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SECTION 1 3. (A) He graduated last in his class

(B) He is the last person in his family to
Part A (C) He doesn’t believe he can improve
Directions : in part A you will hear short (D) He has finally finished his studies
conversation between two people. After each
conversation, you will hear a question about the 4. (A) He’s surprised there was five dresses
conversation. The conversation and questions (B) It was an unexpectedly inexpensive
will not be repeated. After you hear a question,
(C) He would like to know what color
read the four possible answers in your test book
dress it was
and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer (D) The dress was not cheap
sheet, find the number of the question and fill in
the space that corresponds to the letter of the 5. (A) Leave the car somewhere else
answer you have chosen. (B) Ignore the parking tickets
(C) Add more money to the meter
Listen to an example. (D) Pay the parking attendant
On the recording, you will hear :
6. (A) He does not like to hold too many
(man) : That exam was just awful. books at one time
(B) There is no bookstore in his
(woman) : Oh, it could have been worse.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean? (C) It’s not possible to obtain the book
In your test book, you will read : (D) He needs to talk to someone at the
(A) The exam was really awful.
(B) It was the worst exam she had ever seen.
(C) It couldn’t have been more difficult. 7. (A) It was incomplete
(B) It finished on time
(D) It wasn’t that hard.
(C) It was about honor
You learn from the conversation that the man (D) It was too long
thought the exam was very difficult and that the
woman disagreed with the man. The best answer 8. (A) She needs to use the man’s notes
to the question, “What does the woman mean?” is (B) Yesterday’s physics class was quite
(D), “it wasn’t that hard.” Therefore, the correct boring
choice is (D). (C) She took some very good notes in
physics class
1. (A) Carla does not live very far away (D) She would like to lend the man her
(B) What Carla said was unjust
(C) He does not fear what anyone says notes
(D) Carla is fairly rude to others 9. (A) It’s her birthday today
(B) She’s looking for a birthday gift
2. (A) She thinks it’s an improvement (C) She wants to go shopping with her
(B) The fir trees in it are beter dad
(C) It resembles the last one (D) She wants a new wallet for herself
(D) It is the best man has ever done
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10. (A) He prefers cold water (D) Problems occur when people don’t
(B) His toes are too big
wait their turn
(C) The pool felt quite refreshing
(D) He didn’t go for a swim 17. (A) In a mine
(B) In a jewelry store
11. (A) She just left her sister’s house (C) In a clothing store
(B) Her sister is not at home (D) In a bank
(C) She’s not exactly sure where her
18. (A) A visit to the woman’s family
sweater is
(B) The telephone bill
(D) She doesn’t know where her sister
(C) The cost of s new telephone
(D) How far away the woman’s family
12. (A) She doesn’t have time to complete
additional report lives
(B) She cannot finish the reports that she
19. (A) She hasn’t meet her new boss yet
is already working on
(B) She has a good opinion of her boss
(C) She is scared of having responsibility
(C) Her boss has asked her about her
for the reports
impressions of the company
(D) It is not time for the accounting
(D) Her boss has been putting a lot of
reports to be compiled
pressure on her
13. (A) He’s had enough exercise
20. (A) The recital stars in three hours
(B) He’s going to give himself a reward
(B) He intends to recite three different
for the hard work
(C) He’s going to stay on for quite some
(C) He received a citation on the third oh
the moon
(D) He would like to give the woman an
(D) He thinks the performance begins at
exercise machine as a gift
21. (A) Choose a new dentist
14. (A) He cannot see the huge waves
(B) Cure the pain himself
(B) The waves are not coming in
(C) Make an appointment with his dentist
(C) He would like the woman to repeat
(D) Ask his dentist about the right way to
what she said
(D) He agrees with the woman
22. (A) It is almost five o’clock
15. (A) The exam was postponed
(B) The man doesn’t really need the
(B) The man should have studied harder
(C) Night is the best time to study for the
(C) It is a long way to the post office
(D) It would be better to go after five
(D) She is completely prepared for the
exam o’clock
23. (A) The article was placed on reserve
16. (A) Students who want to change
(B) The woman must ask the professor
schedules should from a line
for a copy
(B) It is only possible to make four
(C) The woman should look through a
changes in the schedule
number of journals in the library
(C) It is necessary to submit the form
(D) He has reservations about the
information in the article
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24. (A) He needs to take a nap Part B

