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The benefits from a cost perspective are clear and often form

the major driver for the initial adoption of RPA – but what
about the risks? | March 2016

Robotic Process
Automation –
friend or foe for
your risk profile?
What is Robotic
Process Automation?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the
automation of processes using technology
and involves the use of software ‘robots’
that are easy to configure, require little IT
expertise and can be quickly ‘trained’ and
deployed to automate manual tasks. They
differ from traditional software by working
at the user interface level, replicating the
exact actions a human user would take and
creating, in effect, a virtual BPO.
Activities might include performing double
data entry, copying and pasting data
between computer systems, reconciling and
cross-referencing data between different
systems and implementing high-level
decision making at key points along the
business process.

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What’s new about it?
Many of the principles within RPA
have had a long history, such as
basic screen scraping. We are seeing
increasing interest in RPA with
recent advances in the underlying
technologies improving stability
and scalability. The RPA market has
started to move beyond the basic rule
based processing to RPA that taps into
unstructured data and intelligence
through content analytics and process
automation. In an environment where
there is pressure to digitise operations,
RPA enables rapid implementation,
delivering significant and sustainable
value in short timeframes as it can be
incorporated into an organisation’s
legacy systems and manual processes.

Who will benefit

from it? And why?
Organisations of varying scale, size
and structure can leverage RPA to
streamline and automate specific
manual processes. The benefits of
improved customer experience, cost
reduction and increased speed to
market are clearly communicated,
and increasingly supported by early
adopters but there is little focus on
two other potential benefits, risk
reduction and improved compliance –
assuming you get your RPA
implementation right.

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Why can’t my core systems replace the
manual workarounds rather than RPA?
This is a common question as RPA it is just another form of software with
inbuilt rules and procedures, like any core IT system. However, RPA seeks
to automate the many manual processes that a human user has to do to
work around software gaps or defects that span multiple systems. These
workarounds have often been created as core IT systems have been unable to
keep pace with the changing business needs (e.g. regulatory requirements or
new products) due to the high investment cost and time required.

In addition, the challenges of delivering IT projects often leads to

implementations with lower quality as budgets and timeframes get
compressed. The acceptance of manual processes to work around known
software defects becomes the new normal as there is often no budget or
accountability to fix these post ‘go-live’. These manual workarounds continue
and consume increasing resources as the business scales and needs evolve.

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Automation of manual steps to mitigate risk
Regulatory and compliance requirements for businesses continue to increase. The response
to meeting these requirements too often involves piecemeal IT system changes with
reliance on manual workarounds to process high volumes of information. Manual entry
relies on the diligence and attention to detail of often junior or low skilled employees.
Failures in processing result in inaccurate data and reporting. Small errors in data quality
over the past number of years have resulted in large spend on ‘remediation programs’
responding to increased regulatory scrutiny and interventions. However, too often the
remediation effort focuses on the symptoms rather than fully addressing the root cause of
the issue: the manual nature of the tasks and the natural variability in human behaviour.

The automated nature of RPA can ensure a high level of compliance. The APRA Prudential
Practice Guide CPG 235 ‘Managing Data Risk’ principle notes that ‘automation (where viable) is
used as an alternative to manual processes’. Unlike humans, who may skip a process step, or not
be consistent in the processing of a transaction, the robot performs the task without bias or any
variation. This gives support to the automation agenda to manage and minimise risk.

In addition, for those tasks where humans are making repetitive simple decisions based
on data or criteria, RPA has the ability to perform these types of exception management
tasks. Most of the time, the scenarios people are faced with to execute these exception
processes are limited in quantity. As long as the decision matrices can be documented,
RPA can handle them and significantly relieve the repetitive burden and risk of error from
the human resources performing these tasks. Implemented correctly, RPA can support
consistent application of rules and adherence to control frameworks for decision making as
the robots are programmed to follow the standard operating procedure and hence perform
the task in exactly the same way, every single time.

Training costs of compliance drop substantially with RPA as well, as RPA allows for precise
process execution without the ongoing effort and cost of training a human workforce.

