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Personal Property Claim Guide

This workbook is a helpful resource designed for disaster survivors.
We hope it assists you in this difficult time.
Mauro Archer & Associates and our local team are committed to a full recovery
for all those who suffered on account of the wildfires.

Information, tips and strategies to help you produce the personal property inventory required
to establish the amount of damages sustained in your catastrophic loss.
The process will unfortunately be time consuming and inconvenient but following this guide
and systematic approach will assure a complete and accurate portrayal of your loss items.

The topics covered are specific to personal property and include:

Overview of the typical insurance claims process
Duties of Insured regarding inventory documentation
Personal Valuation Concepts that impact insurance claim loss settlement
Things to consider prior to preparing your inventory

Suggested process to document your total personal property loss

You will likely receive or have already received a claims packet of forms and instructions on how
to proceed with your insurance claim. You are advised to consult your attorney if you find that
any information or suggestions contained within this guide appear to conflict with insurance
company instructions.

Insurance policies operate under the Principal of Indemnity: after a loss occurs, the insured
should be restored to his/her approximate financial condition before the loss, no better, no
worse and with no profit or betterment from the loss. (Subject to the conditions and limitations
of the policy)
Insurance Claim - Points of Interest
Overview - Typical insurance claims process
First Notice of Loss: Insured notifies agent or insurance carrier that a loss has occurred

Initiate Claim: Carrier identifies policyholder, locates policy and establishes claim file

Assignment: Claims professional, the adjuster, is assigned to guide policy holder through the process
and to adjust the loss

Initial Contact: Adjuster contacts policyholder to gather initial loss information, review policy coverage
and endorsements, explain the claims process and may suggest ways to prevent further damage

Investigation: Adjuster reviews insured’s previous loss history, verifies that premium payments are
current and proceeds to investigate and gather facts about the loss

Inspection: Adjuster conducts on-site property inspection to gather additional facts about the loss and
to document damage to property

Coverage Determination: Adjuster verifies cause of loss and determines what damages are covered
specific to your policies and endorsements

Subrogation possibility: Adjuster will consider whether a subrogation case may be warranted in the

Scope of Damages Assessment: Adjuster, often with the participation of various third parties,
determines and documents the extent of loss damage

Specific to personal property and contents – develop detailed inventory of damaged contents. (I.e.
Contents Inventory Property Loss Worksheet) This inventory may be completed by the insured or may
involve assistance from the insurance company or a third-party vendor.

Proof of Loss: Insured submits proof of loss and other documentation as may be required to
substantiate the claim

Loss Adjustment Activities:

Prepare Dwelling/Structural Loss Estimate: Adjuster completes an estimate of the total loss and
restoration damages

Valuation of Personal Property: To establish the correct amount of loss, the adjuster completes the

Review the property loss worksheet itemization & supporting documentation for contents

Estimate Replacement Cost based on Like Kind & Quality research of individual items

Calculate Depreciation and Actual Cash Value

Settlement Activities to Resolve Claim: Subject to policy limitations and conditions, the adjuster will
issue payments to policyholder and/or vendors involved
Recoverable Depreciation: With a Replacement Cost policy subsequent payments to the policyholder
may be required as property is replaced or restored

Duties of insured – Inventory Documentation

You are required to prove the full extent of loss. The duties of the insured, as stated in the conditions of
the policy, include the submission of proof of loss, a list of damaged property and the amount of loss.

Duties regarding personal property are typically stated as: “Prepare an inventory of damaged personal
property showing the quantity, description, actual cash value and amount of loss. Attach all bills,
receipts and related documents that justify the figures in the inventory”.

In cases of catastrophic total loss, receipts, cancelled checks or other documentary proof supporting the
personal property claim are likely to be no longer available.

In the case of major catastrophic loss, the insurance carrier may provide assistance in inventory list
development thus contributing to documenting the personal property scope of loss.

In the event of total loss, where little physical evidence remains, the list of damaged personal property
can only reflect your best effort to recollect your possessions.

Creating the inventory list is a time consuming and daunting task. Every single item in your home for
which you wish to make a claim must be listed… if you do not claim an item, it cannot be considered for
Insurance Services Offices Form HO 00 03 10 00 Section 1 – Conditions – page 13 illustration:

Example carrier instructions in the event of loss:

Personal Property Valuation Concepts
Explanations of Replacement Cost Value, Like Kind and Quality, Depreciation and Actual Cash Value

Loss Settlement Conditions

Loss settlement conditions for a typical ACV policy include: “Personal property…at actual cash value at
the time of loss but not more than the amount required to repair or replace.”

In the illustration below, within the policy Loss Settlement conditions, one can see that personal
property losses are to be settled at “actual cash value at the time of loss but not more than amount
required to repair or replace”. Further within the Loss Settlement conditions, one can see reference to
buildings covered “at replacement cost without deduction for depreciation”. However, nowhere within
the ISO Form HO 00 03 10 00 are the terms “replacement cost” and “actual cash value” defined.

Insurance Services Offices Form HO 00 03 10 00 (Aka Stafford_Exhibit_B_ISO_HO_00_03_10_00.pdf)

Section 1 – Conditions – page 13 illustration:
Replacement Cost and Actual Cash Value
“Replacement Cost” (RCV) is generally accepted to mean the current price of new for old like kind and
quality property.

In cases where the policy does not specifically define “Actual Cash Value” (ACV), ACV is generally
accepted to mean Replacement Cost (RCV) less a deduction for depreciation. Depreciation accounts for
the decline of an item’s value since being placed into use and ACV accounts for the item’s current value.

Depreciation Rates
It is common practice to consider an item’s age and apply an average percentage yearly rate to
determine the amount of depreciation when valuing used property. Depreciation rates reflect the total
expected serviceable useful life and are based on the type of product. In this illustration, televisions
have a useful life expectancy of 10 years and an annual depreciation rate of 10%. (100% useful life / 10
years) = 10% rate.

Illustration of straight line depreciation to arrive at ACV:

Broad Evidence Approach

Factors in addition to age and useful life span come into play in the determination of actual value as one
should apply a broad spectrum of reasoning for the calculation of Depreciation and Actual Cash Value.

Additional factors one may consider beyond the property category and age include the general
condition and/or the past usage of the item.

Since limited usage of an item would typically yield greater lifespan, such an item would depreciate at a
lesser rate than one put to average use. Conversely, an item that has experienced greater than average
usage would deteriorate more quickly and would depreciate at a higher rate than one put to average

In addition, an item in better than average condition than that expected, given its age, would be
anticipated to have greater remaining life and would depreciate less than the norm. Conversely, an item
in lesser condition than that expected, given its age, would be anticipated to have a lesser remaining life
and would depreciate more than the norm.

The example below illustrates how broad-spectrum reasoning allows for variance in the amount of
depreciation to account for the measurable difference in value between new and old property that is
attributable to condition and age.
Illustration depicting depreciation rates per item condition:

California specifically requires adjustments for depreciation to account for property condition.

California Code of Regulations - Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations - Title 10, Chapter 5
- Subchapter 7.5Section 2695.9. Additional Standards Applicable to First Party Residential and
Commercial Property Insurance Policies :

(f) When the amount claimed is adjusted because of betterment, depreciation, or salvage, all
justification for the adjustment shall be contained in the claim file. Any adjustments shall be
discernable, measurable, itemized, and specified as to dollar amount, and shall accurately
reflect the value of the betterment, depreciation, or salvage. Any adjustment for betterment or
depreciation shall reflect a measurable difference in market value attributable to the condition
and age of the property and apply only to property normally subject to repair and replacement
during the useful life of the property. The basis for any adjustment shall be fully explained to the
claimant in writing.

Fair Market Value

Some personal property items, such as objects of art, may not suffer depreciation and may actually
appreciate in value over time; items of this type are typically valued at Fair Market Value.

“Fair Market Value” (FMV) is commonly defined as the value that both a willing buyer and seller would
agree to if neither were under unusual pressure to buy or sell.

In the case of collectibles, vintage, and antique items there are no new Like Kind and Quality
equivalents, Fair Market Value reflects the current value given current market conditions. In valuation
scenarios, there is no depreciation taken on an item valued at FMV. In those cases, one might say FMV =

Sentimental Value
Antiques, heirlooms, personal memorabilia and photographs are among the items that have a
sentimental value derived from personal or emotional association. The insurance policy only covers the
actual cash or fair market value. Discuss with your attorney how “actual value to the owner” may have
bearing in any future tort or subrogation case.

Loss Settlement Conditions

Payments for loss settlement for an Actual Cash Value policy are made at the depreciated value of the
loss property.

Loss settlement conditions for a typical policy with the replacement cost endorsement include: “We will
pay no more than the actual cash value of the damage until actual repair or replacement is complete.”

This means that for a personal property claim, once value is determined, initially, you are paid only the
actual cash value. After you replace your property and provide the insurance carrier with receipts, they
will pay the recoverable depreciation, the difference between the actual cash value and the
replacement cost, up to the applicable policy limit.

The typical time limitation for submission of receipts for recoverable depreciation is within 180 days of
first payment though the CA exception below allows 24 months in the event of a state of emergency.
Note also that some insurance policies provide for full RCV payment with no depreciation withheld at
the time of settlement.



Effective July 1, 2005, all policy forms and endorsements making reference to a time limitation
of 180 days relative to the conditions of the replacement cost provisions must now conform to
Section 2051.5 of the California Insurance Code. The aforementioned time period has been
extended to a period of at least 12 months in duration rather than the previous 180 days.

The specific language of the revised code is as follows (Note section in italics is of particular

Section 2051.5 (b) No time limit of less than 12 months from the date that the first payment
toward the actual cash value is made shall be placed upon an insured in order to collect the full
replacement cost of the loss, subject to the policy limit. Additional extensions of six months
shall be provided to policyholders for good cause. In the event of a loss relating to a “state of
emergency,” as defined in Section 8558 of the Government Code, no time limit of less than 24
months from the date that the first payment toward the actual cash value is made shall be
placed upon the insured in order to collect the full replacement cost of the loss, subject to the
policy limit. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the insurer from allowing the insured additional
time to collect the full replacement cost.
Marketplace Factors Impacting Personal Property Valuation
As one seeks to establish Replacement Cost Value for any particular article, it may be helpful to
understand product distribution methods, brand marketing & positioning and other factors that impact
prices in the retail marketplace.

Stratification of Products by Brand & Relative Quality

Consumer products range from utilitarian, those designed to meet most basic practical use, to attribute
based products that may offer an expanded range of features, may be constructed of better quality
materials and evidence greater quality workmanship. The pleasure that one might derive from a product
beyond its utility value contributes to increased price in the market. Designer brands, with their quality
and prestige image, and higher prices are an example.

