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An Ingression into Deep Learning

1. ____________ is a technique which helps machines to mimic human behavior.

Artificial Intelligence
2. As the amount of data increases, the performance of Machine Learning algorithms
3. Machine Learning is inspired by the structure of the brain.
4. ______________ activation function is the most commonly used activation function
in Neural networks.
5. In ____________, information must flow from input to output only in one
Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network
6. ______________ tool supports the use of GPU.
7. Which of the following is a type of Recurrent Neural Network?
All the options
8. _______________ introduces the concept of memory cell which can process data
within time lags.
9. There is no exact formula for calculating the number of hidden layers, as well
as the number of neurons in each hidden layer.
10. Autoencoders are trained without supervision.
11. The _______________ layer is responsible for extracting the features required
from the input.
12. Radial Basis Function Neural Network uses _______________ function as the
Activation Function.
13. Every neuron in the Input Layer represents a/an _______________ variable that
influences the output.
14. Machine Learning is a subset of _____________.
Artificial Intelligence
15. In Deep Learning, ____________.
features are picked by the Neural Network
16. The following are tools offered by deepnet platforms, except __________.
17. Feedback loops are allowed in _______________.
Recurrent Neural Network
18. Deep Learning can process an enormous amount of _______________.
Both the options

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