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Campaign Guide

Credits Contents
Written by Steve Kurtz Introduction, 2
Edited by Richard Pike-Brown with John D. Rateliff How to Use This Product, 2
Typeset by Nancy J. Kerkstra What You Will Need, 3
Interior Art by Karl Waller
Chapter One: The Ruined Kingdoms, 4
Cover Art by Fred Fields
Nog and Kadar, 5
Cartography by David C. Sutherland III
Forgotten Gods, 5
In the Wilderness, 6
Playtesting and Review by “The Next Generation”
(Karen Kurtz, Tamiko Toland, Marketa Chapter Two: The Geomancers, 7
Aschenbrenner, Peter Schmidt, Jesse Sands, History of the Geomancers, 7
Manish Kothari, Mark Barrerra) Lions of Tomorrow, 8
and Wolfgang Baur Geomancy, 9

Chapter Three: The Cult of Ragarra, 12

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, AL-QADIM, Cult History and Background, 12
FORGOTTEN REALMS, and MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM are Requirements of the Priesthood, 13
registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
New Priest Spells, 14
DM, DUNGEON MASTER, and the TSR logo are trademarks
owned by TSR, Inc.
Chapter Four: The Gateway City, 16
All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses Dihliz, the Gateway City, 16
thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Whirlwind Tour of Dihliz, 17
© 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected
under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any Chapter Five: Other Cities of the Ancients, 21
reproduction or unauthorized use of the materials or artwork
presented herein without the express written permission of TSR,
Kadarasto, City Most Sinister, 21
Inc. is prohibited. Medina al-Afyal, 23
Rog’osto, City of Spires, 25
Random House and its affiliates have worldwide distribution rights
in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc.
Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the UK by TSR Ltd. Chapter Six: Secrets of the Ruined Kingdoms, 28
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
Secrets of Dihliz, 28
Secrets of Kadarasto, 29
Secrets of Afyal, 29
Secrets of Rog’osto, 29
TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd.
POB 756 120 Church End Chapter Seven: New Magical Items, 30
Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton Passive Talismans, 30
WI 53147 Cambridge CB1 3LB
Active Talismans, 31
United Kingdom
Cult Magical Items, 32

reetings, worthy Dungeon Master, and welcome to Ruined Kingdoms.
Fate has brought you to the lush tropical jungles of Zakhara, and you
have obtained this colored coffer to guide you on your journey through
the treasure-laden ruins of forgotten empires. Inside this wondrous box you will
find a booklet of adventures—nine plots of prophesy, intrigue, and wonder with
which to challenge and entertain the players under your care. You will find six
cards and a large colored mapsheet, each inscribed with carefully drawn maps.
You will also discover a booklet detailing the new monsters and characters your
players will encounter during their travels. This Campaign Guide, which lies
open before you, contains all of the background information you will need to
successfully run these adventures in the official Land of Fate setting. Feel free to
adapt any of this to suit the needs of your own campaign in the Burning World.
May the Loregiver cause the tides to hasten you on your journey, and may
Fortune smile upon your path for all the days of your life!

How to Use This Product

R uined Kingdoms is an anthology of nine adventures, set primarily in the

eastern wilderness of Zakhara. The plots for these scenarios appear in the
64-page Adventure Book. Although each adventure can be run independently,
they will offer greater depth and interest to the players if run consecutively. The
first adventure, “Nine Falling Stars,” introduces the party to an ancient and
powerful enemy, the Arch-Geomancer called Tisan, recently released from her
magical prison by a band of bounty hunters in the Ruined Kingdoms. The player
characters (PCs) soon learn that they are participants in an ancient feud that was
never decisively concluded. The second adventure provides the Dungeon Master
(DM) with a fast way to transport the party to the Ruined Kingdoms. The next
five adventures, which can be played in any order, take place entirely in the
cities, jungles, and ruins of eastern Zakhara. The eighth adventure,
“Retribution,” tidies up some unfinished business from an earlier adventure.

During the ninth and final adventure, “Kismet,” the party the cult of Ragarra, is described in Chapter Three. The
fulfills its fate and confronts Tisan in a magically fortified modem worshippers of this ancient and vengeful deity
stronghold, hidden in the distant depths of the jungle. appear in the adventures “Talisman” and “Retribution.”
Chapter Four details the party’s most probable base of
Maps, Cards, and Fact sheets operations, the exciting city of Dihliz. Since the party
All the maps you will need for the adventures appear on may visit the other cities of the Ruined Kingdoms during
the large colored mapsheet and the six page-sized cards. the course of the adventures, Kadarasto, Rog’osto, and
The mapsheet exhibits a colored map of the Ruined Medina al-Afyal are described in Chapter Five. Chapter
Kingdoms, the general setting for most of the adventures Six provides the DM with a number of adventure hooks
in the boxed set. tailored for each of the four major cities. Finally, what
The numbered cards have all the other maps you will would a trip to the Ruined Kingdoms be without ancient
need to run the adventures, including a city map of and dangerous magical items? Chapter Seven shows how
Dihliz, a major city of the Ruined Kingdoms and the to cast old magical items from the DUNGEON MASTER™
starting point for many of the adventures. As a rule, the Guide in a new light and describes all of the new magical
full-color card fronts are meant to be shown to the items introduced during the adventures.
players, while the backs are for your eyes only. Note that
those adventures requiring more than one map have
What You Will Need
drawings on more than one card.
The 8-page booklet contains game statistics for new
monsters and important nonplayer characters (NPCs)
encountered during the adventures “Birthright” and
R uined Kingdoms assumes that the DM has access to
the Second Edition Player’s Handbook (PH),
DUNGEON MASTER™ Guide (DMG), the Monstrous
“Kismet.” Rather than embedding these statistics in the Manual, the AL-QADIM® appendix to the MONSTROUS
text, they have been extracted for quick reference COMPENDIUM ® (MC 13), and the Arabian Adventures
during play. Artwork portraying NPCs should be shown rulebook.
to the players to help you bring the NPCs to life. Don’t The Land of Fate boxed set is recommended, though it
hesitate to use artwork from the Adventure Book and is not required to run any of the nine adventures. All
Campaign Guide as visual aids as well. relevant material from Land of Fate has been included in
the Campaign Guide for the DM’s convenience.
The Campaign Guide Finally, this work makes use of some spells and items
Every good adventure, like every good play, has to have found in the Tome of Magic (TOM). If the DM does not
an interesting plot and an exotic setting; it also needs have access to that resource, he or she should feel free to
memorable characters and flashy props. This is what this substitute something else.
book is all about.
In Chapter One, you will find a general overview of
the region’s ancient history and forgotten religions, and a
description of a few wilderness highlights. Chapter Two
describes the ancient Geomancers, who once ruled the
river valleys of the continent using a frightening
combination of wizardly and priestly magic. This nemesis
will be featured in “Nine Falling Stars,” “Secrets of the
Seal,” and “Kismet.” Another future enemy for the party,

Chapter One

The Ruined
he humid tropical lands of eastern Zakhara have been sheathed in
mystery and superstition since they were first discovered by the
enlightened west many centuries ago. Today, the eastern jungles are
known by most Zakharans as the Ruined Kingdoms, for the rain forests conceal
hundreds of crumbling buildings, temples, and fortifications.
Travel to the Ruined Kingdoms should appeal to all kinds of adventurers.
Treasure hunters from all across the Land of Fate flock to Dihliz, Kadarasto,
Rog’osto, and Medina al-Afyal—cities literally on the edge of Zakharan
civilization—hoping to win their fortunes in the vast primeval wilderness scattered
with the riches of former, more glorious empires. Some are called to explore the
unknown; others desire to establish their own footholds in the frontier. Finally, some
seek to unearth secrets and powerful artifacts of the past, hidden from modem eyes
by the forbidding jungle and its undying guardians.
Although foreigners make up an important part of eastern society, they are but a
small—albeit privileged—segment of the total population. Most of Zakhara’s current
inhabitants are recently enlightened natives, descended from the small scattered tribes
that once dominated the jungles. Having been accustomed to civilization by past
empires, these people are distinguished by their tall, muscular build, their fast and fluid
gait, and their superstitious nature. Though some are friendly, they are in general a
proud, xenophobic race, supposedly descended from the giants who once ruled the
jungles, long before the rise of the first human kingdoms. Dwelling in deplorable
poverty when compared with the enlightened travelers from the west, they have
developed a rich cultural tradition of ancient songs, stories, and legends about the
ancient times, which sometimes give insight into their mysterious heritage.
While Midani is the official language of city governments and trade, in the streets
and bazaars of the mainland one still hears the ancient language of Noga, with its
strange, alien cadences. The far more ancient tongue of Kadari, which once
proliferated in the past empires of the lower Nogaro River valley, is almost lost today.

Nog and Kadar Forgotten Gods

P ractically everywhere one looks in the modem cities

or jungle, one can see icons and ruins from the past.
The Ruined Kingdoms of Nog and Kadar left behind
T he fall of the ancient empires was caused by religion.
The wicked khedives of Nog and Kadar vehemently
resisted enlightenment, believing in the strength of their
writings, inscriptions, and magical artifacts which long own savage gods. Some would have you believe that the
outlived their doomed civilizations. Without a knowledge enlightened deities created genies to punish the Ruined
of the cultural context in which they were created, this Kingdoms’ sacrilege; a more plausible explanation for the
historical legacy is often fragmented and meaningless. Most empires’ decay is a steady decline due to corruption, greed,
sages are sure that more than two ancient civilizations and exclusion from the prospering, enlightened west.
evolved along the Nogaro, a wide, crocodile-infested river Today, only the religions of Shajar, Ragarra, and Kiga
twisting hundreds of miles through the jungle wilderness. have survived the difficult translation to modem times. Now
Given the mainland’s two prominent ancient languages, fragmented into a number of small cults, these faiths no
some think that Nog and Kadar were the only civilizations longer enjoy the political influence they had previously. The
of note in the region. However, historians have found re-attainment of temporal power, or at least the right to
evidence of at least four other cultural traditions along the worship in public, remains their followers’ long-term goal.
Nogaro River valley, starting with the giants before the The Nogaro River has been worshipped by natives of the
arrival of humans. Since none of these other cultures mainland for centuries, manifesting itself in the male god
developed a strong written tradition, however, the truth Shajar, a hippopotamus-headed deity embracing life and
about them may never be known. death, growth and decay. Just as the river provided
The history of Nog and Kadar is convoluted and confusing, nourishing food, it also brought death each year when it
as the two empires seem to have gone through several ruling flooded during the summer monsoons. The river brought
dynasties, some of which may (or may not) have ruled transportation and commerce, but its waters could wash
different regions along the Nogaro at the same time. Kadar is away a city overnight. The newborn were washed in its
by far the older of the two empires, founded over a thousand waters during their naming ceremony; the dead were carried
years ago by the despotic Geomancers, a race of terrible downstream in small rafts, ultimately entrusted to Shajar’s
sorcerer-priests who at one time held sway throughout the care in the watery underworld.
entire river valley. The Geomancers were toppled by Although the forces of nature have always invited
pioneering missionaries of the enlightenment and replaced by reverence, Ragarra was nature’s unpredictable violence
a dynasty of corrupt warrior-kings, or khedives, who seized incarnate, violence which must be appeased through
power in the wake of the western explorers’ departure. The sacrifice to be kept at bay. Shajar’s passionate mate,
Geomancers and their legacy are at the core of the adventures Ragarra was depicted as a woman with bat wings and a
in this boxed set and so are further discussed in Chapter Two. crocodile’s head and tail. The most powerful of the
At the same time (or perhaps after) these warrior ancient cults, Ragarra’s worship has spread clandestinely
dynasties seized control of the lower Nogaro, a number of through the cities on the mainland. The cult is discussed
religions expanded and flourished in the upper river valley. in greater detail in Chapter Three.
Based upon a reverence and fear of nature, some of these Kiga, goddess of the hunt and of the kill, was depicted as
religions developed into theocracies, unified by the a mysterious, sometimes sinister, panther-headed deity. A
common language called Noga. Most of these religions have predatory goddess, Kiga was venerated by those who hunted
faded into oblivion, leaving behind only strange artifacts for necessity or for personal amusement. Today, the worship
and dangerous living idols that still crave to be worshipped. of Kiga has been perverted into ritual murder by her

(thankfully) few lycanthropic followers, based in Kadarasto. sandstone cliffs, which rise to a plateau over 500 feet
On Afyal, civilization seems to have evolved along a above sea level. Curiously, none of the ruined metal
different path than that taken by the empires on the towers can be found on this forested plateau, which has
mainland. Their native peoples once worshipped an ruins architecturally similar to those found on the
elephantine god, now known only as the Lost One, leaving mainland, but dating from a later Nogaron empire. One
behind a fascinating legacy of poetry, ruined temples, and of the ruins, built on the shores of a bottomless mountain
towering statues. Poems in Affa, the ancient language of lake, is said to come alive with spirits each year with the
Afyal, are inscribed on many of the island’s ancient passing of the winter solstice. Sahu is guarded by two
monuments. Among Afyal’s modem inhabitants, Affa shark-infested reefs, the Rubban’s Tears to the south and
remains a forgotten and obscure tongue. the Horn of Sahu to the North.
Dawihi Isle, north of Sahu, is a flat veldt, strangely
devoid of predatory animal life. The island’s fallen towers,
In the Wilderness
scattered randomly about the grassy plains, now serve as

B esides the four cities described above and a

smattering of villages, eastern Zakhara is noted for its
stretches of seemingly endless wilderness, strewn with the
nesting grounds to hundreds of sea birds and raptors ruled
by a mysterious avian queen. A few tiny fortified villages
have been established on the shores of the island as way
wreckages of older civilizations. stations for merchant houses, but occasionally one is
Despite its proximity to Dihliz, the Grey Jungle remains swept into the ocean by the brutal monsoons that
a dense and inhospitable rain forest, avoided by most hammer the coasts each summer.
human explorers because of the inexplicable Grey Fever, a The eastern stretches of the Crowded Sea are yet
fatal disease which often claims adventurers before they can another wilderness awaiting exploration. Despite the
be brought back to a city for healing. As if the disease were steady stream of ships traveling between Dihliz, Rog’osto,
not bad enough, the forest is home to many carnivorous and Medina al-Afyal (and the occasional barbarian vessel
jungle giants, some of whom have developed a taste for sailing from distant Shou Lung), the Crowded Sea remains
sentient flesh. The rain forests also contain an unusually a treacherous place. Numerous reef and island giants,
large breed of snakes, called teak serpents, which are known presumably descendants of the Ruined Kingdoms’ ancient
to feed on creatures the size of elephants. Despite these inhabitants, dwell in the azure shallows. While many of
dangers, the Grey Jungle conceals a great number of the reef giants are friendly and welcome strangers, the
treasure-laden ruins, including temples, palaces, and piratical island giants are any mariner’s greatest nightmare.
princely tombs. The wreckage of a forgotten, ancient city is Almost a quarter of all vessels crossing the sea never reach
also said to lie somewhere in its verdant embrace. their intended destinations. Some are captured by pirates,
Serpent Bay, to the south of the Grey Jungle, is a wide, some sunk by the treacherous reefs and whirlpools, others
shallow basin of turquoise water, ideal for mooring a ship for destroyed by malevolent giants. The rest are blown off
the night or for weathering a storm. Were it not for the sea course by violent squalls which seem to strike without
serpents, sahaugin, and other nameless terrors which infest warning in these waters.
the bay, it would be a popular stop for mariners. The ocean depths between Rog’osto and Afyal are home
Although Rog’osto is noted for its collection of intact to an advanced underwater civilization. These deep-dwellers,
metal towers, similar ruined structures can be found known as locathah, have a history which predates even the
dotting the coastline of Sahu and Dawihi. Dubbed the giants’ arrival to the mainland jungles. Their stoic tradition
Isle of Serenity for the slow, tranquil pace of life enjoyed makes them very unwelcoming to outsiders, however, so they
by its native inhabitants, Sahu is distinguished by its lofty rarely rise to the surface to associate with mariners.

Chapter Two
The Geomancers
It is similarly mentioned that when a human being is placed in a barrel of sesame oil and
kept in it for forty days, is fed with jigs and nuts until his or her flesh is gone and only
the arteries and sutures of the skull remain, and is then taken out of the oil and exposed
to the drying action of the air, he or she will answer all special and general questions
regarding the future that may be asked. This is detestable sorcery.
—Ibn Khaldun, from the Muqaddimah

o group of sorcerers has ever held as much sway over the Ruined
Kingdoms as the ancient Geomancers. Through a frightening
combination of wizardry and priestly magic, the Geomancers could
predict the future, command towering monoliths, and cause the earth to heave
in mighty earthquakes. Today they are (thankfully) gone and all but forgotten,
but their geoglyphs and potent talismans live on, the last surviving legacy of
their terrible power. This chapter contains source material about this wicked
order, which surfaces in many of the adventures, including “Nine Fallen Stars,”
“Talisman,” “Secrets of the Seal,” and “Kismet.”

History of the Geomancers

T here is little doubt that the Geomancers once held the entire Nogaro River
valley in their firm control, as their geoglyphs can be found in many of the
ruins on the continent. Curiously, their talismans or geoglyphs are not found on
the islands of Afyal or Sahu.
The Geomancers’ ruling elite met in the Nine Council, each member taking a
title according to rank and ability: Wihda, Ithnayn, Thalath, Arba’, Khlams, Sitta,
Sab’, Thimaanya, and Tisan. Only one valiant group was able to stand up to the
Geomancers—a young and fervent band of farisan remembered in legend as the
Lions of Yesterday. Guided by Suhail min Zann, they confounded the Geomancers’
divinations and smashed the power of the Nine Council, destroying eight of the
wizard-priests. During that last battle, the ninth Geomancer, Tisan, withdrew to a

secret stronghold called Tadabbur and vanished from sight, fashioned from seaweed dipped in iodine to foil Geomantic
some say never to return. In Midani, the word tadabbur has divination, which the author, Iman Suhail, feared might be
come to mean foresight, or divination. used to predict the book’s future location. The tome’s cover
Now, Tisan’s power was great, such that her strength and binding consist of thin silver tubes filled with mercury,
equaled that of all the other Geomancers put together. skillfully soldered together by a master silversmith. These
After many years, the Lions discovered Tadabbur. Those precautions effectively shield the book with a cloaked wizardry
who entered to confront Tisan met with a slow and enchantment. A wish can be used to divine the book’s hidden
horrible death, but the mighty Geomancer did not dare location, but even then the caster learns only the vague clue
leave the safety of her last fortress. that the book lies “through the mists of ignorance.” Lesser
Inspired by Zann, Imam Suhail enchanted a mighty divinations about the tome fail completely.
talisman and used it to seal the entrance to Tisan’s The very first page contains an ancient and powerful
retreat. Calling upon Fate, the priest swore an oath that summoning spell researched by Suhail. When touched by
he would return from Paradise to council the Lions of Breaker of the Ninth Chain (a holy avenger discovered in
Tomorrow, should Tadabbur’s talisman ever be disturbed. “Secrets of the Seal”), this spell summons the spirit of
Suhail gathered the few surviving Lions and labored the Suhail, with the effects described in the last adventure,
rest of his days to destroy all traces of the Geomancers’ “Kismet.” Unless the book is held in the presence of the
existence, breaking their talismans and burning all the last Geomancer, Tisan, this page appears to be blank.
records he could find of their foul sorcery to prevent The book continues in Chapter One with a life history of
others from duplicating their spells. Imam Suhail, describing his ascendency to the priesthood
Ironically, Imam Suhail wrought his work so well that today and his first encounters with the Geomancers. Suhail devotes
the only remaining account about the Geomancers comes many pages to his epic battle with the Nine Council, at a
from his own sacred writings. Before his death, he transcribed stronghold called Majlis, somewhere east of the Nogaro
all his knowledge about the Geomancers into a book called River. Suhail describes Geomancer battle-magic in great
Lions of Tomorrow, so that a future generation of heroes would detail, highlighting their ability to summon and direct earth
be forewarned of the perils they would face and how best to monoliths in melee. After the battle, in which eight members
combat Geomancer magic, should Tisan ever return. of the Nine Council were slain, Suhail and his army razed the
By slowly feeding the party lore about the Geomancers, castle. After Suhail’s victory, the castle was renamed Yinhani
the DM can heighten the sense of drama, wonder, and Abraaja, meaning “Leaning Towers.” The imam reports
suspense in the campaign. During “Secrets of the Seal,” having a vision and inscribing a short prophesy somewhere in
the party will uncover the original copy of Lions of the ruined castle. Suhail does not elaborate on his prophesy
Tomorrow, enabling them to survive the confrontation in the Lions of Tomorrow, but the PCs may discover it during
with Tisan in the final adventure, “Kismet.” the course of their adventures in “Talisman.”
In Chapter Two of his tome, Suhail discusses how to make
scarabs of protection (see the DMG). A priest of 9th level or
Lions of Tomorrow
higher, of any enlightened deity (including hakima but

T he PCs will discover the magical tome called Lions of

Tomorrow if they successfully complete the
adventure “Secrets of the Seal.” As noted previously, this
excluding kahin) may use Suhail’s procedure, provided the
priest has access to a mosque or holy site in which to pray and
the right materials (a brooch carved out of a precious stone,
book is the key to destroying the last of the Geomancers like sapphire or ruby—at least 5,000 gp value—which has
in the final adventure, “Kismet.” been sanctified in the Golden Mosque of Huzuz, City of
Lions of Tomorrow is written in Kadari, on parchment Delights). Even with Suhail’s completed research and the

right materials, it still takes 3+1d4 weeks to complete the task. Geomancer priests worshipped Grumbar, Cold God of the
In Chapter Three, Suhail includes a description of the Earth. Most were single-classed, generic priests of Grumbar
quest spell sphere of security (from the Tome of Magic), which (similar to the moralists outlined in Arabian Adventures),
the high priest used extensively in his battles against the unless they possessed the requisite 16 Wisdom and 17
Geomancers. The extent of the rite’s description is left to the Intelligence to become dual-classed wizard-priests. In this
DM’s discretion. Lions of Tomorrow may contain the complete case they received additional training. Thus, only the most
spell, allowing a low-level priest to cast the spell (once) as intellectually gifted clerics could become specialty priests,
though it were a priestly scroll or permitting a higher-level with added powers and restrictions as outlined below:
priest to request the spell from his or her deity. Otherwise, Special Benefits and Powers: Because of their
Lions of Tomorrow may only contain a vague reference to the devotion to Grumbar, specialty priests received a +4
spell, requiring the PCs to search for the exact rite elsewhere, bonus on saving throws against sand or earth magic. They
now that they know the spell exists. The quest spell will only could turn and command undead. At higher levels, they
be granted to a priest of 9th level or higher when directly gained the following additional powers:
combating the Geomancers or their allies (such as during the l At 5th level, the ability to turn or command creatures
adventure “Kismet”). If the DM does not wish to introduce native to the Elemental Plane of Earth, as if they were
quest spells into the campaign, or does not have access to the undead with half their usual Hit Dice (thus an 8 HD
Tome of Magic, the third chapter contains instead instructions elemental could be turned as a 4 HD undead). This
for making a protection from magic scroll. included such powerful creatures as elementals,
Finally, Chapter Four includes a general description of monoliths, and even dao.
geoglyphs and how each of these could be foiled by a l At 9th level, the ability to summon and command an 8
prepared and cautious individual. In particular, Suhail HD earth elemental. It took but one round for the
mentions that the presence of salt water, or proximity to elemental to arrive, and it would obey any simple task
the sea, will disrupt the effects of most geoglyphs without the priest’s continual mental commands. This
(geoglyphs are detailed later in this chapter). power could be used once/week.
Magical Abilities: Grumbar’s specialty priests received
spells from the following nine spheres:
l Major Access: Astral, Divination, Necromantic,

G eomancy is the study of the element of earth. Its

practitioners, the Geomancers, sought to understand
Fate through magic and thus command the entire world.
Summoning, Elemental (Earth).
Minor Access: Healing, Guardian, Protection, and
What made Geomantic wizards and clerics different from Restrictions and Hindrances: Grumbar’s priests were
common mages and clerics was their holistic philosophy, of evil alignment (preferably neutral evil). His specialty
which combined the two forms of magic to make priests could not wear any kind of armor, nor could they
powerful runes, called geoglyphs. use a shield (though they could use protective magical
items). They were also restricted to wielding weapons
Priest Geomancers made from unrefined metal or stone.
Although many Geomancers only practiced wizardry, the
society was directed by Grumbar’s priests. All members of the Wizard Geomancers
Nine Council were dual-classed priests/wizards of incredible Wizards were common in the Geomancer Empire, far more
power, but many did not begin their instruction in wizardry numerous than either the generalist clerics or specialty
until they had mastered the most powerful of priestly spells. priests. Unlike the priests, specialization among wizards was

not popular, as their spells, magical items, and runes the contribution of the first (i.e., weakest) member of the
required a broad background of magical expertise to employ. Council; it can thus take up to nine wishes to remove a
In game terms, Geomancer wizards used the nine schools geoglyph. Limited wishes can also be used, but only one
of magic defined in the PH (they are thus ajami mages, member’s contribution is negated for one turn/level.
according to Arabian Adventures). Although some were When encountered in ruins, geoglyphs are frequently
undoubtedly specialists, there is no evidence that any invisible, flashing with gold or blue light when triggered.
practiced the kind of magic that is popular today in the Depending upon their nature, geoglyphs can be activated
Land of Fate. There were no Geomancer sorcerers, by touch or by command. In either case, the glyph
elemental mages, or sha’ir. Certainly a few were earth discharges once and goes into dormancy, recharging its
elemental wizards, described in the TOM, but these were a magical energy from the earth for nine rounds (or hours,
minority. or days—the more potent the effect, the longer the
Undoubtedly, Geomancers used many different spells recharge time). Thus, no geoglyph can discharge more
from those employed by modem wizards. Today’s common than once per turn.
flame, sand, and wind spells were probably developed by
the Geomancers. The sole exception is sea magic, which Geoglyphs by Priests
has its origin in the Corsair Domains. Geomancers also Councils of single-classed priests made the first three
employed many spells that are currently rare or extinct in types of geoglyphs (whd, thnn, thlth) by scratching with a
the Land of Fate. Feel free to invent your own exotic metal implement in earth or stone.
spells and use favorites from the TOM and the Whd: Dream glyphs. These glyphs are typically found
FORGOTTEN REALMS® Adventures hardcover. in private chambers, where they work their power on
sleeping minds. They were used to obtain minor
Emblems and Geoglyphs divinatory revelations and to influence the dreams of
The Geomancers’ emblem was the asfr, a nine-spoked enemies.
wheel with a dark central hub. The asfr symbolized a Thnn: Sight glyphs. These glyphs were inscribed on a
relationship between Fate (the outer wheel), Magic (the wall, enabling it to serve as a permanent scrying device,
nine spokes of the wheel), and the world (the hub). This similar to a crystal ball. More complicated configurations
nonmagical symbol can be found on almost all their enabled the detection of sound and (in the most
buildings or magical items, signifying ownership. powerful) thoughts as well.
Nine was a sacred number to the Geomancers, who Thlth: Sending glyphs. If combined with sight runes,
devised an elaborate system of magical runes and symbols sending runes could enable two-way communication of
called geoglyphs. Their symbols were organized into nine sight, sound, and thought. When inscribed on the walls,
categories: whd, thnn, thlth, rba’, khlms, stt, sb’a, thmn, and floor, and ceiling of a chamber, the room became a one-
tsn, each with a different purpose or power. While way gate with a fixed destination. Sending runes enabled
geoglyphs could theoretically be inscribed by a single the Geomancers to establish an extensive communication
individual, they were almost always made by a group of and transport network in their empire. Their operation is
nine wizards or priests, called a Council. unhindered by deception runes (see below).
Given the cooperative effort that went into creating
them, geoglyphs are almost impossible to erase. For dispel Geoglyphs by Wizards
magic to be successful, it must overcome the contribution Single-classed Geomancer wizards made the next three
of each member of the Council that created it. Otherwise types of geoglyphs (rba’, khlms, stt) by scratching on
it fails and the geoglyph remains. A wish only eliminates copper with a diamond-tipped stylus.

Rba’: Ward glyphs. This broad family of geoglyphs Thmn: Past glyphs. A combination of sight and time
includes all rune configurations meant to harm or destroy runes, this family of glyphs allowed the user to scry upon
those who inadvertently activate them. They were used known individuals or events in Zakhara’s recent or distant
to protect the entrances of strongholds, secret chambers, past (similar to the Tome of Magic quest spell imago
and the treasuries of the Geomancers. See the spell interrogation). These runes transmit an audio-visual image
symbol (both the wizard and priest versions) for samples of of the past, automatically translating foreign languages
what these runes can do. Ward runes can be disarmed by into Kadari.
a secret command word, muttered while touching them. Tsn: Future glyphs. A much more powerful (and
Khlms: Deception glyphs. These glyphs were inscribed elaborate) combination of sight and time runes, this
on the surfaces of most Geomancer strongholds. In their family of glyphs allows the user to survey the tangled
most primitive configuration, they merely blocked skeins of Fate and understand the probable course of the
divinatory magics, but in their more advanced forms they future if certain events are allowed to transpire. The runes
could misdirect divinations, giving a false reading to their do not show what WILL be, only what MAY be, under
caster. Deception runes can be modified to prevent known preconditions. The far future is thus very difficult
teleportation and block dimensional travel both into and to predict, but very specific short-term visions are quite
out of an area. accurate.
Stt: Calling glyphs. The most powerful group of
wizardly geoglyphs, calling runes were used to gate in Geoglyphs and the Campaign
creatures from the Outer Planes. Few contain binding or Geoglyphs are introduced to give the DM suggestions for
protective clauses, leading to the conclusion that the instilling a sense of wonder and fear into the exploration
summoned creatures were usually the Geomancers’ allies of ruins. The PCs will be much more wary if they know a
or counselors. When encountered near treasure vaults, rba’ glyph might be invisibly inscribed on a tomb
they summon deadly fiends (usually baatezu or yugoloth) entrance.
charged with protecting the Geomancer’s property. Such At the same time, geoglyphs should not be used with
creatures are rarely amenable to negotiation. such frequency that they become common and lose their
aura of mystique. In particular, PCs should never learn
Geoglyphs by the Dual-Classed how to make them, unless these characters are very
Dual-classed Geomancer priest-wizards could fashion the powerful (i.e., ready for retirement anyway).
three most powerful groups of geoglyphs (sb’a, thmn, tsn) Finally, geoglyphs should not be all-powerful party-
by sprinkling the powder of precious stones on surfaces of slayers. There should be a way for an intelligent, well-
gold or platinum. prepared party to evade their often deadly effects. For
Sb’a: Time glyphs. These potent glyphs alter the instance, though geoglyphs work effectively near fresh
subjective flow of time for all caught within their area of water, for some reason their intensity diminishes close
effect, which is usually small (no more than a few to any large amount of water-based solution (such as
hundred square feet). They were sometimes used to hold salt water, vinegar, wine, acid, even goat’s milk). In
advancing enemies in thrall (similar to timestop) while addition, iodine and mercury can diminish the power
preparations were made to decimate them. They could of sb’a, thmn, and tsn geoglyphs. These precautions,
also be used to speed up the passage of time in their area and any others the DM may care to devise, should be
of effect, aging the victims to senility before they could revealed to the PCs once they discover Lions of
escape. Tomorrow.

Chapter Three

The Cult of Ragarra

We have also observed how people who practice sorcery point at a garment or a piece of
leather and inwardly speak magic words over it, and behold! the object is torn into shreds. . . .
—Ibn Khaldun, from the Muqaddimah

lthough Ragarra has been long forgotten throughout much of Zakhara,
she is still worshipped, or at least feared, by most prudent inhabitants
of the vast, primeval jungle that envelops the Ruined Kingdoms. This
chapter outlines the background and history of this cult, so the DM can expand
them in the campaign, outside the context of the adventures “Talisman” and
“Retribution.” (Note: Some scholars call the featured goddess Raggara.)

Cult Background and History

R agarra is an ancient deity whose worship peaked in the centuries after the fall
of the Geomancers. Depicted in temple idols as a woman with bat wings and
a crocodile’s head, Ragarra—the Black Tempest, the Render, the Winged Beast—
was the incarnation of the jungle and all its violent denizens. She embodied
passion, chaos, and revenge. Her symbols included the cyclone or waterspout, the
green three-fingered claw, and the baby crocodile biting its own tail.
The declining Empire of Kadar, recognizing the cult as subversive to imperial
civilization, made public worship of Ragarra a capital offense and laid waste to
her temples, littering the jungle wilderness with new ruins. After centuries of
clandestine operation, the cult is once again resurfacing in the modem cities of
the Ruined Kingdoms. Tiny shrines to Ragarra adorn the entrances to Dihliz’s
canals, erected to protect the city’s waterways from the crocodiles that infest the
Nogaro. A larger shrine has been erected in one of Rog’osto’s famous towers, but
the cult’s secret base of operations lies in the ruined undercity of Kadarasto.
Today, Ragarra’s cult hopes to reestablish open worship of its deity in the
Ruined Kingdoms through a combination of coercion and intimidation. The
number of crocodiles in the Nogaro has swollen to record numbers, threatening

river traffic and infiltrating the vast irrigation systems and destroy the foundations of civilized rule whenever possible,
rice paddies that circle the major cities. damaging or defacing public architecture, disrupting trade,
The superstitious natives of the Ruined Kingdoms, who and hindering communication between cities. Because
demonized Ragarra in their tribal songs and legends, have public opposition can be dangerous, most city governments
taken this as a sign of her return and have quickly erected secretly plot to eliminate Ragarra’s priesthood.
shrines to appease the goddess and prevent their loved Nonweapon Proficiencies: Since Ragarra’s cult remains
ones from being devoured by her reptilian minions. Those largely a covert organization, all priests are required to learn
who have openly opposed Ragarra have met unfortunate the art of disguise. They may also learn rogue nonweapon
boating accidents involving crocodiles, further inflating proficiencies without expending the extra proficiency slot.
the cult’s mystique and reputation. Special Benefits and Powers: Because of their
Ragarra’s priestesses have started making rounds of devotion to Ragarra, her priests can pass without truce
jungle villages, demanding tribute for their deity to fund when in natural surroundings, starting at 1st level. Her
future temple construction. Demonstrating Ragarra’s priests can also turn and command undead. At higher
power, her priestesses display their legendary ability levels, they gain the following additional powers:
(remembered in native lore) to rend or destroy the l At 3rd level, the ability to speak with animals in natural
animals, slaves, and personal property of those who do surroundings for up to one turn/level, once/day.
not contribute to Ragarra’s cause. l At 5th level, the ability to summon and command
Recently, as her power and worship have grown, the common crocodiles or bats, in jungle or lightly forested
legendary servants of Ragarra, called segarrans, have been terrain, once/week. One crocodile or 1-6 common bats
occasionally spotted in small bands at night. These crocodile- answer the summons for every two experience levels of
headed minions of the jungle goddess are described in the 8- the priest. The creatures arrive in 2-5 rounds and
page booklet; they are created by the new priest spells conjure remain to obey the priest’s commands for a day.
jungle minions and create jungle minions (for lesser segarrans), l At 9th level, the ability to summon and command
and jungle avatar (for greater segarrans). The priest’s ability to giant crocodiles or mobats. One giant crocodile or two
destroy or vandalize personal property, livestock, or slaves is mobats answer the summons for every six experience
also the result of a new priest spell, called rending. All new levels of the priest. Arriving in 4-7 rounds, the
priest spells mentioned in this section are detailed at the end creatures obey the priest’s commands for one hour per
of this chapter. experience level. The power can be used once/day.
Magical Abilities: Ragarra’s specialty priests receive

Requirements of the Priesthood spells from the following spheres:

l Major Access: All, Plant, Animal, Weather, and Chaos

R agarra’s priesthood is dominated by specialty clerics,

classified as outland priests in Arabian Adventures. A
matriarchal society, the priesthood is made up primarily of l
(from the Tome of Magic; if not available, substitute
Minor Access: Healing, Guardian, Protection,
female humans, with a minority of male humans and Necromantic, Elemental, and Divination.
members of other races. The priesthood retains its focus on Restrictions and Hindrances: Ragarra only accepts
the jungle and nature as the source for all its power, but the priests of evil alignment (preferably chaotic evil). Her
necessity for attracting new followers has driven Ragarra’s priests are restricted to light armor (no heavier than
priests to operate almost exclusively in or near large cities. leather, AC 8) and may use a small shield or buckler. As
Ironically, Ragarra’s priests are inherently opposed to the Ragarra makes no restrictions on the shedding of blood,
civilization they hope to convert. They seek to damage or her priests are not limited to blunt weapons.

