Solution Manual Heat and Mass Transfer A Practical Approach 2nd Edition Cengel CH

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Solution Manual - Heat and Mass Transfer A Practical

Approach 2nd Edition Cengel Ch
Heat and Mass Transfer (Đại học Hà Nội)

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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Chapter 8
General Flow Analysis

8-1C Liquids are usually transported in circular pipes because pipes with a circular cross-section can
withstand large pressure differences between the inside and the outside without undergoing any distortion.

8-2C Reynolds number for flow in a circular tube of diameter D is expressed as

V D m& m& 4m& μ
Re = m where V∞ = = = and υ =
υ ρAc ρ (πD / 4) ρπD
2 2 ρ
m, Vm
Vm D 4m& D 4m&
Re = = =
υ ρπD ( μ / ρ ) πDμ

8-3C Engine oil requires a larger pump because of its much larger density.

8-4C The generally accepted value of the Reynolds number above which the flow in a smooth pipe is
turbulent is 4000.

8-5C For flow through non-circular tubes, the Reynolds number as well as the Nusselt number and the
4 Ac
friction factor are based on the hydraulic diameter Dh defined as Dh = where Ac is the cross-
sectional area of the tube and p is its perimeter. The hydraulic diameter is defined such that it reduces to
4 Ac 4πD 2 / 4
ordinary diameter D for circular tubes since Dh = = =D.
p πD

8-6C The region from the tube inlet to the point at which the boundary layer merges at the centerline is
called the hydrodynamic entry region, and the length of this region is called hydrodynamic entry length.
The entry length is much longer in laminar flow than it is in turbulent flow. But at very low Reynolds
numbers, Lh is very small (Lh = 1.2D at Re = 20).

8-7C The friction factor is highest at the tube inlet where the thickness of the boundary layer is zero, and
decreases gradually to the fully developed value. The same is true for turbulent flow.

8-8C In turbulent flow, the tubes with rough surfaces have much higher friction factors than the tubes with
smooth surfaces. In the case of laminar flow, the effect of surface roughness on the friction factor is

8-9C The friction factor f remains constant along the flow direction in the fully developed region in both
laminar and turbulent flow.

8-10C The fluid viscosity is responsible for the development of the velocity boundary layer. For the
idealized inviscid fluids (fluids with zero viscosity), there will be no velocity boundary layer.

8-11C The number of transfer units NTU is a measure of the heat transfer area and effectiveness of a heat
transfer system. A small value of NTU (NTU < 5) indicates more opportunities for heat transfer whereas a
large NTU value (NTU >5) indicates that heat transfer will not increase no matter how much we extend the
length of the tube.

8-12C The logarithmic mean temperature difference ΔTln is an exact representation of the average
temperature difference between the fluid and the surface for the entire tube. It truly reflects the exponential


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

decay of the local temperature difference. The error in using the arithmetic mean temperature increases to
undesirable levels when ΔTe differs from ΔTi by great amounts. Therefore we should always use the
logarithmic mean temperature.

8-13C The region of flow over which the thermal boundary layer develops and reaches the tube center is
called the thermal entry region, and the length of this region is called the thermal entry length. The region
in which the flow is both hydrodynamically (the velocity profile is fully developed and remains
unchanged) and thermally (the dimensionless temperature profile remains unchanged) developed is called
the fully developed region.

8-14C The heat flux will be higher near the inlet because the heat transfer coefficient is highest at the tube
inlet where the thickness of thermal boundary layer is zero, and decreases gradually to the fully developed

8-15C The heat flux will be higher near the inlet because the heat transfer coefficient is highest at the tube
inlet where the thickness of thermal boundary layer is zero, and decreases gradually to the fully developed

8-16C In the fully developed region of flow in a circular tube, the velocity profile will not change in the
flow direction but the temperature profile may.

8-17C The hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths are given as Lh = 0.05 Re D and Lt = 0.05 Re Pr D for
laminar flow, and Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10D in turbulent flow. Noting that Pr >> 1 for oils, the thermal entry length
is larger than the hydrodynamic entry length in laminar flow. In turbulent, the hydrodynamic and thermal
entry lengths are independent of Re or Pr numbers, and are comparable in magnitude.

8-18C The hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths are given as Lh = 0.05 Re D and Lt = 0.05 Re Pr D for
laminar flow, and Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 Re in turbulent flow. Noting that Pr << 1 for liquid metals, the thermal
entry length is smaller than the hydrodynamic entry length in laminar flow. In turbulent, the hydrodynamic
and thermal entry lengths are independent of Re or Pr numbers, and are comparable in magnitude.

8-19C In fluid flow, it is convenient to work with an average or mean velocity Vm and an average or mean
temperature Tm which remain constant in incompressible flow when the cross-sectional area of the tube is
constant. The Vm and Tm represent the velocity and temperature, respectively, at a cross section if all the
particles were at the same velocity and temperature.

8-20C When the surface temperature of tube is constant, the appropriate temperature difference for use in
the Newton's law of cooling is logarithmic mean temperature difference that can be expressed as
ΔTe − ΔTi
ΔTln =
ln(ΔTe / ΔTi )

8-21 Air flows inside a duct and it is cooled by water outside. The exit temperature of air and the rate of
heat transfer are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the duct is constant. 3 The
thermal resistance of the duct is negligible.

Properties The properties of air at the anticipated average temperature of 30°C are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.164 kg/m 3 Te
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C
Analysis The mass flow rate of water is


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

⎛ πD 2 ⎞
m& = ρAc Vm = ρ⎜ ⎟ Vm
⎜ 4 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ 12 m
π(0.2 m) 2 5°C
= (1.164 kg/m )3
(7 m/s) = 0.256 kg/s
As = πDL = π (0.2 m)(12 m) = 7.54 m 2 50°C
7 m/s
The exit temperature of air is determined from
( 9.09 )( 7.54 )

− hAs /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 5 − (5 − 50)e ( 0.256 )(1007)
= 8.74 °C
The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the rate of heat transfe r are
Te − Ti 8.74 − 50
ΔTln = = = 16.59°C
⎛ T s − Te ⎞ ⎛ 5 − 8.74 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟

ln ⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 5 − 50 ⎠
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (85 W/m 2 .°C)(7.54 m 2 )(16.59°C) = 10,6333.41× 10 4 W = 10,633 W ≅ 10.6 kW


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-22 Steam is condensed by cooling water flowing inside copper tubes. The average heat transfer
coefficient and the number of tubes needed are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the pipe is constant. 3 The
thermal resistance of the pipe is negligible.

Properties The properties of water at the average temperature of (10+24)/2=17°C are (Table A-9)
ρ = 998.7 kg/m 3
C p = 4184.5 J/kg.°C
Steam, 30°C
Also, the heat of vaporization of water at 30°C is h fg = 2431 kJ/kg .
Analysis The mass flow rate of water and the surface area are
⎛ πD 2 ⎞ 24°C
m& = ρAc Vm = ρ⎜⎜ ⎟Vm
⎟ 10°C D = 1.2 cm
⎝ 4 ⎠ 4 m/s
π(0.012 m) 2
= (998.7 kg/m 3 ) (4 m/s) = 0.4518 kg/s L=5m
The rate of heat transfer for one tube is
Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) = (0.4518 kg/s )(4184.5 J/kg. °C)( 24 − 10°C) = 26,468 W

The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the surface area are
Te − Ti 24 − 10
ΔTln = = = 11.63°C
⎛ Ts − Te ⎞ ⎛ 30 − 24 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ln⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 30 − 10 ⎠

As = πDL = π (0.012 m)(5 m) = 0.1885 m 2

The average heat transfer coefficient is determined from
Q& 26,468 W ⎛ 1 kW ⎞
Q& = hAs ΔTln ⎯⎯→ h = = ⎜ ⎟ = 12.1 kW/m .°C
As ΔTln (0.1885 m 2 )(11.63°C) ⎝ 1000 W ⎠
The total rate of heat transfer is determined from
Q& total = m& cond h fg = (0.15 kg/s )( 2431 kJ/kg) = 364.65 kW

Then the number of tubes becomes

Q& 364,650 W
N tube = total = = 13.8
Q& 26,468 W


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-23 Steam is condensed by cooling water flowing inside copper tubes. The average heat transfer
coefficient and the number of tubes needed are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the pipe is constant. 3 The
thermal resistance of the pipe is negligible.

Properties The properties of water at the average temperature of (10+24)/2=17°C are (Table A-9)
ρ = 998.7 kg/m 3
C p = 4184.5 J/kg.°C
Steam, 30°C
Also, the heat of vaporization of water at 30°C is h fg = 2431 kJ/kg .
Analysis The mass flow rate of water is
⎛ πD 2 ⎞ 24°C
m& = ρAc Vm = ρ⎜⎜ ⎟Vm
⎟ 10°C D = 1.2 cm
⎝ 4 ⎠ 4 m/s
π(0.012 m) 2
= (998.7 kg/m 3 ) (4 m/s) = 0.4518 kg/s L=5m
The rate of heat transfer for one tube is
Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) = (0.4518 kg/s )(4184.5 J/kg. °C)( 24 − 10°C) = 26,468 W

The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the surface area are
Te − Ti 24 − 10
ΔTln = = = 11.63°C
⎛ Ts − Te ⎞ ⎛ 30 − 24 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ln⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 30 − 10 ⎠

As = πDL = π (0.012 m)(5 m) = 0.1885 m 2

The average heat transfer coefficient is determined from
Q& 26,468 W ⎛ 1 kW ⎞
Q& = hAs ΔTln ⎯ ⎯→ h = = ⎜ ⎟ = 12.1 kW/m .°C
As ΔTln (0.1885 m 2 )(11.63°C) ⎝ 1000 W ⎠
The total rate of heat transfer is determined from
Q& total = m& cond h fg = (0.60 kg/s )(2431 kJ/kg) = 1458 .6 kW

Then the number of tubes becomes

Q& 1,458,600 W
N tube = total = = 55.1
Q& 26,468 W


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-24 Combustion gases passing through a tube are used to vaporize waste water. The tube length and the
rate of evaporation of water are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the pipe is constant. 3 The
thermal resistance of the pipe is negligible. 4 Air properties are to be used for exhaust gases.

Properties The properties of air at the average temperature of (250+150)/2=200°C are (Table A-15)
C p = 1023 J/kg.°C
R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K
Also, the heat of vaporization of water at 1 atm or 100°C is h fg = 2257 kJ/kg .
Analysis The density of air at the inlet and the mass flow rate of exhaust gases are Ts=110°C
P 115 kPa
ρ= = = 0.7662 kg/m 3
RT (0.287 kJ/kg.K)(250 + 273 K)
Exh. gases
⎛ πD 2 ⎞
m& = ρAc Vm = ρ⎜⎜ ⎟Vm

250°C D =3 cm
5 m/s
⎝ 4 ⎠
π(0.03 m) 2 L
= (0.7662 kg/m 3 ) (5 m/s) = 0.002708 kg/s
The rate of heat transfer is
Q& = m& C p (Ti − Te ) = (0.002708 kg/s )(1023 J/kg. °C )(250 − 150°C) = 276.9 W

The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the surface area are
Te − Ti 150 − 250
ΔTln = = = 79.82°C
⎛ Ts − Te ⎞ ⎛ 110 − 150 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟

ln ⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 110 − 250 ⎠

Q& 276.9 W
Q& = hAs ΔTln ⎯
⎯→ As = = = 0.02891 m 2
hΔTln (120 W/m 2 .°C)(79.82°C)
Then the tube length becomes
As 0.02891 m 2
As = πDL ⎯
⎯→ L = = = 0.3067 m = 30.7 cm
πD π (0.03 m)
The rate of evaporation of water is determined from
Q& (0.2769 kW)
Q& = m& evap h fg ⎯
⎯→ m& evap = = = 0.0001227 kg/s = 0.442 kg/h
h fg (2257 kJ/kg)


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-25 Combustion gases passing through a tube are used to vaporize waste water. The tube length and the
rate of evaporation of water are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the pipe is constant. 3 The
thermal resistance of the pipe is negligible. 4 Air properties are to be used for exhaust gases.

Properties The properties of air at the average temperature of (250+150)/2=200°C are (Table A-15)
C p = 1023 J/kg.°C
R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K
Also, the heat of vaporization of water at 1 atm or 100°C is h fg = 2257 kJ/kg .
Analysis The density of air at the inlet and the mass flow rate of exhaust gases are Ts =110°C
P 115 kPa
ρ= = = 0.7662 kg/m 3
RT (0.287 kJ/kg.K)(250 + 273 K)
Exh. gases
⎛ πD 2 ⎞
m& = ρAc Vm = ρ⎜⎜ ⎟Vm

250°C D =3 cm
5 m/s
⎝ 4 ⎠
π(0.03 m) 2 L
= (0.7662 kg/m 3 ) (5 m/s) = 0.002708 kg/s
The rate of heat transfer is
Q& = m& C p (Ti − Te ) = (0.002708 kg/s )(1023 J/kg. °C )(250 − 150°C) = 276.9 W

The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the surface area are
Te − Ti 150 − 250
ΔTln = = = 79.82°C
⎛ Ts − Te ⎞ ⎛ 110 − 150 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟

ln ⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 110 − 250 ⎠

Q& 276.9 W
Q& = hAs ΔTln ⎯
⎯→ As = = = 0.05782 m 2
hΔTln (60 W/m 2 .°C)(79.82°C)
Then the tube length becomes
As 0.05782 m 2
As = πDL ⎯
⎯→ L = = = 0.6135 m = 61.4 cm
πD π (0.03 m)
The rate of evaporation of water is determined from
Q& (0.2769 kW)
Q& = m& evap h fg ⎯
⎯→ m& evap = = = 0.0001227 kg/s = 0.442 kg/h
h fg (2257 kJ/kg)


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Tubes

8-26C The friction factor for flow in a tube is proportional to the pressure drop. Since the pressure drop
along the flow is directly related to the power requirements of the pump to maintain flow, the friction
factor is also proportional to the power requirements. The applicable relations are
L ρV 2 m& ΔP
ΔP = f and W&pump =
D 2 ρ

8-27C The shear stress at the center of a circular tube during fully developed laminar flow is zero since the
shear stress is proportional to the velocity gradient, which is zero at the tube center.

