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(Master of Science)
I to IV Semester

Head Chairperson
Dept. of Zoology BoS in Zoology
Osmania University Dept. of Zoology
Osmania University

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology




Paper I – Structural Biology [SB]

Paper II – Environmental and Conservation Biology [ECB]

Paper III – Immunology [IMM]

Paper IV – Taxonomy, Systematics and Functional Anatomy of Invertebrates [TSFAI]


Paper I – Tools, Techniques and Biostatistics [TTB]

Paper II – Animal Physiology [AP]

Paper III – Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology [MGDB]

Paper IV – Evolution and Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates [EFAV]

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology


Paper I - Systems Biology[SB]

Paper II - Research Methodology [RM]

Elective I

Paper III - Neuroscience - I

Medical Entomology - I
Parasitology - I
Comparative Animal Physiology - I
Fisheries - I

Elective II

Paper IV - Applied Toxicology

Wildlife Biology


Paper I- Animal Biotechnology[AB]

Paper II- Fish Biology [FB]

Elective II

Paper III- Neuroscience - II

Medical Entomology - II
Parasitology - II
Comparative Animal Physiology - II
Fisheries - II

Paper IV - Project

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Scheme of Examination

Semester – I

S.N. Subj Code Subject (Title) Duration Max. Marks

Instruction Total
of (hrs) Internal Semester Credits
Hrs/week Marks
THEORY Exam. Assessment Exam.
1. Zoo_101T Structural
4 3 20 80 100 4
2. Zoo_102T Environmental
4 3 20 80 100 4
3. Zoo_103T Immunology
4 3 20 80 100 4
4. Zoo_104T Taxonomy,
Systematics and
Functional 4 3 20 80 100 4
Anatomy of

7. Zoo_101P Structural
4 3 - 50 50 2
8. Zoo_102P Environmental
4 3 - 50 50 2
9. Zoo_103P Immunology
4 3 - 50 50 2
10. Zoo_104P Taxonomy,
Systematics and
Functional 4 3 - 50 50 2
Anatomy of
Total: 32 80 520 600 24

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Scheme of Examination

Semester – II

S.N. Subj Code Subject (Title) Duration Max. Marks

Instruction Total
of (hrs) Internal Semester Credits
Hrs/week Marks
THEORY Exam. Assessment Exam.
1. Zoo_201T Tools,
Techniques and 4 3 20 80 100 4
2. Zoo_202T Animal
4 3 20 80 100 4
3. Zoo_203T Molecular
Genetics and
4 3 20 80 100 4
4. Zoo_204T Evolution and
4 3 20 80 100 4
Anatomy of

7. Zoo_201P Tools,
Techniques and 4 3 - 50 50 2
8. Zoo_202P Animal
4 3 - 50 50 2
9. Zoo_203P Molecular
Genetics and
4 3 - 50 50 2
10. Zoo_204P Evolution and
4 3 - 50 50 2
Anatomy of
Total: 32 80 520 600 24

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Scheme of Examination

Semester – III

S.N. Subj Code Subject (Title) Duration Max. Marks

Instruction Total
of (hrs) Internal Semester Credits
Hrs/week Marks
THEORY Exam. Assessment Exam.
1. Zoo_301T Systems
4 3 20 80 100 4
2. Zoo_302T Research
4 3 20 80 100 4
3. Zoo_303T Elective I
4 3 20 80 100 4
4. Zoo_304T Elective II
4 3 20 80 100 4
7. Zoo_301P Systems
4 3 - 50 50 2
8. Zoo_302P Research
4 3 - 50 50 2
9. Zoo_303P Elective I
4 3 - 50 50 2
10. Zoo_304P Elective II
4 3 - 50 50 2
Total: 32 80 520 600 24

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Scheme of Examination

Semester – IV

S.N. Subj Code Subject (Title) Duration Max. Marks

Instruction Total
of (hrs) Internal Semester Credits
Hrs/week Marks
THEORY Exam. Assessment Exam.
1. Zoo_401T Animal
4 3 20 80 100 4
2. Zoo_402T Fish Biology 4 3 20 80 100 4
3. Zoo_403T Elective I
4 3 20 80 100 4
4. Zoo_406T Project
4 3 20 80 100 4

7. Zoo_401P Animal
4 3 - 50 50 2
8. Zoo_402P Fish Biology 4 3 - 50 50 2
9. Zoo_403P Elective I
4 3 - 50 50 2
10. Zoo_454P Project
4 3 - 50 50 2
Total: 32 80 520 600 24

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_101

Semester - I
Paper I: Structural Biology [SB]

UNIT I–Basic concepts of Biomolecules and Structural Biology 15 Hrs

1.1 Biomolecules and their significance – carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids
and lipids.
1.2 Chemistry and structure of mono, oligo and polysaccharides. Deoxysugars, aminosugars
and glycosides
1.3 Classification and structures of proteins – primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.
1.4 Classification, structure and function of lipids, fatty acids, triglycerides; phospholipds,
cerebrosides, steroids
1.5 Nucleic acids – Structure of DNA and RNA , DNA polymorphism, RNA types.

UNIT II–Enzymes and Metabolism 15 Hrs

2.1 Classification, nomenclature and properties of enzymes – catalysis and energy of

activation; Enzyme kinetics, Michaelis–Menten Constant; (Km values) and LB plot;
mechanism of enzyme action and regulation of enzyme activity
2.2 Metabolism of carbohydrates – Glcolysis; TCA cycle; Gluconeogenesis; biological
oxidation; role of respiratory chain in energy capture; ATP synthesis
2.3 Catabolism of amino acids – Transamination, deamination and decarboxylation
2.4 Oxidation and biosynthesis of fatty acids
2.5 Metabolic disorders of different biomolecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids)

UNIT III–Cellular Organization 15 Hrs

3.1 Molecular organization and functions of cell membranes

3.2 Cell permeability – Transport across the cell membrane; transport of small molecules; Carrier
proteins; Ion pumps; membrane bound enzymes
3.3 Cell communications – Inter cellular communication and gap junctions; chemical signaling
between the cells; strategies of chemical signaling
3.4 Signaling mediated by intracellular receptors; signaling mediated cell surface receptors –
second and third messengers; C–AMP, G–proteins, Ca++, Inositol Triphosphate (IP3) and
3.5 Cell cycle; molecular events in cell cycle; mitotic spindle

UNIT IV - Functional Biology of Nucleic Acids 15 Hrs

4.1 DNA replication – semi conservative, enzymology of DNA replication, replication of circular
DNA, initiation, elongation and termination of replication process. Proof reading function
of DNA polymerases.
4.2 Enzymatic synthesis of RNA.
4.3 Protein synthesis – Events of protein synthesis; transcription in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes; post transcriptional processing.
4.4 Regulation of genetic code – Wobble’s concept, translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

4.5 DNA repair mechanism – High fidelity of DNA sequence – Repair of damage caused by UV
light, Eukaryotes repair systems.