(B) He hopes the woman will help him to
calm down Directions : in this part of the test, you will hear
(C) The woman just woke him up longer conversation. After each conversation, you
(D) He is extremely relaxed will hear several questions. The conversation and
questions will not be repeated. After you hear a
question, read the four possible answers in your
25. (A) She doesn’t think the news repost is test book and choose the best answer. Then, on
false your answer sheet, find the number of the
(B) She has never before reported on the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
news the letter of the answer you have chosen.
(C) She never watches the news on
television Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or
(D) She shares the man’s opinion about write in your test book.
the report 31. (A) The haircut is unusually short
26. (A) Management will offer pay raises on (B) This is Bob’s first haircut
friday (C) Bob doesn’t know who gave him the
(B) The policy has not yet been decided haircut
(C) The manager is full of hot air (D) After the haircut, Bob’s hair still
(D) The plane has not yet landed touches the floor
32. (A) It is just what he wanted
27. (A) He doesn’t believe that it is really (B) He enjoys having the latest style
snowing (C) He dislikes it immensely
(B) The snow had been decided (D) He thinks it will be cool in the
(C) The exact amount of snow is unclear summer
(D) He expected the woman to go out in
33. (A) a broken mirror
the snow (B) the hairstylist
(C) the scissors used to cut his hair
(D) piles of his hair
28. (A) She’s going to take the test over again
(B) She thinks she did a good job on the 34. (A) “you should become a hairstylist”
exam (B) “please put it back on”
(C) She has not yet taken the literature (C) “it’ll grow back”
exam (D) “it won’t grow fast enough”
(D) She’s unhappy with how she did 35. (A) every evening
29. (A) The door was unlocked (B) every week
(B) It was better to wait outside (C) every sundsy
(C) He could not open the door (D) every mounth
(D) He needed to take a walk 36. (A) that she was eighty-five years old
30. (A) He nailed the door shut (B) that a strom was coming
(B) He is heading home (C) that she was under a great deal of
(C) He hit himself in the head pressure
(D) He is absolutely correct (D) that she wanted to become a weather
TOEFL ONLINE CLASS | @lkpb_id | 082322748403

37. (A) in her bones In your test book, you will read :
(B) in her ears
(C) in her legs (A) American Regionalist.
(D) in her head (B) The Family Farm in lowa
(C) American Gothic
38. (A) call his great-grandmother less often
(D) A Serious Couple
(B) watch the weather forecasts with his
great-grandmother The best answer to the question, “What style of
(C) help his great grandmother relieve painting is known as American regionalist?” is
some of her pressures (C). “American Gothic.” Therefore, the correct
(D) believe his great-grandmother’s choice is (C).
predictions about the weather
39. (A) in a car
Part C
(B) on a hike
Directions : in this part of the test, you will hear (C) on a tram
several talks. After each talk, you will hear some (D) in a lecture hall
questions. The talks and questions will not be
repeated. After you hear a question, read the four 40. (A) it means they have big tears
possible answers in your test book and choose the (B) it means they like to swim
best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the (C) it means they look like crocodiles
number of the question and fill in the space that (D) it means they are pretending to be sad
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
chosen. 41. (A) they are sad
(B) they are warming themselves
Here is an example. (C) they are getting rid of salt
On the recording, you will hear : (D) they regret their actions

(narrator) : Listen to an instructor talk to 42. (A) taking photographs

his class about painting. (B) getting closer to the crocodiles
(man) : Artist Grand Wood was a (C) exploring the water’s edge
guilding force in the school of painting known as (D) getting off the tram
American regionalist, a style reflecting the
distinctive characteristics of art from natural art 43. (A) water sports
from rules area of the United States. Wood began (B) physics
drawing animals on the family farm at the age of (C) American history
three, and when he was thirty-eight one of his (D) psychology
paintings received a remarkable amount of public
notice and acclaim. This painting, called 44. (A) to cut
“American Gothic,” is a starkly simple depiction (B) to move fast
of a serious couple starting directly out at the (C) to steer a boat
viewer. (D) to build a ship

