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Submitted for partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of degree of


M.B.A 2nd YEAR





I, Megha Bansal, student of Department of Management Studies, Bhagat Phool Singh

Women University, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat, hereby affirm and declare that this Research
work entitled "An Evaluation of Consumer Perception And Attitude Towards The Usage Of
Plastic Money" has been completed by me under the supervision of Dr. Krishan Kumar,
Department of Management Studies, Bhagat Phool Singh Women University, Khanpur
Kalan, Sonipat and embodies the original piece of research work done by me and the same
has not been copied, reproduced and submitted ever by me to any other university or the
institution. Reference to other research works has been duly acknowledged.



Completion of this research project was possible with the support of several people. I would
like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all of them. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere
gratitude to my Guide Dr. Krishan Kumar, Department of Management Studies, Bhagat
Phool Singh Women University, Sonipat, for the continuous support for research, for his
patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. He is always made himself available to
clarify my doubts even with his busy schedules. It is his zeal for perfection, which made him
pay attention to the finest detail of my research work and brought out my confidence in
myself and my research work. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing
of this research project and I consider it as a great opportunity to do my research project
under his guidance and to learn from his research expertise. I could not have imagined having
a better advisor and mentor for my study. Thank you, Sir for your help and support.
I am also thankful to whole of the teaching and the non-teaching staff at Department of
Management Studies, Bhagat Phool Singh Women University, Sonipat, for facilitating the
My sincere gratitude is to all whom I might have missed inadvertently for facilitating me
directly or indirectly by the blessings, moral support and cheerful environment given from
my parents and friends, their support and forbearance have been a great source of inspiration.
Without their cooperation the work could not have been completed.





6 6.1 OUTCOMES 33


TABLE NO. 1 Gender of respondents

TABLE NO. 2 Age of respondents
TABLE NO. 3 Education of respondents
TABLE NO. 4 Income (per month) of respondents
TABLE NO.5 Occupation of respondents
TABLE NO.6 Idea about Plastic Money
TABLE NO.7 Type of Plastic Card respondent’s use
TABLE NO. 8 Items Preferred to Purchase while using Plastic Money
TABLE NO. 9 Descriptive Findings about the responses
TABLE NO. 10 Rotated Component Matrix
TABLE NO. 11 Anova output for Age-group
TABLE NO. 12 Anova output for Income-group
TABLE NO. 13 Anova output for Education
TABLE NO. 14 Anova output for Age-group
TABLE NO. 15 Anova output for Income-group
TABLE NO. 16 Anova output for Education


CHART NO. 1 Gender of respondents

CHART NO. 2 Age of respondents
CHART NO. 3 Education of respondents
CHART NO. 4 Income (per month) of respondents
CHART NO. 5 Occupation of respondents
CHART NO. 6 Idea about Plastic Money
CHART NO. 7 Type of Plastic Card respondent’s use
CHART NO. 8 Items Preferred to Purchase while using Plastic Money


Technology has drastically changed all the sectors including the financial sector, and the
transactions in the banking system have also undergone a remarkable change. The traditional
concept of payment through cash is replaced by the credit cards or the debit cards called
‘plastic money’ that people are using to drawn money. The present paper makes an attempt to
study the significant difference in consumer perception and attitude towards the use of plastic
money on the basis of demographic profile. The paper is primarily based on the data collected
from 300 respondents from Delhi NCR and also studies the awareness, consumer preference
to spend and the influencing factors while using plastic money. It is found that most of the
respondents are aware about the term Plastic Money. The income and education of the
respondents are the main demographic factor which impacts the consumer perception and
attitude towards the usage of plastic money. While the most influencing factors for the
respondents for using plastic money are convenience; secure way of transaction and the time


In India, as in other countries around the globe, an organized mode of payment has emerged
over time from the barter system to the more convoluted forms of monetary arrangements. In
the 20th century mode of settlement across India has been coins, cash and cheques. But now
in the 21st century, payment through cash and cheques itself has encountered a
transfiguration. It has moved from being a physical paper based transfer of value to a virtual
electronic one. Usage of plastic money has come as a form of amenity to financial institution
Plastic money aka polymer money is made out of plastic and has formed an important part of
our daily life these days. It is easier to deal with cards than cash. Yes, the advantages of
plastic money over cash have made it a best friend of many. It was in the 1950s the concept
of plastic money came into being. When we say plastic money, it includes debit cards, ATM
cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, smart cards and so on. The main advantage of plastic
money is that it avoids the necessity to carry huge cash and is also difficult to mutilate. The
disadvantage being there are still many among us who do not know how to use a plastic card
wisely. Attitudes are evaluative statements-either favorable or unfavorable –about objects,
people or events. They reflect how we feel about something. Perception is the process by
which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impression in order to give meaning to
their environment.
In this study, to find the awareness of plastic money among the consumers we are only
focusing on credit cards and debit cards and demographic factors which affecting the
consumer perception and attitude towards the usage of plastic money are also discussed.

1.2Meaning of Plastic Money

Plastic money means the hard plastic cards that we use every day in place of actual bank
notes. Plastic money is just the replacement of cash.
Plastic money is referred to the mode of payment for goods and services bought; through use
of specific cards made of plastic (hence, plastic money) which will substitute the use of
currency notes at the time of purchase/payment.
As it is made up of plastic and performs the functions of legal tender money, it is called as
Plastic Money. Plastic money facilitates buying and selling much easier without carrying and
handling cash for the buyer. Plastic money includes both debit card and credit card.

1.3Types of Plastic Money
There are a number of types of Plastic Cards but the most common type of plastic card is
Credit Cards and Debit Cards.

