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published: 05 February 2019

doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00058

A Systemic Review of Functional

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for
Stroke: Current Application and
Future Directions
Muyue Yang 1,2 , Zhen Yang 3 , Tifei Yuan 4 , Wuwei Feng 5 and Pu Wang 1*
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, China, 2 School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, Shanghai, China, 3 Core Facility of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 4 Shanghai Mental
Health Centre, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 5 Department of Neurology, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States

Background: Survivors of stroke often experience significant disability and impaired

quality of life. The recovery of motor or cognitive function requires long periods.
Edited by: Neuroimaging could measure changes in the brain and monitor recovery process in order
Hugh Markus, to offer timely treatment and assess the effects of therapy. A non-invasive neuroimaging
University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom technique near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) with its ambulatory, portable, low-cost
Reviewed by: nature without fixation of subjects has attracted extensive attention.
Maria Chalia,
Methods: We conducted a comprehensive literature review in order to review the use of
University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom NIRS in stroke or post-stroke patients in July 2018. NCBI Pubmed database, EMBASE
Daniel Cozzolino, database, Cochrane Library and ScienceDirect database were searched.
Central Queensland University,
Australia Results: Overall, we reviewed 66 papers. NIRS has a wide range of application,
Felix Scholkmann,
including in monitoring upper limb, lower limb recovery, motor learning, cortical function
University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland
Keum-Shik Hong, recovery, cerebral hemodynamic changes, cerebral oxygenation, as well as in therapeutic
Pusan National University, South method, clinical researches, and evaluation of the risk for stroke.

Conclusions: This study provides a preliminary evidence of the application of NIRS in
Pu Wang stroke patients as a monitoring, therapeutic, and research tool. Further studies could
[email protected]
give more emphasize on the combination of NIRS with other techniques and its utility in
the prevention of stroke.
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to Keywords: near-infrared spectroscopy, stroke, motor recovery, cortical function, systemic review
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Neurology
Received: 04 September 2018
Accepted: 16 January 2019 Stroke, which refers to a medical condition in which insufficient brain blood supply results in
Published: 05 February 2019 cell death, is a major cause of death and disability worldwide (1, 2). Survivors are accompanied
Citation: with the deterioration or loss of functions, for example, sensorimotor sequelae including motor
Yang M, Yang Z, Yuan T, Feng W and weakness and impairment of voluntary motor control, spasticity, incoordination, apraxia, sensory
Wang P (2019) A Systemic Review of
loss/numbness, dysphagia, and dysarthria, and stroke could also lead to various cognitive and
Functional Near-Infrared
Spectroscopy for Stroke: Current
psychiatric deficits (3–5). These disfunctions are associated with cortical impairment due to
Application and Future Directions. insufficient blood supply and brain oxygenation. Therefore, monitoring the changes of brain
Front. Neurol. 10:58. circulation and oxygenation could timely reflect rehabilitation and recovery and the effect of
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00058 therapy.

Frontiers in Neurology | 1 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

Neuroimaging has been shown to be an effective monitoring blood supply could be observed. The reduction in cerebral
and therapeutic tool, evaluating the evolution of neural oxygenation results in injury of neurovascular unit, decreased
activity and stroke rehabilitation and recovery (6). Traditional neuronal activity and accumulation of anaerobic metabolites.
methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging NIRS could monitor oxygenation signal changes, thus reflecting
(fMRI), positron emission tomography, electroencephalography this pathophysiological process (1).
(EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG)—have provided NIRS is well-established as a safe and effective monitoring
considerable initial insight into brain changes during recovery. tool for stroke recovery, including upper limb, lower limb
However, several shortcomings including a confining monitoring recovery, motor learning, cortical function recovery (8), cerebral
environment, subject head fixation and high cost have limited hemodynamic changes, cerebral oxygenation (14), therapy (15,
applications in tasks which require constant movement or real- 16), clinical researches and evaluation of the risk for stroke (17).
time monitor (7, 8). Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), a newly emerging tool, use
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), introduced in 1977 by brain activity to control external devices, facilitating paralyzed
Jöbsis et al. as a monitoring tool of cerebral and myocardial patients to interact with the environment. NIRS combined with
oxygenation (9), has partially overcome these difficulties. NIRS BCI offers great potential as a therapeutic tool (18, 19). In
is a non-invasive neuroimaging tool that has several potential addition, NIRS has used in several clinical studies (20, 21),
advantages including real-time monitor, low price, simplicity, reflecting hemodynamic or oxygenation changes of brain, as
portability, relatively small equipment, and it’s almost completely well as in evaluation of the risks for postoperative stroke and
safe and non-invasive nature (8). muscle metabolism (22). NIRS has shown to be an effective
NIRS can be divided into continuous wave NIRS (CW NIRS), and promising method, however, its clinical value still remains
time domain NIRS (TD NIRS), and frequency domain NIRS controversial (23). Therefore, to address these discrepancies,
(FD NIRS). CW NIRS emits continuous wave and measures the we conducted this systematic review to summarize the existing
changes in the intensity of the light that passed through the tissue, application of NIRS in stroke patients.
whereas TD NIRS utilizes a short pulse of laser light and measures
the arrival times of photons emerging from the tissue. FD NIRS
records the intensity of the detected light as well as the phase METHODS
shift. These signals can then be converted to the concentration
To evaluate how NIRS has been employed for surveillance and
of oxygenated (oxy-Hb) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy-
treatment of stroke patients, we conducted a systematic literature
Hb). One of the most common used algorithm is Modified
review of all published original research involving NIRS in stroke
Beer–Lambert Law (MBLL). CW NIRS could not measure
patients. The literature search, conducted in July 2018, began
absolute concentrations of oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb, because this
with an initial search of the NCBI Pubmed database using the
method assumes a homogenous tissue which is not true. This
following search terms: “(‘Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared’ [MeSH
does not change the results of qualitative analysis, but may
Major Topic] OR “near-infrared spectroscopy”[Title/Abstract]
lead to error in quantitative outcome. TD NIRS recording the
OR fNIRS[Title/Abstract]) AND (stroke[MeSH Major Topic]
temporal broadening of the pulse as it penetrates the investigated
OR “cerebrovascular disorders”[MeSH Major Topic] OR “brain
area allows accurate quantification of the concentrations and
infarction”[MeSH Major Topic])”. Additional spot check
has better spatial resolution (10). Neural activity increases
searches stemming from key references in identified works were
oxygen demands, thus increasing cerebral blood flow due to
also carried out to further strengthen the literature review’s
neurovascular coupling. NIRS could capture the changes of
reliability. Only English language articles published in peer-
oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb to infer changes in brain activity (6,
reviewed journals were included. Then we searched EMBASE
11). Recent years have witnessed rapid development of the
database, Cochrane Library and ScienceDirect database
techniques of NIRS from the single-location measurements to
(Figure 1). All studies involving NIRS in stroke patients of any
two dimensions and then three dimensions. One of its most
age were included. The details of included studies are presented
promising application is in brain-computer interface (BCI)
in Tables 1–7. In total, our literature search identified 66 unique
which was firstly introduced by Coyle et al. (12). BCI use brain
papers relating to stroke recovery, including motor recovery,
activity to control external devices bypassing the peripheral
motor learning, cortical function, hemodynamic changes,
nervous system. NIRS presents as a valuable tool in its brain
cerebral blood oxygen, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based
signal acquisition for its non-invasive nature and real-time
Brain–Computer Interface, and other applications in stroke
monitoring. However, fNIRS-BCI system is still mainly used
patients, which were included for further analysis (Figure 2).
in researches due to slow information transfer rate and low
accuracy (13).
Stroke includes two major types: ischemic, due to lack NIRS FOR MOTOR RECOVERY
of cerebral blood flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding.
During ischemic stroke cerebral blood supply is disrupted by We identified 14 papers (24–37) reporting on NIRS for motor
narrowing of vessels caused by atherosclerosis or embolism. recovery in a total of 399 patients, including upper limb function
In hemorrhagic stroke caused by hypertension or ruptured recovery, lower limb function recovery, balance control and
aneurysm blood flow is reduced due to direct blood loss or motor learning (Table 1). In most patients, their motor function
vessel compression. In either case, a significant decline in was significantly injured due to stroke, resulting in hemiparesis

