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80 Auditing & Assurance MCQ’s

Q.1 The main object of an audit is ___

a) Expression of opinion
b) Detection and Prevention of fraud and error
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Depends on the type of audit

Q.9. While vouching wages, auditor should examine whether there is proper segregation
of duties. Which of the following activities should not be done by same department?

a) Maintaining personnel records and approving changing in wages rates

b) Proposing pay roll summary and disbursement of wages
c) Making salary statements and filing tax returns
d) Comparing time clock records with time reports prepared by supervisors and preparing list of
workers employed along with the units of production for each one of them

Q.3 Which of the following is not true about opinion on financial statements?

a) The auditor should express an opinion on financial statements.

b) His opinion is no guarantee to future viability of business
c) He is responsible for detection and prevention of frauds and errors in financial statements
d) He should examine whether recognised accounting principle have been consistently

Q.4 . A sale of ₹ 30.000 to A was entered as a sale to B. This is an example of _

a) Error of omission
b) Error of commission
c) Compensating error
d) Error of principle

Q.5 ‘Goods sent on approval basis’ have been recorded as ‘Credit sales’. This is an
example of _

a) Error of principle
b) Error of commission
c) Error of omission
d) Error of duplication

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Q.6 Which of the following statements is not true?

a) Management fraud is more difficult to detect than employee fraud

b) Internal control system reduces the possibility of occurrence of employee fraud and
management fraud
c) The auditor’s responsibility for detection and prevention of errors and frauds is similar.
d) None of the above

Q.7 As per AAS4 if auditor detects an error then –

a) He should inform the management.

b) He should communicate it to the management if it is material
c) The auditor should ensure financial statements are adjusted for detected errors.
d) Both (b) and (c)

Q.11. While vouching, how will the auditor ensure himself that all credit sales
transactions have been recorded by the entity?

a) Examining cutoff points

b) Matching entries in the sales book against renumbered sales invoices and goods outward notes
c) Counting the number of invoices and matching the number with entries on sales book
d) Both (a) and (b)

Q.9 How many principles are listed in AAS1 which govern auditor’s professional

a) Nine
b) Fourteen
c) Seven
d) Eight

Q.10 Both auditing and accounting are concerned with financial statements. Which of the

a) Auditing uses the theory of evidence to verify the financial information made available by
b) Auditing lends credibility dimension and quality dimension to the financial statements
prepared by the accountant.
c) Auditor should have through knowledge of accounting concepts and convention to enable him to
express an opinion on financial statements
d) All of the above.

Q.11 The risk of management fraud increases in the presence of :

a) Frequent changes in supplies

b) Improved internal control system
c) Substantial increases in sales
d) Management incentive system based on sales done in a quarter

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Q.12 Auditing standards differ from audit procedures in that procedures relate to

a) Audit assumptions
b) acts to be performed
c) quality criterion
d) methods of work (d) Rs.19.00

Q.13 Which of the following factors likely to be identified as a fraud factor by the auditor?

a) The company is planning a initial public offer of quality shares to raise additional
capital for expansion.
b) Bank reconciliation statement includes deposits in transit.
c) Plant and machinery is sold at a loss.
d) The company has made political contributions.

Q.14 The most difficult type of misstatement to detect fraud is based on:

a) Related party purchases

b) Related party sales
c) The restatement of sales
d) Omission of a sales transaction from being recorded.

Q.15 Which of the following statements is correct concerning the required documentation
in working papers of fraud risk assessment undertaken by the auditor?

a) All risk factors , should be considered and documented along with response to them.
b) Document the identification of fraud risk factors along with response to them.
c) Document material fraud, risk factors and response to them.
d) No documentation in required.

Q.16 Which of the following is the most appropriate potential reaction of the auditor to
his assessment that the risk of material misstatement due to fraud is high in relation to
existence of inventory?

a) Visit location on surprise basis to observe test counts

b) Request inventory count at a date close to yearend
c) Vouch goods sent on approval very carefully
d) Perform analytical procedures.

