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Computer-controlled, Dry-head, High-speed, Single-thread, Chainstitch Button Sewing Machine

d for various

MB-1800B (with wiper unit)

  ( MB-1800A/BR10 (with button feeder)

'  (
# 1 
$ 3 


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chine ensures ● - 

able ease in  +

A wiper devic
on in unison to s
s provided with a wider
to facilitate garment
llows the operator to
maining quantity of
e remaining seated,
cing ease of operation.
the machine allows the
ntinuously sew buttons
ressed, thereby helping
rator’s fatigue.
✽ 0    
✽ 7
MB-1800B The
(with wiper unit)
The ma
It comes with direct-drive electronic feed driven by and com
a compact AC servomotor to guarantee excellent AC ser
seam quality and dramatically improve flexibility shorten
and maintainability. conven
MB-1800B (Table stand is optionally available.) Needles


The machine is able to independently sew various Shorter lengths of thread remain after the sto
stitching shapes such as U-shaped stitching, X-shaped thread trimming operate
stitching and Z-shaped stitching The machine performs thread trimming at the optimal The foo
The machine has 55 different stitching patterns as standard. In addition to position by correcting the button position with respect operato
the sewing shapes, the buttonhole intervals and number of stitches can also to the needle entry of the last stitch. This shortens the the ope
be changed on the operation panel. The machine completely supports thread remaining on the material after thread trimming
many different button specifications to increase its range of applicability, to approx. 3.5 mm.
reduce costs associated with changes in specifications, and save the
operator from having to adapt the machine to different specifications. The dry-head eliminates oil stains
Custom patterns can be created on the PGM-20 and then used on the
sewing machine. The machine head is a non-lubricating type. With this
type, the operator never has to add oil, and staining of
the sewing product with oil is an impossibility.

The machine sews buttons with beautifully

finished seams
The machine adopts a stitching pattern with the tying
stitch only at the final stitch. This ideal stitching
pattern optimizes single thread chainstitching to
produce beautiful seams on the wrong side of the
material, thereby guaranteeing excellent seam quality. ● Circu
Moreovers, since the machine uses significantly fewer mach


  mechanical parts, troubles caused by excessive play in

● Easy-to-use operation panel the feed such as needle breakage and button breakage
occur for less often. but

The machine is equipped as standard with thread-fray-prevention function

The machine comes as standard with the ■DIFFERENCE IN KNOT-TYING METHOD
solenoid-operated, thread-tension-changeover
“thread-fray-prevention function.” Since the
machine is designed to use a long needle
(TQ×7), the “thread-fray-prevention function” Should the last stitch undo -
can be used for sewing shank buttons.
The “thread-fray-prevention mechanism” can Conventional
be rendered ON or OFF as required by setting
the solenoid drive ON or OFF. machine State
of the

  finished 1 2
with thread-fray- seam
prevention function. ● For s
MB-1800, MB-377 (Attach

In the event that the last stitch

comes united, the thread will
not easily come off.
Since the thread knot is securely tied,
the last stitch is unlikely to loosen.





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● Attac
The machine offers outstanding productivity       Existi

The machine runs at a maximum sewing speed of 1,800 rpm    Attachments for sewin
and comes with a direct-drive system supported by a compact snaps and bartacking lab
AC servomotor that offers excellent stopping accuracy and 1 ∼3 4-holed 15, 19, 23, 27
clamp jaw lever of your
responsiveness. Working in combination, these features replacing the lifting ho
shorten the machine time by 10 % or more compared with our exclusive to the MB-180
conventional machine.
4 ∼6 4-holed 16, 20, 24, 28
Needless to say, the single-thread, chainstitch, button sewing
machine does not need bobbin thread changing. ■ATTACHMENT T
7 ∼9 4-holed 15, 19, 23, 27
Excellent maintainability and operability  
Thanks to the elimination of the mechanical structures such as  
after the stop-motion mechanism and feed cam, the machine
10∼12 4-holed 16, 20, 24, 28

operates with less vibration and noise and requires no (in increments

maintenance. of 0.2 mm) # 

the optimal The foot pedal can be operated with reduced pressure from the
13∼15 4-holed 15, 19, 23, 27

with respect operator's foot. This helps reduce operator fatigue by allowing  
hortens the the operator to operate the machine more rhythmically.
d trimming
16∼18 2-holed %

8, 10, 12, 14

19∼21 2-holed

. With this 22∼24 4-holed 15, 19, 23, 27

staining of
25∼27 4-holed 16, 20, 24, 28

28∼30 3-holed      

h the tying
al stitching
titching to
31∼33 3-holed
side of the
am quality. ● Circuit board, motor, and operation panel integrated into the 17, 23 2.6,2.8,3.0mm
antly fewer machine head

sive play in 34∼36 3-holed

on breakage The machine responds to many different

button sewing specifications
37∼39 3-holed & 

40∼42 Label attachment 5, 7 6.0,8.0,10.0mm  

Button neck wrapping,  
43∼45 2nd process
Zigzag width: 4 mm
Button neck
Button neck wrapping, height
46∼48 2nd process 6, 10, 16 0∼6.5mm
Zigzag width: 5 mm (in increments
of 0.2 mm)
Button neck wrapping,

