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A. Preparatory/ Pre- Test

Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
best answer. Write the letter of your choice in your paper.

1. What kind of variable is measured using 2 different values?

a. Binary b. Dichotomous c. Binomial d. All of these

2. "Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at a

higher level than those taught first aid by the traditional method." The
independent variable in this hypothesis is:
a. Students c. programmed instruction
b. level of achievement d. method of instruction

3. In the example in question 2, the dependent variable is:

a. Students c. programmed instruction
b. level of achievement d. method of instruction

4. A cross-sectional study is carried out to examine whether Navy personnel of

a higher rank have more positive coping skills than those of a lower rank.
Which of the following statement is true of this study?
a. The independent variable is coping and the dependent variable is
low rank.
b. The independent variable is rank and the dependent variable is
coping skills.
c. Neither variable is dependent as the researcher cannot
manipulate them.
d. The independent variable is coping and the dependent variable is
high rank.

5. In an experimental design, the dependent variable is:

a. The one that is not manipulated and in which any changes are
b. The one that is manipulated to observe any effects on the other
c. A measure of the extent to which personal values affect research
d. An ambiguous concept whose meaning depends on how it is defined

6. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is called:

a. intervening variable c. dependent variable
b. independent variable d. numerical variable

7. What sort of data are zip code?

a. Nominal b. Interval c. ratio d. ordinal

8. What sort of data is socio-economic status?

a. Ratio b. ordinal c. interval d. nominal

9. In a study, “Effectiveness of Exposing Students in classical Music in
Reading”, Exposing students in Classical music is _________.
a. dependent b. confounding c. intervening d. independent

10. What sort of variable is dress size?

a. Nominal b. Interval c. ratio d. ordinal
11. A mediator or intervening variable is:
a. responsible for the relationship between two other variables.
b. another name for the dependent variable.
c. another name for the independent variable.
d. All of the above

12. A research study on the teacher’s performance-related salary increases

motivation which in turn leads to an increase in job satisfaction. What kind of
variable is ‘motivation”’ in this study?
a. Dependent c. Confounding
b. Intervening d. Control

13. Which of the following can be described as a nominal variable?

a. Annual income c. Annual sale
b. Age d. Geographical location
14. The key defining characteristic of experimental research is that:
a. The independent variable is manipulated
b. Hypothesis are proved
c. A positive correlation exists
d. Samples are large
15. In an experiment, the group that does not receive the intervention is
a. The Experiment Group c. The participant group
b. The control group d. the treatment group


A. It Varies!
Directions: Study the following research cases. Identify the independent and
dependent variables for each of the following research cases by writing your
answers on the table provided for:
Case 1:
To determine whether a diet of blueberries have an effect on aging, an
experiment involving 19-month-old rats was undertaken. In this study, one group
of rats was fed with their standard diet while the other three groups were fed

with a diet supplemented with blueberry, strawberry, or spinach powder,
respectively. After eight weeks, the rats were given a memory test and motor
skills test.
Case 2:
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), if given in mega doses, is known to reduce the
occurrences of cancer cells. To test this hypothesis, patients with known cancers
were given megadoses of vitamin C for 12 weeks. After twelve weeks, screening
tests were done to determine the decrease of cancer cells.
Case 3:
Lucy is an owner of a fusion accessories store. She surveyed her customers on
their preferences for accessories on a headband. Thus, Lucy would stock up on
ribbons because this will determine the number of headbands with ribbons that
she can sell.

Case No. Independent Variable Dependent Variable

B. Vocabulary Intensifier!
Below is a spider. At the center of the spider’s body is a word that you are
going to describe. Write your description in each leg of the spider, then write a
sentence using the word being described.





Kinds of Variables and Their Uses

A variable is a characteristic of an individual or organization that
can be observed and measure, and it can vary among people or
organizations being studied (Creswell, 2002). It comes from the root word
“vary” or simply “can change”.
Bernard (1994) defines variables as something that can take more
than one value, and values can be words or numbers. The most common
variables in social research are are age, sex, gender, education, income,
marital status, and education.
Other experts define a variable as any entity that can take on
different values. Simply stated, anything that can vary can be considered
a variable. An attribute, on the other hand, is a specific value on a
For instance:

- the variable sex has two attributes: male and female.
- The variable income has an attribute of 5,000 per month, 10,000
per month, 15,000 per month, and so on.
Variables should have at least 2 attributes otherwise it is constant.

Four Types of Variable

1. NOMINAL VARIABLE – represent categories that cannot be ordered in
any particular way.
- Biological Sex (Male/ female) - Political Affiliation
- Blood Type - Zip Code
- Race - Eye Color
- Political Party - Religion

2. ORDINAL VARIABLE – represent categories that can be ordered

from greatest to smallest.

