend-
ing to expose from a greater height, preserving untouched the
metaphysical roots of the ancient knowledge. Clearly, as we have
said, in the whirlwind of pre-war and post-war events, due to the
necessity to simplify, to be able to act and before the tough re-
sistance, with the exacerbation of passions to the limits, and,
above all, due to the gregarious sign of the time, from which no
political movement, neither Nazism, could save itself, everything
deviates and changes, falling into fanaticism inherent to the mass-
es and into vulgarization and adulteration of ideas, what is the
equivalent to their death. When we speak of blood, for instance,
we do not refer exclusively to biological blood, which flows
through the veins of the physical body. We think of the blood of
Paracelsus, of Astral Light and in the Akhasic Memory, or etheric,
of the Indo-Aryans. This is the true “chromosomal memory” and
not the present biochemical memory. Blood, in a spiritual and
hermetic sense, is the sacred liquor of Soma, something different to
what biology and haematology of the science of Kali Yuga teaches
us; blood is the liquid sun, through which flows the memory of
extraterrestrial ancestors; it is the Great Remembrance. Blood is
something mysterious, which cannot be considered carelessly.
Nor the initiated and secret directors of Hitlerism, nor Jews, have
considered blood something merely physiologic and material.
There is a quote of Hitler, which was said in the end of war, in
February 14th, 1945, which confirms it: “The spiritual race is more

Miguel Serrano
lasting than the natural race. For not having definitely achieved
this elite, we had to be satisfied with the available human re-
sources; the result is ensuing.”

The Blue Blood of the Hyperboreans

Blood is the “Life of Life,” the Orphic Cantos. For this reason our
blood will remember the early extraterrestrial history of man, As-
tro-origins, the beginning of involution and the fall, Aryana Vaiji,
or Aryanem vaejo, the original land of the Aryans, of Mujavat and
Uttarakuru. Paradise, City of the Caesars, Ultima Thule.
Solar Initiates also adore the mountains, the highest peaks, be-
cause from there it is believed one can see the hidden North,
where the Paradise of Amitabha and Mujavat was. Paradesha, the
upper region, the Morning Star.
Light, for the Hyperboreans does not come from the East, but
comes from the deepest Midnight, sacred North. The Hyperbore-
an song says: “You want to dwell alone on the Mount of Revela-
tion in the farthest Midnight ...”
I have also traveled through the Andes, the Himalayas, the
Pyrenees, the Alps, in search of Paradise, Amitava, the City of the
Caesars, the Antarctic Oasis of Agarthi, of the Order of the secret
Supreme Hyperborean Guides.
For the solar initiates of the Order of the Morning Star, for the
Walkers of the Dawn, the Alba Walkers, Soul Walkers, for the
Watchers of the Aurora, for the followers of Apollo-Lucifer, his
blood is true, astral and blue, Hyperborean, carrying an ice-sun, a
boreal sun, that of the deepest Midnight. The blood runs through
the veins of the Ancestral Order that sometimes coincides with the
Earth family. It happened in the past when families were initiated,
such as the Eumolpidae, in Greece, of the Brahmins in India, and
the Druids in ancient Gaul. The “Ancestral House” is then the Or-
der, the Initiatic Gleisa.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
If we summarize in one paragraph all these reflections on the
profound meaning of this, I remember in the concept of what we
have defined as the Cathar Minne, Druid, Hyperborean, we would
say this implies a Solar, virile initiation, as opposed to the Lunar
Initiation, feminine, of the Mother, released by Diotima. The latter
is the holy initiation of the Saint. It is not the initiation of the Ma-
gician; This archetype maintains the immortality of the Anacefaleo-
sis and Paulistas Apocatastasis, i.e., the salvation of all or almost all
in Christ, the end of time, in an “Omega Point,” to use the evolu-
tionary term of Teilhard de Chardin. This encourages the continu-
ation of the species, of the maternal, necessary for reproduction.
The incubus and vampiric archetype immortalizes the entity by
passivity and faith. Becoming slaves that serve him as food. A du-
bious way, moreover, as there is no assurance that the entity, or
Demon, is eternal.
In the solar, virile, Hyperborean, Luciferian Initiation, which is
the initiation of the Magi, of the Siddha, man makes himself semi-
divine and divine, struggling still with the Monad. The Lunar Ini-
tiation deceptively immortalizes the ghost at our expense; in the
Solar Initiation, you may even immortalize the ghost.

Wanderers and Nostalgics

Tiberius gives the coup de grace to the Druidic organization. The
Celts were destroyed. The Druids vanish from Europe, as later the
Cathars and Templars would do. Those who do not return to
Agarthi and Shambhala will wander around in a world of death,
where the Lamb has stopped bleating between the stones, also
dead, Menhirs, Dolmens and Cromlechs, which have lost their
soul. The wanderers had to convert, assimilating on the surface
into those closer to them, the Manicheans and Gnostics. Thus, the
Cathars were born, who, beaten by the tragedy of the lost and by
nostalgia of a gone world, will think that the earth is a work of

Miguel Serrano
Satan-Jehovah, the Demon of Pisces, which replaced Rama, the
Lamb, destroying the Golden Fleece. In “the Other Earth,” God
will be the Solar Christ, that of John the Evangelist. Also, Belicena
and Abraxas. The Christ of Atlantis. To the bottom of the memory
of the Minne, which the Druids favored, the Priestesses of “hair
like wool” appear, floating across the wind, next to the patriarchal
Oaks. And there is a transparent Isle, “like glass,” Svetadvipa, the
White Isle of Vishnu, and a star of green light, moistened, of extra-
terrestrial love. There resides a Gral.
The Druid was a loner. Thus, his emblematic animal was the
boar. The Druid was not gregarious; he was communitarian. The
magic city was called Varâdhi, City of the Boar.

The Templars
The Mystery of the White Gods
of America
n the golden times, the guide-instructors existed

I alongside men. Those of that mysterious people of the

Southern Hemisphere, of the Patagonian canals, be-
yond the Strait of Magellan, those of the Selknam, the
Jon magicians. They come from the Antarctic Oases and to them
they return. The Jon is immortal, has no soul; but a Huaiyuhuen, a
sort of incorruptible ghost with which one can travel at will to the
ice of the Thule of the South Pole, and this being is milky white.
I once heard the statements of an Araucanian in Chile. He
claimed that they were of a white race. The name Araucanian is of
late coinage. I do not think that the Mapuche were white. But
thinking of the assertion of Hans F. K. Günther that the superior
Nordic element is encountered in every great civilization, even in
ancient China, it is possible that it may also be found among the
Mapuches, broken off from who knows what distant and legend-
ary stem. Keyserling believed he had discovered similarities
among them with the Finno-Ugric Mongol tribes, those who knew
of the King of the World. But if the Mapuche are not white, then
surely their guides were, in the very remote past, those white gods
who came from the Oasis of Ice, from the heights of the Other
Earth, and to which they returned.
The chronicler Francisco López de Gómara says, in his General
History of the Indies, then in Chile, or Chilli, were two great king-
doms: that of Cacique (Chief) and Leuchengorma, with a central city
by a lake surrounded by seven volcanoes. At the middle of the
lake, on an island, stood a temple with two thousand priests. Fur-
ther to the south was found the realm of the Amazon tributaries of
Leuchengorma. His queen was called Gaibomilla. Is matriarchy, of

Miguel Serrano
which substance remains in Chile, a trace of this legendary king-
dom of the Amazons? Attention is called to the names of Leuchen-
gorma and Gaibomilla. They seem invented, like that of Fresia in
The Araucanian by Alonso de Ercilla: the wife of Caupolicán, remi-
niscent of the Germanic goddess Freya, who lives inside of Mount
Elbrus. Ercilla may not have included this name by chance, nor
López de Gómara, who certainly compiled a living legend togeth-
er in those times.
Professor Jacques de Mahieu, in his books El Gran Viaje del Dios
Sol (The Great Journey of the Sun God) and La Agonía del Dios Sol
(The Agony of the Sun God), states that the Vikings came to settle in
America from the year 967 of our present era. The first was named
Ullman—Man of Ull. Lost at sea, his ship of strange form and
shining in the sun due to the metal plates on its sides, is taken into
Mexico by a serpent with plumes of fire. He is nicknamed Quet-
zalcóatl. But it is more probable that the arrival of this white man
remembered by those natives is the coming of another, much old-
er Quetzalcóatl, who assuredly came from heaven in a fiery disk.
They confirm that which has been transformed into legend
through the millennia. The new Quetzalcóatl would subdue the
Toltecs with ease, as Hermán Cortés later would, using the same
legend. More than twenty years he stays there. Requested by the
Maya, he goes to Yucatan where he founded Chichen-Itza. There
he is called Kukulkan. He remains for two years, spreading civili-
zation. Afterwards, he parts. The Vikings go down to Bolivia, Pe-
ru, and Chile, where for one hundred fifty years they maintained
a powerful civilizing Empire with its center at Tiahuanaco. The
first Viking is called Virakocha, almost a Danish name, or Huiraco-
cha, Kon-Tiki Virakocha. He landed in what is now Arica on the
Chilean coast, and maintained the Empire until 1290. Later he is
attacked by the Diaguita-Araucanians, according to Professor de
Mahieu, led by Cacique Cari, and the Vikings lost the city of
Tiahuanaco. (All of this also at the end of the fateful 13th Century,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
which witnessed the Cathar and Templar drama in Europe.) The
survivors took refuge on the Island of the Sun, in the center of
Lake Titicaca. Is this the island of the two thousand priests, of
López de Gómara? However, the volcanoes that surround it best
describe the landscape of southern Chile, of the polar extreme.
Defeated there, the Vikings, or some of them, possibly their outly-
ing garrisons, on the routes leading to the ports of the Atlantic,
retired to the Paraguayan forest. Their degenerated descendants
today would be the white indigenous Guayakis: almost dwarves
of 1.56 meters in height who still retain certain fundamental Ary-
an traits. To preserve their solar rites, their cult of Odin, or Wotan,
when the Empire of the Jesuits was installed in Paraguay they
abandoned the settled life for a nomadic one. Eventually, an inter-
breeding occurred with the Guarani Indians of Mongol descent.
Other Vikings of the Empire of Tiahuanaco escaped in their
ships across the Pacific and reached Easter Island. Professor de
Mahieu found similarity between inscriptions found in the lands
of the Guayakis and the “Speaking Tablets,” Rongo-Rongo, alt-
hough not with the known Nordic runes. For this reason, the Vi-
kings who arrived on Easter Island may not be the white and
blond men who inhabited the island before its current indigenous
occupants. Neither does it seem likely to have been Araucanians
who defeated the Vikings of that great empire of Titicaca and Peru
(unless this all relates, as we have insinuated, to something that
was carried out further south, where there would have been locat-
ed the center of a superior civilization) also of Hyperborean
origin. The legend tells us that it is Chile where the giants came to,
after the collapse of a glorious continent, facing its current coasts
in the Pacific. They also came to Ecuador. Only these white giants
could have defeated those Viking warriors, and only they could
have been the antecedents of the islanders. That is to say, Chile
was a land inhabited by giants, with a civilization of giants, also
missing today on its surface (the true origin of the name Chile or

Miguel Serrano
Chilli would have to be searched for in those distances); then it
would have been submerged in the Inner Earth, where the Gate of
the Sun of Tiahuanaco was, or in the City of the Caesars, hidden in
the Andes, in an analogous world. That is, a battle, if indeed it was
a battle—and not the catastrophe produced by a submergence
from which “conditioned reflexes” are the earthquakes and tsu-
namis around the Pacific Ring of Fire—between beings of the
same origin, which to us seems unlikely. The telluric and cosmic
catastrophe is more convincing to us if one takes into account their
footprints, precisely in Tiahuanaco. By all of this, the Araucanians
statements about his descent are confirmed in the legend, or in the
legendary tradition.

The Dates Do Not Coincide

That which Professor De Mahieu is mistaken upon is in the dates.
Tiahuanaco is not so recent and his conclusions overlook the relief
figures of the Puerta del Sol (Gate of the Sun) and its Venusian
calendar. There are winged beings and the tradition recounts that
Huirakocha and MamaKocha (with a K) arrived in aerial vehicles
from Venus. Tiahuanaco is an Andean Temple, or City dedicated
to the Morning Star, the Star of A-Mor and the Light of Lucifer.
That is, the messenger who announces the Light of the Green Ray
(as the Emerald of Venus), behind the Black Sun, the Polar Sun of
Midnight. The Maya claimed to originate from Tula, or Thule, from
whence came their ancestors, the White Gods, the first Hyperbo-
reans. And also the ancestors of the Vikings. Those lines discov-
ered on the Andean highlands, like giant symbolic Runes, written
there by giants, and that seem to designate landing sites of ships
coming from other worlds or times, take us back immeasurable
ages, undreamed of by De Mahieu.
With the submergence of the Atlantis of the North Sea, the Hel-
igoland of Spanuth, thus begins the other Exodus of the last polar

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
survivors, rather, of the already very distant descendants of the
Hyperboreans. And they must be to those divine Hyperboreans,
as today the Guayaki are to the Vikings of De Mahieu, involuted
beings, degenerated in comparison with the divine ancestry. They
spread throughout the world in search of those lands where they
can survive, seeking out those places—like America—Albania,
where the White Gods, their ancestors, took refuge in times al-
ready forgotten. They also go to Asia Minor and are the Hittite
Shepherd Kings, or Hethites. They will be defeated and expelled
by Ramses II. But all this happens in the periods of 1700 and 1300
BCE, according Spanuth. And that will be the time when the Nor-
dics come to the Hvétramannaland of the Vikings, that is, to
America. Hyperborea had begun to disappear many ages before.
It is also possible that thirty thousand years ago, as is believed by
O. Menghin, another wave of whites—descendants of the pre-
Mongoloid race that occupied Central Asia prior to the arrival of
the Yellow race—came to America. Menghin claims that this was
via the Bering Strait. Their current descendants would be the
white Caiguas, ancestors of the Guayaki of Paraguay, the
Guarayos of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, and the Chachapoyas of Brazil.
From that legendary white race of Central Asia, from those Ary-
ans of the civilization of the Gobi, descend the white Dropas of
Tibet, the Ainu giants of Japan, and the Todas of India. A race of
white giants, in turn descendants of the divine Hyperboreans,
who had already disappeared, when the central part of the Polar
Continent had been submerged along with their capital, Thule.

The Christians Destroyed

the Traces of the White Gods
After the Vikings, the Normans and the Irish also came to Ameri-
ca. Before them came the Druids and the Celts. Columbus and the

Miguel Serrano
Spaniards came later. And here we find Christ and the tradition of
the white apostles who preached the Gospel. Their names are Pay
Zumé in Brazil and Paraguay, and Thunupa in Peru. Viking and
Norman converts, who had made voyages in the Middle Ages to
the Nordic Empire overseas, guarded this secret for obvious rea-
The Empire of the Incas had its origin in the White Gods and
the Viking Empire, according to De Mathieu. If this were so, why
have the Incas removed the traces of these ancestors—ancestors in
turn of the Aymara—going as far as to prohibit the writing? What
secret did they want to ignore and erase? What misappropriation
have they made of a power and a mystery? Machu Picchu was not
used by them, as if they suffered from fear and awe, nor did it be-
long to them. Then, the Spanish and their official Church contrib-
ute to the destruction of the last traces of the Hyperborean secret,
of the giants of Albania, of the White Gods, with its great extrater-
restrial civilization, in contact with the extraterrestrials.
When Hyperborea sinks, the immortal Divine Guides enter the
subterranean world (those who do not return to a parallel world,
to the star of their origin). Significantly, the Guayaquil legend tells
us that the ancestors came from inside the earth, following the
course of an underground river. (Perhaps the Puerta del Sol of
Tiahuanaco). It is the same legend of the Eskimos, who are re-
duced in height, like the Guayaki today. Their ancestors came
from the antipodes, through the South Pole.
The catastrophe that Spanuth refers to coincides with the ap-
pearance of the comet Phaethon in 1600-1300 BCE, more or less.
But the Hyperboreans have already dispatched, in enormous re-
mote distances of time, across Solar Epochs, in their White
Doves—in Vimanas—carrying the branch of the sacred Soma, of
the sacred Holm Oak, unto the other Pole. Their Magi-Delegates
have established centers in those key points of the planet, of par-
ticular telluric sensitivity, in the Doorways of entrances and exits,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
especially in the Andean Spinal Column, where—in an analogous
Cordillera (mountain range)—exist the Cities of Eternal Life,
dwelling places of immortal beings. And in the Oasis of the Ant-
arctic continent, inhabited by them until today, on the inside, in its
Double. The arrival of Nordic whites in centuries already historic,
increasingly involuted descendants of the distant Hyperboreans,
within the Exodus of the Right-Handed Swastika and the Return
of the Left-Handed Swastika, one of the last waves of which
would have been that of the Vikings, then came the secret guides
of the Templars, and, in the present times, of the Esoteric Hitler-
ists, has as a profound aspiration, the hope for a reunion with the
primordial race of the giants, with the Atlantean-Hyperborean
stock, which is hidden and preserved in the South Polar and An-
dean regions. The entrances to the Inner World are found in the
Andes and in the forests of the Amazon (name which makes ref-
erence to the mythical Valkyries of Lopez de Gomara). In the sub-
terranean and parallel world of the White Gods, though with a
greater reality than that of the surface. The so-called aboriginal
races found in America are the products of involution, of purely
terrestrial origin, coming from the robots, “genetically” invented,
from other stars or the magical laboratories of Atlantis, to carry
out the work of densified matter, the process of involuting heav-
en. This is what has happened to humanity, to human beings,
within the ignorant and malicious goal of Kali Yuga, with the Di-
vine and Semi-Divine, of astral origins whom come here from op-
posing stars. Involution is like a nightmare. Beings are left here,
from very remote ages, entering here voluntarily or accidentally,
from other worlds and parallel times, they have fallen to the level
of the animal, perhaps even the vegetable, mineral and even fur-
ther down the vibrations of energy. The colors of the different rac-
es have to do with a cosmic alchemy, and can be better under-
stood by reference to the color of the aura, just as the Siddhas per-
ceive the Divyas.

Miguel Serrano
In the current process of miscegenation and the total hybridiza-
tion of race, which is favored by the dark powers moving within
the nadir of Kali Yuga, it becomes increasingly difficult to reach
the required number of mutations that would make it possible to
overcome the drama of involution, approaching rapidly the cyclic
return of Atlantis, whose dreadful catastrophe was produced, ac-
cording to Plato, precisely because of the mixture of races, the
semi-divine mixing with animal-man, perhaps with animals and
even robots. That is, by the Racial Sin, that attacks and destroys all
alchemical colors equally, producing the untouchables, the mon-
sters, as in India, where the mixture of the castes is not favored, by
destroying their unique initiations, by the confusion of the
Akhashic records, “chromosomal initiation,” lacking the Minne,
the nostalgia of Eternal Love. The Spanish friars and the fanati-
cism of their religion, under a lunar conception, destroyed Ameri-
ca-Albania, the last vestiges of the White Gods, and burned the
pages of their legends. But not all who came here with the Spanish
Conquest ignored the Great Drama. They tried to cross that
frightening sea that separates the southern tip of the ghostly Ant-
arctic Oasis, perhaps meeting with the White Giant of Arthur
Gordon Pym and thus they were allowed to drink the Aurum Po-
table, the liquor of Eternal Life.

The Templars, the Benedictines, and Hitler

It is in the Age of Pisces when the disappearance of the Guides of
terrestrial man begins. This brings about a disbandment, a true
spiritual massacre. With the destruction of the Cathars and the
Templars, it would seem that men have been handed over to their
own animality. Maybe even earlier, with the demise of the Druidic
civilization. Because the Cathar attempt is fulfilled to a limited
extent in the West and the Templar phenomenon is but a test, a
trial run, that is not enough to be fully realized. It takes quite a bit

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
of time until one can arrive at clearing away the ambiguous cover-
ing that was taken on in the birth of the Order. Furthermore, one
encounters a dangerously hostile world, having to defend oneself
with subterfuges and disguises. At the end, this is also annihilat-
ed. Even though being well able to defend themselves with weap-
ons, since the Templars were the strongest, they do not do it, be-
cause they are not permitted to impose force upon those they seek
to lead. The combat, for these warrior monks, is an ascesis of initi-
ation, a yoga of internal control, a discipline of mystical chivalry,
magical, like for the Ishmaelites of Iran, of that mysterious Order
of the Old Man of the Mountain, inspired by the profound signifi-
cance of the Chief-Imam. The war is not of conquest or proselyt-
ism, as one might believe. The Templars fought by duty, coldly,
by yoga, internal discipline, not with the intention of converting
the Muslims. The mythic Battle was to liberate the Inner Holy
Land, maintaining simultaneously, “synchronistically,” the routes
of pilgrimage and those of the Knights Errant. Also the Ishmael-
ites and the Assassins fought by fidelity to the inner Imam. “To
know the Imam, the Old Man of the Mountain, is to know your-
self.” “Be faithful to me and I will make you like me,” says his
rule. The Templars were accused of a secret agreement with the
Ishmaelites, beyond their contingent struggle. For the Templars,
the war would come to be as it is for Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.
Krishna advises Arjuna to fulfill Dharma, in the Great War of the
Mahābhārata: “Those that you kill, are already dead in me,” he
says. “You are but the instrument.”
Apparently, there was no contact between Templars and Cath-
ars, even when they are equally destroyed, within only few years
of each other, in that 13th century of such bad memories. The con-
tact of the Templars was, however, close in the beginning with the
Cistercian and Benedictine monks, who were not involved in the
Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars. It is the Dominicans
who take the Inquisition into their hands. Nonetheless, St. Bernard

Miguel Serrano
preached against the Cathars. The driving force of the Templar
Order saw an enemy in the Cathars, without foreseeing where in
time they will come to give to the Templars. Neither could the
Benedictine scholars have imagined it, even when they were those
who composed the Christian romances of the Gral (in this case,
Grail) and those of the Knights Errant, which in turn were Chris-
tianized. Because of their knowledge of the classical Greek texts,
the Benedictines maintain a much closer view to the mystery of
the origins. One indication of this is found, even today, in the
Benedictine Convent of Lambach in Austria, not far from the city
of Linz, where the Leftwards Swastika is engraved at several sites.
According to André Brissaud, author of Hitler and the Black Order,
this is where Adolf Hitler would have been inspired in the con-
templation of the symbol, when he sang as a child in the choir of
the Convent. Rene Alleu, author of Hitler and the Secret Societies,
does not think so, claiming, in turn, that the Leftwards Swastika
was taken from the initiatic Thule Society in Munich. As we have
already mentioned, this sign symbolizes the Return to the Boreal
origin, to the Hyperborean Thule, the magical transmutation, the
Four-Leaf Clover, with its immovable center, polar.
Making use of Sanskrit terms, of mantrams, we can grasp the
profound metaphysical sense of the two Swastikas, the rightward
used by Buddhism and which rotates in the direction of the cur-
rent earth's rotation and the hands of the clock, and the leftward,
the one adopted by Hitlerism, that of the former Tibet of Lamaism
and which goes against the rotation of the earth and the involu-
tion of the Kali Yuga. The first is of the Exodus, the loss of Para-
dise and the Solar Age; the second, that of the return. The first is
expressed by HAMSAH, which divides into HAM and SAH, the
inspiration and expiration (inhalation and exhalation) of normal,
instinctive breathing, of the current animal-man, of the pasu, invo-
luted. The Leftward Swastika is expressed in SAHAM, the re-
versed breathing, conscious, spiritual, of the Vira, of the semi-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
divine hero and the Divya, or divinized, immortal Siddha. SAHAM
means I am Her: ELELLA, the Total-Man, with an immortal body
made of Vajra. The God-Man. Ignorance and bad faith have want-
ed it to be believed that the Leftward Swastika selected by Esoteric
Hitlerism corresponded to black, demonic forces. Neither one nor
the other does. Both symbolize deep, metaphysical processes.
I have made investigations in the Convent of Lambach, and
there I found an old manuscript, written in archaic German. I cop-
ied it and asked to have it translated into modern German for me.
However, all of the documents of great value have been taken
previously by the SS and transported to their Castle-Centers (Or-
densburg), similar to the Medieval Templar castles. This, of course,
is a supposition, impossible to ascertain, since the esoteric docu-
mentation held by the SS Organization has not been found.

The SS Centers of Hitlerian Initiation

The Ordensburg were the centers of SS initiation and were con-
structed on carefully selected “earth points.” The main one was
Wewelsburg Castle, near Paderborn, in Westphalia. Three more
were in service, though they were not completely finished: Vogel-
sang in the Rhineland, Krössinsee in Pomerania, and Sonthofen in
Bavaria. The style of the buildings was Germanic-Nordic, with
lakes, parks, and forests. In Wewelsburg there was a library with
twelve thousand volumes, a meditation room, gymnasium, dining
halls, bedrooms, and a cemetery for the SS with tombs of a rare
form resembling stag beetles and containing runic symbols. The
tests that the adepts of the SS warriors were subjected to were of
tremendous severity and risk, as described by the Belgian com-
mentator Petitfrére, who has been dedicated to research concern-
ing these things. He tells us that they must fight without weapons,
bare-chested, against raging mastiffs. I think that this proved how
their own furor was capable of surpassing that of the beasts, terri-

Miguel Serrano
fying them. Awakened suddenly, within the circle of that tremen-
dous energy, man and animal remember that there was a legend-
ary pact between them, in Avalon, in Atlantis. And the animal is
reintegrated and accepts the sacrifice when the man is once again
a semi-divine hero. The SS had to be able to open up a trench in
only eighty seconds and protect a cargo of tanks inside it in a hor-
izontal line. They had to place a grenade over their helmet and
activate it, anticipating the explosion without moving; only his
immobility would save them. According to Julius Evola, who vis-
ited these centers, the education of the will went so far as some
committing suicide if, for example, having made a promise not to
smoke, they broke it. The principle of obedience, like in the Tem-
plars, the Assassins, the Teutonic Knights, and the Jesuits, was
perinde ac cadaver. Once a year the SS Inner Circle met with their
High Chiefs, in a time for retreat, for contemplation and medita-
tion. They practiced a type of undisclosed Western Yoga. In the
Ordensburg of Wewelsburg there was a large central meeting
room with a ceremonial seat reserved for Hitler. The Führer ar-
rived there, symbolically.
In a work completely opposed to Nazism, The Leaders of the
Third Reich (Das Gesicht des Dritten Reiches), its author, Joachim
Fest, gives us the following testimony: “One day Himmler was
seen, with certain senior officers of the SS, engaging themselves in
exercises of mental concentration. Through this, they wished to
influence a person in the next room to tell the truth...” and he
adds: “The character of religious ordination with all of its solemni-
ties cannot be mistaken regarding the cult that was established in
Wewelsburg and other locations. They represented for the partici-
pants an act of renewed consecration and a call to enter into a
community that surpassed all traditional ties of an old social and
familial universe, surpassing caste and class, and an absolute de-
votion that created a new community with its own laws. The aims
pursued by the SS surpassed by far all of the arguments put forth

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
and supported by those who were interested in forming a group
of political militants. In the eyes of their main promoters, the SS
appear not solely as an instrument and a means of action on the
theater of internal affairs, but, further, as the cell of a new political
regime, destined to penetrate and gradually replace the old order.
They would constitute the elite troops of a Europe upon founda-
tions that would blow away the existing national borders, also in
the domain of politics and the economy. Urban structures would
be abolished in certain zones. They would create a chain of Vil-
lage-Fortresses to the east, renewing the ancestral ties to the land
in the new nobility (heroic) of the members of the Order. The po-
lice mission (Gestapo), which constituted an important part of the
activity of the SS would, nonetheless, pale in figure before that
romantic vision of the future, which was truly a sacred thing. Hit-
ler gave his consent to the creation of these projects of an Agrarian
Warrior Community…” [The italics and parentheses are ours.]
In relation to this “romantic vision of the future,” we cite a re-
flection by Carl Schmidt in his Politische Romantik (Political Ro-
mance), published in 1925: “All romantic thought is in service of
another non-romantic energy.” And Napoleon: “Revolutions are
no more than ideas that found a bayonet.” One can think thusly in
Nietzsche, in Wagner, and in Marx himself. Hitler said: “Every
political system or theory, by its intrinsic reason, is made for com-
promise. Philosophy, however, cannot falter or enter into com-
promise of any kind.” It was philosophical principles which obli-
gated Hitler to attack Russia. He reveals in communication to
Mussolini, “I have been liberated from the unbearable mental tor-
ture created by the pact with Stalin.” And Otto Skorzeny con-
firmed this to me in a conversation at his home in Madrid, as we
have already said. I exposed my doubts to him about the decision
to attack Russia. He replied, “If we had not, we would have been
backing down from the basic principles of our philosophy and
worldview...” (the Weltanschauung).

Miguel Serrano
The future SS were preferably selected from amongst the
members of the Hitler Youth. These boys had a dagger with the
Leftward Swastika and an inscription upon its steel blade: Blut
und Ehre (Blood and Honor). When the SS aspirant, after ordeals
and services, effectively proceeded forward to form part of the
Black Order, he would receive—and not always—another dagger
consecrated with the Runic sign of the SS, a Leftward Swastika,
and the following inscription in the steel: Meine Ehre heißt Treue
(My Honor is called Loyalty). Thus commenced his ascent by de-

The Exoteric Fundamentals:

Philosophy, History, and Mythology
The Weltanschauung of the SS, their “worldview,” their philosoph-
ical exotericism, is affirmed in the profound base laid by three ex-
traordinary researchers who are ignored nowadays, as if they had
never existed: Johann Jacob Bachofen, a contemporary of Nie-
tzsche, Herman Wirth, with an immense work of investigation
into what he called pre-Antiquity, and Edgar Dacqué. The latter
two launched a frontal attack on evolution, just as Hans
Mühlestein opposed the Spenglerian thesis of the Decline of the
West with the belief in a resurgence, going to the roots of the pre-
Ancient cultures, where the creative energy of race and tradition is
found in its purest state, which the contingencies of historical time
have obscured and altered. It was the belief of the SS that this
magical energy will be reborn in the West, going back to the
sources of the pre-Antiquity of Herman Wirth, to Hyperborea, the
origin of the white polar race and of all civilizations on the planet.
The Nordic civilization expands after the disappearance of Hy-
perborea and Atlantis. It is the original Nordic-Atlantean civiliza-
tion whose remains and inscriptions can be discovered through-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
out the whole world, according to what Wirth teaches us in his
monumental work Der Aufgang der Menschheit (The Ascent of Man-
Herman Wirth, like Spanuth, leans upon the Oera Linda Book or
Ura Linda, an ancient manuscript found in Holland in 1871. Sever-
al of its pages appear in an unknown writing, runic in appearance.
The letters derive from a six-spoked wheel, a script that without
doubt belongs to a solar cult, where the Leftward Swastika had
already appeared, as shown in the publication of Professor Frans
J. Los, Die Ura Linda Handschriften als Geschichtsquelle (The Ura Lin-
da Manuscripts as Historical Source). The manuscript has taken its
name from its main owners: the Oera Linda family, perhaps a ge-
neric name. It begins with the following dedication: “Okke, my
son, you must guard this book with your body and your soul. One
year ago I saved it from the waters, at the same time saving you
and your mother. It had begun to decay due to getting wet. So as
not to lose it, I have copied it onto paper from abroad. The day
that you inherit it, you must copy it in your own time. Your sons
will do the same, so that it will never be lost. —Written in
Liuwert, in the 3449th year after the sinking of Atland (name of
Atlantis). —Hiddo Oera Linda.”
According to Wirth, within the manuscript is found the belief
in the prehistoric Nordic West in a Universal Spirit or Supreme
Being, called Wralda.
There is a second dedication that reads: “In the name of our an-
cestors and our beloved freedom, I implore a thousand times that
you never fail to lay your eyes upon these pages… The foreign
kings know that we are their greatest enemies, because we dare to
speak to our people of freedom, justice, and of the duties of the
princes. This is why they destroy everything that proceeds from
our parents and that which has survived of our ancestors. Oh, my
beloveds, if Wralda does not give us strength, they will cause us
to lose everything altogether!”

Miguel Serrano
This dedication refers to the destruction by the Frankish kings
and conversion to Christianity through violence of Frisa, or Frisia,
of the Dutch and Germans of the North. And here mention should
be made of the Germanic goddess Freia, or Freya (The Fresia of the
“Araucanian” of Ercilla?) who prevailed in the country of Fryas, a
vast area from the North Sea, the Baltic countries, to the immense
forests of Twiskland, the mythical name given to Germany. But the
post-Atlantis residence of Freya would have been the Caucasus,
Mount Elbrus, where she was saved from the waters together with
the Aryans. They would migrate, or return north again, after the
loss of Ossetia, Asgard, accompanied by Wotan-Wralda.
The Oera Linda Book describes the end of Atland and relates a
kind of cosmology, serving Wirth and Spanuth, as we have seen,
to trace the path of the Leftward Swastika in the direction towards
the sacred Helgoland and to Hyperborea, making it possible to
affirm that “the light does not come from the East, but from the
Bachofen maintains that the Nordic-polar Apollonian culture is
virile, as opposed to the Mediterranean and Semitic cultures of the
Mother, which are matriarchal and feminine in their essence, De-
metrian. Here it is the woman, the Mother, who gives eternity to
man, making him reincarnate, returning to the womb of the earth,
as Diotima explained it in The Symposium. Atlantis would have
been governed, according to remote legends, by a mysterious
White Queen. The name by which this continent was known in
pre-Antiquity would be Mo-Uru, which means Land of the Moth-
er. Hence derive Ma-uri (Mauri), Maori, a-muri, or Amorite, and al-
so Moor or Berber, all from Mo-Uru, from Atlantis and the white
race of the Cro-Magnon. Children of the White Queen, who would
have ruled like a queen termite, by telepathy, giving immortality
in the Garden of the Hesperides of Atlantis. The myth of Heracles,
who will steal this power of immortality, would be that of the vir-
ile hero, solar, where the role is transformed and also the destiny

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
of the woman. In Hyperborea, the White Queen is something else,
she is the Priestess-Maga, Allouine, who gives the hero, the Vira, the
Gral, by way of Magical Love and transforms him into a Divya, an
immortal Siddha. He no longer returns to the womb of the earth in
the Demetrian reincarnation. The path of the next life (beyond the
grave) is through the North, through the “polar exit.” This is the
“Way of the Gods,” Deva-Yana. The lunar path of the initiations of
the Mother is through other “exits.” The hero does not return
again, except once, in the Wildes Heer, in radiant appearance. He
disappears into immeasurable distances. His immortality does not
simply come into being.
In the conception of Bachofen, Julius Evola found the basis for
a spiritualistic definition of the races. The Aryan-Nordic would
correspond to the virile Hyperborean initiation, coming from the
Poles, and would include the pre-Christian Roman world. The
Semitic would correspond to the feminine, lunar initiation. Julius
Evola tried to create the Fascist esotericism; but Mussolini was not
Hitler, nor was he initiated. Rome would have been in agitation
and revolt from above and below through the Christian Semitism.
Unfortunately, the founder of the “Ur Group” did not meet per-
sonally with Hitler, nor did he discover the key to His esotericism.
Only close to that Center of maximum energy could he have come
to understand His visions, even after the end of the war; because
nothing is over for good. We believe it is necessary to say: Julius
Evola, the deepest, most important Italian thinker of our time,
could not manage to break free from the limits imposed upon him
by his Roman birth and his admiration for Rene Guenón—over
whom he was far superior. Baron Julius Evola could not under-
stand Hitler nor could he penetrate Esoteric Hitlerism. In the fun-
damental metaphysical conflict between the Germanic Weltan-
schauung and the Roman, Latin conception, the fault remains with
the latter, in my opinion, even when there would exist those polar,
Hyperborean nexuses that would agglutinate into that “Boreal

Miguel Serrano
Column linking earth and heaven.” Just changing the names of
the Roman gods would have been enough, returning to the Greek
ones: Apollo is Abraxas and he is also Lucifer. In his pathos and
his formal style, Evola is Germanic; but he has fallen short because
he fails to join the Männerbund, the origin of the Cavalry of the
Teutonic Order and of the Divisions of the SS. He has not abdicat-
ed once and for all from his aspirations to revive the Roman world
as opposed to the Germanic. For Mussolini, the Germans were the
“barbarians of Tacitus.” Julius Evola told me that Mussolini made
the call to him because he wanted him to be the “Latin Rosenberg,
to oppose the Germanic Rosenberg.” He later explained to me that
his political ideal was “neither Fascist nor Nazi, but conservative
and in the style of Metternich.” These are words of Evola thirty
years after having been paralyzed by an American bombing raid
upon Vienna. Nonetheless, for the youth of the world, including
the Italians, for the youths of the present and of the little future
that is still left for them, there are no possibilities to continue the
authentic combat other than in Esoteric Hitlerism. Because it is
there and nowhere else that the Hyperborean tradition of El Cor-
don Dorado continues, in the race and the polar Weltanschauung,
spiritual, of the Leftward Swastika and in the material presence of
Hitler, as the incarnation of the Myth, in his return and forthcom-
ing reincarnation.
It is clear that the position of Evola has nothing to do, in this
case, with Esoteric Hitlerism nor with the grand Luciferian at-
tempt of the SS to create the Superman, a Being totally distinct, via
a Nietzschean mutation of all values, a transfiguration of the Vira,
the hero, into Divya, into Sonnenmann, a divine immortal. It has
nothing to do with the supreme effort, never before attempted so
thoroughly, so definitively, by a mythic collective, by a “philo-
sophical people,” or by an Aryan Collective Unconscious as Jung
would say, by an Initiatic Warrior Order, in order to put an end to
the Kali Yuga and return to the Golden Age. We cannot see where

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
this connection with Metternich can be made, and not even with
the Evolean monarchical Ghibellines, or with that type of tradi-
tionalism and verbalist Guenonian neo-traditionalism, which has
appropriated magical and sacred terms that belong to the Aurea
Catena, such as “Hyperborean,” “Solar,” “Tantric,” etc. and which
they begin to bring into disrepute, vulgarizing them by their re-
peated use. The same byname of “Traditionalist” and “Tradition-
alism” is repellent to me for in and of itself it is ambiguous and
confusing. The Spanish Catholic Carlists, for example, are called
“traditionalists” and also the conservative politicians of my coun-
try are dubbed thusly, the Hispanists, etc. This is not El Cordon
Dorado, it is not essentially related to Esoteric Hitlerism, with that
grand attempt of mutation of men and of this earth, the recovery
of the Solar Age, the world of the Giants, of the God-Man, the To-
tal-Man, the Sonnenmenschen—the Sun-Men. Neither does it have
anything to do with Italian Fascism, nor even with German Na-
zism in its external and gregarious manifestation. (It can be seen
here that the term Nazism is hardly used). It only has anything to
do with Esoteric Hitlerism in the highest exclusive levels of this
Hyperborean initiation and in the hidden grades of the SS, which
today have been submerged in wait for the precise moment of
their resurrection at all the levels of internal and external manifes-
tation, in a definitive explosion.
The virile, solar, Nordic conception would be individualistic
and hierarchical because it is heroic, with a basis in the Männer-
bund, as we said. The feminine, lunar, Semitic conception is matri-
archal and communal, egalitarian. All the children are equal for
the Mother. But not all can be heroes. The hero is the “black
sheep” in the Semitic-lunar conception, which leads directly to
communism, where the heroic sense of life has no place and the
sacrifice of today is always for a tomorrow that never comes, as in
Christianity. All upon the altar stone of the amorphous, of the col-
lective, of the gregarious, of the matriarchal number, of the mil-

Miguel Serrano
lions of spermatozoa that reproduce without name and without
destiny. The awful bureaucracy, the slavery at the end of the road.
The democracy that exalts the average, the average word, average
information, the standardization against all greatness, against all
creative originality.

