PDF Daisy Drop Ship Brazil

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WEX Bank (“Card Issuer”)


Drop Ship Brazil, LLC

(Company name as it appears on the Credit Application, the “Customer”)

In consideration of Card Issuer financing purchases made by Customer pursuant to a credit agreement, (“the
Agreement”), the undersigned Guarantor hereby agrees to unconditionally guarantee payment and
performance under the terms of the Agreement to Card Issuer or its assignee. This is a guaranty of payment
and not merely of collection. The undersigned agrees to pay, upon demand, any amount owed by Customer
to Card Issuer due under the terms of the Agreement. Card Issuer shall not be required to initiate any action
against, nor exhaust any remedies with respect to Customer or any other guarantor prior to making demand
upon the undersigned Guarantor. The undersigned Guarantor hereby waives any notices regarding the
Agreement or this guaranty, and agrees that this guaranty shall be applicable for as long as the Agreement
shall be in effect. The undersigned Guarantor hereby agrees that Card Issuer may extend the time for
payment and release any other security for the Agreement without affecting in any way the obligations of the
undersigned Guarantor. The undersigned Guarantor waives any and all suretyship defenses.

By signing below, the undersigned Guarantor authorizes the Card Issuer named in the application to
obtain credit information about the Guarantor from third parties, including but not limited to
consumer reporting agencies, in connection with the application and from time to time thereafter as
may be needed in the credit evaluation process, and further authorizes any credit reference provided in
the application to release information and to answer any questions about its credit experience with the
Guarantor to the Card Issuer.

Daisy Marquez
Name of Guarantor:
(print or type)

Guarantor’s Signature:

Guarantor’s Residential Address:

8731 W 33rd Avenue
(street address)
Hialeah, Florida 33018
(city, state, zip)
Date of Birth:

Telephone Number:
Social Security Number:

Opty/Account Number:

Date: 06-12-2018

Personal Guaranty.Funded (REV 5/13)

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