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Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance

Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. Scope of public finance includes :

(a) Public revenue (b) Public debt (c) Public expenditure (d) All of
2. Public Authorities Include:
(a) Central Government (b) State Government (c) Local Government (d) All
of these
3. Which is the main point on the basis of which public finance can be
separated from private finance:
(a) Price policy (b) Borrowings (c) Secrecy (d) Elasticity in income
4. The principle of Maximum Social Advantage have been suggested by
(a) Pigou (b) Dalton (c) Musgrave (d) Adam Smith
5. In the following which is the characteristic of a tax
(a) Compulsory (b) optional (c) forced (d) nationality
6. Which is the main objective of a tax:
(a) Increase in consumption (b) increase in production (
c) Raising public revenue (d)reduction in capital formation
7. Among the following canons of taxation which one has been given by Adam
(a) Canon of Uniformity (b) Canon of productivity
(c) canon of diversity (d) canon of equity
8. The Indian tax system is:
(a) Proportional (b) Progressive (c) Regressive (d) Degressive
9. The burden of direct taxes is borne by :
(a) Rich person (b) poor person
(c) on whom it is levied (d) none of these
10. Indirect taxes have an element of :
(a) Equitable (b) certainty (c) economical (d) encourage honesty

II. Discuss the following:

1. What do Public Finance refers to?

III. Enumeration:

1-5 Process Cycles of Public Finance

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. Direct taxes have the element of :

(a) Evasion (b) convenient (c) progressive (d) economy
2. In proportional tax system, the rates of tax remain:
(a) Constant (B) increasing (c) decreasing (d) zero
3. Expenditure Tax for India was recommended by:
(a) Kaldor (b) Colin Clarke (c) Adam Smith (d) Adolph Wagnor
4. Corporate Income tax is the tax levied on:
(a) Corporations (b) Municipalities
(c) Co –operative societies (d) Companies
5. Which of the following is the major source of revenue in India:
(a) Direct tax (b) Capital Levy (c) Grants in aid (d) Indirect tax
6. Which of the following is not a Commodity Tax:
(a) Excise duty (b) Customs Duty (c) Coporation Tax (d) Octroi
7. A duty levied on goods when they entering a town
(a) Income tax (b) Octroi (c) Agricultural tax (d) Professional tax
8. Special Assessment means:
(a) A tax on special benefits (b) General tax on all people
(c) A periodical tax (d) Gift tax
9. Non-exclusion principle is related to:
(a) Private goods (b) Public goods (c) Merit goods (d) Mixed goods
10. Education is an example of:
1(a) Public good (b) Merit good (c) Social good (d) Club good

II. Discuss the following:

1. What is Fiscal Policy refers to?

III. Enumeration:

1-5 Subdivisions for Public Finance

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice

1. Public Goods are:

(a) Excludable (b) Non – excludable (c) Marketable (d) All of these
2. Who is the father of Public Finance:
(a) Dalton (b) Pigou (c) Smith (d) Musgrave
3. Incidence of tax means:
(a) Direct money burden (b) indirect money burden (c) actual tax burden
(d) none of these
4. Which is the tax shifting
(a) To bear the tax burden himself
(b) to shift the tax burden on others
(c) to bear some part of the tax himself and shift the rest on others
(d) none of these
5. The equity principle of taxation was propounded by:
A) Adam Smith B) Dalton C) J.B. Say D) Marshall
6. “The government which taxes the least is the best”, is the belief of:

A) Mercantilists B) Physiocrates C) Modern D) Classical

7. According to Laffer, when the tax rate is 100 per cent , the tax revenue
will be:
A) 100% B) 50% C) Zero D) 10%
8. Incidence of a tax refers to the _________ burden of tax:
A) Initial B) Ultimate C) Intermediate D) None
9. In the case of regressive tax, the rate of tax _________ as income
A) increases B)remains constant C) Decreases D) None
10. Advolorum duties are levied on:
A) Length B) Weight C) Utilities D) Value

II. Discuss the following:

1. Discuss what revenue is.

III. Enumeration:

1-3 Gov. Expenditures, 3-ways to finance

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. Tax avoidance is:

