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YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

2020 - ANKARA

Bu sınav Akın Dil Eğitim Merkezi’nin sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile tüm YDT İngilizce adaylarının bireysel
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YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8



YDT Soru türleri ve soru sayısı Doğru Yanlış Boş Net

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2. Dilbilgisi (10 Soru)

3. Cloze Test(5 Soru)

4. Cümleyi Tamamlama (8 Soru)

5. Paragraf (3x5=15soru)

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7. Anlamca Yakın Cümleyi Bulma (5 Soru)

8. Verilen Durumda Söylenecek İfadeli Bulma (5 Soru)

9. Paragrafta Anlam Bütünlüğünü Sağlayacak Cümleyi Bulma (5 Soru)

10. İngilizce Cümlenin Türkçe Karşılığını Bulma (6 Soru)

10. Türkçe Cümlenin İngilizce Karşılığını Bulma (6 Soru)

11. Anlam Bütünlüğünü Bozan Cümleyi Bulma (5 Soru)


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YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 5. All computers are likely to crash and vulnerable
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. to viruses or malicious software; therefore,
people have to ---- their files regularly.

A) back up B) set off

1. Linguist Noam Chomsky created the theory of
generative grammar which is one of the most C) turn down D) make up
important ---- to the field of linguistics made in E) give in
the 20 century.

A) prescriptions B) obstacles

C) descendants D) reasons
6. ---- themselves apart from the rest of the world
E) contributions for years, the Amish, a peculiar group of people
in the US, are keen to maintain an incessant
enthusiasm ---- the eye of the public.

A) Keep / evade
2. Being a very ---- person, Donna spent many
hours making sure that the calculations were B) To keep / to be evaded
exactly correct. C) Having kept / to evade
A) vulnerable B) notorious D) Kept / evaded
C) defective D) meticulous E) Keeping / evading
E) prevalent

7. To many psychologists, making a commitment

3. The Channel Tunnel, which ---- Britain and to enjoy life and adopting a positive attitude ----
France under the English Channel, cost $6 better results than ---- on the hardships of life.
billion more than estimated.
A) yielded / focus
A) confirms B) collapses
B) have yielded / focused
C) gains D) represents
C) yield / focusing
E) connects
D) are yielding / to be focused

E) will yield / to focus

8. As there are compulsory service laws ---- the

4. Although it is largely blamed for its negative disadvantages areas, novice teachers, officers
effects on water resources, avocado is popular and doctors ---- in a distant and
as a salad vegetable and ----- cultivated in underdeveloped part of the country for a certain
California. period even if they do not want to do so.
A) delicately B) extensively A) support / could serve
C) indifferently D) severely B) to support / have to serve
E) abruptly C) supported / would serve

D) supporting / used to serve

E) to be supported / may serve

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 13. Philosophers of science are now discussing if it
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. is possible for us to create ---- completely novel
and not based on ---- thing or invention that
9. Many people who have sleeping problems, previously existed.
either chronic or occasional, reach ---- the
sleeping tablets when they see a difficult night A) anyone / many B) nothing / all
---- of them. C) something / any D) everything / no
A) at / above B) for / ahead E) one / some
C) out of / beyond D) from / towards

E) into / behind

10. Anaesthesia, which is taken for granted today 14. Of the many possible factors affecting our
though it has a relatively short history, can be happiness, nothing has been ---- thoroughly
defined as a way ---- preventing patients ---- debated ---- our relationship with our parents in
feeling pain during surgery. the first years of our lives.
A) of / from B) on / of A) just as / so B) both / and
C) for / to D) at / with C) as / as D) either / or
E) in / for E) so / that

11. Having the financial resources does not

guarantee that a project will succeed as
projects can fail ---- an organization’s inability
15. The eastern coast of New Zealand boasts
to administer the funds available.
beautiful sands and long beaches, ----, on the
A) due to B) as well as other side of the coin, the western coasts are
fringed by swamps.
C) in spite of D) in contrast to
A) since B) now that
E) regardless of
C) unless D) whereas

E) provided that

12. In Greece, waste from about 50 percent of the

country’s industrial sites, ---- all of the sewage
from Athens, flows into the Gulf of Saronikós.

A) in contrast to B) otherwise

C) despite D) in addition to

E) in order to

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da 18.
ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) For instance B) As a result

C) In addition D) By comparison
We are in a constant battle against antibiotic resistance, a
E) However
threat created due largely to our unconscious and
excessive use of antibiotics. Scientists (16) ---- to find an
alternative to them and utilize naturally occurring viruses
over the last four decades. Bacteriophages are in this
category and kill bacteria (17) ---- some mechanisms that
are different from antibiotics. They target specific strains of
bacteria, which makes them an appealing option for
overcoming antibiotic resistance. (18) ----, finding well-
defined bacteriophages to use against a bacterial target is
quite challenging. In an attempt to do so in a new study, a
team of biologists and virologists have managed to (19) ----
bacteriophages to kill E. coli bacteria by making mutations
in a viral protein found in host cells. Also, these new
bacteriophages are less likely to provoke resistance in
bacteria and give better results (20) ---- this novel method
of making mutations. 19.