New Priest Spells Rending (Alteration)
Level: 4

T he new spells presented here are granted only to evil

priests of Ragarra. At the DM’s discretion, these spells may
also be granted to kahin PCs, provided the characters devote
Sphere: Plant
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
the requisite time to research. The DM is encouraged to
Duration: Permanent
develop further new spells for the cults of the Ruined Kingdoms.
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One item (see below)
Conjure Jungle Minions (Alteration) Saving Throw: Special
Level: 4
This spell rends or destroys personal property, including
Sphere: Animal
livestock, pets, mounts, clothing, weapons, armor, jewelry,
Range: Touch
doors, chests, tapestries, and slaves (including mamluks). In
Components: V, S, M
short, anything that has been purchased or manufactured
Duration: 2 rounds/level
can be affected by this spell; it has no effect if cast on a free
Casting Time: 8
citizen or wild creature. Thus, a mount can be slain out
Area of Effect: One minion/3 levels
from under its rider, but the same creature encountered
Saving Throw: None
running free in the wilderness is immune to the spell’s
By means of this spell, the caster can change baby common effects. The caster can affect a single creature or item (one
crocodiles or alligators (one for every three experience levels cubic foot per level of the caster) with this spell.
of the priest) into a lesser segarran (see the 8-page booklet). If the target is an object, the target is completely
Thus, a 9th-level priest can change three crocodiles into shredded, as if rended by invisible claws; if the target is a
lesser segarrans. Lesser segarrans have an AC 1, 5+5 HD, purchased creature or a slave, the being suffers 3-24 (3d8)
THAC0 16, and 10% magic resistance; they attack by biting points of damage. Magical items are allowed a saving throw
for 2d8 points of damage or by wielding any weapon provided vs. disintegration with a +4 bonus to resist the spell’s effects;
(+2 bonus on damage from Strength bonus). Of course, the creatures of greater than animal Intelligence or more than 4
crocodiles must be at hand for this spell to function. Further, Hit Dice are entitled to a saving throw vs. death magic. In
they must be touched by the priest during the casting. These those cases, a successful saving throw negates the spell.
minions attack as commanded by the priest for the duration
of the spell (two rounds per level of experience of the caster). Create Jungle Minions (Alteration)
Lesser segarrans are compelled by the spell to devour the flesh
Level: 5
of enemies who fall in combat, a process taking 1-3 rounds
Sphere: Animal
depending upon the victim’s size. During this time, the creature
Range: 5 yards/level
cannot attack or follow the caster’s commands. If the conjured
Components: V, S, M
segarrans do not kill and devour at least one victim before the
Duration: Permanent
spell expires, then the caster must make a saving throw vs. spell
Casting Time: 1 round
or be affected by a bestow curse as a sign of Ragarra’s displeasure.
Area of Effect: One creature/3 levels
The material component is fresh water, specially blessed for
Saving Throw: Neg.
use in this spell. The water is poured on the crocodiles at the
time of casting. This spell has no effect if cast on a giant This spell permanently changes common crocodiles or
crocodile. alligators (one for every three experience levels of the

caster) into lesser segarrans. Unlike conjure jungle minions, This spell is physically demanding; the caster must
this spell can also transform human, humanoid, or demi- make a successful system shock roll to survive the
human recipients into lesser segarrans. Targets of this transformation. Although a greater segarran can be
spell need only be within sight and range of the caster. devastating in combat, the caster is compelled by the
The spell’s duration is permanent, unless reversed by a spell to devour fallen enemies in combat, a process
successful dispel magic. All recipients must make a taking 1-3 rounds depending upon the size of the slain
successful system shock roll to survive the transformation. foe. During this time, the priest cannot attack or cast
If cast on an unwilling target, the victim is allowed a spells. The caster can return to her normal form at will,
saving throw vs. magic to avoid the spell’s effects. Anyone but this also requires a system shock roll. If the caster
failing his or her save is transformed into a lesser segarran, has not slain and devoured at least one victim, the
who attacks as commanded by the priest. Willing recipients chances of surviving the transformation back to normal
are assumed to automatically fail their saving throw. form are decreased by 50% as a sign of Ragarra’s
The material components are the powdered claws of an displeasure.
alligator or crocodile, which are scattered in the direction The material components are the powdered scales of a
of the recipients at the time of casting. In all other giant crocodile, mixed with a potion of sanctified water,
respects, this spell conforms to the new 4th-level priest blood, and bitter herbs. The caster imbibes the foul brew
spell conjure jungle minions. upon completing the spell.

Jungle Avatar (Alteration)

Level: 6
Sphere: Animal
Range: Personal
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell transforms the caster into a towering

reptilian monster, with the head and tail of a giant
crocodile (a greater segarran, see the 8-page booklet for
details). In his or her (usually her) new form, the priestess
retains the use of her intellect, magical items, and 1st-5th
level spells. She retains her customary hit points and
THAC0 but gains AC -2, 20% magic resistance, great
physical strength, and dangerous physical attacks. The
greater segarran can strike once per round with a weapon
(+6 bonus on damage from Strength bonus) or attack
with a bite and tail slap for 3-18 (3d6) and 2-20 (2d10)
points of damage, respectively; the tail attack can affect
up to three people simultaneously.

Chapter Four

The Gateway City

any of the scenarios in Ruined Kingdoms either start or take place in
Dihliz. Since the DM might not have access to the Land of Fate
boxed set, an expanded description of the city from that source is
provided below. This chapter concludes with a detailed description of a few of
the city’s highlights.

Dihliz, the Gateway City

L ocated about 50 miles up the Nogaro River, Dihliz is the only major city in
the Ruined Kingdoms not built on the wreckage of an older metropolis.
Dubbed the Gateway City, it is a popular debarkation point for those seeking
fortune and high adventure in the Ruined Kingdoms of the continent. It also
serves as a major trading center between the inland towns and the civilized world.
The Gateway City was established less than a century ago by the padishah of
Afyal to regulate the flow of magical antiquities out of the Ruined Kingdoms and
to provide a base for trade with the Pantheon cities. Since the city’s founding,
the Grand Caliph has appointed new rulers with ever-increasing frequency,
whenever the level of corruption in the government becomes obvious. This
trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future, since new emirs are
appointed by the Grand Caliph based upon a recommendation from the
padishah of Afyal. The past two generations of rulers from that island nation
have been too busy catering to Afyal’s interests and profiting from their own
positions to exert the force of civilization.
The Ruler: Until recently, Emira Hassana Alim al-Gaib (hfT/sl/18) was a
merchant from Afyal. Upon the recommendation of the padishah of Afyal, she
was appointed emira by the Grand Caliph for a provisional period of five years. It
is now year four and Hassana is busy hiding away her riches for her inevitable
retirement. The emira operates a wide-open town, the sort favored by
adventurers (especially foreigners). Interpretation of the Loregiver’s law is loose,
and usually to the advantage of the emira and her cronies.

The Court: There are three public figures of note in Major Products: Trade, antiques, rice.
Dihliz, all of them devoted to the emira. Amin Nur Armed Forces: 1,000 city guards; 1,000 cavalrymen
(hmF/mb/12) directs the Ministry of Secrets. The emira under the command of Ebu min Hassana; navy (term used
appointed him to his current post as a reward for years of loosely) of 8 river barges with rowers.
loyalty, and because of his intellect and talent for intrigue. Major Mosques: Kor, Pantheon, Selan, Zann.
Jel al-Galiz (hfW/sh/13), another trusted associate of Rumors and Lore: Dihliz is said to be built on some
the emira, holds the title “Minister of Riches.” sort of holy or taboo site of the lost civilizations of the
Conscientious and dependable, her chief responsibility is Ruined Kingdoms. The site is unusual because it lacks the
applying a minor tax to all treasure extracted from the ruins found elsewhere throughout the region. All cut
ruins. She realizes that most of the riches discovered in stone in the city was imported.
the ruins of the river valley disappear overland or are
smuggled out of the city by boat. She focuses her
Whirlwind Tour of Dihliz
attentions on ancient magics, striving to control (or at
least regulate) their flow. In particular, she watches out
for magical items created by the Geomancers. Those who
comply with her ministry often receive grants to explore
D ihliz is a relatively young frontier city, scarcely
civilized when compared with Zakhara’s other major
settlements. However, it is by no means devoid of
newly discovered ruins. interesting commercial, public, and religious attractions.
Although the emira has four husbands, only Ebu min In the following descriptions, numbers in parentheses can
Hassana (hmF/dr/10) is granted a position in city be located on the city map, which can be found on the
government. A former desert rider from the Haunted front of Card 4.
Lands, Ebu commands the cavalry forces of Dihliz. His
primary duties include protecting the city and seeking out Where to stay
those who clandestinely rob the ruins. About three times Unless they have friends or relatives in Dihliz, visitors
a year, he takes a large band of riders into the jungles will most likely stay at one of the many inns located on
beyond Kadarasto for several weeks of patrolling. the stone wharves overlooking the Nogaro River. Only
Population: 80,000. two are particularly noteworthy:
Distinguishing Features: The buildings of Dihliz are a The Jasmine Dream (1) is a poshly decorated inn
collection of baked brick and distinctive stone. The stone managed by a pathologically clean gnome named Ahmad
was hauled from a distant temple, or so it is claimed, for (gmF/a/8). Ahmad has a reputation for providing safe,
the city radiates a low-level magic, sufficient to scramble immaculate rooms, many with a quiet view overlooking
most detect magic spells (other divination spells are an adjacent canal. Despite its exhorbitant rates, the inn is
unaffected). The palace and ministries, made of stone quite popular among merchants from the Pantheon cities.
from Afyal, are exempt from this effect. The Steel Serpent (2) is a favorite among low-budget
The Gateway City is a melting pot, home to natives of adventurers, owned by a retired treasure-hunter named
the Ruined Kingdoms, people who have emigrated from Tahani (hfT/sl/10), who can sometimes be bribed to divulge
Afyal, and treasure seekers from around the Land of Fate. the location of lucrative ruins. Visitors share a common
They are energetic, curious, progressive, and, above all, sleeping area, but thefts are common during the night.
acquisitive. Those who visit Dihliz should heed the
following recommendations: keep your eye on your Goods and Services
equipment, your hands on your valuables, and a short The stone wharves (3) along the Nogaro River are
leash on members of your household. usually packed with small teak canoes from nearby farms,

barges from Kadarasto, and sailing ships from Afyal and cities and the Salt Jungle. By insisting upon continual
the Pantheon Cities. Many business transactions take reorganization and review, Amin guarantees that the
place on this busy street before goods are even unloaded. Ministry is always in a shambles. Scrolls and reports are
Dihliz is famous for its floating bazaar (4), a covered frequently misfiled, stolen, or lost, but a suitable amount
market with canals rather than streets. For a small fee, of gold always seems to bring the needed document or
one can hire a boat to explore this curious suq. A host of information to light. Individuals who visit the ministry in
small shops and stalls open onto the indoor canals of the hopes of obtaining a map or a license to plunder often
floating market, selling most equipment listed in Arabian bring dinars rather than scribes.
Adventures, except that weapons and armor cost nearly The Minstry of Riches (8) can be found on the open
twice the normal amount, because of scarcity and bazaar, near the stone wharves where smuggling abounds.
demand. A few quaint coffee shops can be found here, This ministry is responsible for levying a minor tax on all
where visitors pause for a relaxing break while shopping. treasure discovered in the ruins. The bureau imposes a 1%
In the dead-ends of less frequented canals, all manner of tax on monetary treasure, and pays full price (5 times XP
illicit wares can be obtained for the right price: tobacco, value) for magical items brought to it.
narcotics, poison, liquid star, slaves, sometimes even Dihliz has never been attacked by an army in the
goods looted from the ruins of Nog and Kadar. This century since it was built. The low, relatively thin outer
market closes abruptly after dark, when crocodiles from walls (9) facing the jungle are more for show than any
the Nogaro are rumored to make brash incursions. useful purpose. The wide canals surrounding the city are a
The city’s open bazaar (5) is a market for food and better defense from siege than the stone fortifications.
livestock: colorful jungle birds, caged chickens, wicker The city has three gates, beautifully decorated with
backpacks, delicate orchids, trained jaguars, spicy eel bas-reliefs and sculpture: the Gate of Serpents (10) leads
kabobs (a local delicacy), coconut candy, and fragrant upriver to Kadarasto; the Gate of Hornets (11) leads to
stalks of cinnamon. Even elephants can be discovered here the outlying rice plantations and eventually the jungle;
in the chaotic jumble of sights and smells. Exotic goods the Gate of the Peacock (12) leads to the Citadel and
from distant cities can be purchased here as well, including Barge Sheds (13), where a large prison and the city’s
gold jewelry from Afyal; exquisite porcelain from Fahhas; modest navy is located.
rare books, lenses, and telescopes from Hudid; fine crystal In the northeastern part of town, one can find the
from I’tiraf; and rich fabrics from Talab. emira’s small but opulent Ivory Palace (14), so named
A common cause for complaint by tourists is the city’s because it is built entirely from white limestone, imported
scarcity of public baths. In all of Dihliz, there are but from Afyal. The palace overlooks the Plaza of the Sacred
three bathhouses (6), all of which charge exorbitant Elephants (15), where a life-sized pair of elephant statues
rates. They are owned by an anonymous foreign merchant rear up on their hind legs, facing each other. The plaza is
from Muluk, who has a virtual monopoly on the bathing typically thronged with courtiers, viziers, accountants,
industry in the city. Given the curiously high mortality sycophants, and merchants with business for the emira. A
rate among entrepreneurs starting new bathhouses these small but beautiful public garden (16) overgrown with
days, perhaps their scarcity is not so surprising. orchids lies adjacent to the plaza.

Public Buildings and Monuments Religious Buildings

The Ministry of Secrets (7) is located in the northern There are four large mosques in Dihliz, catering to the
part of the city. This office registers and catalogs all ruins city’s largely transient population. The Mosque of a
and treasure sites between the borders of the Pantheon Thousand Hummingbirds (17) is a beautiful, many-

that for a sizable donation, Kor’s priests will bestow their
spells with no questions asked. The Mosque of the
Pantheon (19) in the center of town is in similarly dire
financial straits.
The Mosque of the Sacred Fountain (20), dedicated
to Zann, is located across from the Ministry of Secrets.
The mosque is thronged with supplicants seeking divine
inspiration in their quest for new treasure-laden ruins.
Zann’s priesthood smiles only on visitors interested in
exploring the ruins for the sake of knowledge—not profit.
Its libraries are filled with journals, swiftly decaying in the
jungle humidity, written by three generations of the city’s
treasure hunters. Although the priests are more than
happy to allow visitors to read these diaries, the ruins
they describe were plundered long ago. A tall, majestic
fountain bubbles at the center of the mosque, crawling
with black hornets and wasps. The mosque also supports a
colony of intelligent, giant mason wasps, many of whom
have been taught Midani by the priests.
At the entrances of the city canals, visitors will no doubt
notice small shrines. A small idol of Ragarra, a crocodile-
tiered tower mosque dedicated to Selan. Balconies and headed woman with bat wings, stands in the sheltered
ledges—choked with orchids, hyacinths, and alcoves, surrounded by small meat offerings. These shrines
pomegranate trees—extend from the mosque’s upper are widely believed to help prevent crocodiles from the
levels and overlook the plaza below. The fantastic gardens Nogaro from entering the city. The city’s enlightened
are always attended by a host of hummingbirds and clergy find the pagan shrines insulting, but their last
winged serpents. The mosque is officially supported by attempt to remove them incited a fearful riot before the
the court of Afyal (and hence Dihliz as well). Selan’s idols were restored to their customary positions.
priestesses have positions of authority in the city’s loose In some of the back streets, visitors might discover
judicial system. small, hidden shrines, containing white cobra idols with a
The Mosque of the Revered (18) is a more traditional smiling woman’s face. Superstitious people consider the
house of prayer dedicated to Kor and supported almost snake queen—and snakes in general—to be a sign of good
entirely by generous visitors from the Pantheon cities. fortune. Many citizens can recount tales of miraculous
Despite its size and prestigious position on the plaza near recovery from fatal illness after a family member left a
the emira’s palace, Kor does not have nearly as large a broiled meat kebab at one of the snake shrines.
following as Selan in the city, and this is reflected in the These two cults are featured in the adventures
mosque’s slightly worn facade. Most people in town know “Talisman” and “Retribution.”

Chapter Five

Other Cities of
the Ancients
uring the course of the campaign, the party may decide to visit or explore
the exotic and dangerous cities of Kadarasto, Medina al-Afyal, and
Rog’osto. This chapter provides expanded city descriptions based upon the
material presented in the Land of Fate boxed set.

Kadarasto, City Most Sinister

B y following the Nogaro about 100 miles upstream from Dihliz, the traveler
reaches the sinister city of Kadarasto. It is an ancient, alien-looking place,
perched upon a bluff overlooking the river. The city’s architecture—heavy, angular,
and depressing—is unique in the Land of Fate. Some sages believe Kadarasto was
once the capital of ancient Kadar, which may or may not have existed at the same
time as Nog, and may or may not have been its enemy.
The Ruler: Khedive Aman al-Qasi abu Nari (hmF/a/15) is a sly and snakelike
man. Outwardly pious, his heart is dark as ebony. His father was one of the Grand
Caliph’s lesser viziers, his mother a native woman of noble descent. The khedive
gained only the worst traits of his parents: his father’s taste for manipulation and his
mother’s savage nature. It has been said that his father was a member of the
Brotherhood of the True Flame, and that his mother was secretly a priestess of Shajar.
The Court: Nari ibn Aman (hmF/a/10) is the leading supporter of his father, the
khedive. Hot-tempered and intense, Nari commands the city’s armed forces. His
popularity among the poorer members of the city far surpasses that of the khedive
himself. In fact, Nari is viewed as a local hero—a champion who cuts down illegal
tomb-robbers, strikes out against the unsanctioned thieves of the emira of Dihliz,
and strives to exterminate all those who plunder the heritage of the Ruined
Kingdoms. Nari applauds the aid the Dihliz military provides with its raids, but he
secretly wishes that the emira and all foreigners would leave his country in peace.
The prince is featured in the brief adventure, “Retribution.”

Population: 120,000 (estimated). worship of their savage idols. Such idolatry does not officially
Features of the City: Kadarasto is a base for individuals exist in Kadarasto, so the khedive is not looking for it.
seeking to explore the Nogaro River valley. All ruins within a
two-day ride have been thoroughly explored and plundered. A Brief Tour of Kadarasto
The landscape and rice fields are littered with defaced Visitors will have a difficult time getting around Kadarasto,
and toppled statues, monuments to forgotten gods. Beyond a city notoriously unfriendly to foreigners. Despite their
that, the brush and scrub conceal a great deal. There are hostile welcome, visitors can still wander safely about (in
discoveries here yet to be made—from simple ruins such as daylight, at least), examining the city’s few commercial,
bathhouses and watchtowers to greater finds such as tombs public, and religious highlights.
and temples. Goods and Services: There is a very narrow choice of
The city’s people, mainly natives from the surrounding accommodations in Kadarasto. Besides the small, squalid
wilderness, have only recently been enlightened. Kadarasto’s caravanserai located outside the city walls, the only other
lord still takes the ancient title “khedive” (unique to the option for a decent night’s sleep is the Broken Wheel, an
Ruined Kingdoms), though he professes his allegiance to opulent inn in the southern part of town, named for a
Huzuz and the superiority of the enlightened gods. cracked, nine-spoked wheel carved in the stone floor of the
Most of the city’s money is held by a rich, privileged elite, common room (actually a Geomancer asfr). The inn is
consisting mainly of a few lucky adventurers, a handful of operated by Mauza Dalidasis (hfT/mr/11), a charming and
merchants who operate smuggling routes through the surprisingly friendly inhabitant of Kadarasto. Mauza can be a
wilderness to Talab, and expatriated emigrants of Afyal. valuable source of information for visitors to the city, but at
The poorer native classes live in squalid hovels outside the the rate she charges for her rooms (50 gp/night!) she can
city walls along the Nogaro and harbor a deep resentment afford to be gracious.
toward the prosperous outsiders. Were it not for the Mauza is related by marriage to one of the most prosperous
mercenaries and mumluks guarding the city, a rebellion merchants in the city, Cholk min Kado (hmT/mr/18). Cholk
would soon occur and blood would flow in the streets. owns the Shop of Faded Carpets, an unassuming store filled
The most recent version of Kadarasto proper is built upon with ancient rugs and tapestries. In reality, it hides the secret
the ruins of at least 12 other cities, all situated upon the headquarters of a spy network operated by Cholk himself.
bluffs above the Nogaro. Kadarasto is overrun with its The unassuming merchant has contacts with over 200
heritage. The ruins of many buildings remain. Most of the beggars of various levels and can reach anyone, anywhere in
graven icons of the ancient ways have been destroyed, their the city. The Shop of Faded Carpets also serves as a front for
statues crushed to rubble. Nonetheless, the city has a the sale and purchase of magical items and treasure looted
savage, idolatrous atmosphere, for a number of these icons from the ruins. For a small fee, Cholk can smuggle anything
survive in the back alleys. out of the Ruined Kingdoms to Talab.
Major Products: Trade, antiquities, rice. Chalk’s shop and the Broken Wheel are located near the
Armed Forces: 2,000 city guards; 1,000 cavalry; 3 city’s otherwise lackluster open bazaar, which is strewn with
mamluk companies of the Devout, totaling 900 men, all canvas-covered stalls and tents, where most goods and
under the command of young Nari. services can be obtained at slightly elevated prices. There is
Major Mosques: Hajama, Pantheon, Najm, Selan; also no suq, or covered market, in Kadarasto.
secret cults of Ragarra, Shajar, and Kiga. Public Buildings and Monuments: The public architec-
Rumors and Lore: Legends persist that the ancient pass- ture of Kadarasto is heavy and depressing. The massive city
ages and catacombs of the city’s past have survived. Followers walls, cracked and decayed by the humidity, are curious in
of the old cult-gods are said to use these places in the secret their lack of towers, minarets, and arrow loops. The wall is

interrupted only by the Gates of Dawn, a pair of massive Elephant, enjoys a richness that rivals Huzuz itself.
copper portals decorated with abstract starlike patterns and The Ruler: The island of Afyal has been blessed by fate
tarnished green with age. with its riches, so perhaps it is only fair that it suffers from a
The khedive’s royal palace sits brooding on the highest dearth of rulers. The House of Alon founded the kingdom
expanse of the bluff overlooking the Nogaro. This window- and its capital city soon after the Law of the Loregiver
less monstrosity is said to be built on the bones of the thou- spread throughout the continent of Zakhara. That house
sand laborers who perished during its construction. All took great pride in the fact that the blood of the first Grand
governmental offices operate out of the palace’s cavernous, Caliph also flowed in Afyal’s first padishah.
echoing halls. Afyal’s leaders have always been erratic, perhaps because
Although there are no public parks or gardens in it takes the will of a madman to create a new city in the
Kadarasto, the inner city is strewn with the ruins of ancient wilderness. The present ruler, however, exceeds even his
buildings and towering monuments disfigured by time. The predecessors in the depth of his madness.
remnants of strange star-shaped towers lean precariously Alad bin Alaq bin Alonka of Alon (hmF/f/13) is a
over busy streets, and disturbing sculptures of forgotten demented and wildly unpredictable ruler. Some say it is the
gods adorn the facades of many buildings. blood of the ruling class running thin after 500 years. Others
Religious Buildings: While Kadarasto is outwardly an say that the Mad Padishah was born sane but encountered a
enlightened city, the city’s modem mosques—dedicated to great horror in the Ruined Kingdoms as a youth. His father
Najm, Hajama, Selan, and to the Pantheon as a whole—are (perhaps lacking in faculties himself) failed to recognize the
small, austere, and poorly attended, more appropriate for a extent of the damage and named Alad his heir.
village or town than a major city. The padishah’s first born son, Alakbar bin Alad bin Alaq,
Although the majority of the city’s native inhabitants disappeared on a voyage south into the Crowded Sea four
show up for prayer at the required times, many also worship years ago. No word has come from (or about) him since.
the ancient Forgotten Gods. The largest and most active of Given the tendencies of his father, this may be for the best.
these savage cults is that of Ragarra (described in Chapter The Court: The Mad Padishah has a relatively stable and
Three). Ragarra’s idols and small shrines can be found contented court and bureaucracy. Many of these personages
sheltered in Kadarasto’s back streets and alleys. Unlike the —especially the outspoken arch-vizier, Anwar al-Makruh
small shrines in Dihliz, these sites are considered holy and (hemW/sh/13)—p ass into and out of the padishah’s favor,
are secretly venerated by an increasing number of like the waxing and waning of the moon. One of the few sane
Kadarasto’s native citizens. Like the city’s other un- and reasonable figures at court, Najiba al-Aqil (hff/mr/15) is
enlightened sects, the cult of Ragarra maintains a major the spokewoman for the varied merchant houses in the city
temple in the catacombs beneath the city proper. which provide the lifeblood for the kingdom by bringing in
supplies and civilization from western Zakhara. Al-Aqil’s
calm, conciliatory nature makes her one of the padishah’s
Medina al-Afyal
favorite (i.e., rarely banished) advisors.

A fyal, the island kingdom dominated by this city, is one

of the enlightened Throne’s most distant outposts. It
is also among the most prosperous. Located north of Sahu
The court is currently buzzing with intrigue over the
choice of a successor to the Elephant Throne. The Empress
Alia Jamal (hfP/m/12), the padisha’s arch-conservative aunt,
Island, the Isle of the Elephant is a convenient stop for is a lean, predatory woman who wants her own son, Jamal
traders from the distant East. This island is also blessed with bin Alia (hmT/sl/4), to become the next padishah of Afyal.
great natural resources—including precious metals and Jamal is much too intimidated by his overbearing mother to
exotic hardwoods. As a result, its capital, the City of the dare disagree. In the meantime, the crown princess, Alina

bint Alad (hfW/so/6) is the only other likely candidate to Rumors and Lore: Because of its riches, Afyal suffers
succeed her father to the throne. Unfortunately, the intense little save for its mad ruler, and his madness seems less
young woman has more passion for the study of magic than dangerous the farther one is distant from him. The daily
for learning how to govern the island nation. ritual of life goes on, for everyone has his or her place in this
Population: 130,000. strictly structured society.
Major Mosques: Selan. The island does have one mystery, however. Ruined
Features of the City: The island of Afyal is verdant and images of an elephant-headed idol still turn up in great
wild, with rolling hills and thick jungles. Feral creatures lurk numbers, ranging from small charms and statuettes to large
in the wilderness, almost at the City of the Elephant’s door. monoliths that are discovered as the jungle is cleared. They
The capital is the only settlement of significant size on are all that remain of the Lost One, a forgotten god who
the island. Because the jungles yield the rich woods that are ruled Afyal before the enlightenment.
the island’s chief export, a few small villages dot the
wilderness, all of them stockaded. A few craftsmen dwell in A Brief Tour of Medina al-Afyal
these villages, but most of the inhabitants are harvesters No other city in Zakhara is quite like Afyal’s capital. Though
who bring the wood to the City of the Elephant. lacking the blue tilework of many cities of the west, Medina
The people of Afyal range from wealthiest merchants to al-Afyal is no less impressive, for the local craftsmen made
the poorest beggars. The concept of station—that each liberal use of polished marble, ivory-colored limestone, and
person has one chosen place in the universe, which is gleaming hardwoods in the city’s architecture. Visitors may
decreed by Fate—is extremely strong on this island. A caste desire to wander about this exotic city, examining its
system reigns. A person may never rise above his or her commercial, public, and religious attractions.
original station, regardless of action. In Afyal, even the Goods and Services: Although Medina al-Afyal does
most successful adventurer from a beggarly background is not contain a caravanserai, the city has no shortage of
expected to defer to a less talented or worthy individual of fine accommodations for the weary traveler. In particular,
higher station. Marriage outside one’s station is strongly the Teak Palace is a recommended favorite among rich
(often violently) discouraged. merchants. Prices are inversely proportional to station,
Major Products: Trade, wood., gold, precious metals, for the inn’s snobbish owners prefer high-born (or at least
jewelry, elephants. affluent) clientele. Low-station adventurers should expect
Armed Forces: 2,000 city guard; 500 cavalry; 500 to pay around 100 gp per night, but the price includes
elephant cavalry; 4 mamluk companies of the Wondrous, lavish feasts and a royal treatment. For travelers on a
totaling 1,200 fighters, who serve as the palace guard. budget, the Brass Monkey is a popular choice; located on
the outskirts of the city, it offers clean rooms at low to
moderate prices.
The suq, or covered bazaar, is a confusing labyrinth of
limestone buildings interconnecting the riverfront
commercial districts. The city docks along the riverfront are
always packed with the sea-going vessels of distant traveling
merchants and sturdy river barges of local islanders, laden
with exotic hardwoods and metal ores, which are harvested
and mined in Afyal’s secluded villages.
After the hardwoods are milled into manageable sizes on
the outskirts of the city, they are carried by elephant to the

Ebony Way, the renowned center for wood craftsmanship ensures a high level of security. A white marble monument
on the island. In this wide, sheltered street, the exotic to Alon, honoring the city’s founder, can be found at the
fragrances of cut ebony, sandalwood, mahogany, and teak center of the gardens.
fill the air, wafting out of the open workshops. Inside labor Religious Buildings: Although there are a number of
Afyal’s finest woodcrafters, creating ornate furniture and small, private shrines dedicated to most enlightened Gods,
objects of art in which the wood appears to be almost liquid, only Selan is widely worshipped by the island’s inhabitants.
flowing in elegant, graceful curves. The Great Mosque of Selan rises along the eastern side of
The Golden Way is Afyal’s famous jewelry district, lined the botanical gardens, opposite the padisha’s palace. Eight
with dozens of shops selling priceless objects of art fashioned golden spires—one for each of the moon’s eight monthly
from gold. Although the area is heavily patrolled by the phases—adorn the mosque’s outer walls and can be seen
town watch, each of the stores maintains its own potent from every vantage point of the city. The center of worship
security force, headed by at least one powerful wizard. for Selan’s followers, the mosque contains both the largest
Finally, perhaps the most interesting commercial district temple devoted to Selan and the most prestigious
is the Plaza of the Elephant, where elephants of all sizes can astronomical observatory in the Land of Fate. The priests
be purchased, in colors ranging from albino white and operating the mosque and observatory are strict moralists,
ebony black to the more common grey. The elephants of but pragmatists and ethoists are welcome here as well.
Afyal are particularly intelligent and docile, able to learn A large public university adjoins to the mosque. For a
and perform tasks willingly and with ease. By decree of the modest donation, students can learn any one of the following
island’s first padishah, Alon, no one may kill an elephant of nonweapon proficiencies after studying in the university for a
Afyal without sacrificing his or her own life in turn. Because period of 1-4 months: Ancient or Local History, Ancient
of their superior attributes, elephants are sold for 400 to Languages (Kadari, Noga, or Affa), Astrology, Navigation,
2,000 gp (for labor) and 3,000 to 12,000 gp (for war), Religion, and Spellcraft. Because of the excellent instruction,
depending upon the creature’s intelligence, size, color, and these require half the usual number of proficiency slots, with
disposition. If the purchaser does not know how to haggle, a minimum of at least one slot per proficiency.
these prices will be much, much higher.
Public Buildings and Monuments: The city is surrounded
Rog’osto, City of Spires
by white limestone walls, pierced by three impressive gates,
which are adorned by marble sculptures of elephants. These
are referred to locally as the Gate of the Infant, the Gate of
the Warrior, and the Gate of the Laborer.
F rom the mouth of the Nogaro River, a 300-mile trip
north along the shores of the Crowded Sea leads
travelers to Rog’osto, the City of Spires. The reason for its
The padishah’s palace is a sprawling collection of small name is immediately evident: the city’s unique metal
buildings, many of them linked by causeways, dotted with a towers soar towards the sky, gleaming in the sun, sole
half-dozen spires and domes. It is one of the architectural surviving legacy of the city’s unknown previous
wonders of the Land of Fate, combining magical and inhabitants. These ancient, bizarre towers are found
conventional methods of construction. It is said that five nowhere else in the Land of Fate.
dao, enslaved by the padishah’s arch-vizier, work The Ruler: The elven khedive Samia al-Sa’id
continually to maintain the walls and bridges of the palace. (efW/sh/15) has ruled for the past 100 years in an
Lush botanical gardens surround the palace. Since many enlightened, progressive manner that has endeared her to
of the rich citizenry have plenty of free time for leisure, the both the city’s common people and those who dwell in the
gardens are a popular spot for families and lovers to stroll towers. A powerful wizard, Khedive Samia has gained
about and play. The garden’s proximity to the palace wisdom over the years and acquired many mighty magical

items. The khedive helps settle the squabbling between the lection of white-washed, mud-brick houses, much like those
tower-lords (amir al-burj). She also helps fend off the found elsewhere in Zakhara. This is the home of the poor and
acquisitive tendencies of both the Pantheon and Afyal. the middle class, consisting of traders and artisans. Rog’osto
The Court: The large court teems with ‘intrigue, has a thriving business of arts and crafts, catering to the wiz-
fomented by the various tower-lords, traders, and foreigners. ards, who often require the finest materials for their research.
Major influences include the following: Major Products: Information, sages, art, crystal, fine
l Sherif Akyar al-Awasif, a female noble djinni. The metal craftsmanship.
fanatically loyal friend and confidante to the khedive, Armed Forces: 1,000 city guards. Each tower may have a
Akyar represents the genie peoples at court. personal guard of up to 200 sentient beings. The khedive’s
l Bojo al-Ami (hmT/mr/10), a cunning, middle-aged man, palace has a personal guard of 400 2nd-level fighters, plus
representing the craftsmen. 200 jann who answer to Sherif Akyar. The army is weak,
l Bahija min Selan (hfP/p/14), a vain and hedonistic but no one has ever dared attack an entire city of wizards.
cleric, representing all priests. Major Mosques: Kor, Selan, Zann.
l Fayiz al-Wazir (hmW/so/19), an infirm tower-lord, Rumors and Lore: Rog’osto’s great mystery is its towers. It
representing the sorcerors. is assumed that they were created by some magical, possibly
l Kharj al-Talqa (hmW/fm/13), a polite if whimsical fire divine race from the heavens. A few surviving inscriptions
mage, and an admitted member of the Brotherhood of from this race are in an archaic tongue seen nowhere else in
the True Flame. the Land of Fate. They speak of war, say the sages, between
l Revered Mother Farida bint Thuriya (hfP/m/10), a the city dwellers and “those above.” The natives evidently
crusading firebrand of a woman, representing the lost and abandoned their city. The nature of these original
interests of the Pantheist League. inhabitants is unknown, except that they were humanoid.
l Othmar bin Kaloth (hmW/sh/12), the khedive’s principal All races have been suggested, but common thinking leans
rival, representing the sha’irs with his efreeti servant, toward the burnt elves (i.e., the drow).
l Olla al-Funun (hfW/so/17), an open, cheery woman and A Guided Tour of Rog’osto
the ambassador from Afyal, who actively serves the Rog’osto is a unique combination of alien and human
khedive by reconciling various factions. architecture. The numerous spires rise over the city’s
Population: 80,000. modem buildings, lending Rog’osto a feeling of verticality
Features of the City: Rog’osto is actually two cities—one unusual in the Land of Fate.
built ages ago by unknown, seemingly inhuman hands, the Goods and Services: Almost all goods and services in
other having grown up around its base during the modem Rog’osto can be found in the New City, erected around the
enlightened age. Rog’osto is considered by many to be the bases of the city’s strange metal towers. The expansive
most magical city in the Land of Fate. The city’s strange caravanserai provides the best food and lodging for visitors.
towers attract sha’irs, sorcerers, and elemental mages, as Furnished with its own small religious shrines, restaurants,
well as pragmatists, kahins, mystics, scholars, and and public baths, the caravanserai caters to all of the
researchers. The khedive has set down rules governing the traveler’s needs.
behavior of the tower-lords (e.g., no inter-spire warfare, no Rog’osto’s suq connects to three important commercial
experiments that may damage the towers or the city), and districts, crucial to the city’s development. The Alley of the
violating those rules may be cause for expulsion. Rog’osto Booksellers, a small but vitally important street to many of
has already lost three towers to such activities. the city’s researchers, is crowded with small shops packed
The New City is clustered at the base of the towers, a col- with books and scrolls imported from all regions of Zakhara.

Here, the visitor can easily find the texts required to conduct towers stand almost 100 feet tall. The tops and bottoms are
magical research. Several distinguished sages live on this slightly flared, with a long stem in between. The interior of
street, selling books to fund their own research. The sages are each is an open stairway, spiraling up the inside without a
eager to work on scholarly projects unrelated to book selling. rail, to a great single floor perched at the tower’s summit.
The Street of the Glassblowers can also be found in the In the name of the Grand Caliph, the khedive provides
suq, lined with shops displaying priceless glass and crystal temporary grants for the use of the remaining intact towers.
vials, glasses, bowls, decanters, small sculptures, ornamental Powerful wizards and priests inhabit them, using the towers
window panes, lamps, and precise laboratory equipment. A as research laboratories, libraries, or sanctuaries. A number
few small shops on the street, specializing in grinding glass of wizards have removed the tower stairs and remodeled the
lenses, also sell magnifying lenses, reading glasses, and interiors to their liking through powerful magic. There are
telescopes. The furnaces where the glass is melted and blown only 22 towers (not including the palace), and they are
are located just behind the shops, discreetly kept out of sight always full, though turnover is regular.
behind a thick leather curtain. If a researcher desires custom- Three of the intact towers, arranged like the points of a
made glassware, he or she usually enters the furnace area to triangle, have been claimed by the khedive for her royal
discuss his or her needs with the master craftsmen, for the palace. All three towers have been joined by a tall, fortified
outer shops are maintained only by merchants. wall linking their fluted bases. With the help of her genie
Finally, also connected to the suq is the Street of the allies, the khedive has extensively remodeled her palace
Metalsmiths, who specialize in steel armor, weapons, and towers to include lavish living quarters and spectacular,
research equipment forged from steel scrap harvested from serpentine stairways.
the city’s fallen metal towers. This steel is an unusual alloy Religious Buildings: Because of the city’s large
found nowhere else in the Land of Fate. It tarnishes instead population of priests and excellent craftsmen, Rog’osto
of rusts, melts at a lower temperature than normal steel, and houses some of the finest mosques in the Ruined Kingdoms.
can be drawn into pliable steel cords. Otherwise, it is as The Mosque of the Venerable Kor, fashioned from white-
strong and light as common steel. Weapons and armor of washed limestone, is covered with intricate, mind-bending
this steel function normally, though they do not need the mosaics of colored glass that catch and reflect the morning
constant cleaning and attention of items made from normal sun like a shower of precious gems. Kor’s priesthood in
steel. Rog’osto’s metalsmiths pay 2 gp a pound for this Rog’osto is unusually pragmatic and open-minded.
material. A single fallen tower produces many tons; The Mosque of the New Moon, dedicated to Selan, has a
however, the existing stock has already been claimed by the trio of graceful minarets which echo the royal palace’s
city’s metalsmithing houses. design. Funded entirely by donations from Afyalese
Although no magical weapons or armor can be found for merchants, this mosque is extremely popular among
sale on this street, many of the smiths have enough skill to travelers from that island kingdom.
forge weapons or armor of quality (+1 to hit and/or damage Zann’s Mosque of the Visionary Spring is built over a
because of their workmanship). They are typically only made natural well or spring, the waters of which are said to inspire
to order and cost up to 100 times the normal cost (after profound, revelatory trances. The largest and best-attended
haggling). Such items are naturally suitable for enchantment temple in the city, this mosque also contains a vast public
by many of the local wizards living in the towers. library. The priesthood is usually open and helpful to those
Public Buildings and Monuments: The only public in search of information about the city or the Ruined
buildings of note in Rog’osto are the city’s strange metal Kingdoms in general, provided the supplicant’s desire for
spires. About 50 of these towers are in evidence, though knowledge is driven by genuine curiosity, not selfish desire
fully half of them are shattered or toppled. The surviving or greed.

