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Module 1: PowerPoint Presentation

Learning Competencies:
Learners will be able to…
• Understand the value of PowerPoints as a presentation tool.
• Create a complete PowerPoint presentation which includes elements such as text, graphics,
charts, tables and animation.
• Use PowerPoint to convey information to an audience.


The idea of PowerPoint came up in 1984. In the following years, development started under the name
"Presenter". In 1987, the first version of PowerPoint for Macintosh was released. The first Windows release
followed in 1990.
The first version of PowerPoint for Macintosh came out on April 20, 1987. The initial Windows version
followed 3 years later, in May 1990.
Robert Gaskins is one of the inventors of PowerPoint. He developed the first version with the help of his colleagues
at Forethought Inc., Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin. Microsoft bought the company in 1987.
The first version of PowerPoint was released on April 20, 1987, which means that PowerPoint celebrates
its 33rd birthday in 2020. However, it was for Macintosh only, the Windows version was release in May 1990.


➢ A presentation is a collection of data and information that is to delivered to a specific audiene

➢ A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of electronic slides that can have text, pictures, graphics, tables,
sound and video. This collection can run automatically or can be controlled by a presenter.


1 IT Application tools in Business

The PowerPoint window contains many elements that are similar to other Microsoft Office programs. These
elements include the Office button, Quick Access toolbar, Title bar, Tabs, scroll bars and a Status bar.
Quick access toolbar contains buttons for commonly-used commands.
Title bar indicates the software, the name of the presentation that is open, minimize, maximize, and close
Tabs contain commands that are pided into related tasks called groups.
Ribbon is the area containing the tabs.
Outline/Slides tab displays the presentation text in the form of an outline. Outline tab is used to organize and
develop the content of your presentation. This tab enables you to move slides and text by dragging selected
material. Slide tab displays the slides of your presentation as small images. This view allows easy navigation
through slides.
Slide pane contains the current slide in your presentation. You can use the vertical scroll bar to view other
slides in the presentation.
Notes pane is located below the slide pane and is used to type reference notes. The notes can be printed, then
referenced when making the presentation.
View area is located at the righthand bottom of the screen. It contains buttons that allow the ability to switch
between PowerPoint views. The first view button allows you to view slides in normal view, the second is called
the slide sorter view, the third is called the reader view and the fourth is called the slide show view. This area
also contains the zoom feature.
Status bar is located at the bottom of the PowerPoint window, it shows messages and information about the
view, such as the slide number and the current theme template used.


The Help feature displays information on PowerPoint commands and features. You can activate the help menu
by clicking the Help button or by pressing F1 on the keyboard.

Type a topic in the search textbox and click on search. A list of topics that match key words in your topic
will display in the Search Results task pane. Click on the topic that interests you.

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Please note that there are many, many options in PowerPoint that won't be covered in these limited directions.
What follows will only give you a jumping off point. Experimenting with the transitions, animations, and other
features will only make you more comfortable with the program. Please be encouraged to do so.

A PowerPoint has two methods for creating a slide presentation:

• Choose a theme template

• Create a blank presentation

PowerPoint software has built in and free online pre-designed templates that contain various color schemes and
pre-arranged elements in a slide, eg. text and graphics. Select a template and PowerPoint will format the entire
presentation according to that template.

Steps to choosing a theme template:

1. Open PowerPoint.
2. At the PowerPoint window, click the File tab, then click New.
3. The Available Templates and Themes screen will appear, click on an available template or download a
free template from the online templates.

4. Once you have selected the desired template, it will be displayed in normal view. New slides can be
added as needed.

Tips & Tricks

A theme template can be added to a presentation before, during or after you have added the presentation
To apply various templates to a presentation, click the Design tab, then click on the desired template in the themes group.

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Create a New Slide
Whether you are using a pre-made theme template or working from your own design, it is very easy to insert a
new slide.
In the slide pane click on the slide where you would like the new slide to appear below.
Click on the New Slide button located on the Home tab in the Slides group.

The new slide should appear below the selected slide. If you want to add a
new slide between two, select the first of the two slides and click New
Notice the New Slide button contains a New Slide button arrow. Click on
the arrow to view different slide layouts. Another way to change the slide
layout is by clicking on the Layout button located in the Slides group. The
slide layout option determines the position of the objects on a slide. Simply
click on the layout you want to use and it will appear in the slide pane.

Create Slide Content

Entering text and images into your presentation slide is easy and fun. When using the theme template
the first slide to appear in Normal view is called the Title Slide.

The title slide is the slide that is used to introduce the presentation to the audience. It has two text placeholders
for text: title text placeholder and sub-title text placeholder. Placeholders are the building blocks for a
PowerPoint slide.

To insert text in a placeholder, left click inside of the textbox and begin typing. Once you have entered
text, click outside the text box to see how your text looks. The placeholder then becomes an object. An object is
any item on a slide that can be manipulated. Objects are the building blocks that make up a slide. A text object
can move around and repositioned on a slide.

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A object is selected when there is a gray, bold outline around the object, and when the cursor turns into
a cross. Around the selected object are small white circles that are called sizing handles. You can drag the
handles to position the object.

