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Includes The Holmes

Report 250 Global
Agency Rankings

The International
Communications Consultancy
Organisation (ICCO) is the global NETWORKS ACROSS
voice of the public relations
and communications industry. 66 COUNTRIES
Through our network of 41
associations, representing PR
and communications agencies
in 66 countries, ICCO members
strive to shape the future of
communications by improving AND RESEARCH
professional standards and
tackling collective issues
Engage with ICCO to forge
international partnerships EVENTS
and join a global network of
communications agencies.
100S OF
82 Great Suffolk Street DEVELOPMENT AND
Rob Morbin
General Manager, ICCO
[email protected] INTERNATIONAL


2 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Opinium Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The Holmes report rankings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Global results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Growth and opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Talent and challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Digital trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Measurement and evaluation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Client requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Regional results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Africa and Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Asia-Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Latin America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
North America .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Eastern Europe .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Western Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
C-Suite Corporate Reputation Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Directory of ICCO Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 3


The ICCO World PR Report is the CEOs continue to invest in corporate

definitive analysis of the state of the reputation, embracing the fact that
PR industry. Drawing on responses their most valuable asset is their
from the 3,000 agency heads reputation. And this is true in every
operating in ICCO’s 41 member region of the world. Marketing spend
Associations, this report provides continues to move towards our
not just global data but regional industry, and away from other ones.
data too. It offers agency leaders Agencies are offering services which
the insight they need to drive their traditionally were the preserve of
businesses forward, and offers their other disciplines. And our industry
Associations insight into the services is meeting clients’ digital needs with
they need to be providing. skill and with results.
Frankly, these are the core factors
Francis Ingham So what can we learn that we have identified for some
CHIEF EXECUTIVE, ICCO years now. So this analysis provides
from this report? no novelty. But it does provide
a great deal of certainty and
Quite remarkably, the net percentage
As 2020 approaches, of agency heads expecting 2020
confidence about the future. Long-
term factors are at play, working to
the global PR industry to be more profitable that 2019 our advantage. I see no prospect of
is exactly the same percentage
faces the future in fine as reported last year that 2019
this situation changing. Therefore
there is every likelihood that the
shape. would beat 2018. And as last optimism and the growth that have
year, this optimism is true in every been the hallmarks of so many years
Growth, optimism, and profitability region of the world bar none. True in the past will be the hallmarks of
have become the norm. The industry consistency! many years in the future.
has transformed itself, embracing Secondly, every region expects the There are however some noteworthy
new skills and new methods of market to grow, with North America recent developments since last year.
communicating. The revolutionisation topping the optimism charts. The shift towards strategic advice
of business, society, and politics that
is accelerating. I am convinced
the digital landscape has effected
has played to our strengths. What is floating this that there will always and in every
region of the world be a place for
buoyancy? tactical delivery, and old-school
In short, PR stands tall.
media relations. But… our industry
There are several clearly discernible definitely takes a more strategic role
trends here. with every passing year. The top
two expected areas of growth are
strategic consultancy and corporate
reputation – excellent news.

4 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

The other striking development is the Over a sustained period of time, Members around the world have
rise of purpose. In every region of the AMEC has raised standards of spoken of this issue at event after
world – and most pronounced in the evaluation all around the world. event. And we will now double down
UK and North America – corporate Year after year, the numbers show on it as an area where ICCO must
purpose has moved up the agenda. that it is eroding poor measurement make a stand.
We saw it in Cannes, and we saw practice. That its tools are being
it at the ICCO Global Summit. The adopted by an increasingly large
concept of value-driven purpose is number of practitioners. And that
To end on two
here in a big way for our industry. its message is being heard and optimistic notes.

What are the This year’s numbers represent We asked respondents if they
thought that the industry operates
a milestone. For the first time, a
challenges? majority of respondents say that they ethically. The answers were
do not ever use AVEs. We should surprisingly consistent, and very
Talent remains number one. celebrate this fact. positive. They back up our belief
that ours in an overwhelmingly
Though all regions of the world There have been declines in AVE ethical, professional industry. One
except one say that there is a usage in all but one region. And they that takes action when things
plentiful supply of talent, we simply are rapidly approaching extinction in go wrong. The actions of the UK
do not attract and retain enough of North America and the UK. PRCA against Bell Pottinger in
it. At every level of the industry, and
But there is more to be done. And 2017, and the subsequent ICCO
in every region of the world, we have
our focus must be on educating Helsinki Declaration have thrown the
a talent problem. And in two regions
clients. 75% of respondents who spotlight on ethics. That spotlight is
– North America and the UK – this is
do use AVEs explain that it is at the here to stay, and it is a good thing
compounded by a failure to reflect
request of their clients. And that is a for our industry.
the demographics of the consumers,
customers, and publics with whom consistent picture region-by-region. Finally, there are most certainly
we interact. Globally, only 13% of agencies plenty of challenges lying ahead of
that use AVEs do so because our industry. And they all need to
The reason we fail to recruit and they are their preferred evaluation be accepted. But greater than the
retain the very best is perfectly method. So agencies are handing challenges are the opportunities.
simple – we do not pay enough. And over metrics that they know to be And our industry faces both the
we do not pay enough because we meaningless. And hence our work challenges and the opportunities
charge clients too little. At the heart with AMEC will continue. from a position of enormous and
of this is our consistent failure to
The other unsettling finding we growing strength.
adequately measure the effect of our
work. And our failure, therefore, to would highlight is fake news. A
charge appropriately for the results majority of agency heads agree that
that we deliver. it is becoming difficult to differentiate
between real news and fake news.
This long-term failure explains For an industry that has such a
the importance we attach to our symbiotic relationship with the news
relationship with AMEC. media, this is concerning.

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 5



We were delighted to be asked When it comes to skills that will

to partner on the ICCO World be most relevant for PR execs to
PR Report this year – a vital tool possess over the next decade,
to help PR leaders navigate the ‘Research, insight and planning’ and
everchanging business landscape. ‘Data, measurement and analytics’
clearly come out on top. However,
Overall the PR industry is excited only 22% are currently expecting
about the future, with high levels of to source their talent from research
optimism about growth of the PR analytics this year; this could be
market, with this optimism increasing indicative of a potential change
the most amongst those in North needed in talent sourcing strategy in
America. The areas expected to order to recruit individuals with these
grow include strategic consulting research and analytical skills.
James Endersby and corporate reputation, and IT and
tech as a sector is also expected to The PR industry is doing well to
grow over the next 5 years (60%). anticipate the upcoming changes;
Times are changing, technology is however, this anticipation needs to
advancing, and PR is anticipating be translated into strategy change in
these changes. order to get ahead of the curve. We
hope you find this report a valuable
tool in assisting you with navigating
“Overall the PR this changing business landscape.
industry is excited
about the future”

OPINIUM is an award winning strategic insight agency built on the belief that in a world of
uncertainty and complexity, success depends on the ability to stay on pulse of what people
think, feel and do. Creative and inquisitive, we are passionate about empowering our clients to
make the decisions that matter. We work with organisations to define and overcome strategic
challenges – helping them to get to grips with the world in which their brands operate. We use
the right approach and methodology to deliver robust insights, strategic counsel and targeted
recommendations that generate change and positive outcomes. | [email protected] | +44 (0)207 566 3190

6 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



1 1 Edelman USA 888,405,000 893,591,000 5,618 -0.6% -0.6%
2 2 Weber Shandwick USA 840,000,000 800,000,000 5.0% 5.0%
3 N/A BCW USA 723,000,000 709,000,000 2.0% 2.0%
4 3 FleishmanHillard USA 605,000,000 570,000,000 6.1% 6.1%
5 4 Ketchum USA 545,000,000 550,000,000 -0.9% -0.9%
6 6 MSL France 450,000,000 460,000,000 2,271 -2.2% -2.2%
7 7 Hill+Knowlton Strategies USA 400,000,000 400,000,000 0.0% 0.0%
8 8 Ogilvy USA 388,000,000 354,000,000 9.6% 9.6%
9 9 BlueFocus China 336,372,995 321,849,607 4.5% 10.8%
10 11 Brunswick UK 280,000,000 260,000,000 7.7% 7.7%
11 11 Golin USA 245,000,000 240,000,000 2.1% 2.1%
12 13 MC Group Germany 226,753,212 221,261,986 1,139 2.5% 7.9%
13 15 FTI Consulting USA 223,331,000 192,488,000 641 16.0% 16.0%
14 14 Havas PR France 200,000,000 215,000,000 1,500 -7.0% -7.0%
15 16 Vector Inc. Japan 188,000,000 146,000,000 923 28.8% 28.8%
16 17 W2O Group USA 177,500,000 144,300,000 651 23.0% 23.0%
17 N/A ICF Next USA 157,823,000 150,613,000 4.8% 4.8%
18 18 APCO Worldwide USA 134,136,700 128,394,000 783 4.5% 4.5%
19 20 Teneo Holdings UK 130,000,000 120,000,000 750 8.3% 8.3%
20 19 Sunny Side Up Inc Japan 127,693,699 123,924,592 364 3.0% 3.0%
21 23 WE Communications USA 126,600,000 110,400,000 870 14.7% 14.7%
22 22 Finsbury USA 125,000,000 115,000,000 250 8.7% 8.7%
23 20 Porter Novelli USA 120,000,000 120,000,000 0.0% 0.0%
24 26 Avenir Global Canada 98,200,000 79,300,000 838 23.8% 23.8%
25 25 Finn Partners USA 88,114,075 81,875,948 617 7.6% 7.6%
26 24 Syneos Health USA 85,000,000 85,000,000 370 0.0% 0.0%
27 27 Archetype USA 74,000,000 82,000,000 605 -9.8% -9.8%
28 31 Zeno Group USA 73,373,239 64,610,784 481 13.6% 13.6%
29 28 Ruder Finn USA 70,500,000 68,000,000 603 3.7% 3.7%
30 33 ICR USA 70,000,000 63,000,000 190 11.1% 11.1%
30 35 Marina Maher Communications USA 70,000,000 62,500,000 165 12.0% 12.0%
32 33 Allison+Partners USA 68,000,000 63,000,000 460 7.9% 7.9%
33 32 FSB Comunicacoes Brazil 67,860,000 64,494,218 639 5.2% 21.4%
34 44 GCI Health USA 67,000,000 48,000,000 200 39.6% 39.6%
35 29 FischerAppelt Germany 66,690,000 65,880,000 504 1.2% 6.6%
36 30 Hopscotch Group France 62,469,720 65,160,000 533 -4.1% 0.9%
37 41 Hering Schuppener Germany 61,744,680 52,974,000 199 16.6% 22.7%
38 50 SKD Knickerbocker USA 60,000,000 43,000,000 115 39.5% 39.5%
39 46 H&H Group Sweden 55,550,000 46,170,120 470 20.3% 31.3%
40 36 Lewis UK 55,296,000 62,370,000 370 -11.3% -6.5%
41 39 Freuds UK 55,010,000 55,350,000 245 -0.6% -0.6%
42 37 PMK*BNC USA 53,000,000 58,000,000 300 -8.6% -8.6%
42 42 DKC Public Relations USA 53,000,000 52,800,000 250 0.4% 0.4%
44 52 Prosek Partners USA 50,346,047 41,680,345 161 20.8% 20.8%
45 N/A Joele Frank USA 50,000,000 N/A 120 N/A N/A
46 43 Instinctif Partners UK 49,920,000 52,516,350 428 -4.9% 0.3%
47 40 Grayling UK 49,024,000 56,295,000 -12.9% -8.2%
48 57 Kyodo Public Relations Japan 47,853,000 39,411,000 240 21.4% 21.4%
49 49 LLYC Spain 45,327,150 42,954,000 564 5.5% 5.5%
50 48 Dentsu Public Relations Japan 45,000,000 45,000,000 270 0.0% 0.0%