A) Illegitimate B) Legitimate C) Punishable D) None
2. The VAT was first introduced in:
A) India B) Britain C) USA D) France
3. Customs duties are imposed on commodities as they cross:
A) State boundaries B) District boundaries
C) National boundaries D) Municipal boundaries
4. Contra-cyclical fiscal policy was popularised by:
A) Adam Smith B) Dalton C) J.B. Say D) Keynes
5. Deficit financing as a tool of fiscal policy was suggested by:
A) Keynes B) Dalton C) J.B. Say D) Marshall
6. Keynes popularised:
A) Monetary policy B) Fiscal Policy C) Income policy D) Price policy
7. A budget where there is excess of expenditure over revenue is called:
A) Surplus B) Deficit C) Balanced D) Zero-based
8. The balanced budget principle was advocated by:
A) Keynesians B) Mercantilists
C) Classical school D) Neo-Classical school
9. Which one of the following is not a tax base?
A) Income B) wealth C) Utility D) Consumption
10. Equals treated equally in taxation leads to:
A) Vertical equity B) Real equity C) Horizontal equity D) None

II. Discuss the following:

1. Discuss what do expenditure means.

III. Enumeration:

1-2 Gov. Revenue derived from

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. Which one of the following is not a public utility?

A) Electricity B) Water supply C) Gas service D) Tourism
2. The largest component of revenue expenditure in India is:
A) Pension B) Interest payments C) Education D) Health
3. The Classical economists asserted that public expenditure is:
A) Unproductive B) Productive C) stagnant D) All of these
4. Wagner’s Law is related to:
A) Public revenue B) Public expenditure C) Public debt D) Budget
5. The largest component of revenue expenditure in India is:
A) Pension B) Interest payments C) Education D) Health
6. Adolph Wagner was a ____________ Economist:
A) French B) German C) Indian D) American
7. Who is the exponent of Law of Increasing State Activities?
A) Dalton B) Pigou C) Smith D) Wagner
8. The Displacement effect hypothesis was formulated by:
A) Peacock and Wiseman B) Pigou C) Smith D) Musgrave
9. The financial year in India starts from:
A) 1st January B) 31st March C) 1st April D) 1st July
10. Salaries and pensions paid by governments are called:
A) Capital expenditure B) Development expenditure
C) Revenue expenditure D)Plan expenditure

II. Discuss the following:

1. In accounting, what is accountability?

III. Enumeration:

1-5 Give at least 5 Types of Taxes

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. The fiscal deficit excluding the interest liabilities for a year is

called as
A) Revenue deficit B) Capital deficit C) Budget deficit D) Primary
2. The FRBM Act was passed in:
A) 1991 B) 2001 C) 2003 D) 2011
3. The Zero-based budgeting was first adopted in:
A) India B) France C) Germany D) USA
4. Who proposed the Zero-based budgeting for the first time:
A) David Ricardo B) Alfred marshall C) Adam Smith D) Peter Phyrr
5. Gender budgeting started in India with the Union budget of:
A) 1991-92 B) 2001-02 C) 2006-07 D) 2010-11
6. Grants recommended by the Finance Commission are known as:
A) Plan grants B) Conditional Grants C) Statutory grants D) Conditional
7. Which one of the following is not a method for redeeming public debt?
A) Sinking fund B) Capital levy C) Terminal annuities D)Grants in aid
8. The Finance Commission in India is appointed by:
A) President B) Prime Minister C) Chief Minister D) Finance Minister
9. The Theory of Maximum Social Advantage was given by:
A) Marshal B) Dalton C) Musgrave D) Mill
10. Which of the following is a Statutory Body?
A) Finance Commission B) Planning Commission
C) State Planning Board D) None of these

II. Discuss the following:

1. What do you mean by economic efficiency? Explain, briefly.

III. Enumeration:

1-5 Give the other Types of Taxes

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. Author of ‘General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money’:

A) Dalton B) Marshal C) Keynes D) Musgrave
2. Functional Finance concept was introduced by:
A) Marx and Angels B) Keynes and Lerner
C) Dalton and Pigou D) J.S. Mill
3. Formation of---------------is the actual method of debt redemption:
A) Sinking fund B) Capital levy C) Conversion D) Repudiation
4. Chairman of the first Finance Commission:
A) Chadha B) K.C. Neogi C) Santhanam D) Y.V. Chavan
5. Redemption of public debt means:
A) Repayment of debt B) Repayment of FDI
C) Additional borrowing D) Deficit financing
6. The Annual Account of both the income and expenditure is called:
A) Plan B) Budget C) Manifesto D)Accounts
7. Equals treated equally in taxation leads to:
A) Vertical equity B) Real equity C) Horizontal equity D) None
8. Modified Value Added Tax was introduced in India in:
A) 1951 B) 1986 C) 1991 D) 1976
9. Agricultural Holding Tax was recommended by:
A) Adam Smith B) K.N. Raj C) Chelliah D) Marshall
10. The burden of long-term public debt fall on:
A) Present generation B)Past generation C) Future generation D) All

