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The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine Inc

B 9318 E FRE tion


2005 25th Year Nº 189

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ID: 25.000,-Rp
TH: 200Baht
IN: 125/-Rs
NP: 200NR
JO: 3.00D
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£ 4.95 LV: LVL 2.50 IL: 20NIS PK: 125/-Rs VT: 45000D

Ultra The StarSat Satellite Receiver Gets It All:

Download Up-to-Date SatcoDX Transponder Data!

Satellite Data
* 2 Month License

New: Wireless PayTV

on Multiple TVs
Digital Satellite Receiver with 2 CI Slots and 2 universal integrated modules with Just One Card

Digital Cable TV CI Slot Master Small & Smart

Wow, What a Picture!

BOTECH: Easy to Use Plus Two CI Slots MAX-COMMUNICATION: LNBs VANTAGE: Multiple Antenna Switching ENG
PLUS: DIGITALRISE: More Fun With a PC STAB: Motorized Antenna for Poets FORTECSTAR: New Receiver Intro CD


Star Sat SR-X3500CUCI Ultra

Digital Sat Receiver with 2 CI
Slots & 2 integrated modules ..... 23


Blind scan receiver with 2 embedded
Viaccess slots & 2 CIs ................. 30

Twin Tuner FTA+
Conax Digital Cable PVR ............ 36

WLAN Extreme Reception with Homemade Antennas ........................................... 12


Beginner Section: Multi-Satellite Reception

Botech CA 9000 FTA/CI
with a Moveable Satellite Antenna ....................... 14
Digital CI Receiver ..................... 44
Cable vs. Satellite Digital TV .............................. 16
Media News .......................................... 22, 34, 42
General Satellite FTA-7001S FortecStar FSIR-5400NA
Digital FTA set-top-box .............. 50 New Power Scan Receiver .................................. 60
TELE-satellite Receiver Guide ......................... 72
SatcoDX News .......................................76, 77, 79
Do-It-Yourself Satellite TV .................................. 78
TSI Team:
Your questions, our answers ......................... 89, 95
EYCOS S10.02F TELE-satellite in KENYA ..................................... 90
Digital FTA satellite receiver........ 54 SatcoDX World Statistics ................................ 96

ARION ................................................... 9 KATHREIN .............................................71
Golden Interstar BOTECH .................................................55 MATEL ...................................................39
DVB-T/S 8300 CI Premium BROADBAND RUSSIA ............................84 MAX COMMUNICATION .........................53
Digital FTA + CI satellite and CABSAT .................................................46 MIDEXPO ..............................................61
terrestrial receiver ..................... 62 DOEBIS 1 ..............................................10 MOTECK ................................................57
DOEBIS 2 .............................................. 11 NETA .....................................................31
DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT ....................64 NEOTION ............................................. 100
DIGITAL RISE .......................................65 OPENTECH............................................. 7
DIGITAL TELEMEDIA .............................25 PANSAT 1 .............................................24
DVB SHOP .............................................27 PANSAT 2 ..............................................67
EDON ....................................................15 PROMAX ................................................85
Max Communica-
EEBC .....................................................88 SADOUN ................................................35
tion LNBF models
EMP .......................................................47 SAT CONTROL........................................91
801, 802, 804
EURASIA ...............................................87 SATFORCE .............................................37
and 804-s
FORTECSTAR ......................................... 5 SHENZHEN SUCCESS .............................77
Universal LNBF’s for
Offset Dishes ..... 68 GENERAL SATELLITE ............................. 19 SMARTWI ..............................................94
GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES .......................21 STAB ITALY ...........................................99
GOLDEN INTERSTAR .............................43 STARSAT ............................................... 41
VANTAGE DIGITAL HOBBY&ELEKTRONIK............................79 TAITRONICS .........................................70
VT-DS 2/1 PL HORIZON ..............................................59 TECHNOMATE ........................................13
VT-DS 4/1 PL ITB ........................................................18 TELE-Satellite CITY .......................... 82,83
VT-DS 8/1 JAEGER/WEISS .....................................49 TOPFIELD .............................................. 2
A Switch for Any JONSA ...................................................29 VANTAGE ............................................... 4
Application .......... 74

STAB HH90 Wireless SmartWi DVB-S PCI Sat CI

DiSEqC 1.2 and Cardsplitter with Digital satellite
USALS Compatible wireless transmission tuner PCI card
Dish Motor .......... 80 capabilities .................86 with CI .......................92

WLAN Extreme Reception

with Homemade Antennas
Thomas Haring
Using a simple frying pan 30cm in diameter other networks without permission and we
(see picture), a signal gain of from 15-18 dB want to make certain that this is understood.
can be realized allowing a WLAN link over a With that in mind, we strongly recommend
range of 3-5 km. Somewhat more costly but that you make sure that all the security set-
equally more professional in appearance is tings are properly set up if you want to use
the use of a satellite antenna that because a WLAN.
of its exact parabolic shape makes an opti-
mal solution. In the focal point of whatever While the New Zealanders chose a less
receiving antenna is used is placed a USB expensive path, it could not get bigger or
WLAN receiver that is then easily linked with more impressive in the USA. At the 3rd
a PC via an extension cable. Defcon WiFi Shootout in the Nevada dessert,
students at a university in Cinncinatti, Ohio
Unlike hardwired cable networks, wire- managed a WLAN connection that spanned
WLAN conection less systems are much more susceptible to 125 miles with a stable data transfer rate of
spanning 125 miles in USA
security breaches. A small test that was 11 Mbit/sec. With simple cooking utensils
performed in our labs showed that using such a long distance connection is under-
If you take a closer look at the pictures in our homemade antenna, for which we used standably not possible. Sending and receiv-
this article, you might ask yourself “What in a small 60cm satellite dish, we were able to ing over this vast distance was accomplished
the world are these people trying to do here?” find a total of 12 hotspots of which ¾ of them using mesh antennas and high-power WLAN
At first glance, this thought is justified, yet were readily accessible. This would allow for adapters.
behind all of this is a very simple idea: wire- example external Internet access for down-
less transmission networks (WLAN’s) are loading of large files. It was also possible to
becoming more and more popular. Com- access the hard drives of some of these con- More information on this subject can be found
pared to more costly and more labor-inten- nected PC’s. Of course it isn’t legal to access at
sive installed cable networks, more and more
companies and private users are opting for
wireless technology in order to link all of
their PC’s together. The problem with this is
that under normal circumstances a wireless
network only has a range of 50-100 meters
(160-320 feet).

Electronic research students at Massey

University in Wellington, New Zealand wanted
to find a solution to this problem. The normal
power output of WLAN can usually not be
increased because of equipment limitations
so this leaves only the reception that can be
improved. This is where homemade anten-
nas come into play. Anything that resembles
a parabolic shape and has a metallic finish
can be used, regardless whether it is a wok,
a lampshade or some other cooking utensil.

12 TELE-satellite International — WLAN DIY mini dish in company of professional dishes
BEGINNER SECTION Motorized Systems

Multi-Satellite Reception
with a Moveable
Satellite Antenna
Heinz Koppitz
The most popular method to receive more than one satellite is to install your dish on a An antenna mounted on this kind of motor
motor. But there are several different types of motorized systems that we would like to dis- can literally be moved from one horizon to
cuss in more detail here. the other. These motors are usually avail-
able for dishes up to 120cm in diameter. Not

An azimuth type of installation is typically The positioner can be a stand-alone box on only do these mounts follow the Clarke Belt

necessary for extremely large antennas. The top of the receiver or it can be built into a as mentioned earlier, but the position of the

dish is mounted to a vertical mast and is receiver. Unfortunately, very few receivers LNB is also adjusted automatically as the dish

moved horizontally. Due to different azimuth on the market today come with the proper moves across the sky. Actually, it is the entire

and elevation values for each and every sat- built-in positioner to control these types of dish assembly together with the LNB that is

ellite, the antenna must also be moved verti- motors. Also, with this type of mount, it adjusted but the end result is the same: the

cally. Furthermore, the position of the LNB would still be necessary to adjust the posi- LNB is already in its proper position when the

has to be adjusted if the azimuth difference tion of the LNB so that it is correctly aligned antenna arrives at the desired satellite. No

between two satellites is too great. This with the satellite’s polarization plane. A skew skew adjustment is necessary. Horizon-to-

must be done in order to properly align the motor mounted on the LNB assembly adjusts horizon systems are also available for large

LNB with the satellite’s polarization plane. the polarization of the LNB and is usually C-band antennas but these mounts are some-

Otherwise horizontal and vertical transpond- controlled by the same positioner that drives what more complicated in design and conse-

ers cannot not be separated correctly. Keep the actuator motor. In addition to the coax quently much more expensive.

in mind, this must also be done if a fixed cable from the LNB to the receiver, this setup
antenna is manually moved from one satel- also requires cables for the actuator motor Flaws in
lite to another. as well as for the skew motor on the LNB.
DiSEqC 1.2
The DiSEqC 1.2 protocol uses control

DiSEqC 1.2
Because a typical C-band antenna is lighter
in weight, they don’t need to be installed ver- commands to store and allocate satel-

tically. Instead they can easily be installed in lite positions directly in the motor drive
Nearly all of today’s digital satellite receiv-
such a way that the axis of rotation is aligned ers come with the DiSEqC 1.2 protocol. To
with the North Star (“Polarmount”). The put it simply, this is an antenna motor control
advantage of this type of installation is that protocol that allows you to control an antenna
while the antenna is moving around this axis, motor from the receiver through the same
the azimuth and elevation are automatically coax cable that delivers the satellite signal to
adjusted at the same time since the antenna your set-top-box. It eliminates the need for
now precisely follows the satellite arc (also all those extra cables used in actuator motor
known as the Clarke Belt). Once the first sat- type applications since the control signals are
ellite has been found, you get the other ones routed through the coax cable to the motor.
by simply moving the dish east or west of The motor itself is connected inline with the
the first one. Even though this method works coax cable with the cable from the receiver
quite well manually, it’s much more comfort- going to the motor input and another cable
able to a use a motor (“Motor Drive”) to move going from the motor output to the LNB.

the dish from one satellite to another. This

actuator motor receives commands from a The most common type of DiSEqC 1.2

positioner that tells the dish where to move. motor is the H-H motor (horizon-to-horizon). Dish alignement for Astra 28,2 in Vienna

14 TELE-satellite International —

(some motors are even preprogrammed able for places close to the equator. As a
DiSEqC 1.3 –
with different satellite positions). While the matter of fact, the “Preset Positions” also
manual programming of satellite positions don’t work in Europe, because for an exact
works quite well, the preprogrammed ones position calculation, a coordinate conver-
reception at
its best
(“Preset-Positions”) are unusable for most sion of the geocentric satellite data to the
users, because during the installation, they horizontal coordinate system of your local
need to be converted into local coordinates position is necessary. For our interested STAB Italy was the first company to
and the “Calculation Function” of DiSEqC readers, we offer a small Windows program address this problem and by using the exact
1.2 is simply not able to cope with this. At at mathematical formula for coordinate conver-
most it can subtract the local longitude from 0511/Uspos.exe to help you with these cal- sion, they found a suitable solution for it,
every satellite position, which is just suit- culations. naming their new system USALS (“Universal
Satellite Automatic Location System”). Many
of today’s modern digital satellite receiv-
ers offer this system within their software,
normally named with terms like “USALS”,
“DiSEqC 1.3” or “GotoX.x” in the feature list.
All the calculation work is now done directly
in the receiver and the motor just receives
the usual “goto X.x.” command, widely known
from DiSEqC 1.2. Simply align the dish with
the first satellite. For additional satellites,
the receiver only needs to know the orbital
position of these other satellites together
with your local longitude and latitude. The
receiver will then correctly move the antenna
to each and every one of these satellites to
Enter your local coordinates an accuracy of a tenth of a degree. — TELE-satellite International 15

16 TELE-satellite International —

Cable vs.
Satellite Digital TV
Peter Miller
TELE-satellite International traditionally deals with satellite TV equipment. This is quite and cable transmission channels along with
natural since satellite broadcasts always required additional equipment to be installed in the approximate number of good quality TV
your house: a satellite dish with an LNB mounted on a roof or on a balcony and of course a channels that can be broadcast within that
satellite receiver, often referred to as a set-top-box. That’s the way it was for analog satel- bit rate.
lite transmissions. Plenty of receiver models, LNB’s, dishes and accessories available on
the market made it really difficult for a non-specialist to wisely choose what to buy. New Table 1.
technology offered exciting possibilities that did not exist with analog terrestrial TV like The type of modulation used in cable TV
out-of-footprint reception or simply watching channels originally meant for the viewers in is called Quadrature Amplitude Modula-
other countries. Digital TV increased the attractiveness and complexity of satellite recep- tion although, in fact, it is a combination
tion even more. of amplitude and phase modulation. That’s
why it is more effective compared to the
simple phase modulation (QPSK) used in
During the “pre-digital era”, cable TV was generally transmitted in the C-band (3,700 satellite TV. Figures 2 and 3 show the differ-
not that exciting. It required no additional – 4,200 MHz) or Ku-band (10,700 – 12,750 ence between QPSK and QAM.
equipment in your house. All you needed MHz).
was a piece of coaxial antenna cable with Cable TV uses a frequency band from 47 Figure 2. QPSK Modulation.
plugs at both ends. Of course, the operator to 862 MHz. In some countries the lower
had to provide the proper cabling terminated limit maybe somewhat different. Figure 3. QAM Modulation.
with a wall jack in your house. The situation
changed when digital TV appeared on cable Figure 1. Frequency bands of
networks. Now, a dedicated set-top-box is cable and satellite TV.
required between the wall jack and your TV-
set. A digital TV cable receiver looks and Fortunately for cable TV, one transmission
works very much like a satellite receiver. channel requires only 8 MHz. A VHF channel
However there are differences between the may occupy even less frequency spectrum:
two that we will discuss in more detail here. 7 MHz. The USA, with its NTSC system, has
even narrower channels: only 6 MHz. As you

Bands, Channels may remember, satellite transmission chan-

and Modulation
nels occupy 27 or even 33 MHz. One trans-
mission channel allows us to send either one
One of the most obvious differences traditional analog TV channel or an MCPC Figure 2.
between satellite TV and cable TV is the package of digital TV channels. Table 1 com-
frequency band they use. Satellite TV is pares the usable bit rates for typical satellite

Figure 1.

Figure 3.


Modulation QPSK 16-QAM 32-QAM 64-QAM 128-QAM 256-QAM
Symbol Rate [ks/sec] 27500 6900 6900 6900 6900 6900
FEC ¾ - - - - -
Usable bit rate [kbit/sec] 41250 27600 34500 41400 48300 55200
Approx. number of TV channels 8 5 7 8 9-10 11 — TELE-satellite International 17


The norm permits usage of 5 modes of is not that small (at least several hundred, particular QAM mode or check for all modes
QAM modulation from 16-QAM to 256-QAM. maybe even 1000), in practice, there are (AUTO). If a receiver is designed for a par-
The higher the index of QAM mode, the more factors limiting it. Some factors are techni- ticular operator it may contain a predefined
amplitude levels and phase angles that are cal in nature (it is hard to occupy every pos- set of tuning parameters. In such a case,
used. The most effective is 256-QAM (com- sible transmission channel without causing the channel search is practically immediate.
pare the table) but due to small differences interference), while others are of copyright A network search can be activated in some
in the amplitude and phase of neighbor- or legal origin. The cable operator, in most cable receivers and if the transmitted dig-
ing states, it is also the most sensitive to cases, converts a signal received from a sat- ital data is accurate, this kind of scan can
interference and noise. It requires a cable ellite to a form suitable for his cable net- be very effective and fast. The user enters
infrastructure that is capable of maintaining work. The operator must have an agreement only the first set of tuning parameters (fre-
a high signal-to-noise ratio. Because of this, with the content provider to redistribute his quency, symbol rate and QAM mode) and all
the most popular QAM modes are 64-QAM broadcast. So, when we compare a number of the other carrier’s parameters (equiva-
and 128-QAM. The upper limit of symbol of channels available from satellites to those lent of transponders in TV-sat) are derived
rate that we can use is 6960 kS/s. If the SR from cable, the winner is obvious: TV-Sat. from the received digital information. The
were higher, the transmission channel would It may be worth mentioning that due to the initial set of tuning parameters is sometimes
occupy more than 8 MHz and would cause digital form of information, the conversion called “home carrier” or “home channel”.
interference with neighboring channels. from satellite signal to cable signal does not Alternatively, you can manually enter all
Cable receivers often also have a lower limit reduce its quality. Similar transmodulation carriers. If there aren’t too many of them
of 4000 kS/s. That’s because lower symbol of analog signals would always worsen its (for example 10) it is not that tiring. How-
rates increase the locking time of the tuner. signal-to-noise ratio and introduce extra ever, if your cable operator adds a new car-
In practice, cable operators do not use low distortion. rier, you will have to add its parameters
symbol rates. Unlike satellite TV, where one On the other hand, for the persons who manually again. Things are much simpler in
transponder can be “split” into a few SCPC value simplicity and comfort, there are the USA where they use only 2 values for
low symbol rate channels, a transmission advantages in cable TV. You do not need to symbol rates and QAM modes. The scanning
channel in cable TV practically always occu- care about: can be much faster and, what’s even more
pies the whole 6, 7 or 8 MHz bandwidth (per- - dish mounting problems important, absolutely complete. Cable net-
haps with a little margin for interference - weather conditions works usually provide a mixture of analog
rejection). If a cable operator does not have - complicated antenna systems (multi- and digital channels. Your set-top-box will
enough TV channels to “fill up” 6960 kS/s, feed, motorized, DiSEqC, USALS, Program- simply ignore the analog channels and loop
he configures his head end to add stuffing mable 0/12V Output) them through to its output. It is quite the
bytes to the transmitted data stream. Prac- Moreover, it is easy to replicate a wall same as in satellite TV.
tically, in cable networks, we always deal jack in every room and ensure independent Conditional access systems can be embed-
with MCPC signals. channel watching everywhere without both- ded or provided by CAM’s inserted in a CI
While in Europe and many other parts of ering with multi LNB’s, multiswitches, etc. slot. This is nothing new. It is even a bit sim-
the world, all 5 modes of QAM are allowed Anyone who is familiar with a satellite set- pler for the provider to control CA related
and the symbol rate can be chosen at will, issues because the receiver can have a built-
top-box will have no difficulty in handling
the United States has adopted a slightly in cable modem. This modem can be used
a cable receiver. All phases of installation
different approach. They use only 2 kinds to exchange CA related information with the
- language selection, channel search, chan-
of cable signal: 64-QAM SR=5.057 Ms/sec head end. Such communication is called:
nel organization – are very similar to those
(26.94Mbit/sec) or 256-QAM SR=5.361 Ms/ “the return channel” and may also be used
of a satellite box. Afterwards - channel zap-
sec (38.8Mbit/sec). Channel spacing is 6 to provide Internet access or interactive
ping, displaying the information box, EPG,
MHz. There are also other subtle differences TV. In satellite receivers, similar functions
setting reminders – everything works in the
in this „US” modulation. Because of that a would require a built-in classical modem and
same manner. We can use cable PVR’s in the
receiver designed for the European cable a connection to a telephone line – resulting
same way we use satellite ones. Actually it
networks is not compatible with the Ameri- in additional cabling in your house.
is even simpler. With a twin tuner cable PVR,
can signal and vice versa.
we have total freedom in selecting a chan-
nel to watch and a channel to record. Just to
User’s remind you, to achieve this in satellite TV, Cable digital TV offers the same high qual-

you would have to use a twin LNB and run ity audio and video as satellite TV. Satellite
two cables from it to the receiver. and cable set-top-boxes are similar to each
From the viewer’s point of view, the An automatic channel search in a cable other, the differences being limited mainly
important difference between the two kinds receiver may look similar to the satellite to their tuners. A user who is familiar with
of TV is what he or she can find there to automatic search but, in fact, it resembles satellite equipment will have no problem in
watch or listen to. Cable TV is typically a blind scan more than anything else. The operating the box. However, he may have a
more local – less international. So, here you receiver starts scanning the entire band- problem with the installation of the receiver,
would expect to see more national channels width looking for digital signals. Usually, it especially if he does not know the exact
with perhaps a limited number of the most can only check the predefined symbol rates. parameters of the carriers in his cable net-
popular foreign channels. You are not likely The symbol rates may be either hard coded work. An automatic channel scan may bring
to discover an exotic TV channel or feed in the receiver’s software (if the box is dedi- no results if one does not enter the correct
transmission. Of course, you also cannot cated for a particular cable operator) or set symbol rate.
experiment with things like out-of-footprint by the user in the installation menu. Some- If you live in a place where setting up a
reception here. Sorry, no DX-ing. times, you can define two or more symbol satellite antenna presents a problem, cable
Although, theoretically, the number of TV rates for a single scan. You are also asked digital TV may be a simple alternative to
channels that can be transmitted via cable to decide whether to limit the search for a getting a high quality signal.