1 Determination of proteins by Biuret method/ Folin Phenol method
2 Determination of glucose by Somogi / Anthrone method
3 Determination of lipids by Vanlin method
4 Determination of glycogen by Kemp’s method
5 Estimation of cholesterol
6 Determination of enzyme activities of SDH and LDH
7 Effect of substrate concentration and pH on SDH activity
8 Protein fractionation using sodium sulphate
9 Estimation of DNA and RNA
10 Electrophoretic analysis of proteins/DNA
11 Feulgen reaction method for DNA localization.
12 Submission of assignment on structure of Biomolecules, mechanism of enzyme action ,
Metabolic cycles, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis. [To be submitted at the time of
Examination – 10 Marks]

Suggested Books
1 Textbook of Biochemistry by Harper
2 Textbook of Biochemistry by Lehninger
3 Textbook of Biochemistry by Stryer and Stryer
4 Textbook of Biochemistry by Conn and Stumpf
5 Textbook of Biochemistry by A.B.V. Rama Rao
6 Cell and molecular biology by De Robertis and De Robertis, 8th ed.
7 Molecular Biology by Friefielder
8 Molecular cell biology by Darnell, Lodish and Baltimore (Scientific American Books)
9 Molecular biology by H. D. Kumar
10 Biochemistry and molecular biology by W. H. Elliot and D. C.Elliot(OU Press)
11 Molecular Biology of Cell by Bruce Alberts et al.
12 Cell by Karp

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. P. Nagaraja Rao
2 Dr. Rafath Yasmeen
3 Dr. B. Jyothi
4 Dr. S. Padmaja

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_102
Semester - I
Paper II: Environmental and Conservation Biology [ECB]

UNIT I – Basic concepts of Ecology 15 Hrs

1.1 Laws of limiting factor, Laws of minimum, Laws of Tolerance and Tragedy of commons
1.2 Micronutrients and macronutrients
1.3 Types of ecosystem – freshwater, marine and terrestrial
1.4 Population characteristics and dynamics – conceptual approach
1.5 Growth curves and pyramids; sigmoid curve, J curve and hyperbola; logistic equation and
concepts relating to growth

UNIT II – Community Organization and Structure 15 Hrs

2.1 Community analysis, species diversity, ecotone concept and edge effect; interaction
between environment and biota Habitat and ecological niche and niche overlap; concept
of biome
2.2 Concepts of productivity; eutrophication of lakes; biological indicator and water quality
2.3 Ecosystem dynamics and management; stability and complexity of ecosystem
2.4 Biogeochemical cycles; inorganic pollutants and their impact SO2 , NO2, CO, Phosphates,
heavy metals (Arsenic, Lead and Mercury); radioactive nucleotides and their impact on
biological system
2.5 Acid rain sources and its impact on biological system; green house effect and ozone

UNIT III - Biogeography of India, Habitats and Resources 15 Hrs

3.1 Classical concepts of biogeography – continental drift, endemism, refugia

3.2 Biogeographical regions of India and their salient features
3.3 Classification, function and values of habitats – Freshwater wetlands, deserts, grasslands
and forests
3.4 Concepts of natural resources – renewable and non-renewable resources
3.5 Overexploitation of resources – deforestation, water table depletion and land

UNIT IV - Natural Resource Management 15 Hrs

4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment – principle, scope and purpose

4.2 Role of ecological restoration in conservation; displacement and settlement of local
4.3 Major conservation movements in India; NGOs in conservation efforts
4.4 Community diversity resources use and management; conflict management and
4.5 National legislations for protecting biological resources – Biodiversity Act, 2002 and
Biodiversity Rules, 2004

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

1 Estimation of phosphates from the water sample
2 Estimation of nitrates and nitrites
3 Estimation of magnesium
4 Estimation of calcium
5 Biological indicators of water quality and their population dynamics – collection of water
6 Identification, enumeration of zooplankton, and their ecological significance
7 Estimation of total alkalinity of water and soil
8 Estimation of particulate matter in air
9 Draw the biogeographical regions of India and provide in brief the salient features of
each biogeographical zone
10 Enumerate the biological diversity (zooplanktons and birds) using the habitat of
freshwater lake in your place
11 Enumerate the diversity (plants and animals) use and their management in a
community/village near your place

Suggested Books
1 Caughley, G., and A. Gunn. 1996. Conservation Biology in Theory and Practice. Blackwell
Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
2 Cox, G. W. 2005. Conservation Biology: Concepts and Applications. McGraw-Hill,
Dubuque, Iowa, U.S.A.
3 Dasmann, R., 1981. Wildlife Biology, 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, NY
4 Dobson, A. P. 1996. Conservation and Biodiversity. Scientific American Library, New York,
New York, U.S.A.
5 Jeffries, M. J. 1997. Biodiversity and Conservation. Routledge, New York, New York,
6 Mills, L. Scott 2006. Conservation of Wildlife Populations. Blackwell Science, Oxford, U. K.
7 Milner-Gulland, E. J., and R. Mace. 1998. Conservation of Biological Resources. Blackwell
Science, Oxford, U.K.
8 Morris, W. F., and D. F. Doak2002. Quantitative Conservation Biology: Theory and
Practice of Population Viability Analysis. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts,
9 Sinclair, A. R. E., J. M. Fryxell, and G. Caughley2006. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and
Management, Blackwell Publishing
10 Soulé ME (ed) 1986. Conservation biology: the science of scarcity and diversity- Sinauer,
11 Bram F. Noble 2005. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: A Guide to
Principles and Practice. Oxford University Press, London
12 John A. Wiens and Michael R. Moss 2005. Issues and Perspectives in Landscape Ecology.
Cambridge University Press, London
13 Aparna Sawhney 2004. The New Face of Environmental Management in India. Ashgate
Publishing Ltd., Sheffield

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. S. Jithender Kumar Naik
2 Dr. C. Srinivasulu
3 Dr. Apka Nageshwar Rao
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Code Zoo_103
Semester - I
Paper III: Immunology [IM]

UNIT I – Introduction to Immune System 15 Hrs

1.1 Phylogeny of Immune system –invertebrates and vertebrates

1.2 Immune system – Innate and adaptive immunity , humoral mediated immunity and cell-
mediated immunity
1.3 Cells involved in immune system; role of macrophages in immunity
1.4 The Lymphoid tissues – primary and secondary lymphoid organs, lymphatic traffic
1.5 Activation of B– and T– Cells; production of effectors – antibodies and cytokines

UNIT II – Antigen-Antibody Nature and Complement System 15 Hrs

2.1 Antigens nature, epitope, haptens, antigen presenting cells, adjuvants, antigenicity
2.2 Immunoglobulins structure, function and classification of antibodies.
2.3 Monoclonal antibodies and its application. Antigen antibody reactions. Immunological
techniques -Principles and applications of ELISA, RIA, Immunoprecipitation, FISH and
2.4 Complement system – Components of complement system, pathways - classical and
alternative, biological consequences of complement activation and complement
2.5 Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) structure and function; genetic control of
Immunoresponses; MHC restriction
15 Hrs
UNIT III – Hypersensitivity Reactions and Autoimmune Diseases

3.1 Hypersensitivity – Classification of hypersensitivity reactions; Type-I – Anaphylactic

hypersensitivity; Type – II Antibody – mediated cytotoxic hypersensitivity.
3.2 Type-III – Immunocomplex mediated hyper sensitivity; Type – IV Cell mediated (Delayed)
3.3 Autoimmune diseases – Organ specific auto immune diseases – Grave’s disease, insulin–
dependent diabetes mellitus (type–I diabetes).
3.4 Autoimmune diseases – Systemic autoimmune diseases – Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid arthritis.
3.5 Genetic factors, pathogenesis and treatment of autoimmune diseases.