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 7



51 47 Kreab UK/Sweden 43,320,000 45,442,800 400 -4.7% 0.3%
52 37 MWWPR USA 42,584,020 40,092,325 188 6.2% 6.2%
53 45 Newgate Communications UK 41,791,747 47,622,237 221 -12.2% -7.4%
54 51 Four Communications Group UK 40,947,284 42,423,492 285 -3.5% 1.8%
55 53 PRAP Japan Japan 40,000,000 41,500,000 283 -3.6% -3.6%
56 59 M Booth USA 39,769,636 33,935,533 182 17.2% 17.2%
57 54 Portland Communications UK 39,680,000 40,500,000 200 -2.0% 3.3%
58 75 SEC Spa Italy 38,567,007 33,800,560 188 14.1% 20.1%
59 61 Hotwire UK 36,879,576 33,294,505 264 10.8% 10.8%
60 56 DeVries Global USA 36,000,000 40,000,000 207 -10.0% -10.0%
60 65 Carmichael Lynch Relate USA 36,000,000 30,300,000 18.8% 18.8%
62 58 Grupo Inpress Brazil 35,856,302 34,650,602 538 3.5% 3.5%
63 77 CYTS-LINKAGE China 35,580,815 26,356,159 310 35.0% 35.0%
64 69 5W Public Relations USA 35,251,222 29,239,498 146 20.6% 20.6%
65 62 The Outcast Agency USA 35,000,000 33,000,000 6.1% 6.1%
66 62 Global Strategy Group USA 34,000,000 33,000,000 100 3.0% 3.0%
67 70 Adfactors PR India 33,810,000 28,290,000 700 19.5% 19.5%
68 60 Oliver Schrott Kommunikation Germany 33,174,000 33,907,200 250 -2.2% 3.0%
69 83 Spectrum USA 32,900,000 24,000,000 114 37.1% 37.1%
70 68 Prain Global Korea 30,696,234 29,756,562 214 3.2% 3.2%
71 73 G&S Business Communications USA 30,480,000 27,275,329 182 11.7% 11.7%
72 71 Coyne PR USA 30,000,000 28,000,000 133 7.1% 7.1%
73 72 Farner Consulting Switzerland 29,769,083 27,396,180 145 8.7% 14.4%
74 74 Fahlgren Mortine USA 29,632,896 26,975,583 208 9.9% 9.9%
75 80 French/West/Vaughan USA 29,280,490 25,241,802 113 16.0% 16.0%
76 67 Citigate Dewe Rogerson UK 28,032,000 29,970,000 -6.5% -1.4%
77 79 Serviceplan PR Group Germany 27,451,200 25,476,000 174 7.8% 13.4%
78 82 Interel Belgium 26,513,000 24,130,000 193 9.9% 9.9%
79 86 ATREVIA Spain 26,416,098 23,709,800 352 11.4% 17.3%
80 81 MHP Communications UK 25,344,000 24,526,793 3.3% 9.0%
81 85 Jackson Spalding USA 25,000,000 23,434,937 140 6.7% 6.7%
82 87 Strategic Public Relations Group Hong Kong 24,800,000 23,400,000 289 6.0% 6.0%
83 78 Health Unlimited US 24,267,133 25,890,471 102 -6.3% -6.3%
84 89 Kivvit USA 24,220,353 22,313,223 70 8.5% 8.5%
85 101 Hanover UK 24,192,000 19,440,000 165 24.4% 31.3%
86 84 Rud Pedersen Sweden 24,000,000 23,546,000 133 1.9% 1.9%
86 88 Hunter Public Relations USA 24,000,000 22,500,000 116 6.7% 6.7%
88 91 Sopexa France 23,798,640 21,112,800 211 12.7% 18.7%
89 96 M&C Saatchi Sport & UK 23,040,000 20,464,032 160 12.6% 18.7%
90 98 Havas Formula USA 22,324,063 20,001,606 110 11.6% 11.6%
91 116 Imre USA 21,940,000 16,340,000 133 34.3% 34.3%
92 92 achtung! Germany 21,801,360 21,090,000 149 3.4% 8.8%
93 103 PR One South Korea 21,057,348 19,185,774 150 9.8% 9.8%
94 90 Taylor USA 20,900,000 22,200,000 100 -5.9% -5.9%
95 64 Racepoint Global USA 20,876,000 25,074,000 96 -16.7% -16.7%
96 99 Faktor 3 Germany 20,748,000 19,680,000 211 5.4% 11.0%
97 95 Barabino & Partners Italy 20,200,800 20,580,000 105 -1.8% 3.3%
98 N/A Gullers Grupp Sweden 20,185,770 17,898,120 147 12.8% 23.0%
99 111 Crosby USA 20,111,007 17,287,799 80 16.3% 16.3%
100 110 PAN Communications USA 19,893,729 17,741,700 136 12.1% 12.1%

8 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



101 93 Geelmuyden.Kiese Group Norway 19,727,866 21,040,320 155 -6.2% -3.0%
102 105 LaunchSquad USA 19,284,304 19,001,464 114 1.5% 1.5%
103 107 Brands2Life UK 19,128,191 17,832,564 136 7.3% 7.3%
104 108 Levick Strategic USA 18,000,000 18,500,000 70 -2.7% -2.7%
105 112 Highwire USA 17,901,420 17,019,031 74 5.2% 5.2%
106 115 InkHouse USA 17,500,000 16,400,000 114 6.7% 6.7%
107 97 Exposure UK 17,280,000 20,250,000 -14.7% -10.0%
107 106 Iris Culture UK 17,280,000 18,900,000 97 -8.6% -3.6%
109 109 The Red Consultancy UK 16,896,000 18,495,000 140 -8.6% -3.6%
110 128 Praytell USA 16,500,000 10,675,000 106 54.6% 54.6%
111 141 DNA Communications USA 16,400,000 12,000,000 100 36.7% 36.7%
112 N/A Mazarine Asia Pacific Hong Kong 16,384,000 10,700,800 58 53.1% 53.1%
113 119 TRACCS Saudi Arabia 16,054,000 15,000,000 200 7.0% 7.0%
114 114 Mitchell USA 16,000,000 16,700,000 66 -4.2% -4.2%
115 N/A V+O Greece 15,977,100 14,220,000 110 12.4% 18.3%
116 123 Pegasus UK 15,675,875 14,617,140 135 7.2% 13.1%
117 100 Mikhailov & Partners Russia 15,407,143 20,782,115 192 -25.9% -10.0%
118 117 Proof Canada 15,111,535 16,248,113 113 -7.0% 1.9%
119 190 Walker Sands USA 14,886,412 9,650,014 114 54.3% 54.3%
120 150 Day One Agency USA 14,751,905 11,147,061 60 32.3% 32.3%
121 118 Haebmau Germany 14,706,000 15,960,000 143 -7.9% -3.0%
122 137 Bateman Group USA 14,499,420 12,447,340 70 16.5% 16.5%
123 171 Headland Consultancy UK 14,116,294 9,569,466 72 47.5% 55.6%
124 122 Maitland UK 14,080,000 14,850,000 53 -5.2% 0.0%
125 143 rbb Communications USA 14,054,774 11,919,171 74 17.9% 17.9%
126 126 Spark USA 14,000,000 13,500,000 60 3.7% 3.7%
127 121 Lansons UK 13,867,206 14,964,422 104 -7.3% -2.3%
128 131 Current Marketing USA 13,747,500 12,861,000 56 6.9% 6.9%
129 133 The Hoffman Agency USA 13,665,000 12,722,000 150 7.4% 7.4%
130 N/A CROS Russia 13,458,180 11,048,789 120 21.8% 21.8%
131 N/A Faktenkontor Germany 13,224,000 7,572,000 85 74.6% 83.8%
132 132 Exponent PR USA 13,200,000 12,800,000 55 3.1% 3.1%
133 146 Powerscourt UK 12,672,000 10,800,000 53 17.3% 23.8%
134 134 Wellcom France 12,540,000 12,600,000 107 -0.5% 4.8%
135 151 KPR & Associates South Korea 12,218,982 11,138,544 104 9.7% 9.7%
136 125 M&C Saatchi PR UK 12,160,000 13,901,304 -12.5% -7.7%
137 135 TogoRun USA 12,000,000 12,500,000 65 -4.0% -4.0%
137 140 RF|Binder USA 12,000,000 12,100,000 55 -0.8% -0.8%
137 129 Sloane & Company USA 12,000,000 12,000,000 19 0.0% 0.0%
137 144 Evoke PR & Influence UK 12,000,000 11,800,000 50 1.7% 1.7%
141 136 A&B One Germany 11,970,000 12,480,000 67 -4.1% 1.0%
142 154 Method Communications USA 11,935,285 10,886,975 65 9.6% 9.6%
143 166 Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock USA 11,591,239 9,840,073 36 17.8% 17.8%
144 138 F&H Communications Germany 11,514,000 12,360,000 60 -6.8% -1.9%
145 159 Marco de Comunicacion Spain 11,472,432 10,000,602 120 14.7% 20.8%
146 139 Action Global Communications Cyprus 11,275,766 12,277,198 278 -8.2% -8.2%
147 164 C+C USA 11,153,672 9,902,839 70 12.6% 12.6%
148 N/A Mower United States 11,100,000 12,922,389 42 -14.1% -14.1%
148 214 Diplomat Group Sweden 11,100,000 6,200,000 88 79.0% 79.0%
150 148 Davies USA 11,000,000 11,416,316 35 -3.6% -3.6%