The “Urmensch,” Total-Man

It is Dacqué who contributes the link in the chain that will unite
the philosophical exotericism and the initiatic esotericism in the SS
Weltanschauung. He deepens the involutionist conception of
Wirth, extending it from the historical to the metaphysical, sug-
gesting the sense of Hyperborean Return (reincarnation), as op-
posed to the matriarchal reincarnation of the Aegean and Latin
Mother of Diotima.
There is a primordial strain of man: the Urmensch. From there is
derived the terrestrial man, resembling him. His most authentic
expression is fulfilled in the Golden Age. Thus, man does not de-
scend from the monkey, evolving, but from the Urmensch, devolv-
ing. And it is the monkey which, on the contrary, descends from
the original man, as an already greatly involuted product.
The mystic Urmensch is like the Cosmogonic Eros in the Orphic
mythology, Phanes, Erikapaios, the Anthropos of the Gnostics,
Melothesia, the Monad, the Archetype, the Cosmic Kristos, the To-
tal-Man. The Cosmogonic Eros breaks the Egg of Creation, giving
birth to the Pairs of Opposites. Eros has done this through Love
for himself, his counterpart, which he now sees projected outside,
as it increasingly hardens. Here is the risk of Passion. The Ur-
mensch must also have been an Androgyne, before being projected
The willed projection of the Urmensch is like a cosmic war. Bat-
talions of energy go forth to attack a distant fortress; the exact re-
productions of the Urmensch, his recapture, in distinct planes of

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
manifestation. But not all of those battalions arrive and complete
their objective. Many fall along the way, they are defeated, they
err from their fortitude, they will go astray from the path. They
are the semi-men, the animals, the apes, the dogs, spiders, birds,
the plants and even the metals. In each one of the defeated, in the
background, there is an energy, a divine substance of the Ur-
mensch, which is the same that has been delivered unto man and
which will carry onward to the Super-Man. Totemism and herald-
ry, which reproduce and divinize the animal, are a mystical con-
tact with common originative forces existent within the root of the
animal realm. They are the emblematic figures, outside of man, of
the fallen of a cosmic struggle. The signs of the Zodiac, of Astrolo-
gy, are a graphical attempt at the recovery of the Urmensch, of re-
incorporation of the animal in the Total-Man. But there was a time
when the animals spoke, when they knew of this and lived with
man, on an Island of Golden Apples, of fruits that also spoke, in a
city called Avalon. There, a pact between animal and man was
established, which the SS brought back to the consciousness of
both in the fight to death, in the whirlwind of energy that they
overcame. In the Total-Man, the animal was within. All of this is
now dispersed, lost outside. By eating the flesh of the animal, the
man tries to appropriate the energy of the fallen, of the defeated,
to continue the fight and, together, one day achieve the conquest
of the immensely distant fortress, in that Circle whose circumfer-
ence is everywhere and center nowhere. He also eats the plant and
the mineral, the gold and silver, symbols of the sun and moon,
which were also inside of the Total-Man. The primitive warrior
devours the flesh of his vanquished enemy, to appropriate the
primordial energy of the Urmensch: Hvareno, or Victory.
The manifestation of the Urmensch is like a symphony that
must be performed. Each note will have to ring exactly, repeating
itself until it reaches its maximum resonance. It is reincarnation in
its Hyperborean sense, the Return. Each one remembers all of the

Miguel Serrano
others, because in each one are all, all seeking the same goal: to be
immortal, divine, like the Urmensch. For this the sin (to use this
expression) consists in going down, mixing with the inferiors,
with the elementarwesen, the semi-men, the semi-animals. Plato
tells us that the sinking of Atlantis was due to the mixing with the
inferior races, the “racial sin.” The angels also fell in love with
“the daughters of men,” according to the Book of Enoch. The Bible
speaks to us of the Sheidim, half man, half animal. Esau would be
one of them, according to Robert Charroux. Greek mythology re-
fers to the sirens, centaurs and fauns, which surely existed, as at-
tempts and failures in the Cosmic Combat for the expression of
the Urmensch. Someone who has become tired, or better said, has
felt the attraction of the abyss, or encountered the contrary force of
the Great Opponent that intends to impede the supreme expres-
sion of the Urmensch. The Force of Evil, Chaos, and Shadows.
Evolution does not exist; the concept of the Urmensch is better
expressed from the origin. If no fossilized human remains have
been found from the earliest times, where there are those of ani-
mals, it may be because man did not possess an osseous skeleton
like today, when he has adapted, devolved, to the much lower vi-
brations of a celestial body of dense matter. The skeleton is his cof-
fin. In Lemuria, in Gondwana, in the most ancient periods of the
planet, the legends say that man had a soft skeleton, as if it were
of fog. Also the blood was not liquid, but a stream of astral light.
There are no groups A, B, and O for the race of Hyperborea. The
Greek alchemical texts refer to an ancient immaterial race, without
king or government, free.
In the Kali Yuga, the heavy Iron Age, the Hitlerian initiates,
those of El Cordon Dorado, are only half materialized, because they
feel the infinite nostalgia of the Urmensch, the Total-Man. There-
fore, they elect Lucifer-Apollo-Abraxas, the God of the Losers in
the Kali Yuga, he of the Return to the Golden Age.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

The Mortal Secret of the Templars

The Templars also must have eventually come to a point that
would meet with the Cathars and Gnostics. They discover that
Christ is a solar Entity, never incarnate, nor crucified upon the
Earth. The cross is a stellar symbol, known by Pythagoras and Pla-
to, who declared that the “Spirit is crucified on the four king-
doms.” The Gnostics have made the symbol more explicit: The
mineral and vegetable kingdoms are the vertical descendent; the
animal kingdom is the horizontal, because the animals move
about the earth with their vertebral column in that position; man
is the vertical ascendant, since he keeps his vertebral column erect.
Thus the Spirit has been crucified in involution, having to rise
again to divine consciousness. The Rosicrucians would say “When
the Rose blooms in the point of confluence of the horizontal and
the vertical.” In the Manipura Chakra, we would add. It is within
here that the transfiguration or mutation begins. The cross of the
Cathars was a standing man, with his arms open, surely symboliz-
ing the spirit crucified in terrestrial involution, and of gnostic in-
spiration, by his similarity with certain figures of Eons, or Aions.
The man fighting to return to his lost home, raising his head far
beyond the clouds. The Solar Christ, the Archangel Gabriel and
his Brother of the Uncreated Light, Lucifer, or Lucibel, of the Light
of Venus, he who alone announces the coming of the Sun and
withdraws discretely. The Cathars and the Templars declared
themselves Christians of this true Christianity, profoundly spir-
itual, Greek-Hermetic, Greek-Egyptian, solar, so contrary to the
lunar Judeo-Semitic Christianity of Rome.
However, Robert Ambelain, writer upon masonic themes,
states in his Secret Life of Saint Paul, that the INRI that was posted
upon the cross signifies the same, because Iebeschah (I) is earth in
Hebrew; Nour (N) is fire; Ruach (R) is air; and Iammin (I) is water.

Miguel Serrano
According to this high degree masonic author, consequently a
strong supporter of Orthodox Judaism, Saul-Paul was not a Jew,
but an Edomite Arab, a pagan who made use of syncretism and
utilized the Mysteries of Mithras and Orpheus to invent the Gnos-
tic Christianity from top to bottom from the very beginnings. But
we must remember, Paul had been circumcised, and said: “He is
not a Jew who is one outwardly, but he is a Jew who is one in-
With regard to Ambelain, it should be clarified that the anti-
Christianity of the high degree Masons, especially in the French
lodges, is fed from Orthodox Judaism and the Torah, which con-
trols and commands them. It is a “fight amongst rabbis,” as Otto
Rahn would say, and has nothing to do with El Cordon Dorado, nor
with a solar, anti-lunar nature. It has also been said that INRI
means Igne Natura Renovatur Integra, nature is wholly renewed by
fire, an alchemical motto that would have also pleased the Cath-
The Templars do not reject the cross, which is one of the essen-
tial symbols, they only deny the human and terrestrial Crucified,
in whom they do not believe. For all these reasons, Jesus, for them,
was not the Solar Christ, he could not be. Apparently they had
discovered documents of decisive importance in the ruins of the
Temple of Solomon. Louis Charpentier thinks that Flavius Jose-
phus does not adulterate anything, where it is given to know the
true identity of Jesus, or Yeshua, the man crucified by the Romans.
Robert Ambelain maintains in his other book Jesus, or the Mortal
Secret of the Templars, that Jesus was the eldest son of Judas of Ga-
mala, chief of the fanatical sect of the Zealots, who tries to restore
the throne of David for his direct descendants, that is to say, for
the head of the sect. Upon the death of Judas of Gamala, Yeshua
goes on to claim the right of the throne. Peter and the rest of the
“disciples” are, in truth, his brothers and members of the extreme
sect, according to Ambelain. Yeshua is an enigmatic character, es-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
sentially a political agitator, as evidenced by his attack on the
merchants in the temple, those who did not pay tribute to the le-
gitimate descendant of the house of David. The Romans did not
crucify for religious reasons. They were pagans, and the pagan
Gods, as Nehru once said to me, “live and let live.” For the Ro-
mans only political agitators counted—those who altered their
Pax. They crucified Yeshua head upright, because they considered
him a malefactor, an extremist and a highwayman, a “guerilla” as
would be said today, who, by force—for he “has not come to bring
peace, but war”—was trying to reclaim something which he
claimed belonged to him. Upon the cross, the Imperial Roman au-
thorities put a sign written in several languages with the follow-
ing caption: King of the Jews. It is not the Pharisees who condemn
him; in truth it is they who wash their hands. They were not with
him, nor did they accept the zealots’ methods, which created un-
necessary problems with the Roman authority, neither did they
recognize him as their king, let alone as the Messiah. Furthermore,
the Jews did not crucify, they stoned. For Otto Rahn, the dispute
between Jesus and the Pharisees is a quarrel of rabbis with con-
flicting interpretations, with different tactics. What appears as be-
ing a surety for the different writers and commentators cited is
that Yeshua, the man, is a Jewish nationalist, who had not con-
ceived another humanity broader than the Jewish one of his times,
his sect, and his own interests, attempting to fulfill his “Zionist”
plans, as would be said today. Without doubt, this Yeshua was a
strange chief, different than his father, Judas of Gamala; he knew
and practiced a sort of magic to realize his political ambitions and
those of his followers. Perhaps he learned it in Egypt. The “bad
thief” crucified with him, who criticizes his failure, would be a
Zealot who was also arrested in the Garden of Olives, where Peter
makes use of the sword; because the Zealots were always armed.
The “bad thief” reproaches his boss for the ineffectiveness of his
magic, which has led to the infamous torment of the cross. Am-

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belain says that the two “thieves” would actually be mercenaries
paid to be the bodyguards of Yeshua. Their names are Demas and
Cystas. Two hitmen. At the moment of death, Yeshua hurls a terri-
ble imprecation, projected with all the dark and terrible forces
which one encounters upon the borders of bodily life, which ex-
tends until our days, and which has been interpreted and distort-
ed in many ways, but of which only the Kabbalist rabbis of the
Hebrew Kabbalah know in its exact meaning. The Emperor Julian,
“the Apostate,” knew all of this. Unfortunately, he destroyed the
tomb of Yeshua in Samaria in the year 362. After that there will no
longer be any difficulty for the elaboration of the myth of the res-
urrection and bodily ascension to heaven, the Gnostic Pleroma, like
the Prophets Enoch and Elijah.

There Are Two Distinct People

in the Gospels
The Dead Sea Scrolls would have come to cast new light upon a
confusion of twenty centuries. Louis Charpentier noted the pro-
found contradiction that is noticeable in the Gospels, where two
distinct persons are talking the whole time. One is an agitator
filled with the spirit of vengeance, asking that they bring in their
enemies and murder them in his presence. He says: “Who is not
with me is against me.” And another, and unknown character,
who speaks words of love and wisdom, similar to those of Bud-
dha to the Bhakti sages of India. This puzzling contradiction ap-
pears in all of the Gospels except in that of John, where only the
second person manifests. That is why it is said, and I stress it is
said, that the Cathars and Templars believed only in the Gospel of
Saint John. Ambelain, however, claims that the Cathars and Wal-
densians have been confounded with each other. According to
him, the Cathars were not Christian, but Manichean, Gnostic.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
They do not believe in the “Unity of the Incarnate Word” that is
upheld in the Gospel of Saint John. As we have said, this Gospel
has been considered apocryphal more than once. Attributed to
John the Evangelist, it would come to be a set of Gnostic texts,
which were later adulterated. Supporting himself with the Dead
Sea Scrolls, Charpentier insists that the Gospels have mixed two
different people who existed in those times: Yeshua, the Zealot,
descendant of David, and an Essene Master, of that interesting
mystical sect, perhaps not Jewish, similar to the yogis of India, to
the Vedantic philosophers, the Bhakti devotees, and the Sufis of
Persia, with a spirit more akin to the Hyperborean initiation of the
origins and with undoubted contact with the Aryan Hindu wis-
According to Serge Hutin in his Gnostic studies, the term Es-
sene comes from the Hebrew root chase and means “faithful.” Es-
senism develops from the year 150 BCE, along the banks of the
Dead Sea, on the outer edge of the Judean desert. Its main com-
munity was found in Khirbet, where those famous texts called the
Dead Sea Scrolls have been discovered. The sect lasts until June of
the year 68 of our Era, date of arrival of the Tenth Roman Legion,
sent to quell the Jewish revolt. The sect of Qumran speaks of a
mysterious Teacher of Righteousness, who, a century before the
Christ of the Gospels, had revealed the true hidden meaning of
the Scriptures and has been sentenced to torture and killed by the
Jewish defenders of orthodoxy. The Essenes were said to be the
“Sons of the Light,” the sole chosen of God, in struggle against the
“Children of the Darkness.” Hence, they are dualists. They disap-
pear in the year 70 CE, but they had been assimilated with some
Gnostic sects, with the Christianity of John and perhaps with cer-
tain Benedictine orders. Pliny the Elder says of them: “They form
a true Hebrew monastic community, holding all goods in com-
mon, and practicing asceticism and contemplative discipline. They
are a people without women, without love, without money, an

Miguel Serrano
eternal people, where nobody is born.” They rejected marriage
and blood sacrifices; they were a heretical group, excluded from
the Temple of Jerusalem by the Orthodox. And Josephus adds:
“Their doctrine exalts the release of the body. The body is mortal
and must be dissolved; but souls are immortal, coming from the
pure regions of the Ether, they find themselves imprisoned in the
corporeal boundaries and are attracted to a natural center to form
that node of fellowship. When they are liberated from the bonds
of the flesh, they go out as if from a long slavery and they rise
happily into space.” It is almost as if one is hearing talk about the
Cathars. The Essene esotericism united Pythagorean teachings to
old Israelite texts and indisputably Brahmanic and Buddhist tradi-
The Dead Sea Scrolls refer to the Mysterious character, the
“Teacher of Righteousness,” “who is very high and of whom one
cannot, or should not speak.” Well now, this Teacher has not been
crucified by the Romans, but, apparently, stoned by the Jews.
Thus would the accusation of deicide sustained for nearly two
thousand years be explained. But there is another contradiction,
even more interesting for us: that of a Tantric-Magus Jesus with
that mystical and gentle character who said: “Let the children
come to me.”
Shortly before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there were
other valuable documents found in Upper Egypt, among them the
Gospel of Thomas, which was known only by the citations of Clem-
ent of Alexandria and Origen at the beginning of the third centu-
ry, references that come to us in translations and not the originals
from those authors, which have gone missing. In Robert Am-
belain’s book, La Vie secrète de Saint Paul (The Secret Life of Saint
Paul), a page from this Gospel is reproduced and photographed
which contains the following: Jesus says, “Two have rested in the
same bed, one will die, one will live.” And Salome, (Mary-Salome)
says: “Who are you man, from whom do you proceed, to have

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
taken your place on my bed and to have eaten from my table?”
And Jesus says to her: “I am the one who has been brought forth
from the One who is like me; I have been invested with that which
is from my Father.” And Salome: “I am your disciple.”
And what is the teaching of the Master?
Clement of Alexandria, in his Stromata (III-IX-66), and Clement
of Rome, in his Second Epistle to the Church of Corinth, cited the fol-
lowing paragraph from the Gospel of the Egyptians: And Mary-
Salome asked the Lord: “Teacher, when will the reign of Death
end?.” And Jesus replied: “When ye women do not bear any more
children… and when the two become one, when the man and the
woman have become united, when there will no longer be man or
woman, then will the reign of Death end”… And Salome replied:
“Will I do well then, to not bear children?”… And Jesus said: “Eat
though of every fruit, but of that which hath bitterness (that of
maternity), eat not…”
We are on the same sources of Christianity, because these
quotes have been made only sixty years after the death of Jesus. It
is beginning in the fourth century that the Church of Rome tries to
make Mary-Salome disappear from history, the yogini of Jesus, his
Enoia, his Ayesha, or Shakti, with whom he practiced the Tantric
Magic of the Maithuna, of sterile love, Love without love, as is
clear from the Gospel of Thomas, reproduced as it is shown in
Ambelain’s book.
And it is this magic Tantric teaching that the Cathars later fol-
low, for it is also that of the Druids and of Hyperborea. It is that
which the Occitan troubadours preached.
We have seen already that Mary-Salome, the “seductress,” as
she is called in the Gospels, the dancer-Kali, who cuts off the head
of John the Baptist, the princess and royal daughter, ends her days
in Occitania according to the olden legend, and is also the mother
of Santiago (Saint James the Greater). That is to say, she is the
Widow (she had been “widowed” after the crucifixion) of a divine

Miguel Serrano
lover, of a Tantric Siddha, giving birth to an entire initiatic species,
not of mortal flesh; that of the torn apart and defeated, the follow-
ers of Lucifer, the God of the Losers of the Kali Yuga. Salome is
also called Mary. She is Maya-Shakti.
Symbols that fall down upon other symbols, incarnated arche-
types, autonomously superimposed to stories, or to History, by
the Collective Unconscious, or, better said, by the El Cordon Dora-
do. By the Aryan Collective Unconscious, as Jung would say. Here
there is a whole different Christianity: solar, esoteric, initiatory.
The Cathar Christianity, perhaps Cathar Tantrism.
Jesus has not complied with the Jewish law, he has not mar-
ried, he only has yoginis, disciples who follow him, because he has
come to destroy the works of the woman, as was said (“riding the
tiger” Julius Evola would add), to disintegrate the externalized
Eve and recover Lilith, the Interior Beloved, as is clear from his
answer to the question about when the reign of Death will end:
When the two are again one.
Well now, what has happened? Why has he been crucified?
Was his Lilith also betrayed through an externalized Eve? Did he
fail in his mission because of it? Does the “Bad Thief” reproach
him for it? Has he left the path of the Right Hand, of the Lords of
the Gral, that of the Cathar Pure Ones, and instead of the interior
Maithuna has gone to the bed and the table of Mary-Maya-Salome-
Shakti? Or is it that he too was an acolyte of the God of the Losers
of the Kali Yuga?
In any case, Salome accompanies Jesus to the cross, because
“love covers over all sins,” in the words of the Tantric King Solo-
mon. And he will continue on afterwards, seeking his scattered
pieces beyond the grave, in the land of the Cathar troubadours, of
the Minnesänger and in the Compostelian Iberia, where he thought
he could reconstruct the true Golden Doctrine, torn apart many
times before and after.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

The Incarnation and the Hermetic Law

The Zealot Chief, Yeshua, was not an Essene or a Nazarene, writes
Having reproduced the assertions of Ambelain and Charpen-
tier here, it is suitable to bring to mind the Hermetic law, which is
also Gnostic: “As above, so below, and vice versa.” If there is a
solar, planetary, cosmic crucifixion of the Spirit, the hermetic law
will make it such that it is repeated, or reproduced “archetypally”
here below. The crucified, at the end of the Age of Aries, which
closes with the decline of the Roman Empire, which has institu-
tionalized the torture of crucifixion, will be the Lamb, with the
skin of terrestrial man.
What mysterious design has made it that the man Jesus, or Ye-
shua, has been chosen to incarnate for the entire length of the Era
of Pisces that tremendous symbol, in close symbiosis with the Es-
sene Teacher of Righteousness? Without doubt, his nationalism
has prevailed, his total opposition to the Romans, which was the
position of the Zealots and, to a lesser degree, of all the Jews. And
it will be Saul, or Paul, “he who did not know Yeshua,” the con-
vert, the political genius, who out of necessity to win over the
Zealots to his cause, put a balm on his wounded pride, divinizing
the crucified. He mixes Gnostic themes and Mithraic symbols,
linking ancient practices of esoteric Jewish sects who evoke a mys-
terious entity called Ieshoua, and the Greek conception of the Kris-
tos. He performs all of the syncretism, manipulating an overriding
driving force, a historical resentment, to bring down something
that is already rotten inside: The Roman Empire. To further divide
it, turning it against itself, he appropriates the mysteries of Mith-
ras, popular amongst the Roman legions. After the destruction of
the tomb of Yeshua by the Emperor Julian, Christianity would be
able to take possession of the mystery of the resurrection, by rais-

Miguel Serrano
ing Ieshoua-Kristos in the Spring, like the Hyperborean Apollo-
Lucifer. Paul also makes use of the Gospel of the Teacher of Right-
But is it possible that a single man can accomplish so much?
Behind him there would be a veiled intelligence, surely that force
that operated from a private location, from a closed cosmos, per-
haps from the bowels of a dark star, to give a “biological end” to
the Ages so to speak; an atrocious intelligence that the Cathars
considered diabolical, or an entropy, which Jung defined as the
death of the Archetype and impending reincarnation. No longer
will anyone be able to distinguish what is really happening or
why it occurs, nor what is thereby being pursued. Everything is
enveloped in a thick fog, in the vapors of the digestion of that am-
biguous being that has swallowed a civilization, and entire astro-
logical epoch and is now beginning to give birth to a new one. Is
there anyone today who can explain to us if the atheistic religion
of Soviet Marxism acts according to their beliefs and doctrinal
principles, or if they are the interests and ambitions of power of a
primitive horde which drive them towards collapsing the shaky
edifice of Western civilization, thus marking the final diapason of
the Age of Pisces? The spirit of recent times is very similar. After
all, it is all being driven by the same occult forces. The collective
Corpse is devoured by the same worms.

The Templars Only Denied the Crucified,

Not the Symbol of the Cross
In their initiation ceremonies, Cathars and Templars alike ask the
applicant to abjure from their old faith in Kristos-Jesua, in the cru-
cified. (We repeat, there is no question here of the symbol of the
Cross). The Cathars, in the rite of the Consolamentum, wherein

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
the Roman Catholic baptism is erased, make the initiate born for a
second time (Aryan also means “twice-born”); the Templars, do it
by facing a Christian cross. This was one of the accusations that
they did not deny. The ceremony would take place next to the im-
age of the mysterious Baphomet, the idol with two heads, like
Shiva, alchemical figure of the Androgyne, of Shiva as Ardhanasis-
vara, of Abraxas, and also Lucifer; the Christ of Atlantis, Gabriel
and Lucifer joined together, twinned again.
Baphomet was black. Al-Kimia derives from khem (black), an-
cient name of the country of Egypt, of the black earth of Egypt. Al,
is an Arab prefix added later.
Catharism and the Templars are, apparently, a last attempt of
Gnosticism to impose itself upon the dogmatic, Semitic Christiani-
ty of Paul, enthroned in Rome; a dramatic effort in favor of a solar,
cosmic, and initiatory Christianity, to channel the current of the
spirit in the opposite direction of the involution of the Kali Yuga.
In more recent times, only Meister Eckhart and C.G. Jung have
tried to renew the stagnant waters with the purest streams of the
ancient Gnostic Christianity.
Until very recently there was a lack of extensive documentation
on Gnosticism. The important texts went missing in their time.
Only mutilated writings remained. The Pistis Sophia is a reunion of
three disparate texts discovered in Egypt in 1773. New documents
are also found in Egypt in the 1940’s. They arrive at the Jung Insti-
tute of Zurich in the 1950’s and are translated into English in 1974.
The work has not yet been completed [at the time of this writing].
Among those documents are The Gospel of Thomas and The Book of
Thomas. In this regard, it will be interesting to recount what Am-
belain says of the Apostle Thomas: “There never was such an
Apostle.” Thomas, Taoma, means “double,” lookalike, in Hebrew.
There did not exist the proper name Thomas in antiquity. There is
a “double” of Yeshua, a second Jesus, his twin brother, according
to Ambelain, which is he of the appearances after his death. He is

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sold as a slave by Peter and perhaps arrives in India, on the coast
of Malabar, according to the legend, enduring the ecclesiastical
writings with the name of the Apostle Thomas.
“The (Gnostic) Gospel of Thomas,” in its esoteric sense, should
be taken as the Gospel of the Double, of the Astral Body, of the
Taoma. In the esotericism of Israel, the Messiah is not a material
being, but an inner body, a being who will come within, a Taoma,
precisely. Gustav Meyrink utilizes this ancient Hebrew idea and
applies it to the Golem, in his novel of the same name.
To discover that Catharism concurs with the Gnostic line, one
should recall the statement of the Gnostic Marcion: “Christ has
nothing to do with Jehovah. The Old Testament is immoral. Christ
is the son of an unknown God of Love. All of the prophets, until
John the Baptist, are acolytes of the false god, Jehovah.” For the
Gnostics, the Holy Spirit is feminine, represented as a Dove. It is
this Entity that creates, or emanates the Universe; it is Sophia. The
dove is a Cathar symbol and Sophia is their Gleisa of Amor.
The Alexandrian Gnosticism is a cosmic, solar Christianity,
born in the first centuries of this Era, joining the Greek philoso-
phies, the Mysteries of Eleusis, of Hermes and the conceptions that
were already within Hinduism for centuries, in the Trika philoso-
phy of Kashmir, in the Samkhya dualism, where the Yoga of Patan-
jali is born. Gnosticism is almost always dualistic, as are the Zoro-
astrians and the Manicheans and as the Cathars and Templars will
be. Hitlerism is also a kind of Gnosticism, with variations, and
with an esotericism as unknown as that of the Cathars and the
It is not possible to conceive of one God without arriving at an
Opposing Principle of Evil. If one imagines many gods, one dis-
covers an equal number of demons. In the higher planes of ema-
nation, it is possible that the Principle of Evil does not act; or bet-
ter, God establishes a different relationship with his Opposite, in-
comprehensible to those who move in the lower planes of involu-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
tion. At some point the revelation of Abraxas becomes possible,
where God and the Devil go together. In a way, God manages to
live with his Opposite, coming to, perhaps, overcome him one
day, with the help of man. At the end, the Opposite will be re-
deemed. And to say it at the end, is to say it now, always. Meister
Eckhart also knew this.

Christ Is the “Self,” According to Jung

It is understood that this constituted the mortal secret of the Tem-
plars, which led them, as well as the Cathars, to be destroyed by
the power and dogmatism enthroned in Rome, which was also
aware of the truth but committed to a machination of universal
proportions to adulterate and falsify everything.
I remember when I asked Professor Jung, in his home in
Küsnacht, what Christ was for him, and he replied to me: “Christ
is the very Self, the soul of the Western man.” The Gnostic gem of
his ring was Christian, but of that cosmic and solar Christianity to
which we have referred: the Christianity of Meister Eckhart, a
Hyperborean Christianity. Jung added: “I try to make the resur-
rection of Christ possible for the Western man within himself.”
At the end of the Age of Aries, the sacrificed one is Rama, Bele-
nus, Apollo, Lucifer. Ancient mystery will permit the Archetype to
resurrect in Pisces, as Jung would say, on the Third Day and in
Spring, with a new guise, that of the Fish that dies when the wa-
ters recede (that is, when the cataclysm that comes to submerge
Atlantis comes forth). It is what Jung feared for the beginnings of
the Age of Aquarius.
It is claimed that many of these things came to be known by the
early Templars in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. It is said
that they were called Templars because of the Temple. It is proba-
ble that the meaning of the name is also symbolic, since the Tem-
ple has always been there, with the first Stone, even before being

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constructed in any part. The Temple, in truth, is the Gral, the
Stone fallen from Heaven, from the Crown of Lucifer, in an extra-
terrestrial combat.

The Childhood of Hitler in the Convent of

Lambach and the Order of Thule
How is this extraordinary Order of the Temple created, this eso-
teric, Initiatic Knighthood? Who inspires it in its beginnings, what
hidden Guide imagined it with anticipation and gave it material
consistency, little by little and with great patience? There is no
doubt: the Hyperborean directors, the spirit of the Druids, work-
ing through the Benedictine and Cistercian convents, using, at the
beginning, St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine Order, died in the
year 547. It is thought that his Order had been inspired by the
Druids and also the Essenes. The classical tradition is strong in the
Benedictines. It is they who, through a Pope from the Order,
Gregory the Great, created that enchanting music that bears his
name, “Gregorian,” influenced by Orphic music and the Psalms of
David. And it is a strange Benedictine Pope, apparently initiated,
Sylvester II—his real name is Gerbert—who already envisions the
First Crusade to the Holy Land. He had studied in Toledo and
Cordoba and appears to have known of a hidden treasure in the
ruins of the Temple of Solomon. Sylvester also knew that the earth
was round. But it will be upon another Benedictine Pope, Urban
II, to launch the First Crusade in 1096. The pretext is to rescue the
tomb of the Savior, even when he knew that it has been destroyed
by Emperor Julian seven hundred years ago. Or is it the tomb of
the Essene Teacher of Righteousness that is sought? The Benedic-
tines also cultivate wine, the sacred liquor of Pisces, and are the
creators of Romanesque, where the Druidic Dolmen and Menhir

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
The Romanesque temple is not for the people, but for the
monks, for the initiates, one might say. In those times they were
trying to restore quality in the West. The Gothic style had not yet
been born, which was made for the masses of believers, for the
village assembly. Yet it will remain for it to find the key, the Gral.
Pope Gregory merges the rules of the Benedictine and Cistercian
orders. Since then there will be a brotherhood and close collabora-
tion between them, which continues to this day. It is from a Cis-
tercian convent in Austria, Heiligenkreuz, in Mayerling, that the
monk Josef Lanz is sent to study the archives of the Benedictine
convent of Lambach, near Linz, the same convent where Hitler
sang in as a boy and where a strange Abbott engraved the Left-
ward Swastika. Josef Lanz stayed there for a year; later leaving the
monastic life; he changes his name, coming to be known as Jörg
Lanz von Liebenfels; in 1907 he founds the Order of the New
Templars, based in Vienna, writes several books (Praktisch-
empirisches Handbuch der Ariosophischen Astrologie, Berlin, 1933),
and publishes the magazine Ostara, with the name of the German-
ic Goddess of the vernal light, the goddess of the month of May—
or Maya—Ostern, Eostre, Easter. Lanz speaks of Thule, of the Hy-
perboreans, of Agharti, Shambhala, and Asgard. It is believed that
Hitler, during his years in Vienna, regularly read the magazine
Ostara, which had come to have large circulation. It is possible
that Lanz initiated him. But it will be in Munich where Hitler en-
counters Rudolf Hess, Dietrich Eckart, Rosenberg, and Haushofer.
There are some who believe that he was also initiated into the
Thule Society; others say that he was just guided by it, at first.
Contrary to what has been written, Haushofer did not belong to
this Society, but to that of the Vril. The founder of the Thule Socie-
ty was Baron von Sebottendorf, one of the most well-known as-
trologers of the Germany of his time. The Society was created in
Munich in 1918 as a Bavarian branch of the Germanic Order—

Miguel Serrano
Germanenorden—founded in 1912. Both have the Leftward Swasti-
ka as an emblem. The Thule Society also bears a dagger in their
insignia, almost the same as that which will later be carried by the
The etymology of Thule, the capital of Hyperborea, would be
Celtic, deriving from Thu-al, North, the endpoint of expedition of
which all traces have been lost. But those Thules would be no
more than a misleading reflection of the polar Hyper-Thule (Ulti-
ma Thule), dreamed of by the ancients, missing and forever inac-
cessible. The initiation of El Cordon Dorado teaches us that the Hy-
perborean Thule was the sacred Center of Revelation, in the Deep
Midnight, the first initiatic sanctuary, the Image of the Pole of the
Light, abode of the Divine Siddhas.

The Initiation of the Leftward Swastika

An important part of the initiation would consist in realizing a
symbolic journey, from the terrestrial point where the initiate, the
pilgrim is found, turning in the same direction of the Leftward
Swastika, until reaching the mythic polar Continent of the Hyper-
boreans, having to pass through the legendary Asgard of the Cau-
casus beforehand.
It is extraordinary to discover that Hitler’s conquests, in his
lightning war, also follow the direction of the Leftward Swastika,
going to the esoteric North, even when being detained at the gates
of the ancient Asgard, today Stalingrad.
All of Hitler’s military strategy, from the beginning of the
blitzkrieg upon France, until the end with the attack in the Ar-
dennes, is a disconcerting “initiatic strategy.” The late British mili-
tary historian, Sir Basil Liddel Hart, considered Hitler, in his vo-
luminous study of the Second World War, as “one of the greatest
strategists and military geniuses of all time.”
Otto Rahn’s book, Lucifer’s Court, to which we have been refer-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
ring, is a journey in search of the mythic Hyperborean Thule,
turning with the Swastika of Return, passing first through the ru-
ins of the Cathar civilization of Languedoc, to go in a counter-
clockwise circle, through Germany, until reaching Iceland, the
first step in the polar dream of Ultima Thule.

What Is the Templar Order Created For?

Near the end of the Second World War, the Germans defend the
Benedictine Abbey of Montecassino, founded by St. Benedict.
They help the monks to safeguard the most valuable documents
and artistic treasures, removing them to avoid the total destruc-
tion of the Monastery. Unfortunately, they do not fully succeed
and the historic building is reduced to rubble by the Allied bomb-
ing. Montecassino had been destroyed before, and in 1945 her
structure was that of the fourteenth century.
It is the Irish monk St. Columbanus, born in the year 540, and
educated by the Druids, it is said, who brings the Celtic spirit to
the Cistercian organization. St. Bernard would later belong to this
Order. Thus, the creators of the Knighthood of the Temple have
transferred the spirit of the most ancient Irish Celtic knighthood.
Nevertheless, the Templar Knighthood is unique in its kind in the
whole world; their armaments bore reproductions of Gnostic and
Hermetic signs.
It can thus be said, and it is asserted by Louis Charpentier in
his study The Templar Mystery, that the creation of the Order had
been preparing itself since the first centuries of the Age of Pisces,
as an urgent necessity to go find, to steal a “certain thing” away
from other lands that were sacred in antiquity. Julius Evola also
believed, as we have said, that the Templars were in close union
with the Gral. The Templar Order is created, with pageantry and
concentrative absorption, at the Council of Troy in 1128, inspired
by St. Bernard. It would be a prize to steal from the treasure in the

Miguel Serrano
lands of the East. The Order lasts two centuries. But beforehand,
and in order for everything to become possible, the First Crusade
had to be launched. This was an operation of magic and alchemy,
as the rediscovery of America would later come to be, where they
know (Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa knew) that they do not go in
search of material gold, but the alchemical gold, the aurum potabile
that is drank and brings eternal life; in search of the Secret West,
of the Uncreated Light, of the White Sun of the Southern extreme,
the Light of the Antarctic Ice, of the City of the Caesars and the
Oasis of the South Pole. In truth, they seek the Gral, which is also
kept there, in that great surviving remnant of the submerged
Gondwana, in the inverted Thule of the Southern extreme.
The operation of psychic alchemy of the Crusade will be in the
sending of nine knights to install themselves amongst the ruins of
the Temple of Solomon. The Crusades end almost simultaneously
with the “discovery” of the envoys. The Temple of Solomon was
rebuilt 600 years before our era and was destroyed again by Titus
in the year 70, date of the dispersion of the Jews. The nine knights
reside in those ruins for several years and nothing definite is
known of their real activities. Do they search for something, or
wait for a revelation about that which was reported to Pope Syl-
vester in Spain? Or are they the Benedictines that have been able
to learn and inform themselves through pouring over old texts
and classic folios? Or perhaps the surviving Druids, the instruc-
tors of St. Columbanus? The Benedictine Abbey of Cluny, of
which Pope Urban was Abbot, he of the First Crusade, had the
task of preparing the great secret operation which was about to
transform the West, connecting it with the polar revelation of the
origins. The treasure, or the secret, could be buried somewhere in
the ruins of the Temple of Solomon, just as the Cathars would
have hidden theirs in the caverns of the Pyrenees, and the Tem-
plars, beneath a forest, in one of their temple-castles, in a cathe-
dral, or in an ignored city in the interior of the American Andes,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
which they already knew of. Saint-Loup, a French writer who be-
longed to the Waffen SS and who after the war scoured Chile, Ar-
gentina, and the southern tip of our America in search of the
same, says, in one of his last books, that the Hitlerists found the
Cathar Gral in the Pyrenees and deposited it in the Gralsburg of
Berchtesgaden. Later, just before the war, the SS hid it within a
cluster of mountains in the Austrian Alps, in the Zillertal range.
But there are others who argue that the Gral has been guarded by
the SS in an Antarctic Oasis.

The Second Tablets of the Egyptian Moses:

Are They the Same as the First?
The Bible tells us that Moses had an Ark of Gold, inside of which
were tablets of stone, with some magical instruments of power:
Urim and Thummim. It was guarded by the Levites, who wore
white. This Ark had been stolen in Egypt, just as Heracles-
Hercules steals the Golden Apples of the Garden of the Hesperi-
des, and Jason the Fleece, also of Gold, in the Caucasus, surely on
Mt. Elbrus, that of the Flood, at the foot of which (or perhaps in-
side) stood the City of Asgard, from which Wotan (or Odin) de-
parted, leading the ancient Germans; also the mythical region
where Prometheus was chained, who, in his own turn, stole the
“fire from heaven” from the immortals, to dangerously deliver it
to humans.
In all of these stories, Gold always appears, the Stone together
with it. They are symbolic formulas of Alchemy; the Alchemical
Gold, the Philosopher’s Stone; a power hidden in the background,
a lost totality, a divine life, submerged with the great catastrophe.
How and why was that totality and unity, that wisdom, lost?
Someone made a misuse of power. Plato tells us that the Garden
of the Hesperides, where the Golden Apples were grown and the

Miguel Serrano
sacred animals of the Atlanteans lived, were guarded by three sis-
ters: one White, one Black, and one Red, the alchemical colors.
Heracles-Hercules fights against the giant Antaeus, the White. (In
the alchemical Opus, the “Fight with the White” is called Albedo,
and comes immediately after the “Fight with the Black,” or Ni-
gredo.) He defeats the Giant by making use of cunning. The He-
brews (Habiru) in struggle with the Black Sister Khem, Egypt (Ni-
gredo, the first initiatory stage of the Opus), with the help of an
Egyptian, steal the Gral. They are pursued by the armies of the
Pharaoh. The stolen power allows them to part the waters of the
Red Sea. (Rubedo is the last stage of the alchemical Opus, which
they could not have truly fulfilled, artificially skipping the steps
that precede it.) The Phoenicians are the reds. Do they help the
Israelites in some way against the “black” Egyptians? Later Mo-
ses, with the help of an extraterrestrial Being, interprets the Stone
Tablets atop a Mountain. Upon descending, he finds the Hebrews
worshipping the Golden Calf. Are we still in the Age of Aries, of
the Fleece, or are we in Leo, or Gemini? It is said that Moses
breaks the Tablets. Can this be done? Who has deciphered them?
We are told that Moses walks up the Mountain again and de-
scends with new Tablets. Will they be identical? Will they be the
same Law? Who has given them now? An identical Being? Per-
haps another? Or have the Tablets been remade by the man Mo-
ses, by the animal-man, without the direct intervention of the di-
vine extraterrestrial Guides? In turn, it could have been that Mo-
ses was possessed by an unknown God that is not an immortal
Guide, but a phantasm of the mind, a Golem. These fundamental
questions and reflections are made today by some Jewish youth.
It is possible that there is a historical adulteration in everything
concerning Moses, also in the scene of Mount Sinai. The people
who worshipped the Golden Calf were not the Jews, but the He-
brews. There is a great difference. Moses… Who was Moses?
Maspero, in Ancient History, says that according to Egyptian tradi-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
tions, Moses was an Egyptian priest of Heliopolis named Osarsyph
who fled his country. Why? Perhaps he stole the Gral? We do not
forget that, with his staff, like that of the Pharaoh, Moses-Osarsyph
causes water to flow from the stone and manna to fall from the
sky. The Gral, as it is known, is food of life. The Rod or Staff of the
Pharaoh, held by Osarsyph, also separates the waters of the Red
Sea. As we see later, Moses wished to recover for the Habiru the
Gral that the Aryans had lost in Egypt.
Nothing is known for certain about the death of Moses. It is
thought that he was murdered. Every authentic tradition has been
falsified or erased, especially the history of Egypt. Jews and Chris-
tians have, with the complicity of the Muslims, caused all traces of
the distant past and of Atlantis that were found in Egyptian doc-
uments to disappear, and have appropriated, vulgarized, and
simplified the symbols, legends and the true tradition. They trans-
formed the ancient science into legend and mythology. Messian-
ism, profound and exactly explained in the pyramids and in the
Sphinx, has been used and transformed for narrow nationalistic
ends and for the imposition of an exoteric, lunar religion. They
would have had to eradicate all traces of the Egyptian messian-
ism, all keys of the alchemy of Atlantis (the Romans also collabo-
rated in this, without excluding Julius Caesar) and especially, all
traces of the extraterrestrials and of the millions of years of man’s
history, reducing it to six thousand years at maximum, with an
origin in a terrestrial Paradise and one sole pair of primitive be-
ings. The burning of the Library of Alexandria has to do with this.
There, every indication was destroyed, especially the work of Ber-
ossus, that relates encounters with extraterrestrials, anything
about the linear writing of Egypt, before the hieroglyphic, or any-
thing that explains the history of the higher civilization preceding
the Egypt that we know, that is its decline. The pharaohs only ap-
propriate a much wiser world, already gone—like the Incas in Pe-
ru—a world that knew immortality and resurrection. The mummy

Miguel Serrano
is a sign that the science of the resurrected Osiris has already been
lost. Moses, the Egyptian, would not have rendered all of that fal-
sification, so it would have been made to disappear. “His” Tablets
of the law, “his” Genesis and, in particular, “his” Deuteronomy are
later falsifications. The tribe of Judah, the most primitive, has falsi-
fied everything, up to the history of the true Israel. It has appro-
priated everything. However, some essential papyri from the Li-
brary of Alexandria would have been saved in time and would be
found in the underground.