- Grade Level - Socio- economic Status

- Satisfaction Rating - Rank

3. INTERVAL VARIABLE – have values that lie along an evenly

dispersed range of numbers.


-Employees Net worth - Body Temperature

-PH Level - SAT Score (200- 500)

4. RATIO VARIABLE – have variables that lie along the evenly

dispersed range of numbers when there is an absolute zero. It
possesses the properties of the interval variable and has a clear
definition of zero.

- Dose Amount - reaction rate, flow rate

- Concentration - pulse rate

- Weight - length
- Distance


1. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES – those that probably cause, influence,

or affect outcomes. They are invariably called treatment,
manipulated, antecedent, or predictor variables.

A study on the relationship of parental support and academic

performance of Senior High School students in Narra National High
PARENTAL SUPPORT is the independent variable because it
influenced the outcome or the performance of the students.

2. DEPENDENT VARIABLES – those that depend on the

independent variables; they are the outcomes or results on the
influence of the independent variable.
between” the independent and dependent variables, and they show
the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.


A teacher-researcher is studying the effect of cooperative learning activities

(i.e., structure group work) toward the academic achievement in science.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Cooperative Learning Academic Achievement
of Students in Science

Intervening Variables

Student Trait:

- Students who are extrovert enjoyed working in groups and tends to

participate in cooperative learning more than introvert students.

- The Student’s trait like being introvert and extrovert is the intervening
variables because it mediates the effects of cooperative learning

From the given example above, Academic Performance of the SHS student in
NNHS is the Dependent Variable because it is depending on the kind of parental
support showed which makes their performance high or low.
4. CONTROL VARIABLE – special types of independent variables that
are measured in a study because they potentially influence the
dependent variable. Researchers use statistical procedures (e.g.
analysis of covariance) to control these variables. They may be
demographic or personal variables that need to be “controlled” so that
the true influence of the independent variable on the dependent can
be determined. In an experiment, it is the variable that is held
Examples: In a study, “Determining the Effects of Exposure to Different Colored Lights on
the in a Growth of the Plant”, the control variables are the type of plant, the amount of soil, and
the amount of water given to the plants. These variables are controlled so that the plant growth
can be attributed with certainty to exposure to different colored lights.

The following are activities for you to answer. Based your answer from the
above discussion.
Religiously answer the following activities and indicate your answer and
give feedback at the end of this activity sheets. You are going to submit this
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) to your adviser. Make sure it has a name and
address as well as contact number/s if you had to easily track your status in
the subject Practical Research 2. Your teacher will as well contact you if there
are discrepancies in your answer. Good luck and happy learning.

Directions: Answer the following questions below:

1. Distinguish independent from dependent variables in a complete


2. Explain the term “control variable” in your own words in a
complete sentence.

3. Explain “confounding variable” in your own words in a complete

4. Which of the two is an independent variable?
A. Students undergo blended learning in English subject.
B. Students who undergo blended learning have improved grades
in an English subject.
Explain your answer in a complete sentence.
5. Which of the two is the dependent variable?
A. A considerable number of consumers use the twin pack in a 3 in
1 coffee product.
B. A leading coffee manufacturer introduces a twin pack in a 3 in
1 coffee product.

Explain your answer in a complete sentence.


Directions: Identify the level of measurement involved in the following
research situations. Use the following codes:

A – NominalB – Ordinal C – Interval D – Ratio

___________1. The Top 10 songs for the week.

___________2. A fashion designer shares the top 10 most famous fashion

statement for the year.

___________3. Mrs. Gabayeron, STEM 11 adviser surveys her students’ health

status whether it is normal, overweight, obese, wasted, or severely

__________4. Ms. Rea, the Doctor’s secretary determines the weight of the baby
being brought to the clinic for treatment.

__________5. A student wants to determine the average of the correct answers

that he got from the last practical research 2 quiz.

__________6. A researcher wants to find out the number of hours that the
Senior High School TVL students spent in using social media.

__________7. A veterinary assistant records the breeds of dogs that are being
brought for treatment in the veterinary clinic.

__________8. You would like to find out the number of minutes it takes for
each member of the class from their respective house to the school

_________9. A teacher asks the class on the degree of difficulty (easy,

moderate, or difficult) they experienced in their last periodic
examination in mathematics.

_________10. A geoscientist from the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical,

and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) determines
the daily temperature for June.

A. Reflective Essay.
Directions: Do a reflection essay (maximum of 250 words) on the kinds of
variables and their uses. Write your answer on your ANSWER SHEETS.

Your score will be based from the Rubrics below:

Above Expectations Meets Approaching Below
Expectations Expectations Expectations

4 3 2 1

The reflection explains the The reflection explains The reflection attempts The reflection does not
student’s own thinking and the student’s thinking to demonstrate thinking address the student’s
learning processes, as well about his/her own about learning but is thinking and/or learning.
as implications for future learning processes. vague and/or unclear
Reflective Thinking learning. about the personal
learning process..

