Superlative Degree: The Most: The Most + Adjective

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Superlative Degree adalah sebuah kalimat yang menunjukkan perbandingan tingkat yang paling
unggul dari sebuah kelompok.
 Rani is the smartest student in her class
 Abi is the most diligent student in his class

Superlative Degree digunakan sebagai pembanding tiga atau lebih benda, orang, atau suatu hal.
Dimana yang dibicarakan dapat berupa sifat atau fisiknya.

Rumus Superlative Degree:

Superlative degree dapat diakhiri dengan est atau diawali dengan the most, tergantung pada
silabel dari suatu kata.
1. Untuk kata sifat (adjective) yang hanya terdiri dari satu suku kata (one syllable): the +
adjective + est
Contoh: hard => hardest
Small => smallest
Fast => faster
Contoh dalam kalimat: My bike is the fastest among my friends’.

2. Untuk kata sifat (adjective) yan terdiri lebih dari satu suku kata, menggunakan awalan
the most: the most + adjective
Contoh: difficult => the most difficult
Expensive => the most expensive
Interesting => the most interesting
Contoh dalam kalimat: This bag is the most expensive in this store.

3. Kata sifat (adjective) yang berakhiran huruf ‘y’, maka akhiran kata ‘y’ tersebut diganti
dengan ‘iest’: the + adjective + iest
Contoh: heavy => heaviest
Happy => happiest
Pretty => prettiest
Contoh dalam kalimat: She is the prettiest among her friends.

4. Kata sifat tak beraturan. Kata ini tidak bisa ditambahkan dengan most, est, iest.
Contoh: good => best
Bad => worst
Little => least
Contoh dalam kalimat: This is the best movie I have ever watched.

1. Narnia is probably the worst (bad) movie I have seen.

2. Who is the most powerful (powerful) person in your country?

3. Rara is the nicest (nice) person that I know.

4. What is the most dangerous (dangerous) animal in the world?

5. He is the most popular (popular) boy in the school.

6. Who is the richest (rich) woman on earth?

7. He was the cleverest (clever) thief of all.

8. Who is the oldest (old) person in your family?

9. Which language do you think is the easiest (easy) to learn?

10. My room is the biggest (big) room in the house.

11. Julie is the littlest (little) worried about the game.

12. This room is the most comfortable (comfortable) place for us.

13. My brother is the thinnest (thin) in our family.

14. This is the loveliest (lovely) dress my mom gave me.

15. This is the most delicious (delicious) food in the world.

16. Ruby is the funniest (funny) person in my class.

17. That was the tiringest (tiring) trip that I have ever been on.

18. Which is the largest (large) city in the world?

19. That was the worst (sad) song I have listened.

20. This is the dirtiest (dirty) city that I have ever visited.

Make 5 superlative degress sentences by your own words!

1. Eat the most delicious is chicken fried
2. Place street food the most delicious be in korea
3. Nina is student the most diligent in the class
4. Subject the most delicious is subject Matematika
5. Mrs Riska is teacher the fiercest in school

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