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What are the regulatory considerations?
Given that RPA is an emerging technology in the service industries, In Singapore, the MAS Internet Banking and Technology Risk
there are no standards or formally agreed upon industry controls Management Guidelines recognise the elevated level of risk which
specific to RPA. Indeed, this has been given little focus to date as the stems from technology innovations such as system virtualisation
drivers have been around cost reduction and the adoption has been and automation. In addition to the guidelines, a number of notices
modest to date in South East Asia. have been added to the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act 1970
(SG), providing legal requirements on how to manage the risk
APRA Prudential Practice Guide PPG 234 ‘Management of security
around implementing these technologies within financial services
risk in information and information technology’ expects that, in
organisations. In particular, guidelines 6.4.2 – 6.4.4 of the Monetary
a production environment, a regulated institution would only
Authority of Singapore – Technology Risk Management Guidelines
authorise the use of technologies that have matured to a state where
specifically relate to automation and state that in deploying process
there is a set of industry‑accepted controls to manage the security
automation, the financial institutions should use recovery measures,
of the technology.
data protection and review and test configurations so as to ‘ensure the
In Australia, there are no clear standards and practices which apply integrity and reliability of the applications’.2
to RPA. However, APRA clearly states that any software that is used
As such, it is critical to ensure that relevant control standards are
for the processing and retention of critical or sensitive data needs to
deployed for the rollout and management of RPA. Whilst the RPA
comply with the relevant life-cycle controls of the entity. In some ways,
adoption should be business driven and led, engagement with IT and
RPA could be viewed as a form of end‑user computing. APRA notes
control functions is required to ensure accepted control standards are
that end-user computing for the purpose of automating day-to-day
applied in the same manner as core IT systems.
business processes creates a risk that data life-cycle controls may be
inadequate given that end‑user developed/configured software is not
typically subject to the same controls as a technology function.
Similarly, in New Zealand there are no defined requirements around
automation or the management of technology risks stipulated within
the Financial Markets Authority Act 2011 (NZ) or the Financial
Markets Conduct Regulations 2014. The regulations note only mentions
information technology in the context that IT systems and processes
must be appropriate to allow the custodian (or financial institution) to
meet the requirements of an assurance audit engagement and report.1

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What about privacy and data protection?
Privacy and Data Protection is also gaining increasing and has developed technology specific guidance for
focus and attention and needs to be considered for RPA, applications, digital data and the cloud. In implementing
especially if the task involves the processing of personal RPA, organisations will need to be compliant with the
information. Whilst there is no RPA specific guidance twelve information privacy principles under the Privacy
or precedent within Australian privacy law around Act 1993 (NZ). Similarly, the Singapore Personal Data
automation, Australian Privacy Principle (APP) 1 in the Protection Act 2012 (SG) (PDPA) is not prescriptive on
federal Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) requires entities to take privacy regulations around technology. Organisations
reasonable steps to implement practices, procedures and must comply with the provisions of this act in considering
systems that will ensure privacy compliance, and this needs consent, purpose and reasonableness of data collection
to be built into the RPA framework. and use.3 Guideline 17.5 of the Advisory Guidelines on
key concepts in the PDPA also suggests a number of
Similarly, for both New Zealand and Singapore there is no
technical measures an organisation may use to protect
specific guidance around the management of automation
personal data.4
and privacy. However, the New Zealand Privacy
Commissioner recognises the heightened risk of privacy
breaches that occur through technology innovations

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What control standards should apply to RPA?
From our experience, a successful rollout of RPA requires consideration of the full framework, from development of a
digitisation strategy; the methodology to select the right processes and prioritisation of these processes; governance
approvals; development, testing and deployment; and implementing the right infrastructure, support and operating model
to manage the new robotic workforce.
So what are these standards? Example questions to consider include:

Development and deployment:

• What is the overarching governance framework for • Have the requirements for IT disaster recovery and
adoption of RPA and alignment to risk, compliance and scalability been defined and addressed and broader
IT/data frameworks? resilience considered?
• How does RPA fit into the overall IT enterprise architecture? • Will RPA capture a complete audit trail to confirm the
• Have we selected the right processes to automate? origin of data and provide transparency of alterations?
• Have we optimised these processes before we automate? • Will distinct user IDs and passwords be assigned to each
robot – who is accountable for management of these
• How is the process integrated with up and downstream
accounts and for the robot actions?
business processes and how well are these linkages
known and documented?

Ongoing support and maintenance:

• How do we manage changes to the robot configuration • How do we ensure the access privileges assigned to the robot
and any integrated up and downstream processes in a are not inappropriately used or accessed by other parties?
controlled manner? • Are we regularly assessing the failover and recovery
• How do we ensure the robotic workforce have turned up for capability and plans to ensure any disruption
work – i.e. are logged in, functioning, balancing workloads in the robotic availability does not impact the
and meeting SLAs? Who manages the control room? business operations?
• What is the incident management framework to respond • What is the fall back plan when the human workforce
to instances where the robotic workforce is impacted by no longer know the manual steps that were
unforeseen process changes? previously undertaken?
• What is the support model in place for the robotic • Do we regularly assess that the configuration of the rule
workforce and how does this tie into the organisation set and processing logic remains relevant to our business
IT service management model? needs and demands?
• What user access management controls apply to the robot • What oversight and assurance over RPA deployment and
user – do our current processes and security policy allow use is provided across the Three Lines of Defence? How do
for such a ‘system’ user? the skills and techniques of risk and audit function need to
evolve in a highly digitised environment?

