Topic 4: Dynamics of Local and Global Culture: The Contemporary World (Coworld)

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Module 1

Topic 4: Dynamics of Local and Global Culture

The Contemporary World (Coworld)

Dynamics of Local and Global Culture

Global flows of culture tend to

move more easily around the
the globe than ever before,
especially through non-material
digital forms. There are three
perspectives on global cultural
flows. These differentialism,
hybridization and convergence.
• Cultural differentialism emphasizes the fact that cultures are
essentially different and are only superficially affected by global
flows. The interaction of cultures is deemed to contain the
potential for “catastrophic collision.”
• Cultural hybridization approach emphasizes the integration of
local and global cultures. Globalization is considered to be a
creative process which gives rise to hybrid entities that are not
reducible to either the global or the local.
In the convergence of culture around the globe these concepts
describe different processes like:
• “Glocalization” or the interpenetration of the global and local
resulting unique outcomes in different geographic areas.
(Giulianotti & Robertson, 2007)

• Arjun Appadurai’s “Scapes” in 1996, where global flows involve

people, technology, finance, political images, and media and
the disjuncture between them, which lead to the creation of
cultural hybrids.
• Global cultural flow, a theory coined by Arjun Appadurai, demonstrated the definition
and effects of cultural flows in 5 distinct scapes: ethnoscapes, technoscapes,
financescapes, mediascapes and ideoscapes. Global cultural flow is a result of the
process of globalization.
• 1. Ethnoscapes refer to the shifting landscape of people across culture and borders such
as tourists, immigrants, refugees, exiles, guest workers. An example of ethnoscapes is
Australia – a multi-ethnic country with one of the most linguistically and culturally
diverse populations in the world.
• 2. Technoscapes are the transmission of cultures through the flow of technology. New
types of cultural interactions and exchanges are brought about by technology,
particularly the Internet. The globally integrated information network has become a
powerful tool in shaping how culture and communication are transmitted across the
globe. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to access an online forum and hear an English man
complaining about politics or watch a Brazilian dancing Samba.
• 3. Financescapes refer to the global movement of money, including currency, trade
and commodity. Countries nowadays are allowed to freely exchange good.
However, it leads to the intensification of competition amongst corporations.
• 4. Mediascapes refers to the electronic capabilities of production and
dissemination of information through media. 5. Ideoscapes are the global flow of
ideologies. Mediascapes and ideoscapes have a close relationship as they usually
work upon the reliance of the other scape. Ideas can be disseminated via media
platforms. An example is Michael Jackson, famously known as the king of Pop. He
used his fame to promote world peace, equality and human rights through his
songs. These songs were then broadcasted on media and his ideology approached
thousands of his fans around the world, which helped shape their perceptions and
inspire them.

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