49∼51 2nd process      

2 Zigzag width: 6 mm     
✽ For all stitch shapes, three different pieces of data can be established by selecting       
● For sewing shank buttons: The Òthread-fray-prevention functionÓ the number of stitches and stitch pitch within the respective data setting ranges.  
(thread-fray-prevention function) is applicable.
(Attachments are optionally available. To use the MB-1800B, remove the wiper unit.)

d will

y tied,     




● Attaching flat buttons (small) ● Space pin (accessory) ● Button neck wrapping, 1st process
(Attachments are optionally available)

   Existing attachments are applicable    !"#$%&$%
  Attachments for sewing flat buttons, shank buttons, wrapped-around buttons,
snaps and bartacking labels are prepared. Note that the attachments for the button
' %( %) clamp jaw lever of your MB-373 or -377 can be used with the MB-1800 only by
replacing the lifting hook of the button clamp mechanism with the lifting hook
exclusive to the MB-1800 (Part No.: 146-02502).
%$ %! %*
    $(&)  $(#*#  $(#**
' %( %)

  "   / ← ←
D2556-372-CAA 0 0
%$ %! %* 

% 0 φ$∼φ%*  D2558-372-CAA ← ←

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' %( %)   #

B  $∼"&  146-17559
✽ ✽
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  C  $∼!& 
 $∼!&  D2529-373-B00A ← ←

$ % ! 0 φ%∼φ%$ 



 $∼(&  B2529-373-000 ← ←

' %( %) 0 φ$∼φ% 

 ,  "   
B 1  / 146-17658 B24013730B0 ––
 &∼"  ✽   ,
%$ %! %* A
 ,  "   
   . ,        146-17757 MAZ-040000AA

 φ&  146-17856 ← ––
) %( %"%*($ 0## ,    

A ##    ,  B2447-372-0A0 ← ––

A ##    ,  
,2  3      
 141-34050 ← ––
& ) "$*$$$   (    

B2440-373-0A0 ← ––


 $ " $∼"& 3  
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  MAZ-172000A0 ← ––
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A 3  ,   

 !  %!!)#()%#$$  !#(!$&$ MAZ-039010A0 ← ––
+  !#(!$&$

, - 5 $  146-18151 MAT-64401ZBA


(with button feeder)

The machine flexibly responds to the small-lot production systems applied for various
kinds of products. The outstanding ease in its operation promises higher productivity.


● "  1/   0 ● "  ./   0


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# ,   %..
# ,   %.2

Three different operation modes are The machine ensures

The machine dramatically available, enabling this machine to be
employed by a small-lot production remarkable ease in
improves productivity
system operation
With its increased button-feeding The three different operation modes available are the The machine is provided with a wider
speed and high-speed machine head automatic button feeding mode in which the machine sewing area to facilitate garment
capable of a maximum sewing speed continuously feeds the buttons in the feeder bowl, the setting, and allows the operator to
of 1,800rpm the machine non-feed mode in which the operator manually places check the remaining quantity of
dramatically increases productivity. the buttons in the sewing position one by one, and the buttons while remaining seated,
Furthermore, its button-discharging small-lot sewing mode in which the operator sets the thereby enhancing ease of operation.
mechanism and easy-to-adjust buttons in place for one garment (five or six buttons) in Furthermore, the machine allows the
functions make it easy to change the advance, upon which the buttons are automatically and operator to continuously sew buttons
setup when changing the buttons to continuously fed to the sewing position. As a result the with pedal depressed, thereby helping
be sewn, thereby eliminating wasted
time at start-up.
machine can employed by a small-lot production system
by selecting the appropriate operation mode.
reduce the operator’s fatigue.



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  #∼ %+ 0    #∼3%# 1 2



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 -φ"# ∼ φ" . 



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  "##: ""+: ##: #: 3#:

, !    "+#; +#;

 !   0

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   /   7 =

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[Machine head, Circuit board] [Machine head, Circuit board: with button feeder]

MB1800 MB1800A / BR10

 .   .   . , ! ' . )  .


 = &  

 = &  > =
"## ∼ 3#:  
 " =

 -. -. ?/ 





 &  0? # ∼ 3#:  =


 ( @+"

8 % >@+"##"#7#.


8 % >@+5##"#7#.

✽ &  @+"  @+5   

 $   %

8 %!#"*+##,#.

● ;  $ -&  !7")##. ● 

8 % !)+"* *##,#.

8 % !)+" *##,#. A foot pedal unit and accompanying pitman rod. The 0!##"

A wiper device and thread pulling wire used pedal is operated in two steps, i.e., for lowering the
in unison to sew buttons without cross-over button clamp and starting the sewing machine to A( 0  

stitches. facilitate positioning of the button and sewing product.  








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