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THEORY OF STRUCTURES are to be removed.

This will make girder BEHK supports beams

DEF at E and GHI at H, Use tributary area method.
Situation 1: Refer to the figure shown.


S1 = S3 = 2.5 m
S2 = 3 m
4. Determine the uniform service dead load on the beam DEF.
Dead load (including concrete) = 4.6 kPa a. 19.87 kN/m c. 17.38 kN/m
Live load = 4.8 kPa b. 21.34 kN/m d. 16.21 kN/m
5. Determine the uniform service live load on beam DEF.
For maximum stresses, apply the following: a. 13 kN/m c. 11 kN/m
1. Pattern loading for live load b. 14 kN/m d. 12 kN/m
2. Ultimate load combination, U = 1.2D + 1.6L 6. Determine the factored concentrated load at E due to loads
on the beam DEF. Use NSCP 2015 Specifications.
Given in the figure are the possible load patterns and a. 287.9 kN c. 258.3 kN
corresponding reactions, shear, and moments. b. 145.8 kN d. 321.2 kN

Situation 3: In the floor framing plan shown, beams AE, BF, CG,
and DH are subjected to storage live load of 4.8 kPa. These beams
are supported by girders AD and EH, which are also supported by
columns A, D, E, and H, respectively. Beams AE, BF, CG, and DH
weighs 109 kg/m and girders AD and EH weighs 182 kg/m. In this
problem, s = 2.5 m and L = 8 m.

7. Determine the total service uniform load carried by beam BF.

a. 12.00 kN/m c. 14.56 kN/m
b. 13.07 kN/m d. 15.87 kN/m
8. Determine the total service load transmitted by beam BF to
girder AD.
a. 52.28 kN c. 58.78 kN
b. 42.76 kN d. 47.36 kN
9. Determine the total service axial load carried by the column A.
a. 111.25 kN c. 96.32 kN
b. 76.23 kN d. 87.25 kN

Situation 4: Reinforced concrete beams having widths of 400 mm

and over-all depths of 600 mm are spaced 3 m on centers as shown
in the figure. These beams support a 100 mm thick slab. The super
imposed loads on the beams are as follows:

Dead Load (including floor finish, ceiling, etc.) – 3.2 kPa

Live Load – 3.6 kPa

The columns E and H are omitted such that the girder BEHK
supports the beams DEF at E and GHI at H. Assume EI = constant
for all beams. Unit weight of concrete is 24 kN/m 3. Use 2010/ 2015
1. Calculate the maximum factored reaction (kN) at L. NSCP Specifications for load combinations.
a. 221 c. 345
b. 217 d. 290
2. Calculate the minimum factored reaction (kN) at O.
a. 68 c. 106
b. 31 d. 38.6
3. Calculate the maximum factored moment (kN-m) at L.
a. 163 c. 244
b. 267 d. 248

Situation 2: The floor framing plan of a reinforced concrete

structure is shown in the figure. The beams are 280 mm wide and
520 mm deep and the slab is 110 mm thick. Other than concrete
weight, the floor is subjected to an additional (superimposed) dead
load of 3 kPa, and live load of 5.2 kPa. Unit weight of concrete is
23.5 kN/m3. Due to space consideration, the columns at E and H


10. Determine the factored uniform load on beam GHI, in kN/m. 18. If the loads at ultimate conditions are W DU = 24 kN/m and WLU
a. 47.71 c. 43.20 = 12.2 kN/m, find the maximum positive moment (kN-m) at
b. 48.60 d. 32.40 span DE.
11. Determine the maximum shear (in kN) in beam GHI assuming a. 195 c. 254
that G and I are fixed and H is a hinge. b. 212 d. 160
a. 155.52 c. 121.50
b. 178.91 d. 162.00 Situation 7: The interior columns of three-store building are
12. Determine the maximum factored positive moment in kN-m. in spaced 8 m apart in both directions.
beam GH assuming that G and I are fixed and H is a hinge.
a. 113.91 c. 75.94 Given the following building loads:
b. 101.25 d. 111.82
Roof Load: Live = 0
Situation 5: The floor framing plan of a reinforced concrete Dead = 4.8 kPa
structure is shown in the figure. When columns E and H are Floor Loads: Dead = 7.2 kPa (the same in all floors)
deleted, girder BEHK carries the reaction of BEF at E and GHK at Live (2nd Floor) = 5.7 kPa
H. This girder may be considered fixed at B and K. The uniform Live (3rd Floor) = 2.2 kPa
load on this girder is 5 kN/m and the concentrated loads at E and
H are each 270 kN.