A) prosper B) alleviate

C) engineer D) occupy

E) conduct


A) tried B) try

C) are trying D) were trying

E) have been trying


A) on behalf of B) for the sake of

17. C) rather than D) with the help of

A) through B) for E) in case of

C) over D) within

E) among

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 23. No matter how much we help the poor African
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. countries ----.

A) the cholera epidemic in Kenya has still been

21. ---- since they are more prone to hormonal
imbalance. B) they won’t get any better financially until they
establish their own industries
A) Women did not have to deal with an unsightly
skin problem C) they had always had the desire to live on their
local sources of income
B) Hormones play a great role in the occurrence of
acne in adults D) local politicians never learn a lesson from
people’s decisions at elections
C) It is not surprising that women suffer from adult
acne more than men do E) there are other more influential countries to
exploit their local resources
D) Habits such as smoking and drinking can affect
the skin’s condition

E) A person suffering from adult acne should

consult a dermatologist

22. ----; therefore, if you have one of these 24. If there were no air pollution in the city centre,
symptoms, you must see a psychiatrist. ----.
A) The diagnosis closely resembles what the public A) factories that release poisonous fumes into the
calls a nervous breakdown is major depression atmosphere would have been punished
B) Depression is characterized by a lack of energy, B) we wish people would be more considerate
motivation and feelings of guilt or hopelessness about the nature
C) Depressive episodes are often triggered by C) it sometimes becomes almost impossible to
social and environmental circumstances breathe in here
D) In the early 1900s, major depression was known D) the mayor won’t have agreed to such an
as neurasthenia incredible plan
E) Studies estimate that 50 million Americans suffer E) the municipality wouldn’t need to restrict coal
some form of mental illness in their lifetime consumption

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

25. During the Seljuk time, cleaning was regarded 27. Exposure to radiation can lead to an increased
as an important aspect of life even in streets ---- liability to cancer later in life, ----.

A) though the members of the Royal Family, were A) however, it’s necessary for radioactive materials
also in need of cleaning to be handled with the greatest care

B) and these places used to be as dark and B) so nuclear radiations are undetectable by the
perilous as they are today human senses

C) so there was always a fountain or water source C) whereas the effectiveness of the measures is
for the public in towns judged from the nuclear industry’s records

D) whether women or all young people used them D) because no human activity can be completed
or not without risk

E) which underlines the fact that cleaning was E) and very heavy exposure in a severe accident
significant then could be rapidly fatal as well

26. ----, you should boil it or add some disinfectant if

possible before use. 28. The cells in a baby’s body definitely multiply
faster than those of an adult ----.
A) When people living in unhygienic environments,
take some precautions A) and the immune system must be supplemented
by vaccines
B) Although drinking well water without checking if
it is clean is dangerous B) and this presents a great amount of biological
C) If you have to use well water instead of tap water
for some reason C) since babies aren’t likely to get sick frequently
during the first six months
D) Because some unreliable water sources must be
banned from use D) so that vulnerable body tissues and bones can
develop quickly
E) While people should check the expiry date of
especially canned foods E) though defects in sensory organs can be found
before birth

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 30. As it is stated in the passage, people choose to
cevaplayınız. live in a city ----.

A) because they know they can use their

creativity there
Many people are in two minds about cities, believing
that they embody the best and worst aspects of B) especially when the city is one that is large,
civilization. On the one hand, the diversity of people and populated and with built-up areas
activities encourages innovation and creativity, which in
turn create opportunities that attract still more people. C) because they view cities as ideal places for
On the other, problems of overcrowding, crime, poverty, living
and pollution may be severe. Cities, therefore, have
come to reflect the hopes and fears of the modern D) despite the fact that there are as many
world. The definition of an urban area, as distinguished disadvantages as advantages
from a rural area, differs from country to country.
Although most demographers would accept that cities E) so that they can be a part of civilization
are large, densely populated, built-up areas, there is
little agreement about how to define “urban” using
objective measures. Most countries use a combination
of criteria: typically population size, population density,
and the extent of the built-up area. However, few
countries use the same measurements.

31. The passage tells us that there is no

agreement between countries about ----.