Chapter Six
Secrets of the
Ruined Kingdom
his chapter is filled with ideas which can be expanded into encounters
or even full-length adventures, if desired. Each section is specific to the
area’s major cities: Dihliz, Kadarasto, Medina al-Afyal, and Rog’osto.

Secrets of Dihliz

T he chaos of misfiled documents in Amin Nur’s Ministry of Secrets is a hoax. A

large, secret library, located somewhere beneath the adjacent mosque, contains
the Ministry’s real archives, diligently maintained by Zannite priests. The Ministry’s
main job is to keep secrets, not distribute them. It is no coincidence that the
Mosque of the Sacred Fountain is built right across the street from the Ministry of
Secrets. The priests of Zann have been allied with the Ministry of Secrets since the
city’s founding, as both organizations are interested in the pursuit of knowledge.
The city’s great mystery is the subtle, pervasive magical aura, which permeates
all of its buildings (except the Ivory Palace). The site’s original name, the
Plateau of the Gate, was used by the Geomancers to designate the entrance to
their empire. Here, the Geomancers once raised a massive earth monolith to
guard the river valley against invaders. The monolith was destroyed by Imam
Suhail and his followers. When the guardian fell, her body mixed with the dust
of the region, until all the surrounding lands had a portion of her nature.
Amin Nur, the Minister of Secrets, is greatly disturbed by the recent outbreak of
Ragarran cult activity in and around the outskirts of the city. Reports of the cult’s
activities have spread to Dihliz proper, where the number of kidnappings and
murders in the city have almost doubled. The cult has been arrogant in their pursuit
of crime, leaving behind small ebony claws to highlight their actions. The emira has
decided that these crimes must cease, as they reflect poorly on her rule and might
prompt the Grand Caliph to prematurely dismiss the emira from her lucrative post.
She has made it clear to Amin that the cult’s activities must halt immediately.
Amin’s agents have made some headway tracking this cult activity to the center
of its organization: Kadarasto. Amin is astute enough to realize that cult activity in

Dihliz can be eliminated by crippling the cult’s central days of the Geomancers. Few people dare to venture into
command, but he lacks specific information about the cult’s these lower levels; fewer still emerge alive.
layout and organization in Kadarasto’s notorious undercity.
The khedive of Kadarasto has been emphatic in his
Secrets of Afyal
denial of cult activity in his proud city, so Amin must
resort to more covert methods to investigate the cult’s
home base. Since his more ambitious agents have
mysteriously disappeared on their missions to the
B esides the padishah’s madness, the city is
distinguished by its caste-conscious merchant houses,
who observe rigid customs dictated by social station.
undercity, Amin is inclined to hire independent, trained Visitors are notoriously uneducated in these elaborate
mercenaries to get the information gathering job done rituals (unless they have the Etiquette non-weapon
quickly, quietly, and efficiently. In short, Amin is looking proficiency), and embarrassing conflicts are a common
to recruit a party of spies. sight on the city streets. Groveling, especially at court, is
a common survival trait in the City of Elephants.
One mystery of the Isle of the Elephant revolves
Secrets of Kadarasto
around the Lost One, who merged his life force into the

T he khedive’s dark reputation is justly deserved, for he

has an evil, utterly self-serving personality. Knowing
that his reign is largely dependent upon the rich elite who
elephants of the island. For this reason the elephants of
Afyal seem more intelligent and capable than their
brethren on the mainland. An encounter with the Lost
despise him, he assigns his own agents to foment anger One is described in “Secrets of the Seal.”
and hatred among the impoverished natives, who vent
their rage upon the privileged nobles. Fearful of an
Secrets of Rog’osto
uprising that they feel only the khedive can control, the
nobles remain his reluctant allies.
Unlike his father, Prince Nari is much loved by the
people. However, Nari’s charming public persona conceals
A lthough the infighting between the various tower-
lords is kept to a minimum thanks to the khedive’s
adroit political skills, conflicts between the amir al-burj
a heart as black as his father’s. The opportunistic prince has have lately taken on a covert, secretive nature that in no
courted alliances with the Storm Which Destroys holy way diminishes their violence or destructive intensity.
slayer fellowship and the Brotherhood of the True Flame, Seeking the khedive’s assistance is seen as a sign of
both of which have now established small bases of weakness, earning the disdain of the other tower-lords.
operations in the city’s catacombs. Recently, the prince has Instead of resorting to cowardice, the powerful tower
been courting the cult of Ragarra, the most powerful sect of residents favor protective alliances, assuring that any
the Forgotten Gods in the Ruined Kingdoms. As a result of incursion or insult will be met with swift retribution. Of
his frightening contacts, Prince Nari can be a extremely course, this low-grade conflict is kept strictly out of the
dangerous man to cross. public’s sight. To her credit, the khedive is completely aware
The catacombs of Kadarasto’s undercity are throbbing with of the frequent “spats” between the various tower-lords. She
clandestine activity during all hours of the day or night. In only steps in when conflicts escalate to the point that they
addition to the secret societies which have built small bases become noticeable (or damaging) to the average citizen.
in their twisted depths, various inhospitable monsters, genies, Rog’osto’s great secret involves the nature of its
and undead make the catacombs their home. Visitors are not mysterious towers. The current inhabitants of the City of
welcome. At least ten levels of the catacombs are thought to Spires assume that their city was always on the surface. In
exist. The upper levels merely serve as a dangerous but secret reality, the great towers were built by an undersea race,
way for moving about the city; the lower levels are said to be the locathah, long before humans came to this part of the
infested with ancient traps and treasures, left over from the world, when the land was underwater.

Chapter Seven

New Magical Items

The influence of a talisman actually comes from the spiritual powers derived from the
substance of force. These powers exercise a powerful and forceful activity upon the
things for which the talisman is composed, with the help of spherical secrets, numerical
Proportions, and vapors that attract the spirituality of the talisman and are mentally
enclosed in it.
—Ibn Khaldun, from the Muqaddimah

he Ruined Kingdoms are renowned for their strange and dangerous
magical items, found nowhere else in the Land of Fate. Many of these
ancient devices were fashioned by the Geomancers, who were adept at
creating magical tools and weapons. Still more were made to combat the
Geomancers. Later generations sought to imitate these powerful devices; many
such experiments resulted in the creation of cursed magical items, such as scarabs
of death, stones of weight, and amulets of inescapable location. Finally, a few bizarre
magical items were created by the cults of forgotten gods that once thrived in the
Ruined Kingdoms.

Passive Talismans

M ost ancient magical items from the Ruined Kingdoms—loosely and

interchangeably termed talismans, amulets, seals, and scarabs—fall into two
general categories. The first group, termed passive or defensive talismans, had a
constantly functioning enchantment. They were worn as ornamental jewelry,
literally or abstractly modeled after lucky animals or insects, such as the mason
wasp, winged serpent, or scarab beetle. Passive talismans could be incorporated into
brooches, signet rings, earrings, anklets, bracelets, necklaces, even crowns and
headdresses. Many of the magical items from the DMG can be “dressed up” in this
fashion to make them seem new and unique to the players. For instance, consider an
amulet of life protection worked into a signet ring, a pair of earrings set with pearls of
power, or a jewel of attacks adorning a cursed crown; all of these suggestions use

standard magical items in a way that will seem exotic to saving throw vs. spells with a -2 penalty or stand rooted
even experienced players familiar with the DMG. to the spot, frozen in terror, for 2-5 rounds. These devices
Talismans of Feather Falling, Fire Resistance, Free Action, have 20-50 charges when discovered (3,000 XP).
Jumping, Protection, Regeneration: These devices were Handglyphs of Fire, Lightning, Cold, or Disintegration: These
popular in the Ruined Kingdoms before they became were the Geomancers’ primary weapons, each enchanted
adapted to the magical rings common today in the Land with one type of offensive magic cast at 12th-level of
of Fate (see the appropriate ring descriptions in the ability—usually fireball, lightning bolt, cone of cold, or disintegrate
DMG). As with magical rings, no more than two spells. When discovered in ruins, they will usually have 1-4
talismans will simultaneously operate on a person. charges remaining. They typically have a maximum range of
Amulet of Mental Fortitude: This potent device, a more 30 yards. The secret to recharging these deadly devices is lost
powerful and ancient cousin of the amulet of proof against to all but a handful of mages currently living in Rog’osto, who
location and detection described in the DMG, protects its charge dearly for their services (1,800 XP).
wearer from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or Handglyph of the Monolith: The wielder of this fearsome
read emotions or thoughts, similar to the 8th-level wizard device can summon an earth monolith in 1d4 rounds by
spell, mind blank. This protection also extends to prevent uttering a single command word. If earth, mud, or clay is
discovery or information-gathering by divination spells, available, a 30 HD creature will appear; if only sand or raw,
scrying devices, and even wishes. Finally, this device also unworked stone is available, a 20 HD creature will be
blocks all psionic or telepathic attacks, although the wearer summoned. A monolith summoned from earth, mud, or
is prevented from using his or her own psionic talents, if clay is capable of inflicting 8d8 points of damage; one
any, while the talisman is worn (7,000 XP). summoned from sand or unworked stone does 6d8 points.
An earth monolith cannot be summoned from worked
stone. The area of summoning for an earth monolith must
Active Talismans by at least 20’ square and have a volume of 20 cubic yards.

A ctive or offensive talismans only operate if displayed

while a command word or phase is spoken (the scarab
of insanity from the DMG is a good example of such a
Unlike the modem spell unleash monolith, this ancient
device allows the summoner to control and direct the
monster without fear of reprisal. The summoner must
device). Also called handglyphs, they were the favorite concentrate on the monolith for it to obey his or her
weapons of the Geomancers, who developed them to a instructions, but the summoner can otherwise talk and move
deadly art. These devices typically took the form of small, about, though he or she cannot enter melee or cast spells so
circular medallions, perhaps three to four inches in diameter. long as the monolith remains (up to nine hours). These
In the case of Geomancer handglyphs, the medalion would devices have 1-3 charges when discovered and can only be
be inscribed with rba’ runes on the front side, the wheel- used once per week. They cannot be recharged (6,000 XP).
shaped asfr symbol adorning the back surface. A small chain Stunglyph: These handglyphs are common in
was sometimes attached to a handglyph, so it could be worn Geomancer ruins. Sages believe that they result from a
as a necklace or wrapped around the wrist in combat. In some more powerful and ancient precursor to the modern create
cases, these devices were incorporated into magical armor, soundstaff spell. Although their means of creation are
helmets, shields, and the pommels of weapons. In these unknown, they can discharge a sonic blast in the shape of
instances the handglyph was known as a ward-stone. a cone 60 feet long, with its origin at the hand-held
Amulet of Terror: When activated, this talisman cloaks glyph, spreading to a width of 20 feet. Those caught
the wielder in a purple aura of malevolence, terrible to within the blast suffer the effects of power word, stun.
behold. Everyone within 30’ of the wielder must make a These handglyphs contain from 2-8 charges when

discovered and cannot be recharged (4,000 XP). swarming insects, withering, and woodkmds; bracers of
Talisman of Divining: These are some of the only non- brachiation; cloaks of arachnida and the bat; drums of deafening
deadly and useful handglyphs created by the Geomancers. and panic; figurines of wondrous power; slippers of soft movement
These talismans were created for a variety of divination and varied tracks; and wings of flying.
purpose: Claws of the Shadow: Favorite weapons of the cult of Kiga,
these bagh nagh vary in enchantment from +1 to +3. They
d10 Roll Talisman’s Detection Abilities are typically found as a matched pair. If both claws are worn,
1-2 Detect traps, both magical and mechanical they also allow the bearer to assume shadow form for up to
3 Detect good/evil one turn per level of the wearer, once/day (800 XP per plus).
4 Detect gems (kind and number) Rod of Rending: This ebony rod, fashioned by servants of
5 Detect precious metals (kind and amount) Ragarra, ends in a carved crocodile’s claw. Like the new
6 Detect undead clerical spell rending (described in Chapter Three), this
7 Detect poison magical item rends or destroys personal property, including
8 Detect magic livestock and slaves; it has no effect if cast on a free citizen or
9 Detect invisibility wild creature. The wielder can affect a single creature or
10 Detect secret doors item of up to 8 cubic feet in size with this weapon.
Magical items are allowed a saving throw vs.
These divinations operate within a 30’ radius of the disintegration with a +4 bonus to resist the rod’s effects;
talisman and are unaffected by the presence of stone, creatures of greater than animal Intelligence or more than
metal, or wood, though they are completely blocked by 4 Hit Dice are also entitled a saving throw vs. death
any quantity of salt water, alcohol, iodine, or quicksilver. magic. Unless the save is successful, the target is
These rechargeable devices contain 1-100 charges when completely shredded, resulting in its complete destruction
discovered (5,000 XP). if the target is an object, or 3-24 (3d8) points of damage
Talisman of Force: These devices, crafted by the if the target is an owned animal or slave. Each use of the
Geomancers, could erect a spherical wall of force 20’ in rod draws one charge. It can be recharged (4,000 XP).
diameter, centered on the wielder. The wall of force lasts Staff of the Teak Serpent: This unusually powerful
24 rounds and draws one charge. One of these talismans variant of the staff of the serpent is native to the Ruined
typically carries 2-8 charges when discovered, and only a Kingdoms. The staff strikes as a +3 magical weapon and
select group of wizards from Rog’osto know how to inflicts 4-9 (1d6+3) points of damage when it hits. If a
recharge them (4,000 XP). priest throws the staff to the ground, it grows from its 6’
length to become a teak serpent 35’ long (AC 0, HD

Cult Magical Items 8+8, hp 74, MVT 9, THAC0 11; see 8-page booklet of
monsters and villains). The snake will entwine if it scores

T he Forgotten Gods of the Ruined Kingdoms have

inspired the creation of a many potent magical items.
For instance, stones of good luck, carved in the shape of an
a hit, the opponent being constricted for 5-15 (2d6+3)
points of damage. Up to three human-sized creatures can
be held and squeezed in the serpent’s coiled grip
elephant or a white human-headed serpent, are common in simultaneously. The victims remain trapped by the
the ruins of Afyal and west of Dihliz. Members of the modem serpent until they die, the creature is destroyed, or the
cults do not hesitate to use magical items when they become python’s owner commands it to release them. If killed
available. Their favorites include rings of avian control, animal while in snake form, the staff is destroyed. The staff
friendship, chameleon power, and mammal control; staves of requires no charges (8,000 XP).

Adventure Book

Designed by Steve Kurtz

Edited by Richard Pike-Brown with John D. Rateliff
Interior Art by Karl Waller
Cartography by David C. Sutherland III
Typesetting by Nancy J. Kerkstra

Playtesting and Review by “The Next Generation” (Karen “Is it Evil?” Kurtz, Tamiko “Wanna
Haircut?” Toland, Marketa “Genie Bait” Aschenbrenner, Peter “I Wish I Were a Necromancer”
Schmidt, Jesse “I Send Da’ud for Invisibility” Sands, Manish “I Try to Gamble” Kothari,
Mark “I’ve Got a Prelim” Barrerra) and Wolfgang “Make It Nastier” Baur.

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ISBN 1-56076-815-0 9440XXX1501
Wihda hagg Tisan:
Prologue: Nine Falling Stars, 3

lthnayn hagg Tisan:

Pilgrimage, 7

Thalath hagg Tisan:

Birthright, 14

Arba’ hagg Tisan:

The Giants’ Topiary, 24

Khlams hagg Tisan:

Talisman, 28

Sitta hagg Tisan:

Curse of the Serene Isle, 38

Sab’ hagg Tisan:

Secrets of the Seal, 41

Thimaanya hagg Tisan:

Retribution, 51

Tisan hagg Tisan:

Kismet, 55

Wihda hagg Tisan:

Nine Falling Stars
In the junction of the lights of the stars. . . . In your right hand, there is an iron ring
and a seal. . . . Make your heart the tablet to write on the verse. . . . Recite it and
chant it when people are asleep. It is the secret contained in the created beings; there is
nothing but it. It is the greatest verse. Therefore make it accurate and get it. Through it,
you will become a “pole” if you serve well.
—as-Sabtö, from the Zë’irajah of the World

or the first time in his life, Adil is beginning to regret stealing something.
In retrospect, the theft itself was easy, almost trivial. It was a clear, starry
night outside the Mosque of a Thousand Fountains in Muluk. A rotund,
distracted priest left the mosque for the short walk home, his heavy purse begging
to be lightened. Adil had hoped the bulge in the priest’s purse was gold—not this
drab clay seal, covered with strange, barely comprehensible writings.
He would have returned it (if he couldn’t have found an interested buyer, of
course), but for some reason he found the writing on the seal fascinating, almost
mesmerizing in its movement, illuminated by the bright starlight. He tried
pronouncing words of the ancient language—and all at once realized that he
shouldn’t. By then, of course, it was too late. As if on cue, nine meteors streaked
across the night sky overhead.
That was the night Adil blacked out. And then the nightmare began.

Starting the Adventure

N ine Falling Stars” is designed for a party of low-level characters (levels 3-5).
The prologue is intended to motivate the party to travel to the Ruined
Kingdoms, if they are not there already. It can take place anywhere in the Land of
Fate. Although it can be played independently as a short and bizarre random
encounter, it has added depth as the introduction to a mini-campaign in the Ruined
Kingdoms culminating in the last adventure, “Kismet.”
The adventure begins in any city ‘or town when the party stops in a public

place such as a coffee shop, caravanserai, suq, or mosque If the party asks him about his fits, Adil will gladly tell
during the course of their travels. Read or paraphrase the his tale for a silver, recounting the information presented
following: at the beginning of this prologue. Adil considers it his
kismet, or fate, to be cursed by the gods for stealing from a
Outside, you can hear a man’s voice, shouting priest. He promises fervently never to do such a thing
words in an incomprehensible language. Suddenly, a again. He will gladly let the party inspect the seal, if they
disheveled beggar hurls himself into view, his eyes express any interest.
rolled back in their sockets. White foam froths at his
lips as he continues to shout at no one in particular. Adil al-Muluki (hmT/bg/5): AC 9; MV 12; hp 19;
Bystanders draw away from the beggar in revulsion. THAC0 18; #AT 1, Dmg by weapon; SA triple damage
Despite your aversion, the beggar lurches toward backstab; PP 50%, OL 37%, RT 25%, MS 50%, HS 70%,
you. His eyes roll down to gaze upon your group with DN 45%, CW 65%, RL 30%; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 11,
frightening lucidity. The beggar speaks a few distinct Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14; AL N; copper begging bowl,
words in an unknown, alien tongue before collapsing, walking stick, concealed knife.
exhausted, at your feet.

If any party members know the ancient language of

The Seal of Prophesy
Kadari (or state they are casting a spell such as comprehend
languages or tongues before Adil approaches), they hear the
beggar shouting, “Wake up! Wake up!” out in the streets.
A dil shows the adventurers a circular disk, roughly 4”
in diameter, fashioned from ceramic or baked clay.
Show players the front (color side) of Card 1, depicting
Once he sees the party, the beggar adds, in a prophetic tone, the wheel-shaped symbol on the front of the seal.
“The nine-fold stars have fallen! Waken, Lions of The back of the seal is covered with verses in an
Tomorrow, for the gates of Tadabbur are thrown open!” ancient language (Kadari):
This demented beggar is none other than Adil al-
Muluki, the unfortunate rogue who stole a cursed seal Embrace Fate, and she will smile upon you. The key
from a priest in Muluk (see page 3). This event took to understanding lies through the mists of ignorance.
place either days, weeks, or months ago, depending Learn from yesterday to shape tomorrow.
upon the party’s current location and its proximity to
that city. Ever since, Adil has been living a nightmare. Do not share this information with the players unless
He has long blackouts, regaining consciousness in one of the party members can read and write Kadari (or
strange, new places he has never visited before. He is if someone uses comprehend languages or a similar
unaware of what he is saying or doing during these translation spell).
“fits,” as he calls them. Somehow he has gained enough The unfortunate bearer of the seal is seemingly cursed.
nourishment to survive during his long journey to the He cannot lose the seal or give it away, for it magically
party’s current location. returns to his person the moment he ceases to concentrate
Adil is certain that the clay seal he stole is cursed and to upon it. Furthermore, if at any time Adil is slain, the seal
blame for his current state, but try as he might he has no resurrects him as many times as he has points of
control over his actions once he blacks out. Upon Constitution. Thereafter, Adil becomes a revenant or any
recovering his senses, Adil looks at the party with a other form of undead the DM finds appropriate. The seal is
confused yet sane expression. Speaking in normal Midani, protected using undetectable sorcerous enchantments,
he pleads for food and alms “for poor Adil.” Trying to which block divination spells (short of a wish) used upon it.
invoke their sympathy (as all adept beggars do), Adil As a result, it does not even radiate magic.
solicits them for any offerings “the great sultans” can afford. Originally, the seal was intended to be used by a priest

of Zann skilled in divination magic. Unfortunately, Adil has indeed been disturbed. A desperate band of bounty
obtained the seal at the exact moment an ancient hunters from Rog’osto, searching the hinterland jungles
prophesy was fulfilled, imprinting it on Adil until the for treasure, accidentally stumbled across the outer ruins
second half of the ancient prophesy is fulfilled: of Tadabbur. Having no knowledge of the terrible
Geomancers, the group removed the talisman sealing the
Should the gates of Tadabbur be opened, nine-fold entrance of Tisan’s prison below Tadabbur. One of the
stars will rain from the sky to signal Her return. two surviving explorers, Raja al-Sadiq, is a potent, greedy,
When wheel meets wheel, the past becomes clear and ambitious sha’ir. Through her intellect and bravery,
and the future open. she managed to parley with the last Geomancer.
Tisan was both relieved and amused that her liberator
By now, the party should be mystified and confused by had no knowledge of her history or true identity. Through
Adil’s predicament. This is to be expected and her vague glimpses of the future before she was imprisoned,
encouraged by the DM, who should have fun misleading Tisan knew that her only weakness lay in a small seal,
the party with a gibbering, prophetic beggar. Until the which could unlock the knowledge to destroy her.
prophesy associated with the seal is fulfilled, Adil will Considering her liberator’s possible utility in obtaining the
continue to suffer from fits of madness, during which he seal, Tisan struck a bargain with Raja. The Arch-Geomancer
repeatedly babbles prophetic nonsense in Kadari. would have retrieved the item herself, but she was weakened
The seal and its prophesy have their origins in the after nine centuries of sleep and had more important long-
distant past, in a region of Zakhara currently known as range plans to set in motion. In exchange for the sha’ir’s
the Ruined Kingdoms, where a race of terrible and assistance, Tisan promised Raja rulership and power in a
powerful sorcerer-priests once ruled a vast empire. Known resurrected modern-day empire of Kadar. The pair entered
as the Geomancers, their history and background are into a magical contract (enforced with a geas) not to betray
described in Chapter Two of the Campaign Guide (the each other. Tisan agreed only because she can use a wish to
DM is encouraged to read that material before running negate the geas in the future—when she will inevitably desire
the adventure). Although the Geomancers are thought to to eliminate her arrogant and rude accomplice.
be long dead and forgotten, the most powerful of their After striking this bargain with Raja, Tisan cast a wish to
kind, a sorcerer-priest named Tisan, was imprisoned at learn the location of Suhail’s magical seal. But her
Tadabbur with a mighty talisman, which was created by a divination spell brought only a vague response because of
high priest of Zann named Suhail. the seal’s undetectable wardings. Collapsing in exhaustion,
In his wisdom, Suhail knew that Tisan might some day Tisan passed her sketchy information to Raja, who agreed to
be released by the removal of this talisman. To prepare for obtain the seal to the best of her ability. Herself heavily
this eventuality, Suhail enchanted the clay seal and exhausted by her efforts to gain and win entrance to Tisan’s
fashioned its prophetic curse. The clay seal is an company, Raja summoned a lesser servant to fetch the seal
enchanted key which can open a secret vault hiding and eliminate its current owner. That servant is Tabati, a
ancient lore about the Geomancers. In the proper hands, female invisible stalker who will eventually encounter the
this knowledge can be used to destroy, or at least re- PCs in her search for the seal. Tisan and Raja will only be
imprison, the Arch-Geomancer Tisan. This secret vault is directly encountered in the last adventure, “Kismet.”
encountered in the later adventure, “Secrets of the Seal.”

Raja’s Servant
The Nine-fold Stars

A s forewarned by the meteor shower over Muluk on

the night Adil stole the magical seal, Tisan’s scarab
W hen the adventure begins, two weeks have
passed since Tabati was summoned to retrieve
the seal, and the invisible stalker is furious that her

mistress’s “short mission” has dragged on for days longer
than it should have. Thousands of beggars in the Land of
Concluding the Adventure

Fate match Raja’s vague description of Adil, and the lthough the melee with Tabati should be
invisible stalker, searching for the seal, has dutifully rifled dangerous and challenging, the aftermath is far
through the belongings of countless rogues while they more interesting and should be played out during the
slept on city streets at night. Just when Tabati is course of the following adventures. Who attacked the
despairing of ever seeing home again, she notices Adil party, and why? What do the prophecies mean? What is
showing the desired seal to the party. She swoops down the purpose of the magical seal? What are the “Lions of
on the poor beggar, attempting to snatch the seal out of Tomorrow”? The PCs should be allowed to research the
his hands (-4 on her attack roll). Because of her answers on their own initiative, but don’t reveal too
invisibility and silent approach, Tabati has a -6 bonus to much at the onset, or the importance of future
surprise. After snatching the seal, she attempts to slay the revelations in the adventure “Secrets of the Seal” will
unfortunate beggar, ignoring the PCs unless they come to be undermined. The cryptic references should
Adil’s aid. eventually point the party in the direction of the
If the beggar is slain, the invisible stalker flies away Ruined Kingdoms. In particular, the reference to gates
with her prize. Once she reaches a distance of a few miles, may lead the party to Dihliz, which is also dubbed “The
the seal teleports back to the beggar’s body and resurrects Gateway City.”
him, as previously noted. If Tabati wasn’t frustrated and After the adventure, the party has a permanent, if
enraged before, she becomes so now. Suspecting the PCs unwilling, additional member: Adil. Even if the party
are to blame for the seal’s sudden disappearance, she ostracizes the beggar, he should turn up again and again
searches them out with murderous intent. during the future adventures, babbling prophetic
Meanwhile, the resurrected beggar finds the party and nonsense in Kadari. Only after the vault containing the
begs for help. He knows he was dead, and that the seal tome entitled Lions of Tomorrow has been opened will the
brought him back to life. He pleads for the party to assist party be free of Adil’s annoying presence.
him in removing its curse. By now, the enraged Tabati In addition to a prophetic new ally, the party should
returns, mistakenly announcing her presence with a gasp quickly realize that it has also gained some new and
of disbelief, followed by a howl of rage, at seeing Adil still powerful enemies. At some point, Tisan will learn of
alive. She hurls herself on Adil and the party, fighting to Raja’s failure, and she will not be pleased. The DM
the death in her frustration. should see the last adventure, “Kismet,” for more details
on how the Arch-Geomancer punishes Raja for her
Getting to the Ruined Kingdoms could be a
monumental journey. The next adventure, “Pilgrimage,”
should provide an convenient way of getting the party
there in a hurry, regardless of their current location in the
Land of Fate.

Note to the DM: If one of the players might enjoy or

Tabati, an invisible stalker: Int High (13); AL N; AC 3; accept the notion of having a mildly cursed character,
MV 12, Fl 12 (A); HD 8; hp 41; THAC0 13; #AT 1, consider having the PC (preferably a rogue) take on the
Dmg: 4d4; SA opponents have -6 penalty on surprise role of the insane, prophetic figure in the adventures. In
rolls; SD Invisibility (-2 penalty on enemies’ attack rolls); other words, you could arrange for the PC—and not
MR 30%; ML 14; SZ L (8’ tall); XP 3,000. Adil—to discover the magical seal.

Ithnayn hagg Tisan:

hen the tremors started weeks ago, they were so faint that Nalv
hardly noticed them at first. But as the winter nights grew longer,
the upheavals gradually increased in their intensity, threatening
to destroy the sacred shrine entrusted to Nalv’s care. For weeks, he searched for
the cause of the tremors and soon discovered a hole in the rocky hill near the
shrine where the force of the earthquakes seemed to originate. Summoning all
his strength, Nalv tried to enter the hole, but the heavy stone around the small
opening resisted his most diligent efforts.
At first Nalv thought he could wait until the High Holy Days for help, when
pious pilgrims would throng to the secluded shrine from the nearby trade routes.
But the Holy Season was months away, and judging by the shrine’s increasing
damage from the regular upheavals, there would be nothing but a pile of rubble
to greet the pilgrims this year if Nalv waited much longer. Taking to the air, the
giant mason wasp began searching the trade routes for a group of generous
pilgrims (or at least pious travelers) willing to help stop the mysterious
earthquakes. . . .

Starting the Adventure

P ilgrimage” is designed for a party of 4th-6th level characters. It provides the

DM with a quick, though not necessarily easy, way of getting the party to
the Ruined Kingdoms.
There are several ways this adventure can be worked into an existing campaign. If
the PCs have completed the prologue, “Nine Falling Stars,” they will be plagued by
a raving, prophetic beggar and confused by his apocalyptic prophesies. As a sign of
sympathy, concerned townspeople (and also trusted NPC mentors) will advise the
party to make a short pilgrimage to the nearby holy shrine of Suhail min Zann, the
site of many wondrous miracles (divine revelations, miraculous cures, etc.) during
the High Holy Days. Although the Holy Days are many months away, the NPCs
suggest that the PCs still might find a wise traveling priest or mystic there who
can help them. If the DM has not run the prologue, the party may still learn

about the shrine from helpful villagers or fellow travelers pantomime, shaking or nodding his head in response to
whenever the PCs are in need of a priest. the party’s queries. Playing charades with a giant mason
Alternatively, the DM can spring this adventure upon the wasp can be time-consuming to role-play, so the DM
party without warning when the PCs are traveling through might conveniently stage a minor earthquake at this
the wilderness. The PCs can mistakenly stumble upon the point to highlight the need for the PCs to investigate the
holy shrine after getting lost in a sandstorm, for instance, or small hole Nalv indicates.
notice the structure from a distance while surveying the While not overly bright, Nalv is kind, patient, and
countryside from the top of a palm tree or tall dune. basically good-hearted. He takes his charge over the shrine
Before the PCs reach the shrine, they are spotted by the very seriously. If the PCs attack the wasp, they are making
holy site’s airborne guardian and protector, Nalv, a giant a dangerous, perhaps fatal, mistake. He hovers about 20’ off
mason wasp. Scouring the nearby lands for any travelers to the ground, catching everyone in a 15’-diameter area in his
help him out of his predicament, the mason wasp lands at a fire breath. Nalv can repeat this two more times if
respectful distance (out of bow shot) from the party and apologies and surrender are not immediately forthcoming.
patiently waits for its approach. If the party retreats, the Should the party slay the giant mason wasp, everyone who
wasp takes to the air and lands in front of the PCs again. participated must make a saving throw vs. magic at -4 or
Quickly describe Nalv as a delicate, 6-long, jet-black be afflicted by the evil eye for at least one month.
mason wasp, with ruby-colored eyes and cherry-red front
mandibles. Explain to the party that the mason wasp, unlike Nalv, a giant mason wasp: Int Low (7); AL NG; AC 2;
the common hornet, is a symbol of good luck in Zakhara MV 6, Fl 21 (B); HD 6+1; hp 37; THAC0 15; #AT 2;
(this should be common knowledge). Dmg: 4d4/4d4; SA: Poison stinger (save vs. poison or fall
Although Nalv cannot speak Midani, he was taught by into a burning fever, onset time 1-4 rounds) or breath
pilgrims years ago how to understand the language and weapon (cone of fire, 5’ wide at mouth, 15’ wide at end,
communicate by writing. While the party approaches, he 20’ long; inflicts 5d6 points of damage, half if save); SD:
scratches out a long, formal greeting into the ground with immune to fire; ML 11; SZ M (6’ long); MC13: AQ.
his forelegs (Greetings, generous pilgrims, in the name of the
Loregiver and Zann the Most Wise! May peace be with you,
and may Fate smile upon you and your journey!). After
Local History
introducing himself, Nalv explains the mysterious
earthquakes that have started damaging the shrine, and
he asks the party (whom he always addresses as “generous
I mam Suhail was one of the most powerful priests of
Zann ever to walk the face of Zakhara. As described in
Chapter Two of the Campaign Guide, Suhail was the
pilgrims”) to investigate the small hole in the nearby hill, architect of the Geomancer’s defeat in the Ruined
where he thinks the earthquakes originate. He gladly Kingdoms many centuries ago. After that evil force was
relates all of the information from the opening of this banished from the world, Suhail wandered through the
adventure. Although he can offer the party no reward for Land of Fate, destroying all records of the Geomancers he
its assistance, he stresses that the party will be performing could find. When he knew that his mission on al-Toril
a pious and holy act by helping to stop the earthquakes. was ended, he consulted the stars for an auspicious
To role-play the encounter to maximum effect, write location to be buried, so that a future generation of
out Nalv’s responses to the party’s questions on a separate heroes, Lions of Tomorrow, would easily discover his burial
sheet of paper with a large black marker. Of course, the place should the last Geomancer ever be awakened.
encounter could be greatly simplified if a party member During his travels, Imam Suhail befriended the Queen
has access to the spells comprehend languages, speak with Mother of the giant mason wasps. As a sign of respect,
animals, or tongues. If the party doesn’t have access to this she decreed that her followers would always watch over
magic and cannot read Midani, Nalv resorts to his final resting place. Since mason wasps are considered

harbingers of good luck and fortune, many pilgrims would recent earthquakes appear to have inflicted far more
stop at Suhail’s grave on their pilgrimage to Huzuz. damage than the relentless elements. If the PCs inspect
Miracles have been associated with the grave since the the building, they will note many small cracks in the
first pilgrims arrived centuries ago, and it wasn’t long foundation. The mosque’s single dome is networked with
before a small shrine was erected near his sepulcher. fissures. Clearly, the holy site is deserted and has not been
Over the years, the trade routes shifted slightly, leaving maintained in some time (the traveling priests, who
the shrine closer to the edge of the wilderness. After the arrive before the pilgrims in the Holy Season, have not
initial surge of pilgrims, the number of visitors dwindled yet come to complete the mosque’s yearly repairs).
with each new year, so that successive Queen Mothers sent Inside the mosque, the earthquake damage is more
fewer and fewer guardians to the shrine. Today, only Nalv apparent. Intricate blue tilework has been shaken off the
remains to perform what is essentially a ceremonial duty. walls and ceiling by the tremors and now covers the floor in
a carpet of debris. Sunlight can be seen through the cracks

Shrine of Suhail min Zann in the dome overhead, though the supporting walls appear
to be stable (for the time being, at least). Despite the

T he DM can place Suhail’s shrine anywhere in damage, a number of verses written on the temple walls are
Zakhara, though it should be relatively close to the still visible (common aphorisms attributed to Suhail min
party’s initial location (there will be plenty of Zann). Translated into Midani by the modem pilgrims who
opportunities for travel throughout the Ruined maintain the mosque, only a few lines can be deciphered:
Kingdoms, once the party gets there). Although the
descriptions imply that the shrine is located in desert We cannot destroy what we do not understand.
terrain, it can just as easily be nestled in the nearby Fate is a woman, carrying us towards our Kismet;
foothills or mountains. It would be convenient if it were only a fool thinks he can escape her embrace.
near a major pilgrimage route to Huzuz, such as in the We must learn from the mistakes of our forbears.
deserts south of the Furrowed Mountains. The written word is a gift to the Lions of
When the party arrives at the shrine, probably escorted Tomorrow.
by Nalv, show the players the front of Card 2. The shrine
is built in a low-walled compound beside a low, rocky hill. Besides the supply of tools in the outer storeroom and
The wells near the mosque are covered by leather tarps to the verses written on the inside walls, there is little to
keep brush and debris out of the clean water while the interest the party in the shrine.
mosque is unattended. Within and beyond the outer
courtyard, countless eroded tombs bear silent testimony
to travelers who never survived their pilgrimage.
Source of the Tremors
There is a locked wooden door in the mosque’s outer
courtyard, which can be easily picked (+20% on a rogue’s
Open Locks roll). This door leads to a supply room
B y the time the party has had enough time to pitch
camp and survey the mosque, the shrine is hit by
another earthquake. Nalv notices the tremors first and
containing stone-working tools (including small picks, urges the party to leave the mosque before the quakes
hammers, and chisels), extra ceramic tiles for the become dangerous. The tremors come in waves about one
mosque’s walls and ceiling, and the ingredients for or two minutes apart. While the ground is heaving, the
making stucco. These supplies are used by visiting party can watch as the cracks in the mosque snake up the
pilgrims to make repairs on the shrine when they arrive walls a few more inches and the crevices in the dome
during the Holy Season. open slightly wider. During the earthquake, Nalv leads
The shrine itself is a small, domed mosque dedicated to the party to the rocky hill rising behind the mosque. On
Zann. Although the exterior has been eroded by time, the the northwestern face of the hill, hidden behind a few

large boulders, Nalv shows the party a circular hole storeroom to break down part of the wall so they can
approximately 1’ in diameter. If they listen at the hole, proceed. Given the volume of noise generated by the recent
right before another wave of earth tremors, the PCs hear earthquake, a smart party should realize that the noise
a distinctly different rumbling, sonorous and deep, as created by the tools should not be too disruptive.
though someone were shaking the bowels of the earth.
When the sound stops, so too does the earthquake. 2. Tunnel. Beyond the entry, a narrow tunnel descends to
The agitated wasp quickly writes that the large the depths of the hill beside the mosque. The tunnel appears
boulders in front of the hole once covered the entrance to recently enlarged by massive clawed hands, as the smell of
the tomb of Suhail min Zann. Somehow the boulders fresh earth is quite strong here. A sha’ir—or a PC with the
have been shifted forward, and in their place a stone wall Genie Lore proficiency—may identify the claw patterns as
has been erected. The wall is pierced by a wide, circular belonging to a dao by making a successful ability check.
hole. A sha’ir may recognize this wall to be the work of
genies. 3. The Snoring Somnambulist. The narrow tunnel opens
into a wide cavern, formerly the antechamber to Imam
Suhail’s tomb, where his body was prepared for interment
Tomb of Suhail min Zann in area 4. The cavern is guarded by the less-than-vigilant