UNIT IV – Transplantation and Tumour Immunology 15 Hrs

4.1 Transplantation – Barriers to transplantation.

4.2 Genetic predisposition for graft rejection, prevention of rejection.
4.3 Immunity to infection – viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, nature of interaction;
immunopathological considerations.
4.4 Tumor immunology – Immunity to tumors, tumor specific antigens.
4.5 Immunosurveillance.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology


1 Slide agglutination test – A,B,O blood groups

2 Latex agglutination slide test by kit method
3 RPR Test for Sphilis
4 HIV test(Tridot method)
5 Widal test for diagnosis of enteric fever
6 Blood smear preparation and identification of lymphocyts
7 Identification of histological slides of lymphoid tissue - Spleen, thymus, lymphnode and
bone marrow
8 Single Radial immune diffusion for estimation concentration of antibodies and antigens
9 Separation and identification of immunoglobulins by electrophoresis
10 Immunization schedules and rising of antibodies
11 Demonstration of Immunoectrophoresis
12 Submission of assignment on structure of immune cells, antibodies, antigen-antibody
reactions, MHC, Hypersensitivity types. Mechanisms in transplantation and tumor
immunology. [To be submitted at the time of Examination – 10 Marks]

Suggested Books
1 Immunology, Kuby, W.F.Freeman, U.S.A
2 Fundamentals of Immunology, W.Paul
3 Essentials of Immunology, I.M.Roitt
4 Immunology A Foundation Test by Basiro Davey
5 An introduction to immunology, by Ian R. Tizard

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. K. Pratap Reddy
2 Dr. G. Sunitha Devi
3 Dr. Rafath Yasmeen

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_104
Semester - I
Paper IV: Taxonomy, Systematics and Functional Anatomy of Invertebrates [TSFAI]

UNIT I - Biosystematics and Taxonomy 15 Hrs

1.1 Basic concepts of biosystematics, taxonomy and classification

1.2 Recent trends in biosystematics ¬– molecular taxonomy
1.3 Taxonomic hierarchies, species concepts.
1.4 International Code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) – operative principles,
interpretation and application of important rules; basis of scientific names
1.5 Concepts of Prokarya, Eukarya, Protostomia and Deuterostomia; Significance of
symmetry, coelom and metamerism

UNIT II– Protozoa to Platyhelminthes 15 Hrs

2.1 Structure and functions of Locomotary organs in protozoans, reproduction in protozoa,

conjugation in verticella
2.2 Porifera :-sycoin canal system, life cycle
2.3 Platyhelminthes:- Polyembryons
2.4 Life cycles and modes of transmission, Paragonimus westermani, Diphyllobothrium
2.5 Overview of reproduction and development in Protozoa, Proifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora
and Platyhelminthes

UNIT III - Annelida to Echinodermata 15 Hrs

3.1 Filter feeding in polychaetes and respiration in Annelida.

3.2 Shell in mollusca; respiration in mollusca foot in molluscs
3.3 Arthropoda; social life in insects; respiration and excretion in arthropods
3.4 Echinodermata; Autotomy and regeneration in echinodumata
3.5 Overview of reproduction, development and phylogenetic significance of the larval forms
of Arthropoda and Echinodermata

UNIT IV - Minor and Other Phyla 15 Hrs

4.1 Systematic position, general organization and affinities of Ctenophora and Nemertea
4.2 Systematic position, general organization and affinities of Rotifera
4.3 Systematic position, general organization and affinities of Bryozoa (Ectoprocta).
4.4 Systematic position, general organization and affinities of Onychophora and
4.5 Systematic position, general organization and affinities of Hemichordata

1 Salient characteristics, identification and classification of representative types of
invertebrate groups from Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Annelida, Mollusca,
Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Hemichordata
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

2 Preparation of permanent slides of mouth parts of house fly, mosquitoes and silk moth
3 Collection and identification of invertebrates in pond water
4 Collection and identification of parasites from cockroach
5 Dissections –
1. Minor – a) Reproductive system of cockroach, b) Mouth parts of cockroach
2. Major – a) Nervous system of prawn

Suggested Books
1 Principles of systematic Zoology (2 nd Edition) by E. Mayr and P.D. Ashlock
2 A Textbook of Zoology Vol. I by Parker and Haswell (Revised)
3 The Invertebrates Vol. I to Vol. VI by L. H. Hyman
4 Invertebrate structure and function by E. J. W. Barrington
5 Invertebrate Zoology by P. A. Meglitsch (Oxford Press)
6. Life of Invertebrates by Russel Hunter
7. Invertebrate Zoology by Rupport and Barnes (Saunders College Publishing Co.)
8. Life of Invertebrates by S. N. Prasad
9. Evolutionary Biology by Eric C. Mitkoff
10. Worms and Man by D. W. T. Crompton
11. Parasitology by Noble and Noble
12. Regeneration by S. M. Rose–Appleton (Century Crofts)

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. Geeta Rajalingam
2 Dr. C. Srinivasulu
3 Dr. A. V. Rajashekar

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_201
Semester - II
Paper I: Tools, Techniques and Biostatistics [TTB]

UNIT I - Tools and Separation Techniques 15 Hrs

1.1 Principles of microscopy – light, UV, confocal, phase contrast, fluorescent, electron
microscopy (SEM & TEM)
1.2 Principles of histology – microtomy – tissue fixation, staining, mounting, histochemistry
1.3 Homogenization; cell fractionation; centrifugation – principles and applications of
Preparative, analytical and ultra centrifugation
1.4 Chromatographic techniques – principle and applications of adsorption, affinity,
partition, permeation, ion-exchange, column, TLC, GLC, HPLC
1.5 Electrophoresis techniques – principles and applications of continuous, disc,
isoelectrofocussing, isotachophoresis.

UNIT II - Separation and Diagnostic Techniques 15 Hrs

2.1 Spectroscopic techniques – principles and applications of visible, UV, fluorescence, IR,
ESR, NMR and mass spectroscopy
2.2 Radioisotope techniques – principles and application of Geiger-Muller counter,
scintillation counter, tracer studies, autoradiography
2.3 Electrophysiological techniques – principles and applications of single neuron recording,
patch clamp recording.
2.4 Imaging techniques - ECG, PET, MRI, fMRI and CAT
2.5 Microarray techniques – principles and applications of DNA, RNA and Protein microarray

UNIT III - Biostatistics I – Introduction, Measures and Theories of Probability 15 Hrs

3.1 Statistical data, organization, classification and tabulation of data; Frequency distribution
and graphical representation of data
3.2 Measures of central tendency – Mathematical average (Mean – Arithmetic, Geometric &
Harmonic Mean) and Positional Averages (Median and Mode)
3.3 Measures of dispersion (or variability) – types, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation,
variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variance
3.4 Basics of Probability – Concept of probability, addition and multiplication laws of
probability and application to the problems of biology
3.5 Probability distribution – Definition, Types, properties and applications – Normal,
Binomial and Poisson distributions

UNIT IV - Biostatistics II – Hypothesis testing and Inferential Statistics 15 Hrs

4.1 Sampling – concept, sampling distribution of mean, standard error; Random variable –
concept, expectation and variance of random variable
4.2 Statistical estimation – types, methods and applications; Statistical hypothesis – types,
testing (hypothesis, null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis), decision making (Type I &
Type II errors), determination (fixation of level of significance)
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

4.3 Nonparametric tests – Assumptions, applications of Sign Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank
Test, Man-Whitney Test
4.4 Parametric tests – Student’s t-Test; Analysis of Variance (ANOVA or F-Ratio: One way and
Two-way analysis); Chi-square test (Test of Independence and Test of Goodness of Fit)
4.5 Correlation and regression analysis concepts and their application

1 To fix a tissue with Bouin’s fixative and stain using haemotoxylin – eosin stain for
histochemical studies
2 To prepare a paraffin block of tissue for microtomy for making sections of tissue for
histochemical studies
3 Quantitative detection of total carbohydrates using Anthrone technique
4 Quantitative detection of total lipids using sulpho-phospovanillin technique
5 Quantitative detection of total proteins using Lowry et al’s Biuret technique
6 Graphic presentation of data – bar diagram, histogram, frequency polygon and pie chart
7 Calculation of measures of central tendencies – mean, median and mode
8 Calculation of measures of dispersions – range, mean deviation, standard deviation,
variance and coefficient of variance
9 Computation of test of significance – comparison of sample mean with population mean
and two sample means
10 Calculate the coefficient of correlation between two variables
11 Computation of linear regression
12 Computation of One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
13 Using Chi Square Test, test the independence of two variables

Suggested Books
1 Principles and techniques of Practical Biochemistry Ed. B.L. Williams & K. Wilson,
Arnold Publishers
2 Practical Biochemistry By Plummer
3 Immunology – Roit
4 Cell and Molecular Biology – DeRoberties
5 Cell and Molecular Biology – Ladish et al.
6 Statistical methods, Snedecor, G.W. and W.G. Cochran, Iowa State Univ. Press
7 Biometry by W. H. Freeman and Francisco
8 Fundamentals of Biometry by L.N. Balaram (1980)
9 Biostatistics by N. Gurumani
10 Techniques in life sciences – by Tembhare

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. B. Reddya Naik
2 Dr. C. Srinivasulu

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_202
Semester II
Paper II: Animal Physiology [AP]

UNIT I – Digestion-Respiration- Circulation 15 Hrs

1.1 Cellulose digestion –Ruminant and non-ruminant digestion; absorption in mammals;

events of absorptive and post absorptive states and their regulation (endocrine and
1.2 Respiration – Cascade of oxygen transport to tissues at high altitude; adaptation to
1.3 Responses to CO2 and O2 rich environment; oxygen toxicity; hypercapnea, control of
1.4 Buffering mechanisms by body fluids.
1.5 Circulation - Cardiac cycle and principles of hemodynamics; blood
coagulation,haematome formation; Anti-coagulants.