29. The passage is mainly concerned with ----. A) the ideal location for cities

A) what it is that makes a place a city B) how to define a “city”

B) why people prefer cities to the country C) how to cope with urban problems
C) how rural areas become cities in time
D) how to measure population of a city
D) problems that most cities have
E) whether city life is superior to country life
E) why some cities are larger than others

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 33. According to the author, Bitcoin ----.
A) will never be truly adopted worldwide in the near

What is bitcoin? It’s digital money. It’s the new gold. It’s B) has been the currency of many countries for
hot and everyone wants a part of it. Bitcoin is a kind of some time
cryptocurrency. Crypto- is short for “cryptography”, a C) fever will diminish as dollar is gaining its
computer technology used for securing and hiding popularity back
information, among other things. Cryptocurrency is
defined as electronic money made with technology to D) will replace all the cryptocurrencies as it is the
control how it was made, protect transactions and hide most popular one
the identities of its users. The technology around E) is a very efficient method of sending and
cryptocurrencies effectively give them the same traits receiving money
as regular, cold hard cash. Bitcoin was the first widely
adopted cryptocurrency, and was created in 2009 by
Satoshi Nakamoto. The purpose behind bitcoin is to
allow one person to directly send money to another.
This type of transaction is known as “peer-to-peer”.
People don’t need to use a trusted third party like a
bank to process their transaction. As you can see, peer-
to-peer transactions are highly efficient.

34. What could be the best title for the passage?

32. According to the passage, cryptocurrency ----. A) Bitcoin for Beginners

B) Bitcoin vs Cryptocurrency
A) doesn’t let its users to know how it was produced
C) The Importance of Cryptocurrencies
B) is completely different from the cash we use
everyday D) The Ease of Transaction
C) allows its users to mask their identities unlike E) How Bitcoin Became a Part of Our Lives

D) has been used by people for at least two


E) is a kind of Bitcoin, but not adopted widely as


YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 36. According to the passage, purpose of erecting
cevaplayınız. the Eros statue ----.

A) was actually to favour the seventh Earl of

In the centre of Piccadilly Circus, the centre of
London, stands the statue of Eros, meeting point and B) hasn’t been discovered by any Londoner ever
landmark of the amusement quarters of the since it was constructed
metropolis. When the statue returned to its place in C) was to honour Eros because of all his
1947 from where it was safely kept during World War achievements
II, this aroused a great deal of happiness among the
public, which means that this symbol has come to D) was to develop the feeling of love among
mean so much to Londoners. The statue was erected Londoners
from 1886 to 1893 as a memorial to a great E) should have been made clear to the public
philanthropist, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, whose
championship of social legislation had made him, in
the words of Gladstone’s inscription on the monument
“An example to his order, a blessing to this people,
and a name to be ever gratefully remembered by

35. We learn from the passage that the location of

the Eros statue in London ----.
37. One can conclude from the passage that the
A) came to be a very famous amusement centre in Londoners ----.
A) visit the amusement quarters frequently just to
B) was changed for safety reasons just after World see the Eros statue
War II
B) wish the Eros statue was located somewhere
C) remained the same throughout all those years else
including World War II
C) are keen to learn about why the Eros statue
D) is at the centre of a significant place where was erected
people spend time to enjoy themselves
D) appreciate the Eros statue very much and
E) is so central that it can be seen from anywhere happy to have it
in the city
E) don’t know who Gladstone is and why he is

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 39. It is clearly stated in the passage that men try to
cevaplayınız. hide their depression mainly because they ----.

A) think it is useless to consult a doctor

Depression is often considered a “female disease” since B) are not as brave as women to counter it
affected women reportedly outnumber men by four to
one. Yet, male depression may be more widespread C) fear that women will run away from them
than we realize. Many men try to hide their condition,
thinking it unmanly to act moody. And it works: Recent D) think that a man should not reveal it
studies have suggested that doctors miss the diagnosis
in men a full 70% of the time. But male depression also E) fear that they will be isolated once they confess it
stays hidden because men tend to express depression
differently than women do. Depressed women are more
likely to talk about their problem and reach out for help
but male depression isn’t as obvious as the defences
men use to run from it. Men attempt to escape pain by
overusing alcohol or drugs, working excessively or
seeking affairs out of marriage. They go into isolation
and they may become irritable or violent at times.

40. It can be understood from the passage that ----.

38. It can be understood from the passage that ----.
A) doctors find male depression cases easier to
A) men employ different defence mechanisms to diagnose
cope with depression
B) men are reported to suffer from depression four
B) one cannot go out of depression without asking times as much as women do
for help from a professional
C) it may not be viable to consider depression a
C) men almost always get married to escape from “female disease”
D) depression is the common hidden epidemic of
D) women talk excessively to hide their feelings our century
when they are in depression
E) most married men share their depression with
E) the use of alcohol and drugs is more widespread their wives
among men

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 42. We learn from the passage that, unlike history of
cevaplayınız. literature, history of art ----.

A) has more limitations because of different

appreciation styles of artists
In some respects, the history of art is comparable with
that of literature. There is continuity and change in both, B) cannot develop in places where there are
progressive improvement in neither. Both are religious conflicts
characterised by works that seem to have some sorts of C) has always had the quality of progressive
limitations, with a timeless appeal independent of, and improvement
sometimes at odds with, the intentions of their creators.
The history of art is, however, dependent on the D) is unique to every culture because of the
physical survival of objects. And their survival has religious struggles
depended on a number of factors, as has their E) can exist only where survival of physical objects
destruction. For instance, religious images have been is possible
destroyed in order to change people’s beliefs. Yet, in
some places, works of art have been preserved in
private collections and later, public museums, for their
artistic excellence. It is no coincidence that only where
this has occurred have histories of art been written.

