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Dashboard in a Day – Lab 1

Accessing & Preparing Data
by Power BI Team, Microsoft

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Lab Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Document Structure ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Dataset ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Power BI Desktop ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Power BI Desktop – Accessing Data............................................................................................................. 6
Power BI Desktop – Data Preparation ....................................................................................................... 20
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 34

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Lab Prerequisites
The following prerequisites and setup must be done for successful completion of the lab:

• You must be connected to the internet.

• You must have Microsoft Office installed.
• You must be signed up for Power BI: Go to and sign up for Power BI
with a business email address. If you cannot sign up for Power BI, let the instructor know. If you
have an existing account, please use the same URL as above to log in.
• You must have, at minimum, a computer with 2-cores and 4GB RAM running Windows 8, Windows
Server 2008 R2, or later.
• If you choose to use Internet Explorer, it will require version 10 or greater. You can also use
Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
• You must verify if you have a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system so you can install 32-bit or 64-bit
applications. To check your operating system type:
o Open Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click System.
o You will be able to identify if your operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit based on the System
type field as shown in the screenshot below.

• You must download the Power BI Content: Create a folder called DIAD on the C drive of your local
computer. Copy all contents from the folder called Dashboard in a Day Assets to the DIAD folder
you just created (C:\DIAD).

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• You must download and install Power BI Desktop using any one of the options listed below:
o If you have Windows 10, use Microsoft App Store to download and install the Power BI
Desktop app.
o Download and install the Microsoft Power BI Desktop from
o If you already have the Power BI Desktop installed, ensure you have the latest version of
• You must download and install the Power BI Mobile App on your mobile device.
o If you are using an Apple product, download and install the Microsoft Power BI Mobile app
from the Apple store or visit this link:
o If you are using an Android product, download and install the Microsoft Power BI Mobile
app from the Google Play store or visit this link:

Document Structure
This document and the documents that follow have two main sections:
• Power BI Desktop: This section highlights the features available in Power BI Desktop and walks the
user through the process of bringing in data from the data source, modeling and creating
• Power BI Service: This section highlights the features available in Power BI Service including the
ability to publish the Power BI Desktop model to the web, creating and sharing a dashboard, and
Q & A.

The lab includes steps for the user to follow along together with associated screenshots that provide a
visual aid. In the screenshots, sections are highlighted with red or orange boxes to indicate the area the
user needs to focus on.
Users should use their files from Lab 1 through Lab 5. The solutions provided for each lab are a final
product to reference. The solutions are not meant to be the starting point for each lab.
NOTE: This lab uses real, anonymized data provided by ObviEnce, LLC. Visit their site to learn about their
services: This data is property of ObviEnce, LLC and has been shared for the
purpose of demonstrating Power BI functionality with industry sample data. Any use of this data must
include this attribution to ObviEnce, LLC.

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Today you will learn about various key features of the Power BI service. This is an introductory course
intended to teach you how to author reports using Power BI Desktop, create operational dashboards, and
share content via the Power BI Service.

By the end of this lab, you will have learned:

• How to load data from Microsoft Excel and Comma-Separated Values (CSV) sources
• How to manipulate the data to prepare it for reporting
• How to prepare the tables in Power Query and load them into the model

Learning these steps will prepare you for the reporting exercises in Lab 2.

The dataset you will you use today is a sales and market share analysis. This type of analysis is very
common for a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Unlike the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a CMO is focused
not only on the company’s performance internally (how well do our products sell) but also externally (how
well do we do against competing products).

The company, VanArsdel, manufactures expensive retail products that can be used for fun as well as work.
It sells them directly to consumers nationwide as well as in several other countries.

By the end of the class, you will build a report which will look like the screenshot below. The CMO can use
this report to analyze VanArsdel’s performance.

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Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop – Accessing Data
In this section, you will import VanArsdel’s and its competitors’ USA sales data. You will then import and
merge sales data from other countries.

Power BI Desktop - Get Data

Let’s start by looking at the data files. The dataset contains sales data of VanArsdel and other competitors.
We have seven years of transaction data by day, product, and zip code for each manufacturer. We are
going to analyze data from seven countries.

