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First Quarter
– Modul
e 3:

Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship Quarter 1 – Module 3:

Functions of Community

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ma. Liezl L. Eva

Reviewers: Ariel D. Dreu

Editor: Divina M. Diaz, Ph.D.

Fatima D.Doma


Layout Artist: John Paul D. Figueras

nor claim ownership over them.

Hi there! Welcome to the third module!

My name is Alysha. Have you wondered what makes your community

unique? Are you familiar with the structures of your community? How

about the people who build your community? Have you had the chance

to get to know the people who are the keepers of our community? How

about you as a Filipino youth, how are you going to contribute to your

community? To get to know our community better, let us know first our



(Analyze the functions of communities in terms of structu

res, dynamics,and processes)

In this module you will learn how to:

1. explain the dynamics of your community by recognizing the people

who build
the community;
2. assess the structures of your community
, and

3. analyze the processes existing in your community.


Let us have firstthe vocabulary list and pre

-test for this module. Make

use of a separate sheet of paper in answering the -test.


Aspects of Community- these include the structure existing in your community which

includes natural environment to the institutions made by man

Community- group of people in a particular area who are interacting to one another

Let’s Read!

TOPIC 1: Understanding
Community Community through its Dynamics
3. A figurePower
- the
who capacity
is with direct of the community
relation toyou
with exercise control
through over
familial activitiesaffinities
relations, and or
s toLeaders
seek way
feelingemploy are important
of kinship,
figures that will guide the members to carry out the plans
and social network.
in pursuit
Influencer of the group’s
withobjectives. The guidance of alead
good leader in a groupa ensures the
a. -Organization
the person the most influence, who can others al
toorachieve go

coherence of
accomplish plans and
a certain taskbetter implementation of programs.
b. Interrelationship
- theInperson
the Philippines, theresponsibility
government provides several of
levels of leadership, from the
c. Legal a who has
uthoritative the
-makers oforcontrolling
ng charge a particular

president and vice-president, including other government officials at the national and in
d. Informal Power Structure
the local -the
Leadership levels such as
process mayors,
and congressmen,
qualities of command and governors. Theywithare appointed based
4. This person is usually appointed based on and decisiveness
qualification, attitude orregard
other to the
on qualifications,
necessary attitude
actions that
reensu and most
the welfare often,
of the through the votes of the residents. It is
Social known as Formal
that Power
occur inStructure
the social because athey arerelated
individuals from whose
- the changes
Influencer order of ese
are Th

to nature, issocial
based on formal social
institutions, rules appointed bysocial
behavior or the government.
relations, cultural, religious,
b. Leader
economics, are also
scientific or people who are
technological appointed because of their ability to lead, direct or
c. Community Leader
PRE-TESTwithout an official leadership title. They are known as Informal Power Structure.
d. Organization member
They are
Direction popular read
. Carefully to others as influencers
and analyze each
tion. who can
Choose lead others
the the most influence.
5. Refers to the changes that occur in the socialthe correct
order answer
of society.
given powerWrite
options. comes,
yournot from an
answer on official position,
a separate sheetbut
of from the respect and appreciation
a. cultural change
1. has earned the
Pertains from the members of a group. This respect and appreciation allow the
b. social to population
change size, density, heterogeneity, changes and development
c. an to
political changehis or her peers in a way that others within the group cannot.
a. are managers,
d. Demographics
technological supervisors, philanthropists, businessmen, producers and even
employees who lead
b. Geography their
and group as likable
environmental and charismatic leaders.
c. Health and authoritative
systems decision-makers, on the other hand, are individuals or
Before we start our let me share to you I ammy story.and I’m seventeen
bodies whose authority
f is based on formal rules and institutions. They are appointed
years Just like you, Iand
still a Senior High School student. I live in San Juan, Roro,
because of their
2. The aspect of intelligence,
the community reputations,
that looks decision-making, dictation from laws and
Sorsogon City. Lately, I have this goal of at employment
becoming opportunities
a community leaderexiting in the
so that I may
policies and connections. Examples are the appointments made by the president of the
contribute more to my community. To be cise,
I would
pre like to be a Sangguniang
country through of
a. Sources his/her Powers
Information of Appointment as stated in the constitution or with the
Kabataan (SK) Chairman. But and
to bepublic opinion
honest, I am not familiar with my own community,
consent of the Commission
b. Income distribution on Appointments like the heads of the executive departments,
its structure, dynamics, and process
es. There are a lots of things that I would like to
boardc.ofLocal economy andlove
know because I would to work with ommunity
other c leaders and builders. How
d. you,
about Housing
do you like to be a community leader yourself? Together, let us know first the
dynamics of our community to become a community leader.
members and its leaders from any national government -related institutions, ambassadors,
other public ministers and Dynamics
consuls, etc.

