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The cold chain is believed to be responsible for approximately 2.5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions through direct and indirect (energy consumption) effects. Studies have shown that leakage of
refrigerants may be higher than 17% in industrial plant (Clodic and Palandre 2004). Refrigeration energy
consumed in the food chain has not been accurately quantified due to a lack of measured energy
consumption and process throughput data in most sectors (Swain, 2006). Overall figures would indicate that
excluding domestic refrigeration, approximately 50% of the energy is associated with retail and commercial
refrigeration and 50% with chilling, freezing and storage (Market Transformation Programme).
Cold storage rooms consume considerable amounts of energy. Within cold storage facilities 60-70% of the
electrical energy used is for refrigeration. Therefore cold store users have considerable incentive to reduce
energy consumption. In Europe there are 60-70 million cubic meters of cold storage for food. In 2002 the IIR
estimated that cold stores used between 30 and 50 kWh/m3/year (Duiven and Binard, 2002). Previous surveys
carried out on a small number of cold stores have shown that energy consumption can dramatically exceed
this figure, often by at least double (Evans and Gigiel, 2007, 2010). These surveys also demonstrated that
energy savings of 30-40% were achievable by optimising usage of the stores, repairing current equipment
and by retrofitting of energy efficient equipment. However, cold store operators are often reluctant to install
new equipment without sufficient information on savings that could be achieved.
There are few published surveys comparing the performance of more than a few cold stores. The most
comprehensive recent survey was carried out in New Zealand by Werner et al (2006) which compared
performance of 34 cold stores. This demonstrated that there was a large variation in energy consumed by
cold stores and that savings of between 15 and 26% could be achieved by applying best practice
The performance of European cold stores has never been compared in detail and there is little information to
compare their performance with other stores Worldwide. With government targets to reduce energy and
reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses the need to benchmark and understand potential energy and GHG
reductions is of great interested to end users. To enable end users to improve the performance of their cold
stores a project called ‘Improving Cold storage Equipment in Europe’ (ICE-E) was developed with 8
partners from across Europe. The initial aim of the project was to collect data to benchmark the performance
of cold stores in Europe.
As part of the ICE-E project, two internet based surveys were developed and data collected to determine
energy usage in different cold store types, sizes and configurations. Results from these surveys are presented
in this report and the data analysed to determine whether there were any common factors that affected
performance of the cold stores.


2.1. Detailed survey tool

Development of survey tool

The survey was developed using a NET web application. Development was carried out in Microsoft Visual
Studio using c# (c sharp) which used .NET Framework 4.0. The data was saved in a Microsoft SQL
The survey was initially tested on a selected number of cold store operators to ensure the questions were
appropriate and relevant. Improvements were then made based on their comments. A picture of the final
survey entry page is shown in Figure 1.
The survey allowed participants to initially register their details and then to enter data on as many
refrigeration systems as they wished. It was set up to collect information per single refrigeration system that
might supply one of several cold stores. The survey was designed to be simple to complete with the aim that
is should take a cold store operator less than 20 minutes to complete the survey. The final survey document
consisted of 5 pages collecting basic information, information on the refrigeration system, the food stored,
the facility and the refrigeration equipment at the facility.
During the initial registration process, cold store operators could ensure that data was anonymous and could
also register to participate in a detailed energy audit of their facilities. The detailed audits were selected to
cover different locations, sizes, types and uses The data from these audits were used in later studies,
verification of the mathematical models and in the ‘case studies’ to show where improvements could be

Figure 1. Survey entry page.

Data collected
The survey parameters collected are shown in Table 1. In all cases the users were asked to rate the accuracy
of the data they submitted. The collected data was retained on a server where users could return to update
information or add further data.

Benchmark analysis
Once users had input data they could then compare the performance of their store through an automatic
benchmark analysis. This enabled them to compare the energy used by their cold store system with systems
of a similar size and product throughput (Figure 2). In addition users could compare the set point
temperatures, food type and room function and refrigerant type with others in the survey. In all comparisons
the user had the ability to define the range over which comparisons were carried out.
Cold store 3

Figure 2. Information from benchmark for energy consumption.