USA sales data is in a CSV file located in the USSales subfolder within the Data folder (/Data/USSales).

Sales of all other countries is in the InternationalSales subfolder within the Data folder
(/Data/InternationalSales). Each country’s sales data is in a CSV file in this folder.

Product, Geography, and Manufacturer information is in a Microsoft Excel file called bi_dimensions.xlsx in
the USSales subfolder within the Data folder (/Data/USSales/).

1. Open the bi_dimensions.xlsx file. Notice that the first sheet has Product information. This sheet has a
header, and product data is in a named table. Also notice that the Category column numerous empty

The Manufacturer sheet has data laid out across the sheet, no column headers, several blank rows, and a
note in row seven.

The Geo sheet has the geography information. The first few rows have data details. Actual data starts on
row four.

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We will start by connecting to data from these different sheets, and then perform data cleaning and
transformation operations.

2. If you don’t have the Power BI Desktop open, launch it now.

3. Click Already have a Power BI Account? Sign in option.
4. Sign in using your Power BI credentials.
5. You will see the startup screen opens. Click on the X on the top right corner of the dialog box to close

Let’s set the Locale to US English to make it convenient in the rest of this lab.

6. From the ribbon, click File, then click Options and settings, then click Options.

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7. In the left panel of Options dialog box, click Regional Settings under Current File.
8. From the Locale drop-down, click English (United States).
9. Click OK to close the dialog box.

The next step is to load data to Power BI Desktop. We will load USA Sales data which is in CSV files.

10. From the ribbon, click Home and then click the Get Data drop-down arrow.
11. Click Text/CSV.

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Note: Power BI Desktop has the capability to connect to 300+ data sources. We are using CSV and Excel
data files in this lab for simplicity. If you would like a full list of data sources, please visit this link:

12. Browse to DIAD, double-click Data, double-click the USSales folder, and then click sales.csv.
13. Click the Open button.

Power BI detects the data type within each column. There are options to detect the data type based on
the first 200 rows, based on the entire dataset or to not detect the data. Since our dataset is large and it
will take time and resources to scan the complete dataset, we will leave the default option of selecting
the dataset based on the first 200 rows.

After completing your selection, you have three options – Load, Edit or Cancel.
• Load adds the data from the source into Power BI Desktop for you to start creating reports.
• Transform Data allows you to perform data shaping operations such as merging columns, adding
additional columns, changing data types of columns as well as bringing in additional data.
• Cancel gets you back to the main canvas.

14. Click Transform Data as shown in the screenshot. A new window opens.

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You should be in the Query Editor window as shown in the screenshot above. The Query Editor is used to
perform data shaping operations. Notice that the sales file you connected to shows as a query in the left
panel. You can see a preview of the data in the center panel. Power BI predicts the data type of each field
(based on the first 200 rows) as indicated next to the column header. In the right panel, steps that the
Query Editor performs are recorded in the Applied Steps section.

Note: You will bring in sales data from other countries as well as performing certain data shaping

15. Notice that Power BI has set the Zip field to the data type Whole Number. To ensure that the leading
zero is not dropped from Zip codes that start with zero, we will format them as Text. To do this, select
the Zip column. Then, from the ribbon, click Home, click Data Type, and change it to Text.
16. The Change Column Type dialog box opens. Click the Replace Current button which overwrites Power
BI’s predicted data type.

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Changing the data
type is a big deal to
perform later

Now let’s get the data that is in Excel source file.

17. From the ribbon, click Home, click New Source, and click then Excel.

18. Browse to DIAD, double-click Data, double-click the USSales folder, and then click
19. Click the Open button. The Navigator dialog box opens.

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20. The Navigator dialog box lists three sheets that are in the Excel workbook. It also lists the Product
table. Click product in the panel on the left. In the preview panel, notice that the first row is the
headers. This is not part of the data.
21. Now, deselect product from the left panel and click Product_Table. Notice that this table has only the
contents of the named table. This is the data we need.

Note: Table names are differentiated from Worksheet names by using different icons.

22. From the left panel, click geo. In the preview panel, notice that the first few rows are headers and are
not part of the data. We will remove them shortly.
23. From the left panel, click manufacturer. In the preview panel, notice that the last couple of rows are
footers and are not part of the data. We will remove them shortly.