Now, listen to a sample question. 45. (A) to bring tea from China
(B) to transport gold to California
(narrator) : What style of painting is known as
(C) to trade with the British
American regionalist?
(D) to sail the American river system
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46. (A) a reading assignment

(B) a quiz on friday
(C) a research paper for the end of the
(D) some written homework

47. (A) writers

(B) actors
(C) athletes
(D) musicians

48. (A) he or she would see butterflies

(B) he or she would break a leg
(C) he or she would have shaky knees
(D) he or she would stop breathing

49. (A) by starting at the audience

(B) by breathing shallowly
(C) by thinking about possible negative
(D) by focusing on what needs to be

50. (A) at two o’clock

(B) at four o’clock
(C) at six o’clock
(D) at eight o’clock
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SECTION 2 (D) to realize

EXPRESSION 5. Artists are obliged to create a fixed number of
works during each month of their five year
contract, usually two to three, and __________
1. What kind of losses might we______in the one painting a month for a further years
absence of improved sanitation?
(A) delivered
(A) incur
(B) is delivering
(B) incurs
(C) have delivered
(C) incuring
(D) to deliver
(D) incured

6. They generally_____very clean beaches and

2. Children ___________ screen positive on they_____their waste well.
modified checklist for autism in toddlers may be
at greater risk for developing autism. (A) have – manages

(A) which (B) have – manage

(B) who (C) has – manage

(C) whom (D) has – manages

(D) whose
7. A study ________ in 1997 by Michigan State
University showed that children at that time were
3. The explosion in the number of art fairs spending just over two hours per week on study,
________ the most significant change in the which could include activities other than
market since the turn of the century. homework
(A) is (A) performing
(B) are (B) performed
(C) have been (C) was performing
(D) be (D) were performing

4. I think it’s taken some time for 8. Human brains ________ large and small
people______the importance of improved numbers of objects using two different
sanitation. mechanisms.
(A) realize (A) process
(B) realizes (B) processes
(C) have realized (C) is processed
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(D) is processing (D) do

9. The ultimate goal of disaster risk
science_____to understand disasters and risks.
13. In a dance, there are_____stops, and the stops
(A) are are not about being stagnant.
(B) is (A) a
(C) were (B) an
(D) have (C) several
(D) one
10. The systematic study of disasters through an
inter-disciplinary approach______.
14. One of the kids that I interviewed at the
(A) are just beginning museum_____El.
(B) were just beginning (A) is name
(C) is just beginning (B) was named
(D) have just begun (C) are named
(D) were named
11. Once programmed to get rid of citrullinated
proteins, the immune system can start attacking
its own tissues and organs, thereby causing the 15. The show______the true inner resilience of
autoimmune processes __________ may result in the people that needs to be explored.
rheumatoid arthritis. (A) demonstrate
(A) who (B) demonstrates
(B) which (C) demonstrating
(C) whose (D) demonstration
(D) whom

12. From a management science perspective,

managing expectations of diverse
stakeholders____a difficult job.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) were
TOEFL ONLINE CLASS | @lkpb_id | 082322748403

16. According(A) to the Maritime Affairs and 28. Other banks kept silent(A) on these activities
Fisheries Ministry’s data, Indonesia’s(B) fish or(B) mentioned(C) them in passing with few
production is(C) 10.83 million(D) tons last year. specific(D).

17. A war with(A) China over Taiwan or the 29. During(A) a group discussion, it can be(B)
Spratly Islands are(B) simple to start(C) but hard difficult for the group to know(C) how and when
to end, and could very easily(D) escalate. begin(D) the discussion.

18. If I look at(A) it in the arc of my career, it 30. Did(A) you both understand(B) all the points
is(B) a tiny jobs(C), and in a place that hasn’t in the lecture and catching(C) all the
really been that significant, frankly(D), to me. information(D)?

