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Catalysing Multimodalism

Following the enactment of the Multimodal
Transportation of Goods Act, 1993, AMTOI (Association
of Multimodal Operators of India) was established in the
year 1998. The main objects of the Association are to

• To organize Multimodal Transport Operators at

national level

• To study the issues faced by MTOs and seek resolution

with appropriate authorities

• To promote multimodal transport services in Domestic

and foreign trade

• To improve the quality of such services and reduce

transaction costs

• To facilitate Skill Development for Logistics Sector

• To Promote implementation of Cargo Community

Our Organization Our Endeavor

AMTOI is registered as a non-profit making body under the We at AMTOI have always endeavored to have a
Indian Companies Act and its core managing committee harmonious maritime community to bring consensus
consists of seven members. amongst all segments of our community, whilst making
representations to various authorities and promote
The managing Committee is supplemented by Special
Multimodalism in India.
Invitees who are experts in the industry. AMTOI has
Extended Board that has nominated representatives from AMTOI is working very closely with other Trade Bodies to
other trade bodies like ACAAI, ACTO, CSLA, CAI, CFSAI, formally set up a Confederation of Logistics Associations.
AMTOI in Government Policy Making
Our views have been sought on various topics such as GATS
(General Agreement on Trade in Services) negotiations
for maritime transport services sector. AMTOI has been
involved in the following policies and legislations:

• Deliberations on Shipping Trade Practices Act.

• MMTG Act amendments.

• Drafting of Coastal Shipping Policy.

• Drafting of International Shipping Policy.

• Simplification of renewal process as a MTO with

DG shipping.

• Standing Committee for Promotion of Exports,

SCOPE Shipping.
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways has
invited AMTOI to forward their suggestions for the • Implementation of Cargo Community System.
inclusion of Multimodal Transport as the 4th pillar in the • Policy Level Changes to get Registered MTO’s to
Multimodal Transport Services (MTS) and has further operate bonded warehouses have been recommended
invited our representation on various Expert Groups and by AMTOI.

AMTOI has two-tier membership

• Ordinary members who are registered as MTOs with

D.G. Shipping.

• Associate members who are not MTOs, but are actively

connected with multimodal transport operations.
Advantage AMTOI

Recognition in the Industry as a certified AMTOI member, • Assistance in registration/renewal of MTO License.
AMTOI is known for commitment to the cause of
promoting Multimodal Transport. • GRF (Grievance Redressal Forum), a platform to air
your grievances with various private and Govt
• AMTOI membership certificate can be prominently authorities and AMTOI organizational support to
displayed in the office and AMTOI logo can be used on resolve them.
your stationary, website and other collaterals.
• Have a say in drafting and amendment of various
• Participation in various Training sessions and seminars Maritime related laws.
organized by AMTOI.
• Become a part of the only trade body which caters to
• Weekly updates on Shipping Industry through AMTOI the benefits of the MTO’s.
Weekly bulletin.

• Participation in Annual AMTOI event and get to meet

who’s who in the industry which is an excellent
platform for networking.
Trade Services
• ‘AMTOI Weekly’, a weekly mailer to keep all our
members informed of local and international news
pertaining to Multimodal trade.

• AMTOI Day, an event to get all the stake holders

related to Multimodal transportation together on a
common platform and to celebrate the achievements
of the year gone by and announce next year’s action

• Organize seminars and workshops on topics

related to Multimodal Transport.

AMTOI is engaged in numerous trade services, the • Conduct training and Skill Development courses
important ones are as follows: in multimodal transport.

• ‘AMTOI News’, a quarterly newsletter is released for • Framing a code of conduct for multimodal transport
our members and trade at large on different aspects operators.
of multimodal transport and related activities and
keeps them informed about important developments • Drafting of Standard Coastal Bill of Lading
in this field in India and abroad.
• Fostering the implementation of Cargo Community

AMTOI Online
As members of the trade, now you can go to AMTOI
web portal and seek the required information online
AMTOI Representation in the Trade
AMTOI representation is sought on various trade bodies • Committee for drafting of an act for regulating the
and is currently represents on various committees such as activities of Freight Forwarders and other
• National Co-ordination Agency.
• Committee for drafting of proposed Maritime Policy.
(a) Standing Committee on Promotion of Exports
(SCOPE) by sea. • Representation in PTFC (Permanent Trade Facilitation
Committees constituted by Customs) across locations
(b) Standing Committee on Promotion of Exports in India.
(SCOPE) by Air.
• Committee for Amendment of the Multimodal
Transportation of Goods Act, 1993 and many more…
Association of Multimodal Transport Operators of India
C/o. CKB, 1st Floor, 20 Rajabhadur Mansion,
Ambalal Doshi Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400 023.
Tel.: 6637 0021 Telefax: 6637 0022
E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

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