Q.17 Which of the following is not likely to be a fraud risk factor relating to management’s

a) Tax evasion
b) Failure to correct known weakness in internal control system
c) Adoption of conservative accounting principles
d) High management turnover

Q.18 . . Professional skepticism requires that the auditor assume that management is

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a) reasonably honest
b) Neither honest nor dishonest
c) Not necessarily honest
d) Dishonest unless proved otherwise

Q. 19. Which of the following information should a successor auditor obtain during the
inquiry of the predecessor auditor before accepting engagement?

i) Information about integrity of management

ii) Disagreement with management concerning auditing procedures
iii) Review of internal control system.
iv) Organisation structure

a) (i) and (ii)

b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (i) , (ii) and (iii)
d) i) and (iii)

Q. 20. The audit engagement letter, generally, should include a reference to each of the
following except

a) limitations of auditing
b) responsibilities of management with respect to audit work
c) expectation of receiving a written management representation letter.
d) a description of the auditor’s method of sample selection.

Q. 21. The use of an audit engagement letter is the best method of assuring the auditor
will have which of the following?

a) Auditor will obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.

b) Management representation letter
c) Access to all books, accounts and vouchers required for audit purpose
d) Cooperation from other auditors

Q. 22. The use of an audit engagement letter is the best method of documenting

i) the required communication of significant deficiencies in internal control

ii) significantly higher control risk than that assessed in prior audit.
iii) Objective and scope of auditor’s work
iv) Notification of any changes in the original arrangements of the audit.

a) (i) and (ii)

b) (i) and (iii)
c) ii and (iv)
d) (iii and (iv)

Q. 23. An auditor who accepts an audit but does not possess the industry expertise of the business
entity should

a) engage experts
b) obtain knowledge of matters that relate to the nature of entity’s business
c) inform management about it
d) take help of other auditors

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Q. 24. The least important element in the evaluation of an audit firm’s system of quality
control would relate to

a)assignment of audit assistants

b) system of determining audit fees
c) consultation with experts
d) confidentiality of client’s information

Q. 25. The primary purpose of establishing quality control policies and procedures for
deciding on client evaluation is to

a)ensure adherence to generally accepted auditing standards

b) acceptance or retention of clients whose management does not lack integrity
c) ensure audit fees is charged according to the type of audit work assigned
d) all of the above

Q. 26. Which of the following is not a quality control consideration on accepting a new

a) Availability of audit assistants with necessary skill and competence.

b) Provision of other services to the client which may impair independence
c) Predecessor auditor’s advice as to whether audit fees were paid promptly
d) Review of audit work done by one partner by the other

Q. 27. An auditor obtains knowledge about a new client’s business and its industry to

a) Make constructive suggestions concerning improvements to the client’s internal control system.
b) Evaluate the appropriateness of audit evidence obtained
c) Under stand the events and transactions that may have an effect on client’s financial
d) All of the above

Q. 28. Concurrent audit is a part of

a) Internal check system

b) Continuous audit
c) Internal audit system
d) None

Q. 29.…..the audit risk,….. the materiality and ……the audit effort

a) Lower, Higher, Lower

b) Lower, Lower, Higher
c) Higher, Lower, Lower
d) Lower, Higher, Higher

Q. 30. Analytical procedures issued in the planning stage of an audit, generally

a) helps to determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures
b) directs attention to potential risk areas
c) indicates important aspects of business
d) All of the above

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Q. 31. The basic assumption underlying the use of analytical procedures is :

a) It helps the auditor to study relationship among elements of financial information

b) Relationship among data exist and continue in the absence of known condition to the
c) Analytical procedures will not be able to detect unusual relationships
d) None of the above.