41. It is stated in the passage that one common 43. One can conclude from the passage that the
point of history of art and that of literature is ----. care taken to preserve works of art ----.

A) the similarity between the works A) was much more in the past due to the
appreciation of these works of art
B) that both can survive only if their physical
objects survive B) did not always exist, which resulted in the
destruction of many works
C) the sharp distinction between the intentions of
creators C) has never been as much as it has been for the
works of literature
D) that they are both continuous and changing
D) emerged when the first museums were founded
E) that works of art have begun to be preserved all around the world
E) has not been as common as it should be even at

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

44. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 45.

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
- Can I borrow the car tomorrow for the party?

Henry :
- I don’t want you to drink and drive and this
Rafael: means no.
- We still have time for a quick lunch, don’t Michael:
- ----
Henry :
- If you can eat a hamburger and chips in
under five minutes, yes. - Oh, then of course you can but come early in
the evening.
A) I am going to the charity party for the children
- ---- where there will be no alcohol.
Marcos: B) I will have only some whisky and maybe one or
- Okay, but I will have only chips as I am not two cocktails.
hungry. Hurry up! C) The police do not check the drivers for alcohol
A) I need at least ten minutes to do that. in many countries.

B) Then we have to wait until the class is over. D) Then I guess I am going to have to rent a car
only for this occasion.
C) I am not going to have hamburger, but at least
two main courses. E) If so, I will take a taxi and come back by bus.

D) There have been times I did it in maximum two

minutes actually.

E) Maybe we can share a hamburger and one

pack of chips together.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

46. 47.

Liz: Julia:

- This noise coming from the street is so - Jack! You were at home and you should
disturbing; I cannot hear what the speaker on know who broke my computer.
television is saying! Jack:
- ----
- ----
- Yes. You’re right. I should have guessed.

Liz: Jack:

- How is it that you are not disturbed at all? - But I’m not sure.
A) I don’t know anything about this situation.
Susan: What I know is that your computer was fine.
- I grew up in a family of eleven, remember? B) There is no one to blame but yourself. You
should have turned it off when you left.
A) It is as if they are strangling one another; I don’t
like it, either. C) Your brother has a deep interest in electrical
devices and he was at home when I arrived.
B) Let's turn the volume up so that they'll
understand that we're not happy about it. D) Carly can’t have broken it because I was at
home all day and she never came.
C) Just a couple of kids playing football, nothing to
worry about. E) I think you will punish the person that has done
this to your computer, won’t you?
D) Do they have to start digging just when the news
is on!
E) I agree. Shall I go out and tell them to stop it?

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
Willie :
- Do you think art has to be beautiful?
Nancy: 49. Someone stole Helen’s purse and cell phone
as she was having dinner in a restaurant.
- That’s what art is all about, isn’t it? Showing
beautiful things and beautiful people. A) While having dinner in a restaurant, Helen
had her purse and cell phone stolen.
Willie :
B) Because Helen was having dinner in a
- ----
restaurant, she didn’t see who stole her
Nancy: purse and cell phone.
- So, what’s the point of it then? C) Helen’s purse and cell phone had been
A) I don’t think people are interested in beautiful stolen before she ate dinner in a restaurant.
paintings. D) Someone having dinner with Helen in a
B) I personally think that the choice of colours in a restaurant stole her purse and cell phone.
painting is of primary importance. E) This is the restaurant where Helen ate dinner
C) Paintings are supposed to be something and her purse and cell phone were stolen.
beautiful to look at and give certain messages.
D) Actually, I think nature is the source of
inspiration for art.
E) I don’t think art should necessarily be beautiful
and show beautiful things, either.
50. The hole in the ozone layer will have got
larger by the time the government bans the
use of harmful chemicals.
A) The hole in the ozone layer will get a lot
greater unless the government bans the use
of harmful chemicals.

B) The government won’t ban the use of harmful

chemicals quickly enough to prevent the hole
in the ozone layer from getting larger.

C) The hole in the ozone layer is getting larger

and larger every day and there is nothing the
government bans could do.

D) The ban on the use of harmful chemicals is

not preventing the hole in the ozone layer
from getting larger.

E) The hole in the ozone layer is very large and

the ban on the use of harmful gases won’t
make it smaller.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

51. As it got darker, it proved more and more 54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
dangerous for the rescue team to walk along the olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

A) The weather was getting darker, which made it a

little dangerous for the rescue team to proceed 54. Your roommate is preparing a report which is
along. due two days later. Suddenly, the computer he
is working on crashes. Seeing him looking at
B) It was so dark that it was almost impossible for
the blank computer screen in panic, you try to
the rescue team to see around the valley as they
calm him down saying: ----
A) You should not have tried to finish the whole
C) The rescue team decided that it was too dark for
them to walk along the valley. thing in the last two days!