Deuteronomy Is Not
“The Fifth Book of Moses”
Solomon did not have craftsmen of stone and wood available, nor
a school of sages capable of building the Temple, having to take
recourse to the foreigner Hiram, King of Tyre. It is in the ruins of
the Temple where the Templars encounter a secret—or perhaps it
would not have been there, but in the mysterious refuge of the
Old Man of the Mountain, among the Ishmaelites of Iran, country
from which Hiram, the wise builder, would also come. Moses,
however, does not respect the Racial Law which is attributed to
him: he was married to an Ethiopian. It is in Ethiopia where the
Atlantean-Hyperborean School of Initiation is established after the
sinking. And it is from there that the Pharaohs depart to establish
their Egyptian dynasties, in the Iron Age or Kali Yuga. Pharaoh
means “blacksmith,” which has to do with iron. It is for this rea-
son that the Gypsies, experts in the smelting of this metal, often
call themselves “pharaohs.” The Egyptian pharaohs, as has been
mentioned, had lost the power of the Atlantean initiation of resur-
recting their bodies; they embalm the corpse in anticipation of the
end of the involution of the Kali Yuga, when the power will be

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
In the many years of wandering in the desert, ten Hebrew
tribes are lost. At the end, only the tribe of Judah, the least morally
and intellectually qualified, remains; they descend from a shei-
dim—half man, half animal—as is made clear by Robert Charroux.
Hence comes their obsession with race and with sin, racial sin.
They alter and falsify the tradition of the Hebrews (Habirus), ap-
propriating it for their own. We will return to treat this theme. It is
not Moses, but Nehemiah, Ezra and the one hundred and twenty
scribes of the Great Synagogue who are the true authors of the
Jewish Law and the Renewed Covenant, the creators of the Torah,
which means Law, precisely. In the year 622 B.C., during the re-
construction of the Temple of Solomon, it is claimed that a Law
Book was found: Deuteronomy, or the Fifth Book of Moses, and it is
in this document, which had never been heard of before, where
the Jewish people are glorified, where these people are declared
“chosen,” and all mixing of blood is strictly prohibited. It indicates
that it is necessary to exterminate all other nations, that Jerusalem
is the only place where Jehovah wants to be worshiped and to
dwell. The Hebrews are completely alien to these viewpoints, just
as Isaiah was. The cult of Jehovah has changed. He has trans-
formed into a ruthless and jealous being. The cult encourages
stoning of every Jewish man and woman who does not strictly
follow the laws and commandments. The statements of two wit-
nesses are enough the execute the sentence. All of the books and
scriptures are revised and re-adapted. The government of the
Nomocracy has begun, through the Reformed Law, and it says:
“The converts are as harmful to Judaism as an ulcer in a healthy
body.” Only the unmixed blood of a Jew is acceptable from then
on; the Law, circulating through that blood through the “chromo-
somal memory.” “He is not a Jew who is one on the outside, but
he who is one on the inside,” says Saint Paul.

Miguel Serrano

The Religion of Blood and the Counter-

Initiation of the Renewed Covenant
It is necessary to analyze, as far as is possible and without passion,
this unique phenomenon in the history of the earth, of deep gravi-
ty and planetary repercussions. Maybe it has not been produced
in other cosmic times, save in the Wheel of the Eternal Return,
perhaps in Atlantis, being the efficient cause of all the catastro-
phes and all downfalls, by facilitating the deformation of a Sacred
Law, the deviant use of the Gral, of the Great Secret and of Power,
the animal-man being possessed by an Archetype-Golem. That is
to say, a phenomenon of counter-initiation.
The Jewish people is not a people, but a community of blood,
invented, a posteriori, fabricated from above and below by priests
initiated in the Religion of Blood, by lawgivers who have trans-
formed the Judean into the Jew, imposing the Jewish law on the
Judean. Such an artificial ethnic creation is unparalleled in World
History. Hitler on the opposite end, intended to “create a spiritual
race.” We repeat his thoughts here: “The spiritual race is more du-
rable than the natural race. By not having attained to form this
elite definitively, the result was consequent.” But the SS almost
attained it, following the God of the Losers, the God of Beauty,
and having ends opposite to Judaism. The Aryans, in their origin,
would also be the product of a mixing amongst angels, the extra-
terrestrial gods who came from Venus, the Morning Star, of whom
the Book of Enoch speaks to us, one of whose leaders was Lucifer,
and who “mixed themselves with the daughters of men.” They are
the semi-divine Viras. From there also comes their racism, on the
other extreme, to preserve the memory, the Minne and the nostal-
To perform their work, the Jews had to dry all of the fountains

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
of life; they have changed the natural sun of the blood and have
introduced laws and principles there. The Hebrew was a pagan
that adored the Fleece and the Solar Calf. David and Solomon
were poets, Six hundred years prior to our era everything chang-
es. When Ezra swears an oath of the Renewed Covenant of Jeho-
vah with his chosen people, just as one would sign a notarized
contract today, it is said that the people wept. Thirteen thousand
six hundred laws and precepts would be directed forth, from the
cradle to the grave, from waking in the morning to sleeping at
night, the life of the Jew. Surely none of the prophets of Israel
would have subscribed to the Renewed Covenant. Hereinafter,
there would be no more than one sole God, one Altar, one High
Priest. Thus, Jehovah can now say, in Deuteronomy: “I was only
pleased in loving your forefathers, and chose their descendants;
and you after them, from among all peoples.” And this people,
“being sacred, should then consider themselves an Altar of God,”
not having been created to work and earn a living, as did the rest
of the peoples. If Judah obeyed God and kept the Command-
ments, they would be entitled to all the world's goods, according
to Ezekiel. Jehovah always will be kind and merciful to the Jews
that observe the Covenant to the end, but with other peoples is
cruel, satanically sadistic and brutal. According to him, all other
peoples who do not belong to the “race,” to the Jewish blood,
must be exterminated. Hatred and contempt is condensed in Deu-
teronomy, cruelty and terror is preached against every Jew who is
not Orthodox, who does not comply with the law. An absolute
and global theocratic regime has been outlined. Feelings of sym-
pathy toward non-Jewish humans have been forbidden to Jews by
law, by Covenant with the Divinity, centuries before our era.
“And ye shall be holy unto me, because I, Jehovah, am Holy, and
have separated you from other people, that ye be mine alone,” it
says in Leviticus.

Miguel Serrano

Judaism, Like Brahmanism, Is Not

Missionary: One Is Jewish by Blood
This attempt at biological mutation, so to speak, made by priests
of a terrible divinity, could have been tried in other lands and oth-
er times, within other “Circles and Returns,” by other religions
and initiates with different objectives. Fifteen hundred years be-
fore our era, the Aryan Rishis established a system based on caste
for the invasion of India; the Code of Manu also regulated the life of
the Aryan by laws and precepts, from birth to death. Hinduism,
like Judaism, is not a missionary religion; it is not proselytizing.
One cannot make converts to Hinduism nor to Judaism. The Hin-
du-Aryan is one who is born into one of the first three castes of the
Code of Manu. A Jew is one who carries Jewish blood and complies
with the Law and Covenant. Because of all of this, the Jews of In-
dia could not penetrate and dominate as in the West. The laws of
blood were equally fulfilled, but with distinctly different end ob-
jectives. The Jews that came to Malabar, after the Dispersion, went
on to form a “fifth caste,” apart and without destiny. Like the rest
of the population, they have been softened by the climate, chang-
ing and assimilating, without anyone forcing them. Perhaps they
were not Jews, but Hebrews from the other missing tribes.
The terrestrial world should not be judged in perspective and
depth for its mere earthly condition, but for that of its gods. The
difference between Hinduism and Judaism is understood by the
quality and character of their gods, even when the “methodology”
of the purity of blood has become the same.

The Blood, “Motor of the Imagination”

We return to insist always on one theme: the blood. Something

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
very mysterious resides within it. It seems to be the secret spring,
the key to the universal theme. It is through the blood that the
Jews control the Covenant and Jehovah controls the Jews. It is
through the blood that the Hindu-Aryans extend the divine Maya
of their gods over a continent. Eliphas Levi, in his book The Science
of Spirits, says: “The Blood is the great sympathetic agent of life, it
is the motor of the imagination, the animated substrate of the
magnetic light, or astral soul, polarized in living beings, it is the
first incarnation of the universal fluid, it is the materialized vital
force.” This is the spiritual, Hermetic conception of blood. Astral
Light, Akasha of Hinduism, where the cosmic, universal memory is
preserved. The lux naturae of Paracelsus. It will be understood,
then, the gravity of the Jewish method: to maintain the purity of
the blood not with the objective of reviving within it the authentic
Minne-memory of the divine origins, of the Hyperborean and ex-
traterrestrial past, tracing the involution back to the furthest pos-
sible distances, but to introduce exclusive affairs of the animal-
man there: their resentments, their hatreds and revenges, attrib-
uting them to a god who is nothing more than a Golem, a creation
of the human mind, that will prey upon a group of terrestrial be-
ings to be able to continue existing and thus eternalize its life of an
Incubus, a Dracula. This is the counter-initiation, the event that
changes the course of events in the history of mankind.

Symbolism of Names
During the Great War I tried to penetrate the abyss, searching for
the hidden cause of the enmity of Hitlerians and Jews, that which
has never been openly stated or exposed to the knowledge of the
masses, the metaphysical, mythic opposition of gods and demons,
of the Collective Unconscious, discovered and discussed already
by Jung. What ever happened in the proto-history, in a prologue
to the history of the terrestrial beings, or the extraterrestrials, be-

Miguel Serrano
tween beings of different stars, that has led to this catastrophe of
cosmic proportions, whose existence no one can ignore any long-
er? A racist writer, like de Gobineau, would say that the first He-
brews were Aryans. Apparently, it is in the year 1700 BCE, or
some centuries later, according to Spanuth, when Aryan tribes
coming from India and the Caucasus—from the Atlantis of Heli-
goland—invade northern Egypt. They are the Mitanni and the
Hyksos. According to Gérard de Sède, among them were the Hab-
iru, or Hebrews. The name Israilu, or Israelite, does not appear un-
til the exodus. According to the same author, the Hebrews are re-
lated to the peleg, or Pelasgians. To Spanuth, the people who in-
vaded Egypt are Nordic-Atlanteans, blond and blue-eyed. They
appear on stelae and Egyptian friezes. His Atlantis, as we have
seen, would be a last remnant of Hyperborea, and his Atlanteans,
the already very distant descendants of those superior beings of
divine extraterrestrial origin, involuted and diminished, who
would make use of bronze and iron coming from the “shepherds
saved upon the summits,” as Solon would say. They are the wan-
derers from the true Exodus in continuous nomadic struggle to
make a place beneath the sun, and they will fight all the way to
Asia Minor to do so. From there they will be expelled by the ar-
mies of Ramses II, mostly returning to the lands of the proto-
Greek Pelasgians and further north, where the geography has sta-
bilized. They are the Aryans, the twice-born, those saved from the
waters, after the catastrophe, on the peak of the Mount of the Res-
urrection. According to de Sède, the root Ar, of Aryan, means
“mountain.” Thus it would be alluding to those saved at Mount
Ar-arat, where the Ark stops, which would not have as much to
do with the water as with the peaks. Thus, the root ar symbolizes
and synthesizes all the catastrophes. We think, as the first saved
and fallen, the first wanderers from the heavens will have landed
upon the highest Polar Mountain with their “Arks” from space. In
a direct sense and also in the esoteric sense, the Aryan is the re-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
born, born two times: firstly outside, then inside; and thus it
should be, due to their divine Hyperborean origin. Aragon also
contains the root ar. Perhaps the Aryans were saved in the moun-
tains of Aragon. It is there that the Visigoths, people of divine
origin, will come to settle. It is no mere coincidence that King Pe-
ter II of Aragon is the friend of the Cathars, having similar ethnol-
ogy, and dies fighting alongside them, also wishing to turn his
lands over to the administration of the Temple.
According to Jung, there is a direct, synchronistic symbolism of
names. For example, Freud means “pleasure” in German. His
teaching focuses exclusively on sex. Adler means “eagle” and his
theory is based on the instinct of power. Jung means “youth” and
his method has to do with internal resurrection, reincarnation, and
rejuvenation in the Self. “We were young, we are young. Our
youth is linked to thousands of years of yesterday.” It is like going
upon the prow of the Ar-yan ship of the Resurrection, that of
Mount Elbrus, of Ar-arat, that of the Deepest Midnight, on the
prow of the Ark of the Flood. I can also apply this symbology of
names to myself. Serrano means “highlander,” from the sierra.
There are Serranos from Ar-agon. My youth was lived in the An-
des, among the peaks; later in the Himalayas; and now, in the
Pyrenees and the Alps. I feel that the mountains are sacred; on
their peaks one can speak with the Giants. There one finds the
doors of exit and entrance to the other worlds. If the Invisible
Ones permit, I will return to the Andes and disappear into them,

When the Hebrews Were Aryans

From Mount Elbrus, from the city of Asgard in the Caucasus, the
Aryans descended, guided by their divine hero Wotan, or Odin.
They built many Troys in memory of the first of Hyperborea. Al-
so, in Asia Minor the Hyksos Shepherd Kings built the city of

Miguel Serrano
Avaris on the east bank of the Nile. There is a god of Love in Hy-
perborea called Avris.
The Shepherd Kings predate the Fish, they belong to the Ram
of Rama. It was the Age of Ram-ses. Once again, we repeat Plato:
“After the sinking, only the shepherds on the high peaks were
saved.” On Meru, on Ararat. In those times the Hebrews were still
Aryans, according to Gérard de Sède—poets and musicians, like
Saul and David. Jehovah was Jupiter, son of Saturn, dividing his
work with Neptune and Pluto. He had not yet transformed into
the vindictive, exclusive, jealous and temperamental being who
has caused so much suffering to the world. The Hebrews also
worshipped the solar Golden Calf. They were Pagans. Later, in the
Age of the Fish, the Lamb or Ram will be identified as the demon
or devil. Baal will become Beelzebul or Beelzebub, the chief of all of
the demons, according to the adulterated Bible. But Baal, Belenus,
was a Nordic solar God, and represented a multifaceted being—
like Shiva and Abraxas—who destroys in order to rebuild, to res-
urrect. It may be that Beelzebul is the Baphomet of the Templars,
who, like Emperor Julian the Apostate, tried to revive the Golden
Age. According to de Sède, there are cities in the Ardennes that
bear the name of Baal, having been placed under the sign of Satan,
such as Stenay, for example, the former capitol of the Merovingian
Kings referring to Lucifer, the God of the Light. Therefore it is full
of meaning that Hitler's ultimate offensive, within its esoteric
strategy was carried out in the Ardennes—Arder, Lucifer. (“In the
heavens it has been permitted that Hitler can carry out an act of
extreme surprise.”) There, in the Ardennes, have been found the
cadavers of up to ninety giants, again according to the same au-
thor cited. Even if this unexpected offensive would not have been
planned with consideration of these things, it would be surprising
of Hitler, if we contemplate at the same time upon the esoteric
reason for his offensive in the Caucasus, in Stalingrad; even if
there is no deliberate coincidence, at this height of the conflict he

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
is participating in an archetypal happening, it being the autono-
mous Archetype that acts, directing the events down to their
smallest details. The representative of Lucifer, the Lucibel of the
Cathars (Baal, Belenus, Belicena), plays out Destiny in the sacred
lands of the Germans, the Visigoths, the Merovingians, the lands
of the Ar-yans, of Saturn-Abraxas-Apollo-Lucifer. The Ardennes
were the refuge of the hermits, those mysterious sages of the
stone, magicians, astrologers who preached of the coming of the
Age of the Holy Spirit, of the Third Person, who would abolish the
Gospel of the Son, changing it out for that of John, that of the
Cathars and that of the Parakletos, the Hyperborean Dove of Atlan-
tis. There is also a forest there of Woevre—Woevre-Saelde-Isolde—
the Kundalini Serpent of the White God Quetzalcóatl. It is precise-
ly there that Hitler played out the ultimate effort to return to the
Golden Age of Saturn and Rhea—as Virgil described: “He alone
will populate the other Pole with a most precious lineage of
gold”—in those lands that have still conserved the old sacred city
of Stenay (stein, German for “stone”); the Stone of the broken
crown of Lucifer, and also the Stone Grail Cup from which the
Minnesänger drank the blue blood of Hyperborea.

There Are Four Different Species

of Men upon the Earth
When the Aryans are defeated in Central Asia, it is the Age of Ar-
ies (Aries), of the Golden Fleece, that comes to an end. And thus
the Age of Pisces enters in, Semitic-lunar. But not everything dies.
The Ram or Lamb is there in the manger, and eats together with
the ox, and the Messiah is a shepherd, a Shepherd-King. Could the
descendant of David perhaps be an Ar-yan? Surely Akhenaton, the
worshipper of the Sun, was one, along with his wife Nefertiti (the
bust of whose head was so admired by Hitler in the Berlin Muse-

Miguel Serrano
um): a Mitanni. Also in the Age of Aquarius the Fish remains, re-
born in a way as the fiery Winged Serpent, as Parakletos, the
Third Person, the God-Man, more God than the Sun because he
has begotten himself, in the Self, without the intervention of the
Father or the Mother. Like the Bird of Paradise, he is engendered
only in their dance. The Winged Fish survives in Aquarius, in an
Athanor. The Age of Aquarius is that of the Holy Spirit, that of the
Christ of Atlantis. And no more shall be able to save the era of Pi-
sces, nor its Semitic-lunar religion. They have passed away, like
Baal, the Two-Headed Ram, and there is no Julian the Apostate
who can revive them.
Well, now we intend to deal with the central core of the plot,
the unsolved mystery of which we have not spoken, although it
has been foreshadowed. What happened with the Habiru, the He-
brews, the Israilu, the Israelites, the Eber? All were in the Exodus
of the Rightward Swastika of the Departure, that of the loss of As-
gard, of Agharti, of Shambhala, of the Hyperborean Thule, of the
Star. And all should find themselves together in the attempt of
Return of the Leftward Swastika. We have said at the beginning:
there is more than one humanity, perhaps three, perhaps four, just
as there are four castes. The prologue to History is not written on
this earth, but on the Other, outside, in the extraterrestrial. It is
there that a battle is waged and the vanquished “fall like the
clouds” in their Chariots of Fire. They are the Nephilim of the Bi-
ble, giants of another world; Tuatha Dé Danann, the Oses, or Asen
(Aesir) of the Nordic Sagas, the Cabiri of Goethe. This is the first
humanity, albeit divine. But here upon the earth there already ex-
isted the purely terrestrial men (perhaps a strain left much earlier
on this planet which has involuted to a very primitive state by
way of the environment or another distant catastrophe). This is
the third humanity. The animal would have involuted from this. It
happens now that the “Fallen Angels,” the Nephilim “mixed with
the daughters of men,” teaching them the art of cosmetics and

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
sprucing themselves up. To the men they teach agriculture and
the art of war. We are told all of this in the Book of Enoch. It is the
second fall of these angels, the most serious, out of love or necessi-
ty, like that of the Spanish in America mixing themselves with the
pre-existing Aboriginal Indian. From the union of the extraterres-
trials and men are born the ancient heroes, the semi-divine, the
Viras. This is the second humanity. A fourth semi-humanity
would be produced by mixing of the terrestrial man with animals,
of which the Bible also tells us. They are the sheidim. But not all of
the extraterrestrials mix with “the daughters of men.” It is here, in
this occurrence, where one would have to translate the mystery of
Eve and Lilith (extraterrestrial woman) and the participation of
the Androgyne. The non-mixed remain on their continent of Hy-
perborea. They are the Divyas, the divine Siddhas. The semi-divine
do not lose contact with them, because only with their help can
they become immortal again, transmuting and purifying the astral
blood. They will continue being their Guides. The semi-divine are
the legendary heroes, the giants of which the old texts tell us.
They direct men in the conquest of new lands after the catastro-
phes that caused Hyperborea and Atlantis to disappear. They are
the Giant-Kings, the semi-divine heroes. All of those women who
have been conceived of as “virgins” in legend and have given
birth to heroes, being “possessed” by a mythological creature—a
bull with horns like on a helmet—from out of the sea, by a swan,
have in truth had amores with an extraterrestrial, with a God, or
with an Angel; like Mary, so young and beautiful in the painting
The Annunciation by Leonardo, where possibly the mystery of a
nonsexual impregnation is revealed, telepathic, an astral love,
magnetic, with a “genetic transfer” by way of a hand sign, an ex-
traterrestrial love; as it was also with the god Krishna with Radha,
the cow-herd girl, the Shepherdess. Thus, the Nibelungen would
come from the clouds, from the sky (Nebel, mist/fog in German;
lung, inhabitant); also inhabitants of the subterranean world, of

Miguel Serrano
the Inner Earth. The Visigoths and the Merovingian kings were
gigantic, proclaiming to possess a divine origin, like the Chinese
emperors and the Japanese of the race of the Ainu, like the Dropas
of Tibet, prior to Mahayana Buddhism, who bore the Leftward

The Jews Are Not the Hebrews,

They Have Appropriated the Tradition,
Adulterating It
When the very distant descendants of the divine Hyperboreans
had to abandon the conquered lands of Egypt, not all could go.
Some remained as prisoners, certain Habiru tribes, Hebrews. Fur-
thermore, they did not manage to carry all of their treasure with
them, their Gral, with which the wanderers came pilgrimaging
from their mythic North. The escape of the Hebrews from Egypt
takes place with the remaining part of the Gral of the Aryans, sto-
len for them by Moses, the Egyptian.
Now one will better understand the deep meaning of the Cru-
sades and the installation of nine Knights Templar in the ruins of
the Temple of Solomon. They go to regain the lost Gral, which be-
longs to them, the Nordic descendants of the Hyperboreans. The
enterprise is directed by the Benedictines and the Cistercians who
in those times still conserve their Celtic and Visigoth ancestry, and
by Nordic Popes who will soon disappear.
Godfrey of Bouillon, first Crusader King of Jerusalem, comes
from Stenay, was educated by the hermits of the Ardennes, and is
almost a giant. In the forty years of wandering in the desert, ten
Hebrew tribes disappeared. What happened to them? In the end
only the tribe of Judah endures, which has been mixed with the
Semites, losing their primordial Minne. The Jews have appropriat-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
ed the tradition, modifying it to suit their own personal interest;
they have adulterated, exfoliated Genesis, wiping out the extrater-
restrial and divine origin of humanity because of the guilt for their
own particular fall.
The numeral science and the science of names from Atlantis,
the Aryan Kabbalah, will be used towards the personal power of
the tribe to this day. In the astral plane it has produced the trans-
formation of Jehovah. Man comes to have no more than six thou-
sand years of history, and his origin is declared to be exclusively
of this earth. Then they altered the meaning of the Exodus, trans-
forming it into the little exodus of the tribe, thus altering the met-
aphysical significance of the rotation of the Leftward Swastika,
detaining it in Jerusalem, “the only place where Jehovah desires to
be worshiped,” pouring all of the tears beside the remains of the
ramparts of the Temple of Solomon and not at the Walls of Ice of
the lost Thule, near the Boreal Column “which united this world
with the Other,” with the stars. They have tried to cause the Star
of the Origin to be forgotten, turning against the heroes and gods,
adulterating everything, allying with those who have killed the
giants, the Giant Kings, making David a murderer of his ances-

The Profound Reason for the Enmity

between Aryans and Jews
This would be the primordial reason for the enmity of Aryans and
Jews and between them (Jews) and the rest of the world: to im-
pose their adulterated national history, they have cut the world
from their astral, stellar, and extraterrestrial roots. They have
whisked away thousands of years from history, perhaps light-
years; they have stolen the cosmos, the metaphysical blood, the
prologue and the ultimate meaning of the cosmos and of life. This

Miguel Serrano
initiatory treason occurred in the exodus from Egypt, during the
wandering in the desert, and with the Renewed Covenant. But
there will be something more mysterious, surely, for things so
fundamental are not carried out exclusively by the human will.
The Cathars believed in the existence of a Principle of Evil, active
in the creation and personalized in the Jehovah of the Jewish Old
Testament, the Demiurge of this earth. There would exist then, a
possession by the Devil, a commitment to his service. As is tradi-
tion, this must be fulfilled with a Blood Pact, as in Faust. Here
there is something of Black Magic. And in the air floats that fateful
suggestion that Charroux has not dared to develop: the mixture of
blood with an animal of the Sabbath to increase the hardening and
heaviness of matter. That is to say, a fall even further down, an-
other hybridization and bastardization, which is preserved and
maintained with a racist religion of blood; a pact transmitted in
the chromosomes.
What else could the term “fundamental impurity,” which the
Nazis applied to the Jews and later the Gypsies, by instructions
coming from Tibet (according to Pauwels and Bergier), mean? The
idea of the mixing with the animal has been outlined by Robert
Charroux, referring to the story of Esau and Jacob. Esau worked in
the field, he was good-natured, naive. Jacob, however, did not
move from the house, and they stayed together with their mother,
Rebecca. Jacob did a little of the cooking, and one day Esau came
back exhausted and hungry from his labors. He asked Jacob for
something to eat. He had prepared a dish of lentils and he pro-
posed to exchange it for the primogeniture (birthright of inher-
itance of the first-born son). Esau accepted, thinking that perhaps
their father, Esau, would endorse the agreement. Esau was hairy
all over his body, like as a sheep or a ram. About to die, his father
sent for him. Isaac was already blind. Rebekah covered Jacob with
the skin of a lamb (always the lamb) and presented him to Isaac,
who touched him and “saw” that it was Esau. He confirmed his

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
birthright. Charroux tells us that Esau was possibly a Sheidim, an
animal-man, engendered by Rebecca in the sexual intercourse
with an animal, a common thing in those times, according to this
author. She did not want his hybrid race to predominate. How
will this be possible? We think only in the manner already said, of
the magical possession by an animal, a ram of the Sabbath, by its
astral archetype, by a Group Spirit. It could also be the opposite,
and in the legend of Esau and Jacob is found precisely the key to
that betrayal of the ancestral origin that we have been referring to.
The myth had to do with astrological periods and with the Shep-
herd Kings who were covered with sheepskins, in Aries, as a
symbol of the power of the twice-born, of those saved at the
summits; so too like the Brahmins of India who cross a cord of
white wool across the chest. The Pelasgian kings covered them-
selves in wolf skins. Jacob’s usurpation by way of deception is a
prototype and has continued to be performed throughout history.
The semi-divine are direct, naive, they are as if they were dis-
armed before the cunning of the animal-man. Thus, by means of a
trick, Hercules kills the giants. And it's always the woman who
helps in the deception, the externalized, densified Eve.
By cunning and deceit, they have won the wars, and they have
been deprived of the direction of the Exodus of the Leftward
Swastika, towards the return of the Golden Age. The weak always
beat the strong, because they are of the greatest number and, at
the same time, the most cunning, Nietzsche wrote. Esau would be,
then, an Aryan shepherd king, a Habiru. Here begins the falsifica-
tion, the fraud. Samson is also destroyed by a deception. The
woman cuts his hair while he sleeps. Therein lay his gigantic
strength; also the Tantric sexual potency. The Semitic-lunar reli-
gion, to be imposed in Pisces, symbolizes castration with the ec-
clesiastical tonsure and the sterilization, cutting the hair of the
novices. Saint Paul states that he wants to make eunuchs of all
Christians. The kings of divine origin were hairy—all over the

Miguel Serrano
body—and never cut their hair, a sign of royalty. The Pelasgians
were said to be hairy. The Sikhs of India, a martial race, never cut
their hair. They are Aryans from the time of the invasion of Alex-
ander. Also the Merovingian kings will one day rise from their
tombs with their long blond Hyperborean tresses. The Hyksos
shepherd kings were also hairy, with long hairs like Esau, and like
the Lamb of Rama in Aries.

The Tales of Jacob

In The Tales of Jacob (Die Geschichten Jaakobs), to use a title from
Thomas Mann—in plural, because there must be more than one
tale or history—we never know which is the true one, for they
have also adulterated the dates. If this shall not be possible and
the Jacob of whom we are told is really the Founder of the twelve
tribes of Israel, then all of them and not solely the tribe of Judah
would carry the stigma of the original fraud. But this Jacob would
be the prototype of the tribe of Judah. It is only in the exodus from
the desert when the name of Israel appears and not before, accord-
ing to Gérard de Sède. The struggle of that Jacob with the “angel,”
if not with one of the angels of Enoch, with an extraterrestrial, will
have been with Esau, or with one of his supporters who were try-
ing to avenge the betrayal and deception, the usurpation of the
leadership of the lineage of the semi-divine, of the Giants. Why
would Jacob fight with an “angel”? The “angel” will have been
one of the giant survivors of the Nordic-Hyperborean race, which
the Jews helped to overthrow and destroy, collaborating with the
animal-man, the pasu. And who knows if the other tribes of Israel
were not exterminated in some way, together with Moses, whose
disappearance also remains shrouded in mystery?
Our opinion is that all of this story has become mythical, like
that of Homer about Troy. It has been transformed into myth. Its
truth will forever be unknown to us since here one cannot conduct

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
a successful excavation to bring the ruins into the light. Upon
them have accumulated mountains of historical falsehood and
adulteration. Truly, we can only know that in the beginning there
was deceit. Ours is an attempt to penetrate the mystery of El Cor-
don Dorado and the knowledge of Esoteric Hitlerism. Never before
has it been so thoroughly addressed. There is an extraordinary
work by de Sède which is unfortunately malicious: La Race Fabule-
use (The Fabulous Race). Because of that anti-Germanic and anti-
Nordic prejudice so common in the Gauls (French), the author
aims to transform the Merovingians and the Franks into Jews. He
changes all of the terms, for if the Hebrews were Aryans in their
beginnings—as he assures us, before the mixing with the Semites
in their exodus in the desert—then it seems that of those who
managed to withdraw in time to the North, joining again in Eu-
rope with the other branches of the Aryans surviving from the ca-
tastrophes that submerged Atlantis of Heligoland (of which
Spanuth confirms), and of the Gobi, of Asgard; and of those who
did not participate in that little and fatal exodus, their Merovingi-
an descendants may have participated in the mixing of those who
wandered in the desert of Sinai. According to the assumptions
made by the author, the Jews would have been Aryans at one
time, that is to say, Hebrews, but not the Merovingian Jews. Solely
the former were Aryans.
If the topic were like how de Sède presents it, then the inexpli-
cable history of France from the Middle Ages up to the present
day would be better understood, making understandable that
deep irrational antipathy of so many Gallic writers and thinkers
toward the Gothic and Germanic-Nordic ethnology, including
amongst them Charpentier, Charroux, and the very same de Sède.
If the French and even the Basques are Jewish, as it would unfold
from de Sède, if so too is the Royal House of England, then it
would come to be better explained, archetypally, in an allegorical
undertone, that it was the Basque shepherd who betrayed the

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Cathars besieged at Montsegúr, revealing a secret path leading to
the top unto Simon de Montfort. And it would thus be justified
that at the fulfillment of the seven hundred years since the fall of
the castle of the Cathars, their racial and spiritual descendants, the
Hitlerists, undertake the bombardment of Guernica. It would also
explain, in turn, the destruction of the Cathars and Templars by a
French king—usurper of the divine royalty—because the Tem-
plars sought to restore that royalty. And the anti-Germanism so
ingrained in the British Crown and the very action of de Gaulle
and the “resistance” would be understood like—in the other ex-
treme—the heroic defense of Hitler’s Bunker in Berlin by the
French SS Division. Charlemagne would be appreciated; Charle-
magne, a Merovingian king through his mother.
The Merovingians, like the Visigoths, descended from a race of
giants, of semi-divine extraterrestrials.

The Jew Exalts the Part above the Whole:

Jehovah, Marx, Freud
It must be said: By their gods you shall know them. The Aryans
are pagans, and the pagan gods live and let live. Sometimes con-
flict and even war are made, but never for spiritual exclusivism,
but for a division of duties, for preserving the field of action itself,
or for a war tournament, a martial game. However, the singular
Semitic god is exclusive. Before his truth there was no other, nor
after it. There is no new Avatar, no reincarnation or Resurrection
of the Gods. Before Christ all of mankind lived in the “error of pa-
ganism,” in sin, and this does not happen solely in religion. We
are also assured that before Marx, no one saw the truth, everyone
was wrong; there was nothing before him, no one after him. The
Jew exalts the part above the whole. For Freud, only sex exists in
the background of any manifestation. For Marx, only the econo-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
my. Moreover, the emphasis is always put upon something which,
even when not being inferior in itself, is made inferior to oppose it
to the superior. Freud did not consider sex to be a divinity, nor
did Marx make an entelechy from the economy. They had both
brought down dark forces of matter, acting through mechanistic
dialectic, equalizing downwards, representing the tendencies of
the pasu, the rebellion of the slaves, as Nietzsche would say. Not
so with the Aryan Jung, who seeks the totality of the unus mundus,
the equilibrium and harmony between the multiple tendencies.
This occurs likewise with Abraxas-Shiva-Apollo, God of Light and
Beauty, the Christ of Atlantis. When the Aryan has become intol-
erant, it is because he has been Judaized, Semitized, religiously or
philosophically, or through reaction to the imposition of an alien
conception of life and the world, because it has brought him out of
his Weltanschauung.
Jehovah does not allow other gods alongside him; he is jealous,
lunar, possessive, exclusive. So too is the one God of Christianity,
so distinct from the Aryan conception of Leibniz with its plurality
of Monads, or Hindu Samkhya with multiple Purushas, each one
complete, total in itself. There is no authentic Aryan that can be
monotheistic, even when apparently converted, nor truly a fanat-
ic; they will always be pagans with many gods and demons, like
the Greeks, like the Hindus with a Shaivist sense of life, because
many were their extraterrestrial ancestors, the “angels” who came
here. Wherever exclusiveness, division, and no totality of being
appear, there can be no joy, for there is no contact or unity with
the “living, breathing cosmos.” And so it happens in Marxist
countries, where everything “has become ugly and even the grass
seems sad,” to implement a system of life similar to the Jewish
Kahal, as Henry Ford assured us in his book The International Jew.

The Two Swastikas

Miguel Serrano
Gérard de Sède, in several of his works, repeats that nonsense so
in vogue after the Great War: Hitlerism chose the Leftward Swas-
tika, evil, for it goes in reverse from the rotational movement of
the current earth (as if that were necessarily bad). Others had cho-
sen it earlier, in the Tibet of the Dropas. There is no Swastika that
is evil or diabolical; both represent metaphysical truths in the
symbolic language of the Runes. Its election is also symbolic for
that reason, not voluntary, but archetypal. It is said that the Mero-
vingian kings would come marked at birth with the sign of a red
cross below the heart. It was surely a Leftward Swastika, so simi-
lar to the cross of the Templars, which was also red. They are the
genetic, physical signs of the initiation transmitted through hered-
ity from a semi-divine origin, ancestral, to which I refer in my
book ELELLA: the sign of the white leprosy, like on King Pandu in
the Mahābhārata, which is transmitted from summit to summit,
through the centuries, from the Himalayas to the Pyrenees and
from there to the Andes. The sign of the burning by the Astral Fire
of Kundalini, of the White Gods, of Quetzalcóatl.

