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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.- At last! I ___________ (solve) the problem.

2.- What ______________ recently? (you / do) Anything interesting?

3.- My brother ____________ (buy) a new motorbike. It looks great.

4.- _____________ (you / swim)? Your hair looks wet.

5.- Oh, There you are! I ____________ (look) for you everywhere.

6.- Sorry we are late. How long _______________ (you / wait)?

7.- I ____________ (know) Peter for a long time.

8.- My friends _____________ (run) for two hours already.

9..- I ____________ (never / understand) Maths and Physics.

10.- The children are tired because they ___________ (play) all day.

11.- Susan _____________ (never / believe) in ghosts and fairies.

12.- I _______________ (write) emails all day.

13.- John ______________ (never / see) this film before.

14.- What on earth ___________ (you / do)? You’re covered in mud.

15.- _______________ (you / ever / see) Altamira Cave? I hear it’s incredibly beautiful.

16.- How long ________________ (he / learn) English?

17.- I ____________ (just / speak) to my cousins. They told me the news.

18.- I’m sorry. Monica is not here.. She _____________ (go) out.

19.- We’re really tired because we ______________ (train) for the marathon since eight o’clock.

20.- _______________ (you / finish) doing your homework yet?

21.- The students ________ (revise) for their Spanish exam for two hours.

22.- Peter, why are you sweating? Because I _________ (hoover) the carpets.

23.- Is the lawn finished? Yes, Gonzalo ____________ (cut) the grass.

24.- It’s still raining. It _____________ (rain) for hours.

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