8-28C Yes, the shear stress at the surface of a tube during fully developed turbulent flow is maximum
since the shear stress is proportional to the velocity gradient, which is maximum at the tube surface.

8-29C In fully developed flow in a circular pipe with negligible entrance effects, if the length of the pipe is
doubled, the pressure drop will also double (the pressure drop is proportional to length).

8-30C Yes, the volume flow rate in a circular pipe with laminar flow can be determined by measuring the
velocity at the centerline in the fully developed region, multiplying it by the cross-sectional area, and
dividing the result by 2 since V& = Vave Ac = (Vmax / 2) Ac .

8-31C No, the average velocity in a circular pipe in fully developed laminar flow cannot be determined by
simply measuring the velocity at R/2 (midway between the wall surface and the centerline). The mean
velocity is Vmax/2, but the velocity at R/2 is
⎛ r2 ⎞ 3Vmax
V ( R / 2) = Vmax ⎜1 − 2 ⎟ =
⎜ R ⎟ 4
⎝ ⎠ r=R / 2

8-32C In fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe, the pressure drop is given by
8μLVm 32μLVm
ΔP = =
R2 D2
V& V&
The mean velocity can be expressed in terms of the flow rate as Vm = = . Substituting,
Ac πD 2 / 4
8μLVm 32 μLVm 32 μL V& 128μLV&
ΔP = = = =
R2 D2 D 2 πD 2 / 4 πD 4
Therefore, at constant flow rate and pipe length, the pressure drop is inversely proportional to the 4th power
of diameter, and thus reducing the pipe diameter by half will increase the pressure drop by a factor of 16 .

8-33C In fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe, the pressure drop is given by
8μLVm 32μLVm
ΔP = =
R2 D2
When the flow rate and thus mean velocity are held constant, the pressure drop becomes proportional to
viscosity. Therefore, pressure drop will be reduced by half when the viscosity is reduced by half.

8-34C The tubes with rough surfaces have much higher heat transfer coefficients than the tubes with
smooth surfaces. In the case of laminar flow, the effect of surface roughness on the heat transfer coefficient
is negligible.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-35 The flow rate through a specified water pipe is given. The pressure drop and the pumping power
requirements are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The entrance effects are negligible, and thus the
flow is fully developed. 3 The pipe involves no components such as bends, valves, and connectors. 4 The
piping section involves no work devices such as pumps and turbines.
Properties The density and dynamic viscosity of water are given to be ρ = 999.1 kg/m3 and μ = 1.138×10-3
kg/m⋅s, respectively. The roughness of stainless steel is 0.002 mm (Table 8-3).
Analysis First we calculate the mean velocity and the Reynolds number to determine the flow regime:
V& V& 0.005 m 3 / s
Vm = = = = 3.98 m / s
Ac πD 2 / 4 π (0.04 m) 2 / 4
ρVm D (999.1 kg/m 3 )(3.98 m/s)(0.04 m)
Re = = = 1.40 × 10 5 Water
μ 1.138 × 10 −3 kg/m ⋅ s D = 4 cm
5 L/s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent. The
relative roughness of the pipe is L = 30 m
2 × 10 m
ε/D= = 5 × 10 −5
0.04 m
The friction factor can be determined from the Moody chart, but to avoid
the reading error, we determine it from the Colebrook equation using an
equation solver (or an iterative scheme),

1 ⎛ε / D 2.51 ⎞ 1 ⎛ 5 × 10 −5 2.51 ⎞
= −2.0 log⎜ + ⎟ → = −2.0 log⎜ + ⎟
f ⎜ 3.7 Re f ⎟ f ⎜ 3.7 1.40 × 10 5 f ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝

It gives f = 0.0171. Then the pressure drop and the required power input

L ρVm ⎛ ⎞⎛ 1 kPa ⎞
30 m (999.1 kg/m 3 )(3.98 m/s) 2 1 kN
ΔP = f = 0.0171 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ = 101.5 kPa
D 2 0.04 m 2 ⎝ 1000 kg ⋅ m/s ⎠⎝ 1 kN/m ⎠

⎛ 1 kW ⎞
W& pump,u = V&ΔP = (0.005 m 3 / s )(101.5 kPa )⎜ ⎟ = 0.508 kW
⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m /s ⎠

Therefore, useful power input in the amount of 0.508 kW is needed to

overcome the frictional losses in the pipe.
Discussion The friction factor could also be determined easily from the explicit Haaland relation. It would
give f = 0.0169, which is sufficiently close to 0.0171. Also, the friction factor corresponding to ε = 0 in this
case is 0.0168, which indicates that stainless steel pipes can be assumed to be smooth with an error of
about 2%. Also, the power input determined is the mechanical power that needs to be imparted to the fluid.
The shaft power will be more than this due to pump inefficiency; the electrical power input will be even
more due to motor inefficiency.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-36 In fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe, the velocity at r = R/2 is measured. The velocity at
the center of the pipe (r = 0) is to be determined.
Assumptions The flow is steady, laminar, and fully developed.
Analysis The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given by
⎛ r2 ⎞
V (r ) = Vmax ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠
where Vmax is the maximum velocity which occurs at pipe center, r = 0. At r =R/2, V(r)=Vmax(1-r2/R2)
⎛ ( R / 2) 2 ⎞
⎟ = Vmax ⎛⎜1 − 1 ⎞⎟ =
V ( R / 2) = Vmax ⎜1 −
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝ 4 ⎠ 4
⎝ R ⎠ R
Solving for Vmax and substituting,
4V ( R / 2) 4(6 m/s) 0
Vmax = = = 8 m/s
3 3 Vmax
which is the velocity at the pipe center.

8-37 The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given. The mean and
maximum velocities are to be determined.
Assumptions The flow is steady, laminar, and fully developed.
Analysis The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given by
⎛ r2 ⎞
V (r ) = Vmax ⎜1 − 2 ⎟ V(r)=Vmax(1-r2/R2)
⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠
The velocity profile in this case is given by
V(r ) = 4(1 − r 2 / R 2 ) r

Comparing the two relations above gives the maximum velocity to be 0

Vmax = 4 m/s. Then the mean velocity and volume flow rate become Vmax
V 4 m/s
Vm = max = = 2 m/s
2 2

V& = Vm Ac = Vm (πR 2 ) = (2 m/s)[π (0.02 m) 2 ] = 0.00251 m 3 /s

8-38 The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given. The mean and
maximum velocities are to be determined.
Assumptions The flow is steady, laminar, and fully developed.
Analysis The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given by
⎛ r2 ⎞
V (r ) = Vmax ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠
The velocity profile in this case is given by
V (r ) = 4(1 − r 2 / R 2 )
Comparing the two relations above gives the maximum velocity to be R
Vmax = 4 m/s. Then the mean velocity and volume flow rate become r
V 4 m/s
Vm = max = = 2 m/s 0
2 2 Vmax
V& = Vm Ac = Vm (πR 2 ) = (2 m/s)[π (0.05 m) 2 ] = 0.0157 m 3 /s


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-39 The average flow velocity in a pipe is given. The pressure drop and the pumping power are to be
Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The entrance effects are negligible, and thus the
flow is fully developed. 3 The pipe involves no components such as bends, valves, and connectors. 4 The
piping section involves no work devices such as pumps and turbines.
Properties The density and dynamic viscosity of water are given to be ρ = 999.7 kg/m3 and μ = 1.307×10-3
kg/m⋅s, respectively.
Analysis (a) First we need to determine the flow regime. The Reynolds number of the flow is

ρVm D (999.7 kg/m 3 )(1.2 m/s)(2 × 10 -3 m)

Re = = = 1836
μ 1.307 × 10 -3 kg/m ⋅ s Water
D = 0.2 cm
1.2 m/s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar. Then the
friction factor and the pressure drop become
L = 15 m
64 64
f = = = 0.0349
Re 1836
L ρVm ⎛ ⎞⎛ 1 kPa ⎞
15 m (999.7 kg/m 3 )(1.2 m/s) 2 1 kN
ΔP = f = 0.0349 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ = 188 kPa
D 2 0.002 m 2 ⎝ 1000 kg ⋅ m/s ⎠⎝ 1 kN/m ⎠

(b) The volume flow rate and the pumping power requirements are

V& = Vm Ac = Vm (πD 2 / 4) = (1.2 m/s)[π (0.002 m) 2 / 4] = 3.77 × 10 −6 m 3 / s

⎛ 1000 W ⎞
W& pump = V&ΔP = (3.77 × 10 − 6 m 3 / s )(188 kPa )⎜ ⎟ = 0.71 W
⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 /s ⎠
Therefore, power input in the amount of 0.71 W is needed to overcome the frictional losses in the flow due
to viscosity.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-40 Water is to be heated in a tube equipped with an electric resistance heater on its surface. The power
rating of the heater and the inner surface temperature are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The surface heat flux is uniform. 3 The inner surfaces of the
tube are smooth.
Properties The properties of water at the average temperature of (Resistance heater)
(80+10) / 2 = 45°C are (Table A-9)
ρ = 990.1 kg/m 3 Water
10°C D = 2 cm
k = 0.637 W/m.°C
3 m/s 80°C
υ = μ / ρ = 0.602 × 10 -6 m 2 /s
C p = 4180 J/kg.°C L

Pr = 3.91
Analysis The power rating of the resistance heater is
m& = ρV& = (990.1 kg/m 3 )(0.008 m 3 /min) = 7.921 kg/min = 0.132 kg/s

Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) = (0.132 kg/s )(4180 J/kg.°C)(80 − 10)°C = 38,627 W

The velocity of water and the Reynolds number are

V& (8 × 10 −3 / 60) m3 / s
Vm = = = 0.4244 m / s
Ac π (0.02 m) 2 / 4
Vm D h (0.4244 m/s)(0.02 m)
Re = = = 14,101
υ 0.602 × 10 −6 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(0.02 m) = 0.20 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
hD h
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(14,101) 0.8 (3.91) 0.4 = 82.79
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.637 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (82.79) = 2637 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.02 m
Then the inner surface temperature of the pipe at the exit becomes
Q& = hA (T − T )
s s ,e e

38,627 W = (2637 W/m .°C)[π (0.02 m )(7 m )](Ts − 80)°C


Ts ,e = 113.3°C


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-41 Flow of hot air through uninsulated square ducts of a heating system in the attic is considered. The
exit temperature and the rate of heat loss are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 Air is an
ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The pressure of air is 1 atm.

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 80°C since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will drop somewhat as a result of heat loss through the duct whose surface is at a lower
temperature. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 0.9994 kg/m 3
k = 0.02953 W/m.°C
υ = 2.097 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
C p = 1008 J/kg.°C
Pr = 0.7154
Analysis The characteristic length that is the hydraulic diameter, 10 m
the mean velocity of air, and the Reynolds number are
4 Ac 4a 2
Dh = = = a = 015. m Air
P 4a 85°C
0.1 m3/min
V& 0.10 m 3 /s
Vm = = = 4.444 m/s
Ac (0.15 m) 2
Vm D h (4.444 m/s)(0.15 m)
Re = = = 31,791
υ 2.097 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,0000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D h = 10(0.15 m) = 1.5 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(31,791)0.8 (0.7154)0.3 = 83.16
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.02953 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (83.16) = 16.37 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.15 m
Next we determine the exit temperature of air,
As = 4 aL = 4(0.15 m)(10 m) = 6 m 2
m& = ρV& = (0.9994 kg/m 3 )(0.10 m 3 /s) = 0.09994 kg/s
(16.37 )(6 )

− hA /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 70 − (70 − 85)e ( 0.09994 )(1008)
= 75.7°C
Then the logarithmic mean temperature difference and the rate of heat loss from the air becomes
Te − Ti 75.7 − 85
ΔTln = = = 9.58°C
⎛ T − Te ⎞ ⎛ 70 − 75.7 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ s ⎟

ln⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 70 − 85 ⎠
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (16.37 W/m 2 .°C)(6 m 2 )(9.58°C) = 941.1 W
Note that the temperature of air drops by almost 10°C as it flows in the duct as a result of heat loss.

8-42 "!PROBLEM 8-42"


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

T_i=85 "[C]"
L=10 "[m]"
side=0.15 "[m]"
"V_dot=0.10 [m^3/s], parameter to be varied"
T_s=70 "[C]"

C_p=CP(Fluid$, T=T_ave)*Convert(kJ/kg-C, J/kg-C)
k=Conductivity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
Pr=Prandtl(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
rho=Density(Fluid$, T=T_ave, P=101.3)
mu=Viscosity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)

Re=(Vel*D_h)/nu "The flow is turbulent"
L_t=10*D_h "The entry length is much shorter than the total length of the duct."