Frontiers in Neurology | 2 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

returned toward normal at later periods (25). Local perfusion

may also play an essential role in motor recovery. Hara et al.
studied the relationship between improvement in arm function
and cerebral cortical perfusion changes during different tasks
or treatments, in which electromyography-controlled functional
electrical stimulation (EMG-FES) significantly increased cerebral
blood flow, and may improve upper limb function (26). In
another paper, the probe was placed on the flexor muscles of the
forearm to detect changes in forearm tissue perfusion a single
session of robot-assisted passive hand mobilization in 23 patients
with subacute or chronic stroke patients. The results showed
decreased upper limb heaviness and stiffness due to improved
local circulation, therefore providing evidence that hand robotic
assistance may help in the management of spasticity, heaviness,
stiffness, and pain in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis
(27). In addition, Mirror therapy (MT) has been shown that it
could significantly improve upper limb motor function despite
individual variance (28).
We found six papers (29–34) describing gait control and lower
limb function recovery (Table 1). Miyai et al. demonstrated the
contribution of motor cortices including PMC and pre-SMA
in restoration of gait in patients with severe stroke (29). They
then illuminated more detailed mechanism of gait recovery (30).
By measuring cortical activities during hemiparetic gait on the
treadmill, this study discovered gait improvement of asymmetry
in medial primary sensorimotor cortex (SMC) activation and
enhanced PMC activation in the affected hemisphere may
play a role in locomotor recovery. However, the activation
between stroke patients and normal subjects may be diverse.
Another study further investigated the difference of cortical
activation between patients and controls. The results revealed
that during the acceleration phase both controls and patients
showed obvious cortical activation in the medial SMC, SMA
and prefrontal cortex (PFC). However, in the steady phase,
brain activation attenuated in controls, but persisted in patients
FIGURE 1 | Flowchart of literature search.
(31). Lin et al. compared cortical activation patterns during
active cycling with and without speed feedback and during
power-assisted cycling in stroke patients. Speed feedback may
or tetraplegia. The concentration of oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, and total enhance the PMC activation and improve cycling performance
Hb were calculated by NIRS during various tasks, reflecting the in stroke patients (32). The reliability and feasibility of NIRS
activity of motor cortex. The probe is usually positioned at frontal in monitoring lower limb movement recovery has been proved
regions, covering motor cortex, including bilateral premotor (33). Holtzer et al. conducted a research to confirm the posture
cortex (PMC), supplementary motor area (SMA), primary and first hypothesis that under dual-task walking conditions older
secondary motor areas, and somatosensory areas. adults prioritize gait over cognitive task performance. They
Five papers (24–28) reported upper limb motor recovery assessed oxy-Hb levels in the PFC during normal walk and
(Table 1). In three of them, NIRS reflect cerebral cortical walk while talk (WWT) conditions in a large cohort of non-
activity according to blood flow signals. Upper limb motor demented older adults, including normal subjects, central and
recovery has been shown to be associated with ipsilateral motor peripheral neurological gait abnormalities (34). Interestingly,
cortical compensation. Kato et al. evaluated the compensatory higher oxygenation levels were associated with better cognitive
motor activation of cortical regions in 6 patients with cerebral performance among normals, whereas, faster gait velocity in
infarction and 5 normal controls in comparison with functional peripheral neurological gait abnormalities (NGA). This result
MRI (fMRI) and demonstrated the contribution of ipsilateral suggested that presence of NGA may influence distribution of
motor cortical compensation or reorganization during recovery brain activities between gait and cognitive performance (34).
(24). Moreover, patients have shown longitudinal changes in Balance problem is one of the major sequelae of stroke.
functional laterality of activations in the primary sensorimotor Two papers (35, 36) focused on the mechanism of postural
cortex that at early stage affected hand movements activated balance with external perturbation (Table 1). Mihara et al.
bilateral sensorimotor cortices, whereas the activation pattern Revealed broad cortical area, including the prefrontal, premotor,

