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Unit 2 Progress Test

1. Complete the sentences with the correct past simple, present perfect simple, or present
perfect continuous form of the verbs below.
build cry decide go not tidy play

1. These tennis courts are new. The school ____built______________ them last summer.
1. Anna’s room is a mess because she ______has not tidyed____________ it for ages.
2. Your eyes are red, Tom. ____Have you been crying______________ (you)?
3. We’re tired because we ______have played____________ volleyball since lunchtime.
4. There wasn’t any food in the fridge last night, so we _____decided_____________ to eat
5. What’s America like, Matt? We _______have never been___________ (never) there.
Mark: ___ / 6

2. Read the text and choose the correct words.

Danny 1hasn’t been drawing / didn’t draw for very long, but he’s already 2been becoming / become very good
at it. He 3didn’t start / hasn’t started drawing until his family 4have moved / moved from Birmingham to
Chester two years ago. But since then, he 5has been / he was a member of the Chester Community School art

This weekend, Danny 6has been drawing / has drawn a very big picture for a school art competition, but he
hasn’t been finishing / hasn’t finished it yet. It’s Sunday afternoon now, and Danny is very tired because he
worked / has been working on the picture all weekend.

Mark: ___ / 8

3. Complete the sentences using a different tense for each verb. Use the past simple, present
perfect simple, or present perfect continuous.
6. Dan and I ________have been playing__________ (play) chess all afternoon, but I
_________has not won_________ (not win) a match!
7. I ________have been knowing__________ (know) Penny for years, and she’s a great friend.
We _________met_________ (meet) years ago at primary school.
8. I’m sorry I’m late, but the bus ________has not come__________ (not come) on time. How
long ____have you been sitting______________ (you / sit) here?
9. Have a rest, Dad. You _______have been working___________ (work) in the garden for
hours, and you ______had not had____________ (not have) lunch yet.
10. ________has you ever visited__________ (you / ever / visit) Italy? I
______went____________ (go) there for the first time last summer.
11. How long ______have you and Mary been going out____________ (you and Mary / go out),
and when _______have you met___________ (you / meet)?
Mark: ___ / 6

4. Read the mini-dialogues and choose the correct words.
Brad What was your beef and tomato 1soup / mouse like?
Mel It was OK, but 2a real let down / nothing special.

Rajiv Can we play tennis on these 3pitches / courts at night?

Shabana Yes, they’ve got 4safety nets / floodlights.

Maria Did you do 5martial arts / ballet when you were younger?

Carmen No, we didn’t. We didn’t like dancing. We preferred 6hanging out with friends / shopping in
the park.

Mark: ___ / 6

5. Match the words to make compound nouns or adjectives. Be careful of the spelling.
1. Chocolate alley alley
2. ice skating track
3. bowling track mousse
4. dining mousse room
5. athletics room skating
Mark: ___ / 5

6. Complete the email to a penfriend with the words below.

abroad across astronomy collect go open-air photography sandwiches stew

Hi Gracie,

I hope you’re doing well at your new school. You asked me about my hobbies in your last email. I
_____collect_______ old postcards, and I also 2____go________ rollerblading sometimes. But my favourite
hobby is looking at the stars. I’m in the local 3________astronomy____ club. We go out at night and sit in a field
or on a hill, then we watch the night sky. It’s great fun. Some of our friends are interested in
______photography______ too, so they take pictures as the stars move 5____across________ the sky. We
usually take 6_____sandwiches_______ with us, and something hot to drink. In winter we take a curry or a
_____stew_______ because it’s a long night and it can be very cold. But I’d rather do an 8____open-
air________ activity than stay inside. The only problem with my hobby is the British weather. Sometimes the club
has to cancel a trip because it’s too rainy to see anything. Maybe in the future I can go 9_____abroad_______
and watch stars in the desert.

Anyway, what clubs you are in at school?