Credit Card: A credit card is a small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment. It
allows the user to borrow money from a bank to make purchase. A bank issues a credit card
to those of its customers who enjoy good reputation. It is not necessary that a customer
should have money in the bank in order to get a credit card. This is a sort of overdraft facility.
The name of the issuing bank, the name of the holder and his/her identity along with the date
of validity are inscribed on the credit cards. The credit card holder keeps on depositing the
money used according to the agreement with the bank. Most well-known credit cards are
American Express, MasterCard, and VISA.
Features of Credit Cards
 Credit card is a better alternative to cash.
 Credit cards are all different types, but they can be divided into three main groups: secured
cards, regular cards and premium ones.
 The credit cardholder enjoys the facility of a credit limit set on his card. This credit limit is
determined by the credit card issuing entity i.e. bank of NBFC only after analysing the
creditworthiness of the customers.
 Credit card is very convenient financial short- term lending facility available to a credit
 Credit cards provide the facility to its cardholder to make payment in any currency of his
choice either in domestic currency or in foreign currency when required.
 Credit cards issuing entity like banks also charged the regular charges which are basically the
routine charges from the cardholders on the usage of credit cards. These charges may be
annually charges or additional charges.
 The grace period facility means the minimum number of additional days also provides to the
credit cardholders within which cardholder pay his credit bill without any incurring interest
or financial charges.
 Credit card providers also provide the bonus points on the financial value of the transaction.
 Credit card providers also provide various facilities like gifts, cashback offers or any other
similar compelling offers.

Debit Card: A Debit card is also a small plastic card that can be used as a method of
payment. A Debit Card is issued to a customer in lieu of his money deposited in the bank.
The customer can make immediate payment of goods purchased or services obtained on the
basis of his Debit Card provided the terminal facility is available with the seller. Through this
medium the money is transferred from the account of the purchaser to the account of the
seller. With the help of the Debit Card money can also be withdrawn from the ATM.
Features of Debit Cards
 Safer than carrying cash.
 Worldwide functionality due to Visa and MasterCard merchant acceptance.
 Not having to worry about paying a credit card bill or going into debt.
 Debit card acts as a type of prepaid cards because it already has a sufficient amount of cash
balance in its holder’s bank account.
 A debit card is a handy item to have, because it gives you access to your own cash via ATMs.
Advantages of a Debit Card
 Easy to obtain: Once you open an account most institutions will issue you a debit card upon
 Convenience: Purchases can be made using a chip-enabled terminal or by swiping the card
rather than filling out a paper check.
 Safety: You don't have to carry cash or a check book.
 Readily accepted: When out of town (or out of the country), debit cards are usually widely
Disadvantages of a Debit Card
 No grace period: Unlike a credit card, a debit card uses funds directly from your checking
account. A credit card allows you to borrow funds on credit, leaving disposable cash in your
 Check book balancing: Balancing your account may be difficult unless you record every
debit card transaction.
 Less protection: Most financial institutions will try and protect their customer from debit
card fraud. However, a customer could potentially be liable for up to $500 on fraudulent debit
card transactions compared with only $0 on credit cards. Be sure to check with your financial
institution to learn the details.
 Fees: Using your debit card for ATM transactions may be costly if the ATM is not affiliated
with your institution.

ATM Card: An ATM card is any card that can be used in automated teller machines (ATMs)
for transactions such as deposits, cash withdrawals, obtaining account information, and other
types of transactions, often through interbank networks. Cards may be issued solely to access

ATM Card-cum-Debit Card: ATM Card-cum-Debit Card can be used both as an ATM card
and Debit card as a method of payment when purchasing goods and services. The cardholder
is responsible for all transaction made by the use of the card. Most of the debit cards issued
by banks are also ATM cards.

Charge Card: Charge Card is similar to the credit cards. Credit cards evolved from the
charge cards. A charge card does not offer the facility of line of credit like the credit cards. It
means that the customers have to pay the full balance at the end of each month. If the
payments are not made monthly, the penalty fee is charged. The penalty fee is higher for the
charge cards. These cards are also helpful to build the credit score. These cards are used by
only those customers who can afford to pay the balance at the end of each month. These cards
are issued by American Express & Dinner’s Clubs. AMEX issues Gold Charge Card and
Platinum Charge Card in India.

Smart Card: A smart card or chip card is any pocket size card that has embedded integrated
circuits. A smart card is used to pay for small purchases like bus fares or coffee. It contains
an electronic chip which is used to store the cash. For using this card no identification,
signature or payment authorization is required. The benefits of smart cards are directly related
to the volume of information and applications that are programmed for use on a card. A
single contact/contactless smart card can be programmed with multiple banking credentials,
medical entitlement, driver’s license/public transport entitlement, loyalty programs and club

Fleet card: Fleet card is used as a payment card, most commonly for gasoline, diesel and
other fuels at gas stations. Fleet cards can also be used to pay for vehicle maintenance and
expenses, at the discretion of the fleet owner or manager. The use of a fleet card reduces the
need to carry cash, thus increasing the security for fleet drivers. The elimination of cash also
helps to prevent fraudulent transactions at the fleet owner's or manager's expense.

1.4Advantages of Plastic Money
There are several advantages of plastic money which are as follow:-
 Eliminates the need for carrying huge cash: Plastic money eliminates the need for carrying
huge load of cash which is risky and inconvenient too.

 Easy availability- Now a day’s every bank facilitates with Plastic cards as long as the
account become active. The cash ATM machines are also open 24/ 7, therefore whenever in
need one does not have to wait for the banks to open, but can take out the money using the

 Risk of Loss or Theft minimized: In case of cash there is a high risk of losing cash and a
chance of cash getting stolen. However, in case of debit/credit card you can report the matter
to the bank and block the card to avoid misuse.