The Templars Intended to Restore

the Royalty of Divine Origin
Quite possibly another of the causes of the destruction of the
Templars by an impostor French king, not of the semi-divine
Merovingian lineage, is that they intended to restore the concept
of the Merovingian and Visigothic royalty, the Righteous King
who does not govern directly, but as a delegate of the Invisible
King, of the Double, the astral Archetype of the royalty. The King
of the World is too noble, too high and superior to directly exer-
cise the action of governing; this is effected by way of an interme-
diary, his Shadow, whom he directs and protects telepathically, so
to speak, like a queen termite. He is never a despot in the style of

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
that parody of Louis the Sun King. The King of divine origin is
like the Imam of the Ishmaelites, a reflection of another, Celestial
Imam; or like that Teacher of Righteousness who is never spoken
of; or like the Emperor of Japan, before whom one lowers their
gaze, because his light was reflected from that of the Sun, his Fa-
ther, just as the light of the yellow Sun is reflected from that of the
Black Sun, and this from the Green Ray. It was also the conception
of the Rosicrucian Imperator, of the Great Khan, the Führer of the
Männerbund, the Dalai Lama and the Catholic Pope. Their infalli-
bility comes to them from the astral double, from a “parallel
world.” But the Rosicrucians say that the Pope has appropriated
the Tiara of the Imperator. The King is a Magi-Initiate, a Warrior-
Priest. So too is the Pharaoh. He will be a catalytic factor of equi-
librium, fulfilling an essential magic-liturgical task; be able to
modify and change the climate and control the seasons, as Jung
was assured by the Chief of the Pueblo Indians: “The Sun will not
come out any more, because now you do not permit us to help it
rise in the morning.” The King who cannot make it rain in time
will be sacrificed, because he is not a righteous King. It proceeded
in this way with the Rishis in the valley of Kulu in the Himalayas,
as is told in The Visits of the Queen of Sheba. In the ancient Em-
pire of China, when the Emperor was not righteous and just, the
music of the kingdom degenerated. There was no harmony or
The divine royalty of Visigoths and Merovingians is transmit-
ted through the blood of the extraterrestrials that runs through
their physical and astral veins. The blood of the Nibelungs. The
endowment is an initiation where one drinks the blood contained
in a sacred vessel, the blue blood of the blue beings of Hyperbo-
rea, the Guides of the color of Krishna and Shiva. Thus, the Grail
legend, transmitted by Benedictines and Cistercians and embod-
ied in the Templars, is only superficially Christianized, because
the Grail Cup, in this case, is also of Green Stone, Emerald; the

Miguel Serrano
Stone of Venus-Lucifer, of the Morning Star, containing the blood
of the Hyperborean King, the King of the World, of Visigothic and
Merovingian race. One can now understand even more the fear
and hatred of all those who have usurped the temporal and divine
power, in France just as in Rome, or in Judea. In the Grail Cup has
preserved the miracle of the Blood of divine origin, extraterrestri-
al. It guards a sick King, Amfortas, the Fisherman, wounded in his
virility, in Pisces, by a Semitic-lunar religious conception. His land
has been devastated. Nevertheless, deep down, he is still a Shep-
herd-King, a Kastiu, that is, a highlander saved upon the Moun-
tain, born again when Parsifal comes. Parsifal, the “pure mad-
man,” the heir who will restore the Throne and regenerate the
land; the new Grail King, of the blood of those resurrected on the
peaks, of the Aryans, who will initiate the journey to the Golden
The Merovingians descend from a legendary and mythic King,
Merovech or Meruweg, an eponymous name, surely generic, like
that of Heracles. A Hyperborean Giant, extraterrestrial. Meru is
the sacred Mount of the Aryans of India and weg is path, in Ger-
man. Thus, the Merovingians are the Aryans come from Meru,
who follow the path of the Mount of initiation, of Shiva (Meru is
the celestial double of Kailash), in the direction of the Leftward
Swastika. It is on top of this Mountain where the ancestors receive
the Stone of the Gral with the key of the origin, the Polar revela-
tion and the extraterrestrial science; it is there where they com-
municate with the Guides, those who left, those who did not fall,
with the Great Ancestor, with the Invisible, Inner Earth. From
Mount Meru also come the Mauryas of India, those that fly in the
vimanas, the Dropas of Tibet, the Ainu of Japan, the first Maoris of
the Canaries [the Guanches], the Chachapoyas of South America,
the Pelasgians, the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Phrygians, the Ne-
philim, the Nibelungs.
The Kings of the Gral and the Grail, like Parsifal, who had been

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
raised in the forest of Woevre-Saelde, the Kundalini serpent, are
consecrated by their blood, in which circulates the Minne of the
Memory of that divine origin. A King of the Gral can only be so by
that blood. To refresh the memory, it is drunk in the ceremony of
the Minnetrinken, while the Troubadour initiates, the Minnesänger,
sing the Saga of the Exodus and of the Return. This is the mystery
of the Gral and the Grail that disappears with the Templars. This
is why the nine knights go to Jerusalem to recover the Treasure
that had gone missing.
Before the Templars, the Druids had attempted the restoration
of the divine order and, later, the authentic Rosicrucians did as
well. In the involution of the visible earth, they all lose. Their God
is the God of the losers in the astrological period of the Kali Yuga.
They know it and do not hold out beyond what is permitted. They
make combat upon evil out of a sense of duty, through Karma, as
in Karma Yoga. The combat is Yoga of recovery, it is Dharma, as
for Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Templars and Rosicrucians do
not resist; it will seem as if they do not want to win, as if they
leave losing, after having been exposed to the limits of the combat.
The Visigothic Kings also vanish overnight; as if by enchantment
their extraordinary Empire disappears, after having extended all
the way from the southern horizon to Toledo and Andalusia, hav-
ing conquered Rome with Alaric. Nothing remains. Esoteric Hit-
lerists also know that it is better to lose at this juncture of terrestri-
al time, since they have unmasked the imposter.

Racial Sin and the Sense of Guilt

Well, and now to link these thoughts in an attempt to clarify the
drama of the origins with the destiny of the Jewish people, which
is defined in the Exodus, and with the Renewed Covenant: there
was a deception and fraudulent adulteration, by a surviving tribe,
of an inheritance and tradition that belonged to the Aryans. To

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erase the traces of this act, they have falsified the wisdom of At-
lantis, which was also of Hebrew heritage. The adulteration will
continue through the centuries. All is putrid and pestilential, and
it extends to the future. The Messiah, or King of the Jews, that al-
ready is prepared within the bosom of the Lodges, in great secre-
cy, and in the centers of world power after the triumph in the
Great War, will be a parody of the King of the World of divine
origin, of the Giant, and the Rosicrucian Imperator. Also, the
“chosen people” is a parody of the semi-divine Viras, the heroes of
extraterrestrial extraction. The impossible sense of guilt that the
Jews carry within them would surely relate to what happened in
their personal exodus, and to their secret of having adulterated
and hybridized everything; it relates to their racial sin, their impu-
rity and betrayal of the first Hebrews, who were Aryans, accord-
ing to de Sède and Gobineau.
Today, the Jew has been imposed temporarily upon the invo-
luted world of the nadir of the Kali Yuga. To ease his conscience,
he has sought to infect the world with his sense of Original Sin.
With blood and fire, he attempts to imprint this eternal guilt com-
plex in the soul of the defeated German, especially that of the
youth, accusing him of genocide. The sin is like that of Adam,
having to be passed from parents to children, by a fatal law of
“collective karma,” inescapable for all humanity, as in the Old
Testament. And the pity and remorse of the world will be for the
Jews’ own benefit. Solely through this, everything is permitted for
them today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Nevertheless, it has been
the Jew who has raised this conflict of gods and demons, of bloods
and races, that does not find exit outside of the tragic explosions,
like a reflection of their drama, already without solution by other
means, because it has been transposed onto the Archetypes, onto
the Gods. Neither one nor the other can let up. The Jew knows
this, just as the descendants of Hyperboreans do. All triumph
must be relative, for the drama is not played out here, but in the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
world of the true Values, on the Other Side.

Do Not Judge, Only Oppose

And in all of this no one can judge—not even those who have de-
scended another step down in the successive descents of Creation.
Someone fell first light-years ago, hardening, splitting, separating,
projecting out the other part of being that has not yet re-entered. It
is the process of cosmic involution, of this earth in particular, from
“the fifth heaven down,” when a strange principle, the Negation,
Evil, intervenes to mix everything up. Later, the Angels fall here
and mix, in their turn, with the “daughters of men.” In the nadir
of the Kali Yuga another mix, even worse, shall be produced. And
indeed it has been produced—another Racial Sin. According to
Plato, it is a racial sin that is responsible for the sinking of Atlantis.
But the heroes, the Viras, with the help of the Hyperboreans, are
mutated, transmuted and recover eternity, entering a world still in
the Golden Age. It is understood by this that the Creation (we do
not know if it is only from “the fifth heaven downwards”) should
transform into a combat, into sacred struggle, because one cannot
leave without opposing that one falls even lower at the most criti-
cal moment of the involution, coming to forget the divine origin of
the heroes, destroying them, like the Giants, through cunning and
perfidy, to impose and exalt the materialism of the pasu, of the su-
dra, the animal-man, that will lead to the definitive condemnation
of the planet, making impossible their final transfiguration and
spiritualization on the symbolic path of the Leftwards Swastika of
return to the luminous ages, that will end the Kali Yuga. This en-
deavor cannot be realized by nature alone, without the action of
the Man-Magus. Thus there is a Great War and the Order of War-
rior Initiates. Every attempt to resurrect the Golden Age will not
be lost. The cumulative effort, directed from the Inner Earth by the
invisible Guides, will ultimately pay off, much earlier than

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thought. And the dead heroes shall be revived.

Can One Stop Being a Jew and Become

a Hebrew Again?
If we attempt to give a response to the Jewish youth who question
about the true value and meaning of the Renewed Covenant, we
could conclude that all is not lost (in the very moment that their
parents believe they have won everything). What is stated here, in
this work, is highly symbolic, referring to metaphysical happen-
ings, even though synchronistic. When someone has written that
the Jews have committed the “racial sin” of mixing with the ani-
mal, this will correspond to a symbolic act, of black magic, as we
have said. The “animal” is a mythical being of the Sabbath. The
Covenant is not irreversible, being possible that someone can get
away from it it to reintegrate oneself into the revelation of the Hy-
perborean origins, going from the Lunar to the Solar again,
through the Alchemy of mutations and transmutations, of the
White, or Orphic Kabbalah, that of the mantras, which was also that
of King Saul. All of this is with the help of the Inner World, dying
to be reborn with new purified blood; purifying the Akashic
Blood, to be able to free themselves from the control that is exer-
cised from there by Black Magicians of the perversely utilized
Kabbalah of numerals and names; causing to spring forth anew
the pure water of the Minne, the most distant Hyperborean, extra-
terrestrial Memory; mutating in the deepest channels, if even still
possible. By blood we continue understanding the Akashic
Memory, essentially. If some men could transform into a semi-
divine Viras and these into immortal Divyas, so too could the Jew
mutate into a Hebrew, into a Habiru, a descendant of a Kabiru or a
Kabiri, into an Aryan reborn on the Mount of the most distant an-
cestors, those who left at the critical moment of partition, of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
true Exodus, precisely at the beginning of the path of Return of
the Leftward Swastika, in search of reintegration, of the lost totali-
ty. It is understood that this supreme effort of mutation must be
individual, obtaining the help of those from Beyond. It could be
that it has been tried before, by more than one, and with success,
especially among the Sephardim. However, neither the “Marra-
nos” nor the “Chuetas” of Spain have achieved it, converting to
Catholicism with typical fanaticism and fervor, because they have
always continued within the Semitic-Lunar world. Collectively,
there are no greater hopes, because the unseen directors of Juda-
ism symbolize the Pole of tension which pulls towards an en-
hancement of the density of matter, as representatives of that Dark
Opposing Principle, of Negation, Chaos, and Nothingness; of dis-
integration through heaviness—like in the cosmic Black Holes—
and of the Original Mixing. Within the Drama of the Creation, es-
pecially of Involution, they thus fulfill the role of provoking the
conflicts to the world (from “the fifth heaven downwards”?) that
oblige the Vira to stay with weapon in hand, as a warrior of the
solar divinities, of the Luminous Principle, as a Son of the Light.

The Law of the Pendulum

Absolutely nothing of historical times may be understood—
especially the age that we now dwell in—if one does not take into
account the central theme of the drama outlined here. By univer-
sal, terrestrial law, the pendulum reaches one side at the same dis-
tance that it reaches the other side. This is its fatal movement.
Through its opposition to Judaism, exoteric Hitlerism is exacer-
bated. It is a result of Judaism in its political action of opposition
to all of its racial postulates and its domination. It affirms what is
at the other end of the pendulum: “One Folk, One Reich, One
Führer.” In its initiatic action it is possible that it may also be dis-
turbed by the Counter-Initiation of the opposite end. Its external

Miguel Serrano
racism is the product of another racism, with the difference being
that it lasts for a shorter time. The tendencies and the objectives
are different only because their Gods and Guides are different. But
it must be concluded that the animal-man, looking at these issues
with purely human eyes, is in no position to condemn the exoteric
Hitlerism without equally condemning Judaism. He cannot do it.
Both racisms are based upon the initiatic mystery of the blood and
its chromosomal memory, to go on using terms from the scientific
mythology of the present.
This Hitlerism, momentarily defeated at one end of the balance,
becomes a precious instrument and very favorable for Judaism,
which exploits it in its favor, using the sentimentality and weak-
nesses of “mixed peoples,” “bastards” of “impure blood” and
“weak heart.” The events which precipitate from the end of the
last world war only serve to sustain the Jew in his faith in the
Covenant and the Loyalty of their God, through their unwavering
blood loyalty. He has returned the Promised Land to them, the
City of Jerusalem, the “only one in which Jehovah wishes to be
worshiped.” Where will he take them from here?
We know how complicated it becomes to treat these issues to-
day, even when one attempts to do so on other levels, which is
probably impossible because of the gregarious times we live in.
After long years in the search, we have been able to serenely con-
firm the ancient visions. At such a crucial point in history, we
have come back to revive these things, knowing full well that they
go against the current that drives the last abyss of the Kali Yuga.
An era ended and another one begins in the already closed Uni-
verse of man. We are being enveloped in the maelstrom of events
that precipitate. We have wanted to go back more than thirty
years for those higher beings who courageously took the side of
the God of the Losers in the period of the Kali Yuga, and to initiate
the youth into the Polar Revelation of El Cordon Dorado and Eso-
teric Hitlerism. We have returned to tread over those flaming ter-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
ritories, those plains covered with corpses, bathed in the blood of
Heroes, discovering that we never left there. The guiding Hand of
the God of the Losers today will be the victorious one tomorrow,
and long before the passing of seven hundred years.

Esoteric Hitlerism Is Not “Anti”

When one is immersed in the myths and legends, in symbolism, in
the Green Ray, they are not “anti” anything: one simply is at that
point, being “possessed,” used by the cosmic forces that act be-
hind History. Neither were the Cathars anti-Jewish when they de-
clared that Jehovah was the Devil, nor were the Templars when
they abjured from Yeshua, the Zealot. I would dare say that neither
were the highest and most unknown directors of Hitlerism, with
the superficial sense of the shock troops. Friedrich Hielscher, for
example, the initiate and spiritual director of the SS, was never a
member of the Nazi Party, even when the SS Colonel, Wolfram
Sievers, director of the Ahnenerbe, was his disciple. Hielscher was
permitted to visit him in the prison of Nuremberg before his exe-
cution, to perform a final initiatory rite. Hans Günther was also a
different thinker, as was Professor Wirth, a scholar of Eastern phi-
losophy who taught Sanskrit and unveiled Tibetan texts at the
University of Munich. There were, furthermore, hidden figures,
mostly unknown, who operated from a center where Rosenberg
never reached. Almost all have been overtaken by the fate of the
Kali Yuga, the Twilight of the Gods, by the accelerated march of
the involution of the earth.
The confusion surrounding the SS, before and after the war,
would relate to the fact that this organization also controlled the
forces of the political police, the Gestapo, as a branch of their ser-
vices. But the SS to which we are referring is their initiatic Hierar-
chy. There was also an honorary SS degree that was given to per-
sonalities that did not belong to the Nazi Party or the SS institu-

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tion. The title in German is Ehrendienst. Professor Franz Altheim of
the University of Halle, historian of Antiquity and Romanism;
Professor Menghin of the University of Vienna, student of Prehis-
tory; Herman Wirth, already mentioned, author of The Ascent of
Mankind, were invited to give lectures in the centers of the SS Or-
der. So was Gerhart Hauptmann, author of The White Savior,
which makes reference to our White Gods of America. All these
personalities held very different positions concerning race, the
Jewish problem, Germanism, and the blood. Otto Rahn, investiga-
tor of Catharism, entered the SS. Julius Evola was invited to the
main castle of the Black Order to give lectures. They also entrust-
ed important research to him, even when knowing that his posi-
tion on race was spiritualist, his tantric inclination and his Ghibel-
line and aristocratic political ideas, and his opposition to any or-
ganization of the gregarious type. It was at the end of the war, in
Vienna during the course of his secret investigation commissioned
by the SS, that Julius Evola was gravely wounded during the Al-
lied bombing, leaving him paralyzed for the rest of his days. I met
him when he was in a wheelchair in his apartment along the Corso
Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome, and we had an interesting conversa-
tion a few years before his death in 1975. The philosopher
Heidegger was a member of the Nazi Party, and, if I am not mis-
taken, remained so until his death in 1976 since he never put for-
ward a renunciation, nor did he retract anything. The SS prepared
for the creation of a State of the Order, separate from the Totalitar-
ian State, at the margin of all organizations of the masses and the
Party. We can imagine what would have been, without the loss of
that stage of the Great War. Racist theorists like Günther and
Clauss maintained different positions to those of Rosenberg. The
Ahnenerbe Institute directed investigations into the world of sym-
bols and magic, runic signs, ethnology, and the archaeology of
missing continents.
To try speaking today about these things with fairness and dis-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
passion is not possible. The pendulum is located at one of the ex-
tremes. The hour of change has not yet arrived. Nor after seven
hundred years is it possible to speak of the Cathars calmly with
certain highly committed personalities. My relationship with Car-
dinal König of Austria chilled completely upon telling him of my
pilgrimage to Montsegúr. He asked me in a sour tone, “Do the
Cathars still exist?” And this Cardinal is a Prince of the Church of
Rome in charge of the ecumenical movement of the “non-
believers.” Until then we had conversed about Herman Hesse and
his book of Tantric love, Siddhartha, with what seemed to be sin-
cere interest and equanimity.

The Conflict Is Not of Men, But of Gods

When the history of the earth enters a very critical period, as at
present, the myths, gods and demons that direct us, the Arche-
types, come to take an even more active part, becoming almost
visible to many. They participate directly in the combat, as hap-
pened in the last world war, of cosmic resonance. Because of this,
“the deaths of mortals” do not count, because it is the immortals
who fight through them. It is therefore an error to attempt to ana-
lyze such events, of beyond-human proportions, with uniquely
human measures, of the animal-man. The immortals do not die,
even when they do die. Men come to be symbols, pieces in the
great game. If one judges with terrestrial human values, if one re-
duces the phenomenon to the level of the animal-man, to his ide-
als of “justice,” “equality,” “humanity” or “humanism,” they are
participating in the modern confusion, without ever coming to
understand that which is truly being dealt with, or what was so
seriously at stake. And those who know, only avail themselves of
the ignorance of others to achieve their transcendent aims, that are
not human, nor humanistic, but mythic. When the mythic slain SS
were not destroying men, they were their immortal Gods in com-

Miguel Serrano
bat against other Entities, or Daemons. They were symbols against
symbols. In the same way, today, when the Jews kill Palestinians
they do so through their Archetype. Through their Demiurge, or
Golem, through their Pact with Him. They are mere instruments
of a Myth that they cannot betray.
Reasons of difficult comprehension. Words so archaic, that they
do not easily penetrate the modern ears, deafened by the uproari-
ous noise of the mechanics of the Kali Yuga. The only ones, how-
ever, that can allow one to venture into the depths through which
extends even the Golden Thread of the metaphysical Revelation of
the origins of life.

The Dance of Shiva

“The events of history are a conflagration,” said Novalis. But it is
Hinduism, as usual, which contributes an accurate vision to us of
the events in the process of the Emanation, or Creation, within the
Kalpas, or movement of the “breathing” of the creator-Demiurge.
In the Hindu Triad, Brahma is the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver,
and Shiva the Destroyer. Work of equal importance is shared
among them, each one facilitating that of the other. The first two
reign in Pravritti Marga, name and form, and Shiva, the Destroyer,
in Nivritti Marga; both form the cycle of manifestation of the Spirit.
The path called that of the Right Hand, Dakshinachara in Sanskrit,
focuses on the creation and preservation of name and form, corre-
sponding to the establishment of ritual cult worship, compliance
with laws and norms, construction of cultures and civilizations. It
is presided over by the Dyad, Brahma-Vishnu. The path of the
Left Hand, Vamachara, corresponds to the destruction of name and
form, and is presided over by Shiva the Destroyer. Today the
world would be in this stage: decline of a civilization, the end of
an astrological age, perhaps of a Manvantara. Shiva is also the
Master of the Tantric Yoga of the Left Hand; the Siddhas are his

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
adepts. Without his work, nothing could be fulfilled, the earth
could not get out of its involution. God would not be made con-
scious through the mutated man, in the leap of his mutation.
Therefore Shiva is also the Serpent of Lucifer and is Abraxas.
Likewise he is Jupiter who holds the Scepter in his left hand. After
the Defeat, it is the Path of Destruction, that of the Left Hand, the
most spiritual, and where one finds the positive aspect will allow
the return to the origin of the Creator Brahma. It is the Pathway of
the Metamorphoses. The difference between the two paths is that
which exists between milk and wine, say the Tantrists. Vama
means left, but also “against” or “contrary,” meaning, by this,
woman. Therefore, the Tantric path, that of the troubadours, and
of the minnesänger, has to be traveled in the company or with “the
thought of a woman,” as Parsifal advised. The Left Hand corre-
sponds to the detachment and estrangement from everything con-
servative and formal. Here there are two paths to follow: the as-
ceticism of Laya Yoga and the Tantric practices of the secret ritual
of the Panchatattva. Both belong to the Yoga of Dissolution, of the
destruction of Maya, and are presided over by Shiva, the Master
of Yoga.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna advises Arjuna to comply with
the Dharma of the Yoga of Dissolution, to enter into combat with-
out hesitation before the deaths that will be caused, “because they
are already dead in Me.” And Schlegel says: “It is the enthusiasm
of destruction that reveals the meaning of the divine creation. It is
not but in the midst of death that the meaning of eternal life flash-
es forth.”
Someone once handed me a book in India. Its author was a
Westerner. I encountered these phrases: “My God, unleash a great
war, for in it there is a quest and eternal obstinacy, to find some
spirits from the stars... Who knows if the way to escape war will
not be through the Great War!” And the Russian painter and mys-
tic, Nicholas Roerich, would say: “There is no terror that cannot be

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transformed into a luminous solution evoking a greater concentra-
tion of energy.” The causes of expiration and death must be seen
in the Spirit, in the fact the Spirit joins to nature in the quality of
one beyond her, of a transcendent force that surpasses the finite
and conditioned. This negative phenomenon does not demon-
strate the power of nature over the Spirit, but the other way
around. According to Novalis, it is with Defeat that liberty and
free will appear in nature. That is to say, with the Gnostic Serpent
of Lucifer. “When man wants to divinize himself, when he wishes
to know, he sins” he says. He does so through what has errone-
ously been called sin.

Three Fundamental Positions in Esoteric

Hitlerism: First, the Symbolic
It is revealing that once Germany is defeated, immediately after
the last world war, the Jews regain their “Promised Land,” that
terrestrial point where an important chakra in the astral body of
the earth would function. Hitlerism maintains that the Jews have
distorted a myth belonging to Aryan mankind, that of the return
to Hyperborea, to the Polar Thule, where the authentic point of
exit towards the star of the origins is found, having to complete
the return there, thanks to a spiritual and biological mutation of
the semi-divine race into divine and of some animal-men into
semi-divines. This, by the power of the Vril of Hvareno. We will try
to refer to the central questions of the great themes outlined here,
to positions that appear contradictory at first sight.
There are those who believe that the Hyperborean Legend, its
mythology, should be considered in a purely symbolic sense, of
inner realization. The Oasis, in the center of the polar world of tall
mountains of ice, with temperate climate, paradisaical, the race of
the White Men of transparent skin, the women Magas, of super-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
human powers, with golden hair floating in the wind of the glaci-
ers, the Hollow Earth, Agharti, Shambhala, the Golden Fleece, the
Golden Apples, the Gral, the return to the Lost Home, to the Nup-
tial Homeland, to the Morning Star, are symbols of an interior,
alchemical process, of the transformation of the involuted being,
from the animal-man into semi-divine and, later, into divine. A
process of initiation through degrees in the transfigurations of the
terrestrial man into celestial, immortal man. The sinkings of Hy-
perborea, Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and Gondwana, would also be
symbolic, corresponding to different lost psychic centers in the
Total-Man, in the division of the Great Anthropos, in a fall, a
Gnostic “Platonic crucifixion” of the Spirit, in the four realms of
matter. A lost totality. As has been seen, the symbols would be
first and the man would transcend his insignificance only to the
extent to which it is possible to make himself symbolic, to incar-
nate alive a symbol in his own soul, that immanence. It is the con-
frontation with the Jungian Archetype. At the end of his life, Jung
used the term psychoid to refer to all of that which transcended
the psychic. The Archetypes could well be divine or diabolical en-
tities, with an existence alien to the human psyche, which cap-
tures, or reflects them in an imperfect form. Gods and demons.
This is the ultimate confession of Gnosticism from Jung. In this
way, then, the return Home, to Eden, is not an affair of mortals, it
is not of this earth, but of defeated Angels in exile, of Lucifer,
Apollo, and Kenos (of the Selknam mythology of Tierra del Fuego),
of the extraterrestrial refugees here, of the divine heroes. And the
return should not be fulfilled in this hard and heavy earth of the
matter of slow vibrations, but in the New Earth; that Path in an-
other Earth that will come, or that will be created by the alchemi-
cal process of transmutation. “Making it invisible within man or
through man,” as Rilke would say, returning to that point before
the involution, in the spiral or Circle. Because the earth may not
exit from the abyss of the Kali Yuga without the help of the divi-

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nized man. The return is accomplished in a parallel, analogous
Earth, comprised of anti-matter, so to speak. The Other Earth of
Plato. An Inner Earth. And when the animal-man and the semi-
divines are mistaken, circumscribing the myth, limiting the sym-
bol in a determined physical, geographical completion on this
earth, they break the Gral, they shatter the visage of the Arche-
type, wounding the cosmic secret and producing the catastrophe.
Those who maintain this interpretive position, tracing the
Golden Thread of the Grand Initiatic Tradition, think that Hitler’s
error was his obsession with the physical return to the mythical
Asgard of the Asen and the god Wotan, whose location will ap-
pear in the Caucasus near Mount Elbruz, the mountain of the
goddess Freya, of the snowy white breasts. Venus, in truth. It is
also the error of the Zionist Jews, appropriating the terrestrial Je-
rusalem where they situate the Promised Land, expelling its he-
reditary occupants, a thing which is not accounted by them as be-
ing more than a purely human affair, of the animal-man—within
the mythic cosmic drama—in which the Jews live. Even less
would be the importance of the Archetype which they are pos-
sessed by. This error, repeated over time, simultaneously, created
a chain of fatal occurrences upon the earth, whose proportions are
yet to be measured, especially in the delicate world of symbols.
Equivalent to stealing a small piece of a Golden Apple of the Hes-
perides, or from the Gral, and misusing it. Because the passage of
the return to the transfigured Other Earth, should be carried out
leaping from the psychic Pole, from the Crown Chakra, above, on
the top of the head of the spiritualized man. The true God of those
who find the Lost Homeland, the missing Thule, is the he of the
losers in this “external earth,” in the “involuted time,” the God of
the Cathars and the Templars, as Ezra Pound explained. All of the
Golden Apples have to be brought together again to rebuild the
Garden of the Hesperides, of Avalon; all the pieces of the Broken
Crown, to remake it as beautiful as it was before the Defeat; all of

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
the fragments of the Gral, to go to deposit them in the Mountain
of the Revelation, of transparent ice, in the furthest Midnight, in
the blue light of the Morning Star. This was known by the Walkers
of the Dawn, the Watchkeepers of the Aurora.

The Initiation in Agharti

This would be the initiation in Agharti, within the mythical Hima-
layas, in the ancient Pamir Mountains, in the Inner Earth. The vi-
sion of the Magic Love of the Hyperborean priestesses. Also that
of the Cathars. It is thought that this could be the position of Otto
Rahn, the author of Crusade Against the Gral; all of which has given
origin to the legend of an ideological conflict with his doctrinal
directors of the SS, shortly before the Second World War. Otto
Rahn, it is said, would have committed suicide in the manner that
he thought had been done by his admired troubadour, Bertan de
Born, letting himself freeze on a mountain on the German border
of the Austrian Alps. That is, the Endura, the voluntary death of
the Cathars. I have not been able to verify this. Nor is it easy to
obtain editions of his books today. His work is included in the
Catholic Index, it is “accursed literature,” especially Lucifer’s
Court, a summary of the mythical thought of the SS and a pilgrim-
age to Hyperborea.
In this book, Otto Rahn makes some interesting observations
about Don Quixote de la Mancha. The work of Cervantes would
have been written in code. The names of Tolosa and La Molinera,
for example, would indicate Toulouse, the Albigensians and the
meuniére, the Vaudois (Waldensians). Rahn reproduces the dialogue
of Sancho Panza—whom Don Quixote called “good man” (bon
homme, Cathar)—with Basilio’s cousin, the humanist, who leads
them to the Cave of Montesinos: “Tell me—asks Sancho—Who
was the first tumbler in the world? The cousin defers the answer.
But Sancho answers himself: It was Lucifer, when he was cast

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down from the heavens and came tumbling to the depths.” Otto
Rahn recalls that the Church of Rome called the wandering min-
strels and troubadours tumblers or acrobats. Don Quixote says to
Sancho “That question and answer are not thine own. Thou hast
heard them from someone else.” Sancho protests, And Don Quix-
ote continues: “Thou hast said more than thou art aware of, San-
cho.” That is, the first Troubadour was Lucifer. Apollo himself.
And Otto Rahn concludes: “Perhaps Apollo has blinded the
Knight of the Sad Countenance with one of his Golden Rays, as he
did with Hölderlin.” Cervantes would have known more than he
could say openly. And surely someone knew that he knew. He
would belong to the previous, Secret Spain, which had been sub-
merged and could resurface if it had not been for the defeat of the
Cathar Occitania and Don Pedro of Aragon. The Visigoth, Ger-
manic, Celtic Spain, ultimately destroyed by Domingo de Guzman
(St. Dominic) and the Inquisition, the Spain of the Agotes (Cagots),
of the dolmens, and also the Illuminists, or tantric Alumbrados of
Valladolid. Even if there were time left, one would have to fight for
this Spain to re-emerge.
In a recent conversation with René Nelli, scholar of Catharism
and translator of Lucifer’s Court into French, he told me that the
curious news had been transmitted to him that Otto Rahn had not
died, and was to be found in some hidden location. He would
have disappeared due to an order received before the war. Even
while this may be fantastic in the case of Otto Rahn, it would not
surprise me, for the unknown directors of Hitlerism, especially the
Guides from the “other side,” knew that the first part of the War
would be lost in this “plane.” They were the followers of the God
of the Losers in the present space-time bend. Hitler also knew it,
receiving the order to fight without faltering, by blood and fire, in
compliance with the Myth, until the end, as we have already said.
On the 26th of April, 1942 he declares: “If the Gods do not love
but those who demand the impossible, God does not give his

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
blessing but to those who remain unwavering in the impossible.”
And later, a few days before the end, in Berlin: “A people who has
withstood and resisted like the German, prepares a new flowering
of Humanity. At the end of this Great War, the Ultimate Battalion
will be German.” These strange words are continued with the fol-
lowing dialogue. While shrapnel and fire immersed Berlin, the SS
officer, Heinz Linge, asked Hitler: “And now, for whom do we
fight?” Hitler replied: “For the man to come...” This indicates that
he knew that the War did not end there, that the Ultimate Battal-
ions were already on the Other Earth, within, and that he would
join them there. Like the prophet Enoch of legend, Hitler parts in a
Chariot of Fire, disappearing without a trace in that spatial-
temporal juncture, in the year 1945.
The man to come would be an allusion to reincarnation in its
Polar, Hyperborean conception, of Eternal Return: his own rein-
carnation or return, within the Hyperborean Circle, like a note
that returns to reach its purest sound and presence in a resurrect-
ed body of “red flesh” (Rubedo) made of immortal Vajra.

Second Position, the Synchronistic:

Initiation in Shambhala
The vision that would be given in Shambhala, the other subterra-
nean city (some maintain that Shambhala is the capital of Aghar-
ti), would be as follows: by the Hermetic Law makes it such that
what is carried out above is repeated below and vice-versa, the
Myth incarnates, the archetypal event takes form in all planes of
the vibration of energy, from the most subtle to the densest, as in a
game of cosmic mirrors. St. Bernard stated that “the spirit was
carnal.” The Gods need the earth and incarnation to plunge roots
into the abyss. For this, there will have to be an Ultima Thule here
on the physical earth; a submerged Atlantis, and real Asgard, and

Miguel Serrano
the possibility of the recovery of all of them. It is that which the
Templars would have believed with their Gral Cycle, aspiring to
restore a sovereignty with divine foundations, with supernatural
Guides, engaged in the mythical-political process. It is the Ghibel-
line idea of the State and the transcendent royalty, according to
Julius Evola. The terrestrial justice of the Druid, Celtic, Ancient
Germanic, and Aryan-Hindu society, would be the passage suita-
ble for achieving the mutation, or transfiguration of the earth, in
the direction towards divinization and the eternal, towards the
rediscovery of a spiritual science and technology, re-establishing
the connections with the metaphysical, extraterrestrial roots, to
achieve the overcoming of the dark Epoch of involution, the Kali
Yuga, where nature has been abandoned and neglected for a athe-
istic and rationalistic science. In Shambhala, the use of the power
(Hvareno, Vril) that allows the mutation of man and the earth is
taught; the warrior initiation, that makes this possible, is given.
Just as “what is within is without,” the mutation of man into semi-
divine and into divine will allow the simultaneous transfiguration
of the planet.
Those who follow this current of initiation have struggled to
establish here on the current earth a New-Old Order, with roots in
the transcendent origins, to revive the Solar Age, and they will
continue fighting until the end, so that El Cordon Dorado does not
disappear, the increasingly tenuous golden link is not broken and
the earth is not abandoned by the Spirit, going towards disinte-
grating itself in the abyss and the nothingness.

The Third Position Harmonizes

the Other Two
Outside of these two directions, in appearance distinct, there
would be a third, that includes and reconciles them. Agharti and

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Shambhala would share the work amongst themselves, just as oc-
curs in the Dyad and Triad of the Hindu Pantheon, where Brah-
ma, Vishnu, and Shiva collaborate in apparently conflicting
works. The Earth is a living being. Like man, it possesses a more
subtle double, an “Etheric Body.” This would be the Other Earth,
mentioned many times. There one would find, then, the Hyperbo-
rean Thule; the Cities of Agharti and Shambhala would be located
“within” this earth, upon whose surface we move about. And it is
extraordinary to come to know that the SS spoke of an “Inner
Earth” and that they searched through the most secret locations in
the world for its entrance. Did they find it? The legend of the Lord
of the World, of the Tibetans and Mongolians, also refers to an
internal, subterranean universe, like the old Nordic, polar sagas
and legends. This would be the world of the Giants. In that Sec-
ond Earth would reside the Invisible Guides, the Unknown Supe-
riors. The passage towards that Other Earth will be made through
the extremes, or Poles. As we have already mentioned, at the
North Pole (also at the South Pole) one will find the entrance to
the Hollow Earth and the exit to the Astral, or Parallel Earth, to a
Trans-dimensional Universe, just as how the narrow gateway to
the astral world is found on the top of man’s head; the organ of
the Vril, the Urna. In the same way as how the “Vital Body” of
man has the identical form to that of his physical body, the double
of the earth is similar. And that is why there must also exist a Thu-
le in the external “hard earth,” and it will return to recreate itself
in the overcoming of involution, depending, as it were, on a new
development of the negative, of the double. The Guides pass from
“one” to the “other” analogous earth to fulfill their missions, cost-
ing them more each time, causing them pain, surely, in the dis-
tressing state of the present involution. Today, the Guides hope
that there are those from “here” who strive to reach “beyond,”
where they will receive the messages and instructions. Already
they almost do not come. Communication becomes increasingly

Miguel Serrano
rare, at the same time that it is dangerous, especially depending
upon the “point of exit or entrance” that one achieves. One can
make mistakes along the way, erroneous orders can be received,
or, they could be “mere mental creations,” contact with non-
existent phantasms, with “Golems,” or with diabolical masks that
take the appearance of the immortals, the Face of the Elect. The
incubuses, of which have been spoken.
The true Divine Guides are essential. Like the Bodhisattvas, they
should be “here” and “there” at the same time, to help men and
the current earth in their most critical state. The Earth, like man, is
not immortal, as long as they have not been consciously connected
with Spirit, being transfigured, passing at will to their “double,”
eternalizing it. This is the alchemical work that the Hyperborean
Guides intend. The transmutation must be fulfilled in both
worlds, just as within us. The Great Siddhas immortalize with all
of their bodies, and thus must the earth also do. The Siddhas are
the magi of Hyperborea, the semi-divine that have divinized. (Sid-
dha is a Sanskrit word, but it is interesting to know that Sidhe, in
Irish, is the “Land of the Fairies,” where the initiate enters with his
caballo [horse] or Kaballah). The third vision would be the Hyper-
borean, anterior to the separations of Agharti and Shambhala, of
the North Pole and the South Pole. This vision includes the others.
There is no contradiction, then, in in attempting a righteous and
transcendent organization and government on the Exterior Earth,
connected with those from “beyond.” Moreover, the effort is nec-
Thus, the Earth is spiritualized, each one of its nerve centers in
correspondence, like the position of the geographical plexi of the
visible earth (Asgard, Jerusalem), with the Chakras of the invisible
Earth. This was known by the builders of the dolmens and men-
hirs, the Atlanteans and the Druids, as well as the Templars and
SS initiates, who established centers of communication with the
intelligences of the Inner Earth, with Agharti, Shambhala, and the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Thule of the Other Side.

When Krishna Danced in the Cathedrals

With the creation of the Templar Order, a whole new spirit ex-
tends through the Occident. The Gothic style is born. The Cathe-
dral comes to be the temple for the people, their meeting place,
where the binary construction supported by great pairs of pillars,
the great Rose, symbolizing the head of the cosmic, solar Christ,
the secret figures appearing in that forest of sentient stone—like in
the Hindu temples—the alchemy of the windows, are intended to
produce a magical transformation, an almost collective mutation,
not solely in the elect, as in the case of the Romanesque. The men-
hirs, the Dolmens, and the Cromlechs of the giants, of the Ligures,
and the Druids, that vibrate with the “water of the moon” and rise
up in carefully selected sites of astral magnetism, also have this
objective, as well as being instruments of communication with the
subterranean intelligences. It is the secret art of the Stone. Stone-
henge and the Great Pyramid of Giza have been reproduced in the
arrangements and design of the Cathedral of Chartres. It is the
Gral of the Templars coming in to play in the West. The great Hy-
perborean initiation re-encountered; the action of the hidden
Guides who do not show themselves but to the highest Masters of
the Order, directing them. Isis, the Black Virgin, once again makes
her silent and triumphant appearance. She is the Patroness of the
Templars, as well as the Cathars; she is Sophia and is Our Lady
Notre Dame. The Templars revive the Orders of Builders, with
their own rituals and secrets passed through code. Like the Dru-
ids, the Templars do not build themselves, they direct and remu-
nerate the work, just as the Cathars pay their advocates to fight for
them until the end. In the cathedrals, like in the Neolithic con-
structions and at the Cromlechs, they also dance, to awaken the
magnetic and magic vibrations of the special earth point where

Miguel Serrano
they have been erected. Until the fourteenth century, the people
danced in a circle in the cathedrals and the bishop was situated in
the center, to represent the solar Christ. Something like the Rasa-
lila that Krishna still dances in the gardens of Vrindavan. Dance is
the magical, spontaneous action of man in contact with the exteri-
or earth, to establish a beneficial dialogue capable of awakening,
or of being heard by the forces of the interior, attracting them to-
wards those points where those who know have stuck the “nee-
dles” of stone. The sacred language of the feet, striking upon the
surface of the ground, receives its response and the harmonious
dialogue is expressed in the liturgy of the gesture, of the mudra, in
the religious dance of India. All has been lost in the West, as of the
fourteenth century. The magical cathedrals are no longer visited
by the spirit of God, the “incorporated” no longer read his Great
Book. The key has shut itself away, being misplaced, like that of
the Cromlechs.

“Thou Shalt Be King As Long As

Thou Art Righteous”
The Templar Order quickly acquires immense riches, land, and
property throughout Europe, from the Germanic North to Sicily,
Spain, Portugal, and England. The King of Aragon wishes to
transfer his domains to them, so that they could administer over
them. Unfortunately, this is not carried out due to opposition of
the clergy. As we have said, Aragon would be on the side of the
Cathars in the war of the Albigensian Crusade. The assassination
of King Peter of Aragon precipitates the drama. But the great
Templar riches are not used for the benefit of the members of the
Order, they are distributed to the people and used in the construc-
tion of Western civilization. The Templars are prohibited from be-
coming individually rich. The wealth is only for the Domna, for

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Our Lady, for the Order, as an abstract metaphysical entity, as
stated in the Manual of the Order. Equally, the SS in nocturnal
ceremony by the bonfire, swore: “Fidelity, loyalty, obedience,
hardness, propriety, poverty, and valor.” A member of the SS Or-
der would be hard on themselves, would be poor and would ac-
cept death without hesitation.
During the nearly three hundred years that the Templars oper-
ated in Europe, famines and plague come to an end. They store
and distribute wheat, hand over lands to the peasants, and check
the despotic power of the feudal lords. “Thou shalt be King as
long as thou art righteous,” says their maxim. The Templars re-
spect the best, not merely the most noble by title. Certainly they
work to reestablish the power and royalty of authentically divine
origin, trying to give a terrestrial universal body to that which
comes from above, in accordance with the true Aryan, Hyperbo-
rean initiation. They intend to build a social pyramid, in whose
peak would be the Domna, the Priestess-Maga of the Gral. It is also
the Ghibelline intent of the Holy Empire, aborted by the ecclesias-
tical Guelph action. Dante was a Ghibelline and his Domna, Be-
atrice, was the Lady of the Cathars and Templars, of the Occitan
troubadours and the Germanic Minnesänger, of the wandering
knights of the Gral. She is Sophia of the Gnostics.

