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(a) Calculate v.

(b) Calcuate. in kmh, the average speed for the

. whole journey.
(c) Draw. on the axes în the
ansver space, the
distance-time graph which represents the
(i) Given also that a lorry leaves B at 1430 and
travels to A at a steady speed of 20 km/h
eronds drav. on the same axes. the graph
representing this joumey.

The diagram is the speed-time graph

of a car J84/1/29
seconds. The
which accelerates at 2 m's* for 10 4. The diagram shows the speed-time
initia! speed of the car is 20 m/s. graph ofa
car which has a speed.of v m/s at a time of
Calculate the speed of the car at the end
(i) I seconds Calculate
10 seconds.
the first () the speed when r = 10.
(ii) Calculate the distance trevelled during (ii)the value of t for which v= 13;
3 seconds.
(il)Given that the speed after t seconds is V.m/s, (iithe distance trave!led in the first second.
express V in tems of t. (Km/h) Speed
JS3A/30 36

time n secs

50 Time
5. The diagram is the speed-time graph of an
The (soccnds) object whieh accelerated uniformly for 12 s.
diagram is the speed-time graph of a car. During this time. its speed v metres per second
Starting from rest. the car accelerated at a
at time 1 seconds from the start was given by
constant rate for 50 seconds.
20 m/s. The driver reaching speed
a of 4 + 5t. Calculate
braked sharply. so that the
car came to rest in a furnher 20
seconds. 4 3peed in m/s
)Calculate the acceleration
first 50 seconds. of the car during the
) Calculate the total distance
70 seconds. travelled during the
TConvert the maximum speed of 20 m/s into
kilometres per hour.
time («ecs)*
Iwo towns. A and
eaves A at 13 00 B, arc 26 km apart. A cyclist (i) the speed when t = 0.
and rides towards B at a
steady speed of 16 kmh for 1 (ii)the speed after 12 seconds,
e then
rests until 15 hour 15 minutes. (ii the acceleration.
a 00 and finally (ivthe average speed during the fourth secom
steady speed of r kmh, continues at N34128

ariving at B at 13 30.
train Sperd
The diagran is the speed-time graph of a m/s
which, due to track repairs, has to reduce its
speed from 15 m/s to 9 m/s in 20 seconds. It
then travels at 9 m/s for 45 seconds and then
accelerates for 25 seconds to regain its speed of
15 m/s.
Time in econds
(i) Calculate the retardation of the train during the
firs 20 seconds.
(ii) Show that the distance travelled during the
90 seconds is 945 m.
Three points A, B, and C lie in srtaight
(i)Calculate the average speed of the train during
the 90 scconds andAB BC S0 m. An object travels to B inA
(ivjf the train had not been held up and travelled to C without stopping. It travels from A
the 945 m at a constant speed of IS m/s, 10s and travels from B to C at an average spccd
calculate the time, in seconds, which would have of 20 m/s. Calculate
been saved. (a) the avermge speed of the object fom A to B.
Speed In mls (b) the time taken to travel from B to C.
(c) the average speed for the whole jourmey from A
to C.

10.The diagram shows the speed-time graphs ofa

6S 90 Time ia
saond J8s/U4
van and a car. The van,
starting from rest,
cceraltes uniformly for 8s until it reaches a
speed of 6 m/s. It then continues to travel ar this
A. The diagram is a speed-time graph ofa car. The constant speed.
car is retarded uniformly from a speed of 36 ms (1) Find the acceleration of the van during the first8s
to a speed of 24 m/s in a time of 40 s. It is then () Find the distance travelled by the van in 20 s.
brought uniformly to rest ater a further 10s (i)The car starts from the same place as the van,
Calculate but 12s later, and
(1) the retardation ofthe car during the first 40s, accelérates uniformly until it
Ci) the distance travelled by the car during the first 20 s
overtakes the van. Given that overtaking occurs
when the van has travelled for 20
(litthe speed of the car ater 47s s, calculate the
speed of the car at this instant.
Speed in s Speedt

40 S0

NSS/30 Time (s)

Thedingram is a speed-ime graph ofa train .11.A car travelled ona motorway for 1S
which is uniformly retarded from 70 m/s to .an avernge speed of O0 minutes at
40 m/s in 20& The train isthenuniformly km/h and then
a distance of 45
km on aB travelledi
retarded to 0.4 m/s until itcomes to rest. minutes class road in 50
Calculate Calculate
() the retardation during the first 20 3, 0) the distance travelled on the
(i) the total time it takes to come to rest motorway.
(ii)the average speed, in kilometres
(ihe distance travelled in the first 20 s B class road per hour, on the


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