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Growth- increase in Development-

size, physical increase in skills and

5. Genitalia- attracted structures functions
to opposite sex;
genitalia back as site LEVEL 1 Pre-conventional morality:
Sigmund Freud Theories of
of libido Infant; no beliefs and moralities
Psychosexual Growth and Kohlberg’s Theory of known;
Development Morality
4. Latency- diminished site
2-3 YRS: Obedience and
of gratification; more on Punishment
focusing on developing Erik Erikson’s
skills 4-7 : Individualism exchange (for
Theory Stages of
Jean Piaget’s own benefits only)
Psychosocial Dev’t
Stages of Cognitive
3. Phallic- genitalia is site of
gratification; identifies sexual Dev’t
identity in parents LEVEL II: Conventional Morality:
Trust vs. Mistrust (birth-18 months) –
Oedipus – baby boy to mother task:attachment to mother (Freud’s
oral stage) 7-10 yrs: Good Girl nice boy
Sensorimotor: birth-
Electra- baby girl to father Orientation (determined by social
2yrs; senses and
Autonomy vs Shame&Doubt (18 approval)
months-3yrs) –task: sense of
2. Anal- 1-3 yrs (anus is site of
personal control 10-12: Law and Order Orientation
gratification) ;
Pre-operational: 2-7yrs; (child wants to conform in rules and
child wins: disorganized, anti- Initiative vs Guilt (3-5 yrs) –task: imaginative, authorization determining behavior)
social, stubborn; sense of exploration egocentrism
mother wins: perfectionist, Industry vs Inferiority (6-12 yrs) – Concrete operational: 7- LEVEL III: Post- Conventional Morality:
compulsive, obedient, task: developing skills 11yrs; logical thinking,
meticulous problem solving of seen Adolescent and young adulthood: Social
Identity vs Role confusion (12 yrs- 18 Contract and Legalistic Orientation (rules
1. Oral birth-1yr (mouth yrs) –task: personal identity and laws exist for greater good of all)
is site of gratification); Formal operational: 11yrs-
Fixation: thumb adulthood; abstract
Adulthood: Universal Ethical Principles
sucking, alcoholic, nail Intimacy vs Isolation (19-35 yrs) – reasoning and rational
task: loving relationship and partner thinking Orientation (dev. of own moral
principles even conflict society)

Generativity vs Stagnation (35-60 Integrity vs Despair (60 yrs-death) –

yrs) –task: achieve life goals task: reflect in life

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