19. My lesson to my students are(A) they have 31. Please, decide(A) on three things to
to(B) be open and alert at(C) every(D) turn. observes(B) that will give(C) you information
about(D) the pace of life at your school.
20. They thought(A) I was not normal because(B)
I was very(C) difference from(D) everybody else 32. General Electric is(A) most famous for his(B)
in my family. electric appliances, but(C) it also makes(D) jet
engines, electric motors, and much more.
21. I would have expect(A) some discussion in
the management discussion and analysis of 33. Vossoughi found out that most people
how(B) this has had(C) a positive impact on these prefers(A) attractive headsets that(B) they can
banks’ operating(D) results. touch(C) and use(D) without thinking.

22. I asked(A) officials at(B) Citigroup and

Morgan Stanley about(C) these disclosure(D). 34. They both(A) know how(B) to think(C)
outside the box and created(D) success after
23. The(A) rules is found(B) in a section of the success.
S.E.C.’s(C) Codification of Financial
Reporting(D) Policies. 35. Because of(A) Barbara works(B) at the
restaurant in the morning, she usually arrives(C)
five to ten minutes late to(D) class.
24. Investors didn’t know(A) what(B) dire the
situation was(C) at these (D) institutions. 36. The professor will tells(A) you the big picture
or(B) the general(C) plan of(D) the lecture.
25. Numbers for(A) individual(B) companies
was(C) equally(D) astonishing. 37. You should listen(A) for the words and
expression(B) that(C) professors use to tell(D)
26. The Fed says(A) that the money it lent in these you the big picture of the lecture.
programs(B) was paid back without(C)
generates(D) any losses. 38. To help(A) students understand(B) the
listening strategy, she(C) should discuss(D) the
27. The rules grows out(A) of the savings and situation and answer the questions.
loan crisis, during which(B) hundreds of banks
failed(C) and others received(D) government 39. Some companies can be(A) successful use(B)
help. traditional ways of creating new products, but(C)
other companies are successful when(D) they
think outside the box.
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40. Using(A) an informal outline with indentation

will help(B) you remember who(C) information
is more important and which information is
related(D) but less important.
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SECTION 3 The downtown business distric did not

gro aace with the city as a whole, and the rapid
READING COMPREHENTION transit system designed to link the center with
outlying areas whitered away from disuse.
Question Number 1-10 Approximately 800,000 cars were registered in os
Angeles County in 1930, one per 2.7 residents.
In 1900 the United States had only three Some visitors from the east coast were dismayed
cities with more than a million residents-New at the endless urban sprawl and dismissed Los
York, Chicago, and Philadelpia. By 1930, it had Angeles as a mere collection of suburbs in search
ten giant metropolises. The newer ones of a city. But the freedom and mobility of a city
experienced remarkable growth, which reflected built on wheels attracted floods of migrants to the
basic changes in the economy. The population of city.
Los Angeles (114,000 in 1900) rose spectacularly
in the early decades of the twentieth century, 1. What is the passage mainly about?
increasing a dramatic 1,400 percent from 1900 to (A) The growth of cities in the United States
1930. in the early 1900’s
(B) The development of the Southern
A number of circumstances contributed California oil fields
to the meteoric rise of Los Angeles. The (C) Factors contributing to the growth of
agricultural potencial of the area was enormous if Los Angeles
water for irrigation could be found, and the city (D) Industry and city planning in Los
founders had the vision and dating to obtain it by Angeles
constructing a 225-mile aqueduct, completed in
1913, to tap the water of the Owens River. The 2. The author characterizes the growth of
city had a superb natural harbor, as well as new large cities in the United States
excellent rail connections. after 1900 as resulting primarily from

The climate made it possible to shoot (A) new economic conditions

motion pictures year-round; hence Hollywood. (B) images of cities
Hollywood not only supplied jobs; it (C) new agricultural techniques
disseminated an image of the good life in (D) a large migrant population
Southern Californiaon screens all across the
nation. The most important single industry
powering the growth of Los Angeles, however,
was directly linked to the automobile. The 3. The word “meteoric” in line 6 is closest
demand for petroleum to fuel gasoline engines led in meaning to
to the opening of Southern California oil fields,
and made Los Angeles North America’s greatest
(A) rapid
refining center.
(B) famous
Los Angeles was a product of the auto
age in another sense as well: its distinctive spatial
organization depended on widespread private (C) controversial
ownership of automobiles. Los Angeles was a
decentralized metropolis, sprawling across the (D) methodical
desert landscape over an area of 400 square miles.
It was a city without a real center. 4. The word “it” in line 8 refers to
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(A) aqueduct 8. According to the passage, the Southern