The aforementioned (3) power dynamics are part of individual dimensions of community
Individual Dimension
which could be:

1. Interrelationship- community leaders are with direct relation with you through

b. Social Workers Job Description
relations, affinities or feeling of kinship, and social network, and

2. Organization- they could be part of an institution or an association, that has a

particular purpose in our community.

Source: Norwayblue. “ care manager and social ,”deposit
workers photos,white
, Vector Clipart
69726167, April 7, 2015
Hmmmmm….. I wonder if you really got the concepts! Let’s have

our first task that is on dynamics of community.

Power Dynamics

Individual Dimension
Task 1. Community Leaders, Community Builders!

Can you give me the power dynamics of the following community leaders as well as their
Job Description
individual dimensions and a short description of the kind of work they do in your

community? Power Dynamics

c. Local farmer

Individual Dimension
Soto, Cynde
Source . “Farmers market clipart.” Accessed on June 17, 2020.
Job Description
Well done! You’ve identified the roles played by community

leaders as builders of our community.

a. Barangay Captain
Let us now be familiar with the characteristics of our community by
Source: Edoria, Alejandro. “Looking back: The first barangay polls in, May
, 2015
analyzing all of its aspects as part of the structure. Then, let us assess

the structure existing in our community.

• attention to special population (e.g., children with special needs) and to cultural


•3.extent to which
Geography andtion brings out the influence
environmental best in the children (participation in competitions,
profile of graduates, Read!
training students holistically)
 the community’s physical environment
• adequate preparation adults
for to enter the labor force
the community’s
TOPIC location and
2: Understanding proximity
the to highways,
Community throughbodies
its of water or mountains
9. Health and Welfare Systems
* existence of recreational areas concerns regarding environment hazards such as
Awareness of the essential aspects is necessary in aiding the
• adequate numbers of health professionals
pollution, power shortages, among others of the and specialists
communiinvolved in its improvement. The poet John
residents to reflect on ways to be positively
• service programs
Beliefs and Attitudes ty
Donne famously said, “No man is an island,” referring to humanity’s interconnectedness
• respect of service providers to the needs and values of minority populations
cultural values,traditions and beliefs of various segments of the population
and the belief that humans are always social beings.
• availability of fire and police protection
spiritual and political values of the residents
 Being aware of the structure of the community and exploring its aspects will help you
• safety of the environment
 available
social agencies and the help they can extend
the necessary measures that should be undertaken to serve as an active
• the residents’ view on public safety and justice system.
 perceptions of residents as part of the community.
member of a community and as future leaders of the community. The following a re the
10. Sources of information and public opinion
5. Local economy and businesses
aspects of community and the factors to explore.
• presence of TV and radio stations and newspapers which provide the people information
Localses, factories and other sources of employment
Politics that characterize the community
and perspectives on current events
• nature of business (owned by local residents or government)
• Structure of government
• community organizations’ capacity te to
upda on important information
6. Income distribution
• Decision-making power and control
• the capacity of the sources of information to enhance the residents’ skills to promote
• public assistance benefits available to residents
• Major issues currently in debate
positive change
•2.median income level of residents
• the presence of community leaders who speak for various marginalized subgroups.
• income levels and corresponding percentage of population.
• Population size (total number of people)
11. Summary Assessment of nity CommuIssues
7. Housing
• Population density (ratio of people to the space they inhabit)
• overall assessment of community’s functioning
• housing conditions
• Heterogeneity (the extent to which community members have diverse characteristics)
• dealing with social problems (youth gangs, poverty, abuse)
• population density
• Ethnic groups
• gaps in social, health care, and other community and educational services
• types of housing
• Names given to various parts of the community
Task 2. My Knowledge on my Community
• ownership and status of houses (rental, real , etc)
• Areas known for having their own characteristics (ex: industr ial area, blue collar
Let us be specific
8. Educational f in describing
acilities your community by writing a short information on the
and programs
following aspects of a community. Please choose one factor to explore and write your
• education system
• Isolation from or closeness to other communities
answer.tent The first one issupport
of community done for you.
• ex
• History of the area
•* existence
Changes of public
and and private
development schools
of the area
• adherence to intended curriculum of the Department of Education
Aspects Factors to Explore (Write the name of your community)
e.g. Brgy. San Juan, Roro, Sorsogon

