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Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;

 Explain the guidelines in designing aerobics routine

 Gain knowledge on the importance of dance aerobics
 Apply the guidelines when having aerobics exercise
 Engage in dance aerobics exercise with fun and enjoyment
Core Values/  Determination
Biblical Principles “Don’t give up when things become difficult”. We all know that we are
different from one another when it comes to multi intelligences, maybe
some of us are Logically Smart but not Bodily-Kinesthetic Smart , and
some are Bodily-Kinesthetic Smart but not Logically Smart, that is why
we must have the determination to get out of our comfort zone and
learn new skills and knowledge. In this course, challenge yourself not
because you just want to get passing grades but to acquire new skills and
knowledge that you will apply in you daily living, considering how these
can Physically and Mentally benefit us.
Resources  Omampo, Z., Indon, V., Cachola-Minas, G., 2011. Fitness, Movements
and Gymnastics Modules. Pg. 31-41

We've been usually seeing group of people gathering to have their early morning dance
exercise in the park, in an open gymnasium, or in any public places where they are able to move
These activities are called "Aerobics", a type of cardiovascular conditioning activity, in which
they are using bodily movements in time with rhythm of the music mixed with stretching and
strength training routines with the goal of enhancing every element of physical fitness.
It is usually done early in the morning to boost one’s body system to be able to have enough
energy respiration that our body will be needed to perform daily tasks.
Meaning of Aerobics and Dance Aerobics

Aerobic- this refers to the metabolic process that requires utilization of oxygen.

Aerobics Dance- this refers to a type of exercise that develops cardio-respiratory endurance in time with
the rhythm of the music.

Benefits of Dance Aerobics

1. Boost confidence and build up physical appearance

2. Help recovery from fatigue
3. Alleviate the risks of having coronary heart disease
4. Reduce stress
5. Boost work performance
6. Burns unnecessary body fats
Dance Aerobic Guidelines

1. Wear comfortable clothes that will not restrict your movement

2. Have enough warm up and pre-stretch before engaging yourself in dance aerobics class.
3. Progressively increase the intensity of movements after warm up. It is not advisable to suddenly
increase the intensity of movements for it may cause an abnormal heart response.
4. Always include cool down exercise for 3 to 5 minutes before ending the exercise.

Things to Remember Before Joining Dance Aerobics Class

1. Consider the comfort and fitting of your Aerobics shoes.

2. Always wear proper clothes.
3. Consider the ventilation of the exercise area.
4. Drink water before and after the exercise.
5. It is important to check your pulse rate after 45 minutes to see if you are in safe range.
6. Check if your heart beat goes back to normal after cool down.

Guidelines in Designing Aerobics Routine


Pre- cardio Slow movements and To increase blood flow Do easy and slow
dynamic stretching and body temperature movements at this
(Warm up and for the body to be phase.
Stretching) prepared for the
exercise. Do stretch from head to
To prepare the joints toe
and muscles for more
Cardio or Aerobics Continuous movement To reduce excess body Do not force your body
Phase that emphasizes to the fats and transit heart to do what you cannot,
use of large muscle rate to training level. if you cannot bear the
groups, more intensity and impact of
challenging steps, movements at this
increased in beat of phase, stop, for it may
music from 130-150 lead you to injuries.
beat per minute. Always stay in your safe
Post Cardio Slowing down To tone the muscles Be aware of the proper
movements with follow and improve flexibility. execution of the
up sustained static techniques and muscle
stretches control. Avoid doing
stretches to the point of
Cool down Combination of various To decrease the Continue doing slow
exercises to strengthen increased heart rate movements to avoid
the muscles with the due to exercise and experiencing dizziness
use of weights. allow your heart and or headache.
muscles to have a
smooth transition


It is important to do dance aerobics for its health benefits and to promote physical fitness, but we must
also consider the rules and guidelines to avoid any harm and to stay safe.

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