20 TELE-satellite International —

Media Europe & Africa
TPS, which it co-owns with TF1. M6 has asked At launch it will be available to 3 million viewers,
prepared by Goldman Sachs to find a buyer for its 34% share and will cost DKK 5 per month. It will be free of

Branislav Pekic in the platform, according to French financial daily charge from its November 1 launch date until the
“Les Echos”. TPS is currently valued at between end of the year. Films will air without ad breaks
€1.3-1.7 billion, which would put M6's stake at since it will be supported by subscription fees and
EGYPT €450-600 million. TPS has been suffering from the ad revenue.
SUNNI AUTHORITY PLANS new DTT platform, with subscriptions growth down
ISLAMIC TV CHANNEL 20-30% than the previous year. SOUTH AFRICA
The most authoritative Sunni Muslim academic SABC TO GET TWO NEW TV CHANNELS
body, the al-Azhar University, is planning to launch IRELAND The Independent Communications Authority of
a satellite TV channel with the aim of counter- CHANNEL 6 TO LAUNCH BY 2006 South Africa (Icasa) has granted licences for two
ing "anti-Islam onslaughts" and fighting "radical A new TV channel has been awarded a 10-year TV regional channels - SABC4 and SABC5 - to the
Islamic thoughts" broadcast on other Arabic satel- licence by the Broadcasting Commission of Ire- South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).
lite channels. The project was recently approved by land (BCI), and should be on air within six months. The channels are likely to be operational in 2007.
the Islamic Research Academy (IRA), the highest According to the BCI, Channel 6, operated by Mug- The new entities will form part of the public broad-
authority at the al-Azhar University. The channel lins Broadcasting, will provide "music, drama and casting services division, an arm that currently
was first proposed a year ago, but lack of funding comedy" and will also include local programming. It comprises SABC1 and SABC2 TV stations and 15
proved a problem. will be aimed primarily at the 15-35 age group and radio stations. SABC5 will broadcast in Afrikaans,
isiZulu, isiXhosa including two
GERMANY Nguni marginalised languages
PREMIERE HD TO Europe isiNdebele and SiSwati.
Premiere will be first to launch MobiTV will use SES's satellite distribution platforms to deliver its mobile news, sports, SPAIN
HDTV programming with their and entertainment TV programming in international markets. The MobiTV service is PUBLIC BROADCASTER
package "Premiere HD" from available in the U.S., UK, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic and SET FOR REFORM
November via Astra. A special will soon be available in Canada through Rogers and Bell Canada. The service offers The Spanish Government has
Premiere HD trailer can now be MSNBC, ABC News Now, NBC Mobile, ESPN, CNBC, FOX Sports and the Discovery approved a wide package of new
seen on the Astra HD demonstra- Channel, among others. TV regulations that will change
tion channel. The ‘Premiere HD’ the face of the country's TV
service will carry three 24-hour market. One of the bills is about
programmes that will feature films, sport and docu- will be carried by Sky, NTL and Chorus. The service the reform of state-owned group RTVE. The group
mentaries. The football World Cup is already con- will broadcast initially for 12 hours per day Monday- will become a Corporation, financed by a mix of
firmed in HDTV format on Premiere. Friday and 15 hours Saturday and Sunday. advertising revenues and public funds, independent
from the Government and with a General Director
HUNGARY THE NETHERLANDS being appointed by the Company's board of direc-
A new cable TV channel called The storyTV will Dutch media tycoon John de Mol plans to launch a
be launched across Hungary by prominent per- second TV channel in the Netherlands. The new, DIGITAL MOBILE TRIALS TO TAKE OFF
sonalities and the magazine publisher Sanoma in still-unnamed, channel would air at the end of 2006 Abertis Telecom, Nokia and Telefonica Moviles
January 2006. The channel will be broadcast for 18 with family programming. Another new TV channel, Espana are teaming for a mobile TV trial in Madrid
hours a day, from 7am until 1am, reaching about 2 TV Oranje, will start on October 1, featuring Dutch and Barcelona between September 2005 and
million households, and will focus mainly on stars artists, orchestras and cabaret. February 2006. It will provide 500 users access
and celebrities. The cable channel will be based in to content from Antena 3, Sogecable, Telecinco,
Budapest. SCANDINAVIA Telemadrid, TVE and TV3 on Nokia 7710 smart
VIASAT TO ROLL OUT PVRS phones equipped to receive mobile TV broadcasts.
FRANCE Viasat Broadcasting has selected Pace Micro Tech- The pilot will allow the three companies to test the
CANALSAT AND SFR LAUNCH TV nology to roll out its personal video recorder service feasibility of Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld
PACKAGE FOR MOBILES in Scandinavia. The Pace TDS460 set-top box will (DVB-H) technology and new mobile TV services.
CanalSatellite and leading French mobile opera- allow Viasat subscribers to pause or rewind live TV;
tor SFR have launched the world's first TV channel record one program while watching another and UNITED KINGDOM
package for mobile phones. The two companies will record two programs at the same time. Viasat is BBC AND BSKYB TO LAUNCH HDTV
offer 17 channels accessible 24-hours a day on 3G expected to launch the service in the third quarter. The BBC is preparing to launch a HDTV service
cell phones through SFR's Vodafone Live! portal for early next year after increasing the amount of satel-
an introductory monthly fee of €7. Phone users will TV2 TO LAUNCH FOURTH MOVIE CHANNEL lite capacity it rents from SES Global. The BBC said
be able to watch CanalSat's major theme channels, Denmark’s TV 2 will launch its fourth network this it would use the extra space to "reconfigure" the
including Cine Cinema info, CNBC, Cuisine TV, November - a 24-hour movie channel named TV satellite broadcasting of its TV, radio and interac-
Planete as well as a 3G Discovery Channel. 2 Film. The channel will feature Danish films, as tive services. Meanwhile, BSkyB has taken up three
well as titles from Disney, Sony and MGM, and additional satellite transponders on Astra, securing
M6 SEEKS TO SELL TPS STAKE will be available on TDC Kabel TV and Canal Dig- enough new satellite bandwidth for up to 12 HD TV
M6 is looking to sell its stake in satellite platform ital. Negotiations are underway with Telia Stofa. channels.

22 TELE-satellite International —

Satellite Receiver TEST REPORT

Star Sat SR-X3500CUCI Ultra

Ultra Powerhouse PLUS
SatcoDX compatibility
This is an updated version of the SR-X3500CUCI receiver that we first looked at in 2004. you made, you need to instead press either
Cosmetically it looks almost identical - on the front panel, eight buttons can be used to control the Menu or OK buttons depending on which
almost all functions except where a number needs to be entered. At the rear, the usual antenna menu you are in.
and loop-though are available, along with RCA sockets for audio and composite video, in and
out ports for a terrestrial TV antenna, two Scart sockets, an RS232 serial port and a 0/12V When the receiver is first turned on
switch output. Sadly there are no S-Video or digital audio outputs. - after selecting your language from the
selection of English, French, Italian, Alba-
nian, Farsi, Arabic, German, Russian, Turk-
Under the flap are two CI slots, plus two The remote control has also been rede- ish or Greek – you get to the main menu.
“universal” card slots. These are able to read signed. The buttons are in mostly the same From here you can search for channels right
cards for Viaccess, Irdeto, Cryptoworks, positions, but are now arranged around a cen- away. If you have no need to change from a
Nagravision, Conax and Mediaguard (Seca). tral recessed area. Once you’ve got used to single satellite setup with a universal LNB,
This could be a grey area legally, but does the OK button not being in the usual position it’s as easy as going to the Easy Installation
give the user a wide range of options where at the centre of the circle, it’s quite intuitive screen, selecting your satellite and starting
multiple cards or CAMs need to be used. to use. The recessed buttons require a fair the search.
amount of pressure to register a keypress,
On the inside is where the changes become which soon becomes tiring when setting up The full installation choice gives all the
apparent. The menu screens have been favourites lists or navigating the EPG. options you’d expect. Network, FTA only, and

redesigned, and now have a colourful, easy Page up and down buttons have
to read style. If the default display is not to been added to the remote to make
your liking, the Starsat Tools software (also navigation of the channel list and EPG easier.
known as IRD Tools) gives you the option of It takes some time to remember that the ESC individual transponder searches are availa-
uploading a picture to be used as the menu button, referred to as Exit on the screen, exits ble. DiSEqC 1.0 and 1.2 control is available,
background. a menu without saving. To save the changes but there’s no USALS. Manual searches are — TELE-satellite International 23

Everyday use
Surfing through channels is reasonably
fast, channels appear in less than a second.
Pressing the OK button presents a full-
screen list of channels to choose from. This
list can be sorted alphabetically, or by the
Satellites software. This makes it possible to FTA/encrypted status of the channel. Four
use the World of Satellites to make custom favourites lists are available, but it seems
channel lists for your location and then load their names are not changeable from the
also available, which allows a channel’s PIDs them into Starsat Tools. Alternatively, trans- default “Favourite 1”, “Favourite 2” style.
to be entered manually. ponders can be added, deleted and edited as
needed inside Starsat Tools itself. The EPG is not the most user-friendly. You
At the bottom of the search options, there’s can only view the now and next programme
a blind search option. This isn’t blind scan All that needs to be remembered is the titles for one channel at a time, and there is
as we’ve come to know it. Here up to five relative position of the satellite in the receiv- no grid display. To see the programme details,
symbol rates can be entered, and these will er’s menus. Inside Starsat Tools, the DiSEqC you first have to go to the channel and press
be looked for inside the specified frequency position for each satellite can be assigned. the right arrow button. The up/down buttons
range. So it’s nothing like the usual com- Once the lists are ready, it’s a simple matter then switch between the now and next pro-
pletely blind scan, but perhaps still useful of transferring the data via the RS232 port to grammes – but the left arrow does not return
in some circumstances where the satellite the receiver. Once transferred, the frequen- you to the channel list to view a different chan-
regularly uses the same symbol rates. Think cies are ready to be scanned as usual. nel’s programmes, to do this you have to press
of it as a blind scan with the help of a guide the Exit (ESC) button. All this seems rather
dog. By today’s standards, search times are a The only confusion found with the Starsat confused and makes it difficult to get quickly
little on the slow side. On Hotbird, the default Tools software is when adding or amending to the information you are looking for.
95 transponders in the receiver’s memory satellites from the SatcoDX charts, which
took 7 minutes, 49 seconds to search. Adding needs to be done manually in a text file. It Sensitivity is very good and the receiver
the network scan option added a further six could be simplified much more by adding an copes very well with weak signals. The offi-
transponders, increasing the scan time to 9 option to assign the four-digit satellite code cial specifications list the low symbol rate
minutes, 30 seconds. from the SatcoDX charts to the satellite limit as 2Ms/sec, and I was unable to receive

SatcoDX position in the receiver. Perhaps such sim-

plification will already be included when the
anything below this. Other features include
sleep and wake-up timers, an internal tele-

Compatibility software for this specific update of the X3500

is made available.
text decoder, a picture zoom function and
the obligatory Tetris game.
One of the few external differences on the
receiver is that it now displays the SatcoDX
Compatible logo. At the time this report was
Expert conclusion
written, the required Starsat Tools software +
was not available, but hopefully it will be on The SR-X3500CUCI Ultra is a fairly fast and simple to use machine.
their website or included in the box when the Two multi-encryption card slots plus two additional CI slots give
receiver is on sale. Thankfully, a previous plenty of flexibility for Pay-TV packages. It’s good to see a 0/12V
version was found that works with it, so we output. Keeping the transponder database up-to-date is made easy
Andy Middleton
could test it. with the receiver’s SatcoDX compatibility. TELE-satellite

Test Center
Star Sat’s Starsat Tools can download
A few inconsistencies in the menu design make it a little less user-friendly than it
.SDX files from the SatcoDX website, or use
could be. There’s no digital audio output, and no USALS support.
files saved in .SDX format from the World of

26 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver Info-Box

Main menu

SR-X3500CUCI Ultra
Digital Receiver with 2CI &
2 universal integ. modules
TECHNICAL Manufacturer STAR SAT, PO Box 42291,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Channel list
Fax +971-4-2287765

E-Mail [email protected]

Model SR-X3500CUCI Ultra

Function Digital Satellite Receiver with

2 CI Slots and 2 universal
integrated modules

Channel Memory 6000

Satellites 153

Symbol Rate 2-45 Ms/sec. DiSEqC options

SCPC/MCPC Compatible yes


DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.2

Scart Connectors 2

Audio/Video Outputs 3 x RCA

UHF Output yes

0/12 Volt Output yes

Digital Audio Output no


Modulator yes, UHF

C/Ku-Band Compatible yes

SCPC Compatible yes

EPG yes

Power Supply 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption 30W

SatcoDX Compatible yes


Installation menu


Channel Memory


Scan Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity SatcoDX data

28 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

Technomate TM-7755 2VA 2CI

Blind Scan,
2 Viaccess Slots, 2 CIs
Many of us DXers lead a dual life with our satellite equipment. In the quest to receive all the The receiver comes programmed with a 61
unusual and occasional transmissions, plus maintaining an everyday system to receive regu- satellites in memory, with three additional
lar TV and radio channels, we often resort to two or more receivers as no single one can do spare slots. Helpfully, the list includes the
everything, with all the associated cost, cabling and logistical problems to overcome. So this orbital location of the satellite along with
receiver looks promising to those of us who want to do a lot without these hassles - a receiver the name. This list is quite up-to-date and
that claims a very fast blind scan, two Viaccess card slots and two Common Interfaces at a includes the recently relocated and renamed
price that doesn’t break the bank. Eutelsat W6 at 21.5E. Only three spare posi-
tions is not as much of a problem as it may
seem, as the satellite names and positions
Despite all the card and CI slots, the DiSEqC 1.0 and 1.2 are available, and the
can be freely edited.
receiver is very compact. An LED chan- USALS protocol is included to enable the
nel-number display and basic controls are easy setup of a DiSEqC motor. Alternatively
Our usual test on Hotbird without the blind
present on the front panel which is just 28cm a DiSEqC switch can be used with up to four
scan was impressive – using the pre-pro-
wide, while the height and depth are 6cm LNBs. The English-only manual contains all
grammed transponders, 93 were found in
and 23.5cm respectively. At the back there’s the information required, but could be confus-
just 3 minutes, 17 seconds. Network scan
the usual LNB in and loop-through sockets, ing to users who are using a satellite receiver
is also available, which increased the time
UHF in and out, two Scarts (one of which for the first time. The quick installation guide,
required significantly: 108 transponders in
has SVHS available), RCA/phono sockets for confusingly near the end of the manual, is
just over 7 minutes. Navigating the receiv-
audio and composite video, an S/PDIF for helpful but suffers from what appears to
er’s menus is easy – they are mostly well-
an external amplifier, and finally an RS232 be bad translation from another language.
designed and easy to follow. The receiver
socket for connection to a computer. Sadly, Although the receiver has a blind scan capa-
responds instantly to the command from
the often neglected but useful 0/12V output bility, the traditional method of scanning pre-
the remote, so there is no feeling of it being
is not present. programmed frequencies is also available.
slow to operate. The menus are available
in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portu-
guese, German and Russian. Moving from
one channel to the next is also fairly fast,
with just a brief black screen before the next
one appears. As with most receivers, press-
ing OK gives us a list of channels to choose
from. This list can be sorted into alphabeti-
cal, transponder or encryption status, and
this setting is remembered for the next time.
From here, a channel can be added to one or
more of the four favourites lists. These come

pre-programmed as Sport, Film, Music and

Children but these names can be edited as
required. The EPG is a little cluttered, but
the quick navigation speed helps. A timer
is included, so you can set the receiver to

30 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

switch to a channel when the selected pro- becomes 5667; 6111 could be 6117 or 6167; and transponder editing functions are quick
gramme starts. The time can be taken from 27500 becomes 27531 and so on. and easy to use, so it’s an easy job to quickly
the satellite or set manually. A sleep timer wipe the transponders from a single satellite
and power on / off timers are also included. If this is your only receiver, no problem position and scan again to find everything
– you get to see the channels and all is good. that’s currently being broadcast – much

Blind Scan But if you want to enter them into another

receiver, make an accurate log, or give the
easier than on other blind scan receivers
where the easiest way to do this was a factory
The blind scan function finds just about frequency to someone else to use on their reset. As we’d likely be using this receiver to
everything, but there are problems. The receiver you will get trouble. Most receivers also store regular channels we want to keep,
options are good - you can choose to scan don’t have such a high tolerance on the SR, this means we don’t wipe out our carefully
one or both polarities, choose only high or so it won’t appear. With practice, especially edited channel selection on another satellite!
low bands, or a frequency range. There’s also with popular SRs like these, you’ll get to But if this is the preferred method, a function
a choice of scanning only above or below a know what the real one is. But with an unu- to wipe all channels but keep transponders
symbol rate (SR) of 7500, which helps a lot sual SR, you’re in the dark without help from and other settings intact is available in the
with the speed. The previous scan options are a more accurate source. Even when enter- editing menu, in addition to the standard fac-
retained in the menu, so re-entering the same ing the correct SR manually and scanning in tory reset in the install menu.
frequency range on a re-scan is not needed. the non-blind scan, it will “correct” itself to
Running the power scan on Hotbird, with the the inaccurate value. The only way it seems While the search is in progress, only the
full SR range found the same transponders as the real SR can be added to the receiver is names of the found channels are displayed.
the earlier network scan, but in 27 minutes. when it is found via a network scan, or edit- It would be nice if the frequency and SR
As we know that almost everything on this ing them later. Occasionally, you’ll also see could also have been included – eager feed-
satellite has an SR above 7500, we can use that the same channels are added twice. For hunters with a second receiver could then
this to get just about everything there and example, a feed on Eutelsat Sesat (36°E) at start checking out the found frequencies
the speed increases significantly – this time 11.049H SR 16500 was found (with an SR of while the scan progresses. These criticisms
it was just 11 minutes. 16552) on both 11.046H and 11.052H, the aside, there are helpful features for DXers
two scanned frequencies at either side of the too. The frequency and PID details are easily
The power scan can be speeded up some centre frequency. obtained from the “info” button and stay
more by selecting to scan frequencies not there until cancelled, giving time to note the
currently in memory, the already-stored fre- Newly found channels are added to the end numbers - very helpful! As expected, 4:2:2
quencies are then skipped. There’s also a of the list as expected. If the parameters are transmissions cannot be received, but unlike
mode where only the transponder frequencies the same as a channel already stored, the some other receivers they don’t crash or
are found and added to the database without existing channel is updated in the list with the slow it down, and the audio is available.
their channels. This is faster than searching new name. When hunting a satellite specifi-
for the channels themselves, which could then cally for feeds, it’s often a good idea to wipe Sensitivity is good, and I found no prob-
be done with the non-blind scan later. Hunt- out existing channels before blind scanning, lems with weak signals or low SRs, right
ing out feeds is where blind scanning is really so that you can see exactly what is being down to the SR of 1000 (1.0 Mbps) of TRSP
useful. The TM-7755’s blind scan, whilst not broadcast at the current time. The channel on Sesat.
feeling “very fast” as claimed in the manual,
does skip over empty frequencies faster than
other receivers. This makes scanning a qui-
Expert conclusion
eter satellite than Hotbird much faster. By
scanning in 6MHz intervals, it gets through
This is a very capable budget receiver available at an attractive
empty portions of the spectrum quite quickly, price. 2 Viaccess and 2 CI slots make it good for use with mul-
but it is still more efficient to check the usage tiple pay-TV packages. The remote is well designed and easy to
of the satellite on the operator’s frequency use, and complements the quick response and simple design of
plan or the SatcoDX charts and concentrate Andy Middleton
the menus. TELE-satellite
on the parts that are in use. A scan of the busy

Test Center
10.900-11.200 range of Eutelsat W1 (10°E) on UK

both polarities and searching the full SR range

The fast and flexible blind scan is let down by the inaccuracy of the reported symbol
found 15 feed and regular channels in 4.5
rate. If you’ll be using this to find frequencies to be added to other receivers, it’ll soon
minutes. There are problems though. As we
become annoying to have to guess the correct SR or find it with a different receiver.
have seen with other blind scan receivers in
The 5000 channel memory is barely adequate if using a multi-satellite system for both
the past, the symbol rate found is sometimes
TV viewing and feed-hunting.
wildly inaccurate. 5632 becomes 5671; 5700