T he DM should refer to the top half of the back of

Card 3 for a map of the sepulcher. Unless stated
otherwise, the small tomb is pitch-dark. The DM may
dao, Hasan, who is sleeping in a wide stone shelf along
the south wall. Hasan is a sound but fitful sleeper. The
genie grumbles and talks in his sleep, quietly murmuring
wish to expand this tomb into a larger complex. barely coherent phrases in Jannti, the language of the
This tomb has recently been desecrated by a pair of genies (for instance, I’ll show you horned runts. . . . Lose
insidious yak-men—He Who Pretends Holiness and He some weight, you fat little. . . . Just wait till I’m free. . . . Do
Who Subverts the Enlightened—along with their dao I have to watch while you eat?, etc.).
slave, Hasan. Arriving well before the Holy Days, when Unable to escape his servitude even while asleep, the
they hope to enslave some of the important priests visiting dao tosses and turns on his bed of stone. Sometimes,
the site, the Pretender and the Subverter have established when he turns over on his back in bed, his head tilts
their new lair with Hasan’s invaluable assistance. backward, his mouth plops open, and he snores. This
If asked, Nalv will be happy to accompany the party eruption of snorts, wheezes, pants, and gasps is so loud
into the tomb to punish the desecrators. Unfortunately, that any PCs caught within 10’ of the genie when he
he is currently much too big to fit inside the tomb’s snores must save vs. magic or be subject to the effects of a
fortified entrance. shout spell. His snores are so loud and forceful that they
can be felt on the surface above the cavern as the tremors
1. Narrow Entry. The original entrance to the tomb has of small earthquakes. The room where the genie sleeps,
been narrowed by Hasan’s wall of stone spell. This is pierced reinforced by the dao’s magic, is not affected by Hasan’s
by a single air hole, allowing the Deceiver and Pretender to snores. There is a 1% cumulative chance per round that
breathe while they wait in a deep trance for the pilgrims to Hasan will start to snore while the PCs are in the
arrive during the Holy Season. There are a few ways to chamber. Once he starts, there is a 5% cumulative
bypass the magical barrier. First, the hole is big enough for a chance, per round, that he will stop.
gnome or halfling to squeeze through, so the PCs can Though he is the slave of the yak-men, the dao is by no
proceed if they magically shrink themselves. Second, the means a willing servant. Hasan hates his masters with a
party can attempt to dispel the wall, which the dao cast at passion, as will quickly become apparent to any who can
18th level of ability (this is pretty unlikely for a low-level decipher his somnolent ramblings. Before the yak-men
party). Third, the PCs can use the tools from the mosque’s retired to their chamber (area 4), they ordered the dao to

slay any intruders on sight. They also ordered him not to
leave the cavern he guards (area 3). Hasan was trying to
think of a way to betray his masters without disobeying
their orders, but the intellectual effort was too great, and
the genie dozed off from mental exhaustion.
Although the genie is asleep, his subconscious mind is
busily working on a way to escape slavery. So intent is the
genie’s desire for freedom, that unless the party actually
wakes the genie by physically harming him (or conspiring
to physically harm him), the genie’s conscious mind will
remain sound asleep until the yak-men in area 4 call for
his assistance.
The genie can be coaxed and prodded while asleep to
roll over and stop snoring, though this might (25%
chance) induce an episode of sleepwalking. Otherwise,
for every round the PCs spend in this cavern, there is a
10% cumulative chance that the genie will start
sleepwalking. If this happens, he acts as though under the
effect of a confusion spell for 1-10 rounds before returning
to his bed. During this period, the genie is extremely
susceptible to (nonmagical) suggestions made by PCs, so
long as they do not violate the dao’s orders (such as
requesting him to leave the cavern). The PCs could ask (except for his skull, which they saved for their collection;
the sleepwalking genie questions and learn about the yak- see below). A pungent, spicy aroma wafts out of the
men’s presence in the nearby chamber. Since the dao’s tomb—a strange mixture of wet ashes, cloves, and myrrh.
eyes remain closed during the entire experience, he is not At the entrance to the crypt, the yak-men have placed
compelled by his master’s orders to slay intruders. two invisible glyphs of warding, which flash and explode
for 10 hp and 16 hp of electrical damage, respectively, to
Hasan, a dao: Int Average (10); AL NE; AC 3; MV 9, whomever passes over them (save vs. spell for half
Fl 15 (B), Br 6; HD 8+3; hp 43; THAC0 11; #AT 1; damage). Triggering these glyphs will rouse the Subverter
Dmg 3d6; SA spells; SD spells; SZ L (10’ tall); ML 15; and the Pretender, meditating in the crypt beyond, on the
XP 5,000. Spells (cast as an 18th-level wizard): assume following round.
gaseous form, change self, detect good, detect magic, The floor of the crypt is covered with white powder and
invisibility, (fulfill another’s) limited wish, misdirection, bits of bone (Suhail’s remains). Any priest will recognize
passwall, spectral force, wall of stone (each once/day); rock the dust’s sacred power. PCs of good alignment standing in
to mud (3/day); dig (6/day). the dust (or picking some up) are subject to the effects of a
prayer spell, for the duration of the adventure. For priests of
4. Crypt. The heavy stone doors standing ajar in the good alignment, touching the dust also acts as oil of great
eastern part of the main cavern bear the epitaph for Suhail devotion. The dust of Suhail’s remains lose all their magical
min Zann (May he never be called to finish the task he started). ability when outside the tomb complex. The yak-men are
Ripped open by Hasan, the doors lead into the crypt, not adversely affected by the dust.
where the yak-men have tom apart and desecrated suhail’s Within the converted burial vault, the yak-men lie in a
grave and scattered his remains throughout the room deep meditative trance, They rest in recessed shelves in

each of them wears 1-3 pieces of ornate gold jewelry,
worth 500 gp each for their alien and exotic manufacture.
The yak/men keep the remainder of their valuables in a
large iron trunk, toted everywhere by the reluctant dao.
The trunk is warded by a frisky chest* enchantment and
an invisible glyph of warding, which will inflict a
compulsive order* spell upon the victim until its effects are
successfully dispelled. Once the magical wardings on the
chest have been eliminated, the party will find inside
5,000 sp; 2,000 gp; five blood red garnets (100 gp each);
and an extensive collection of 48 human, humanoid, and
demihuman skulls. If the party examines the skulls in the
yak-men’s collection, one appears to be much older than
the others. This is the skull of Imam Suhail, a minor holy
relic in its own right.
In the description above and statistics below, spells
marked with an asterisk (*) come from the Tome of Magic.

Yak-men: Int Genius (18); AL NE; AC 4; MV 9; HD 5,

hp 31, 24; #AT 1; THAC0 15; Dmg 1d10, by weapon
type (staff), or by spell; SA spell use, command dao,
unique magic jar; MR 10%; SZ L (8’ tall); ML 13;
the wall, so they cannot be seen from the doorway. XP 3,000 each; for details see the Land of Fate boxed set.
However, at this close distance, their heavy musk—
smelling like cloves and myrrh-is overpowering. If the The Subverter—Magical items: staff of swarming insects
PCs bypassed the glyph at the entrance, they can (24 ch.), potion of extra-healing; Spells (as 8th-level
examine the yak-men at their leisure, for they will not priest): cause darkness, cause fear, command; aid, hold
awake until they are physically harmed (i.e., take at least person, mind read*; dispel magic, grayer, rigid thinking*;
1 hp of damage). If the party attempts to slay them while mental domination*, modify memory*.
they meditate, allow weapons to hit for normal damage
(the “sudden death,, rule does not apply unless the PCs The Pretender—Magical items: staff of striking (12 ch.);
have encountered yak-men before and are familiar with Spells (as 5th-level priest): bless, command, cure light
the vulnerable points in their anatomy). wounds; hesitation*, hold person, silence 15’ radius; bestow
Upon waking, the yak-men blast the party with the full curse.
power of their magical staves, calling to Hasan for aid.
The yak-men’s harsh voices wake the dreaming genie in
an instant. The sluggard arrives in 2-5 rounds, hoping to
The Skull of Suhail min Zann
give the intruders enough time to finish off his wounded
masters. In the meantime, the yak-men first hit the PCs
with hesitation* and mental domination* to delay them
I f a PC of good alignment handles Suhail’s skull, the
character will feel a nebulous link with the dead
priest. Suhail’s spirit will telepathically inform the PC
until the dao’s unexpectedly late arrival. The yak-men are that it wishes to communicate with the rest of the
brutal, direct, and not amenable to negotiation. party, and asks the character’s permission to use him or
If the yikaria are defeated, the party will discover that her as a medium (or to hand the skull over to a willing

medium among the party). Once the skull is in the Concluding the Adventure
hands of a willing channeler, the PC falls unconscious
as the high priest’s spirit takes possession of the
character’s body.
I wish to thank you, worthy travelers, for your sacrifice
D efeating the yak-men should be difficult, but not
impossible, especially if the party has the foresight to
invite Nalv to join it. While the wasp refuses to lead the
in my behalf, but I am afraid that your adventures and way, Nalv hurls himself at the Pretender during the final
hardships have only just begun. . . With these words, battle, distracting the weaker yak-man so the party can
Suhail greets the PCs and informs them briefly of the concentrate on the Subverter. If the party is not capable
Geomancers (see the Campaign Guide) and of Tisan’s of finishing off the yak-men before Hasan arrives, the
release from Tadabbur in the Ruined Kingdoms. He dao’s first action is to block their escape using a wall of
tells the party that they have been entrusted with the stone. He attacks Nalv over other party members, hoping
seed for Tisan’s destruction. More specifically, he tells they will finish off the Subverter in the meantime.
the PCs that the magical seal discovered in the Otherwise, the party will have to fight both the dao and
prologue, “Nine Falling Stars,” can help arm them the yak-men (a possibly fatal combination). If party
against Tisan and her allies. The high priest then walks members are slain during the battle, they can be raised by
about the party, curing the sick, healing the wounded, Suhail’s spirit afterwards (though the party doesn’t
raising the dead (depending upon the severity of the necessarily know that).
PCs’ injuries after the battle), and so forth. I wish I Once the yak-men are slain, Hasan surrenders
could stay to counsel you further, but my link with this immediately. The genie will perform three tasks for the
world is fading. After I am released tell the guardian of the party in exchange for his freedom, using his limited wish
shrine that the Lions of Tomorrow have awakened. He will ability. Because the genie knows that his long period of
know what to do next. My last request is that you repair servitude is almost over, he performs his tasks quickly and
my tomb and restore my remains to their rightful place in willingly, without the usual entanglements. For saving the
my sepulcher. Then, and only then, will my mission on al- holy shrine from destruction, the party should be awarded
Toril be complete. a story award of 25,000 XP; if the party repairs the
Reveal only enough information to keep the party from earthquake damage to the mosque and re-consecrates the
being completely confused. After their interview with tomb (in accordance with Suhail’s final request), award
Suhail, the party should understand that the magical seal an additional 15,000 XP.
functions as a key of some sort (what this key opens should Finally, if the party follows Suhail’s advice and tells
still be a mystery)* Feel free to give the players some general Nalv that “the Lions of Tomorrow have awakened,” he
background information about the Geomancers, as flies off immediately to the hive of the Queen Mother.
presented in Chapter Two of the Campaign Guide, but do To fulfill a previous arrangement made with Suhail, the
not reveal too much at once; lore about the Geomancers Queen Mother dispatches a group of her subjects to
will appear much more precious to the party if it is acquired carry the PCs to the Ruined Kingdoms. The DM
through the adventure “Secrets of the Seal.” Finally, the should play up the fantastic journey across Zakhara as
party should learn that Tadabbur lies somewhere in the much as possible, with the wasps carrying the party
Ruined Kingdoms. members over rivers, mountains, desert, and jungle
with unusual speed. Regardless of the distance
traveled, the trip takes a single day, and the wasps
make it clear that the PCs are responsible for all of
their own transportation in the future. It is suggested
that the party arrive outside the city of Dihliz, where
the next adventure, “Birthright,” awaits.

Thalath hagg Tisan:
any years ago, the prosperous trader Batul al-Reehan al-Dihlizi
decided to take a second wife. Now, his first wife, Liana, was a kind
and beautiful woman with a pleasant disposition. When Batul asked
her permission to marry again, Liana had little reason to disagree. As first wife,
she was guaranteed supreme authority in the harim.
Liana was also very busy with their first child, whom Batul had already formally
recognized as his heir with the qadis in the Ivory Palace. Even at this young age,
the child’s resemblance to Batul was remarkable, and Batul took great pride in this.
Visitors would delight in pointing out how the child’s slender nose, arched brows,
and even the beauty mark near the chin matched Batul’s features identically.
So Batul brought a second wife, named Mabruk, into the harim. From all
outward appearances, Mabruk was respectful and generous with Liana, though
inwardly her heart burned with anger and jealousy toward the first wife. Mabruk
was cunning enough to conceal her hatred, and for a time there was peace in
Batul’s house, for the merchant was generous with his wives. Liana spent most of
her allowance on treasures for the family’s large villa, for as first wife, maintenance
of the household was her responsibility. Mabruk, on the other hand, spent almost
all of her fortune on books of sorcery and strange magical talismans.
A semblance of tranquillity settled on Batul’s household. Within a year,
Mabruk quickly conceived and bore a healthy son named Omar. This only
increased Mabruk’s resentment of Liana, however, for the first wife’s child was
already Batul’s acknowledged heir.
Long after she had established herself as Liana’s loyal friend and Batul’s faithful
wife, Mabruk decided to put into motion her plan for gaining dominance in the
merchant’s household. The first obstacle to Mabruk’s happiness was Liana’s child.
Summoning the genie Saleh from a magic ring, she commanded him to
dispose of the infant heir to Batul’s fortune. Now, the efreeti was not so
dishonorable as to slay a helpless child in swaddling clothes. Instead, Saleh
carried the infant to a distant land, where Mabruk would never learn of the
efreeti’s disobedience.
Unaware of Saleh’s defiance, Mabruk meanwhile used her magical skills to

make it appear as though slave traders had broken into allowed his son, Omar, to work in the family trading
the house at night and stolen the child. In the morning, company. He fears Omar does not have the interest in
the household erupted into chaos. The family urged the business to be a successful merchant, however, and has
emir to launch a full-scale investigation into the slave quietly encouraged his son to pursue other interests.
traders, who seemed to be responsible. The inquest turned Mabruk al-Hanash (hfW/so/11) is the unquestioned
up nothing, for the child was no longer in the city, and ruler of the household. A statuesque woman whose beauty
Mabruk covertly used her sorcerous abilities to mislead has begun to fade in middle age, Mabruk is a domineering,
the investigators. selfish, and unprincipled woman who mastered sorcery
Devastated after the loss of her child, Liana was only to ensure her privileged place in society and
plunged into depression. Mabruk secretly poisoned her magically conceal her aging appearance. She only married
rival’s food, preventing her from conceiving another Batul for his wealth and carefully planned the elimination
child. The poison slowly took its toll on Liana’s health as of Liana and her child with cold-blooded ruthlessness.
well. Healers considered her maladies to be caused by Although she was quite cunning about hiding her cruel
despondency. Within a few months after her child’s nature during the early phase of her marriage, over the
disappearance, Liana died one night in her sleep. Thus years her manipulative tendencies have become clearly
Mabruk became Batul’s first wife and the infant Omar manifest to nearly all members of the family. She used to
became the acknowledged heir to the merchant’s reinforce Batul’s affection with numerous charms and love
considerable fortune. potions, but after his recovery from Grey Fever, Mabruk
has come to despise her weak, infirm husband and
currently delights in tormenting him about his lack of
Characters vitality. The one joy in her existence is her son, Omar.

T his adventure revolves around the party and its

interaction with important family members. The
personalities for these pivotal NPCs are presented below;
She will stop at nothing to protect his inheritance.
Mabruk’s servant and companion is the scrupulous efreeti
Saleh, a slave of the magic ring Mabruk wears. Saleh has
their statistics are compiled on page 3 of the 8-page taken the form of an older but muscular man, with dark
booklet, for easy reference during play. skin and white hair. Saleh’s cheeks and forehead are
Batul al-Reehan al-Dihlizi (hmT/mr/12), the kind- inscribed with elaborate tattoos, completing his disguise as a
hearted patriarch of the family, is the wreckage of a mamluk. The genie receives the largest dose of Mabruk’s
vibrant and active man. Batul’s once-strong body is gaunt verbal abuse in the household, second only to Batul. He is
and twisted with infirmity, but despite his affliction a not a mindless slave, though, and takes advantage of every
smile still comes easily to his pale, sallow face. While opportunity to pervert her more important instructions.
searching for a new trade route to Talab through the Grey Saleh is honest and blunt to the point of being insulting. In
Jungle, the adventurous merchant contracted a deadly all his long life, he has never told a lie.
fever which left him in a coma. Although Batul Omar bin Mabruk (hmF/a/5) is the first and only child
eventually emerged from the delirium, the ailment had of Batul and Mabruk. Young and still quite naive, Omar
weakened his heart and destroyed his health forever. Now has been sheltered from the harsh realities of life by his
Batul spends almost all of his time at home or at the insular family. His parents have been careful to keep their
Mosque of Kor, whose priests do what they can to prevent most bitter arguments away from his sensitive ears, and
a relapse of the disease. He is a virtual slave to exotic over the years Omar has become accustomed to the fact
medicines imported from Kadarasto. Despite the advice of that his parents do not get along. This saddens the young
Korrite priests, Batul still oversees his trading company, man greatly, for his loyalty is torn between both parents.
though his poor health prevents him from undertaking At his mother’s request, Omar has started working at the
long journeys. At the urgings of his wife, Batul has family business and overseen a few trading expeditions to

Kadarasto and Talab. After this short taste of life away takes place on the city streets, the party is quickly invited
from home, Omar craves to see more of the world. to the Reehan family townhouse. This large villa occupies
Noora (hfP/h/3) has been a servant in the Reehan a strategic location on the Royal Canal near the Ivory
family for decades. Noora is head of the household and Palace. The DM can find complete labeled floor plans for
kitchen staff, who respect her for her kind, capable, and the villa on the back of Card 6. The exterior of the
efficient nature. Noora was originally the personal servant house, in keeping with Zakharan custom, is spartanly
of Liana, Batul’s first wife, and served as the nursemaid to fashioned from the city’s unusual stone, which scrambles
the first heir, whom she loved as her own child. She detect magic spells.
would recognize the heir PC regardless of age or disguise. The living spaces inside the house are luxuriantly
Although she treats Mabruk with subservient civility, she decorated, although the specific details are left to the
secretly despises her evil mistress. She stays with the DM’s whim. Important rooms have 1-4 valuable objects
family only out of loyalty to Batul and her desire to see of art, which might include rugs, tapestries, ebony
Omar brought up with a good code of personal ethics, a furniture, porcelain, silver serving ware, and small artistic
trait his mother sadly lacks. carvings. Obviously, the common workrooms, such as the
Mabruk has also purchased six mamluks to guard her cellars, stables, servant quarters, kitchen, and laundry
home’s valuable property. Although she treats her slaves room will not be so lavishly appointed.
like furniture, the mamluks are on good terms with most Living spaces in the villa are clearly labeled on the
other members of the household. While on guard duty, the floor plans. The mamluks typically guard the areas
mamluks are utterly stoic, disciplined, and silent, but once marked M with at least one greyhound, rotating to a new
they have finished their third daily shift, the PCs will find station every four hours (thus each slave has twelve hours
them friendly—if rarely appreciated—individuals. Wali is a on guard duty each day). Off-duty mamluks sometimes
lover of poetry and smoked river eel (a local delicacy); Abu accompany family members on errands outside the house.
hails from the Pantheon states, where he developed a Those dogs not guarding the entrances are allowed to
moralistic code of ethics; Mahmud has a secret lover, wander about the house at their leisure, where they can
whom he visits during his off-duty hours; Hatim works harass visitors at will. Of course, it will be considered
extra shifts as the family gardener; Bashi is a mute who extremely bad manners for a guest to harm (or kill) any of
speaks in sign language; and Nadan has a secret talent for the family’s beloved pets.
juggling. The DM can flesh out these minor characters as
needed during the course of the adventure.
In addition to the mamluks, the family keeps a number
Flow of Events
of dangerous greyhounds in the house to thwart robbers
and intimidate visitors. These war dogs have proven their
usefulness more than once against burglars cloaked with
B irthright” is based on the premise that one of the PCs
(henceforth referred to as the heir PC) was
kidnapped at birth and transported across Zakhara as an
invisibility. The animals are only friendly to household infant. The character has no knowledge of his or her true
servants, mamluks, and members of the family; otherwise identity as the heir to the Reehan family legacy. The heir
the dogs are quite inhospitable. PC can be male or female. As outlined in the adventure
introduction, the heir was kidnapped in his or her early
infancy by Saleh at Mabruk’s command and abandoned
Setting near the home of a childless family, who promptly

T he adventure takes place in the city of Dihliz, which

is described in Chapter Four of the Campaign
Guide. A map of the city can be found on the front of
adopted the foundling, never revealing his or her
mysterious origins, The DM can tailor this aspect of the
character’s life history to correspond to any existing
Card 4. Although some of the action in this adventure background.

The DM should pick the heir PC very carefully. The diligently pursue this lead, they can learn two important
most desirable choice for an heir would be a loner or facts: (1) by seeming coincidence, the heir PC is the
independent PC (preferably an orphan), who has had spitting image of Batul al-Reehan; (2) Batul is one of the
little or no contact with his or her adoptive family in the richest merchants in the city.
past. While the narrative assumes that the heir is human,
the Reehan family can just as easily be gnomes, elves, or
halflings, reflecting the chosen PC’s race.
The Nursemaid
As revealed in the “Characters” section, meeting the
Reehan family will be both blessing and curse. Although
some members of the family—particularly Noora and
B atul is a popular fellow in Dihliz. Although many years
have passed, most of Batul’s numerous friends
remember how his first child was tragically “kidnapped by
Batul—will be ecstatic over the PC’s miraculous return, slavers” at an early age. Rumors of the heir’s possible return
Mabruk has a vested interest in seeing that the PC leaves slowly start to circulate through the bazaar. When Noora,
the city before his or her true identity as Batul’s heir can the chief servant in the Reehan household, shows up at the
be legally established. markets to purchase food for the day, she soon hears the
Given that the upcoming family reunion may prove fatal rumors of the lost heir’s return. Skeptical at first, she seeks
for the heir, having a large group of dangerous friends at out the party. It only takes one look to confirm that the
hand will be a definite asset. The other members of the heir has indeed arrived. With a squeal of delight, Noora
party are thus involved in the family squabble whether they throws herself on the heir, crying and blubbering that the
like it or not. Allies of the heir’s family will regard other PC has “finally come home, after all these years,” and that
PCs as honored heroes for their role in protecting the heir’s his or her father had “given him (or her) up for dead.” She
arrival in Dihliz; Mabruk will view the other PCs as introduces herself as the heir’s nursemaid.
dangerous bodyguards, who must be eliminated before the Describe Noora as a heavily overweight woman in her
heir can be neutralized as a threat to the status quo. late fifties, with oily, pudgy fingers that smell faintly of
fish, (she just finished eating a smoked eel kebab at the
bazaar). She is dressed in silk garments and has a glowing
Starting the Adventure smile. Tears of joy are streaming down her face. Noora

G ive the party members some time to themselves to

get accustomed to Dihliz once they arrive, probably
after the fantastic journey described at the end of the
tries to convince the heir and the rest of the party (whom
she assumes to be his or her bodyguards) to come to the
Reehan family villa (“Your father will be so pleased!”).
previous adventure, “Pilgrimage.” Use the information The party might be a little cautious (or paranoid), but
presented in Chapter Four of the Campaign Guide to give it should be fairly simple to verify Noora’s claims. A
the party a general feel and background for Dihliz before number of merchants in the bazaar can vouch for her
setting the events of the adventure in motion. (and Batul’s) identity. Of course, now that Noora has
In this early stage of the adventure, feel free to drop publicly fingered the PC as Batul’s long-lost heir,
hints that the heir PC is being recognized by more than suddenly everyone in the bazaar and on the streets will
one citizen. As mentioned in the introduction, the heir want to meet the PC, be his or her friend, or at least
has been blessed with his or her father’s distinctive facial lighten his or her purse. His or her station (in Dihliz at
features. Since Batul is a well-known figure in the city, least) is immediately increased by three points.
especially among the merchants in the bazaars, the heir is
going to draw a lot of astonished stares.
At first, merchants are reluctant to explain the reason
A Stepmother’s Welcome
for their astonishment (“You reminded me of a friend,
that’s all. Please excuse my familiarity.”). If the PCs I f the party still does not want to accompany Noora
home immediately, she does her best to shoo off the

opportunists for the time being (using some of her spells,
if necessary, to prove her earnestness) and gives the party
directions to the family villa. Noora runs home to tell the
whole household of the heir’s return, sending a messenger
to recall Batul from a country estate, where he is quietly
resting away from Mabruk’s abusive temper.
Mabruk soon hears of the heir’s return from her joyous
household staff. Mabruk is far from pleased, but assumes
the role of a concerned stepmother. Inwardly, she is
plotting schemes to eliminate the heir before he or she
accepts the family’s salt bond. If the party declined Noora’s
invitation to accompany her home, Mabruk summons
Saleh in the privacy of her chambers and rails at him for
failing to dispatch the heir two decades ago as he was
ordered. She now gives the genie a bow with poisoned,
black-feathered arrows and orders Saleh to seek out the
heir and shoot the PC before his or her arrival at the villa.
Saleh hastens to obey, but the efreeti finds cold-
blooded murder distasteful. He wipes off most of the
poison coating the arrows, drastically reducing the
venom’s effectiveness (onset time 2-12 rounds; inflicts 10
hp damage on a failed save vs. poison, 1d3 hp if the
saving throw is successful) without violating his
instructions. Cloaked by invisibility, he searches out the
PCs and watches them for a while from the rooftops,
waiting for the right moment. Compelled by his own
sense of honor, Saleh aims his first poisoned arrow at the
heir’s turban or headdress as a warning (this called shot
has a -4 penalty to hit). Saleh continues to fire on the
heir for up to three rounds. He then polymorphs into a
hummingbird and flutters away (Fl 42 B), thwarting
pursuit in the public park, if necessary.
During the hail of arrows, PCs with the Awareness
nonweapon proficiency will spot the archer in the same
round if they make a successful ability check. Other
characters must make a successful Intelligence check and
scan the surroundings for 1-2 rounds before noticing the
concealed archer on the rooftops. Describe the assassin as
a tall humanoid figure whose features are concealed by
long brown robes. When Saleh returns to his mistress, he
reports hitting the heir with her arrows. Should the heir
survive, he can always blame his failure on her inferior
venom, not lack of obedience on his part.

If the party follows Noora home from the markets right her healing talents to help restore the heir and other
after their introduction, Mabruk warmly greets the party wounded party members. She also assigns Wadi to watch
in the gazebo of the outer garden (she keeps Saleh over the heir as a bodyguard. Mabruk descends to her
discreetly out of sight for now). With her beauty laboratory to work until dinner unless the party devises
enhanced by minor glamours (like alter self and friends), some stratagem to flush her out.
Mabruk appears to be a beautiful, mature woman in her Family servants flutter around like moths, catering to
late twenties, though her natural age is two decades older. the party’s wounds. The players can pump the servants for
After introducing herself as Batul’s wife (and the heir’s information, but only Noora has been with the family
stepmother), she apologizes that her household has been long enough to know what the family members are really
caught slightly off-guard by the heir’s unexpected, but like. She can provide general information about the
momentous, arrival. She briefly explains that Batul is members of the family but has no knowledge of Mabruk’s
resting in a quiet country estate and cannot make it home murderous past and current intentions.
until the evening. Mabruk requests that the party do Noora gladly gives the party a tour of the house. Al-
some sight-seeing around town until Batul arrives and her though she doesn’t say so explicitly, only the harim
servants have had a chance to purchase enough food and (including adjacent sleeping chambers) and the laboratory
refreshments for their welcoming feast tonight. are off limits to guests. None of the family servants has any
During the initial meeting, Mabruk appears to be knowledge of the secret doors in the house.
completely sincere; her talisman blocks any magical During the tour, play up the extravagant decor. The
attempts to divine her true thoughts, alignment, or party should also recognize the elaborate security
truthfulness. By sending the PCs out onto the streets precautions. Noora explains that ever since the heir was
again without giving them food from her house, she hopes kidnapped as a child “by slavers,” the family purchased
to avoid initiating the salt bond. Despite her protests, the mamluks and war dogs to keep the household safe. She also
party might realize this and request refreshments, but drops the hint that the heir’s kidnappers were never caught
unless the food is presented by the host of her own free and thus might have been responsible for the earlier attack.
will, the salt bond commitment has not been formally This might lead the party off on a wild goose chase in
established. Mabruk would not like to violate the family’s Dihliz, but the search should uncover nothing (there are,
bond of salt if she can help it. But when Mabruk gets after all, no slavers responsible for the kidnapping). Sooner
truly desperate, later in the adventure, she will not or later the party will return to the villa.
hesitate to violate this sacred custom if she thinks it
might protect her son’s inheritance. At heart, Mabruk has
The Harim
no sense of honor. During the afternoon, while the party
is out of the house, stage the half-hearted assassination
attempt by Saleh, described previously.
If the party is scared off by the encounter, Mabruk’s plan
0 nce they discover that the harim on the second floor
is off limits, the party will undoubtedly be curious
about its contents. Typically only women, small children,
will have succeeded. She will, of course, hire bounty hunters and Batul may enter. The harim is usually entered through
like Nurudin (described in the “Visitor at Dawn” section) to a small guardroom, which is always attended by one of
bring her the PC’s head, so she can be sure that the threat to the mamluks and a greyhound. However, the secret
her son’s inheritance has been finally eliminated. staircase in Batul’s nearby chamber is unguarded.
Batul’s chamber is typically deserted (he has kept a discreet
The Grand Tour distance from Mabruk in the past few years), but with the
heir’s arrival, his bedroom has been prepared so as to keep up

S hould the party retreat to the family villa, Mabruk

will feign dismay and send for Noora, who will use
appearances. His room is decorated like that of a sultan, with
priceless furniture, rugs, and tapestries. Mabruk’s chamber is

also opulently decorated but contains little of interest. that not even Batul ventures within. The iron double
Liana’s chamber has remained untouched since her doors and the secret back entrance are both wizard locked
death here two decades ago. Superstitious servants at 11th-level of ability. Since Mabruk is working in the
consider this room of the house to be haunted, for Liana laboratory until the evening feast, it is unlikely that the
suffered greatly until Mabruk’s poison at last claimed her. PCs will want to investigate it until they are sure the
Korrite priests have been in this room several times since sorceress is not inside.
to exorcise any restless spirit, but still the rumors persist. The interior of the laboratory is coolly illuminated by
Mabruk, slightly superstitious herself, never claimed the continual light. Animal cages line the walls, filled with
first wife’s chamber as her own. virtually every species of poisonous animal imaginable:
These ghost sightings are nothing more than the cruel venomous lizards, tree frogs, snakes, and spiders. Of
mischief of Saleh, cleverly trying to arouse suspicions greater danger, a pair of giant pit vipers, charmed by
about his mistress by using his create illusion ability, since Mabruk, slither freely about the laboratory. They will
he cannot betray her directly. To heighten the impact, he attack anyone other than the sorceress or Saleh as soon as
creates a “haunting” infrequently. the intruder ventures inside.
Saleh has been banished to the harim for the day after After the two slithering guardians have been
failing in his mission against the heir. He mopes in eliminated, the party may search the laboratory, which is
Liana’s room invisibly, but if he notices PCs in the harim, designed for the manufacturing of deadly and debilitating
he tries to attract their attention to the room with an poisons. The shelves near the caged creatures are covered
illusion of a ghostly woman quietly weeping on her bed. with devices for extracting venom from live animals. The
Describe the apparition as if it were an actual ghost. Ask raw venom is then combined with various herbal
each PC to roll a saving throw vs. fear (secretly give them a components and distilled into more insidious concoctions
+4 bonus). The efreeti has had a lot of practice with this by Mabruk.
particular illusion, and he can be quite convincing. Saleh There is a wizard-locked iron strongbox in one corner
dismisses the illusion before the party becomes suspicious. of the laboratory. Unless preceded by a successful
The invisible efreeti discreetly returns any items removed Find/Remove Traps roll, opening this chest releases a
by thieving PCs to where they belong. gas-filled globe, which shatters and releases a cloud of
If the party members mention Liana’s “ghost” to any death smoke, as per the 5th-level wind spell. The chest
members of the family, they risk revealing that they were contains Mabruk’s spellbooks (containing the spells she
snooping about in a forbidden area of the household. has currently memorized and five extra spells per level,
Only Noora is willing to overlook this and discuss the to be randomly determined by the DM), a scroll of
tender issue with the heir, asking other PCs to leave the protection from poison, and eight small vials, all labeled:
room. She reveals that the ghost has been spotted in that potions of vitality, sweet water, extra healing (x3) and
same room several times before. One of the servants poison (x3). The last three (lethal) potions are
reportedly once heard Liana’s ghost say she was murdered, incorrectly labeled as invisibility potions. Wrapped in a
but the servant caught ill and died soon afterward (also silk shawl at the bottom of the chest are a dozen black-
poisoned by Mabruk). Noora thinks that Liana’s spirit feathered arrows, envenomed with type E poison,
could not rest until the heir returned safely home. identical to the arrows used in Saleh’s assassination

The Laboratory Giant poisonous snakes (2): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 5;

D uring her tour, Noora is more explicit about warning

the PCs away from Mabruk’s laboratory, mentioning
that it is forbidden to every member of the household and
MV 15; HD 4+2; hp 22, 26; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg: 1d3;
SA: Poison (Save at -2 or suffer debilitation for 1-12 days;
onset time 1-4 rounds); ML 9; SZ M (12’ long); XP 420.

The Father’s Arrival the harim with a wall against noise. The party is now free to
pursue their own interests. Since Mabruk is upstairs with

ust as the shadows darken in the late afternoon, Batul Batul, they may now choose to investigate the laboratory.
arrives at the villa with Omar, leaning on his son’s arm During the early morning hours, Saleh conjures
for support. The similarity between Batul and the heir is another illusion of Liana in the harim to torment
frightening at first. The feeble merchant enfolds the long- Mabruck. Batul and Mabruk get into a heated argument
lost heir in his arms and welcomes him or her home over whether or not Liana’s room is haunted. Batul
(sniff, sniff). Play up this touching moment for all the barricades himself in his chambers for the rest of the
melodramatic mileage you can get, with Batul bringing up evening and sleeps fitfully until morning.
old memories of the heir’s distant infancy. Mabruk, trying
to maintain the illusion of a happy family, mentions that Visitor at Dawn
Batul’s chambers beside the harim have been readied for
the night. Batul smiles in surprise, for he expected to be
sleeping in the guest quarters tonight.
Omar embraces his half-brother or -sister and wel-
A fter the argument, Mabruk realizes she must prevent
the heir from reaching the “recognition” ceremony—
salt bond or not—or all her hopes for Omar will be ruined.
comes him or her home. He is genuinely pleased at the Desperate and no longer trusting even her own genie, she
heir’s arrival, since that will free him for the life of adven- casts change self and spends the remainder of the night in
ture he craves. He should strike the party as enthusiastic the seedier depths of the floating bazaar, where she hires an
but slightly naive about the dangers of adventuring. unscrupulous bounty hunter named Nurudin al-Kalaab to
The welcoming feast takes place in the huge banquet murder the sleeping heir before dawn. His statistics appear
hall. Family and honored guests (including all PCs) are on page 3 of the 8-page booklet. Mabruk then returns
seated on the northern raised area. Musicians fill the home to await news of Nurudin’s success.
southern section. In the lower, central area, the marble Nurudin moors a canoe in the canal outside the house
fountain has been decorated with white hyacinths, which and scales the walls to the PCs’ sleeping chambers. If the
fill the air with their delicate fragrance. heir PC is not in his or her appointed chambers, the
During the feast, Mabruk appears happy and soft- assassin quietly searches the nearby rooms. Before long,
spoken, deferring to her “beloved” husband. Batul, the hunter finds his prey.
delighted at his wife’s recent charming behavior, does Unless the party has stated that they are keeping a watch,
nothing to change her into her more typical foul moods. Nurudin attempts to sneak up on the sleeping PC and back-
Batul encourages his heir to recount his or her life story stab him or her with his poisoned scimitar. If the rogue fails
up to the arrival in Dihliz, and Omar prods his half- his Move Silently roll, his scabbard scrapes on the window
brother or -sister for details about his or her adventures. sill as he enters the room (or the door creaks as he swings it
For his part, Batul explains that his business has prospered open after picking its lock). Having wasted his surprise, he
in the past decade. He mentions that he is looking attempts to immobilize the PC and any guardians with his
forward to the “recognition” ceremony in the emira’s magical rope. If all else fails, he grabs the rope, leaps out of a
palace tomorrow, when the PC can be established as his window, then runs to the canal and dives in, drinking a
legal heir. Batul regrets rushing his newly returned son or potion to hasten his escape.
daughter but emphasizes the need for haste because of his
ill health. The family keeps to pleasant topics during
Revelations over Breakfast
dinner. If the party brings up the topic of Liana’s death,
the family defers that discussion to a less festive date.
After the feast, Batul and Mabruk go upstairs to the harim
together in a show of family unity. She protects the privacy of
I n the morning, Noora arrives to wake the PCs and invite
them to breakfast, where the family awaits. She gladly
helps tend any injuries incurred while fighting Nurudin.