California oil fields were initially
(B) vision exploited due to

(C) water (A) the fuel requirements of Los Angeles’ rail

(D) agricultural potential
(B) an increase in the use of gasoline engines in
5. According to the passage, the most North America
important factor in the development of
agriculture around Los Angeles was the (C) a desire to put unproductive desert land to
good use
(A) influx of “new residents to agricultural areas
near the city (D) innovative planning on the part of the city
(B) construction of an aqueduct
9. the phrase “apace with” in line 19 is
(C) expansion of transportation facilities closest in meaning to

(D) development of new connections to the city’s (A) anew with

natural harbor
(B) apart from
6. According to the passage, the initial
success of Hollywood’s motion picture (C) as fast as
industry was due largely to the
(D) at the middle of
(A) availability of many skilled workers
10. it can be inferred from the passage that
(B) beauty of the countryside the spatial organization of Los Angeles
contributed to the relative decline there
(C) region’s reputation for luxurious lifestyle of

(D) region’s climate and good weather (A) public transportation

7. It can be inferred from the passage that in (B) industrial areas

1930 the greatest number of people in the
Los Angeles area were employed in (C) suburban neighborhoods

(A) farming (D) oil fields

(B) oil refining

(C) automobile manufacturing

(D) the motion picture industry

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Question Number 11-15 (A) Pickpockets are well dressed

(B) Jingle Bell Schools
Throughout history, people have been the (C) Pickpockets
victim of pickpockets. Today, pick pocketing is (D) The hanging of pickpockets
the one of the most rapidly increasing crimes.
Pickpockets are increasing in number and 12. The hanging of pickpockets were not
developing better methods to Line practice their
continued because …
skill. Approximately one million Americans lose
money to pickpockets every year, and none is
really safe from a skilled pickpockets. His (A) they were large crowd of people
victims, or ‘marks’ as they are called, can be rich (B) it was against humanity
or poor, young or old. (C) the police were not at the hanging
(D) it was not effective to stop
During the eighteenth century, pickpocketing
pickpockets were hanged in England, large
crowds of people would gather watch the 13. Pick pocketing is … crime.
hanging, which was supposed to be a warning to
other pickpockets. However, in time the practice (A) an old
was discontinued. The reason: while people were
(B) a modern
attentively watching the hanging of a
pickpockets, other pickpockets skillfully stole the (C) a temporary
money of spectators. (D) a contemporary

Police official say that the most efficient 14. The passage mentions that
pickpockets come from South America. Many of pickpockets steal in/from the
these expert pickpockets are trained in special following, except
school called ‘Jingle Bell Schools’. A
pickpocket’s graduate from J. B. S when he is (A) crowded places
able to steal a wallet from a dresses dummy (B) the shops
(mannequin) that has bells inside its pockets. (C) drunkards
Even the most well dressed, respectable person (D) women
may be a pickpocket. Some of the favorite places
of pickpockets are banks, airports, racetrack,
supermarkets, elevators, and train and bus 15. South Americans pickpockets are the
stations. Oftentimes a pickpocket will work with most efficient ones because …
another pickpockets as his partner. Another kind
of pickpockets works outside or inside bars and (A) they are well-trained
specialize in stealing from women is called a (B) they are handsome
‘purse snatcher’. (C) they are well-dressed
(D) they are respectable
To avoid being the victim of a
pickpocket, it’s important to be very cautious and
alert when in the midst of large gathering of the