32 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver Info-Box

Channel Information

TM-7755 2VA 2CI
Blind scan receiver with 2
embedded VA slots & 2CI Channel list

TECHNICAL Distributor Technomate, 328 Hoe Street,

London E19 9PX
E-Mail [email protected]
Fax +44 208 503 6677
Model TM-7755 2VA 2CI
Function Blind scan receiver with 2
embedded Viaccess slots & 2 CIs
Channel Memory 5000
Satellites 64
Extended EPG
Symbolrate 2 – 45 Mbps
(1.0 received in our tests)
DiSEqC 1.0 & 1.2
Programmable 0/12V Output no
Scart Connectors 2
Video/Stereo Audio Output 3 x RCA
Digital Audio Output yes (optical)
S-VHS Output yes (via Scart)
Modulator yes, UHF
Power scan
PAL/NTSC compatible yes
C/Ku-Band Compatible yes
SCPC Compatible yes
EPG yes
Teletext yes
USB 2.0 Connection no
Picture-in-Picture no
Power Supply 90-240 VAC 50/60Hz
Power Consumption Max 30W

USALS setup

Channel Memory


Scan Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity
TELE — TELE-satellite International 33

Media North & South America
the rights to NFL’s Thursday and Saturday games Group are to launch the HDTV version of their joint-
prepared by for some $400 million per year. One deal being con- venture channel National Geographic, dubbed NGC

Branislav Pekic sidered would see the NFL becoming a shareholder HD, in early 2006. In preparation for the move, nearly
in the sports network. all of NGC's current production roster is already
being captured in HD, and the channel's buyers have
UNITED STATES ABC PREMIUM CONTENT ON PROTEUS spent most of the past year acquiring programming
TIME WARNER SUPPORTS FOX ABC has taken its latest stride into the world of mobile in HD. At launch, more than 90% of NGC's primetime
BUSINESS CHANNEL TV, offering a range of premium content based on its grid will be seen in HD, the network said.
Time Warner Cable is close to a deal to carry Fox daytime soaps, primetime drama Alias and late night
News' business channel, which would give the yet- show, Jimmy Kimmel Live. The US network has part- KROGER TO ROLL-OUT
to-be-launched network a critical mass of subscrib- nered with mobile entertainment specialist Proteus, STORE TV NETWORK
ers to compete against incumbent CNBC. Fox, which already counts Fox, Discovery, Granada, HBO The Kroger Co., a supermarket chain of 2,500
which is owned by News Corp., is seeking carriage and Paramount among its TV client base. For ABC, stores, is launching a chain-wide satellite and Inter-
of the business channel on Time Warner Cable's the Proteus tie-up follows other deals in the mobile net-based TV network to inform customers about
"expanded basic" channel line-up, giving it 9.8 mil- space such as that with MobiTV owner Idetic, to offer products, services and promotions. The system,
lion viewers. News Corp. executives have pledged streaming of ABC News. provided by In-Store Broadcasting Network, will
to have a minimum of let Kroger coordinate mes-
20 million viewers for sages channelled through
the channel before MEXICO is Bite TV which wants to sett the trend for multi- in-store TV and radio net-
its debut, expected in TELEVISA AND INTEL TO platform entertainment. The channel was launched works. IBN will install the
early 2006. DEVELOP DIGITAL TV in April on cable but plans to go nationwide this fall. network over the next 18
Televisa is joining forces with Intel Corp. to develop It limits itself to short live-action and animated films months and, once com-
HORSE CHANNEL and expand Spanish-language digital home serv- and music videos targeted to a specific audience: pleted, will serve 68 mil-
FROM THIS FALL ices in Mexico, Latin America, Spain and the US. short-attention-span guys between the ages of lion in-store shoppers
The HorseTV Media Televisa will oversee content distribution, which 18 and 34. But most of all, it is determined to be each week.
Group is planning to includes music, videos and games, via Internet multi-platform, available not only on digital cable
launch a cable net- and consumer electronics devices. Televisa said it and satellite, but also on the Internet, cellphones PAY-TV OPERA-
work in the U.S. this would seek joint investment opportunities with Intel and PDAs. TORS FIGHT FOR
fall featuring entertain- Capital as part of its convergence strategy. SPORTS CHANNEL
ment and informational VENEZUELA Satellite pay-TV networks
programming about CANADA VENEZUELA WARNS U.S. DishNetwork and DirecTV
horses. The Horse FOUR PAY-TV APPLICATIONS FILED OVER TELESUR TV are trying to liberate Com-
Channel is expected Canada's broadcast regulator in July said it would Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has warned cast's SportsNet channel.
to launch as a 24-hour consider proposals for new premium pay TV serv- the US not to interfere with a new region-wide TV Comcast Corp. has long
outlet this fall and will ices in October, which could lead to the break-up of station in South America. A joint effort by Argen- refused to sell rights to
be available as a sub- Canada's current pay-TV duopoly with the launch tina, Cuba, Uruguay and Venezuela, Telesur TV, its regional sports chan-
scription channel via of one or more new national premium pay TV began broadcasting July 24. The station is mar- nel to satellite competi-
cable and satellite. Pro- networks. The CRTC will hear proposals for four keted as an alternative to major news outlets like tors. However, the FCC is
gramming will include English-language applications from Quebecor, CNN and Fox News with a focus on Latin America. now considering whether
competitions and high- Spotlight Television, Allarco, and Channel Zero. Chavez said if the US "interferes" with the station to approve the proposed
stakes rodeos, classic it would spawn an "electronic war." Meanwhile, the purchase of bankrupt
horse movies, real- BITE TV PLANS MULTI ACCESS APPROACH U.S. House of Representatives voted to broadcast cable operator Adelphia
life stories, and funny The latest addition to the Canadian digital TV offer alternative programming in Venezuela. Communications Inc.
home videos. by Comcast and Time
Warner Inc. The satellite
PACE TO PROVIDE STB’s FOR DIRECTV AL GORE’S TV CHANNEL DEBUTS firms suggested that, as a condition of approval,
Pace Micro Technology has signed a deal to pro- Current TV, the cable network for young adult audi- Comcast should be required to make SportsNet
vide DirecTV, with set-top boxes. Under the terms of ences co-founded by former U.S. Vice President available to them.
the arrangement, the UK manufacturer will supply Al Gore, launched in August into 20 million homes
so-called "next generation" boxes to the US broad- on DIRECTV, Time Warner Cable and Comcast. O.J. SIMPSON FINED FOR PIRAT-
caster from next year. The network is offering short-form programming: ING SATELLITE TV
15-second to five-minute segments throughout the A federal judge has ordered former football player,
COMCAST CONSIDERS SPORTS day, exploring the people, places and issues of rel- O.J. Simpson to pay $25,000 in damages for pirat-
NETWORK LAUNCH evance to young adults across the U.S. The chan- ing satellite TV signals from DirecTV. A 2001 raid of
Comcast Corp. is reportedly looking into turning nel is also allowing viewers to contribute their own Simpson's home, turned up illegal devices, known
its Outdoor Life Network into a sports channel that content. as "bootloaders," which authorities say are used to
would rival ESPN, with talks already said to be steal TV programming. During the raid, the illegal
underway with the National Football League. The NAT GEO IN HDTV FROM 2006 devices were connected to his TV and receiving
Wall Street Journal reported that Comcast is eyeing National Geographic Film & TV and Fox Networks unauthorized signals.

34 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Cable Receiver

Opentel ODC7200CPVR
Are You Ready for High
Class Digital Cable TV?
When we say “Digital TV”, we usually mean “Satellite Digital TV”. However, these days the – the member of 7000 family. This flap,
traditional, terrestrial, analogue TV is rapidly being converted to digital mode in more and when opened, reveals two slots for smart
more countries. And so is cable TV. If you live in an area where cable TV is popular, chances cards. The Opentel ODC7200CPVR does
are that your cable operator is already considering switching to digital. not have a CI slot. As you have most likely
already deduced from its name, the receiver
What does it mean for you, the subscriber? priate type of RF tuners and demodulators has a built-in HDD. A look at its rear panel
You will have to add a cable set-top-box and their software is adjusted accordingly. reveals that it also has two tuners. Next to
between a cable jack in your wall and the TV- This is also true for Opentech, the manufac- their inputs and outputs, are the TV antenna
set. Is such a receiver similar to a satellite turer of the Opentel ODC7200CPVR. input and modulator output. All these inputs
box that you are familiar with? Yes, it is, but and outputs use IEC-169 connectors. As
there are some differences. What are these? At first glance, it is hard to distinguish the expected, there are two Scart connectors
Read a separate article in this issue of TELE- Opentel 7000 family of receivers from the and a set of three RCA sockets to connect a
satellite that deals with this topic. 4000 family. All models use the same, silver TV-set or a VCR that is not compatible with
colour, casings. Why change something that Scart. Home theatre owners will be happy
Generally, the TSI team does not test cable is still very elegant and modern? The front to discover S/PDIF output with digital audio.
TV receivers, but this time, we made an excep- panel has a hemispherical, smoked-glass And the list is completed by the two compu-
tion. Why? We thought that many of you, dear window, behind which a 4-digit display is ter-related ports: RS-232 and USB 2.0. They
readers, would like to have some orientation mounted. The display is green and, as usu- are used for software upgrade, programming
about the subject when your cable network ally, shows either the channel number or the one receiver from another and, of course, for
operator starts offering you digital boxes. present time. Four crescent-shaped buttons file transfers between the receiver and a PC.
Manufacturers of digital TV receivers offer placed around it, allow you to switch channels Workmanship of the box is very good.
their products in various versions. They may and adjust audio volume. The fifth button on
differ in embedded CAS or the number of CI the left toggles the receiver between the As does the receiver itself, its remote
slots. Moreover, many of them offer differing operating and standby modes. Only by the control design deserves a compliment. It is
front-ends to their boxes: satellite, terrestrial printing on the front panel flap, can you tell elegant, lightweight and sits nicely in hand.
or cable. In such cases, they have the appro- that you have the Opentel ODC 7200C PVR The only thing that can be questioned is the

lack of separate volume adjustment and left/

right arrow buttons. When you start using
the receiver, you are sometimes uncertain,
in a particular submenu, whether the left/
right arrows will move the focus, execute a
function or adjust audio volume.

36 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Cable Receiver

Everyday use
On the first power up, you are asked to
choose language. The choice is very limited:
English, Suomi and Svenska. This, as well dynamics of 60 dB for the 256-QAM – the or a single channel programme list. It is fast
as the embedded conditional access system most demanding mode of modulation. Wow! and well designed. All information that you
- Conax, clearly identifies the target market Please note that it may happen in cable net- may need is either displayed right from the
of this receiver. Yes, it is Scandinavia. Cable works that you get too strong signal which is beginning or after just a single button press.
receivers are more often designed for the really impossible in normal TV-SAT systems. As in every other menu, help is also shown
particular operator rather than for the world Some receivers misbehave in such a situa- at the bottom of screen explaining each but-
or continental market. So, no need to burden tion. Just for curiosity, we checked to see if tons’ function. You can select programmes
it with too many languages. the Opentel ODC 7200C PVR could handle for recording directly from EPG. Such book-
a cable signal complying not with the Euro- ing is called „a reservation”. If you just want
After selecting the menu language, it is pean but with the US standards. As could be a pop-up to be displayed at the beginning
time to set up the channel search. You can expected from a receiver targeted for a spe- of your favourite program, you should book
do that in two ways: automatically or manu- cific region in Europe, the receiver could not “a reminder”. The model delivered to us for
ally. If you choose the first option, you have lock to a signal modulated in QAM Annex B. testing had a large hard disk (120 GB). It is
to enter the frequency range (by default 110 really quiet. If you like to listen quietly to
– 900 MHz), symbol rate and QAM mode (16-, Channel memory can store up to two music before you fall asleep, this receiver
32-, 64-, 128-, 256-QAM or Auto). Automatic thousand channels. That should be more will suit you. The very near-silent hard disk
channel search speed is very disappoint- than enough for any cable network. After and a sleep timer activated with a single
ing. We waited ten minutes during which the collecting channel data, Opentel ODC 7200C button press will do the trick.
scan proceeded from 110 MHz to 172 MHz. PVR automatically divides them into TV and
If it was to go with the same speed to 860 radio channel lists. The found channels can The Opentel ODC 7200C PVR enables you
MHz, it would take two hours! A much more be put in one of 8 favorite lists, renamed, to watch one channel while recording up to
practical way to find the channels is to select moved, deleted or locked with PIN if children three others. Unlike satellite PVR’s, in cable
the manual channel search. Here, for every should not watch them. Channels can be TV, when you connect tuner A output to
multiplex, you enter its center frequency rearranged in every favourite list (you can tuner B input, you have a total freedom in
and symbol rate. Luckily, you do not need change their position) and a list itself can be choosing which channel you want to watch
to specify the QAM mode. It may be set to renamed. Channel zapping speed is abso- and which to record. Of course, when you
AUTO. When all data is entered, the actual lutely acceptable. It is well below one second. want to break a world record in concurrent
channel search does not take much time. Due Right after a channel zap, an info box is recordings, you must take into account that
to its nature, you do not expect that many shown at the bottom of a screen. Everything there are only 2 tuners. So all the channels:
changes in channel database in cable net- that you need is included in it: channel name the one you watch and the ones you want to
work as in satellite TV. So, you will probably and number, program title, short descrip- record must be transmitted in no more than
not need to repeat the search too often. The tion, start and end time, current channel list two digital channels (in TV-Sat, we would call
Opentel ODC 7200C PVR had no problem in name, signal strength and quality bar graphs them: two transponders). When playing back
locking on to and processing low and high bit and a set of icons. The icons indicate: CA the recordings, except for the fast forward
rate data streams. We tested it with 32-QAM, status, parental lock status, availability of and rewind functions you also have 3-second
SR=4000 and 256-QAM, SR=6900. Then we teletext, availability of subtitles, additional jumps forward and backward as well as slow
decided to measure its tuner sensitivity and soundtracks and Dolby Digital audio. If we motion and pause functions available. You
dynamic range. And this is a really good press the Info button when the box is dis- can add bookmarks to the most interest-
point about this receiver: its specification played, an additional program description is ing moments. You can zoom to a fragment
promises to handle signals from -15 dBmV shown, of course assuming that this data is of the screen, no matter whether moving
through to +25 dBmV. We observed that the included in the incoming data stream. or paused, coming from the live broadcast
reception threshold was -19 dBmV, and even or from playback. If you prefer, instead of
+40 dBmV was not too strong signal for the An electronic program guide (EPG) is avail- storing a full recording, you may just cap-
Opentel box (measured as digital channel able in two modes: grid navigator showing a ture a screenshot of your favorite actor or
power). So, the receiver’s front end has the few neighbouring channels on the timescale politician.

38 TELE-satellite International —

As with virtually every modern PVR, the and achieved only the audio play out without digital audio signal, showing teletext and
Opentel ODC 7200C PVR offers time-shifted video. Even the audio itself was not smooth subtitles in every language that is present
programme watching. Forgive us that, at this though. The user manual mentions only that in the incoming signal. The video output is
time, we are not going to describe it in detail. we can transfer mp3’s, jpeg’s and screen- available in CVBS, RGB or S-Video format
This has been explained many times in many shots. It says nothing about AV files. If they (on the Scart connectors). Should this
PVR test reports published in TSI maga- were not meant to be played on PC (for model be used outside Europe where Scart
zines. What is not that often found in PVR’s, example, due to copy right issues), it would connectors are not that popular, a sepa-
is the Picture-in-picture function. When you be better if the receiver did not allow us to rate S-Video output would be nice to have.
activate PIP, you can not only monitor the transfer them. They could be hidden if this Audio and video quality leaves nothing to be
content of the other channel, but you can is simpler to implement. We must say here desired. One may perhaps dream of having
zap channels shown in PIP window using that these recordings, when played back on YPbPr output. But such output is truly
dedicated buttons on the remote control the receiver, are of excellent quality. advantageous only if you have HDTV chan-
and even display a channel list for PIP! Using nels in your cable and, of course, if you have
the USB port you can transfer files between Opentel ODC 7200C PVR performs per- high resolution flat panel or rear projection
the receiver and your PC. We managed to fectly in switching audio tracks, outputting TV-set or monitor.
transfer not only to the audio/video record-
ings but also to captured screenshots. In
the opposite direction can you transfer mp3
Expert conclusion
files or photographs in jpeg format. Having
an Mp3 list as well as mp3 player is really
Nearly all features that you may expect in a PVR are present in
nice. Every time there is nothing interest-
Opentel ODC 7200C PVR. PIP works very well. The EPG and all the
ing to watch on TV, you may start listening menus are user-friendly, easy to navigate and look nice. Channel
to your favorite mp3 files copied from the switching is really fast. The User Manual is well written and has a lot
Peter Miller
PC. We checked how the transfer works and of pictures. TELE-satellite

had nothing to complain about the transfer Test Center
itself. However, the recorded audio/video
files copied from the Opentel ODC 7200C Slow channel search. Long booting time: 15-20 seconds to see the logo and 20-25

PVR to our PC had no file name extensions seconds to get audio and video. We could not play the AV files transferred via USB
to PC. It could be expected from such high-end product as the Opentel ODC 7200C
and thus we had a hard time trying to find
PVR that its front panel display would show something more than a 4-digit channel
out how to play them. We tried a number of
media players with various codecs installed — TELE-satellite International 39

TEST REPORT Cable Receiver Info-Box

Channel search

Opentel ODC7200CPVR
Twin Tuner FTA +
Conax Digital Cable PVR
TECHNICAL Manufacturer Opentech Inc., Seoul, Korea,
Information box
E-Mail [email protected]
Distributor 13F., SJ-Technoville 60-19,
Gasan-Dong, Geumcheon-Gu,
Seoul, Korea 153-801

Fax +82-2-3397-0685
Model Opentel ODC 7200C PVR

Function Twin Tuner FTA+Conax Digital

Cable PVR

Channel Memory 2000

Input Frequency 60~860 MHz
Symbol rate 7 Msps max.

Scart Connectors 2

Video/Stereo Audio Output 3 x RCA

Digital Audio Output yes (optical)

Color System PAL

S-VHS Output yes (via Scart Connector)

Modulator yes
EPG yes
Teletext yes Recorded channel list
USB 2.0 Connection yes
HDD 40 GB ~ 2 TB
(in the device under test: 120 GB)

Power Supply 95 ~ 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption 30W max.