 Credit Facility: In case of credit card you have the option of buying on credit or paying later.
Although the charges are high, it helps you in case of emergencies and contingencies.

 Cards fit into the wallet easily: It is essential that we need to have some sort of money in
hand always as we never know when a need arises. But carrying a lot of cash in hand is not at
all a wise idea. Also, who would want to carry a lot of cash in hand and make their wallet
bulge out. In such situations, plastic money comes for help. Your wallet will remain perfect
and your cash needs will also be sorted out. If required you can take cash using plastic cards.
Cards are waterproof hence you don't have to get panicked even if water spilled over your
wallet. They are strong and durable.

 Tracking transactions becomes easy: Having a track of your daily or monthly transactions
is always good. By using the plastic money you are automatically keeping a track of all your
transactions. You can verify it later if required. When we are using bank notes, we might
forget later for what we spend it, unless you have the habit of noting down every cash
transaction you make. This is not the case with plastic cards. The banks normally send the
statement of debit or credit card to its customers on a monthly basis which will have the
list of all your transactions for that particular month.

 Convenience of making payment from home: In olden days when there is no plastic
money, we need to go personally to each place to make a payment be it utility payment or
booking tickets. But now you can pay at your own convenience sitting at home with the use
of plastic money. For example, you need to go to the travel agency to pay cash for your
ticket; instead, you can book your ticket online.

 Earn while you spend: Some cards even offer incentives to spend, such as cashback, loyalty
points which means you could actually make money from your credit card. These are only
worthwhile if you pay your bill in full – otherwise the interest you’ll be charged will be more
than the value of the rewards.

 Internationally Acceptable: One of the main advantages of plastic money is that the same
card can be used locally as well as internationally. For example, you can get rid of the hassle
of converting the cash into the currency of the country you are planning to travel. If you have
an international debit or credit card, you can make your purchase with that card itself. So the
problem of running out of the cash will not happen even if you are abroad and that helps you
to have safe journey without worrying about the cash and the budget.

 Build a good credit history: The Plastic card like credit cards helps to get a good credit
ratings like using a line of credit by making purchases—and paying them off on time will
help you get a good credit rating from credit rating agencies, which will make lenders more
likely to lend to you and offer you a good interest rate.

1.5Disadvantages of Plastic Money

 Cannot be used for all daily needs: You cannot pay your milkman, servant, paper wala
(newspaper guy), etc by card.

 Loss & Misuse: Once a card is lost you have to immediately report it and get the card
blocked to avoid misuse. Sometimes when you are not aware that you lost the card, the
chances of misuse is higher.

 Non-Acceptance at Small Retail Outlets: Some shopkeepers even are not providing the
facility or accept the Plastic Cards. Unless you are a person who shops only in supermarkets
and hypermarkets you will be forced to use cash.

 Interest, for non-payment: A credit card allows you to purchase today and pay for at a later
period of time. It gives you a credit period, but if we fail to make the payment within the due
date, interest will be charged. When we are using cash, we are not taking any credit from the
bank, hence non-payment does not occur.

 Damage to Card: Sometimes the card’s magnetic strip gets damaged or scratches or cuts can
render the card unusable. So keeping it safe and secure is very important.

 Minimum purchase requirements: One of the major disadvantages of using plastic money
is that one needs to make a minimum purchase in order to swipe their card. For instance, if
the minimum purchase is Rs. 50.00; and we have purchased items for only Rs. 40.00, you
can't use your card for this transaction unless you purchase for Rs. 50.00. In this case, you
will have to purchase something unnecessary to make it Rs. 50.00.

 Service charge in certain cases: When we are using plastic money instead of cash, in certain
cases the bank charges a service charge for the purchase of certain items. For instance, in
some countries, the service charge is levied on card transactions when you purchase gold
from jewelers. When paying through cash this additional charge will not be taken.


2.1 Review of Literature
A pertinent literature is collected through various research papers, articles, and published
reports which reveal the work done in the area of Plastic Cards.

Natarajan and Manohar (1993)

A study has been attempted to know that to what extent the credit cards are utilized by the
cardholders and the factors influencing the utilization of credit cards. The study is confined to
cards issued by the Canara Bank. A random sampling technique is used to collect the data.
Ten components i.e. numbers of purchases, shops, percentage of purchases, place, frequency,
type of product, type of services, cash withdrawal facilities, add on facility, insurance
schemes are identified and used for the measurement. Chi square test has been conducted to
know the level of utilization. For this, both personal and non-personal factors also have been
taken into consideration. Chi square test reveals that sex, age, educational qualification of
card holders has no relationship with utilization of Can Card. While occupation, income,
employment status of spouse, mode of getting card has relationship with utilization of can

Gambir (1998)
He describes that credit cards are relatively new to India. Treated as a status symbol and as a
vehicle of consumerism Indian banks burst their business,. Till recently as it did not go along
very well with the spirit of people because they do not much money to spend because of bad
economic conditions. But with increasing economic and financial liberalization and growing
prosperity of the urban middle class banks fells that it is desirable to enter into this line of
business. Author feels that Credit Cards and money transfers with latest technological
changes would definitely reduce the burden on cash in our system. Therefore, RBI has to give
an impetus to the popularity of plastic money which is consistent with present policy of
economic and monetary liberalization.

Ron Borzekowski and Elizabeth (2006)

In their article Consumer’s Use of Debit Cards: Patterns, Preferences and Price Response
studied that the Debit Card use at the point of sale has grown dramatically in the year 2004 in
the U.S. and then exceeds the number of Credit Card transactions. However, the study

identified the many questions remain regarding patterns of Debit Card use, consumer
preferences when using Debit, and how consumers might respond to explicit pricing of card
transactions. Using a new national representative consumer survey, this research paper
describes the use of debit cards by U.S. consumers, including how demographics affect use.