Q. 32. Of the following, which is the least persuasive type of audit evidence?

a) Bank statements obtained from the client

b) Documents obtained by auditor from third parties directly
c) Carbon copies of sales invoices inspected by the auditor
d) Computations made by the auditor

Q. 33. Of the following, which is the least persuasive type of audit evidence?

a) Bank statements obtained from the client

b) Documents obtained by auditor from third parties directly
c) Carbon copies of sales invoices inspected by the auditor
d) Computations made by the auditor

Q.34. Which of the following affects audit effectiveness?

a) Risk of over reliance

b) Risk of incorrect rejection
c) Risk of incorrect acceptance
d) Both (a) and (c)

Q.35. What would most effectively describe the risk of incorrect acceptance in terms of
substantive audit testing?

a) The auditor has ascertained that the balance is materially correct when in actual fact
it is not
b) The auditor concludes the balance is materially misstated when in actual fact is not
c) The auditor has rejected an item from sample which was not supported by documentary
d) He applies random sampling on data which is inaccurate and inconsistent

Q.36. Audit programme is prepared by

a) the auditor
b) the client
c) the audit assistants
d) the auditor and his audit assistants

Q. 37. Which of the following is not an advantage of the preparation of working paper?

a) To provide a basis for review of audit work

b) To provide a basis for subsequent audits
c) To ensure audit work is being carried out as per programme
d) To provide a guide for advising another client on similar issues

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Q. 38. The auditor’s permanent working paper file should not normally, include

a) extracts from client’s bank statements

b) past year’s financial statements
c) attorney’s letters
b) debt agreements

Q. 39. Which of the following factors would least likely affect the quantity and content of
an auditor’s working papers

a) The assessed level of control risk

b) The possibility of peer review
c) The nature of auditor’s report
d) The content of management representation letter

Q.40. Which of the following statement best describes the understanding with respect to
ownership and custody of working papers prepared by an auditor?

a) The working papers may be obtained by third parties when they appear to be relevant
to issues raised in litigation
b) The safe custody of working papers is the responsibility of client, if kept at his premises
c) The working papers must be retained by an audit firm for a period of 10 years
d) Successor auditors may have access to working papers of the predecessor auditors. The
approval of client is not required.

Q.41. Which of the following methods of sample selection is least suitable for
extrapolating results to the population?

a) Systematic sampling
b) Random sampling
c) Haphazard sampling
d) None

Q.42. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) Lower the sampling risk greater the sample size

b) Smaller the tolerable error, greater the sample size
c) Lower the expected error, smaller the sample size
d) All are correct

Q.43. Risk of under reliance is the risk that the sample selected to test controls___

a) Does not support the auditor’s planned assessed level of control risk when the true
operating effectiveness of the control structure justifies such an assessment
b) Supports the auditor’s planned assessed level of control risk when the actual position does not
warrant such reliance
c) Is not supported by adequate documents
d) both (a) & (c)

Q.44. Tolerable error, is the maximum monetary error that the auditor is prepared to
accept in the population and still conclude that audit objective has been achieved, is
directly related to

a) Sample size

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b) Audit risk
c) Materiality
d) Expected error

Q.45. Which of the following statement is not true?

a) A partnership firm can be appointed as a statutory auditor of limited company

b) Appointment can be made in the name of the firm
c) Majority of the partners should be practicing in India
d) All partners should be chartered accountants

Q.46. In case the directions fail to appoint first auditor (s), the shareholders shall
appoint them at… passing a resolution

a) a general meeting
b) first annual general meeting
c) statutory meeting
d) annual general meeting

Q. 47. ICICI prudential, a life insurance company, holds thirty two percent of subscribed
share capital of Delta Ltd. The statutory auditor of Delta Ltd. would be appointed by__

a) ordinary resolution
b) Special resolution
c) either of the above
d) none

Q.48. If a casual vacancy in the office of auditor arises by his resignation it should only
be filled by the company in a……..

a) Board meeting
b) extraordinary general meeting
c) General meeting
d) annual general meeting

Q. 49. The auditor of a Government company is appointed by the C & AG. His
remuneration is fixed by__

a) the C & AG
b) the shareholders
c) the shareholders at an annual general meeting
d) the board of directors