The Other Gral

It is worth asking ourselves the following: Why do the Templars,
re-activators of the mythology and legend of the Gral in the Occi-
dent, continue to drive forward in their search by way of the
Knights Errant, if they had already found it in the ruins of the
Temple of the East? What sense does it have to continue in the
search? Six years before his death, Julius Evola declared to me that
the legend of the Gral disappeared in Europe alongside the Tem-
plars. It is they who make a favorable situation for the existence of

Miguel Serrano
the Esoteric Knighthood. The explanation would be that the Gral
and its search are a School of Initiation, with its symbolic tests and
its immutable archetypes. This was the Templar School of Initia-
tion. It is also possible that in the end, they were searching for an-
other Gral, that of the West, that which was possessed by the Dru-
ids, the Visigoths, and the ancient Germans who came from As-
gard, that of Shambhala and Agharti, the Gral of the deepest, most
distant Midnight, of the disappeared Hyperborean Thule. This
was not the Gral of the builders of the Stone and the Temple; it
was the Gral that immortalizes and transmutes the animal-man
into semi-divine and the Atlantean into a divine Hyperborean.
The Gral of the Siddhas, of the solar, warrior initiation. This is the
central symbol of a School of Initiation taught only in the highest
grades of the Order, where the warrior combatants of the exterior
world—the laity and semi-laity—would have no access. The Or-
der would be divided into various degrees. Like the “exterior,”
exoteric SS, who were destined to fulfill the most difficult actions
and adventures on the surface, who did not know the esotericism
of the Black Order, their practices and teachings, the Templar
model also would maintain an impenetrable secret about their ini-
tiatory practices and their Unknown Masters.

Skorzeny and the “Unknown Psychology”

I could verify personally that Otto Skorzeny, for example, the bold
hero of the rescue of Mussolini on the Gran Sasso and head of the
special Commandos of the Waffen SS, who served in Hungary,
Yugoslavia and the offensive of the Ardennes, was not aware of
the veiled and esoteric aspect of the Order. He belonged to the ex-
oteric sector of Hitlerism. In his last and very revealing book, pub-
lished shortly before his death, The Unknown War, in which he
makes a documented description of the deeply rooted and wide-
spread betrayal amongst the High Command of the German Ar-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
my, together with the infiltration of Soviet and Allied espionage at
all global levels, Skorzeny appears contrary to the SS esotericism,
in this way confirming its existence. However, Skorzeny is mis-
taken in stating that Hitler was not interested in it. It is possible
that this declaration was made by the loyal Skorzeny with the ob-
ject of rebutting sensationalist claims, without any seriousness,
that circulate around the theme. If Hitler had not been interested
in the esoteric, he would not have given his trust to Himmler, who
consulted clairvoyants and believed in horoscopes. He gave him
the transcendental responsibility for the counteroffensive on the
Vistula, unfortunately, for Himmler was devoid of any military
talent. It is said that Himmler was advised by astrologers, appar-
ently infiltrated by the Intelligence Services of the enemy, to at-
tempt a ridiculous last minute peace with the Western Allies. His
action was so absurd that it is appropriate to suspend all judg-
ment, due to lack of information that allows and understanding of
the reasons, or the process that led to this man who had made
Loyalty the emblem of his Order (Meine Ehre heißt Treue) to break
his oath to the Führer, in the last moment of a titanic struggle.
If Hitler had not been interested in the world of magic, he
would not have named Rudolf Hess—initiate and member of the
Thule Society—as successor and man number two of the Reich,
rather than a soldier like Goering. Clearly, in this way, he was
pointing out his wish that in the case of his disappearance, the
head of the Third Reich would be another initiate, even when his
policies and authority were disputable, because he would main-
tain the contacts with the Invisible Guides and would be able to
receive their orders and directives. That which Hitler perhaps did
not believe—and here Skorzeny could be right—is in astrology
and horoscopes. A Hyperborean magus, born with a mission,
prepared for it even before his birth, thus come to this earth, is
found to be above the “influence of the stars.”
I spoke with Skorzeny for the last time one day before his

Miguel Serrano
death. In his already cited book, Skorzeny admires his special rela-
tionship with Hitler. Something magic emanated from that being,
but not for all, depending on para-psychological situations, as
would be said today, or better, the “esoteric chances,” as we
would prefer to write. Hanna Reitsch, the extraordinary pilot and
friend of Skorzeny, who flew the V-1 and was one of the last peo-
ple to see Hitler in the Berlin Bunker, told me years ago in Delhi,
that for her it was not so. In his book, Skorzeny suggests that the
phenomenon belongs to the “unknown psychology.” The same
would be declared by Leon Degrelle. And what will be said of
those who have never met Hitler in the physical body, but have
also felt and continue to fell magically united with Him, to his
struggle; even those born after his disappearance and in countries
so far away! The expressions “symbolic figures,” “Archetype,”
“collective unconscious” are hypotheses that attempt to explain
the mystery. Skorzeny’s expression, “unknown psychology,” also
serves the same purpose and “psychologizes” a supernatural oc-

The Secret Directors

of the Templars and the SS
No one will penetrate the ultimate secret of the Templars and SS.
The Templar warrior monks who were going to fight in the East
and who defended the pilgrim routes fulfilled an external mission
distinct from that of those who remained in Europe and did not
fight. For those, it was prohibited for to use weapons, like the
Druids. They could do so in self defense, but only after having
been attacked three times.
Paul LaDame, Swiss writer of the prologue of the recent French
edition of Otto Rahn’s book, Lucifer’s Court which has been pub-
lished through the efforts of its translator, René Nelli, confirms

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
that there were directors of the SS who did not allow themselves
to be seen in public or go about in uniform, as we have already
noted. They were not members of the NSDAP; their task consisted
in maintaining the contacts with the invisible superiors, those of
the “Other Earth,” and transmitting their instructions. The same
as the Templars, they prepare beforehand for the disappearance of
the keys, of the Gral; they guard and preserve them for the new
LaDame, like Gerard de Séde, maintains that Otto Rahn would
have been killed by the SS, the Order to which he belonged, in the
course of physical exercise; fortunately, LaDame does not claim
that he was decapitated with an axe. However, the intellectuals of
the Black Order, in this case Otto Rahn, were not subjected to
physical exercises like those already described, which were re-
served for the forces of action in the exterior world. LaDame as-
serts, furthermore, that the book Lucifer’s Court would have been
modified, rewritten and finished after the death of Otto Rahn by
the ideologues of the SS, to re-adapt it to the neopagan and anti-
Semitic Gospel of Nazism. I can definitively refute this statement,
because in May of 1975, while meeting me during a visit to his
house in Carcassonne, René Nellie showed me an old example in
German of the original edition of Lucifer’s Court with a dedication
from Otto Rahn to one of his Occitan friends. Thus Otto Rahn was
alive after the publication of his book. By dedicating it to a person
from the land of the Cathars, he was confirming its contents, tak-
ing responsibility twice, we could say, by once again putting his
signature on the work.

Hitler, “High Priest of the West”:

A Tulku?
It would be a mistake to believe that the true Masters of the SS

Miguel Serrano
and of Hitlerism were made prisoners or executed, as is thought
to have happened to the Templar Masters. Himmler and Jacques
de Molay fell; but the hidden Masters were others. It has been
thought that in the Templar cases of the Masters Roncelin de Fos
and Guillame de Beaujeu, the Secret Grand Master was never
found. In the SS, as in the Templars, the Chief, the Visible Grand
Master, doubles another, invisible Master. It has also been said in
relation to the Templars and the true Rosicrucians, that behind
their orders there would be a mysterious Other Order, with its
base in other stars, another earth (perhaps the Hollow Earth), or in
a Parallel World. Nothing is known with certainty. Similarly we
do not know where Hitler was really initiated. In Vienna, in Mu-
nich, “outside,” “within”? Into what Order and by whom? What is
certain is that there was both a Hitlerian exotericism and esoteri-
It is in the Invisible Circle of the Templars and SS, unknown
even to their visible Heads, de Molay and Himmler, where is it
decided, as with the true Rosicrucians, that the Orders should dis-
appear from the surface, being annihilated externally, because
they have come to be cumbersome and inefficient, losing their ini-
tiatic esoteric purity, contaminating themselves through their
numbers and the gregariousness of the times, wearing out in the
promiscuity, in the physical combat. They renounce continuing to
fight “here” and make use of the “door” of entry, or of the “win-
dow” of exit, that they know of, to disappear, passing to the Inner
Earth, or to another Trans-dimensional Universe. They are carried
by the “Birds of Fire.” They renounce winning for the moment.
The triumph would be fatal to them. Only the defeat will make
the triumph of the Idea possible, in an Analogous World, which
will have to be created, invented, like a non-existent Flower. But
that is more real than all the flowers of the gardens of the surface
of the earth. This is the reason that the Templars do not defend
themselves, being well able to do so, for they were the more pow-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
erful. They had to save the purity of the Gral.
Much has been written and imagined about Hitler. Among
other things it has been said that he was only a medium (a psy-
chic) who fell under foreign influence, oblivious to the inspiration
of the “founders,” or, that he wanted to work his own will, that he
disobeyed. I will bring to mind here a few word of contemporaries
like Knut Hamsun, the great Norwegian writer, spoken on the ra-
dio in Oslo upon receiving the official news of the disappearance
of Hitler: “Today has parted a being too great to be understood by
our Age.” And a special Japanese envoy declared, after an inter-
view with Hitler: “He is the High Priest of the West.” Without
doubt, Hitler was one of the last Guides who tried to turn back the
involution of the Kali Yuga, before the catastrophe, to assist the
earth’s return to the Golden Age. His “other science” would have
managed to return the planet’s Axis to its ancient position.
In connection with this, we bring to mind the Tibetan doctrine
of the Tulku, a kind of Bodhisattva, a being who returns or incar-
nates on the earth by will, because there is no longer any Karma
that forces them, being a liberated one, a Jivanmukti. They return
solely to fulfill a mission and, strangely, they can incarnate in
more than one being at the same time. They do not speak in terms
of “I,” but “we.” Thus would be explained the “collective influ-
ences,” types of “epidemics,” or mental modes. Jung referred to
“Wotanism,” making references to the god Wotan. Along with
Hitler, Mussolini and a host of other “mirrors” in minor keys ap-
peared, as if radiated throughout the world: Codreanu, Degrelle,
Doriot, Plinio Salgado in Brazil, Primo de Rivero in Spain, and
Jorge Gonzalez con Marees in Chile, among some others. The
Tulku radiates from a center of higher power—Hitler, in this
case—that all absorb, like a tremendous sun and they draw in his
fire and his destiny. Should he fall, the rest fall, for He is all. The
idea of a collective Karma finds its dramatic and higher expres-
sion here. The Tulku would be a sort of “Lord of Karma” who in-

Miguel Serrano
carnates to fulfill it (this Karma). That which Jung has called the
Collective Unconscious. If the Germans had not lost the war, Jung
surely would developed that theory (which he had to abort) of the
“two collective unconscious-es” (the Aryan Collective Uncon-
scious, and the Jewish Collective Unconscious) in depth and to its
ultimate conclusions, connecting it with the esotericism of the Col-
lective Karmas, and, perhaps, with the mysterious concept of the
The return of Hitler also acquires another unsuspected direc-
tion or dimension, being able to refer to a reincarnation within the
Collective Unconscious of a determined group, something almost
like a projection or possession. In this sense, he would be incar-
nated. And it even could be that his appearance in a physical body
in Germany has also been a momentary reincarnation, materiali-
zation, visualization of some being who existed before, or of a
Tulku, who had taken over a properly prepared and fit body, uti-
lizing it (that of the Austrian, Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau am-
Inn, terrestrial point charged with magnetic forces.) This being, or
Tulku, does not permanently reside within the vehicle, but at
times, once in a while, in culminating moments, also utilizing oth-
er bodies (the case of Jorge Gonzalez von Marees, in Chile, is illus-
trative and has never been fathomed or analyzed in this sense).
The use is simultaneous of all the vehicles, but the Tulku finds his
highest expression there, where the vortex of his Energy is found,
in this case, in Hitler. Whether this is so, or the reincarnation of
another pre-anterior ancient being, of a character that already ex-
isted once or many times within the Circle, here or there, a Note
that has already been heard, is eternal, who cannot die, and will

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

Social Organization Based

in Different Initiations
It has been said that the Templars were the first bankers in West-
ern history. They invented their Gendarmerie-Banks on the strategic
routes of trade and pilgrimage. The traders and travelers did not
need to carry money. The Templars would keep it for them, giv-
ing a sort of check, or letter in return, which was paid to them at
the end of the journey, in the Gendarmerie nearest their destination.
In this way, the danger of assault and robbery on the roads of the
Middle Ages is avoided. No interest is charged. The greatest ene-
my of the Templars was usury. They relentlessly pursued the usu-
rers and moneylenders, almost always Jews. The cause of the
Templar conflicts with the land of Occitan of the Cathars was the
protection that its feudal lords gave to the usurers. As has been
said, the peasants did not pay tithes to the Templars when they
were the landowners. In turn, the Templars did not pay them to
the sovereigns, we already know that the Hitlerist SS had planned
the creation of a State of the Order free from taxes, wherein no
money would be circulated.
The organization of the society brought about by the Templars
is the Druid: peasants that work the land, workmen who polish
the stone, build bridges, roads and cathedrals, ordering them-
selves into artisans guilds; monk-warriors who protect the herit-
age and distribute the food and wealth, without obtaining benefit
or profit for themselves. And above all, the spiritual power, the
Templar, controlling and vigilantly watching over the rest, like the
Druid. Also a four-leaf clover. The SS would have come to some-
thing similar, each one of the Templar and Druid subdivisions of
work had its own initiation, its magical laws, its incommunicable
keys, as one discovers in the constructions and the wise agricul-

Miguel Serrano
ture of bygone times, where the currents of the invisible earth
were contemplated, pre-sensed somehow and channeled to higher
ends. The remains of prehistoric farming terraces also tell us of all
this. For the inhabitants of the Kali Yuga, belonging to a society, to
a civitas atomized into classes and not into an initiatic varna, it is
impossible to understand the world of castes of the past, orga-
nized upon the basis of distinct initiations, which would not hate
or envy each other, because each of them would correspond to a
wisdom and a magical penetration of “their universe.” The farmer
possessed his own initiatic secrets, of which he felt himself custo-
dian by cosmic tradition. The same would occur with the worker,
or rather, the transformer of matter, the builder. The initiation
were given within deep caverns, in subterranean worlds, where
the earth is mother; later, on the Camino de las Estrellas of Compo-
stela, in the Initiation of the Walker, Wayfarer and of the Pilgrim.
From the deep caverns they journeyed to the stars, closing the cir-
cle. There was also the warrior initiation and that of the Ruling
King. None was superior to the other; they completed each other.
The Cathedral and the Pyramid are the Cave, the Mother, that is
displayed in the external. The man who is liberated, regaining his
transcendent virility, exits from the cave, leaving the Mother he
goes towards the Star, towards the Gral, like Parsifal.
Those who design the cathedrals are initiated monks; it is thus
absurd to attempt to prolong until the golden times the atomized
drama of the Kali Yuga, of the proletariat of our times, who hates
and envies all, because he lacks any initiation or wisdom, like the
bourgeois, the military, and the rulers of these days. Only the ig-
norance and bad faith of compromised propagandists can extend
a “classist,” atomized interpretation to the worker-initiates of the
Stone, each one like a cosmic seer, free of the hatred or bitterness
of slaves, of the proletarians, mechanical parts of a rationalist era
and technology. Slavery is imposed in the West with the Latinism,
with the Romans, who destroyed the Celtic world. No builder or

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
magi of the stone would raise the hovels and cement anthills of
our days, made for the slaves of the Kali Yuga.

Three Different Conceptions of Power

If the Templars had endured, they would have brought the world
to a very different situation, re-establishing the Hyperborean tra-
dition of royalty by divine right, of the inspired Sovereign. They
would have united the world of those days under the hegemony
of the spiritual power of a single Europe. And who knows where
they could have reached; for the Templars knew America. It is
said that Colón (Columbus) maintained secret contacts, still un-
disclosed, who would have disclosed the existence of Albania or
America to him. Perhaps he received the order to rediscover it, in
a sense different from that later imposed by the Spanish and the
Church of Rome. There is a mystery around Colón, in his begin-
nings, in his imprisonment, and in his end. Unsuccessful in his
mission, he abandons it. The whole issue of the financing of his
expedition and the intended sale of the jewels of the Queen, Lady
Isabella, is obscure.
The parody of the Absolute King, the Solar King, by the Louis-
es of France, is an attempt without transcendent basis, trying to
impose something that their ancestors hopelessly destroyed; an
ambition similar to that of De Gaulle, theorizing about a Europe
from the Atlantic to the Urals, a possibility that he himself helped
annihilate, allying himself with his traditional enemies. De Gaulle
is a pathetic, tragi-comedic character who, in his last days, uses
the language of Hitler to refer to the Jews, who in turn destroy
him. In the Hyperborean conception of Transcendent Power, the
Sovereign through divine right and initiation, has a whole recep-
tive body behind him, an Order that guides and supports him,
with priests, magi and seers in contact with the extraterrestrial
and cosmic forces. This second Governing Body is invisible, it

Miguel Serrano
does not show itself. Therefore “the King will be so as long as he is
righteous,” as long as he is not acting solely of his own account,
according to his own ideas or conceptions, as long as he does not
break the contact with those from “there.” If the Templars had en-
dured, the Church of Rome would have lost its temporal power,
just as the profane kings and the feudal lords, belonging to the
race of the purely terrestrial, the animal-men. They come together
to destroy the Order. In fact, here they are also three different con-
ceptions of initiation expressed, those that circulate through the
veins of the planet. One is represented by the Catholic Church and
corresponds to the ambiguous, dubious, lunar type of initiation,
that maintains, on one hand, the imperfection of all earthly things,
the “passage through this valley of tears,” the life in heaven, and
at the same time aspires to temporal, terrestrial, universal power,
not to correct the evils, nor to impose a system of justice and bal-
ance, but of transit and compromise, where one sins and the sin is
forgiven, to sin and capitulate again. It does not govern nor does it
allow any true governance, always in preparation for death, ac-
cepting injustice, propitiating the “unjust king.” This is the fable of
the dog in the manger. It is the lunar, Semitic initiation, as op-
posed to the solar, Aryan, virile one, as it has been defined by Jul-
ius Evola, who in this way elevates the racial problem to tran-
scendental and spiritual formulas, not biological, but cosmic, met-
aphysical. The other conception is that of power for power’s sake,
democratic, “humanist,” as it has come to be called, even when
manipulated behind the scenes by invisible strings and societies
whose true control is unknown, It enjoys, or is believed to enjoy
the power in an atomizing struggle of all against all. It is the ra-
tionalist and democratic conception, egalitarian in appearance,
that produces the most tremendous inequality and misfortune.
The final, inevitable result is equally rationalist atheist collectiv-
ism. A mineral religion of a planet of lead, without gods or God,
at the vertex of the Kali Yuga. The Darkest Epoch of the earth.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

Magical Science and Technology:

Hitler Had the Atomic Bomb
The Druid and Templar conception corresponds to the Solar, Hy-
perborean Initiation which attempts to restore hierarchical and
divinized order on earth, where the power is a service, which al-
ways keeps in contact with the extraterrestrial hierarchies, with
the Divine Guides, in the furthest symbolic North, in the deep
Midnight. An attempt to regain this power was also made seven
hundred years ago to help the earth out of its state of involution,
to mutate and be transfigured.
The triumph of the two inferior currents and the consequent
destruction of the Templars leads directly to the age of “illumi-
nism,” the anarchic rationalism, to the exaltation of the purely
“human, all too human,” the animal-man and his sentiments, or
sentimentalities, turning in circles. By consequence, there comes to
be a rationalist science and technology, without soul, without vital
or spiritual connection with the Universe, naturally atheist, where
man has lost the organ that would allow him to connect with oth-
er planes, with other cosmic beings, with the divinities and gods.
Because he no longer possesses the Vril, the Urna. The whole civi-
lization is shipwrecked in the crude and clumsy Manichaeism that
infests the earth, in the slavery of iron, of the electron, electronics,
the proton, cybernetics in the reign of the masses, of the demo-
graphic explosion, “the human, all too human,” of the animal-
man, the amorphous, the slavery of bureaucracy and demonic col-
lectivism. There is no longer a way of getting out of this by purely
human or terrestrial means. If the Templars had not disappeared,
they could have lead the word towards a different, magical sci-
ence and technology, where everything can be better achieved
through other means similar to those that made it possible to paint

Miguel Serrano
the cave of Altamira, to move the large blocks of stone of Tiahua-
naco and Stonehenge, to build the Sphinx and the pyramids and
even to travel to different stars and planets with opposite methods
to the current ones. We also know that the Hörbigerian Hitlerists
had arrived at the disintegration of the atom through a way dis-
tinct from that of relativity. As we have said, in The Unknown War
Otto Skorzeny reveals to us that Hitler did not want to use the
atomic bomb, declaring so personally in the latter phases of the
war. Skorzeny describes extraordinary German inventions to us,
thereby giving weight to the beliefs of Mattern about the flying
discs of Hitler. Many of these inventions would have been seized
by the victors, more than paying for the expenses of the Second
World War. Therefore, it is quite possible that the atomic bomb
used by the United States against Japan was German. The Hitler-
ists would also have come to be in a position of discovering, or
rediscovering, a different science and technology, pointing in an-
other direction, towards other purposes (the U.F.O.s, the anti-
gravitational power of the Orichalcum of Atlantis), with which all
desire to win a physical war by physical means, disappears. Ra-
ther, it becomes a spiritual necessity to lose it today, to save the
purity of the Myth, the Ideal. If one analyzes what was achieved
by the Hitlerists in all areas of creation within the space of just six
years, one cannot but admire this miracle, establishing a compari-
son with the Templars. And one comes to believe that the SS had
also found the Gral and deciphered it. Had this new style been
imposed, the usury of the consumer society would not have
achieved its mind-bending apogee. Capitalism and Marxist com-
munism, two apparent contradictions, which underpin each other,
complement each other in the destruction of the divine and the
human, because they sit upon the same rationalistic base. They
would have come to disappear without noise or fuss, without pre-
senting any resistance. Or they never would have occurred.
It is suspected that the Templars, from their port of La Ro-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
chelle, began secret expeditions that reached to the “Other Land”
of Plato, America-Atlantis. Quetzalcóatl, the white god of the Tol-
tecs, if not an extraterrestrial divinity who came in a “winged
chariot,” is a Templar who taught the doctrine of righteousness
and justice there. Quetzalcóatl is represented in some Mexican
sculptures with a helmet and crest, similar to the Templar armour.
Before them, the Vikings from the North and the Druids knew
America, which they called by other names, already annotated.
There are Celtic towers in North America. Breton and Norman
sailors would man the Templar ships. The Order began the trade
of silver in Europe, unknown before. The Templars, like Pope Syl-
vester, knew that the earth was round. So too did the builders of
the Cathedral of Chartres. But they guard this knowledge, like
that of the existence of America, the Land of the White Gods, the
White Land, Albania, with a symbolic-polar meaning, the Secret
Continent, which one seeks out in the initiation of El Cordon Dora-
do, of the Morning Star, Venus-Lucifer. As we have said, the Star
is called Tara in Sanskrit. In Tibetan, Tara is the goddess Shakti-
Kundalini, the wife of Shiva, Master of Tantric Yoga and of the
Siddhas. The South American and South Polar legend of the City
of the Caesars hidden in the remote Andes, might have to do with
the Templars; without doubt, it has to do with the White Gods,
with the White Giants. The Templars wish to guard the secret of
their discoveries, because those intimate, private locations could
come to be a refuge for their Secret Master and their Science.
Tiahuanaco and the temple of Kalasasaya were dedicated to Ve-
The Templars come to America in the eleventh and twelfth cen-
turies. It may be that that it is he where they have hidden the Gral.
After the destruction of the Templars and their wise organization,
centuries of famine, plagues and fratricidal wars descend down
and sweep over Europe, culminating with the French Revolution,
which gives rise to the modern times and the descent to the bot-

Miguel Serrano
tom of the Kali Yuga. It is said that the European man of the elev-
enth, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries was taller that he of the
fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth, which can be checked by see-
ing the armour in the museums. He was better fed and protected
by the Templars.

Causes of the Destruction of the Templars

Why are the Templars destroyed, after having had the support of
the papacy, the Benedictines, the Cistercians, and the royalty? The
reasons have been addressed. First, the conflict of powers and of
conceptions of power, based in different initiations and an oppo-
site worldview. Benedictines and Cistercians remain with the lu-
nar initiation, centered in its Semitism from the origins and in the
mythology of the Church of Rome. The ambiguity of the concep-
tion is possible to perceive in the rationalist, or rationalized, theo-
logical ideas of the Fathers of the Church, of Saint Augustine, es-
pecially in their universal theocratic aspirations for a Civitate Dei
(“City of God”), so markedly Semitic, and in the concept of sin,
which has engraved blood and fire upon the world. The Essene
and Gnostic line has been totally deflected with the myth of Orig-
inal Sin, a typical Jewish sentiment, anterior and posterior to the
“Renewed Covenant”; conscientious, perhaps, of having made
misuse of the Gral, or of a miscegenation, or “racial sin” of origin,
which has been attempted to be erased precisely with the “Re-
newed Covenant” and the prohibition (from then onwards) of any
mixing of blood. Christianity has never been able to overcome its
internal conflict of origin, moving between two different forces
and two different characters, two opposed modes of being. Be-
tween Yeshua, the nationalist and agitator that rises up against the
power of the Roman Empire, and the Essene Teacher of Right-
eousness who preaches Buddhist and Vedantic love and charity.
The Christian Gnosticism could have also led to the Church of

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Rome to hold the Cathar position of a solar Christianity, to sup-
port an initiatory, Hyperborean Christianity like that of the Tem-
plars, but it was prevented by the demon of the Jews, the Old Tes-
tament Jehovah, which they have tried to make into an ecumenical
god, which is impossible, for Jehovah has established a Covenant
with his “people,” with a reduced sector of Humanity, against all
the rest. He has divided the Gral in even smaller pieces, impeding
bringing them back together, to remake the Crown. Christianity
moves between Caesar and God, opposing both, without finding
an exit from the transcendent tension in its lunar initiatic line. It is
therefore opposed to all those who support the ancient solar initia-
tion of the golden times, and to the polar esotericism, which aims
also to establish divine justice here upon the earth, for the sons of
the Widow, the semi-divines, in contact with the divine ones, with
the Immortals, moving upon an immanent stairway, which, step
by step, allows the mutation and transfiguration of the elect in all
realms, together with the earth.
The “mortal cause” of the destruction of the Cathars and Tem-
plars was their discovery of the true identity of the crucified. The
terrible secret from the origins, an enormous falsification, a con-
tradiction, the adulteration of a solar symbol and a Cosmic Hy-
perborean Myth. The other reason for liquidating the Order was
their great riches, which aroused the greed of the Papacy, of the
feudal lords, and of the King of France, Philip the Fair, who was in
a state of permanent bankruptcy. Furthermore, they were trying
to reinstall the King of Hyperborean blood, the King of the Gral.
As we already know, the Templars did not defend themselves.
Possibly, like the Cathars before and the Rosicrucians after them,
they have arrived at a situation of fundamental pessimism about
the affairs of this world and of the fatal destiny of the involution
of the Kali Yuga. It could also be—we repeat—that, upon arriving
at the critical point of the re-discovery of the other science, of the
other technology, it is preferred to lose here, the same as Esoteric

Miguel Serrano
Hitlerism, in this juncture of time, to win there, in the New Earth.
And to return with the Golden Age.

The Magical Empire and the Code of Manu

It should be understood that the initiatic line of the Templars has
not been fully clarified by their visible founders, at least in the ori-
gins of the Order. Certainly, there were Popes that we could de-
clare initiates, of a lunar initiation, with Hyperborean deviations,
like Pope Sylvester II and Pope Eugenius III who gives the al-
chemical Red Cross to the Templars, and also the Four-Leaf Clo-
ver which rotates and transforms into a swastika. As has been
written, the swastika is the symbol of the Pole; it directs the
movement but remains motionless. It is thus the Crown Chakra of
the earth, it is the Axis, the Tree of Life. The Pole, in turn, is
wise—A-pollonian—because stability is found within itself. The
Cross symbolizes for the Templars the directives that come from
on high, with the vertical, and which they are trying to realize up-
on the earth, with the horizontal, penetrating to the depths to
make contact with the abyssal forces and come to transfigure the
world. It is the Celtic Cross.
With the passage of time, the Templars become more hermetic
and their esotericism is veiled completely. The contact with the
Roman Church and the Benedictine and Cistercian orders weak-
ens them to the point of disrupting almost everything. However,
they maintain a link with the Benedictines to the end. The Tem-
plars have entered fully into the great Hyperborean initiatic tradi-
tion and their directors form part of the Surya-Vansa, or solar race,
residing in Agarthi and Shambhala. They are Ativarna, that is, out-
side of all caste and color. Perhaps they would be blue. They have
organized the European Middle Ages according to the system of
Four of the castes of the Code of Manu, or the Aion that directs our
Cycle and is, in truth, the Chief Initiate or Initiator of the Temple,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Gleisa, or Community of Agharti; Chakravartin, he who directs the
movement of the Wheel, of the Chakra, remaining immobile. In
the Middle Ages, the Subterranean and secret Kingdom of Agharti
was called the Kingdom of Prester John and his location was giv-
en as being in Mongolia or in Tibet, in a Mythic Orient. The
Prester John was a Pontifex-Maximus, a Bridge between this
world and the other, Tirthankara, a sovereign-Priest, and that
which came to be, externally, the Dalai Lama.
It is clear that the Church of Rome would not allow the Tem-
plars to establish their conception of the Magical Empire in Eu-
rope. Given the sign of the times and the vertical entrance of the
earth into the involution of the Kali Yuga, Cathars and Templars
have chosen the God of the Losers.

What Was the Secret Templar Initiation?

Could we come to catch a glimpse today of the type of initiation of
the Templars? A certain revelation can be achieved trying to pene-
trate the symbols of the legend of the Gral and of its Errant and
Esoteric Knighthood. This is the most wonderful solar initiation
that has ever been given unto man, to immortalize him. It is joined
to the initiatory tests of the Magic Amor of the Courts of Love of
Languedoc and the troubadours of the Fedele d’Amore and of the
Minnesänger. Furthermore, one must pass through on tiptoe
without touching this delicate mystery. As if by destiny, Professor
Jung never wrote about the Gral, thus avoiding psychologizing
the miracle, a thing which, unfortunately, has not happened with
his disciples and followers. This Mystery comes from very high,
very far, having also to apply the term psychoid to itself.
Along with the revelation of the Gral appears that enigmatic
figure, Baphomet, with two faces. Its origin, meaning, and ety-
mology are unknown. It is thought to be in Janus, Shiva, and
Abraxas. One face looking at this world, and the other looking at

Miguel Serrano
the invisible, the one “beyond.” The Inquisition accused the Tem-
plars of obliging the adept to give the osculum sub cauda. It inter-
preted it in the most capricious way, as sorcery, witchcraft, homo-
sexualism. Surely, the kiss was given on the rear face of Baphomet
and signified the passage into the world of the suprasensible for
the adept. Dionysius the Areopagite speaks to us of the “double
face.” Baphomet is black. The ultimate secret of the Egyptian mys-
teries is also found in the Black Osiris, the Black Sun. Isis, the
goddess chosen by the Templars and Cathars, is also black. She is
the Wife of Osiris, who seeks to bring together the scattered pieces
of the Husband (of the Crown) after the catastrophe. Black is the
polar Sun of Midnight. Baphomet, furthermore, is androgynous.
The figure that guards the Gral is an Androgyne, it is Shiva as
Ardhanarishvara. In Baphomet, I think there is kept the key of the
Great Door, the key of the exit to the Other World, to the invisible,
to the New Earth. The teaching hidden there would say: “When in
concentration, you can, without moving, look behind, turn around
at the same time that you remain motionless, with your face fixed
forward, then you have achieved going out from yourself; you are
out, you are bicephalous, you have come to understand and par-
ticipate in the Binary Law of the Templars.” Also, like the emblem
of the two-headed eagle, Baphomet could symbolize the terrestrial
empire connected to the invisible spiritual power; the Templars
were upon the surface of the earth and in the interior, in the Other
Earth, in the parallel worlds. The Templar seal with two knights
mounted on a single horse would have the same meaning.
The meaning of the name Baphomet is unknown. One thinks of
Bepheva Mété and an Athanor, the Dyer of the Moon that trans-
forms silver into gold. The enormous Templar riches, never
found, would thus be explained as well. Nor was Baphomet ever

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

Tantric Alchemy in the Medieval

Orders and in the SS
According to Leisegang, alchemy—which, as we have seen, also
means black—is a synthesis of the Egyptian techniques and the
Middle Eastern mysticism that was produced in Alexandria. But
all of this comes from much farther. The symbolism of death and
resurrection is applied to the metals, to the earth. Lead transforms
into gold, it “kills” the copper, darkening it, turning it into black
oxide—this is the Nigredo; then is resuscitates, forming a silvery
mix with the mercury—this is the Albedo; from there it passes to
the yellow and to the red—the Rubedo. Black, white, yellow, red.
(“Where is the fourth, my dear Timaeus?”). The colors and their
sequences were fundamental for the process in Alexandria; in the
metal, just as in the aura of the alchemist-magician. Also, in the
garb of the initiatic Knighthood that fulfills the alchemical process
of the conquest of the Holy Land. The cross of the Templars was
red, upon a white habit (Red, the last process, the production of
the Androgyne, of Rebis, of Baphomet). The Knights of the Order
of St. John of Jerusalem (where the current Order of Malta origi-
nates from) wore red and their cross was white (Albedo). The Or-
der of the Teutonic Knights, that rendered the birth of the Prus-
sian State, bore a white habit and their cross was black (Nigredo).
The SS dressed in black and their swastika was black upon a red
and white background. The total alchemical process, in accord-
ance with the necessities in the acceleration of time. To the three
vows of the Templars of chastity, poverty, and obedience, the Teu-
tonic Order added a fourth: to never go back before the enemy, to
fight to the death: usque ad mortem and perinde ad cadaver. The eso-
teric strategy of Hitler and his SS applies this fourth vow on the
Eastern Front. Astrology and the planets enter into the process.

Miguel Serrano
Gold is Sun, silver is Moon, iron is Mars, tin is Jupiter. The Chi-
nese alchemists discover a new metal, that is adopted by the Ar-
abs, It comes to be the Philosopher’s Stone in the Occident, the
Elixir of Life. Already in those times, the appearance of a new
planet was awaited.
The mysterious figure of Baphomet is signaling to us that the
alchemy of the Templars was Tantric Magic. So too is the Hitlerian
initiation. In the book Hitler, the Missing Years, by Ernst
Hanfstaengl, former head of the Foreign Press for the Nazi Party,
this can be deduced from the very particular relation of Hitler
with women, a thing that Hanfstaengl does not understand. In the
occult sexual alchemy one deals with the corporal gold, that one
must produce, or recreate, through a process of physical, psychic
and spiritual transformation of the initiate. It is the sulfur, the es-
sential masculine that must be confirmed, to the contact with the
mercury, with the essential feminine, to give life to Rebis, the An-
drogyne, or Crowned King (Baphomet). In the first part of the
work, or Opus, the dissolution through the feminine principle, the
solvent Water, is produced. The Vulgar Sulfur (“our King”) dies;
or that is, the lower self, purely physical, rational. It is the Opera
Oscura, or Nigredo. After the crisis, to unite the sulfur to the Divine
Water, the opening is discovered (the “Astral Tube”), the hidden
door, and the ecstatic state (Polar) is manifested. The “Dove of Di-
ana” is born, and the advent of the Albedo, the Opera Blanca ar-
rives, which should be considered as the positive aspect of the
woman, of Mercury, or of the regime of the Moon. The King now
resurrects, awakes in this ecstatic state. The woman revives the
man, inspires him, “impregnates” him. The King is pregnant with
the Androgyne, Rebis.
Furthermore, in order to continue with the Opus, one must
possess the “steel of the wise,” the Sword of initiation, the Spear
of Longinus, the Incombustible Sulfur. That is, an unalterable
principle, which is not lit, that is conserved through the change of

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
state and which, when the time comes, is the seed of a new devel-
opment. The preserved semen, not ejaculated. This corresponds to
the third part of the Opus Alchimicum, to the Opera Roja, or Rubedo,
where one surpasses the condition of ecstatic opening. The sulfur
and the fire are again active, the masculine revives, it overcomes
the substance that dissolved it, the feminine Mercury, it imposes
its dominion over the feminine, it absorbs it and transfers its na-
ture. It is now that the union of the King and Queen, bathing
nude, comes about. It is called incest, also Mysterium Coniunctionis.
It is the Hieros-Gamos. From this union is born Rebis, the Crowned
Androgyne. That which the King give birth to. Sun and Moon, all-
powerful, immortal. This is the Son of Man, the end of the Opus
Alchimicum, the art called Royal.
Despite the sexual symbols, it seems that the Masters prior to
the Kali Yuga did not use the physical coitus in the process of the
opus transformationis that finishes with the production or advent of
the Crowned Androgyne. To reintegrate the feminine principle,
“undressing his Diana,” they did not follow the path of active sex,
also known as the “moist path” (because “the woman cries and
makes one mourn,” as is spoken of in my work ELELLA: Book of
Magic Love); they did not physically love the woman. Also for the
medieval alchemists the soror mystica, always next to the alchemist
and his athanor, was a symbolic spiritual companion, who con-
tributed her psychic energy, her indispensable feminine emana-
tion, throughout all of the process of the transformation. A Tantra
of the Right Hand, so to speak. The process of the Cathar Amor, of
the “Platonic love” of the troubadours, of the Fedele d’Amore, of
Dante, of the Minnesänger and the Templars of the Graal.