Channel Memory

Scan Speed


Switching Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity
Mp3 player

40 TELE-satellite International —

Media Asia & Australia
ponders are now allowed only for direct-to-home Pace Micro Technology for the supply of the hard-
prepared by
(DTH) operations. disk based receivers until 2007.
Branislav Pekic
ASIA NEW HDTV STATIONS MTV Networks Asia and Korean broadcaster
SHOWTIME ARABIA CONSIDERS IPO Japan’s Communications Ministry decided in On*Media are to launch Nickelodeon Korea by
Pay-TV operator Showtime Arabia is eyeing a pos- August to allow the creation of two or so stations for the third quarter of this year in a 24-hour format.
sible stock market listing that could value the group digital high-definition television broadcasting serv- The channel will air "a diverse range of programs
at up to £1 billion. Showtime's shareholders, Mid- ices transmitted via satellite. While the new licenses adapted from the U.S., along with locally produced
Eastern firm Kuwait Projects Company (Kipco) and will be primarily issued to new broadcasters, exist- programming genres, including animation, live-
US minority partner Viacom, have asked invest- ing broadcasters will be eligible if they withdraw action, comedy, game shows, and pre-school." On
ment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to from their existing services, the Ministry of Internal Media Network already operates MTV Korea.
look into a possible flotation in the UK capital later Affairs and Communications said.
this year. The pay-TV group offers more than 50 MOBILE SATELLITE TV GROWTH
premium Western channels. MALAYSIA A DISSAPOINTMENT
TV VIEWERS TO GET 176 CHANNELS IN 2006 The number of subscribers to the digital satel-
CHINA – HONG KONG By next year, Malaysians will have a choice of 176 lite mobile service provided by SK Telecom Co
SMEG TO INTRODUCE DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1. TV channels – 7 channels for free while the rest exceeded 100,000 in July. The subscription rate,
Shanghai Media Entertainment however, is less than some analysts
Group (SMEG) has selected and company officials expected,
Dolby) Digital for the first channel AUSTRALIA the Ministry of Information and
in China to offer 5.1 programming. GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT PAY-TV ACCESS Communications said. Since
SMEG debuted its Dolby Digital The federal government said in July it would introduce criminal measures in a bid to April, a satellite beams 7 video
5.1 service on its Orient Movie prevent unauthorized access to pay-TV services. The new measures come more than and 20 audio channels to specially
Channel in June. In addition to the a decade after the launch of subscription television and were unveiled by Attorney equipped mobile phones in some
regular broadcast of feature films General Philip Ruddock. "Following a six-month review by my department, the gov- parts of the nation. Meanwhile,
in Dolby Digital 5.1 on its Orient ernment has decided that criminal penalties should be available against those who according to a report by “The
Movie Channel, SMEG plans access pay-TV broadcasts without authorization and payment of the subscription fee," Korea Times”, free broadcasting
to start broadcasting surround Ruddock said. services to handheld devices may
sound programming on other pop- be offered across Korea in 2006
ular channels, including its sports TV ON CELL PHONE TRIALS LAUNCH after the trial period is completed
and music channels. Up to 1,000 Australians will be watching TV on their mobile phones over the next in Seoul and Kyonggi at the end
12 months as part of a trial being conducted by the Bridge Networks in conjunction of this year.
CHINA INTRODUCES FOR- with major telco Telstra. The Sydney-based trials, to be known as "moviemedia," will
EIGN OWNERSHIP LIMITS test the technical capability and commercial prospects for DVB-H applications in Aus- SYRIA
China’s State Administration tralia. The 1,000 Telstra customers will receive a free 12-month trial of 15 TV channels PRIVATE TV STATIONS
of Radio, Film and Television (including Foxtel, ABC, SBS, Nine Network, Turner and Sky Channel) using Nokia's COMING SOON
(SARFT) in July banned local TV new 7710 mobile phone. Syria's information minister, Mahdi
stations from forming partnerships Dakhlallah, said in July private TV
with foreign companies to launch or operate chan- for a fee. The FTA TV channels are three public- stations will be allowed to start broadcasting "soon",
nels in the country. The ban reportedly took effect funded RTM channels and four operated by the pri- when new legislation aimed at modernising the
July 7, and also bars local broadcasters from leas- vate sector, namely TV3, 8TV, Channel 9 and ntv7. country's media sector is introduced. Currently, only
ing channels to non-Chinese operations. It is not yet RTM will launch its third channel by the end of 2005 two state-controlled TV stations operate in Syria,
clear how the legislation will impact the businesses that will most likely be dedicated to sports, similar where state of emergency laws - introduced in 1963
of companies such as Viacom and News Corp. to the planned Channel 9 backed by Media Prima. - prohibits private channels from broadcasting.
The pay-TV sector will see the emergence of MiTV
INDIA with 50 channels and Fine TV with 18 interactive VIETNAM
GOVERNMENT TO ALLOW channels. Astro, which offers 51 channels is said to HTV TO BROADCAST ABROAD VIA SATELLITE
KU-BAND UPLINKS add another 50 channels after the Measat 3 satellite Vietnam’s Ministry of Culture and Information has
The Indian government, as part of the forthcoming is launched. recently permitted Ho Chi Minh City TV (HTV) to
TV channel uplinking policy, is likely to allow broad- broadcast its programmes overseas by satellite,
casters to use high-capacity Ku band transponders NEW ZEALAND according to local press reports. The overseas
for uplinking channels from India, allowing a size- SKY TO LAUNCH DVR SERVICE WITH PACE channel will include Vietnam's theatrical and musi-
able reduction in their operational costs. The dig- SKY is to introduce New Zealand's first Digital cal performances, programmes highlighting the
ital Ku band can accommodate as many as 10-12 Video Recorder (DVR) service towards the end of scenic beauty of Vietnam, educational programmes
channels on a single transponder, as opposed to this year. The company, which provides Pay TV and live broadcasts of festivals. HTV joins channel
the analogue C band, on which TV channels now services via the terrestrial network and a DTH sat- VTV4 from Hanoi who has been broadcasting over-
uplink, that accommodates just one. Ku band trans- ellite platform, recently signed an agreement with seas since 2001.

42 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

Botech CA 9000 FTA/CI

FTA Plus Two CI Slots
Established in 1993, the Turkish company Botech has a wide variety of products for satel- The rear panel comes with all of the essen-
lite reception. We have been given the opportunity to examine one of their receivers, the CA tial connections that we might expect: an
9000 FTA/CI. LNB input with its looped-through output,
two Scart connectors for a TV and VCR and
The first thing to catch your eye when display that shows the time in standby mode four RCA jacks for video signal, left and
opening of receiver’s package is its small or the channel number when the receiver is right audio signals and coaxial S/PDIF audio
size: only 280 x 55 x 235mm. With these switched on. In addition to the four digits, output. There’s also an input for a terrestrial
dimensions you should have no trouble at all there are also two LED’s - a red one indicat- TV antenna, its corresponding RF modulator
finding a place for it somewhere in your TV ing when the receiver is in standby mode output and an RS232 serial port to connect
room. Furthermore, its silver-colored cabinet and an orange one indicating the presence the receiver to a PC.
will make fit in easily with other video and of a common interface module inserted into
audio devices. The front panel is quite simple
in design, giving the impression of a solid and
the receiver. As the receiver’s name sug-
gests, it can accept two conditional access Everyday use
easy to use set-top-box. modules. Simply open the flap that covers The user manual that came with this
more than half the front panel to find the receiver is only written in English, but it’s
On the left side can be found a round relief two CI slots. fairly clear and can guide you easily step-by-
on which are four little rectangular chrome- step through the initial installation. It was
plated buttons in the shape of a cross, two The remote is small and light enough so only when we moved ahead to some of the
of them (ch up/down) can be used to move that even a child can easily handle it; the other receiver’s features that we discovered
inside the channel list or to move the cursor buttons are quite small, but are not too close the user guide does not always match the
in the menu list while the other two (vol -/+) together, so there should be no trouble using receiver’s software. An updated version of
can be used to increase/decrease the volume it. They are arranged in a logical order and it the user manual would probably not be a bad
or to change the settings values in the menu shouldn’t take too much time to learn how to idea. If English is not your first language, you
items. We were also hoping to find the Menu use the remote without having to look at it all can change the OSD language choosing from
and OK buttons on this panel, but this was the time. The only odd thing about it is the one of the following: English, Bulgarian, Ital-
not to be. The only way to completely oper- presence of two “OK” buttons. Their function ian, Turkish, Arabic, French, German, Rus-
ate the receiver is through its remote control. is absolutely identical. Wouldn’t it have been sian and Persian (despite the user manual
To the left of the “cross” is the on/standby better to put one of them on the receiver’s saying that only English, Italian, Turkish and
button, which can be used when you need to front panel? Arabic were available).
switch the receiver on/
off and can’t immedi- The very first time the set-top-box
ately find the remote is turned on a message appears on
control. the screen saying “no channels”.
This is clearly an invitation to
In the center is the access the menu and properly set
large green four-digit the reception parameters. Pressing

44 TELE-satellite International —

Satellite Receiver TEST REPORT

the “menu” button on the remote takes you ponders or perform a scan after modifying it gram DnUpManNext5.3.exe. After connect-
to a nicely designed main menu. From here or after adding a new one. It is worth saying ing a PC to the receiver through the serial
you can choose among five other menus. that in this menu there is also an option that port, you can transfer the channel list to
lets you search a specific channel by entering the PC as a cdf file. From the PC you can
The first menu that must be accessed at PID values. The receiver can handle up to 64 take advantage of all the same edit functions
the very beginning is the “Installation” menu. satellite positions and it has enough memory that you would have otherwise needed the
Oddly enough this is the third menu in the to store up to 4,900 channels. remote control for thereby saving quite a bit
list instead of being the first one as might be of time. Unfortunately, importing data from
expected. Here you must set all the param- When you’ve accumulated a very long list other sources such as SatcoDX is not pos-
eters according to your antenna configura- of TV and radio channels, perhaps you need sible. This same program can also be used
tion. Regardless of whether you have a fixed to set some time aside and start organiz- to update the receiver’s software when it is
antenna, a motorized one (DiSEqC 1.2 or ing everything you’ve found. In the channel available on the Internet. New receiver soft-
USALS) or a multifeed system, the receiver manager menu you can sort the list by chan- ware can even be downloaded via the Hotbird
can handle all of these configurations. The nel name, by type (FTA and scrambled) or satellite at 13° east. This new software can
LNB field offers a list of ten pre-set local by transponder, or you can manually move a then be transferred from one box to another
oscillator frequency (LOF) values, but should desired channel or group of channels within through its STB-to-STB feature.
you need an LOF not in the list, the receiver’s the list. You can also rename a channel,
firmware lets you enter it manually. When delete it, lock or skip it and also change its Another menu item available is “Prefer-
everything is properly set up, the two signal PID value (you can only change the PID if it ences”. When selected, the user can set the
bars graphs will indi-
cate a good signal
with green bars. At
this point a channel
scan can be started
and this can be car-
ried out in several
different ways. There
is an auto scan,
where you can decide
to scan one or more satellites at once (there was entered manually). Channels can be also menu languages, the first and second audio
are already 55 satellites preprogrammed, moved into one of the four existing Favorites tracks and subtitles plus choose specific
with fairly up-to-date transponder data, but lists and, once inside one of these lists, you’ll OSD settings such as background colors,
perhaps not all that complete: 57 transpond- be able to sort the channels in the same way menu transparency and brightness, paren-
ers for the Astra satellites at 19° east, are as in the main list, plus edit, lock or skip tal locks or play one of the integrated video
you sure that nothing is missing?). The same them. games (Tetris, Snake or Sokoban). We need
scan could be set to consider only FTA chan- to mention that one of our first actions was
nels or ALL (FTA and scrambled) channels. The receiver’s software has been designed to disable the pin code needed to access the
Furthermore, you can perform a “network with the editing of data in mind. In every menu items. It wasn’t difficult to find its
search” to allow the receiver use stream data menu, you have the ability to edit nearly value (0000), but perhaps for a beginner this
so that it can find a more complete list of everything: channels, satellites, Favorites would be a problem.
channels. list names, frequency of transponders, PID
values, etc. Furthermore you can also add, Once all of the editing chores have been
To complete the automatic scan on the 89 modify or delete transponders. completed, we can see how well this receiver
preprogrammed transponders of Hotbird, behaves while channel surfing. Switching
about 6 minutes was needed. This is a fairly With your PC you have the ability to from one channel to another on the same
typical time among digital receivers. It is accomplish this task in a much easier way. transponder required about one second.
also possible to do a manual scan: here you Simply go to the Botech web site (http:// This unfortunately makes channel surfing
can scan one of the preprogrammed trans- and download the pro- not all that much fun. A small Info banner — TELE-satellite International 45

In video mode you can use the colored but- and save this data. Of course, it is possible
tons on the remote to set the audio track of to reach the timer section through the main
the channel, to freeze the picture or to switch menu also. Here you’ll find an eight-event
between the left and right audio track. The entry panel. From this point we can set all
EPG is activated by pressing the appropriate the desired parameters for a VCR recording,
blue button on the remote. A grid will appear the sleep timer or a wakeup call.
displaying the current channel’s programs (in
daily mode) or the entire transponder’s pro- The receiver supports teletext as VBI as
gramming (in weekly mode). Here you can well as OSD, but the small buffer provided
get expanded programming information by for this feature makes changing pages very
is shown at pressing the yellow button. slow. Perhaps the teletext decoder in your TV
the bottom of the set does the job in a better way.
screen that displays the If you find a program of interest while
channel name, channel number, looking through the EPG, simply press the And last but not least, if you’ve had enough
satellite name, the current time and a blue button to access the timer function. All of surfing through all the satellite channels,
brief description of the program (if made of the required timer settings will already be you could always opt to play one of the three
available by the provider). There are also properly filled out. You only need to confirm included video games!
a number of graphical symbols that show
if the channel is free or encrypted, if tele-
text or AC3 audio is available or if there
Expert conclusion
are subtitles. Pressing the Info button once +
displays this same banner but pressing the The Botech CA-9000 CI is a small, easy to operate satellite receiver.
Info button a second time displays addi- It has a nice, user-friendly OSD. Its two CI slots enable the reception
tional channel data including transponder of different pay-per-view services.
frequency, PID values as well as the signal’s
strength and quality. It is somewhat unu- - Antonio
Claudio Plati
The data shown on the screen when pressing the “Info” button
sual that this receiver does not indicate the Test Center
could be different: for a normal use it would be better to display the Italy
name of the network a channel might belong
extended content of the EPG (if available) instead of the PID values
to. This feature would enable you to group
for the channel. The user manual needs to be updated.
channels together by broadcaster. — TELE-satellite International 47

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver Info-Box

Main menu

Botech CA 9000 FTA/CI

Digital CI Receiver
TECHNICAL Manufacturer Botech Electronic Ltd., Turgut Reis
Mah. Fatih Bulvarı No:323 / 81458
Sultanbeyli / ISTANBUL Auto scan
Phone +90-216-496 48 04
Fax +90-216-496 48 56
E-mail [email protected]
Model CA-9000FTA Digital FTA receiver
Function Digital CI Receiver
Channel Memory 4900
Satellites 64
Symbolrate 2 - 45 Ms/s
DiSEqC 1.2 compatible
USALS yes TV setting
Programmable 0/12V Output no
Scart Connectors 2
Video/Stereo Audio Output 3 x RCA
Digital Audio Output yes (S/Pdif)
Color System PAL/NTSC
S-VHS Output no
Modulator yes, UHF
PAL/NTSC compatible yes
C/Ku-Band Compatible yes
SCPC Compatible yes Channel manager
EPG yes
Teletext yes (OSD and VBI)
USB 2.0 Connection no
Picture-in-Picture no
Power Supply 90-260 VAC 50/60Hz
Power Consumption Max 40W


Extended EPG
Channel Memory

Scan Speed


Switching Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity

48 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

General Satellite FTA-7001S

Small, but smart
A few years ago, the name “General Satellite” might not have been familiar to you. Founded to do next, but we still recommend that you
in 1991 as a distributor of satellite equipment in St. Petersburg, Russia, today General Satel- refer to pages 34-35, where the complete
lite has become a major international corporation. With offices in 11 countries in Central and menu layout is printed. After pressing the
Eastern Europe as well as Asia, General Satellite doesn’t just simply sell receivers and dishes. “Menu” button on the remote control, select
In cooperation with a leading satellite receiver manufacturer, General Satellite began produc- “Installation”. You will be asked for a PIN
ing receivers under its own brand in 2003. code each time you access this submenu.
The default code is 0000. In the “System

The Receiver the name of the channel currently selected.

Instead, there are three LEDs – red, green
Settings” submenu you can select the OSD
language (from which you can choose Bulgar-
The first thing you notice when you open and yellow, which indicate standby mode, ian, Czech, Danish, English, French, German,
the box is that the GS FTA-7001S is really operational mode and channel lock respec- Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese,
compact. It is a nice looking, silver-colored tively. Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Swedish or
box, and at only 26cm wide, will fit perfectly Turkish), configure the LNB and DiSEqC set-
either on top of your TV set or among the other The receiver is quite surprisingly equipped tings in “Antenna Setup” and select the sat-
electronic equipment in your TV cabinet. The on its rear panel. Normally you wouldn’t ellite (or satellites) that you plan to watch.
front panel has four buttons, which allow you really expect to find such things as an S- Unfortunately, the preprogrammed satellites
to switch the receiver on or off (Standby), Video output or a digital S/PDIF audio output are only arranged alphabetically so it would
select a channel or toggle between TV and on a budget FTA receiver, but the GS FTA- help to know it’s exact name in order to find
Radio mode. For basic control this would be 7100S has both of them. Additionally, there it quickly.
enough, but for more advanced functions a is one Scart connector (TV), RF input and
nicely designed, ergonomic remote control is output connectors, an RS-232 interface The menus are easy to navigate through,
here to help. On the front panel there is also allowing software and channel list upgrades but if you need additional information on a
a flap, but in the FTA version of the receiver from your computer, and, of course, an LNB particular feature, press the button with
you won’t need to open it – there is nothing input and looped-through output for the sat- a question mark on the remote control. A
behind it. If you are interested in receiving ellite antenna signal. Up to 16 LNB’s can be small box will appear with a detailed descrip-
encrypted channels, you can select the CI connected via a DiSEqC 2.0 switch if desired. tion of the function you have selected.
version, where the slots for CI modules would After turning on power for the first time, an
be located behind this flap. empty black screen will appear with a window
in the middle with the message “Information. Channel Search
Unfortunately, there is no display on the Empty List”. Even without referring to the Once the initial setup has been completed,
front panel to indicate the channel number or receiver’s manual, it’s easy to figure out what the fun can begin. It’s time to find the chan-

50 TELE-satellite International —

Satellite Receiver TEST REPORT

nels that you would actually watch. As is typi-

cal, you can choose from two options – either Everyday Use mode is quite fast, much faster than what you
might be used to on your old TV set, but some
an automatic or manual search. On the popu- So, all of the preparation work is now com- pages still take time to load. The Electronic
lar satellite positions, like 19.2° east (Astra) pleted. We located the channels we wanted, Program Guide (EPG) is fast and user-friendly.
or 13° east (Hotbird), an automatic search programmed them into the receiver’s After pressing the “EPG” button, the actual
would undoubtedly locate most of the avail- memory and organized them into Favorites channel picture is minimized to the top right
able channels. You can run it in Quick, Full or lists. Now it’s time to have a look and see part of the screen. Underneath the receiver
Network mode, and choose whether or not to what’s on tonight! displays the channel’s details – satellite, pro-
skip the encrypted channels. We first tested vider, frequency, polarization, SR, FEC, age
the automatic search on Astra, where in Quick Switching from one channel to another is restriction, genre, language and encryption
mode the receiver found 817 channels (575 fairly fast at around half-a-second. This time status while the larger, left side of the screen
TV and 242 Radio) in 2 minutes 47 seconds. might be a little more if we select a channel is devoted to EPG information. For the cur-
When Full mode was chosen, the receiver was with a very low SR (like the SCPC channels rent and adjacent channels, the name of the
busy for 34 minutes 33 seconds and located on Eurasiasat 1), but it’s still fast enough. If current and upcoming program is displayed
964 channels (624 TV and 340 Radio). the chosen channel is encrypted, a message with start/end times.
confirming this appears that also includes
It’s also possible to search for frequencies information about the encryption system Pressing the red “i” button lets you see
with specific symbol rates. These can added in use. You can return to the previously more details about the selected program, as
once Full mode has been selected. But the watched channel by using the “RCL” button long as this data is provided by the broad-
most impressive results were seen in Net- on the remote control. The picture quality is caster. The green button lets you see what
work mode, which located exactly the same very good, which is also a pleasant surprise the selected channel will broadcast later –
number of channels (624 TV and 340 Radio) considering this is a budget receiver. If you tonight, tomorrow or next Wednesday, again,
in just 6 minutes 24 seconds. The receiver press the red “i” button once, a small box only if the broadcaster is generous enough
was “factory reset” after each test, so these appears near the bottom of the screen with to share this information with you. Finally
numbers reflect what you would see when the name and number of the current channel, the yellow button lets you set a timer for a
you perform a search in each of the modes the name of the currently selected Favorites program that you don’t want to miss. And
for the first time. list, a signal strength indicator and some you don’t have to worry about the receiver
brief program information (what is currently accidentally getting the wrong time from the
For less popular satellites, such as Express on, when it started and when it’s scheduled satellite stream – you can adjust it manually,
AM22 at 53° east, it is not so easy. The auto- to end). Pressing this button a second time if you wish.
matic search didn’t find any channels at all. brings another, larger information box, which
Three frequencies preprogrammed into this includes the channel’s genre, language and The GS FTA-7001S works properly with the
receiver for this satellite no longer broad- age restriction settings. Two more detailed Russian channels - the Cyrillic letters are dis-
cast any channels. In such a case, the only signal strength and quality indicators are played correctly both in the channel names
alternative is to use the good old manual also shown. and EPG. We successfully tested this on
search function. All the required up-to-date Eutelsat W4 at 36° east, but since the major-
information for this function can be found In normal channel viewing mode, the yellow ity of Russian channels providing such infor-
in the SatcoDX charts. The GS FTA-7001S button on the remote control is the key to two mation are encrypted, you might be more
had no problems locking onto SCPC carriers functions – teletext and subtitles. Teletext interested in the CI version of this receiver.
and MCPC packages with both low and high
symbol rates.
Expert conclusion
Once all the channels you want have been
stored in the GS FTA-7001S, they can be
organized into as many as 32 Favorites lists. A good budget receiver for everyday use at home. Fast channel

The six default lists are called “TV All”, “Radio changing speeds, 32 Favorites lists. Good picture quality plus user-
All”, “Music”, “News”, “Sports” and “Movies”. friendly menu and EPG.

