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Save food at home,

What is the difference between food waste and food loss?
Food loss occurs before the food reaches the consumer and can’t be sold
anymore while food waste occurs at the consumers home.
what are the effects of food waste on climate change?
Food is produced in the factories, but when a lot of food is lost or wasted a
lot of unnecessary CO2 of the food producing factories is released into the
atmosphere which causes the climate change.
Do people throw away some food?
We’ve realized that the food waste and food loss in our homes isn’t a lot
but there still is some food thrown away.

How can food waste be reduced/prevented at home?

First of all we can stop buying unnecessary food, for example instead of buying
a lot of food for 2 weeks, we can also buy less and first finish all the food that
we bought and have left.
Second we can make rules in our households that we have to finish everything
we put on our plates so that no food will be wasted and everything will be
And third we could make tosti’s or toast our old bread so that it’s still nice to
And lastly we can make compost, energy and food for animals out of our
leftover groceries such as rotten vegetables and fruits.
How useful the 9 tips are in our households:

1. Start small Take smaller portions at home or share large dishes at


2. Leave nothing behind  Keep your leftovers for another meal or use them in a
different dish. 

3. Buy only what you need  · Be smart with your shopping. Make a list of what
you need and stick to it. Don’t buy more than you can use.

4. Don’t be prejudiced Buy “ugly” or irregularly shaped fruits and vegetables

that are just as good but look a little different.

5. Check your fridge  Store food between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius for maximum
freshness and shelf-life.

6. First in, first out  Try using produce that you had bought previously and,
when you stack up your fridge and cupboards, move older products to the
front and place newer ones in the back.

7. Understand dates manufacturers - retailers Use by” indicates a date by which

the food is safe to be eaten, while “best before” means the food’s quality is
best prior to that date, but it is still safe for consumption after it

8. Compost Some food waste might be unavoidable, so why not set up a

compost bin!

9. Donate the surplus  · Sharing is caring. 

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