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Elmido, Ezra Mae S.

BSN 1 – 5
My definition of Art
We all perceive art differently, and we all have different opinion of what art really is which
makes art something too complex, too broad, and too inclusive for it to be defined only as
something or to be limited.
It is hard to define art as merely something therefore to better express my definition of art, let
me first tell you what I think art is not.
For me, Art is a product that is not only visual. To say that art is something that can only be
seen is wrong. Music is art, dance is art, literature and speech is art. Art doesn’t have a specific
medium. It comes in different forms and is expressed in different ways. Therefore, I think art
doesn’t have to be seen for it to be art.
Art is not just something that is aesthetic or beautiful. Remember the saying, “beauty is in the
eye of the beholder?” This can most especially be applied when considering if something is an
artwork or not. As humans and individuals, we all differ. We all have different tastes and
preferences. We’ve all lived different lives therefore we might have acquired different aesthetic
tastes based on our experiences. What may seem beautiful to you, might not be as pleasing to
look at in the eyes of others. What may seem like an artistic song for another, might not be
appreciated by others. This is why I think, art is mostly subjective and it is not something that is
just aesthetically pleasing.
Now that I’ve cleared up what I don’t think art is, let me tell you what I think can be considered
as art.
Art is born from creativity and imagination. Anything that is a product of one’s creativity and
what he or she wants to express is art. A portrait is art. Architecture is art. The lyrics of The
Beatles’ Hey Jude is art. The melody of Cardi B’s WAP is art. Crafts like dresses, shoes, jewelry,
trinkets, or chairs, these are considered as art. Even inventions like the umbrella, the pen, or
the computer are considered as art. Why? Because all of these were products of human’s
imagination. As long as your creativity and imagination is used, the product can be considered
as art.
Art is something that triggers or evokes your thoughts and feelings. Art makes people think
and feel. When encountering an artwork, people get the time reflect on what they think about
it. We interpret what it means, and why is it considered as art. Others might even get mixed
emotions. Some might feel happy, others sad, maybe some will get mad or get excited. It
doesn’t matter, art is should make you both comfortable and uncomfortable. Would you
believe that even the most useless or pointless stuff can be considered as art. This is because it
makes you think, and you might be the one defining or giving meaning to the work when in
reality, there was no meaning in the first place. Art is like that, it is somehow confusing but
that’s what art is supposed to be- confusing, thought provoking, and moving.
To put all of these together, I realized that in my definition, art is anything and everything. Yes,
you heard that right anything and everything is art. Since art is mostly subjective and it is not
really expressed in a certain medium only, anything is art. We, human beings are art and our
bodies are art too. Our whole life is art. Even science is art. Art is too complex, too broad, and
too inclusive for it to be defined only as something or to be limited.
Therefore for me, everything is art! Besides people care more about whether or not the art is
good rather than thinking about whether something is considered as art. So, as long as you put
your mind to it, and if you believe it is art, then it should be art.

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