Demographics  Names given to  Names given to various parts of the

various parts of community- Iraya, Ilawod and Tinago are
the community the names given to the different areas of
Brgy. San Juan, Roro. Villa Allegre is also
the name called to those living in a housing
subdivision near Iraya part of the said
barangay. It is also divided into
encabuhans (purok).
Geography and .

Beliefs and

Local Politics

Local economy
and businesses

Income distribution


Facilities and
Health and
Welfare Systems

Sources of
information and
public opinion

Assessment of
Community Issues

the importance of those community
Well done! You’ve learned

leaders especially in promoting positive social change. Now, I am

Great job! In your own simple way, you have just conducted an
confident that I really would like to pursue my dreams to become
environmental scanning.
just like them.
Becoming familiar with our community is important for us future
community leaders to make use of existing structure and solve
problems that besiege us and that
Let us now
A. Below are statements with discuss
wordsthe process
based of the
on the community.
previous Then,Try
discussion. let to
us answer task 3 that depicts about a social issue that post as a
remember each concept by for all ofinto
looking us. the jumbled words. Have fun!

1. __________________ MMUNICOTY ROEWP

Let’s Read
-capacity of the community to exercise control over activities and seek ways to employ
3: Understanding
C through
available resources to establish a stronger and successful community.
A leaderis an important figure in the community. Leaders must possess important
2. ___________________ CONMIMUTY CUSTRURET
characteristics such as:
- this encompasses the various aspects in thewhich
includes demographics,
1. Effective Communication
geography and environmental influences, beliefs and attitudes and the likes.
-an open communication is highly recommended for leaders and their constituents.
3. ___________________ ABCOLLARNIOTO
There should be free access
to information concerning social
es andissu
-one of the essential characteristics of leaders to
they build bridges
public matters.
and develop networks among community leaders in the different fields.
2. Development of Social Capital Building
4. ___________________ MARFOL ROWEP EURCTURST
- developing a resilient capital is among
most important
the contributors to successful
- they are appointed based on qualifications, attitude and most often, through the votes of
community leadership.
the residents
3. Community Engagement
5. ____________________ GANITIONROAZ
- it is import
ant to encourage young leaders
to participate so that they are ready to
- they could be part of an institution or an association that has a particular purpose in our
take over when the time comes.
4. Collaboration
B. Read and analyze the statements below. Write
TRUE the
if statements
word are
- leaders should learn to “build bridges” and develop
s among community
correct and
FALSE if itis incorrect.
leaders within the diverse fields.