Mark: ___ / 9

Use of English
7. Complete the dialogue with the words below.
decision fancy idea keen option problem rather settled think would

Flora Let’s do something this weekend. The weather’s going to be lovely again.

Ben Great idea! I quite 1_____option_____ surfing. What do you think?

Flora I’d 2______rather______ do something in the mountains. I was at the beach most of last week.
Ben Don’t you think it 3______would______ be easier to go to the sea though? How will we get

Flora My sister’s back from university and she can drive.

Ben OK. I’m quite 4_____settled_______ on mountain biking but the 5_____problem_______ with
driving is that we can’t take our bikes.

Flora You’re right – she hasn’t got a bike rack on her car. I 6____think________ hiking would be fun
and we wouldn’t have to worry about taking our bikes then.

Ben I don’t think hiking would be as interesting as something like abseiling. I like the
______keen______ of doing something a bit more challenging.

Flora Well, we need to make a 8__decision__________!

Ben I think kayaking is a better 9_____idea_______ than hiking and abseiling. It’s a water sport and
it’s in the mountains!

Flora Brilliant! That’s 10____fancy________ then. I’ll text my sister.

Mark: ___ / 10

8. Read the text and choose the correct answers.

A Scottish summer camp

Summer camps are becoming more and more popular with young people, but what are they like? Last month,
junior reporter Sally Henshaw travelled to Loch Lomond, Scotland, to find out.

‘I’ve been travelling for ten hours,’ I thought, when the minibus finally drove past a sign saying ‘Welcome to Camp
Lomond’. It was dark, and I just wanted to go indoors and jump into a nice, soft bed. But the camp leaders had
other ideas. We all had a barbecue, then we sat around a campfire and talked (or fell asleep). Finally, one of the
leaders divided us into groups of three and gave us the really bad news.

‘Now it’s time to put up your tents,’ he said.

I don’t know how three of us managed to sleep in a tent the size of a single bed, but somehow we did. When we
woke up the next day, my new friend Ingrid opened the front of the tent, and we all looked out. There, shining
silver between the trees, was Loch Lomond. ‘Loch’ means ‘lake’ in Scottish, and Loch Lomond is one of the most
beautiful places I’ve ever seen! That morning after breakfast, we went horse riding around the lake. I’ve never
ridden in such an amazing place.

In the next few days, I went BMX biking, tried rock climbing and played volleyball every day until I couldn’t stand
up! It was great! The camp organises different activities every day. Most sports activities are in the afternoon, and
in the morning you can choose lessons like drawing, chess, drama and cookery. I’ve never been very good at art
or board games − and I’m not a great actor − so I went along to the cookery class. I love food, but I didn’t know
how to cook anything before I went to Scotland. Since I’ve been home, I’ve been baking cakes for my parents!
(And they haven’t been to hospital with food poisoning yet, so I must be quite good at it!)

You have to work hard on a summer camp. Everybody has to do chores, and you do activities all day, too − you
can’t just sit around and hang out. But I really had a great time. The best thing about the camp was making new
friends. Since I came home, Ingrid and I have been texting every day. The activities are great, but the people are
even better.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to go on a summer camp? I’ll tell you the answer in two words: exhausting
and fun!
1. How did Sally feel when she first arrived?
A. She was hungry and cold.
B. She missed her family.
C. She was angry with the camp leaders.
D. She wanted the evening to end early.
12. The next morning, Sally
A. put up a tent.
B. saw something amazing.
C. rode a horse for the first time.
D. cooked breakfast on a campfire.
13. What types of activities did Sally do at the camp?
A. sports and cooking
B. drama and art
C. art and sports
D. drama and cooking
14. What happened after she came home from the camp?
A. Ingrid visited her.
B. Her parents went into hospital.
C. She made something for her parents.
D. She emailed Ingrid photos of the camp.
15. Overall, how does Sally feel about Camp Lomond?
A. It was too tiring.
B. It was a very good experience.
C. She didn’t like sleeping in a tent.
D. It helped her to become a friendlier person.
Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 55

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