The reflection is an in-depth The reflection is an The reflection attempts to The reflection does not
analysis of the learning analysis of the learning analyze the learning move beyond a
experience, the value of the experience and the value experience but the value description of the learning
derived learning to self or of the derived learning to of the learning to the experience.
Analysis others, and the enhancement self or others. student or others is vague
of the student’s appreciation and/or unclear.
for the discipline.

The reflection articulates The reflection articulates The reflection attempts to The reflection does not
multiple connections connections between this articulate connections articulate any connection
between this learning learning experience and between this learning to other learning or
experience and content content from other experience and content experiences.
from other courses, past courses, past learning from other courses, past
learning, life experiences experiences, and/or future learning experiences, or
Making Connections and/or future goals. goals. personal goals, but the
connection is vague
and/or unclear.


Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L chart below to pre-assess your prior knowledge
regarding the topic “Special Relativity”. By the end of the lesson, go back to this
activity to answer the L part.

Activity Title: Characteristics, strengths,

weaknesses, and kinds of
Quantitative Research KWHL
References (If Any)
Objectives: Describes characteristics,
strengths, weaknesses, and kinds
of quantitative research.

Materials to be Used (if any) Writing materials such as pen and

RUBRICS for Scoring (If necessary)

For checking your understanding:
In the KWHL Chart, you are going to answer each column based from your own
understanding from the discussions above. The following is you scoring guide:


Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the
best answer. Write your answer on your answer sheets (paper).

________1. Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve at

a higher level than those taught first aid by the traditional method." The
independent variable in this hypothesis is:
a. students
b. level of achievement
c. programmed instruction
d. method of instruction

________2. In the example in question 1, the dependent variable is:

a. students
b. level of achievement
c. programmed instruction
d. method of instruction

________3. A research report states that Group A was exposed to a new

teaching method and Group B was exposed to a traditional method. At the end
of four months, each group was given the same achievement test. Group A had
a mean score that was higher than 11 the mean score for Group B. The
dependent variable in this study was the ______________________
a. achievement scores of the students
b. motivation of the students
c. type of teaching
d. length of the period of instruction

_________4. It is called dependent variable because the __________________

a. scores on this variable are hypothesized to depend on, and vary with,
the value of the independent variable
b. the outcome of an experiment is hypothesized to depend on the effect
that this variable has on the independent variable
c. scores on this variable can be expected not to vary in an experiment
d. scores on this variable depending on how they are manipulated by the

_________5. The characteristics of persons or things that can assume different

a. Distribution b. observations
c. data d. variables

_________6. A manipulated variable is one that __________________
a. Uses equipment
b. requires subjects to arrange materials
c. is arranged by the researcher
d. makes a study hard to interpret

________7. A moderator or intervening variable is one that:

a. Makes a relationship meaningless
b. qualifies the application of a relationship
c. weakens the strength of the relationship
d. provides an alternative explanation for a relationship

for questions number 8- 15, write A- for Nominal, B – for Ordinal, C – for
Interval, D – for Ratio on the given statements below:

__________ 8. Teaching position

__________ 9. Birthplace

__________ 10. Birth Order

__________ 11. Favorite Food

__________ 12. Grade Level

__________ 13. Mood for the day

__________ 14. Mode of transportation from house to school

__________ 15. Proximity of house to school

Additional Activities:
Directions: Draft your research title focusing your field of interest.
Identify the different kinds of variables that can be found in your proposed



1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D
Answer key:
8. B Activity 2 Assessment
9. A
10. B 1. B 1. D
11. A 2. B 2. B
12. B 3. A 3. A
13. A 4. D 4. A
14. A 5. D 5. D
15. D 6. D 6. B
7. A 7. D
8. D 8. B
9. B 9. A
10. D 10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. D

Baroceros, Esther L. 2016. Practical Research 2; First Edition. First
Edition. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Books Store.

Fataldo, Ruben E., Medardo B. Bombita, Helen B. Boholano, and Angeline

M. Pogoy. 2016. Practical Research 2: Quantitative Research.
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Maria Lourdes F. Melegrito, and Diana J. Mendoza. 2016. Applied Research:

An Introduction to Quantitative Methods and Report Writing. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Morales-Ramos, Ana Cherylle, Maureen B. Sabit, Joshua Evan M. Bajao, and

John Donnie A. Ramos. 2017. Exploring Life Through Science Series:
Capstone Research Project. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Prieto, Nilda G., Victoria C. Naval, and Teresita G. Carey. 2017. Practical
Research for Senior High School 2: Quantitative. Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc.

Pulmones, Richard. 2016. You and the Natural World: Quantitative
Research. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Yap-Patron, Ida. 2018. Quantitative Research for Senior High School. Quezon
City: Great Books Trading.


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