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World Class

Marine Engineering

Design and Construction

of Near Shore
Subsea Pipelines
Design and Construction of near Shore Subsea Pipelines

Murray & Roberts Marine is a specialist international, knowledge-based, marine engineering

contractor forming part of the South African based Murray & Roberts Group of Companies.
The company has earned a respected reputation for the design and construction of
innovative, world class marine engineering projects which range from subsea pipelines to
seawater intakes and outfalls to port and harbour infrastructure projects.

Subsea Pipeline Specific Experience and Expertise World Class Experience and Techniques
Our international project experience and expertise incorporates We have become a leading entity in near shore and shallow water
the design of inter-alia: subsea pipeline design and construction using both conventional
• cooling water intakes and outfalls for power stations; pipe-laying techniques to more advanced laybarge applications.
• seawater intakes and brine outfalls for desalination plants; Our experience includes installation methods such as “bottom-
• effluent outfalls; beach and river crossings; tow” and “float-and-sink” as well as the design and fabrication of
• and offshore oil and gas tanker loading and offloading project specific shallow water laybarges.
installations via mooring buoys.
Apart from our design and project management competencies,
We have designed and installed subsea pipelines and sea water we also provide the specialist equipment associated with near
reticulation systems across sub-Saharan Africa, South East shore subsea pipeline projects such as linear winches,
Asia, Australia and the Middle East. construction barges, tugs and craneage.
Professional Project Management Numerical Modelling and Physical Testing
As a design-build contractor, we are able to undertake projects Where prudent we undertake project specific modelling and
on a turnkey basis from concept to project completion and in testing thereby providing us with the capability to ensure that
doing so, we offer cost and time optimal solutions. Our design our designs take into consideration any factors that local
engineers work closely with our operations personnel in the conditions may bring to bear on particular pipelines or intake /
development, construction and commissioning of subsea outfall facilities.
pipelines and other innovative marine structures. Our focus is
on ensuring that the client requirements are met with due Where appropriate both numerical and physical modelling of
consideration for the environment, local authority requirements, coastal installations is undertaken in order to optimise the
constructability, programme and budget. design and construction methodology and minimise any
potential risks.

Specialist Engineering and Construction Capabilities Quality Assurance, Health, Safety and
Murray and Roberts Marine is able to provide expert services in Environmental Policy
the engineering and construction of permanent and temporary Murray & Roberts Marine is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004
works; the application of specialist construction methodologies; and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified company. As such, we are
development and testing of marine infrastructure through to the committed to the highest international occupational health,
construction and commissioning of projects in a ‘design and safety and environmental standards.
construct’ capacity - tailoring such solutions to the specific
requirements or specifications of the client. Prior to the commencement of any project, specific Quality and
Health, Safety & Environmental Plans (PQP and SHEP) are
Innovative Engineering Competencies developed and implemented in compliance with both local and
As a fully integrated design and construct company, we employ international requirements.
a team of specialist marine and structural engineers who
support our site-based activities with project specific solutions.
The engineering team uses a combination of experience,
specialist software and scale model testing in the
implementation of the various projects.
Projects Completed

Trekkopje Desalination Plant, Namibia Treated Industrial Effluent Outfall – Umkomaas, South Africa
Construction of seawater intake works and brine discharge facility The project entailed the lengthening of an existing 3km treated
providing desalinated water for a uranium mine in Namibia. The project effluent outfall pipeline by a further 3.5km to discharge 6.5km
comprised two 1km long, 1.2m diameter steel intake pipelines and a offshore in order to reduce the environmental effects of effluent on
600m long, 1.2m diameter steel brine outfall pipe, each installed using beaches and nearby dive spots. The 920mm stainless steel pipeline
the conventional bottom-tow method. Murray & Roberts Marine had was installed using the bottom-tow method with a barge-mounted
to initiate innovative construction methodologies to accommodate the winch which was anchored approximately 8km offshore.
often treacherous maritime conditions that have given this particular
region the name “Skeleton Coast”.