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So what could go wrong – what is my foe?
As outlined above, a key benefit of automation a heightened risk of ‘missing’ rules in a process • The downside of human processing is the
is improved compliance accuracy as the robot because the decisions just make natural sense to variability in quality and risk of human processing
never deviates from the configured algorithms the human operator and so aren’t documented. error. However, there is a natural safeguard in
and business program logic programmed into More advanced RPA is starting to incorporate that there are many transactions and many users,
the software. However, in this also lie the elements of Artificial Intelligence but it will some meaning that errors will often not be systemic
possible weaknesses: years before it is expected to reach this level or widespread across the business process or
• In older RPA technologies, if there is a business of maturity. data set. With automation, there is consistency in
process change, the software may fail to • If the processes are not mapped correctly, application. So if you get it wrong, you consistently
perform. In order to avoid automation failures, automated activities may be incorrectly performed get it wrong and therefore the risk is that any error
changes will have to be planned, communicated, or incomplete. Automating an inefficient or poorly becomes a systemic and widespread issue across
tested and made within a strong governance controlled process only amplifies the issue. that business process and data set. It’s all your eggs
framework. However, newer platforms are able in one basket approach (or robot configuration).
• RPA may avoid the core issue of the need for
to accommodate simple changes without issue, underlying process transformation. Given its
minimising the likelihood of this risk in the future. relative low cost and complexity, organisations
• Basic RPA technology is literal; it can only do may be seduced by an RPA tactical fix rather
what it’s been told to do. In human nature, there than addressing the root cause and tackling
are often innate rules that are followed without process changes.
conscious thought applied, and as such there is
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How do we know it’s working as intended?
Despite rigorous testing prior to deployment, it is only from seeing the robot live
in processing that you may uncover the unknowns in the production environment.
Therefore, there is a need at the post-deployment stage to review the processing
and decisions made by the robot to ensure they align with expectations. This
should be done early in deployment to allow for any correction of rules and logic to
be applied.
The PwC Process Intelligence tool is an automated way to visualise where every
transaction occurs in a process, identify process inefficiencies, bottlenecks,
control and data quality issues and identify to what extent transactions follow the
expected paths versus the actual paths.

Early consideration of governance, risk

and assurance is important to making RPA
your friend
As the adoption of RPA shifts from proof of concept, trial projects to enterprise
programs across financial institutions, the industry will need to agree upon
standards for governance, risk and assurance. As we have seen from cloud
implementations, the key to realising the business of benefits RPA is ensuring
early regulator engagement and a plan to demonstrate sound governance and risk
management over regulated data.
Within organisations there needs to be a shift from asking How can we utilise
RPA? to How does RPA impact our risk profile? Early involvement of various
corporate functions (such as compliance, risk and internal audit) is required
to ensure a balanced discussion, risk assessment and agreement on the overall
governance framework and process design.
Implemented correctly, the potential for RPA to reduce risk and improve
compliance in business operations is clear. Consideration of these factors will help
ensure that RPA is a friend.

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Confidence in your RPA Transformation
Governance- Focused
There is more to RPA than simply enabling benefits
throwing robots at issues in Engaged

operational processes. stakeholders Managed risk &


To realise the benefits, RPA

deployment must be managed
Clarity of scope Smart
with same discipline as any other and vision financing
Cyber Risk
project and the same consideration Security of data in the Transformation
interconnected business Confidence
of the IT standards that need to be ecosystem. Incident Embedded Delivery-
adopted. Our broader model of risk monitoring and
life-cycle enabling
assurance & plans
assurance is designed to give you learning

confidence in both the health of the Regulation

Ensure your RPA meets
RPA implementation project and the your regulatory
Active quality
requirements management
controls in place that ensure benefits teams

will be realised. RPA Integrated Agile change

Confidence suppliers control

Identity & Access

Management Data Governance
Effective management Protection of
of access to RPA data and its use is

Privacy and Data

Protection RPA Resilience
Cornerstone of public Ensure resilience is
trust and potential built in from the outset
competitive advantage and proven for

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Visit regularly to read our
latest thinking on Robotic Process Automation
Find out more about Robotic Process Automation by contacting us:

Morven Fulton Shane O’Sullivan Steven Rayment

+61 (3) 8603 3641 +61 (3) 8603 5333 +61 (2) 8266 1891
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

1. See regulations 88 – requirements of assurance engagement, and 249 – Contents of assurance report.
2. MAS Technology Risk Management Guidelines, regulation 6.4.2 – 6.4.4,

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sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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