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Grammar & vocabulary revision 1

Present simple and adverbs of frequency Adverbs of manner
1 Complete the sentences with the correct Present 4 Complete the sentences with the correct adverb
simple form of the verbs. form of the adjectives from the box.
I study French and English at
bad late noisy good hard easy
1 I (not watch) much The teacher’s angry because the children are
television at the weekend. talking noisily.
2 Where (he/play) 1 The cat was very fast and it caught the mouse
football? .
3 Mel (not/see) her 2 We played today. We lost 4–1.
grandparents at Christmas. 3 Julie plays the guitar because she
4 My brother (wash up) practises a lot.
after dinner most evenings. 4 Peter is working because he has an
5 How often (the exam tomorrow.
children/walk) the dog? 5 I went to bed last night so I’m
6 We (not/go) really tired today.
swimming on Saturdays.
5 Write sentences in the Present simple using the
2 Rewrite the sentences using one of the adverbs correct adverb form of the adjectives given.
of frequency given. Make any other necessary The team/never/play. (good)
The team never plays well.
I go swimming once every two or three years.
1 The children/play/together. (happy)
(hardly ever/often)

I hardly ever go swimming.
2 The students usually/study. (quiet)
1 Zac walks home from school four days a week.
3 I/walk to school/in the morning. (fast)

2 Mum and Dad eat in restaurants a lot. (often/
4 We/drive/because/we/be/sensible. (careful)
don’t often)

3 They go to the cinema once or twice a month.
Present continuous
6 Complete the sentences and questions with the
4 I visit my grandmother every day. (hardly ever/ correct Present continuous form of the verbs
always) from the box.

not watch not chat do (x2) write
not listen not play study talk
3 Write the words in the correct order to make text wait
unfriendly sometimes people are They aren’t playing tennis. They’re studying in
People are sometimes unfriendly. the library.

1 never on the bus do I my homework 1 What you here?

you for someone?

2 We to our friends. We
2 nervous before always Isabel an exam is
an email.

3 The teacher but James .
3 goes hardly ever James swimming
He a friend on his mobile.

4 I TV, Mum. I my
4 confident people often nervous are not

© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE Succeed in English 2 Grammar & vocabulary revision 7

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