Times Are Changing: English Written Test-Module 8

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Name:________________________________Nr: ___ Class: __________ Date: _________

Mark: __________________________ Teacher:_________________

Read the text carefully:


A- Find synonyms in the text for the following words ( Paragraphs 1 /2):

1- Direction_______________
2- Essential_______________
3- Discover_______________
4- Employer_____________
5- During_______________

B- Answer the following questions carefully:

1. What kind of qualifications do you need nowadays?


2. What are employers looking for to their companies?


C- Decide which type of jobs are these? Blue, White, Green, Black or Gold Collar
1. Plumber________________
2. Oil Rig Worker________________
3. Lawyer_____________
4. Scientist___________
5. Electrician___________
6. painter_______________
7. Solar panel technician_____________
8. doctor______________

D- Match the words with the definitions:

1. Pursue a) Benefits
2. Apprenticeship b) Follow
3. Skills c) Work experience and formal studying
4. Perks d) abilities

5. Assessment e) What you pay for being at a university
6. Fee f) Exams

1 2 3 4 5 6

Complete the text with the words in the box. (10  1,5 p)
efficiency working difference benefits flexibility
productivity commute driving change

Benefits of telecommuting for the future of work

A decade ago, working from home may have seemed like a distant dream.
Today, it’s the future of work. Millennials are the a.__________________ force
for this shift in the workforce. They want to work from home and they prefer
remote work to traditional b.__________________ modes. As more companies
adopt telecommuting practices, the c.__________________ are very clear. No
longer is remote work about working on a beach, there’s a complete
d.__________________ in how we approach the way we work. Here are the
benefits and reasons why we should embrace e.__________________ and
remote work.
With none of the distractions of a traditional office setting,
telecommuting drives up employee f.__________________. It allows workers to
take advantage of their time in the day and adjust to their mental and
physical well-being needs which optimises g.__________________. Removing
something as simple as a twenty-minute h.__________________ to work can
make a world of i.__________________. If you are ill, telecommuting allows you
to recover faster without being forced to be in the office.
www.forbes.com (adapted; accessed in January 2019)


A- Complete the following sentences using the Conjunctions in the box.

Both...and Not only...but also Either ... or Neither...nor

1. My friend is going __________to university__________to a vocational course. He

wants to get a job.
2. There are some students who are ___________good at Maths _______Physics.

3. __________Anne________Carol want to do further studies to apply for university.
4. Being an Erasmus student allows you ____________to live in a different culture
______________to meet very nice people.

B- Choose the correct preposition of movement in each sentence.

1. The elevator didn’t work, so we had to walk ____________ the stairs to the 15th
a) through b) around c) up
2. I flew to San Francisco again. I’m always ______________home.
a) away from b) away along c) away around
3. We got ____________ the car immediately.
a) towards b) out of c) over
4. You must walk ____________ the bridge to get to the other side.
a) down b) across c) along
5. She ran ____________ the building as the rain was heavy.
a) into b) up c) on

Complete the covering letter for the apprenticeship below with the missing information:



I am writing to apply for the __________________summer apprenticeship position that

was listed on your website.
I am a_______________ ____________________finishing my___________
____________in the area of_____________. Last summer, I worked in AKI shop as a shop

assistant, and I assisted the public in the area of electricity. My manager liked me very
much, because I was dedicated to the customers.
I am sure I would be a ________________member of your team. This apprenticeship is the
ideal________________to apply my knowledge and gain experience.



Electrician Apprenticeship
Contact: Paul Frogmore
120, High street, Kent, England

B. What are your plans for the future and why? What skills do you think are
important to have? (100)








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