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 9



150 160 Kwittken USA 11,000,000 10,000,000 70 10.0% 10.0%
150 168 Bliss Integrated USA 11,000,000 9,600,000 55 14.6% 14.6%
153 145 Lift World Portugal 10,777,045 9,973,824 78 8.1% 13.7%
154 147 Makovsky USA 10,409,000 11,696,000 48 -11.0% -11.0%
155 168 Kyne Ireland 10,400,000 9,600,000 48 8.3% 8.3%
156 163 LVT Group Netherlands 10,317,000 9,913,200 85 4.1% 9.6%
157 331 Good Relations UK 10,240,000 9,450,000 75 8.4% 14.3%
157 183 Citypress UK 10,240,000 8,363,724 92 22.4% 29.1%
159 165 Murphy O'Brien USA 10,170,481 9,887,638 50 2.9% 2.9%
160 198 Lambert USA 10,055,000 7,610,000 55 32.1% 32.1%
161 160 GoodIdea Media China 10,000,000 10,000,000 100 0.0% 0.0%
161 160 DCI USA 10,000,000 10,000,000 50 0.0% 0.0%
161 179 Gregory FCA USA 10,000,000 9,000,000 74 11.1% 11.1%
164 181 JeffreyGroup USA 9,975,712 8,146,857 157 22.4% 22.4%
165 152 Veritas Canada 9,855,000 11,040,000 72 -10.7% -2.2%
166 184 360PR+ USA 9,738,953 8,343,690 57 16.7% 16.7%
167 168 First House Norway 9,690,000 9,600,000 34 0.9% 6.3%
168 167 W UK 9,600,000 9,702,252 94 -1.1% 4.4%
169 180 Grupo CDI Brazil 9,580,000 8,655,000 200 10.7% 10.7%
170 188 MP&F Public Relations USA 9,541,632 8,123,099 70 17.5% 17.5%
171 N/A Argyle Public Relationships Canada 9,491,736 5,433,777 76 74.7% 91.4%
172 173 Jeschenko MedienAgentur Germany 9,393,600 9,468,000 44 -0.8% 4.4%
173 174 NJF USA 9,376,703 9,279,419 55 1.0% 1.0%
174 201 Cicero Group UK 9,313,350 7,290,000 69 27.8% 34.7%
175 175 JPA Health Communications USA 9,264,491 9,182,471 47 0.9% 0.9%
176 158 SenateSHJ New Zealand 9,227,308 10,058,000 54 -8.3% -8.3%
177 331 furrerhugi. Switzerland 9,032,767 8,310,625 38 8.7% 10.8%
178 176 Saxum USA 9,000,000 9,150,941 51 -1.6% -1.6%
179 197 Hope&Glory UK 8,990,755 7,677,173 71 17.1% 23.5%
180 156 TVC Group UK 8,960,000 10,354,576 51 -13.5% -8.7%
181 177 Narva Sweden 8,855,000 9,096,000 41 -2.6% 6.2%
182 155 Rasky Partners USA 8,600,000 10,476,319 32 -17.9% -17.9%
183 186 Lou Hammond Group USA 8,478,506 8,152,410 40 4.0% 4.0%
184 187 Greentarget USA 8,467,313 8,134,581 32 4.1% 4.1%
185 210 90TEN UK 8,448,227 6,710,517 58 25.9% 32.8%
186 200 Harvard UK 8,223,717 7,307,820 68 12.5% 18.7%
187 209 Nelson Bostock Unlimited UK 8,064,000 6,750,000 19.5% 26.0%
188 208 Infinite Global USA 8,060,159 7,025,527 38 14.7% 14.7%
189 206 LDWW USA 8,042,792 7,033,275 26 14.4% 14.4%
190 215 Vested USA 8,014,000 6,171,277 39 29.9% 29.9%
191 N/A JIN France 7,980,000 6,660,000 65 19.8% 26.1%
192 141 Merritt Group USA 7,900,000 7,500,000 37 5.3% 5.3%
193 N/A Sassy UK 7,877,743 7,581,248 42 3.9% 9.6%
194 191 komm.passion Germany 7,866,000 7,920,000 60 -0.7% 4.5%
195 149 Max Borges Agency USA 7,771,854 6,622,973 48 17.3% 17.3%
196 N/A BECG UK 7,751,163 5,717,805 63 35.6% 43.0%
197 N/A CG Life USA 7,750,000 7,001,500 44 10.7% 10.7%
198 235 Singer Associates USA 7,690,997 5,201,357 19 47.9% 47.9%
199 196 Fink & Fuchs Germany 7,666,500 7,682,400 77 -0.2% 5.0%
200 193 Approach Brazil 7,468,460 7,417,078 154 0.7% 0.7%
201 193 Thomas Marko & Associes France 7,410,000 7,800,000 36 -5.0% 0.0%

10 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



202 182 Frank UK 7,372,136 8,393,427 47 -12.2% -7.4%
203 N/A Pierpont Communications USA 7,341,277 7,175,197 31 2.3% 2.3%
204 172 AMI Communications Czech Republic 7,333,620 9,538,405 85 -23.1% -19.1%
205 331 Manifest UK 7,130,316 5,069,261 40 40.7% 48.4%
206 203 EMG The Netherlands 7,056,600 6,960,000 44 1.4% 6.7%
207 N/A Blumberry Germany 6,976,800 7,236,000 50 -3.6% 1.5%
208 N/A ORCA Agenturgruppe Germany 6,942,600 7,656,000 55 -9.3% -4.5%
209 N/A RPMA Comunicaçao Brazil 6,890,000 7,440,000 90 -7.4% 6.9%
210 N/A Klenk & Hoursch Germany 6,885,600 6,384,000 53 7.9% 13.5%
211 211 Evercom Spain 6,805,800 6,674,760 68 2.0% 7.3%
212 207 Mischief UK 6,805,120 7,047,000 65 -3.4% 1.8%
213 213 Eulogy! UK 6,538,675 6,330,783 50 3.3% 8.9%
214 212 Octopus Group UK 6,534,400 6,399,000 54 2.1% 7.7%
215 233 Tact Intelligence-conseil Canada 6,523,000 5,340,000 67 22.2% 22.2%
216 222 PLMR UK 6,203,237 5,868,420 50 5.7% 11.5%
217 216 Kirchhoff Consult Germany 6,112,834 5,850,900 61 4.5% 4.5%
218 226 Partner of Promotion Sp. zo.o. Poland 6,027,000 5,666,600 65 6.4% 6.4%
219 N/A Reputation Partners USA 5,800,000 4,200,000 27 38.1% 38.1%
220 231 Red Lorry Yellow Lorry UK 5,760,000 5,400,000 28 6.7% 12.5%
221 267 Monet + Associes France 5,739,900 4,854,000 45 18.3% 24.5%
222 216 Trigger Oslo Norway 5,700,000 6,000,000 45 -5.0% 0.0%
222 N/A Piabo PR Germany 5,700,000 3,720,000 31 53.2% 61.3%
224 227 CP/compartner Germany 5,677,200 5,652,000 63 0.4% 5.7%
225 231 Konnect Public Relations USA 5,667,750 5,412,953 33 4.7% 4.7%
226 N/A Sam Brown Inc. USA 5,621,644 4,798,695 1 17.1% 17.1%
227 225 Tunheim USA 5,582,381 5,747,453 28 -2.9% -2.9%
228 224 Seven Hills UK 5,520,346 5,813,455 45 -5.0% 0.2%
229 250 Whyte Corporate Affairs Belgium 5,510,000 4,770,000 29 15.5% 15.5%
230 220 Meropa Communications South Africa 5,460,000 5,920,000 90 -7.8% 5.4%
231 236 Kaltwasser Kommunikation Germany 5,415,000 5,196,000 42 4.2% 9.7%
231 N/A LoeschHundLiepold Germany 5,415,000 4,980,000 44 8.7% 14.5%
233 234 Dukas Linden Public Relations USA 5,409,000 5,288,000 23 2.3% 2.3%
234 221 Aspectus UK 5,376,000 6,260,000 42 -14.1% 16.7%
235 240 SHAN France 5,358,000 5,040,000 37 6.3% 11.9%
235 331 Kingcom France 5,358,000 5,400,000 38 -0.8% 4.4%
237 287 The Bulleit Group USA 5,350,000 3,350,000 27 59.7% 59.7%
238 N/A Segmenta Communications Germany 5,323,800 5,088,000 51 4.6% 10.1%
239 N/A Cannings Purple Australia 5,312,731 5,187,654 33 2.4% 14.1%
240 238 The Academy UK 5,248,000 5,153,198 41 1.8% 7.4%
241 242 Hawkins International Public USA 5,200,000 5,007,837 34 3.8% 3.8%
242 251 Threepipe Communications UK 5,194,240 4,257,900 81 22.0% 28.7%
243 253 Whiteoaks International UK 5,165,480 4,651,871 37 11.0% 17.1%
244 N/A The SPI Group USA 5,100,000 5,400,000 33 -5.6% -5.6%
245 230 Pro-Vision Communications Russia 5,066,598 5,447,954 75 -7.0% -7.0%
246 N/A Jones PR USA 5,042,285 3,804,678 19 32.5% 32.5%
247 274 EM Russia 5,000,000 4,000,000 24 25.0% 25.0%
248 245 Clockwork Media South Africa 4,950,000 4,959,000 98 -0.2% -0.2%
249 N/A Clarity PR USA 4,937,945 3,357,967 35 47.1% 47.1%
250 N/A Communication Consultants Germany 4,902,000 4,800,000 42 2.1% 7.5%
251 N/A Ballou UK 4,884,239 4,730,418 39 3.3% 8.9%