Differing Distribution Strategies

Manufacturers adopt distribution, marketing and sales strategies that affect merchandise availability
and price. Broad positioning categories are:

Exclusively distributed – the brand or product is available only through authorized sources, perhaps only
one per geographical area, or may only be available directly from the manufacturer. Pricing tends to be
tightly controlled with little discounting. Ex: Harry Winston – sold exclusively at Harry Winston website
and storefronts.

Selectively distributed – the brand or product is available from a limited number of sources but
numerous options do exist. Though the price offer frequently will be at manufacturer’s suggested retail
price, the additional exposure and competition increases the availability at a discounted price. Ex: David
Yurman – sold at high end stores such as Neiman Marcus.

Widely distributed – the brand or product type is available from a wide variety of sources. Though many
offers will be at manufacturer’s suggested retail price, the significant additional exposure and
competition further increases the availability of discounted prices. Ex: Pandora – available at most
jewelry, department, and accessory shops.

Retail Sources of Supply

Retail sources of supply in the distribution chain include: Department Stores – Mass Merchants,
Specialty Retailers, Direct & Catalog Sales, E-Commerce, Warehouse Clubs and Off-Price Dollar Stores.
All have differing strategies on the types of consumers they try to reach, the quality and types of
products they market and the types of discounts they offer.
Prior to Preparing the Inventory Document
Documenting your personal property loss is a difficult and often emotional experience. As you try to
recall all your personal possessions, following this guide should help you minimize your effort and
increase the effectiveness and accuracy of your portrayal of your loss items.

Your list of personal property will be impacted by family demographics: age, gender, family size and
lifecycle stage. It will be influenced by the family member activities, interests and values. Your purchases
may reflect geographic factors: region, urban, suburban, rural and climate.

As noted earlier, among the duties of the insured is to present a list of damaged property and the
amount of loss including quantity, description, actual cash value and the extent of loss.

Following the process outlined here should help you develop adequate documentation to qualify the
extent of loss as you provide personal property descriptions that include quantity, age, condition, item
description, relative quality and replacement cost value.

Note that your valuation efforts will state only the replacement cost value; a lay person would typically
have neither the tools nor training to calculate allowances for depreciation. You do have the benefit of
your best recollection of what you have spent for items and your past and current experience as a
shopper to estimate a reasonable replacement cost.

Key Points and Generalities to Assure an Accurate Inventory

To the best of your recollection, you will provide the following information for each item to help pave
the way to proper and full indemnification.

Description: The description includes the item type and should contain adequate information to support
its relative quality and your stated replacement cost value. Expensive items or items that appear more
expensive than average for the category will warrant more full descriptions. Your descriptions will vary
from as simple as “T-shirts” to those that include brand, model number and/or product features.

Replacement Cost Each: Your estimated replacement cost may be based on your best recollection of
original purchase price. For items that you do not recall or for more expensive items you may choose to
do some internet research or make visits to local stores to assure that the stated RCV reflects current
pricing. For items that you have already replaced use the actual amount paid and note “already
replaced” within the description.

Place of Purchase: For items of higher value, identifying the place of purchase helps validate your
replacement cost estimate. Your choice of retail sources should reflect your shopping habits and help
establish appropriate and accurate pricing.

Note: The insurance adjuster may research alternate like kind and quality replacement cost values for
some or all the items or for item exceptions where the replacement cost given appears inaccurate given
the description/place of purchase.

Item Age: To the extent possible, identify item age in years and months. Later in this document we
illustrate strategies for depicting range of item ages. Note, for any item where age is not provided, the
insurance adjuster may apply an average rate of depreciation. Frequently an average rate decision
assumes that the item is in the middle of its life span thus applying a depreciation rate of 50%.
Condition: We noted earlier how age/usage/condition impact depreciation and net Actual Cash Value.
Consequently, it is very important to consider item relative usage and note item conditions in your

As an example, in many families, the formal dining room is infrequently used and consequently the
condition of the dining room furniture maybe in above average or excellent condition.

Other examples may include: formal living room vs family room / formal dining vs kitchen dining or
designer/Sunday apparel vs everyday apparel.

Condition Guidelines
Excellent: like new item, apparently untouched in perfect condition

Above Average: unmarked, undamaged item that may show some limited signs of wear

Average: given its age, item shows signs of wear consistent with regular and normal use

Below Average: Item is worn by heavy usage to a degree beyond average use given its age

Poor: Item with excessive wear to the degree that one would expect it to be near the end of its
useful lifespan regardless of its actual age

Quantity: Determining exactly how many of any loss item is relatively simple when you are considering
items like furniture: sofas/chairs and appliances: stoves, dishwashers.

In other categories like books, kitchen utensils, movies and music, it becomes more difficult.

Similarly, there are difficulties when considering items that are of relatively low value but exist in fairly
large quantity: dry and canned goods in the pantry, cosmetics.

You will find specific strategies for managing these exceptional cases within the Category Guidelines
section of this document.

Other personal property category nuances and suggestions will be introduced throughout the remainder
of this document.
Cautionary Notes:
As you document the loss to present the insurance claim, you may perceive that the loss will exceed
policy or other category special limits and thus be tempted to limit or cease your documentation efforts.
It is important to complete the contents documentation effort to the full extent in order to claim for all
damages sustained should there be an opportunity to pursue a tort case against any party found to have
caused the loss.

Verify that your policy has no provision requiring that your contents inventory be submitted using a
specific insurance company form. If there is such a requirement, discuss with your attorney whether the
specified form may be considered burdensome and how you might pursue an insurance company
waiver allowing you to use a form of your choice.

When preparing the inventory be truthful, accurate and detailed. The adjuster is required to consider
whether any suspicious claim indicators are noted. Indicators during contents inventory analysis would
include instances, beyond reasonable bounds, of misrepresentation by loss inflation, product models
stipulated as purchased before introduction date, technology does not correspond to stated age or
indications of false documentation.

CALIFORNIA MANDITORY FRAUD STATEMENT: For your protection, California law requires that you be
made aware of the following: Any person who knowingly presents false or fraudulent claim for the
payment of a loss is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in state prison.

The insurance company may have questions about unusual items or items that appear in an unexpected
area of the home. Provide additional qualifying details for items of this type within your contents
inventory. Ie dining set located in garage, we recently purchased a new dining set and were storing the
older set prior to giving to our son.

The adjuster may follow up with requests for additional information to clarify or qualify details about
specific personal property items.

You may find that after submitting your inventory to your insurance carrier that you remember
additional items that were not listed. Keep a running list of these items to periodically submit to your
adjuster to supplement your claim. Review your policy and consult with your adjuster or attorney to
assure that you are aware of any deadlines required by the policy or state law.

Additional references

California Department of Insurance - Residential Property Claims Guide

Insurance Information Institute - Settling Insurance Claims After a Disaster

Total Loss Documentation Process
Sketch Floor Plan
Sketch a rough floor plan of each floor of the home.

As this illustration shows, it need not be of architectural quality:

Sketch Rooms and Note Furniture Placement
Separately sketch each room/area of the home and place all articles of furniture.

Devote an individual page to each room or area.

It will be helpful to envision each room systematically – I.e. Mentally enter through doorway,
when viewing left to right, clockwise – what do you see? …from floor to ceiling

Add notes to your sketch referencing significant value contents items.

What do other family members recall?

You will use these diagrams to stimulate your recollection as you develop the inventory list as
described in the following sections.

Example room sketch:

Revisit and Enhance Room Sketches

Add notes to indicate closets, number of drawers in furniture and number of shelves.

Review sketches with family members to see if they recollect things that have been missed and update
as needed.
Personal Property - Contents Inventory Illustrations
You can download a helpful Excel spreadsheet or PDF version from our website.

Ultimately, you will list your loss items using an inventory form.

If you have access to a computer and a spreadsheet program, use of the Excel template will allow you to
automatically tally the replacement cost loss total.

(Verify that your policy has no provision requiring that your contents inventory be submitted using a
specific insurance company form. If there is such a requirement, discuss with your attorney whether the
specified form may be considered burdensome and how you might pursue an insurance company
waiver allowing you to use a form of your choice.)

Insurance carrier typical form illustration

Our suggested format will align closely with this but will include an additional few columns:
Creating the Personal Property Inventory

The list of damaged personal property can only reflect your best effort to recollect your possessions.

Creating the inventory list is a time consuming and daunting task. Every single item in your home for
which you wish to make a claim must be listed… if you do not claim an item, it cannot be considered for

Documentation and Valuation Strategies Overview

Use of these common approaches to listing your inventory items will increase your efficiency and the
effectiveness of your document.

There are notes within the Personal Property Category Guide section indicating where each of these
scenarios may be used effectively.

Item Grouping (within area of the list)

When creating your list room location may be the most logical grouping.

In other instances, like kitchenware, product category grouping may be best. In the case of apparel,
grouping by family member will likely make the most sense.

Unique Item listing

Expensive items or items that appear more expensive than average for the category warrant individual
treatment – take the time to provide full descriptions.

Similar items but not exactly alike

Describe them as: Brands such as with an average value of $x each
From stores such as with an average value of $x each
Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z
Bulk item w/ estimated value
Example: Misc. paper napkins, paper towels, toilet tissue, trash bags, food storage bags valued
at $75
State age individually on all furniture and other expensive items

State an average age for a group of items

Ex. Unless otherwise noted, the apparel items listed below were purchased within the last 3
years, average age 1 year 6 months
Rather than making an entry on each line, consider making a blanket statement on the first line of your
inventory list depicting the general condition of all your possessions. You will then only have to enter
values for those items that are exceptions.

“Unless otherwise noted, all items were in average condition showing signs of wear consistent
with regular and normal use”
Create Your Contents Overview
On first pass, using the Personal Property Guide review each category one by one. Highlight or mark
every category name that matches property involved in your loss, this will be used as a checklist later as
you record loss items to your inventory list.

It also will be helpful to use a highlighter to mark the specific items that you owned within the examples
listed. Pencil in any additional items that may come to mind if not listed as a category example.

Review digital photos that you may have access to, including those of family and friends. If you have
used a design professional or other vendors to a significant degree they may have records to help
document contents and values. Review recent receipts for items already replaced or other loss related

Take a second pass at this, reviewing with family members, enhancing the Contents Overview as

Create Your List

Using the one of the templates or insurance company forms, you are ready to create the itemized list.

First, refer to your room sketches and list all the furniture

Next, refer to the Personal Property Category Guide/Contents Overview, address these categories first,
they usually have the greatest financial impact:

Furniture including Antique & Vintage Furniture

Appliances – Major Kitchen and Laundry

Electronics categories – audio equipment, computers, television & video


Categories you have more than usual amount invested – I.e. collections, tools, sporting goods

Systematically address the remaining categories one at a time

Check off categories as they are completed

Remember that you are attempting to be as complete as possible including commonplace items even
those used occasionally like holiday decorations.

Envision items in drawers and closets, drawer by drawer, closet by closet.