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

V [m3/s] Te [C] Q [W]

0.05 74.89 509
0.055 75 554.1
0.06 75.09 598.6
0.065 75.18 642.7
0.07 75.26 686.3
0.075 75.34 729.5
0.08 75.41 772.4
0.085 75.48 814.8
0.09 75.54 857
0.095 75.6 898.9
0.1 75.66 940.4
0.105 75.71 981.7
0.11 75.76 1023
0.115 75.81 1063
0.12 75.86 1104
0.125 75.9 1144
0.13 75.94 1184
0.135 75.98 1224
0.14 76.02 1264
0.145 76.06 1303
0.15 76.1 1343

76.2 1400

75.9 1200

75.7 Te
Q [W ]
T e [C]

Q 900

75.1 700


74.8 500
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
V [m /s]


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-43 Air enters the constant spacing between the glass cover and the plate of a solar collector. The net rate
of heat transfer and the temperature rise of air are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the spacing are smooth. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The local atmospheric pressure is 1 atm.
Properties The properties of air at 1 atm and estimated average temperature of 35°C are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.146kg/m 3 C p = 1007 J/kg.°C
k = 0.02625 W/m.°C Pr = 0.7268
υ = 1.655 × 10 -5 m 2 /s Glass
Analysis Mass flow rate, cross sectional area, hydraulic diameter, 20°C
mean velocity of air and the Reynolds number are

m& = ρV& = (1.146 kg/m 3 )(0.15 m 3 /s) = 0.1719 kg/s

Ac = (1 m)(0.03 m) = 0.03 m2
4 Ac 4(0.03 m 2 )
Dh = = = 0.05825 m Air
P 2(1 m + 0.03 m) 30°C 60°C
0.15 m3/min Collector plate
V& . m3 / s
015 (insulated)
Vm = = = 5 m/s
Ac 0.03 m2
Vm Dh (5 m/s)(0.05825 m)
Re = = = 17,606
υ 1.655 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 Dh = 10(0.05825 m) = 0.5825 m
which are much shorter than the total length of the collector. Therefore, we can assume fully developed
turbulent flow in the entire collector, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(17,606 )0.8 (0.7268)0.4 = 50.45
k 0.02625 W/m.°C
and h= Nu = (50.45) = 22.73 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.05825 m
The exit temperature of air can be calculated using the “average” surface temperature as
As = 2(5 m)(1 m) = 10 m 2
60 + 20
Ts,ave = = 40° C
⎛ hAs ⎞
Te = Ts ,ave − (Ts ,ave − Ti ) exp⎜ − ⎟ = 40 − (40 − 30) exp⎛⎜ − 22.73 × 10 ⎞⎟ = 37.31°C
⎜ m& C p ⎟ ⎝ 0.1718 × 1007 ⎠
⎝ ⎠
The temperature rise of air is
ΔT = 37.3°C − 30°C = 7.3°C
The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the heat loss from the glass are
T − Ti 37.31 − 30
ΔTln, glass = e = = 13.32°C
T s − Te 20 − 37.31
ln ln
Ts − Ti 20 − 30
Q& glass = hAs ΔTln = (22.73 W/m 2 .°C)(5 m 2 )(13.32°C) = 1514 W
The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the heat gain of the absorber are
T − Ti 37.31 − 30
ΔTln,absorber = e = = 26.17°C
T s − Te 60 − 37.31
ln ln
Ts − Ti 60 − 30


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Q& absorber = hAΔTln = (22.73 W/m 2 .°C)(5 m 2 )(26.17°C) = 2975 W

Then the net rate of heat transfer becomes
Q& = 2975 − 1514 = 1461 W


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-44 Oil flows through a pipeline that passes through icy waters of a lake. The exit temperature of the oil
and the rate of heat loss are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surface temperature of the pipe is very nearly 0°C.
3 The thermal resistance of the pipe is negligible. 4 The inner surfaces of the pipeline are smooth. 5 The
flow is hydrodynamically developed when the pipeline reaches the lake.
(Icy lake, 0°C)
Properties The properties of oil at 10°C are (Table A-13)
ρ = 893.5 kg/m 3 , k = 0.146 W/m.°C Oil
μ = 2.325 kg/m.s, υ = 2591 × 10 m /s -6 2
0.5 m/s D = 0.4 m
C p = 1838 J/kg.°C, Pr = 28750
Analysis (a) The Reynolds number in this case is L = 300 m
Vm D h (0.5 m/s)(0.4 m)
Re = = = 77.19
υ 2591× 10 −6 m 2 /s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar, and the thermal entry length is roughly
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr D = 0.05(77.19)(28750)(0.4 m ) = 44,384 m
which is much longer than the total length of the pipe. Therefore, we assume thermally developing flow,
and determine the Nusselt number from
⎛ 0.4 m ⎞
0.065⎜ ⎟(77.19)(28,750)
Nu =
= 3.66 +
0.065( D / L) Re Pr
= 3.66 + ⎝ 300 m ⎠ = 24.47
k 1 + 0.04[( D / L) Re Pr ]2 / 3 ⎡⎛ 0.4 m ⎞ ⎤
1 + 0.04⎢⎜ ⎟(77.19)(28,750)⎥
⎣⎝ 300 m ⎠ ⎦
k 0.146 W/m.°C
and h= Nu = (24.47) = 8.930 W/m 2 .°C
D 0.4 m
Next we determine the exit temperature of oil
As = πDL = π (0.4 m)(300 m) = 377 m 2
⎛ πD 2 ⎞ π (0.4 m) 2
m& = ρV& = ρAc Vm = ρ ⎜⎜ ⎟Vm = (893.5 kg/m 3 )
⎟ (0.5 m/s) = 56.14 kg/s
⎝ 4 ⎠ 4
(8.930 )( 377 )

− hAs /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 0 − (0 − 10)e (56.14 )(1838)
= 9.68 °C
(b) The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the rate of heat loss from the oil are
Te − Ti 9.68 − 10
ΔTln = = = 9.84°C
⎛ T s − Te ⎞ ⎛ 0 − 9.68 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟ ln⎜

⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 0 − 10 ⎠
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (8.930 W/m 2 .°C)(377 m 2 )(9.84°C) = 3.31× 10 4 W = 3.31 kW
The friction factor is
64 64
f = = = 0.8291
Re 77.19
Then the pressure drop in the pipe and the required pumping power become
L ρVm
300 m (893.5 kg/m 3 )(0.5 m/s) 2 ⎛ 1 kN ⎞⎛ 1 kPa ⎞
ΔP = f = 0.8291 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ = 69.54 kPa
D 2 0.4 m 2 ⎝ 1000 kg ⋅ m/s ⎠⎝ 1 kN/m

⎛ 1 kW ⎞
W& pump,u = V&ΔP = (0.0628 m 3 /s)(69.54 kPa )⎜ ⎟ = 4.364 kW

⎝ 1 kPa m /s ⎠


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Discussion The power input determined is the mechanical power that needs to be imparted to the fluid. The
shaft power will be much more than this due to pump inefficiency; the electrical power input will be even
more due to motor inefficiency.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-45 Laminar flow of a fluid through an isothermal square channel is considered. The change in the
pressure drop and the rate of heat transfer are to be determined when the mean velocity is doubled.
Analysis The pressure drop of the fluid for laminar flow is expressed as
L ρVm 2 64 L ρVm 2 64 υ L ρVm 2 υLρ
ΔP1 = f = = = 32 Vm 2
D 2 Re D 2 Vm D D 2 D
When the free-stream velocity of the fluid is doubled, the pressure drop becomes
L ρ(2 Vm ) 2 64 L ρ4 Vm 2 64 υ L ρ4 Vm 2 υLρ
ΔP2 = f = = = 64 Vm 2
D 2 Re D 2 2 Vm D D 2 D L
Their ratio is
ΔP2 64
= =2 Laminar flow
ΔP1 32 Vm

The rate of heat transfer between the fluid and the walls of the channel is expressed as
1/ 3 0.4
k k ⎛ Re Pr D ⎞ ⎛ μb ⎞
Q&1 = hAΔTln = NuAΔTln = 1.86⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜μ ⎟ AΔTln
D D ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ s⎠
1/ 3 0.4
V 1 / 3 D1 / 3 k ⎛ Re Pr D ⎞ ⎛ μb ⎞
= m 1/ 3 1.86⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ AΔTln
υ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎜μ ⎟
D ⎝ s⎠
When the free-stream velocity of the fluid is doubled, the heat
transfer rate becomes
1/ 3 0.4
(2Vm )1 / 3 D1 / 3 k ⎛ Re Pr D ⎞ ⎛ μb ⎞
Q& 2 = 1.86⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜μ ⎟ AΔTln
υ 1/ 3
D ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ s⎠
Their ratio is
Q& 2 (2 Vm )1/ 3
= = 21/ 3 = 1.26
Q&1 Vm1/ 3
Therefore, doubling the velocity will double the pressure drop but it will increase the heat transfer rate by
only 26%.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-46 Turbulent flow of a fluid through an isothermal square channel is considered. The change in the
pressure drop and the rate of heat transfer are to be determined when the free-stream velocity is doubled.
Analysis The pressure drop of the fluid for turbulent flow is expressed as
L ρVm 2 L ρVm 2 V −0.2 D −0.2 L ρVm 2
ΔP1 = f = 0.184 Re − 0.2 = 0.184 m − 0.2
D 2 D 2 υ D 2
− 0.2
⎛D⎞ Lρ
= 0.092Vm1.8 ⎜ ⎟
⎝υ ⎠ D
When the free-stream velocity of the fluid is doubled, the pressure drop becomes
L ρ (2Vm ) 2 L ρ 4Vm 2 (2Vm ) −0.2 D −0.2 L ρ 4Vm 2
ΔP2 = f = 0.184 Re − 0.2 = 0.184
D 2 D 2 υ − 0 .2 D 2
− 0.2
⎛D⎞ Lρ
= 0.368(2) − 0.2 Vm1.8 ⎜ ⎟
⎝υ ⎠ D L
Their ratio is
ΔP2 0.368(2) −0.2 Vm
Turbulent flow
= = 4(2) −0.2 = 3.48 Vm
ΔP1 0.092V m 1. 8

The rate of heat transfer between the fluid and the walls of the channel is expressed as
k k
Q&1 = hAΔTln = NuAΔTln = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr1 / 3 AΔTln
⎛D⎞ k 1/ 3
= 0.023Vm 0.8 ⎜ ⎟ Pr AΔTln
⎝υ ⎠ D
When the free-stream velocity of the fluid is doubled, the heat transfer rate becomes
⎛D⎞ k 1/ 3
Q& 2 = 0.023(2Vm )0.8 ⎜ ⎟ Pr AΔTln
⎝υ ⎠ D
Their ratio is
Q& 2 (2 Vm ) 0.8
= = 2 0.8 = 1.74
Q&1 Vm 0.8
Therefore, doubling the velocity will increase the pressure drop 3.8 times but it will increase the heat
transfer rate by only 74%.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-47E Water is heated in a parabolic solar collector. The required length of parabolic collector and the
surface temperature of the collector tube are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The thermal resistance of the tube is negligible. 3 The
inner surfaces of the tube are smooth.
Solar absorption,
Properties The properties of water at the average temperature of 350 Btu/h.ft
(55+200)/2 = 127.5°F are (Table A-9E)
ρ = 61.59 lbm/ft 3
k = 0.374 Btu/ft.°F (Inside glass tube)

υ = μ / ρ = 0.5683 × 10 -5 2
ft /s
C p = 0.999Btu/lbm.°F 55°F D = 1.25 in 200°F
Pr = 3.368 4 lbm/s
Analysis The total rate of heat transfer is L
Q& = m& C (T − T ) = (4 lbm/s)(0.999 Btu/lbm.°F)(200 − 55)°F
p e i

= 579.4 Btu/s = 2.086 × 10 6 Btu/h

The length of the tube required is
Q& total 2.086 × 10 4 Btu/h
L= = = 5960 ft
Q& 350 Btu/h.ft
The velocity of water and the Reynolds number are
m& 4 lbm/s
Vm = = = 7.621 ft/s
ρAc (1.25 / 12 ft ) 2
(61.59 lbm/m ) π3
Vm Dh (7.621 m/s)(1.25/12 ft)
Re = = = 1.397 × 10 5
υ 0.5683 × 10 −5 ft 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent flow in the entire tube,
and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(1.397 × 104 )0.8 (3.368)0.4 = 488.4
The heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.374 Btu/h.ft.°F
h= Nu = (488.4) = 1754 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F
Dh 1.25 / 12 ft
The heat flux on the tube is
Q& 2.086 × 10 4 Btu/h
q& = = = 1070 Btu/h.ft 2
As π (1.25 / 12 ft )(5960 ft )
Then the surface temperature of the tube at the exit becomes
q& 1070 Btu/h.ft 2
q& = h(Ts − Te ) ⎯
⎯→ Ts = Te + = 200°F + = 200.6°F
h 1754 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-48 A circuit board is cooled by passing cool air through a channel drilled into the board. The maximum
total power of the electronic components is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The heat flux at the top surface of the channel is
uniform, and heat transfer through other surfaces is negligible. 3 The inner surfaces of the channel are
smooth. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 5 The pressure of air in the channel is 1 atm.

Properties The properties of air at 1 atm and estimated average temperature of 25°C are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.184 kg/m 3 Electronic components,
k = 0.02551 W/m.°C Te
υ = 1.562 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C Air
L = 20 cm
Pr = 0.7296 15°C
4 m/s Air channel
0.2 cm × 14 cm
Analysis The cross-sectional and heat transfer surface areas are
Ac = (0.002 m )(0.14 m ) = 0.00028 m 2
As = (0.14 m )(0.2 m ) = 0.028 m 2
To determine heat transfer coefficient, we first need to find the Reynolds number,
4 Ac 4(0.00028 m 2 )
Dh = = = 0.003944 m
P 2(0.002 m + 0.14 m)
Vm D h (4 m/s)(0.003944 m)
Re = = = 1010
υ 1.562 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar and the thermal entry length is
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr Dh = 0.05(1010)(0.7296)(0.003944 m) = 0.1453 m < 0.20 m
Therefore, we have developing flow through most of the channel. However, we take the conservative
approach and assume fully developed flow, and from Table 8-1 we read Nu = 8.24. Then the heat transfer
coefficient becomes
k 0.02551 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (8.24) = 53.30 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.003944 m
m& = ρVAc = (1.184 kg/m 3 )(4 m/s)(0.00028 m 2 ) = 0.001326 kg/s
Heat flux at the exit can be written as q& = h(Ts − Te ) where Ts = 50° C at the exit. Then the heat transfer
rate can be expressed as Q& = q&A = hA (T − T ) , and the exit temperature of the air can be determined
s s s e
hAs (Ts − Te ) = m& C p (Te − Ti )
(53.30 W/m .°C)(0.028 m )(50°C − Te ) = (0.001326 kg/s )(1007 J/kg.°C)(Te − 15°C)
2 2

Te = 33.5°C
Then the maximum total power of the electronic components that can safely be mounted on this circuit
board becomes
Q&max= m& C (T − T ) = (0.001326 kg/s )(1007 J/kg.°C )(33.5 − 15°C) = 24.7 W
p e i


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-49 A circuit board is cooled by passing cool helium gas through a channel drilled into the board. The
maximum total power of the electronic components is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The heat flux at the top surface of the channel is
uniform, and heat transfer through other surfaces is negligible. 3 The inner surfaces of the channel are
smooth. 4 Helium is an ideal gas. 5 The pressure of helium in the channel is 1 atm.