Mandeep Kaur and Kamalpreet Kaur (2008)

In their article they conclude that Indian banking sector is accepting the challenge of
information technology. All the groups of bankers have now recognized it as essential
requirement for their survival and growth in future. Despite the strong advances in e-
payments, an estimated 90 percent of personal consumption expenditure in India is still made
with cash which indicates the tremendous growth potential of the business. So this can be
considered as mere beginning which indicates the bright future prospects of plastic card
market in India.

Subhani and et al (2011)

The study was based on a sample of 2000 respondent from major south Asian countries i.e.
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Srilanka (500 from each outlined nation) were selected. The
study shows that the preference to go for plastic money is easy to use that has a positive
attitude among the consumer. The perception of credit card usability is associated with a
psychological phenomena that people are likely to spend less with credit card and spend more
with the same amount of cash on hand in the same budget and this precept also linked with
the consumer self convenience.

Anupama Sharma (2012)

In her research paper “Plastic Card Frauds and The Counter Measures: Towards a Safer
Payment Mechanism” have thrown light on the number of frauds increased considerably in
the usage of plastic cards as in case of plastic card frauds the most affected parties are the
merchants of goods and services as they have to bear the full liability for losses due to frauds,
the banks also bears some cost especially the indirect cost whereas the cardholders are least
affected because of limited consumer liability and concluded that all these losses can be dealt
with by making the prudent use of the new technology and taking the respective counter

P.Manivannan (2012)
In his research paper “The Impact of Credit Card on Buying Behaviour in General and
Customers from Rural Market in Particular” analyzed that Credit card which was considered
to be a luxury, has become a necessity. Credit card was considered to be used by higher
income group. Among the various financial services rendered by commercial banks and
other financial institutions extending their credit card facility to customers is an important
modern day function. This facility is extended not only to customers in urban areas or cities,
but also to customers residing in rural area. But today, with development on banking and
trading activities, the fixed income group or salaried classes are also started using the same.
There may be the criticism that, it induces for more purchases or make people spendthrift.
This may be so in the initial stage, but when once a customer gets used to the credit card, they
will know how to use the same in a discretionary manner.

Sushma Patil (2014)

She analyzed the Impact of Plastic Money on Banking Trends in India. The main objective of
the study was to analyze the factors for adoption of plastic money that replaces the paper or
cash money. The study was based on non probabilistic convenience sampling method from a
city of Mumbai by using structured questionnaire and interview technique carried out by
taking a survey of 100 respondents. The result showed that some factors encourage the
customers to make use of plastic cards. But some customers are not able to utilize cards
effectively due to its complex nature and they don’t actually know how to operate it for
specific purpose. Thus, the banks should give them some training regarding its usage.

Nirmala. R. Sonu (2015)

In his research paper analysis of the use of plastic money that is primarily based on the data
collected from 200 respondents highlighted the advantage of instant transactions as one of the
major factors favouring the use of plastic money over real money by the population. .
Additionally, the results of the study have also stressed upon the convenience and ease of use
while paying or shopping by plastic money. The saving of time and the fact that the plastic
money seems to be more portable also seems to further the cause of a possible change in the
scenario of money usage in the economy. On the other hand, Security comes forward as a
major cause for concern for the population using plastic money.

B.B Pandey and Chandrawati Nirala (2016)
They conducted a study on customer perception towards usage of Debit Cards in
Chhattisgarh. The main objective of the study was to find of perception of customer
regarding usage of various services of debit cards, benefits of using debit cards, usage of
Debit cards in different segments, problem customer faces while using debit cards. The result
showed that most of the customers use debit cards to withdrawn cash from ATM machines
and for card payment at a point of sale. Major benefit of using Debit card is: It is safe,
Convenient and easy to use. Major problem debit card holders were faces was limited
withdrawn amount, long queue outside ATM machines. Usage of debit card is more in retail
store and flight ticket bookings.

Bama S., & K.Gunasundari. ( 2016)

Plastic currency is now gradually becoming the norm across the globe as more and more
developed countries are opting for plastic compared to paper as there are several inherent
advantages. The growing incursion of smart phones has made technology applications much
more accessible to users. The Government’s also move forward for a “Digital India” and its
focus on growing electronic payments is significant drivers of growth in replacing physical
payments with technology-backed solutions. India is at the cusp of a tectonic shift towards
electronic money from traditional cash. For instance the Pradhan Mantri Jan DhanYojana
(PMJDY), is slowly building recognition among people to move from paper to electronic
money. The PMJDY alone has seeded over 150 million Rupay cards in the last year, in
addition to the 400 million debit cards already in circulation. There is still emergence for
significant increase in the usage of debit cards in the years to come as card. (Bama, July

Nigar Sulatana and Mahedi Hassan (2016)

They investigated the consumer perception towards usage of Plastic Money in Bangladesh.
Data was collected from 202 respondents using a semi-structured questionnaire. It was
founded that most of the respondent were using plastic money for shopping and international
purchase, and also for purchasing expensive products. Factor analysis was also incorporated
in order to identify the latent variables regarding the perception of using plastic money.
Factor analysis extracted three latent factors, namely influential factor for using plastic
money, beneficial factor of using plastic money, and problems in using plastic money.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis was also done in order to get the degree of effect of the
observed variable on the extracted factors. The problem of using plastic money was found
through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, are unavailability of cash in ATM (Automatic
Teller Machine) booths, unavailability of technology of payment.