Periodically review with family members for additional input.

Calculate the Replacement Cost total of your inventory

Estimate the sales tax amount that applies

Note your total loss amount at Replacement Cost with tax

Consider reviewing your list with your attorney before submission to the insurance company
Personal Property Category Guide
Each category below lists example items, you may use this list to help trigger your memory to assure
that no personal property goes unrecorded.

It may be helpful to use a highlighter to mark categories and specific items that you owned so that this
can be used as a checklist as you record loss items to your inventory list.

Item Categories

Antique, Vintage Items – Furniture and all other categories

Regardless of category, always include the word antique or vintage when describing such an item.

As discussed earlier, there are no new Like Kind and Quality equivalents for vintage, and antique items.
Fair Market Value reflects the current value given current market conditions. In valuation scenarios,
there is no depreciation taken on an item valued at FMV. In those cases, one might say FMV = ACV =

Value the item at your estimated Fair Market Value: the value that both a willing buyer and seller would
agree to if neither were under unusual pressure to buy or sell.

Apparel, Clothing & Accessories

In general, for clothing, average annual depreciation is 20% assuming a normal five-year life span. When
one considers that affluent families have greater disposable income, typically buy more prestigious
brands, clothing of higher quality and have a greater quantity of clothing on hand - this depreciation rate
may not be accurate. So considering how frequently or infrequently you wear your clothing we should
consider modifying the depreciation accordingly.

Apparel: Stratification/grouping using brands such as:

Mens casual pants from brands like Dockers, Haggar, Dickies - $30.00 ea

Mens casual pants from brands like Polo, Perry Ellis, Nautica - $50.00 ea

Mens jeans from brands like Lee, Levis, GAP - $40.00 ea

Mens suits from brands like Joseph Abboud, Hugo Boss, Hart Schaffner & Marx - $500 ea

Mens suits from brands like Hugo Boss, Burberry - $800.00 ea

Womens jeans from brands like Ralph Lauren, Jones New York, Guess - $43.99

Womens jeans from brands like 7 For All Mankind, Juicy Couture, True Religion - $199 ea

Grouped by Family Member

Accessories - Accessory - Activewear - Apparel - Apron, Cookware - Athletic Pants - Bandana - Baseball
Cap - Belt - Blazer - Blouse - Bowtie - Boxer Briefs - Boxers - Boy - Bra - Briefs - Casual Dress - Coats -
Costume - Crinoline - Cummerbund Set - Dress - Dress Shirt - Dress Slip - Dresses – Dresswear - Earmuff -
Garter Belt - Girl - Girls Robe - Gloves - Golf Jacket - Graduation Cap - Halter Top - Hand Warmer -
Handkerchief - Hat - Hat or Cap - Headband or Hairband - Heavy Coat - Heavy Jacket - Hoodie - Horse
Riding Apparel - Hosiery - Hunting Jacket - Infant and Toddler - Infant and Toddler Robe - Insulated
Gloves - Intimates - Jackets - Jean Shorts - Jeans and Pants - Jumper, Girls - Karate Uniform - Khaki Shorts
- Kid's - Kimono - Leather Coat - Leather Jacket - Leg warmers - Leotards - Light Coat - Light Jacket -
Lingerie - Long Sleeve Shirt - Men's - Military Uniform - Money Clip - Nightgown - Onesie - Other Apparel
- Overalls - Pajamas - Panties - Pants and Jeans - Pantsuit - Polo Shirt - Poncho - Robe - Robe, Religious -
Romper - Sari - Sarong - Scarf - School Uniform - Scouting Uniform - Shawl - Shirt - Shirt or Blouse - Shirt,
Athletic - Shirt, Bike - Shirt, Golf - Shirt, Soccer - Shirt, Track - Shirts - Short Sleeve Shirt - Shorts - Shorts
and Skirts - Shorts and Swimwear - Shorts, Athletic - Shorts, Basketball - Shorts, Soccer - Shorts, Track -
Ski Jacket - Ski Pants - Ski Suit - Skirt - Sleepwear and Robes - Slip - Snowmobile Suit - Socks - Sport Shorts
- Sports Jersey - Sportswear - Sportswear, Skiing Alpine - Suit - Suitcoat - Suits and Dresswear - Summer
Dress - Suspenders - Sweat Pants - Sweater - Sweatshirt - Sweatsuit - Swim Trunks - Swimwear - Team
Replica Jerseys - Tee Shirt - Thermal Underwear - Tie - Underpants - Undershirt - Undershirt Women's -
Underwear - Uniform - Unisex - Vest - Visor - WindSuit - Women's - Women's Shorts - Work Uniform -
Wristband – Yarmulke

Apparel - Haut Couture, Custom-made & Formalwear

Formal Dress – Gown - Tuxedo - Wedding Dress

Appliances - Major Kitchen & Laundry

Major Appliances – brand dryer gas/electric, refrigerator type size capacity finish

Air Conditioner - Appliances - Clothes Dryer - Clothes Washer - Cooking Appliances - Cooktop -
Dishwasher - Freezer - Garbage Disposal - Ice Maker - Laundry Center - Oven - Pump - Range - Range
Hood - Refrigeration - Refrigerator - Trash Compactor - Warming Drawer - Washers and Dryers - Water
Cooler - Water Heater - Water Softener - Water Treatment - Whirlpool - Wine Cooler - Wood Stove

Appliances - Small, Kitchen & Personal Care

Air Purifier - Air Quality - Blender - Bread Maker - Can Opener - Carpet Cleaner - Ceiling Fan - Clothes
Iron - Coffee Grinder - Coffee Maker - Deep Fryer - Dehumidifier - Dutch Oven - Espresso Machine - Fan -
Fans - Floor Fan - Floor Polish Machine - Food Dehydrator - Food Processor - Food Saver - Food Slicer -
Griddle - Grill - Hand Held Vacuum - Heaters - Heating and Cooling - Hot Plate, Kitchen - Humidifier -
Humidor - Ice Cream Maker - Juicer - Kitchen Appliances - Kitchen Mixer - Meat Grinder - Meat Slicer -
Microwave Accessory - Microwave Oven - Other Appliances - Pizza Maker - Pool Vacuum - Popcorn
Machine - Rice Cooker - Rotisserie Oven - Sandwich Maker - Scale - Scale, Kitchen - Sewing Machine -
Shop Vacuum - Skillet, Electric - Small Appliances - Smoke Alarm - Space Heater - Steam Cleaner -
Steamer - Table Fan - Toaster - Toaster Oven - Towel Warmer - Vacuum - Vacuum Accessory - Vacuum
Bag - Vacuums and Floor Care - Vaporizer - Waffle Iron - Wall Fan - Water Dispenser - Water Filter and
Cartridge - WetDry Vacuum - Window Fan - Wok, Electric
Art - Decorative Art
Framed Photo - Non-Fine Acrylic Framed Painting - Non-Fine Artwork - Non-Fine Canvas Framed Painting
- Non-Fine Ceramics - Non-Fine Decoration - Non-Fine Figurine - Non-Fine Framed Painting - Non-Fine
Framed Picture - Non-Fine Framed Print - Non-Fine Oil Framed Painting - Non-Fine Plate - Non-Fine
Poster - Non-Fine Statue - Non-Fine Tapestry - Non-Fine Unframed Poster - Non-Fine Wall Plate - Non-
Fine Watercolor Framed Painting - Other Artwork - Picture Frame

Art - Fine Art

List individually

Artwork - Artwork, Fine - Fine Ceramics - Fine Decorations - Fine Figurine - Fine Framed Painting - Fine
Framed Picture - Fine Framed Print - Fine Oil Framed Painting - Fine Plate - Fine Statue - Fine Tapestry -
Fine Wall Plate - Fine Watercolor Framed Painting

Arts, Crafts & Hobby Supplies

List expensive items separately

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Artist Brush - Artist Canvas - Arts and Crafts - Bobbins - Buttons - Cotton Fabric - Crochet Needles -
Elastic - Filling Fabric - Foam Fabric - Iron Ons - Knitting Needle - Loom - Nylon Fabric - Painting Easel -
Pin Cushion - Polyester Fabric - Ribbon - Ruler - Safety Pin - Sewing - Sewing Accessory - Sewing Fabric -
Sewing Glue - Sewing Kit - Sewing Needle - Sewing Pin - Sewing Scissors - Sewing Tape - Sewing Tape
Measure - Sewing Thread - Silk Fabric - Snaps - Thimble - Threader - Velcro - Yarn – Zippers

Audio Equipment
List individually

Answering Machine - Audio - Audio System Components - Batteries - Battery Charger - Bookshelf
Speakers - Boom Box - Cables - Cassette Deck - CD Player - CD Player Portable - CD Recorder - Cell Phone
- Cell Phone Accessory - Communication - DVD Player, Portable - Electronic Accessories - Headphones -
Headset - Home Audio Speakers - Home Theater Speakers - Intercom System - Jukebox - Karaoke
Machine - Megaphone - Memory Card or Flash Drive - Microphone - Microphone Cover - Microphone
Stand - Minidisc Player - MP3 Player - MP3 Player Accessory - Other Electronics - Pager - Personal
Electronics - Phonograph - Plugs and Adapters - Portable Audio - Portable Cassette Player - Portable
Radio - Power Conditioner - Power or Extension Cord - Power Supply - Powered Speakers - Radio - Radio
Scanner - Remote Control - Satellite Radio - Short Wave Radio - Stereo Amplifier - Stereo Rack System -
Stereo Receiver - Stereo Shelf System - Subwoofer Speakers - Surge Protector - Surround Sound
Speakers - Telephone - Telephone Accessory - Turntable - Two Way Radio - Voice Recorder - Weather

Automobile Electronics
List individually

Auto Security System - Car Audio - Car Electronics - Car Video - Gps and Accessories - Radar Detector -
Remote Starter

Automobile Parts & Accessories

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Auto Brakes and Traction - Auto Care and Fluids - Auto Climate - Auto Collision - Auto Drivetrain - Auto
Electrical - Auto Emissions - Auto Engine - Auto Exhaust - Auto Exterior - Auto Fuel System - Auto
Performance - Auto Powertrain - Auto Security - Auto Starting - Auto Stow and Tow - Auto Suspension
and Steering - Auto Tires - Auto Tools - Auto Towing - Auto Trim Accessories - Auto Trim Accessories End
Cover - Auto, Tie Down - Automotive - Car Tires - Chain, Tire - Gas Can - Hitch Cover - Interior
Accessories - Oil Rail Support - Other Automotive - Routine Auto Care - Sunshield - Tire Rims - Truck -
Truck Tires