Frontiers in Neurology | 3 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

TABLE 1 | Summary of studies of NIRS in motor recovery.

Study # of Patients character Etiology Target area Measurement Method Clinical applications


Kato et al. 6 4 men,2 women; Cerebral infarction of MCA 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multi-channel Evaluate the compensatory
(24) 59–79 years old the middle cerebral 1[Deoxy-Hb]. NIRS motor activation of cortical
artery territory region
Takeda 5 one man, four Ischemic stroke Bilateral SM1 1[Oxy-Hb] and 44-channel NIRS Monitor cerebral activation
et al. (25) women, 52–67 1[Deoxy-Hb]. and investigate the
years old longitudinal change
Hara et al. 16 14 men, 2 women Chronic stroke SMC 1[Oxy-Hb] and 24-channel NIRS Investigate relationship
et al. (26) patients with 1[Deoxy-Hb]. between hemiparetic arm
residual hemiparesis function improvement and
brain cortical perfusion
change during different
Gobbo 23 13 males; 10 Subacute or chronic Flexor muscles of the 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Evaluate the acute effects
et al. (27) females, aged 60.4 stroke forearm 1[Deoxy-Hb]. induced by a single session
± 13.2) years of robot-assisted passive
(range: 40–84 years hand mobilization on local
perfusion and upper limb
Brunetti 11 Six female, seven Subacute stroke Primary motor cortex 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Investigate determinants of
et al. (28) male with severe upper and precuneus 1[Deoxy-Hb]. efficacy of mirror therapy
limb paresis
Miyai et al. 6 Four men, two Stroke with Bilateral frontoparietal 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multi-channel Investigate motor cortices
(29) women; 57 years old hemiplegia cortices covering 1[Deoxy-Hb]. NIRS activation
pre-SMAs, part of
prefrontal cortices, and
the superior parietal
Miyai et al. 8 5 men, 3 women; 4 Stroke Bilateral frontoparietal Oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, Multi-channel Illuminate the mechanism of
(30) with right and 4 with cortices covering the and total-Hb levels NIRS gait recovery
left hemiparesis; primary SMC, PMC,
aged 57 years; SMA, pre-SMA, part of
PFC, and the superior
parietal lobes
Mihara 12 11 men,1 Infratentorial stroke Frontoparietal region 1[Oxy-Hb] and 42-channel NIRS Investigate the difference of
et al. (31) woman;age range: covering bilateral 1[Deoxy-Hb]. cortical activation between
12–74 years, mean PFC,the medial patients and controls
± S.D.: 52.7 ± 16.9 PFC,SMA and medial
years SMC
Lin et al. 17 16 men, 1 woman; Subcortical stroke Frontoparietal region 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multichannel Measure the cortical
(32) age 55.53 ± 12.06 with hemiparesis covering SMC;bilateral 1[Deoxy-Hb]. frequency domain activation patterns during
SMA and PMC NIRS active cycling with and
without speed feedback
Rea et al. 7 6 men, 1 woman Chronic stroke Frontal regions, bilateral 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Assess the reliability and
(33) PMC, SMA, primary 1[Deoxy-Hb]. feasibility of NIRS in clinical
and secondary motor usability in lower limb
areas, and movement preparation
somatosensory areas
Holtzer 236 age ≥ 65 years 167 normal,40 Forehead 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Confirm the posture first
et al. (34) peripheral NGA,29 1[Deoxy-Hb]. hypothesis
central NGA
Mihara 20 15 men and five Stroke Frontoparietal region 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Evaluate cortical activation
et al. (35) women; mean (SD) 1[Deoxy-Hb]. associated with external
age 61.6 (11.9) postural perturbation


Frontiers in Neurology | 4 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

TABLE 1 | Continued

Study # of Patients character Etiology Target area Measurement Method Clinical applications

Fujimoto 20 17 men and 3 Subcortical stroke Frontoparietal region 1[Oxy-Hb] and Single-channel Evaluate cortical activation
et al. (36) women; mean (± 1[Deoxy-Hb]. NIRS associated with external
SD) age 60.2 (± 9.5) postural perturbation
Hatakenaka 12 10 men and 2 Ataxia resulting from Forehead, including 1[Oxy-Hb] and 42-channel NIRS Investigate impact of the
et al. (37) women; mean (± infratentorial stroke SMC, SMA, pre-SMA, 1[Deoxy-Hb]. capacity for motor learning
SD) age 56 (± 16) dorsal PMC, and on motor recovery
years dorsolateral PFC

MCA, middle cerebral artery; SMC, sensorimotor cortex; PMC, premotor cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; PFC, prefrontal cortex.

TABLE 2 | Summary of studies of NIRS in cortical function recovery.