The Two Tantric Paths

In the very hermetic and ancient tantric initiation, there are two
paths. Both fall under the sign of Shiva-Lucifer, of Abraxas. One

Miguel Serrano
corresponds to the being who aspires to surpass the human condi-
tionality, ruled by the luminous principle sattva. It is suited to the
spiritual-divine type, Divya, that will be the Siddha-Divya. Here the
purely symbolic tantric yoga is advised, excluding the real, physi-
cal possession of the woman, in the magical coitus called Maithu-
na. The possession is mental, of the dead Beloved. Union in the
subtle body, astral, in spirit only. (The Manisola of the Cathars?)
This would be the Magic Love taught in the city of Agharti. The
other tantric path, known as that of the Left Hand, is that of the be-
ing who aspires to passional expansion by way of the ardor of fire,
and also to be able to surpass their conditionality. It is suited to
the heroic type, Vira; the hero will be a Siddha-Vira. In this “moist
path,” a physical, real contact with the woman in the sexual act
Maithuna is advised, making a magical use of sex and of Bindu, the
semen that must not be ejaculated in the act, in order to create the
Androgyne, Baphomet, Ardhanarishvara, within the initiate, the
Husband, the Lover, the Hero. The semen can not leap out and be
lost in the woman outside, but spills into its possessor, to leave
him pregnant with the Androgyne, Rebis, as is said in the also
symbolic language of Alchemy. This would be the Magic Love
taught in the city of Shambhala. Both paths are following the
Shaivist line, that of the Siddhas, who immortalize with their bod-
The immortality with the physical body of the Siddha, his res-
urrection, is based in the following Weltanschauung (worldview):
Before the Defeat, body and soul form a single entity. Afterwards,
the body densifies (becomes physical), to such an extreme that it is
an obstacle for the immortality of the soul, dragging it to imper-
renity, its corruption and death. The soul will be detached, becom-
ing incomplete, most often dissolving equally shortly following
the body. The soul needs a body and must recover it, or form a
new one to thus attempt the redemption in the inverse, retrograde
path of the Leftward Swastika, turning back involution, overcom-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
ing the Defeat. It is the Eternal Return, with a limited number of
returns, or rather, reincarnation in the Hyperborean sense. The
“technology” or “science” would be that of the magical-alchemical
opus, which uses the Secret Hermetic Fire, the Fire of Life, the Au-
rum Potabile, the Elixir of Long Life, the Spirit of the Secret Wine
that regenerates matter, cleanses it of the impure shadow and
brings it to its radiant state, to the pristine light in the synchro-
nism of the transmutation of metals, and with the mantric formu-
las of a recuperated Occidental-Hyperborean yoga of the phonetic,
Orphic Cabala. By way of the rediscovery and use of the radioac-
tive Secret Fire, matter is rejuvenated, the body returns to subtilize
itself and is the proper vestment of the soul. It has been Betrothed.
The soul becomes the Tunic of Nessus for the dense body; it burns
it. Now there is only a Glorious Body, of Vajra, of Red Fire
(Rubedo), immortal. The Siddha no longer passes through death.
He ascends to heaven with the body, in a Chariot of Fire, like
Enoch, Melchizedek, and the fiery serpent of Quetzalcóatl, who do
not die. He has risen on the Third Day. (First Day: Nigredo; Sec-
ond Day: Albedo; Third Day: Rubedo). It is the Resurrection of the
Flesh, the Immortalization. He has thus discovered the secret of
the Universal Physiology, the Vibratory Music of Nature, and the
Embryonic Breathing of Taoism. But it is very possible, converse-
ly, that it is not the physical body that subtilizes and disappears
without even being aware of the event, fading away, disintegrat-
ing in the Nigredo due to the universal pure solvent Water, or
Mercury. In turn, it could be that it is the Astral Body that materi-
alizes, becomes visible, though not touchable (noli me tangere),
with immortal matter of Red Light, of Vajra, being able to reside in
and travel to various “parallel worlds,” several lands at the same
There are three Paths of alchemical immortalization: the Instan-
taneous or Fulminant, the Dry Path, and the Moist Path. We have
referred to these last two in our work ELELLA: Book of Magic Love.

Miguel Serrano
The first makes use of lightning and the cosmic rays to produce an
instantaneous, definitive, and total mutation of the adept who is
exposed to a lightning strike crossing through him from side to
side, preferably atop a mountain, during a storm, or upon a high
terrace. Through the intense mental concentration upon his Soror
Mystica, internal (the Invisible Beloved), and the repetition of a
mantra, he is made invulnerable, he is not destroyed, but his flesh
is immortalized and regenerated. His mind undergoes an instan-
taneous mutation. He is already a Divya, an immortal Siddha, di-
vine, a Superman. The Vira, the hero has mutated into a Divya.
The danger is immense, because if the concentration does not
work, or if the magic mantra lacks the precise intonation, death is
also instantaneous and not solely of the dense physical body. The
test is similar to that performed in a lower plane by the SS who
detonated a grenade above the helmet. Only immobility and phys-
ical and mental dominion enabled them to overcome the trance.
Also utilized in this Instantaneous Path are the cosmic rays, and
perhaps the ultraviolet, opening a “psychic ozone window,” so to
speak, the “polar doorways” of transdimensional “entrance” and
“exit,” the “astral tubes,” to bring about the mutation of the adept.
In this First Path of immortalization, the Soror Mystica, the Amasia
Uxor, as has been said, is invisible, Lilith-Ayesha is only imaginary,
she is within, interiorized, she has not come out. One travels with
her in thought, as Parsifal recommended. In the end, he awaits the
Eternal Marriage of the Androgyne, Rebis. In this Path, like in the
others, there is a synchronistic process, because it is clear that the
adept will have to purify themselves and acquire great powers to
be able to endure the lightning and mutate without being annihi-
lated. The Etruscan priest-magicians would have known the Path
of the Lightning Bolt, thus being called the Fulgurantes. The runic
symbol of the SS represents this same lightning bolt that trans-
mutes the heroes into Sonnenmenschen, sun men; perhaps into
stars, into Supermen. Surely, the SS initiates knew and practiced

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
the Three Paths in their most secret and highest grades. The so-
called Shock Troops of Chilean Nazism also used a lightning bolt
as a symbol. However, there was neither an esotericism, nor met-
aphysics, nor even a philosophy that remotely existed in this inci-
sive but purely political movement, and it was destined, conse-
quently, for the end that it had.
The Second Path, or Dry Path, produces the mutation in a few
days, apparently making use of some unknown, also synchronistic
process, and of the radioactivity of the transmuted matter in the
internal and external laboratory of the alchemist. The Soror Mysti-
ca is now there, coacting, passing the materials, which she “femi-
nizes” upon her touch, and she immortalizes together with the
adept in some way, but without touching.
The Third Path, the Moist, the Tantric-alchemical path of the
Left Hand, shall we say, can take a whole lifetime. The transmuta-
tion of the internal and external metals is slow. The Soror Mystica
passes the ingredients; she delivers them to the adept, into his
body and from her body, in transference, vibration, progressive
individualization together, real and symbolic, magic in any case,
in a Love without love, with an icy fire, in the Secret Laboratory,
in the Magical Bedchamber, until both are mutated, interpenetrat-
ed, betrothed, eternal. It is a difficult and risky path like the oth-
ers. In the depth psychology of Jung, something similar is given,
being able to recover magical-symbolic meaning.
The choice of these paths is not voluntary and has to do with
the temperaments, the star of origin, the incarnations and returns
in the Circle of the Eternal Return.
These paths are very different from the ritualistic path of devo-
tional religion, or from the path of Bhakti Yoga of the Vedanta
philosophy, and its fusion and loss in the samadhi, or mystic ecsta-
sy. This Sanskrit word breaks down into sam which means with
and adhi, Primordial Being: merged into the Primordial Being.
The Tantric, Shaivic ecstasy is a supreme tension that breaks

Miguel Serrano
the conditionalities of the animal-man and is included within a
personality of Absolute Individuality (that of the SS, for example).
It is a vortex of energy, almost Nietzschean, called Kaivalya in San-
skrit, not signifying fusion or loss, but supreme differentiation,
Jungian Individuation. Kaivalya comes from Kaula (and Kavala),
the most secret tantric initiation. It signifies beyond the 36 tattvas
and the gunas of the Tantric and Samkhya metaphysics. These are
the paths of the Magician in opposition to those of the Saint.

The Hitlerian Initiation,

an Unknown Occidental Yoga
The symbol of the Nazi SS was two stylized , like lightning bolts;
the runic sign of victory (Hvareno) and of the fulgurant light, the
icy fire. The sacramental dagger of the Black Order carried the
sign. It was the Tantric, alchemical steel; the incombustible sulfur.
Even though the SS initiation corresponds to a unknown type of
“Occidental yoga,” it should be traditionally linked to the Hindu
and Tibetan Tantrism, which in turn originates in the links of the
Aurea Catena, El Cordon Dorado, which go back to a common Hy-
perborean, polar Center. The same goes for Alchemy and the initi-
ation of the troubadours and Templars.
In his work Histoire des Rose-Croix, Serge Hutin says that the se-
cret Rosicrucian Order, the Voarchadumians, which has its seat in
Venice, was Tantric, and maintained direct contacts with eastern
instructors and was in possession of valuable Tibetan alchemical
documents. The Order shall take refuge in Germany. The Emperor
Maximilian belonged to this powerful Organization. It would be
appropriate to ask oneself if the thread of the unknown history
that joined Hitlerism with Tibet would also extend here, and fur-
thermore a direct historical and national filiation of Esoteric Hit-
lerism with the giant white Dropas. In the initiatic library of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Ordensburg of Wewelsburg, could have been found the Tibetan
manuscripts of the tantric alchemy of the Voarchadumians. Gustav
Meyrink, in his last work about the English Alchemist John Dee,
The Angel of the West Window also refers to a Tantric Rosicrucian
organization. Moreover, in the 16th and 17th centuries, in Spain,
with principal headquarters in Valladolid and Toledo, existed the
sect of the Illuminists or Alumbrados, who were also Tantric. Their
practices of Magic Love were made with only one woman, with
the Mystical Wife—the Amasia Uxor of the initiates of the Cathar
troubadourism. The Magical Coitus, or Maithuna, must direct all of
the energy concentrated in that vortex to produce the illumination
(hence “Alumbrados”), to open the Third Eye, passing to another
dimension. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo refers to the Alumbra-
dos in History of the Heterodox Spaniards, 1880 edition, Madrid; and
B. Llorca in The Spanish Inquisition and the Alumbrados (Die Span-
ische Inquisition und die Alumbrados), German edition from 1936.
The Alumbrados were destroyed by the Inquisition. Nonetheless,
at the end of the last century, Paschal Beverly Randolph, claimed
to have found himself in possession of the principal manuscripts
of the Illuminists of Valladolid. He founded a tantrist Organiza-
tion in North America, the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis. Randolph also
sought to use the sexual energy in the Magical Coitus with the
unique Spouse (Lilith-Ayesha rediscovered) to reach metaphysical
enlightenment. Randolph wrote many works, the most important
of which can be found today under the title of Magia Sexualis, and
which has been published in French by Guy Le Prat, Paris, in
1969. However, Randolph kept the key of his doctrine for the
members of his Hermetic Circle, the E. B. (Eulis Brotherhood). In
bitter polemic, the founder of Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky,
turned against him. It has been said that the Theosophist may
have caused the premature death of Randolph, which occurred in
1875. Randolph declared to his disciples: “Sex is the most power-
ful magical force in the Universe.” And he added: “Magic is the

Miguel Serrano
great secret wisdom that everyone ignores. The intellect is the
formidable error, which everyone admires.”

Shakti, the “Will to Power,” and the

Hitlerian “Absolute Personality”
It should be pointed out as being of decisive importance that the
concept of Maya, which translates into illusion in the Vedanta phi-
losophy, becomes Power in Tantra, thanks to the fundamental im-
portance given to Shakti, or the creative feminine aspect of Shiva
(Ishvara-Shiva). That is, Tantric yoga is the yoga of power, as indi-
cated by Julius Evola, that of mutation and transmutation. Thus,
Maya is the will to power, power in itself, almost Nietzschean,
“because man is something that should be overcome.” The path is
that of the Superman, of the Siddha. Alfred Rosenberg, in his Myth
of the 20th Century, says: “This struggle for transforming matter is
Luciferian, not conditioned by any motive of subjective gain. The
Aryan-dynamic essence does not manifest itself by an evasion of
the world, but through a struggle for the upliftment of the world,
in an almost religious-artistic-metaphysical way and empirically,
in a Luciferian manner.”
In the American archives of the documents found in the quar-
ters of the SS is a fragment of a lecture given by an unknown per-
son during the war, which slightly opens the door for us to a
proper vision of what could be: “This is about,” they say, “under-
standing the reality of the modern world, where the process of
decomposition is accelerated with the war, and liberating in the
elite of the Nordic race, existing also to greater or lesser degree in
other parts of the world, in that small minority awakened to the
transcendent dimension [Luciferian clarity], the monumental
greatness that uniquely allows one to proceed to a true objective
evaluation of reality and which may open the bronze doors of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Magic Socialism, the wellspring of the new Order, a realistic vi-
sion of the Myth of the Blood.”
The preceding fragment is cited in the book Hitler and the Black
Order by André Brissaud, who adds for his part: “The SS philoso-
phy [the word “initiation” would seem more exact to us] suggests
the means for an active process of depersonalization and the real
possibilities of acquiring the absolute personality. It is not possible
to deny that the Nazis, and above all the SS leaders, who fully
embodied the Myth of the Twentieth Century, were immersed in
an icy and voluntary barbarism [I would say a new-old, Tantric,
non-Christian conception] to deliberately or unconsciously at-
tempt, through superhuman and desperate efforts, to surpass the
Western moral law steeped in Christianity and thus achieve what
in their eyes would be the transmutation of the Millennium. This
does not deal with a splitting of the personality, nor the coexist-
ence within the same individual of two extreme ways of being, in
their most extreme manifestations, those which we have become
accustomed to call good and evil, spirit and matter, God and the
Devil… It has to do, on the contrary, with the unity of the persona
in its multiple and even contradictory aspects [Abraxas], of an ab-
solute personality, possessing a unity of its essence, its evolution
and its unconscionable, metaphysical boundlessness. Which is
quite another matter…” It would not seem that one who writes
thusly would be a declared enemy of Hitlerism. His definition, at
least in this paragraph, is the deepest and most successful that we
know about the scope and the meaning of the SS initiation given
by a man who in no way wishes to maintain an impartial attitude
toward the Hitlerian phenomenon.
Brissaud later quotes the statement made in the processes of
Nuremberg by the SS officer, Otto Ohlendorf, who spoke, moreo-
ver, for his fellow defendants of the Order. We reproduce here
only an excerpt: “We must not forget that democracy replaces nei-
ther the metaphysical obligation lost in the Christian idea, nor any

Miguel Serrano
religious idea… From this side of the grave, in our temporal uni-
verse, it has absolutely lost all concept of the ultimate aim of

The “Vira,” Or Tantric Hero

That the SS initiation corresponds to the Aryan Tantrism of the
great tradition, contained in what has been called the “Fifth Veda”
or the “Agama Tantra,” and the most secret doctrine of the Kaula,
is proven in the following quotations: “Our Brahma is different
from that of the Brahmanist Doctrine; He is heaven and hell, vir-
tue and sin, desire and its destruction. He is everywhere, in the
consciousness and unconsciousness, in the bipolar game of two. It
is he who causes slavery and who gives liberation.”
The Tantra attempts to place itself beyond the dualism of the
Hindu Samkhya philosophy and the monism of Vedanta, precise-
ly in the absolute personality, to which Brissaud refers, surpassing
both in the unity of Shiva and Shakti, in their Magical Wedding
and in the creation of the Androgyne, Ardhanarishvara. The con-
ception of Shakti is the link that makes the connection of Spirit
(Atman) and Nature (Prakriti) possible, establishing itself beyond
monism and dualism, without negating or confirming them, sur-
passing them. “One who has reached the human state and does
not try to surpass it, is like one who commits suicide. It is neces-
sary to go first to the depths of one’s own nature and never turn
back, for to do so would be to dig one’s own grave.” Let us re-
member Dante: “I put my plants in that part of the afterlife in
which one cannot move forward if we have the intention of turn-
ing around.” The archetype that functions here is that of “burning
one’s bridges,” “destroying the bridges.”
The Tantric type of hero, the Vira, the Kaula Sadhaka, or kaula
initiate, is he of the pure and naked will—Hitler. He develops in
action. His only ethic: to surpass the limits and cut the ties, de-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
stroy all pairs of opposites that characterize the pasu, the animal-
man, the normal, the inferior, the bourgeois, so to speak; to defeat
piety, the Judeo-Christian notion of sin; to defeat fear, applying
the “Double Mudra,” Vara-Mudra “which destroys fear and be-
stows favor”; to destroy family ties: “A Vira is not a husband, fa-
ther, etc.” The quotes of Hitler upon this theme are known. The
most important practice consists of the purification of the will: Ic-
chasuddhi. The SS had penalties of death or suicide for lack of ful-
fillment of promises that seem absurd, trivial to the eyes or ordi-
nary people. A Kaula and an SS man are placed beyond all antith-
eses: Upeksha. There is nothing that they cannot do and “feel the
same before an enemy as before the friend, or themselves; before
pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, good and evil, day and night,
love and hate, wealth and poverty, before a prostitute, the mother,
the sister, and the wife [we are quoting], reality and dream, the
permanent, the eternal and the ephemeral.” He is Svecchaacarin,
“he who can do everything.” However, there is a limit, one only,
for the Vira, the hero, the sadhaka, or kaula disciple, as there is for
the SS: the total obedience to the Guru, to the Führer; in this one
does not compromise. The obedience is not discussed, fulfilling
any order instantaneously, like an automaton, without thinking,
however absurd it may be. The Ishmaelites also obeyed the Imam
in this way. In the Nuremberg trials the SS were judged without
taking anything into account regarding another trans-subjective
reality, and they applied a law totally alien to their world, to their
universe, that they could no longer understand, as Brissaud him-
self would recognize to be consistent with his reflections. The
judges of Nuremberg did not know any other esotericism outside
of the Jewish numeral Kaballah. They did not know Tantrism.
The only one capable of traveling the path of the Tantric
Kundalini Yoga is one who is formed by the principle of pure de-
termination and will, by the Shaivic principle of Hyperborean vi-
rility, situated at the boundary of the individual and the supra-

Miguel Serrano
individual, free now from the influence of Prakriti or heavy mat-
ter, and governed by the spiritual principle Buddhi. This is the
shudibudishvabhaba, formed by the Shaivic virility of the
Svayambhu-Linga, reaching the supreme courage of the Kaula he-
roes and warriors, forming part of the Circle of Kula, and the Polar
Round Table of King Arthur. Cowards and the fainthearted have
no place there. “A murderer and an anarchist, guided by the right
path, illuminated by the right doctrine, are more likely to over-
come the human condition of the pasu than a lukewarm person,”
says the Kaula Tantra. More likely than an appeasable bourgeois.
However, the dangers of this tremendous path of Nietzschean su-
peration and mutation of man are clearly seen. It is an advance
upon the razor’s edge. If the karmic tendencies have not been
overcome, if Prakriti, the heavy matter, is still there, hidden, as
well as the desires and passions, the “absolute will” will only
serve to increase them, transforming the stage of the great drama
into something monstrous. “The mental creations” will take the
place of the Pure Values, of the Pure Tattvas and the sacrifice not
only will have been vain, but irreversibly damaging to the Oneself
(Self), because of the accumulated power of Shakti. However, the
Law that regulates the hidden, hermetic events from the invisible
Cities automatically disconnects the initiate who goes to ruin.
From there, the doors are closed or opened, giving or denying
Eternal Life.
It is in the Inner Earth, on the peak of the Mount of Revelation,
where the vital and astral bodies of the heroes killed in combat,
and of the initiates of El Cordon Dorado that did not attain becom-
ing a Siddha, acquire an imperishable material, donated by Wotan,
or Odin. They are born again, without going to the womb of a
mother, growing up, starting as a child. They return in the true
solar age of eternal youth. It is the Resurrection of the Bodies, of
the Flesh, which is not for everyone, but for the Viras, the heroes.
The Siddha-Divyas, the divine Magicians of the Golden Thread,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
the Hyperboreans have already eternalized their body here; they
do not die. They are those who await the heroes to comfort and
reconstruct them. The Wildes Heer, the Furious Horde of Odin, the
Ultimate Battalion of Hitler, of the White Rider who will return
with the Golden Age to judge upon a White Horse, on a Golden
Eagle, in the Age of the Condor, will be formed by the heroes with
immortal bodies made of red Vajra (Rubedo): the resurrected
Gods after their Twilight. This immortal body is called Vajrarupa;
also, Divya-Deha and Siddha-Deha. The animal-man, the pasu, dies
forever. Their subtle vehicles do not go to the Valhalla of the Val-
kyries, but to Niflheim, the Nordic Hades, a dark place, like the
Scheol of the Hebrews, perhaps the “black holes” of the firmament
which swallow everything, composed only of protons, as the sci-
ence of today would say, where the most subtle vehicles and even
the light (“the memory of the light”) are dissolved in the weight
without vibration, in the most dim and dismal, in the great Anti.

Woe unto Him Who Loses His Valkyrie!

Nevermore will one hear about the Gral. Some think that it has
been newly transported to the Caucasus, to the legendary City of
Asgard, that of Odin, built by the giants (Prometheus was one of
them), by the Ases or Oses, near the sacred Mount Elbrus. The Oses
are the same Tuatha Dé Danann from the Irish Sagas, the ancestors
of the Germans, inhabitants of a mythic Georgia and a Secret
Spain. The Tuathas arrive from outside of the world and follow the
Goddess Venus. The Golden Fleece is found in Portus Veneris, the
port of Venus, of Amor. Orpheus, Hercules-Heracles, Castor and
Pollux (Pole) go to find it. Their chief is Jason. But the Fleece could
not have been discovered without the help of the Hyperborean
priestess-maga, Medea, who gives her strength (Urna) to Jason. The
Argonauts depart from Lamella (which was “Dodona”). On the
prow of their ship they carried a branch from the holm oaks of

Miguel Serrano
Dodona. The ship was called Argo. The city of Agharti—name
which is given in Tibet and Mongolia—is called Agharta in India;
Argo, Argonaut, Agharta mean “white” in Greek. It could be that
within the mountain of Agharta is the Boat of the Flood, the Ghost
Ship, the Caleuche with their eternal crews. The Fleece is discov-
ered in the Caucasus, the region of origin of the divine ancestors
of Jason. It is transported to Greece. But Medea abandons Jason,
killing all of his progeny. She has been betrayed by him. Has Jason
also made a misuse of the Gral? Medea parts in a winged chariot.
The Golden Fleece is from a Ram that flies, like the Serpent of
Quetzalcóatl. Woe to him that abandons the Amada-Maga, who has
given him the Gral! He has lost his soul, his eternal life. He has
abandoned the Virgin of Hyperborea.
On the Island of Samothrace and on Delos, the Mysteries of
Apollo were celebrated and they sang to the two Hyperborean
virgin-magas: Opis and Arge. (Was Jason’s ship a Hyperborean Vir-
gin?) According to Herodotus, the virgins of Samothrace sang
hymns composed by the Lycian bard, Olen, to these two magas of
the ices. And the Ambrosia, which is called Amrita in India and
Haoma in Persia, was drank. In ancient Rome it was called Anna
Perenne, according to René Guénon.

The Cabiri, the Two Cabalas, the Horse

(Caballo), and the Virgin of Carmen
The Mysteries of Samothrace were taught by the Cabiri; Prome-
theus was a Cabir. Surely Lucifer is. The Cabiri come from other
celestial worlds and distributed themselves throughout the whole
earth by sectors of influence. In Ireland they are the Tuatha Dé
Danann, which means “the immortals of the Tribe of the Goddess
Anna” (Da-nnan, Anna Perenne). They are also found in the ancient
Celtic lands. They are the wise instructors; indeed, they are the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Druids and the mysterious Pelasgians. Their science is the Cabala,
that of the Cabiri. There are two Cabalas: one based upon num-
bers, the other upon sounds. The latter allowed Joshua, the Philis-
tine general, to topple the walls of Jericho. It is the Indo-Aryan
Cabala of Orpheus, that of the “Kitharas of Stone,” of the Gothic
cathedrals and of Krishna; it is the Cabala of the Mantras; of OM.
Caba, or Kaba, means “stone fallen from heaven”—a black
stone, like that of Mecca; a meteorite. The Graal, according to Von
Eschenbach, is a stone fallen from heaven, detached from the
Crown of Lucifer in his extraterrestrial combat. The Cabala teach-
es us the wisdom of the beyond. Cabala furthermore has to do
with the horse (caballo), a solar animal like the lion. The horse car-
ries Parsifal to find the Gral. Pegasus flies like the Plumed Ser-
pent; he transports the dreamers and poets. The Cabala is the
horse (caballo) of the Magician. We recall that the Mongols said
that the Stone that stopped the waters of the Flood, the Yedeh-tash,
was found in the head of a horse. According to Charpentier and
other authors, caballo and cabala do not come from the Arabic, He-
brew, nor Latin. They come from the Celtic. Cabala and caballo
signify, in some way, stone. Man penetrates the secret of stone
and works it in the Age of Aries. The Celts receive this knowledge
from the Druids. Carbel, Carbal, Carmel, Cabala, Cabal, Carmen, sig-
nify the Stone of God, the science, the wisdom of nature, that of
the Basque Maxa Jaun, of the jaunes or juanes, that of the authentic
Gospel of Saint John. It is also the Divine Mare and the White
Horse that Santiago mounts in the Battle of Clavijo, and Vishnu
rides at the end of time, when he will come to judge, making the
leap to the New Earth. For the basques, the constellation of Leo is
that of the Horse.
The Celtic language is not written; it is phonetic, like all sacred
languages. The Cabala of Aries is phonetic; it transforms the
world with sound, with the mantram. The Knights Errant of the
Graal who search for the Stone fallen from Heaven, from the

Miguel Serrano
Crown of Lucifer, know this Cabala. The Knight (Caballero) is the
initiate in the phonetic Cabala and troubadour of the Gral, initiat-
ed in the secret of immortality and eternal life, entering upon the
horse (caballo) into Sidh, the Kingdom of the Fairies and immortali-
ty. This is the initiatic meaning of the word Knight (Caballero),
which the new magician-warriors of the new Initiatic Knighthood
will have to restore. Thus, in our world of symbols, Cabala, caballo
(horse) and caballero (knight) are indestructibly together, united;
also the name Carmen, Stone of God, Divine Mare, Sacred and
Virgin Stone, Stone of the Crown fallen from heaven, from the
Morning Star. In the same way that the name Cabala has nothing
to do with the Arabs and the Jews, the name Carmen is also Celtic.
It becomes significant that the Virgin of Carmen is the Patron
Saint of Chile and its armies, much like Santiago is of Spain and its
Knighthoods. Protection comes from her, also knowledge, from
the Bright Morning Star, the Star of ELELLA, which is He and She;
from the Star of eternal Magic Amor that drops its dawn light up-
on the sacred Andes, where the science of the giants is kept, upon
the sub-boreal Albania in the Andes, or Anda, which means Total-
Man, because hidden within that Rock is a lost totality.
The Virgin of Carmen should be the patroness of the New Eso-
teric and Magical Knighthood of the Southern Ices, of the Knights
of the Order of the Golden Thread (El Cordon Dorado), of the
Watchers of the Aurora, the Walkers of the Dawn, of those who
seek the City of the Caesars and the Oases of Antarctica, in the
Hyperborea of the South Pole, those of the Order of the Morning
Star, the Star of Chile, the Lone Star, the Star of Eternal Love.
These walkers and pilgrims, these Knights (Caballeros), go accom-
panied by the dog (Ca, from Carmen), as did James the Greater. It
indicates the path to them, towards the end of the Milky Way.
This is the initiation of the West, where the physical sun sets,
the path of the Star of the Great South, called Carmen, Virgin of
Carmen, Venus-Lucifer, Bright Star of El-ella; the Her of Him. In

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
the second part of Faust, Goethe speaks to us of the mysterious
Cabiri, inhabitants of the subterranean world, surely of Shambhala
and, like an echo from Timaeus, he says the very strange words:
“Three have come / The fourth is not here / But he is the true one /
Who thinks for the four.”

Esotericism of the Nibelungs:

Siegfried, Christ of the West
Once again, it has to be said, prior to historical times there existed
a great Nordic-Aryan civilization, or world, an almost direct heir
of the spirit of the Hyperborean Continent. Expressed there was a
magic science of Amor and of the Will to Power projected to the
whole firmament, to the most distant galaxies. The Visigoths, the
Merovingians, are the decayed vestiges of that world of giants.
However, the Norse and Germanic heroic legends gather the piec-
es in the form of Myth and legend. They must be interpreted. We
know that the Valkyrie, deformed by Wagner and the Romantics,
is an invisible being, the mental woman. The interior Lilith, the
astral companion of the Warrior who is at his side “in one’s
thoughts,” as Parsifal advised, in the fight for the conquest of the
Gral, in the death and transfiguration. She is the Interior Beloved,
who will deliver Eternal Life in Valhalla to the hero, the Gral, pre-
cisely; to the dead and resurrected hero. There is a whole path of
initiation there. The Christianized legend of the Grail has cut out
the Valkyrie and also the Tarnkappe, the Cloak that makes Sieg-
fried invisible. When he covers himself with it—or “enters” into
it—he sees and hears, but no one sees him, and his strength in-
creases to that of twelve men (the key number). Siegfried has
snatched the cloak from the dwarf Alberich, the head of the
guardians of the Treasure of the Nibelungs; this dwarf is an “ele-
mental.” The magician-initiate must only give it orders, “grabbing

Miguel Serrano
him by the beard.” It is at his service. He guards the Treasure of
the subterranean world, which, even when expended, is never ex-
hausted, like the food in the Grail cup, treasure of a supreme initi-
ation and energy preserved in the Inner Earth of the Cabiri. The
Tarnkappe is the astral body invisible to the eyes of the flesh, it is
the Tunic of Nessus, it is Kundalini, power that makes one invisi-
ble, being able to “exit in the astral body” and also “materialize
this body,” making it visible or invisible at will. This power was
possessed by some Viras and ancient Germanic heroes. Its faint
echo endures in The Song of the Nibelungs, im Nebel, in the mist.
There is a whole Tantric initiation of the Right Hand guarded
in the concepts of the Valkyrie and Valhalla, which has been de-
composing, involuting, a solar esotericism that must have incor-
porated itself into the Mystery of the Gral and which reaches us
already impoverished in the Edda and The Song of the Nibelungs in
historical times when the great destruction of the True Antiquity
has been fulfilled by the Romans and Christians. There was an
unknown and superior Ario-Germanic initiation that is hidden in
these poems, in their legends and myths, which has been recov-
ered in secret in the closed inner circles of the Hitlerian esoteri-
cism of the SS. Siegfried is a hero-initiate, a Vira who aspires to
mutate into a Divya, into a god-man, a Superman, a Sonnenmann.
He has conquered a Treasure guarded by the Guides of the Inner
Earth, protected by the dwarves, enveloped in the “mists” of the
Gral and the Nibelungs. He has also killed a Dragon known as a
Lindwurm, or Wurmern. From here would come the name of the
town of Worms—Wurm—of the Burgundians, to accentuate its
mythic-symbolic character, already in full tragedy from the Twi-
light of the Gods. They are not thusly named by the town of
Nivelles, in Ardennes of the Merovingians, as some have wished to
believe, by the common mythological origin of these descendents
of the Hyperboreans, lost in the shadow of the millennia and in
the mystery of the Hollow Earth. The Nibelungs would be of the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
royal race of the Ostrogoths, who appear accompanying the King
Dietrich von Bern at the end of the Poem.
In Worms there was an evil dragon. (They are even in the hol-
low earth, along with the mammoths; the currency of the Hohen-
staufen had an engraving of a dragon). In addition, in Worms
there were dolmens and giants, like in Stenay of the Ardennes.
There is even the “Stone of Siegfried” there, and a 45-foot tomb
has been found, which is thought to be that of the hero. Thus,
Siegfried is Burgundian, Merovingian, or Visigoth giant, a Hyper-
borean come from the Star of Lucifer. In any case, he is the arche-
type of the dead and sacrificed young hero; he is Dionysus and
also the Christ of the West, Apollo, Abraxas, Lucifer. The Self, as
Jung would say, “the soul of the West,” which is expressed rein-
carnating, without its ancient glories and splendors, in the Semitic
myth of the crucified, to whom Nietzsche opposed his Dionysus.
A strange poem of a religious type exists, where Christ is a Ger-
manic king. And who can be sure that it was not so? The Poem is
called Heliand and is from 830 A.D. or so. If we stick to the rela-
tions made by Wirth and Spanuth about Atlantis and the Nordic-
Aryan invasions of Asia Minor, to the loss of the Hyperborean
Continent and the essential adulteration that has been made of
Pre-History, of the anterior part of History that has been swiped
away from us, to the great conspiracy and falsification of myths
and legends, then who could confirm that Jesus was not an Aryan,
that is, a Nordic Hebrew (Habiru), like David, Solomon, and Josh-
ua? A Merovingian come from Mount Meru?

The Treasure of the Nibelungs and

the Valkyrie Brunhilde-Kundalini
Siegfried bathes in the blood of the dragon and thus transforms
his flesh, making it immortal and invulnerable, changing color

Miguel Serrano
and consistency. It comes to be of Vajra—imperishable matter, in-
corruptible and red—in the Tantric-alchemic process of the Rubedo
that comes after the Albedo and Nigredo. It is mutated. Nonethe-
less, there is still a vulnerable spot that remains, like Achilles, a
chakra must still be awakened in his Invisible Column before be-
ing able to make the “polar leap” towards Sahasrara, the Hyperbo-
rean Thule, on the peak of the Mount Meru of his own astral cra-
nium. Will it be the chakra of the Heart or of the Throat that he
fails to awaken? It is there that he is wounded and killed.
The Treasure of the Nibelungs was of Red Gold (Vajra, Rubedo
again). Amongst this treasure was found a magical Staff—like that
of the Pharaoh—of identical material and color. The Treasure of
the Nibelungs will be like that of the Visigothic kings, the Cathars,
the Templars, and the SS, that is always put into safety at the last
moment, hidden in a mountain, in the depths of the earth, in the
bottom of a river or a lake (that is, in the Collective Unconscious,
where the Archetypes, the King Barbarossa, Hitler, the Gods, arise
and wherein they rest and sleep after their Twilight, awaiting the
resurrection). This Treasure is the Gral, as we have said.
Siegfried, the hero, has also awakened a Sleeping Beauty, the
Inner Beloved, who is none other than Brunhilde. She is Shakti-
Kundalini. Let us not forget that Brunhilde, with whom Siegfried
has had magic love, lives alone on an island surrounded by
flames, in the distant North Pole, according to the most ancient
legend from the Sagas, from which the poet of the Nibelungs took
inspiration. She is thus clearly Kundalini, the Winged Serpent,
Woevre Saelde, the Serpent-Isolde, or Brunhilde. She is a goddess, a
Hyperborean priestess-maga, a Valkyrie, inhabitant of the great
Island of Thule, of the polar continent, surrounded by the white
flames of the transparent ices, of the cold fire, in an Oasis of the
Pole, at the doorway of Exit to Valhalla. Thus, Brunhilde possesses
supernatural powers (the Vril, Hvareno); she is a virgin-maga, a
fifth-born. As will always happen, she loses these powers together

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
with her maidenhood. It is in mortal combat that the hero Sieg-
fried snatches Brunhilde’s powers away. He steals them, like Ja-
son and Heracles have done in the Eternal Return. He seizes the
magical Belt and Ring—that is, the power of Kundalini, the Ser-
pent that sleeps coiled in rings, in a belt of astral fire, isolated at
the base of the psychic Vertebral Column. The battle of Siegfried
and Brunhilde is thus a battle of magic Tantric Love in which the
hero must make use of his Tarnkappe, the astral body. Consequent-
ly, it is not affected in this physical plane, but in an astral and par-
allel world, psychic, mental, interior. It is the most transcendent
and definitive test of the Mystery and initiation of the Gral in the
Leftward path of divinization and immortalization of the hero ini-
tiate; a solar and warrior esotericism that later disappeared in the
West: the initiation of El Cordon Dorado.

Siegfried Betrays His Valkyrie

It is at this critical point where Siegfried loses, when the Vira is
about to mutate into Divya, into divine Siddha, ready to make the
leap to the Hyperborean Continent, to the Chakra of Brahma, es-
pousing with the Inner Beloved, to bring about the Androgyne
that has turned back involution and is already eternal. Siegfried
betrays his Valkyrie, Lilith, and delivers the Belt and the Ring to
the Woman projected outside, the externalized Eve, of mortal
flesh and bone, Kriemhild, the involuted Earth, the Human Wom-
an. The catastrophe will not be expected. Hagen—also a mythic
character, representing in this case the archetype of the Guardian
of the Threshold—cannot allow the indignity that Siegfried has
done to his Valkyrie-Queen, profaning the Gral. Hagen kills Sieg-
fried, wounding him at close range in the only vulnerable spot on
his body, which he has learned of from Kriemhild. Just like the
warrior musician, Volker, who plucks the harp in the middle of
combat and uses the musical instrument and its notes as terrible

Miguel Serrano
deadly weapons, Hagen is an archetype, he is not human; the son
of an Elf named Aldrian, that is, of an extraterrestrial, he can
communicate with the “women of the water” (Wasserfrauen), with
the undines and other beings of the “threshold.” Hagen of
Tronege, Tronje or Trondheim, surely Hagen of Troy from the East,
from the Caucasus of the Ases, has dark skin, with the shadows of
the Threshold; a terrible appearance, like the Spectre of the Snows,
the Guardian of the Hyperborean Ices, the Abominable Snowman
of the Himalayas. He can not let the treasure of the Nibelungs
pass into the hands of Kriemhild, the Eve coated in mortal matter,
and he throws it into the depths of the Rhine, into the Collective
Unconscious. It will wait seven hundred years (“when the laurel
will bloom again”) until another comes to take on the Face of the
Chosen, or the same hero remakes it in the Eternal Return, thus
achieving another possibility of immortalization.
When the hero loses, when the initiate fails, letting down the
hope of the stars, going astray from the Divine Law, betraying the
Inner Beloved, he precipitates the catastrophe, the drama of the
submersion of the Hyperborean Continent, of Mu, of Atlantis. The
Horn of Destiny resounds in the great cosmic forest and the Twi-
light of the Gods becomes inevitable, the Twilight of the semi-
divine Heroes, of the Ases or Oses, fulfilling the Ragnarok even in
their last pains, by way of these archetypal characters, Kriemhild
and Hagen. This is Karma, represented by Siegfried’s Sword Bal-
mung, which now has passed, naturally, into the hands of Hagen.
And Kriemhild is the great wave that submerged Atlantis. Upon
marrying with Attila, with those same Mongol Huns and Tartars
who expelled the Aryans from the Gobi, from the sacred Asgard
in the Caucasus and, centuries later, the Hitlerians from Stalin-
grad, making the final catastrophe possible, in which all perish—
even her. It is no mere chance that the anonymous author of the
Nibelungs has chosen the elementarwesen of the steppes for fulfill-
ment of the apocalyptic drama, off his Twilight of the Gods. Here

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
there is a prophecy even more specific of future events than in the
Völuspá of the Edda, a premonition or prefiguration of the Eternal
Return. And this because Siegfried has betrayed his Magical Be-
loved, his solar chastity, his glorious androgyny. Everything disin-
tegrates (“Atlantis sank in just one night”), the supernatural order
is undone, as if it had never existed, like a Nonexistent Flower,
like an illusory image. He loses a divine possibility, like when
Parsifal forgets to ask the Question. Such is the stellar and terres-
trial story of the involuted humanity, of the semi-divines fallen
from the stars. A grand archetype is reproduced and tells of itself
in the epic of the Nibelungs. The hand of an anonymous author
from the 13th century may well have not written it at will. Some-
one has done it through him and despite him. That things like this
happen, I know well. He wanted to do something and another
thing came out, which he himself fails to grasp in its final com-

“The Song of the Nibelungs” and the

Bogomil-Cathar Heresy
It has been believed that the author of The Song of the Nibelungs
could have found inspiration—as always—in a Benedictine con-
vent, despite being a layman, and he gives the name of the Abbey
of Lorsch, important cultural center of the High Middle Ages. Its
construction is attributed to Queen Ute from the poem, the moth-
er-in-law of Siegfried, mother of Kriemhild, of Gunther and other
Burgundian kings. In Lorsch there is another tomb of forty-two
meters that is also said to be that of Siegfried, because Kriemhild
transferred his body to this town. But Otto Rahn tells us that the
ancient name of Lorsch would have been Laurisham, from the
King Laurin and the dwarf guardians of the Rose Garden, of the
Tyrolean Troj de Reses, the Pathway of Roses. Therefore, this King

Miguel Serrano
could have also guarded an enchanted garden in Lorsch (precisely
of the hill where papal Rome will build the monastery, to ignore
“that thing,” or to appropriate it). But the Rose Garden of the min-
nesänger and of King Laurin has returned to make its perfume be
sensed, from the depths, in The Song of the Nibelungs. The un-
known author would have resided mostly in the bishopric of Pas-
sau, not far from the Vienna of the Babenbergs who, by marrying
Byzantine princesses, began to resent the influence of dualistic
Manichean heresy of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, source of the Oc-
citan Catharism, which is in turn, source of the Provençal trouba-
dours. The Bogomils believed in a mitigated dualism, that the one
good God had two sons: Jesus and Satanael. In truth, there would
be a Trinity formed by the Father and his two Sons and, above it, a
mysterious and unknowable Being. The youngest son turns
against the Father and creates “another world,” completely mate-
rial. He also creates the first man, a kind of automaton, which he
is not able to animate. He solicits the Father to give him a soul,
and this he grants. Eve is produced in the same manner. Beyond
here, a mixed world, that of the Cathars. The Bogomil dualism
finds the explanation for the fall uniquely in a Tempting Principle,
essentially opposed to the Good, differentiating itself even from
the God of Evil, as Principles of Chaos and of Nothingness. The
souls are angels of the God of Good that have been snatched from
the force of the Supreme Being and inserted into “tunics of flesh
and forgetfulness.” Vienna then knows the era of glory and art of
the medieval courts, full of wandering minstrels and poets. There
is a strange poem from the late twelfth century, The Tournament of
Wartburg—also by an anonymous author—who sings of a legend-
ary tournament of poetry. In the year 1207, seven minnesänger
would have met in Wartburg to poetically “fight to the death”—
usque ad mortem. The legendary tournaments of the bards find an
echo in our Flower Festivals, which have already almost disap-
peared. In Wartburg, Heinrich von Ofterdingen (cited by Her-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
mann Hesse in his Journey to the East), Walther von der Vogelwei-
de, Wolfram von Eschenbach, and Klingsor, the magician, who
comes especially from Hungary (Hesse and Wagner have used
this name) all participate. Here, King Arctus (Arthur), Dietrich
von Bern, and King Laurin of the dwarves and the Garden of Ros-
es are sung of. Von Eschenbach wins the tournament, mysterious-
ly singing about a “force coming from the polus arcticus,” as Otto
Rahn tells us, which once united all men of the same race of the
spirit, from Greenland to Sicily, from India to the Pillars of Hercu-
les. But this “force” only has one Center: the Pole. From there
comes the Minne, the Remembered Love. It is a little difficult,
however, for the heroic and pagan mystery of the minnesänger to
flourish in Vienna. Papal Rome would soon send the lunar Jesuits
there to combat heresy and the Bogomil and Gnostic danger. Also
the Cistercians were sent. In the Cistercian Convent of Heili-
genkreuz near Mayerling in Austria (from which departed Josef
Lanz, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, founder, as has been repeated, of
the Order of the New Templars and the Ostara magazine, and
perhaps first initiator of Hitler), I have been able to consult valua-
ble Bogomil documents, collected by these monks.
It is in Vienna that the wedding of Kriemhild and Attila takes
place. To describe it, the poet would have been inspired by the
wedding of a Babenberg with a Byzantine princess, which he
would have been present at, accompanying his protector, the
Bishop of Passau. And it is in Hungary where the final tragedy of
the Song is fulfilled, the Twilight of the Gods and the Heroes. The
author would also have been inspired by the initiate Emperor,
Friedrich II of Hohenstaufen, who will visit the Danube region in
those times, having to lose later in his grandiose attempt to restore
the Solar Age and the Empire of the King of the World upon the
surface of the earth—because that also was a twilight of the Gods.
Whoever the anonymous author of The Song of the Nibelungs
may have been, undoubtedly he was a minnesänger, singer of that

Miguel Serrano
Love lost at the beginning of time, in the Highest Midnight of the
ices, and preserved in the blood memory of the descendants of the
Hyperboreans, on the Mount of the Polar Initiation. He did not
want to write his name because the memory did not belong to
him, but to the Gleisa, the Family House, to the Divine Guides of
his people, his race; to the collective soul. And this has been right.