Baby & Infant Care

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Baby - Baby Activity Set - Bassinet - Bath Items - Bath Toys - Bath Tub - Bathing - Bedding - Bib - Blankets
- Booster Seat - Bottle - Bottle Accessory - Bottle Nipples - Bouncer - Car Seats - Carrier - Carriers - Chair -
Changing - Changing Pad - Changing Table - Comforter - Cradle - Crib - Crib Accessories - Diaper Bag -
Diaper Pail - Diaper Stacker - Diapers - Doorway Jumper - Feeding - Furniture - Gear - Gym and Playmat -
Highchair - Mobile Toy - Monitor - Nursery - Pacifier - Play Center – Potty Training - Safety - Safety Items
- Sling Carrier - Stroller - Swing - Toilet - Towel - Utensils - Walker - Washcloth - Booster Car Seat - Car
Seat - Crib Mattress - Growth Chart - Infant Car Seat - Moses Basket - Nursery Decor - Other - Sleep

Bicycles & Accessories

List individually

Bike - Bike Helmet - Bike Rack - Bike, Hybrid - Cycling - Cycling, Accessory - Cycling, Gloves - Kids Bike -
Mountain Bike - Touring Bike - Toy, Tricycle – Tricycle

Boating Equipment & Supplies

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Accessory - Boat Accessory - Boat Amplifier - Boat CD Player - Boat Cleaning Supplies - Boat Electronics -
Boat Propeller - Boat Radio - Boat Speakers - Canoe Accessory - Fishing Boat Accessory - Kayak Accessory
- Kayak Bag - Outboard Motor - Power Boat Accessory - Row Boat Accessory - Sail Boat Accessory -
Waterski Accessory

Boats & Watercraft

List individually

Boat - Boat and Watercraft - Canoe - Catamaran - Docking Accessories - Fishing Boat - Inflatable Boat -
Jetski - Kayak - Motor Boat - Row Boat - Sail Boat – Waterski

Over a lifetime, books and magazines can represent a significant financial investment. Naming loss
books by title would be burdensome and impractical.

Estimate quantity of books by the estimated linear number of feet of storage, differentiated by type

Books – Hardcover = 10 books per foot

Books – Paperback/Softcover = 16 books per foot

Books - Professional, Reference & Textbook = 6 books per foot

Magazines = 40 per foot


Building Materials, Hardware, Supplies

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Aerator - Air Filter, HVAC - Anchors - Awning - Bath Fixtures - Bathroom - Bathroom Mirror - Bathtub -
Bolts - Building Supplies - Cabinet Handle - Cabinet Hardware - Cabinet Hinge - Cabinetry - Cabinets -
Cable Ties - Carpet - Caulk - Ceramic Tile - Chimney Cap - Circuit Breaker - Computer Wiring - Concrete -
Distribution - Diverter - Door Draft Stopper - Door Hardware - Door Hinge - Door Lock - Doors - Doors
and Windows - Drain Strainer - Drywall Sheet - Duct Tape - Ducts - Electrical - Electrical Box - Electrical
Outlet - Electrical Supplies - Electrical Switch - Electrical Tape - Electrical Wiring - Escutcheon - Exterior
Door - Fasteners - Faucet - Faucet Adapter - Faucet Clip - Faucet Connector - Faucet Cover - Faucet
Mounting Bracket - Faucet Repair Kit - Faucet Roug - Faucet Seat - Faucet Spout - Faucet Sprayer -
Faucet Trim Kit - Faucet Vacuum Breaker - Faucet Valve - Fence - Fence Post - Fencing - Fireplace - Flange
- Flooring - Folding Door - Formica Sheet - Garage Door - Grass Seed - Grease - Grille - Hardwood - Heavy
Duty Tape - Home Improvement - HVAC - Hydraulic Fluid - Indoor Paint - Insulation - Interior Door - Joint
Compound - Joist Hanger - Linoleum - Load Center - Lumber - Lumber, Finish - Lumber, Rough -
Maintenance and Repair - Marble Countertop - Millwork and Moulding - Misting System - Mold Control -
Moulding - Nails - Other Home Improvement - Other Seed - Outdoor Paint - Outlet Plate - Paint -
Panelling Wood Sheet - Pet Door - Plastic Sheeting - Plumbing - Plywood Sheet - Pressure Balancing
Valve - Pressure Tanks - Receptacles and Plugs - Register - Rivets - Roof Shingles - Sauna - Screws -
Shower - Showerhead - Sink - Skylight - Speaker Wiring - Spray Paint - Stair Parts - Staples, Heavy Duty -
Switch Plate - Telephone Wiring - Temperature Lever - Thermostat - Toilet - Toilet Lever - Tub Drain -
Wall Plates - Waterproofing Paint - Window - Window Cornice - Window Screen - Window Shutters -
Window Well - Window, Casement - Window, Hung - Windows - Wiring - Wood Stain - Wood Work

Camera & Photographic Equipment

List individually

Camera - Camera and Video - Camera Light - Camera or Camcorder Case - Camera or Camcorder Film -
Camera or Camcorder Filter - Camera or Camcorder Flash - Camera or Camcorder Grip - Camera or
Camcorder Lens - Camera or Camcorder Lens Hood - Camera or Camcorder Motor Drive - Camera Or
Camcorder Mount or Bracket or Strap - Eyecups and Eyepieces - Lens Covers - Lens Mounts, Rings and
Adapters - Rack Case - Tripod - Tripod Case
Cash, Securities, Credit Cards, Documents
List individually

ATM Card - Check Book - Money - Money, Accounts - Money, Bank Notes - Money, Cash - Money, Coins -
Money, Credit Card - Money, Deeds - Money, Evidence of Debt - Money, Gold Bullion - Money, Letters of
Credit - Money, Medals - Money, Notes other than Banknotes - Money, Platinum - Money, Securities -
Money, Silver Buillion - Money, Stamps - Other Money - Stored Value Card

List expensive items separately

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z monthsAdvertising Collectibles - Badges -
Baseball Trading Cards - Basketball Trading Cards - Beanie Baby - Coin Collection - Collectible -
Collectible, Plates - Comic Book - Comic Book Collection - Fantasy Collectibles - Football Trading Cards -
Game Trading Cards - Hockey Trading Cards - Magazine Collection - Military Collectible - Other
Collectible - Other Trading Cards - Playbill - Sports Memorabilia - Stamp Collection - Taxidermy Animal -
Trading Cards

Commercial Equipment and Supplies

The scope of this document is intended to inform those with a loss to property insured with personal
lines coverage. Consult your policy for conditions and limits that may apply to business property.

If your loss involves your business with Commercial Insurance Coverage, consider consulting with your
attorney for advice on coverage and presenting your loss.

Commercial Merchandise, Inventory, Goods Held for Sale should be listed individually and valued at
your net cost, not at the price intended for resale.

Fixtures, racks, equipment etc should be priced at Replacement Cost Value with age and condition

Commercial unfinished goods may be priced at cost of parts and materials with added consideration for
labor/costs expended to current stage of completion.

Computer, computer software and accessories

List individually

Computer Desktop - Computer Laptop - Computer Monitor - Computers - Handheld Computer -

Computer Accessories, Computer Software
Computer Camera - Computer Joystick - Computer Keyboard - Computer Memory - Computer Memory
Card Reader - Computer Modem - Computer Motherboard - Computer Mouse - Computer Mouse Pad -
Computer Networking - Computer Optical Drive - Computer Printer - Computer Scanner - Computer
Server - Computer Speakers - Computer Stylus Pen - Computer UPS System - Disk Drive - Laptop Case -
PCI Card - Printer Cleaning Supplies - Screen Filter - Wrist Pad

Drug, Health, Beauty & Personal Care Consumables

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Health and beauty items such as bath and body, cold allergy sinus and flu, cosmetics, cotton balls and
swabs, dental care toothpastes dental floss mouthwash and breath fresheners, deodorants, eye and ear
care, feminine care, first-aid Band-Aids and bandages, first-aid ointments and sprays, footcare ointments
and sprays, footcare pads and strips, hair care conditioners, hair care hair treatments, hair care
shampoos, haircare accessories, haircare styling products, incontinence products, nail care polish
removers and emery boards, pain relief medications aspirins ibuprofen, shaving aftershave care, shaving
lotions and gels, shaving razors and blades, skin care creams and lotions, sleeping aids tablets and liquids

Aftershave - Baby Body Wash - Baby Lotion - Baby Oil - Baby Powder - Baby Shampoo - Baby Wipes -
Bandages - Bath Supplies - Blush - Body Wash - Body Waxer - Cologne - Conditioner - Condom - Cosmetic
Powder - Cotton Balls - Dental Floss - Deodorant - Douche - Eye Primer - Eyebrow Finisher - Eyebrow
Shader - Eyeliner - Eyeshadow - Fragrance - Hair Care - Hair Color - Hair Highlights - Hair Removal - Hair
Spray - Hair Styling - Hair Treatment - Health - Health and Beauty - Lip Balm - Lip Care - Lip Gloss - Lip
Pencil - Lip Primer - Lotion - Mascara - Medication - Medication, Non-Prescription - Medication,
Prescription - Mouthwash - Nail Polish - Nail Polish Remover - Nurtition - Nutritional Supplement - Oral
Care - Other Health and Beauty - Panty Liner - Perfume - Personal Care - Q-Tips - Rubbing Alcohol -
Shampoo - Shaving Cream - Skin Care Product - Soap - Sunscreen - Tampons - Tissue Box - Tissues -
Toiletries - Tooth Whitener - Toothpaste - Vitamins - Weight Loss Aids

Drug, Health, Beauty & Personal Care Durables

List expensive items separately

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Beard and Moustache Trimmer - Blood Pressure Monitor - Comb - Cosmetic Bag - Cosmetic Face Mask -
Cosmetic Kit - Curling Iron - Dentures - Diabetes Supplies - Hair Brush - Hair Clip, Hair Pin, Barrette - Hair
Clipper - Hair Dryer - Hair Iron - Hair Net - Hair Roller or Curler - Hair Shears - Hair Straightener - Hair
Trimmer - Health and Beauty - Heating Pad - Incontinence Protection - Makeup Mirror - Manicure Set -
Massager - Nail File - Razor - Razor Blade - Scrunchie or Elastic - Shaver - Shower Cap - Sound Machine -
Stethoscope - Sun Lamp - Tanning Bed - Thermometer - Toothbrush - Trimmers - Tweezers – Wig

List individually
See categories for audio equipment, television & video, computers

Fine China & Crystal

List individually by brand and pattern name

Include number of pieces per place setting times number of place setting

Include serving items by name

Research current RCV – manufacturers web sites, fine department stores, for discontinued patterns

Crystal - Crystal Bowl - Crystal Stemware - Cup, Fine China - Dinnerware Set, Fine China - Dinnerware,
Fine China - Mug, Fine China - Plate, Fine China - Plate, Serving, Fine China - Saucer, Fine China - Teacup,
Fine China