UNIT II– Osmoregulation, Excretion and thermoregulation 15 Hrs

2.1 Osmoregulation – Osmoregulatory problems in brackish water, fresh water and marine
organisms; osmotic problems in terrestrial animals; hormonal control of osmoregulation.
2.2 Excretion – Urine formation, counter current mechanism; juxtaglomerular apparatus,
rennin-angiotensin system; hormonal regulation – ADH and aldosterone.
2.3 Detoxification of nitrogen products; purine cycle and miscellaneous detoxification
2.4 Thermal physiology – temperature regulation in poikilotherms,homeotherms and
heterotherms, and their mechanisms of survival; central control of homeothermy.
2.5 Cold death, cold resistance, heat death; Torpor, hibernation and aestivation.

UNIT III– Muscle Physiology, Neurophysiology & Receptors 15 Hrs

3.1 Comparative molecular structure and function of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles;
energy metabolism in skeletal muscle, muscle fatigue.
3.2 Types of neurons and glial cells.
3.3 Basis and significance of membrane potentials, equilibrium potentials, their change
during stimulus, Na, K currents in action potential.
3.4 Types of synapses, synaptic transmission - electrical and chemical; synaptic inhibition and
3.5 Receptors – Receptor mechanisms, sensory coding; Mechanoreceptors, photochemical
aspects of vision and phonoreception in mammals.

UNIT IV – Endocrinology, Bioluminiscence & Stress Physiology 15 Hrs

4.1 Structure and function of endocrine glands of invertebrate.

4.2 Structure and function of endocrine glands of vertebrate.
4.3 Mechanism of hormone action (peptide and steroid hormones).
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

4.4 Bioluminiscence-luminiscent organisms-neural control. Biochemistry and significance of

4.5 Stress – resistance to stress, functions of hormones and sympathetic nervous system in

1 Estimation of blood chlorides under hetero osmotic media.
2 Cold and heat stress on metabolic rate in tilapia fish/crab.
3 Effect of heat stress on glycogen levels in tilapia fish/crab.
4 Estimation of Acetylcholinesterase activity.
5 Estimation of phosphorylase activity.
6 Adrenalin and insulin induced changes in blood glucose levels in rat/mice.
7 Kymographic recordings of twitch, tetanus and fatigue.
8 Estimation of Hb, ESR and blood clotting time.
9 Cell fragility.

Suggested Books
1 Principles of Animal Physiology by D.W. Wood.
2 Principles of Animal Physiology by Gordon.
3 Animal Physiology-Adaptations and environment by Schmidt-Nielson.
4 Principles of Animal Physiology by Wilson.
5 Text Book of Medical Physiology by Guyton.
6 General & Comparative Animal Physiology By William Hoar.
7 Comparative Animal Physiology by Florey.
8 Comparative Animal Physiology by L.C.Prosser.
9 Human Physiology by vander .

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. Sugita Mathur
2 Dr. Rafath Yasmeen
3 Dr. S. Padmaja
4 Dr. Jyothi

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_203
Semester II
Paper III: Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology [MGDB]

UNIT I - Introduction to Genetics 15 Hrs

1.1 Mendelism, mendelian inheritance; modification of mendelian inheritance.

1.2 Linkage studies, crossing over and extra chromosomal inheritance, multiple alleles, blood
group antigens.
1.3 Chromosome structure (Prokaryote and Eukaryote); identification, karyotype.
1.4 Genetic disorders – chromosomal disorders, inborn errors of metabolism and polygenic
and environmental disorders.
1.5 Bacterial genetics – transformation, transduction, conjugation, viral lytic and lysogenic

UNIT II – Molecular Genetics 15 Hrs

2.1 Introduction of DNA technology – Restriction endonucleases, methods of ligation – DNA

ligases, ligation of fragment with cohesive and blunt ends.
2.2 Features of vectors – cosmids, plasmids and shuttle vector with one example
representing each class construction and characterization of new cloning vectors
2.3 Applied molecular biology – DNA sequences – Maxam and Gilbert methods, Sanger’s
method. Application of recombinant DNA technology with reference to the example of
insulin, somatostatin, and interferon. DNA fingerprinting and its application
2.4 Cloning strategies – Shotgun cloning, construction of gene libraries, genomic library and
DNA library
2.5 Hybridization techniques – Southern blot, Northern blot, R-loop mapping methods, In-
situ hybridization

UNIT III – Overview of Developmental Biology 15 Hrs

3.1 Scope and importance of developmental biology

3.2 Gametogenesis; spermatogenesis, oogenesis, vitellogenesis and chemodifferentiation
3.3 Fertilization, parthenogenesis and its significance
3.4 Types of cleavage, mechanism of cleavage, chemical changes during cleavage
3.5 Role of cytoplasm and nucleus during early development; morphogenetic movements,
presumptive areas and fate maps

UNIT IV – Organogenesis 15 Hrs

4.1 Gastrulation, metabolic events during gastrulation and rudimentary organs formation
4.2 Concept of organisers and induction – Neural tubule formation
4.3 Organogenesis: limb, central nervous system, heart, kidney and eye
4.4 Role of hormones in metamorphosis of insects and frog; regeneration in Cnidaria,
Echinodermata, Amphibia (limb and tail regeneration), and Reptiles (tail regeneration)
4.5 Teratogenesis– genetic and environmental; developmental mechanisms of teratogenesis

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

1 Identification of ABO Blood groups
2 Extraction of DNA from tissues
3 Extraction and isolation of RNA from tissues
4 Estimation of RNA, DNA in tissues
5 Estimation of structural proteins
6 Estimation of soluble proteins
7 Estimation of SDH activity in chick embryo
8 Estimation of LDH activity in chick embryo
9 Estimation of calcium in egg shell by EDTA method
10 Identification of chick embryo developmental stages – 24hrs, 48hrs, 72hrs, &96hrs

Suggested Books
1 General genetics by Winchester
2 Molecular Biology of gene by Watson et al. Vol I & II
3 Genetics by Strickberger
4 Molecular Biology by Friefielder
5 Genetics by P.K. Gupta
6 Genes by Lewis
7 General genetics by S. R. B. Owen
8 Cell and molecular biology by De Robertis and De Robertis, 8th ed.
11 Molecular cell biology by Darnell, Lodish and Baltimore (Scientific American books)
12 Molecular biology by H. D. Kumar
13 Biochemistry and molecular biology by W. H. Elliot and D. C.Elliot (OUPress)
14 Text book of molecular biology by K. S. Sastry et al. (MacMillan Ind. Pvt. Ltd.)
15 Developmental Biology - patterns, problems and principles by W. Saunders Jr.
16 Principles of Animal Developmental Biology by S.C. Goel
17 Introduction to embryology by Balinsky
18 Developmental Biology S. Gilbert
19 Evolution by Savage
20 Process of organic evolution by Stebbings
21 Evolution of vertebrates by Colbert
22 Developmental Biology by Berryl

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. V. Vanitha Das
2 Dr. G. Sunitha Devi
3 Dr. A.V. Rajashekar