Product Export Pipeline – Mossel Bay, South Africa Submarine Water Pipeline – Tanjung Bin, Malaysia
A FEED study and subsequent installation of the 12” diameter The design and construction of the cooling water infrastructure for a
concrete weight coated steel pipeline which included the detailed 3 x 900MW coal-fired power station included an intake basin, pump pit
design, procurement, fabrication and Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) and offshore discharge culvert system. The scope of the project
for a CBM located 1.9km offshore. included the design of piling, dredging, foundations, ground treatment,
structures and the associated marine and temporary works.
Submarine Water Pipeline - Penang-Jerejak, Malaysia
This twin 945mm pipeline was installed using the bottom tow Murray and Roberts Marine was also responsible for the installation
method. The pipeline was launched using a purpose-built structural of a 500mm diameter water pipeline across the Sungai Pulai Estuary.
steel launch way on Jerejak Island from which the pipeline was The pipeline installation was successfully completed in June 2007.
incrementally extended as it was pulled across the shipping channel
by a 300t capacity linear winch on Penang Island. Seawater Intake Structure and Pipelines - Batu Hijau,
Crude Oil Import Pipeline – Durban, South Africa The scope of work included the design and construction of the
The scope of this project included the design and installation of the seawater intake structure comprising a reinforced concrete structure
new 48” diameter carbon steel pipeline, 2.8km long and the hook- founded at 12m below the water table and the design and
up to the existing SBM and associated commissioning. The pipeline installation of the HDPE subsea tailings disposal pipelines using
was installed using a bottom-tow method. “float-and-sink” methodology.
Hydrocarbon Offshore Import Terminal – Port Dickson, Stringing Yard for Abu Dhabi Crude Oil Pipelines –
Malaysia Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
The project entailed the installation of a Conventional Buoy The Abu Dhabi Crude Oil Pipeline (ADCOP) originates in Abu
Mooring (CBM) and import pipelines to feed crude oil to a Dhabi and terminates at an offshore oil terminal in Fujairah.
carbon black facility for Cabot at Port Dickson, just south of The offshore oil terminal comprises 3 separate single point
Kuala Lumpur. moorings (SPM’s) connect to the shore via 3 number 48”
concrete weight coated steel pipelines.
The scope included the installation of the mooring system,
fabrication and installation of the pipelines and pipeline end The scope of the project comprised the establishment of a
manifold (PLEM). The pipelines comprised 20 and 10” land based stringing yard for the stringing of approximately
diameter weight-coated steel pipelines, each 9.5 km long, of 12km of pipeline into pipe strings nominally 300m long and
which 8.2km was laid offshore using a specially designed the attachment of the pipeline end manifolds.
and purpose built laybarge.

Cooling Water Intake - Manjung, Malaysia Submarine Pipelines - Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong
Design and construction of a 1.5km long subsea cooling water A laybarge was used to install the twin 20” diameter 6km
system for 2100MW coal-fired power station. As an alternative long submarine pipelines in a pre-dredged trench on the
to pipes, Murray & Roberts Marine developed a solution using seabed between the risers at the fuel transfer platform and
precast, reinforced concrete box culvert units - each with a the seawall at the airport. A deep trench was dredged at the
mass of 400 tons - laid, jointed and sealed end-to-end on a seawall crossing to ensure that the pipeline was not exposed
trenched and piled foundation. by possible severe scour conditions near the landfall. The
trench was backfilled with a bedding layer, gravel filter layer
Water Mains Project - Ma Wan Island, Hong Kong and rock armour protection.
The Ma Wan Water Mains project involved the installation of
two HDPE water mains from the mainland at Sham Tsong Contact Us
underneath a channel of the Pearl River Estuary and Should you require any further information on our
emerging on Ma Wan Island. capabilities, international track-record or how we can
provide world class engineering solutions to meet your
The scope of work included detailed design and supervision exacting requirements, please contact Martin Lindsay-Scott,
of the installation of the water mains in two 1.370m long Business Development Director, Murray & Roberts Marine
horizontally directionally drilled (HDD) holes. on e-mail: [email protected] or visit our website at:
Murray & Roberts Marine

South Africa
6th Floor
73 Hertzog Boulevard
Cape Town

Tel: +27 21 431 3400

Fax: +27 21 431 3419

United Arab Emirates

Ground Floor
Dubai National Insurance Building
Sheikh Zayed Road

Tel: +971 4 321 1999

Fax: +971 4 321 1212

Unit A-31-10, Level 31, Tower A
Menara UOA Bangsar
No. 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603 2284 7133 /6133

Fax: +603 2284 9133

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