Firearms, Weapons & Accessories

List individually

Air Rifle Accessory - Air Rifle Ammunition - Air Rifle and Accesories - Air Rifle and Pistol - Air Rifle Case -
Air Rifle Scope - Firearms and Weapons - Gun Cleaning Kit - Gun Lock - Gun Safe - Hand Gun - Hand Gun
Accessory - Hand Gun Ammunition - Hand Gun Case - Hand Gun Scope - Handcuffs - Handgun - Mace -
Other Firearms - Rifle - Rifle Accessory - Rifle Ammunition - Rifle and Accesories - Rifle Case - Rifle
Magazine - Rifle Scope - Shotgun - Shotgun Accessory - Shotgun Ammunition - Shotgun and Accessories -
Shotgun Case - Shotgun Scope

Food & Beverage

Bulk items w/ estimated value

Bakery items such as bagels, breads, rolls and buns, muffins, packaged desserts, English muffins,
pastries, pita bread

Baking and cooking items such as baking mixes, baking morsels bars and cocoa, baking soda powder and
starch, bread crumbs, cake decorations, cake frosting , condiments, sandwich spreads, sauces, cooking
oils and sprays, cooking wine and vinegar, extracts and flavorings, flour and meal, gluten-free baking,
gravy enhancers, herbs spices and seasonings, honey, horseradish, jams jelly and fruit spreads,
marshmallow, nut and seed butters, olive oil, olives and capers, pasta and pizza sauces, peanut butter
and spreads, pickles peppers and relishes, pie and pastry filling, piecrust and pastry dough, powdered
milk, pudding and gelatin mix, salad dressings and toppings, sauces and marinades, sauerkraut,
shredded coconut, sugar and sweeteners, syrups corn sugar molasses, yeast

Beverages items such as coffee, hot cocoa, juices, mixers and syrups, nutritional drinks and meal
replacement liquids, powdered drink mixes, seltzer, soft drinks, sports and energy drinks, tea, water,
alcoholic beverages, cocktail mixes and mixers
Breakfast and cereal items such as breakfast foods, cereals, pancake and waffle mixes

Canned goods items such as canned and dried tomatoes, beans, fruits, meats, milks, soups, tuna and

Dairy items such as butter, cheese dips and spreads, cheese packaged, cottage cheese, cream, cream
cheese, eggs, gourmet cheese, marjorine, milk, refrigerated dough, sour cream, yogurt

Deli items such as cheeses sliced, deli salads, deli sliced meats

Frozen items such as appetizers, beverages, breakfast foods, desserts, fruit, ice cream, ice cream
novelties, meals entrées, meals sides, pizza, vegetables

Grains pasta and beans items such as boxed dinners, boxed side dishes, couscous, dried beans and peas,
gluten-free grains and pasta, grains, noodles, pasta, pitas tortillas taco shells and wraps, polenta, potato
mixes, rice and rice mixes

Household items such as air freshener sprays, oils and jells, household cleaners, laundry detergents,
laundry paper and cleaning, office home and garden, pest control products, pest control sprays, toilet
paper and tissues, trashbags, dishwashing soap liquids, dishwashing soap powders, food storage wraps
and foils, paper plates, paper towels and napkins, plastic cups, plastic tableware

Meat and seafood items such as bacon, beef, chicken, hotdogs, lamb, pork, sausage, seafood, Turkey,
veal, wild game and fowl

Packaged goods items such as candy gum and mints, chips, cookies, crackers, dip & spread mixes, dips
spreads and salsas, dried fruits raisins and fruit snacks, fruit syrups, ice cream cones, ice cream toppings,
jerky and meat snacks, maple syrup, nutritional drinks and meal replacement powders, nuts seeds
granola and trail mixes, popcorn, pretzels, pudding and gelatin ready-to-eat, ready-to-eat meals
packaged, snack Bars, snack cakes and desserts, snacks, soup packaged, sports and energy bars, toaster

Produce items such as fresh flowers, fresh fruit, fresh herbs, fresh mushrooms, fresh vegetables,
produce packaged, vegetarian proteins

Footwear and Handbags

Group by Family Member

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Athletic Shoes - Athletic Shoes, Infant and Toddler - Boots - Boots, Infant and Toddler - Boots, Work -
Casual Shoes - Casual Shoes, Infant and toddler - Clogs - Dress Shoes - Dress Shoes, Infant and Toddler -
Flats - Horse Riding Apparel - Loafers - Oxford Shoes - Platform Shoes - Pump Shoes - Sandals - Sandals,
Infant and Toddler - Shoe Accesssories - Shoe Laces - Shoe Protector - Shoes - Shoes, Football - Shoes,
Golf - Shoes, Infant and Toddler - Slippers - Sneakers - Sneakers, Infant and Toddler

List individually

Group by Room/Area in the home

Armoire - Barstool - Bath Vanity - Bathroom Furniture - Beanbag chair - Bed - Bed and Mattress - Bed
Bookcase - Bed Canopy - Bed Frame - Bedroom Furniture - Bedroom Set - Bench - Blanket Chest -
Bookcase - Bookshelf - Buffet and Sideboard - Chair - Chair Set - Chaise - Chest of Drawers - China
Cabinet - Coat Rack - Computer Furniture - Credenza - Cupboard - Curio Cabinet - Daybed - Desk - Desk
and Chair Set - Dining Room Furniture - Dining Room Set - Dresser - Entertainment Center - Etagere -
Fireplace Screen - Footboard - Furniture - Furniture Accessory - Furniture Casters - Furniture Leg Pads -
Furniture Racks and Stands - Furniture Set - Futon Frame - Garment Rack - Headboard - Hutch - Kitchen
Cabinet - Kitchen Cart - Kitchen Furniture - Lectern - Lighting Accessory - Loveseat - Magazine Rack -
Media Storage - Microwave Stand - Mirror - Nightstand - Office Furniture - Other Furniture - Ottoman -
Pedestal - Quilt Rack - Recliner - Remote Caddy - Screen - Screens and Shield - Seating Furniture - Seating
Set - Shelf - Sleeper Sofa - Sofa - Sofa Loveseat Set - Sofa Set - Stand - Stool - Storage - Storage Box -
Storage Cabinet - Storage Cart - Storage Chest - Storage Closet - Storage Organizer - Storage Rack - Table
- Tie Rack - Toy Chest - Trunk - Tv Stand - Typewriter Stand - Waterbed - Waterbed Frame - Waterbed
Liner - Waterbed Mattress - Waterbed Set - Wine Rack

Furniture & Rugs - Custom & Heirloom Quality

Differentiate extraordinarily fine furniture & rugs – they should depreciate less than ordinary

List individually

Group by Room/Area in the home

List individually

Gifts & Special Occasion Purchases

List individually with a reasonable amount of description and detail

Research Replacement Cost Value or provide your best estimate

Handbags, Purses, Wallets & Accessories
Group by Family Member

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Qualify whether item is a reproduction replica bag or designer purchase – value it accurately

Fanny Pack - Handbag - Purse - Umbrella - Wallet

Household Consumables
Bulk item w/ estimated value

Air Freshener - Aluminum Foil - Candle - Carpet Cleaning Fluid - Citronella Fuel - Cleaners and Polish -
Cleaning - Cleaning Fluid - Cleaning Wipes - Coffee Filter - Detergent, Dishwasher - Detergent, Laundry -
Dryer Sheets, Laundry - Fabric Softener - Floor Care - Food Storage Bags - Insecticide - Jewelry Cleaning -
Laundry Supplies - Light Bulb - Lubricant - Matches - Napkins, Paper - Paper Goods - Paper Towels - Plant
Food - Sponge - Toilet Paper - Toothpicks - Trash Bags

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Artificial Plant - Ashtray - Banners and Bunting - Basket - Basket, Laundry - Bath - Bath Massage - Bell -
Blinds - Bookends - Bowl Decor - Broom - Bucket, Cleaning Supplies - Bungee Cord Set - Candle Holder -
Candle, Holiday - Christmas Accessory - Christmas Decorations - Christmas Lighting - Christmas
Ornament - Christmas Tree - Christmas Tree Stand - Cleaning Rag - Cleaning Supplies - Clock - Clock,
Alarm - Clock, Cuckoo - Clock, Desk - Clock, Floor - Clock, Radio - Clock, Specialty - Clock, Travel - Clock,
Wall - Closet Organizer - Coasters - Crucifix - Curtain Rod - Curtain Valance - Curtains - Curtains
Accessory - Cushion - Decor - Decor Calendar - Decorating Supplies - Decorative Sconce - Door Knocker -
Door Stop - Drapery Rod - Drapes - Dried Flower Arrangement - Drink Coozy - Dust Pan - Fan, Decor - Fire
Extinguisher - Fireplace Accessory - Fireplace Log Holder - Fireplace Logs - Fireplace Tools - First Aid Kit -
Floor Covering - Fly Swatter - Foot Bath - Gadget, House and Home - Garage Door Opener - General - Gift
Bag - Gift Bag, Large - Gift Bag, Medium - Gift Bag, Small - Gift box - Gift Wrap - Giftware - Globe -
Hamper, Laundry - Hand Paraffin Bath Heat - Hanger - Hanger, Fabric - Hanger, Plastic - Hanger, Wire -
Hanger, Wood - Holiday - Holiday Decorations - Home Decor - Home Storage - House and Home - House
Sign - Housewares - Ironing Board - Ironing Board Cover - Japanese Fan - Laundry - Laundry Bag - Light
Fixture - Loofa - Magnet - Mailbox - Map - Mat - Milk Crate - Mop - Nativity Set - Other Holiday - Other
House and Home - Paper Weight - Pest Control - Pest Removal - Piggy Bank - Plant Stand - Potpourri -
Rack, Laundry - Rug and Mat Beater - Safety and Security - Security Lantern - Shades - Shadow Box -
Shoe Mitt - Shoe Rack - Shower Accessory - Shower Caddy - Shower Curtain - Shower Curtain Rod -
Shower Head - Silk Plant - Soap Dish - Soap Dispenser - Storage Bag - Storage Box, Cardboard - Storage
Box, Plastic - Storage Boxes - Storage Tin - Storage Tote - Tissue Holder - Toilet Accessories - Toilet Brush
- Toilet Plunger - Toilet Roll Holder - Toothbrush holder - Trash Barrel - Wall Decor - Wall Hanging -
Wallpaper - Wallpaper Border - Wallpaper Supplies - Wash Basin - Wastebasket - Water Fountain -
Welcome Sign - Wicker Basket - Wind Chime - Window Treatment - Wreath Outdoor

Jewelry – Fine Jewelry

List individually, note appraisal value when available

Bangle Bracelet Set - Bracelet - Brooche - Charm, Jewelry - Cuff links - Earrings - Gemstone, Diamond -
Gemstone, Sapphire - Jewelry - Jewelry Set - Jewelry Set, Bracele - Jewelry Set, Necklac - Jewelry,
Gemstone - Necklace - Other Jewelry - Pendant, Jewelry - Pin, Jewelry - Ring - Tie Clip