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24. Make sure that Product_Table, geo and manufacturer are selected in the left panel, and then click
OK. Notice all that three sheets are added as queries in the Query Editor.

Power BI Desktop - Adding additional data

In this scenario, the international subsidiaries have agreed to provide their sales data so that the
company’s sales can be analyzed together. You’ve created a folder where they each put their data.
To analyze all the data together, you import the new data from each of the subsidiaries and combine it
with the US Sales you loaded earlier.
You can load the files one at a time, like how you loaded the US Sales data, but Power BI provides an
easier way to load all the files in a folder together.

25. On the Home tab of the Query Editor, click on the New Source drop-down menu.
26. Click More… as shown in the figure.

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27. The Get Data dialog box opens.
28. In the Get Data dialog box, click Folder as shown in the diagram.
29. Click Connect and the Folder dialog box will open.

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30. Click the Browse… button.
31. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, navigate to the location where you unzipped the class files.
32. Open the DIAD folder.
33. Open the Data folder.
34. Click the InternationalSales folder.
35. Click OK (to close the Browse for Folder dialog box).
36. Click OK (to close the Folder dialog box).

Note: This approach will load all the files located in the folder. This is useful when you have a group that
puts files on an FTP site each month and you are not always sure of the names of the files or the number
of files. All the files must be of the same file type with columns in the same order.

The dialog box will display the list of files in the folder.
37. Click Combine & Transform Data.

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Note: The data in your file for Date accessed, Date modified, and Date created might be different than
the dates displayed in the screenshot.

The Combine Files dialog box will open. By default, Power BI will again detect the data type based on the
first 200 rows. Notice there is an option to select various file Delimiters. The file we are working with is
Comma delimited, so let’s leave the Delimiter option as Comma.
There is also an option to select each individual file in the folder (using Example File drop-down) to
validate the format of the files.

38. Click OK.

You will now be in the Query Editor window with a new query named InternationalSales.
39. If you do not see the Queries pane on left, click on the > (greater than) icon to expand.
40. If you do not see the Query Settings pane on the right as shown in the figure, click on View in the
ribbon and click Query Settings to see the pane.
41. Click on the Query InternationalSales.

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Notice that column Zip is of the Whole Number type. Based on the first 200 rows, Power BI thinks the Zip
column consists of whole numbers. But zip code could be alpha numeric in some countries or regions or
contain leading zeros. If we do not change the data type, we will receive an error when we load the data
shortly. So, let’s change the Zip column to data type Text.

42. Highlight the Zip column and change the Data Type to Text.
43. The Change Column Type dialog box will open. Click the Replace Current button.

Changing the data
type is a big deal
to perform later

In the Queries panel, notice that a Transform File from the InternationalSales folder is created. This
contains the function used to load each of the files into the folder.

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If you compare the InternationalSales and the sales table, you will see the InternationalSales table
contains two new columns, Source.Name and Country.

44. We do not need the Source.Name column. Click the Source.Name column and from the ribbon, click
Home, click Remove Columns, and then click Remove Columns again.

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45. Next, click the drop-down menu next to the Country column to see the unique values.
46. You will only see Australia as shown in the figure. By default, Power BI only loads the first 1000 rows.
Click Load more to validate that you have data from the various countries included.

You will see the countries Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, and Nigeria.

48. Click OK.

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Note: You can perform various types of filters, sorting operations using the drop-down to verify the
imported data.

Power BI Desktop – Data Preparation

In this section, we will explore methods to transform data in the data model. Transforming the data by
renaming tables, updating data types, and appending tables together ensures that the data is ready to be
used for reporting. In some instances, this means cleaning the data up so that similar sets of data can be
combined. In other instances, groups of data are renamed so that they are more easily recognized by end
users and report writing is simplified.

Power BI Desktop - Renaming tables

The Query Editor window should appear as shown below.

• If formula bar is disabled, you can turn on the formula bar from the View ribbon. This enables you to
see the “M” code generated by each click on the ribbons.
• Click the options available on the ribbon, Home, Transform, Add Column, and View, to review the
various features available.