Q.50. The S & AG, some years ago, gave adverse comments on expenditure incurred on
buying coffins for soldiers killed in a war. In his opinion, the coffins cases imported could
have been replace with less expensive, domestically produced ones. This is an aspect of

a) Audit of sanctions
b) Audit of stores and stocks
c) Propriety audit
d) Both (b) and (c)

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Q.51. Which of the following statements is not true ?

a) Valuation of assets is the responsibility of management

b) The auditor can rely on a certificate issued by an authorized valuationer as to the valuation of
assets in the balance sheet
c) The auditor should value the asset as per generally accepted accounting principle
d) Valuation is no part of auditor’s duty

Q.52. An auditor is verifying valuation of building which has been self constructed by the
Which of the following documents is least relevant to the auditor for verification

a) Bills of contractor
b) Minutes of meeting of board of directors
c) Certificates of engineer and architect
d) Loan agreement

Q.53. Which of the following assets is least likely to be subjected to lien?

a) Freehold land
b) Plant and machinery
c) Leasehold property
d) Motor vehicles

Q.54. An analysis of fixed assets account has revealed possibility of unrecorded sale of
plant and machinery. Which of the following audit procedures may be adopted to
discover it?

a) Examination of property tax files

b) Inquiry of plant manager
c) Examination of debits to accumulated depreciation
d) All of the above

Q.55. The auditor has noticed existence of recurring losses sale of fixed assets this

a) Depreciation charges are insufficient

b) Policy of sale or disposal of fixed assets needs to be reviewed
c) The sale of assets have not been properly authorized
d) Accounting errors

Q.56. Which of the following financial statements assertions are addressed by testing the
cut off for plant asset addition

a) Existence and ownership

b) Valuation and disclosure
c) Possession and ownership
d) Completeness and valuation

Q.57. The auditor while verifying prepaid insurance has concluded that there is
inadequate insurance of building He should__

a) Modify his audit report

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b) Insist it should be disclosed in the notes to financial statements
c) Write it in letter of weakness
d) Both (b) and (c)

Q.58. While verifying intangible assets, an auditor would recompute amortization

charges and determine whether amortization period is reasonable. The auditor tries to
establish ….by doing it

a) valuation
b) existence
c) disclosure
d) possession

Q.59. When auditing prepaid insurance, an auditor discovers that the insurance policy
bond on building is not available for inspection. This may indicate__

a) No insurance has been undertaken for building

b) Lien on building
c) Insurance premium has not been paid
d) Insurance premium paid but not recorded

Q.60. Equity shares of XY Ltd. held by ABC Ltd. are in the custody of Stock Holding
Corporation of India Limited. The auditor many verify this investment by

a) Reviewing last year’s working papers.

b) Obtaining a certificate from a responsible official of the ABC Ltd.
c) Obtaining a certificate from SHCIL
d) Obtaining a certificate from xy ltd.

Q.61. Which of the following controls would ensure that securities are not lost, stolen or

a) Establish physical barriers over investment securities

b) Maintain files of authorized signatures
c) Segregate investment approval form accounting and from custody of securities
d) All of the above

Q.62. Which of the following is not a proper third party to hold investments on behalf of
the client?

a) Regional level custodian

b) National level custodian
c) India trills – National level stock broking firm
d) AEZ Securities Ltd. a stock broking firm

Q.63. The sequence of steps in the auditor’s consideration of internal control is as

follows –

a) Obtain an understanding, design substantive test, perform tests of control, make a preliminary
assessment of control risk
b) Design substantive tests, obtain an understanding, perform tests of control, make a preliminary
assessment of control risk
c) Obtain an understanding, make a preliminary assessment of control risk, perform
tests of control, design substantive procedures.