Amisha Gupta and et al (2017)

The study investigated the factors affecting the acceptability of credit cards in India;
therefore, it was concentrated on the primary data only. The study revealed total six factors
namely Bank Policies, Willingness to pay, Payment Policies, Flexibility, Related Benefits
and Perceived Risk. The study has emphasized on how customers are involved in the
acceptance of credit cards in India. Customers are putting more importance on benefits of
credit cards such as speed, convenience, environmental friendly and international presence.
Customers are also very much interested about issues such as risks and security issues, new
features and innovation when adopting credit cards. Hence, it is highly recommended that the
banks develop a deep understanding of the factors influencing the acceptance of credit cards
in order to adapt their marketing strategies to the potential customers.

Pinki and et al (2017)

The focus of this paper is to study the choice of people between paper money and the plastic
money. The survey was conducted on people of all the age groups through structured
questionnaire. It was observed that buyers like plastic cards over paper currency and also the
major advantage that the cards provide to the shoppers is the convenience and accessibility.
The main drawback is the accumulated transactional charges and extra formalities to acquire
the cards from the financial establishments.



The principal objective of the study is:-
 To analyze the significant difference in Consumer Perception towards Plastic Money on the
basis of demographic profile.
 To analyze the significant difference in Consumer Attitude towards Plastic Money on the
basis of demographic profile.

The sub objectives are as follows:-

 To study the awareness of plastic money among the consumers.
 To study the consumers preferences to spend while using plastic money.
 To understand the influencing factors behind the use of plastic money.


Research Methodology
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done systematically. In fact, research is
an art of scientific investigation. In that various steps, those are generally adopted by a
researcher in studying his problem along with the logic behind them.
“The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and
predicting phenomenon are called methodology”.


There are many types of research design and there was no standard or ideal research design to
guide the researcher; many different research designs may accomplish the same objectives.
Broadly, research design can be of three types: (1) Exploratory (2) Descriptive and (3)
Casual/Experimental. This research report “An evaluation of consumer perception and
attitude towards the usage of plastic money” is considered as descriptive research in nature.
Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or particular individual
or group.
Sample Design: In most of the cases of research studies, it becomes almost impossible to
examine the entire universe; the only alternative thus, was to resort to sampling. The present
study is also of the same nature. A sample is a part of the population which is studied in order
to make inferences about the whole population. Thus, a good sample would be a miniature
version of the population, which would involve the following:
 Sample Unit (Unit of Analysis)
 Sample Size and
 Sample Techniques

Sample Unit: Consumers from Delhi NCR.

Sample Size: For populations that are large, Cochran (1963:75) developed the equation to
yield a representative sample for proportions.

n0 =

Which is valid where n0 is the sample size, is the abscissa of the normal curve that cut off
an area α at the tails (1-α equals the desired confidence level, e.g.; 95%), e is the desired level

of precision, p is the estimated proportion of an attribute that is present in the population, and
q is 1-p.
( . ) (. )(. )
n0 = =385.
(. )

The questionnaire is send to the 385 respondent but only 300 responses are collected from the

Sample Technique: The sampling method used is non-probability convenience sampling.

The information has been gathered from respondents in Delhi NCR with the help of


In research process, the result will be good if the data put in is good. If poor and unrelated
data are collected, naturally poor and misleading conclusion will be drawn. Therefore, due
consideration should be given to the type and method of data collection (Wilkinson and
Bhandarkar, 2000). There are two types of data: primary data and secondary data. Looking at
the scope of the study, both types of data have been collected.

The primary data is that data which is collected fresh or first hand, and for first time which is
original in nature. In this study the Primary data has been collected through:
 Questionnaire
 Through Google Forum

The secondary data are those which have already collected by someone else and stored. The
major source of data for this project was collected through:
 Books
 Internet
 Journals
 Websites

For analyzing the data, both simple and advanced statistical tools were used. In some cases
simple statistics like frequency, average, percentage were applied and some advance
statistical tool like Factor Analysis and ANNOVA technique also be used for testing the
Percentage: Tables are used to represent the response of the respondents in a precise term so
that it become easy to evaluate the data collected.
Graphs: Graphs are nothing more than a graphical representation of the data collected in
tabular form.
Factor Analysis: Factor analysis attempts to identify underlying variables, or factors, that
explain the pattern of correlation or covariance within a set of observed variables. Another
purpose of EFA is to reduce the dimensions of data by identifying a small number of factors
and extracted factors have the persimony of retaining sufficient variation of the observed
ANOVA: One way Anova is used to test the hypothesis. The normality and homogeneity of
the data is also tested.

H1: There is significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age.
H2: There is significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of
H3: There is significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of
H4: There is significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age.
H5: There is significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Income.
H6: There is significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of

Tool Used for calculations: - In the present study, responses from respondents were coded
and tabulated in SPSS 21.0. This process was used for the each type of the questionnaires.
The responses of respondents were given in all the tables in the term of both the frequency,
percentages and cumulative.

4.2 Limitations of the Study
The present study has also been conducted under certain limitations and is based on some
assumptions. Some of the most important are given as under:

 The sample size of present study was relatively small to generalize the results in the Indian
context. But time and financial factors did not allow the researcher to select very large sample
size. But, for future research this factor should be taken into consideration.

 The result of the present study was based on the opinions and experiences of the respondents.
In opinions survey there would always be possibilities of individual biasness in opinions, and
results look unreliable. This biasness could not be eliminated.

 There might be drop error i.e. the respondents who are willing as well as able may not be

 There might be go error i.e. the respondents who are unable or unwilling may included in the
sample. However, the large sample base as well as the pre-testing would further reduce the
chances of these errors.