These major components of being a better leader will help improve communities

by effecting positive social change, improve the relationships of their residents as well as
build com
munity power.

___________ 6. Teachers, soldiers, and other government employees are examples of

seek ways to employ
___________ 7. Legalavailable resources
-makers to establish
leads a stronger
their group andand
as likable successful
The diagram below
chari presents
smatic some
leaders. ways
They areforalso
a community
known as to build

___________ 8. One factor to explore in income distribution is the public assistance

benefits available toRubrics for the Poster

Category 4 3 2 1
Required The 9. Community Power will
poster All required be achieved
elements community onlyleaders
are included if on the
All but 1 of Several
Elements includes poster the required
with each
all other. Citizen's voice in required elements
Ponder on this: Civic Involvement in
required importantpublic prioritization
identifying elements were
___________ 10. Effective communication is the most essential characteristic
element are of a
issues and decision -making
s as well included
as leader.
1. Why do you think it is important for them to collaborate? on the
additional poster
2. What are the changes How brought by them working hand in hand together?
to build
ASSIGNMENT n Community
3. How do youAll
Graphics- think theirAll awareness
graphics are
Power of related to the topic
their community and Several
structure help them toFew
Relevance graphics most make it easier to understand graphics graphics
Me as a Future
related are are
function as leaders?
Leader! to the related to related to
Envision yourself as community leader in the future. How are you going to contribute as an
topic and structures
Developing Shared leadership/ the topic. the topic.
or systems it
effective community leaderfor shared
to effect positive social change and improve your community
powertoand decision - development planning
power? Express yourmaking
! thoughts by making a poster. Please be ubric
below with the r
Content - Atelements
least 5-6 accurate facts arewill serve as your 4-3performance
Less than
and the identified that should be present. This
Accuracy 8 illustrated on the poster accurate 2
accurate facts are accurate
facts are illustrate facts are
Make _________________________________________________________
3. This
a poster illustrate
which process
reflectofthemy community
following elements: d on the illustrated
d on the
_________________________________________________________ poster on the
a. You poster
asanone of the community leaders that community
show your role/work in the community poster
Conduct interview
The poster with the people
The in your
poster is attractive inusing social media applications
The poster
____________________________ _____________________________ The poster
b. The power dyna is
mics that youtext
possess terms of design, is is
e.g. facebook, twitter
exceptiona or thru on theasstatus
a leader
_________________________________________________________ as fight
of your well as your COVID
against individual
layout, and neatness acceptabl distractingl
its _________________________________________________________
lly y
19. dimension
Identify atattractive
least two (2) aspects of community, the community leaders who messy
_________________________________________________________ are working
c. line
Choose at least in one (1)available
you willfrom
use/improve in the future though
that will it
make a very
in with the resources
terms of the said aspects and their initiatives in using
may be
great impact design,
to people in the community a bit designed
said aspect to layout,
eliminate problems brought ntioned
by thepandemic.
d. Describe yourself and as a leader in maintaining relationships with people
Aspect of Community
Community Leaders Implemented/
Initiatives of
Community Leaders

Mechanics Capitaliza There are There
tion and 2 errors in are more
punctuati capitaliza than 2
on are tion and errors in
correct punctuati capitalizati
throughout on on and
the poster punctuatio

There is 1
error in

Grammar There are There is one grammatical mistake on the There are There
no poster two are more
grammatic grammatic than two
al al grammat
mistakes mistakes ical
on the on the mistakes
poster poster on the
Source: Shane02, Gyeonggi-Suwon International School “Poster-rubric Ancient
Civilizations.” Published on February 10, 2012 at Slideshare. -ancient-civilizations

ions! You completed Module 3


1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. b

Task 1
a. Barangay Captain
Power Dynamics- Formal Power Structure
Individual Dimension- Interrelationship
Job Description - the highest elected official in a barangay, the
smallest level of administrative divisions of the Philippines. He performs many
official government duties and executes minor judicial powers as part of
Barangay Justice System, such as settling disputes between neighbors.