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d) Perform tests of control, obtain and understanding, make a preliminary assessment of control
risk, design

Q.64. The primary purpose of performing tests of control is to provide reasonable

assurance that_

a) there are no material misstatements due to fraud or error in financial statement

b) accounting system is well documented
c) Written evidence is there to support transactions
d) if internal control is effective

Q.65. Control risk is assessed at

a) Overall financial statements level

b) Fraud risk factor level
c) Financial statement assertion level
d) Control environment level

Q.66. Which of the following is not an example of a circumstance, in which additional

tests of control will not be performed after obtaining an understanding to plan the audit?

a) Controls are known to be cost ineffective

b) Controls are effective but auditor opines that performing tests of control and reduced
substantive tests would not be cost effective
c) Controls are effective and evidence already obtained is adequate to support a planned assessed
level of control risk which is less than high
d) Performing extensive substantive testing would not lead to efficiency

Q.67. An auditor assesses control risk because it

a) affects the audit risk

b) affects the level of detection risk that auditor may accept
c) helps him to fix materiality level for each financial assertion
d) is directly related to inherent risk

Q.68. A flow chart, made by the auditor, of an entity’s internal control system is a
graphic representation that depicts the auditor’s.

a) understanding of the system

b) understanding of fraud risk factors
c) documentation of assessment of control risk
d) Both (a) and (c)

Q.69. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) Internal risk and control risk cannot be controlled by the management i.e are
b) Detection risk is related directly to they effectiveness of the auditor prosecutor
c) Detection risk related inversely to control risk
d) Internet risk and control risk are highly interrelated

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Q.70. The independence of an internal auditor will most likely be assured if he reports to

a) President Finance
b) President System
c) Managing Director
d) CEO

Q.71. In comparison to the independent auditor, an internal auditor is more likely to be

concerned with

a) cost accounting system

b) internal control system
c) legal compliance
d) accounting system

Q.72. When an independent auditor decides that the work performed by internal auditors
may have bearing on the nature, timing and extent of planned audit procedures, the
independent auditor should evaluate objectivity of the internal auditor. The most
important factor influencing it would be

a) organizational level to which he reports

b) qualification of internal auditor
c) system of quality control of his work
d) all of the above

Q.73. When an independent auditor relies on the work of an internal auditor, he or she

a) examine the scope of internal auditor’s work

b) examine the system of supervising review and documentation of internal auditor’s work
c) adequacy of related audit programme
d) all of the above

Q.74. Proper segregation of duties reduces the opportunities in which a person would

a) establish controls and executes them

b) records cash receipts and cash payments
c) perpetuate errors and frauds and conceals them
d) record the transaction in journal and ledger.

Q.75. Which of following will not affect audit in a CIS environment?

a) The objective of expression of opinion on financial statements

b) Compliance procedures adopted by the auditor
c) Performance of substantive procedures
d) Evaluation of inherent risk and control risk

Q. 76. Which of the following statements is not true of the test data approach in a test of
computerised accounting system?

a) Test data tests only those controls which the auditor wishes to rely
b) Test data should consist of data related to all controls prevalent in the organization

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c) The result of test data indicates that all the application and general controls are functioning
d) Test data processed by the client’s computer programme under the auditor’s control

Q.77. Which of the following documents is not relevant for vouching cash sales?

a) Daily cash sales summary

b) Salesmen’s summary
c) Monthly statements sent to customers
d) Bank statement

Q.78. To test whether sales have been recorded, the auditor should draw a sample from
a file of

a) purchase orders
b) sales orders
c) sales invoices
d) bill of loading

Q.79. An auditor conducts a surprise check on the pay day (i.e) the day wages and
salaries are paid. The primary purpose of this audit procedures is

a) to ensure that there are no ghost workers

b) to ensure the casual workers employed are authorized by the supervisor
c) to test procedures for distributing pay cheques
d) to obtain understanding of internal control system

Q.80. Which of the following would prevent double payment of the same voucher?

a) The person signing the cheque should cancel the supporting documents
b) Cheques should be signed by at best two persons
c) The data of payment of vouchers of similar nature should be the same or close to each other
d) All of the above

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