II. Discuss the following:

1. What do you mean by public finance management? Explain, briefly.

III. Enumeration:

1-2 Two Heads of Taxes

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. The Great Depression occurred during:

A) 1919-23 B) 1929-33 C) 1949-53 D) 1901-05
2. Pump Priming is related with:
A) Monetary policy B) Income policy C) Price policy D) Fiscal policy
3. Deficit financing may lead to:
A) Poverty B) Unemployment C) Inflation D) Deflation
4. The debts which the government promises to pay off at a specified date
are called
A) Irredeemable debts B) Funded debts
C) Redeemable debts D) unfunded debts
5. Short-period debts are called as:
A) Unfunded debts B)Funded debts C) Redeemable debts D) None
6. Unfunded debts are also known as
A) Funded debts B) Floating debts C) Irredeemable debts D) None
7. Treasury bills issued by the Government are in the nature of:
A) Funded debts B) Floating debts C) Irredeemable debts D) None
8. A tax that can be shifted is called:
A) Direct tax B) Progressive tax C) Indirect tax D) None
9. Service tax in India was introduced in:
A) 1991-92 B) 2001-02 C) 2006-07 D) 1994-95
10. The chairman of the 15th Finance Commission of India is
A) A.M. Khusro B) K. C. Pant C) N.K. Singh D) Arun Jaitley

II. Discuss the following:

1. What is taxation?

III. Enumeration:

1-3 Categories of classified outcomes

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. The basic principle of public finance is:

a) Maximum Social Advanatage b) welfare of the Govt.
c) welfare of the Individual d) all of the above
2. The finance commission is appointed every :
A) 3 years B) 5 years C) 6 years D0 7 years
3. Which of the following is not a fiscal instrument?
a) Open market operations b) Public expenditure c) Taxation d) budget
4. Which of the following is a measure of fiscal policy?
a) Public expenditure b) C.R.R. c) S.L.R. d) Bank rate
5. The First Finance Commission was appointed in the year:
A) 1949 B) 1950 C) 1951 D) 1952
6. Modern Canons of taxation are propounded by:
a)Bastable b) Adam Smith
c) Seligmon d) Pigou
7. In India, personal income tax is levied on individuals by:
a) Central Government b) State Government
c) Local bodies d) None of these
8. Sound tax policy is devised mainly on the basis of:
a) Maximum tax revenue b) Elastic tax base
c ) High income elasticity d) High price elasticity
9. The Kelkar Proposals are concerned with:
a) Recommendations for re4forms in the power sector
b) Recommendations for tax reforms
c) Guidelines for the privatization of public sector undertakings
d) None of the above
10. In the case of direct tax, impact and incidence are on:
a) Different person b) Same person
c) Sellers d) None of these

II. Discuss the following:

1. Discuss the goals of public finance. Briefly.

Lesson I – Introduction of Public Finance
Name: _________________________ Course & year: ___________
Class day & Time: _______
Direction: Write your discussions/answer on a separate sheet, A-4 size bond
paper. Then, cut this one out. Make this sheet as your front/cover page.

I. Multiple Choice:

1. The direct violation of Tax law is called:

a) Tax evasion b) Tax avoidance
c) Tax Rebate d) None of these
2. The final resting place of the burden of tax is called:
a) Tax avoidance b) Tax evasion
c) Impact d) Incidence
3. Fiscal policy is the policy of:
c) Government d) All the above
4. The principle of judging fiscal measures by the way they work is called:
a) Personal Finance b) Public Finance
c) Functional Finance d) Local Finance
5. When individuals with unequal tax paying ability should be taxed
unequally in order to equal sacrifice is called:
a) Horizontal equity b) Vertical Equity
c) Tax paying ability d) None of these
6. Elastic revenue response to marginal tax rate reductions is called:
a) Marginal tax curve b) Functional curve
c) Laffer curve d) None of these
7. The neo‐Keynesian approach to public finance is called
a) Functional finance b) Aggregate demand
c ) Global finance d) Federal finance
8. “The best system of public finance is that which secures the maximum
social advantage from the operations which it conducts” is the dictum of
A) Adam Smith B) Dalton C) J.B. Say D) Marshall
9. Which is the method of financial adjustment between Centre and States?
a) Tax sharing b) Grant‐in‐aid
c) Public debt d) Federal Finance
10. Merit goods means:
a) Public good b) Free good
c ) Rare good d) White good

II. Discuss the following:

1. Discuss the sin tax law. Briefly.

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