 There might be chances of different perceptions on the wording of the questionnaire or scale.



5.1 Data Analysis And Interpretation


(1) Gender of Respondents

Table No.1 Gender of Respondent

Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Male 124 41.3 41.3 41.3
Female 176 58.7 58.7 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

Chart No.1 Gender of Respondent

The above table and chart showed that out of 300 respondents there are 124 (41.3%) male
respondents and 176 (58.7%) female respondents, who fill the questionnaire.

(2) Age of Respondents

Table No.2 Age of Respondent

Age Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
10-20 31 10.3 10.3 10.3
20-30 200 66.7 66.7 77.0
30-40 51 17.0 17.0 94.0
40-50 9 3.0 3.0 97.0
More than 50 9 3.0 3.0 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

Chart No.2 Age of Respondent

The above table and chart showed that the 200 (66.7%) respondents are the highest in
percentage; belong to 20-30 age groups. Only 31 out of 300 respondents belong to 10-20 age
group.51 respondents belong to 30-40, while 9 respondents who belong to 40-50 and 9
respondents are more than 50 who fill the questionnaire.

(3) Education Level of Respondents

Table No.3 Education Level of Respondent

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
12th passed 38 12.7 12.7 12.7
Under Graduate 103 34.3 34.3 47.0
Post Graduate 84 28.0 28.0 75.0
Phd. 69 23.0 23.0 98.0
6 2.0 2.0 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

Chart No.3 Education Level of Respondent

The above table and chart showed that 12.7% respondents are 10 th passed, 34.3% respondents
are 12th passed, 28% belong to undergraduate category, 23% are postgraduate and the only
2% belong to PhD. category.

(4) Income (per month) of the Respondents

Table No.4 Income (per month) of the Respondent

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
123 41.0 41.0 41.0
Less than 20,000

20,000-40,000 80 26.7 26.7 67.7

40,000-60,000 51 17.0 17.0 84.7
60,000-80,000 18 6.0 6.0 90.7
28 9.3 9.3 100.0
More than 80,000

Total 300 100.0 100.0

Table No.4 Income (per month) of the Respondent

The above table and chart showed that 123(41%) respondents out of 300 have income less
than 20,000 and 80(26.7%); 51(17%); 18(6%) and 28(9.3%) respondents belong to 20,000-
40,000; 40,000-60,000; 60,000-80,000 and more than 80,000 income level category. Highest
respondents belong to less than 20,000 categories because most respondents were the
students who filled the questionnaire.

(5) Occupation of the Respondents

Table No.5 Occupation of the Respondent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Student 141 47.0 47.0 47.0
Government 40 13.3 13.3 60.3
Private Employee 61 20.3 20.3 80.7
Businessman 43 14.3 14.3 95.0
Not Working 15 5.0 5.0 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

Chart No.5 Occupation of the Respondent

The above table and chart showed that 141(47%) respondents out of 300 are students,
40(13.3%) are govt. employee; 61(20.3%) are private employees, 43(14.3%) are businessman
and 15(5%) respondents are still not working who filled the questionnaire.

(6) Idea about Plastic Money? Which?

Table No. 6 Idea about Plastic Money

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Debit Cards 136 45.3 45.3 45.3
Credit Cards 32 10.7 10.7 56.0
Both 124 41.3 41.3 97.3
None 8 2.7 2.7 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

Chart No.6 Idea about Plastic Money

The above table and chart showed that 136(45.3) respondents have idea about debit cards;
32(10.7%) respondents have idea about credit cards; 124(41.3) respondents have idea about
both the plastic cards and only 8(2.7%) respondents who are not aware about any plastic card.
So, most of the respondents are aware about the Plastic Cards.

(7) Which type of Plastic Card do you have?

Table No. 7 Type of Plastic Card respondent’s use

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Debit Card 193 64.3 64.3 64.3
Credit Card 41 13.7 13.7 78.0
Valid Both 42 14.0 14.0 92.0
None 24 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

Chart No.7 Type of Plastic Card respondent’s use

The above table and chart showed that 193(64.3) respondents are using debit cards;
41(13.7%) respondents are using credit cards; 42(14.0%) respondents are using both the
plastic cards and only 24(8%) respondents are not using any plastic card. So, most of the
respondents have Plastic Cards.

(8) Please rank the items preferred to purchase while using plastic money?
Table No. 8 Items Preferred to Purchase while using Plastic Money
Items Frequency Rank
Consumer Durables 211 1
Online transactions 210 2
Electronics 207 3
Investments 204 4
Jewellery 203 5
Apparel/Clothing 198 6
Banking 191 7
Electricity bills/Phone bills 183 8

Chart No. 8 Items Preferred to Purchase while using Plastic Money





50 Frequency

The above table and chart showed that most of the consumers give Rank 1 to pay for
Consumer Durables while using Plastic Money; Rank 2 to pay for the Online transactions;
Rank 3 to the electronics; Rank 4 to the investments; Rank 5 to the jewellery; Rank 6 to the
Apparel/Clothing; Rank 7 to the banking and Rank 8 to the electricity bills. So, most of the
consumers preferred to pay for consumers durables items and least for electricity bills while
using plastic money.