Breakfast is held in the gathering hall (31 on villa Unfortunately, even with the veils, it is clear even to the
map), a three-walled chamber with a colonnade naive Omar that his mother is exhausted.
overlooking the lush garden. Batul appears troubled; By now, unless the party members are as clueless as Omar,
Omar sits to his left, looking naive and oblivious to any of they should have their own suspicions regarding the possible
the previous night’s developments. Mabruk’s condition murderer, especially if they discovered the poisoned arrows
will depend upon whether or not the party has disturbed in Mabruk’s laboratory. If they accuse Mabruk, Batul sides
her spellbooks and cache of potions in the laboratory. with the party against his treacherous wife. Regardless of the
Exhausted after the night’s activities, Mabruk is party’s actions, Batul will accuse Mabruk of Liana’s murder.
dependent upon her potion of vitality to keep her awake. He has done a lot of thinking since the visit by the “ghost”
She will drink the liquid in the appropriately labeled vial, last night and the bounty hunter’s attack. Mabruk’s motives
so long as the gas globe in the chest does not appear to are now clear (to Batul at least).
have been tampered with. Provided the party didn’t do
something nasty like switch the labels of the poison
potions, Mabruk appears well-rested and alert.
Confrontation with Mabruk
If the party has taken her spellbook and potions, Mabruk
will be unable to rememorize any spells. Concealing her
grey hair and wrinkled face behind elaborate veils, Mabruk
B atul asks the rest of the party to apprehend Mabruk,
so she can be brought to justice before the emira.
Unless Mabruk has taken a vitality potion, she is slow to
comes to breakfast anyway, wanting to be present with react to the rush of the PCs (+2 penalty on her initiative
witnesses if the heir is discovered murdered in his or her rolls). Her first action will be to rub her magic ring,
chambers. If the heir has survived yet again, she wants to summoning Saleh to her aid. Saleh is now thoroughly
be on hand to thwart his or her “recognition” ceremony. disgusted with his mistress; her willingness to forsake

even the sacred bond of salt and plot against the lives of attention to the family business. Until that day, he
her guests places her beneath contempt. The genie arrives names the emira (a skilled merchant in her own right
promptly, but he cunningly betrays her with his greeting: and an old family friend) as trustee of the inheritance.
“Who shall I kidnap or assassinate for you now, oh most The emira is more than happy to manage Reehan’s
powerful mistress?” Hearing that, even Omar loses faith considerable finances until his heir decides to accept
in Mabruk. the mantle of responsibility. Make it clear to the heir
Obliged to protect her because of the ring, Saleh puts that accepting his or her inheritance is the equivalent
up a wall of fire in front of the PCs. On Batul’s of retiring his or her character, unless the PC happens
command, the mamluks run through the flames (each to be a merchant rogue.
taking 2d6+15 points of damage) to grapple the genie. Successful completion of this adventure should give
The mamluks keep Saleh busy so the party can the party a secure base from which to launch further
concentrate on Mabruk. explorations of the Ruined Kingdoms and will also relieve
Should the party need help because of the previous the PCs of petty concerns like lodging, transportation,
night’s encounter with Nurudin, Batul can lend them his and food so they can pursue their own long-term goals in
magical jambiya and potion of flying (useful in the area (like discovering more about the Geomancers).
circumventing the wall). Noora can help in the battle by Until the heir accepts his or her inheritance, he or she
casting silence, 15’ radius and hold person. can enjoy elevated station and can expect a monthly
After summoning Saleh, Mabruk’s first action will be allowance of 100-500 gp, depending upon the DM’s
to cast death smoke on the terrace. If Omar might get generosity. The PC can collect this allowance at any of
caught in the area of effect, she opts for sundazzle instead, the four major cities in the Ruined Kingdoms. Batul
using the party’s temporary blindness to withdraw back generously rewards the other members of the party for
into the harim, where she entrenches herself further their support during the adventure with a lump sum of
behind a shield of winds. 5,000 gp. In addition, the party may keep Mabruk’s
Mabruk does not plan on retreating any further. Her magical items and spellbook.
life’s purpose, seeing Omar as the heir of the Reehan As for Saleh, he will be happiest with an honorable
family, lies dashed in ruins. She only desires to take the master like a paladin or a moralist priest who likes to
heir PC with her when she dies. For the rest of the battle, deal in an honest, direct, open-handed manner. As seen
Mabruk concentrates her remaining magical attacks on during the course of the adventure, Saleh is quite
him or her. independent, abrasive, condescending, and sometimes
rude. Unless the owner of the ring keeps him on a tight

Concluding the Adventure leash, he could cause quite a bit of trouble for a new

S hould Mabruk be captured, the DM should keep

any trial scene as brief as possible, culminating in
her sentencing and execution. After that grisly business
Of course, the entire party is invited to spend as
much time as the PCs like in the Reehan family villa in
Dihliz. Noora remains in Dihliz to care for Batul, whose
is concluded, Batul asks the emira for a special health seems to have improved slightly since the heir’s
audience, in which the merchant formally declares the sudden appearance. Batul moves permanently into one
PC to be his lawful heir. Omar is relieved and makes of the guest rooms, vacating his old chamber for the
preparations to start a life of adventure. Unless the new heir. News of the heir’s good fortune circulates
party extends him an invitation, he goes off to found through the city like wildfire, and if he or she is
his own adventuring party. Batul makes it clear that the unmarried the PC will, before long, begin receiving
PC can claim his or her inheritance only if he or she introductions to dozens of feasts from families with
agrees to forsake adventuring and devote his or her full marriagable sons or daughters.

Arba’hagg Tisan:
The Giants’ Topiary
K adufi, Wadufi, and Padufi have lived along the banks of the Abdo River
for as long as they can remember. In the lush, verdant solitude of the
Grey Jungle, the three sisters have devoted their lives to art. Each is a
tree sculptress with her own distinctive style, modeling their works of art on
jungle animals. Occasionally a group of more interesting travelers pass by their
home, either beating their way through the jungle or floating down the Nogaro.
For the lonely giants, this is cause for great celebration.

Starting the Adventure

T he Giant’s Topiary” is a designed for a party of medium (6th-8th) level

characters traveling through jungle terrain.
The adventure starts when the giants’ pets, three enormous tigers, spot the
party and report back to their lofty mistresses. The sisters, tired of sculpting
jungle animals in the small trees near their home, are delighted by the prospect
of visitors and leave at once to welcome their new guests, whom they hope to
convince to pose as models for new tree sculptures.
Kadufi, by far the most charismatic of the sisters, approaches the party with
all three pet tigers and a friendly, open smile. If the party is traveling through
the jungle by river, Kadufi meets them in a stretch of shallows, while her pets
lounge on massive tree limbs overhanging the water. As the tigers hungrily
appraise the PCs, Kadufi expresses her joy at their arrival. The giantess offers
the party ten tusks of ivory if they will pose as models for her and her sisters.
Should the party not be interested in the ivory, which could easily be sold for
quick cash in Dihliz or Kadarasto, Kadufi will mention that she and her sisters
have found a few items in the jungle ruins that the PCs might find very, very
Meanwhile, Wadufi and Padufi, moving like shadows from tree to tree,
circle behind the party and remain concealed in the foliage with poisoned
arrows nocked. Refusal of Kadufi’s generous offer will be construed as a
grievous insult.

The Giant Sisters have acquired their large size from constant feeding. The
Kadufi, Wadufi, and Padufi are jungle giants with a giants treat them like house cats, but the tigers view all
passion for artistic expression. Like many artists, they are visitors as a possible source of food. Sometimes one of the
temperamental, highly subject to flattery (when it tigers will accompany Wadufi on her hunts, but for the
pertains to their art), and used to getting their own way. most part these beasts remain at home to guard their
They are not evil and have no intention of harming the mistresses during the night.
party, provided the PCs behave politely and agree to pose
for them. Jungle giants: Int Average (10); AL N; AC 3; MV 15,
Kadufi (hp 78), the eldest, is physically the most Cl 6; HD 11; THAC0 9; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg: 2d8+9
attractive and has the most charming personality, so long (scimitar) or 2d6+9/2d6+9 (arrows); SA: surprise, poison
as she is not angered. She also has the least artistic ability, arrows (save vs. paralyzation at -2 or be rendered
butchering her tree sculptures beyond any semblance of immobile for 2d6 turns); SD: camouflage (60%); SZ H
attractiveness. Her younger sisters do their best to assure (18’ tall); ML 16; XP 6,000; MC 13: AQ.
her of her artistic virtuosity. The PCs are best advised to
do likewise. Wild tigers (3): Int Semi (3); AL N; AC 6; MV 12;
Wadufi (hp 67), the middle sister, has no talent for tree HD 5+5; hp 45 each; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg:
sculpture and she knows it. Her attempts at art are 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d8; SA: Rear claws (2d4 each); SD:
infrequent and disastrous; she only continues as a hobby Surprised only on a 1; SZ L (9’ long); ML 10; XP 975
and for competitive rivalry with her sisters. Wadufi much each (due to above-average hit points).
prefers to hunt and care for the family pets. She is not a
Padufi (hp 56), the youngest, is the only real talent
The Topiary
among the three sisters. Her tree sculptures are beautifully
proportioned masterpieces. Padufi is shy and aloof. She
cares for little besides her art, and has no patience for
A fter the party accepts Kadufi’s invitation, Wadufi
and Padufi emerge from the foliage and put away
their bows, greeting the PCs. Wadufi seems less than
models who do not know how to take direction. Padufi thrilled by their acceptance, and the PCs notice a
sometimes expects her models to bend or twist in frightening glimmer in Padufi’s eyes. The youngest giant
aesthetically pleasing but anatomically impossible surveys the party intently, picking out the subject best
directions. Posing for the youngest sister can often be a suited for her next masterpiece. The tigers sniff the party
painful experience. hungrily, but are batted away by Kadufi in annoyance
The giants each tower over 18’ tall, and their long, (“Bad Kitty!”).
greenish hair hangs down to the middle of their backs Kadufi is all smiles and cheerful chatter as she leads the
in cascades of thick waves. The sisters have pale party to their home, a walled compound deep in the
yellow skin and dark brown eyes. Their heavily jungle, surrounded by bizarre topiary. At this point, the
muscled and lithe bodies are accented by scant DM should show the front of Card 3 to the players.
leopard-skin attire, pouches, a scabbarded great The giants’ sculptures are fashioned from thick, leafy
scimitar (obtained though trade), a massive longbow, trees, standing 10’-20’ high. Kadufi immediately points
and a quiver of poisoned, red-plumed arrows. The to some which have been shredded and hacked into
pouches contain personal toiletries, extra bowstrings, unrecognizable shapes (“Isn’t that the best sculpture of a
whetstones, fire starters, tinder, sinew for repairing griffon you have ever seen?”). On cue, the sisters let loose
clothing, tools for making their tree sculptures, and a torrent of praise. The PCs are best advised to join in.
1-4 sapphires (1,000 gp each). Though about half of the sculptures are mangled
The sisters share three huge tigers as pets; the tigers monstrosities with lofty titles (the best Kadufi and Wadufi

can muster), the remainder are stunning sculptures. The quarters. Otherwise, they do not bother anyone in the
best depicts a line of elephants, leading each other by the stockade or topiary.
tail. A baby elephant statue rears its small trunk in salute Kadufi keeps the family treasure in her quarters under
at the front. These are Padufi’s creations, as neatly the ever-vigilant protection of the wasps. Ten massive
trimmed as the day they were finished. The young giant is elephant tusks (each weighing 200 pounds and worth
grateful for any praise she steals away from her gregarious 1,000 gp) rest against the outer stockade walls beside a
older sister. massive ironwood box decorated with monkey carvings.
The box contains 3,210 gp, a collection of 12 small agates
(100 gp each), and three magical items, discovered in
The Stockade nearby ruins: an amulet versus undead (7th level), a stone

S urrounded by the eclectic topiary, the giants’ home is

a circular stockade over 200’ in diameter, formed by
massive teak and ironwood trunks 40’-50’ high which
of good luck, and an amulet of inescapable location.

Giant wasps (14): Int Non- (0); AL N; AC 4; MV 6,

have been painstakingly carved by Padufi with leafy Fl 21 (B); HD 4; hp 20 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2;
designs, interspersed with animal and monster icons. The Dmg: 2d4/1d4; SA: Poison (save vs. paralyzation at -2
stockade is pierced by a single gate. When the giants are or be rendered immobile for 2d6 turns); SZ M (5’ long);
away, the gate is locked by a clever latch mechanism, ML 8; XP 420 each.
released by tugging on a vine suspended 20’ above the
ground that passes through a hole in the gate. Guests
The interior of the stockade smells rank, like The giants prepare a feast for the PCs after their arrival,
animal sweat and blood. The circular inner courtyard cleaning and roasting five wild pigs captured by the
serves as the giants’ living room, slaughterhouse, and sisters that morning. Take time to describe the pig
kitchen. A huge fire pit, large enough to slaughter, with the sisters feeding scraps to their pet
accommodate a pair of elephants, rests in the center of tigers and wasps afterwards. During the feast, Kadufi
the yard. The packed earth floor near the fire pit is flatters the PCs and negotiates payment for their
stained black with dried animal blood and crawling service as models— either the elephant tusks or the
with large, black flies. three magical items in the family hoard. The giant will
A sloped roof, made of stretched animal hides stitched permit minor divinations to be cast on the amulets to
together with sinew, wraps around the perimeter of the verify their potency, but she refuses to yield them up for
stockade. Leopard skin curtains hang from the ceiling, identify or divination spells until after their term of
separating the private living area from the inner service has ended. She does not herself know what the
courtyard. Standing screens further divide the giants’ magical items’ powers are.
personal rooms. Elephant hide rugs cover the packed- Kadufi is deliberately vague about the length of service
earth floor, and the interior stockade walls have also been required, saying only that she and her sisters want the
lavishly carved by Padufi. opportunity to sculpt each of their guests and add new
The giants’ quarters are decorated with brightly masterpieces to the family topiary. She assures the party
plumed arrows and a huge nest of giant wasps near the that all meals will be provided during their stay, and the
ceiling. The sisters are adept at handling these insects, party is free to pursue their own interests every morning,
who enter and leave the compound via the central while the sisters hunt. Kadufi urges the party not to stray
courtyard. The giants nourish the hive with a portion too far from the stockade during the day and warns the
of their kill and harvest wasp poison, with which they party to stay out of the giants’ private quarters, because of
envenom their arrows. The wasps will attack anyone the untamed wasps.
(besides the giants) foolish enough to investigate these It should become quickly apparent to the PCs that they

are glorified prisoners of the giants, who have no Sooner or later, especially if they have earned
intention of releasing the party for the time being. Each Padufi’s enmity, the party will want to leave, treasure or
day at noon the giants round up the party. Until nightfall, no treasure. Obviously, PCs who escape or talk their
the sisters clip away at the topiary, with varying degrees of way out of their agreement are not entitled to the
success and skill. In the evening, everyone feasts on the giant’s promised reward (unless they can think of a way
giants’ morning kill. So pass the days, in seemingly to steal it). A kind DM might allow a cash-rich party to
endless succession. purchase the magic amulets from the giants for no less
The party will undoubtedly become anxious after only than 3,000 gp each.
a few days of posing for the giants. While it takes little The simplest escape plan—leaving while the giants are
effort to pose for either Kadufi or Wadufi, posing for the hunting in the morning or asleep at night—will bring the
artistic genius, Padufi, is a nightmare. Seemingly unaware three sisters and their pet tigers to retrieve them by the
of her own strength, the young giantess sometimes adjusts following nightfall with a hail of poisoned arrows. Should
her models’ poses with brutal jerks and twists. the party attempt to escape by air (via flying carpet, for
Attacking Padufi is a big mistake. She is already instance), the giants release their horde of wasps, who
frustrated by the constant praise she must shower on carry paralyzed party members back to the giant’s lair. If
her older sister’s inferior art and an insolent model the party arrived via boat, the giants will have pulled the
only adds insult to injury. Padufi reacts very violently, ship out of the water and hidden it in the jungle to thwart
drawing her scimitar with a snarl and fighting to kill. escape downriver.
The other two sisters watch the battle, holding back The sisters’ greatest weakness lies in their high
the tigers and the rest of the party. The sisters do not estimation of their own artistic achievements. Flattery
interfere in the combat until the end, when they will get the party everywhere with them. For instance, a
prevent either the abused PC or Padufi from killing silver-tongued PC might convince Kadufi that her art is
the other. After the fight, Padufi regards the PC with of such inestimable quality, that he or she desires to
undisguised hatred. The moody young giantess waits depart at once and spread the news of the giant’s virtuosic
for an opportunity to catch the PC alone and exact skill. There is one disadvantage to using this tactic with
her revenge. the giants. If the PCs convince them that their art might
be of value to the citizens of a nearby city, the giants will
Concluding the Adventure insist that the party purchase one of their sculptures as
proof. An impoverished party might have to give up some

T he DM may wish to extend this adventure, using

Kadufi’s mention of nearby ruins to keep the party
active and occupied during the morning while the sisters
(or all) of their equipment to satisfy the sisters (cutting/
slicing instruments are preferred).
Should the party fulfill their contract with the sisters
are hunting. Kadufi and her sisters are certainly (requiring about 1-3 months per PC), Kadufi honors
knowledgeable about ruins up to a week’s travel away from their agreement. If the PCs have been especially cordial
their lair and might be convinced to lead a party of guests during their long stay, Kadufi might show her
excellent models on a supervised excursion. Otherwise, the gratitude by accompanying the party for an equal amount
DM may care to stage random jungle encounters to amuse of time, provided she is treated fairly and receives a share
the PCs during their sojourn with the sisters. of the treasure.

Khlams hagg Tisan:

ing Sharaman is dying. The lethargy that has plagued him for years has
worsened recently, and in his dreams he has seen glimpses of
magnificent jungles in Paradise, where the temples still flash blue and
green in the morning light.
But before he can prostrate himself at the throne of Her Serpentine Majesty,
the king has one last duty to perform. A dazzling, pure-white diamond is
mounted on his forehead, receptacle and record for all the memories of his long,
long life. This talisman must make a pilgrimage after Sharaman’s passing and be
presented to his appointed successor. In the long, humid evenings, the king
dreams of a group of distant pilgrims, who will bear the talisman on its ritual
Sharaman has done his best to soothe his frightened servants. They, too, know
his end draws near. The serpent lord calls Taj, his most faithful friend and
follower, entrusting him with one final mission.

Starting the Adventure

T alisman” is intended for a party of medium (5th-7th) level characters.

Although it can begin anywhere in Zakhara, the adventure takes place in
the lush eastern jungles of the Ruined Kingdoms. It will be useful for a party
member to have proficiency in the ancient language Kadari. At least one
member of the party must be of good (preferably lawful good) alignment, or
Sharaman will not consider them for his important mission. Finally, the DM is
urged to read about the Cult of Ragarra in Chapter Three of the Campaign
Guide before running the adventure.
One night, perhaps while recovering from a recent adventure, the party is
approached by Taj, a herald serpent (see the 8-page booklet included in this
sourcebox). Taj informs the PCs that they have been chosen by his king, “the
Ancient One,” for a mission of utmost urgency. Taj promises to lead the PCs to
his monarch, but they must depart at once for the Ruined Kingdoms.
Despite his size, Taj is anything but threatening to the party. Because of his

anxiety about his dying king, Taj’s voice is high-pitched undertaking requiring careful preparation, especially if
and nervous. His eyes constantly dart about while he the party is starting the adventure outside the Ruined
speaks. He will gladly submit to divination spells, like Kingdoms. Finding the Doors of Shajar, though,
detect good, detect lie, and fire truth, if it will help convince should not pose a problem, because of Taj’s diligent
the party to visit his monarch. efforts. The serpent should not slow the party down, as
Taj is willing to discuss the information presented he can move with fantastic speed through even the
in the introduction, but always refers to his king as densest foliage.
“the Ancient One.” Taj should make it clear that his Do not rush through this early stage of the
ruler is old and dying, and desperately needs the adventure, especially if the party is traveling from an
party’s help to make a pilgrimage on his behalf as soon arid region of Zakhara. Take your time describing the
as possible. Taj prefers to defer discussion of other noises, sights, and smells of the jungle: stress the
topics (including possible rewards) until the party’s unusual abundance of water and cool rainfall in the
audience with the king. mornings and evenings; the persistent chatter of the
Taj desperately wants the party to visit his king and fulfill birds, animals, and insects (at night, this can be
the monarch’s dying wish. If the party is insistent about unnerving until the party becomes accustomed to it);
monetary compensation, the frustrated serpent describes the magnificent hardwood trees stretching into a
Sharaman’s seemingly vast hoard of wealth. Of course, try canopy far overhead; the crumbling stone ruins, which
to describe this from the perspective of a snake, who has occasionally peek from beneath a carpet of vines and
brought shiny offerings to his king for centuries. Taj is creepers; and the delicate smell of orchids, gently
unsure what will happen to the treasure after Sharaman’s wafting down from the canopy overhead.
death, but he assures the party of his king’s kindliness and To relieve any mounting tension, feel free to run one or
generosity, stressing the Ancient One’s ability to heal the
wounded, cure the afflicted, and raise the dead.
If the party is threatening or attacks, Taj uses his spells
to enthrall the attackers while he escapes under cover of
invisibility. He pesters the party on subsequent days,
showing up at the most awkward of moments (at the
public baths, for instance). Make the PCs feel cursed
until they agree to accompany Taj to his king. This is one
incredibly persistent snake!

Taj, a herald serpent: Int Very (12); AL NG; AC 5; MV

24, Cl 18; HD 4+4; hp 25; THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg:
1d4/1d4; SA: poison bite (save or suffer complete amnesia
for 2-8 hours); SD: spells; ML 8; Spells (once/day at 4th
level of ability): comprehend languages, friends, hypnotic
pattern, hypnotism, and invisibility.

Getting to King Sharaman

K ing Sharaman’s home lies near the Doors of

Shajar (see the colored mapsheet of the Ruined
Kingdoms). Traveling to these ruins should be a major

two simple encounters, perhaps with a family of wild A 20’-wide tunnel descends into the earth, its ceiling
boars or a giant hornet looking for food. During these hung with thick dark roots, black worms, and a host of
(and future) encounters, Taj hides invisibly (he is bit of a insects. Eventually, the tunnel opens into a huge, vaulted
coward) during the combat. Make it clear from the onset cavern over 100’ in diameter. King Sharaman rests near
that the party should not rely on Taj’s aide to win any of the wall opposite the entrance. He raises his head from a
their battles. pillow of leaves and grasses to call the PCs forward. As
they approach, they notice the king’s human head is
Wild boar (1-12): Int Semi (2-4); AL N; AC 7; MV 15; wrinkled and bald with age. In the center of his forehead,
HD 3+3; hp 10, 12, 13, 15 (x5), 18, 20, 21, 23; THAC0 17; a large diamond shines with a feeble inner light. His long,
#AT 1; Dmg: 3d4; ML 8; SZ S (3’ at shoulder); XP 175. serpentine body is shriveled and grey. The teak serpents
and over a hundred venomous snakes throng in a
Giant hornet (1): Int Non- (0); AL N; AC 2 (4); MV protective, writhing mass around the king’s body. At a
6, Fl 24 (B); HD 5; hp 31; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg: word from the king, the snakes reluctantly slither away
1d4; SA: poison (save or suffer 5d6 points of damage (including Taj), leaving the PCs alone in the cave with
and paralysis for 2-12 hours; ML 10; SZ M (5’ long); Sharaman.
XP 650. I am King Sssharaman, Sssultan of all sssnakes in the Grey
Jungle. In the name of Her Ssserpentine Majesssty, who
watchesss over all, I greet you and welcome you into my
The Doors of Shajar kingdom. . . . With these words, Sharaman introduces

I n the outlying forests of the Grey Jungle, about a

hundred miles west of Dihliz, the Abdo River winds
its way through a lush valley until it merges with the
himself and explains that he has summoned the party
here to perform a ritual pilgrimage on his behalf.
The stone on my forehead containsss all the memoriesss of
Nogaro. At the eastern mouth of the valley stands a my life. Before I can enter Paradise, it mussst be touched to
huge stone dam, which once forced back the Abdo into the headssstone in the Temple of the Ssserpentine Empress,
a large reservoir for a nearby city. The city has long deep in the heart of the jungle. My beloved Taj will show you
since been swallowed by the jungle, and the massive the way.
dam has been sundered by time and the relentless river. At some point, the PCs may present any offerings of
Only the two gargantuan statues of Shajar remain, meat they have brought. Barely strong enough to lift his
buttressing the ends of the fragmented and vine- head from the pillow, Sharaman asks the PCs to feed it to
covered dam, like a pair of vast doors to the valley. The him slowly. After the meal, his lids start to close, but with
pitiless Abdo runs its course freely beneath the statues’ visible effort, the king remains conscious. Sharaman now
stern regard. warns the party of an evil cult which operates at the heart
At this point, Taj informs the party that his king has of the Grey Jungle, serving the forgotten goddess Ragarra
always loved cooked meat, and he suggests that the PCs (see Chapter Three of the Campaign Guide for more
prepare some as an offering for Sharaman. Any kind of details about her cult). If the party fails to bring a gift of
red meat or fowl will suffice as a gift, with the exception meat, Sharaman does not have the strength to warn them
of fish (serpent lords hate fish). about the cult but rushes ahead to complete his
About a mile past these imposing ruins, Taj leads the instructions.
party to a wide cave opening near the river, flanked by tall I have sent my ssservants away, sssince I feel my death
ironwood trees. Two teak serpents (see page 8 of the 8-page approaching, and you might not survive the fury of their grief.
booklet) lower from branches and advance threateningly Once I have passed away, take the talisman from my
on the PCs, but upon catching sight of Taj, they withdraw forehead. It will show you the truth in all things.
into the cave to announce the party’s arrival. Then, though it may displeassse you, open my head and

take out my brain. When you are in the Temple, be sure to Teak serpents (2): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 3; MV 9,
draw a gallon of holy water from the sssacred well and take it Cl 6; HD 8+8; hp 50 each; THAC0 11; #AT 2; Dmg:
along with the brain and the talisssman to my daughter and 1d6/2d6; SA: constriction; SD: camouflage; ML 10; SZ H
anointed sssuccessor, Sharamaaz. She will know what to do (30’ long); XP 3,000.
with them.
Finally, Sharaman explains that the temple’s secret Common snakes (12): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 6; MV
treasure, collected by his servants over the centuries, 15; HD 2+1; hp 12 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg: 1; SA:
is the party’s reward for undertaking this perilous poison (save at -1 or suffer an illness lasting 1d4 days,
quest. With that, the king closes his eyes and breathes onset time 2-8 rounds); ML 10; SZ S (5’ long); XP 175.
his thanks with his dying breath. The party is best
advised not to dally in the cavern longer than is
necessary to retrieve the talisman and remove
Through the Grey Jungle
Sharaman’s brain.
When Sharaman dies, the talisman drops from his
forehead and rolls across the ground to its chosen bearer.
T he party encounters Taj while leaving the cavern.
After mastering his grief (he is too intelligent to
blame the party for the king’s death), Taj warns the party to
The DM should pick this character carefully. Paladins, flee with him before other snakes arrive. Addressing the
rangers, or wild priests are preferable over hierarchical chosen PC with utmost respect (most honored bearer of the
priests, wizards, and rogues. The talisman itself is a huge, sacred stone), Taj pledges to aid him or her in the quest,
flawless diamond (worth at least 10,000 gp) glowing with effectively ignoring the rest of the party. For the remainder
a faint inner light. In addition to storing the memories of of the adventure, Taj acts as the chosen PC’s eager servant.
Sharaman, it functions as a gem of seeing. For the duration He is reluctant to enter battle, however, and will only fight
of the adventure, the bearer can also speak with animals to defend the bearer from certain death.
(snakes only). Though the talisman does not allow its Taj does not know much about the cult of Ragarra,
bearer any kind of mental control over snakes, he or she except that they are evil, depraved, and the arch-nemeses
is entitled to a -4 bonus on reaction rolls when of Her Serpentine Majesty. They can sometimes be found
encountering snakes in the wild. in the ruins of the Grey Jungle, making their vile
Opening up Sharaman’s head should not be a pleasant sacrifices to their vengeful goddess. More than that he
experience for the party. Inside his skull, the brain is like cannot say.
a shriveled melon and can be carried in a sack or large The first goal in the party’s quest, the Temple of the
pouch without damaging it. Serpentine Empress, is indicated on the colored
There are no furnishings or treasure in Sharaman’s mapsheet of the Ruined Kingdoms. The temple lies
cavern (his hoard of wealth is stored in the temple at the roughly 60 miles away from the Doors of Shajar, a
center of the jungle). If the PCs search the chamber, they difficult two-week journey through thick jungle. Because
find nothing of interest. of the dense undergrowth, riding any kind of mount other
After one turn, two teak serpents and a dozen than an elephant is impossible.
poisonous snakes, concerned about their king, return As soon as the party begins its journey, the jungle
to the cavern to see if he is still alive. If the PCs are sounds should seem harsh and threatening, with the
still dallying about, the snakes attack the party in their roar of wild beasts echoing through the campsite at
grief and confusion. The bearer of the talisman is night. The PCs are plagued by mosquitoes and insects,
keenly aware of the snakes’ sorrow and irrational which descend in a cloud every evening to feast and
hostility, and with some quick talking he or she might infect the PCs with a deadly jungle disease known as
be able to buy the party enough time to withdraw Grey Fever. Have each member of the party make a
without bloodshed. saving throw vs. poison. Those who fail contract Grey

Fever, similar to the debilitating disease described surviving servants are scouring the inner temple for
under the cure disease spell description in the Player’s signs of the treasure.
Handbook, except that the victim must make a system
shock roll to survive the ravages of the fever. Those Area Descriptions of the Temple
who make their saving throw are forever immune to As far as a hundred yards from the temple walls, even
the effects of Grey Fever. the most dull-witted PC will realize that something is
The DM is encouraged to stage random encounters wrong. The smell of moist, burnt timber carries for a
during this stage of the adventure. One day, for example, hundred yards through the jungle. The trees and ground
the party might pass through the hunting grounds of a are littered with the skeletal remains of dead snakes,
panther family. Unless a tracker in the party realizes this hacked to pieces by edged weapons. A ranger or PC
and directs the party around it, the PCs will be attacked with the Tracking nonweapon proficiency will notice
that night by a pair of black panthers protecting their the heavy tracks of unrecognizable humanoid creatures
territory. On the final evening before they arrive at the with tails.
temple, the PCs unwittingly camp near a hollow tree, Use of divination magic is frustrated in the temple,
home to six giant, poisonous toads. These creatures the result of potent wards woven by successive
emerge at night to attack. generations of serpent lords. The entire structure
uniformly radiates magic; scrying and location magic on
Black panthers (2): Int Semi (3); AL N; AC 6; MV 15; the temple are useless.
HD 4+1; hp 21, 26; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg: 1d3/1d3/1d8; The jungle ends abruptly at the outer temple walls, making
SA: rear claws (1d4+1 each); SD: Surprised only on a 1; it quite easy to sneak close without any chance of detection
SZ L (6’ long); ML 8; XP 420. from those inside. The white plaster covering the outer
surface has corroded away in the high humidity and is now
Poisonous toads (6): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 7; choked with vegetation, making the walls easy to climb.
MV 6, hop 6; HD 2; hp 8, 9, 11, 13, 14; THAC0 19; The DM’s temple map is included on the back of
#AT 1; Dmg: 1d4+1; SA: poison bite (save at +2 or Card 2. A brief area description of the complex is given
fall comatose and die within 24 hours); SZ M (5’ long); below; the DM can expand these descriptions, if desired.
ML 7; XP 175.
1. Main entrance. Less than half of Anaiz’s segarrans
survived the temple’s conquest, with the rest slain by
Temple of the Serpentine Sharaman’s wards and guardians. Not to be left short-
Empress handed, after the battle was over and the flesh of

T he cult of Ragarra, based in Kadarasto, has known

about this temple for years. Sensing Sharaman’s
weakness, the high priestess of the cult, Awatef, sent her
vanquished enemies devoured, Anaiz animated the human
forms of the slain segarrans, turning them into guardians of
the main entrance and outer temple ward. They will attack
eldest daughter Anaiz to claim the temple in Ragarra’s enemies on sight and fight until destroyed.
name, aided by a score of lesser segarrans (see the 8-page
booklet). Zombies (11): Int Non- (0); AL N; AC 8; MV 6; HD 2;
In the past few weeks, Anaiz has explored (and hp 6, 8, 9 (x2), 10 (x3), 11 (x2), 12, 15; THAC0 19;
defiled) most of the temple, but she still has not #AT 1; Dmg: 1d8; SD: immune to enchantment, poisons,
discovered Sharaman’s legendary treasure, a source of and cold magic; ML Special; SZ M (6’); XP 65.
increasing frustration. Once she finds it, Anaiz hopes to
use the gold to expand the temple into a second base for 2. Monuments. The outer ward is filled with scores of
the cult of Ragarra. For the time being, she and her nine crumbling, obelisk-like monuments, rising to a height of

10’ from the weed-choked flagstones. Though their This effect is permanent unless reversed by a successful
names are all worn away, these are monuments to dead dispel magic.
serpent lords.
Anaiz, with the help of her servants, has recently 5. Inner Temple. Still largely intact, the inner temple is
started toppling the monuments, thinking that treasure the largest structure still standing, with the most places to
may be buried beneath them. So far she has discovered hide treasure. Despite minor signs of decay, this structure
nothing noteworthy. appears to be in excellent condition, The roof sports
Should the PCs spend some time inspecting the beautiful carvings of dozens of statues of rearing snakes,
monuments, they might discover a solitary snake, who many with human heads.
somehow survived Anaiz’s assault. Sensing the The inner temple is surrounded by a raised patio. As a
presence of Sharaman’s talisman, it crawls out to minor precaution, Anaiz has cast wyvern watch on the
wriggle humbly at the feet of the chosen PC. Should steps leading up to the main patio (area 5a) from the
the bearer question it, he or she might discover what inner courtyard. Four lesser segarrans always stand watch
befell the temple, although the information will be here, patrolling the patio and guarding for any surviving
learned from the perspective of a snake. It will gladly snakes, which they promptly hack to pieces.
accompany the party in the temple, though it fears the The inner temple (5b) can only be entered from the
priestess of the “human-lizards.” If necessary, use the southern doors, which lead out onto the patio. Inside,
stats for the common snakes previously encountered in the temple soars to a height of 50’ in the center of the
Sharaman’s cavern. peaked roof. The inner walls, once covered with
painted silks and velvet, have been slashed and
3. Well. The temple’s sacred well has been smeared with destroyed in Anaiz’s search.
snake blood and excrement by Anaiz. The desecrated The inner temple is dominated by a huge golden
well is polluted when the party arrives. It doesn’t take a statue of a snake, reclining on a magnificent couch
religious expert to realize that the water from the well is which extends almost the entire interior length of the
no longer holy, complicating the PCs’ efforts to fulfill chamber. At first glance the statue appears to be of
Sharaman’s dying request. solid gold, but closer examination reveals that it is
merely gold leaf over a plaster or stone idol. The snake
4. Inner courtyard. The buildings along the perimeter of has a cobra’s head but a woman’s face, her eyes focused
the inner courtyard were gutted by fire after they were in the distance and her lips curved in a sublime,
thoroughly searched by Anaiz for treasure. When the mysterious smile. A diamond shape is painted in the
temple was built and maintained by human hands, long center of her forehead.
ago, these buildings were used as store rooms, cloisters, Anaiz and her five remaining lesser segarrans are
dormitories, and dining rooms. Today they only contain working in this chamber, chipping away at the snake
cracked plaster walls and the burnt, rotten remains of the statue (the only place in the temple they haven’t
ceiling joists. searched). Anaiz is a darkly beautiful woman, with
Anaiz has placed a specialized glyph of warding ebony-colored skin and intense black eyes. She is
employed only by the cult of Ragarra at the entrance to currently in a foul mood, screaming threats and insults
the inner courtyard. Normally invisible, the glyph at her servants, ordering them to work harder, faster.
flashes when discharged, revealing a floating, greenish Like all Ragarra’s priestesses, Anaiz wears no armor,
crocodile claw. If the victim fails his or her saving only revealing garments, her backpack, and low boots.
throw vs. polymorph, the glowing green claw strikes in A scimitar, dagger, and an unusual ebony baton,
the center of his or her chest, polymorphing the carved at one end with a crocodile head, hang from
unfortunate PC into a baby crocodile within one round. her belt.