13. Calculate the maximum shear at B due to uniform and

concentrated loads.
a. 321 kN c. 265 kN
b. 289 kN d. 253 kN
14. Calculate the maximum shear at E due to concentrated load
a. 300 kN c. 290 kN
b. 280 kN d. 270 kN
15. Calculate the maximum positive moment in the girder due to
uniform load only.
a. 11.72 kN-m c. 9.65 kN-m
b. 13.21 kN-m d. 10.12 kN-m

Situation 6: Given the following data for the figure shown:

L1 = L2 = 7.5 mm, S = 2.5 m

b = 400 mm, h = 600 mm, t = 100 mm
Superimposed dead load = 3.2 kPa
Live load = 3.6 kPa
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3

Beam DEF is simply supported at D, E and F.

For two spans loaded, the negative moment at the interior support
is wL2 /8.
For one span loaded, the negative moment at the interior support
is wL2 16.
19. What is the total axial load on an interior column at the second
For maximum stresses, apply the following: floor due to service live load?
a. 75.42 kN c. 79.85 kN
1. Pattern loading for live load
b. 63.54 kN d. 82.45 kN
2. Ultimate load combination, U = 1.2 D +1.6 L
20. What is the total axial load on an interior column at the ground
floor due to service live load?
a. 270.81 kN c. 241.25 kN
b. 295.24 kN c. 230.49 kN
21. What is the total dead load on an interior column at the ground
floor level?
a. 1365.3 kN c. 1542.7 kN
b. 1228.8 kN d. 1154.5 kN

Situation 8: A steel moment resisting frame is shown. If the design

base shear force is V = 2400 kN. Determine:

22. Lateral force acting at the top.

a. 598.49 kN c. 782.90 kN
16. What is the maximum moment (kN-m) at the interior support b. 679.18 kN d. 709.86 kN
E of beam DEF? 23. Lateral force acting at the second floor.
a. 312 c. 293 a. 676.06 kN c. 646.84 kN
b. 186 d. 260 b. 1014.08 d. 970.26 kN
17. What is the maximum reaction (kN) at the interior support E? 24. Moment at the base.
a. 347 c. 445 a. 0 c. 24544.24 kN-m
b. 124 d. 390 b. 23092.19 kN-m d. 24135.21 kN-m



a. Statically Indeterminate (1o) c. Statically Determinate

b. Statically Indeterminate (2o) d. Unstable


a. Statically Indeterminate (1o) c. Statically Determinate

b. Statically Indeterminate (2o) d. Unstable

Situation 10: For the beam below, following moving loads will pass
through: concentrated load of 150 kN, a uniformly distributed live
load of 50 kN/m and a uniformly distributed dead load of 25 kN/m.

28. Maximum positive shear at C due to moving loads.

a. 122.5 kN c. 225 kN
b. 60 kN d. 120 kN
29. Maximum positive moment at C due to moving loads.
a. 1807.5 kN-m c. 1535 kN-m
b. 767.5 kN-m d. 3615 kN-m
30. Maximum negative moment at C due to moving loads.
a. 1807.5 kN-m c. 1535 kN-m
b. 767.5 kN-m d. 3615 kN-m

Situation 11: For the truss below, following moving loads will pass
through: concentrated load of 40 kips, a uniformly distributed live
load of 4 kip/ft and a uniformly distributed dead load of 2 kip/ft.