Properties The properties of helium at the estimated average temperature of 25°C are (Table A-16)
ρ = 0.1635 kg/m 3 Electronic components,
k = 0.1565 W/m.°C Te
υ = 1.233 × 10 - 4 m 2 /s
C p = 5193 J/kg.°C He
Pr = 0.669 15°C L = 20 cm
4 m/s Air channel
0.2 cm × 14 cm
Analysis The cross-sectional and heat transfer surface areas are
Ac = (0.002 m )(0.14 m ) = 0.00028 m 2
As = (0.14 m )(0.2 m ) = 0.028 m 2
To determine heat transfer coefficient, we need to first find the Reynolds number
4 Ac 4(0.00028 m 2 )
Dh = = = 0.003944 m
P 2(0.002 m + 0.14 m)
Vm D h (4 m/s)(0.003944 m)
Re = = = 127.9
υ 1.233 × 10 − 4 m 2 /s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar and the thermal entry length is
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr Dh = 0.05(127.9)(0.669)(0.003944 m) = 0.01687 m << 0.20 m
Therefore, the flow is fully developed flow, and from Table 8-3 we read Nu = 8.24. Then the heat transfer
coefficient becomes
k 0.1565 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (8.24) = 327.0 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.003944 m
m& = ρVAc = (0.1635 kg/m 3 )(4 m/s)(0.00028 m 2 ) = 0.0001831 kg/s
Heat flux at the exit can be written as q& = h(Ts − Te ) where Ts = 50° C at the exit. Then the heat transfer
rate can be expressed as Q& = q&A = hA (T − T ) , and the exit temperature of the air can be determined
s s s e
m& C p (Te − Ti ) = hAs (Ts − Te )
(0.0001831 kg/s )(5193 J/kg.°C)(Te − 15°C) = (327.0 W/m 2 .°C)(0.0568 m 2 )(50°C − Te )
Te = 46.7°C
Then the maximum total power of the electronic components that can safely be mounted on this circuit
board becomes
Q& max = m& C p (Te − Ti ) = (0.0001831 kg/s )(5193 J/kg.°C )( 46.7 − 15°C ) = 30.2 W


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-50 "!PROBLEM 8-50"

L=0.20 "[m]"
width=0.14 "[m]"
height=0.002 "[m]"
T_i=15 "[C]"
Vel=4 "[m/s], parameter to be varied"
"T_s=50 [C], parameter to be varied"

C_p=CP(Fluid$, T=T_ave)*Convert(kJ/kg-C, J/kg-C)
k=Conductivity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
Pr=Prandtl(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
rho=Density(Fluid$, T=T_ave, P=101.3)
mu=Viscosity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)

Re=(Vel*D_h)/nu "The flow is laminar"
"Taking conservative approach and assuming fully developed laminar flow, from Table 8-1
we read"


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Vel [m/s] Q [W]

1 9.453
2 16.09
3 20.96
4 24.67
5 27.57
6 29.91
7 31.82
8 33.41
9 34.76
10 35.92

Ts [C] Q [W]
30 10.59
35 14.12
40 17.64
45 21.15
50 24.67
55 28.18
60 31.68
65 35.18
70 38.68
75 42.17
80 45.65
85 49.13
90 52.6


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection




Q [W ]




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vel [m /s]





Q [W ]





30 40 50 60 70 80 90
T s [C]


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-51 Air enters a rectangular duct. The exit temperature of the air, the rate of heat transfer, and the fan
power are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 Air is an
ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The pressure of air in the duct is 1 atm.

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 40°C since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will drop somewhat as a result of heat loss through the duct whose surface is at a lower
temperature. The properties of air at this temperature and 1 atm are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.127 kg/m 3 C p = 1007 J/kg.°C
k = 0.02662 W/m.°C Pr = 0.7255 Ts = 10°C

υ = 1.702 ×10 -5 m 2 /s Air duct

Analysis (a) The hydraulic diameter, the mean velocity of air, and 15 cm × 20 cm
the Reynolds number are
4 Ac . m)(0.20 m)
Dh = = = 01714
. m
P . m) + (0.20 m)
2 (015
Air L=7m
V D (7 m/s)(0.1714 m) 50°C
Re = m h = −
= 70,525 7 m/s
υ 1.702 ×10 m /s
5 2

which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D h = 10(0.1714 m) = 1.714 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(70,525)0.8 (0.7255)0.3 = 158.0
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.02662 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (158.0) = 24.53 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.1714 m
Next we determine the exit temperature of air
As = 2 × 7[(0.15 m) + (0.20 m)] = 4.9 m 2
Ac = (0.15 m)(0.20 m) = 0.03 m 2
m& = ρVAc = (1.127 kg/m 3 )(7 m/s)(0.03 m 2 ) = 0.2367 kg/s
( 24.53)( 4.9 )

− hAs /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 10 − (10 − 50)e ( 0.2367 )(1007 )
= 34.2°C
(b) The logarithmic mean temperature difference and the rate of heat loss from the air are
Te − Ti 34.2 − 50
ΔTln = = = 31.42°C
⎛ T s − Te ⎞ ⎛ 10 − 34.2 ⎞

ln⎜ ⎟ ln ⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎝ 10 − 50 ⎠
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (24.53 W/m 2 .°C)(4.9 m 2 )(31.42°C) = 3776 W
(c) The friction factor, the pressure drop, and then the fan power can be
determined for the case of fully developed turbulent flow to be
f = 0.184 Re−0.2 = 0.184(70,525)−0.2 = 0.01973
L ρVm 2 (7 m) (1.127 kg/m 3 )(7 m/s ) 2
ΔP = f = 0.01973 = 22.25 N/m 2
D 2 (0.1714 m) 2
m& ΔP (0.2367 kg/s )(22.25 N/m 2 )
W& pump = = = 4.67 W
ρ 1.127 kg/m 3

8-52 "!PROBLEM 8-52"


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

L=7 "[m]"
width=0.15 "[m]"
height=0.20 "[m]"
T_i=50 "[C]"
"Vel=7 [m/s], parameter to be varied"
T_s=10 "[C]"

C_p=CP(Fluid$, T=T_ave)*Convert(kJ/kg-C, J/kg-C)
k=Conductivity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
Pr=Prandtl(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
rho=Density(Fluid$, T=T_ave, P=101.3)
mu=Viscosity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)

Re=(Vel*D_h)/nu "The flow is turbulent"
L_t=10*D_h "The entry length is much shorter than the total length of the duct."


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Vel [m/s] Te [C] Q [W] Wpump [W]

1 29.01 715.6 0.02012
1.5 30.14 1014 0.06255
2 30.92 1297 0.1399
2.5 31.51 1570 0.2611
3 31.99 1833 0.4348
3.5 32.39 2090 0.6692
4 32.73 2341 0.9722
4.5 33.03 2587 1.352
5 33.29 2829 1.815
5.5 33.53 3066 2.369
6 33.75 3300 3.022
6.5 33.94 3531 3.781
7 34.12 3759 4.652
7.5 34.29 3984 5.642
8 34.44 4207 6.759
8.5 34.59 4427 8.008
9 34.72 4646 9.397
9.5 34.85 4862 10.93
10 34.97 5076 12.62


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

35 6000

34 Te 5000

33 4000
T e [C]

Q [W ]
32 3000

31 2000

30 1000

29 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vel [m /s]




W pum p [W ]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vel [m /s]


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-53 Hot air enters a sheet metal duct located in a basement. The exit temperature of hot air and the rate of
heat loss are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the duct is negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 5 The pressure of air is 1
Properties We expect the air temperature to drop somewhat, and evaluate the air properties at 1 atm and
the estimated bulk mean temperature of 50°C (Table A-15),
T∞ = 10°C
ρ = 1.092 kg/m 3 ; k = 0.02735 W/m.°C
υ = 1.797 × 10 -5 m 2 /s; C p = 1007 J/kg.°C Air duct
20 cm × 20 cm
Pr = 0.7228
Analysis The surface area and the Reynolds number are
As = 4aL = 4 × (0.2 m)(12 m) = 9.6 m
Air L = 12 m
4 Ac 4a 2 60°C ε = 0.3
Dh = = = a = 0.2 m 4 m/s
p 4a
Vm Dh (4 m/s)(0.20 m)
Re = = = 44,509
1.797 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
L h ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D h = 10(0.2 m) = 2.0 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow for the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(44,509)0.8 (0.7228)0.3 = 109.2
k 0.02735 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (109.2) = 14.93 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.2 m
The mass flow rate of air is
m& = ρAcV = (1.092 kg/m 3 )(0.2 × 0.2)m 2 (4 m/s) = 0.1748 kg/s
In steady operation, heat transfer from hot air to the duct must be equal to the heat transfer from the duct to
the surrounding (by convection and radiation), which must be equal to the energy loss of the hot air in the
duct. That is,
Q& = Q& = Q&
conv,in = ΔE&
conv+rad,out hot air

Assuming the duct to be at an average temperature of Ts , the quantities above can be expressed as
Te − Ti Te − 60
Q& conv,in : Q& = hi As ΔTln = hi As → Q& = (14.93 W/m 2 .°C)(9.6 m 2 )
⎛ T − Te ⎞ ⎛ T − Te ⎞
ln⎜⎜ s ⎟
⎟ ln⎜⎜ s ⎟

⎝ s
T − T i ⎠ ⎝ Ts − 60 ⎠

Q& conv+rad,out :
( )
Q& = ho As (Ts − To ) + εAs σ Ts4 − To4 → Q& = (10 W/m 2 .°C)(9.6 m 2 )(Ts − 10)°C
+ 0.3(9.6 m 2 )(5.67 × 10 −8 W/m 2 .K 4 ) (Ts + 273) 4 − (10 + 273) 4 K 4 ]
ΔE& hot air : Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) → Q& = (0.1748 kg/s)(100 7 J/kg. °C)(60 − Te )°C
This is a system of three equations with three unknowns whose solution is
Q& = 2622 W, T = 45.1°C, and T = 33.3°C
e s

Therefore, the hot air will lose heat at a rate of 2622 W and exit the duct at 45.1°C.
8-54 "!PROBLEM 8-54"



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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

T_i=60 "[C]"
L=12 "[m]"
side=0.20 "[m]"
Vel=4 "[m/s], parameter to be varied"
"epsilon=0.3 parameter to be varied"
T_o=10 "[C]"
h_o=10 "[W/m^2-C]"
T_surr=10 "[C]"

C_p=CP(Fluid$, T=T_ave)*Convert(kJ/kg-C, J/kg-C)
k=Conductivity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
Pr=Prandtl(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
rho=Density(Fluid$, T=T_ave, P=101.3)
mu=Viscosity(Fluid$, T=T_ave)
T_ave=T_i-10 "assumed average bulk mean temperature"

Re=(Vel*D_h)/nu "The flow is turbulent"
L_t=10*D_h "The entry length is much shorter than the total length of the duct."
sigma=5.67E-8 "[W/m^2-K^4], Stefan-Boltzmann constant"


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Vel [m/s] Te [C] Q [W]

1 33.85 1150
2 39.43 1810
3 42.78 2273
4 45.1 2622
5 46.83 2898
6 48.17 3122
7 49.25 3310
8 50.14 3469
9 50.89 3606
10 51.53 3726

ε Te [C] Q [W]
0.1 45.82 2495
0.2 45.45 2560
0.3 45.1 2622
0.4 44.77 2680
0.5 44.46 2735
0.6 44.16 2787
0.7 43.88 2836
0.8 43.61 2883
0.9 43.36 2928
1 43.12 2970

52.5 4000

48.5 Te

Q [W ]
T e [C]




32.5 1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vel [m /s]


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

46 3000

45.5 2900

T e [C] 45 Q 2800

Q [W ]
44.5 2700

44 Te 2600

43.5 2500

43 2400
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-55 The components of an electronic system located in a rectangular horizontal duct are cooled by forced
air. The exit temperature of the air and the highest component surface temperature are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the duct is negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 5 The pressure of air is 1

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 35°C since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the duct whose surface is exposed to a constant
heat flux. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.146 kg/m 3
Air duct
k = 0.02625 W/m.°C
16 cm × 16 cm
υ = 1.654 × 10 -5 m 2 /s 90 W
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C
Pr = 0.7268 Air L=1m
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of air and the exit 32°C
0.65 m3/min
temperature are determined from
m& = ρV& = (1.146 kg/m 3 )(0.65 m 3 /min) = 0.7449 kg/min = 0.01241 kg/s

Q& (0.85)(90 W)
Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) → Te = Ti + = 32°C + = 38.1°C
m& C p (0.01241 kg/s)(1007 J/kg.°C)
(b) The mean fluid velocity and hydraulic diameter are
V& 0.65 m/min
Vm = = = 25.4 m/min = 0.4232 m/s
Ac (0.16 m)(0.16 m)
4 Ac 4(0.16 m)(0.16 m)
Dh = = = 0.16 m
P 4(0.16 m)
Vm Dh (0.4232 m/s)(0.16 m)
Re = = = 4093
υ 1.654 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Also, the components will cause turbulence and thus we can assume fully
developed turbulent flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(4093)0.8 (0.7268)0.4 = 15.70
k 0.02625 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (15.70) = 2.576 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.16 m
The highest component surface temperature will occur at the exit of the duct. Assuming uniform surface
heat flux, its value is determined from
Q& / As (0.85)(90 W)/[4(0.16 m)(1 m)]
Q& / As = h(Ts , highest − Te ) → Ts , highest = Te + = 38.1°C + = 84.5°C
h (2.576 W/m 2 .°C)


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-56 The components of an electronic system located in a circular horizontal duct are cooled by forced air.
The exit temperature of the air and the highest component surface temperature are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the duct is negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 5 The pressure of air is 1
Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 310 K since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the duct whose surface is exposed to a constant
heat flux. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15) Electronics, 90 W
ρ = 1143
. kg / m 3
k = 0.0268 W / m. ° C Air
υ = 167
. × 10-5 m 2 / s 0.65 m3/min D = 15 cm
C p = 1006 J / kg. ° C
Pr = 0.710 L=1m
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of air and the exit temperature are determined from
m& = ρV& = (1143
. kg / m3 )(0.65 m3 / min) = 0.74295 kg / min = 0.0124 kg / s