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_204
Semester II
Paper IV: Evolution and Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates [EFAV]

UNIT I – Evolution 15 Hrs

1.1 Concept of evolution and theories of evolution

1.2 Variation, gene mutation and chromosomal aberrations in evolution; genetic drift
1.3 Speciation – species concepts, categories; Modes of speciation – Allopatric, parapatric
and sympatric speciation
1.4 Natural selection; patterns of evolution – sequential, divergent, convergent, gradual,
punctuated, monophyletic, polyphyletic and paraphyletic
1.5 Origin and evolution of primates and human

UNIT II – Evolution of Vertebrates 15 Hrs

2.1 Origin and salient features of Ostracoderm, Placoderm, Acanthodii, Sarcopterygii and
2.2 Origin, salient features and adaptive radiation in amphibians – Lepospondyli and
2.3 Origin, salient features and adaptive radiation in early and Mesozoic reptiles
2.4 Origin, salient features and adaptive radiation in birds – Palaeognathae and Neognathae
2.5 Origin, salient features and adaptive radiation in mammals – Prototheria and

UNIT III – Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates – from fishes to mammals 15 Hrs

3.1 Integumentary system ¬– Integument and its derivatives

3.2 Skeletal system ¬– Cranial and Post-Cranial (axial and appendicular) skeletal system
3.3 Nervous system – brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves; sense organs
3.4 Respiratory and circulatory system; Digestive and excretory system
3.5 Reproductive system – comparison of male and female reproductive systems from fishes
to mammals

UNIT IV – Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates – Evolutionary significance 15 Hrs

4.1 Evolutionary significance of internal fertilization, neoteny and paedogenesis

4.2 Amniotic egg ¬– structure and its evolutionary significance
4.3 Basic plan of skull; Temporal fossae and their evolutionary significance; Vertebrate Jaw
4.4 Types and evolutionary significance of axial and appendicular joints
4.5 Types and evolutionary significance of placenta; evolutionary significance of opposable
thumb and bipedalism in primates (both non-human and human)

1 Salient characteristics, identification and classification of representative types of
vertebrate groups from Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

2 Collection and preparation of slides of ticks, mites, bed bug, human lice, fleas,
mosquitoes and house flies
3 Structure, bionomics and biology of earthworms. Commercially important prawns,
mussels and pearl oysters, harmful and useful insects and moths, cultivable fishes and
4 Dissections ¬–
1. Minor – a) Weberian ossicles of Labeo, and b) Respiratory trees of Clarius
2. Major – a) a) Cranial nerves of Labeo (V, VII, IX & X cranial nerves, b) Cornea
and pectin of chick

Suggested Books
1 Life of vertebrates by J.Z. Young
2 A textbook of zoology Vol. II by Parker and Haswell (revised by Marshall)
3 Vertebrate body by A.S. Romer.
4 Chordates by Alexander.
5 Comparative vertebrate anatomy by Hyman.
6 Vertebrate structure and function by Waterman.
7 Evolution of vertebrates by E.H. Colbert.
8 Evolutionary biology by Mitkoff.
9 Comparative Anatomy by Kent.
10 Vertebrates – R. L. Kotpal
11 Chordate Zoology E. L. Jordan & P. S. Verma
12 Vertebrate Zoology & Evolution – Yadav B. N. & D. Kumar

Syllabus Committee
1 Prof. V. Vanitha Das
2 Dr. C. Srinivasulu
3 Dr. B. Neeraja

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_301

Semester – III
Core Paper
Paper I - Systems Biology

UNIT I – Introduction to Systems Biology 15 Hrs

1.1 History, concept, prospects and applications of systems biology.

1.2 Molecules to Organisms – Biomolecules, cell, tissue, organ and organisms.
1.3 Basic concepts of systems approach to biology.
1.4 Basic concepts of models and modeling, model behavior, classification.
1.5 Basic concepts of networks; types of networks.

UNIT II – Systems approach 15 Hrs

2.1 Mammalian biological clocks, neuronal and humeral network mechanism.

2.2 Biochemical networks and metabolic cycles – Kreb’s cycle, Electron Transport
2.3 Sustainable pest and disease management – quantitative and qualitative models.
2.4 Apoptosis - molecular modeling.
2.5 Bioremediation - hydrocarbon bioremediation, radionuclide biotransformation,
metals bioimmobilization.

UNIT III – Predictive modeling 15 Hrs

3.1 Continuous population models for single species.

3.2 Insect out break model: Mosquito model.
3.3 Predictive ecology, game theory population models, predator-prey model.
3.4 Kinetic models of biochemical system – metabolic control analysis.
3.5 Data formats, simulation techniques, modeling tools.

UNIT IV – Systems biology applications 15 Hrs

4.1 Networks in nervous system: Integrative synaptic mechanism of the neural

4.2 Caenorhabditis elegans model system for neurotoxicity.
4.3 Endobiogeny: An approach to systems biology, host-parasite interaction.
4.4 Evolutionary systems biology; approach to molecular phylogeny.
4.5 Nanoparticles in biological systems – application, characterization and

1. Live cell imaging.
2. Estimation of predator-prey relationship using larvivorous fish.
3. Temperature dependent enzymatic activity in metabolites.
4. In silico phylogenetic analysis.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

5. Neurotransmitters – defined systems.

6. Estimation of parasitic load in infected fish/ chicken.
7. Bioassay of neurotoxicity.
8. Estimation of population growth under different environmental conditions.
9. Protein expression profiling using 2D electrophoresis.

Suggested Books

1. An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits By Uri Alon.

2. Systems biology: A Text Book by Edda Klipp.
3. Mathematical Biology: An Introduction by Murray J.
4. An Introduction to Mathematical Biology by Linda J.S. Allen.
5. Introduction to Systems Biology by Sangdun Choi.
6. Life: An Introduction to Complex Systems Biology, by Kaneko Kunihiko.
7. Systems biology, by Robert A. Meyer.
8. Systems biology: Principles methods and concepts by A. K. Konopka.
9. Systems biology: The challenges of complexity by Shigetada Nakashini.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_302
Semester - III
Core Paper
Paper - II: Research Methodology

UNIT – I: Research, experimental and sampling design 15 Hrs

1.1. Research – basic and applied research, essential steps in research.

1.2. Research – definition, importance and application.
1.3. General methods in biological research – natural observation, field study, and
1.4. Experimental design – basic principles, hypothesis, one & two group experimental design.
matched pair data analysis, factoral design, randomized block design.
1.5. Sampling method - Concept of population, random sampling and non random sampling,
variables – random, independent and intervening variables.

UNIT – II: Collection, analysis and interpretation of data. 15 Hrs

2.1 Data collections: methods for primary data- observation, interview, questionnaire methods,
and experiments.
2.2 Methods for secondary data – scientific journals, books, reports, databases.
2.3 Representation of data – tabular representations of quantitative data, frequency table – one
way and two way.
2.4 Graphical representation of quanlitative data – line graph, histogram, frequency polygon,
frequency curve, Ogive, bar diagrams and pie diagrams.
2.5 Analysis of data – Tools of statistics and software applications.

UNIT – III: Use of inferential statistical tools in research 15 Hrs

3.1 Use of different statistical estimations depending on the type of data, hypothesis testing, and
test of significance.
3.2 Student’s ‘t’ test – applications and importance in research data.
3.3 Application of Chi-square test for the experimental data.
3.4 Use of ANOVA – (one-way and two-way ANOVA) for the research data analysis.
3.5 Application of correlation and regression analysis for the data.