b. Social Workers
Power Dynamics- Informal Power Structure
Interrelationship- Organization
Job Description- A social worker helps people cope with the challenges
they are facing in their lives. Some, called clinical social workers, are
therapists who diagnose and then treat individuals who have mental,
behavioral, and emotional disorders. (answers of students may vary because
of the many roles of Social Workers)

c. Local Farmers
Power Dynamics- Informal Power Structure
Individual Dimension- Interrelationship
Job Description- person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms
for food or raw materials. They are usually the people who do some
combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other
livestock. A farmer might own the farmed land or might work as a laborer on
land owned by others, but in advanced economies, a farmer is usually a farm
owner, while employees of the farm are known as farm workers, or

Task 2
Answers may vary depending on the community they belong and chosen factors to
explore per aspect. An example is already written on the module.

(write the name of your
Aspects Factors to Explore community) e.g. Brgy. San
Juan, Roro, Sorsogon City

Demographics  Names given to  Names given to various parts

various parts of the of the community- Iraya, Ilawod
community and Tinago are the names
given to the different areas of
Brgy. San Juan, Roro. Villa
Allegre is also the name called
to those living in a housing
subdivision near Iraya part of
the said barangay. It is also
divided into encabuhans
Programs Implemented/
Aspect of Community Community Leaders Initiatives of Community
Local Politics Barangay Officials as part During the Covid19
Income Distributions of Local politics, Pandemic, community
Sources of The Local Government as leaders such as the
information the local officials concern barangay officials, LGU
and public opinion in Income Distributions, Sorsogon as well as PIA
and Sorsogon work
PIA Sorsogon as part of collaboratively to serve
Sources of information the Sorsoganons. The
and public opinion LGU, headed by the
Provincial Governor, City
Mayor and other local
government officials to
make sure that all
Sorsoganons know about
Covid19 and follow the
orders given by Rodrigo
R. Duterte, the President
thru the guidelines given
by the
IATF. Some of the
initiatives of the local

Task 3
For task 3, answers may vary as well. It depends upon the most prominent
projects/programs they see in their barangay as to how community leaders work
together to fight against the COVID19 pandemic. An example is already written

government are
imposition of curfew, relief
goods, giving SAF etc.
The LGU coordinated with
the local barangay
officials to distribute
properly the
aforementioned. While,
PIA Sorsogon updated the
community on the status
of the community and
Post-Test related information about
the distribution of the
Task A
assistance provided by
1. Community Power
the government.
2. Community Structure
3. Collaboration
4. Formal Power Structures
5. Organization
Task B
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. False 13

1 Semorlan, A.A. and Semorlan, A. Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship for
Senior High School. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, 2017.

2 Butterfoss, Fran. “Community Engagement and Coalitions.” Published on October 20,

2015 at Slideshare.
Accessed June 22, 2020,

3 Ezeanu, Eduard. “Formal vs. Informal Power: Two Paths to Social Success.” Published on
August 9, 2018 at People Skills Decoded.
Accessed June 23, 2020,

4 The Official Gazette, “The Executive Branch”

Accessed June 25, 2020

5 Edoria, Alejandro. “Looking back: The first barangay polls in PH.” Rappler, May 17, 2015
Accessed June 25, 2020,

6 Norwayblue. “Geriatric care manager and social workers,”deposit photos, In white

background, Vector Clipart 69726167, April 7, 2015
Accessed June 26, 2020,

7 Soto, Cynde. “Farmers market clipart.”

Accessed on June 17, 2020,

8 Shane02, Gyeonggi-Suwon International School “Poster-rubric Ancient Civilizations.”

Published on February 10, 2012 at Slideshare.
Accessed June 18, 2020,

Cover photo credit: Melody D. Legaspi (Rizal Integrated National School, Sorsogon City)


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