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 11

These results are based on findings from an online survey
conducted between July and September 2019.
291 PR leaders were surveyed, including 179 CEOs/ MDs/ Owners.
Surveys were conducted across the following regions:

Africa and the Middle East * United Kingdom

Asia-Pacific North America
Eastern Europe Latin America *
Western Europe

*markets with a base size of below 30 participants

12 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Perceived growth and opportunity

7 7 6,9 6,8 6,7 6,7

6,1 6,0 6,0 6,0

Optimistic CEOs take Companies are Industry Expect increase Marketers Difficult to Clients using Agencies are Industry adapts Plentiful Industry does
about corporate paying more operates in agency are spending differentiate PR to lead non successfully at a good pace supply well at sourcing
growth of reputation attention to ethically profitability more than from fake news traditional addressing client to new tech of talent talent from
PR market seriously corporate purpose this year other comms and accurate services digital needs outside of PR

Participants indicated how much they agreed with each statements, in relation to their market, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = strong disagreement and 10 = strong agreement’

Average levels of agreement on a 10 point scale

I am optimistic Total 7

about the growth Africa and Middle East 6,5

Asia-Pacific 7
of the public Eastern Europe 7
relations market Latin America 7,2

North America 7,7

United Kingdom 6,8

Western Europe 6,7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Total 6,7
Expect an Africa and Middle East 5,1
increase Asia-Pacific 6,7
in agency Eastern Europe 7

profitability Latin America 7,3

this year North America 7

United Kingdom 6,8

Western Europe 6,4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 13


Corporate CEOs Total 7

Africa and Middle East 6,7

take corporate Asia-Pacific 7
reputation Eastern Europe 6,2
seriously Latin America 7,3

North America 7,2

United Kingdom 7,1

Western Europe 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Companies Total 6,9

are paying Africa and Middle East 6,1

Asia-Pacific 6,9
more attention Eastern Europe 6,3
to corporate Latin America 6,5
purpose North America 7,5

United Kingdom 7,4

Western Europe 6,9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Marketers Total 6,7

Africa and Middle East 6,5

are spending
Asia-Pacific 6,1
more money in Eastern Europe 7,3
comparison to other Latin America 7,1
communications North America 7

disciplines United Kingdom 6,2

Western Europe 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Clients in this Total 6

Africa and Middle East 6,2

market are willing
Asia-Pacific 5,8
to turn to PR firms Eastern Europe 6,5
to provide non- Latin America 6,4
traditional services North America 6,2

such as advertising, United Kingdom 5,8

marketing Western Europe 5,9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Total 6
PR agencies are Africa and Middle East 5,2
successfully Asia-Pacific 5,9
addressing Eastern Europe 6,4

clients’ digital Latin America 6,3

needs North America 5,8

United Kingdom 6,1

Western Europe 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Participants indicated how much they agreed with each statements, in relation to their market, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = strong disagreement and 10 = strong agreement’

14 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


There is a Total 5,7

Africa and Middle East 4,6

plentiful supply Asia-Pacific 5,1
of talent in PR Eastern Europe 6,1

Latin America 6,6

North America 5,5

United Kingdom 5,6

Western Europe 6,1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The PR industry Total 5,1

Africa and Middle East 5,1

does a good job Asia-Pacific 5,3
of sourcing talent Eastern Europe 5,2
from outside the Latin America 5,7

industry North America 4,8

United Kingdom 4,7

Western Europe 5,1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 6
The PR industry
Africa and Middle East 6,4
is adapting to Asia-Pacific 6,1
new technologies Eastern Europe 6,6
at an appropriate Latin America 6,6

pace North America 5,6

United Kingdom 5,4

Western Europe 5,9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The PR industry Total 6,8

Africa and Middle East 6,4

Asia-Pacific 6,5
ethically Eastern Europe 6,7

Latin America 6,4

North America 7,4

United Kingdom 6,6

Western Europe 7,2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It is becoming Total 6,1

difficult to Africa and Middle East 7

Asia-Pacific 6,5
differentiate Eastern Europe 6,6
between accurate Latin America 6,7
information and North America 5,8

fake news United Kingdom 6,1

Western Europe 5,5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Participants indicated how much they agreed with each statements, in relation to their market, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = strong disagreement and 10 = strong agreement’

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 15


Expected areas of investment for 2020

Measurement Influencer Multimedia content

and analytics 37% marketing 36% creation 34%

Research, insight
and planning 31%
Social media 28%
community management
Creativity 27%

Digital build and production 25%

Senior counsel 20%

Marketing and
business development 16%

Professional development 12%

Areas of growth - last year Sectors of growth - last year

Corporate reputation 42 % Technology 51%

Strategic consulting 29 % Financial and 37%

professional services

Social media & 25 % Consumer products 27%

community management

Marketing 24 % Healthcare 26%


Multimedia 18 %
Food and beverage 22%
content creation

Influencer marketing 18 % Industrial/manufacturing 20%

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

16 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Expected areas of growth Expected sectors of growth

over the next five years over the next five years

Strategic consulting 46% IT and technology 60%

Corporate reputation 42% Healthcare 40%

Multimedia Financial and

content creation 32% professional services 38%

communications 28% Consumer products 32%

Social media & Industrial/

community management 28% 22%

Influencer marketing 24% Food and beverage 21%

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Current work Forecasted work allocation

allocation for next five years

12% 16%



Earned Media Owned Media Shared Media Paid Media

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 17


Expected sources Barriers of sourcing talent

of talent for 2020 from outside the industry

Rival agencies 70% Expected salary levels

are too high 52%

Journalism Lack of interest from

51% potential recruits 36%

Graduate programmes 42% Lack of transferable skills 35%

Advertising Difficulty finding

and marketing 32% quality, good value 30%
recruitment consultants

Research and 22% Unwillingness to 30%

analytics change the status quo

communications 20% Investment in retraining 26%

Other professional
services 15%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30

Talent strategy challenges

Retaining key talent 48 %

Training/developing junior and mid-level staff 33 %

Hiring mid-level staff 32 %

Finding people from non-traditional backgrounds 30 %

Motivating younger executives 28 %

Hiring senior staff 25 %

Finding quality, good value recruitment consultants 22 %

Incentivising senior staff 18 %

Hiring junior staff 11 %

18 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Future talent relevant skill sets for the next decade

Research, insight and planning 44%

Data, measurement and analytics 42%
Creativity 37%
Crisis counsel 28 %
Multimedia content creation 22%

Media relations 19%

Social media community management 17%

Marketing and business development 16%

Digital build and production 15%

Purpose and CSR 15%

Influencer marketing 14%

Marketing automation & CRM 9% 0,0


Diversity - Industry is reflective of local ethnicity demographics

6,6 6,5 6,5
5,5 5,5

Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe 0,0

Diversity – reflective of social demographics

6,4 6,4 6,1

5,6 5,9 5,4 5,6

Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe

Participants indicated the extent to which they think the diversity of people working in PR in their region is reflective of the ethnic/ social demographics of the population,
where 1 = Highly unrepresentative and 10 = highly representative

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 19


Most used B2C Social media platform Most used B2B Social media platform

Facebook 38% Facebook

38%27% Instagram
Twitter 11%
27% Twitter 11% Twitter
LinkedIn 59% LinkedIn 59%15% Facebook
Twitter 15%
11% Facebook 11%
LinkedIn 9% | YouTube
4% 9%
| Local
| YouTube
| Local language
3% platforms 3% Instagram 8% | Local
| Local language
4% platforms 4%
7% do not use social 7%
do for
use purposes
social media for B2C purposes 2% do not use social 2%
do for
use purposes
social media for B2B purposes

Most relevant Predictive AI 48%

Data science 46%
SEO 42%
– future Internet of things 22%
prediction Process automation 21%
Cyber security 21%
Chatbots & voice assistants 19%
Blockchain 15%
Coding 5%
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Technology Measurement and analytics 63%
Research, insight and planning 51%
having Marketing automation / CRM 33%
greatest Multimedia content creation 30%
impact Social media community management 26%
Digital build and production 25%
– future Influencer marketing 22%
prediction Media relations 12%
Creativity 11% 0,0

Senior counsel 7%
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

Rating of adoption of new technology by regions

5,3 5,5 5,2
5,1 5,1 4,8

Total Africa and Middle East Asia - Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe

Rating out of 10, where 0 is poor at adopting technology and 10 is excellent

20 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

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ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 21
MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION It is expected by clients 75%

It is expected by senior 18%

client management

Use of AVEs by region It is our preferred

evaluation method 13%

It is expected by senior 2%
management within the agency
70% 74%

56% 56% 58%


It is expected by18%
clients 61%

It is our preferred 27%

Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America evaluation
North method
America United Kingdom Western Europe

It is expected by senior
client management 12%

It is expected by senior
Reasons why AVEs are used management within the agency 3%

It is expected by clients 75% It is expected by clients 82%


It is expected by senior 18% It is expected by senior 18%

client management client management

It is our preferred It is our preferred

13% evaluation method 10%
evaluation method

It is expected by senior It is expected by senior

2% management within the agency 3%
management within the agency

It is expected by clients 61% It is expected by clients 94%


It is our preferred It is expected by senior

27% client management 11%
evaluation method

It is expected by senior It is our preferred

client management 12% evaluation method 6%

It is expected by senior
It is expected by senior management within the agency 0% 0,0


management within the agency

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

AMEC Tools andbyPrinciples

It is expected clients 82%

It is expected by senior 18%

client management 72 %
65 % 66 %
54 % It is our preferred 51 %
10% 46 % 47 %
evaluation method 41 %