Channels can be sorted alphabetically or fil-
tered by satellite, frequency, network, type Ovsyadovsky
and encryption mode. To select the desired Channel search is fast and easy but only for the popular satellites. Test Center
Favorites list, press the blue “UHF” button on Unfortunately, the “blind scan” function is not yet included. Hungary
the remote control. — TELE-satellite International 51

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver Info-Box

Channel selection

General Satellite
Digital FTA set-top-box
Quick automatic search
TECHNICAL Manufacturer General Satellite Corporation
Novoladozhskaya str. 4/1
St.Petersburg, 197110, Russia

E-mail [email protected], [email protected]

Fax +7 812 325 28 68

Model General Satellite FTA-7001S

Function Digital FTA set-top-box

Channel Memory 5000

Symbolrate 2 – 45 Ms/s EPG

DiSEqC 1.0/1.2

Programmable 0/12V Output no

Scart Connectors 1
RCA Video/Audio Output no

Digital Audio Output yes

Color System PAL/SECAM

S-VHS Output yes

Modulator yes

C/Ku-band Compatible yes

SCPC Compatible yes

EPG yes

Teletext yes

USB 2.0 Connection no

Power Supply 190-250 V, 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption Max. 25 W


Filtering by provider
Channel Memory

Scan Speed


Switching Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity

52 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

No Frills
Digital Satellite TV
The advancement of digital satellite technology can easily be seen in the way prices for set- worry about any additional installation set-
top boxes have dropped over the past several years. Or, to put it another way, you are always tings. It is this target group that the Eycos
getting better and better quality for an affordable price. S10.02F will best serve since it is already
preprogrammed for the reception of Astra,
The Eycos S10.02F is a good example of this electronic equipment landscape. Only after Hotbird and Turksat. The target market
new generation of price-conscious receivers flipping open the front panel flap will you find for this box is clearly the German-speaking
that still manage to offer all the necessary the receiver‘s buttons that let you operate countries in central Europe as well as their
features for reliable and uncomplicated sat- the box just in case the remote control disap- Turkish-speaking citizens.
ellite signal reception. Just five years ago, pears. A card slot is also visible. In our test
the same amount of money for this box would receiver, this card slot did not serve any func- If the preprogrammed settings do not
have gotten you an average analog receiver. tion although it can be assumed that Eycos work for you, they can all be modified to your
Today the Eycos comes with all the necessary in cooperation with individual programming needs through the individual menus or, if
standard features you‘d expect plus a little providers will outfit this model with an inte- necessary, the receiver can be totally reset
bit more. grated conditional access system. and reconfigured step-by-step from the
beginning. That the Eycos S10.02F has more
The S10.02F is a digital satellite receiver The Eycos series of receivers includes in it than first meets the eye can be seen in
designed for the reception of free-to-air (FTA) models with integrated modulators as well as the list of available menu, audio and subti-
TV and radio channels. The Korean company a CI interface. Aside from these features, all tle languages. Nearly every European lan-
Eycos opted to use a European design firm - of the models are identical to the basic model guage plus Russian and Persian are offered.
the compact box was clearly designed with a that we tested. In addition to the time setting, the timer list
Retro look in mind. Particular emphasis was and the initial parental control settings, the
placed on ergonomics and logical operation.
Everyday Use System Settings also provides options for
the audio and video outputs as well as for
You can‘t help but notice the bright blue Newcomers to the world of satellite TV and the OSD display and the length of time the
colored four-digit display that shows the cur- radio would like nothing more than to con- Info bar remains on the screen after chang-
rent time in standby mode and the current nect their receiver, turn it on and not have to ing channels.

channel number when the receiver is turned

on; a rather attractive feature. The box is
available in black and silver and thus can
easily be optically integrated into any existing

54 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

As always, the longer times involved with a

Network scan are well worth it. The S10.02F
can also scan for data channels. Our tests of
this feature revealed 227 data channels on
Astra and 165 on Hotbird.

The entire channel list can be worked on

As a bonus, the brightness, color intensity a well-designed, self-explanatory menu that in the main menu in order to, for example,
and contrast of the video signal can also be shouldn‘t be a problem even for beginners. rename channels, delete them or skip over
set in the Video Settings menu independent them. Even more interesting are the eight
of the TV being used. The video signal on We tested this receiver on a multifeed Favorites lists that can be easily filled and
the Scart connectors can be sent to the TV antenna pointed to Astra at 19.2° east and accessed. The Eycos shows its flexibil-
in either CVBS or RGB format. The video Hotbird at 13° east and began by deleting ity even here with an overall user-friendly
output signal along with left and right stereo all of the receiver‘s previously stored chan- organization of all the lists and the ability to
audio outputs are also available on three RCA nel data. In this way storing channels in rename the lists.
jacks. For digital audio, an optical output is the channel memory can be started from
provided on the rear panel. scratch. The S10.02F comes with three dif- We were also impressed that the Favorites
ferent methods of channel scanning, namely lists did not differentiate between TV and
In the installation menu a few extra sur- an automatic scan that doesn‘t require any radio channels. They could be filled with any
prises were waiting for us to discover. The setup by the user, a manual scan requiring combination of TV and radio channels. If,
satellite list is made up of 64 entries of which the input of frequency, polarization and sym- for example, you select a radio channel out
47 already come preprogrammed with up- bolrate and an expanded scan that includes of one of the lists, the receiver automatically
to-date satellite positions. The remaining the entering of PID data. switches over to radio mode and vice versa.
entries can be set up any way you like result- Perhaps this will motivate some users to
ing in a „fully loaded“ satellite list. Addition- A Network scan option is also available for actually surf through the radio channels that
ally, the transponder data of every satellite the automatic and manual scans. The auto- more often than not take a back seat to the
can easily be edited. matic scan encompassed 74 transponders TV channels.
on Astra plus 98 transponders on Hotbird
In order to use this receiver with more and required a total of nine minutes and 15 Once all of the channels have been organ-
than one satellite position at the same time, seconds for 1521 TV channels and 632 radio ized to your personal tastes, channel surf-
it comes integrated with DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1 and channels. A respectable value. ing can begin. Similar to Astra, the Hotbird
1.2. With corresponding switches, up to 16 position also offers a wide variety of pro-
different satellite positions can be driven For a more thorough scan we recommend gramming that goes far beyond the main-
to. Naturally, A DiSEqC motor for automatic you activate the Network function. Although stream programming we are all familiar
antenna control would be best for this appli- the scan time increased to 15 minutes and with. Switching between channels is also
cation. If you think that this is more than 22 seconds, six additional transponders on not too tiresome since the Eycos has a pass-
enough for this price class, then think again: Hotbird as well as two more on Astra were able switching time of about one second.
this receiver also comes integrated with the found that increased the number of TV and Undoubtedly, there are faster receivers
easy-to-use USALS protocol and also sports radio channels by 176 and 55 respectively. available, but this value really can‘t be criti-
cized since extreme channel surfing between
Astra and Hotbird did not cause this box a
problem in any way. Occasionally, especially
when switching between Astra and Hotbird
transponders, some momentary video pixi-
lation was observed but in the blink of an eye
the video and audio quality were once again
crystal clear.

The Info bar that appears at the bottom of

the screen with every channel change shows
the channel number as well as the title of
the current program, a brief description of
the program, the name of the satellite, fre-
quency, symbolrate, signal strength and
quality bar graphs as well as the current time
and a bar graph that shows the elapsed time
of the current program. Additionally, there

56 TELE-satellite International —

are symbols that show the availability of sub- As with all the other menus and functions, We also want to give high marks to the
titles, teletext and Dolby Digital. What could Eycos paid very close attention to ease-of-use user manual that is printed in German and
have been information overload in this Info and clarity. The same is true for the remote English. It is a great source of information
bar is instead, thanks to its „clean“ design, an control; somewhat oddly shaped but with for beginners. Filled with numerous illus-
excellent source of information. This bar can buttons that are smartly organized. The only trations and written in easy-to-understand
also be called up at any other time by push- critical point is that because of its shape you language, it could be an excellent example
ing the Info button on the remote. Pushing might have a tough time figuring out which for many other receivers. All-in-all, the
the Info button a second time displays more end of the remote is up and which end is down entire package (receiver, remote control and
detailed information on the currently running if you are using it in low lighting conditions or user manual) is a solid product with excel-
program. in the blind (without looking at it). One good lent features that would make an outstand-
thing about its shape - it can‘t topple over ing addition to anyone‘s array of electronic
The teletext function can be accessed while it is, for example, laying on the table. equipment.
either via the teletext decoder in the TV or in
the receiver. Switching with multiple audio
tracks did not cause any problems. Eycos
also provided this receiver with a 16x Zoom Expert conclusion
function. The box comes equipped as prom- +
ised in the user manual. The S10.02F is a compact starter receiver that comes nicely
equipped at a very reasonable price. The user-friendly software
responds very quickly to commands and is very stable in its
The Electronic Program Guide (EPG) is
operation. Thanks to DiSEqC and USALS, this receiver is also
activated by pushing the Guide button on
interesting for more experienced users for the effortless reception Armin Gottwald
the remote control. The arrow buttons allow TELE-satellite
of multiple satellites. Test Center
you to comfortably navigate through the Austria

EPG. The EPG can be used to access chan-

nels directly or mark them for recording (with
Knowing which end of the remote control is up might be difficult at first in the dark
an external recorder). The EPG data can be since its shape really doesn't give a clue as to which side is up or down. Switching
displayed for a single channel or for multiple between the channel list and Favorites lists could be easier.

channels. — TELE-satellite International 57

TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver Info-Box

Main menu

Digital FTA satellite receiver
TECHNICAL Manufacturer EYCOS Multimedia Systems
189-1, Kumi-dong, Bundang-ku EPG
Seongnam, 463-810, Korea

Tel +82-31-716-2289

Fax +82-31-716-2655

Email [email protected]

Model EYCOS S10.02F

Function Digital FTA satellite receiver

Channel Memory 4000

Satellites 64

Symbol rate 2 ~ 45 Ms/sec Channel information

DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2


Programmable 0/12 V no

Digital Audio Output S/PDIF (optical)

Scart Connectors 2

Video/Stereo Audio Output 3 x RCA

Color system PAL, NTSC

S-VHS Output no

Modulator no Channel list

SCPC Compatible yes

EPG yes

Teletext yes (OSD und VBI)

Power Supply 90 –250 VAC

Power Consumption 24 W max.


DiSEqC 1.2
Channel Memory

Scan Speed


Switching Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity
Satellite options

58 TELE-satellite International —

PREVIEW Satellite Receiver

FortecStar FSIR-5400NA
New Power Scan Receiver
We were about to close the books on this issue of TELE-satellite magazine when a pack- so that another receiver can be connected.
age was delivered to our office door. It turned out to be a prereleased version of the new In addition to the three RCA jacks for video
FSIR-5400NA satellite receiver from FortecStar Communications out of Canada. Although this and stereo audio, you can also connect
receiver only arrived just at press time and we did not have time to put this box through its your TV using the outputs from the built-in
paces, we still wanted to introduce it here. We will, of course, follow up with a more detailed modulator. The modulator output can be
test report in the next issue of TSI. set to either VHF channel 3 or 4 via a tiny
slide switch. For improved video and audio
quality, there’s also an S/PDIF optical audio
output and an S-VHS video output. Last but
not least there’s the RS-232 interface and
the main power switch.

The 5400NA comes with many of the fea-

tures that you might be familiar with when
it comes to FortecStar receivers. The most
important of these features would, of course,
be the Power Scan (A.k.a. Blind Scan) func-
tion that lets you scan a satellite for digital
signals without knowing any signal param-
eters in advance. But FortecStar has greatly
enhanced the power of their Power Scan
rectangular buttons on the left side of the function in this receiver by giving it addi-
front panel. Four of these buttons are for tional capabilities. For example, now you can
channel selection and volume control and are specify the frequency range that you would
The model that we received for test- arranged in a cross pattern. The on/standby like to scan. You can also tell the receiver
ing came with a card slot for the embedded button is to the left of the other four and is the frequency steps it should take during a
Irdeto system and is one of three different slightly larger in size. The green four-digit scan. These extras were not available in the
models in this series. A simple FTA receiver display is in the center and shows either the FortecStar Lifetime Ultra.
and a box with CI slots make up the other current channel number or the time of day.
two models in the series. All three of these The card slot for the embedded Irdeto system FortecStar has told us that the production
models were designed with the North Ameri- is hidden behind a flap that forms around the version of the 5400NA should become avail-
can market in mind. lower and right sides of the display window. able sometime in September of 2005. In
the meantime, we will put this new receiver
The silver-colored box is sleek in design The rear panel of this receiver is nicely through a more thorough test and present the
and comes with a set of five chrome-colored, equipped. The LNB input is looped through results in the next issue of TELE-satellite.

60 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Satellite & Terrestrial Receiver

Golden Interstar
DVB-T/S 8300 CI Premium
Digital and Terrestrial -
Plus Spectrum Analyzer!
Digital satellite TV has already found its way into over a million homes in Europe while the a dark-colored glass panel behind which can
changeover of terrestrial TV from analog to digital in many of the old world countries is taking be found the four-digit display and the infra-
its time. If you are interested in both of these methods then you definitely should not skip red receiver for the remote control. Along-
over this test report. side are the buttons for channel selection,
volume control and on/standby arranged in
a half circle.
The DVB-T/S 8300 CI Premium is one of the And this is just what is printed on the
newest receivers to come out of the German receiver‘s box leaving you with the idea that To the right is a flap under which can be
manufacturer Golden Interstar and its list of this is a technologically advanced and reli- found two SmartCard slots as well as slots
features promise quite a lot: two tuners - one able product. We took a closer look at the for two CAM modules making this receiver
for digital satellite reception and the other for 8300 CI Premium to see if it could deliver compatible with the reception of PayTV sig-
digital terrestrial signals - enough memory everything as promised. nals.
for up to 6000 channels on as many as 1000
transponders, every DiSEqC protocol plus The design of the box is simple yet ele- A Menu button and an OK button are also
USALS and to top it off a two-year warranty. gant. Two thirds of the front is enclosed in to be found behind this flap. Together with

62 TELE-satellite International —

Satellite & Terrestrial Receiver TEST REPORT

the channel up/down buttons and the volume These settings are only first found in the nothing appears to have been left out in
control buttons, all of the system settings third submenu. The available languages the channel scan settings. After selecting
for this box can be handled directly from the are English, French, German, Arabic, Per- a desired satellite, a channel scan can be
front panel. sian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Greek, started by simply pressing the blue button
Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian and on the remote control.
This is an intelligent solution for those Italian even though the printed user manual
moments when you discover that the remote indicates that only eight languages are avail- In addition to a progress bar graph,
control needs a new set of batteries. It is able. Golden Interstar was confident enough to
unfortunate that the manufacturer didn‘t also included an elapsed time indicator (min-
think to include an Exit button as well; it‘s In the installation you must first choose utes and seconds) for the channel scan. 75
easy enough to get into all the menus but between satellite and terrestrial. In satellite Astra transponders were scanned in just
getting out is a little bit more involved. mode a list of all the preprogrammed satel- 3 minutes and 26 seconds. An incredible
lite positions is displayed on the left side of achievement considering that we activated
Looking at the rear panel you will find an the screen. the Network scan and searched for all avail-
input for the satellite antenna, an input for able channels!
digital terrestrial signals plus one for stand- The 8300 CI Premium has 83 of these
ard terrestrial channels. positions with additional positions that can The scan of terrestrial channels follows a
be added manually. All of the current set- similar path. It can be an automatic scan
All of these three inputs also have corre- tings for the selected satellite are shown in for all available digital channels in Europe or
sponding looped-through outputs with the a window on the right side. Here you can a manual scan on a particular channel fre-
standard terrestrial output connected to a not only select the local oscillator frequency quency. The Astra position alone delivers
modulator. In addition to the two Scart con- (LOF), the DiSEqC settings or activate a over 1000 TV and radio channels. If recep-
nectors for a TV and VCR, there‘s also a set Network scan, but you can also view the tion is expanded to multiple satellites, the
of three RCA jacks that provide composite signal strength and quality in a spectrum number of channels will, of course, increase
video and stereo audio outputs plus there‘s analyzer display for every transponder from dramatically. Naturally some form of organi-
extra connectors for a 0/12-volt programma- the selected satellite. zation of all these channels is necessary. For
ble output and an S/PDIF output for digital starters, channels can be individually moved
audio. This feature is extremely helpful when into one of the eight Favorites lists.
precisely aligning the antenna since in spec-
The remote control is not too big and not trum analyzer mode the signal strength and In many cases this is where the user-
too small and is light and easy to use. We quality is displayed as two moving lines of friendliness typically comes to an end. What
would have preferred to see the volume con- different colors. What resembles the lines good is a high-speed channel scan and lots
trols set apart from the ring buttons so that on a medical chart help to precisely map of channel memory when it will take you an
the ring buttons could be used for other com- signal changes as the result of moving the entire weekend just to sort through all the
mands, but this is really our own impression antenna. The supreme advantage to this channels and move them into appropriate
and doesn‘t in any way take away from the type of display is that instead of having just Favorites lists?
overall ergonomics of the remote control. a display of the signal conditions at that
moment, the overall results of moving the Fortunately, the 8300 CI Premium did not

Everyday Use antenna around can be seen at the same

time making it easier to interpret and ulti-
disappoint us here. In the Channel Editing
submenu we find a two-column display with
After turning on the receiver for the first mately correct the alignment. the entire channel list on the left side and the
time or after the box is reset to its default Favorites list on the right side. Simply select
settings, the main menu will first appear Should a DiSEqC motor also be connected, the desired channel and push the OK button
in English. The submenu „Installation“ is these settings can also be taken care of in to move the channel over to the Favorites
already highlighted. For less experienced this menu. In the Transponder Settings sub- list. It doesn‘t get easier than this.
users it might have made more sense to menu, transponders can be edited, added
make the menu language selection the first or individually scanned. The manual entry Golden Interstar suggests that its channel
step before doing anything else. of PID data is also possible here. All in all, switching time is extremely fast. In practice, — TELE-satellite International 63

nearly a full second was needed from the nel number and name as well as the satellite CI Premium. There‘s even a Zoom func-
time a new channel is selected to the point with transponder frequency and symbols for tion to let you enlarge portions of the video
where it actually appears on the screen. FTA/CAS, teletext, audio options and paren- image. Even this tool is becoming available
Within the same transponder this time is tal controls. in more and more receivers even though the
somewhat faster and when switching over to actual usefulness of this feature still remains
an encrypted channel you actually need to The signal strength can be displayed either to be seen.
wait a little longer. This is nothing to write in bar graph form or in spectrum analyzer
home about but at the same time it is nothing form. Unfortunately, the title of the current A good Electronic Program Guide (EPG) is
to complain about either. program is not automatically displayed. This much more important. A push of the EPG
The waiting time can be indirectly short- only appears with an additional push of the button on the remote displays a seven-day
ened by selecting the fading option in the Info button. preview of the current channel. The direc-
user settings menu. This will let the old tional buttons can be used to change chan-
channel fade out and the new channel fade It seems that it has become a prerequisite nels and also select the preview day. The
in - something that is quite pleasant to the for a receiver to come with a variety of video EPG is designed with clarity and loads the
eyes. games to pass the time during long commer- data reasonably fast and then reliably dis-
cial breaks. This is no different with the 8300 plays this information.
The menus are clearly laid out and permit
quick and easy navigation to the individual Expert conclusion
submenus. The overall design, with its back-
ground colors and outlines, is a very pleas-
A solid and good-looking receiver for satellite and terrestrial
ant experience and all of the functions in the
reception. Fast software and excellent options for aligning a satellite
8300 CI Premium can be found where they antenna manually or with a DiSEqC motor. Let‘s not forget the turbo-
would normally be expected. charged channel scan.

The Info bar that appears for a user-

- Armin Gottwald
Test Center
The OSD design is for our tastes a little bit too colorful. Austria
defined number of seconds when switching
to another channel or when the Info button
is pushed on the remote, displays the chan- — TELE-satellite International 65

TEST REPORT Satellite & Terrestrial Receiver Info-Box

Main menu

Golden Interstar DVB-T/S

8300 CI Premium
Digital FTA+CI satellite
and terrestrial receiver Motor setting

TECHNICAL Distributor Golden Interstar GmbH

Stuttgarter Str. 36,
73635 Rudersberg, Germany
Fax +49 7183 30594 20
Email [email protected]
Model DVB-T/S 8300 CI Premium
Function Digital FTA + CI satellite and
terrestrial receiver
Channel memory 6000
Satellites 83 pre-programmed
Symbol rate 1 ~ 45 Ms/sec
DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2
Programmable 0/12 V Yes
Digital Audio Output S/PDIF (optical)
Scart connectors 2
Video/Stereo Audio Output 3 x RCA
Colour system PAL, NTSC
S-VHS Output No
Modulator Yes
SCPC compatible Yes
Teletext Yes (OSD und VBI,
only OSD available in test)
Power Supply 100 –250 VAC
Power Consumption 25 W max.


Channel list
Channel Memory

Scan Speed


Switching Speed

Video Quality

Audio Quality

Tuner Sensitivity
Satellite setup

66 TELE-satellite International —


Max Communication LNBF

models 801, 802, 804 and 804-s
Can You Hear the
Whisper from the Sky?
LNB is short for Low Noise Block. As its name implies, a low level of
noise is absolutely essential for this device. It was true in the old days
of analog satellite TV and it is still true today as well. What has changed
over time is the performance of LNB’s. Several years ago a 1 or even 1.2
dB noise figure was considered good. Today, the leading manufacturers
know how to achieve noise figures as low as 0.3 dB.