1. Under the Queries panel, minimize the Transform Files from InternationalSales folder.
2. Click each query name in the Other Queries section.

3. Navigate to Query Settings, and then the Properties section to rename the queries as shown below:

Initial Name Final Name

sales Sales
Product_Table Product
geo Geography
manufacturer Manufacturer
InternationalSales International Sales

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Note: It is a best practice to provide descriptive query names and column names. These names are used in
visuals and in the Q&A section, which is covered later in the lab.

Power BI Desktop – Filling empty values

In our scenario, some of the data is not in the right format. Power BI provides extensive transformation
capabilities to clean and prepare data to meet your needs. Let’s start with the Product query.
Notice that the Category column has a lot of null values. Hover over the green/gray bar (known as the
quality bar) below the column header. This allows you to easily identify errors and empty values in your
data previews. It looks like there are values in the Category column only when the value changes. We
need to provide data in this column so there are values in each row.

4. In the left panel, click the Product Query.

5. Click the Category column.
6. From the ribbon, click Transform, click Fill, and then click Down.

Notice how all the null values are filled with the appropriate Category values.

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Power BI Desktop – Splitting columns
In the Product query, notice the Product column. It looks like the product name and product segment are
concatenated into one field with a pipe (|) separator. Let’s split them into two columns. This will be useful
when we build visuals, so we can analyze based on both fields.
7. From the left panel, click the Product Query.
8. Click the Product column.
9. From the ribbon, click Transform, click Split Column, and then click By Delimiter. The Split Column by
Delimiter dialog box opens.
10. In the dialog box, make sure that Custom is selected in the Select or enter delimiter drop-down menu.
Note: The Select or enter delimiter drop-down menu has some of the standard delimiters like comma,
colon, and so on.
11. Notice that in the text area, there is a hyphen (-). Power BI assumes we want to split by hyphen.
Remove the hyphen symbol and enter the pipe symbol (|) as shown in the screenshot.
12. Click OK.

Note: If the delimiter occurs multiple times, the Split at section provides the option to split only once
(either left most or right most) or the option to split the column on each occurrence of the delimiter.

In this scenario, the delimiter occurs only once, therefore the Product column is split into two columns.

Power BI Desktop – Renaming columns

Let’s rename the columns.

13. Click the Product.1 column, and then right-click next to the column name.
14. Click Rename… from the selection menu.
15. Rename the field to Product.
16. Following these steps, also rename Product.2 to Segment.

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Power BI Desktop – Using Column From Examples to split columns
In the Product query, notice that the Price column has price and currency concatenated into one field. To
do any calculations we only need the numeric value. Therefore, we need to split this field into two
columns. We can use the split feature like earlier or we can use Column From Examples. Column From
Examples is handy in scenarios where the pattern is more complex than simply a delimiter.
17. From the left panel, click the Product Query.
18. From the ribbon, click Add Column, click Column From Examples, and then click From All Columns.
19. In the first row of Column1, enter the first Price value, 412.13, and click enter.
Notice after you click enter, Power BI knows that you want to split Price column. The formula Power BI
uses is displayed as well.
20. Double-click the column header Text After Delimiter to rename it.
21. Rename the column to MSRP.
22. Click OK to apply the changes.

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Notice that the MSRP field is of the data type text. It needs to be a decimal. Let’s change it.
23. Click ABC in the MSRP column.
24. From the menu, click Fixed Decimal Number.

Notice that all the steps we performed on the Product query are being recorded under APPLIED STEPS in
the right panel.

Now let’s create a currency column in the same way.

25. With the Product query selected, from the ribbon, click Add Column, click Column From Examples,
and then click From All Columns.
26. In the first row of Column1 enter the first Currency value as USD and then click enter.

Notice that after you click enter, Power BI knows you want to split the Price column. The formula it uses is
displayed as well.

27. Double click the column header Text Before Delimiter to rename it.
28. Rename the column to Currency.
29. Click OK to apply the changes.

Now that we have split Price column into the MSRP and Currency columns, we don’t need the Price
column. Let’s remove it.

30. From the left panel, click the Product Query.

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31. Right-click on the Price column.
32. Click Remove.