Q& (0.85)(90 W)
Q& = mC
& p (Te − Ti ) → Te = Ti + = 32 ° C + = 38.1 ° C
& p
mC (0.0124 kg / s)(1006 J / kg. ° C)
(b) The mean fluid velocity is
V& 0.65 m / min
Vm = = = 36.7 m / min = 0.612 m / s
Ac π (0.15 m) 2 / 4
Vm Dh (0.612 m / s)(0.15 m)
Re = = = 5497
υ . × 10 −5 m 2 / s
which is greater than 4000. Also, the components will cause turbulence and thus we can assume fully
developed turbulent flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(5497) 0.8 (0.710) 0.4 = 19.7
k 0.0268 W / m. ° C
h= Nu = (19.7) = 352
. W / m2 . ° C
Dh . m
The highest component surface temperature will occur at the exit of the duct. Assuming uniform heat flux,
its value is determined from
q& (0.85)(90 W) / π (0.15 m)(1 m)
q& = h(Ts ,highest − Te ) → Ts ,highest = Te + = 381
. °C + = 84.2° C
h (3.52 W / m 2 . ° C)


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-57 Air enters a hollow-core printed circuit board. The exit temperature of the air and the highest
temperature on the inner surface are to be determined. √
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 Heat generated is uniformly distributed over the two
surfaces of the PCB. 3 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The pressure of air is 1 atm.
Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 310 K since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the hollow core whose surface is exposed to a
constant heat flux. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.143 kg/m 3
k = 0.0268 W/m.°C Electronic components,
20 W
υ = 1.67 × 10 -5 m 2 /s Te
C p = 1006 J/kg.°C
Pr = 0.710 Air
32°C L = 18 cm
μ b = 1.89 × 10 kg/m.s
0.8 L/s Air channel
0.25 cm × 12 cm
μ s ,@ 350 K = 2.08 × 10 −5 kg/m.s
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of air and the exit temperature are determined from
m& = ρV& = (1143
. kg / m3 )(0.8 × 10-3 m3 / s) = 9.14 × 10-4 kg / s
Q& 20 W
Q& = mC
& p (Te − Ti ) → Te = Ti + = 32 ° C + −
= 53.7° C
& p
mC (9.14 × 10 kg / s)(1006 J / kg. ° C)

(b) The mean fluid velocity and hydraulic diameter are

V& 0.8 × 10 −3 m 3 /s
Vm = = = 2.67 m/s
Ac (0.12 m)(0.0025 m)
4 Ac 4(0.12 m)(0.0025 m)
Dh = = = 0.0049 m
P 2[(0.12 m) + (0.0025 m)]
Vm Dh (2.67 m / s)(0.0049 m)
Re = = = 783
υ . × 10 −5 m2 / s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar and the thermal entry length in this case is
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr Dh = 0.05(783)(0.71)(0.0049 m) = 0.14 m
which is shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we assume thermally developing flow , and
determine the Nusselt number from
0.14 0.14
hD h ⎛ Re Pr D ⎞
1/ 3
⎛ μb ⎞ ⎡ (783)(0.71)(0.0049) ⎤
1/ 3
⎛ 1.89 × 10 −5 ⎞
Nu = = 1.86⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = 1.86 ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ = 8.24
⎜μ ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ 2.08 × 10 −5 ⎟
k ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ s ⎠ ⎣ 0.18 ⎦ ⎝ ⎠
k 0.0268 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (8.24) = 46.2 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.0049 m
The highest component surface temperature will occur at the exit of the duct. Its value is determined from
Q& = hAs (Ts , highest − Te ) → Ts , highest = Te +
20 W
= 53.7°C + = 64.0°C
(46.2 W/m .°C) 2(0.12 × 0.18 + 0.0025 × 0.18)m 2
8-58 Air enters a hollow-core printed circuit board. The exit temperature of the air and the highest
temperature on the inner surface are to be determined.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 Heat generated is uniformly distributed over the two
surfaces of the PCB. 3 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The pressure of air is 1 atm.
Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 310 K since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the hollow core whose surface is exposed to a
constant heat flux. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1143
. kg / m3 Electronic components,
35 W
k = 0.0268 W / m. ° C
υ = 167
. × 10 -5 m2 / s
C p = 1006 J / kg. ° C
Pr = 0.710 32°C L = 18 cm
−5 Air channel
μ b = 189
. × 10 kg / m.s 0.8 L/s
0.25 cm × 12 cm
μ s,@ 350 K = 2.08 × 10 kg / m.s

Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of air and the exit temperature are determined from
m& = ρV& = (1143
. kg / m3 )(0.8 × 10-3 m3 / s) = 9.14 × 10-4 kg / s

Q& 35 W
Q& = mC
& p (Te − Ti ) → Te = Ti + = 32° C + −4
= 70.1° C
mC p (9.14 × 10 kg / s)(1006 J / kg. ° C)
(b) The mean fluid velocity and hydraulic diameter are
V& 0.8 × 10 −3 m 3 / s
Vm = = = 2.67 m / s
Ac (0.12 m)(0.0025 m)
4 Ac 4(012
. m)(0.0025 m)
Dh = = = 0.0049 m
P 2[(012
. m) + (0.0025 m)]
Vm Dh (2.67 m / s)(0.0049 m)
Re = = = 783
υ . × 10 −5 m 2 / s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar and the thermal entry length in this case is
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr Dh = 0.05(783)(0.71)( 0.0049 m) = 0.14 m
which is shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we assume thermally developing flow , and
determine the Nusselt number from
0.14 0.14
hDh ⎛ Re Pr D ⎞
1/ 3
⎛ μb ⎞ ⎡ (783)(0.71)(0.0049) ⎤
1/ 3
⎛ 1.89 × 10 −5 ⎞
Nu = = 1.86⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = 1.86 ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ = 4.54
⎜μ ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ 2.08 × 10−5 ⎟
k ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ s⎠ ⎣ 0.18 ⎦ ⎝ ⎠
k 0.0268 W / m. ° C
h= Nu = (4.54) = 24.8 W / m2 . ° C
Dh 0.0049 m
The highest component surface temperature will occur at the exit of the duct. Its value is determined from
Q& = hAs (Ts ,highest − Te ) ⎯
⎯→ Ts ,highest = Te +
35 W
= 70.1°C + = 102.1°C
(24.8 W/m 2 .°C)[2(0.12 × 0.18 + 0.0025 × 0.18)m 2 ]
8-59E Water is heated by passing it through thin-walled copper tubes. The length of the copper tube that
needs to be used is to be determined. √
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the tube are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the tube is negligible. 4 The temperature at the tube surface is constant.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Properties The properties of water at the bulk mean fluid temperature of

Tb, ave = (54 + 140) / 2 = 97°F ≈ 100°F are (Table A-9E)
ρ = 62.0 lbm/ft 3 250°F
k = 0.363 Btu/h.ft.°F
υ = 0.738 × 10 -5 ft 2 /s Water
C p = 0.999 Btu/lbm.°F 54°F D = 0.75 in
0.7 lbm/s 140°F
Pr = 4.54
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate and the Reynolds number are L
m& 0.7 lbm/s
m& = ρAcV m → V m = = = 3.68 ft/s
ρAc (62 lbm/ft )[π (0.75/12 ft) 2 /4]

Vm Dh (3.68 ft/s)(0.75/12 ft)

Re = = = 31,165
υ 0.738 ×10 −5 ft 2 /s
which is greater than 4000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10D = 10(0.75 in) = 7.5 in
which is probably shorter than the total length of the pipe we will determine. Therefore, we can assume
fully developed turbulent flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(31,165)0.8 ( 4.54)0.4 = 165.8
k 0.363 Btu/h.ft.°F
h= Nu = (165.8) = 963 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F
Dh (0.75 / 12) ft
The logarithmic mean temperature difference and then the rate of heat transfer per ft length of the tube are
Te − Ti 140 − 54
ΔTln = = = 148.9°F
⎛ T s − Te ⎞ ⎛ 250 − 140 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟ ln⎜

⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 250 − 54 ⎠
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (963 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F)[π (0.75 / 12 ft )(1 ft)](148.9°F) = 28,150 Btu/h
The rate of heat transfer needed to raise the temperature of water from 54 ° F to 140 ° F is
Q& = m& C (T − T ) = (0.7 × 3600 lbm/h)(0.999 Btu/lbm.°F)(140 - 54)°F = 216,500 Btu/h
p e i

Then the length of the copper tube that needs to be used becomes
216,500 Btu/h
Length = = 7.69 ft
28,150 Btu/h
(b) The friction factor, the pressure drop, and then the pumping power required to overcome this pressure
drop can be determined for the case of fully developed turbulent flow to be
f = 0.184 Re−0.2 = 0.184(31,165) −0.2 = 0.02323
L ρV m
(7.69 ft) (62 lbm/ft 3 )(3.68 ft/s) 2 ⎛ 1 lbf ⎞
ΔP = f = 0.02323 ⎜ ⎟ = 37.27 lbf/ft 2
D 2 (0.75 / 12 ft) 2 ⎝ 32.174 lbm ⋅ ft/s ⎠

m& ΔP (0.7 lbm/s)(37.27 lbf/ft 2 ) ⎛ 1 hp ⎞

W& pump = = ⎜ ⎟ = 0.00078 hp
ρ 62 lbm/ft 3
⎝ 550 lbf ⋅ ft/s ⎠


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-60 A computer is cooled by a fan blowing air through its case. The flow rate of the air, the fraction of the
temperature rise of air that is due to heat generated by the fan, and the highest allowable inlet air
temperature are to be determined. √
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 Heat flux is uniformly distributed. 3 Air is an ideal gas with
constant properties. 4 The pressure of air is 1 atm.
Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 300 K. The properties of air at 1 atm and
this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.177 kg/m 3 Pr = 0.712
k = 0.0261 W/m.°C μ b = 1.85 × 10 −5 kg/m.s
υ = 1.57 × 10 -5 m 2 /s μ s ,@ 350 K = 2.08 × 10 −5 kg/m.s
C p = 1005 J/kg.°C
Analysis (a) Noting that the electric energy consumed by the fan is converted to thermal energy, the mass
flow rate of air is
Q& + W& elect, fan (8 × 10 + 25) W
Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) → m& = = = 0.01045 kg/s
C p (Te − Ti ) (1005 J/kg.°C)(10°C)
(b) The fraction of temperature rise of air that is due to the heat generated by the fan and its motor is
Q& 25 W
Q& = m& C p ΔT → ΔT = = = 2.38°C
mC p (0.01045 kg/s)(1005 J/kg.°C)
f = = 0.238 = 23.8%
(c) The mean velocity of air is
m& (0.01045 / 8) kg/s
m& = ρAcV m → V m = = = 3.08 m/s
ρAc (1.177 kg/m 3 )[(0.003 m)(0.12 m)]
4 Ac 4(0.003 m)(0.12 m) Cooling
Dh = = = 0.00585 m air
P 2(0.003 m + 0.12 m)
Vm Dh (3.08 m/s)(0.00585 m)
Re = = = 1148
υ 1.57 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is less than 4000. Therefore, the flow is laminar. Assuming fully developed flow, the Nusselt
number from is determined from Table 8-4 corresponding to a/b = 12/0.3 = 40 to be Nu = 8.24. Then,
k 0.0261 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (8.24) = 36.8 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.00585 m
The highest component surface temperature will occur at the exit of the duct. Assuming uniform heat flux,
the air temperature at the exit is determined from
q& [(80 + 25) W]/[8 × 2(0.12 × 0.18 + 0.003 × 0.18) m 2 ]
q& = h(T s , max − Te ) → Te = T s , max −
= 70°C − = 61.9°C
h 36.8 W/m 2 .°C
The highest allowable inlet temperature then becomes
Te − Ti = 10°C → Ti = Te − 10°C = 61.9°C − 10°C = 51.9°C

Discussion Although the Reynolds number is less than 4000, the flow in this case will most likely be
turbulent because of the electronic components that that protrude into flow. Therefore, the heat transfer
coefficient determined above is probably conservative.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Review Problems

8-61 Geothermal water is supplied to a city through stainless steel pipes at a specified rate. The electric
power consumption and its daily cost are to be determined, and it is to be assessed if the frictional heating
during flow can make up for the temperature drop caused by heat loss.
Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The entrance effects are negligible, and thus the
flow is fully developed. 3 The minor losses are negligible because of the large length-to-diameter ratio and
the relatively small number of components that cause minor losses. 4 The geothermal well and the city are
at about the same elevation. 5 The properties of geothermal water are the same as fresh water. 6 The fluid
pressures at the wellhead and the arrival point in the city are the same.
Properties The properties of water at 110°C are ρ = 950.6 kg/m3, μ = 0.255×10-3 kg/m⋅s, and Cp = 4.229
kJ/kg⋅°C (Table A-9). The roughness of stainless steel pipes is 2×10-6 m (Table 8-3).
Analysis (a) We take point 1 at the well-head of geothermal resource and point 2 at the final point of
delivery at the city, and the entire piping system as the control volume. Both points are at the same
elevation (z2 = z2) and the same velocity (V1 = V2) since the pipe diameter is constant, and the same
pressure (P1 = P2). Then the energy equation for this control volume simplifies to
P1 V12 P V2
+ + z1 + hpump,u = 2 + 2 + z 2 + hturbine + h L → hpump,u = h L
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g
That is, the pumping power is to be used to overcome the head losses
due to friction in flow. The mean velocity and the Reynolds number are
V& V& 1.5 m 3 /s 1 2
Vm = = = = 5.305 m/s Water
Ac πD / 4 π(0.60 m) 2 / 4
D = 60 cm
ρVm D (950.6 kg/m 3 )(5.305 m/s)(0.60 m) 1.5 m3/s
Re = = −3
= 1.186 × 10 7
μ 0.255 × 10 kg/m ⋅ s
L = 12 km
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent. The
relative roughness of the pipe is
2 × 10 −6 m
ε/D= = 3.33 × 10 −6
0.60 m
The friction factor can be determined from the Moody chart, but to avoid the reading error, we determine it
from the Colebrook equation using an equation solver (or an iterative scheme),

1 ⎛ε / D 2.51 ⎞ 1 ⎛ 3.33 × 10 −6 2.51 ⎞

= −2.0 log⎜ + ⎟ → = −2.0 log⎜ + ⎟
f ⎜ 3.7 Re f ⎟ f ⎜ 3. 7 1.187 × 10 7 f ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝
It gives f = 0.00829. Then the pressure drop, the head loss, and the required power input become

L ρVm ⎛ ⎞⎛ 1 kPa
12,000 m (950.6 kg/m 3 )(5.305 m/s) 2 1 kN ⎞
ΔP = f = 0.00829 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ = 2218 kPa
D 2 0.60 m 2 ⎝ 1000 kg ⋅ m/s ⎠⎝ 1 kN/m

W& pump, u V&ΔP (1.5 m 3 /s)(2218 kPa ) ⎛ 1 kW ⎞

W& elect = = = ⎜ ⎟ = 5118 kW
η pump-motor η pump- motor 0.65 ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m /s ⎠

Therefore, the pumps will consume 5118 kW of electric power to overcome friction and maintain flow.