If you installed your Ku-band offset dish

antenna 3-4 years ago, you probably have
an LNBF with the noise figure of 0.8 dB or
so. Does it make sense to replace it with
today’s 0.3 dB units? If you have some
background in electronics, for example in
audio equipment, you may wonder if such a
small change is even noticeable. Improving
the signal-to-noise ratio by 0.5 dB does not
sound very appealing. However, the noise
figure is misleading in the case of satellite
reception. That’s because the source tem-
perature is not something around 290°K as
it is for terrestrial transmissions, but only
about 30°K. That means that the actual
improvement in signal-to-noise ratio will be
about 1.8 dB so the reception of weak trans-
ponders can be significantly improved.

Max Communication provided us with 4

samples of their new family of LNBF’s: single,
twin, quad and quatro models. The family is
named Platinum Edition and the models are
respectively: 801, 802, 804 and 804-s. All of
them are designed for use on offset dishes.
Since they are so-called “universal LNBF’s”,
they are capable of receiving the entire Ku-
band. Universal LNBF’s have two local oscil-
lator frequencies (LOF’s): 9.750 and 10.600
GHz. More importantly, the noise figure for all
of these units is specified as typically 0.3 dB.

When unpacked, the LNBF’s did not look

all that different from other LNBF’s. The

68 TELE-satellite International —


housing used for the twin LNBF is the same them in dBm, subtract 109 from the pro-
as the one for the quad or quatro. The only vided values (for example: +70 dBµV equals
difference was that there were only two –39 dBm). We decided that apart from the
output connectors for the twin versus four purely electrical measurements, we wanted
for the other two. The plastic segments to observe the results on a real receiver. We
making up the housing did not in all cases used a DSN GR-7400CI, a receiver that was
line up perfectly with each other although presented in the previous issue of TELE-
the same can certainly be said for the satellite International. The receiver’s signal
LNB’s of other manufacturers as well. All of strength reading is shown on the same chart
the models come with rubber sleeves that as the output measurement. Coincidently,
are used to protect the cable connections the Y-axis values are well suited to show
from rain or dust. The manufacturer did not values in dBµV and % at the same time.
provide much technical information on the
boxes in which the LNBF’s were packed in, Of course, the most interesting param-
nor was a data sheet included. eter to measure would be the C/N ratio
although it is rather difficult to measure correction that all digital TV receivers per-

Test Approach it correctly with real life signals. The fre-

quency spectrum is almost entirely occu-
form on the signal.

First of all, we decided to compare the Max pied up by transponders and this poses a big However, if the channel BER were higher,
Communication LNBF’s with another unit problem in determining a noise floor. If we the error correction function would not be
from a different manufacturer. We selected could ask a satellite operator to switch their able to recreate the original data resulting
as our point of reference, a twin LNBF with a transponders on and off when we needed it, in dramatically deteriorated video and audio
noise figure of 0.8 dB that was several years this would solve our measurement problem. quality. Except for the measurements taken
old. We used a tripod on which a 90 cm dish However, because we suspected that they with a meter, we noted down the signal
was installed. LNBF’s were mounted on the would not be willing to cooperate with us in quality readings provided by the GR-7400CI.
feed support one after another. The antenna that way, we had to approach the problem These readings are nearly as good an indi-
was directed to Sirius 2/3 at 5.0° east. For differently. cator of signal quality as the channel BER
testing, we selected a channel transmitted measured by a sophisticated and expensive
on the weakest beam (Europe BSS) and in Instead of finding out the C/N ratio, we meter.
the middle of the Ku-band: 11.766 GHz, hor- measured the channel bit error rate (chan-
izontal polarization, SR=27.500 MS/s. nel BER). This parameter tells us how often
an erroneous bit occurs (due to noise and Discussion
We measured the power of the output
signal supplied by the LNBF – which closely
interference) in the data stream. A signal
having a channel BER equal to 1x10 -4 is of the Results
corresponds to the LNBF’s conversion gain. regarded as very good – it is called QEF As you can see in figure 1, the variation
The higher the gain, the higher the power (Quasi Error Free). In our tests, we dealt of output power from the LNBF’s under test
of the output signal. Except for the digital with greater channel BER values (signal was is about 5 dB. Since the conversion gain of a
channel power (DCP), we measured the relatively weak and noisy), but still no video typical LNB is 50 to 60 dB, such a difference
amplitude level. The results presented here or audio distortions were noticeable at the in output power is quite normal. So the only
are expressed in dBµV. If you prefer to have receiver output. That’s because of the error conclusion that can be drawn here is that

Figure 1. Figure 2.
Signal strength measurements and set-top-box readings Channel BER measurements — TELE-satellite International 69

the conversion gain

of the Max Com-
munication devices
does not differ from
other LNBF’s avail-
able on the market.
Much more inter-
esting results are
shown in figure 2.
As you can see,
there is a very dis-
tinctive difference Figure 3. Signal quality readings on a set-top-box
in signal quality
between the 0.8 dB and 0.3 dB devices. If munications have very similar noise fig-
the channel BER values do not appeal to you ures and that the 0.3 dB is not a lie. To be
too much, look at the quality reading of the quite sure about that, we checked the same
set-top-box presented in figure 3. Signals signal from the Sirius satellite with another
with a reading below 40% would be heavily quad LNBF. This one had a NF=0.4dB and
distorted on this particular set-top-box. was mounted on the other 90 cm dish. We
obtained: channel BER 70x10 -4, signal qual-
One can conclude that the twin LNBF was ity 70%. There was virtually no difference
the very best among the four 0.3 dB devices. between the 0.3 dB and 0.4 dB units, while a
Not so fast! The twin LNBF was the first we significant improvement was seen over the
tested. Before we had finished, it was late 0.8 dB LNBF.
in the evening. The weather could change
a bit. So we decided to repeat the test with During our testes we observed that there
a twin model. This time the results were: was no difference between the two out-
channel BER 90x10 -4, signal quality 70%. puts in the twin or four outputs in the quad
The results were slightly worse than those models. The signal strength and quality was
of a single LNBF. Taking this into account, identical regardless of which output was
we can say that all 4 models from Max Com- connected to the coax cable.

Expert conclusion
All four models provide the low noise performance that the manu-
facturer promises. The conversion gain is sufficient and there is no
difference in signal strength and quality on different outputs of the
twin and quad models. If you have a 0.8 dB or worse LNBF, upgrad-
ing with the Max Communication device will significantly improve the Peter Miller
reception of weak signals. TELE-satellite

Test Center

Detailed technical specifications like LOF stability or operating temperature was

not included with the unit. Only average workmanship quality raises fear about the
durability and resistance of these LNBF’s to harsh weather conditions.

Manufacturer Max Communication GmbH,
Siemensstr. 53, 25462 Rellingen, Germany,

E-mail [email protected]

Phone +49 4101 / 6060-0

Fax +49 4101 / 6060-9 99

Models 801 (single), 802 (twin),

804 (quad) and 804-s (quatro)

Description Universal LNBF’s for Offset Dishes

Noise Figure 0.3 dB typ.

LOF’s 9.750 and 10.600 GHz — TELE-satellite International 71


for the installation. Included with the switch

were a set of three protective sleeves that

Vantage Digital
slide over the “F” connectors once the cables
are connected to the switch and are designed
to keep the “F” connectors on the switch free
from dirt and moisture. Keep in mind that

A Switch for
these protective sleeves need to be inserted
on the raw coax cable before any “F” connec-
tors are mated to the cable.

Any Application
We connected the switch to a 76cm dish
pointed to Intelsat Americas 5 and a 1.2-
meter dish pointed at Hispasat. The receiver
controlled the switch flawlessly. There was
a negligible delay when switching from one
Vantage Digital, a company based in Karlsruhe, Germany, is a supplier of digital satellite TV input to the other.
products. Their product line consists of satellite antennas, receivers, switches and amplifiers
along with assorted installation accessories that include cable and multifeed assemblies. Their
assortment of switches includes everything from a simple DiSEqC A/B switch to an 8-input/1- VT-DS 4/1 PL
output DiSEqC switch. Vantage also has quite an assortment of amplifier and signal distribu- The next switch we looked at was the VT-
tion products. They were kind enough to provide us with an assortment of their switch and DS 4/1 PL. Like the first switch, this model
amplifier products so that we could take a closer look at them. also comes enclosed in a weatherproof gray-
colored plastic housing. Unlike the first
switch, this housing is designed in such a way
that no protective sleeves are needed for the
“F” connectors. One side of the housing is
exposed providing access to the connectors
on the switch that are recessed inside the
open side of the housing. When properly
installed, this exposed side is pointing down
to the ground preventing any moisture from
reaching the connectors.

The DS 4/1 PL switches between the sig-

nals from four different satellite antennas
or four LNB’s on a multifeed antenna. The
satellite receiver selects the desired switch
input by sending the proper signals to the
VT-DS 2/1 PL DS 2/1 PL switch connected to the C
switch via the coax cable. For our tests we
2-input/1-output switch and Ku-band LNB‘s of a 10-foot dish
connected this switch to four fixed anten-
For this issue of TELE-satellite we will The weatherproof housing lets you install nas, two of which were Ku-band with the
focus our efforts on their line of switch the switch as close as possible to the antenna other two being C-band. The four antennas
products. The next issue will concentrate without having to worry if it gets wet or not. were pointed to Telstar 12 (90cm Ku-band),
on their signal amplifier and distribution This minimizes the amount of cabling needed Hispasat (1.2-meter Ku-band), Intelsat 805
products. The switch products we received
for testing included both indoor and outdoor

VT-DS 2/1 PL
The first switch we looked at was a simple
DiSEqC A/B switch. This simple dual input/
single output switch comes fully enclosed in
a weatherproof gray-colored plastic hous-
ing. The two inputs can be connected, for
example, to the LNB’s on two different satel-
lite dishes or it can be used with the Ku-band
and C-band LNB outputs of a single dish. In
either way, the result is a single cable to the
receiver with the receiver controlling the VT-DS 4/1 PL DS 4/1 PL switch connected to the same
switch via its integrated DiSEqC protocol. 4-input/1-output switch 10-foot dish plus two additional antennas

74 TELE-satellite International —


formed. When switching from one input

to the other, the switch instantly “moved”
between inputs and behaved much like a
standard DiSEqC switch. There was no
delay in switching from one satellite to the
other as would normally be experienced with
a motor moving the dish from one satellite
to another. The switch performed flawlessly
while switching back and forth between all
of its eight inputs.

Vantage‘s assortment of switches

(1.6-meter C-band) and Galaxy 11 (3.0-meter

C-band). The Vantage VT-DS 4/1 PL easily
switched between the four inputs. There was
also hardly any noticeable delay when switch-
ing from one input to another.

VT-DS 8/1
The next switch that was put under the
microscope was the VT-DS 8/1. This switch
is far more unique than the others we have
looked at so far in that it can handle up to eight
different inputs and route them to a single
output. It is not weatherproof like the first
two models so if this switch is to be installed
VT-DS 8/1 8-input/1-output switch
outdoors, you must make certain that it is
properly protected from the elements. strength is at maximum for the first satellite.
Store the position and repeat the procedure Conclusion
This is not your normal everyday switch. for the remaining seven inputs keeping in Vantage offers a variety
The DiSEqC 1.2 logo printed on the label mind that the entire set up procedure may of very reliable switches
clearly points this out. DiSEqC 1.2 is normally take some time until all the satellite positions for almost any application.
associated with antenna motors but in this have been “found”. It is also possible to con- Whether you only have
case it is used to control this switch. From trol the eight switch inputs with the DiSEqC two satellite antennas, two
the receiver’s point of view, this switch looks 1.1 protocol. Even DiSEqC 1.0 would work LNB’s on one antenna, or if
like an antenna motor and this simply means but in this case only the first four inputs could you have as many as eight
that each of the eight inputs will be assigned be used. antennas scattered around
its own “motor position” in the receiver’s your backyard, Vantage has Ron Roessel
antenna motor menu. Once all the positions have been stored, the correct switch for your TELE-satellite
Test Center
we wanted to see how well the switch per- needs. North America

We connected this switch to our antenna

farm using the same satellites as with the 4/1
switch above plus adding antennas pointed at
Intelsat Americas 5 (76cm Ku-band) and Nimiq Manufacturer Vantage Digital, Karlsruhe, Germany
1/2 (20-inch dual feed Ku-band). Don’t forget, Fax +49-721-96-14-17-9
the receiver that you use must be DiSEqC 1.2
E-mail [email protected]
compatible in order to fully use this switch
but since most receivers on the market today Model VT-DS 2/1 PL VT-DS 4/1 PL VT-DS 8/1

come incorporated with at least DiSEqC 1.2, Function A/B Switch 4-input/1-output 8-input/1-output
this should really not be a problem. Frequency Range 5-2300 MHz 5-2300 MHz 950-2300 MHz

Insertion Loss 3 dB typ. 8 dB (5-862 MHz) 5 dB typ.

We checked out the switch using the 5 dB (950-2300 MHz)
receiver’s DiSEqC 1.2 function. The first sat-
Isolation 35 dB typ. 30 dB typ. 30 dB typ.
ellite is set up by “moving” the antenna using
the receiver’s antenna menu until the signal Power Consumption 30 mA 30 mA 50 mA max — TELE-satellite International 75

SatcoDX News
Over on ASTRA 2 at 28.2E, the expected vari- C-band at 3.800H, 27500 3/4. Al Arabiya
Andy Middleton ations of ITV1’s Anglia, Scottish TV, Merid- replaced MBC at 3.786V 4500 7/8.
ian and Tyne Tees regions were added to the
SatcoDX Headquarters existing ITV transponders at 10.759V, 10.891H Meanwhile on Ku band, the Al Majd Docu-
and 10.906V (all 22000 5/6). Men & Motors mentary channel started regular programmes
became free to air and moved to 10.759V – this at 12.662V 27500 3/4. 12.519V 27500 3/4
A round-up of worldwide satellite news is set to become the new ITV4 channel later in saw the start of Ghinwa TV, Mersal, promos
from SatcoDX covering Mid-June to Mid-
the year. ABC1, available on digital terrestrial for Art Vision and Jeddah TV, and several
August 2005.
in the UK for some time began at 10.862H, test cards in anticipation of the start of further
All channels are free-to-air unless speci- 22000 5/6, encrypted in Videoguard. services. Kuwait Space Channel moved
fied otherwise. from 11.560H to 11.212V 3000 3/4. Also
Phoenix CNE left its long time home of moving were the Jordan Satellite Chan-
11.565V on EUROBIRD 1 (28.5E) for a new nel, the Arabic General Channel and Fun
home at 11.623H 27500 2/3. Unusually for this FM, moving from 11.568H to a new home of
Europe / Africa / Middle-East 11.203V 3400 3/4.

August 10 saw a big scare for EUTELSAT’s The Egypt Satellite Channel (ESC) replaced
busy W1 satellite at 10.0 degrees east. At Euronews at 11.585V 27500 3/4. Meanwhile,
around 1200UTC all signals disappeared from Iqraa replaced ESC at 11.862V. Rotana
the satellite. APTN’s UP4 and GVW (Global Zaman also started at 11.623V 27500 3/4
Video Wire) services and Serbia’s RTS Sat following a promo. Abu Dhabi Sports on
were hastily moved to the W6 (formerly W3) 11.862V 27500 3/4 became free-to-air on
satellite at 21.5E. Several hours later W1 came August 1st, and it is clear now also on Nilesat
back to life, with the moved services returning (7.0W), 11.996H 27500 3/4.
the next day when the satellite was back to full
operation. At 30.5E, ARABSAT 2B saw the start of Al
Jazeera on two new frequencies, 12.722H
Aldana TV tests on Nilesat
As always, HOTBIRD (13.0E) saw many new 3400 3/4 and 12.722V 2800 3/4. The USA ver-
channels starting. Among them were OL TV sion of LBC Sat began at 12.654H 3900 3/4.
on 10.834V, RTVi Nashe Kino on 11.013H, satellite, the channel had not changed even its
Radio Millennium on 11.302H, MKTV Sat, PIDs since October 2002. Over at INTELSAT 602 (62.0E), a set of Ira-
24Ore TV on 11.449V, Conto TV and Calab- nian channels started. Radios Sarasari,
ria Channel on 11.531V, TBN Russian on Several other channels started or moved on Payam, Javan, Quran Maaref, Farhang Var-
11.566H, Music Nation on 11.746H, Puglia the ASTRA 2/EUROBIRD 1 position. They zesh and Salamt are all at 11.147V 27500 3/4
Channel on 12.520V (all symbol rate 27500 include: Yooplay TV on 11.222H, Vectone in the Farsi language.
FEC 3/4). Ten Sport started at 11.304H 27500 Music on 11.224V, The Wrestling Channel
3/4, becoming encrypted soon after. and You TV 2 on 11.260V, DM Digital on
11.264H, Aastha TV and ChoicesUK TV on
It was a quiet period at ASTRA 1 (19.2E). 11.307V, ATN Bangla on 11.527V, Screen-
Radio Top 40 from Germany started at shop and Price-Drop TV on 12.032H, iBuy
12.633H 22000 5/6. Astra’s Satmode promos TV on 12.129V, Sony’s SET Max on 11.973V
and data moved to 11.973V 27500 3/4, and – all 27500 2/3.
Premiere Win started regular programmes
in Nagravision on 12.032H 27500 3/4, after Tests began for The Hits (12.304H), Discov-
broadcasting an FTA promo for a while. ery Real Time (11.222H), Paramount +1
(11.546H) - all 27500 2/3, plus FX+ 10.876V
22000 5/6 all using Videoguard encryption. All
of these are expected to join the Sky Digital
Sports Max on Intelsats 805 and 707
platform shortly. Passion TV also began tests
at 11.260V in the clear.
On EURASIASAT (42.0E), Imedia TV
In the Slovak Link package on EUROBIRD 1 changed SR, the new parameters are 12.608V
at 12.643H 27500 3/4, JOJ, TA3 and Radio 37500 5/6. Radio Time started at 11.804V
Hey began broadcasts. The same channels 24444 5/6 and Halay replaced WOM Plus on
in this package also appeared at ASTRA 3A the same frequency. WOM Europe on 11.852V
(23.5E), 12.565H 27500 2/3. 4444 5/6 was replaced by Smart Musik.

On ARABSAT at 26.0E, Dubai’s EDTV chan- At HELLAS SAT (39.0E), TV Pika, Islah TV,
ITV tests on Palapa C2
nel, Dream 2 and Melody Hits started in the Euro1080, Debate TV and the Hellas Sat

76 TELE-satellite International —

News SatcoDX
promo changed their SR and FEC to 28800 The demise of the Index shopping chain in the
5/6. Greek radio stations Nitro and Sfera UK meant the end of their in-store radio on
started at 12.524V 27500 3/4. TELSTAR 12 (15.0W) 11.503H 6620 2/3, their
place being taken by Carpetright. Another
Ravi started test transmissions on PAKSAT new in-store (or maybe in this case, in-bank)
(38.0E) 4.121H 2990 3/4. service started here – Xtra FM, for the UK’s
Halifax bank.
A good test of your receiver’s low-SR capa-
bilities: Italian broadcaster TRSP started at Nigeria’s Silverbird TV started on INTELSAT
903 (34.5W), 3.888L 16300 3/4.

On PANAMSAT 3R (43.0W) 12.651H 30800

7/8, the feed of the UK’s version of The Golf TV Lanka on Yamal 202
Channel returned.
KTVW, KUTP and KASW all started at
Finally in this region, HDTV tests have been 3.800H 19510 3/4.
seen on HISPASAT (30.0W), at 12.538V
13636 7/8 and EUTELSAT W2 (16.0E), INTELSAT AMERICAS (IA) 5 at 97.0W saw
11.164H 27485 1/2. the start of UonTV at 12.177V 23000 2/3. This
channel sells its airtime to organisations, busi-
nesses or private individuals for as little as $20
Americas per hour.
Ravi tests on Paksat
Sports Max appeared for a while at INTEL- Also at IA5, Appadana International started
SESAT (36E) 12.630V 1000 3/4, in addition to SAT 805 (55.5W) 4.112H, before moving at 11.867V and Irish sport channel Setanta
the HOTBIRD (13E) service at 11.727V 27500 to 3.678H 3255 1/2. It’s also at INTELSAT started using Irdeto encryption at 11.898V
3/4. Also at SESAT, the Kurdish-language 707 (53.0W), 3255 3/4. Also at 55.5W, Zee (both 22000 3/4). Israel Plus started at
Zagros TV became unencrypted at the same Cinema can now be found at 3.743V, 4957 11.787V 25000 3/4
time as changing its symbol rate. The new 7/8, and El Garage at 3.817H 8150 3/4.
parameters are 12.625V 2170 3/4. TVBV started on BRASILSAT B4 at 92.0W,
At 7E, EUTELSAT W3A saw the start of Tur- At IA6 (93.0W), CNN started at 11.827V 8429 3.928V 27500 5/6.
key’s Duzgun TV at 10.873V 2139 7/8. 3/4.
Several new channels appeared at NAHUEL
On INTELSAT 10-02 at 1.0W, Romanian In Digicypher mode on GALAXY 3C (95.0W), 1A at 72.0W. Canal 27 Guatemala on 11.603V
radio stations Pro FM and InfoPRO started US TV stations KPHO, KAET, KSAZ, KNXV, 3600 3/4 Unsion Equador on 11.611V 3400
at 12.722H 27500 3/4.