It is expected by senior
management within the agency 3%

Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe

It is expected by clients 94%

22 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

It is expected by senior
client management 11%

Measurement and analytics This does no one any favours, least

remain the area most cited for of all those utilising them in these
growth, opportunity, and additional regions. It shows the importance of
investment, closely followed by AMEC’s ongoing education remit,
research, insights, and planning. This the need for our ‘Say No to AVEs’
is also the case for future talents and campaign and the importance of our
skill sets. global partnerships with other trade
associations, including ICCO.
Both of these categories are closely
related of course. Meaningful Moving an industry that just ten
evaluation is impossible in the years ago was using AVEs in over
absence of clear and concise 80% of all global measurement
planning linking SMART objectives programmes is not something that
to clearly defined targets and can happen overnight. It will be a Richard Bagnall
KPIs. This is often cited as the long and hard battle where we all
PR industry’s Achilles heel and need to speak with one consistent CEO, EUROPE AND THE
is the reason that AMEC’s latest voice and demand and expect AMERICAS, CARMA
educational initiative is on the meaningful measurement. INTERNATIONAL
importance of communications
planning. Without a credible plan
We value the help
and clear objectives, clip counting
and AVEs will continue to be and support that ICCO
accepted in some areas. AMEC’s provides in spreading
latest planning guide was launched
as part of Measurement Month
the message about
November 2019. the importance of
While it is great news that in North
America and the UK AVEs remain in
evaluation best practice
terminal decline, we have significant amongst its global
concern about this data that shows membership and we look
amongst ICCO members their use
is prevalent in other global markets. forward to extending our
AMEC worries that there is a real partnership.
risk of a ‘two-speed’ global market
developing – a market where some
regions are leaping ahead with the
use of credible and meaningful
evaluation techniques while others
are content to basically ‘clip-count’
and rely on invalid and discredited

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 23


Most likely client requests

Engagement metrics
(e.g. social media
figures) 22%

Media clippings 44% Awareness metrics 12%

(AVE) 10%
Sales figures 4%

Status of client budgets with reference to inflation

52% 53% 53% 51% 45%
38% 34% 40%
41% 21% 42%

11% 5% 7% 13% 16% 16% 7% 15%

Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe

Declining Same pace as inflation Growing

Impact of procurement on client budgets

65% 70% 58% 63% 64%

75% 67% 65%

10% 5% 7%
8% 10% 3% 6% 9%
9% 10% 12% 6% 16% 6% 5% 12%
Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe

Negative No Impact Positive

24 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Impact of procurement on agency- client relationships

60% 75% 58% 11% 65%
69% 65%

8% 15%
9% 5% 42% 2%
18% 22% 3% 14% 22%
20% 13% 6% 14%
Total Africa and Middle East Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe Latin America North America United Kingdom Western Europe

Negative No Impact Positive

Current titles of client Future expectation of client main

main contact contact titles

Corporate Corporate
Marketing/ Marketing/
communications/ communications/
brand brand
corporate affairs corporate affairs
titles 32% titles 34%
titles 45% titles 32%

Government Government
C-suite affairs C-suite affairs
titles 16% titles 1% titles 22% titles 3%

Most important objectives for Purpose and social issues clients

clients’ public relations goals are most likely to address

Corporate reputation 41%reputation 41% Sustainability &Sustainability
climate change& climate
60% change 60%

Product marketing marketing
& sales 35% & sales 35% Diversity
Diversity & social & social
inclusion 55% inclusion 55%

Issues & crisis8%

Issues & crisis management management 8% Education 31%Education 31%

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 25

26 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following areas do
you expect an increase in PR firms’
growth last year? over the next five years? investment this year?

1. Corporate reputation 1. Strategic Consulting 1. Multimedia

2. Marketing Communications 2. Corporate Reputation 2. Social Media
3. Strategic Consulting 3. Social Media and Community 3. Influencer Marketing

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. Economic conditions generally 1. Technology 1. IT and Technology

2. C lients unwilling to commit 2 Industrial/Manufacturing 2. Consumer Products
sufficient funds 3. Public Sector 3. Industrial/Manufacturing
3.Inability to effectively measure
impact of PR

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. Expected salary levels are too high 1. Motivating younger executives 1. Data, measurement and analytics
2. Lack of transferable skills 2. Training/ developing junior and 2. Crisis Counsel
3. D
 ifficult finding quality, good value mid-level staff 3. Social media community
recruitment consultants 3. Retaining key talent management

10 When it comes to purpose and social

issues, which of the following are your
11 What is your most used B2B
12 What is your most used B2C
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Diversity and social inclusion 1. Linkedin 1. Instagram

2. Education 2. Twitter 2. Facebook
3. Sustainability and climate change 3. Facebook 3. Twitter

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 27


Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following areas do
you expect an increase in PR firms’
growth last year? over the next five years? investment this year?

1. Corporate Reputation 1. Corporate reputation 1. Influencer marketing

2. Social media & community 2. Strategic consulting 2. Multimedia Content creation
management 3. Social media & community 3. Research, insight and planning
3. Strategic consulting management

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. C lient unwilling to commit 1. Technology 1. IT and technology

sufficient funds 2. Financial and professional 2. Financial and professional services
2. Inability to effectively measure services 3. Healthcare
impact of PR 3. Consumer products
3. Staff retention

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. Expected salary levels are too high 1. Retaining key talent 1. Research, Insight and planning
2. L ack of interest from potential 2. Hiring mid-level staff 2. Data, measurement and analytics
recruits 3. Training/developing junior and mid- 3. Creativity
3. Lack of transferable skills level staff

10 When it comes to purpose and social

issues, which of the following are your
11 What is your most used B2B
12 What is your most used B2C
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Sustainability and climate change 1. LinkedIn 1. Facebook

2. Diversity and social inclusion 2. Facebook 2. Instagram
3. Data privacy 3. Twitter 3. LinkedIn

28 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following areas do
you expect an increase in PR firms’
growth last year? over the next five years? investment this year?

1. Corporate reputation 1. Corporate reputation 1. Multimedia content creation

2.Strategic consulting 2. Multimedia content creation 2. Social media community
3. Social media & community 3. Marketing communications management
management 3. Measurement and analytics

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. Economic conditions generally 1. Technology 1. IT and technology

2. Clients unwilling to commit 2. Financial and professional 2. Consumer products
sufficient funds services 3. Financial and professional services
3. C
 ompetition from other 3. Consumer products
marketing disciplines

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. Retaining key talent 1. Data, measurement and analytics 1. Data, measurement and analytics
2. Motivating younger executives 2. Creativity 2. Crisis Counsel
3. Training/developing junior 3. Research, Insight and planning 3. Social media community
and mid-level staff management

10 When it comes to purpose and social

issues, which of the following are your
11 What is your most used B2B
12 What is your most used B2C
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Education 1. LinkedIn 1. Instagram

2. Sustainability and climate change 2. Instagram 2. LinkedIn
3. Healthcare 3. Twitter 3. Facebook

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 29


Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following areas do
you expect an increase in PR firms’
growth last year? over the next five years? investment this year?

1. Marketing communications 1. Strategic consulting 1. Measurement and analytics

2. Corporate reputation 2. Marketing communications 2. Influencer marketing
3. Strategic consulting 3. Multimedia content creation 3. Research, insight and planning

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. C lients unwilling to commit 1. Technology 1. IT and technology

sufficient funds 2. Healthcare 2. Healthcare
2. Staff recruitment 3. Financial and professional 3. Financial and professional services
3. Inability to effectively measure services
impact of PR

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. Expected salary levels are too high 1. Hiring mid-level staff 1. Research, Insight and planning
2. Lack of transferable skills 2. Retaining key talent 2. Data, measurement and analytics
3. U
 nwillingness to change the 3. Training/developing junior 3. Creativity
status quo and mid-level staff

10 When it comes to purpose and social

issues, which of the following are your
11 What is your most used B2B
12 What is your most used B2C
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Diversity and social inclusion 1. LinkedIn 1. Instagram

2. Sustainability and climate change 2. Twitter 2. Facebook
3. Data privacy 3. Instagram 3. Twitter

30 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following areas do
you expect an increase in PR firms’
growth last year? over the next five years? investment this year?

1. Corporate reputation 1. Corporate reputation 1. Influencer marketing

2.Strategic consulting 2. Strategic consulting 2. Creativity
3. Influencer marketing 3. Influencer marketing 3. Measurement and analytics

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. C lients unwilling to commit 1. Technology 1. IT and technology

sufficient funds 2. Financial and professional 2. Financial and professional services
2.Inability to effectively measure services 3. Healthcare
impact of PR 3. Consumer products
3. Staff recruitment

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. Expected salary levels are too high 1. Hiring senior staff 1. Creativity
2. D ifficulty finding quality, good value 2. Finding people from non-traditional 2. Research, Insight and planning
recruitment consultants backgrounds 3. Data, measurement and analytics
3. L ack of interest from potential 3. Training/developing junior and mid-
recruits level staff

10 When it comes to purpose and social

issues, which of the following are your
11 What is your most used B2B
12 What is your most used B2C
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Sustainability and climate change 1. LinkedIn 1. Facebook

2. Education 2. Facebook 2. Instagram
3. Healthcare 3. Twitter 3. LinkedIn

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 31


Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following areas do
you expect an increase in PR firms’
growth last year? over the next five years? investment this year?

1. Corporate reputation 1. Strategic consulting 1. Measurement and analytics

2. Multimedia content creation 2. Corporate reputation 2. Senior counsel
3. Marketing communications 3. Purpose & CSR 3. Multimedia content creation

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. Economic conditions generally 1. Technology 1. IT and technology

2. Inability to effectively measure 2. Financial and professional 2. Financial and professional services
impact of PR services 3. Healthcare
3. C lients unwilling to commit 3. Healthcare
sufficient funds

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. U nwillingness to change the status 1. Retaining key talent 1. Research, Insight and planning
quo 2. Finding people from non-traditional 2. Data, measurement and analytics
2. L ack of interest from potential backgrounds 3. Media relations
recruits 3. Hiring mid-level staff
3. Expected salary levels are too high

10 When it comes to purpose and social

issues, which of the following are your
11 What is your most used B2B
12 What is your most used B2C
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Sustainability and climate change 1. LinkedIn 1. Instagram

2. Diversity and social inclusion 2. Twitter 2. Facebook
3. Data privacy 3. Instagram 3. Twitter

32 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


Top 3 most commonly selected answers

1 In which of the following areas

did your organisation see the most
2 In which of the following areas
do you expect to see the most growth
3 In which of the following
areas do you expect an increase in PR
growth last year? over the next five years? firms’ investment this year?