(b) The daily cost of electric power consumption is determined by multiplying the amount of power used
per day by the unit cost of electricity,

Amount = W& elect,in Δt = (5118 kW)(24 h/day) = 122,832 kWh/day

Cost = Amount × Unit cost = (122,832 kWh/day)($0.06/kWh) = $7370/day


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

(c) The energy consumed by the pump (except the heat dissipated by the motor to the air) is eventually
dissipated as heat due to the frictional effects. Therefore, this problem is equivalent to heating the water by
a 5118 kW of resistance heater (again except the heat dissipated by the motor). To be conservative, we
consider only the useful mechanical energy supplied to the water by the pump. The temperature rise of
water due to this addition of energy is
η pump-motorW& elect,in 0.65 × (5118 kJ/s)
W& elect = ρV&C p ΔT → ΔT = = = 0.55°C
ρV&C p (950.6 kg/m 3 )(1.5 m 3 /s)(4.229 kJ/kg ⋅ °C)

Therefore, the temperature of water will rise at least 0.55°C, which is more than the 0.5°C drop in
temperature (in reality, the temperature rise will be more since the energy dissipation due to pump
inefficiency will also appear as temperature rise of water). Thus we conclude that the frictional heating
during flow can more than make up for the temperature drop caused by heat loss.
Discussion The pumping power requirement and the associated cost can be reduced by using a larger
diameter pipe. But the cost savings should be compared to the increased cost of larger diameter pipe.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-62 Geothermal water is supplied to a city through cast iron pipes at a specified rate. The electric power
consumption and its daily cost are to be determined, and it is to be assessed if the frictional heating during
flow can make up for the temperature drop caused by heat loss.
Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The entrance effects are negligible, and thus the
flow is fully developed. 3 The minor losses are negligible because of the large length-to-diameter ratio and
the relatively small number of components that cause minor losses. 4 The geothermal well and the city are
at about the same elevation. 5 The properties of geothermal water are the same as fresh water. 6 The fluid
pressures at the wellhead and the arrival point in the city are the same.
Properties The properties of water at 110°C are ρ = 950.6 kg/m3, μ = 0.255×10-3 kg/m⋅s, and Cp = 4.229
kJ/kg⋅°C (Table A-9). The roughness of cast iron pipes is 0.00026 m (Table 8-3).
Analysis (a) We take point 1 at the well-head of geothermal resource and point 2 at the final point of
delivery at the city, and the entire piping system as the control volume. Both points are at the same
elevation (z2 = z2) and the same velocity (V1 = V2) since the pipe diameter is constant, and the same
pressure (P1 = P2). Then the energy equation for this control volume simplifies to
P1 V12 P V2
+ + z1 + hpump,u = 2 + 2 + z 2 + hturbine + h L → hpump,u = h L
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g
That is, the pumping power is to be used to overcome the head losses
due to friction in flow. The mean velocity and the Reynolds number are
V& V& 1.5 m 3 /s
Vm = = = = 5.305 m/s 1 2
Ac πD 2 / 4 π (0.60 m) 2 / 4 Water
ρVm D (950.6 kg/m 3 )(5.305 m/s)(0.60 m) D = 60 cm
Re = = = 1.187 × 10 7 1.5 m3/s
μ 0.255 × 10 −3 kg/m ⋅ s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent. The relative roughnessLof= the
12 km
pipe is
0.00026 m
ε/D= = 4.33 × 10 − 4
0.60 m
The friction factor can be determined from the Moody chart, but to avoid the reading error, we determine it
from the Colebrook equation using an equation solver (or an iterative scheme),

1 ⎛ε / D 2.51 ⎞ 1 ⎛ 4.33 × 10 −4 2.51 ⎞

= −2.0 log⎜ + ⎟ → = −2.0 log⎜ + ⎟
f ⎜ 3.7 Re f ⎟ f ⎜ 3. 7 1.187 × 10 7 f ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝
It gives f = 0.01623 Then the pressure drop, the head loss, and the required power input become

L ρVm2 12,000 m (950.6 kg/m 3 )(5.305 m/s) 2 ⎛ 1 kN ⎞⎛ 1 kPa ⎞

ΔP = f = 0.01623 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ = 4341 kPa
D 2 0.60 m 2 ⎝ 1000 kg ⋅ m/s ⎠⎝ 1 kN/m ⎠

W& pump,u V&ΔP (1.5 m 3 /s)(4341 kPa ) ⎛ 1 kW ⎞

W& elect = = = ⎜ ⎟ = 10,017 kW
η pump-motor η pump-motor 0.65 ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 /s ⎠

Therefore, the pumps will consume 10,017 W of electric power to overcome friction and maintain flow.

(b) The daily cost of electric power consumption is determined by multiplying the amount of power used
per day by the unit cost of electricity,

Amount = W& elect,in Δt = (10,017 kW)(24 h/day) = 240,429 kWh/day

Cost = Amount × Unit cost = (240,429 kWh/day)($0.06/kWh) = $14,426/day

(c) The energy consumed by the pump (except the heat dissipated by the motor to the air) is eventually
dissipated as heat due to the frictional effects. Therefore, this problem is equivalent to heating the water by
a 5118 kW of resistance heater (again except the heat dissipated by the motor). To be conservative, we
consider only the useful mechanical energy supplied to the water by the pump. The temperature rise of
water due to this addition of energy is


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

η pump-motorW& elect,in 0.65 × (10,017 kJ/s)

W& elect = ρV&C p ΔT → ΔT = = = 1.08°C
ρVC p (950.6 kg/m 3 )(1.5 m 3 /s)(4.229 kJ/kg ⋅ °C)

Therefore, the temperature of water will rise at least 1.08°C, which is more than the 0.5°C drop in
temperature (in reality, the temperature rise will be more since the energy dissipation due to pump
inefficiency will also appear as temperature rise of water). Thus we conclude that the frictional heating
during flow can more than make up for the temperature drop caused by heat loss.
Discussion The pumping power requirement and the associated cost can be reduced by using a larger
diameter pipe. But the cost savings should be compared to the increased cost of larger diameter pipe.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-63 The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given. The radius of the pipe,
the mean velocity, and the maximum velocity are to be determined.
Assumptions The flow is steady, laminar, and fully developed.
Analysis The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is
⎛ r2 ⎞
V (r ) = Vmax ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠ V(r)=Vmax(1-r2/R2)
The velocity profile in this case is given by

V(r ) = 6(1 − 100r 2 ) R

Comparing the two relations above gives the pipe radius, the
maximum velocity, and the mean velocity to be 0
1 Vmax
R2 = → R = 0.10 m
Vmax = 6 m/s
Vmax 6 m/s
Vm = = = 3 m/s
2 2


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-64E The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is given. The volume flow
rate, the pressure drop, and the useful pumping power required to overcome this pressure drop are to be
Assumptions 1 The flow is steady, laminar, and fully developed. 2 The pipe is horizontal.
Properties The density and dynamic viscosity of water at 40°F are ρ = 62.42 lbm/ft3 and μ = 3.74 lbm/ft⋅h
= 1.039×10-3 lbm/ft⋅s, respectively (Table A-9E).
Analysis The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe is
⎛ r2 ⎞
V (r ) = Vmax ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠
The velocity profile in this case is given by V(r)=Vmax(1-r2/R2)

V(r ) = 0.8(1 − 625r 2 )

Comparing the two relations above gives the pipe radius, the r
maximum velocity, and the mean velocity to be
1 0
R2 = → R = 0.04 ft Vmax
Vmax = 0.8 ft/s
Vmax 0.8 ft/s
Vm = = = 0.4 ft/s
2 2
Then the volume flow rate and the pressure drop become

V& = Vm Ac = Vm (πR 2 ) = (0.4 ft/s)[π (0.04 ft) 2 ] = 0.00201 ft 3 /s

ΔPπD 4 ( ΔP )π (0.08 ft) 4 ⎛ 32.2 lbm ⋅ ft/s 2 ⎞

V&horiz = → 0.00201 ft 3 /s = ⎜ ⎟
128μL 128(1.039 × 10 −3
lbm/ft ⋅ s)(80 ft) ⎜⎝ 1 lbf ⎟

It gives
ΔP = 5.16 lbf/ft 2 = 0.0358 psi

Then the useful pumping power requirement becomes

⎛ 1W ⎞
W& pump,u = V&ΔP = (0.00201 ft 3 /s)(5.16 lbf/ft 2 )⎜ ⎟ = 0.014 W
⎝ 0.737 lbf ⋅ ft/s ⎠

Checking The flow was assumed to be laminar. To verify this assumption, we determine the Reynolds
ρVm D (62.42 lbm/ft 3 )(0.4 ft/s)(0.08 ft)
Re = = = 1922
μ 1.039 × 10 −3 lbm/ft ⋅ s

which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar.

Discussion Note that the pressure drop across the water pipe and the required power input to maintain flow
is negligible. This is due to the very low flow velocity. Such water flows are the exception in practice
rather than the rule.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-65 A compressor is connected to the outside through a circular duct. The power used by compressor to
overcome the pressure drop, the rate of heat transfer, and the temperature rise of air are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the duct is negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties.

Properties We take the bulk mean temperature for air to be 15°C since the mean temperature of air at the
inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the duct whose surface is exposed to a higher
temperature. The properties of air at this temperature and 1 atm pressure are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.225 kg/m 3 C p = 1007 J/kg.°C
k = 0.02476 W/m.°C Pr = 0.7323
υ = 1.568 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
The density and kinematic viscosity at 95 kPa are 20°C
95 kPa
P= = 0.938 atm
101.325 kPa Air
ρ = (1.225 kg/m 3 )(0.938) = 1.149 kg/m 3 10°C, 95 kPa D = 20 cm
0.27 m3/s
υ = (1.568 × 10 -5 m 2 /s)/(0.938) = 1.673 × 10 -5 m /s 2

Analysis The mean velocity of air is L = 11 m

V& 0.27 m 3 /s
Vm = = = 8.594 m/s
Ac π (0.2 m) 2 /4
V D (8.594 m/s)(0.2 m)
Then Re = m h = = 1.0275 × 10 5
υ 1.673 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(0.2 m) = 2 m
which is shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we assume fully developed flow in a smooth
pipe, and determine friction factor from
f = (0.790 ln Re− 1.64) −2 = 0.790 ln(1.0275 × 10 5 ) − 1.64 = 0.01789 ]−0.2

The pressure drop and the compressor power required to overcome this pressure drop are
m& = ρV& = (1.149 kg/m 3 )(0.27 m 3 /s) = 0.3101 kg/s
L ρVm 2 (11 m) (1.149 kg/m 3 )(8.594 m/s ) 2
ΔP = f = (0.01789) = 41.74 N/m 2
D 2 (0.2 m) 2
m& ΔP (0.3101 kg/s )(41.74 N/m 2 )
W& pump = = = 11.3 W
ρ 1.149 kg/m 3
(b) For the fully developed turbulent flow, the Nusselt number is
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(1.0275 × 105 )0.8 (0.7323)0.4 = 207.5
k 0.02476 W/m.°C
and h= Nu = (207.5) = 25.69 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.2 m
Disregarding the thermal resistance of the duct, the rate of heat transfer to the air in the duct becomes
As = πDL = π (0.2 m)(11 m) = 6.912 m 2
T∞1 − T∞ 2 20 − 10
Q& = = = 497.5 W
1 1 1 1
+ +
h1 As h2 As (25.69)(6.912) (10)(6.912)
(c) The temperature rise of air in the duct is
Q& = m& C p ΔT → 497.5 W = (0.3101 kg/s)(1007 J/kg.°C) ΔT → ΔT = 1.6°C


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-66 Air enters the underwater section of a duct. The outlet temperature of the air and the fan power
needed to overcome the flow resistance are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the duct is negligible. 4 The surface of the duct is at the temperature of the water. 5 Air is an
ideal gas with constant properties. 6 The pressure of air is 1 atm.

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 20°C since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will drop somewhat as a result of heat loss through the duct whose surface is at a lower
temperature. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.204 kg/m 3 River water
k = 0.02514 W/m.°C 15°C

υ = 1.516 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C 25°C D = 20 cm
Pr = 0.7309 3 m/s

Analysis The Reynolds number is L = 15 m

V D (3 m/s)(0.2 m)
Re = m h = = 3.959 × 10 4
υ 1.516 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(0.2 m) = 2 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
hD h
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(3.959 × 10 4 ) 0.8 (0.7309) 0.3 = 99.75
k 0.02514 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (99.75) = 12.54 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.2 m
Next we determine the exit temperature of air,
As = πDL = π (0.2 m)(15 m) = 9.425 m 2
⎛ π (0.2 m) 2 ⎞
m& = ρVm Ac = (1.204 kg/m 3 )(3 m/s)⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.1135 kg/s

⎝ 4 ⎠
(12.54 )( 9.425)

− hAs /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 15 − (15 − 25)e ( 0.1135)(1007 )
= 18.6°C
The friction factor, pressure drop, and the fan power required to overcome this pressure drop can be
determined for the case of fully developed turbulent flow in smooth pipes to be

f = (0.790 ln Re− 1.64) − 2 = 0.790 ln(3.959 × 10 4 ) − 1.64 ]−0.2
= 0.02212

L ρVm2 15 m (1.204 kg/m 3 )(3 m/s) 2 ⎛ 1N ⎞⎛ 1 Pa ⎞

ΔP = f = 0.02212 ⎜ ⎟⎜ = 8.992 Pa
D 2 0.2 m 2 ⎜ 1 kg ⋅ m/s 2 ⎟⎝ 1 N/m 2 ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠
W& pump,u V&ΔP (0.1135 m 3 /s)(8.992 Pa ) ⎛ 1 W ⎞
W& fan = = = =⎜ ⎟ = 1.54 W
η pump-motor η pump-motor 0.55 ⎝ 1 Pa ⋅ m 3 /s ⎠


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-67 Air enters the underwater section of a duct. The outlet temperature of the air and the fan power
needed to overcome the flow resistance are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the duct are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the duct is negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant properties. 5 The pressure of air is 1

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 20°C since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will drop somewhat as a result of heat loss through the duct whose surface is at a lower
temperature. The properties of air at 1 atm and this temperature are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.204 kg/m 3 Mineral deposit
River water
k = 0.02514 W/m.°C 0.15 mm
υ = 1.516 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C Water
25°C D = 20 cm
Pr = 0.7309 3 m/s
Analysis The Reynolds number is
L = 15 m
V D (3 m/s)(0.2 m)
Re = m h = = 3.959 × 10 4
υ 1.516 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 4000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(0.2 m) = 2 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number and h from
hD h
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(3.959 × 10 4 ) 0.8 (0.7309) 0.3 = 99.75
k 0.02514 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (99.75) = 12.54 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.2 m
Next we determine the exit temperature of air,
As = πDL = π (0.2 m)(15 m) = 9.425 m 2
⎛ π (0.2 m) 2 ⎞
m& = ρVm Ac = (1.204 kg/m 3 )(3 m/s)⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.1135 kg/s

⎝ 4 ⎠
The unit thermal resistance of the mineral deposit is
L 0.0015 m
Rmineral = = = 0.0005 m2 . ° C / W
k 3 W / m. ° C
which is much less than (under 1%) the unit convection resistance,
1 1
Rconv = = = 0.0797 m 2 .°C/W
h 12.54 W/m 2 .°C
Therefore, the effect of 0.15 mm thick mineral deposit on heat transfer is negligible.