From Ukraine, OTV started

at AMOS (4.0W), 10.723H
27500 3/4. Another Ukrain-
ian channel, TVCI, appeared
at SIRIUS (5.0E) 12.073H
27500 3/4.

NILESAT (7.0W) is a busy

place for tests and new
channels at the moment.
Among the changes here
were Jeevan TV starting at
12.303H; Baghdad TV and
Al Baghdadia on 11.919H
and tests for Huda TV at
11.747V, Aldana TV and
Gear One at 12.226H, Ishtar
TV on 12.303H, Dadana TV
on 12.015, Al Jazeera Chil-
dren on 12.284V and Music
Time on 11.861V (all 27500

Satellite TV

Ron Roessel Channel Logo

A new type of FTA satellite TV channel has taken to the North American airwaves. It is
called UonTV and it is unlike any FTA channel that has ever been beamed from a satellite. The
idea behind this new channel is that the viewers become the programmers. In other words,
programming for this channel is provided by anyone that has something to show. According
to UonTV this could be anything from a home video of a high school graduation. to local little
league games, infomercials and videos of corporate meetings being sent to regional offices
and anything in between.

UonTV was created with small businesses of UonTV, “our goal is to make FTA more
and individuals in mind and provides them diverse”. At the moment there is only one
with access to the power of digital satellite UonTV channel but the goal is to add more
TV broadcasting at extremely inexpensive specific niche channels in the future. UonTV
pricing. For as little as US$ 20.00 per half is already in discussions about this.
SatcoDX Coverage Area
hour, there is a potential to reach millions of
satellite viewers across North America. It will be interesting to see where all of this
goes from here. For more information on
UonTV uses the widely popular Intelsat what UonTV is all about, visit their web site:
Americas 5 satellite located at 97° west.
UonTV began broadcasting in July 2005 and
is based in San Diego, California with pro-
duction facilities in Hawaii. Their signal is
broadcast in the Ku-band on Intelsat Ameri-
cas 5. With a footprint covering all of the
USA, Canada, Mexico and much of the Carib-
bean, UonTV can be viewed by anyone in this
area with a simple, inexpensive FTA satellite UonTV Promotion
reception system. The Ku-band dish simply
needs to be pointed to IA5 with the receiver
tuned to these parameters:

Frequency: 12.177 GHz

Polarization: Vertical
Symbolrate: 23000 Ms/sec
PID’s: V 4130, A 4131, PCR 4130

“FTA in North America right now is mostly

limited to religious and ethnic programming”,
commented Jamison Ching, General Manager Niche Sports Private Video - Family Party

78 TELE-satellite International —

News SatcoDX
1/2, Canal 48 Honduras at 11.626V 3600 1/2, nels on 4.060V 27500 3/4. This package now
TV Libre Uruguay at 11.675 3600 3/4, Con- contains Law & Life, City Play, Channel Max,
exion Educativa, SEMSAT and Canal Rural Channel Elan, Colourful Stage, Channel
Satelital at 11.708V 12000 7/8, Red Media Young, Channel Joy, Golden Life, Channel
Educativa at 11.739V 1482 3/4 and Hipo- Documentary, Great Sports Channel and
dromo (encrypted) at 11.949H 4688 3/4. CBN.

On NSS 806 at 40.5W, Cosmovision started On ASIASAT 2 (100.5E), Spanish soccer

at 3.658R 2532 3/4, and Zona Latina and Via team Real Madrid’s TV channel started at
X began at 3.985L 5900 3/4. Universal and 3.960H 27500 3/4.

At ASIASAT 3S (105.5E), Fashion TV started

at 4.088H 2626 3/4. The Thailand version of
Fashion TV also began broadcasts, at THAI-
COM 3 (78.5E), 3.920V 30000 3/4. Also at
THAICOM, Thailand’s TV5 began broadcasts
at 3.585V 26667 3/4, and Korean Central TV
started at 3.666H 3367 3/4.

On PALAPA C2 (113.0E), iTV from Indonesia

started tests on 4.082H 28125 3/4.

On APSTAR V/TELSTAR 18 at 138.0E, Good

TRSP on Sesat TV started at 12.425V 30000 3/4, and the Lot-
tery Channel on 3.866H 4289 3/4.
Fox News started on 3.719L 5882 3/4. TV
Chile began at 4.182R 28881 5/6. At AGILA 2 at 146.0E, Familyland’s TV and
radio channels started on 4.165V 3735 7/8.
The Church Channel and TBN started at
Asia 3.892H 5425 3/4, ACQ KBN at 3.913V 2200
3/4, and UNTV at 4.188V 2170 3/4.
YAMAL 202 at 49.0E saw the start of TV
Lanka 2 and 3 on 3.953L. After using a symbol Broadcasting to Australia, there were as usual
rate of 2500, they settled on parameters of several changes on OPTUS B3 (152.0E). RTP
4500 7/8. The same satellite saw the start of
Russian channels TVS Severnaya Dvina and
RTR Pomor'e on 3.940L 7500 3/4 plus Tyu-
menskoe Vremya and Telekanal Rossiya
Tyumen on 3.961L 8570 3/4.

On LMI 1 (75.0E), Music Box Russia started

along with RR-Sat feeds on 3.670V 3700 3/4.

Russia’s OTC started at EXPRESS 6A (80E),

10.992V accompanied by Radios Rossii and
Russkaya Volna. Also on this satellite, TRK 7
started at 10.965V, and Ugra TV & Radio at
TV Romania International on Optus B3
10.975V (all 4444 3/4).

Also at 80E, the +0, +2, +4 and +7-hour ver- International and SIC International replaced
sions of Ren TV started at 3.578R 29659 3/4, their respective info cards on 12.425H 22500
after a brief spell at 3.480R. 3/4 and became encrypted. TV Polonia here
also became encrypted. To redress the bal-
Asianet Plus started on INSAT 2E (83.0E), ance somewhat, the following FTA services
3.642V 19531 3/4. On the same satellite, started on the same transponder: Channel
Akaash Bangla began at 3.612V 9625 3/4. One, IRIB3, DMC Channel, The Healing
Channel and TV Romania International.
CHINASTAR (87.5E) saw a set of free-to-air
channels replace the former encrypted chan- To contribute information, use the “Contact
SatcoDX” link at
TEST REPORT Antenna Motor

Stab HH90
ing all the necessary hardware accessories:
screws, nuts, clamps, bolts, F-type connec-
tors with protective covers and even a simple

for poets
spanner for assembling everything. Last but
not least, you will find a very helpful user
manual inside the package. It is full of pic-
tures and detailed explanations. Almost all
the parts are made of metal; only a portion
Have you ever thought about looking for channels on satellites other of the motor‘s cover is plastic. Despite that,
than the only one that you can receive with your fixed dish? Were you the entire assembly is very light (2.6 kg) and
deterred from doing that by the complexity of the motor setup and its compact. It is durable in appearance and the
cost? Well, we have good news for you! The new Stab motor - HH90 is workmanship leaves nothing to be desired.
for everybody.

The motor and its accessories are packed downwards - not upwards. Moreover, the The motor can be controlled by USALS or
in a small carton. If you never worked with shaft is not permanently connected to the DiSEqC 1.2 compatible receivers. We used
hardware like this before, it will probably motor. The shaft should be first attached a USALS system first. Before starting the
surprise you how easy and simple all this is. to the dish and then to the motor‘s pivot. installation, you should find the geographical
The hardware consists of three main compo- This is done with only one screw. The part coordinates of the location where the antenna
nents: a motor with built-in control circuitry, to which you fasten the dish is 14.5cm long. is to be installed. You can read them either
a bracket used to fasten the motor to the Thus only unusual dishes having two U-bolts from a map (an accuracy of 0.1° is more
pole and a shaft. The HH90, in contrast with far apart for mounting will pose a problem. than sufficient) or find them on the Internet.
two other members of the Stab HH family Except for the three main components men- Instead of „googling for it“, you can try the
(HH100 and HH120), has its shaft directed tioned above, there is a plastic bag contain- service provided by Stab on their webpage, After entering the type of
motor (HH90), your country, city and e-mail
address, you will get an automatic response
providing the necessary data. We were really
surprised to discover that the system also
worked for very small village locations - and
not only for larger towns. In addition to the
Longitude and Latitude values, you will also
need to know the Dish Elevation expressed as
an angle in degrees. If you don‘t get it from
the Stab automatic service, you can find it on
the paper maps attached to the user manual.
Once all three parameters are known, you
can proceed with the actual installation.

The first very important step is to make

sure that the pole on which you want to mount
the motorized dish is perfectly vertical. Use
a spirit level or plumb line to check it. Then,
mount the motor in the bracket at an angle
corresponding to your latitude. The scales
engraved on the motor‘s case are used for
this purpose. You simply set the angle equal
to your latitude. The next step is to fix the
bracket and the attached motor to the pole
with the included U-shaped bolts and brack-

80 TELE-satellite International —

Antenna Motor TEST REPORT

ets. Well done! You have completed the first

stage of installation. Now take the shaft and Hints for Beginners
attach it to the dish. Do it carefully to avoid If you are quite new in this business and channels. Another reason for not receiving
any skew between the shaft and dish axis of you have just finished the installation, first channels (or receiving only a few) may be the
symmetry. Adjust the angle between the dish find out which satellites are transmitting in outdated transponder satellite data in the
and the shaft. Set the elevation reading on your direction. Otherwise you may be dis- receiver’s software. If your receiver is Sat-
your dish to the angle equal to the Dish Eleva- appointed that your receiver cannot find any coDX compatible – no problem, updating the
tion parameter. If your dish lacks the elevation channels on this or that bird. A satellite may data will be a piece of cake. Otherwise, you
scale, you will have to adjust its elevation by be perfectly visible from your location, you may be forced to do it manually. After that a
trial and error once everything is mounted on may have the largest possible dish mounted repeated channel search should provide you
the pole. So, if you lack experience in aligning but your receiver may not be able to find a a number of new channels.
satellite dishes, you might be better off with a single channel on a satellite! Probably, your
dish that has an elevation scale. first thought will be that you did something There is yet another trick that you can do to
wrong with the installation. Calm down and improve your reception. When your installa-
During our tests, we used a 90cm offset approach it methodically. A good start is to tion is complete and the first satellite channel
dish equipped with an Invacom quad LNB for use SatcoDX World of Satellites software search is over, try experimenting a little. In
the Ku-Band. The LNB had a noise figure of attached to every issue of TELE-satellite the DiSEqC/USALS settings of your receiver,
0.4dB. Of course, you can use a smaller dish International. Using the Dish Track tool you change your longitude setting by, say, 0.3°
and a single, twin, quatro or other type of can generate a list of satellites that can be East. Observe on your receiver’s signal
LNB. The HH90 is suitable for dishes up to received in your location. Remove from the meter if the signal quality has increased or
95cm. The larger the dish and the smaller list the satellites that require a significantly decreased. Then check the reception when
the noise figure of LNB, the better the signal larger dish than you have (e.g. 120 vs. 90 your longitude setting is changed by 0.3°
quality and weather margin that can be cm). Next, make sure that the remaining West from your normal value. Experiment
achieved. satellites transmit in the band your LNB with a number of settings to find the best
can receive. In practice, this will be the Ku- quality of signal. If the maximum is not
The next step is to attach the shaft and the band since the C -band generally requires found at your true longitude but somewhat
dish to the pivot of the motor. This is done with big dishes and HH90 motor is not the best east or west, it means that the dish is not
just one screw and one nut. Then you slightly solution for this band. So remove the satel- perfectly aligned in azimuth. You may either
loosen the nuts on the U-bolts around the lites broadcasting only in C-band from your mechanically correct its alignment (which is
pole and rotate the entire assembly (motor, list. Check the SatcoDX chart to make sure the recommended solution) or cheat your
shaft and dish) to point the antenna exactly that there are “normal” TV or radio channels receiver by leaving the false data which gives
to the south. Now it‘s time to connect the on the satellites that are still on your list. If the best result in the receiver’s USALS instal-
cables. Instead of going directly to the LNB, there are only “feeds” listed in the chart, your lation menu. A difference of 1 degree or less
the cable from your receiver must go to the receiver will probably not recognize them as can be corrected in this way.
„REC“ connector on the motor. Another short
cable has to be added between the „LNB“ con-
nector on the motor and the LNB itself. When indicator to find the maximum signal. Once it East to Hispasat 1C, 1D at 30° West, over
the cabling work is done, you should bring up is found, the installation is complete. Tighten 20 satellites altogether. These carry more
the installation menu in your USALS compat- the fixing screws and nuts. Settings for all than 2700 TV channels including about 720
ible receiver. Here you enter your geographi- other satellites from horizon to horizon are unscrambled ones.
cal coordinates and select a satellite that is determined automatically by the Stab motor
aligned as close as possible to south. That and USALS compatible receiver. No further The manufacturer specifies that the dish
means that if your longitude is close to 19° adjustments are required. rotates at 2.4°/sec. when powered from 18V
East you should select Astra 1, if it is closer to and 1.5°/sec. for 13V. When moving between
13° East, you should use Hotbird instead and
so on. The motor will run for a short time and Everyday Use 45° East and 30° West we found it took 38 sec-
onds or 53 seconds depending on the polari-
the antenna will move slightly. The final step When the motor is installed, the next obvi- zation of the channel (and thus the voltage
is to fine-tune the azimuth alignment (rotate ous action is to move the dish from one sat- the receiver generated). This gives 2.0°/sec.
the entire assembly after loosening the U- ellite to another and search for channels. and 1.4°/sec. which are slightly slower than
bolts on the pole) and the elevation angle of In Western Poland, we were able to receive the figures specified, probably because the
the dish. Use your receiver‘s signal quality satellites ranging from Panamsat 12 at 45° manufacturer‘s measurements were taken — TELE-satellite International 81

factor, it is relatively easy to determine if the house, you will not be annoyed by its noise
dish is correctly aligned or not. With a 90cm while enjoying warm summer evenings in the
dish, even a 0.2° difference in azimuth can be garden. Most likely, you won‘t even notice
noticed on a receiver‘s signal quality reading. that the Stab HH90 is operating - that‘s how
A large dish is heavy and presents a greater quiet it is.
surface area to the wind. So, if a motor per-
forms well with a large dish, it will undoubt- After confirming that the motor worked
edly perform well with a smaller dish. well with USALS compatible receivers, we
did a test with a DiSEqC 1.2 compatible
We must say that the Stab HH90 worked receiver. As expected, the installation took
flawlessly no matter how many times and in much longer. The Stab HH90 also worked
which direction (east or west) it was rotated. with that receiver without any problems.
It always returned to the exact position The motor has 28 preprogrammed satellite
required for a given satellite. We could not positions (suitable for reception in Europe)
observe any differences in signal level and and there is still room for an additional 21.
quality after turning the dish to many satel- Some DiSEqC 1.2 receivers can use this data
lites and then returning to the initial one. The to speed up the installation process. In such
noise generated by the motor is very low. a case, the DiSEqC 1.2 installation is as easy
without a dish. Moreover, we cannot rule out If you install the motor on the roof of your and fast as the USALS installation.
the possibility that our test receiver gener-
ated somewhat lower voltages than 18v and Expert conclusion
13v respectively. When you switch between
channels broadcast from neighboring satellite
positions (3° or so), the delay is about 2 sec- Stab HH90 is really simple to install. Its user manual is perfect.

onds - which is very acceptable. Finding the necessary geographical data for your location is very
easy if you use Stab’s web page. It is both USALS and DiSEqC 1.2
As already mentioned, we used almost the Peter Miller
maximum allowable dish size (90cm) to test
the motor. That‘s because, the larger the
- TELE-satellite
Test Center
dish, the narrower its beam. Thanks to this

84 TELE-satellite International —

Antenna Motor TEST REPORT

Receiving Hispasat 30 West Receiving Turksat 1C 42 East

Manufacturer STAB S.r.l., Via Seminiato, 79, 44031 Ambrogio (FE) Italy,,

E-mail [email protected]

Phone +39-0532-830739

Fax +39-0532-830609

Model HH90

Description DiSEqC 1.2 and USALS Compatible Dish Motor

Communication protocol DiSEqC 1.2® Level

Maximum dish diameter 95 cm

Maximum dish weight 10 Kg

Rotor weight 2.6 Kg

Diameter of support pole ø (35 to 68) mm

Dish support length 145 mm

Dish support diameter ø 42 mm

Rotation angle ±65°

Rotation speed 2.4°/s for 18V, 1.5°/s for 13V

(in our tests with 90 cm dish: 2°/s and 1.4°/s)

Operating power supply 13/18 Vdc

Consumption in stand-by mode 40 mA

Consumption in operating mode 180 mA

Starting movement consumption (max) 350 mA

Operating temperature -40°C +80°C

Maximum relative humidity 100%

Programmable positions (DiSEqC 1.2®) 49 satellites

Preset positions (DiSEqC 1.2®) 28 satellites

Programmable positions (USALS®) no limits

Connectors F type

Connection Coaxial cable

Mechanical limits ±72°

Programmable electrical limits from 5° to 65°

Fine rotation by impulses of 0.1°

Inclination of the rotor on the pole from 10° to 70° — TELE-satellite International 85


Wireless SmartWi
PayTV in Every Room
Who isn’t familiar with this problem? The PayTV card is installed in the receiver in the living
room yet here you are now in the evening looking to watch that one movie in your bedroom.
Or maybe it’s Junior complaining that he can’t watch PayTV in his own room. Up until now
there were three more or less practical solutions to this problem: either you routed coax cable
throughout the house thereby building your own little cable network or you used small trans-
mitters that sent the signal to every room. The problem with these solutions is still the same:
only one channel can be received on every TV. For the more desperate viewers there is still
the third option: setting up multiple PayTV subscriptions. For most users though, this is not
a realistic alternative.

Engineers at the Danish company SmartWi taining the original card and receives the valid this: cards that don’t belong to the system
thought that there had to be a better way and keys transmitted back from the card reader in a) can’t be accessed and therefore b) can’t
ultimately came up with a viable and simple only milliseconds. And there you have it! The cause any damage. It will also prevent your
solution. The PayTV card is inserted into an PayTV channel can be received! The whole next-door neighbor from accessing your net-
external card reader that also doubles as thing functions not only with just one or two work. By momentarily inserting the card in
a transmitter. In the receiver are inserted cards but rather can work with as many as the card reader slot, it will be programmed
special SmartCards that also act as receivers seven receiver cards at the same time (five and ready for use in only a few seconds. Now
themselves. If you want to watch a PayTV of which are active). The system operates in you need only insert the PayTV card in the
channel, the necessary key is requested from the 868-915 MHz range. The manufacturer card reader and the reception card in the
the reception card via the receiver. The card specifies a reception range of over 15 meters receiver.
transmits the request to the card reader con- in enclosed rooms. In open air there was no
data although distances For our test we used a standard Viaccess
of up to 150 meters may Adult channel SmartCard. This card was rec-
not be out of the ques- ognized by the card reader without any dif-
tion. ficulties and even the decryption using two
Topfield receivers in separate rooms with

Every- one Viaccess CI module functioned perfectly.

The 15-meter range specified by the manu-

day Use facturer was not overestimated. Our tests

showed that reception was even possible in a
The card reader itself second floor room. According to the manu-
is a small, inconspicuous facturer, up to seven reception cards can be
black box on which you used, five of them at the same time. Up to
will find nothing more four different channels can be received at
than a USB port as well the same time but since our test unit only
as a card slot and a status came with three reception cards, we could
LED. The USB interface only test three different channels simultane-
serves to upload new firmware but is also the ously. Problem-free operation in one of the
source of power for the card reader. If you supported CI modules (at the moment Viac-
would prefer not to continuously use a PC as cess, Seca, Mediaguard and Conax) was pos-
the source of power for the card reader, the sible in every CI receiver. Things didn’t look
manufacturer has also included an external as good with integrated card readers though.
power supply in the package that is also con- In most cases they were supported, however
nected to the card reader via the USB port. the card splitter did not function nearly as
reliably as with CI modules.
Before the box can be put into service, the
receiver cards must first be programmed on At the moment the manufacturer supports
the Card Splitter. There’s a simple reason for the Seca, Mediaguard (1&2), Conax and

86 TELE-satellite International —

Viaccess (1&2.x) encryption systems. Other Expert conclusion
encryption systems are in the planning stages
so that we can hopefully look forward to sup-
The connection between card reader and reception card func-
port for Irdeto, Nagravision and perhaps even tioned error-free even over longer distances. This makes connec-
NDS Videoguard although this one is not 100% tion between multiple receivers and the central transmitter inside the
certain. The included instruction booklet con- home easily possible. There is also no need to worry about unau-
thorized access. The workmanship of the card reader and reception Thomas Haring
tains all of the necessary information in a clear
cards is very good. TELE-satellite
and concise manner. Operation is so easy that Test Center

you almost can’t do anything wrong. A discus-

sion and support forum is also available on the
- Austria

Unfortunately, not all encryption systems are supported at the moment. Boxes with
manufacturer’s homepage should you run into integrated card readers also have some difficulties handling the reception cards. A
software update should be able to take care of this problem.
an unusual problem.