To apply formatting to text inside an object, select the text with your cursor, then click on the Home tab
and in the Font group add text attributes such as bold, underline, and italics. The Paragraph group, located
next to the Font group, contains commands that allow you to change the alignment of text, insert numbers or
bullets to lists, and indent text.

You can also edit your text by accessing the Font dialogue box by clicking the Font group dialogue box
launcher. (The dialogue box launcher is the small button containing a diagonal arrow that displays in the lower
right corner of the group.) The Font dialogue box includes special effects such as: double strikethrough,
superscript and subscript.

Another quick and easy way to format slides is by using a slide master. A Slide Master will reduce the
steps needed to format all the slides in a presentation. Any changes made in the slide master will affect all
slides in the presentation. This allows for consistency in any presentation.

When you choose a theme template PowerPoint automatically adds a Slide master. To format the slide
master, click the View tab and then choose Slide Master located in the Presentation View group.

A slide master appears in the slide pane and in the Outline/Slide pane. The largest thumbnail in the pane is the
slide master and the other thumbnails represent associated layouts. Click on the master slide or a specific
layout to apply formatting or themes. Once formatting changes have been made click on Close Master View to
return to the normal view.

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Multi-Level Bulleted Lists

PowerPoint allows information to be displayed as

multilevel bulleted lists. Bulleted lists are used in PowerPoint
to display levels of importance within the presentation.
Various slide layouts in the Slide Layout task pane contains
bullets. To add multi levels to a bulleted list you need to
choose the appropriate layout.

The first-level bullet will be displayed under the title placeholder. Once
you have typed your text next to the first-level bullet press Enter on your
keyboard. The new first-level bullet automatically appears. Press Tab on your
keyboard and the first-level bullet becomes a second level bullet. Press Shift +
Tab this will decrease the indent and bring the bullet back to first level.

Another method to add levels to your presentation is by clicking the decrease list level or increase list
level buttons on the Paragraph group in the Home tab.

You can customize the bullets in your

presentation by selecting the Bullets and Numbering
dialogue box from Paragraph group located in
the Home tab. Select the bullet text, click on the drop-
down arrow next to Bullets or Numbering, click
on Bullets and Numbering, then choose the from the
pre-designed bullets.

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Module 1- E1

Year &c.Sec: ___________________________________ Score: __________________
Date: ______________________________
Teacher: _________________________________________________

Exercises 1
“ALL ABOUT ME” This PowerPoint Activity is a presentation that describes you, your family, and
anything else you want to tell about yourself. Your grade will be determined by the neatness of your
presentation, correct spelling and grammar, and by meeting all the requirements for the presentation.
You must have a title slide and a conclusion slide. There must be at least 15 body slides. This means your
presentation must have a minimum of 17 slides in total. You may use more if you want. Do not exceed a
maximum of 30 slides.
You should apply a theme to your presentation. Choose one that you like.
Use several different slide layouts throughout your presentation.
Add clip art and/or pictures to some of your slides. Be conservative with this because too much can make the
presentation look bad.
When creating your presentation, remember the Rules of Seven.
Slides will be set automatically advance. Max length is 2 minutes.
Approved sounds or background music is optional.
Transitions and Animations should be used to compliment your work.
Font – change from standard/default. Font Size – 24 pt. or Larger
File Name: IT-Last Name-FirstName (example: IT-Mr. Blanco)
Here are some ideas of things to include in your presentation. You may use items from this list and/or use items
of your own. You are not limited to the list below.

About you: your name, age, birthday, birthplace, Your favorite songs
Your favorite movies
About your family: mom, dad, brothers and
Your favorite actors
Your favorite actresses
About your job (if you have one)
Your favorite places to eat
Pets you have
Places or cities you’ve visited
Your hobbies
Favorite sports
School subjects and activities
Favorite colors
Your personality
Things I like about school: favorite subjects, etc.
Your role models
Things I don’t like about school.
Your plans after high school
Things you do for fun
Your favorite foods
Favorite quotes
Your favorite things to do when not at school
Your best friends
Your favorite music groups or singers

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NAME OF STUDENT PRESENTER: ___________________________________
NAME OF EVALUATOR: ____________________________________________

For each of the following items, circle 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest
rating. The rating descriptions are as follows: 5 - Excellent - All parts of the item are complete and correct. 4 -
Very Good - All parts of the item are complete and/or has only one error. 3 - Good - Almost all parts of the item
are complete and/or it has two errors. 2 - Poor - Several parts of the item are incomplete and/or it has three
errors. 1 - Very Poor - Almost all of the item is incomplete and has many errors.

The presentation has a title and conclusion slide 12345

The presentation has at least 15 other slides 12345
The presentation has a template design 12345
Different slide layouts are used in the presentation 12345
Clip art and/or pictures are included on some slides 12345
Rules of Seven - 7 lines/text on each slide … 12345
The presentation has transitions and animations 12345
The presentation is neat in appearance 12345
The presentation is easily read on the screen 12345
The spelling is correct in the presentation 12345
The grammar is correct in the presentation 12345
The presentation flowed from one topic to another 12345


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