D) It was really dangerous for the rescue team to B) Well, maybe it is time to buy a new computer
do their job in the dark valley. because this one seems to be dying.

E) The darker it got, the more dangerous it became C) Don’t panic and start all over again; it should
to walk along the valley for the rescue team. only take a week to do again.

D) You still have time to do it and the file on the

disk should be intact.
52. In spite of the fact that we have known Bill for
over ten years, we don’t think he is reliable. E) I will take care of the computer but I don’t think
A) During the last ten years, Bill has made nothing you will be able to finish it on time.
to prove that he is a reliable person.
B) Bill was definitely more reliable than he is now
ten years ago.
C) We still haven’t found out how reliable Bill is
55. You are a fan of one of the most famous
though we have known him for more than ten
years. football teams in the country. However, their
performance has been low during the past three
D) Despite knowing Bill for exactly ten years, we
weeks and your best friend, who is an avid fan
still don’t consider him very reliable.
of the rival team, has been teasing you and your
E) Although we met Bill more than ten years ago, team. To defend the team you support, you say:
we believe that we can’t trust him. ----

A) You used to be more tolerant towards other

teams; I am disappointed in you.
53. Cars which are cheaper than ten thousand
dollars tend to break down more frequently than B) You are right; they deserve to be made fun of
more expensive ones.
with their performance.
A) If you should want to have a reliable car, buy
one which is more expensive than ten thousand C) I didn’t know you had such interest in football
dollars. and cruelty to mock your best friend.

B) If a car costs ten thousand dollars or more, it is D) Whatever you say, your team is the worst in the
highly likely that it won’t let its owner down. world.
C) Expensive cars are often much more reliable E) They haven’t done well during the last few
than cheap ones and they hardly ever break
down. weeks, but they will recover soon.

D) Cars whose prices are lower than ten thousand

dollars are more likely to break down than those
that cost more.
E) If the price of a car is lower than ten thousand
dollars, it is definitely going to break more often
than a more expensive car.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

56. One of your best friends who has lived in China 58. While walking to work, somebody knocks you
for many years offers you to eat outside in a down. With the pain in your head, you shout at
Chinese restaurant. You want to have dinner out the man: “Watch your step!” However, the man
with him, but not in a Chinese restaurant, so you you hit turns out to be visually impaired. You
offer another choice without breaking his heart. apologise in utter embarrassment: ----
You say: ----
A) I am so sorry. I have friends in Blind Society; you
A) How about tasting some Turkish food for a can call me any time from this number.
B) In any case you should have watched your step;
B) How can you expect me to go there? it was not my fault.

C) All right, but just for once because I don’t like the C) I am terribly sorry. I could not notice you were
taste. blind. I should not have shouted at you.

D) Okay. I won’t break your heart but next time we D) There should be separate pavements for the
go, I’ll pay. visually impaired.

E) If I were you, I would try their boiled fish. E) I must be in the office in a minute, so I won’t lose
my time apologizing to you.

59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada

57. You are responsible for the installation of anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
computer systems in a big company. While you cümleyi bulunuz.
are at work, a lady working in this company
approaches and asks you to teach her how to
use a specific computer programme. You kindly 59. There are no less than 120 countries comprising
refuse explaining: ---- the so-called "third world" known variously as
"less developed" or "underdeveloped" or poor
A) Oh, I’m sorry but I’m responsible only for the
countries. There is a great diversity among
setting up of the computers and nothing else.
them, and yet they have a number of features in
B) Can’t you see that I’m busy installing a computer common. ---- For example, some of the oil-
at the moment? producing countries have achieved very high
C) Well, of course. As soon as I’m finished with this levels of income per capita while retaining
computer, I’ll be with you. many of the other characteristics of less
developed countries.
D) Excuse me, can you show me how to operate
this special programme? A) Their natural sources are so limited that
economically they are mostly dependent on
E) The programme you are talking about requires international aid.
certain privileges to operate.
B) Population explosion is a major problem that
many countries are unable to cope with.

C) In such countries, there is a great demand for an

educated and skilled workforce.

D) Death rates have fallen sharply in response to

improved health services.