Survey page heading Units
Basic information:
Total electricity usage for the system in 2009? kWh
Does the electricity energy figure of the system submitted include?
1. Compressor Yes/No/Don’t know
2. Lights Yes/No/Don’t know
3. Fans Yes/No/Don’t know
4. Pumps Yes/No/Don’t know
5. Fork/lift charging Yes/No/Don’t know
6. Blast freezing Yes/No/Don’t know
7. Floor heating Yes/No/Don’t know
If figure supplied includes blast freezing what is energy use kWh
EXCLUDING blast freezing?
What is the total volume of the room(s) supplied by the system? m3
What was the throughput in 2009? Ton
What is the main function of the room(s)? Chilled/frozen/mixed storage/blast freezing/loading
What is stored in the room(s)? Mixed foods/Meat/Fish/Fruit/Vegetables/Dairy/Cereal products
What is the chilled set point temperature of room(s)? °C
What is the frozen set point temperature of room(s)? °C
Do you plans to invest in energy saving equipment? Yes/No/Don’t know
Refrigeration system:
Primary refrigerant Don't know/R22/CO2/Ammonia/Other
Refrigerant quantity/charge kg
Amount of refrigerant added to primary system in 2009 kg
Secondary refrigerant Don't know/R22/CO2/Ammonia/Other
Refrigerant quantity/charge kg
Amount of refrigerant added to primary system in 2009 kg
Food stored:
Average intake temperature for chilled products °C
Average intake temperature for frozen products °C (for mixed system fill both)
Does the room have controlled atmosphere? Yes/No/Don’t know
Does the room have humidity control? Yes/No/Don’t know
How is the food stored in the area? Don't know/Pallets/Bins/Dolavs or containers/Placed on shelves
How much food can be stored in the storage area Kg
How many pallets/containers can be stored in the storage area Number
What is the number of pallets/containers INTAKE in 2009 Number
What is the number of pallets/containers RELEASE in 2009 Number
What is the average size and weight of one pallet/container Width/Height/Depth all in m /kg
How many separate rooms does the system supply? Number
What is the total floor area supplied by the system? m2
How much of the floor area is used for:
Chilled storage m2
Frozen storage m2
Blast freezing storage m2
How many doors (total) are there on the room(s)? Number
How many times on average will each door be opened per day? Number
Do the doors have any protection? Don't know/No protection/Strip curtain/Air curtain or Air
lock/Automatic doors
Is product automatically or manually loading into the room? Don't know/Manual (hand or fork lift)/Automatic (robot crane)
Where are the room (s) positioned? Don't know/Inside a building/Outside
What is the age of insulation? Don't know/<5 years/ 5 to 10 years/ 10 to 20 years/>20 years
What is the thickness of the:
Wall insulation mm
Ceiling insulation mm
Thickness of the floor mm
Refrigeration equipment:
Type of refrigeration cycle? Don't know/Single stage/Multi stage/Cascade/Absorption cycle/Air
Type of refrigeration system? Don't know/Dry evaporator with thermostatic valve/Flooded-
pumped/Flooded-natural circulation
Type of compressors? Don't know/Reciprocating/Screw or Scroll/Rolling
Do you have economized compressors? Yes/No/Don’t know
What is the compressor control system? Don't know/VSD/Unloading/Other
How are compressors controlled? Don't know/Suction pressure/Room air temperature/Other
Type of condensers? Don't know/Air cooled/Evaporative/Water cooled/Cooling
Defrost type? Don't know/Hot gas/Electric/Passive/Other
Do you use any heat from the refrigeration plant? Yes/No/Don’t know
If yes, what for Water heating/Floor heating/Other heating
What is the year of installation of the system? Year
Table 1. Information collected in survey.
2.2. Express survey tool
In response to some end users requesting a simpler and more rapid means to benchmark their stores an
‘Express Survey’ was developed. This required only 5 minutes to complete.