UNIT – IV: Reporting research 15 Hrs

4.1 Literature collection – Need, review process, consulting source material, literature citation;
Components of research report – Text, tables, figures, bibliography.
4.2 Writing of dissertations, project proposals, project reports, research papers.
4.3 Intellectual Property Rights – Biopiracy, copyrights, patent and traditional knowledge and
4.4 Laboratory safety – Biohazardous agents, biosafety levels, lab acquired infections, other
hazards; Laboratory good practices.
4.5 Animal model systems; animal ethics- animal welfare guidelines for care and use of animals.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

1. Preparation of charts (histograms, frequency graphs, scatter plots, pie charts).

2. Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation and preparation of the graph depicting. mean and
standard deviation.
3. Calculation of descriptive statistics of data.
4. Calculation of t-test for paired two samples for means.
5. Calculation of correlation for bivariate data.
6. Calculation of regression for bivariate data.
7. Calculation of one-factor ANOVA.
8. Calculation of two-factor ANOVA .
9. Literature review using online resources.
10. Preparation and documentation of research publication/dissertation.

Wherever possible, use the computer for the analysis of data by using MS-Excel.

Suggested Books
1. Biostatistics by N. Gurumani
2. Research Methodology by N. Gurumani
3. Research methodology by R C Kothari
4. Research methodology by Ranjith kumar
5. Research methodology by Khan
6. Practical statistics using Microsoft excel by Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee
7. Next generation excel by I D Gottlieb

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_303

Semester - III
Elective I
Paper III - Neuroscience - I [NS–I]

UNIT I – Cellular Neurobiology 15 Hrs

1.1 Ultra structure of neuron, axonal transport and its mechanism.

1.2 Types of neuronal and glial cells, organization of neurons in brain.
1.3 Organization of CNS and PNS.
1.4 Over view of functional anatomy of brain and spinal cord.
1.5 Neuroanatomical and neuroimaging technique.

UNIT II – Neurophysiology 15 Hrs

2.1 Principles and methods of electrophysiological techniques – voltage and patch clamp.
2.2 Ion channels and ion pumps.
2.3 Types of biopotentials and mechanism; Action potential and propagation cable
2.4 Synaptic transmission, molecular and physiological mechanisms, EPSP and IPSP.
2.5 Synaptic receptor – nicotinic and muscuranic Ach receptor.

UNIT III – Molecular Neurobiology 15 Hrs

3.1 Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators.

3.2 Metabolism and functional significance of neurotransmitters, specific transmitter defined
3.3 G-protein coupled receptor mechanisms.
3.4 Neuroendoecrine circuits.
3.5 Neuroimmune circuits.

UNIT IV – Cognitive and Behavior Neurobiology 15 Hrs

4.1 Biorthym – Sleep and awake; neuronal – humoral mechanisms.

4.2 Types of learning and memory; cellular and molecular basis of learning and memory; role
of hippocampus and LTP in memory.
4.3 Neuronal basis of feeding.
4.4 Neuronal basis of emotion.
4.5 Cerebral cortex; organization and behavior.

PRACTICALS: (All experiments involving live animals are for demonstration only)
1 Demonstration of gross anatomical regions of brain.
2 Isolation of hippocampus, preparation of AchE, staining, protocol of hippocampal cell
3 Identification of different types of neural and glial cells.
4 Estimation of acetylcholine in different regions of brain.
5 Estimation of acetyl cholinesterase sodium and potassium ATPase activity.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

6 Electrophysiological demonstration of biopotentials and conduction velocity.

7 Determination of maze learning and estimation of proteins in hippocampus.
8 Biochemical differentiation of fast and slow muscles – SDH, LDH activities.
9 Induction of stress and estimation of glycogen, lactate, AChE and Na-K ATPase activities.

Suggested Books

1 Physiology and biophysics – Ruch and Patten.

2 A text book of muscle physiology – D. A. Jones and J. M. Round.
3 Neurobiology – Gorden M Sheperd.
4 Principles of neural science – E. Kandel and others.
5 Essentials of neural science and behaviour – E. Kandel and others.
6 Behavioral neuroscience – Cottman.
7 From Neuron to Brain – Nichollas, J. G. others.
8 Neuroscience – A. Longstaff .
9 Elements of molecular Neurobiology – C U M Smith.
10 Physiology of excitable cells – D. J. Aidley.
11 Text book of medical physiology – Guyton.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_303
Semester - III
Elective I
Paper III - Medical Entomology - I

UNIT I: Overview of Entomology. 15 Hrs

1.1. Significance of Insects to human importance: Reasons why insects are so successful.
1.2. Classification of Class Insecta and Arachnida with special emphasis medically important
1.3. Insect Morphology: Exoskeleton, Head, thorax, and abdomen.
1.4. Insects Physiology: Digestive system, Excretory system, Circulatory system, Reproductive
system, Nervous system, and Endocrine system.
1.5. Insect Development: Growth & development, Metamorphosis.

UNIT II: Biology of medically important Insects 15 Hrs

2.1. Diptera: Mosquitoes (Anopheles, Aedes, Culex), Housefly, Horsefly, Tsetse fly and Sand fly.
2.2. Hemiptera: Bed bugs.
2.3. Siphonaptera: Flea.
2.4. Siphunculata: Head louse, Body louse and pubic louse.
2.5. Dictyoptera: Cockroaches.

UNIT III: Insect Ecology & Behaviour 15 Hrs

3.1. Insects and climate: Temperature, Light, Rainfall, Wind and Influence of Climate change.
3.2. Insect population dynamics: Population functions and factors affecting population size.
3.3. Climate change and its influence on Malaria in India.
3.4. Community ecology: Classes of interaction, factors affecting interaction and consequences of
3.5. Insect behavior: mating, feeding and defensive strategies.

UNIT IV: Arhtropod-borne diseases and 15hrs

4.1. Bacterial diseases - Plague, Rickettsiasis, Bartonellosis.

4.2. Viral disease – Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, Chikungunya, Zika.
4.3. Protozoan diseases – Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Trypanosomiasis.
4.4. Helminthic diseases – Filariasis (Wuchereria, Brugia, Loa).
4.5. Direct injury, Annoyance, Allergies, toxins, myasis and venomous arthropods.

1. Insect Collection and Preservation methods.
2. Collection of medically important Insects and identification up to genus level.
3. Maintenance and study the stages life cycle of Cockroach / house fly / mosquito.
4. Preparation of permanent mounts of mosquito respiratory siphon and trumpet.
5. Preparation of permanent mounts of Insect leg and antennae.
6. Preparation of permanent mounts of wings of Cockroach / house fly / mosquito.
7. Dissection, mounting and preparation of permanent slides of Insect mouth parts.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

8. Dissection of salivary glands of Cockroach / house fly / mosquito.

9. Dissection of Digestive system, nervous system and reproductive system of Cockroach / house
fly / mosquito.
10. Dissecting and mounting of male and female genitalia of Cockroach / house fly / mosquito.
11. Collection of venomous Arthropods and identification.
12. **Maintenance of Insect / venomous arthropod collection box. (**Submission of Insect /
venomous arthropod collection box is must during the practical examination)


1. Biology of Disease Vectors, 2nd Ed., William C. Marquardt, 2004, Elsevier Academic Press.
2. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2nd Ed., Gary Mullen & Lance Durden.
3. Medical Entomology: A Textbook on Public Health and Veterinary Problems Caused by
Arthropods, Revised Edition. by Bruce Eldridge & John Edman.
4. Medical Toxicology by Richard C. Dart. Pub: Lippincott Williams & Wilkin.
5. Manual of Medical Entomology by Deane P. Furman & Paul Catts.
6. Infectious Diseases of Arthropods by Goddard.
7. Medical Entomology for Students 5th edition by Mike Service.
8. General and Applied Entomology by David and Ananthakrishnan.
9. Destructive and Useful Insects by R. L. Metcalf.
10. Ecology of Insects by Martin R. Speight Pub: Wiley-Blackwell.
11. Insect ecology by Timothy D. Schowalter 3rd Edition. Pub: Elsevier, 2011.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_303

Semester - III
Elective I

UNIT-I: Morphology, Anatomy and Classification 15 Hrs

1.1 An overview and classification of Monogenea, Aspidogastrea, Digenea and Cestoda.

1.2 Ultra structure and function of tegument.
1.3 Digestive system, feeding and mechanism of digestion.
1.4 Excretory system, paranephridial system and lymphatic system.
1.5 Nervous system and its mechanism; sense organs and its functions.