Power BI Desktop – Removing unwanted rows

In the Geography query, notice that the first two rows are informational. They are not part of the data.
Similarly, in the Manufacturer query, the last couple of rows are not part of the data. Let’s remove them
so we have a clean dataset.
33. In the left panel, click the Geography query.
34. From the ribbon, click Home, click Remove Rows, and then click Remove Top Rows.
35. The Remove Top Rows dialog box opens. Enter 2 in the text box since we want to remove the top
informational data row and the blank second row.
36. Click OK.

Notice the first row in the Geography query is now the column header. Let’s make it a header.

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37. With Geography query selected in the left panel, from the ribbon click Home, and then click Use First
Row as Headers.

With that step, Power BI will predict the data type of each field again.

Notice that the column Zip was changed to the number data type. Let’s change it to text as we did earlier.
If we don’t, we will see errors when we load the data.

38. Click 123 next to the Zip Column. From the dialog box, click Text.
39. Click Replace Current in the Change Column Type dialog box.

40. From the left panel, click the Manufacturer query. Notice the bottom three rows are not part of the
data. Let’s remove them.
41. From the ribbon, click Home, click Remove Rows, and then click Remove Bottom Rows.
42. The Remove Bottom Rows dialog box opens. Enter 3 in the Number of rows text box.
43. Click OK.

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Power BI Desktop – Transposing data

44. From the left panel, click the Manufacturer Query. Notice that the ManufacturerID, Manufacturer,
and Logo data is laid across in rows. Also notice that the header is not useful. We need to transpose the
table to meet our needs.
45. From the ribbon click Transform and then click Transpose.

Notice that this transposes the data into columns. Now we need the first row to be the header.

46. From the ribbon click Home and then click Use First Row as Headers.

Notice that now the Manufacturer table is laid out the way we need it with a header and values along

Also notice that on the right panel under APPLIED STEPS you will see the list of transformations and steps
that have been applied. You can navigate through each change made to the data by clicking on the step.

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Steps can also be deleted by clicking on the X that appears to the left of the step. The properties of each
step can be reviewed by clicking on the gear to the right of the step.

Power BI Desktop – Appending queries

To analyze the Sales of all countries, it is convenient to have a single Sales table. To do this, you need to
append all the rows from the International Sales query to the Sales query.

47. Click Sales in the Queries window in the left panel as shown above.
48. From the ribbon click Home and then click Append Queries.
The Append dialog box opens. There is an option to append Two tables or Three or more tables. Leave
Two tables selected since we are appending just two tables.
49. Click International Sales from the drop-down and then click OK.

You will now see a new column in the Sales table called Country. Since the International Sales query had
the additional column for Country, Power BI Desktop added the column to the Sales table when it loaded
the values from the International Sales query.

You will see null values in the Country column by default for the Sales table rows because that column did
not exist for the table with USA data. We will now add the value “USA” as a data shaping operation.

50. From the ribbon click Add Column and then click Conditional Column.

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51. In the Add Conditional Column dialog box, enter the name of the column as “CountryName”.
52. Click Country from the Column Name drop-down menu.
53. Click equals from the Operator drop-down menu.
54. Enter null in the Values text.
55. Enter USA in the Output text.
56. Click the drop-down menu under Else and then click the Select a column option.
57. Click Country from the column drop-down menu.
58. Click OK.

This reads: if current Country value equals null then the value should be USA otherwise use the current
Country value
59. You will see the CountryName column in the Query editor window.

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The original Country column is only required as a temporary column. It is not required in the final table
for analysis and can be removed.

60. Right-click on the Country column and click Remove as shown in the figure.

We can now rename the CountryName column to Country.

61. Right-click on the CountryName column and rename it to Country.

62. Using Home then Data Type or by selecting the data type next to the column header, change the data
type of the Country column to Text.
63. Using Home then Data Type or by selecting the data type next to the column header, change the data
type of the Revenue column to Fixed Decimal Number because it is a currency field.

When the data is refreshed, it will process through all the “Applied Steps” that you have created.

The newly named Country column will have names for all countries, including the USA. You can validate
this by clicking on the drop-down menu next to the Country column to see the unique values.