11. The best title for the passage would

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Question Number 16-23 mouth with water is effective. Whenever

possible, eat foods with fiber, such as raw
The cause of tooth decay is acid, carrot sticks, apples, celery sticks, etc., that
which is produced by bacteria in the mouth. scrape off plaque, acting as a toothbrush.
The acid removes minerals from tooth Cavities can be greatly reduced if these rules
enamel, allowing tooth decay to begin; the are followed when eating sweets.
saliva in your mouth encourages
remineralization and Line neutralizes the 16. What does this passage mainly discuss?
acid. The rate at which bacteria in the mouth
produce acid depends on the amount of (A) Good nutrition
plaque on the teeth, the composition of the (B) Food with fiber
microbial flora, and whether the bacteria of (C) Ways to keep your teeth healthy
the plaque have been “primed” by frequent (D) Fluoridization and cavities
exposure to sugar. To keep your teeth
healthy, a regular dental hygiene program 17. According to the passage, all of the
should be followed. following statements about plaque are true
Removing plaque with a toothbrush
and dental floss temporarily reduces the (A) it consists of acid producing bacteria
numbers of bacteria in the mouth and thus (B) it is not affected by eating sweets
reduces tooth decay. It also makes the (C) it can be removed from teeth by
surfaces of the teeth more accessible, brushing and flossing
enabling saliva to neutralize acid and (D) it reduces the positive effect of saliva
remineralise lesions. If fluoride is present in
drinking water when teeth are forming, some 18. We can infer from the passage that one
fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of the benefit of fluoride to healthy teeth is…
teeth, making them more resistant to attack
by acid. Fluoride toothpaste seems to act in (A) It strengthens tooth enamel
another way, by promoting the (B) it stimulates saliva production
remineralization of early carious lesions. (C) it makes teeth whiter
(D) It Is a replacement for brushing and
In addition to a regular dental hygiene flossing in dental care
program, a good way to keep your teeth
healthy is to reduce your intake of sweet food. 19. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to …
The least cavity- causing way to eat sweets is
to have them with meals and not between. (A) dental floss
The number of times you eat sweets rather (B) bacteria
than the total amount determines how much (C) removal of plaque
harmful acid the bacteria in your saliva (D) plaque
produce. But the amount of sweets influences
the quality of your saliva. Avoid, if you can,
sticky sweets that stay in your mouth a long
time. Also try to brush and floss your teeth
after eating sugary foods. Even rinsing your
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20. What can be concluded from the passage businesses owned by women account for
about sweets? more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and
this figure is likely to continue rising
(A) All sweets should be avoided. throughout the 1990s. As Carolyn Doppelt
(B) Sweets should be eaten with care. Gray, an official of the Small Business
(C) It is better to eat sweets a little at a time Administration, has noted, “The 1970s was
throughout the day. the decade of women entering management,
(D) Sticky sweets are less harmful than other and the 1980s turned out to be the decade of
sweets. the woman entrepreneur”.

21. The word “scrape off” in paragraph 3 is What are some of the factors behind
closest in meaning to… this trend? For one thing, as more women
earn advanced degrees in business and enter
(A) repel the corporate world, they are finding
(B) rub together with obstacles. Women are still excluded from
(C) remove most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor, a
(D) dissolve management consultant, had noted, “In the
1970s women believed if they got an MBA
22. According to the passage, the value of and worked hard they could become
eating foods with fiber is that … chairman of the board. Now they’ve found
out that isn’t going to happen, so they go out
(A) they contain Vitamin A on their own”.
(B) they are less expensive than a toothbrush
(C) they are able to remove the plaque from In the past, most women
your teeth entrepreneurs worked in “women’s” fields:
(D) they contain no sugar cosmetics and clothing, for example. But this
is changing. Consider ASK Computer
23. The author of the passage states that the Systems, a $22-million-a-year computer
amount of acid produced by the bacteria in software business. It was founded in 1973 by
your saliva increases … Sandra Kurtzig, who was then a housewife
with degrees in math and engineering. When
(A) with the amount of sweets you eat Kurtzig founded the business, her first
(B) with the number of times you eat sweets product was software that let weekly
(C) if you eat sweets with your meals newspapers keep tabs on their newspaper
(D) if you eat sticky sweets carriers and her office was a bedroom at
home, with a shoebox under the bed to hold
Question Number 24-34 the company’s cash. After she succeeded
with the newspaper software system, she
Until recently, most American hired several bright computer-science
entrepreneurs weremen. Discrimination graduates to develop additional programs.
against women in business, the demands of When these were marketed and sold, ASK
caring for families, and lack of business began to grow. It now has 200 employees,
training had kept the number of women and Sandra Kurtzig owns $66.9 million of
entrepreneurs Line small. Now, however, stock.
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Of course, many women who start 27. In paragraph 2, “that” refers to …