1. Corporate reputation 1. Strategic consulting 1. Measurement and analytics

2. Strategic consulting 2. Corporate reputation 2. Influencer marketing
3. Social media & community 3. Purpose and CSR 3. Multimedia content creation

4 Which of the following issues do you

believe pose the greatest challenges
5 In which of the following
sectors did you see the most
6 In which of the following
sectors do you expect to see the
or the PR firms in your market? growth last year? most growth over the next 5 years?

1. Clients unwilling to commit 1. Technology . IT and technology

sufficient funds 2. Healthcare 2. Healthcare
2. Competition from other marketing 3. Financial and professional 3. industrial/manufacturing
disciplines services
3. Staff recruitment

7 What do you think stops

agencies from sourcing talent from
8 What is the biggest challenge
PR agencies face when it
9 Looking at the next decade,
which skill sets will be most
outside the industry? comes to their talent strategy? relevant for PR executives in?

1. Expected salary levels are too high 1. Retaining key talent 1. Creativity
2. Lack of interest from potential 2. Training/developing junior 2. Research, Insight and planning
recruits and mid-level staff 3. Data, measurement and analytics
3. Difficulty finding quality, good 3. Finding quality, good value
recruitment consultants

10 11 12
value recruitment consultants

When it comes to purpose and social

What is your most used B2B What is your most used B2C
issues, which of the following are your
social media platform? social media platform?
clients most likely to address?

1. Sustainability and climate change 1. LinkedIn 1. Facebook

2. Diversity and social inclusion 2. Facebook 2. Instagram
3. Data privacy 3. Twitter 3. LinkedIn

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 33



African Agriculture Authorities have refocused their

attention and provide housing
While technology and fintech
for workers with limited capital
dominate in the survey, agriculture
arriving from rural areas. The latest
is powering the economic
innovations include converted
transformation across the Sub-
shipping containers to significantly
Saharan continent. The United
cut the cost of building homes.
Nations forecast Africa’s thriving
agribusiness will be worth $1 trillion
by 2030.
Automotive Africa
The mass migration of people
The continent boasts 60% of the
moving to cities and the growth of
world’s unused arable land and a
internet shopping has created a
favourable climate for growing fruit,
growing demand for transportation.
vegetables and grain. The growth
Bridget von Holdt in agribusiness with create a surge Well-known brands including
SVP, BURSON COHN AND WOLFE of jobs within the supply chain and Mercedes, Volkswagen and Toyota
& AFRICA PRESIDENT, ICCO subsequently help to pull thousands are setting up assembly plants
out of poverty and starvation across the continent, the number of
vehicle sales is projected to surpass
Africa’s economy over the last Relaxed Borders 10 million units per annum in the
next 15 years.
decade has featured countries that The Continental Free Trade Area
are the fastest growing economies
in the world. In 2018, six African
(CFTA) makes import and export
easier throughout Africa. To date, 44
nations – Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, countries have signed up to allow the Africa’s financial services are
Senegal, Ivory Coast and Djibouti free movement of trade and more are largely underdeveloped. Only 34%
grew remarkably. expected to join. of African populations own bank
The World Bank estimates economic accounts or have access to formal
It is anticipated that the free flow of
growth in the Sub-Saharan regions financial services.
goods between South Africa and the
to bulk out to a 3.6 percent average rest of Africa, will help to maintain Subsequently, access to financial
in 2019-20. To supplement the economic growth and promote the products is slow and inflexible.
findings in the World PR Report, impetus to develop cross-border However, the spread of internet
I will explain the context in which infrastructures thus further expanding connectivity is helping to provide
communicators must work. Africa’s emerging markets. financial access that bypasses
Consumer spending is expected typical obstacles.
to hit $25 trillion by 2025, Africa’s Affordable Housing Africa’s emerging fintech
emerging markets present excellent As the demand for jobs emerges in industry is powered by groups
opportunities for international trade, cities, more people are moving to of entrepreneurs that provide
mergers and acquisitions. urban areas which has increased the innovative solutions to help
demand for accommodation. businesses issue bills, create bulk
disbursements, manage merchant
The majority of Africa’s housing
payments and many other financial
development has been focused on
premium segments and the growing

34 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



The public relations industry Another reason for clients not
continues to perform well in the committing to funds is our inability
Asia Pacific (APAC) region. APAC is to effectively measure the impact of
among the top three most upbeat PR and prove our value. Fifty-eight
markets after North America (7.7) percent of agency heads in APAC
and Latin America (7.2). On a scale are still using AVEs and only 46%
of 1-10, the average for optimism use AMEC. The main reason given
around the PR market’s growth is for the continued use of AVEs is
7.0, on a par with the global average. that it is expected by clients (61%).
Though the number of PR agencies
Growth drivers using AVEs is steadily coming down,
we need to quickly adopt more
Among industry sectors, technology sophisticated methods of evaluation.
is the top growth driver, followed by
Talent continues to be a cause for
financial and professional services concern. On a scale of 1-10, the
and consumer products. Agencies Nitin Mantri
average for availability of talent in
are performing well in offering APAC is 5.1 compared to a global CEO, AVIANWE &
services for corporate reputation, average of 5.7. Retaining key staff PRESIDENT, ICCO
social media & community is the top talent-related challenge,
management, and strategic followed by training and developing
consulting. Seventy percent of the mid-level staff and hiring mid-level and social media & community
agency heads say corporate CEOs staff. This will continue to remain a management the next five years.
are taking corporate reputation challenge until we and our clients
seriously. together elevate ourselves, so that Conclusion
we can bring in more revenue and
Even though it is an intangible In the coming years, predictive
bigger retainers in order to pay
concept, reputation gauges the AI, data science, SEO, process
enough to get good talent.
degree of trust that the public hold for automation, and internet of things
a brand, explaining why 70% percent
of the agency heads in Asia say
Future trends will open new perspectives and
opportunities for the PR industry. But
companies are paying more attention In the next five years, agency heads with that comes responsibility. As
to corporate purpose fuelling demand predict that IT and technology, strategic advisors to clients, we must
for senior counsel from PR firms. financial and professional services ensure that our clients use these
and healthcare sectors will grow technologies ethically.
Challenges exponentially. Healthcare PR is a
Furthermore, we must never
Client-agency relationships are recent growth driver among many of
forget that PR is a relationship-
a huge issue. Fifty-three percent the multinational agencies operating
based profession. We need both
of agency heads say clients are in the region. A rapidly aging
technology and people to engage
unwilling to commit enough funds, population in some APAC countries
up from last year’s 38%, while 58% and influence. While technology
and increased public demand for
believe procurement is causing a will make our work easier, human
better healthcare and reforms are
negative impact on client budgets interface will always be at the heart
making the sector more important
and an equal number of respondents of our business. More so in Asia,
to PR agencies. The industry will
believe that procurement is negatively where human relationships and
continue to see growth in corporate
impacting client-agency relationship. emotional connections are of primary
reputation, strategic consulting

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 35


When the seas get rougher cent of European communications
and the landscape increasingly experts say “Yes, we do! But what
unpredictable, the quality of the is “appropriate” and what is the
crew becomes more apparent and “new technology” we need to invest
the captain takes on fresh scrutiny in after all? When we answer these
to ensure a steady course. This is questions, they often spawn new
why client CEOs take corporate questions. Plenty to discuss the
communications more seriously than future ICCO summits, that’s for sure.
ever, and why professional, strategic
“Social media” and “Community
communications consultants are
management” continue to snowball
needed desperately across all
in the region, and there is a certain
sectors in Europe.
uncertainty that “Measurement” and
The “purpose discussion” initially led “Influencer marketing” will be the areas
Jürgen Gangoly by industries in the US, is bubbling to where investments make sense and
MANAGING PARTNER, the surface in mainland Europe as well, are needed. All this again feeds the
THE SKILLS GROUP GMBH adding new objectives and perspectives notion that influencing and shaping the
to what clients require of their agencies. reputation of clients in more nuanced
ways will be our primary focus.
This new focus on purpose paired with
Across Europe, public discussion a desire to be perceived as sustainable The data shows 60 to 70 per cent
and business decisions have and environmentally clean has been of the communications industry
been influenced or dominated by spurred on by rampant activism leaders are convinced that we are
Brexit this year, and an even more across Europe and will be both the working ethically correct. However,
unpredictable international business fuel and the primary challenge for independent trust surveys rank PR
environment. The communications communicators in Europe. professionals at the very end of
industry and its agencies are used their lists all over Europe. Alongside
The World PR Report shows, the
to deal with complex issues. We are clients, our own reputation is also
industry experts in Europe – as
to provide advice to clients on how to be improved therefore! The
in other parts of the world – are
to steer companies or institutions results show the industry needs to
not convinced yet, that we will be
through rough waters. This is also take a clear stance on fake news
successful in retaining and attracting
what the results of this World PR discussion and needs to regain
the talents we need to develop further
report for the European region show. its role as credible sources for
and grow our business. Only about
journalists, wider media, decision-
Experts in the region are optimistic 50 per cent say we do a proper job
makers and public institutions if
about the further growth of the PR sourcing enough talents from outside
we are to take advantage of all the
market with a rating of 7/10, and our industry – one of the lowest self-
opportunities that lay ahead.
almost the same amount of agency ratings in the entire report.
leaders expect an increase in
Of course, technology also remains
profitability, all positive signs when
at the top of the agenda. Are we
economic conditions in certain
adapting to new technologies at
parts of Europe are having a severe
an appropriate pace? 60 to 70 per
impact on many other industries.