The Epic of the Nibelungs Does Not Take

Place Here, But in “The Way of Iring”
The true acts that The Song of the Nibelungs relates, although refer-
ring to the fourth or fifth century of the Visigoths and Merovingi-
ans, are much more ancient. Even when Siegfried is assassinated
as a Merovingian king, in a hunting tournament, a magic-
symbolic, initiatic death, the Sagas of the Edda and the poem of the
Nibelungs go back much further than those centuries and are
mentioning cosmic events. The Edda refers to the Nibelungs as the
Niflungar—beings coming from Niflheim, or the Land of Mists,
country in the interior of the Earth, where the dead are—as the
disappeared Hyperboreans. It is a history before the current earth,
the exploits of gods, of extraterrestrials. They narrate the prologue
to the history of humans, involution, the Twilight of the Gods, and
the possibility of return in the Path of the Leftward Swastika. They
belong to the Golden Thread. In my understanding, they are clos-
er to the events of the Hyperborean origins than the Aryan Epics
of India with its epic-initiatic Mahābhārata (Siegfried and Krishna
alike perform superhuman actions), preserving the solar wisdom,
the true tradition of the pre-lunar, pre-Christian, pre-Semitic West.
The Song of the Nibelungs is an initiatic poem. If, within it, God
or gods are not invoked, it is because the actors are gods them-
selves. Undoubtedly there are other poems from those times and
of similar origin that can be so interpreted, like The Great Rose

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Garden of worms, written in Middle High German, and the leg-
end of Tristan and Isolde. The epic of the Nibelungs reaches to
entirely different levels compared to the epic songs of those times,
like La Chanson de Roland and El Poema de Mio Cid. This is also
recognized by its Spanish translator, don José Miguel Minguez
Sender, despite his Catholic eagerness which is quite well dis-
played in his commentary and notes.
There is a key here, a trobar clus: an esotericism that is making
reference to something more than purely terrestrial happenings is
indicated to us with that hero, Iring, who in The Song of the Nibe-
lungs is called “the quick one,” “he who is incapable of commit-
ting treason.” For the ancient Germans, the Milky Way was “The
Way of Iring.” It is not known whether Goethe would have un-
derstood The Song of the Nibelungs in this way, though it is known
that he came to love it and read it repeatedly in his old age.

The Symbols Are Too Intelligent

to Be Rational
When we go falling into an abyss and the Golden Thread of the
origins is almost no longer visible, only the myths and symbols
speak to us of that remoteness of the Gods.
It has been said that the symbols are too intelligent to be intel-
lectual or rational. Otto Rahn writes: “By Myth must be under-
stood the revelation of a Distant Epoch where man was directly
connected or immersed in the power of the divine world. If the
mythical images and figures are the product of a fantasy, it is not a
fantasy of man, but of the Divine that is internalized within him
through poetry. The mythic man gives himself up to the cosmic

Miguel Serrano

The Pilgrims without Course

The horse of the Templars was called Turkoman. The Templars al-
ways rode in pairs. They appear thusly on their seal. This is the
bipolar law of Baphomet, his two faces, one behind, the other for-
ward, looking towards two dimensions, to two parallel worlds.
This is the Gnostic dualism. It is Abraxas, it is the Christ of Atlan-
Proprietors of the most powerful army in the West, the Tem-
plars do not fight. The Dominican Inquisition takes proceedings
into their hands. At the beginnings of the fourteenth century, the
visible Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay and Geoffrey
de Charney are delivered to the stake after having recanted all
statements that had been extracted from them by torture. The
place where they are burned remains, more or less, where the Pont
Neuf is today in Paris, near the Île de la Cité, on another little island
which then existed there, behind the statue of Henry IV. It is said
that Molay shouted that Pope Clement V would be summoned to
the court of the Almighty within forty days and the King within
that very year. The Pope dies within that date and Philip the Fair
falls from his horse, also dying shortly thereafter. What remains of
the Templars? They disappear just as the Order was developed.
Some Templars seek refuge in the Spanish Orders of Calatrava
and Montesa; others, in the Portuguese Orders of Christ and of
Poseidon. The cross of the Portuguese flag is the Templar cross.
The Order of Montesa is created by Jaime II of Aragon so part of
the Templar properties could be saved in Spain. Pope Clement V
did not wish to accede to this, but his successor, John XX did by
way of the Bull on June 10, 1317. The King donated the Castle of
Montesa in the Kingdom of Valencia to the Order. On July 22,
1319, the Order is constituted in the chapel of the Royal Palace of
Barcelona, governed by the rule of the Order of Calatrava. Its first

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Grand Master was Guillermo d’Eril.
A certain number of Templars are received in Scotland by Rob-
ert the Bruce into an initiatic confraternity of cathedral builders.
From here would have been born the Grand Lodge of Heredom,
which means “heritage,” origin of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, so it
is claimed, without being able to be proven.
The surviving Templars who go along without course, hiding
themselves along the byways of Medieval Europe, are like the
Druids of earlier times, like the Cathars, and like the Hitlerists of
today. The Secret Chiefs have been saved by the Gods, carried
from this world in a Chariot of Fire, like Enoch and Quetzalcóatl,
to prevent the rupture of the Golden Thread. Those who still roam
this earth are the heroes sacrificed so that the fire may continue
burning, that the symbol endures and that everything has not
been in vain, being reborn in the spilled blood and in the pain of
exile, like the Phoenix from its ashes, because “the color of blood
is not forgotten, it is so red, so intensely red….”
The initiatic propitiatory victim in the nadir of the Kali Yuga is
called Rudolf Hess, the Prisoner of the Myth.

The Rosicrucians
The Stem, the Thorns, and the Rose
n the second half of the 14th century, that is, a few

I decades after the destruction of the Templar Order, the

Order of the strange Rosicrucians appeared. Their
founder was a mythical character, who possessed a
symbolic name: Christian Rosen-Kreuz. It is claimed that he was
born in 1378 and that he died in 1484. His life is equally signifi-
cant. In the esoteric Order of the Rosy Cross there can be found
Templar influence or heritage, as well inheritances from the trou-
badours, of the Fedele d’Amore and of the Cathar initiation. For the
Templars, the symbol of the rose was fundamental. The under-
ground corridors of their castle-gendarmeries symbolize the stem of
this flower; therein was hidden the Black Virgin, Our Lady of
Thorns. There was always a Templar Forest of Thorns neighbor-
ing the castle-gendarmerie. In the stained glass windows of cathe-
drals and in their walls of stone appears the Great Alchemical
Rose. The underground corridors, the “stems” where the Black
Virgin, the Sleeping Beauty sleeps, are the nadis through which
she circulates when awoken by the Knight of the Gral. The Black
Virgin is Isis-Kundalini, the astral fire, asleep at the base of the
psychic vertebral column of the adept.
The underground corridors are the “psychic channels” of the
astral body, of the “double” where the “feminine fire” will be lit;
the thorns are the chakras and the Great Rose, the Sahasrara
Chakra or the Chakra of Brahma, on top of the skull, is the Polar
Center, where the encounter with the Eternal Beloved, with the
Virgin of Hyperborea, takes place. It is Ultima Thule, the Point of
the Leap towards the unsituable Void. This Templar symbolism of
the Initiation of the Gral was exposed by me in ELELLA: Book of
Magic Love especially in its second and third part.
The Rose is a creation of Persian alchemist-gardeners. It has to

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do with Sufism. The Rose of Frederick II came from the East. The
Rose blooms at the junction of the vertical and horizontal parts of
the Cross. The vertical is the masculine, the sky. The horizontal is
the feminine, the earth. The Rose joins them, opening the way for
Magic Love, for the Mysterium Coniunctionis, for the Tantric
maithuna. Therefore, the ends of the cross are lit and it is the Red
Cross of the Templars. It spins rapidly and becomes the Leftward
Swastika, that of the Return. It forms a circle of light that is not
solar, but uncreated light—the light of Venus, of the Pole, of the
most distant midnight. The Swastika, thus, is not the symbol of
the current sun, but of the Pole. It is static movement of resting
energy, the “unmoved mover” of Aristotle (Voug) which is like the
purusha of the Samkhya philosophy.

Vedanta, Samkhya, and the

Yoga of Patanjali
There are six philosophical systems in Hinduism and of these, two
of them can be regarded as essential: the Samkhya, or absolute
duality, from which the classical system of the Yoga of Patanjali
derives; and the system of Advaita Vedanta, or absolute monism,
developed to its ultimate consequences by Shankaracharya six
hundred years after the beginning of the Christian era in the West,
more or less simultaneously with the development of the Tantra-
Yoga system as we know it today.
To Vedanta, all creation is Maya, in the sense of illusion, with-
out real existence. Only the absolute exists, only the Atman. The
Samkhya dualism, on the contrary, claims the existence of two ir-
remediably opposed, different principles: Purusha, the conscious-
ness, the luminous, the eternally impassive; and Prakriti, the mat-
ter, the inert, the shapeless, the obscure. Prakriti is composed of
three gunas in equilibrium. When Purusha “looks,” so to speak, at

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Prakriti, an imbalance of the gunas is produced and the river of
the forms and phenomena of creation is unleashed. Purusha acts
as a catalyst, a fuse or a fertilizer. It is important to imagine that
the “fecundation” of Prakriti, its imbalance, is produced through
the “gaze” and to remember the importance that the troubadours
gave to the “gaze” in their initiation of Love. To the Fedele d’Amore
and to Dante, the “look” of the Mistress, of Beatrice, is the mo-
ment when everything begins. Also in the esotericism of Leonar-
do, in his extraordinary painting The Annunciation, the angel “im-
pregnates” the Virgin with a “look,” as can be perceived by an ini-
tiated observer.
The river of forms and phenomena in the disturbance of Pra-
kriti, after the alteration of the balance of its gunas, its movement
in number, name and form, has been called Samsara. Samkhya
admits that there is a fall, corresponding to Avidya, ignorance;
darkening, that is, identification. Purusha identifies with the re-
flection of itself in the mirror of Prakriti, with the “I” made of the
elements of Samsara, and forgets the Other, the Self, the One-self,
the impassive being made of pure light, the spectator. Dragged
and contaminated by the current of the gunas, it is not aware of
the sacred in itself, the August, the immobile creator that it is, and
becomes a prisoner of “I am this,” “this is mine,” even when in its
substance the Samkhyas say: “It keeps itself as pure and un-
touched as a drop of water upon the flat surface of a lotus petal.”
Apparently, there are many Purushas, all absolute and definitely
separated from one another, complete in themselves.
The fall, illusion, or obsession of Avidya also applies to the liv-
ing being here on our planet, to man or Jivan. The Yoga of Patan-
jali comes to his aid, indicating the way to the detachment of his
luminous consciousness—of the Self, so to speak—in order to re-
turn to “his center,” neutralizing the modifications and illusory
movements, called vritti, “waves” that the “I” considers its own,
but that belong to Prakriti and to the imbalance of its gunas. Thus,

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one achieves Mukti, liberation, the man is now a Jivanmukti, a Lib-
erated One. Purusha returns to Kaivalya, to the profound separa-
tion and differentiation, as opposed to Samadhi or fusion in the
Vedantic Atman.
As can be seen, the speculative Samkhya metaphysics offers a
dualist cosmological explanation, just as the Gnostic, the Mani-
chean, the Cathar and Templar explanations of the universe are
dualist. It introduces the dyad of Purusha-Prakriti (spirit-matter,
to simplify, in the language of the times), two principles that
“unite without uniting,” in millions of forms and manners, once
the balance of the gunas has been broken and Prakriti—as the
feminine—is “impregnated,” altered, by the fulgurant reflection of
the “gaze” of Purusha—the masculine—by becoming the mani-
fested world of names, numbers, and forms.

The Love of Shiva and Shakti

The Tantric texts (tantra also means “to expound”) retake the the-
oretic skeleton of Samkhya, but they transform its metaphysics
while modifying them in an essential point: Purusha is Shiva and
Prakriti is Shakti. Both principles acquire visible masculine and
feminine qualities. The Tantra adapts, in a certain way, the archaic
idea of the pre-Aryan, Dravidian, Aegean, Mediterranean, primo-
genial and tremendous great goddess, Devi, the supreme divinity,
and makes from her the principle of the general interpretation of
the universe. Likewise, Shiva is an earlier deity, terrible and archa-
ic, incorporated in the Vedic concept of Rudra. Furthermore, the
Tantra alters the system in the sense that Purusha and Prakriti are
not conceived as a first and eternal duality. They are presented on
this side of the Creation, as differentiations or forms of Shakti. To
one of them corresponds Shiva; to the other, Shakti herself, but in
a limited way. That is, as the feminine counterpart of Shiva, as the
“woman,” the wife (taking names such as Parvati, Uma, etc., in the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Hindu pantheon); the Shakti of the divinity which is, above all, his
potency, his power, as we have said earlier. Shakti, thus, has the
double meaning of “wife” and of “power.” Because of this, crea-
tion—her work—is not Maya in the illusory sense, but power. The
Samkhya attributes given to Purusha and Prakriti are maintained.
Shiva is the immutable being, the conscious principle, the Atman,
the Self. Shakti is the movement, the shift, the origin of all produc-
tion, generation and vivification. Tantra replaces the idea of the
reflection, or “look,” with one of impregnation. Purusha acts as a
catalytic presence, like the “Lady” of the Fedele d’Amore, of al-
chemy and of Dante, as the Soror Misticae. In the Tantra it is the
sexual union of Shiva and Shakti that gives origin to the universe,
in the maithuna, Magical Coitus, in the “Love without love.” Shi-
va must keep himself impassive and only Shakti must agitate her-
self, only Shakti must act. All creation is born here in its aesthetic,
dynamic, stable, immaterial, material, conscious and unconscious
The forms of the creation are the different postures of the sexu-
al game between Shiva and his Shakti, as can be seen on the tem-
ple walls of Khajuraho. The wife, She, is active; Shiva, He, keeps
himself distant, concentrated in himself, within and without, en-
joying and apart from the enjoyment, forever embraced by his
Shakti and embracing her, untouched inside by the frenzy of the
Beloved, the fire and the passion. Thus must it be in principle for
the semi-divine man as well, where the Shiva-seed exists, which
has been obscured, partially “identified” by the passion of the ex-
ternalized Shakti of flesh and bone, lost and incorporated in phys-
ical love, seduced, dragged, enveloped in the “not-I” of the Crea-
tion. The Tantra Yoga also comes to his aid. It has been partially
prepared some six hundred years after the beginning of our Age,
for its use in the Kali Yuga, or Dark Age, when the body is made
dense and thick, and counts on it as the only tool of salvation, of
liberation, that makes the return to the Shaivic, Hyperborean state

Miguel Serrano
Julius Evola says that Tantra is explained as having the ancient
Chinese sentence of “ride the tiger” as a guide—to heal using poi-
son. One cannot do without the woman. In Magic Love, in the
Tantric maithuna, she is reincorporated. Everything returns to the
origin, when the masculine principle is passive and the feminine
is active. The potency is reintegrated in the masculine, Shakti en-
ters into Shiva, the woman enters man. The all-powerful Siddha is
created, the androgyne, Ardhanarishvara, Phanes, the cosmological
Eros of the Orphic myth, Abraxas of the pre-Christian Gnostics.
Using concepts of another esotericism, we would say that Eve has
been reincorporated, reentering through “Adam’s side”—from
outside to within—transforming herself again into Lilith, Haisha,
Ayesha, the first companion of the anthropos, the Para-Shakti.

The Tantric Metaphysics

Surpass Monism and Dualism
From the point of view of speculative metaphysics, the interpreta-
tion of Tantra lies beyond the implacable antithesis between the
Vedantic monism and the Samkhya dualism, because Shiva is the
One, the one who is beyond, and his Shakti, without being illuso-
ry, becomes external and real (as matter and the world can come
to be for those who are surrounded by and reside within her) and,
from creation, sees the universe. However, the Tantric iconogra-
phies–both the Hindu and the Tibetan of the Mahayana Buddhist–
always depict Shakti as inferior to Shiva in size, dancing in a circle
of fire, an unbound and uncontrolled power upon the enormous
outstretched body of Shiva, static and serene, as well as in the fig-
ures of the couple in Sacred Coitus, Viparita-Maithuna, where she
is also smaller and more passionate and Shiva is larger and ecstat-
ic. The symbolism is clear: the world is not a product of an un-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
bound and uncontrolled power. It is the woman that escaped out-
side, as real as inside, and the man loving her there, just as he
loved her before within.
Everything changes depending on one’s perspective. The pro-
cess must be turned back. The active and “identified” West has
become feminized, losing its Shaivic, Hyperborean passivity of the
It can be seen that Tantrism has transformed the archaic Benga-
li, Dravidian, Aegean, and Mediterranean elements, making
Pammeter, the original Demeterian Magna Mater, almost unrecog-
nizable due to the influence of the Nordic-Polar, Aryan-
Hyperborean ancestor. The Magas of Hyperborea, the “fifth-born”
in a Polar family, the Pythic, “sybillic” element that incorporates
into the Yogini initiatrix of the Sadhaka, in the Magic Love of the
initiation of the most secret Kaula Tantra, which will transmute the
Sadhaka into Siddha. The cult of the Hyperborean eternal femi-
nine, Celtic-Aryan, of the Polar tradition, makes Shakti the eternal
energy without which the very triad of classical Hinduism would
be impotent. Without her, Brahma would not be able to create;
Vishnu would not be able to preserve; nor would Shiva be able to
destroy at the end of all things. She is the Parashakti. Her energy
or creative will is free, exercising itself without coercion or fate.
She does it as if playing, as if dancing freely; she makes use of her
Shaivist fecundating masculine principle in a plane immediately
more here (a “second more here”) from the absolute immobility of
Paramashiva, of He who is above and below all, ultimate Home
and refuge to Shakti-Lilith, where She comes to rest, reincorporat-
ing at the end of a Dance. There she loses and rests her potential
energy, crossing inversely, leftwards, that “quantic interval,” that
point of the leap. The body of the great Shiva is as enormous as
the universe. It is the Other Earth. But this Other Earth is right
here, within this one, because Shiva, amidst the river of forms, of
passion, of the flames, of the tremendous Divine Game of his

Miguel Serrano
Shakti, remains immobile, untouched. He is the “unmoved mov-
er,” the Pole, the Swastika.

Esoteric Hitlerism Is Tantric

We have expanded largely in these explanations because they
touch upon the core of the themes exposed here. Tantrism is a
doctrine that comes included in the revelation of the origins and
uniquely codifies into a system apt for the reality of the Kali Yuga,
when the events make it necessary. Before, the relation between
Shiva and Shakti is Platonic, so to speak, as can be appreciated in
parts of Gnosticism, Catharism, in the troubadour initiation, in
alchemy and the Templars of the Gral. However, the ultimate
base, the fundamental cloth of the initiatic Druidism, of the Cathar
esoterism, of the Minnesänger, of the Fedele d’Amore, of the
Templars and of Esoteric Hitlerism, is Tantrism. As we have said,
it has been Tantric Yoga fundamentally, in some unknown West-
ern form (perhaps not developed to its full extent, not conscious
for an exoteric majority), which has constituted the basis for that
esoterism, leading its initiates to surpass dualism and to attain a
realization beyond the “pairs of opposites,” in the Absolute Per-
sonality, referred to by Brissaud. Thus can be comprehended the
attitude of some SS chiefs, such as Ohlendorf and others, who
(even tremendous acts as mere working hypotheses) maintained a
Shaivic impassivity “beyond good and evil” in exclusive search
for that central point of the persona, of the transcendent and solar
virility of the origins, of the Absolute Personality.
In relation to those “tremendous acts” judged at Nuremberg, it
is necessary to say once and for all that this matter of the six mil-
lion Jews made to disappear in crematory ovens is one of the big-
gest hoaxes in the history of humanity, where the Jew expresses,
on a planetary scale, his innermost nature of a cosmic mystifier.
Something similar had been attempted at the end of World War

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
One: the Germans cut the breasts of French women, they ate chil-
dren, etc. Pictures of all these things were shown. Later, the Eng-
lish Minister of Propaganda, commissioned author of the hoax,
retracted these lies in his memoirs, and even visited Hitler. And
what cannot be done today with the technical advancements in
photo manipulation of films and other information media, all in
the hands of the Jews? At the end of the War, as I remember, the
dead Jews did not reach even one million. Now there are more
than six million.
An inflation without possibility of deflation, as for the moment.
Two generations of Germans and even young Jews have been
made victims of this planetary falsification, teleguided automati-
cally through their chromosomes, through their genetic code, to
believe like “robots” and to repeat the fratricidal mottoes. There is
not a Jew in the world that doesn’t have a relative murdered in a
crematory oven—they are convinced of it—neither a Jew older
than 60 years who hadn’t been suffering in a concentration camp
from which they supposedly escaped only with his life to tell the
story. André Brissaud writes: “The gas extermination, which was
not applied outside of Polish and Soviet territories, has made
much ink flow. The problem is not clear. We cannot mistake gas
chambers for crematory ovens.” To burn cadavers and avoid epi-
demics, we will add, and Brissaud continues: “The testimonies of
the SS Kurt Gerstein are suspicious and the circumstances of his
suicide and the discovery of his ‘diary’ are very strange. The dec-
larations of Rudolf Höss, Commander of Auschwitz, about the gas
chambers of his camp, are full of contradictions and false claims,
particularly about the dimensions of those chambers and their
functioning, which makes one think they might have been im-
posed by his Soviet prison guards. The testimonies of the survi-
vors of the camps of Treblinka, Auschwitz, Lublin, Kulmhof,
Belzec and Sobibor are either contradictory or vague. Despite their
good will and their efforts to remember, those who answered my

Miguel Serrano
questions did not shed any light for me upon this atrocious mys-
In mid 1977, David Irving’s book Hitler’s War was published in
England, a work with over eight hundred pages. Its author had
investigated during ten years and was able, at the end, to consult
saved or recovered documents in Berlin. His conclusion is that
Hitler knew nothing about the extermination of the Jews and nei-
ther of the so-called (by Jews themselves) “final solution to the
problem.” This book has aroused indignant criticism, of course,
because it threatens to destroy the “planetary operation” with
which it has been achieved to build a totally false picture of a fair
regime, superior to the current democratic macédoine and slavery.
If Hitler didn’t know a thing about such organized extermination,
it is because it never existed. Can it be conceived that Himmler,
who would have been the direct executor of the exterminations in
the concentration camps, had committed the insanity of having an
interview with the president of the Jewish World Congress, Norb-
ert Mazur, to reach a truce and put a stop to the War in the West,
just before the end? And can one believe that Mazur would have
accepted that interview when the six million Jews had been al-
ready murdered in the ovens? And do not say that Jews did not
know what was happening in Germany during the war, because
they knew it all.
Once again the Jews edify their present and their future upon a
falsification. The plan is included and is consequent with the fifth
Protocol of the Elders of Zion: “If there were a genius in the enemy
camp, he could fight us, but a newcomer cannot compete with old
fighters like us and the battle will take on an aspect that the world
has never seen before.” They would obtain the maximum benefit
from that defeat. We have to agree with Julius Evola that “if the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion were not authentic, they are true.”
Léon Degrelle told me: “The greatest stupidity that the Ger-
mans could have committed would be to kill six million Jews,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
when they desperately needed labor on the internal front.”

The Six Million Victims: Materialization of

the Jewish Collective Unconscious
The invention of the six millions Jews killed by Nazism has con-
tributed to Israel—which did not exist as a State when the sup-
posed genocide happened—the astronomical sum of six billion
pound Sterling paid by the Germans in compensation to this State,
of course excluding the part of Germany kept under Russian Bol-
shevik power.
With regard to this number 6—of the six billion pound sterling
and of the six million victims—we will make a declaration that
will sound as fantastic as that sum: the invention of the six million
sacrificed is not an invention, because the 6 in those six millions is
an archetypal number in the Jewish Collective Unconscious, a
Kabbalistic number, and has arrived alone, having been imposed
or overlayed on this “psychodrama,” to use a term borrowed from
the psychology of the times. And this is from 1950, a year that
would also be considered special by the Jews, because that is
where the materialization of the Planetary Operation is decided,
destined to act with full intensity in the Age of Aquarius. The
number 6 is that of the six-pointed Jewish star, the runic symbol
that has also been adulterated by the “chosen people.” The plan is
thus Kabbalistic, magical, made of pure black magic, by belonging
not to a human falsification, but to a cosmic, planetary one, im-
posed autonomously by the Jehovistic archetype of the number 6
that has them possessed, and of which the Jews are acolytes.
If anyone has interest in knowing the grandiose falsification of
the murdered six million in detail, they must read the monumen-
tal work of the French professor Paul Rassinier. His books are en-
titled The Lies of Ulysses, published in Paris, 1949; Ulysses Betrayed

Miguel Serrano
By His Own, published in 1960; The True Eichmann Trial, published
in 1962; and The Drama of European Jews, published in 1964. Some
of those works have been translated to Spanish and are published
in Madrid by Editorial Acervo. As can be understood, they have
passed almost unnoticed. Rassinier was a socialist. He was in-
terned by the Germans in the Buchenwald camp in 1943 for be-
longing to the Resistance. Freed in 1945, he was decorated with
the Medal of the Resistance. He started his gigantic investigation
work in 1946, making sure to make known what he saw in a Nazi
concentration camp and to show the falsification of the millions of
immolated Jews and the invention of the “gas chambers.” Paul
Rassinier died in 1967.
Another important document is the investigation of the English
university professor, Richard Harwood (pseudonym): Did Six Mil-
lion Really Die? published by Historical Review Press in England.
Harwood continues North American professor A.R. Butz’s Hoax of
the Twentieth Century.
We give this information without any major enthusiasm or op-
timism. By knowing the exact nature of the conflict that we have
attempted to describe here, we comprehend that the human—all
too human—reasons and numbers matter very little, when it is the
archetypes, the gods and the demons that are at war, not today,
nor yesterday, but for an eternity. The numbers that matter are
other than these.

The Swastika of the Exodus

and the Swastika of the Return
The Swastika is the symbol of Esoteric Hitlerian Tantrism. It di-
rects movement and remains untouched, immobile in its center,
like Krishna dancing the Raslila or like Shiva in the deep medita-
tion of Kaivalya. It is Chakravarti, as has been said; it is the Coro-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
nary, Polar Chakra. The Rightward Swastika is that of the Depar-
ture, of the Exodus, of the loss of Thule, of the primeval Father-
land, of Hyperborea, of Paradesha, of the Star of the Origins. It is
that of Rama, of the vanquished gods, of the defeated Lucifer. The
Leftward Swastika, which turns vertiginously in a sense contrary
to the rotation of the current Earth, is the one which directs the
Return to the Origin, by steps, firstly going to Asgard in the myth-
ic Caucasus, then to Shambhala, Agarthi, to the Polar Thule, to the
Morning Star. This Swastika is also a non-existent Flower, that of
ELELLA, of the androgynous Baphomet, of Abraxas, of the divi-
nized Total-Man who has now entered the City of Eternal Life.
Those who are able to penetrate the depth of the symbol state that
this Swastika cannot be used in physical achievements on the sur-
face of things, because its energy of Return manifests in a Parallel
World, in the analogous Inner Earth. For this same reason, the
physical defeat under this emblem was inevitable in the current
moment of the Kali Yuga, with the objective of preparing a more
exact triumph in the great Return of Ages.
The Round Table of King Arthur is also a symbol of the Pole. It
is the Swastika.
All secondary centers that the Leftward Swastika marks on the
journey of the return to the Nuptial Fatherland are mere reflexes
of the Supreme Center, stages in the journey of Immortality. They
must not be confused with the first Spiritual Center, located in the
Pole; even better, in the head of the Other Earth, of the New Earth.
The Pole being the Crown Chakra of the planet, the point of
“leap,” of “exit,” the archetypal image of all other centers includ-
ing that which existed in Atlantis. It is, thus, from Agarthi,
Shambhala and Asgard, that there come to be important terrestrial
Chakras that one must visit, awaken, but in which one must not
stay definitively, continuing the journey onward to the Immortals
of Hyperborea, in accordance with teaching of the esotericism of
the Leftward Swastika, their School of Polar Initiation.

Miguel Serrano
The Rightward Swastika, which turns in the same direction as
the rotation of the Earth and of the hands of the clock—that is, of
the time of the Dark Age—is that of the Exodus, of the loss of Hy-
perborea, and even of the first original loss. It is the Swastika of
the North Pole where Lucifer, Abraxas and Apollo are impris-
oned. The Leftward Swastika, that of the Return, is that of the
South Pole. Could this indicate that it is through this Pole and
through the South where the “exit” toward the “Other Earth,” to-
ward the Oasis and the vindication of the Great Loser, Lucifer,
will be produced?
In this way it is understood that Jewish Zionism has planted a
counter-initiation by fanatically setting itself upon the physical
Jerusalem, making it appear as the final supreme Center and the
Hill of Zion as the “Heart of the Earth,” the Anahata Chakra, the
“tabernacle of Jehovah” and residence of the Shekinah (the Shakti-
Kundalini of the esoteric Hebrewism), “the only place where Je-
hovah wishes to be worshiped.”

The City Is Also Kundalini

According to Agrippa and, much later, to Rene Guenón, an an-
cient esoteric doctrine refers to a city called Luz, as well as the
mysterious Center located inside the Iranian mountain, Alborz.
The pilgrimage to this city was called the “Journey of Immortali-
ty.” Luz was a subterranean city, like Agarthi, because after the
disappearance of the Hyperborean Polar Center, the Center of
Immortality makes itself visible. The city Luz—a word that means
“buried” in Aramaic—is the residence of the Shekinah, of Shakti-
Kundalini, that remains coiled in the base of the psychic spine
where She must be awakened, freed. The same esoteric doctrine
adopted by ancient Israel would enigmatically say that “Luz is
located in the root of the vertebral column of man,” with which
the key to success is handed to us: the Journey of Immortality is

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
interior, symbolic, from Chakra to Chakra, until coming to awak-
en Kundalini-Shekinah, the Sleeping Beauty, the dead Beloved in the
base of Mount Alborz-Meru (the Muladhara Chakra) and be able to
bathe in her immortalizing uncreated fire.
Thus, any Holy City is only a reflection of the primeval Polar
Center. Any Magic Mountain, be it Meru, Kailash, the Alborz, or
Melimoyu, is an image of the Mountain that existed in the Pole, as
it is “the protuberance on Buddha’s head” because the Mountain
is, furthermore, the symbolic representation of the body of the To-
tal-Man, of the Magician. The Polar Axis comes to symbolize the
vertebral column of the initiate and the Swastika, the Sahasrara
Chakra, or Coronary, the Self, the One-Self, that keeps itself static in
the center of the movement, Shiva, in truth, driving, without mov-
ing, the Journey of Immortality.
The situation implicit in the hermetic sentence “as within, so
without” and vice versa will make it such that the inner symbolic
Centers exist as real terrestrial centers, and that the initiate must
go to seek them also in the external physical world. But the initiat-
ed will have to guide himself, equally, by the other spiritual law
that orders him not to stay, not to insist. It means that when en-
countering resistance, he will have to stop in wait for the right
moment, because evil cannot be fought with passion or fanaticism,
but with distance and style; the battle for the Dharma, immobile
within, without obfuscation, coldly, as Krishna advises in the Bha-
gavad Gita. The God of the Losers of today knows that he will be
the victor tomorrow, because he already is, in a Parallel Earth.

The Fantastic Declarations of Rudolf Hess

about Hypnotism at a Distance
The Templars did not offer resistance; as we are soon to see, the
Rosicrucians also desist upon comprehending that their time has

Miguel Serrano
arrived, or that it has already passed.
It could be believed that Hitler also intended to reconquer the
legendary Asgard (Stalingrad), that of the Asen, that of Wotan, at
all costs. His insistence would be equally opposed to the Hermetic
Law and carries misfortune, fatal events. We point out that Hitler
was spiritually advised.
Regarding this, one should remember Rudolf Hess’ strange
declarations before being transferred to Nuremberg from his pris-
on in England. Hess made a written report of the treatment that he
received in the British cells. He later repeated his extraordinary
declaration in the Nuremberg Trials. He stated that his prison
guards, and the English politicians that were responsible for his
fate and for that of the world, were under the influence of an un-
known drug that put them in the condition of being hypnotized at
a distance. This drug had been used already in the Russian trials
of Soviet leaders who accused themselves and asked to be con-
demned to capital punishment. An identical procedure would be
practiced, according to Hess, through which the Germans would
perform acts that would later be used favorably in the fulfillment
of the aims of Judaism. Hitler himself, Hess said, had been a vic-
tim of this hypnotic procedure facilitated by drugs. (Was he think-
ing about the mysterious Doctor Morell?) Was Hess insane when
he made this statement during the Nuremberg trials? It is said so,
and the world has not given much credit to his revelations; yet the
verdict of psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors and prison guards
is that Hess had never been insane. On the contrary, his intelli-
gence was superior, and he was able to overcome the most diffi-
cult tests that a human being can be subjected to during many
years of confinement.
The North American director of the Spandau Prison, Lieuten-
ant Colonel Eugene K. Bird, in his book The Loneliest Man in the
World, states that during all of those years in which he maintained
daily contact with Hess, he was able to prove that Hess was a man

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
with intelligence beyond the norm and was never insane. Bernard
Hutton expresses himself the same way in his book Hess, the Man
and his Mission.
The terrible declaration of a being out of the ordinary cannot be
taken lightly concerning the events of the last war, because subse-
quent, most recent events should make us pay attention to his

The Center of Telepathic Forces

The absurd events of Watergate, the hallucination of a whole peo-
ple before an event without major importance, seem to give rea-
son to Hess about hypnosis at a distance, even without the need of
an “unknown drug.” The press, the radio, the television and even
the serious politicians lose sense of reality. All the steps walked by
Nixon himself, especially in the last days of his presidency, made
him appear as if hypnotized, working for his own destruction. The
same happened with the completely suicidal decisions of Presi-
dent Thiệu of South Vietnam, having removed his armies without
fighting and having made his country and his powerful war ma-
chine crumble in just three weeks before an enemy that took con-
trol of the whole territory without firing a single shot. Up until
today, the Pentagon must have doubts about what really hap-
pened there. On the other hand, during the great American cam-
paigns in Vietnam, in General Westmoreland’s Search and Destroy
operations carried out through the most modern means of the
electronic technology of his country, nothing was recorded. The
jungle was empty, even when the enemy was there just yesterday.
The rain made aviation impossible, although the meteorological
reports predicted good weather. Did somebody make it rain?
“Who controls the Center of Telepathic Forces and Hypno-
tism?” would be the urgent question. Rudolf Hess affirmed that it
was the Kabbalistic Jews. He declared, furthermore, that he was

Miguel Serrano
kept imprisoned because “the Jews would never forgive him for
attempting to put an early end to the war, to prevent them from
bringing their plans to fulfillment, after having prepared this war
with so much work.” In the same way was Nixon too independ-
ent. Having ended the war in Vietnam with an agreement that
would have made him respected, he wanted to put order in the
Middle East, and was opposed to the Soviet domination and the
Communization of the world. Politics with China were his crea-
tion. Nixon was acting on this and had to be destroyed. A Spanish
journalist who was covering the Watergate issue in Washington
and New York called it “Operation Golda Maier.”
In a book published some time ago, entitled PSI: Psychic Discov-
eries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn
Schroeder, the important psychological experiments realized in
the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and other Communist
countries (including, of course, China and Vietnam) are made
known. The book was published in 1970. Almost ten years before,
I had been researching the subject personally in Moscow and Len-
ingrad. I knew that in the Pavlov Institute, the Soviets were deep-
ening in this class of studies and their practical application as
means of world domination for decades. Of course, none of the
hierarchs that I dealt with told me anything.
It is necessary to remember what Gurdjieff used to say about
Western hypnotism: “It’s only a primary babbling of a science
greatly developed in Mongolia and in Tibet,” and also in the Rus-
sian region where he, Stalin and Rasputin were raised, and even
that hypnotism was only a remnant of something more ancient
and unknown. Does this have to do with the ancient Tibetan tech-
nique of the projection of the “subtle body” of a mage outside of
his body to penetrate into the body of another man, alive or dying,
making him act under his will, even when this is unknown and he
believes that he is acting under his own will? In this way can the
dying be revived or a living person be transformed in a golem?

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Mao asserted that the atomic bomb could do nothing against
them, and Vietnam has proven to be superior to all the most ad-
vanced technology of the West. Powerful mental forces have been
managed, to their favor, from some place in the earth. It could
rightly be believed that the “Telepathic and Hypnotic Center”
functions in the Communist region of the earth, if it were not for
the fate of Stalin, which, in a certain way, resembles that of Nixon.
During his last days, Stalin talked about “some mysterious Jewish
doctors that intend to poison him.” It is the same language of Ru-
dolf Hess. Stalin could not be forgiven for having entered a Non-
Aggression Pact with Hitler. With the declaration about the Jew-
ish doctors, he sealed his fate and his historical destiny. The same
avalanche of Biblical thunder and lightning was unleashed upon
It doesn’t matter where the “Center” is located, nor what
means or “mediums” it utilizes. What matters is who directs and
controls it in the shadow of the Kali Yuga.