E) The most important among these is their

poverty, but even poverty is not universal.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

60. Until the late 1950s, Americans had to borrow 62. Not every country benefits when workers go
soft-drink bottles by paying a deposit each time abroad in search of jobs. Each year
they bought one. ---- A returnable bottle was approximately 200,000 Iranians, many of them
replaced with disposable cans or bottles. Sales highly educated, leave the country for the US,
of soft-drinks climbed and the container Canada, Europe and Australia. ---- Another
manufacturers smiled all the way to the bank. good example can show the reasons behind
this: Unemployment hovers around 20 per cent
A) Unless a container is accidentally broken, it lasts
and the inflation rate is of roughly 15 per cent.
a life-time, despite the many journeys from home
to market, farm or water-well and back. A) Government restrictions on investment
severely limit business opportunities.
B) Many manufacturers have joined in promoting
the throw-away spirit. B) Furthermore, the International Monetary Fund
ranks Iran as having the highest rate of brain
C) It costs a great deal to provide a new container
drain in the world.
each time we buy milk, wine, beer and other
drinks. C) In Tehran, university teachers and students
frequently moonlight as cab drivers to make
D) Several years later, soft-drink bottlers decided
ends meet.
that it was more convenient for the customer to
throw the bottle away instead. D) "The biggest reason for the brain drain is the
lack of democracy in Iran" says a sociologist at
E) A U.S. company made an arrangement with the
Tehran University.
bottler companies to pay back them for much the
cost of one-trip bottles. E) The loss of this talent pool is undoubtedly a
setback for Iran and in the short term, it could
be better if they stayed.

61. The tribal Africans have lived most of their lives

in a world of sickness. From the time they were
born, they have probably had many diseases.
---- People who live where the tsetse fly breeds 63. As the use of food additives has grown, so has
cannot raise cattle, for this insect lives in the public concern about the type and amount of
blood of the cattle. As a result, the tribesman's these additives and their potential to cause
diet is poor because he cannot drink milk or eat cancer or other illnesses in human beings.
meat. Some studies have suggested that saccharin,
A) A diet of starches causes their bones to be nitrites, and other additives may cause cancer,
poorly formed. but these claims remain controversial. ---- For
example, the vitamins used to fortify foods
B) The farmers grow only what they need for food
such as bread and milk are additives.
or to trade for the things they cannot grow.
C) The insects of the wet regions bring yellow fever,
A) In the 20th century, advances in chemistry
malaria, and sleeping sickness. have greatly expanded the number of additives
D) People of the tribe have long depended on the in foods.
tribal medicine men to cure the diseases. B) At the same time, some additives may actually
provide a health benefit.
E) Now more people can afford to have their own
farms or work in the city and enjoy benefits of C) Therefore, food additives have been used for
thousands of years, most of which are harmful.
urban life.
D) People in ancient Rome added certain
chemicals to wine to improve the colour.
E) Food additives are chemicals that are added to
food in small amounts.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

64. - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye 66. Many people are unaware the of the danger, but
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. air and water pollution is slowly destroying the
ecological balance of nature.
64. Because vitamin D is fat-soluble and stored in
the body, excessive consumption may cause A) Doğanın dengesini yavaş yavaş bozan hava ve
vitamin poisoning, kidney damage and loss of su kirliliğinden pek çok kişinin haberi yoktur.
appetite. B) Birçok kişi tehlikenin farkında değil ama hava ve
su kirliliği doğanın ekolojik dengesini yavaş
A) Aşırı tüketimi vitamin zehirlenmesine,
yavaş bozmaktadır.
böbreklerin zarar görmesine ve iştah kaybına yol
açabilen D vitamini, yağda çözülüp vücutta C) Çoğu insan bu tehlikenin farkında değil ama
depolanabilir. hava ve su kirliliği doğanın dengesini
B) D vitamini yağda çözülür ve vücutta depolanır, bozmaktadır.
bu yüzden aşırı tüketimi, vitamin zehirlenmesine, D) Hava ve su kirliliği doğanın ekolojik dengesini
böbreklerin zarar görmesine ve iştah kaybına yol
yavaş yavaş bozmaktadır ancak pek çok kişi bu
tehlikenin farkında değil.
C) D vitamini yağda çözüldüğü ve vücutta
depolandığı için aşırı tüketimi, vitamin E) Pek çok kişi hava ve su kirliliğinin doğanın
zehirlenmesine, böbrek hasarına ve iştah ekolojik dengesini yavaş yavaş bozduğunun
kaybına yol açabilir. farkında değil.
D) D vitamini yağda çözülüp vücutta depolandığı
için aşırı tüketiminin, vitamin zehirlenmesine,
böbreklerin zarar görmesine ve iştah kaybına yol
açtığı iddia edilmektedir.
E) Yağda çözülen ve vücutta depolanan D vitamini,
aşırı tüketilirse vitamin zehirlenmesine, böbrek
hasarına ve iştah kaybına yol açabilir.