their own businesses fail, just as men often
do. They still face hurdles in the business (A) a woman becomes chairman of the
world, especially problems in raising money; board
the banking and finance world is still (B) women working hard
dominated by men, and old attitudes die hard. (C) women achieving advanced degrees
Most businesses owned by women are still (D) women believing that business is a place
quite small. But the situation is changing; for them
there are likely to be many more Sandra
Kurtzigs in the years ahead. 28. According to the passage, Charlotte
Taylor believes that women in the 1970s…
24. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) were unrealistic about their
(A) Women today are better educated than opportunities in business management
in the past, making them more attractive to (B) were still more interested in education
the business world. than business opportunities
(B) The computer is especially lucrative for (C) had fewer obstacles in business than
women today. they do today
(C) Women are better at small businesses (D) were unable to work hard enough to
than men are. succeed in business
(D) Women today are opening more
businesses of their own. 29. The author mentions the “shoebox under
the bed” in the third paragraph in order to…
25. The word “excluded” in paragraph 2 is
closest in meaning to… (A) show the frugality of women in business
(B) show the resourcefulness of Sandra
(A) not permitted in Kurtzig
(B) often invited to (C) point out that initially the financial
(C) decorators of resources of Sandra Kurtzig’s business were
(D) charged admission to limited
(D) suggest that the company needed to
26. All of the following were mentioned in expand
the passage as detriments to women in the
business world EXCEPT… 30. In the third paragraph, the word “this”
refers to…
(A) women were required to stay at home
with their families (A) women becoming entrepreneurs
(B) women lacked ability to work in (B) women buying cosmetics and clothing
business (C) women working in “women’s fields”
(C) women faced discrimination in business (D) women staying at home
(D) women were not trained in business
31. The expression “keep tabs on” in the
third paragraph is closest in meaning to …
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(A) recognize the appearance of electronic music instrument called the

(B) keep records of theremin. Moog studied physic and electrical
(C) provide transportation for engineering at Queens College and Columbia
(D) pay the salaries of University, both in New York City and later
received a Ph.D. in engineering physic
32. The word “hurdles” in the last paragraph Cornel University in Ithaca, New York. In
can be best replaced by… 1954, while still an undergraduate student,
Moog formed his own company to sell
(A) fences theremins and theremin kits.
(B) obstacles
(C) questions Soon after, Moog began working on a
(D) small groups keyboard instrument that could replicate the
sound of any musical instrument
33. It can be inferred from the passage that electronically. Working with American
the author believes that businesses operated composer Herbert Deutsch, Moog introduced
by women are small because … the prototype Moog Synthesizer at a
convention in 1964. The device represented a
(A) women prefer a small intimate setting significant advance over previous electronic
(B) women can’t deal with money synthesizer because of its use of new
(C) women are not able to borrow money semiconductor technology, which made it
easily smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier
(D) many women fail at large businesses machines. The Moog, as it was known, was
soon in demand by musician all over the
34. The author’s attitude about the future of world.
women in business is …
In 1964, Moog began a collaboration
(A) skeptical with American composer and organist Walter
(B) optimistic Carlos (now Wendy Carlos), who released
(C) frustrated the bestselling electronic music album
(D) negative Switched-On Bach in 1968. Rock groups
such as the Beatles and Yes and jazz
Question Number 35-40 musicians such as Herbie Hancock and Chick
Corea began incorporating Moog Synthesizer
Robert Moog was an American into their recordings, a trend that increased
inventor who developed the Moog when the company introduced the compact
Synthesizer. It was one of the first and portable Minimoog in 1970. A Moog
synthesizers to gain widespread use as a Synthesizer was also prominently featured on
musical instrument. Moog’s synthesizers the soundtrack to the movie A Clockwork
were an important pa Line of musical Orange in 1971. Encyclopedia of World
innovation in rock and jazz music in the Biography, 2008
1960s and 1970s. Robert Arthur Moog was
born in Queens, a borough of New York City 35. The word “prominently” in paragraph 3
75 years ago. He became fascinated with can easily be replaced by …
electronics as a teenager, particularly an early
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(A) significantly (A) the Moog’s collaboration in music field