Study # of Patients character Etiology Target area Measurement Method Clinical applications

Park et al. 1 Male, 73 Subcortical stroke Bilateral motor area 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Assess serial changes
(38) 1[Deoxy-Hb]. during CIT
Schytz 108 (four Ischemic stroke MCA 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multi-channel Assess CA by recording
et al. (39) studies) 1[Deoxy-Hb]. NIRS LFO
Han et al. 10 Age: 76.6 ± 8.5 year Cerebral infarction Left and right prefrontal HbO2 signals fNIRS Assess the prefrontal
(40) lobes functional connectivity using
wavelet coherence analysis
of cerebral tissue
concentration (Delta [HbO2])
signals in elderly subjects
with cerebral infarction (CI)
during the resting state
Cao et al. 6 3 male, 3 female; Stroke with Sensorimotor cortex, Oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, fNIRS Evaluate cortical plasticity
(41) age 10.2 ± 2.1 hemiplegia covering PMC, SMA and total-Hb levels after CIT
and M1/S1
Tan et al. 12 6 men, 6 woman Cerebral infarction Bilateral forehead 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multi-channel Evaluate functional
(42) 1[Deoxy-Hb]. NIRS connectivity
Oldag 20 12 men, 8 women; Unilateral high-grade Bilateral MCA 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multi-channel Assess autoregulation delay
et al. (43) mean age 55.3 ± steno-occlusion of 1[Deoxy-Hb]. continuous wave
12.5 years MCA NIRS
Moriya 11 Seven males, four Stroke Prefrontal cortex 1[Oxy-Hb] and Two-channel NIRS Examine the acute effect of
et al. (44) females, aged 69.6 1[Deoxy-Hb]. physical exercise
± 12.0 years
Saita et al. 2 58-year-old male; Cerebellar stroke Bilateral frontal lobe 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Evaluate cortical activity
(45) 74-year-old female 1[Deoxy-Hb].
Mori et al. 14 12 men and 2 Stroke Prefrontal cortex 1[Oxy-Hb] and 16-channel NIRS Investigate the association
(46) women; mean age, 1[Deoxy-Hb]. between PFC activity and
61.1 ± 9.3 years; dual-task interference on
range, 36–72 years physical and cognitive
White et al. 2 Infant Perinatal stroke Bilateraloccipital Lobe Oxygenation NIRS oximetry Investigate the functional
(47) organization of the brain in
adults and infants

CIT, constraint-induced therapy; CA, cerebral autoregulation; LFO, low-frequency oscillations.

supplementary motor, and parietal cortical areas in both oxygenation signals in the SMA of the unaffected hemisphere was
hemispheres, involved in balance control in poststroke patients significantly correlated with the gain in balance function (36).
(35). Among which, SMA was then demonstrated to be a Motor learning is essential in function recovery, including
crucial area—the increment of the postural-perturbation-related motor adaptation, and motor sequence learning. Motor

Frontiers in Neurology | 5 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

TABLE 3 | Summary of studies of NIRS in monitoring hemodynamic changes.

Study # of Patients character Etiology Target area Measurement Method Clinical applications

Saitou 44 Stroke with Forehead on the injured Detect cerebral perfusion

et al. (48) hemiplegia side
Terborg 13 Five female, eight Acute infarction in The territory of the Kinetics of an NIRS Detect cerebral ICG kinetics
et al. (49) male; mean (SD)age, the territory of MCA MCA intravenous bolus of
62.2 (13.0) years indocyanine green
Terborg 11 6 male, 5 female; Acute infarction in The territory of the Kinetics of an NIRS Measure effects of
et al. (50) mean age, 65.8 ± the territory of MCA MCA intravenous bolus of head-of-bed (HOB)
12.4 years indocyanine green
Durduran 17 7 male, 10 female; Acute ischemic Frontal lobe 1[Oxy-Hb] and Two-channel NIRS Monitor blood flow signals
et al. (51) 44-93 years (65 ± stroke 1[Deoxy-Hb].
Muehlschlegel 12 8 male, 4 female; Hemispheric strokes Injured area Interhemispheric CW-NIRS Assess the cerebral
et al. (52) 49-89 years correlation coefficient oxygenation oscillations
Li et al. (53) 10 7 male,3 female; age CI Frontal lobe Cerebral oxygenation NIRS oximetry Monitor neuronal and
65 ± 7 oscillations vascular signals
Leistner 6 3 male,3 female; age Subacute ischemic Frontal lobe 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Monitor blood flow signals
et al. (54) 52 ± 5 stroke 1[Deoxy-Hb].
Keller et al. 1 _ Subarachnoid Injured area Kinetics of an NIRS Detect cerebral perfusion
(55) hemorrhage intravenous bolus of
indocyanine green
Oldag 17 59.9 ± 13.8 Severe unilateral The cortical territory of 1[Oxy-Hb] and Multichannel Assess the phase
et al. (56) stenosis or the MCA and its border 1[Deoxy-Hb]. continuous wave relationship of prefrontal
segmental occlusion zone toward the NIRS tissue oxyhemoglobin
of the MCA anterior cerebral artery oscillations
Han et al. 21 74.4 ± 9.0 years CI Frontal lobe 1[Oxy-Hb] and fNIRS Assess changes at
(57) 1[Deoxy-Hb]. microvascular level
Zirak et al. 1 Ischemic stroke / Assess neurovascular
(58) coupling
Dutta et al. 4 3 males, 1 female Chronic ischemic Central site Cz Oxy- and deoxy- NIRS oximetry Investigate hemodynamic
(59) from age 31 to 76 stroke hemoglobin and metabolic changes
Mitra et al. 1 Infant Perinatal stroke Either side of forehead Oxy- and deoxy- NIRS oximetry
(60) hemoglobin
Cooper 4 Infant Perinatal stroke Each temporal lobe Oxy- and NIRS oximetry Investigate transient
et al. (61) deoxy-hemoglobin hemodynamic events within
few hours in infants with
neurological damage