67. The work, which provides us a summary of the

political, scientific and philosophical thought of
65. Many of the images commonly associated with
its time, may be interpreted on four levels.
Thanksgiving are derived from much older
traditions of celebrating the autumn harvest. A) Dört ayrı seviyede yorumlanabilecek olan eser,
zamanın politik, bilimsel ve felsefi düşüncesinin
A) Şükran Günü’ne dair genelde akla gelen birçok
bir özetini bize sunar.
görüntünün güz hasadını kutlayan çok daha eski
geleneklerden alındığı bilinmektedir. B) Zamanının politik, bilimsel ve felsefi
düşüncesinin bir özetini bize sunan eser, dört
B) Genellikle Şükran Günü’ne atfedilen birçok
düzeyde yorumlanabilir.
görüntü güz hasadını kutlayan çok daha eski
geleneklere aittir. C) Bu eser ki dört düzeyde yorumlanabilir bize
zamanın politik, bilimsel ve felsefi düşüncesinin
C) Yaygın bir şekilde Şükran Günü ile
bir özetini bize sunmaktadır.
özdeşleştirilmiş olan görüntülerin çoğu güz
hasadını kutlayan çok daha eski geleneklerden D) Eser, zamanın politik, bilimsel ve felsefi
gelmektedir. düşüncesinin bir özetini bize sunmakla kalmayıp
aynı zamanda dört ayrı düzeyde yorumlanma
D) Yaygın olarak güz hasadını kutlayan çok daha
olanağına sahiptir.
eski geleneklerden kaldığı sanılan birçok
görüntü Şükran Günü ile özdeşleştirilmektedir. E) Bu eseri dört ayrı düzeyde yorumlayabileceğimiz
E) Şükran Günü’ne dair bir çırpıda akla gelen gibi onu zamanının politik, bilimsel ve felsefi
görüntüler aslında güz hasadını kutlayan çok düşüncesinin bir özeti olarak da sunabiliriz.
daha eski geleneklerden süregelmiştir.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

68. At the height of their power, the Roman’s 70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye an-
territory stretched from Western Europe through lamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
Northern Africa to the Near East.
70. Üstünün aranmasını kabul etmeyen insanların
A) Güçlerinin zirvesindeyken Romalıların toprakları gitmesine izin verilecek ama metro istasyonuna
Batı Avrupa’dan Kuzey Afrika yoluyla Yakın girmelerine izin verilmeyecek.
Doğu’ya kadar yayılabilirdi.
A) People who do not submit to a search will be
B) Romalılar en güçlü zamanlarında topraklarını
allowed to leave, but will not be permitted into
Batı Avrupa’dan Kuzey Afrika yoluyla Yakın
the subway station.
Doğu’ya kadar yaymayı bilmişlerdir.
B) People who will be permitted into the subway
C) Güçlerinin zirvesindeyken Romalıların toprakları,
station will have to submit to a search.
Batı Avrupa’dan, Kuzey Afrika yoluyla Yakın
Doğu’ya kadar uzanabilirdi. C) Although people not submitting to a search will
be allowed to leave, they won’t have an access
D) Güçlerinin zirvesindeyken Romalıların fetihleri
to the subway station.
Batı Avrupa’dan, Kuzey Afrika’ya ve Yakın
Doğu’ya kadar uzanmıştır. D) Because people not submitting to a search will
be free to leave, they can also enter the subway
E) Güçlerinin zirvesindeyken Romalıların toprakları,
Batı Avrupa’dan, Kuzey Afrika yoluyla Yakın
Doğu’ya kadar uzanmıştır. E) People who aren’t permitted into the subway
station can’t complain because they are
reluctant to submit to a search.

69. The athletes of the Scottish games compete not 71. İki yüzyıldan fazla bir süredir, uzmanlar,
only against each other but also against heroes çocukların ana dillerini konuşmayı öğrenme ve
of the past with mythical accomplishments. anlama yöntemine ilgi göstermektedirler.

A) İskoç oyunlarının atletleri birbirine karşı A) The way children learn to speak and understand
yarışmalarının yanı sıra geçmişte efsanevi their mother tongue has become a subject of
başarılar kazanmış kahramanlarla da yarışırlar. interest for over two hundred years.

B) Geçmişte efsanevi başarıları olan kahramanlara B) For more than two hundred years, experts have
karşı yarışmış olan İskoç atletleri birbirlerine shown an interest in how children acquire
speaking and understand their mother tongue.
karşı da yarışmışlardı.
C) İskoç oyunlarının atletleri yalnızca birbirleriyle C) Many experts have shown a great interest in the
değil aynı zamanda efsanevi başarıları olan technique of children’s speaking and
geçmiş kahramanlara karşı da yarışırlar. understanding the mother tongue for over two
hundred years.
D) İskoç oyunlarında yer alan atletler yalnızca
geçmişin efsanevi kahramanlarıyla yarışmakla D) For over two hundred years, experts have
shown an interest in the way children learn to
kalmayıp aynı zamanda birbirlerine karşı da
yarışmışlardır. speak and understand their mother tongue.