Black Magic and the Sinking of Atlantis

It is at the end of a cycle when one clearly sees that “the gods
blind those who they want to lose.” Power of the mind, or a pow-
erful unknown technique, hypnotic energy, controlled by the dark
forces of decay, of evil, of chaos and of nothingness. What has
been called hypnotism of this kind falls under the generic and
broader term Black Magic. And, in this case, it is appropriate to
say that “the gods blind those who they want to lose.” The Gods
of Evil, the Unknown Superior, called the Prince of Slavery, work-
ing through his acolytes in critical vertex of the involution of the
Kali Yuga.
It was this powerful force of Black Magic, it is said, that caused
the sinking of Atlantis. The cause of the eminently technological,
mechanistic, rationalist character of our Age, it is through the ma-

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chinery and the technology that Black Magic works today. Inside
that heavy technology, made of Iron, which “uses Iron” and is
fundamentally diabolical, exist powerful climate manipulation
weapons that are already working in the dark power centers of
the world. The artificial climate changes may not be noticed until
sometime after being produced (it being possible for them to be
confused with natural phenomena). Only the specialists of the op-
posing power, who are those to be impressed or warned, will take
notice and give in, paying a price.
The Arctic ice can be melted by an atomic explosion, causing
the flooding of Canada and of the United States. There is the
dreadful possibility of the “ozone window,” that is, to open a
breach in the ozone of the atmosphere so that ultraviolet rays can
pass through it, burning the terrestrial space under that “win-
dow.” How to control that “window” so it does not become an
open door above the whole Earth? The increasingly intolerable
climate changes observed in the world today, Winter-Summers
and Summer-Winters, can be provoked. (Saint Germain said:
“When the Summers become Winters and Winters become Sum-
mers, the end of the World will approach.”) There is a limit that
the cosmic balance, inside of which the earth lives, places upon
such savagery and scientific primitivism.

White Magic and the Passage

to the Other Earth
We have repeated that the Hitlerians could rediscover the spiritu-
al bases of a different science and a different technology. This
could only have happened if, upon finding the Cathar Gral of the
Pyrenees, of the Templars, of the Visigoths, the Stone of Hyperbo-
rea, the Hitlerian initiates manage to decipher its message, fully
incorporating it into the Golden Thread of Magic and Cosmic Power.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
If this did happen—and there are good reasons to believe so—the
spiritual science of the “Circles of the Uncreated Light,” which
defeats all material and terrestrial gravity, immediately transfers
to the Other Earth, and makes one abandon all struggle and ambi-
tion for dominion here, within the three dimensions, to continue
the war in another Sense and dimension. It is the message of the
Maya-power that has been grasped; of the Luciferian Love and
Beauty of the Morning Star. It is the power that will come to save
the righteous, the remaining heroes, in the very moment when
everything seems to be lost. It is the Ultimate Battalion that will en-
ter into combat in a higher vibration of energy when the universal
imposition of shadows, slavery and planetary disintegration is
inevitable. (For the Cathars, the Demiurge of the involuted earth
was called “Jehovah.” Therefore, he would be the “Prince of Slav-
ery” who wishes to eternalize himself, through his acolytes, in a
world of slaves. According to the classical formula, Rabbi Loew,
creator of the Golem, disappears together with his creation into the
terrible cosmic void of the catastrophe).
February 13th, 1945, Berlin: Just before the end, Hitler said, “If I
win this war, I will put an end to the Jewish world power, I will
have given it a mortal blow. If I lose it, the Jewish triumph will be
of short duration.”
According to Colonel Bird, Rudolf Hess stated at Nuremberg:
“There is a power superior to the Jewish powers.” His comrades
That Power is that of White Magic. It prepares the New Earth
in the end of the Involution of the Fourth Age, or the Dark Age of
the Manvantara.

Kalpas, Manvantaras and Yugas

The insistence of the Jews upon seizing power over the terrestrial
Jerusalem (secondary spiritual center, a reflection of the true Salem

Miguel Serrano
[peace]) can produce a new sinking of Atlantis just as much out-
side as within. René Guénon wrote in The King of the World that
Agarthi was not always below the Earth, nor within a mountain.
In the first epochs, or yugas, it was visible upon the surface; it
stood upon the Polar Mount. Only 6 thousand years ago, accord-
ing to Ossendowski (Beasts, Men and Gods), at the beginning of the
Kali Yuga, Agartha, or Agharti is transferred below the Earth, hid-
ing itself. But Agarthi will return to the surface when the Kali Yu-
ga ends and a new Manvantara begins. “Men will become young
again,” asserted Solon. They will regain Paradise. The name Agar-
tha also means “inaccessible.” When the City could be seen upon
the Earth, it would have had another name: it was called Pa-
radesha, according to Guénon. (I believe that it was called Thule.)
We have said that it means “high region.” Actually, it was situat-
ed upon the Polar Mountain, on Dante’s Hill of Paradise. The Ar-
abs also say the same, referring to Mount Quaf. But today, “Nei-
ther by sea nor by land shalt thou find the way which leads to the
region of the Hyperboreans”…it is the Kali Yuga.
In a Manvantara, the ages, or yugas, are also four. In the pre-
sent Manvantara, the first yuga corresponds to the Golden Age, of
Hesiod, it is the Satya Yuga. The second corresponds to the Silver
Age, it is the Treta Yuga. The third, the Bronze Age, is the Dwapa-
ra Yuga. The fourth is the Iron Age, Kali Yuga. It is the darkest
age, for Kali is the black goddess of destruction, signifying the
feminine aspect of Shiva, the Destroyer. In the Eddas, the dark
Iron Age is called the “Age of the Wolf.” To the Orphic Pythago-
reans, it was called the Age of Dionysus. Dionysus is Shiva.
The Kali Yuga begins, more or less, when the Greco-Latin An-
tiquity begins to forget about the deeds of Hercules-Heracles and
the great dreams of Jason.
One Kalpa contains fourteen Manvantaras.

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

The Polar Origin of the Vedas

According to Hinduism, in the times when the City was visible
upon the surface, there was only a single caste, called Hamsa. This
word also indicates a condition or quality similar to Salem, which
all had before fallen into involution (In Tantrism, it is the “Wed-
ding of the Opposites,” of Ida and Pingala, in Sushumna: the an-
drogyne, Ardhanarishvara). Therefore, it was Ativarna, without
caste. We have seen that the caste system—varna, color—is im-
posed with the descent of the Aryans to the south, having in mind
the preservation of the Amor-Memory of the origins, the Minne.
The Hindu writer and politician, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, finds evi-
dence of the Polar origins of the Aryans in the Rig Veda, written
over five thousand years before our Era, according to him. Prior to
this date, the Vedas were transmitted orally. I have seen young
Brahmins in the south of India reciting the thousands of Vedic
verses from memory. The word Veda comes from the Sanskrit root
Vid, meaning “to see,” to know from direct vision. The Rishi is he
who has seen. It is the Rishis who have received the Vedas. Jung
used to say of the Hindus: “ideas appear to them, they do not
think them.” Western man thinks them, yes, or at least believes he
thinks them. Due to this, he does not have direct wisdom, vision
of Being. He rationalizes.
Tilak thoroughly expounds upon the theme of the Polar origin
of the Vedas in his book The Arctic Home in the Vedas, appearing in
1956. However, his first publications on the theme were written at
the beginning of the century.
When the City was visible, and the divines and semi-divines
lived together with the mortals, the Vril, an organ which allowed
one to communicate with the supra-sensible world, that radiant
power, was also active in the bodies of the inhabitants of that
Earth. With it, it was possible to see the City and enter it. The Vril

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disappears together with Agarthi. It is also submerged in the root
of the Polar Axis of the Tree of Life, of the Vertebral Column. But
it will return to the surface, together with the City and with the
return of the Golden Age, after the disappearance of the Darkened

The Second Appearance

of the Rosicrucians
The Rosicrucians vanish suddenly, to return in an unnoticed way
in 1604, as if rising up from the depths. They claim to have found
the tomb of Christian Rosen-Kreuz, along with his doctrine, in a
cave. After several centuries, an Invisible Direction and Unknown
Superiors are spoken of (it has been written that the guides of the
Templars and of the Rosicrucians were a mysterious Green Order,
situated in another constellation). Now it is said that Christian
Rosen-Kreuz was not the founder of the Order, but its organizer.
The Order goes back to Enoch and Melchizedek, the last one being
the King of Salem and the King of Justice. Curiously, Solomon
comes from Salem, also meaning Peace, “the Peaceful.” Solomon is
King of Justice, “he makes justice,” as is said in my book The Visits
of the Queen of Sheba. All of these are attributes of Melchizedek,
King of Salem, that is, Solomon. Will there perhaps be the trans-
position from one mythic character to another? Salem would not
be a city, but a quality or condition of the “Righteous King”:
Peace. Melchizedek is the High Priest and Sovereign King. The
same attributes as the King of the World, according to Ossen-
dowski and René Guénon. Melchizedek would then be an Eon, or
Aion, a Manu, the Archetype of Man in the current Manvantara, the
Chief of the Invisible Hierarchy of Agharta; the Brahatma, as
Saint-Yves d’Alveydre describes it in his 1910 work La Misión de
L’Inde. For Guénon, it is the Brahmatma, and to Ossendowski, the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
The Catholic priests are invested and consecrated, even today,
“according to the Order of Melchizedek,” the “Priest of priests.”
But Melchizedek has been deprived of the attribute of “Ruler of
rulers,” that is, King of the World. And not only of this world, but
also of the Parallel Earth, the New Earth. The attribute of “King of
the World” comes to him from Divinity; because he is a Pontifex-
Maximus, a Dalai Lama, a Bridge, like Lucifer, who is not the Divin-
ity, but a Mediator that carries the Light from On High. “A model
for living and dying,” as Otto Rahn would to say.
The Queen of Sheba also belongs to Melchizedek. She is his
Ennoia, his Ayesha, the companion of the Eon in the Manvantara,
the feminine Archetype for an Aion, the prototype of the Anima, as
Jung would say.
The reappearance of the Rosicrucians has to do with the neces-
sity to restore the attributes of the King of Kings and Priest of
Priests in a single person.
The Rosicrucians utilize the Gral, the Rose, which is also the
Stone Rose, to rejuvenate and change their appearance when they
travel to different countries to accomplish special missions. They
possessed a Castle of the Rose, a Temple or Gleisa, a refuge inside
a Mountain, a secret, hidden Cave. The role attributed to the Rose
is identical to that of the Gral: to rejuvenate, to give life to the ail-
ing King, Anfortas. For this the Rosicrucians have returned to try
to revive the Hyperborean sense of the royalty of divine origin in
the West, as it was with Melchizedek, High Priest and Sovereign,
as it was in the Pharaohs, as in the Aryans of India, before the
Great Battle of Mahābhārata, when the King was also the initiated
Brahmin, like the Kings of Atlantis. The Rosicrucian Imperator has
all the authentic characteristics of the King of the World.

Miguel Serrano

The Castle of the King of the World

In the land of Apulia, in Andria, where it is difficult to reach, I went
to see the cosmic Castle of Friedrich II of Hohenstaufen, Castel del
Monte. This Magician-Emperor (1194-1250) was the last hope of
the Cathars under siege in Montsegúr. He was unable to come to
their aid, for he himself was reaching his end and that of his great
dreams—so similar to those of Julian the Apostate—of installing
the Imperator Mundi upon the visible Earth, the Hyperborean and
solar science, the Sovereign connected to the divine, invisible
powers, as opposed to the lunar priests of the “cardiac religion” of
Rome. What a strange century the 13th century was, which saw
the Cathars, the Templars and all those great dreams of the Gral
crumble almost simultaneously! Friedrich II of Hohenstaufen in-
carnated them in their totality. He began the war to reconquer of
the Golden Age, for the unification of the West and the East under
the Scepter of the Lord of the World, of the Chakravartin, the al-
chemical Imperator, the one of whom the Rosicrucians speak, of
the divine and temporal power concentrated in a single person, as
in the Egyptian pharaohs. The principal counselor of Friedrich
was the famous mage Scott (see his Livre Tout-Puissant in the bib-
liography). The Cathar legend states that “every seven hundred
years the laurel blooms again.” Esoteric Hitlerism arises upon ful-
fillment of that time. But the destiny of these gigantic enterprises
seemed to be the loss of the material battle in order to have suc-
cess in the spiritual task of keeping the burning seed alive that
will enable a new resurgence upon completion of the time limit set
by the magic numbers. Castel del Monte was built within the play
of these numbers. It is the most extraordinary architectural work
of recent historical times. It is a Mandala. The game is with pairs
of opposites, until reaching the number 8, the number of the rest-
less rest, of the double and united circle, which turns infinitely,

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
like a serpent (Kundalini) that contorts in order to catch its tail. As
with the Templar monuments—such as the one in Segovia—an
alchemical Opus is being realized here with this number. In the
central courtyard, open to the water of the heavens and the stars,
there are three windows and three doors. Three stairs lead to the
upper floor and 5 are the small living rooms where the Grand
Masters of the Orders of Medieval Knighthood (the Teutonic and
the Templar Order were the favorites of Friedrich II of Hohenstau-
fen) dressed themselves in their ornaments before starting the ini-
tiation rites that took place there in that Temple of the King of the
World. Well then, 5 plus 3 equals 8, and 3 multiplied by 8 equals
24. The castle walls were 2,40 meters thick and 24 meters high.
The circumference of the structure is 240 square meters. The nu-
meric game is mind-boggling and produces a magic and vibra-
tional field. Castel del Monte was raised upon a hill, the only one
existing in that flat part of Southern Apulia in Italy. From the Cas-
tle, the landscape looks like the total surface of the planet Earth,
like a circumference ruled from an absorbent center. I went there
accompanied by a German lady from the North, of a Hyperborean
beauty called Heidrun. We were told that the castle was closed for
repairs. The true reasons were others: fear, always the fear of the
resurrection of the myth, advanced now due to the acceleration of
However, the spell was done and, without knowing how, we
made it inside—nobody besides us, taken there by the will of that
Emperor or by the will of his Mage who thus received us. It was
then revealed to me that when in meditation, or concentration,
with the hands together, with 2 fingers of each hand making the
sign “8” and the other 3 fingers of each hand united at the same
time, it means that 5 plus 5 is equal to 8; that is to say, the squar-
ing of the circle, the Non-Existent Flower, the acausal, the illogical
and synchronistic, the Philosopher’s Stone. The repeated 2 (two
fingers of each hand) represents 4, but they are also the 8, by their

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formation, their mudra, that is, the infinite. The twofold 5 (the fin-
gers of each hand) are the repeated Destiny, because five is the
number of Destiny. When Destiny repeats itself on the left and the
right of the Universe, in both Earths, in the Leftward and the
Rightward Swastikas, the triumph, Hvareno, the totality, the
EIGHT has been reached. That is, everything will return to hap-
pen again when the two Earths simultaneously, analogously, syn-
chronistically coincide, and what was lost here will be regained
there. If the exact Mudra is made inside the Magic Castle, locked
in the magical vibrations produced by the numeral game, and if
the equivalent Mantra is pronounced, the gates to the parallel
world of Prester John, the City of Caesars, the Other Earth of the
Heroes, will be opened instantaneously. It is possible that here lies
the key of the mysterious inscription existing in a stone from Cas-
tel del Monte (perhaps corresponding to the Mantra that would
accompany the Mudra) that has now been removed from there,
like the Lady of the bas-relief bowed before the knights: the Ani-
ma, the Beloved, who delivers the Gral.
Similar to the ruins of Montsegúr, Castel del Monte is a cursed
monument today; both are Luciferian. Actually, they are “doors”
of exit, of escape, of passage to the other worlds, to the Inner
Earth, completely created by the magic of a superior and ancient
science—that of the Golden Thread—coming from Atlantis and
Hyperborea; and, perhaps, from other stars.

The Four States

The Rosicrucians speak of four States (The Four, the Hyperborean
Clover, the Leftward Swastika, the Rose). The first two States re-
fer, without doubt, to Solar Epochs that have already passed. In
the Third State, power has been usurped by the Pope. The Papal
diadem belongs truthfully to the Imperator. The Rosicrucians at-
tempt to restore the Throne where power is connected to the Un-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
seen Guides before a new End of the World, a new Age, or Kalpa,
comes about. A mysterious character, a sort of prophet and mage,
which will appear in the future, shall regain the sense of Trans-
cendent Power, first for the West, and then for all the world. It is
useful to know that, as always, behind the visible Rosicrucian Im-
perator there is also an invisible character, a Double, the Mah (in
the Inner Earth or in the Parallel World of the Green Order?).
It is important to note the coincidences of the language used by
Hitlerism with the esoteric terminology of the Golden Chord. The
Three Reichs were spoken of. Hitler’s was the Third Reich, the
other two corresponded to those of Friedrich the Great and Bis-
marck. A Fourth Reich would come, included in the Hitlerian Mil-
lennium. The millenarianism of Joachim of Flora is also present.
The very term “Axis” that was used to name the alliance of
Germany, Italy and Japan is taken from the Polar Hyperborean
symbolism. The Axis of the Earth is found in the Pole, above
which the Swastika turns. For the SS initiates, Hitler was the mys-
terious Prophet and Mage who would not come solely to reclaim
the Asgard of the God Wotan in the Caucasus, but to restore the
meaning of divine royalty, where the King of the World, the Im-
perator, is the Priest of priests and the King of kings, is the Führer,
installing for a thousand years, or more, a new Golden Age for the
Earth. (Let us remember the declaration of the Japanese emissary.)
The “Heil Hitler” salute is taken from the ancient Heil of the
Minnesänger, which also means “salve” (of salvation). Salute! The
salvation given by the Lady, Vrovresaelde, Isolda. “The woman
produces a crisis from which salvation can spring.” “To see her is
like dying,” it is said. Thus, the saved one is a “son of
However, the Rosicrucians do not intervene directly in politics.
Their actions are exercised in a subtle, silent manner. They disap-
pear, now and forever, in 1648, abandoning Europe and heading
for the symbolic India of Prester John. After the Thirty Years War,

Miguel Serrano
when the real foundations of the Holy Roman Empire are de-
stroyed, they know that there is nothing left to do. It would seem
as if they had lost hope.

Masonry and the Invisible Government

What has later continued to be said about the Rosicrucians and
the organizations that take their name is a mystifying characteris-
tic of modern times, disconnected and managed by other forces.
Now one finds everything under the control of vitiated currents
that lead the earth to the abyss. And so it occurs with Masonry,
born in Scotland in 1717; which utilizes some Templar and Rosi-
crucian symbols, adulterating and mixing them with preference to
Jewish ritual and symbolism, which has come to predominate.
Masonry has been controlled by the secret forces that push in the
direction of the dark end of the world, the final crisis of the Kali
Was the French Revolution a work of the Encyclopedists and of
Masonry? Or is Masonry only used by an unknown and higher
power, even more so than that of the highest degrees, that orders
and controls without ever being disobeyed? At the end of the 18th
century, apparently having come from the Middle East, a mysteri-
ous character, the Jewish Kabbalist Doctor Falcke, Falk or Falk-
Sheik, appears in France. He is also called “chief of all the Jews.”
No door is closed to him; he assists and directs the “meetings” of
the innermost secret circles of the Lodges. It is he who prepares
the French Revolution, who supervises and controls as the Emis-
sary of an invisible and omnipotent Power. Surely, Saint Germain,
Cagliostro and the Marquis of Sade are under his orders. Where
does he come from, who directs him, what power opens all doors
for him? His journey has been long and carefully prepared by his
Serge Hutin, in his work Gouvernants Invisibles et Sociétés Secre-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
tés (Invisible Government and Secret Societies), J’ai Lu edition, Paris,
reproduces a paragraph from the memoirs of the first revolution-
ary mayor of Paris, Bailly, who “by the fatal mechanics of all revo-
lutions of this type was executed by a second generation of more
uncompromising revolutionaries. He would lose his head in The
Terror.” Here is the paragraph: “There is an invisible motor that
runs the false news to perpetuate tensions. This motor must have
a great number of agents, much money and a powerful directing
spirit to put the abominable plan into practice. One day we will
know the infernal genius and the underlying cause.” And Lafa-
yette declares, on July 24th, 1789: “An invisible hand directs the
The Bavarian Illuminati were placed in the center of the events.
The terms “Illuminism” and “Century of Lights” came from here.
The tactics and the organization of this Lodge were followed ex-
actly by Marx and by Lenin. The Illuminati spoke of two genera-
tions, at least, of a “ferocious dictatorship,” before being able to
impose the ungoverned government of “equality, fraternity and
liberty”; the “kingdom of reason.”
Napoleon is also an initiate in the Fraternity of the Bavarian Il-
luminati, and in other Lodges. Thus is his meteoric rise explained.
Later, Napoleon acts on his own and crowns himself Emperor.
From 1812, when he is abandoned by the Secret Societies, his de-
cline begins. He also loses his wife ordained by the Stars, Josefina,
as we have said.
It is written that Hitler would have rebelled against the imposi-
tions of the Thule Society, coming to act on his own in the same
way. His material failure would be due to this. He would have
been, in fact, destroyed, slowly poisoned, and made into a drug
addict by that mysterious Doctor Morell, member of the Thule So-
ciety and a secret agent of the Enemy. But there is no proof of all of
this, being only rumors. Of Hitler’s disobedience, I have only one
proof: that provided by my Master, and recounted at the begin-

Miguel Serrano
ning of this work. We do not know what other Unknown and In-
visible Guides Hitler obeyed, nor the accuracy of their plans. In
any case, he was an acolyte of the God of the Losers in the Kali
Yuga, and he exactly fulfilled his designs.
André Brissaud writes that the rupture between Hitler and the
Thule Society would have happened because Hitler was opposed
to using the Party to destroy Rudolf Steiner’s organization due to
considering it an unnecessary action, and considering Steiner an
innocuous character. The Thule Society, which hated Steiner, ac-
cused him of being an impostor, uses the Nazi force without con-
sulting Hitler to destroy the Headquarters of Anthroposophy (Goe-
theanum). Learning of this, Hitler produces the rupture.
Suppositions, nothing more.
The Judaization of Freemasonry coincides with the dominion
of rationalist and atheist tendencies within its breast. Consequent-
ly, every movement that aspires to restore any type of Hyperbore-
an Initiation and a terrestrial power connected with the Forces of
the Golden Thread will have to be dramatically in conflict with the
currents and organizations that control the world today. The Rosi-
crucians left, convinced there was nothing they could do. This
planet will have to reach the bottom of the precipice in the tragedy
of its involution, in the Age of Iron.
After the departure of the Rosicrucians from Europe, the West
enters into the “Enlightenment,” the “Age of Lights,” into “Hu-
manism.” It is the Encyclopedists, members of Masonic Lodges,
that push in this direction. The French Revolution is their work
and is made, so they declare, to avenge the torture and martyr-
dom of Jacques de Molay and the Templars. But the French Revo-
lution signifies all that is opposed to the hierarchic, transcendent
conception of power of the Universal Regnum, non-democratic,
non-rationalist, of Divine Origin, connected to the Unseen Guides,
with the Hyperboreans, with the Unknown Superiors. It is also
contrary to the Rosicrucian conception. It is a product of rational-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
ism, of the Masonic and atheist “enlightenment,” and indicates a
“libertarian” conspiracy against the hierarchical solar polar,
against the Spirit, being clandestinely directed by another kind of
“Unseen Superiors” that wish for a world mixed from above to
below, a bastardized world in which all fight against all; a kind of
amorphous mass, without beliefs, without faith, easy to manipu-
late and to enslave through the skillfully manipulated currents of
propaganda and information media.

“The Jewish Virus,” According to Marx,

“Has Already Passed on to the
Blood of the Non-Jews”
All the tendencies and organizations that are visible in contempo-
rary history, or of the Third State, are of the rationalist kind. Ac-
cording to Julius Evola, Masonry becomes almost totally rational-
ist and atheist after the French Revolution. He quotes some of the
following declarations by the Mason von Knigge (disciple and
friend of Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati)
spoken in 1848: “All Jews have recognized that Masonry was a
medium to solidly establish their secret empire.” Later, in his book
Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Evola reproduces the following
words of the Jew Mordechai, the true name of Karl Marx: “The
Jewish virus has already passed on to the blood the non-Jews.
What is the practical tendency of Judaism? Self-utility. What is his
earthly god? Money. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish
way; he has appropriated from the power of money; then, through
his intervention, money has been transformed into a world power.
Thus, the practical spirit of the Jew has come to be the practical
spirit of the Christian people. The Jews have emancipated them-
selves in the same proportion as the non-Jews have been made

Miguel Serrano
into Jews. The Jewish god has been universalized, becoming the
god of the Earth. Currency is the true god of the Jews.” Usury, as
Ezra Pound would say.
Communist Marxism and Capitalist Liberalism are both man-
aged by the same forces and both walk to the same end: to destroy
all tradition based upon blood and soil, the value of Labor, in the
power and energy developed by the superior contacts and in the
initiations of the occupations. Bolshevism has always maintained
an obscure link with the international Judeo-Masonic figures, a
link recognizable in the American multimillionaire Hammer’s fre-
quent travels to Moscow, and other great representatives of the
power of high finance. The speculation with Soviet gold in Swit-
zerland, propitiated by World Capitalism, is another revealing
sign. The Multinationals benefit greatly, for the product of specu-
lation is destined to acquire foreign exchange for the purchase of
more advanced technology and other merchandise of the consum-
erist society. Therefore, it is not strange that Jewish Capitalism
secretly works for worldwide Bolshevization, that is, to achieve
the ultimate stage of the involution of the Kali Yuga: the world
empire of the slaves, the Kingdom of the ant-men. In a system like
the Bolshevik one, where everything is centered under the direc-
tion of the State, he who controls the State controls everything.
The democracies no longer serve as a system of planetary control
in a world where the demographic explosion and the materialistic
technological revolution are fundamental coordinates. Only the
Bolshevik system now serves the Jews, only world slavery. Be-
yond the comedy of the persecution of Jews in Soviet Russia, it is
the Jews who manage that totalitarian State which has belonged to
them since its birth, through its ideology, through its founders, its
directors and hidden commissars, through its goals, its structures
and means of action. The contact with secret directors (who decide
everything and who do not allow themselves to be seen upon the
surface of the political power of this tenebrous world) is with the

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
Invisible Superior called the “Prince of Slavery.” For that being,
Jews are only a useful instrument for achieving goals that trans-
cend them, similar to the microbes that disintegrate a corpse.

“If the Protocols Are Not Authentic,

They Are True”
Julius Evola, who extended the edition of The Protocols of the Elders
of Zion with this definite sentence: “If the Protocols are not authen-
tic, they are true,” believes that the Jews, more than obeying a
plan, act by instinct, just as sparrows eat the eggs of other birds.
Instinctive action, a reflex conditioned by the diaspora. Due to liv-
ing amongst foreign peoples for centuries, the tradition of those
peoples must be the natural enemy of the Jew, because it denies
him. Thus, it is necessary to destroy the tradition and nobility of
any different and superior human type, of any people with a hero-
ic sense of life, where “life beyond” is worthier than life itself, be-
cause pacifism in all its trance is not more important than the in-
tangible value of Honor. However, once this goal is achieved, the
Jew does not integrate himself with the “bastardized, mentally
Judaized community” because of the Renewed Covenant of the
Laws of Torah. He will always remain apart. By instinct and by
mission, he will totally disintegrate the corpse, as occurs today in
the United States of America, with England and with all the Juda-
ized and decomposing West. In Chile we have had a visible ex-
ample of all this in the systematic destruction of the countryside
and historical traditions, affirmed in the land, persecuted with fu-
ry and hatred by the Jew Jacques Chonchol. For him, it did not
have to do with an ideal, nor was he putting doctrines of justice
into practice, nor theories. It was something instinctive, compul-
sion, “chromosomal memory,” symbolism; as was the desire for
the destruction of all Chilean tradition incomprehensible if not

Miguel Serrano
bearing in mind all that was explained here in Salvador Allende
Gossens, a character that enjoyed all the assets of the bourgeois
tradition of his country. The instinctive Jew prevailed in him,
dragging him into the self-destruction that would annihilate the
other half of his blood.

Chile, Chosen in 1942 to Be “Nai Judah”

In relation with this, I should recall a revealing sentence of Leon-
ard Bernstein that was spoken after the triumph of Salvador Al-
lende in the Chilean elections of 1970. The orchestra director and
composer, married to a woman born in Chile, found himself invit-
ed to dine in the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Princess Lily Shoenburg said goodbye to me when I left the di-
plomacy and the embassy in Austria. It was the beginning of 1971.
Bernstein asked me, “Are you returning to Chile? Compliments to
the Jew…” This sentence was so surprising that I remember ask-
ing him, “What Jew?” And he, making a wide gesture with his
hand, answered, “All are Jews!”
I have not forgotten this Kabbalistic sentence, also spoken by a
On May 16th, 1942, the following was published in Mundo Isra-
elita (Israelite World), edited in Buenos Aires: “Chile was one of the
countries assigned in 1938 as a possible location for the establish-
ment of a new Jewish State that will be denominated as Nai Judah
(New Judea). The plan was sponsored by José Hefter, from New
York, who published thousands of pamphlets on the subject, also
assigning other possible refuge locations.”
The war altered the plans and the Jews were able appropriate
Palestine and Jerusalem. At the risk of seeming anecdotal, I would
like to recall another significant event in relation to the fate re-
served for Nixon by Judaism, which would not forgive him for his
anti-Judaism uncovered at the last hour, as with de Gaulle. Also

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
during my time in Vienna, in one of my first protocolary visits to
the Jewish Prime Minister of Austria, Kreisky, he told me bluntly,
and apparently spur of the moment, as we were not talking about
the subject and I was not the most appropriate one to hear such
things: “Nixon should leave the presidency of the United States; it
is necessary to get him out, for he is governing based on public
relations.” This declaration left me surprised, as it had to do with
a Chief of State referring to another Chief of State—of the “most
powerful nation in the world,” as it is said, not without irony,
since that nation has never governed itself. In that moment, I real-
ized with perfect clarity that Nixon was lost and it was only a
matter of time until he fell to his ignominious end. The powerful
Kreisky made that declaration without reservation to an ambassa-
dor from a country of the so-called “Third World,” to be transmit-
ted with his code and with full intention, having to arrive at the
exact point of my country, which he of course knew better than I.
Through apparent ignorance of these problems, the Russian
writer Solzhenitsyn, whom Skorzeny admired as “one of the brav-
est men” in a lecture delivered before the American syndicates in
New York, could not understand it as being the Capitalists of the
United States, of the Multinationals who closely collaborate with
Soviet Marxism to thus maintain slavery in Russia and the satellite
nations, helping it with huge donations of wheat that allow it to
continue covering up the failure of agricultural collectivism; fur-
thermore, they hand it the most advanced technology so that it
can maintain a regime that is inoperative in all essential aspects of
economy and human sociology. Thus, Bolshevism is able to direct
its energies towards the production of arms. Is it possible that Sol-
zhenitsyn has not yet discovered the acolytes of the Unknown Su-
perior called the Prince of Slavery?

Miguel Serrano

The God of the Losers Will Be Vindicated

All the intellectual currents and religions of the Third State are
rationalist. So too is Protestantism, with close ties to Masonry, as
an efficient cause for modern technology and machinism. So too
are philosophy and science. It is intended to make it be believed
that the modern materialistic chemistry has its origins in Alche-
my, which would have been “a naive and superstitious chemis-
try,” a product of medieval ignorance. They pretend not to know
that Alchemy has never had anything to do with chemistry, alt-
hough it does have connections with spagyric medicine. All val-
ues have been changed in the great crisis of Kali Yuga. The Initiat-
ic Knighthood of the Warrior-Monks transforms into the profes-
sional armies with officials and soldiers in service of Nationalistic
ambitions at war against all. There is no longer a Warrior Initia-
tion. It is all for the so-called “human” rights, the “equality of all
men,” contrary to divine, cosmic law of the origins; it is for “de-
mocratization,” atomization, opposite to the true spiritual, hier-
archized rights. To the German masons—with great irony—
Hiram, builder of the Temple of Solomon, represents the people
expelling King Solomon. It is the destruction of all transcendent
authority from on high.
One must ask the following question: If this process of decom-
position falls into the fatal sign of involution, why did the Tem-
plars, Rosicrucians and Hitlerists believe they could stop it, turn-
ing back the currents of Destiny? This possibility seemed to exist,
because the Gnostics and Julian the Apostate also tried the same
before. Entropy has its escape door in a higher energy (negentro-
py) that erupts from the unknown, because we do not live in a
hermetically sealed Universe. But, for that spiritual energy to be
able erupt in the world where entropy reigns, overcoming decay
and death, it is necessary that divine minds and personalities re-

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
ceive it and protect it here with detachment. It is a work of gods,
or demigods, and we cannot know if it has ever been carried out.
The Guides do not act directly, having to depend on those from
“here” for their actions, who are often carried away by their pas-
sions or by mere “mental creations,” phantoms of the mind and
the ego—and they fail. Moreover, the opposing forces have almost
total control of the levers of History.
The God of the Losers has always had the extraordinary possi-
bility of becoming the God of the Victors. In this Eon, he has not
yet succeeded in this; however, one day he will, because he is the
strongest, the purest and the most beautiful.

The Fourth State of the

Robots and Ant-Men
The Third Rosicrucian State is the Bourgeois one that is born with
the French Revolution. Power has been usurped by the Church of
Rome and by the amorphous mass. The Fourth State, after the
failures of the restoration of the Golden Age, will be that of the
dominion of the collective, of the slaves, of the machine, of iron, of
the men of iron, of the automatons, of planetary bureaucracy, of
the “robots,” of the destruction of the living soul of the Earth. Eve-
ry world King or Messiah that is produced in this age, through the
counter-initiation, will be no more than a Golem, a falsification,
disconnected from the true Guides of Hyperborea and Divine
Royalty. The current humanity has been released to its animal im-
pulses, to the Sons of the Earth, the animal-man. The semi-divine,
the Sons of the Widow and the divine Hyperboreans have already
gone. It is not known if they will return, nor when.
The esoteric history of the Earth teaches us the Eternal Return;
what once was shall again come to be, within the spiral of a Man-
vantara. Those that once wrongly used the Grail, the Golden Ap-

Miguel Serrano
ple, the Emerald of Venus, with egoism and injustice, provoking
the sinking of Atlantis, will produce it again. If the Earth is not
transfigured by the Divinized Man, it destroys itself. The diaboli-
cal machinism, which aims to project itself to the stars, cannot be
prolonged without causing a fatal alteration of the functioning of
life, because creation is not a machine, but a thought. The imper-
fect science, which makes use of iron, will perish by iron. The
curse that fell upon the Gypsies is due to their works as Iron-
smiths, with which they collaborated in the Cataclysm of Atlantis.
There is no perfect atomic science using iron. In The Morning of the
Magicians, it is said that the order to persecute the Gypsies came to
Hitler from Tibet. From Shambhala, surely. The Gypsies would
have resided in Agharta for some time, according to René Guénon
(let us think better in Shambhala), and they were all expelled from
there. The reasons were known in the Tibet of the Dalai Lama,
whose fate has been closely linked to that of Hitlerist Germany by
ties yet unknown. Tibet falls only a few years after Germany.
Only through the Spirit and the Power of Magic, vanquishers
of entropy, can the Kali Yuga be defeated, turning back the invo-
lution. Only through the Immortalized Man.

The Earth Is Set in Tune with

Man in His Destructive Fury
Julius Evola believes that the Fourth State—that of atheist collec-
tivism, of automation, of the society of ants, of demographic ex-
plosion of the animal-man—modifies all coordinates of events,
surpassing any attempt at universal domination by any groups,
whether of the Church of Rome, of Freemasonry, or of the Jews;
whether through finance or the attempts of any other type of or-
ganization, even Bolshevism itself. The Third State, that of the
bourgeois, is finished, and we fully enter into the catastrophe, in

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism
the final descent of the Kali Yuga. The powers that direct the dra-
ma are those of inertia, chaos and nothingness (that is to say, Sa-
tan). We must recall that for the Gnostics and the Cathars, Jehovah
was Satan, the Demiurge of the Kali Yuga, creator of the Inferior
Earth. Contact with the Divine Hyperborean Hierarchies becomes
increasingly tenuous. Perhaps it is now about saving only the
elect, those worthy of passing to the New Earth. And this time, it
will not be in an Ark, but in a “Disk of Light that will come from
the sky,” on a Winged Serpent.
We have already said that, just like man, the Earth possesses a
subtle Astral Form that must be made conscious, eternalizing it-
self before the destruction of its physical sphere. Only in relation
with man, “synchronistically,” will this be achieved. Professor
Jung knew the profound relation between man and the Earth
when he wrote to me, years ago, about the great earthquakes in
Chile: “The land sets itself in tune with man in his destructive

Today the Graal Is in the Andes

I have endeavored to develop this exposition of mythic and sym-
bolic themes, of ancient legends, reincarnated in the garb of the
times, that for me are realities that form the central theme of the
Esoteric History of the world. Those who thus understand it are
part of the Wildes Heer, the Primogenial Host of the Golden Thread,
which comes from Polar Origins.
Those who have followed this work with attention will know
that the last Great War has no equal. Only with that of the
Mahābhārata could one find any similarity, because it marks the
birth and end of Worlds. Nationalities and physical frontiers of
artificial homelands were not the sole things at stake there. Ezra
Pound in the United States, Knut Hamsun in Norway and William
Joyce in Ireland, among others, knew it very well. It was a War of

Miguel Serrano
Gods, of myths and legends, of titans, where opposing initiatic
currents, conceptions and cosmologies clashed, where all the His-
tory and spiritual Destiny of the planet played its part. The posi-
tions taken by the actors were not assigned to them by their dif-
ferent and circumstantial nationalities, nor by the geographic
place of their birth, but by astrological nature, by the direction and
influence of the Star of the Origins, by that “Family House,” by
that Esoteric Destiny which is impossible to change or twist, by
that Spirit and Blood of the Spirit. Without doubt things were like
this for the conscious beings with Gnosis, and not for those
dragged like sleepwalkers to the carnage of the living and the
dead, of symbols and blazons, who “died without knowing for
whom they were doing so,” according to the words of William
Joyce before he was executed in England.
In the entire history of Creation, there is no more than one War,
one Great War which is not over yet. Those who could know with
the memory of their Spiritual Blood what was being played out in
this combat were and still are with those who attempted to magi-
cally restore the Golden Age.
This work is for them, a work which is not meant to be read,
but drank, like the blue blood contained in the Stone Cup of the
Grail, the Blood of the Blue Beings of Hyperborea, of the Siddhas
of El Cordon Dorado. This Cup made of the Philosopher’s Stone is
for the Heroes to drink, the Heroes who will be transmuted into
Supermen and saved in the Golden Bird just moments before the
sinking of the new Atlantis that will put an end to this Kali Yuga.
They will be able to go to the Other Inner Earth where awaits the
King of the Gral and the Beloved who hands it to them and helps
them interpret it.
This work is not a book. It is the song of a Minnesänger, of a

The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism

The Light of the Morning Star

In this delicate region of the world, which extends between the
Cordillera of the Andes and the Pacific Ocean and reaches the
South Pole, the submerged continent, the continent of ELELLA,
and the peaks of Paradesha will emerge after the catastrophe,
along its tormented coasts, from the deep waters, illuminated by
the light of the Morning Star, the herald of a New Sun, of the Total
Man, married with his own Soul. Because there the White Gods
are guarding the Gral, and there the secret entrance to the Inner
World is found.

y penetrating the secret code of the atomic seed and by

B manipulating molecular biology in the way different

from how it could be done with the external science of
the Kali-Yuga and based on Orphic Phonetic Cabala
(Stula Cabda), that of the Siddhas Hyperborean Kampala, artificial
men have been created. Their bodies are eternal because they have
been created with immortal Vajra, incorruptible matter. They can
not be defeated because they regenerate automatically and simul-
taneously in each one of their parts. Only a few can destroy entire
armies. All of this is now taking place in the delicate region near
the South Pole.


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