(9) Respondents were asked 20 questions regarding their perception and attitude about using
Plastic money. Responses were recorded in a 5-point Likert scale; from strongly disagree to
strongly agree. The descriptive summary of the responses are as follows:
Table No.9 Descriptive Findings about the responses
Statements regarding perception and attitude about using Plastic money. Mean N
(1)Using plastic money is prestigious 3.32 300
(2)Adds value to your lifestyle. 3.62 300
(3)Purchase complex products (e.g. international purchase). 3.39 300
(4)Technology of using plastic money is available everywhere. 3.58 300
(5)Billing through plastic money is more convenient. 3.68 300
(6)Plastic money users get extensive benefits for selective purchases. 3.52 300
(7)Payment through plastic money reduces the time pressure. 3.60 300
(8)Plastic money is more secure way of transaction. 3.68 300
(9)Non availability of cash in ATM booths. 3.36 300
(10)Fake notes from ATM booths. 3.33 300
(11)Plastic Money usage is essential. 3.55 300
(12)I have positive opinion regarding plastic Money. 3.76 300
(13)I would like to use Plastic money rather than Paper Money. 3.65 300
(14)It is easy to get plastic money from a bank. 3.63 300
(15)Banks have opted chip and pin technology to reduce frauds. This has 3.60 300
resulted in positive attitude towards Plastic Money.
(16)Plastic Cards helps to avail gifts/bonus to cardholders. 3.54 300
(17)Plastic cards helpful in online shopping. 3.71 300
(18)Using plastic money in online shopping increases expenses. 3.54 300
(19)Plastic Cards is not a complete replacement of cash. 3.40 300
(20)Use of cards can also be risky in some cases. 3.62 300

The above table show the findings of the descriptive statistics suggested that positive opinion;
online shopping; convenient; secure way of transaction; reduce the time pressure are the
leading reason of using the Plastic Money, on the contrary risky; likelihood of getting fake
notes from ATM or the non availability of money are the dissatisfactory cause that people are
facing while using Plastic Money.

5.1.2Factor Analysis
The relevancy of the factor analysis has been ensured through Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)
test, KMO=0.81, which indicates the suitability of factor analysis using these data. Also the
significance (p-value=0.000) of the Bartlett’s test indicates that factor analysis might be
useful tool to explore the hidden structure of this data set.

Exploratory Factor Analysis

Factor analysis attempts to identify underlying variables, or factors, that explain the pattern of
correlation or covariance within a set of observed variables. Another purpose of EFA is to
reduce the dimensions of data by identifying a small number of factors and extracted factors
have the persimony of retaining sufficient variation of the observed variable.

Table No.10 Rotated Component Matrix

Raw Rescaled

Component Component
Statements regarding using Plastic money. P1 P2 P1 P2
(1) Using plastic money is prestigious 0.687 0.643
(2) Adds value to your lifestyle. 0.498 0.531
(3) Purchase complex products.(e.g. international purchase).
(4)Technology of using Plastic money is available everywhere.
(5) Billing through plastic money is more convenient.
(6)Plastic money users get extensive benefits for selective 0.599 0.606
(7) Payment through plastic money reduces the time pressure. 0.584 0.565
(8) Plastic money is more secure way of transaction.
(9) Non availability of cash in ATM booths. 0.615 0.606
(10) Fake notes from ATM booths. 0.865 0.711
(11) Plastic Money usage is essential. 0.711 0.666
(12) I have positive opinion regarding plastic Money. 0.488 0.546
(13) I would like to use Plastic money rather than Paper
(14) It is easy to get plastic money from a bank. 0.481 0.518
(15) Banks have opted chip and pin technology to reduce

frauds. This has resulted in positive attitude towards Plastic
(16) Plastic Cards helps to avail gifts/bonus to cardholders. 0.620 0.629
(17) Plastic cards helpful in online shopping. 0.628 0.661
(18)Using plastic money in online shopping increases 0.526 0.547
(19) Plastic Cards is not a complete replacement of cash.
(20) Use of cards can also be risky in some cases.
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization
Rotation converged in 3 iterations.6

In the above table the rotated component matrix output tells you how many
dimensions/factors/components are divided and which items belong to which components.
On the basis of analysis done using Exploratory Factor Analysis, huge number of statements
used in the study, to be specific twenty statements, had been scaled down to twelve
statements. 8 statements are removed i.e; (statement no.- (3),(4),(5),(8),(13),(15),(19),(20)
whose value is less than .50 and out of remaining 12 statements 6 are related to perception
i.e; (statement no.- (6),(9),(10),(14),(16),(18) towards usage of plastic money and 6 are
related to attitude i.e; (statement no.-(1),(2),(7),(11),(12),(17) towards the usage of Plastic
money. After that they are summed up for analysis.

5.1.3Hypothesis Testing

Is there is significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the

basis of Demographic Profile.

 On the basis of Age

One-Way ANOVA is applied in order to know whether there has significant difference in
Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age. For the purpose, the respondents
studied have been segregated into five categories; a) 10yrs – 20 yrs. b) 20 yrs – 30 yrs, c) 30
yrs – 40 yrs and d) 40yrs -50yrs e) more than > 50 yrs and these age-groups are denoted
respectively as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for analysis purpose in SPSS. The relevant portion of SPSS
output sheet is presented below to infer whether there is any significant difference in
perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of age.

Perception sum Table No.11 Anova output for Age-group
Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 45.196 4 11.299 .750 .559
Within Groups 4444.040 295 15.065
Total 4489.237 299

The above table shows the output of ANNOVA analysis and we see that the significance
value is 0.559 (i.e; p= .559) which is higher than 0.05. Therefore, there is no significant
difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age. So, Null Hypothesis
(H0) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected.

 On the basis of Income

Perception sum Table No.12 Anova output for Income-group
Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 169.087 4 42.272 2.887 .023
Within Groups 4320.150 295 14.645
Total 4489.237 299

The above table shows the output of ANNOVA analysis and we see that the significance
value is 0.023 (i.e; p= .023) which is lower than 0.05. Therefore, there is significant
difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Income. So, Null Hypothesis
(H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (H2) is accepted.