31. Determine the ordinate at B for the influence line of member

a. 1.494 c. 0.534
b. 0.747 d. 0.996
32. Determine the maximum tensile load at member DI due to the
moving loads.
a. 186.1 kips c. 80.2 kips
b. 220.3 kips d. 254.4 kips
33. Determine the maximum compressive load at member DI due
to the moving loads.
a. 145.1 kips c. 80.2 kips
b. 220.3 kips d. 15.3 kips

Situation 9: Classify the external determinacy of the following Situation 12: A continuous beam is loaded as shown in the figure.


a. Statically Indeterminate (1o) c. Statically Determinate

b. Statically Indeterminate (2o) d. Unstable


34. Determine the slope at A. Given the following formulas for deflection at free-end of a
a. 297/EI c. 108/EI cantilever beam.
b. 216/EI d. 594/EI
35. Determine the slope at B. 𝑤𝐿4 𝑃𝐿3 𝑃𝑎2
𝛿= 𝛿= 𝛿= (3𝐿 − 𝑎)
a. 297/EI c. 108/EI 8𝐸𝐼 3𝐸𝐼 6𝐸𝐼
b. 216/EI d. 594/EI
36. Determine the slope at C. 46. What is the vertical deflection under B?
a. 297/EI c. 108/EI a. 95.64 mm c. 106.32 mm
b. 216/EI d. 594/EI b. 93.75 mm c. 124.87 mm
47. What is the maximum deflection of the beam?
Situation 13: A non-prismatic cantilever beam is loaded as shown a. 130.5 mm c. 145 mm
in the figure. b. 160.6 mm d. 140.6 mm
48. What upward force at C is required to eliminate the deflection
at that point?
a. 218 kN c. 224 kN
b. 197 kN d. 253 kN

Situation 17: For the overhanging beam ABCD, the beam is

loaded by 100 lb at B and force P at D. EI is constant.

37. Determine the deflection at B.

a. 19152/EI c. 20648/EI
b. 7776/EI d. 3132/EI
38. Determine the deflection at C.
a. 19152/EI c. 20648/EI
b. 7776/EI d. 3132/EI
39. Determine the slope at C.
a. 19152/EI c. 20648/EI
b. 7776/EI d. 3132/EI
49. What is the value of P if slope of the elastic curve at C is zero?
Situation 14: A cantilever retaining wall, 6 meters high, has an a. 26 lb c. 46 lb
active pressure varying uniformly from zero at the top to 52 kN/m b. 36 lb d. 56 lb
at the bottom. The flexural rigidity of the wall is constant from top 50. For the condition stated at the preceding problem, determine
to bottom. the value of EIδ at B.
a. 799 lb-ft3 downward c. 799 lb-ft3 upward
40. What is the maximum shear at the base of the wall? b. 979 lb-ft3 downward c. 979 lb-ft3 upward
a. 178 kN c. 121 kN 51. If P = 80 lb, determine the value of EIδ at B.
b. 156 kN d. 137 kN a. 1044 lb-ft3 downward c. 1044 lb-ft3 upward
41. What is the maximum moment in the wall? b. 1440 lb-ft3 downward c. 1440 lb-ft3 upward
a. 276 kN-m c. 356 kN-m
b. 328 kN-m d. 312 kN-m Situation 18: The end of the cantilever beam BD rests on the
42. If the wall is simply supported at the top, what is the moment simply supported beam ABC. The two beams have identical cross
at the base of the wall? Use the following fixed-end moment sections and are made of the same material.
𝑤𝐿2 𝑤𝐿2
𝑀𝑡𝑜𝑝 = 𝑀𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 =
30 20

a. 115.1 kN-m c. 124.8 kN-m

b. 136.4 kN-m d. 145.9 kN-m

Situation 15: The cantilever beam shown carries a uniformly

distributed load of 2 kN/m. The beam is supported at its tip with
tension rod whose tensile force is 2.5 kN. The beam is made of
steel with moment of inertia of 5.2x106 mm4 and E = 200 GPa.

52. Find the maximum bending moment in beam BD.

a. 1000 lb-ft c. 1400 lb-ft
b. 1600 lb-ft d. 800 lb-ft
53. Find the maximum moment in the beam ABC.
a. 2000 lb-ft c. 3400 lb-ft
b. 3200 lb-ft d. 2800 lb-ft
43. Determine the deflection at B before the tension rod is 54. Contact force between two beams.
attached. a. 1000 lb c. 1400 lb
a. 19.5 mm c. 12.8 mm b. 1200 lb d. 800 lb
b. 25.4 mm d. 16.3 mm
44. Determine the moment at A after the tension rod was Situation 19: The cantilever beam AB, with the rectangular cross
attached. section shown, is supported by a 1/8-in.-diameter steel wire at B.
a. -1750 N-m c. -1250 N-m The force in the wire was stress-free before the uniformly
b. -750 N-m d. -1500 N-m distributed load was applied. The beam and the wire are both made
45. Determine the maximum moment within the span. of steel with E = 29 x 106 psi.
a. 1726.5 N-m c. 1317.5 N-m
b. 1562.5 N-m d. 987.5 N-m

Situation 16: The cantilever beam shown supports a load P = 400

kN. Assume EI = 75000 kN-m2.