At the first sign of trouble, she will cast aid upon peering through the talisman, as suggested by Sharaman
herself from behind a protective line of segarrans. On himself.
following rounds, she will try to silence opponents, cast If the bearer touches the talisman to the diamond in the
protection from good, 10’ radius, and from within this statue’s forehead (this could pose a small problem, because
protective circle use her rod of rending to destroy of the high elevation), several good things happen.
opponents’ weapons and armor. She will then leave the First, the refuse and desecration of the temple by Anaiz
circle and wade into melee, touching vulnerable and her followers is immediately cleansed. Though the
opponents and casting bestow curse or cause disease. physical damage they inflicted to the building is not
Should she be badly wounded and find escape via pass repaired, the temple is reconsecrated as a bastion for the
plant impossible, Anaiz will attempt to drink her potion forces of good in the jungle.
and polymorph into a mobat. She will then attempt to fly Second, a new monument rises from pavement in the
to the cult’s headquarters in Kadarasto. outer courtyard (area 2) bearing Sharaman’s name. The
epitaph, written in Kadari, reads: “Husband of Maazara,
Anaiz, priestess of Ragarra (hfP/o/8): AC 6; MV 12; hp Father of Sharamaaz, Two-hundred-and-twelfth restorer
51; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon, spell, or magical item; Str 15, of the Temple.”
Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13; AL CE; Finally, a heretofore-undetectable secret door opens
THAC0 16; XP 5,000. in the base of the serpent’s statue, leading to a vault
Spells: command, cure light wounds, detect magic, entangle, containing the temple’s treasury, the contents of which
pass without trace; aid, barkskin, charm person or mammal, were promised to the party by Sharaman. Inside, the
silence 15’ radius, wyvern watch (already cast); bestow party finds several ceramic urns containing a total of
curse, cause disease, locate object; plant door, protection from 5,230 gp; a priest scroll with cure disease (x2), remove
good 10’ radius. curse, neutralize poison (x2), cure critical wounds, and
Magical items: ring of protection +2, potion of polymorph raise dead, cast at 16th level; a scroll of protection from
self, and a rod of rending (the ebony baton) with 21 elementals; a fully charged staff of the teak serpent
charges remaining. The rod’s powers are detailed in the (described in Chapter Seven of the Campaign Guide);
Campaign Guide; its command word is ymazzig. a shield +3, emblazoned with a coiled serpent; and a
scimitar +4, defender. Once the party has emptied the
Lesser segarrans (9): Int Average (10); AL CE; AC 1; MV treasury of all that they desire and exited the chamber,
9; HD 5+5; hp 28, 29, 30 (x2), 33 (x2), 34, 36, 37; the secret door disappears.
THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg: by weapon +2 (scimitar: After Anaiz and her servants have been either slain
1d8+2) or 2d8 (bite); SA: fight and save as 5th-level or driven away, the party members may remain in the
warriors; MR: 10%; SZ M (6’ tall); XP 1,400. temple for as long as they like. On the day following the
restoration of the temple, snakes of all kinds start to
Touching the Headstone reappear around the inner and outer courtyard. Using
Although the serpent statue appears to be made of plaster the talisman-bearer as an interpreter, they express their
covered with flaking gold leaf, this is nothing more than a thanks to the entire party for ridding the temple of
powerful illusion. In reality, the statue is solid gold, Ragarra’s presence. They wish the PCs good luck on the
weighing at least 60 tons (the reason for the inner temple’s second part of their mission. Now that the sacred well
massive foundation). The statue’s face bears a sly smile, and (area 3) has been re-sanctified, the party can draw as
a huge diamond, over 3” in diameter, gleams brightly in its much of the holy water as it can carry, although only
forehead over 30’ above the floor. one gallon is necessary to fulfill the serpent lord’s dying
The statue’s potent disguise can be foiled by true seeing, request. When the party is fully recovered, Taj
the true sight ability of a 6th-level or higher hakima, or by approaches the bearer, eager to complete the final part

of Sharaman’s mission by delivering the talisman to the the slightest touch. The ruins are infested with snakes,
serpent lord’s successor. who salute the bearer of the stone, welcoming him or
her to their home by wriggling playfully over his or
her arms and legs.
Crossing the Nogaro Beneath the ruins, in the cavernous cellars, lives

T aj informs the party that Sharaman’s daughter, Sharamaaz. Unlike her father, Sharamaaz’s face is young
Sharamaaz, lives approximately 60 miles northeast of and beautiful, her serpentine body white as snow. A
Dihliz in a collection of ruins called the Leaning Towers diamond talisman glows brightly in her forehead.
(see the colored mapsheet of the Ruined Kingdoms). The Attended by a host of servants similar to her father’s
DM should use the ideas presented in the previous “Grey entourage, she greets the PCs graciously, thanking them
Jungle” section to make the party’s journey through the for undertaking her father’s pilgrimage, and
forests memorable. immediately heals, cures, or raises any party members
Besides any random encounters the DM may inflict who were wounded or slain during the course of the
upon the party, perhaps the biggest obstacle will be the adventure.
mighty Nogaro River itself, which is infested with When the bearer presents her father’s talisman,
crocodiles. By the time the party reaches the Nogaro, Sharamaaz asks that it be touched to her own. When this
Anaiz’s mother Awatef will know about her daughter’s happens, the dim light in the older stone transfers over to
failure, either through divination or from Anaiz herself Sharamaaz’s diamond. At the same time, tears start
following her escape. Awatef is a vengeful woman. She pouring down her face and she smiles triumphantly,
sends a trio of her strongest giant crocodiles (along with reliving all of her father’s memories—and the memories
Anaiz, if she survived the encounter at the temple) to of his ancestors before him. The serpent queen is lost in a
eliminate the PCs when they cross the Nogaro. If the PCs tearful trance while she assimilates and understands these
use magical means to circumvent the river, the crocodiles memories. She does not regain awareness of her
attack on the night after as they camp on the eastern surroundings for one full day.
bank (-2 bonus to surprise). The DM should make it Meanwhile, the bearer should note that Sharaman’s
clear that the crocodiles have not met the party by diamond is now cold and dark. It still radiates strong
chance, nor are they entirely natural creatures: perhaps magic however, but it now has only the powers of a gem
they can whisper vile curses at the party before they of seeing. At the DM’s discretion, the PC who bore the
attack (in Awatef’s female voice), or their eyes may stone in the adventure may gain the permanent ability
flicker with greenish flame. to speak with snakes (whether he or she keeps the
diamond or not).
Giant crocodiles (3): Int Animal (1); AL NE; AC 4; Although a search of Sharamaaz’ home reveals no trea-
MV 6, Sw 12; HD 7; hp 44, 49, 53; THAC0 13; #AT 2; sure, the walls of her lair are very interesting. Covered
Dmg: 3d6/2d10; SD: surprise; ML Special; SZ H (30’ long); with ancient magical runes (anti-scrying and anti-
XP 1,600 each (due to above-average hit points). teleportation wards), these inscriptions were placed here
by the castle’s original inhabitants, many centuries ago.
One wall also bears a prophetic riddle, written in Kadari
The Leaning Towers during the same epoch:

haramaaz lives in an ancient ruined stronghold
now practically engulfed by the jungle. Nine Our proud lions vanquished here,
massive towers, once tall and majestic, are cracked Sorrow for our fallen friends.
and corroded by the merciless humidity. Several spires Eight of nine we’ll never fear,
lean dangerously to the side, threatening to topple at Buried where the walls descend.

Our proud lions come once more, into the two bowls. Next, the serpent queen pours holy
Sorrow for their fallen friends. water from the temple over each half of the brain, all
Ninth of nine will fear restore, the time speaking strange, magical words. When the
When in Tadabbur descend. ceremony is complete, all that remains in each bowl is
a crystal clear liquid. She empties the contents of one
Written by Imam Suhail centuries ago after defeating the bowl (made from the left half of Sharaman’s brain)
Nine Council of the Geomancers, the poem also speaks of into the empty vials. These are now six potions of extra-
a Geomancer who escaped, “Ninth of Nine.” According healing. She pours the contents of the other bowl
to Kadaran legend, the ninth wizard descended into a (made from the right half of Sharaman’s brain) over
secret fortress, called Tadabbur, and was never seen again. the six arrows, turning them into arrows of lesser
Let the party members ponder this riddle for as long as segarran slaying. As a reward for completing her father’s
they like. When Sharamaaz reawakens, she will explain quest, the party may keep Sharaman’s talisman, the
it, if the PCs wish. The Geomancers are described in potions, and the arrows.
Chapter Two of the Campaign Guide.
Concluding the Adventure
Sharamaaz, a serpent lord: Int Genius (17); AL LG;
AC -2; MV 6; HD 16; hp 82; THAC0 5; #AT 1;
Dmg: 4d6; SA: Constriction, spells; MR 70%; ML 16;
SZ G (50’ long); MC 13: AQ.
T he party is now free to leave, but Sharamaaz makes
it clear that the PCs are always welcome in her
home. She tells the party that she is preparing to leave
Spells: bless, command, cure light wounds (×7); aid, and return to her father’s home near the Doors of Shajar,
enthrall, hold person (×2), know alignment, silence 15’ so she can keep a closer eye on the sacred temple. She
radius, slow poison (×2), withdraw; cure disease (×2), would be glad for the party’s company during the journey,
dispel magic, protection from evil 10’ radius, protection and she could be a valuable source of information about
from fire, prayer, remove curse (×2); divination, neutralize the cult of Ragarra and the Geomancers. If party members
poison (×2), protection from lightning, tongues; commune, are ever wounded or slain in the future, Sharamaaz could
dispel evil, insect plague, raise dead; blade barrier, heal, be a powerful and convenient ally (except for the fact
heroes’ feast; holy word. that she lives out in the middle of the jungle). It is
suggested that the DM award the party 25,000 XP for
The Brain of Sharaman successfully completing the adventure.
At the DM’s discretion, if Taj and the party are getting

A fter discussing the riddle, Sharamaaz asks the

party for her father’s brain and the holy water
along exceptionally well, he may remain with them as a
kind of party mascot or henchman. Otherwise, he joins
from the temple. When these are brought forward, she the service of his new queen.
takes two ceramic bowls, an iron knife, six ordinary Finally, this adventure introduces the party to the cult
flight arrows, and six empty vials from her lair. Using of Ragarra. Awatef will never rest until her daughter
great care, she takes the knife in her teeth and slowly Anaiz is avenged, and the cult appears again in the
cuts Sharaman’s brain in half. The halves are separated adventure “Retribution.”

Sitta hagg Tisan:

Curse of the
Serene Isle
ocated near the busy trade routes that link Rog’osto, Dihliz, and Medina
al-Afyal, the island of Sahu was once home to an ancient civilization.
Today, the Isle of Serenity is covered with the ruins of strange metallic
towers, similar to the mysterious spires of Rog’osto. Unlike Rog’osto’s intact
spires, however, Sahu’s towers are toppled and twisted heaps of grey metal,
littering the island’s low shores in random clusters.
Sahu has recently acquired a sinister reputation, since quite a large number of
ships that stray too close to the island never return. The losses are far too
numerous to be attributed to the dangerous reefs and shifting sandbars that lurk
beneath the northern and southern coasts of the island. Some sailors whisper
that the island is the recipient of a strange and ancient curse left behind by its
former inhabitants. Others claim that a marid has claimed the island as her home
and destroys any who venture too close to her lair. The truth—while far less
fantastic than either of these speculations—is no less dangerous.

Starting the Adventure

C urse of the Serene Isle” is a brief aquatic mini-adventure which takes place
off the northern coasts of Sahu. The adventure can easily be relocated to just
about any other coastal region in Zakhara—for example, it can easily be adapted
to explain the mysterious disappearances of ships and pearl divers near Gana and
Jumlat in the Pearl Cities (see the Land of Fate boxed set for details).
The party could be headed to Sahu for several reasons. First, the merchants
of Dihliz might be worried about the ship disappearances near the island and
could hire the PCs to investigate (for a total reward of 5,000 gp). The
influential metalsmiths’ guild of Rog’osto, ever vigilant for a new supply of the
unique steel alloy, might hire the PCs to bring them back a small sample of
metal from Sahu’s ruined towers. Otherwise, the DM can handle this as a
random encounter when the party just “happens by” Sahu during the course of
its travels, sailing too close to the island out of ignorance. This encounter is

perfect for the otherwise uneventful sea voyage in the
Attack from Below
next adventure, “Secrets of the Seal.”

Sahu’s Real Curse P erizade gained a whole new way of life after she
learned just a few minor spells. The dragon turtle now
has a simple but effective method of gaining treasure from

S ome Afyalese merchants know that the waters

north of Sahu have been claimed by a mysterious
sea creature named Perizade. The monster’s existence is
passing ships without revealing her true identity. Perizade
will approach ships from below and tap the bottom of the
hull, loudly and powerfully enough to jostle the ship and
not widespread knowledge, since the merchants have announce her presence but without doing any damage (at
negotiated a toll guaranteeing safe passage across first). Perizade remains about 10’-20’ below the water’s
Perizade’s territory, a long stretch of reefs known as the surface and first casts enlarge, appearing to the ship
Horn of Sahu (see the colored mapsheet). This short passengers above as a light patch 50’-60’ wide against the
cut through the reefs can save 1-4 days sailing time to darker background of the sea water. As panic breaks out on
Dihliz, an advantage which most merchants are board, the dragon turtle then casts ventriloquism and
unwilling to casually disclose. Most merchants believe delivers the following ultimatum while still safely
Perizade is a genie of some kind and have started concealed below several fathoms of water:
circulating rumors to that effect, hoping to scare others
from their new short cut. “I am Perizade the Invincible, Queen of the
Thus far, few people realize that Perizade is, in fact, Waves, Keeper of the Sea, Watcher of those who Pass
a gigantic dragon turtle with some unusual, though Above! All who travel through my domain must pay
relatively minor, magical abilities. Perizade has a toll. Place gold or magic in a chest and drop it
recently acquired spell-casting abilities from a overboard. Hear and obey, or join the remains of
wandering sea mage. In exchange for free passage countless other foolish mortals who now mingle with
through the dragon turtle’s territorial waters, the the reefs below!”
mage agreed to teach Perizade how to speak Midani
and wield a few useful magic spells. Perizade has If the PCs refuse to part with their cash and are intent on
proven to be an apt pupil (she is unusually bright for attacking (and the DM doesn’t think they stand a chance),
a dragon turtle) and has already learned five spells. the DM can have an NPC sailor or trusted henchman tell
She hungers to learn more magic, just as much as she the party about the large numbers of ships that have
is eager to expand her hoard to include more gold and mysteriously disappeared in these waters during the past.
magical items. Should the party decide to antagonize the mysterious toll
collector anyway, Perizade will first cast blur on herself, then
Perizade, a spell-casting dragon turtle: Int Exceptional (14); rise out of the water and attempt to capsize the party’s vessel.
AL N; AC 0; MV 3, Sw 9; HD 14; hp 100; THAC0 7; #AT Because the dragon turtle is enlarged, ships under 30’ long
3; Dmg: 2d6/2d6/4d8 (2d8/2d8/4d12 when enlarged); SA: have a 95% chance of being capsized; ships 30’-90’ long
breath weapon (60’ by 40’ by 40’ cloud of steam, 20d6 points have a 50% chance of being capsized; and ships over 90’
of damage, half if save, thrice/day), capsize ships (see below), long (either war galleys or dhows) have only a 20% of being
casts spells as a 4th-level wizard; SZ G (40’ diameter shell, 60’ capsized. Even if the vessel isn’t capsized, each party member
diameter when enlarged); ML 17; XP 14,000. on board must make a Dexterity check or be thrown to the
Spells: detect magic, enlarge, ventriloquism; blur, invisibility. deck and unable to act during the following round. Perizade
Perizade’s unique spell-casting powers are similar to those will make sure to cover the decks with her breath weapon of
used by western dragons, in that they can be cast at will, scalding steam while the crew is still recovering from her
once/day. capsize attempt. After this, Perizade will bellow her

ultimatum once more, and if the party doesn’t comply with (100 gp each); four javelins of lightning; three scimitars
the demand for gold and magical items, the dragon turtle fashioned from the corrosive- resistant alloy of Rog’osto
will fight until either the PCs’ ship has been pounded into (two are nonmagical and worth 50 gp each—the third is
splinters by capsize attempts, or she has been reduced to 50 actually a cutlass of the golden gulf +2); a set of bracers of
hit points or less (in which case she will retreat to her lair). defenselessness (bracers of defense, AC4); a shield -1, missile
It is important that Perizade escape a surface encounter and attractor (shield +2); a horn of bubbles (horn of the tritons);
live to plague the party on another day. four potions of delusion (extra-healing); and a ring of
contrariness (ring of invisibility).

Perizade’s Lair Common sharks (1-6): Int Non; AL N; AC 6; MV SW

T he dragon turtle dwells in a small network of sea 24; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; HD 6; hp 19, 24, 27,
caves under the Horn of Sahu. Since the entrance 28, 32, 41; SZ M; ML 10; XP 270.
lies under 70’ of water, Perizade’s lair can be approached
only with the aid of magical spells or items that permit Concluding the Adventure
underwater breathing.
A map of the lair appears on the bottom half of the back
of Card 3. Movement in the lower caverns is complicated
by a strong current, which flows through the network of sea
K eep in mind that this mini-adventure is intended as a
device for the DM to legitimately lighten the purses
and reduce the hoards of magical items carried by all but
caves at a rate of 10’ to 120’ a round, depending upon the exceptionally powerful parties. The DM can have Perizade
tide. When the currents are fast, even strong swimmers are request a monetary amount, commensurate with the current
likely to be swept through the lower caverns, back out into wealth of the party, or leave the amount of the toll vague.
the sea. When the currents are slow, the lower caverns Unless the party is exceptionally powerful, antagonizing
become a favorite stop for sharks, who like to rest near the Perizade would be an invitation to disaster. She will use
cavern floor after feeding. detect magic to verify the magical nature of any tolls dropped
The upper caverns are reached through a wide, recessed overboard. Although a clever party might fool Perizade in
opening near the roof of one of the lower grottos. The the short term with fool’s gold or Nystul’s magic aura cast on
current in these upper caves is slow or nonexistent, making copper coins or a mundane item, once the enchantment
it a perfect home for Perizade. The uneven, sandy floor wears off the PCs will have earned a long-term, bitter enemy.
drops away at two sinkholes, which may be expanded as Perizade knows her lair well and will seek to ambush an
the DM sees fit. These narrow, water-filled tunnels might exploring party in the lower caverns, where any sharks might
eventually lead explorers to the realm of the locathah, in be stirred into a frenzy by the smell of blood and where her
the ocean depths between Rog’osto and Afyal. large size makes her less vulnerable than her opponents to the
Perizade’s trove is strewn along a 10’-wide stone ledge strong current. If wounded to below 50 hp, she will retreat to
along the back wall of her lair. Her treasure includes some her upper lair, where she will make one last stand. When
cursed items, as few sailors are foolish enough to pay a toll brought to 25 hp or less, she will attempt to surrender. In
with a beneficial magical item unless absolutely necessary. exchange for her life, she will give up her treasure and
Unaware of their curses, Perizade proudly displays these promise to leave this region of the Crowded Sea forever.
magical treasures on the top of her hoard. She is sure Should the PCs manage to rid Sahu’s waters of the dragon
their presence will somehow increase not only her own turtle’s menace, they will immediately earn the gratitude
magical power but also her prestige among other dragon (and aforementioned reward) of Dihliz’s merchants. If not,
turtles. If identified, the items will appear to be the useful Perizade can return to plague the party during another
items named in parentheses. voyage, rising from the depths to demand another toll
Perizade’s treasure includes 2,926 gp; six small pearls whenever the party drifts too close to Sahu.

Sab’hagg Tisan

Secrets of the Seal

Should the gates of Tadabbur be opened, nine-fold stars will rain from the sky to signal
Her return. When wheel meets wheel, the past becomes clear and the future open.
—Prophesy of the Seal

Embrace Fate, and she will smile upon you. The key to understanding lies through the
mists of ignorance. Learn from yesterday to shape tomorrow.
—Inscriptions on the Seal

xhausted after a long day, you sink in bed and quickly drift into sleep. You
begin to experience an uncomfortable sensation, as if you were physically
sliding off the bed and falling into a bottomless abyss.
Did you truly think I would forget you, Ashtarek? A silvery female voice rings in
your head, echoing through the darkness. While I slept I dreamed of you, dreamed
of our next meeting. . . .
The darkness takes shape and a woman, raven-haired and ruby-lipped, steps
forward, her face more lovely than the moon. With a warm smile, she says, It
doesn’t have to end like last time. . . .
Suddenly her face clouds in anger. CURSE YOU, PRIEST!
. . . and you abruptly find yourself lying in bed, something cool resting against
your forehead. When you open your eyes, you see a disheveled beggar leaning
over you, backlit by the silvery moonlight streaming through the open bedroom
window. He is pressing a strange clay seal to your brow.

Starting the Adventure

D esigned for a party of 7th-9th level characters, “Secrets of the Seal” con-
tinues the events started in “Nine Falling Stars,” where the party was
introduced to Suhail’s enchanted clay seal and its unwilling bearer, Adil al-
Muluki. The DM should refer to the prologue for background information about
the seal, its unusual geas, and Adil’s character description. Alternatively, the DM
may have chosen to have a party member become the seal-bearer, as suggested in

the prologue’s conclusion. For the sake of convenience, this PC (henceforth referred to as the interpreter PC) can
the rest of this adventure assumes Adil is the seal-bearer. read and speak Kadari with the fluency of a native of the
During the course of the adventure, Adil is a vehicle Ruined Kingdoms. Most importantly, he or she can easily
for prophesy and revelation. If he has been scarce during decipher the inscriptions on the back of the enchanted
the past few adventures, he now makes a strange seal (see the beginning of this book).
appearance at the party’s home one night, sneaking into When Adil regains control of himself after a few
one of the PC’s private chambers using his roguish minutes, he collapses in exhaustion beside the PC’s bed.
abilities. Take one of the players aside—preferably the He has no knowledge of where he is or how he arrived
one with the most timid character—and read or here. Adil renews his plea for the party to help him
paraphrase the dream described on the preceding page. remove the curse of his strange seal.
While her strength is returning, Tisan has only one way to
harass the party—dreams. Using the geoglyphs in the Hall of
Nightmares in Tadabbur, Tisan projects a carefully
The Beggar’s Prophesies
constructed image of herself into the sleeping mind of one of
the PCs. Of course, she has no desire to reveal her true form
to the PC—her strong, muscular body, heavily tattooed with
B y now, the party should have learned to take Adil’s
ravings seriously (especially if the interpreter PC
recognized that the beggar spoke with Suhail’s voice). The
magical geoglyphs, is exotic and imposing, but hardly inspires spirit of the ancient high priest is trying to communicate
confidence or trust. She has chosen a more pleasing with the party through the beggar, but Adil’s undisciplined
appearance for this first interview, during which she hopes to (and unwilling) mind makes the task difficult.
impress the PC with his or her ignorance of the past and When Imam Suhail imprisoned Tisan in Tadabbur, he
maybe enlist him or her in her cause. knew that if the wards were ever unwittingly broken, the
Strangely, Tisan refers to the PC as “Ashtarek.” Let the world would be totally unprepared to resist her terrible
party puzzle over this for the time being. Only powerful evil. To counter the Arch-Geomancer’s awesome power,
divination spells (such as commune or legend lore) will reveal Suhail compiled a legacy of arcane knowledge in a
that Ashtarek was one of the Lions of Yesterday, Imam magical tome, Lions of Tomorrow. Thus armed, Suhail
Suhail’s younger brother and supporter in his battles against hoped a future generation of heroes might defeat Tisan if
the Geomancers. At this stage in the adventure, the party she ever escaped her prison. Fearing that Tisan would
can learn nothing more about Ashtarek or his history. stop at nothing to seek out his legacy and destroy it,
Fortunately, Adil arrives by the character’s bedside in Suhail wisely hid Lions of Tomorrow in a magically
one of his prophetic reveries and places the clay seal on protected vault named Al-Asirr, the Secret. Its only key,
his or her forehead. The seal’s anti-geomantic wardings the magical clay seal, was carefully enchanted so the high
disperse Tisan’s mental incursion, but the PC has merely priest could guide its bearer to the vault.
traded one strange encounter for another. While the PC The party has three clues to solving this adventure. The
is still lying in bed, Adil speaks in his strange prophetic seal’s prophesy affirms its power to open the future to new
voice. If the party completed the adventure “Pilgrimage,” possibilities. If the seal’s destiny is not met (i.e., the party
the PC will recognize the voice of Suhail min Zann: doesn’t recover Lions of Tomorrow), Tisan’s victory is assured.
Seek the southern shores where the Lost One dwells. Only The party will be at the top of Tisan’s list of enemies, since
then will your dream be safe. only the party has the potential to destroy her.
As in the prologue, Adil repeats the prophesy of the Second, the beggar’s ravings include a reasonably specific
seal, interspersed with a torrent of gibberish. Although clue to the location of Suhail’s vault. “Seek the southern
Adil speaks in Kadari, for some reason the PC shores where the Lost One dwells” is a blatant reference to
understands the ancient language (even if he or she the Isle of Afyal, The Lost One is the Elephant Isle’s
hasn’t learned it before). For the rest of the adventure, mysterious deity, who is mentioned in the Campaign Guide.

If the party does not recognize this, magical divinations or is effectively blocked. Thus, by pursuing this adventure, the
scholarly inquiries (at the Ministry of Secrets or the Mosque party unwittingly evades Tisan’s attentions (this is no
of Zann in Dihliz, for instance) should reveal this infor- coincidence, just as it is no coincidence that Suhail con-
mation rather quickly. Otherwise, the DM may care to cealed Lions of Tomorrow on an island). Once the party
change Adil’s hint to the more obvious clue: “Seek the takes ship to Afyal, Tisan’s nocturnal torments cease unless
southern shores of the Elephant Isle.” the party returns to the mainland of the Ruined Kingdoms.
Finally, the inscriptions on the back of the seal are
intended to guide the PCs through the various tests once
they reach Al-Asirr. These clues are discussed in greater
Across the Crowded Sea
detail in the area descriptions.
T he PCs will have to find a way to cross the Crowded
Sea and travel to Afyal. This journey can be as
easy—or as difficult—as the DM cares to make it. A
Nightmares constant procession of ships makes the journey between

A lthough Tisan’s attempts at dream intervention were

thwarted by the seal the first night, there is nothing
to prevent her from trying to disturb the party’s sleep on
Dihliz, Rog’osto, and Medina al-Afyal. It should cost
anywhere from 125-250 gp per person to book passage to
the City of the Elephant, depending upon the size of the
subsequent nights. Since it can be time-consuming for ship and the party’s bargaining ability.
the DM to invent lots of nasty dreams with which to Alternatively, if the PCs wish to bypass Medina al-
plague the party, it might be easier to describe the effects Afyal altogether, they may desire to hire (or even buy)
of the nightmares (such as PCs moaning and crying out in their own ship so they can explore the southern coast of
their sleep; waking up screaming in the middle of the the Elephant Isle on their own schedule. This is obviously
night soaked in sweat, and so on). the preferable course of action, as it will be far less time-
In game terms, the loss of restful sleep means spell- consuming than a detour through the island’s capital in
casters cannot regain spells. The effects are less dramatic the north. It is also the more dangerous option, though,
for warriors and rogues, but the exhaustion gradually for the waters along Sahu and the southern coast of Afyal
deadens perceptions and slows reflexes. For every two are considerably more treacherous than the standard
days a PC goes without restful sleep, he or she suffers a trade routes, with numerous opportunities to ground a
cumulative +1 penalty on initiative, surprise, and vessel on hidden shoals and reefs. The DM is referred to
proficiency rolls (+4 penalty maximum). the Golden Voyages sourcebox for details on simulating a
There are several ways to block dream intervention. Some long voyage in the Crowded Sea. As if the navigational
magical items (such as a talisman of mental fortitude, a scarab hazards were not dangerous enough, the reefs of Sahu and
of protection, an amulet of proof against detection and location, Afyal are teeming with countless dangerous monsters
and a ring of mind shielding) and spells (protection from evil, waiting to prey upon unwary travelers. The DM is
non-detection, and mind bar) effectively block the power of encouraged to run the short aquatic adventure, “Curse of
Geomantic dream glyphs. The bearer of the seal is also the Serene Isle,” to liven up the sea journey.
immune to their effect, and he or she may lend its protection The DM should use the colored mapsheet of the
to another by pressing the seal to the victim’s forehead. Of Ruined Kingdoms to determine the travel time and
course, each magical item protects only one party member, possible hazards on the trip to Afyal.
and most of the spells have a short duration.
The most effective ward against dream glyphs is salt
water, which disperses the magical power of all geoglyphs.
Isle of the Elephant
When the party approaches within ten miles of the sea,
Tisan’s ability to scry on the party and invade their dreams T he island of Afyal is a lush, verdant tropical
paradise. The capital is the only settlement of

significant size on the island. Because the jungles yield
the rich woods that are the island’s chief export, a few
small villages dot the wilderness, all of them stockaded. A
few craftsmen dwell in these villages, but most of the
inhabitants are harvesters who bring the wood to the
capital. The City of the Elephant is briefly outlined in
Chapter Five of the Campaign Guide.
For the purposes of this adventure, the party needs to
explore only the southern jungles of the island. The DM
should feel free to place Al-Asirr in any of the three ruin
sites in Afyal’s southern tip. Although Imam Suhail
would have chosen a site as close to the sea as possible,
the coast might have shifted slightly during the past
several hundred years, so even the ruins ten miles up
Afyal’s southernmost river are not to be discounted in the
party’s searches, since they still lie close enough to the sea
to block the power of Tisan’s geoglyphs.
The southern jungles of Afyal teem with wild beasts
and monsters; the Grey Jungle east of Dihliz, described in
the adventure “Talisman,” are tame by comparison. The
DM should run a few random encounters while the party
searches the southern jungles for the ruins. The following
two encounters are intended to make the jungle search The Lost One
more memorable. A few days after defeating (or at least evading) the
elephant birds, the party encounters a large herd of
Birds of Prey elephants watering themselves and playing in a large
The first encounter involves a trio of elephant birds, stream in the jungle. This should be an opportunity to
scouring the jungle for prey. If they spot a large-sized party relax, have some fun, and make new friends. The elephants
(perhaps the PCs and the ship’s crew on shore leave), are extremely intelligent and gentle, even docile. If
these human-sized raptors will rejoin their flock, then approached peacefully and if a mode of communication is
return for their prey with a score of reinforcements. The established (a speak with animals spell, for instance), the
flock can be driven away by slaying half its number, but herd will be glad to help the party search the jungle.
the birds return on subsequent days for relentless air Before they will offer their assistance, however, the
strikes. The only way to end these assaults for good is to elephants ask the party to accompany them to a “holy
locate and destroy the nests, secreted over 200’ high in place.” That evening, the elephants carry the party to a
the upper reaches of the jungle canopy. Other than 14 large clearing in the jungle, centered on a white marble
eggs, the nests contain no treasure. statue of an elephant. The herd of elephants marches in a
circle around the statue for one turn, after which the
Elephant birds (23): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 5; MV Fl statue begins to glow in a soft white light. This light is a
18 (C); HD 3+3; hp 12 (x6), 15 (x6), 18 (x6), 21 (x5); manifestation of the Lost One, the reclusive deity of
THAC0 17; #AT 1 or 3 ; Dmg: 1d10 (heated stone) or Afyal, who inhabits the spirits of the island’s elephants.
1d4/1d4/1d6; SA: Heated rocks, overbear opponents; SZ He is an eccentric but otherwise benevolent god.
M (5’); ML 7; XP 420; MC13: AQ. Have each member of the party present at this

ceremony roll a saving throw vs. spell at -4 penalty. Attacking the herd is a big mistake. Rather than scat-
Those who fail their save strip off all their gear and tering, the elephants act in a coordinated fashion to stamp
clothing and run into the jungle, bringing pieces of wood the offenders into the jungle floor (the LAST thing you
back into the clearing. Most of these charmed PCs will want to do on the Elephant Isle is to attack an elephant).
spend the rest of the evening carving small elephant The day after the ceremony, the elephants lead the
statuettes (tiny idols of the Lost One). party to the ruins of Al-Asirr. They refuse to approach
A few talented PCs (rawuns, most likely) will devote within a mile of the ruins, since they despise Neegabashi,
their time to composing long, poetic verses in Affa, the evil giant who inhabits them. The elephants gladly
describing the beauty and natural perfection of the point the way with their trunks, however, and patiently
elephantine form. These chosen few have been “touched wait for the party to complete their explorations.
by the Lost One,” as Afyal’s natives put it. They
permanently retain their ability to speak and write Affa Elephants (12): Int Low (7); AL N(G); AC 6; MV 15;
so that they may proclaim the ancient poetry of Afyal HD 11; hp 54, 57, 65 (x4), 67, 68, 70, 73, 77, 80;
throughout the rest of Zakhara. THAC0 9; #AT 5; Dmg: 2d8/2d8/2d6/2d6/2d6; SZ L
In the morning, the herd will gather the carvings and (11’ tall); ML 7; XP 4,000 each.
will spread them reverently across the jungle. For one full
week, the party has the willing service of the herd (if the
party needs the elephants’ help for longer, the strange
The Ruins of Al-Asirr
ceremony will have to be repeated). The elephants will
do any task for the party short of physically harming
another creature (except in self-defense, of course).
M any centuries have passed since Suhail first con-
structed a small mosque on the southern shores of
Afyal. When the high priest arrived, the island was still
home to unenlightened natives who revered the Lost One,
the ancient elephantine god of Afyal. Even the House of
Alon, who founded the enlightened city of Medina al-
Afyal, had not yet arrived on the Elephant Isle at the
time. Now advanced in years, Suhail converted some of
Afyal’s natives, convincing them to assist in building a
small mosque to Zann. The high priest carefully chose a
site above the small network of natural caverns, and the
temple with its small underground complex was completed
in less than a decade. Few of Suhail’s older followers
survived the temple’s construction.
Today, Suhail’s mosque stands in ruin, the converted
natives having long since abandoned it. The site would
have been altogether consumed by the jungle, were it not
strategically located on a hill not far from the ocean. A
number of predators have taken up residence in the
decaying edifice over the years, the most recent of which is
Neegabashi, a decrepit and vicious island giant, who seized
the lair from a mated pair of vishaps in his youth, two
hundred years ago. He has lived in the ruins ever since.
At this point, find the map of the Ruins of Al-Hsirr on
the back of Card 4.