36 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



We live in a world where digital Brands did not sit idly by for long.
spaces decide the fate of industries, No sooner had the nomenclature
and of all the sectors that have ‘influencer’ was revealed did they
been shaped by digital innovations, start collaborating with these content
marcomms have been among the creators across their channels of
most affected, presenting a spectrum choice.
of approaches and methodologies
that not only push the industry’s Such has been the
envelope but also reinvent how impact that influencer
we consume information and the
mediums with which we do so. marketing has grown
Where seasoned professionals seek
from a supplementary
to take advantage of the platforms marketing method to a Ahmad Itani
du jour, incorporating strategies and fully-fledged industry CEO AND FOUNDER,
industry know-how to devise optimal
processes to take advantage of the
worth up to $10 billion. CICERO & BERNAY & VICE
medium — as per the ICCO World As a result, influencer marketing is
PR Report, corporate responsibility consistently gaining more traction,
(42%) and strategic consulting (29%) with marketers planning to increase
remained some of the most important their budgets, consolidated by Conventional science dictates
areas of growth for the industry reports stating that 65% of influencer that what comes up must come
last year — a demographic was marketing budgets have increased down, but this is just the tip of
silently taking shape to become the in 2019, a rise from 39% in 2018. the potential lying in the hands of
mouthpiece of the industry at large. Facebook (38%) and Instagram content creators. Where detractors
(27%) were recorded as the most insist that the era of influencers is
The rising popularity of platforms fading into oblivion, emphasising
utilised B2C social media platforms,
like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, a growing lack of integrity or trust
while LinkedIn (59%) and Twitter
Snapchat, and Twitter created a class in what they do, the numbers and
(15%) remained the most commonly
of content creators who craft their own analytics reveal otherwise. Their
used B2B platforms.
stories, bridging the gap between an understanding of trends and the
elusive audience with temperamental online community is second to
interests and a corporate thirst to none, and if a brand selects the
spread news organically and as right individuals to work with, it has
seamlessly as possible. Essentially, the world to gain.
those men, women, and children took
the limelight and transitioned from
opinionated consumers to brand
ambassadors who could as easily
tilt an audience’s interests to favour
something as they would encourage
them to boycott a product.

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 37



Indeed, the excessive confluence over the next five years, “Strategic
of unabashed, partisan politics Consulting” ranks first; yet “clients’
with business, societal, media persistent lack of willingness to
and consumer issues cannot be commit sufficient funds” to develop
understated in the North American and execute the best, most creative
market – right down to political fisticuffs and well-informed strategies tops
about which athletic shoe brand to the list of challenges across markets.
purchase (or protest), for example. Firms are responding by placing
higher investments in measurement
Practically any matter undertaken
and analytics, in part to make
as part of a public relations strategy,
quantitative cases for budget.
program or even tactical effort must
surmise and integrate every political PR agency workforce development
Mary Beth West nuance, insinuation, ideology and risk. means identifying, recruiting and
retaining the appropriately educated
SENIOR STRATEGIST, The good news: budgets funding
and experienced workforce to deliver
FLETCHER MARKETING PR the requisite PR analyses and
“Strategic Consulting” insights,
campaigns for brands to achieve
impact and boots-on-the-ground
social relevance and balance
implementation / oversight.
Opportunities for North American may benefit from the larger U.S.
public relations firms to seize upon economy’s tempered yet resolutely The industry faces an uphill battle on
clients’ communications challenges firm growth trajectory (as issued that front, with “Hiring mid-level staff”
to advance corporate reputation and by The Conference Board, the U.S. ranking first among North American
secure agency growth are as diverse 2020 growth forecast is 2 percent). agencies’ critical talent challenges
as the continent’s political spectrum – followed by “Retaining key talent”
By necessity, clients will continue
of current executive-office holders. and “Training / developing junior to
to demand ever-more sophisticated
mid-level staff.”
Among them: the left’s victory by communications solutions to
Andrés Manuel López Obrador as business and societal challenges. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
Mexico’s president in July 2018; the ranks first among “purpose and
social issues” that clients are
left’s Justin Trudeau having secured For North American most likely to address – even as
re-election as Canadian Prime
Minister in October 2019; and 2020 PR firms, the question PR firms themselves continue to
struggle mightily with their own
promising to be a divisive-as-ever
contest for the U.S. Presidency. A
is, how will we meet D&I outcomes. Patience is wearing
bumper crop of candidates currently resulting workforce thin with decades-long industry lip
in the Democratic field seek to service, alongside stagnant results.
unseat the right’s President Donald
demands? A shake-up may be on the horizon in
Trump and current Republican 2020, with fresh, urgent demands for
ICCO’s most recent North American
majorities in both the U.S. Senate substantive progress disrupting stale
agency data reveal that among the
and state governorships. D&I platitudes.
service areas in which agencies
expect to see the most growth

38 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



When it comes to nominating the are successfully addressing clients’
greatest challenge in their markets, digital needs (6.3 versus 6.0) and that
PR agencies from Western Europe the PR industry is adapting to new
(excluding the UK), Eastern Europe, technologies at an appropriate pace
North America and Asia-Pacific point (6.6 in the region, 6.0 global average).
to the unwillingness of clients to
Regarding business growth in 2018,
commit sufficient funds. For agencies
the main performance was in the
in Latin America, however, the main
“Corporate Reputation” area. And
challenge is “Economic conditions
“Technology” was the most prominent
sector in the advancement of business.
It’s not hard to understand why.
The adoption of innovative solutions
Traditional economic ups and downs
and technologies has been more and Ciro Dias Reis,
in the region’s countries have always
more on the radar of the PR industry
been a concern for agencies, given FOUNDER, IMAGEM
in Latin America. Multimedia content
the direct and immediate impact CORPORATIVA
creation is considered the most
instabilities represent to business.
relevant area for agencies to invest in
Some figures help to translate this view.
2019. Looking at the next
Latin American GDP grew only 0.9% in
2018 and forecasts for 2019 are limited IT & technology is the sector in which
decade PR companies
to 0.5% growth. In addition, 63%
of agencies in the region say clients
Latin American agencies expect to in the region consider
see the most significant growth over
budgets are declining with reference to the next 5 years. Agencies expect “data, measurement
inflation (21% think budgets are at the
same pace of inflation and only 16%
‘Corporate Reputation’ to be the area and analytics” the
of special growth over the next 5 years.
see an increase). most relevant skills to
It should be noted that ease of access
Despite that view on business and the simplified character of social be achieved by their
environment, Latin American agencies
are more optimistic about the growth
media have played an important role for
communication within the region, since
of the PR market (7.2 on a scale from 0 the illiteracy rate reaches considerably When asked about the most used
to 10) compared to the global average high levels. According to recent B2B social media platforms Latin
of 7.0. And even more optimistic information from the statistics branch of American agencies put LinkedIn first,
regarding profitability (7.3 in the region Unesco, 36% of Latin American children followed by Instragam and Twitter.
versus the global average of 6.7). in elementary school are unable to reach Regarding B2C platforms, the most
the minimum reading skill levels. used are Instagram, LinkedIn and
The same positive perception can
So the friendly use allowed by internet Facebook.
be seen regarding the possibility
channels contributes to narrow down
of seeing clients turning to public
that gap, helping not only citizens but
relations firms to lead non-traditional
also companies and governments to
services (6.4 compared to 6.0 on
connect to broader audiences.
global average). PR agencies in Latin
America predominantly believe they

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 39



climate change marches that have becoming more confident in our ability
taken place in London this year. So to meet these new demands. The
it’s no surprise to see sustainability agencies that can offer these wider,
and climate change sitting at the top blended skillsets will reap rewards.
of the list of expected focus areas for
The political landscape clearly has
clients in the coming year. Consumers
some bearing on concerns about the
expect businesses and brands to lead
economic challenges that might lie
the charge where world leaders aren’t
ahead. This goes hand in hand with
moving fast enough.
the people continuing to be the most
This expectation of brands to drive important thing we have, and where
social change will see them come attention and investment should be
under more scrutiny than ever. In focused. Retaining talent has always
turn, this will signal an industry shift been a challenge and will continue
Matt Buchanan towards the business of ‘reputation to be, but we should be striving to
HEAD OF PR AND management’. PR agencies must widen the pool and attract and retain
INFLUENCE, OGILVY UK be wary of the land-grabbing the best talent not only from our
from consultancies. Reputation industry but also beyond.
At the time of writing, we know Brexit management is our heartland, and
Looking at how we approach
uncertainty persists, which means it is an area I hope and expect to
attracting from non-traditional
we have been in a state of flux for see the industry thrive in, helping
backgrounds will be key in creating a
more than three years since the businesses evolve.
competitive advantage. It is pleasing
Referendum. A look at the domestic
Once again, we see measurement to see the UK leading the way with
media frenzy around this thorny
and evaluation identified as a more female leaders and ethnically
topic would suggest that uncertainty,
vital area for investment. While diverse leaders than ever before, but
stagnated growth and operational
we have all read much on how there is much work to be done.
difficulties would be the order of the
earned is finally getting the respect
day. However, the UK PR landscape I strongly believe that the UK can
it deserves, this will only be more
has once again witnessed a stellar play a central role in the growth of
widely converted to taking a seat at
year of growth and evolution, with our industry globally over the next
the top table, if all activity is rooted
2020 set to be the healthiest and decade. Despite Brexit, it is well
in robust effectiveness metrics.
most exciting in recent memory. placed to continue to be a hotbed
Finding the right people to implement of great talent, an important hub
The results show that the growing
this will be crucial. We must continue in developing global campaigns,
importance of corporate reputation, to
to invest in specialist skills and and filled to the brim with creative
both clients and agencies alike. The UK
disciplines within PR practices. From inspiration.
has been at the forefront of this growth
dedicated strategists and creatives, to
for years, with an acceleration driven
by the necessity for all businesses to
data analysts; the briefs we are getting The future looks
are more varied. Clients are turning
define their purpose. Consumers are
to their PR agencies to deliver ‘non- brighter than ever.
demanding change, something that
traditional’ PR services, and we are
has been very evident with the recent

40 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

These results are based on findings from an online survey
conducted amongst 600 C-Suite personnel in companies with
1,000+ employees and $10m+ turnover across 12 countries

