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Biodiversity Conservation

What is conservation of biodiversity?

Biodiversity Conservation is defined by Britannica Concise Encyclopedia as

“planned management of a natural resource or of a particular ecosystem to

prevent exploitation, pollution, destruction, or neglect and to ensure the future

usability of the resource.”

In the West, conservation efforts date to 17th-century efforts to protect

European forests in the face of increasing demands for fuel and building

materials. National parks, first established in the 19th century, were dedicated

to the preservation of uncultivated land not only to provide a safe haven to

wildlife but to protect watershed areas and help ensure a clean water supply.

Recent estimates of the total number of species range from 7 to 20 million, of

which only about 1.75 million species have been scientifically described. The

best-studied groups include plants and vertebrates (phylum Chordata),

whereas poorly described groups include fungi, nematodes, and arthropods.

Species that live in the ocean and in soils remain poorly known. For most

groups of species, there is a gradient of increasing diversity from the Poles to

the Equator, and the vast majority of species are concentrated in the tropical

and subtropical regions.

Human activities, such as direct harvesting of species, introduction of alien

species, habitat destruction, and various forms of habitat degradation

(including environmental pollution), have caused dramatic losses of

biodiversity; current extinction rates are estimated to be 100–1000 times

higher than prehuman extinction rates.

Why do we conserve biodiversity?

Richness of species in an area indicates the total biodiversity of that particular

area. All species display genetic variation among individuals and populations.

Genetic variation brings natural selection and adaptability to changes in the

environment, which ultimately ensures species survival. Genetic diversity in

domestic species and their wild relatives enables researchers to develop

improved varieties of animals and plants for human needs. Diversity in wild

plant species is potentially a major medicinal resource, and it is insurance for

further food security. It should also be noted that species that might not have

known direct economic value today may turnout to be economically important

in the future.

Biodiversity provides free of charge services worth hundreds of billions of

Ethiopian Birr every year that are crucial to the well being of Ethiopia’s society.

These services include clean water, pure air, soil formation and protection,

pollination, crop pest control, and the provision of foods, fuel, fibers and drugs.

As elsewhere, these services are not widely recognized, nor are they properly

valued in economic, or even social terms. Reduction in biodiversity affects

these ecosystem services. The sustainability of ecosystems depends to a large

extent on the buffering capacity provided by having a rich and healthy

diversity of genes, species and habitats. Losing biodiversity is like losing the

life support systems that we, and other species, so desperately depend upon.

The conservation of biodiversity is fundamental to achieving sustainable

development. It provides flexibility and options for our current (and future)

use of natural resources. Almost 85% of the population in Ethiopia lives in

rural areas, and a large part of this population depends directly or indirectly

on natural resources. Conservation of biodiversity is crucial to the

sustainability of sectors as diverse as energy, agriculture, forestry, fisheries,

wildlife, industry, health, tourism, commerce, irrigation and power. Ethiopia’s

development in the future will continue to depend on the foundation provided

by living resources and conserving biodiversity.

How do we conserve biodiversity?

Conservation of biodiversity is basically carried out using two methods namely

in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods as outlined below. The Institute of

Biodiversity Conservation has implemented the two methods for a long time

ex-situ conservation being complementary to in-situ conservation.

a. In-situ conservation

In-situ conservation means “on-site conservation”. It is the process of

protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat, either

by protecting or cleaning up the habitat itself, or by defending the species

from predators. This term refers also to the conservation of genetic resources

in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic

resources in natural populations of tree species, and is increasingly being

applied to conservation of agricultural biodiversity in agroecosystems by

farmers, especially those using unconventional farming practices. One benefit

to in-situ conservation is that it maintains recovering populations in the

surrounding where they have developed their distinctive properties. Another

is that this strategy helps ensure the ongoing processes of evolution and

adaptation within their environments.

Wildlife and livestock conservation is mostly based on in-situ conservation.

This involves the protection of wildlife habitats. Also, sufficiently large reserves

are maintained to enable the target species to exist in large numbers. The
population size must be sufficient to enable the necessary genetic diversity to

survive within the population, so that it has a good chance of continuing to

adapt and evolve over time.

b. Ex-situ Conservation

Ex-situ conservation means literally, “off-site conservation”. It is the process

of protecting an endangered species of plant or animal by removing part of

the population from a threatened habitat and placing it in a new location,

which may be a wild area or within the care of humans. While ex-situ

conservation comprises some of the oldest and best known conservation

methods, it also involves newer, sometimes controversial laboratory methods.

Normally the best method of maximizing a species chance of survival (when

ex-situ methods are required) is by relocating part of the population to a less

threatened location. It is extremely difficult to mimic the environment of the

original colony location given the large number of variables defining the

original colony (microclimate, soils, symbiotic species, absence of severe

predation, etc.) It is also technically challenging to uproot (in the case of

plants) or trap (in the case of animals) the required organisms without undue


Endangered plants may also be preserved in part through seedbanks or

germplasm banks. The term seedbank sometimes refers to a cryogenic

laboratory facility in which the seeds of certain species can be preserved for

up to a century or more without losing their fertility. It can also be used to

refer to a special type of arboretum where seeds are harvested and the crop

is rotated. For plants that cannot be preserved in seedbanks, the only other

option for preserving germplasm is in-vitro storage, where cuttings of plants

are kept under strict conditions in glass tubes and vessels.

Ex-situ conservation, while helpful in man’s efforts to sustain and protect our

environment, is rarely enough to save a species from extinction. It is to be

used as a last resort, or as a supplement to in-situ conservation because it

cannot recreate the habitat as a whole: the entire genetic variation of a

species, its symbiotic counterparts, or those elements which, over time, might

help a species adapt to its changing surroundings. Instead, ex-situ

conservation removes the species from its natural ecological contexts,

preserving it under semi-isolated conditions whereby natural evolution and

adaptation processes are either temporarily halted or altered by introducing

the specimen to an unnatural habitat. In the case of cryogenic storage

methods, the preserved specimen’s adaptation processes are frozen

altogether. The downside to this is that, when re-released, the species may

lack the genetic adaptations and mutations which would allow it to thrive in

its ever-changing natural habitat.

Furthermore, ex-situ conservation techniques are often costly, with cryogenic

storage being economically infeasible in most cases since species stored in

this manner cannot provide a profit but instead slowly drain the financial

resources of the government or organization determined to operate them.

Seedbanks are ineffective for certain plant genera with recalcitrant seeds that

do not remain fertile for long periods of time. Diseases and pests foreign to

the species, to which the species has no natural defense, may also cripple

crops of protected plants in ex-situ plantations and in animals living in ex-situ

breeding grounds. These factors, combined with the specific environmental

needs of many species, some of which are nearly impossible to recreate by

man, make ex-situ conservation impossible for a great number of the world’s

endangered flora and fauna.

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