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Returning to

Hybrid school
in the time of
By Tara Zamani, Leimana Poepoe, Rachel
Our Hybrid Program
Our hybrid program

● In-person schooling with precautions

● Virtual School via google slide narrations

● Wednesday normal voom classes

For example:

● Virus originated in Wuhan China

● Virus may be caused by seafood markets

● Little immunity due to host jumping

● Similar to COVID-19 the 2003 SARS outbreak

was also a form of the Coronavirus
virus transmission

● Respiratory disease

● Transferred through infectious droplets

● Droplets may contaminate objects or live

Why It Is important to bring kids back to in person school

● Communication is limited through virtual


● Physical interaction with others

● Students without proper resources will be able

learn properly at in person school
Why Hybrid learning is so important

1. Allows for different learning options

for the student.

2. Improves communication between

students and teachers, while being

3. Hybrid/online learning has been

proven to produce better academic
Wearing Masks Temperatures Taken Upon Entry

Social Distancing Sanitizing and Washing Hands


01 02 03 04

60% alcohol Fingers Palm to palm Fingernails

Made by Slides Go

05 06 07 08

Wrists Thumbs Rub until dry Disinfected!

Made by Slides Go
(8) WHat happens if a student feels sick at school?

01 Call home to get 03

picked up

Student will be separated

from everyone 02 Go seek medical care
(9) What happens if/when there is a COVID-19 case associated with the school?

● The student must

quarantine for a minimum
10 days

● For them to come back

they must have no
symptoms without

● Those associated with

student must quarantine
and be tested
Q. 4

How do we deal with visitors who left the state?

● Hawaii has mandatory testing for everyone

entering and leaving the islands

● Those staying with students, as well as

students themselves who’ve left the island
will have been tested
Q. 5

During School
High Schoolers will enter from the entrance closest to the
(High School)

Elementary Schoolers will enter from the entrance closest

to the mountain

Middle Schoolers will enter from the middle entrance

During school, students will maintain 6 feet away from each


Breakfast and Lunch will be eaten on the balcony on the 3rd

floor to allow airflow.

Students will also eat in two seperate groups and will social (Middle School) (Elementary
distance while eating School)
Reference Page link

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons

by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
Thank You!
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons
by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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