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 41


It’s a comprehensive sample of Reputation is an important part of

600 C-Suite executives across 12 setting long term business strategies
countries in companies with more for many by market and by sector
than 1000 employees. These are although it is disappointing that only
sizeable businesses for whom 33% say they always consider it.
reputation really can support or Even more concerning is it seldom or
hamper their business ambitions. never features in business planning
This makes some of the results even for some.
more surprising.
So draw your own conclusions. As
While the presence of a PR function an industry we may be pleased that
within the senior management team the power and importance of what
is a relatively healthy number, there we do is recognised and respected
are some distinct anomalies with low in so many geographies and
Alison Clarke representation in markets such as industries. However there are some
ALISON CLARKE USA, Canada and Brazil. major world markets and challenged
CONSULTING sectors that should be prioritising
When reviewed further it is no
this as a matter of urgency.
surprise to see reputation is given
It’s exciting to support the launch
senior attention in sectors such as
of the first ICCO global survey As public trust in
retail, IT, food and drink and financial
looking at sentiment around
reputation and the importance of the
services to name a few. corporations and
communications function at senior However the Utilities and Healthcare governments comes
management level across a wide
range of countries and sectors.
sectors lag behind which is under ever increasing
worrying given the challenges they
face around trust. These findings scrutiny we must all
As communications professionals
I’m sure you will share a sense of
suggest it’s high time they put their continue to raise the
communications and engagement
reassurance and dismay at the profile of what we do,
strategies at the senior management
findings. Whilst encouraging in so
table. uphold the highest
many ways there is still a great deal
of work to do to engage senior Those markets committed to a
ethical standards and
management in the importance of senior PR function clearly value it celebrate how successful
their reputation being at the centre
of business planning, actions and
and associate the health of their organisations see
reputation directly with the work
behaviours. of their communications team. real results from the
When reviewing by sector the right behaviours and
same pattern emerges. Those that
a credible, positive
respect the importance also value
the contribution it makes to their reputation.
business. Once again Healthcare
and Utilities fall short of so many
other industries.

42 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium


How much are reputation and

communications challenges 3% Almost always
meaningfully considered when Often

setting and reviewing your 33% Sometimes

long-term business strategy? 14%



How much are reputation and communications challenges meaningfully considered when
setting and reviewing your long-term business strategy by sector

17% 18% 20%
0,8 33% 42% 35% 30%
51% 20% 56% 5%
0,6 13%
63% 59%
42% 28% 45%
50% 28%
42% 39%
0,2 14% 19% 32%
13% 14% 25%
0,0 8% 3% 7% 8% 6% 6%
Total Automotive Financial services Food / drink / Healthcare IT & telecoms Manufacturing / Retail / leisure Utilities
(incl Insurance) hospitality materials

Almost always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

How much are reputation and communications challenges meaningfully considered when
setting and reviewing your long-term business strategy by country

33% 34% 34% 36% 36% 32% 22%
1,0 34% 42%
60% 58% 30%
64% 22%
0,8 33% 34%
24% 18%
34% 34% 36% 36% 32% 42%
42% 58% 32% 60% 18%
0,4 64% 60% 52% 34%
0,6 30%
18% 58% 54%
28% 38% 34% 34%
0,2 42%
14% 32% 8% 32%
24% 34%
22% 60%
18% 58% 54% 52% 18%
8% 14%
28% 30% 4% 8% 2% 2% 12% 8% 2% 2% 6%
38% 34% 34%
0,2 14% 32% 8% 24% 22%Arab
Total Brazil Canada
18% China France Germany Japan Singapore South Korea Sweden United United United States
8% 14% 4% 8% 2% 2% 12% 8% 2% 2%
Emirates 18%
Kingdom 6%
Total Brazil Canada China France Germany Japan Singapore South Korea Sweden United Arab United United States
Almost always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Emirates Kingdom

Almost always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 43


Those who have a PR function in senior management team by country

86% 92% 88% 88%

76% 82%
72% 72% 76%
48% 48%

Total Brazil Canada China France Germany Japan Singapore South Korea Sweden United Arab United United
Emirates Kingdom States

Those who have a PR function in senior management team by sector

84% 86% 91%

72% 71% 77% 79%



Total Automotive Financial services Food / drink / Healthcare IT & telecoms Manufacturing / Retail / leisure Utilities
(incl Insurance) hospitality materials

Do you associate the reputation (good or bad) of your business, directly with the work of the
Communications and PR functions within your business by country

96% 96% 100% 96% 94% 96% 96%

90% 92%
82% 86%

46% 42%

Total Brazil Canada China France Germany Japan Singapore South Korea Sweden United Arab United United
Emirates Kingdom States

Do you associate the reputation (good or bad) of your business, directly with the work of the
Communications and PR functions within your business by sector

98% 96%
89% 88% 94% 94%
82% 79%

Total Automotive Financial services Food / drink / Healthcare IT & telecoms Manufacturing / Retail / leisure Utilities
(incl Insurance) hospitality materials

44 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



Armenian Public Relations

Armenia [email protected]
Association (APRA)

Public Relations Institute membership@

of Australia (PRIA)

Public Relations Verband

Austria [email protected]
Austria (PRVA)

Belgium Public Relations

Belgium [email protected]
Consultants Association (BPRCA)

Brazilian Associationof
Brazil Communication Agencies

Bulgarian Association of Public

Bulgaria [email protected]
Relations Agencies (BAPRA)

Canadian Council of Public judylewis@

Relations Firms (CCPRF)

Czech Association of Public

Czech Republic [email protected]
Relations Agencies (APRA)

Denmark Public Relations Branchen [email protected]

The Finnish Association of

Finland Marketing, Technology (MTL) [email protected]
and Creativity

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 45



Syntec Conseil en Relations office@


Association of Communications
Georgia [email protected]
Agencies Georgia (ACAG)

German Public Relations

Germany [email protected]
Association (GPRA)

Hellenic Association of
Greece [email protected]
Communications Agencies (EDEE)

Hungarian PR Association (HuPRA/

Hungary [email protected]

Public Relations Consultants

India [email protected]
Association of India (PRCAI)

Public Relations Consultants

Ireland [email protected]
Association of Ireland (PRCA)

Italian Association of Public

Italy [email protected]
Relations Agencies (Assorel)

Association of Communications

Italy [email protected]
Companies (Assocom - PR Hub)

46 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



National Public Relations

Kazakhstan Association of the Republic of [email protected]
Kazakhstan (HACO)

Public Relations and

Middle East and Communications Association Melissa.cannon@
North Africa Middle East and North Africa

Confederation of the Marketing lcarreno@

Communication Industry

Dutch Association for PR and

Netherlands [email protected]
Communications Agencies (VPRA)

Public Relations Consultants

Association of Nigeria (PRCAN)

Certified Communicatins Agencies

Norway [email protected]
Association (KOMM)

Zwiazek Firm Public Relations katarzyna.rudzik@

Poland www.zfpr.plw

Portugese Association of Business monica.coelho@


Romanian Public Relations

Romania [email protected]
Association (ARRP)

Association of Consultancies in the

Russia [email protected]
Field of Public Relations (AKOS)

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 47



Public Relations Society of Serbia

Serbia [email protected]

Association of Public Relations

Slovakia [email protected]
Slovak Republic (APRSR)

Southern The Public Relations Institute of [email protected]
Africa Southern Africa (PRISA)

Public Relations and

South East tara.munis@
Communications Association
South East Asia

The Association of
Spain Communications and PR adecec@adecec
Consultancy Companies (ADECEC)

The Association of Public Relations

Sweden [email protected]
Consultancies in Sweden

Association of Swiss
Switzerland [email protected]
PR Agencies (BPRA)

Communications Consultancies
Turkey [email protected]
Association of Turkey (IDA)

Public Relations and

United francis.ingham@
Communications Association

United States PR Council [email protected]

48 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium



195-197 Victoria St,

Westminster, London SW1E 5NE,
Creative Culture Mélanie Chevalier +44 20 7798 2000

Coordination HQ
Muenchener Str. 14
GLOBALCOM 85748 Garching Bei Muenchen
Ralf Hartman Germany
PR NETWORK +49 89 3603 6350

2 Waterhouse Square
140 Holborn
London EC1N 2AE
GOLIN Bibi Hilton United Kingdom
+44 20 7067 0600

29-35 Lexington Street

London W1F 9AH
GRAYLING Sarah Scholefield United Kingdom
+44 20 7025 7500

The Buckley Building

49 Clerkenwell Green
Sam Lythegoe United Kingdom
STRATEGIES +44 20 7413 3000

69 Wilson Street
London EC2A 2BB
HOTWIRE Andy West United Kingdom
+44 20 7608 2500

65 Gresham St
Tim Linacre United Kingdom
PARTNERS +44 20 7457 2020

Interel Group
Greencoat House, Francis Street
London, SW1P 1DH
INTEREL GROUP George McGregor United Kingdom
+44 20 7592 3800

ICCO | Opinium ICCO World PR Report 2020 49



315 West Riverside,

Suite 200, Spokane,
IPREX Andrei Mylroie WA 99201, USA
+1 414 755 2170

56a Poland Street, 2nd floor

London W1F 7NN
MWWPR Patrick Herridge United Kingdom
+44 20 7046 6080

Sea Containers,
18 Upper Ground
London SE1 9RQ
OGILVY Michael Frohlich United Kingdom
+44 20 3193 3000

3-5 Rathbone Place

London, W1T 1HJ
SERMO NETWORK Tanya Hughes United Kingdom
+44 20 7268 6100

54 W.40th Street,
James Shackelford 212-920-5344

Ryady Soldatenkova Building

Danilovskaya Manufactura
SPN Business Centre
Andrey Barannikov 9/1, Varshavskoye Shosse
COMMUNICATIONS 117105, Moscow, Russia
+7 495 510 22 00

96 Great Suffolk St,

Newington London SE1 0BE, UK
Mark Glover +44 20 7234 3333,
Communications www.

48 Beak St, Carnaby

London W1F 9RL
THENETWORKONE Paul Squirrell United Kingdom
+44 20 7240 7117

2 Waterhouse Square
140 Holborn
Rachel Friend United Kingdom
SHANDWICK +44 20 7067 0000

50 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

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28 282020 51
52 ICCO World PR Report 2020 ICCO | Opinium

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