Development of survey tool

The tool was part of the ICE-E web site and written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) using a web
form to collect the data. As in the detailed survey all data collected was anonymous.

Data collected
The data collection form is shown in Figure 3. A limited data set was collected (set temperature, area and
volume of the store, food throughput and energy usage per year) which reflected what were considered to be
the most important factors affecting energy use in cold stores.

Figure 3. Data collected as part of the Express survey.

Benchmark analysis
Once data was submitted the information was input manually into the main benchmark survey and
information sent directly to the cold store operator.

3.1. Data collected

Data from 329 cold stores was collected. One data point was the mean of 331 cold stores in the UK (i.e. the
total data collection encompassed 659 stores). This point was excluded from the analysis as data was not
available on the data variance. Therefore the data point could not be included at an equal weighting to the
other data sets and so was used for purely comparative purposes in the analysis. After removal of data that
was considered unreliable (i.e. data that was obviously wrong, inputs not completed etc) this left 295 data
Not all data sets had complete data as many users had not replied to every question asked. However, the core
data set had the 5 main attributes collected (temperature of the store, area and volume of the store, food
throughput and energy usage per year).
The data collected covered 21 different countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Serbia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA). Seventy percent of the 294 data sets originated from
EU countries. The division of data between each country is shown in Figure 4.

1 China
15 8 4
13 Czech Republic
11 1 Denmark
2 France
7 1 Greece
12 Ireland
129 Netherlands
New Zealand
69 Serbia
4 5 Switzerland
1 1 1 United Kingdom

Figure 4. Data sets collected per country.

3.2. Cold store type

Cold store function was divided into chilled, frozen or mixed stores (those with both chilled and frozen
rooms operating from a common refrigeration system). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a highly
significant difference (P<0.05) between the specific energy consumption (SEC) of all store types (Figure 5).
Differences between chilled and frozen and chilled and mixed were greater (P<0.01) than between frozen
and mixed stores (P<0.05).
+/- 1 standard deviation






Chilled Frozen Mixed

Figure 5. Average SEC (Specific Energy Consumption) and standard deviation around means for chilled,
frozen and mixed cold stores.

3.3. Country
Large variations in SEC were shown between countries. Significant differences were found between chilled
and frozen stores but not mixed stores in the countries within the survey. Figure 6 shows average SEC for
chilled, frozen and mixed stores in each country where data was collected and the standard deviations around
the means. This showed large variability in the SEC between countries and within countries. Due to the
limited number of data sets for some countries it would not have been possible to analyse data from each
country separately. All further analysis was carried out on data divided into chilled, frozen and mixed stores.

SEC (kWh/m 3/year)

Chilled Frozen Mixed
+/- 1 standard deviation





Figure 6. Average SEC per country and standard deviation around means where replicate data was available
(where no s.d. is plotted, this is because there is only one data point).
3.4. Relationship between energy use and store size
The relationship between store energy consumption (in kWh/year) and the information collected was
investigated using multiple regression. As part of this analysis the data was found to be near to a normal

3.5. Chilled stores

Regression demonstrated that 93% of the variation in annual energy consumption was related to store
volume (Figure 7). Multiple regression demonstrated that food type and food throughput had some impact on
annual energy but that these factors only increased the R2 value to 95% and therefore their impact was very
low. All other factors collected had no influence on annual energy consumption.
Applying non linear relationships to the data did not improve the regression R2 value. This indicates that
SEC is independent of store volume.

kWh/year Chilled 331 cold stores (mixed chilled and frozen)

y = 64.535x - 148235
R² = 0.9303









0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000
Volume (m 3)

Figure 7. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for chilled stores.