1. Ruined Mosque. It is hard to imagine what this temple 2. Blocked Alcove. The giant keeps his treasure in an
must have looked like, so little of the original edifice alcove behind another pile of debris. It will take a
remains standing today. Any inscriptions or decorations combined Strength of 100 (or a few helpful elephants) to
on the walls were erased long ago by ravaging monsoons. shift the rubble, which includes a few columns of solid
Among the vine-choked rubble and debris, a curious granite, 5’ in diameter, salvaged from the ruined wings of
visitor may discover a seemingly endless collection of the mosque. The elephants will not approach the ruins
animal, human, and humanoid bones, built up over the until the party can prove that Neegabashi is dead.
decades by the mosque’s inheritor. The giant’s treasure includes 6,500 sp, 1,000 gp, 15
The mosque’s central fountain—built over a natural white pearls (100 gp each, one is a pearl of wisdom); a
spring—has crumbled into a rectangular pond in the mahogany statuette of a boy riding a hippocampus (1,000
middle of the ruins (area la). The brackish water is now gp); a gold-plated nautilus shell, carved with a wave-like
home to various larvae, insects, and small fish. The water pattern (worth 1,200 gp); a delicate incense burner with
is not drinkable by human standards, though Neegabashi four compartments, shaped in the form of a rose (800 gp);
finds it quite tasty. an ivory-hilted dagger +3; and an unlocked red leather
Only the northern wing of the mosque remains standing box, reinforced with bronze (100 gp), containing a
(area 1b), providing some shelter from violent tropical talisman of free action and a scroll of protection from genies.
storms and concealment from the jungle’s aerial predators.
The giant lives here, behind a rampart of debris 10’ high. 3. Secret Symbiot. Paraphrase the following:
Though easily climbed, it is difficult to scale the pile of
debris without making a noise. Unless the party is flying or Reached through a narrow stone archway, this
magically silenced, there is only a 1-in-10 chance to surprise small alcove contains an intact stone statue of a
the island giant in his lair. The rampart of debris doubles as woman standing on a short, cylindrical pedestal.
an unlimited supply of throwing rocks. Though her facial features are eroded away and she is
Neegabashi is an imposing one-eyed giant, standing missing one arm, the statue’s other intact hand holds
18’ tall. A single ivory horn erupts from his bald up a circular stone disk, meticulously inscribed with a
forehead, and his small, beady eye darts quickly about nine-spoked wheel.
with evil cunning. The advancing years have only
served to mature the giant’s evil: when he was young, Unlike the statue and the rest of the upper mosque, the
he contented himself merely with hunting and slaying; stone disk has weathered the centuries rather well. It is a
now he enjoys torturing his prey before eating it. The careful replica of Suhail’s magical seal, though it cannot
giant keeps a small supply of pointed flints in his lair be separated from the statue in any way. The disk radiates
for this purpose. faint alteration magic, a preservation enchantment cast by
Neegabashi is ruled by his stomach and is perpetually the high priest.
hungry. He makes frequent trips into the jungle and down Although the wall behind the statue contains a secret
to the sea in search of food (the elephants have enough door, a searching party is much likelier to first discover
sense to stay out of his way). His hunting forays typically Neegabashi’s secret symbiot: a crafty mimic called Dilaal.
last 1-8 hours. The mimic typically masquerades as the alcove’s narrow
stone archway; he has secretly lived in the ruins with the
Neegabashi, an island giant: Int Ave (8); AL CE; AC 7; giant for decades, living off Neegabashi’s scraps and
MV 15; HD 13+4; hp 72; THAC0 7; #AT 1; Dmg: garbage. As a result of frequent feeding, the mimic has
1d10+10; SA: Hurl rocks (for 2d20 points of damage); grown to prodigious size. Having eaten recently, Dilaal
MR 10%; SZ H (18’ tall); ML 14; Land of Fate boxed set; ignores a large party unless they inadvertently prod him
XP 7,000. while searching the walls for secret doors. Quite intelligent

(and possessing a wry sense of humor), he will gladly chat 5. Mosque Archives. This long, vaulted hall served as a
about Neegabashi if the party can establish some mode of library for the mosque’s sacred writings. Now the walls are
communication. Although the mimic has no treasure, he lined with gaping, diamond-shaped alcoves, filled with
does know the location of the giant’s hoard (area 2). mold and crawling with insects.
The bare stone wall behind the statue conceals a secret The long-secret repositories concealed behind the
door, triggered by pressing a small pressure plate worked east and west walls once contained Suhail’s most holy
into a cracked floor-stone. Behind the door, wide stone writings. The eastern secret vault, improperly cleaned
stairs lead down into darkness. out by one of Suhail’s acolytes, still contains a magical
scroll entitled The Path to Self Awareness (this treatise is
Dilaal, a common mimic: Int Ave (10); AL N; AC 7; MV effectively a tome of understanding, described in the
3; HD 8; hp 51; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg: 3d4 (smash); DMG). The scroll is tucked away in the back of a high
SA: glue; SD: camouflage; SZ L; ML 15; XP 1,400. niche, out of sight. Its detection is further hindered by a
large colony of yellow mold, which has covered all of
the scroll niches to a depth of one inch. The scroll is
The Catacombs of Al-Asirr probably undetectable except by magical means, such as

T he catacombs and vaults immediately below the

ruins contain numerous burial vaults. The DM can
find a map of this level on the back of Card 5. Unless
detect magic.
Some years ago, the yellow mold gained sentience due
to the strange radiations of the magical scroll. It senses
stated otherwise, there are no light sources on this level. creatures within 60’ and uses its power of suggestion to
Most corridors and rooms are simply decorated with lure victims closer. Although the mold is highly
glazed tiles. Vaulted ceilings typically arch 10’-20’ above susceptible of fire, such drastic measures are likely to
the dark tiled floor. destroy the magical scroll as well. To recover the scroll
The walls and ceiling of the catacombs crawl with intact, a PC must cast continual light, which will render
squirming insects. These feed on each other and on the the mold dormant for 2-12 turns.
mold which thrives in the cool, moist vaults. Don’t
hesitate to spring a few minor encounters with giant ants, Yellow mold: Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 9; MV 0; HD
spiders, or centipedes on the PCs in this part of the N/A; THAC0 N/A; #AT 1; Dmg: N/A; SA: poison spores
adventure to keep them on their toes. (save vs. poison or die; Intelligence check or lose one
point of Intelligence), cast suggestion twice/day; SD:
4. Burial Vaults. Constructed when the high-priest’s life- harmed only by fire; MR 20%; SZ L; XP 120.
long followers succumbed to the ravages of old age, these
tombs were sealed with immense limestone slabs which 6. Hall of Lions. The hall’s magnificent appearance has
can only be budged by combined Strength of 100 or more changed little over the centuries: the walls, floor, columns,
points. Few of these tombs have been plundered, as the and ceiling are covered with golden mosaics depicting a
natives were too frightened of the site to return after pride of lions. The mosaics are so masterful that the lions’
Suhail’s departure. The island giant—and his secret eyes seem to follow the PCs about the room.
symbiot—have kept modern tomb robbers out of these It was in this chamber that Imam Suhail announced
catacombs for centuries. to his few surviving followers his intention to leave
Although none of the tombs has any kind of magical Afyal and return to the mainland to resume his
treasure (or undead, for that matter), there is a 1-in-4 wanderings. The high priest’s followers, many of whom
chance that some minor gold jewelry or small pieces of art had spent the past decade of their lives building the
might have been buried with any given follower. The DM mosque, were devastated. During a farewell feast to
is encouraged to flesh out these tombs as desired. their teacher, held in this hall, a fanatical and

somewhat imbalanced farisa named Kadijah tried to are given. The stone disk is an allusion to the magical clay
persuade the priest to remain by singing with seal carried by Adil. The seal’s first verse (embrace Fate,
unsurpassed beauty. The aging priest, while moved by and she will smile upon you) gives a clue to proceeding
her performance, would not change his mind, and the further.
passionate young woman fell upon her dagger at the Those who embrace the statue discover that the
thought of being “spiritually abandoned.” 10’-wide dais lowers slowly down a shaft, bearing its
If the PCs linger in this spooky chamber (perhaps passengers down like an elevator to area 8 (see diagram
searching the mosaic walls for secret doors), they hear on the back of Card 5). After passengers disembark, the
Kadijah’s soulful last song. They may catch a glimpse of a statue rises once again to its resting position, ready to
beautiful grey owl watching them from the upper transport more passengers.
balconies. This is the lonely and misguided hama of
Kadijah, whose spirit never left these chambers. A
The Vaults of Al-Asirr
hakima or mystic can identify the owl to be a hama, or
spirit, by making a successful Wisdom check.
Kadijah is lost. Since her spirit was not strong enough
to lift itself to Paradise, she remained trapped here,
I ncorporated into a number of caves hollowed out by
the sea, this level of Suhail’s vaults has a number of
magical wardings and protections, intended to foil
unable leave the scene of her violent death. After an Geomancer divinations. Any attempts to cast divination
eternity of solitude, she is now ready for the afterlife. (such as detect magic, clairvoyance, augury, etc.) and
Kadijah needs only to be shown the way out of the ruins, transport spells (such as dimension door and teleport)
and her spirit will soar up to Paradise. She cannot automatically fail on this level, wasting the spell. All
communicate with the PCs unless they employ tongues other types of magic work normally here. A map of this
(speak with animals will not suffice). level appears on the bottom half of the back of Card 4.
For the rest of the adventure, Kadijah will quietly
follow the party, haunting it with her sad songs until the 8. Arrival. The statue lowers the party down onto a wide
PCs ascend to the surface. If the party attacks, the hama raised platform in a natural cavern. The PCs can call the
vanishes, only to reappear at a later date. magical elevator down for the return trip by standing on
the platform and reciting its proverb: We have no fate but
Kadijah, a hama: Int Ave (9); AL N; AC 2 (7 on Ethereal that fate which we are given.
Plane); MV 1, Fl 30; HD 1; hp 4; THAC0 20; #AT 2; Of its three exits, two empty into dark caverns (area 9),
Dmg: 1d3/1d3; SA: Fear; SD: Immaterial; ML 8; SZ S; XP while the third leads into an impenetrable curtain of silvery
120; MC13: AQ. mist (area 10). The magical seal’s second verse (the key to
understanding lies through the mists of ignorance) should
7. Fate’s Embrace. Paraphrase the following: strongly hint that the party explore the last, misty exit.

This small chamber contains a tall, well-preserved 9. Caverns. This network of natural caverns, originally
statue of a smiling human woman, her arms containing the mosque’s storage rooms (area 9a), wine
outstretched in welcome. In one hand, she carries a cellar (9b), well (9c), and treasury (9d), was carefully
cylindrical disk of stone inscribed with a nine-spoked cleaned out after the structure was abandoned by its original
wheel. The statue rests on a raised, circular dais inhabitants. Curiously, the walls are utterly devoid of any
inscribed with strange, alien words. kind of moss, mold, or lichen. There is no evidence of the
insect life that infests the upper catacombs.
The verse on the dais, written in Kadari, is the familiar The caverns are cold and quiet, but sooner or later, if
Zakharan proverb: We have no Fate but that Fate which we the PCs strain to listen, they might hear a low, gushy,

slurping sound slowly approaching their position. This is
nothing more than a giant albino slug—a 40’-long,
white, amorphous monstrosity—that keeps these
caverns immaculate. Originally a large natural slug, the
creature has mutated and grown over the past centuries
because of the nearby mist’s strange, magical radiations
(see area 10). Luckily for the slug, the caverns are
extensive and mold grows quickly, for it has a voracious
appetite. Barely sentient, it senses a change of diet
approaching and heads immediately for the party: The
creature is afraid of the silvery mists in area 10 and will
not pursue the party there.
Although the giant slug has no treasure (having de-
voured everything in its path), a kind DM might have
one of the caverns contain a modest cache of treasure
hidden behind a loose stone, perhaps a small coffer filled
with 38 gp, 11 pp, a large pearl (worth 200 gp), and a
potion of extra-healing.

Giant slug: Int Non; AL N; AC 8; MV 6; HD 12; hp 62;

THAC0 9; #AT 1; Dmg: 1d12; SA: spits acid (4d8 points
of damage, save vs. breath weapon for half damage);
SD: immune to blunt weapons; SZ G (40’ long); ML 12;
XP 5,000.

10. Through the Mists. To further ward Lions of

Tomorrow from detection, Imam Suhail has shifted it
entirely to the Ethereal Plane. The mists in this chamber
are actually a two-way gate into that warded domain.
Read or paraphrase the following:

As you walk through the mists, you lose all sense of

time and direction. At first, the mists are so thick you
cannot see more than a few feet in front of you.
Suddenly, you see a large stone cube, perhaps 20’ high,
looming in front of you. Its surface is covered with
silvery runes that flow like quicksilver.

The runes completely cover the stone’s outer surface,

circular door has a small depression in its center, a mirror

image of the magical seal carried by Adil: a nine-spoked
wheel, the Geomancer asfr. The only way to enter the

vault is by pressing the magical seal into the depression in Imam’s legacy, award each member of the party 50,000
the door. All use of magic against the door fails, and it is XP. If any PC guides Kadijah (the lost hama from area 6)
stout enough to resist even a score of giants. out of the catacombs, award that character an additional
When Adil presses the wheel-carved seal into the 1,000 XP.
depression in the door, it cracks open with a sigh. A Given the nature of the enemy they face, the PCs may
magic mouth appears, proclaiming the prophesy of the not wish to start their quest for Tisan immediately. While
seal (see the prologue), and Adil is released from its this is understandable, the PCs will probably want to
binding curse. restrict their adventures to near the shores of the
Crowded Sea (where the party will be safe from the
11. Vault of the Hidden. Once unlocked, the door Tisan’s geoglyphs) until they feel prepared to deal with
swings down into a dark cylindrical vault, 10’ in diameter. her. Of course, the party’s latest addition, Breaker of the
Resting on a small shelf near the base, the party finds a Ninth Chain, will urge the party to press on to Tadabbur
large crystal box (worth 1,000 gp) containing four scarabs with all speed.
of protection, a book with heavy metal bindings, and a Although Breaker will only tolerate a lawful owner,
gold-hilted scimitar in a faded crimson sheath. The tome there is one exception to this rule: the PC who was
is Lions of Tomorrow, detailed on Chapter Two of the referred to as Ashtarek by Tisan in the introduction. This
Campaign Guide. The scimitar, called Breaker of the PC is actually the reincarnation of the ancient paladin
Ninth Chain, is a sentient holy avenger (see the back of Ashtarek. Breaker will adopt this PC over all others
Card 1). (unless there is a paladin in the party) and try its hardest
to reform him or her. For this character, the blade

Concluding the Adventure performs as a sentient cursed scimitar +1, until he or she
adopts a lawful alignment. The scimitar is strangely silent

M aking it back through the mists should not prove

challenging, although the hungry giant slug from
the caverns might have tracked the party to area 8
over Ashtarek’s past relationship with Tisan.
Unless the party has grown overly attached to the
beggar Adil, the former seal-bearer asks to be left off at
looking for a snack. The mimic Dilaal might also pose an the next port of call (preferably Rog’osto on the
unpleasant surprise while the party is leaving the mainland) so he can resume his occupation. If the party
dungeon. If they can communicate with it, perhaps the decides to go straight after Tisan in Tadabbur, he will
PCs can persuade the creature to become a new mascot. reluctantly accompany the party further, although he will
Unless the PCs defeated Neegabashi at the onset, they not hesitate to vocalize his complaints, The seal is no
will have to contend with the giant before they can safely longer magical.
depart the ruins. By completing this adventure, the party will have
Now that the party has discovered Lions of Tomorrow unlocked the vaults to Suhail’s powerful legacy of
and Breaker of the Ninth Chain, the PCs will at last have knowledge (the book) and might (the scimitar). Put
some ‘clue as to the nature of the enemy they face, and together, they have the power to destroy Tisan. Although
they should realize why Tisan’s dream invasions the party now knows where she dwells, Tisan is hardly
mysteriously abated as soon at the party approached the going to wait for the party to hunt her down, as will be
sea. For completing a major story goal and recovering the seen in the last adventure, “Kismet.”

Thimaanya hagg Tisan:

nce again, Prince Nari, Heir Apparent to the Throne of Kadarasto,
Champion of the Poor, has gone out on a routine jungle patrol, with a
prominent noblewoman as his “spiritual advisor.” Everyone thinks this
beautiful—if somewhat mature—woman might be Kadarasto’s next princess. If
the rumor is true, neither has confirmed it.
When the summer rains abated, the patrol started its routine sweep of the jungle.
These expeditions will continue until a particular group of lawless bounty hunters
are apprehended and brought to justice. It might not happen this month, or even
this year, but sooner or later, one member of the patrol will have her revenge.

Starting the Adventure

R etribution” is intended for a group of high (7th-10th) level PCs, and should
be run as a random jungle encounter with Prince Nari, Awatef, 20 battle-
hardened soldiers, and 20 members of Awatef’s personal guard. This scenario
describes Awatef’s attempts to exact revenge on the PCs for the death of her
daughter Anaiz in the adventure “Talisman.” Even if Anaiz survived, Awatef
cannot let her daughter’s defeat go unpunished.
A dashing and handsome young warrior, Prince Nari has a charming disposition
and a friendly smile. However, beneath this clever facade lies a calculating and
ruthless personality. His purpose in aiding Awatef is two-fold. Not only will it
increase his reputation at home to bring home another group of pillaging bounty
hunters; it will also firmly establish his connection with the cult of Ragarra, a secret
society he has been courting for some time (he also has contacts with many other
disreputable secret societies). He has no romantic feelings for Awatef whatsoever.
Despite the onset of middle age, High Priestess Awatef remains in remarkably
good physical condition. Awatef has no romantic inclinations for Prince Nari either.
She is merely using him as a passport to safety should she encounter any war bands
from Dihliz (where she is hardly popular) and to make certain her revenge is
complete. Nothing would please her more than to see the murderers of her daughter
brought home to Kadarasto for public humiliation, torture, and execution.

Threat of Violence melee. After firing a single volley of 40 arrows, the
honor guard closes to melee the party while the

S ooner or later, Nari’s patrol runs into the PCs.

Depending upon how nasty the DM feels, this might
occur while the party is emerging from another random
horsemen maneuver themselves to keep the party
surrounded and thwart escape.
Awatef first summons four mobats (a special power of
encounter or exploring ruins. As his horsemen fan out to Ragarra’s priestesses; the creatures arrive in 2-5 rounds).
surround the party, Nari haughtily introduces himself and She then turns eight of her honor guard into lesser
demands to see the PCs’ exploration papers, sanctioned segarrans using two create jungle minion spells (see page
by the Ministry of Secrets in Dihliz. Even if documents 1 of the 8-page booklet and Chapter Three of the
are produced, Nari shakes his head and claims that their Campaign Guide for details). She prefers to stay out of
papers have sadly expired. He suggests that the party give melee at first, casting her offensive spells as needed.
up its weapons and accompany him back to Kadarasto, Once her spells are exhausted, or if she herself is
where the whole matter will be straightened out. The PCs physically threatened, she casts jungle avatar, changing
should recognize a trap when they see one, since Awatef herself into a greater segarran, a terrible, 30’-long
is regarding them with undisguised hatred. Pulling out reptilian monster with the head and tail of a crocodile.
weapons while surrounded by bow-wielding soldiers might In this form, she wades into melee with her magic staff.
not be the best idea, though, as a hail of up to 80 arrows While a frightening sight, the segarrans do have one
during the first round might inconvenience even the major drawback in melee. After slaying an enemy, they
most powerful of heroes. must stop and devour any remains, a time-consuming
If the party does try to fight, Nari blasts them with a process that leaves them more vulnerable to attack (+4
10 HD fireball from his handglyph before closing to penalty on AC).

Probing for Weaknesses defiance by the PCs will provoke her to violence and may
also cause her to lose her tongue as well.

I nstead of immediately resorting to force, a clever party

may attempt to surrender and learn more about their
adversaries’ weaknesses. Before this can happen, however,
The PCs’ best plan would be to start an argument
between Nari and Awatef. Now that the party is captured,
the priestess no longer thinks she needs the prince’s
the party will be stripped of obvious weapons and magical assistance, and she is eager to be rid of his vain and
items (pointed out by Awatef using detect magic) and bothersome presence. Any verbally adept PC should be
securely bound with durable rope. Once gagged, obvious able to get the two shouting at each other before long. If
spell-casters are stripped of their components and holy this occurs, Prince Nari rides off in a huff with his
symbols. The party’s equipment is carried on Awatef’s horsemen, leaving Awatef alone with the PCs and her
horse by day and stored in her personal tent at night. Honor Guard. Their fight is so heated that Nari storms
Characters with the Rope Use nonweapon off without taking his share of the PCs’ equipment as
proficiency may be able to escape (+4 penalty on ability payment for his assistance.
check), but the 1-20 rounds of obvious wriggling will Following the prince’s departure, Awatef is very agitated.
invite discouraging blows from Awatef and her guards. She paces around the camp, talking to herself, trying to
Those trying to loosen their bonds more gradually will control her emotions. Once she has composed herself, the
take up to ten times as long, but since Prince Nari has trip to Kadarasto proceeds as before, except there are fewer
already mentioned that they are heading back to guards to watch the party during the evening. At night, the
Kadarasto, time is a luxury the party can afford. At priestess casts wyvern watch on her tent, to guard herself
night, the characters will be hung upside down, and the PCs’ equipment while she sleeps. Even the most
suspended from a tree-limb 10’ above the ground and dimwitted PC will realize that the chances for a successful
guarded by eight of the guards, who sleep in their escape won’t get any better than this.
saddles during the following day.
While captured, the party can learn several important Awatef, high-priestess of Ragarra (hfP/o/12): AC 5; MV
facts, simply by observing their captors. It becomes clear 12; hp 58; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon, spell, or magical item;
that the prince and Awatef view the party quite differently. Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 15; AL CE;
Nari views the PCs with the hooded eyes of a predator. THAC0 14; XP 10,000.
There is no personal animosity there. He is clearly vain and As greater segarran: Int Highly (13); AL CE; AC -2;
intensely conscious of his self image (the amount of time he MV 4, Sw 12; hp 58; THAC0 14; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg: by
spends preening and adjusting his armor in the morning will weapon +6 or 3d6/2d10; SA: retains use of spells and
demonstrate this best). If the PCs question him prudently magical items; MR 20%; SZ H (30’ long),
(i.e., in a fawning, ingratiating manner), they may learn Spells: command, cure light wounds (×4), detect magic,
that his motive in capturing them lies in the power and entangle (×2); aid (×2), barkskin, charm person or mammal,
glory it will gather him in Kadarasto. silence 15’ radius, wyvern watch; bestow curse, call lightning,
Awatef, on the other hand, makes it abundantly clear cause disease, dispel magic (×2), protection from fire; create
why the party has been captured—to avenge the death or jungle minions (×2), protection from good 10’ radius, rending
defeat of her daughter. She explains in excruciating detail (×2); jungle avatar.
the public torture and humiliation the PCs will receive in Magical items: leather armor +2,, staff of withering (21 ch.),
Kadarasto. Awatef’s greatest weakness is her passion. cloak of the bat, potions of invisibility and plant control,
Although deferential to the prince to his face, she shows
little respect for him behind his back. She has no Honor Guard (20) hmF/a/2: AC 7; MV 12; hp 14 each;
intention of paying him any mind or lending him any THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; AL CE, XP 120.
support after his usefulness to her has ended. Any show of Leather armor, shield, short bow, and scimitar.

As lesser segarrans (8): Int Average (10); AL CE; AC 1;
Concluding the Adventure
MV 9; HD 5+5; hp 30 each; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg: by

weapon +2 or 2d8 (bite); SA: fight and save as 5th-level hould the party escape, Awatef uses the same
warriors; MR: 10%; SZ M (6’ tall); XP 1,400. combat strategy as described in the previous
section. Assisted by her mobats, she will track the PCs
Mobats (4): Int Low (6); AL NE; AC 2 (7); MV 3, Fl 15 (C); using her magical cloak if they flee. Should she be slain,
HD 6; hp 26, 28, 34, 43; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg: 2d4; SA: the entire jungle will grow quiet as Ragarra notices her
screech (20’ radius, save vs. paralyzation each round or high priestess’s demise. For one year, the party will be
unable to fight); SZ H (15’ wingspan); ML 11; XP 975. plagued by terrible storms and harsh weather, which
seem to follow them around. This curse can be lifted by
Prince Nari ibn Aman (hmF/a/10): AC -2; MV 12; hp 74; a priest of 11th level or higher. There are no further
#AT 5/2; Dmg by weapon (scimitar: 1d8+3); SA specialized attempts on the PCs’ lives, however, as the cult is
with scimitar; Str 17 (+2, +3), Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, plunged into confusion without Awatef’s passionate
Wis 12, Cha 16; AL NE; THAC0 11, XP 5,000. Magical leadership. If the party spares the priestess’s life or if she
items: lamellar armor +3, shield +2, giant slayer scimitar, longbow escapes, Awatef will never rest until she is avenged for
+2, handglygh of fire (2 ch.), potion of extra-healing (×4). this latest humiliation.
Harming or otherwise antagonizing the Crown
Prince’s Horsemen (20) hmF/a/3: AC 6; MV 9; hp 21 Prince of Kadarasto is a dangerous mistake. More
each; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; AL NE, XP information about the ambitious young Nari can be
175. Studded leather, shield, light lance, composite found in Chapters Five and Six of the Campaign
longbow, scimitar, and jambiya. Guide.

Tisan hagg Tisan:
We have no fate but that fate which we are given!
—Zakharan Proverb

hrust into the “modem” enlightened world, Tisan now finds herself
very much alone. While she doesn’t miss the abrasive and venomous
personalities of her fellow council members, when they all worked
together there was little her Nine Council couldn’t accomplish. Wihda, Ithnayn,
Thalath, Arba’, Khlams, Sitta, Sab’, Thimaanya. With their help, she could
recapture a world that had forgotten them.
Who could stop them? That pretty child who calls himself the Grand Caliph?
The thought of his ribboned legions marching into the fiery maelstrom of her
Geomancy makes her laugh. Modem Zakharans are too soft, too incompetent, too
feeble to withstand the ancient ways. They don’t even remember me! ME, the greatest
Geomancer who ever lived!
Tisan is busy now, much too busy to deal with an annoying and pitiful band of
mercenaries, the only ones on the entire continent who seem poised to discover her
reawakening. So what if they know I’m alive. I have an empire to rebuild. I have old
friends to reawaken.
My counselors will be SO glad to see me again, after all this time.

For the DM™

K ismet” is the finale for powerful (9th-12th level) characters, drawing

together the events begun in “Nine Falling Stars” and continued in “Secrets
of the Seal.” Unless the party has completed these prequels, this adventure
should only be used with a very powerful (12th-15th level) party. Chapter Two
of the Campaign Guide contains additional background information on the
Geomancers, should the DM care to expand the scenario.
Having regained her strength, Tisan wants nothing less than to reestablish a
modem Geomancer empire. Tisan is not foolish enough to think that she can
accomplish this on her own. Backed by the full power of an assembled Nine

Council, however, Tisan feels certain to succeed. thought it prudent to test the elaborate necromantic
Tisan has devoted the full intensity of her supra-genius procedure on the more recently deceased. Raja, a pathetic
intellect to the task of rebuilding her Nine Council. Tisan’s modem genie-summoner, would not offer her the same kind
enemies did an admirable job of scattering and burying the of resistance as her ancient, unwilling colleagues, but it was
remains of her fallen counselors eight centuries ago at the still an important exercise.
Battle of the Leaning Towers. Most were slain in a manner Months later, her task complete, Tisan was glad she had
that would prevent them from being easily brought back to expended the effort to experiment with Raja. Of course,
life with a wish. Tisan had made some minor mistakes and the sha’ir had to
The Arch-Geomancer has begun researching unconven- be slain a few more times than strictly necessary, but in the
tional ways to recalling the long-dead. Her archives in end Tisan still considered her research a complete success.
Tadabbur are preserved remarkably well, and during the past Tisan has now turned her attention to gathering the
few months she has put together an ancient and elaborate remains of Thalath, her only true ally in the council. Her
necromantic ritual, long-abandoned by the Geomancers after fawning puppet while alive, Thalath will require the least
they discovered easier methods of prolonging their lives. amount of coercion to join her service, or so Tisan hopes.
Tisan realizes her eight counselors will not rise willingly While absorbed in her current task, Tisan has directed
from graves eight centuries old. The Arch-Geomancer has Raja to find the bearers of the seal and destroy them. The
never been shy about magical coercion, though; she will possible outcomes of their continued existence are too risky
have her Nine Council back. for Tisan to tolerate. She once underestimated a barbarian
priest from the savage western deserts. Never again.
Tisan’s First Experiment
The Undead Sha’ir
A t first, Raja thought she would have the upper hand in
dealing with the ancient sorceress Tisan, who had
seemed so weak and powerless after their first T he game statistics for all characters described in this
section appear in the 8-page booklet for convenient
confrontation. Then, once she had seen glimpses of Tisan’s reference during play (see pages 4 and 5 of that booklet).
power and fury, for the first time the sha’ir was truly afraid. Raja al-Sadiq is now Tisan’s willing slave, completely and
When Raja’s invisible stalker failed to recover the magi- utterly. Passing through death’s door so many times has
cal seal Tisan had requested (during the adventure “Nine somewhat withered her sanity, but still Raja endured, much
Falling Stars”), the Geomancer’s dark fury threatened to to Tisan’s surprise. Raja no longer hates her mistress. In fact,
eclipse the sun. The ancient sorceress seized Nadan, Raja’s she hardly remembers much of her mortal existence
lone surviving adventuring companion, and brutally tor- anymore. The past is a blur of suffering in her mind that the
tured him in front of the sha’ir’s eyes. Tisan slew him and enslaved lich no longer cares to investigate. She will move
raised him several times, just to illustrate that she would not on into the future of her painful new existence, content to
tolerate future failures. The Geomancer forced Raja to help obey her mistress’s commands.
change Nadan, twisting him into something horrid and The sha’ir is no longer a pretty sight. Although she has
quite insane. been given the plain, short-sleeved robes and ornate gold
Afterwards, Raja tried to flee. jewelry that Tisan favors, they hardly conceal Raja’s burned
Of course, Tisan prevented her. and shriveled flesh. Tisan has returned all of her slave’s
With a carefully worded wish, Tisan had shattered the original magical items, so that the sha’ir may better
geas preventing her from harming Raja. Now Tisan spoke a accomplish her mission. Not surprisingly, the still-vain Raja
word, slaying Raja’s gen familiar, and ordered her fiendish prefers to conceal her odious appearance with illusions that
servants to carry the screaming sha’ir to her workroom. make her appear young and alive. In time these feelings will
Before attempting to recall her eight counselors, Tisan fade, but for now Raja is still extremely conscious of her

appearance. Alas, the illusions cannot conceal the reek of ambush is left up to the DM.
burned and rotting flesh. Before the nocturnal ambush, Raja casts seeming and
Raja’s first task was to find a gen who would serve her. protection from normal missiles on herself, the Hand, and
That was more difficult than it might at first appear, as few Kiorimah. The lich makes herself appear human again, the
gen wish to associate with an undead sha’ir. Finally, after Hand like a muscular ogre, and Kiorimah like a dusky
weeks of searching, her call was answered by a diabolical gnome. Finally, Raja sends her gen for powerword kill, maze,
efreetikin named Kiorimah. Kiorimah is well suited to his or reverse gravity (in order of preference, depending upon
new mistress, though he would hardly call her a stable or her gen’s success). Raja proceeds with the attack once the
friendly employer. The ambitious gen cares only for the offensive spell arrives; during the combat, the lich remains
status and prestige that his new appointment will eventually on her magical carpet, safely above any melee. Right before
earn him on the Elemental Plane of Fire. the attack, the Hand cloaks himself in imposed invisibility
With Tisan’s blessing, Raja next spent weeks researching (lasting a total of 12 rounds). The assault comes at night,
how to call a powerful, wicked genie named Ten-Fingered and without warning; the party makes its surprise check
Hand (“the Hand” for short). A tasked slayer genie, the with a -4 penalty. Note that Bababdulla is kept in his bottle
Hand is a ruthless killing machine, a pitiless creature who unless things get desperate for the sha’ir.
lives only for death and slaughter. With Tisan present at his During the surprise round, the Hand casts silence, 15’
summoning, the Hand was given an offer he could not radius to muffle the targets of Raja’s readied spell. After it
refuse. He has joined Raja on her current assignment as her has been cast, the Hand attacks prominent party members,
personal bodyguard and assassin, and he is confident his while the lich sends Kiorimah for slow and blasts the party
assignment will soon be over. The DM should try to evoke with her staff; Raja will send for hold person spells after the
the same emotions associated with the Terminator movies slow arrives. The Hand does not deal death blows to
when role-playing the following encounter with the Hand. defeated PCs (Raja wants some of the party members taken
Finally, Raja has a cobalt-blue stoppered bottle hanging alive for entertainment after the battle). The Hand has
from her belt. This genie prison contains the recalcitrant fanatical morale and will fight until slain.
marid Bababdulla, an insolent but powerful creature Though this is a nasty encounter, probably with a high
required to complete 101 tasks for the bearer of the bottle. body count, try hard to have only NPCs die gruesome and
While difficult to control, the genie has proved useful in a horrible deaths—not the PCs, if at all possible. At some point
number of sticky situations, and Raja has been loath to in the battle—perhaps when a despairing PC calls upon
dismiss him. Aware of the genie’s animosity, Raja now only Fate—point out the cobalt-blue bottle dangling from Raja’s
calls him from the bottle for short, easily-monitored tasks. belt. If the party can get its hands on that bottle and release
This mercurial marid could be the party’s only chance for the marid, the battle will probably turn in the party’s favor.
salvation in the upcoming ambush. Even without the bottle, the party should not be
Now that she has a new entourage, Raja can devote all her entirely defenseless against this onslaught if the PCs
energy to finding the PCs. Raja will force the bearers of the completed the adventure “Secrets of the Seal.” Don’t
seal to pay for her pain and her current undead existence. forget the party has a powerful ally in the battle: Breaker
of the Ninth Chain. When drawn in melee, the scimitar

Raja’s Nocturnal Ambush bursts into silvery-blue flames that deliver double damage
to Raja and her evil allies, since they are servants of the

U sing the tracking abilities of the Hand, Raja starts

hunting for the party, starting at the location Tisan
last contacted them, at the beginning of “Secrets of the
Arch-Geomancer. The Hand will immediately seek out
and attempt to destroy the wielder of the holy avenger.
Remember that a scarab of protection will protect the
Seal.” Sooner or later, Raja is going to catch up to the wearer from a powerword, kill (at the cost of a charge).
PCs in the wilderness, but the exact scheduling of the Priests in the party may also use the quest spell sphere of

security from Lions of Tomorrow to ward off the attack. entanglements (this might be handy, especially if any PCs
Should the party be defeated, the PCs will be captured and or favorite henchmen were slain in combat).
tortured with flames of justice spells. A kind DM may give the Perhaps more important that the wishes, Bababdulla was
party another opportunity to snatch the blue bottle, but the the only witness to Raja’s alliance with Tisan, her betrayal,
lich will not keep the PCs alive for long. If they are truly capture, torture, and hideous transformation. Although the
desperate, you can have Raja kill one of the PCs during sounds fortunately did not travel well through the stoppered
torture and attempt to bring him or her back with a raise dead bottle, the marid had a pretty clear view of all that
spell (similar to Raja’s own torment at the hands of Tisan). transpired in Tisan’s laboratory. The DM could have an
Although her gen retrieves the spell, his blundering has amusing time explaining the events of the background
attracted the attention of a noble djinni, who arrives to sections, as seen from the perspective of a genie trapped in a
punish the sha’ir for seeking out forbidden magic. In a puff of dark-blue bottle on a laboratory shelf. While the marid has
vapor the djinni reprimands Raja and restores the tortured no idea about the details of Tisan’s plan, he did hear the
character’s equipment and hit points before vanishing back Geomancer refer to Raja’s tortures as some kind of
home. That fortunate PC had better not blow it now. experiment. Let the party worry about the nature of Tisan’s
experimentation. It will become clear to them before long.
In exchange for granting one less wish, Bababdulla would
The Cobalt-Blue Bottle
be willing to guide the party to Tisan’s laboratory in

F rom up close, it should be painfully obvious that

Raja’s bottle contains a genie of some kind. The genie
waves at PCs vigorously during the battle from inside the
Tadabbur and help stamp out the Geomancer and her
loathsome experiments. If no one else in the party can see
any merit in striking at Tisan now that her defenses are
bottle, hoping to attract their attention. He points at weak and she is unprepared, either the genie or the
Raja’s belt and makes cutting motions. He falls on his vociferous holy avenger should point this out to the PCs.
knees in the bottle and makes pathetic, supplicating Once the party has recovered from the battle and made
gestures. If all this fails, he throws up his hands in despair preparations for Tadabbur, the PCs can use Raja’s magic
at the party’s lack of awareness. carpet to travel there quickly (Bababdulla will gladly carry
Once released by the PCs, Bababdulla quickly requests to any PCs who can’t fit on the carpet). Because of the genie’s
be allowed to join the battle against Raja (unless the party magical presence, the journey takes only a single day, with
didn’t really need his help, of course, in which case he is the the party streaming over the Crowded Sea and the Salt
ever-so-suave and humble Servant of the Bottle). The Jungle with fantastic speed. By sundown, the party will have
marid goes after Raja’s gen when Kiorimah arrives back arrived in the jungles within sight of Tisan’s last retreat.
with a spell for his mistress. No puny fire gen is going to
stand his ground against an 18’-tall angry marid. After a
The Arch-Geomancer
short spat, Kiorimah flees to another plane, leaving Raja
without spell-casting power. Bababdulla quickly turns to the
Hand. Enlarging to twice his size, the marid deals double
damage against the Hand. During all this confusion, the
F or convenient reference during play, statistics for all
the NPCs described below appear in the 8-page
booklet (see page 7).
party should be able to regroup and defeat Raja herself. Tisan Balshareska—Ninth of Nine, Ruler of the Supreme
After the battle, the party will find Bababdulla extremely Council, Arch-Geomancer, Sunderer of Dreams, She Who
grateful for his “rescue.” In exchange for his freedom, he Turns the Wheel of Fate—can appear in many shapes and
will give the party the option of completing the rest of sizes. However, her natural form is that of a fair, heavily-
Raja’s contract (he will continue to serve the bearer of the muscled woman in her late thirties, with jet-black hair tied
bottle for 81 additional minor tasks), or he will grant the back in a single braid reaching almost to the floor. She
party three wishes, free from all the usual dangerous typically wears short-sleeved robes which reveal the elaborate

golden tattoos covering her exposed hands, arms, legs, neck, wields a great scimitar of sharpness.
and face. These geoglyphs protect Tisan with the effect of Trapped by Suhail in stasis with Tisan, Malakir has served
several permanent spell effects, including lifeproof (see sta- his mistress for an uncommonly long term. Having recently
tistics). The geoglyphs glow and flash with gold or red light learned of her plan to restore her Nine Council, the baatezu
when actively warding Tisan, but they are otherwise inert could hardly contain his excitement. He longs for the
and ornamental. Tisan wears nine pieces of ornate golden return of the ancient ways as much as Tisan. Possessing a
jewelry (worth 5,000 gp each), several of which are potent wry sense of humor, uncommon among denizens of the
magical items. Lower Planes, the cornugon talks with a sarcastic, almost
This powerful character was born nine centuries ago into condescending tone to mortals and delights in his ability to
one of the ruling families of the Geomancers. Her given fool their perceptions with his disguise.
name was Balshareska. Like all members of the nobility, she Tisan has but one pet, a large earth elemental named
was trained as a priest of Grumbar in the service of the Keskeg. Big, stupid, and unconditionally affectionate, it is
Empire. Her political adroitness and talent for intrigue the only creature the Geomancer treats with any semblance
eventually landed her in the Imperial College of Geomancy, of kindness. Keskeg is never far from his mistress’s side in
where she completed her wizardly training. Within 50 years, Tadabbur. After a few painful lessons, he quickly learned to
she had maneuvered herself to the summit of imperial sit quietly in a comer while Tisan works on her experiments.
authority—the position of Tisan, Ruler of the Supreme
Council—through a combination of intimidation, coercion,
and treachery. Tisan carefully concealed her true name after
Tadabbur’s Outer Defenses
reaching the Supreme Council.
Tisan’s tragic flaw was underestimating the western
barbarians, who invaded the eastern jungles proclaiming a
P erched strategically on a ridge above the confluence of
two rivers, Tadabbur’s upper fortress is now only a
featureless heap of rubble devoured by the jungle. The main
new “enlightenment” in their alien religion. The most entrance to the stronghold’s underground halls and vaults
powerful of these barbarian priests, Imam Suhail min Zann, was carefully excavated by Raja’s expedition, and her
somehow managed to visit defeat after defeat on the mercenary company overcame countless traps and magical
Geomancers. Try as she might, Tisan could not harm Suhail; guardians, left behind by Suhail in an effort to discourage
she settled for corrupting his younger brother Ashtarek, a others from releasing Tisan. Unfortunately, these traps only
paladin naive enough to believe she might be persuaded into served to convince Raja and her comrades that such heavy
changing her “evil” ways. Ashtarek was wrong. She slew him protection must shield some truly peerless treasure.
outside the gates of Tadabbur with a powerword, kill so he The DM can show players the front of Card 5 after their
could not be resurrected by his brother. Although she tried to characters have completed a reconnaissance of Tadabbur.
capture his holy avenger, it eluded her grasp as she was driven The upper ruins appear to be guarded by a dozen jungle
into the bowels of her stronghold and eventually imprisoned natives, wearing elaborate feathered headdresses and wielding
in her laboratory by Suhail’s talisman. flint spears (initially positioned at areas marked N on the
Malakir was bound to Tisan’s service many centuries ago map). This powerful illusion is meant to draw overconfident
to act as her chief lieutenant and “familiar.” He appears in adversaries in close combat with the “natives,” who are in
the short-sleeved robes common to the ancient Geomancer reality a dozen fiends, gated in by Tisan from the Lower
empire. This is only a carefully crafted permanent illusion, Planes. These twelve barbazu, armed with infernal glaives of
however, placed upon the greater baatezu by Tisan so he wounding, are charged with defending the upper stronghold.
could make public appearances without inciting riots. His What these lesser baatezu lack in intelligence, they more
true form (a towering winged humanoid with massive horns than make up for in ferocity and cruelty in combat. When
and a diabolical sneer) is enough to strike fear in the hearts slain, the fiends evaporate into a cloud of sulfurous yellow
of the most battle-hardened of mercenaries. In battle, he smoke, leaving not even their weapons behind.