Next we determine the exit temperature of air,

(12.54 )(9.425)

− hA /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 15 − (15 − 25)e ( 0.1135)(1007)
= 18.6°C
The friction factor, pressure drop, and the fan power required to overcome this pressure drop can be
determined for the case of fully developed turbulent flow in smooth pipes to be

f = (0.790 ln Re− 1.64) − 2 = 0.790 ln(3.959 × 10 4 ) − 1.64 ]−0.2
= 0.02212


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

L ρVm2 15 m (1.204 kg/m 3 )(3 m/s) 2 ⎛ 1N ⎞⎛ 1 Pa ⎞

ΔP = f = 0.02212 ⎜ ⎟⎜ = 8.992 Pa
D 2 0.2 m 2 ⎜ 1 kg ⋅ m/s 2 ⎟⎝ 1 N/m 2 ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠
W& pump,u V&ΔP (0.1135 m 3 /s)(8.992 Pa ) ⎛ 1 W ⎞
W& fan = = = =⎜ ⎟ = 1.54 W
η pump-motor η pump-motor 0.55 ⎝ 1 Pa ⋅ m /s ⎠


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-68E The exhaust gases of an automotive engine enter a steel exhaust pipe. The velocity of exhaust gases
at the inlet and the temperature of exhaust gases at the exit are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the pipe are smooth. 3 The thermal
resistance of the pipe is negligible. 4 Exhaust gases have the properties of air, which is an ideal gas with
constant properties.

Properties We take the bulk mean temperature for exhaust gases to be 700°C since the mean temperature
of gases at the inlet will drop somewhat as a result of heat loss through the exhaust pipe whose surface is at
a lower temperature. The properties of air at this temperature and 1 atm pressure are (Table A-15)
ρ = 0.03422 lbm/ft 3 C p = 0.2535 Btu/lbm. °F 80°F
k = 0.0280 Btu/h.ft.°F Pr = 0.694
υ = 0.5902 × 10 ft /s -3 2
800°F D = 3.5 in
Noting that 1 atm = 14.7 psia, the pressure in atm is 0.2 lbm/s
P = (15.5 psia)/(14.7 psia) = 1.054 atm. Then, L = 8 ft
ρ = (0.03422 lbm/ft 3 )(1.054) = 0.03608 lbm/ft 3
υ = (0.5902 × 10 -3 ft 2 /s)/(1.054) = 0.5598 × 10 -3 ft 2 /s
Analysis (a) The velocity of exhaust gases at the inlet of the exhaust pipe is
m& 0.2 lbm/s
m& = ρVm Ac ⎯⎯→ Vm = = = 82.97 ft/s
ρAc (0.03608 lbm/ft 3 ) π(3.5/12 ft) 2 / 4 ( )
(b) The Reynolds number is
V D (82.97 ft/s)(3.5/12 ft)
Re = m h = = 43,231
υ 0.5598 × 10 −3 ft 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(3.5 / 12 ft) = 2.917 ft
which are shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(43,231)0.8 (0.694)0.3 = 105.4
k 0.03422 Btu/h.ft.°F
and hi = h = Nu = (105.4) = 10.12 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F
Dh (3.5 / 12) ft
As = πDL = π (3.5 / 12 ft)(8 ft) = 7.33 ft 2
In steady operation, heat transfer from exhaust gases to the duct must be equal to the heat transfer from the
duct to the surroundings, which must be equal to the energy loss of the exhaust gases in the pipe. That is,
Q& = Q& = Q&
internal = ΔE&
external exhaust gases
Assuming the duct to be at an average temperature of Ts , the quantities above can be expressed as
Te − Ti T − 800°F
Q& internal : Q& = hi As ΔTln = hi As → Q& = (10.12 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F)(7.33 ft 2 ) e
⎛ T − Te ⎞ ⎛ T − Te ⎞
ln⎜⎜ s ⎟
⎟ ln⎜⎜ s ⎟

⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ Ts − 800 ⎠
Q& external : Q& = ho As (Ts − To ) → Q& = (3 Btu/h.ft 2 .°F)(7.33 ft 2 )(Ts − 80)°F
ΔE& exhaust gases : Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) → Q& = (0.2 × 3600 lbm/h)(0.2535 Btu/lbm.°F)(800 − Te )°F
This is a system of three equations with three unknowns whose solution is
Q& = 11,635 Btu/h, Te = 736.3°F, and Ts = 609.1°F
Therefore, the exhaust gases will leave the pipe at 865°F.
8-69 Hot water enters a cast iron pipe whose outer surface is exposed to cold air with a specified heat
transfer coefficient. The rate of heat loss from the water and the exit temperature of the water are to be
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the pipe are smooth.


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

Properties We assume the water temperature not to drop significantly since the pipe is not very long. We
will check this assumption later. The properties of water at 90°C are (Table A-9)
ρ = 965.3 kg/m 3 ; k = 0.675 W/m.°C 10°C

υ = μ / ρ = 0.326 × 10 -6
m /s; C p = 4206 J/kg.°C
Water Di = 4 cm
Pr = 1.96 90°C Do = 4.6 cm
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of water is 0.8 m/s

π(0.04 m) 2 L = 15 m
m& = ρAcV = (965.3 kg/m 3 ) (0.8 m/s) = 0.9704 kg/s
The Reynolds number is
V D (0.8 m/s)(0.04 m)
Re = m h = = 98,062
υ 0.326 ×10 −6 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
L h ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(0.04 m) = 0.4 m
which are much shorter than the total length of the pipe. Therefore, we can assume fully developed
turbulent flow in the entire pipe. The friction factor corresponding to Re = 98,062 and ε/D = (0.026 cm)/(4
cm) = 0.0065 is determined from the Moody chart to be f = 0.034. Then the Nusselt number becomes
hD h
Nu = = 0.125 f Re Pr 1 / 3 = 0.125 × 0.034 × 98,062 × 1.961 / 3 = 521.6
k 0.675 W/m.°C
and hi = h = Nu = (521.6) = 8801 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.04 m
which is much greater than the convection heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2.°C. Therefore, the
convection thermal resistance inside the pipe is negligible, and thus the inner surface temperature of the
pipe can be taken to be equal to the water temperature. Also, we expect the pipe to be nearly isothermal
since it is made of thin metal (we check this later). Then the rate of heat loss from the pipe will be the sum
of the convection and radiation from the outer surface at a temperature of 90°C, and is determined to be
Ao = πD0 L = π (0.046 m)(15 m) = 2.168 m2
Q& conv = ho Ao (Ts − Tsurr ) = (15 W/m 2 .°C)(2.168 m 2 )(90 − 10)°C = 2601 W
Q& rad = εA0σ (Ts 4 − Tsurr 4 ) = (0.7)(2.168 m 2 )(5.67 × 10 −8 W/m 2 .K 4 ) (90 + 273 K) 4 − (10 + 273 K) 4 = 942 W ]
total= Q& + Q&
conv = 2601 + 942 = 3543 W
(b) The temperature at which water leaves the basement is
Q& 3543 W
Q& = m& C p (Ti − Te ) ⎯
⎯→ Te = Ti − = 90°C − = 89.1°C
m& C p (0.9704 kg/s)(4206 J/kg.°C)
The result justifies our assumption that the temperature drop of water is negligible. Also, the thermal
resistance of the pipe and temperature drop across it are
ln( D2 / D1 ) ln(4.6 / 4 )
R pipe = = = 1.65 × 10 −5 °C/W
4πkL 4π (52 W/m.°C)(15 m)
ΔT pipe
=Q R total = (3543 W )(1.65 × 10 −5 °C/W ) = 0.06°C
which justifies our assumption that the temperature drop across the pipe is negligible.
8-70 Hot water enters a copper pipe whose outer surface is exposed to cold air with a specified heat
transfer coefficient. The rate of heat loss from the water and the exit temperature of the water are to be
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the pipe are smooth.
Properties We assume the water temperature not to drop significantly since the pipe is not very long. We
will check this assumption later. The properties of water at 90°C are (Table A-15)

Water Di = 4 cm
90°C Do = 4.6 cm

8-53 0.8 m/s

L = 15 m
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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

ρ = 965.3 kg/m 3 ; k = 0.675 W/m.°C

υ = μ / ρ = 0.326 × 10 -6
m /s; C p = 4206 J/kg.°C

Pr = 1.96
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of water is
π(0.04 m) 2
m& = ρAcV = (965.3 kg/m 3 ) (0.8 m/s) = 0.9704 kg/s
The Reynolds number is
V D (0.8 m/s)(0.04 m)
Re = m h = = 98,062
υ 0.326 ×10 −6 m 2 /s
which is greater than 4000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
L h ≈ Lt ≈ 10 D = 10(0.04 m) = 0.4 m
which are much shorter than the total length of the pipe. Therefore, we can assume fully developed
turbulent flow in the entire pipe. Assuming the copper pipe to be smooth, the Nusselt number is determined
to be
hD h
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023 × 98,062 0.8 × 1.96 0.3 = 277.1
k 0.675 W/m.°C
and hi = h = Nu = (277.1) = 4676 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.04 m
which is much greater than the convection heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2.°C. Therefore, the
convection thermal resistance inside the pipe is negligible, and thus the inner surface temperature of the
pipe can be taken to be equal to the water temperature. Also, we expect the pipe to be nearly isothermal
since it is made of thin metal (we check this later). Then the rate of heat loss from the pipe will be the sum
of the convection and radiation from the outer surface at a temperature of 90°C, and is determined to be
Ao = πD0 L = π (0.046 m)(15 m) = 2.168 m2
Q& conv = ho Ao (Ts − Tsurr ) = (15 W/m 2 .°C)(2.168 m 2 )(90 − 10)°C = 2601 W
Q& rad = εA0σ (Ts 4 − Tsurr 4 )
= (0.7)(2.168 m 2 )(5.67 ×10 −8 W/m 2 .K 4 )[(90 + 273 K) 4 − (10 + 273 K) 4 ] = 942 W
Q& total = Q& conv + Q& rad = 2601 + 942 = 3543 W
(b) The temperature at which water leaves the basement is
Q& 3544 W
Q& = m& C p (Ti − Te ) ⎯
⎯→ Te = Ti − = 90°C − = 89.1°C
mC p (0.970 kg/s)(4206 J/kg.°C)
The result justifies our assumption that the temperature drop of water is negligible. Also, the thermal
resistance of the pipe and temperature drop across it are
ln( D2 / D1 ) ln(4.6 / 4)
R pipe = = = 1.92 × 10 −6 °C/W
4πkL 4π (386 W/m.°C)(15 m)
ΔTpipe = Q& R
total = (3543 W )(1.92 × 10 −6 °C/W ) = 0.007°C

which justifies our assumption that the temperature drop across the pipe is negligible.
8-71 Integrated circuits are cooled by water flowing through a series of microscopic channels. The
temperature rise of water across the microchannels and the average surface temperature of the
microchannels are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the microchannels are smooth. 3
Entrance effects are disregarded. 4 Any heat transfer from the side and cover surfaces are neglected.

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature of water to be the inlet temperature of 20°C since the
mean temperature of water at the inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the microscopic
channels. The properties of water at 20°C and the viscosity at the anticipated surface temperature of 25°C
are (Table A-9)

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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

ρ = 998 kg/m 3
k = 0.598 W/m.°C
υ = μ / ρ = 1.004 × 10 -6 m 2 /s
C p = 4182 J/kg.°C; Pr = 7.01
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of water is
m& = ρV& = (998 kg/m 3 )(0.01×10 -3 m 3 /s) = 0.00998 kg/s
The temperature rise of water as it flows through the micro channels is
Q& 50 J/s
Q& = m& C p ΔT ⎯⎯→ ΔT = = = 1.2°C
m& C p (0.00998 kg/s)(4182 J/kg°C)
(b) The Reynolds number is
V& 0.01× 10 −3 m 3 /s
Vm = = = 6.667 m/s
Ac (0.05 × 10 −3 m)(0.3 × 10 −3 m) × 100
4 Ac 4(0.05 × 10 −3 m)(0.3 × 10 −3 m)
Dh = = = 8.571× 10 −5 m
P 2(0.05 × 10 −3 m + 0.3 × 10 −3 m)
V m D h (6.667 m/s)(8.57 × 10 −5 m)
Re = = = 569.1
υ 1.004 × 10 − 6 m 2 /s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar, and the thermal entry length in this case is
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr Dh = 0.05(569.1)(7.01)(8.571× 10 −5 m) = 0.0171 m
which is longer than the total length of the channels. Therefore, we can assume thermally developing flow,
and determine the Nusselt number from (actually, the relation below is for circular tubes)
⎛ 8.571× 10 −5 m ⎞
0.065⎜ ⎟(569.1)(7.01)
⎜ 0.01 m ⎟
hD 0.065( D / L) Re Pr ⎝ ⎠
Nu = = 3.66 + = 3.66 + = 5.224
k 1 + 0.04[( D / L) Re Pr ]2 / 3 ⎡⎛ 8.571× 10 −5 m ⎞ ⎤

1 + 0.04 ⎢⎜ ⎟(569.1)(7.01)⎥
⎢⎣⎜⎝ 0.01 m ⎟ ⎥⎦

k 0.598 W/m.°C
and h= Nu = (5.224) = 36,445 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 8.571× 10 −5 m
Then the average surface temperature of the base of the micro channels is determined to be
As = pL = 2(0.3 + 0.05) × 10 −3 × 0.01 = 7 × 10 −6 m 2
Q& = hA (Ts −T )
s , ave m , ave

Q& ⎛ 20 + 21.2 ⎞ (50 / 100) W

Ts ,ave = Tm,ave + =⎜ ⎟ °C + = 22.6 °C
hAs ⎝ 2 ⎠ (36,445 W/m 2 .°C)(7 × 10 −6 m 2 )


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-72 Integrated circuits are cooled by air flowing through a series of microscopic channels. The
temperature rise of air across the microchannels and the average surface temperature of the microchannels
are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the microchannels are smooth. 3
Entrance effects are disregarded. 4 Any heat transfer from the side and cover surfaces are neglected. 5 Air
is an ideal gas with constant properties. 6 The pressure of air is 1 atm.

