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Martial Archetypes

New options for Fighter players or for NPCs

By MyRYNOrunshot
Arboreal Vanguard Arboreal Vanguard Elemental Aspects
A guardian of nature and the elements that flow through the You choose your spells from one of the lists below.
Material Plane, you have mastered ancient arts of combat Air Aspect Spells
used by champions of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Spell
Level Spells
Elemental Aspects 1st Thunderwave, Healing Word, Feather Fall, Fog
When you finish a long rest, you pick 1 of the following 4 Cloud
Aspects, which determine some of the abilities this class can
use: Air Aspect, Earth Aspect, Fire Aspect or Water Aspect. 2nd Gust of Wind, Misty Step, Dust Devil, Warding
Spellcasting 3rd Call Lightning, Wind Wall
When you reach 3rd level, you can augment your martial 4th Storm Sphere, Freedom of Movement
skills with the magic of the natural realm. See chapter 10
(PHB) for the general rules of spellcasting. and chapter 11 Earth Aspect Spells
(PHB) for the Druid spell list.
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Spell
Level Spells
Druid spell list. You learn an additional Druid cantrip of your
choice at 10th level. 1st Earth Tremor, Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns,
Preparing and Casting Spells. The Arboreal Vanguard Detect Magic
table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells 2nd Earthbind, Barkskin, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp,
of 1st level or higher. To cast one of these spells, you must Darkvision
expend a spell slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all 3rd Slow, Meld into Stone
expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of spells you know from 1 of 4 lists, 4th Stone Shape, Grasping Vine
which are detailed below. When you do, choose a number of
spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency Fire Aspect Spells
Bonus (minimum of one spell.) The spells must be of a level Spell
for which you have spell slots. Level Spells
For example, when you are 8th level, you have four 1st-level 1st Burning Hands, Searing Smite, Faerie Fire, Cure
and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 16 and a Wounds
Proficiency Bonus of 3, your list of prepared spells can
include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If 2nd Flame Blade, Scorching Ray, Branding Smite,
you prepare the 1st-level spell Ice Knife, you can cast it using
a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove 3rd Flame Arrows, Haste
it from your list of prepared spells. 4th Wall of Fire, Dimension Door
You can also change your list of prepared spells when you
finish a long rest. As a member of the Arboreal Vanguard, Water Aspect Spells
preparing a new list of spells requires time spent in prayer Spell
and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell Level Spells
on your list.
Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability 1st Ice Knife, Cure Wounds, Create or Destroy Water
for your Arboreal Vanguard spells, so you use your Wisdom 2nd Hold Person, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Spike
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In Growth, Lesser Restoration
addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the 3rd Sleet Storm, Water Walk
saving throw DC for a Arboreal Vanguard spell you cast and
when making an attack roll with one. 4th Control Water, Ice Storm
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Green Knight
Wisdom modifier At 7th level, you know the Speak with Animals spell, and it
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your does not count against the Arboreal Vanguard spells you
Wisdom modifier know.
Elemental Combatant
Beginning at 10th level, when you take damage, other than
Radiant, Necrotic, Piercing, Bludgeoning or Slashing
damage, you can use a reaction to target 1 creature within
30ft of you. The targeted creature has disadvantage on its
next saving throw against a spell you cast, and you have
advantage on your next attack against it.
Arboreal Doctrine Dragonbrand
At 15th level, depending on which Aspect you are currently You have either inherited or earned a symbol of a dragons
utilizing, you gain the following abilities. strength. If may be a gift from a powerful dragon who you are
Air Aspect: You do not suffer disadvantage with a ranged in service to, it may be stolen to better counter a dragon in
weapon attack if it is within the weapons first range combat or you may have acquired it accidently. The
increment. Dragonbrand can resemble a dragons profile, a claw, a pair of
Earth Aspect: You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage dragon wings, or a Draconic symbol.
rolls with Strength based attacks. At 3rd level, you choose one type of dragon from the list
Fire Aspect: While you are wielding a Martial Weapon, you below. The type of dragon you choose may affect the abilities
gain advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws. you gain later.
Water Aspect: You are unaffected by difficult terrain and
your walking speed increases by 10ft. Dragonbrand Colour
Dragon Damage Type
Aspect Master Black or Copper Acid
At 18th level, when you use an Action Surge, you can choose
1 spell from an Elemental Aspect Spell List, other than the Blue or Bronze Lightning
one you are currently using. Until the end of your next turn, Red, Brass or Gold Fire
you can cast the chosen spell as if you had prepared it. Green Poison
Arboreal Vanguard Spellcasting White or Silver Cold
Level Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 2 2 — — — You can use your Dragonbrand both for offence and
defence. At 3rd level, you gain access to the following
4th 2 3 — — — abilities.