3.6. Frozen stores

Store volume accounted for 56% of the variability in annual energy consumption of frozen stores when a
linear regression was applied (Figure 8). Applying a non linear power function to the data improved the
regression R2 value to 66% (Figure 9). This would indicate that for frozen stores that SEC reduced as the
store size increased.
None of the factors recorded that had anything above a very minimal impact on annual energy consumption.
Therefore approximately 34% of the variability in annual energy consumption was related to a factor that
was not collected in the survey.
kWh/year Frozen 331 cold stores (mixed chilled and frozen)

y = 39.576x + 859987
R² = 0.5632






0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000
Volume (m 3)

Figure 8. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for frozen stores
(linear regression).

kWh/year Frozen 331 cold stores (mixed chilled and frozen)



y = 374.93x 0.8173
R² = 0.6567





0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000
Volume (m 3)

Figure 9. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for frozen stores (non
linear regression).

3.7. Mixed stores

A number of factors had an impact on mixed store annual energy consumption. As a linear regression store
volume accounted for 67% of the variability, however if a power function was applied this increased to 76%.
(Figure 10 and Figure 11). In addition throughput, thickness of the store insulation (wall, ceiling and floor)
and insulation age also appeared to have a minor impact on annual energy consumption. However, for these
data sets the number of replicates was low and so their impact needs further investigation.
Mixed stores appeared to have a similar volume relationship with annual energy consumption as frozen
stores and therefore the store SEC reduced for larger stores.

kWh/year Mixed 331 cold stores (mixed chilled and frozen)

y = 27.636x + 869654
R² = 0.6677






0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000
Volume (m 3)

Figure 10. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for mixed stores
(linear regression).

kWh/year Mixed 331 cold stores (mixed chilled and frozen)

y = 480.28x 0.7864
R² = 0.7593






0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000
Volume (m 3)

Figure 11. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for mixed stores
(non linear regression).
3.8. All stores
A comparison of the best fit regressions for chilled, frozen and mixed stores is shown in Figure 12. It is
interesting to note that mixed and frozen stores had a relatively similar relationship between volume and
annual energy (although statistically the regressions lines were significantly different at P<0.01). At volumes
below 22,000 m3 chilled store used less energy than frozen or mixed stores but at volumes above 22,000 m3
chilled stores used more energy than frozen or mixed stores. This was mainly due to a cluster of smaller
chilled stores that had low energy consumption.

Chilled Frozen Mixed 331 cold stores (mixed chilled and frozen)










0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000
Volume (m3)

Figure 12. Comparison between store volume and energy use per year (kWh/year) for all stores.

The SEC for the cold stores examined varied considerable. Data from all stores and for all stores with the
10% and 20% upper and lower values removed are shown in Table 2. The distribution of the SEC values for
chilled, frozen and mixed cold stores are shown in Figure 13.
Table 2. Range in SEC values for cold stores examined.

Chilled Frozen Mixed

(kWh/m3/year) (kWh/m3/year) (kWh/m3/year)
All data Mean 55.8 69.4 65.1
Minimum 4.4 6.0 23.4
Maximum 250.4 240.4 156.8
10% upper Mean 52.2 66.3 59.1
and 10%
Minimum 20.7 26.7 29.9
lower values
removed Maximum 95.3 134.6 107.0
20% upper Mean 51.3 63.4 55.9
and 20%
Minimum 29.6 36.3 37.4
lower values
removed Maximum 78.0 100.0 87.3

% of population
Chilled Frozen Mixed










SEC (kWh/m 3/year)

Figure 13. Distribution of SEC values.