UNIT-II: Reproduction, Ecology and Evolution 15 Hrs

2.1 Reproductive system, egg shell formation, types of eggs, and morphology of larval forms.
2.2 Population concept, factors regulating population, disperson concept.
2.3 Origin and evolution of Monogenea, Aspidogastrea, Digenea & Cestoda.
2.4 Helminthe’s host specificity and its breakdown.
2.5 Host – parasite interactions and their significance; the role of helminthes as vectors of
microbial infection.

UNIT-III: Trematode and Cestode Diseases 15 Hrs

3.1 Trematode and Cestode parasites of humans; Morphology, life cycle, pathogenicity, diagnosis,
treatment, and control measures of Clonorchis sinensis, Fascilopsis buski, Hymenolepis nana
and Echinococcus granulosus.
3.2 Helminthes of livestock with emphasis on Fasciola hepatica and Moniezia spp.
3.3 Life cycle and pathogencitiy of Trematode parasites - Dactylogyrus spp. and Gyrodactylus spp.
3.4 Life cycle and pathogenicity of Cestode parasites - Diplostomum spp. Sanguinicola inermis.
3.5 General account of Trematode and Cestode parasites of wild animals with emphasis on
Dicrocoelium dendriucum and Echinococcus multilocularis.

UNIT -IV: Adult metabolism, Antihelminthics and Immunology 15 Hrs

4.1 Carbohydrate metabolism - Glycolysis (FMP-pathway), C02 fixation, PK/PEPCK branch point,
malate dismutation; role of TCA cycle, Electron Transport chain - oxidation.
4.2 Protein composition and metabolism-Amino acid catabolism, transamination.
4.3 Lipid composition and metabolism-fatty acid metabolism and role of β oxidation.
4.4 Immunity to schistosomiasis and fascioliasis; evasion of immunity and molecular mimicry.
4.5 Role of arthropods and molluscs in spreading of helminth diseases.


1. Collection, fixation, and staining techniques of permanent whole mount preparations and
identification of Monogeneans, Digeneans, Aspidogastreans and Cestode (Host Fishes, water
snakes, birds, sheep, goat and cattle viscera).
2. Fasciola smear preparation, staining and study for eggs & concentration.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

3. Collection and examination of infective larvae from intermediate hosts, snails,

microcrustaceans (Cyclops, Gammarus etc., fishes).
4. Effect of light, and temperature on the emergence of cercaria.
5. Estimation of total proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in helminthes.
6. Measurement of infection: Prevalence, density, intensity and index of helminth parasites.

Reference books:

1. Animal parasitology – J. D. Smyth (Cambridge Univ. Press., 1976).

2. Foundations of parasitology 6 ed. – L. S. Roberts & J. Janovy Jr (McGraw Hill Publ., 2000).
3. Parasitism – A. O. Bush, J.C. Fernandez & J. R. Seed (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000).
4. Helminthology – Eds. N. Chaudhury & I. Tada (Narosa Publg. House, 1994).
5. Helminthes, Arthropods, & Protozoa of domesticated animals 6 ed. – EJL Soulsby (ELBS,
6. Introduction to parasitology – B.E. Matthews (Cambridge Univ. Press. 1998).
7. The physiology of Trematodes – JD. Smyth & D. W. Halton (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983).
8. The physiology and Biochemistry of Cestodes – J.D. Smyth & D.P. MEmanus, (Cambridge Univ.
Press, 1989).
9. T.B.Fish Diseases – (Tr.) – D.A. Convoy & R.L. Herman (narendra Publg. House, 1997).
10. Hand book of Medical Parasitology – V. Zaman & L. H. Keong (K.C. Ang publishing Pvt. Ltd.,
11. T.B. Medical parasitology – P. Chakraborty (New Central Book Agency, 2004).
12. Ecological Animal Parasitology – C. R. Kennedy (Black well Scientific Publ., 1975).
13. Infectious Diseases of fish – S. Egusa (Oxonian Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1978).
14. A.T.B. of Parasitology 2 ed. – S. S. Kekar & R.S. Kelkar (Bomby popular Prakshan, 1993) .

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_303
Semester - III
Elective I
Paper III - Comparative Animal Physiology - I

UNIT I – Comparative Aspects of Digestion and Nutrition 15 Hrs

1.1 Scope, principles and validity of comparative approach to physiology.

1.2 Origin of nutritive types - special dietary requirements of some animals, amino acid
requirements, and essential vitamins.
1.3 Mechanisms of food intake and feeding mechanisms, comparative physiology of
digestive enzymes and regulatory mechanism of digestion.
1.4 Coordination of digestive activities - visceral autonomic system and gastro intestinal
1.5 Comparative aspects of carbohydrate pathways - Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
pathways and regulation.

UNIT II – Comparative Aspects of Respiration 15 Hrs

2.1 Availability of oxygen, uptake of oxygen and factors that it influence uptake.
2.2 Oxygen consumption by intact animal, modifying agents.
2.3 Adaptations to diving and high altitudes.
2.4 Comparative aspects of transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide; regulation of
2.5 Respiratory pigments in different phylogenic groups, genes with reference to

UNIT III – Osmoregulation, Excretion and Thermoregulation 15 Hrs

3.1 Problem of osmoregulation and biological responses in different environments.

3.2 Comparative aspect of osmoregulation in different animal groups.
3.3 Excretory organs and general mechanisms of excretion in various animal groups.
3.4 Freezing, winter hardening, lethal limits and resistance adaptation; behavioral and
locomotory adaptations; heat regulation - physical and chemical.
3.5 Temperature regulation in homeotherms; neural mechanism of thermoregulation.

UNIT IV – Deranged metabolism and disorders 15 Hrs

4.1 Effects of colonic bacterial flora (beneficial and harmful effect); lactose intolerance,
4.2 Liver cirrhosis and its causative agents; fatty liver.
4.3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – Asthma, sleep apnea, and snoring.
4.4 Electrolyte imbalance - Acidosis, alkalosis; Dialysis.
4.5 Heat stroke; thirst and its physiological mechanism.


1 Estimation of levels of lactic acid and free amino acids levels.

2 Effect of Heterosmotic media on blood chlorides in any one animal- crustacean/fish.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

3 Effect of acclimatization to hetero osmotic media on SDH, LDH in gills and muscle tissue
of crustacean/fish.
4 Effect of starvation on glycogen levels in fish/crab.
5 Effect of starvation on free amino acids in liver and muscles of fish/crab.
6 Starvation induced changes in aminotransferases in fish/crab.
7 Starvation induced changes in excretory products in fish.
8 Acclimatization to cold and high temp in fish/crab and its effect on oxygen consumption.
9 Effect of thyroid and anti thyroid agents on oxygen consumption in fish.

Suggested Books

1. Comp. Animal Physiology by Ladd Prosser (Publ. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia).

2. Comp. Animal Physiology by William Hoar. (Pub. E.E.E. IBH).
3. Animal Physiology – Adapation and function By F. Reed Hainswoth (Publ. by Addison –
Wesley Publ. Company, Calofornia).
4. Animal Physiology by Kent Schmidt Nielson (Publ. E.E.E. IBH).
5. Animal Physiology and adaptation by David Gordon.
6. Animal Physiology by Wilson.
7. Concise Medicalphysiology by Sujit K. Chaudari.
8. Text book of medical physiology by Arthur Guyton.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_303
Semester - III
Elective I
Paper III - Fisheries - I

UNIT I – Introduction to Fisheries 15 Hrs

1.1 History of fisheries, perspectives and prospects of Indian fisheries.

1.2 General account of systematic classification of fishes.
1.3 Classification of fisheries.
1.4 Fisheries resources and management.
1.5 Fishery economics.