5th 2 3 — — —
You can use a reaction to reduce damage you take by your
6th 2 3 — — — Charisma modifier.
7th 2 4 2 — — Once per turn, you can add your Charisma modifier to the
damage you deal with a weapon attack.
8th 2 4 2 — —
9th 2 4 2 — —
A dragon that is the same type as your Dragonbrand is
unaffected by these abilities. You can use each of these
10th 3 4 3 — — abilities a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier.
11th 3 4 3 — — You regain all uses of these abilities when you finish a Long
12th 3 4 3 — —
13th 3 4 3 2 — Draconic Aspect
14th 3 4 3 2 — At 7th level, you gain one of the following features of your
15th 3 4 3 2 — Draconic Ward. When you use your Dragonbrand to
16th 3 4 3 3 — reduce the damage you take, you gain resistance to a damage
type until the end of the turn. Additionally, if you took damage
17th 3 4 3 3 — from a melee attack and used this ability, the attacking
18th 3 4 3 3 — creature takes 1D6 damage. The damage resistance and the
19th 3 4 3 3 1 type of damage dealt is determined by your choice of
20th 3 4 3 3 1 Draconic Wrath. When you inflict damage to a creature
with your Dragonbrand, that creature also take additional
Dragon Raider damage equal to half your level (rounded down). This damage
An elite warrior, steeped in experience, who has either type is determined by your choice of Dragonbrand.
trained to slay evil dragons in the name of their home, or has
pledged their services to a draconic mentor, learning to
mimic their abilities and fight at their side.
Dragon Acolyte's Training
At 3rd level, you can speak, read and understand Draconic
and one other language of your choice.
Dragon Warrior's Tactics Epidemic Sorcery
At 10th level, you gain one of the following features of your When you pick this archetype at 3rd level, you can use dark
choice. magic to manifest a selection of plagues, viruses and other
Wing Cutter. Your melee attacks deal an additional 1D8 afflictions within yourself. These abilities have no effect on a
damage against flying targets. Each time your damage a creature that is immune to disease.
flying creature with a weapon attack, it drops 10ft. If it hits Epidemic Powers. You learn three Epidemic Powers of
the ground because of this ability, it is knocked prone. your choice, which are detailed in the "Epidemic Powers"
Storm Ruler. When you damage a creature with a melee section below. You learn one additional Epidemic Powers at
weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to latch onto that 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level. Each time you learn new
creature. While latched onto a creature this way, if a different Epidemic Powers, you can also replace one Epidemic Power
creature makes an attack against you, you can use a reaction you know with a different one.
to change the target of the attack to the creature you are You can only use each Epidemic Power that you know once
latched onto. per short or long rest.
Scale Breaker. If a creature takes damage from your Saving Throws. Some Epidemic Powers require a saving
Dragonbrand, it has disadvantage on its next saving throw. throw to resist the Powers effects. The saving throw DC is
calculated as follows:
Draconic Gift Epidemic Power save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
At 15th level, you gain one of the following features of your your Constitution modifier
Draconic Armour. While you are wearing Medium or Pox Hive
Heavy armour, or carrying a shield, you can add your Beginning at 7th level, you are unaffected by any disease
Charisma modifier to your AC. unless you choose to be affected. Additionally, you gain
Draconic Magic. You learn three cantrips of your choice resistance to Poison damage.
from the Sorcerer spell list. In addition, choose one 1st-level
spell and one 2nd-level spell from the Sorcerer spell list. You Foul Weapons
learn these spells and can cast them at their lowest level. At 10th level, any weapons you wield become possessed by
Once you cast either of them, you must finish a long rest spirits that died of due to plague and decay. When a creature
before you can cast that spell again. Charisma is your within 30ft of you fails it's saving throw against an Epidemic
spellcaster ability for these spells. Power or if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an
Draconic Breath. You gain the ability to spit a blast of Epidemic Power: You can grant a +1 bonus to the attack and
magical breath at a target within 30ft of you as a bonus damage rolls of one weapon you are wielding (max +3). While
action. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or it has this bonus, the weapon is also treated as magical.
take 5D8 damage, the damage type being determined by your This bonus lasts until your reduced to 0 hit points, or until
Dragonbrand. The DC for this breath is equal to 8 + your your next short or long rest.
Proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
Unfeeling Husk
Dragon Master's Tactics At 15th level, when you are subjected to an effect that allows
At 18th level, you gain one of the following features of your you to make a Constitution saving throw to take only half
choice. damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the
Drakekiller Dive. You gain a flying speed of 30ft. You can saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
use a bonus action to enter a special attack stance that uses
your momentum to strengthen your attacks. After you enter Pandemic Sorcery
this stance, the next attack to make deals additional damage At 18th level, you can cause mutation among your Epidemic
if you move straight towards the attack target (This includes Powers. You gain 1 of the following features of your choice.
downwards movement from falling). This additional damage Contagious Magic. When you use an Epidemic Power that
is equal to 1D6 for every 10ft you move. would target a single hostile creature, you can instead target
Winged Deathstorm Attack. You can use an action to two different creatures.
make a melee attack against every creature within your Decaying Resilience. You gain resistance to Piercing,
weapons reach. You can also further enhance these attacks, Bludgeoning or Slashing damage, whilst under the effect of
causing all of them to deal an additional 1D6 damage, the an Epidemic Power.
damage type being determined by your Dragonbrand. You can
only use this ability once per Long Rest.
Vengeance Strike. When you take damage, you can use a
reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the creature
that damaged you. If you use your Dragonbrand on this
attack, you can use it without expending a use of it.
A knight that has given their body and spirit over to dark
experimentation, either mortal or mystical. As such, they are
now host to a mass of plague and rotting diseases, which they
can bind to their foes with dark sorcery.
Epidemic Powers Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC
The Epidemic Powers are presented in alphabetical order. increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC
Corpulent Affliction. As an action, you can target one resets to 10.
creature you can see within 30ft, causing parts of its body to Parasitic Bane (10th level required). As a bonus action,
swell and deform. The target must make Constitution saving you can target one creature you can see within 30ft, and
throw, or take 2D6 Poison damage. conjure a life sucking parasite within its body. The target
Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw, it falls must make Constitution saving throw, or take 2D8 Poison
prone and it's speed is reduced to 10ft for 1 minute. The damage.
target can repeat the saving throw at the start of its turn, Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw, has
ending the effect on a success. disadvantage on a skill checks and saving throws using an
Dark Pustules. As a bonus action, you can infect yourself ability of your choice. This lasts for 1 minute. The target can
with a disease that causes growths of poisonous bile and gas repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
to cover your skin. You gain temporary hit points equal to effect on a success.
your Fighter level + 5. Scabrous Armour (7th level required). As a bonus action,
If a creature within 5ft of you hits you with a melee attack you can infect yourself with a disease that swells your flesh
while you have these hit points, they take Poison damage and fuses it to your armour. For 1 minute, you gain a +2
equal to your Fighter level + 5. bonus to AC while wearing armour.
Eldritch Pox (7th level required). As an action, you can Additionally, if you are wearing medium or heavy armour,
target one creature you can see within 30ft, causing it's skin you form a protective crust over it. When you use this ability,
and eyes to fester. The target must make Constitution saving you gain temporary hit points equal to your Fighter level.
throw, or take 6D4 Necrotic damage. Shadow Plague (10th level required). As an action, you
Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw, is also can target one creature you can see within 30ft, summoning
blinded for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw a living plague of undeath within its body. The target must
at the start of its turn, ending the effect on a success. make Constitution saving throw, or take 5D6 Poison damage.
Fetid Endurance. As a bonus action, you can infect Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw, cannot
yourself with a disease that increases your endurance. For 1 regain hit points for 1 minute, and any time it would regain
minute, you gain resistance to Poison damage. hit points, it instead takes 1D4 Necrotic damage. The target
If you were already resistant to Poison damage by some can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
means, you instead gain immunity to Poison damage and the effect on a success.
Poisoned condition. Vile Cloud (7th level required). As an action, you release
If you were already immune to Poison damage by some a burst of mucus and poisonous gas. All creatures within 10ft
means, you instead gain resistance to Piercing, Bludgeoning of you must make a Constitution saving throw or take 5D6
and Slashing damage from non-magical weapons that aren't Poison damage.
silvered, as well as the Poisoned condition.
Fever of Madness. As an action, you can target one
creature you can see within 30ft, causing it to suffer a mind
scrambling disease. The target must make Constitution
saving throw, or take 3D6 Psychic damage.
Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw, cannot
use it's reaction until the end of its next turn, and it must drop
all items it is currently holding.
Grub Infestation. As an action, you can target one
creature you can see within 30ft, conjuring a nest of maggots
inside it's body. It must make Constitution saving throw, or
take 4D6 Poison damage.
Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw, also has
disadvantage on all attacks until the end of its next turn.
Ironrot Blast (15th level required). As an action, you can
manifest a shroud of rotting energy around a creature within
30ft of you. Until the end of your next turn, the first time the
target creature is hit by a Critical Hit, it takes an additional
4D8 Acid damage.
Additionally, when it is hit, it must make a Dexterity saving
throw. On a failure, you can destroy 1 non-magical metal
weapon it is currently wielding.
Nerve Decay (10th level required). As a bonus action, you
can infect yourself with a disease that numbs your body to
pain. For 1 minute, each time you take Piercing, Bludgeoning
or Slashing damage, you can make a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw. If you succeed, you reduce the damage by half
you Fighter level (rounded down).

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