Currently, the only entrance to the dungeons beneath
Tadabbur is a massive iron trapdoor built in the shelter of
overgrown piles of rubble, earth, and debris. One of the
vine-choked piles of earth is a resting earth monolith,
summoned by Tisan (using her handglyph) to guard the trap
door. An invisible magic circle prevents the monolith from
moving more than 50’ feet from the trap door; it cannot
enter the dungeons. The monolith will not harm Tisan or
any of Tadabbur’s fiendish guardians.
Although the trap door is neither locked nor trapped,
Tisan has erected an invisible symbol of death on the steps
immediately beneath it, which discharges as the first person
enters the dungeons. Note that a scarab of protection will
ward against this trap. The barbazu know of the symbol’s
existence; when entering the dungeon, they merely teleport
a short distance across the hazard.
While it might be possible to evade the dull-witted
barbazu using simple tactics (like casting invisibility on the
entire party), getting around the earth monolith is an
another matter entirely. As soon as the door is touched, the
30’ tall elemental guardian rises from the pile of rubble,
flailing about at intruders. The fiends will not hesitate to
pursue the party into the dungeon. They will not warn
Malakir telepathically of the PCs’ incursion, fearing his
wrath. The party is best advised to deal with the fiends now,
for as soon as the PCs arrive at Tisan’s doorstep, Malakir
will call them from the surface if any survive.

Beneath Tadabbur

T he halls and vaults of Tadabbur are sparsely

furnished chambers, decorated only by monolithic
pillars and huge iron doors. The lower reaches of
Tadabbur are sheathed in khlms, geoglyphs of deception.
All attempts at divination on Tadabbur from without fail
automatically. The geoglyphs also block all attempts at
teleportation or dimensional travel into the dungeons.
However, once PCs have entered Tadabbur’s dungeons,
divination and transport spells succeed, but only if their
target or destination is within 10’ per level of the caster.
In all other cases the spell fails and is ruined, though the
caster is not otherwise harmed.
The party has two possible guides to Tisan’s laboratory:

both Bababdulla and Breaker of the Ninth Chain have been altered by a variant of the glassee spell, which makes
traveled there in the past. Breaker was carried there by it appear semi-transparent when viewed from inside the
Imam Suhail, eight centuries ago, to help imprison Tisan workroom.
(the holy avenger claims to have a flawless memory). The Although the party may not have time to explore this area
genie was there much more recently, but his perceptions until after Tisan has been defeated, a brief outline of this
were clouded by being imprisoned in a dark-blue bottle complex chamber’s key features is provided, since some of
hanging from Raja’s belt. Both personalities have strong them may have an impact on the outcome of the final battle.
opinions about the RIGHT way to the lab, making for an Inscribed on one of the obsidian tables on the lower level
amusing role-playing opportunity in an otherwise doom- (a) are the details of how to turn another powerful spell-
ridden scenario. If the party listens to Bababdulla, it takes caster into a lich and bind him or her into the caster’s service.
them one hour longer to reach the lab than if they listen The rite requires the most powerful priest and wizard spells to
to the holy avenger. complete. If any of the PCs seem curious, the holy avenger will
As the party navigates through the seemingly endless maze insist that the table be destroyed. PCs who participate in its
of dark, dreary halls, the holy avenger recounts Imam Suhail’s destruction should share a story award of 50,000 XP.
bloody last battle with Tisan. Try to build an atmosphere of A second worktable (b), also made of solid obsidian, is
impending doom with its accounts of Tisan’s terrifying magic. currently covered with the ancient remains of Thalath, a
Before the final confrontation, Breaker of the Ninth Chain. Geomancer over 800 years dead. Other tables are covered
has a few sobering words of advice for its wielder (read aloud with alchemical equipment, vials containing repulsive spell
or paraphrase the following): components, and uncompleted research on new spells
(DM’s choice), Dark clouds of bitter incense fill the room
Ashtarek, your brother’s careful planning has from the two braziers.
prepared you well for this second battle. I failed you in The bookcases on the lower level (c) are filled with the
the past, and for that I ask your forgiveness. Fate has completed research and recipes for potions of ESP, flying,
granted us a new chance to destroy the hateful Tisan, gaseous form, longevity, speed, sweet water, treasure finding, and
and we must seize the moment and prevail. When you undead control, and any other elixirs or magical items the
confront Tisan in her lair, touch me to Lions of DM may care to place in the hands of the PCs. A wizard of
Tomorrow. Only then can the ninth chain be broken. 9th level or higher, searching among the components on
the tables, can find enough material to make 1-4 of the
The DM is free to spring all kinds of incidental encounters listed potions at a 50% reduction in cost and labor.
on the party during their descent to the laboratory, using the The upper balconies of the laboratory are lined with
geoglyph descriptions in the Campaign Guide for inspiration. bookshelves (d) filled with tomes needed to research up to
The truly nasty geoglyphs were removed long ago by Imam 9th-level wizard spells and 7th-level priest spells. Tisan’s nine
Suhail; Tisan has decided to wait until the restoration of her spellbooks are kept here; they contain whatever new and
Nine Council to properly restore them. unusual spells the DM may care to introduce into the
campaign. Each is protected by an invisible glyph of warding,
however, which explodes for 30 hp of electrical or fire
Tisan’s Last Retreat damage (save for half damage). Interspersed among the other

A map of Tisan’s workroom appears on the front of

Card 6, which also designates the positions of
Tisan, Malakir, and Keskeg when the PCs first arrive. The
tomes, the PCs may discover a scroll of protection from magic, a
tome of leadership and influence, a 20th-level wizard scroll
inscribed with gate, and a 15th-level clerical scroll with the
chamber is entered through a wizard-locked iron door, and spells resurrection, restoration, regeneration, and reincarnation.
all traces of the talisman which Suhail used to seal Tisan A large ceramic jar filled with aromatic oils sits on a high
inside have been carefully removed. Part of the door has shelf (e); it contains the perfectly preserved head of Nadan,

Raja’s only surviving accomplice. The head is still alive, of the holy avenger) once he has sufficiently recovered. Keskeg
enchanted by Tisan with foul necromancy. The head will fights the party obstinately until the bitter end.
answer one question a day, as per a contact other plane spell, When wielded in battle in this chamber, the holy avenger
with the accuracy of a 20th-level wizard. This technique twists and writhes with glee in its wielder’s hands, inflicting
was developed by the Geomancers to gain the spell’s double damage to Tisan and her allies. Naturally, this
powerful divinatory powers without the danger of personally champion will be the focus of Tisan’s and her allies’ attacks.
going insane (the head is the unfortunate surrogate). It was Tisan stands next to an obsidian table, where she has
through questioning Nadan’s head that Tisan learned how assembled the vestiges of Thalath after months of
to locate Thalath’s remains. If pulled out of the oil, Nadan research and searching. The fragmented, skeletal remains
will implore the PCs to put him out of his misery. PCs are faintly glowing with sickly mauve light, as Tisan has
participating in the destruction of the head (simply setting already completed the initial stages of recalling his spirit
fire to the oil will do) will gain another 50,000 XP award. from the Lower Planes. All that remains is for Tisan to
One corner of the balcony has been expanded into a cast gate, and the party will have to face two Geomancers
shrine to Grumbar (f). The black opal statuette (worth instead of one! Depending upon the PCs’ timing, Tisan
25,000 gp) is carved in the shape of an amorphous needs 2-8 rounds to finish her spell. If the party can fight
humanoid creature. Its ruby eyes seem to follow the PCs past Malakir and Keskeg, it can disrupt the spell with any
around the room, glinting with malevolence. Beside the physical or magical attack that inflicts at least one point
sinister statue rests a book of vile darkness, titled Pit of Despair. of damage. Otherwise, the party might opt to take
Another corner of the balcony (g) has been expanded Breaker’s advice, and touch the holy avenger to the
into a last-ditch defense by Tisan, who has set up a magical tome Lions of Tomorrow. When this occurs, read
permanent prismatic sphere at this location. Inside this safe aloud or paraphrase the following to the PCs:
haven, Tisan keeps a wizard locked chest containing a scarab
of insanity, a short sword of life stealing, a dagger of venom, Your adversaries stop for a moment in fear and awe
nine 10,000 gp diamonds in a velvet pouch, and nine fluid- as the tome is consumed in an explosion of flame,
filled vials, containing appropriately labeled potions of flying, which takes on the manifestation of a fiery hama, a
speed, and extra-healing (×7). winged creature of the spirit. As it rushes to Tisan, the
hama speaks with Suhail’s loud, clear voice:

Breaking the Ninth Chain “BALSHARESKA, WE MEET AGAIN!”

Upon hearing her true name, Tisan loses

T he Geomancer’s infernal lieutenant, Malakir, stands

guard just inside the door. Unless the PCs are hidden
by invisibility, he notices them immediately though the one-
concentration and her spell is ruined. In her mind’s eye,
she sees her ancient foe, Imam Suhail. Enraged, she
turns to face him, and Suhail’s spirit wraps her in his fiery
way transparent door. The fiend blasts them with lightning radiance. Tisan’s geoglyph tattoos writhe and flash,
bolts (originating right in front of the door). Once the door trying to repel the hama’s fire, forming nine golden cords
is opened, he immediately creates a wall of fire behind surrounding her, but one by one the nine magical chains
himself, shielding the rest of the chamber from view and dissolve into fire. When the last one is consumed, Tisan
buying Tisan more time to complete a powerful spell. After screams in pain as the fire touches her body. “BEHOLD,
one round, the slow but ever-faithful Keskeg joins Malakir THE NINTH CHAIN IS BROKEN.” And then the
by the door in an effort to keep the party from entering. hama is gone, leaving Tisan’s magical defenses shattered.
Once Malakir has been brought below 25 hp, he teleports
to the upper balconies, keeping out of sight until he can The hama’s fiery embrace has the effect of Mordenkainen’s
regenerate his wounds, hampering the party with his magical disjunction, cast at the 20th level of experience; not only does
abilities. He will teleport back into melee (behind the wielder it wipe away Tisan’s permanent protections, but it also dispels

her stoneskin, contingencies, lifeproofing, and the previous By destroying the lich-binding treatise and Nadan’s
enchantments bestowed on Thalath’s remains. In addition, it head, the party prevents any spell-caster from ever
has a 50% chance of destroying Tisan’s magical items (check duplicating Tisan’s hideous experiment (hence the high
once for each item). She is stunned for one round after the XP awards). For completing Suhail’s quest, it is
hama’s attack but is otherwise physically unharmed. suggested that each character receive a story award of
Though deprived her of her magical wardings and some 250,000 XP.
items, Tisan is still far from defeated, with a formidable Bababdulla will remain with the party until his contract
arsenal of spells at her disposal. With a look of venomous is completed. If any of the PCs are powerful sha’irs, they
hatred, she points her finger at the PC wielding Breaker and may find him a good candidate for a personal servant.
speaks a powerword, kill (history repeating itself; the PC had As for Breaker of the Ninth Chain, the holy avenger loses
better be a paladin or wearing a scarab of protection). its customary tense, urgent tone once its mission is
She next retreats to the prismatic sphere in area g (using a completed; it becomes much more mellow and tolerant of
teleport or dimension door if necessary), which is too far from other party members. Depending upon whether Thalath
the hama’s embrace to be dispelled. There she can rearm survives, its special purpose might not be complete.
herself from her cache of deadly magical items and heal any With the completion of their kismet, or destiny, the PCs
damage inflicted by the party. Far too enraged to retreat any are now free to pursue their own agenda. Perhaps a pil-
further, Tisan then directs her remaining lethal spells grimage to Huzuz is in order, to thank the Loregiver for
(starting with Dalzim’s horrid wilting) at the party until the their survival and have Ragarra’s curse removed. Wherever
PCs are all destroyed or she is slain; she will only attempt their future lies, Fate is certain to bring them more adven-
flight if defeat is certain. tures. Though one kismet has been fulfilled, another awaits,
for we have no fate but that fate which we are given!
Concluding the Adventure

B ecause of the hama’s embrace, when Tisan is slain,

she remains dead. Her spirit’s connection with its
lifeproofing receptacle in another location of the
dungeons has been broken. Upon Tisan’s death, Malakir
smiles in triumph, and returns home to greet his newly
arrived former mistress. Her other fiendish allies,
liberated from their service, disperse at once into the
jungle, where they can, and will, seek to spread as much
evil as possible.
Finally, there is always the possibility that Tisan finishes
summoning Thalath before the party interrupts her. If so,
the spell-less lich attempts to sneak out of Tadabbur while
Tisan and the party are distracting each other. The party
might search the lab after the battle, only to discover the
table with his remains is mysteriously empty. Thalath will
attempt to regain his former power as a 13th-level
priest/18th-level wizard. Once the lich has gathered
enough allies, he may try to steal Breaker of the Ninth
Chain. He will certainly not attempt to harm the PCs so
long as the holy avenger remains in their possession!

Segarran 9440
™ & © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lesser Greater
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any Tropical/forests
FREQUENCY: Rare Very rare
ORGANIZATION: Cadres Solitary
DIET: Carnivore Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) Very to genius
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
NO. APPEARING: 1-20 (or more) 1
MOVEMENT: 9 12 (as human) or
9, Sw 12 (Fl 18, D)
HIT DICE: 5+5 9+18
THAC0: 16 As priest
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 1 (as human) or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type By weapon type
+2 or 2d8 (bite) +6 or 3d6 (bite)
/2d10 (tail)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fight and save as See below
5th-level warriors
SIZE: M (6’ tall) M (6’ tall) or H
(30’ long)
MORALE: Fearless (20) Champion (16)
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 1,400 8,000+1,000 per
level above 12

S egarrans are special minions of Ragarra, an ancient, evil goddess

of the jungle, typhoons, and revenge, once openly worshipped
in the Ruined Kingdoms. head and tail of a giant crocodile. At 16th level, a greater segarran’s
A lesser segarran has the head and tail of a crocodile but the reptile form can also include a pair of giant bat wings, permitting
stocky, heavily muscled body of a human or humanoid. Lesser her to fly at a rate of 18.
segarrans are usually created from devoted followers, but they also
can be created from infant crocodiles using a spell granted only to Combat: While in human form, Ragarra’s chosen fight using the
Ragarra’s priestesses. These lesser servants have average human tactics, magical items, and weapons of priests, though their
intelligence and can communicate in Midani or any of the dead supernatural strength lends them a +6 bonus on damage. They
tongues of the Ruined Kingdoms. never wear armor, though they may use magical items (such as a
ring of protection) to enhance their Armor Class. All greater
Combat: Lesser segarrans fight using the tactics and weapons of 5th- segarrans have 20% magic resistance.
level human warriors, though their supernatural strength lends them a Although they retain most of their priest spells from before the
+2 bonus on damage. If unarmed, they attack by biting for 2-16 (2d8) transformation, greater segarrans cannot memorize the highest level
points of damage. All lesser segarrans have 10% magic resistance. spells to which they are normally allowed (for instance, a 13th-level
priestess, while a greater segarran, cannot memorize or cast her 6th-
Habitat/Society: Once, when the powers of Ragarra were great, level spells).
even her lesser servants could assume human form and walk the city In her reptilian form, a greater segarran can attack with her
streets unnoticed; now they are limited to their half-reptile form. massive jaws (3d6 points of damage) and swipe up to 3 opponents
They are found primarily in the Ruined Kingdoms and Zakhara’s standing beside or behind her with her powerful tail (2d10 points of
eastern jungles, but they sometimes can be encountered mingling damage). At 16th level, a segarran’s bat wings can also be used for
with human society at night, when they can hide their monstrosity two wing buffets instead of flight, each inflicting 2d6 points of
through careful disguise. More often they are used as defenders for damage. All victims of a tail swipe or wing buffet must save vs.
Ragarra’s few shrines or as protectors for her chosen few. paralyzation or be stunned for 1-4 rounds.

Ecology: All segarrans are voracious carnivores. Though they Habitat/Society: In addition to the loss of her most powerful spells,
usually subsist on animal meat, they ritually devour their enemies’ a priestess of Ragarra must have a Wisdom of 17 and be at least
remains at the end of every battle. When slain, they return to their 12th level to complete the exhausting ceremony that transforms
original (human or baby crocodile) form. her into a greater segarran.
In return for such power, the priestess must swear to undertake a
Greater Segarran difficult quest or perform a dangerous service for her goddess. Those
few who disappoint Ragarra are punished with a painful demise and
Only Ragarra’s most favored high-level priestesses become greater suffer an eternity of undeath. More details about the cult of Ragarra
segarrans as a result of powerful magic. Once transformed, they can be found in Chapter Three of the Campaign Guide.
retain their original human form. Furthermore, they can also
assume a towering reptilian shape at will, with the transformation Ecology: Greater segarrans can easily infiltrate human society. The
taking but a single round. This reptilian form depends on the only clue to their monstrous nature is their craving for raw meat. They
personality or whim of the priestess, but usually includes at least the must eat the flesh of their fallen enemies as a tribute to Ragarra.
The House of Reehan
Batul al-Reehan al-Dihlizi (hmT/mr/12): AC 2; MV 12; Omar bin Mabruk (hmF/a/5): AC 7; MV 12; hp 34; #AT
hp 27; #AT 3/2; Dmg by weapon (jambiya: 1d4+3); Str 10, 3/2; Dmg by weapon (scimitar: 1d8+1); Str 15, Dex 12,
Dex 17, Con 4, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 16; SA: quadruple Con 15, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 13; AL NG; THAC0 16;
damage backstab, PP 95%, OL 77%, F/RT 85%, MS 94%, studded leather armor, dagger, scimitar +1, potion of healing.
HS 87%, HN 49%, CW 95%, RL 85%; AL NG; THAC0
15. Magical items: bracers of defense AC 5, jambiya of speed Noora (hfP/h/3): AC 10; MV 12; hp 13; #AT 1; Dmg by
+3 (concealed in stout walking stick), potion of flying. weapon (jambiya: 1d4); Str 11, Dex 7, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 16,
Cha 15; AL LG; THAC0 20. Spells: bless, command, cure light
Mabruk al-Hanash (hfW/so/11): AC 2 (armor spell wounds (x2), light; hold person, silence 15’ radius, slow poison.
withstands 19 hp) or 6; MV 12; hp 46; #AT 1; Dmg by
weapon (staff: 1d6) or spell; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int Wali, Abu, Mahmud, Hatim, Bashi, and Nadan,
18, Wis 12, Cha 16; AL NE; THAC0 16, XP 11,000. mamluks (hmF/mk/5): AC 5 (lamellar armor & shield);
Mabruk is a sorceress of wind and fire. Magical items: ring MV 9; hp 31, 35, 40, 42, 43, 48; #AT 3/2; Dmg by
of genie summoning (Saleh, see below), talisman of weapon (scimitar,>: 1d8+3); Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16; SA:
protection +3*, amulet of mental fortitude*, magical staff** specialized in scimitar; AL LN; THAC0 16.
containing magic missile, fire truth, and charm person spells;
scroll of protection from elementals; potions of extra-healing, War dogs (6): Int Semi- (4); AL N; AC 4 (leather barding);
fire resistance, and polymorph self. MV 12; HD 2+2; hp 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18; THAC0 19;
Spells: audible glamer, avert evil eye, burning hunds, friends; #AT 1; Dmg: 2d4; ML 10; SZ M (6’ long); XP 65.
alter self, mirror image, sundazzle, wall against noise; blink,
dispel magic, sunscorch, wizard sight**; fumble, improved Nurudin al-Kalaab (hmT/sl/9): AC 4; MV 12; hp 40;
invisibility, thunderstaff**; death smoke, domination, shield of #AT 1; Dmg by weapon (scimitar: 1d8); Str 9, Dex 18,
winds. Con 12, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 16; SA: quadruple damage
backstab, poison, PP 77%, OL 95%, F/RT 45%, MS 82%,
Saleh, an efreeti: Int Very (12); AL LN; AC 2; MV 9, Fl HS 69%, HN 55%, CW 95%, RL 10%; AL LE; THAC0
24 (B); HD 10; hp 68; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg 3d8+3; 16; XP 5,000; leather armor, poisoned scimitar (Type E:
SA spells; SD fire resistance; SZ L (12‘); ML 16; XP save vs. poison or die; take 20 points of damage on a
8,000. Magical abilities (at 15th level of ability): produce successful save); Magical items: rope of entanglement,
flame and cause pyrotechnics at will; detect magic, gaseous potions of speed and invisibility.
form, invisibility, polymorph self, wall of fire, and create an
illusion, each once/day. He can also enlarge himself *New spell or item (described in the Campaign Guide).
once/day at 10th level of ability. **Spell or item found in the Tome of Magic.
(Unmarked spells appear in the Player’s Handbook or
Arabian Adventures).

The Undead Sha’ir
Raja al-Sadiq Abdul-Tisan, the Audacious Thunderer, Kiorimah, a fire gen: Int Low (6); AL NE; AC 5; MV Fl 18;
Breaker of the Forbidden Seal, the First to be HD 7; hp 41; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; SA produce
Summoned. Female lich, formerly a 15th-level human flame, SD save as 30th-level wizard; SZ S (1’ tall); ML 16; XP
wizard (sha’ir): 4,000; MC13: AQ. Any attacks directed against the gen that
Int Genius (17); AL NE; AC -2 (stoneskin blocks 10 involve fire are at -2 to hit, inflict -2 hp of damage per die,
attacks); MV 6, Fl 15 (magic carpet); HD 11; hp 54; and entitle him to a +2 bonus on his saving throw.
THAC0 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 (touch) or by spell; SA
paralytic touch; SD magical weapons to hit, standard Ten-Fingered Hand, a tasked slayer genie: Int High (14);
undead immunities; SZ M (5’); ML 18; XP 8,000. AL NE; AC -2; MV 24, Fl 30 (B); HD 12; hp 90;
Magical items: talisman of protection +2*, robe of THAC0 9; #AT 2; Dmg: 2d8/2d8 or by weapon type +9;
repetition**, stunglyph* (2 charges), staff of thunder and MR 15% SZ L (10’ tall); ML 20; XP 12,000; MC13: AQ.
lightning (12 charges), genie prison (Bababdulla, see Can cast the following spells once/day: assume gaseous
below), carpet of flying. form, blindness, darkness, dimension door, improved
invisibility, misdirection, polymorph self, silence 15’ radius,
Spells—1st: affect normal fires, alarm, burning hands, charm and ventriloquism.
person, fire truth, magic missile, sand slumber, sleep (89%
chance, 1d6+1 rounds); chill touch, cure light wounds (85% Bababdulla, Marid and Slave of the Blue Bottle: Int High
chance, 1d6+1 hours) (14); AL CG; AC 0; MV 9, Fl 15 (B), Sw 24; HD 13; hp
2nd: bind, invisibility, knock, locate object, pillar of sand, ray 76; THAC0 7; #AT 1; Dmg 4d8; SA can create water at
of enfeeblement, rope trick, strength, sundazzle, web, wizard will and send it jetting up to 60 yards away (automatically
lock (89% chance, 1d6+2 rounds) strikes for 1d6 damage; victim is blinded 1d6 rounds
3rd: clairaudience, clairvoyance, dispel magic, hold person, unless he or she makes a saving throw vs. breath weapon);
lightning bolt, protection from normal missiles, slow, SD immune to water-based attacks; +2 bonus to saving
sunscorch, (89% chance, 1d6+3 rounds) throws, attacks, and damage from cold-based attacks; SZ
4th: confusion, dimension door, ice storm, stoneskin, wall of H (18’); ML 16; XP 16,000. Can cast the following spells
fire, wind blade (85% chance, 1d6+4 rounds); ennervation as 26th-level wizards: water walk (at wilI); assume liquid
(55% chance, 1d6+4 hours) form, detect evil/good, detect invisible, detect magic,
5th: animate dead, cloudkill, fabricate, seeming, shield of invisibility, polymorph self, purify water (twice/day); assume
winds, teleport, wind carpet (75% chance, takes 1d6+5 gaseous form, bestow water breathing, lower water, part
rounds); slay living (45% chance, 1d6+5 hours) water, wall of fog (7/day); alter reality (once/year). Marids
6th: death fog, disintegrate, flames of justice, invisible stalker, are vulnerable to fire; attacks against them employing
legend lore (65% chance, 1d6+6 rounds) open flames inflict +1 damage per die and impose a -1
7th: limited wish, prismatic spray, reverse gravity (55% penalty on the marid’s saving throw.
chance, 1d6+7 turns); suffocate** (25% chance, 1d6+7
hours); *New spell or item (described in the Campaign Guide).
8th: glassteel maze, polymorph any object (45% chance, **Spell or item found in the Tome of Magic.
1d6+8 turns) (Unmarked spells appear in the Player’s Handbook or
9th: powerword, kill (35% chance, 1d6+9 turns) Arabian Adventures.)

The Arch-Geomancer
Tisan Balshareska, Ninth of Nine, Ruler of the Supreme 1d4+1/1d3 or 2d8+7 ( scimitar)/1d3 (tail); SA: fear aura
Council, Arch-Geomancer, Sunderer of Dreams, She (5’ radius), tail attack (1d3, continues to bleed for 1
Who Turns the Wheel of Fate. Dual-Classed, 15th-level hp/round until treated; SD: regenerate 2 hp/round, +2 or
human female priest (outland), 20th-level wizard (ajami). better weapon to hit, half damage from cold or gas,
AL LE; AC -7 (stoneskin blocks 15 attacks); MV 12; hp immune to fire and poison; MR 50%; disguised by Tisan
100; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon +1 (Strength bonus), with permanent illusion; SZ L (9’ tall); ML 14; XP 36,500;
magical item, or spell; SD: see magical items below; MC8: Outer Planes. Can use the following spell-like
lifeproof (tattoos); personal permanency spells combined abilities at will: advanced illusion, animate dead, charm
with alacrity**, comprehend languages, detect invisibility, person, detect magic, ESP, infravision, know alignment
protection from normal missiles, read magic, tongues, wizard (always active), produce flame, pyrotechnics, suggestion,
sight**; Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 19, Cha 18; teleport without error (once/round); lightning bolt (3/day);
AL LE; THAC0 11, XP 50,000 (for physical form; gate (2-12 barbazu, 50% chance), wall of fire (once/day).
additional 50,000 for destroying lifeproofing receptacle). Magical Item: great scimitar of sharpness.
Magical items: phylactery of long years, talisman of
protection +5*, bracers of defense AC2 talisman of force* (5 Barbazu, lesser baatezu (12): Int Low (5); AL LE; AC 3;
ch.), three ioun stones (regenerates 1 hp/turn; +1 MV 15; HD 6+6; hp 36 each; THAC0 13; #AT 3 or 1;
protection; absorbs up to 60 levels of spells, up to 8th Dmg: 1d2/1d2/1d8 or 2d6 (glaive); SA: glaive of wounding
level), ring of human influence, rod of smiting (38 ch.), disease; battle frenzy (10% cumulative chance per round:
scarab of terror* (22 ch.), handglyph of the monolith* (2 ch). +2 to hit and damage, doubles attacks, but AC raises to 6);
Priest Spells: cure light wounds (×9); aid, draw upon unholy SD: hit only by magical weapons, half damage from cold or
might**, know alignment, silence 15’ radius (×3), slow poison, gas, immune to fire and poison; MR 30%; SZ M (6’ tall);
withdraw; animate dead, cause blindness, cause disease, dispel ML 12; XP 23,500; MC 8: Outer Planes. Can use the
magic (×2), meld into stone, negative plane protection, speak following spell-like abilities once/round: advanced illusion,
with dead; abjure (×2) detect lie, divination (×2), undetectable affect normal fires, animate dead, charm person, command, fear
lie (×2); raise dead, slay living, spike stones, true seeing; wall of (by touch), infravision, know alignment (always active),
thorns, word of recall; animate rock. produce flame, suggestion, teleport without error; can also gate
Wizard Spells: charm person, chill touch, fist of stone**, magic in 1-6 additional barbazu (once/day, 35% chance).
missile, spider climb; insatiable thirst**, mirror image, sundazzle,
wall against noise, web; fly, lightning bolt, Maximilian’s stony Earth Monolith: Int Low (7); AL N; AC 2; MV 6; HD
grasp**, slow, sunscorch; dimension door, enervation, improved 30; hp 200; THAC0 1; #AT 1; Dmg: 8d8; SD: +2 or
invisibility, sunfire, wall of ice; cone of cold, domination, better weapon to hit; SZ G (30’ tall); ML 17; XP 25,000,
feeblemind, teleport, wall of force; death spell, disintegrate, flames
of justice, Lorloveim’s shadowy transformation**; acid storm**, Keskeg, Tisan’s earth elemental: Int Low (7); AL N; AC 2;
banishment, suffocate**; Abi-Dalzim’s horrid wilting**, MV 6; HD 16; hp 112; THAC0 5; #AT 1; Dmg: 4d8; SD: +2
polymorph any object, sink; gate, powerword kill. or better weapon to hit; SZ H (16’ tall); ML 17; XP 10,000.

Malakir, a greater baatezu, Cornugon: Int Exceptional *New spell or item (described in the Campaign Guide).
(16); AL LE; AC -2; MV 9, Fl 18 (C); HD 10; hp 72; **Spell from the Tome of Magic. (Unmarked spells appear
THAC0 11; #AT 4 or 1 + weapon; Dmg: 1d4/1d4/ in the Player’s Handbook or Arabian Adventures.)

Serpent 9440
™ & © 1994 TSR, Inc. AH Rights Resewed.

Herald Teak
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropical/forests Tropical/forests
ORGANIZATION: Solitary Solitary
DIET: Carnivore Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12) Animal (1)
TREASURE: Nil B, Q (x10), S, T
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good Neutral
MOVEMENT: 24, Cl 18 9, Cl 6
HIT DICE: 4+4 8+8
THAC0: 15 11
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4/1d4 1d6/2d6
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison Constriction, surprise
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See Below Camouflage
SIZE: M (7’ long) H (30’ long)
MORALE: Average (8) Average (10)
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 1,400 3,000

T wo rare varieties of serpents can be found in the teeming

eastern jungles of Zakhara, often in the company of other
intelligent reptilian creatures.

Herald Serpent

The herald is a lightning-swift reptile with sapphire or emerald

colored eyes, and a body marked with black and gold bands. Heralds
are the enchanted messengers of serpent lords. Like their masters, Teak Serpent
heralds are adept linguists and conversationalists, able to speak at
least six languages fluently, including Midani. Teak serpents are a variety of huge constrictor snakes inhabiting the
teak and ironwood forests of Zakhara. Adults often reach lengths
Combat: Herald serpents are more likely to talk their way out exceeding 30’.
of a confrontation than attack, using their silver tongues to
flatter an opponent while planning an escape route. A herald Combat: These reptiles resemble branches of the hardwood trees
can cast the following spells, once/day, at the 4th level of they inhabit, lending them a -2 bonus on surprise and a superior
ability: friends, hypnotism, comprehend languages, hypnotic pattern, Armor Class (AC 3).
and invisibitity. Teak serpents wait patiently in the upper canopy of trees for an
If negotiation fails and escape is impossible, the herald can unsuspecting victim to pass underneath, attacking from above with a
physically attack with its lightning-swift bite, striking twice per combination bite (1d6 points of damage) and constriction attack. If a
round for 1d4 points of damage. The bite automatically delivers a constriction attack is successful, the serpent will have wound part of
potent toxin, with an onset time of only 1-3 rounds (saving throw its massive length around the victim, squeezing for 2d6 points of
vs. poison negates). Victims of the poison suffer complete damage. The coils of a teak serpent are stronger than ironwood,
amnesia, forgetting their own identities, abilities, even memorized requiring the combined efforts of 80 points of Strength to release a
spells for 2-8 hours. trapped victim. With their prodigious length, one of these serpents
can constrict up to three human-sized victims simultaneously!
Habitat/Society: Herald serpents are the enchanted messengers of
serpent lords, who imbue their servants with magical gifts so they Habitat/Society: Because of their ferocity and immense size, teak
can deliver important notices or act as envoys on their lord’s behalf. serpents are feared in the jungles they inhabit. Teak serpents usually
Before their enchantment, heralds are a colorful variety of subsist on a diet of large animals (preferring baby elephants, when
poisonous jungle snake. Heralds serve their lord willingly and are they are available), but they will attack a small group of human-
usually returned to their normal state after completing the mission sized creatures without hesistation. They often sleep for up to a
for which they were enchanted. A dispel magic, successful against week after feeding.
16th-level magic, will transform a herald back into a giant
poisonous snake with lethal poison. Ecology: The scales of a teak serpent, if used while casting barkskin,
provide a +2 bonus to Armor Class for the duration of the spell. In
Ecology: As an enchanted creature, herald serpents have no niche the eastern jungles, teak serpents are sometimes captured by
in the ecology of the world, though like any snake, they must eat powerful kahins and bound into magic staves (see staff of the teak
live prey (birds and small animals, mostly) to survive. serpent in Chapter Seven of the Campaign Guide).
Card 1

Breaker of the Ninth Chain

Scimitar, sentient holy avenger

Alignment: Lawful Good

Intelligence: 16
Ego: 21
Languages: Midani, Kadari, and Noga.
Primary Abilities (10’ radius): Detect traps of large size,
detect invisiblity, detect geoglyphs.
Special Purpose: Destroy all Geomancers and their evil
Special Purpose Power: Breaker inflicts double damage
(including magical and Strength bonuses) when wielded
against Geomancers or their allies.

B reaker was enchanted centuries ago by Imam Suhail for

his younger brother, a young paladin named Ashtarek.
In Suhail’s final assault on Tadabbur, the warrior was slain
in combat by Tisan and could not be raised. Breaker has
never forgiven itself for failing Ashtarek.
Although it would prefer to be wielded by a paladin,
Breaker can still perform as a sentient scimitar +2 for any
other lawful character. In the hands of a paladin, however,
Breaker is a scimitar +5 and projects a golden sphere of
power in a 5’ radius. This sphere has a magic resistance of
50% and can dispel magic at the level of magic use equal to
the level of the paladin. Against opponents of lawful evil
alignment, Breaker inflicts +10 points of bonus damage.
Breaker will be discovered by the PCs if they successfully
complete “Secrets of the Seal.” In combination with the
sacred book Lions of Tomorrow (described in the Campaign
Guide), Breaker has the potential to destroy the last of the
Geomancers in the final adventure, “Kismet.”
While extremely intelligent, Breaker’s special purpose
makes it rather impatient with faint-hearted wielders.
Extremely strong-willed and opinionated, Breaker is
moralistic, self-righteous, and preachy. Characters had
better stick to the letter of the Loregiver’s Law while the
scimitar is unsheathed, or they will hear a long sermon,
for the scimitar will not stand to be used in any
unrighteous cause.
Ruined Kingdoms (9440) ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Townhouse of Batul al-Reehan
KEY door
1. Canal 18. Library 35. Common room locked door
2. Private dock 19. Kitchen 36. Mabruk’s chamber
3. Neighbor’s house 20. Foyer 37. Heir’s chamber secret door
4. Hot bathroom 21. Servants’ quarters 38. Omar’s chamber
5. Cold bathroom 22. Stables 3 9 . Neighbor’s roof archway
6. Boiler room & fuel stores 23. Garden 4 0 . Skylight
7. Storage (long term) 24. Fountain 4 1 . Pigeon coop stairs up
8. Mabruk’s laboratory 25. Gazebo M Mamluks
9. Lab supplies 26. Guest room stairs down
10. Household stores 27. Street
11. Wines 28. Bridge over canal dome
12. Pantry 29. Down to garden
13. Privy chute 30. Down to banquet room trap door in roof
14. Down to private docks 31. Hall
15. Banquet room 32. Batul’s chamber
trap door in floor
16. Private meeting room 33. Enclosed balcony
17. Privy 34. Liana’s chamber secret trap door
Ruined Kingdoms (9440) 1994 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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