Properties We assume the bulk mean temperature for air to be 60°C since the mean temperature of air at
the inlet will rise somewhat as a result of heat gain through the microscopic channels whose base areas are
exposed to uniform heat flux. The properties of air at 1 atm and 60°C are (Table A-15)
ρ = 1.060 kg/m 3 Air
0.5 L/s
k = 0.02808 W/m.°C
υ = 1.895 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C L = 1 cm
Pr = 0.7202 Micro-channel
0.3 mm × 0.05 mm
Analysis (a) The mass flow rate of air is
m& = ρV& = (1.060 kg/m 3 )(0.5 × 10 -3 m 3 /s) = 5.298 × 10 −4 kg/s
The temperature rise of air as it flows through the micro channels is
Q& 50 J/s
Q& = m& C p ΔT → ΔT = = = 93.7°C
m& C p (5.298 × 10 − 4 kg/s)(1007 J/kg.°C)
(b) The Reynolds number is
V& (0.5 × 10 −3 /100) m 3 /s
Vm = = = 333.3 m/s
Ac (0.05 × 10 −3 m)(0.3 × 10 −3 m)
4 Ac 4(0.05 × 10 −3 m)(0.3 × 10 −3 m)
Dh = = = 8.571× 10 −5 m
P 2(0.05 × 10 −3 m + 0.3 × 10 −3 m)
V m D h (333.3 m/s)(8.57 × 10 −5 m)
Re = = = 1508
υ 1.895 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is smaller than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar and the thermal entry length in this case is
Lt = 0.05 Re Pr D h = 0.05(1508)(0.7202)(8.571×10 −5 m) = 0.004653 m
which is 42% of the total length of the channels. Therefore, we can assume thermally developing flow, and
determine the Nusselt number from (actually, the relation below is for circular tubes)
⎛ 8.571× 10 −5 m ⎞
0.065⎜ ⎟(1508)(0.7202)
⎜ 0.01 m ⎟
hD 0.065( D / L) Re Pr ⎝ ⎠
Nu = = 3.66 + = 3.66 + = 4.174
k 1 + 0.04[( D / L) Re Pr ]2 / 3 ⎡⎛ 8.571× 10 −5 m ⎞ ⎤

1 + 0.04 ⎢⎜ ⎟(1508)(0.7202)⎥

⎢⎣⎝ ⎟
0.01 m ⎠ ⎦⎥
k 0.02808 W/m.°C
and h= Nu = (4.174) = 1368 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 8.571× 10 −5 m
Then the average surface temperature of the base of the micro channels becomes
As = pL = 2(0.3 + 0.05) × 10 −3 × 0.01 = 7 × 10 −6 m 2
Q& = hA (T
s −T
s ,ave ) m , ave

Q& ⎛ 20 + 113.7 ⎞ (50 / 100) W

Ts ,ave = Tm,ave + =⎜ ⎟°C + = 119.1°C
hAs ⎝ 2 ⎠ (1368 W/m 2 .°C)(7 × 10 −6 m 2 )


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-73 Hot exhaust gases flow through a pipe. For a specified exit temperature, the pipe length is to be
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The inner surface of the pipe is smooth. 3 Air is an
ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The pressure of air is 1 atm.

Properties The properties of air at 1 atm and the bulk mean temperature of (450+250)/2 = 350°C are
(Table A-15)
Ts = 180°C
ρ = 0.5664 kg/m 3
k = 0.04721 W/m.°C
υ = 5.475 × 10 -5 m 2 /s Exhaust
gases 250°C
C p = 1056 J/kg.°C D = 15 cm
Pr = 0.6937 3.6 m/s
Analysis The Reynolds number is L
Vm D (3.6 m/s)(0.15 m)
Re = = = 9864
υ 5.475 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10D = 10(0.15 m) = 1.5 m
which is probably much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed
turbulent flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.3 = 0.023(9864) 0.8 (0.6937) 0.3 = 32.31
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.04721 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (32.31) = 10.17 W/m 2 .°C
D 0.15 m
The logarithmic mean temperature difference is
Te − Ti 250 − 450
ΔTln = = = 148.2°C
⎛ T − Te ⎞ ⎛ 180 − 250 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ s ⎟⎟ ln⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 180 − 450 ⎠
The rate of heat loss from the exhaust gases can be expressed as
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (10.17 W/m 2 .°C)[π (0.15 m) L](148.2°C) = 710.25L
where L is the length of the pipe. The rate of heat loss can also be determined from
m& = ρVAc = (0.5664 kg/m 3 )(3.6 m/s) π (0.15 m) 2 /4 = 0.03603 kg/s ]
Q& = m& C p ΔT = (0.03603 kg/s)(1056 J/kg. °C)( 450 − 250)°C = 7612 W

Setting this equal to rate of heat transfer expression above, the pipe length is determined to be
Q& = 710.25 L = 7612 W ⎯
⎯→ L = 10.72 m


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-74 Water is heated in a heat exchanger by the condensing geothermal steam. The exit temperature of
water and the rate of condensation of geothermal steam are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The inner surfaces of the tube are smooth. 3 Air is an
ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The surface temperature of the pipe is 165°C, which is the temperature
at which the geothermal steam is condensing.
Properties The properties of water at the anticipated mean temperature of 85°C are (Table A-9)
Ts = 165°C
ρ = 968.1 kg/m 3
k = 0.673 W/m.°C
C p = 4201 J/kg.°C Water
Pr = 2.08 20°C 4 cm Te
0.8 kg/s
μ 0.333 × 10 −3 kg/m.s
υ= = = 3.44 × 10 -7 m 2 /s
ρ 968.1 kg/m 3 14 m
h fg @ 165°C = 2066.5 kJ/kg
Analysis The velocity of water and the Reynolds number are
(0.04 m) 2
m& = ρAVm ⎯
⎯→ 0.8 kg/s = (968.1 kg/m 3 )π Vm ⎯
⎯→ Vm = 0.5676 m/s
Vm D (0.5676 m/s)(0.04 m)
Re = = = 76,471
υ 3.44 × 10 −7 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10D = 10(0.04 m) = 0.4 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(76,471) 0.8 (2.08) 0.4 = 248.7
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.673 W/m.°C
h= Nu = (248.7) = 4185 W/m 2 .°C
D 0.04 m
Next we determine the exit temperature of air,
As = πDL = π (0.04 m)(14 m) = 1.759 m 2
( 4185)(1.759 )

− hAs /( m& C p )
Te = Ts − (Ts − Ti )e = 165 − (165 − 20)e ( 0.5676 )( 4201)
= 148.8°C
The logarithmic mean temperature difference is
Te − Ti 148.8 − 20
ΔTln = = = 58.8°C
⎛ T − Te ⎞ ⎛ 165 − 148.8 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ s ⎟ ln⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎝ 165 − 20 ⎠
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠
The rate of heat loss from the exhaust gases can be expressed as
Q& = hAs ΔTln = (4185 W/m 2 .°C)(1.759 m 2 )(58.8°C) = 432,820 W
The rate of condensation of steam is determined from
Q& = m& h fg ⎯
⎯→ 432 .820 kW = m& ( 2066 .5 kJ/kg) ⎯
⎯→ m& = 0.204 kg/s


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-75 Cold-air flows through an isothermal pipe. The pipe temperature is to be estimated.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The inner surface of the duct is smooth. 3 Air is an
ideal gas with constant properties. 4 The pressure of air is 1 atm.
Properties The properties of air at 1 atm and the bulk mean temperature of (5+19) / 2 = 12°C are (Table A-
ρ = 1.238 kg/m 3
k = 0.02454 W/m.°C
υ = 1.444 × 10 -5 m 2 /s
5°C 12 cm 19°C
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C 2.5 m/s
Pr = 0.7331
20 m
Analysis The rate of heat transfer to the air is
(0.12 m) 2
m& = ρAc Vm = (1.238 kg/m 3 )π (2.5 m/s) = 0.03499 m/s
Q& = m& C p ΔT = (0.03499 kg/s)(1007 J/kg. °C)(19 − 5)°C = 493.1 W
Reynolds number is
V∞ D (2.5 m/s)(0.12 m)
Re = = = 20,775
υ 1.444 × 10 −5 m 2 /s
which is greater than 10,000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent and the entry lengths in this case are roughly
Lh ≈ Lt ≈ 10D = 10(0.12 m) = 1.2 m
which is much shorter than the total length of the duct. Therefore, we can assume fully developed turbulent
flow in the entire duct, and determine the Nusselt number from
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 = 0.023(20,775) 0.8 (0.7331) 0.4 = 57.79
Heat transfer coefficient is
k 0.02454 W/m. °C
h= Nu = (57.79) = 11.82 W/m 2 .°C
D 0.12 m
The logarithmic mean temperature difference is determined from
⎯→ 493.1 W = (11.82 W/m 2 .°C)[π (0.12 m)(20 m)]ΔTln ⎯
Q& = hAs ΔTln ⎯ ⎯→ ΔTln = 5.535°C
Then the pipe temperature is determined from the definition of the logarithmic mean temperature
Te − Ti 19 − 5
ΔTln = ⎯
⎯→ 5.535°C = ⎯
⎯→ Ts = 3.8°C
⎛ T − Te ⎞ ⎛ Ts − 19 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ s ⎟

ln⎜ ⎟

⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ Ts − 5 ⎠


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-76 Oil is heated by saturated steam in a double-pipe heat exchanger. The tube length is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The surfaces of the tube are smooth. 3 Air is an ideal
gas with constant properties.
Properties The properties of oil at the average temperature of (10+30)/2=20°C are (Table A-13)
ρ = 888 kg/m 3 Ts = 100°C
k = 0.145 W/m.°C Oil
C p = 1880 J/kg.°C 10°C 30°C
Pr = 2.08 0.8 m/s 5 cm
3 cm
Analysis The mass flow rate and the rate of heat transfer are
(0.03 m)
m& = ρAc Vm = (888 kg/m 3 )π (0.8 m/s) = 0.5022 kg/s
Q& = m& C p (Te − Ti ) = (0.5022 kg/s)(1880 J/kg.°C)(30 − 10)°C = 18,881 W

The Nusselt number is determined from Table 8-4 at Di/Do =3/5=0.6 to be Nui = 5.564. Then the heat
transfer coefficient, the hydraulic diameter of annulus, and the logarithmic mean temperature difference are
k 0.145 W/m.°C
hi = Nu i = (5.564) = 40.34 W/m 2 .°C
Dh 0.02 m
Dh = Do − Di = 0.05 m − 0.03 m = 0.02 m
Ti − Te 10 − 30
ΔTln = = = 79.58°C
⎛ Ts − Te ⎞ ⎛ 100 − 30 ⎞
ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ln⎜ ⎟
⎝ Ts − Ti ⎠ ⎝ 100 − 10 ⎠
The heat transfer surface area is determined from
Q& 18,881 W
Q& = hAs ΔTln ⎯⎯→ As = = = 5.881 m 2
hΔTln (40.34 W/m 2 .°C)(79.58°C)
Then the tube length becomes
As 5.881 m 2
As = πDL ⎯
⎯→ L = = = 62.4 m
πDi π (0.03 m 2 )

8-77 …. 8-79 Design and Essay Problems


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Chapter 8 Internal Forced Convection

8-79 A computer is cooled by a fan blowing air through the case of the computer. The flow rate of the fan
and the diameter of the casing of the fan are to be specified.
Assumptions 1 Steady flow conditions exist. 2 Heat flux is uniformly distributed. 3 Air is an ideal gas with
constant properties.
Properties The relevant properties of air are (Tables A-1 and A-15)
C p = 1007 J/kg.°C
R = 0.287 kPa.m 3 /kg.K
Analysis We need to determine the flow rate of air for the worst case scenario. Therefore, we assume the
inlet temperature of air to be 50°C, the atmospheric pressure to be 70.12 kPa, and disregard any heat
transfer from the outer surfaces of the computer case. The mass flow rate of air required to absorb heat at a
rate of 80 W can be determined from
Q& 80 J/s
Q& = m& C p (Tout − Tin ) ⎯
⎯→ m& = = = 0.007944 kg/s
C p (Tout − Tin ) (1007 J/kg.°C)(60 − 50)°C

In the worst case the exhaust fan will handle air at 60°C. Then the density of air entering the fan and the
volume flow rate becomes
P 70.12 kPa
ρ= = = 0.7337 kg/m 3
RT (0.287 kPa.m 3 /kg.K)(60 + 273)K
m& 0.007944 kg/s
V& = = = 0.01083 m 3 /s = 0.6497 m 3 /min
ρ 0.7337 kg/m 3
For an average velocity of 120 m/min, the diameter of the duct air
in which the fan is installed can be determined from

πD 2 4V& 4(0.6497 m 3 /min )

V& = AcV = V⎯
⎯→ D = = = 0.083 m = 8.3 cm
4 πV π (120 m/min )


Downloaded by John Ceniza ([email protected])

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