55. Determine the force in the steel wire.

a. 828 lb c. 288 lb
b. 228 lb d. 882 lb


56. Determine the elongation of the steel wire. Situation 23: For the frame shown below. EI = constant.
a. 1.40 in c. 0.24 in
b. 0.12 in d. 1.06 in
57. Determine the moment at A.
a. 432.6 lb-ft c. 755.4 lb-ft
b. 14688.6 lb-ft d. 1458 lb-ft

Situation 20: A beam having a span of 4m is supported at the left

end by a spring which has a spring constant of 60 kN/m. The beam
carries a uniform load of 800 N/m. E = 10 GPa and I = 60 x 10 6

66. Determine the moment at A

a. 98.3 kN-m CW c. 89.3 kN-m CW
b. 98.3 kN-m CCW d. 89.3 kN-m CCW
67. Determine the horizontal reaction at A.
58. Calculate the reaction at the spring support. a. 35.3 kN to the left c. 33.5 kN to the left
a. 643.48 N c. 753.65 N b. 35.3 kN to the right d. 33.5 kN to the right
b. 521.74 N d. 817.02 N 68. Determine the vertical reaction at A.
59. Which of the following gives the moment at fixed end? a. 150 kN upward c. 150 kN downward
a. 3132 N-m c. 3826 N-m b. 300 kN upward d. 300 kN downward
b. 3385 N-m d. 4313 N-m
Situation 24: For the frame shown below. EI = constant.
60. Which of the following gives the deflection in the spring?
a. 13.62 mm c. 12.56 mm
b. 8.70 mm d. 10.72 mm

Situation 21: For the figure shown. Axial rigidity of all members is
constant and has a value of 70x106 N-mm2.

69. Determine the horizontal reaction at B.

a. 8.75 kips to the left c. 22.5 kips to the left
b. 31.25 kips to the left d. 17.5 kips to the left
70. Determine the moment at joint C.
a. 131.25 kip-ft c. 468.75 kip-ft
b. 235.42 kip-ft d. 0
71. Determine the moment at joint D.
61. Determine the horizontal deflection at B. a. 131.25 kip-ft c. 468.75 kip-ft
a. 5.92 mm to the left c. 4.24 mm to the left b. 235.42 kip-ft d. 0
b. 5.92 mm to the right d. 4.24 mm to the right
62. Determine the vertical deflection at B. Situation 25: Answer the following terminologies.
a. 5.92 mm upward c. 4.24 mm upward
72. He developed the double-integration method.
b. 5.92 mm downward d. 4.24 mm downward
a. Leonhard Euler c. Thomas Macaulay
Situation 22: For the statically determinate frame shown, flexural b. George Maney d. Otto Mohr
rigidities of members AB and BC is constant and has a value of 73. He developed the conjugate beam method.
81.6x106 kip-in2. a. Leonhard Euler c. Thomas Macaulay
b. George Maney d. Otto Mohr
74. He developed the slope-deflection method.
a. Leonhard Euler c. Thomas Macaulay
b. George Maney d. Otto Mohr
75. It is a graph of a response function of a structure as a function
of the position of a downward unit load moving across the
a. Moment Diagram c. Influence Line
b. Shear Diagram d. Mohr’s Circle

63. Determine the vertical deflection at point C.

a. 3.6 in upward c. 6.3 in upward
b. 3.6 in downward d. 6.3 in downward
64. Determine the horizontal deflection at point C.
a. 6.5 in to the left c. 5.6 in to the left
b. 6.5 in to the right d. 5.6 in to the right
65. Determine the rotation at point C.
a. 0.015 rad CW c. 0.051 rad CW
b. 0.015 rad CCW d. 0.051 rad CCW


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