Jewelry – Costume
From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Kitchenware - Cookware, Flatware & Cutlery

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Bakeware items such as Bakeware Sets, Baking Dishes, Bread & Loaf Pans, Cake Pans, Cookie Cutters &
Molds, Cookie Sheets & Baking Sheets, Cooling Racks, Cupcake & Muffin Pans, Decorating Tools, Pie
Dishes & Tart Pans, Pizza Stones

Cooks Tools items such as Baking & Pastry Tools, Can Openers, Citrus Tools, Colanders & Strainers,
Cookbooks, Cooking Utensils, Cutting Boards Plastic, Cutting Boards Wood, Food Mills, Forks, Funnels,
Graters, Ladles, Mandolines & Slicers, Measuring Cups Glass, Measuring Cups Metal, Measuring Cups
Plastic, Measuring Spoon Sets, Mixing Bowls, Mortars & Pestles, Oil Dispensers, Peelers, Salt Shaker,
Pepper Mill/Grinder, Prep Tools, Salad Tools, Scales, Sieves, Slotted Spoons, Spatulas, Spoons,
Thermometers, Timers & Scales, Tongs, Whisks

Cookware items such as Cookware Sets, Double Boiler, Dutch Ovens & Braisers, Fry Pans & Skillets, Grill
Pans & Griddles, International Cookware, Outdoor Cookware, Ovenware, Roasters, Saucepans, Sauté
Pans, Specialty Cookware, Stock Pots, Tea Kettles, Woks

Cutlery items such as Boning Knives, Bread Knives, Carving Set, Ceramic Knives, Cheese Knives & Tools,
Chef's Knives, Cleavers, Fruit & Vegetable Knives, Kitchen Shears, Knife Sets, Knife Sharpeners, Knife
Storage, Paring Knives, Santoku Knives, Slicing & Carving Knives, Steak Knives, Utility Knives

Flatware items such as Flatware, Flatware Place Settings

Kitchenware - Dinnerware, Glassware & Food Storage

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Dinnerware items such as Bowls, Coffee Mugs & Teacups, Dinnerware Collections, Outdoor Dinnerware,
Place Settings, Plates, Servingware

Glassware items such as Bar Glasses, Casual Glasses, Decanters, Glassware & Bar, Glassware Collections,
Outdoor Glassware, Wine Glasses, Wine Tools

Kitchen Organization items such as Bread Boxes, Canisters, Countertop Organization, Drawer
Organization, Food Storage Containers, Kitchen Islands & Carts, Kitchen Shelving, Ladders & Step Stools,
Pantry Storage, Pot Racks, Recipe Organization, Spice Racks, Storage Containers & Baskets, Trash &

Servingware items such as Salt & Pepper Shakers, Serving Pieces

Entertaining Accessories items such as Bar Tools, Baskets, Bowls & Trays, Candle Holders, Candles,
Charger Plates, Cheese Boards & Accessories, Coasters & Trivets, Napkin Rings, Place Card Holders
Lamps & Lighting
List individually

Chandelier - Exterior Lighting - Flood Light - Flourescent Lighting - Hanging Lights - Home Lighting -
Interior Lighting - Lamp - Lamp Post - Lampshade - Landscape Lights - Lighting - Lighting Stand - Night
Light - Outdoor Lighting - Recessed Lighting - Sconce, Lighting - Security Light - Spot Light - Track Lighting
- Wall Lighting

Linen, Bath & Bedding – Common

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Table & Kitchen Linen items such as Aprons, Chair Pads, Kitchen Towels, Napkins, Oven Mitts &
Potholders, Place Mats, Runners, Tablecloths

Bath Linens - Bathmat - Be - Beach Towel - Bed Linens - Bed Ruffle - Bed Sheets - Bed Skirt - Bedding Set -
Bedspread - Comforter - Doily - Duvet Cover - Kitchen Linens - Linens - Mattress Cover - Mattress Pad -
Napkins, Linen - Other Linens - Pillow Sham - Pillow Sleep - Pillow, Decorative - Pillowcase - Placemat -
Seating Accessory Slipcover - Slipcover - Sofa Cover - Table Runner - Tablecloth - Towel - Towel, Bath -
Towel, Dish - Towel, Hand - Towel, Kitchen - Towel, Wash Cloth

Linen, Bath & Bedding – Fine

List individually

List expensive items separately

List items purchased as a set accordingly

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Book Bag - Briefcase - Duffel Bag - Garment Bag - Luggage - Luggage Accessory - Luggage Set - Luggage,

Carr - Luggage, Kids - Luggage, Personal - Messenger Bag - Suitcase - Tote Bag - Travel Kit
Mattresses & Box Springs
List individually, include brand name & purchased from

Air Mattress - Futon Mattress - Mattress - Mattress Foundation or Box Spring - Mattress Set - Other Bed

Medical & Optical Care Equipment

List individually

Accessibility Aids - Ankle Brace - Back Brace - Bath Bench - Braces and Supports - Contact Lens - Contact
Lens Accessory - Contact Solution - Crutches - Eyedrops - Eyeglass Case - Eyeglasses - Glasses Cleaning
Solution - Grab Bar - Hearing Aid - Hernia Belt - Optical Care - Stair Rail - Sunglasses - Walker - Walking
Cane – Wheelchair

Whatever is left

Movies, Music & Media

Over a lifetime, movies and music media can represent a significant financial investment. Naming loss
items by title would be burdensome and impractical.

Estimate quantity of by the estimated linear number of feet of storage, differentiated by type

Music – Compact Discs = 30 cds per foot

Movies – DVDs = 30 per foot

Phonograph Records LPs = 70 per foot

VHS/Beta Tapes = 12 per foot


Blank Camcorder Tape - Blank Cassette Tape - Blank CD - Blank DVD Media - Blank Floppy Disk - Blank
Media - Blank VHS - Cassette Tape - Cd - DVD - Jewel Cases - Music and Movies - Other Music and
Movies - Record Album - VHS Video
Musical Instruments
List individually

Accessories - - Acoustic Bass - Acoustic Drums - Acoustic Guitars - Amps & Effects - Audio Interfaces -
Band & Orchestra - Bass - Bass Amplifiers - Bluetooth Speakers - Brass Accessories - Brass Instruments -
Cables & Snakes - Care & Cleaning - Cases, Gig Bags & Covers - Cellos - Clarinets - Classical & Nylon
Guitars - Classroom & Kids - Concert Percussion - Condenser Microphones - Connected Home -
Consumer - Cymbals - Double Bass - Drums & Percussion - Drums & Percussion Accessories - Dynamic
Microphones - Effects Pedals - Electric Bass - Electric Drums - Electric Guitars - Electric Upright Bass -
Flutes - Flutes & Piccolos - French Horns - Guitar Amplifiers - Guitar Packages - Guitars - Hand Percussion
- Handheld Recorders - Handheld Wireless Systems - Headphones - Instrument Wireless Systems -
Keyboard Workstations - Keyboards & MIDI - Ligatures & Caps - Live Sound - Live Sound Packages -
Marching Carriers - Marching Percussion - Microphone Packages - Mics & Wireless - MIDI - Mouthpieces
- Multi Effects Pedals - Mutes - Oboes, Bassoons & More - Orchestral Strings - PA Speakers - Pedalboards
- Pianos - Portable & Arranger Keyboards - Power Amplifiers - Private Reserve Guitars - Record Players -
Recording - Recording Packages - Reeds - Saxophones - Stage Monitors - Stage Subwoofers - Stands &
Racks - Strings - Studio Monitors - Studio Subwoofers - Synthesizer & Sound Modules - Trombones -
Trumpets - Tubas - Violas - Violins - Woodwind Accessories – Woodwinds

Office Equipment
Calculator - Cash Register - Chalk Board - Contractor Calculator - Cork Board - Credit Card Reader - Dry
Erase Board - Fax Machine - File Box - File Cabinet - Hole Punch - Label Maker and Supplies - Laminator -
Office - Office Boards - Office Equipment - Photocopy Machine - Postage Machine - Safe, Fire - Scissors -
Shredder - Stapler - Time Clock – Typewriter

Office Supplies & Stationary

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Address Book - Binder - Brochure - Bubble wrap - Business Cards - Calendar - Cash Register Tape -
Crayons - Day Planner - Desk Accessories - Envelopes - Folder - Glue - Greeting Cards - High Grade Paper
- Highlighter - Index Cards - Labels - Legal Pad - Marker - Notebook - Office Supplies - Other Office
Supplies - Packing Peanuts - Packing Tape - Paper Clips - Paper Products - Pencil Holder - Pencil
Sharpener - Pencils - Pens - Photocopy - Photocopy, BW - Photocopy, Color - Pos - Postcard - Poster
Board - Print Supplies - Printer Paper - Rubber Bands - Scotch Tape - Staples - Stationery – Writing

Optical Equipment
List individually

Binoculars - Magnifying Glass - Microscope - Microscope Slide - Monocular - Optics - Rangefinder -

Spotting Scope – Telescope
Outdoor Furniture

List individually

Arbor - Garden House - Outdoor Bench Glider - Outdoor Chair - Outdoor Chaise - Outdoor Cushion -
Outdoor Furniture - Outdoor Furniture Cover - Outdoor Swing - Outdoor Umbrella Stand - Patio Set -
Patio Table - Patio Tea Cart

Personal Effects & Memorabilia

List expensive items separately

Items such as with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Cigarette Lighter - Diploma - Drivers License - Event Ticket - Jewelry Box - Keychain - Keys, Car - Keys,
House - Manuscript - Music Box - Other Personal Effects - Passport - Personal Effects - Personal Effects,
Keys - Personal Records - Phonebook - Photo - Photo Album - Photograph – Trophy

Pets, Animals & Livestock

List individually

Bird - Cat - - Cattle - Dog - Fish - Horse - Other Pets - Pets and Animals – Poultry - Reptiles - Small Pets -
Wild Birds

Pet Equipment
List expensive items separately

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Aquarium - Bird - Cat - Dog - Apparel - Dog - Auto Travel - Dog - Beds - Dog - Bowls and Feeders - Dog -
Carriers and Crates - Dog - Collars, Leads and ID Tags - Dog - Dog Houses - Dog - Electronic Training - Dog
- Feeders, Bowls and Accessories - Dog - Gates and Doors - Dog - Gifts and Home Decor - Dog - Grooming
- Dog - Houses and Pens - Dog - Kennels and Crates - Dog - New Puppy Center - Dog - Pet Memorials -
Dog - Pet Signs - Dog - Photo Gifts - Dog - Ramps and Steps - Dog - Steps and Ramps - Dog - Travel and
Outdoors - Fish - Horse Farm and Stall Signs - Horse Farrier Supply - Horse Feeders and Waterers - Horse
Gifts - Horse Grooming Tools - Horse Horse Trailer Accessories - Horse Leads - Horse Sheets - Horse
Stable Supplies - Horse Tack - Horse Tack Organization and Protection - Horse Training - Horse Twitches -
Pet Accessory - Pet Bed - Pet Bowl - Pet Cage - Pet Carrier - Pet Litter Container - Reptile - Small Pet -
Wild Birds
Pet Supplies & Consumables
List expensive items separately