Manufacturer SmartWi, Denmark

Fax +45 86406622


Model Wireless SmartWi

Function Cardsplitter with wireless transmission capabilities

Transmission Frequency 868-915 MHz

Transmission Range Indoors >15m, Outdoors n/a

Maximum Number of Receivers 7 (5 active)

Maximal Simultaneous Channels 4

Power Consumption Master max. 100mA, Clients max. 50mA

Firmware Upgrade Ability yes

Dimensions 90x57x23mm — TELE-satellite International 87

Your questions, our answers TSI Team
with BISS and only intended for broadcasters.
Andy Middleton However, a growing number of channels are
broadcasting Earth TV’s pictures at various
answers your questions times in their own schedules. There is a very
limited choice of these in South Africa at the
moment, the only one available appears to be
Another fine mesh TV5 Afrique that is encrypted in various pay TV
„So, you need to make sure that the holes in A full list of broadcasters using Earth TV’s pic-
the mesh are small enough“, you wrote. What is tures and the times they are broadcast are on
this critical dimension for Ku band please? I am Earth TV’s website at
trying to receive Panamsat 10 C and Ku from a
recuperated microwave mesh dish. Irish channels on Sky
The holes need to be no larger than 10% of SatcoDX shows you
the wavelength of the signal being received I have a Sky Plus box. When I try to tune in coverage area of AFRISTAR
in order to not affect the performance. So for some Irish channels, it will not pick them up. I
a frequency in the middle of the Ku band, the have the correct frequencies and other relevant Afristar in Italy
wavelength would be around 25mm - a tenth information and Sky technicians have told me I
of this would be 2.5mm and this is the critical should be able to receive them, can you please I live in the northern part of Italy, I want to know
measurement. help me? if it is possible to receive Afristar from this part
In comparison, the wavelength of a C band It’s sad to say, but the information that comes of the country.
frequency is around 80mm, meaning the holes from Sky technicians and helpline staff is some- Yes – despite it’s name, Afristar at 21.0E can
could be up to 8mm in size. times not entirely accurate. What they should be received across most of Europe. You should
have told you is that the receiver will find the have no problems receiving it at your location.
Live cam feeds? Irish channels, but you need a viewing card reg-
istered at an Irish address to gain access. This Multi-apartment distribution
I’ve read that there are Live Cam feeds on Tel- also happens in reverse, some UK channels
star 12 that can be viewed in South Africa. I am are not available when using an Irish card. I am looking into providing a network for a small
currently using a Technisat USB with a DVB Apartment type complex in the UK. Instead of
Viewing program. I can see the listings but get Racing UK using the normal Cable TV distribution system
no picture, can you please explain how I can where the head end receives all the signals with
view these pictures. I’m having problems with the reception of the a mass of decoders and then retransmits onto
There are two very different services on Telstar Racing UK channel on Eurobird, any idea the cable network, I want to see the possibil-
12 that you could be thinking of. The first is a what’s wrong? ity of just installing cable into the rooms so that
package of military channels that first appeared Racing UK recently moved to a different clients can buy and install their own decoder.
on in the clear at Telstar 11 a few years ago, transponder on Eurobird. You can now find This raises the question of how many decoders
carrying live video from military aircraft over it at 11.224V, symbol rate 27500, FEC 2/3, you can drive off an LNB? I presume I would
Eastern Europe. After some adverse public- encrypted in Videoguard. need Amps and some form of power balancing.
ity in the European media they were hastily Is this feasible?
scrambled, and a while later moved to Telstar Find the right angles There are various types of amplifiers and distri-
12 where they have stayed encrypted. bution systems available, but for a small apart-
The other could be from an innovative broad- Knowing the latitude and longitude of a town ment complex a much easier solution would be
caster called Earth TV, which has a network of or place and the name of the satellite, how to source a universal LNB with several outputs.
cameras around the world in interesting loca- should we calculate the azimuth and elevation 8-output LNBs are available, which would allow
tions. Their feed on Telstar 12 is encrypted angles of the antenna for focusing the satellite the use of eight receivers from the same dish.
signal? You should use a dish larger than the standard
It’s possible to do all the mathematics yourself, Sky Minidish (if I assume correctly that Astra 2
but there’s no need to re-invent the wheel. A & Eurobird will be chosen), as there are no 8-
very kind person has made a calculator avail- output LNBs available to fit the minidish’s LNB
able on the internet for just this purpose, and fitting, as far as I am aware. A larger dish would
also just about any other calculation needed in be more robust when dealing with a multi-output
the field of satellite reception. Check out Jens LNB that is likely to be significantly heavier than
T. Satre’s the standard.
If you required more than 8 outputs, it could well
be more cost effective to simply add a second
dish rather than using complicated distribution
systems – as long as your local authority’s plan-
Live Images from provided by Earth TV Link Calculation is available online ning rules allow you to do this. — TELE-satellite International 89


TELE-satellite in:
TELE-satellite International Magazine is the world’s largest satellite magazine. It is
currently published in 11 different languages and distributed around the world. For example,
TELE-satellite can be found at local newsstands in the east African nation of Kenya. Local
TELE-satellite reader James Mwangi took these pictures at some of the local shops.
TELE-satellite is distributed in Kenya by “Nation Media
Group Limited”. Established in 1960, it is the largest The photo right shows
the shelf in „680 Gift Shop“,
magazine distributor in East Africa. TELE-satellite is pri-
Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi.
marily distributed in Kenya’s capital Nairobi, the econo-
mic hub of the country. TELE-satellite is the only satellite
magazine available in Kenya.
The magazines are first shipped from the printer to OHL
AIRCARGO in Frankfurt, Germany. In Frankfurt the
magazines are packed and prepared for shipment and
sent by air freight to Nairobi. In this way the magazi-
nes are available in Kenya just a few days later than in
Satellite TV is not yet very popular in East Africa, mainly
due to the lack of suitable satellites and channels that
can be received. But this is about to change. More and
more satellite organizations and channel providers are
entering the African continent and thus creating demand
for satellite receivers as well as demand for a specialty
magazine such as TELE-satellite.

These are photos of shops selling TELE-

satellit in Nairobi. The top photo shows
the shelf in „Bookstop YaYa Centre“ in
Hurligham, Nairobi.

The photo left shows the shelf in „680

Gift Shop“, Prestige Plaza, Ngong Road,

90 TELE-satellite International —

TEST REPORT Digital Satellite Tuner PCI Card with CI


More Fun with Your PC
DigitalRise, a company specializing in the design of Home Entertainment Systems, has intro- 4 format and streaming of live content into
duced into the market a range of PCI cards and USB boxes to widen your DVB-via-satellite a local network (wired or WiFi) is thus easily
experience using your computer. TELE-satellite has been given the opportunity to have a closer achieved.
look at the DVB-S PCI Sat CI card.
Today’s PC’s are equipped with processors
As the name reveals, it will be necessary to receiver with a hard disk and perhaps even a ranging between 2 and 3 GHz and they come
open the case of your computer to install this DVD burner. DigitalRise provides all the nec- with motherboards that are accordingly fast
tuner card. For those who do not feel all too essary software on the CD that comes with and powerful. They are even capable of han-
comfortable with the idea of fiddling inside the card. dling HDTV streams without using more than
their PC’s, a USB version is available. But it 25 – 30% of its resources. This is the reason
should be pointed out that the USB version But there are far more features offered to why this DVB-S PCI card does not contain a
does not have a slot for a CAM. the more advanced users or those who would hardware decoder but relies on the PC and
like to start experimenting: Most of today’s software for Windows for the decoding of the
The requirements for the PC are relatively graphic cards offer a DVI output, something received streams. The advantage of such a
low, thus a computer running Windows 98SE/ that is not very common on satellite receiv- set-up makes this card future proof and ready
ME/2000 or XP with a 500 MHz CPU, 128 Mb ers. This would allow you to reproduce video for the new HDTV broadcasts, MPEG-4, WMV,
RAM, a VGA card with 8 Mb RAM and a sound content without any loss of quality on most WMA-pro, OGG and AAC formats that will
card with MS DirectX 8.1 should be able to of today‘s TV screens. Thanks to special certainly become available in the very near
handle all the basic features of this card. Why software freely available on the Internet, future. Most of the traditional set-top boxes
would one want to use a PCI-card instead of a the user could then achieve performances cannot handle this kind of reception.
fully-grown set-top-box you might ask? Well, like Line doubling and de-
first of all, a PCI card lets you watch satel- interlacing; features DigitalRise provides free of charge on their
lite TV on your PC’s monitor and more impor- usually only fea- website ( updates for the
tantly, it lets you easily record your favorite sible with expen- official software and alternative softs, as
broadcasts on the PC’s hard drive, edit them sive hardware. well as a support forum where fans of this
and furthermore even burn them onto a DVD. Converting into card can exchange their experiences, dis-
All this with very little effort and at a cost that the more com- cuss their issues and learn more about its
is far less than a “fully-grown” digital satellite pressed MPEG numerous features. The moderator of the
forum, Mr. M. Jussel, willingly contributes
with problem-solving advice and helpful
hints. Fans are also encouraged to develop
their own software. The source code is made
available to the programmers amongst our
readers. Another feature of the DigitalRise
DVB-S PCI Sat CI is the presence of a CAM
interface. It will accept not only most or all of
the known modules such as Viaccess, Seca I
& II, Conax, etc., but the more “intelligent”
Matrix, Dragon, Joker and so on. Rumors
have it that some alternative software would
allow certain fans to experiment further with
this material… but for obvious reasons, we
won’t go into any more detail here.

on the PC
The package contains the PCI card, one
CD for the software, the drivers and the user

92 TELE-satellite International —

Digital Satellite Tuner PCI Card with CI TEST REPORT

manual plus there’s also a standard sized delete the ones you don‘t want to keep in the red “Record” button. There’s also a time
remote control and the corresponding infra- list, move them into favorites lists, etc., just shift function that freezes the picture on
red receiver cell that connects to a USB port the same way as with most of today’s set-top the frame you were watching last when you
on the PC. After the proper installation of boxes. The only difference is that this chore pressed the appropriate button. You have
the tuner card into an empty PCI slot and is now done via the mouse and the keyboard, the choice of returning either to the live
the connection of the coaxial cable from the a much more convenient way than fiddling broadcast or follow-up from the moment
antenna, you can reboot your computer and on a remote control. The scan provides the of the interruption. Recorded content on
insert the CD to install the drivers and the option of storing either ALL the available the hard disk can be called up in a list and
software. The entire process will only take channels or only those that are FTA by acti- selected for playback. It is also possible to
a few minutes. You are now ready to launch vating the appropriate radio button on the import any MPG compliant files from other
the “DVB-TV” program provided by the man- screen. Unfortunately, even when selecting sources and play them back through the
ufacturer (remember, there are alternatives the FTA-only option, it still managed to store DVB-TV interface. All of these commands
as well that can be found on the Internet). all of the available channels. can also be accessed via the well-designed
For our tests, we used the one provided on remote control.
the original CD.
Everyday Use Additional software can be downloaded
As with every digital satellite receiver, the The user interface on the PC screen from the DigitalRise website or alternative
first step is to set up your antenna configura- is made up of two parts: one is a window sources (see Forum) that will allow you to edit
tion. Here, you have the choice between a representing the television screen and the your recordings i.e. by cutting out unwanted
single LNB on a fixed dish, simple DiSEqC, other is the “command console” inspired parts or convert recordings into formats that
DiSEqC 1.0, DiSEqC 1.2 and USALS. All of by those for CD or DVD players like “Real can be stored on a DVD, etc. Depending on
the various LNB local oscillator frequencies Media”, etc., but adapted to integrate all the your multimedia hardware, all this content,
(LOF) for the C-Band and the Ku-Band are necessary controls for a satellite receiver. be it movies or music, could then be distrib-
supported. Once this step is completed, you Additionally a third part can be called uted to other monitors or computers via a
can start the satellite scan. A very large up that lists all the channels in memory. wired or wireless LAN. It seems that the pos-
number of satellites from all around the Double clicking on one of the channels will sibilities are only limited by the user’s imagi-
world are presented in a drop down list, and bring up the contents that are being broad- nation. The same is also true for the use of
if the one you are looking for is not in this cast in the window representing the TV the conditional access module.
list, you can always set it up manually. The screen. Here again patience is a virtue: six
computer where we installed this tuner card whole seconds are required to switch from Last but not least, another software pro-
is a Pentium 4, 2 GHz machine with 512 Mb one channel to another. If channel surfing is gram, available free of charge from Digital-
of RAM. That is more than enough power your favorite pastime, you won’t have much Rise, can convert this tuner card into an
compared to the minimal requirements of fun with this tuner card. The EPG comes up Internet via Satellite modem for a one way
the manufacturer’s specifications. First, we on a separate window after a click on the system where the user sends out the request
used a DiSEqC 1.0 antenna with two LNB’s appropriate button on the console (again on his traditional phone line but receives the
(on Hotbird 13.0° east and Astra 19.2° east), some time is needed before the list is dis- date from the satellite at speeds compara-
and then we connected a dish mounted on a played) and allows you to set the timers for ble with those of a broadband connection. Of
USALS motor. The software correctly recog- recording. Recording can also be accessed course, this application requires a subscrip-
nizes your local coordinates and drives the directly from the console by clicking on the tion with an appropriate provider.
antenna towards the selected satellite, but
somehow slower than with other receivers.
Expert conclusion
But, it’s the channel scan that demands a
lot of patience. On a satellite like Astra or
The DVB-S PCI Sat CI tuner card offers a low cost, pleasant and
Hotbird it can take up to 45 minutes for each
rewarding addition to your multimedia environment for the individual
of them! You could take an extended lunch
who likes experimenting and has the necessary time. It has many fea-
break if you plan to scan several satellites
tures and a promising future.
at one time. The program will hopefully have Yanis Patalidis

finished scanning by the time you get back Test Center
home. Nevertheless, all available channels
are recognized. You can store them in a folder The major drawbacks are the very long channel scan times and also the lengthy
(by default a folder will be named based the channel switching times plus all the other functions that require analysis of the data
actual date of the scan). Of course, it is pos- stream like teletext or the EPG.
sible to modify the names of these channels, — TELE-satellite International 93
TEST REPORT Digital Satellite Tuner PCI Card with CI Info-Box


Digital Satellite Tuner PCI
Card with CI
Distributor DigitalRise Home Entertainment


Model DVB-S PCI Sat CI

Function Digital satellite tuner PCI card with CI

System Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP,

Requirements 500MHz CPU or above,
128MB RAM or above, VGA Card
with at least 8MB Memory

Input 950~2150 MHz

frequency range

Symbol rate 2~45Msps

SCPC compatible yes

C-band compatible yes

DiSEqC 1.0, 1.2.


Teletext yes

EPG yes

Channel memory unlimited

94 TELE-satellite International —

Your questions, our answers TSI Team
possibility but this satellite is even further channels on the same satellite. Will it erase
Ron Roessel east and just barely below the horizon from all of the previously programmed Ku-band
where you are. And regarding C-band and channels or will it just add to them when
answers your questions Ku-band reception at the same time, yes, scanning the C band channels?
this is possible. A C-band dish can also be Since I also have a FortecStar Blind Scan
used to receive Ku-signals as long as it has receiver, the answer to this question is
HDTV a combined C/Ku feed/LNB assembly. Keep easy. Yes, you can scan both Ku-band and
in mind that the smaller Ku dishes cannot be C-band signals on the same satellite and
When tuning to an FTA (Free-to-Air) MPEG2 used for C-band reception. it will simply add any new channels to the
channel, what is needed to view an HDTV end of the existing channel list. The existing
channel, for example SatcoDX7, Galaxy 11, I have a single dish and I am using two LNB's channel list will not be erased. For example,
Fox HD 2? Thanks connected to a DiSEqC switch to a single Intelsat Americas 5 has both Ku and C-band
Unfortunately, a standard MPEG2 FTA receiver. Now I want to connect my neigh- signals. If you scan first for Ku signals and
receiver will not decode HDTV signals. In bor’s receiver to my antenna so that both he then scan again for C-band signals, You
fact if you try to tune to an HDTV signal and I can watch every channel. Remember, will get a list a both Ku and C-band chan-
with a standard receiver, in many cases my DiSEqC switch has one output. Please nels with the Ku-band channels listed first.
the receiver will be very unhappy with that how can you help me? And if I connect Keep in mind that every time you want to
and lock up on you. It would be necessary via the loop output from my receiver to my switch from watching a Ku-band channel to
to turn the receiver completely off (unplug neighbor’s receiver, is it possible to watch one that is C-band, you have to go into the
it) and turn it back on after waiting a short every channel? receiver's menu and change all the neces-
time (30 seconds or so). If you want to view Yes it is possible for you and your neigh- sary parameters (LOF, DiSEqC switch, etc.)
HDTV signals, you need an HDTV compat- bor to have receivers connected to your so that you can watch the C-band channel.
ible receiver. These receivers are available single antenna system. If you connect his A better solution might be to set up two dif-
but come with a rather hefty price tag. Also receiver to the looped-through output of ferent satellites in the receiver: one for IA-5
make sure that the signal you are trying to your receiver, then both you and your neigh- Ku-band and the other for IA-5 C-band. In
receive is indeed FTA. If not, then all bets bor can watch satellite TV. But there are this way you won't have to go into the menu
are off. limitations. If you are both watching TV at each time to switch parameters between Ku-
the same time, you and your neighbor can band and C-band channels. The receiver
Brazilian TV in Washington only watch TV channels from the same sat- would treat this as two different satellites
ellite and also only those channels that are even though the dish is pointed to the same
I am very new to FTA satellite reception and I on the same polarization. And if you are satellite.
am reading as much as possible to be better using universal LNB’s on your dish, then
informed. I would like to buy an FTA system you are further limited to watching chan- US Channels in the Middle East
that is capable of receiving free Brazilian nels that are either on the upper or lower
programming in the USA. Is that possible Ku band. It is the first receiver that controls I am currently in Iraq. I bought a Strong
with a 31-33 inch dish or not? I don’t want the DiSEqC switch and the selection of the 4800II receiver here locally. I am not able
to buy the wrong dish and receiver. Can you upper or lower Ku-band. But clearly this is to pick up any US channels. News or BBC
give me direction? Also can a dish receive not the best solution. There is a better way: would be nice; anything in English. Is there
C-band and Ku-band at the same time, or is replace the single output LNB’s on your dish a card I can buy or anything I can do?
it just one or the other? with twin LNB’s. Each LNB would then have Unfortunately, there's not much you can do
Unfortunately, most of the Brazilian program- two independent outputs, one for you and to get FTA US channels in Iraq. One option
ming available via satellite can only be found one for your neighbor. Simply route the first would be the Orbit TV Network (www.orbit.
on the Brasilsat series of satellites. Their pair of outputs through your DiSEqC switch net). This is a PayTV service that provides
beams are pointed to Brazil and not towards and then to your receiver (like you have a number of US channels among others to
the USA making reception here impossible. now). Connect the second pair of outputs to the Middle East in the Ku-band on the Arab-
There are a few Brazilian channels on Intel- a second DiSEqC switch and run that output sat satellites at 26 deg East and the Intel-
sat 805 at 55.5 deg west but these cannot to your neighbor’s receiver. This will let you sat 10-02 satellite at 1 deg West. Available
be received with a 31-33-inch dish since both watch any satellite TV channel that you channels include CNN, Disney, Cartoon
this is a C-band satellite. You would need want at the same time totally independent Network, ESPN, etc. The Arabsat satellite
a much larger dish for this, on the order of 8 from each other. would appear to be the best choice since
feet in diameter. 10 feet would probably be there is a fairly strong Ku-band beam over
better. Another thing to consider: from the Keeping the Existing Channel List Iraq. Another option would be AFN. If you
state of Washington, Intelsat 805 would be are in the military, you should be able to get
very low on the horizon so trees or build- I have a new FortecStar Blind Scan FTA the necessary PowerVu receiver so that you
ings could definitely be a problem since the receiver with an old C-band dish and a new can take advantage of this service. AFN is
antenna elevation would only be about 7 FTA Ku-band dish in the backyard. With all on the Intelsat 10-02 satellite at 1 deg West
deg. or so above the horizon. The NSS 806 of the Ku-band channels preprogrammed but in C-band. C-band reception requires a
satellite at 40.5 deg west would be another in memory, I wish to scan all of the C band much larger dish than Ku-band reception. — TELE-satellite International 95

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