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Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided
1. Who is the head of the government in a republic country like China?
a. Prime Minister b. King/Queen c. Chancellor d. President e. Dictator
2. The following are the institutions that defend and promote human rights in Tanzania EXCEPT:
a. Police force b. The parliament c. NEMC d. TAMWA e. LHRC
3. The chief supervisor who makes sure that school rules and regulations are not bent by pupils is:
a. Head teacher b. discipline teacher c. academic teacher d. class teacher e. Monitor
4. The latest country to join the newly re-established East African Community Is:
a. South Sudan b. Rwanda c. Uganda d. Burundi e. Kenya
5. How long should a foreigner be resided in Tanzania in order to become a Tanzania citizen by
a. 21 years b. 18 years c. 12 months d. 6 months e. 10 years
6. When do we exactly commemorate heroes’ day?
a. 7th July b. 25th July c. 9th December d. 25th June e. 1st May
7. Member of Parliament is a political elected leader to represent a level called:
a. Division b. township c. District d. Urban e. Constituency
8. The following activities highly threaten aquatic organisms EXCEPT:
a. Fishing by dynamites b. careless disposal of wastes in water channels c. fishing by chemicals
d. Using nets with big holes in fishing e. using nets with small holes in fishing
9. Immoral and risky behavior of loitering aimlessly among teenagers especially during nights is
referred to as:
a. Roaming b. touring c. travelling d. hypocrisy e. truancy
10. Our national flag CANNOT be waved in one of the following areas:
a. Foreign embassies b. state house c. bus standpoints d. schools e.
police stations
11. Chart of activities showing steps to be taken to resolve a challenge is known as:
a. Objectives b. goal c. action plan d. Resilience e. Integrity
12. One of the following is NOT a function of our national assembly:
a. To advice the president b. to make laws c. to approve or disapprove the prime minister
d. To discuss the annual budget e. to criticize the government
13. Social movement aiming to abolish patriarch system and other practices of women discriminations
is called:
a. Gender power b. globalization c. patriotism d. feminism e. colonialism
14. Careen and Carl are children of Mariah. Carl married to Anne and GOD blessed them with two
children namely Merry and Arnold. Who is Arnold to Careen?
a. Uncle b. niece c. cousin d. aunt e. nephew
15. Power and authority of our country’s president are symbolically shown by:
a. State house b. presidential standard c. national flag d. national emblem e.
16. Immoral and conflicting behavior of spreading unconfirmed information about someone is referred
to as:
a. Gossiping b. backbiting c. cheating d. betrayal e. homicide
17. The correct statement about Benjamin William Mkapa in the history of our country is:
a. He was the founder of our nation b. He preceded Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere
c. He was the first multiparty president d. He introduced free market e. initiator of
18. Big historical event that led to the enlightenment of our Uhuru torch for the first time was:
a. Death of Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere b. Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
c. Assassination of Abeid A. Karume d. Zanzibar revolution e. independence of
19. Who among the following is a person in need?
a. Headmistress b. president c. father d. crown prince e. uncle
20. Who among the following persons may advice you when you are faced with a challenge?
a. Drug addict b. Robber c. sober adult d. drunkard e. bully
21. Which among the following tools is NOT concerned with our national defense and security?
a. TISS b. NECc. TPDF d. Immigration departmente. Police Force
22. Societies which are reluctant to use toilets are vulnerable to:
a. Reforestation b. deforestation c. Ebola fever d. Rift Valley Fever e. bilharzias
23. The main leader of government activities in our national assembly is:
a. Speaker b. Attorney General c. Prime Minister d. Chief Justice e. Member of Parliament
24. Which of the following social media gives users access to both pictures and sounds at once?
a. You-tube b. journal c. newspapers d. radio e. magazine
25. Protection of our family resources like farms, gardens and water taps is a responsibility of:
a. Security guard b. parents c. old brothers d. family members e. dogs
26. The traditional leader for Maasai tribe is called:
a. Boma b. Laiboni c. Moran d. Mfumwa e. Nkosi
27. One of the following is not a source of Tanzania laws:
a. National parliament b. national constitution c. treaties and conventions
d. National elections e. Islamic laws
28. When was Tanzania Prison Service established?
a. 1931 b. 1919 c. 1996 d. 1971 e. 1964
29. Which of the following examples correctly demonstrates an action that can be done willingly and
without being paid money in return?
a. Treating patients in hospitals b. teaching pupils at school c. donating safe blood
d. Selling goods e. driving trucks
30. Who is the secretary of the district full council?
a. District commissioner b. District Administrative Secretary c. District Educational
d. Member of Parliament e. District Executive Director
31. Village adults’ meetings are headed and presided by :
a. Village Executive Officer b. Village chairperson c. Head teacher d.
Village elders
e. Village government
32. A school symbol which carries special message or slogan as the core value of the school is called:
a. School boundaryb. school motto c. school vision d. school uniform e. school map
33. Which among the following groups of people are highly stigmatized in our communities?
a. Rich people b. environmentalists c. public leaders d. albinos e. youths
34. Which among the following is NOT a natural ability of doing something well?
a. Footballing b. childhood sexualities c. singing d. weaving e. drawing
35. We can protect our natural surroundings by the following ways EXCEPT:
a. Planting beautiful flowers b. discouraging reforestation c. afforestation

d. Destocking e. taking serious measures against environmental destructions

36. One among the following resources CANNOT be owned or possessed by a family:
a. house b. furniture c. school d. lake e. zoo
37. Which among the following is NOT a religious carnival?
a. New year b. Eid el Haj c. Christmas d. Eid el Fitir e. Easter
38. The headquarters of the renamed OAU are located in:
a. Nairobi b. Arusha c. Accra d. Addis Ababa e. Dar es Salaam
39. Immoral behavior of copying someone’s works and pretending that they are yours is called:
a. Stealing b. cheating c. laziness d. roaming e. loyalty
40. Compulsory payments made by individuals and business entities to the government are known as:
a. Revenues b. subsidies c. TRA d. TCRA e. taxes


41. Which organ in Tanzania protects citizen and their properties? _______________
42. International organization whose primary function is to promote and maintain the world peace is
called _____
43. Overall representative of all executive activities in our national assembly is called ________________
44. Give one reason as to why every independent country has its own national currency
45. People who are forceful fleeing their homelands due to wars, diseases and famine are called

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