CI, cerebral infarction; ICG, indocyanine green.

adaptation refers to the ability to compensate for environmental Two studies have reported significant improvement in
changes such as external force. Motor sequence learning is task performance or cortical plasticity after constraint-induced
defined as learning of sequential motor actions, which is essential movement therapy (38, 41). In addition, fNIRS could assess
for activities of daily living. Impaired motor sequence learning the prefrontal functional connectivity using wavelet coherence
may be correlated with reduced rehabilitation gains for ataxic analysis of cerebral tissue oxy-Hb concentration (40). A
patients with stroke (37). frequency-specific disruption in resting-state connectivity has
been observed in cerebral infarction cases. fNIRS could also
used in neonates as a bedside monitoring tool to early detect
NIRS FOR CORTICAL FUNCTION neurological deficiency and provide prognostic information (47).
RECOVERY These evidence supported NIRS as a promising method for
evaluating functional recovery (42).
The cortical functions including cortical plasticity, functional Post-stroke patients exhibit changes in cerebral autoregulation
connectivity or cerebral autoregulation that could be reflected (CA) which could be assessed by recording spontaneous
based on oxygenation levels are directly related to motor and oscillations in mean arterial blood pressure and cerebral blood
cognitive recovery after stroke. We reviewed 10 papers (38–47) flow. The etiology of oscillations remained unknown, however,
reporting cortical function recovery (Table 2). its significance in reflecting CA has been demonstrated. NIRS

Frontiers in Neurology | 6 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

TABLE 4 | Summary of studies of NIRS in monitoring cerebral blood oxygenation.

Study # of Patients character Etiology Target area Measurement Method Clinical applications

Nemoto 2 85-yr-old female; Infarction in the Frontal-temporal or Oxygen saturation NIRS oximetry Monitor CBO changes
et al. (62) 62-yr-old female territory of MCA frontal-parietal cortices
Damian 24 15 male, 9 female; Complete MCA Bilateral frontal lobe Oxygen saturation NIRS oximetry Monitor CBO changes
et al. (63) 43-77 stroke and brain
Sakatani / / / / Oxygen saturation NIRS oximetry Clarify CBO changes
et al. (64) occurring in stroke and
brain tumors
Aries et al. 9 3 male, 6 female; Acute stroke Bilateral forehead Oxygen saturation NIRS oximetry Monitor CBO changes
(65) age 71 ± 10
Mundiyanapurath44 59–82 Acute ischemic Oxygen saturation NIRS oximetry Compare therapeutic effect
et al. (66) stroke
Liebig et al. / / / / Cerebral oxygenation NIRS oximetry Compare therapeutic effect
Hametner 43 22 male, 21 female; Acute ischemic Forehead Cerebral oxygenation NIRS oximetry Measure rSO2
et al. (68) 65–79 stroke
Hashimoto 1 77-year-old man CI Bilateral frontal lobe Regional cerebral NIRS oximetry Monitor CBO changes
et al. (69) oxygen saturation
Ritzenthaler 3 56-year-old man; MCA occlusion Bilateral forehead Regional cerebral NIRS oximetry Assess rSO2 changes
et al. (70) 52-year-old man; oxygen saturation
40-year-old (rSO3)
pregnant woman
Nakamura 5 Four male, one Stroke Injured area 1[Oxy-Hb] and NIRS Evaluate effect of
et al. (71) female, 65.6 ± 10.6 1[Deoxy-Hb]. revascularization on the
years abnormal evoked CBO
Vernieri 2 58-year-old man; Ischemic stroke MCA Cerebral oxygenation NIRS oximetry Evaluate the effects of
et al. (72) 61-year-old man hypercapnia
Moreau 5 2 male,3 female; Acute stroke MCA Cerebral oxygenation NIRS oximetry Investigate brain
et al. (73) median age 64 oxygenation in the first few
years old hours of stroke onset

CBO, cerebral blood oxygenation.

TABLE 5 | Summary of studies of NIRS as therapeutic tool.

Study # of patients Etiology Target area Clinical applications

Blokland et al. (15) 10 Stroke with tetraplegia Motor cortex Test the feasibility of a combined
EEG-fNIRS system
Mihara et al. (16) 20 Subcortical stroke Frontoparietal region Investigate the effect of neurofeedback on
motor imagery

with a high time resolution is suggested as a promising tool for therapeutic effect of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise by
measuring oscillations, identifying risk and evaluating treatment improving working memory performance (44).
strategies in patients with carotid artery disease and ischemic
stroke (39, 43).
Mori et al. investigated dual-task interference on physical NIRS FOR HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES
and cognitive performance in stroke patients. In consistent
with previous studies, during dual-task walking, PFC activation Fourteen papers (48–61) focusing on the applications of NIRS
might prioritize physical demands in stroke patients, but might in monitoring hemodynamic changes in 158 stroke patients
prioritize cognitive demands in healthy subjects (46). Another (Table 3). The probe usually positioned on the injured area of the
study examined the acute effect of physical exercise on prefrontal brain, NIRS can detect cerebral perfusion timely in patients with
cortex activity in post-stroke patients and demonstrated the acute infarction (49, 50) or steno-occlusive disease (56) at bedside

Frontiers in Neurology | 7 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

TABLE 6 | Summary of studies of NIRS in evaluating the risk for perioperative


Study # of patients Operation

Olsson et al. (74) 46 Selective antegrade cerebral perfusion

Nakamura et al. (75) 1 CEA
Kellermann et al. (76) / Cardiac surgery
Pennekamp et al. (77) / Carotid endarterectomy
Ono et al. (78) 234 Cardiopulmonary bypass
Rummel et al. (79) 35 Balloon occlusion

CEA, Carotid Endarterectomy.