64. At first, you will only see USA data. Click Load more to validate you have data from all seven countries.
65. Click OK to close this filter.

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Typically, when exploring data, we load a subset of data. There are multiple ways to do this. From the
ribbon, you can click Home, click Keep Rows, and then click Keep Top Rows. Another way to load a subset
of data is to navigate to Home, then click Keep Rows and then click Keep Bottom Rows. A third method is
to click Home, click Keep Rows, and then click Keep Range of Rows. You can use any of these options to
filter down to a subset of data.

Our dataset has data from 2013 to 2019. For our analysis we want to start with the last three years of data
(2017-2019). We don’t yet know how many rows will result. We can filter by year to get the subset.

66. Click the arrow next to Date in the Sales Query.

67. Click Date Filters and then click In the Previous…

68. The Filter Rows dialog box opens. Enter 3 in the text box next to is in the previous.
69. Click years from the drop-down menu.

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70. Click OK.

Now that the International Sales data is appended to the Sales query, we don’t need the International
Sales table to load into the data model. Let’s prevent the International Sales table from loading into the
data model.

71. From the Queries panel on the left, click the International Sales query.
72. Right-click and then click Enable Load. This will disable loading International Sales.

Note: The appropriate data from the International Sales table will load into the Sales table each time the
model is refreshed. By removing the International Sales table, we are preventing duplicate data from
loading into the model and increasing its file size. In some instances, storing very large amounts of data
affects the data model performance.

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73. From the ribbon click View and then click Query Dependencies.

This opens the Query Dependencies dialog box. The dialog box shows the source of each query and its
dependencies. For example, we see that the Sales query has a CSV file source and a dependency on the
International Sales query. This is a useful information to share knowledge with your team members.

74. Click Close in the dialog box.

Note that you can zoom in and out of the Query Dependencies view as needed.

You have now successfully completed import and data shaping operations and are ready to load the data
into the Power BI Desktop data model to visualize the data.

75. Click File and then click Close & Apply. This will close out the power query window and apply all

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All the data will be loaded in memory in the Power BI Desktop. You will see the progress dialog box with
the number of rows being loaded in each table as shown in the Figure.

Note: It may take several minutes to load all the tables.

76. Click File and then click Save to save the file after the data loading is complete. Name the file as
“MyFirstPowerBIModel”. Save the file in the DIAD Reports (\DIAD\Reports) folder.

Dashboard in a Day introduces you to some of the key functions available in Power BI. In the ribbon of the
Power BI Desktop, the Help section has links to some great resources.

Here are a few more resources that will help you with your next steps with Power BI.
• Getting started:
• Power BI Desktop:
• Power BI Mobile:
• Community site
• Power BI Getting started support page:

Version: 1.31.2021 Copyright 2021 Microsoft 34 | P a g e

Maintained by: Microsoft Corporation
• Support site
• Feature requests
• New ideas for using Power BI
• Power BI Courses
© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
By using this demo/lab, you agree to the following terms:

The technology/functionality described in this demo/lab is provided by Microsoft Corporation for purposes of
obtaining your feedback and to provide you with a learning experience. You may only use the demo/lab to
evaluate such technology features and functionality and provide feedback to Microsoft. You may not use it
for any other purpose. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish,
license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell this demo/lab or any portion thereof.




FEEDBACK. If you give feedback about the technology features, functionality and/or concepts described
in this demo/lab to Microsoft, you give to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share and
commercialize your feedback in any way and for any purpose. You also give to third parties, without
charge, any patent rights needed for their products, technologies and services to use or interface with any
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is subject to a license that requires Microsoft to license its software or documentation to third parties
because we include your feedback in them. These rights survive this agreement.




Version: 1.31.2021 Copyright 2021 Microsoft 35 | P a g e

Maintained by: Microsoft Corporation
This demo/lab contains only a portion of new features and enhancements in Microsoft Power BI. Some of
the features might change in future releases of the product. In this demo/lab, you will learn about some, but
not all, new features.

Version: 1.31.2021 Copyright 2021 Microsoft 36 | P a g e

Maintained by: Microsoft Corporation

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