The data collected in the ICE-E survey showed that there was large variability in the energy used by cold
stores. The SEC varied between 4 and 250 kWh/m3/year for chillers, between 6 and 240 kWh/m3/year for
freezers and between 23 and 157 kWh/m3/year for mixed stores. Duiven and Binard (2002) estimated that
cold stores should use between 30 and 50 kWh/m3/year.. The data collected in this survey demonstrated that
47% of chilled stores, 35% of frozen stores and 50% f mixed stores had an SEC of less than 50 kWh/m3/year.
This demonstrates that there is considerable potential to reduce energy consumption in cold stores.
Large differences were found between cold stores in different countries but the reasons for this were not able
to be extracted due to lack of replicate data.
Differences were found between chilled, frozen and mixed usage cold stores. The major influence on annual
energy consumption in all store types was the volume of the store. For chilled stores volume accounted for
93% of the variation in annual energy consumption. In frozen and mixed stores, volume accounted for 66-
76% of the variation in annual energy consumption but this was a non linear relationship. In frozen and
mixed stores other factors had minimal impact on variation in annual energy consumption. This may have
been due to lack of replicate data for some factors recorded. Further work is required to examine the impact
of some of these factors. There also appears, especially with frozen and mixed stores, a factor or factors
affecting annual energy consumption that were not collected in the survey. The survey was not able to assess
heat loads from chamber freezing or processing in chamber (although this information was requested it was
rarely provided). Therefore the variations in energy consumption may be explained by the additional heat
loads in some chambers. This requires further investigation.
The performance of all stores (chilled, frozen and mixed) was statistically different. However, there was
more relationship between the performance of frozen and mixed stores than there was between chilled and
frozen or chilled and mixed stores. The energy used by chilled stores was less than frozen or mixed stores at
volumes below 22,000 m3 but was higher above this value. This might indicate that large frozen stores tend
to be long term stores with less usage and that larger chilled stores have high usage (e.g. large regional
distribution centres). This again requires further investigation.
It would be expected that larger stores would be more efficient and have a lower SEC than smaller stores.
The indications were that this was only the case for frozen and mixed stores. For chilled stores the
relationship between volume and store size was linear. This indicates that chilled and frozen/mixed stores are
affected by transmission heat loads in different ways. It is possible that transmission is more dominant in
stores with lower temperatures and so the impact of surface to volume ratio (which is less in a larger store) is
greater than in chilled stores. It might also be expected that usage of chilled stores may be greater than that of
frozen stores (more movement of food, more door openings etc) and that this may be a more dominant factor
affecting energy than transmission. However, there was no relationship between annual energy consumption
and food throughout in chilled stores and so this does not appear to be the answer.
The analysis demonstrated a surprising lack of relationships between the factors recorded (apart from
volume) and annual energy consumption. There was for example no relationship for any store types with
temperature of the store even though the range in temperatures recorded were relatively wide ranging (13°C
for chilled and 5°C for frozen) and there was an extensive data set. In other instances the lack of any
relationship may have been due to the restricted data sets available. It would therefore be useful to collect
further data on the factors that were indicated to be important by the regression analysis.
The data collected provides an indication of the factors that most affect the energy used by cold stores. This
provides a useful framework to develop labelling of cold stores and the factors that should be considered
when creating a benchmarking or labelling scheme.


Clodic D, Palandre L. 2004. Determination of Comparative. HCFC and HFC Emission Profiles for the Foam
and Refrigeration Sectors until 2015. Part 1. Refrigerant Emission. Profiles. Centre d’Energetique.
Duiven JE, Binard P. 2002. Refrigerated storage: new developments. Bulletin of the IIR – No. 2002-2.
Evans, JA, Gigiel AJ. 2007. Reducing the energy consumption in cold stores. The 22nd IIR International
Congress of Refrigeration. Beijing, China. August 21-26, 2007.
Evans JA, Gigiel A. 2010. Reducing energy consumption in cold storage rooms. IIR ICCC, Cambridge 29-
31 March 2010.
Market Transformation Programme –
Swain MJ. 2006. Improving the energy efficiency of food refrigeration operations. IChemE Food and Drink
Newsletter, 4 Sept.
Werner SRL, Vaino F, Merts I, Cleland DJ. 2006. Energy use in the New Zealand cold storage industry. IIR-
IRHACE Conference, The University of Auckland, 2006.

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