TABLE 7 | Summary of studies of other applications.

References # of Etiology Clinical applications



Viola et al. (80) 10 Migraine Detect cerebral
microcirculation FIGURE 2 | Summary of the application of NIRS.
Li et al. (81) 12 Atherosclerosis Evaluate risk for
atherosclerotic stroke
Pizza et al. (82) 11 Acute/subacute middle Monitor oxygenation
cerebral artery stroke level to quantify asymmetric microvascular hemodynamics (52). In
Liebig et al. (67) 25 Ischemic stroke Monitor signs of addition, NIRS combined with diffuse correlation spectroscopy
ischemia during might provide hemodynamic changes at the microvascular level
neurovascular (58).
Spontaneous activity in prefrontal cerebral oxygenations has
been demonstrated to be disturbed in the elderly and in
Bönöczk et al. (20) 43 Middle cerebral artery Measure cerebral blood
patients with cerebral infarction (CI), which could be analyzed
stroke flow
by continuous recording based on the wavelet transform of
De et al. (21) 3 Perinatal arterial Assess cerebral
ischemic stroke oxygenation NIRS signals, could reflect resting state functional connectivity
OTHERS (53). Recent studies have shown the reduction of spontaneous
Selb et al. (83) 36 Stroke Investigate the effect of
oscillations in subjects with CI may suggest an increased stiffness
MAs on “oscillation” in arterial vessels (53). Moreover, altered phase synchronization
data has been observed between the CI patients and healthy elderly
Ferrante et al. (22) 9 Stroke Examine muscular indicates altered phase synchronization, indicating its potential
metabolism utility to assessing atherosclerosis in high risk subjects for CI (57).
Hemodynamic changes recorded by NIRS could also provide
MA: motion artifacts.
critical information for other techniques. A method for EEG-
NIRS based assessment of neurovascular coupling (NVC)
during anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
with indocyanine green (ICG) as tracer, providing a rapid, was proposed in case series of four chronic ischemic stroke
repeatable method without major side effects and transportation survivors (59). Cooper et al. used this EEG-NIRS system recorded
of critically ill patients (48–50, 56). Another study explored transient haemodynamic events in neurologically compromised
Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) and NIRS to measure infants (61).
effects of head-of-bed (HOB) positioning at different angles. The
result showed increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) when the
HOB is lowered from 30◦ to −5◦ (51). Mitra et al. investigated NIRS FOR CEREBRAL BLOOD
metabolic and circulation changes following neonatal stroke in a OXYGENATION
term infant. Decreased oxy-Hb and clear asymmetry were noted
(60). We reviewed twelve (62–73) papers reporting on cerebral
NIRS could be used in intensive care unit as a blood oxygenation (CBO) (Table 4). NIRS allows non-invasive
neuromonitoring tool, reflecting blood flow signals (52, 55) measurement of regional cerebral oxygen saturation with high
as well as neuronal and vascular signals (54) in real-time. time resolution, reflecting cerebral perfusion and metabolism.
The interhemispheric correlation coefficient (IHCC) during Oximetry by NIRS evaluates oxygenation changes in stroke
physiological oscillations might be a new NIRS analysis tool patients (73) and the balance between regional oxygen supply