(B) perfectly (B) the Moog in the movie soundtrack
(C) accurately (C) the introduction of Minimoog
(D) excellently (D) the collaboration of The Moog with
music groups
36. The passage describes theremin as a/an
… Question Number 41-50

(A) prototype of Moog Synthesizer Awarded the Nobel prize for physics
(B) initial electronic music instrument in 1918, German physics Max Planck is best
(C) musical instrument to replicate the remembered as the originator of the quantum
sound theory. His work helped user in a new era in
(D) instrument of electronic tool theoretical physics and revolutionized the
scientific community’s understanding of
37. The pronoun “it” paragraph 2 refers to… atomic and sub-atomic processes.

(A) electronic synthesizer Planck intriduced an idea that led to

(B) a keyboard instrument the quantum theory, which became the
(C) prototype of Moog Synthesizer foundation of twentieth century physics. In
(D) new semiconductor technology December 1900, Plnck worked out an
equation that described the distribution of
38. According to the passage, all of the radiation accurately over the range of low to
following are true about The Moog, high frequencies. He had developed a theory
EXCEPT… which depended on a model of matter that
seemed very strange at the time. The model
(A) it was invented by Robert Moog required the emission of electromagnetic
(B) it was first introduced in 1964 radiation in small chunks or particles. These
(C) it initiated new technology which was particles were later called quantums. The
smaller and cheaper than previous energy associated with each quatum is
(D) it was the first synthesizer in the world measured by multiplying the frequency of the
radiation, v, by a universal constant, h. Thus,
39. The paragraph following the passage energy, or E, equals hv. The constant, h, is
most likely discusses… known as Planck’s constant. It is now
recognized as one of the fundamental
(A) collaboration between The Moog and constant of the world.
other musicians
(B) the description of compact and portable Planck announced his finding in 1900,
Mini Moog but it was years before teh full consequences
(C) the improvement of Moog Synthesizer of his revolutionary quantum theory were
(D) trend in the music industry about recognized. Throughout his life, Planck made
synthesizer significant contributions to optics,
thermodynamics and stastistical mechanics,
40. The main idea of paragraph three is … physical chemistry, and other fields. In 1930,
He was elected president of the Kaiser
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Wilhelm society, which was renamed the (B) Quantum theory, which led to the
Max II. Though deeply opposed to the fascist development of twentieth century
regime of Adolf Hitler, Planck remained in physics, is basically a mathematical
Germany throughout teh war. He died in formula
Gottingen on October 4, 1947. (C) Planck’s constant was not
discernible before 1900
41. In which of the following fields did (D) Radiation was hard to study
Max Planck NOT make a significant 47. “An idea” as used in line 4, refers
contribution? to…
(A) Optics (A) A model of matter
(B) Thermodynamics (B) Emission of electromagnetic
(C) Stastistical mechanics radiation
(D) Biology (C) Quantums
42. The word “revolutionary” as used in (D) The equation that described the
line 13, means… distribution of radiation accurately
(A) Dangerous over the range of low to high
(B) Extremist frequencies
(C) Momentous 48. The word “emission” as used in line
(D) Militarist 8 means…
43. It can inferred from the passage that (A) Giving off
Planck’s work led to the (B) Holding on to
development of which of the (C) Throwing away
following? (D) Taking back
(A) The rocket 49. Planck’s constant, expressed in a
(B) The atomic bomb mathematical formula, is…
(C) The internal combustion engine (A) e = v/h
(D) The computer (B) E = h/v
44. The particles of electromagnetic (C) e = h-v
radiation given off by matter are (D) E = hv
known as… 50. What is known as Planck’s constant?
(A) Quantums (A) v
(B) Atoms (B) h
(C) Electrons (C) e
(D) Valences (D) E
45. The word “universal”, as used in line
10 most nearly means…
(A) Planetary
(B) Cosmic
(C) Worldwide
(D) Always present
46. The implication in this passage is
(A) Only a German physics could
discover such a theory

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