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Bird - Cat - Dog - Biscuits and Treats - Dog - Clean Up and Lawn Repair - Dog - Flea and Tick - Dog - Food -
Dog - Health Care - Dog - PetCare Pet Insurance - Dog - Rawhide, Bones and Chews - Dog - Shed Control -
Dog - Tie-Outs - Dog - Toys - Dog - Training and Behavior - Dog - Treats and Biscuits - Fish - Horse Bathing
and Coat Care - Horse Chewing and Cribbing Control - Horse Cleaning Supplies - Horse Electrolytes -
Horse Grooming - Horse Health - Horse Hoof Care - Horse Pest Control - Horse Skin and Coat Care -
Horse Supplements - Horse Supplies - Horse Toys and Treats - Horse Wormers - Horse Wound Care - Pet
Food - Pet Grooming - Pet Medication - Pet Toy - Pet Treats - Reptile - Small Pet - Wild Birds

Plants, Shrubs & Trees

House plants fall within the personal property coverage and should be listed within the personal
property inventory

List expensive items separately

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Note that trees, shrubs, plants and lawns on the residence premises, typically, have separate coverage
available over and beyond your dwelling coverage and limits. They should be claimed separately.

Insurance Services Offices Form HO 00 03 10 00 illustration:

Pool & Spa
List expensive items separately

Bulk item w/ estimated value

Inflatable Pool - Jacuzzi - Other Pool and Spa - Pool and Spa - Pool Chemicals - Pool Chlorinator - Pool
Cover - Pool Filter - Pool Inflatable Float - Pool Liner - Pool Ornamental Float - Pool Pump – Spa

Recreational Motor Vehicles

List individually

ATV - Go Cart - Mini Bike - Motorcycle - Recreational Vehicle – Snowmobile

List expensive items separately

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Sales Tax as Applicable to RCV

Claim Sales Tax as part of your loss at Replacement Cost.

Calculate line items individually if using a spreadsheet or add a line item reflecting the subtotal of your
items replacement cost, calculate tax at your local rate then add a line for total replacement cost with

California Sales and Use Tax Rates vary by County and City and range between 7.25% and 10.25%.

Retail sales of tangible personal property in California are generally subject to sales tax. Examples of
tangible personal property include such items as furniture, giftware, toys, antiques, clothing, and so
forth. Some sales and purchases are exempt from sales and use tax. Examples of exempt sales include,
but are not limited to, sales of certain food products and sales of prescription medicine. For more
information on exempt sales, please refer to: Sales & Use Tax Exemptions - CA Revenue & Taxation Code

Services, Fees, Miscellaneous Contents Related Expenses

Review your policy to determine what out of pocket cleaning, storage, repair, moving or other expenses
may be covered.
Sporting Goods
Group by sport or by family member

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Air Pump - Archery Equipment - Backpack, Camping and Hiking - Badminton Set - Baseball - Baseball
Accessory - Baseball Bat - Baseball Cleats - Baseball Glove - Baseball Helmet - Baseball, Ball - Basketball -
Basketball Backboard - Basketball, Ball - Bike, Stationary - Billiards - Billiards Table - Billiards, Accessory -
Bocce Ball Set - Boogie Board - Bottle Holder - Bow - Bowling - Boxing - Camping and Hiking - Camping
and Hiking, Stove - Camping Gear - Camping Tent - Canteen - Climbing Gear - Compass - Cooler - Croquet
Set - Crossbow - Dart Board Set - Deer Stand - Driver, Golf Club - Earplugs - Exercise Ball - Exercise
Equipment - Exercise Glove - Exercise Mat - Fishing - Fishing Accessory - Fishing Baitcast - Fishing
Carrying Bag - Fishing Case - Fishing Depth And Fish Finder - Fishing Hook - Fishing Line - Fishing Lure -
Fishing Net - Fishing Reel - Fishing Rod - Fishing Rod And Reel - Fishing Tackle Box - Fitness Bench - Floor
Pump - Folding Chair, Camping - Football - Football Accessory - Football Cleats - Football Helmet -
Football Uniform - Football, Ball - Frisbee - Golf - Golf Accessory - Golf Bag - Golf Ball - Golf Cart - Golf
Club Set - Golf Covers - Golf Glove - Golf Shop Equipment - Golf Tees - Golf Towel - Golf Travel Bag - Golf
Umbrella - Golf, Club - Gym Locker - Home Gym - Horse Blankets - Horse Clothing - Horse Halters - Horse
Leg Protection - Horse Mane and Tail Clothing - Horse Tack - Horse Training - Hunting - Hunting Call -
Hunting Knife - Ice Hockey - Ice Hockey Accessory - Ice Hockey Protective Gear - Ice Hockey Skates - Ice
Hockey Stick - Insect Repellant - Iron Set, Golf Club - Iron, Golf Club - Jump Rope - Knee Guards - Knife -
Lacrosse - Lantern - Life Jacket - Motorcycle Accessory - Motorcycle Helmet - Mountaineering Tent -
Other Sports and Outdoors - Picnic Basket - Pitching Machine - Propane Tank - Pulse Monitor - Putter,
Golf Club - Racquet Ball - Racquet Ball Accessory - Racquet Ball Racquet - Rope - Rowing Machine - Scuba
- Scuba Accessory - Scuba Boots - Scuba Buoyancy Control Device - Scuba Camera Underwater - Scuba
Compass - Scuba Depth Gauge - Scuba Dive Bag - Scuba Dive Computer - Scuba Dive Cylinder - Scuba
Dive Slate - Scuba Dive Timer - Scuba Dry Suit - Scuba Fins - Scuba Flashlight - Scuba Goggles - Scuba
Hood - Scuba Knee Pads - Scuba Knives - Scuba Mask - Scuba Octopus - Scuba Pressure Guage - Scuba
Regulator - Scuba Snorkel - Scuba Wader - Scuba Weight Belt - Scuba Wetsuit - Shooting Accessory -
Skateboard - Skates In Line - Ski Bag - Ski Bindings, Nordic - Ski Boots - Ski Goggles - Ski Helmet - Ski Poles
- Ski Rack - Skis - Sky Diving Gear - Sled - Sleeping Bag - Snow Sports - Snowboard - Snowboard Binding -
Snowboard Boot - Soccer - Soccer Ball - Soccer Cleats - Soccer Goal - Soccer Shin Guard - Softball Bat -
Sports and Outdoors - Sports and Outdoors, Accessory - Storage Bags - Surfboard - Tennis - Tennis Ball -
Tennis Racquet - Tent - Tetherball Set - Tote Bag, Tennis - Trainer Resistance Unit - Trampoline -
Treadmill - Watch Scuba - Water Sports - Wedge, Golf Club - Weight Set - Weight Set, Barbell - Weight
Set, Dumbell - Weight Set, Wrist and Ankle - Weightlifting Glove - Wood Set, Golf Club - Wood, Golf Club
- Yard Games - Yoga Gear

Television & Video Equipment

List individually

Cable Box, Camcorder - Camera or Camcorder Crane - Camera, Security - DVD Player - DVD Recorder -
DVD VCR Combo - DVR - Electronics - Home Theater System - Projector - Projector Accessory - Projector
Lamp - Projector Lens - Projector Mount - Projector Screen - Projector Slide - Projectors – Satelitte
Receiver, Security - Security Accessory - Security Monitor - Security System - Television Mount - TV - TV
and Video - TV Antennae - TV Receiver - VCR - Video Accessory

Tools - Hand Tools & Tool Storage

List expensive items separately

Consider researching a replacement set for hand tool collection purchased over time

Ex. Misc. hand tools purchased over time equivalent to a complete set made by xxx with
yyy number of pieces at a total replacement cost of $z

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Abrasive - Adjustable Screwdriver - Air Filter - Anvil - Augers - Automotive Tools - Axe - Back Saw - Bar
Clamp - Bench Vise - Bolt Cutter - Bow Saw - Brush - Butcher Knife - Cabinet Clamp - Calipers - Casters -
Caulk Gun - Caulk Tube - C-Clamp - Channellock Pliers - Chisel - Clam - Clamp - Cleaning Bonnet -
Combination Square - Concrete Float - Crowbar - Cutter, Hand Tools - Cutting Table - Die - Drafting Table
- Drain Opener - File - Framing Hammer - Glue Gun - Glue, Tools - Grease Gun - Hack Saw - Hammer -
Hand Saw Blades - Hand Tool Set - Hand Tools - Hand Truck - Hatchet - Head Lamp - Hex Key Set - Hex
Screwdriver Set - Hole Saw - Jack - Jack, Axle - Jack, Floor - Knife, Hand Tools - Ladder - Ladder, Extension
- Laser Level - Level - Lockback Knife - Machete - Mallet - Masonry Float - Masonry Tools - Masonry
Trowel - Measuring Tool - Metal File - Micrometer - Miter Box Saw - Mult - Multimeter - Nail Puller -
Needlenose Pliers - Nut Driver - Oil Can - Oil Filter - Oil Filter Screwdriver - Oil Pump - Other Tools -
Padlock - Paint Brush - Paint Roller - Paint Tray - Pipe Clamp - Pipe Cutter - Pipe Wrench - Planer - Planer
Blades - Pliers - Pliers, Set - Pocket Knife - Pry Bar - Pump, Manual - Punch - Putty Knife - Ramp - Ratchet
Screwdriver - Rotary Level - Safety Equipment - Saw Accessory - Saw, Hand - Sawhorse - Scraper -
Screwdriver - Screwdriver Set - Shears - Shop Equipment - Sledge Hammer - Snips - Socket - Socket
Screwdriver - Socket Set - Socket Wrench Set - Solder - Sparkplug Gauge - Sprayer - Spring Clamp -
Squeegee - Standard Level - Step Ladder - Storage and Workbenches - Storage Drum - Stud Finder -
Survey Tool - Swivel Screwdriver - Tables - Tap - Tap and Die - Tap and Die Set - Tape Measure - Tape,
Building - Tire Gauge - Tongue and Groove Pliers - Tool Accessory - Tool Bag - Tool Belt - Tool Box - Tool
Cabinet - Tool Chest - Tool Pouch - Tool Set Case - Tool Storage - Tools - Tools, Accessory, Filter - Tools,
Cleaning and Lubrication - Transit Level - Tripod, Tools - Utility Knife - Utility Truck - Valve Adjusting Tool
- Vise - Vise Grips - Welding Accessory - Welding Apparel - Welding Helmet - Wire Brush - Wood File -
Wood Vise - Work Bench - Wrench Set - Wrench, Ratchet - Wrench, Socket – Wrenches