Frontiers in Neurology | 8 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

and demand and assess functional state of the brain. In infarcted Doppler recording subcortical changes and NIRS—cortical
non-metabolizing brain, oxygen saturation may be near normal arterioles and capillary modifications (72).
due to sequestered cerebral venous blood in capillaries and
decreased consumption. In regionally or globally ischemic, but
metabolizing brain, saturation decreases because oxygen supply NIRS AS A THERAPEUTIC TOOL
is insufficient to meet metabolic demand (62). Several studies
demonstrated good responsiveness of NIRS signal to oxygenation Despite several efficient therapies, neurorehabilitation is an
changes in stroke and brain tumors (63–65). Unlike fMRI which intricate process requiring time and numerous factors. Given this
provides information mainly about concentration changes of circumstance, BCI which use brain activity to control external
deoxy-Hb that is paramagnetic,. NIRS detect both oxy-Hb and devices may be the only solution for patients with severe function
deoxy-Hb changes, thus providing more information (64). In deficiency, failing to interact with the environment and sustain
addition, bilateral NIRS seems to be more useful on cerebral normal daily lives.
oxygenation than unilateral measurements and may help in BCI can be divided into two types, assistive BCI and
prediction of the worsening of brain swelling (63). rehabilitative BCI system. The assistive BCI system aims
One of the most important predictors of clinical outcome after to substitute lost functions, for example, to achieve high-
acute ischemic stroke is recanalization. Endovascular treatment dimensional movement control of robotic devices. In contrast,
is one of major therapies of stroke patients. NIRS may be useful the rehabilitative BCI system aims to facilitate the restoration of
to monitor oxygenation during management of acute ischemic brain function by normalizing the neurophysiologic activity (84).
stroke (70). Nakamura et al. demonstrated that revascularization The patient’s brain signals obtained via invasive or non-invasive
could improve the abnormal evoked-CBO response in ischemic means are acquired via amplifiers, filtered, and decoded using
stroke patients (71). Studies were designed to optimize clinical an online classification algorithm to control external devices.
treatment with NIRS as a monitoring tool in measuring cerebral Distinct techniques have been explored to control a BCI, such as
oximetry. However, whether patients suffering from acute EEG and more recently NIRS.
ischemic stroke and undergoing endovascular recanalization NIRS is a relatively new measurement modality that offers a
should be treated under general anesthesia (GA) or conscious portable, low-cost, sensitive option for BCI development. The
sedation (CS) remained a matter of debate. A prospective study idea of using NIRS as an optical BCI has been introduced by
with forty-four patients investigated their effects. The result Coyle in 2004 (85). Since then a number of studies (84–90)
showed CS groups required less vasopressor medication and had further investigated its application in BCI, either examining the
a higher mean blood pressure (66). Mechanical thrombectomy resulting signals for motor imagery or classifying the NIRS signals
might have higher recanalization rates than intravenous or intra- directly. Despite significant advantages because of non-invasive,
arterial thrombolysis, resulting in a better clinical outcome (67). portable nature of NIRS, there are several seconds of delay
Treatment of endovascular stroke often impedes neurologic between neural activation and NIRS signal changes. To overcome
assessment in patients who need sedation or general anesthesia. these disadvantages of NIRS-based BCI systems, Siamac et al.
NIRS may fulfill this gap by measuring regional oxygen combined EEG and NIRS measurements in BCI (91). Recently
saturation (rSO2). Bi-channel rSO2-NIRS has potential for this hybrid EEG–fNIRS brain computer interface has attracted
guiding neuroanesthesia and predicting outcome (68). extensive attention and shown enhanced accuracy (92–97). Most
Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) was described of these studies, however, are limited in healthy population.
in a case report of a 77-year-old man with acute cerebral Blokland et al. demonstrated feasibility and accuracy of using a
infarction, which is known to be a rare but devastating combined EEG-fNIRS sensorimotor rhythms-based brain switch
complication of carotid artery revascularization. The patient in patients with tetraplegia. A combined EEG-fNIRS system
underwent successful recanalization with thrombectomy by might be especially beneficial for patients whose classification
using a stent retriever for the middle cerebral artery and performance based on EEG only are low (15). The recent study
stent placement for the origin of the internal carotid artery. of Khan et al. Has shown the possibility of this hybrid EEG-
However, 12 h after treatment acute intracranial hemorrhage fNIRS system in controlling a quadcopter with fNIRS decoding
happened, which was considered to have been caused by mental arithmetic, counting, rotation, and word formation, EEG
CHS under the evaluation of NIRS. This case emphasized decoding eyeblinks and movement (92). The combination of EEG
the significance of performing routine monitoring of regional and fNIRS increases the number of control commands, improve
cerebral oxygen saturation by NIRS to timely recognize CHS classification accuracy and reduce the signal detection time (93).
(69). Further improvement in its efficacy requires proper brain region
NIRS may be more useful in combination with other identification and feature selection (94).
techniques. Vernieri et al. combined NIRS with transcranial In addition, NIRS was used in neurofeedback. Neurofeedback
Doppler to investigate the effects of hypercapnia on healthy is a type of biofeedback that measures brain waves to produce
individuals and patients of ischemic stroke (76). The results a signal that can be used as feedback to modulate brain
revealed that in healthy hemisphere scalp vessels dilated in function voluntarily by the patients themselves. Real-time
response to hypercapnia, thus increasing cerebral blood flow, feedback of neural activity to the subjects may modulate plastic
whereas in ischemic side this changes was negligible. This hybrid reorganization without external stimulation of the brain. NIRS,
method could provide more information, with transcranial as a neurofeedback tool detecting blood flow signals, could

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Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