E) İskoç oyunlarının atletleri yalnızca birbirlerine E) For over two hundred years, experts have
karşı yarışmayıp dönemin efsanevi başarılarına shown an increasing interest in the way children
imza atan kahramanlarına karşı da learn and understand their mother tongue.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

72. Daha yüksek hayat standardı için çaba harcayan 74. Günümüzün kadınları kendilerini yalnızca anne
gelişmekte olan ülkeler, dünya üretiminin dörtte olarak değil, yaşamlarının çoğunu dışarıda
birinden azına, ama nüfusunun üçte ikisine çalışarak geçiren kişiler olarak düşünüyorlar.
sahiptir. A) Women of today consider themselves as
A) Striving for a higher standard of living, people in mothers who spend their lives working outside.
developing countries have one quarter of the B) Today, women who spend most of their lives
world’s production but two-thirds of its outside consider themselves not just as mothers
population. but as working people.
B) Having less than one quarter of the world’s C) Women of today are considered not just as
production and two-thirds of its population, the mothers but as people spending most of their
developing countries strive for a higher standard lives working outside.
of living.
D) Today, women think themselves not as mothers
C) The developing countries, having striven for but as people spending most of their lives
higher standards of living, have two-thirds of outside.
world’s population but less than one quarter of
E) Women of today consider themselves not just as
its production.
mothers but as people who spend most of their
D) The developing countries which have two-thirds lives working outside.
of the world’s population but less than one
quarter of its production, have been striving so
as to attain a higher standard of living.
E) The developing countries striving for a higher
standard of living have less than one quarter of
the world’s production but two-thirds of its 75. Son yıllar içinde genetik bilimciler, zaten
population. bildiklerimizin ötesinde bir milyondan fazla
genetik kodu çözümlediler.

A) For the last few years, genetic scientists have

been busy analysing more than a million genetic
codes that are beyond our present knowledge.
73. Denizdeki en büyük, en hızlı ve en lüks gemiyi
B) Genetic scientists have, in the last years,
üretebilmek için İngilizler 1912 yılında Titanik’i
analysed more than a million genetic codes to
inşa ettiler.
add to those that we already knew about.
A) In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and
most luxurious ship afloat, the British built the C) Genetic scientists have, in the last years,
Titanic in 1912. analysed more than a million genetic codes,
B) In order to produce the largest, fastest and most beyond those that we already know.
luxurious ship afloat, the British tried their best in D) In recent years, a million more genetic codes
1912 while building the Titanic. have been analysed by genetic scientists whose
C) The British built in 1912 the Titanic to be the current knowledge of them was limited to a few
largest, fastest and most luxurious ship afloat. only.
D) The Titanic was the largest, fastest and most
E) The recent analysis of more than a million
luxurious ship afloat built by the British in 1912.
genetic codes in addition to what we already
E) The largest, fastest and most luxurious ship know has been accomplished by genetic
afloat built by the British in 1912 was the Titanic. scientists.

YDT İngilizce Deneme Sınavı 8

78. (I) After Elizabeth I died in 1603, James I became

76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
the first of the Stuarts to ascend the English
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü throne. (II) The Stuarts had ruled Scotland since
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 1371. (III) James and his successor, Charles I,
rejected the constitutional middle ground that the
Tudors had established and governed as
76. (I) The modern airplane brings the remotest absolute monarchs, refusing to share authority
corner of the known world within a few hours of a with Parliament. (IV) Their authority came directly
metropolis. (II) It makes every spot on this planet from God, they claimed, and they ruled alone by
accessible to man. (III) We can fly in comfort over divine right. (V) In addition to opposing the haring
the ice fields of the Arctic or above equatorial of power, James and Charles repudiated the
jungles. (IV) Our planes today will travel for Tudor theological compromise.
thousands of miles and carry passengers for but
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
a little more than the cost of rail transportation.
(V) It is no longer necessary to remain close to a
base and corps of mechanics.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
79. (I) There are two general aims in the field of air
safety. (II) The first is to reduce the probability of a
catastrophic accident to an acceptable minimum.
77. (I) Tankers played a vital role in World War II, (III) Air safety includes precautions taken to
often being selected as special targets for attack guarantee safety to passengers and freight in
from ship convoys. (II) The years following the flight. (IV) Ensuring that in the event of an accident
war saw a large growth in the size of tankers. there is the maximum possibility of survival of the
(III) Oil remains the main cargo for tankers, but occupants is the second one. (V) In achieving
liquefied natural gas is also important. (IV) Very both, those on the ground under the flight path are
large crude carriers became commonplace. a main consideration.
(V) These ships have generally around 250,000 A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
tonnes carrying capacity, much of which is
accounted for by the cargo.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80. (I) The ocean is the engine that drives the world’s
climate, storing huge quantities of solar energy.
(II) The ocean absorbs and stores carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere. (III) About 430.000 cubic
kilometres of water evaporate from the oceans
every year. (IV) Since this invisible gas – water
vapour – is one of the main agents of climate
change, the ocean is an important sink that helps
to modify human impacts on global climate.
(V) Thus, the role of the ocean determining the
climate changes should not be underestimated.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



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