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Practice Modul



Practice Coordinator :
drg. Irma H Y Siregar

Dental Health Diploma III Program

Dental Nurse Department
Health Polytechnic of Semarang

Theme : Dental Material

Lecture : Dental Material
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 3x 120 menit ( I+II+III)
Semester : II
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Dental Material
2). Special :
Students can explain about:
a) Dental Material used in Dental Clinic
b) Explain the manipulation of Dental Material in general
c) Identify Dental Material used in Dental Clinic
Students can understand the types of Dental material used in Dental
Target of Competence:
Differentiate dental materials
1. Students can identify Dental Material used in Dental Clinic
2. Students can explain the manipulation of Dental Material in general
Materi :
Dental Material
1. Students are asked to collect all dental material that they know
2. Students identify the types of Dental Material based on its usage
3. Students discuss the usage and the manipulation of Dental Mateiral
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Preclinic room
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 19810823200511005 NIP. 197001051991012001


Theme : Base & Sub base

Lecture : Dental AMaterial
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 2 x 120 menit (IV+V)
Semester : II

Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Base and Sub base
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can practice how to:
 Identify the equipments and material for base and subbase
 Explain the manipulation of the material
Students can identify the dental material of Base and Subbase
Target of Competence:
Able to identify Base and Sub Base and explain the manipulation of the
1. The students can identify the Base and Sub Base
2. The students can explain the manipulation of the material
Base and Sub Base
1. Students are asked to find out Base and Sub Base
2. Students are asked to explain how to manipulate the material
3. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Zoom Link Daring
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 19810823200511005 NIP. 197001051991012001
Theme : Filling Material
Lecture : Dental Material
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 2 x 120 menit (VI+VII)
Semester : II
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Fillin Material
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can explain:
 Differentiate of Temporary and Permanent Filling
 The manipulation of the material
Students can explain the typs of Temporarry and Permanent Filling
Target of Competence:
Able to identify and manipulate Temporary and Permanent Filling Material
1. The students can identify the Temporary and Permanent Filling
2. The students can explain how to manipulate the material
Temporary and Permanent Filling Material
5. Students are asked to find out Base and Sub Base
6. Students are asked to explain how to manipulate the material
7. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
8. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
3. Zoom Link Daring
4. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
3. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
4. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 19810823200511005 NIP. 197001051991012001

Theme : Preventive Material
Lecture : Dental Material
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 2 x 120 menit (VI+VII)
Semester : II
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Preventive Material
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can explain:
 The usage of Preventive material
 The manipulation of the material
Students can explain the Preventive Material
Target of Competence:
Able to identify and manipulate Preventive Material
1. The students can identify the Preventive Material
2. The students can explain how to manipulate the material
Disclosing Agent, Fluor, Fissure Sealant
1. Students are asked to find out Preventive Material
2. Students are asked to explain how to manipulate the material
3. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Zoom Link Daring
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 19810823200511005 NIP. 197001051991012001

Theme : Filling Material
Lecture : Dental Material
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 2 x 120 menit (VI+VII)
Semester : II
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Endodontic Material
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can explain:
 Differentiate of Sterilization and Root Filling Material
 The manipulation of the material
Students can explain the sterilization and Root Filling Material
Target of Competence:
Able to identify and manipulate sterillization and Root Filling Material
1. The students can identify the sterillization and Root Filling Material
2. The students can explain how to manipulate the material
sterillization and Root Filling Material
1. Students are asked to find out sterillization and Root Filling Material
2. Students are asked to explain how to manipulate the material
3. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Zoom Link Daring
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department
Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid
NIP. 19810823200511005
NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 197001051991012001

Theme : Exodontia Material
Lecture : Dental Material
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 2 x 120 menit (VI+VII)
Semester : II
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Exodontia Material
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can explain:
 Differentiate of Topical and infiltration Anesthesia
 The manipulation of the material
Students can explain the topical and infiltration Anesthesia
Target of Competence:
Able to identify and manipulate topical and infiltration Anesthesia
1. The students can identify the topical and infiltration Anesthesia
2. The students can explain how to manipulate the material
Chlorethyle, Benzocaine, Lidocaine
1. Students are asked to find out topical and infiltration Anesthesia
2. Students are asked to explain how to manipulate the material
3. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Zoom Link Daring
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 19810823200511005 NIP. 197001051991012001

Theme : Prosthodontia Material
Lecture : Dental Material
Credit : 1 SKS
Time allocation : 2 x 120 menit (VI+VII)
Semester : II
Goal :
1). General :
Students can understand about Prosthodontic Material
2). Specific :
After following the practice, students can explain:
 Differentiate of Prosthodontic Material
 The manipulation of the material
Students can explain the Prosthodontic Material
Target of Competence:
Able to identify and manipulate t Prosthodontic Material
1. The students can identify the Prosthodontic Material
2. The students can explain how to manipulate the material
Alginate, Gips
1. Students are asked to find out Prosthodontic Material
2. Students are asked to explain how to manipulate the material
3. The supervisor will give coment and they discuss it
4. The students make a report and the supervisor gives score
Supported facility:
1. Zoom Link Daring
2. Theory modul
Evaluation Method
1. The report must be submitted in three days after practice
2. The supervisor will chek it out and give score
1). Anusavice, dental material
2). Baum, Bahan basis dan sub basis .
3). Modul teori Dental Material, 2016, JKG Poltekkes Kemenkes

Semarang, Dec 13th, 2020

Prepared by Examined by Authorized by

the lecture’s Coordinator Head Division of Dental Nurse Head of Dental Nurse
Diploma III Program Department

Drg. Irma HY Siregar MHKes Prasko,SSiT,MH TriWiyatini,SKM,M.Kes.Epid

NIP. 196510061992032003 NIP. 19810823200511005 NIP. 197001051991012001

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