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Craus, Cindy C ACCTG 323

BSA – 3
“Depreciation Methods”

1. Depreciation Expense for 2017

a. Building
Building, beg. Balance 1,200,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation (265,400)
Add: 1/6 Acquisition (600,000 x 80%) 480,000
1/25=0.04 x 150% = 6% 0.06
Depreciation Expense 84,876.00

b. Land improvements
Land Improvement- beg. Balance 192,000
Divided by: 12 years 12
Multiplied by .75
Depreciation Expense 12,000

c. Automobiles and trucks

Book Value 1/1/17 (132,000 - 86,200) 45,800
Less: Book Value on 1/1/17 of truck sold 9/30/17 (8,100 + 8,352) 10,452
Amount subject to depreciation 35,348
150% delivery balance rate (1/5 x 150%) .30
Total 10,604.40
Total Sold 9/30/17 2,352
Depreciation Expense 12,956.40

d. Machinery and Equipment

(775,000 / 10 ) 77,500
250,000/10 = 290,000 x 6/12 14,500
Depreciation Expense 92,000

e. Leasehold Improvements
Book Value 1/1/2016 (221,000-110,500) 110,500
UL of leasehold improvement (8-3) 5 years
Depreciation Expense 22,100

f. Automobile purchased on August 30, 2017

New Automobile - Acquired 15,000
Multiply by .30
Multiply by .33
Depreciation Expense 1,500
g. Total Depreciation Expense for 2017
Depreciation Expense - Building 84,876
Depreciation Expense - Land Improvements 12,000
Depreciation Expense - Automobiles and Trucks 12,956.4
Depreciation Expenes - MAchinery and Equip. 92,000
Depreciaiton Expense - Leasehold Improvement 22,100
Depreciation Expense - Automobile purchased 1,500
Depreciation Expense for 2017 225,432.40

2. What is the carrying amount on January 1, 2017, of the truck sold on September 30, 2017?
Carrying Amount 8,100
Depreciation for 9 mos. 2,352
CA 1/1/17 10,452

3. What is the total cost of the machinery and equipment acquired on July 1, 2017?
Invoice cost 250,000
Delivery cost 10,000
Installation Cost 30,000
Total cost 290,000

4. What is the book value of the machinery and equipment on December 31, 2017?
Machinery & Equipment 775,000
Additional 290,000
Book Value 776,800

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