 On the basis of Education

Perception sum Table No.13 Anova output for Education
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 115.927 4 28.982 1.955 .101
Within Groups 4373.310 295 14.825
Total 4489.237 299

The above table shows the output of ANNOVA analysis and we see that the significance
value is 0.101 (i.e; p= .101) which is higher than 0.05. Therefore, there is no significant
difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Income. So, Null Hypothesis
(H0) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (H2) is rejected.

Is there is significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the
basis of Demographic Profile.

 On the basis of Age

Attitude sum Table No.14 Anova output for Age-group
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 54.699 4 13.675 .902 .463
Within Groups 4471.097 295 15.156
Total 4525.797 299

The above table shows the output of ANNOVA analysis and we see that the significance
value is 0.463 (i.e; p= .463) which is higher than 0.05. Therefore, there is no significant
difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age. So, Null Hypothesis (H0)
is accepted alternative hypothesis is rejected.

 On the basis of Income

attitude1 Table No.15 Anova output for Income-group
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 15.763 4 3.941 .258 .905
Within Groups 4510.034 295 15.288
Total 4525.797 299

The above table shows the output of ANNOVA analysis and we see that the significance
value is 0.905 (i.e; p= .905) which is higher than 0.05. Therefore, there is no significant
difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age. So, Null Hypothesis (H0)
is accepted alternative hypothesis (H4) is rejected.

 On the basis of education
attitude1 Table No.16 Anova output for Education
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 343.418 4 85.854 6.056 .000
Within Groups 4182.379 295 14.178
Total 4525.797 299

The above table shows the output of ANNOVA analysis and we see that the significance
value is 0.000 (i.e; p=.000) which is lower than 0.05. Therefore, there is significant difference
in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Education. So, Null Hypothesis (H0) is
rejected and alternative hypothesis (H4) is accepted.


6.1 Findings
The purpose of the research was to study the significant difference in consumer perception
and attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of demographic profile and also study the
awareness, consumer preference to spend and the influencing factors behind the use of plastic
money, after analyzing the responses of 300 respondents we conclude that:-
 Most of the respondent approx (45%) are aware about the term Plastic Money.
 It is found that most of the consumers prefer to use their plastic money to pay for Consumer
Durables items, beside that the other usages of plastic money are to pay for the Jewellery,
electronics, investments, online transactions, Apparel/Clothing, banking and electricity bills.
So, most of the consumers preferred to pay for consumers durables items and least for
electricity bills while using plastic money.
 There is no significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age.
 There is significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of Income. It
means Income of the consumers is main demographic factors which impact the perception of
consumers towards the usage of Plastic money.
 The respondents whose income is higher their perception is that using plastic cards in online
shopping don’t increase the expenses while the respondents whose income is low their
perception is that using plastic cards in online shopping increase the expenses.
 There is no significant difference in Perception towards Plastic Money on the basis of
 There is no significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Age.
 There is no significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Income.
 There is significant difference in Attitude towards Plastic Money on the basis of Education. It
means education of the consumers is main demographic factors which impact the attitude of
consumers towards the usage of Plastic money.
 The respondents whose education level is higher have positive opinion regarding Plastic
Money while the lower level education respondents have negative opinion.
 The main influencing factors for the respondents for using Plastic Money are convenient;
secure way of transaction; reduce the time pressure are the leading reason of using the Plastic
Money, on the contrary use of cards also risky in some cases; likelihood of getting fake notes
from ATM or the non availability of money are the dissatisfactory cause that people are
facing while using Plastic Money



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Following links are also used:

 www.investopedia .com




This questionnaire is only for survey purpose. The information you share is confidential.
Please read carefully and take a few times to fill this questionnaire.

Q1. Gender
Male Female

Q2. Age
10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 More than 50

Q3. Education
10th passed 12th passed UG PG PhD.

Q4. Income (per month)

Less than 20,000 20,000-40,000 40,000-60,000 60,000-80,000 More than 80,000

Student Government Private employee Businessmen Not Working

Please Tick (tick) in the box given below the questions to answer:-

Q6. Idea about plastic money? Which?

Credit card  Debit card  Both None

Q7. Which type of Plastic Card do you have?

Credit card  Debit card  Both None 

Q8. Please rank the items preferred to purchase using plastic money?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Electricity bills/Phone bills
Apparel /Clothing
Consumer Durables
Online transactions

Q9. Below are a number of statements regarding perception and attitude of using plastic
money. Please read each one and indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each


perception of using AGREE (2) (3) (4) DISAGREE
plastic money (1) (5)
(1)Using plastic money
is prestigious.
(2)Adds value to your
(3)Purchase complex
international purchase)
(4)Technology of using
plastic money is
available everywhere.
(5)Billing through
plastic money is more
(6)Plastic money users
get extensive benefits
for selective purchases.
(7)Payment through
plastic money reduces
the time pressure.
(8)Plastic money is
more secure way of
(9)Non availability of
cash in ATM booths.
(10)Fake notes from
ATM booths.

(11)Plastic money usage
is essential.
(12)I have positive
opinion regarding usage
of Plastic Money.
(13)I would like to use
plastic money rather
than paper money.
(14)It is easy to get
plastic money from a
(15)Banks have opted
chip and PIN technology
to reduce frauds .This
has resulted in positive
attitude towards plastic
(16)Plastic cards help to
avail gift/bonus to
(17)Plastic cards helpful
in online shopping.
(18)Using plastic cards
in online shopping
increase expenses.
(19)Plastic Cards is not
a complete replacement
of cash.
(20)Use of Plastic cards
also risky in some cases.


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