improve cortical plasticity and enhance the therapeutic effect NIRS (TD NIRS) to examine muscular metabolism on post-
of motor imagery. In a pilot study twenty hemiplegic patients stroke patients and the result indicated metabolic dysfunction of
with subcortical stroke were analyzed and the results suggested muscles seemed to be local and unilateral (22).
that NIRS-mediated neurofeedback may enhance the efficacy
of mental practice with motor imagery and augment motor
NIRS, a non-invasive neuroimaging technique with the
OTHER APPLICATIONS advantages of low price, simplicity, portability and small devices,
has a wide range of utility (48). The existing clinical literature
Apart from applications above, NIRS has been used in evaluation suggests NIRS plays an important role in monitoring motor
of the risk for stroke, clinical studies and monitoring muscle recovery, including upper limb (24–28), lower limb recovery
metabolic indexes (Tables 6, 7). (29–34), balance control (35, 36), motor learning (37), cortical
Continuously monitoring oxygenation levels by NIRS during function recovery (38–47), cerebral hemodynamic changes (48–
operation could diagnose and predict the occurrence of 61), cerebral oxygenation (62–73), therapy (15, 16), and other
perioperative stroke. In a study of 46 patients underwent applications (20–22, 67, 74–83). In particular, its ambulatory
selective antegrade cerebral perfusion of the right subclavian real-time measurement without the fixation of position provides
artery, decreased regional cerebral tissue oxygen saturation great value in tasks requiring constant movement, for example,
was observed. Monitoring of regional cerebral oxygenation gait control.
by NIRS allows detection of clinically important cerebral NIRS is applied in healthy population at first and then
desaturation, and could predict perioperative neurologic sequelae used in stroke subjects. By monitoring of NIRS could reflect
(74). Two studies evaluated perioperative stroke after carotid the function recovery and the therapeutic effect in patients;
endarterectomy (75, 77). NIRS could monitor cerebral changes compared with normal people, it can be used to study the
during the surgery, providing immediate feedback to the treating pathophysiological mechanism of disease and predict the risk,
physician and allowing prompt corrections. Multichannel NIRS serving as an effective monitoring and research tool. In addition,
detects watershed-type posterior perfusion defects, superior to it can be used as therapeutic tool combined with BCI and
single-channel (75). NIRS is also of great importance during neurofeedback, but the current studies mainly limited in healthy
cardiopulmonary bypass (78), cardiac surgery (76), and vessel people, however, the results have shown potential value, requiring
occlusion (67, 79). Treatment of intracranial aneurysms by further investigations in stroke patients.
surgical clipping carries a risk of intraoperative ischemia, caused Despite its non-invasive, portable and ambulatory nature,
mainly by prolonged temporary occlusion of cerebral arteries. its accuracy is influenced by several factors, thus limiting its
NIRS monitoring of cerebral blood flow (CBF) during surgery further application. fNIRS detects neurovascular coupling and its
may decrease the risk (67). Another study proposed multichannel accuracy may be impaired by extracerebral and systemic changes
CW NIRS during endovascular neuroradiologic interventions such as blood pressure and concentration of CO2 (98, 99).
requiring temporary balloon occlusion of arteries supplying the This problem confounds all hemodynamic-based neuroimaging
cerebral circulation (79). Based on these studies, NIRS plays methods, like fMRI. However, due to its high sensitivity, the slight
an essential role in monitoring perioperative stroke, however, blood fluctuations in the scalp may cause “false positives and
a combination of several monitoring modalities may enhance negatives.” We generally assumed the signal changes are only
accuracy and require further investigations. related to neural activity. However, in reality, the fNIRS signals
Studies have also evaluated the risk for stroke in other diseases. are composed of six components: evoked/non-evoked cerebral
We reviewed three papers. Viola et al. assessed hemodynamic neuronal changes and evoked/non-evoked cerebral/extracerebral
changes in migraine patients. The results showed a mild systemic changes (23, 100). These shortages could be minimized
vasoconstriction, which may be the possible explanation of the by careful study design, improved fNIRS techniques and
association between migraine and an increased risk for ischemic statistical processing (23). A modified fNIRS techniques with
stroke (80). The spontaneous cerebral oscillations based on the higher resolution is needed. The newly proposed fNIRS-based
wavelet transform of NIRS signals were assessed to evaluate bundled-optode method used 32 optodes could increase spatial
risk for atherosclerotic stroke (81). Sleep-disordered breathing resolution and this method can be extended for 3D fNIRS
(SDB) could lead to cerebral deoxygenation, resulting in stroke imaging (101, 102). As to obtain higher temporal resolution
outcome. By monitoring oxygenated state of the brain, NIRS for fNIRS-BCI, several studies demonstrated the detection of
could recognize these conditions at early stage (82). the initial dip may be useful. The initial dip refers to an early
In addition, NIRS presents as an effective research tool in small decrease of the concentration of oxy-Hb and is closely
clinical studies. The concentration of oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb associated with neuronal metabolism. fNIRS-based BCI using
obtained by NIRS could be measured, calculated and analyzed, initial dip detection could reduce the command generation
evaluating hemodynamic, oxygenation changes and cortical time and improve temporal resolution (103, 104). In addition,
function, thus widely used in assessing the effects of different longitudinal studies, for example, measuring with NIRS/fNIRS
therapies or the evolution of diseases (20, 21). Ferrante et al. on one subject every day for a week could provide deeper
combined functional electrical stimulation and time-domain insight the dynamic changes of brain, and as time prolonged

Frontiers in Neurology | 10 February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 58

Yang et al. NIRS for Stroke

the influence of confounding factors could be minimized. to be effective in many neurological disorders, including stroke,
Furthermore, stroke has specific circadian and circannual Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, depression and addiction
rhythms. Most of strokes occurred in the morning between (109). Several studies has suggested its ability to change
7 a.m. and noon (105). Therefore, the time of measurement oscillatory neural activity in resting state, functional connectivity
may influence the efficacy of NIRS and determining the and event related desynchronization/synchronization which are
optimal time window for measurements might be one aspect often injured in patients with motor disorders (110). It could
for optimization of NIRS. Apart from “false positives and also influence membrane potentials of pyramidal neurons and
negatives,” NIRS provides no anatomical information, thus must induce long lasting effects on cortical plasticity by modifying N-
use scalp anatomy to locate the position where the signals methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor and revealed changes in
arise (52, 106). At present, inhibitory and excitatory activity resting state oscillatory neural activity, functional connectivity,
cannot be discriminated, which requiring the support of other and event related activity during cognitive tasks (111, 112).
techniques (107). These results could partially explain its therapeutic effects, but
Considering the inevitable shortcomings, one promising its exact mechanism still remain unclear. Neuroimaging tool,
prospect is the combination of different neuroimaging including fMRI, PET, EEG and NIRS could partially illuminate
techniques, including diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI), the neurophysiological changes, providing valuable insights
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), ligand-based into brain changes during electrical stimulation. However, the
positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission application of fMRI and PET are restricted due to bulky
computed tomography (SPECT), functional magnetic and immobile properties. EEG are portable and suitable in
resonance imaging (fMRI), NIRS, and EEG. Conjugated combination with tDCS, but its accuracy may be diminished by
with other techniques, the surveillance might be more disturbance of artifacts. fNIRS, based on the measurements of
comprehensive and accurate. Moreover, at present most light intensity, are not affected by electrically induced artifacts
studies have focused on its application in stroke recovery, and might be most desirable tool in tDCS researches (113).
its ability to assess the occurrence of stroke, for example,
during operation and in people with higher risk, is of great AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
significance. Further researches could emphasize NIRS in
the prevention of stroke as well as stroke recovery and PW contributed to the conception of the study. MY contributed
prognosis. significantly to manuscript preparation and wrote the
NIRS could also used in combination with neurostimulation manuscript. ZY, TY, and WF revised the manuscript and
tools. Medical communities have been interested in electrical approved the final version.
stimulation for a long time. Recently transcranial direct current
stimulation (tDCS), which was firstly used in humans in 2,000 FUNDING
by Nitsche et al. (108), has shown to be an appealing therapeutic
tool in neurological disorders. It emits small amounts of electric Gaofeng Medical Technology Talents Project (grant number:
current to modulate the excitability of neuron and has shown 2018061).

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