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Nama : Emmanuel

Oke Cahyo Widiyanto

Kelas : XI Mipa 4
No.absen : 11


Complete the dialogue with the best expressions.

Ticket seller : Ticket section, good morning.

Caller : Hello. I'd like to make a reservation for tonight please.

Ticket seller : What time, Sir?

Caller : The seven o'clock show, please.

Ticket seller : Sorry, Sir. Were sold out.

Caller : What about the next show?

Ticket seller : We still have a few left for 9 p.m.

Caller : That's fine. I’ll take three.

Ticket seller : What seats do you want, Sir?

Caller : Not to close to the screen, please.

Ticket seller : Yes, Sir. In row 17. May I have you name, please?

Caller : Wang Hui.

Ticket seller : What you spell that, please?

Caller : W-A-N-G -H-U-I.

Ticket seller : See you tomorrow at the nine o’clock show, Sir.

Caller : Thank you.

Ticket seller : Youre welcome.

Fold the paper down the fold line. Students sit back-to-back or half-turned away from
each other. Practice each dialogue several times.

1. Receiver : Hello. Receiver : Yes, speaking

Caller : Hello can I speak to Riana Caller : It's birthday party and
please. you're invited to come.
Receiver : That sounds very nice. What Caller : Hello, (use your name), here
time would that be? We’re having a party at my place

Caller : Tonight.
next Friday. I wonder if you and
Receiver : Well, I have to check with my your fiancé would like to come?
fiancé of course, though I’m pretty sure
Receiver : What time would that be?
were free then. Shall I call you back?
Caller : About half past seven.
Caller : Okay, I'm waiting for you.
Receiver : Well okay, I’ll be there.
Receiver : Goodbye.
Caller : That’ll be fine. Goodbye.
Caller : Can I speak to (use you
partners name) please? Receiver : Good bye.

Receiver : It's with me, how?

2. Caller : May I speak to Joe Smith? Receiver : No one by that name lives
here. What number you’re
Receiver : Oh, It's not Joe Smith.
What number did you call?
Caller : I called 275-2064.
Caller : I’m calling 275-2063
Receiver : I’m sorry, you must have the
Receiver : That's not our number.
wrong number.
Caller : Oh, excuse me.
Caller : Oh, I'm sorry.
Receiver : No problem, That's alright.
Receiver : That’s alright.
Caller : Hello, Will I be able to talk
to Rina?

Caller : May I speak to Mr. Mason

3. Receiver : Hello.
Receiver : Who's there? Mr. Mason
again inside.
Caller : Its Dr. Smart here. Receiver : Okay.

Receiver : If I may ask again who do you Caller : Yes. May I ask who is calling?
want to talk to? Receiver: Mr. Mason's wife.

Caller : Please hold. He’ll be with you

in a minute. I'm putting you
through now
Caller : Mason and James.

4. Receiver : Redford’s Pharmacy. Receiver: Hello

Caller : Can I speak to Dr. Smith? Caller : Could I speak to Mr. Redford

Receiver : I’m sorry. He isn’t in right

now. Could you call back
later? Receiver : I'm sorry. He is'nt in ringh
now could you call back later?.
Caller : Yes of course. What Time
Will he be here? Caller : Yes of course. What time
will he be here?
Receiver : He Will be here 8 o'clock.
: About three-thirty.
Caller : Very well. Goodbye
Caller : Verry well. Good bye.

5. Receiver : Good morning. Hotel smile

please. at your hotel?

Caller : Good morning. Could you tell Receiver : Yes, they range from $25 to
me the price of double rooms $50 a night.
Caller : Which ones have a Receiver : Double rooms with bathroom
bathroom? are $50.

Receiver : Double rooms with bathroom Caller : Id like to make a reservation

are $50. for a double room with bath
for Friday 13 March.
Caller : I’d like to make a reservation
Receiver : Very well, Sir/Madam. Could
for a double room with bath I have your name please?
for Friday 13 March.
Caller : Anisa
Receiver : Verry well, madam. Could I
Receiver : Could you spell that, please?
have your name, please?.
Caller : A-N-I-S-A.
Caller : (state your name)
Receiver : (repeat the name). A double
Receiver : (Repeat the name). A Double
room with bath at $50 for
room with bath at $50 for
Friday 13 March.
Friday 13 March.
Caller : Thank you Verry much. Good
Caller : Thank you very much.
Receiver : Goodbye.
Receiver : Hotel Golden Palace.

Caller : Good morning could you tell

me the price of Double
rooms at your hotel?

Receiver : Yes, they range from $25 to

$50 a night.

Caller : Which one's have a

Ayo berlatih!


1. What is the leaflet about?

2. What should people do to save the earth?
3. “Let’s save the earth” What does the word let’s refer to?
4. Why does the writer persuade the readers to ride bike?

Answer :

1. The leaflet about is Global Warming.

2. People have to do to save the earth is plant trees, ride your bike, reduce the smoke
of motorcycle, cars and factories.
3. The world let's refer to stop Global Warming.
4. The writer persuade the readers to ride bike because bikes doesn't release smoke,
unlike motorcycle.
Kegiatan Belajar 2.

1. What is the message?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. What is the type of functional text above?
Answer :

1. The message is reduce smoke and do it greening.

2. The purpose of the text is so that we reduce smoke and do greening.
3. The type of functional text above ia poster.

Ayo Berlatih!

Read the poster below. Answer the following questions

1. What is the poster about?

2. Why do you think the designer divided the picture into two?
3. What is shown by the picture at the left side?
4. What is shown by the picture at the right side?

Answer :

1. The poster about Global Warming.

2. The designer divided the picture into two because the designer want to tell about
how Global Warming destroyed our eart and its Medan like "before and after"
global warming.
3. The picture at the left side tell us about the beautiful earth without global
4. The picture at the right side tell us about the broken earth caused by global

Kegiatan Belajar 3.

1. What is the poster about?

2. How is the picture?
3. How is the sentence?

Answer :

1. The poster about saving electricity.

2. The picture is good and easy to understand.
3. The sentence is short, concise, and clear.
Unit Kegiatan Belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Kerjakan di buku kerja masing-masing....

Read the text below and answer the questions

1. What is the poster about?

2. What is the purpose of the poster?
3. Why do we save water?
4. What will happen when we do not save water?

Answer :

1. The poster about save water for future.

2. The purpose of the poster is so that we save water.
3. Because so that the water doesn't run out quickly and we don't experience drought.
4. we will experience drought and can even cause death due to lack of water.

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