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CHEM 032 Experiment 1: Molar Mass Determination from Freezing Point Depression

Experimental Data

A. Finding the Freezing Point of Water

1. Freezing point of water-ice mixture 0 ⁰C

B. Finding the Freezing Point of a Solution of Liquid Unknown

2. Unknown Liquid # 1- methanol

3. Mass of empty 10 mL graduated cylinder 28.547 g

4. Mass of full 10 mL graduated cylinder 35.945 g

Trial 1 Trial 2

5. Freezing point of unknown liquid solution -6.9 ºC -6.8 ºC

6. Mass of empty 600 mL beaker 92.447 g 92.442 g

7. Mass of full 600 mL beaker 156.683 g 166.57 g

C. Finding the Freezing Point of a Solution of Solid Unknown

8. Unknown Solid # III sodium

9. Mass of unknown solid used 11.037 g

Trial 1 Trial 2

10. Freezing point of unknown solid solution -10.7 ºC 8.1 ºC

11. Mass of empty 600 mL beaker 92.44 g 92.447 g

12. Mass of full 600 mL beaker 162.088 g 175.432 g

TA: E01-9

B. Finding the Freezing Point of a Solution of Liquid Unknown

Trial 1 Trial 2

13. Freezing point depression, ∆𝑇𝑓 -6.68 ºC -5.78 ºC

14. Molality, 𝑚 3.59 mol/kg 3.11 mol/kg

15. Mass of liquid unknown used 64.236 g 74.128 g

16. Mass of solution 71.634 g 81.526 g

17. Mass of water 7.398 g 7.398 g

18. Mass of unknown per kilogram water g/kg g/kg

19. Molar Mass of unknown liquid g/mol g/mol

20. Average Molar Mass of unknown liquid g/mol

CHEM 032 Experiment 1: Molar Mass Determination from Name:
Freezing Point Depression

C. Finding the Freezing Point of a Solution of Solid Unknown

Trial 1 Trial 2

21. Freezing point depression, ∆𝑇𝑓 -10.08 ºC -8.48 ºC

22. Molality, 𝑚 2.71 mol/kg 2.28 mol/kg

23. Mass of solution 69.648 g 82.985 g

24. Mass of water g g

25. Mass of unknown per kilogram water g/kg g/kg

26. Molar Mass of unknown solid g/mol g/mol

27. Average Molar Mass of unknown solid g/mol

Additional Calculations and Results

28. Given the theoretical molar mass for your unknown liquid (page E01-4), and using the calculated
molar mass for your unknown liquid, calculate the relative percent error in your result versus the
theoretical value of the molar mass of the unknown liquid.

29. Given the theoretical molar mass for your unknown solid (page E01-4), and using the calculated
molar mass for your unknown solid, calculate the van’t Hoff factor, 𝑖, for your unknown solid.

Post-Lab Questions

30. A student found an experimental molar mass of 68.04 g for KBr by measuring freezing
point depression. Calculate the van’t Hoff factor and find the percent dissociation of the
Post-Lab Questions (continued)

31. MgCl2 has a theoretical van’t Hoff factor of 3 because it dissociates into three ions when
dissolved in water. The measured value of the van’t Hoff factor for MgCl2 is typically no higher
than 2.7. Explain why measured values of the van’t Hoff factors for ionic compounds are always
lower than the theoretical values.

Explain how the molar mass of the unknown would be affected if during the experiment each of the
following had happened:

32. After adding the unknown to the water-ice mixture, the mixture was not stirred before recording
the freezing point depression.

33. When separating the solution from the ice, some ice fell into the solution and was weighed with
the solution.
Results & Discussion: The main experimental result(s) should be clearly summarized and related back
to the purpose of the experiment. Should also include a brief discussion of experimental error when

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