Tools – Power
List individually

Air Compressor - Air Tank - Air Tool - Air Tool Accessory - Band Saw Blade - Boring Machine - Boring Tool
- Chain Saw - Circular Saw Blade - Corded Drill - Cordless Drill - Cutter, Gas - Cutter, Plasma - Cutters -
Diagnostic Equipment - Dovetail Jig Machine - Drill - Drill Accessory - Drill Bit - Drill Bit Set - Drill Chuck -
Drill Press - Dust Collection System - Edge Bander - Electronic Measuring Device - Exhaust Fan -
Extension Plank - Finishing Machine - Flashlight - Generator - Grinder - Hammer Drill - Hoist - Hydraulic
Power Unit - Impact Hammer - Impact Tools and Kit - Impact Wrench - Jig Saw Blade - Jigsaw Blade -
Joiner or Planer - Lathe - Lift - Light Meter - Mechanical Loader - Metal Detector - Miter Saw Blade -
Motor Small Engine - Nail Gun - Planer, Power - Pneumatic Tool - Power Painters and Roller - Power Saw
Blade - Power Tool Accessory - Power Tool, Accessory - Power Tools - Pressure Washer - Pumps -
Reciprocating Saw Blade - Rivet Gun - Roller Chain - Rotary Trimmer - Router Bit - Router, Accessory -
Router, Power - Sander Accessory - Sander Belt Replacement - Sander, Belt - Sander, Orbital - Sander,
Palm Grip - Sander, Pneumatic - Sander, Power - Saw Blade, Power - Saw, Band - Saw, Circular - Saw,
Compound Miter - Saw, Concrete - Saw, Cutoff Chop - Saw, Jigsaw - Saw, Power - Saw, Radial Arm - Saw,
Reciprocating - Saw, Scroll - Saw, Table - Saw, Tile - Saw, Worm Driven - Screwdriver, Power - Shears,
Power - Solder Gun - Staple Gun - Sump Pump - Table Saw Accessory - Tools, Power Tool, Pump - Torque
Sensor - Welder - Welding - Welding Torch - Winch - Winch, Electric - Winch, Gas - Wood Shaper - Work

Toys/Games - Adult Games & Equipment

List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Air Hockey game - Dart Set - Dartboard - Foosball table - Ping Pong Paddle - Ping Pong Table - Toss Game
- Toy, Recreation
Toys/Games - Children's
List expensive items separately

Group by category dolls, action figures etc

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Action Figure - Barbie - Board Games - Building Blocks - Card Game - Classic Toys - Doll - Doll Accessory -
Doll Carrying Case - Doll Clothes - Doll House - Doll House, Accessory - Doll's - Inflatable Toy - Learning
Toy - Matchbox Car - Model Toy - Nerf Toy - Other Toys - Outdoor Play - Party Supplies - Pla - Plane -
Playground Ball - Playing Cards Deck - Preschool Toy - Pretend Play Toy - Puzzle - Science Toy - Slinky -
Stuffed Toy - Top - Toy car - Toy Train - Toy Vehicles - Toy, Accessories - Toy, Doll House - Toy, Frisbee -
Toy, Jump Rope - Toy, Scooter - Toys and Games - Toys, Arts and Crafts - Wagon - Yo Yo

Video Gaming & Electronic Toys

List head units and accessories separately

Games such as with an average value of $x each

Arcade Game - Electronic Toy - Game Accessories - Game Consoles - Game Software - Games and Toys -
Pinball Machine - Remote Control Toy

List individually

Window Treatments
List expensive items separately

Brands such as with an average value of $x each

Blinds for x number of windows at an average value of $x each

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Yard & Garden Power Equipment
List individually

Electric Lawn Mower - Gas Lawn Mower - Lawn Mower Accessory - Lawn Mower Blades - Lawn Tractor -
Lawn Tractor Accessory - Lawn Tractor Attachment - Lawn Tractor Trailer - Lawn Tractors - Leaf Blower -
Mulcher - Power Hedge Trimmer - Power Lawn Trimmer - Riding Lawn Mower - Roto Tiller - Snow

Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living

List expensive items separately

From stores such as with an average value of $x each

Items with values ranging from to $x to $y with an average value of $z

Bulk item w/ estimated value

purchased within the last x years, average age y years z months

Bird House - Bow Rake - Bug Light - Charcoal Grill - Cultivator - Fertilizer - Flag - Flagpole - Flower Pot -
Garden Fountain - Garden Hose - Garden Statue - Garden Tool Set - Gas Grill - Hammock - Hedge
Trimmer Attachments - Hedge Trimmers - Hoe - Lattice - Lawn Aerator - Lawn and Garden - Lawn and
Garden Decor - Lawn and Garden Occasional - Lawn Care - Lawn Mower - Lawn Spreader - Lawn
Trimmer - Leaf Rake - Mail Box - No - Other Lawn and Garden - Outdoor Grills - Outdoor Statue -
Outdoor Storage Box - Outdoor Thermometer - Patio Umbrella - PitchFork - Planter and Pots - Post Hole
Digger - Power Brush Trimmer - Pruner - Push Lawn Mower - Rake - Screen House - Seed - Shovel -
Sprinkler - Storage Shed - Storage, Outdoor - Tarp - Trimmer - Trimmer, Brush - Watering Container -
Weather Enclosure - Wheelbarrow - Wood Grill
Personal Property Inventory SAMPLE

Line Room, Location or Item Age Age Replacement Replacement

Number Grouping Description Qty Loss Item Description Place of Condition Years Months Cost Ea Cost Total
Purchase Before Loss
Unless otherwise noted, items were in average condition
1 showing signs of wear consistent with regular and normal use see note
2 Family TV Room 2 stacked wooden bookshelves Pottery Barn 10 0 $199.00 $398.00
Family TV Room
3 continues 1 upholstered sectional sofa Crate & Barrel 5 $3,500.00 $3,500.00
4 1 large antique oak hope chest w cedar interior inherited $750.00 $750.00
5 1 wooden side table 10 $250.00 $250.00
6 1 upholstered arm chair Macys 7 $600.00 $600.00
7 1 wooden side table 10 $200.00 $200.00
8 1 tv stand Best Buy 4 $250.00 $250.00
9 1 upholstered arm chair w ottoman Macys 7 $750.00 $750.00
10 1 10 x 13 vintage oriental rug antique store $750.00 $750.00
11 1 Sony Bravia 60 inch tv Best Buy 4 $1,750.00 $1,750.00
NOTE: these alternate higher value example items are described
12 in greater detail
Hand Knotted Fine Wool Tabriz Pakastani Oriental Rug
13 1 9'11X14' - multi colored black, red, beige m Excellent 10 $7,500.00 $7,500.00
Design Within
14 1 Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman walnut & black leather Reach Excellent 5 $5,190.00 $5,190.00
Note: the following examples illustrate a method for estmating
15 the quantity of books, cds and movies lost
16 Home Office 2 Ikea Bookcases wood veneer ~ 30 in wide w 6 shelves per 3 $100.00 $200.00
17 Note: 15 linear feet shelf space per unit x qty 2 = 30 ft

18 Books 100 Hardcover Books ~1/3 = 10 ft x avg 10 books per foot = 100 $28.00 $2,800.00
19 Books 320 Softcover Books ~2/3 = 20 ft x avg 16 books per foot = 320 $18.00 $5,760.00
21 1 Ikea Bookcase wood veneer ~ 24 in wide w 3 shelves 3 $50.00 $50.00
22 Note: 6 linear feet of shelf space
Books - Professional, Reference & Textbook book case ~2/3 full =
23 Books 24 $75.00 $1,800.00
4 ft x avg 6 books per foot = 24

25 Movies, Music & Media 180 compact discs - ~ 6 linear feet at 30 per foot = 180 $20.00 $3,600.00

26 Movies, Music & Media 120 dvd movies - ~ 4 linear feet at 30 per foot = 120 $18.00 $2,160.00

27 Movies, Music & Media 180 compact discs - ~ 6 linear feet at 30 per foot = 180 $20.00 $3,600.00
Personal Property Inventory SAMPLE

Line Room, Location or Item Age Age Replacement Replacement

Number Grouping Description Qty Loss Item Description Place of Purchase Condition Years Months Cost Ea Cost Total
Before Loss
28 Movies, Music & Media 120 dvd movies - ~ 4 linear feet at 30 per foot = 120 $18.00 $2,160.00
29 vhs beta - 12 per foot
30 LPs = 70 per ft
31 Note Apparel Grouping Examples Below $30.00

32 Mens Clothing 6 Mens casual pants from brands like Dockers, Haggar, Dickies $30.00 $180.00

33 4 Mens casual pants from brands like Polo, Perry Ellis, Nautica $50.00 $200.00
34 2 Mens casual pants Hugo Boss $81.99 $163.98
35 12 Mens jeans from brands like Lee, Levis, GAP $40.00 $480.00
36 6 Mens jeans from brands like Polo, Lucky $80.00 $480.00
Mens jeans from brands like Diesel, 7 For All Mankind,
37 4 True Religion $180.00 $720.00
Mens sweater from brands like Arrow, Columbia Sportswear,
38 4 Champion $16.99 $67.96

39 4 Mens sweater from brands like Nautica, VF Activewear, Adidas $35.99 $143.96

40 4 Mens sweater from brands like Polo, Tommy Bahama, Hugo Boss $58.99 $235.96
Mens suit from brands like Joseph Abboud, Hugo Boss,
41 4 Hart Schaffner & Marx $493.99 $1,975.96
42 2 Mens suit from brands like Hugo Boss, Burberry $800.00 $1,600.00
43 Womens Clothing 6 Womens jeans from brands like Levis, Miss Vigoss, DKNY $26.99 $161.94
Womens jeans from brands like Ralph Lauren, Jones New
44 12 York, Guess? $43.99 $527.88
Womens jeans from brands like 7 For All Mankind, Juicy
45 6 Couture, True Religion $199.00 $1,194.00
Personal Property Total Loss Documentation Checklist
Use this checklist to track your progress.

Sketch Floor Plan

Sketch Rooms – Place Furniture

Enhance Room Sketches – closets, drawers, shelves

Create Contents Overview Using Category Guide

Create the List

Furniture from Room Sketches

Key Categories

Furniture including Antique & Vintage Furniture

Appliances – Major Kitchen and Laundry

Electronics categories

audio equipment computers television & video


Special Interest Categories

Remaining Categories, A to Z

Family Member Review

Inventory Value Totaled

Sales Tax Estimate

Total Loss at Replacement Cost and Tax Noted

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