UNIT II – Ecology of Water Bodies 15 Hrs

2.1 Ecology of lentic and lotic ecosystems.

2.2 Ecosystem energetic, trophodynamics and ecological productivity.
2.3 Physico-chemical characteristics of freshwater, brackishwater and Marine water.
2.4 Dynamics of fish population- fecundity, recruitment and harvesting.
2.5 Aquatic pollution and its impact on fisheries, eutrophication.

UNIT III – Biology of Cultivable Organisms and Culture Systems 15 Hrs

3.1 Criteria for selection of fish species for culture.

3.2 Biology of Indian and exotic major carps.
3.3 Biology of cultivable prawns and crabs.
3.4 Biology of cultivable mollusks, oysters and echinoderms.
3.5 Culture systems of fishes, prawns and crabs: open, closed, semi intensive and intensive.

15 Hrs
UNIT IV – Fishing Crafts, Gears and Fish Biotechnology
4.1 Fishing Crafts – Non-mechanized and mechanized vessels and maintenance of boats.
4.2 Fishing Gears – Gear material, gear making, accessories; types of gear and their
4.3 Cryopreservation; transgenic fish; fish genomics – chromosomal mapping, inbreeding
genetic markers.
4.4 Sex reversal; monosex culture; hybridization.
4.5 Fish processing and preservation; fish by-products and value added products.


1 Water analysis- pH, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity,

salinity, calcium, magnesium, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, total dissolved solids,
suspended solids, turbidity.
2 Soil analysis – pH, total alkalinity, electric conductivity, C/N ratio.
3 Identification of fishing crafts and gear models.
4 Fabrication of nets.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Suggested Books

1 Water quality criteria for fresh water fish. Albastor, J. S. and Lloyd, R. Buttorvorth
2 Fish and Fisheries of India – Jhingran, V. G. Hindustan Publishing Corporation New Delhi.
3 The fishes of India – Francis. Day. Vol. I &II, New Delhi – CSIR.
4 The freshwater fishes of Indian Region – Jayaram, KC. Narendra Publishing house, New
5 Prawns and prawn fisheries – Kurian, C.V. and Sebastian, V. O. Hindustan Publishing
Corporation, New Delhi.
6 A manual of freshwater aquaculture – Santhanam, R. Suklllnaran. N. Natarajan Oxford
and IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi.
7 Freshwater aquaculture – Rath, R. K. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.
8 Text book of fish culture, breeding and cultivation of fish – MareelHuet, Fishing News
9 Aquaculture development, processes and prospects – TVR Pillaay Fishing news books.
10 Aquaculture – John, E. Bardach, John H. Ryther, W.O. Mclamey, John Willey and Sons,
New York.
11 Fish Ecology – RJ. Wotton, Dalckie, Chapman and Hall, New York.
12 Environmental stress and fish diseases – Wedemeye, G. A. Narendra. Publishing House.
13 Diseases of fishes – C. Vandujn, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
14 Aquaculture Principles and Practices by T. V. R. Pillay.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_304
M.Sc. Zoology Semester - III
Elective II
Paper IV - Applied Toxicology

UNIT I – Principles of Toxicology 15 Hrs

1.1 Definition, scope and importance of toxicology; classification of toxic agents - natural
toxins, animal toxins, plant toxins, food toxins, genetic poisons and chemical toxins.
1.2 Dose, dose effect and dose response relationship – Acute toxicity, chronic toxicity; toxic
1.3 Factors affecting toxicity - species and strains, age, sex, nutritional status, hormone,
environmental factors.
1.4 Absorption and distribution of toxicants, portals of entry – Skin, gastrointestinal tract and
respiratory system.
1.5 Bio-accumulation, bio-magnification, bio-transformation and elimination of xenobiotics.

UNIT II – Biochemical toxicology 15 Hrs

2.1 Mechanism and reactions of toxicants - Covalent bonding, non-covalent bonding and
enzymatic reactions.
2.2 Lipid peroxidation – Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species
(RNS); Mechanism of Reactive Oxygen Species production; Superoxide, hydrogen
peroxide and hydroxyl radicals in toxicity of xenobiotics.
2.3 Oxidative Stress – Consequences of oxidative stress; protein and DNA damage.
2.4 Antioxidant defense mechanism – Role of glutathione, superoxide dismutase, metallo-
2.5 Xenobiotic induced intracellular and cellular alterations.

UNIT III - Systemic toxicology 15 Hrs

3.1 Basics of organ toxicity - Target organs, organ selectivity and specificity.
3.2 Hepatotoxicity - susceptibility of the liver; Types of liver injury and biochemical
3.3 Pulmonary toxicity – Lung injury, systematic lung toxins, lung pathology.
3.4 Renal toxicity – susceptibility of the kidney to toxicants; Chemical induced renal injury.
3.5 Neuro toxicity – Effect of toxic agents on neurons, ion channel neurotoxins; Lesions of
neural tissue.

UNIT IV - Environmental and Occupational Toxicology 15 Hrs

4.1 Eco-toxicology of heavy metals – Mechanism of heavy metal toxicity; Case studies of
Arsenic, Mercury and Cadmium.
4.2 Environmental problems by organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides; case
studies of DDT, endosulphan, parathion and malathion.
4.3 Occupational hazards - physical, chemical, biological and mechanical hazards.
Occupational diseases: Pneumoconiosis, silicosis, asbestosis; Prevention of occupational

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

4.4 Carcinogenesis – Carcinogen types, mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Skin cancer, lung

cancer and leukemia.
4.5 Legislation and Regulation – Federal government, State government; Legislation and
regulation in other countries.

PRACTICALS: (All experiments involving live animals are for demonstration only)

1 Determination of LC50/LD50 of selected toxicant (bioassay method).

2 Determination of LPO activity by TBRAS method.
3 Effect of toxicant on glycogen, glucose and amino acids.
4 Hepato-toxicant effect on Total Bilirubin Content (direct and indirect method).
5 Estimation of SGOT and SGPT as a marker enzyme for hepatotoxicity.
6 Estimation of serum creatinine activity as a marker enzyme for Renal toxicity.
7 Micronuclei test.
8 Estimation of Hemoglobin and RBC in Lead exposed experimental animals.
9 Estimation of AchE activity as a marker of pesticide poisoning.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_304
Semester - III
Elective II
Paper IV - Bioinformatics

UNITI - Introduction to Bioinformatics & Sequencing Alignment Concepts 15Hrs

1.1. Need of computers in biology research.

1.2. Bioinformatics - Introduction, scope and applications.
1.3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), TELNET, HTTP, Internet.
1.4. Pair wise Alignments; Local, Global alignment; Gap- Gap penalty.
1.5. Comparison of pair-wise and multiple alignments.

UNIT II - Biological Databases and Datamining 15Hrs

2.1. Biological information on the web; Introduction to databases.

2.2. Classification of biological databases; Information retrieval from databases.
2.3. Sequence database searches FASTA, BLAST programs.
2.4. Amino acid substitution matrices - PAM and BLOSUM.
2.5. Data Mining and Visualization Tools - RASMOL and PDB viewer.

UNIT III - Phylogenetic Analysis & Genome Mapping and Prediction 15Hrs

3.1. Understanding evolutionary process; Origins of molecular phylogenetics.

3.2. Phylogenetic analysis algorithms - Maximum Parsimony, UPGMA, Neighbor-Joining.
3.3. Probabilistic models of evolution - Maximum Likelihood algorithm; Bootstrapping method;
use of tools such as PHYLIP, MEGA and PAUP.
3.4. Genome sequencing; Genome mapping; Human genome mapping project.
3.5. Gene prediction methods and tools; Gene annotation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

UNIT IV - Protein Structure Prediction Methods 15Hrs

4.1. Basics of protein biology (Classification, structural organization, domains & motifs).
4.2. Protein structure prediction concepts: Secondary and tertiary structure predictions; Chou-
Fasman method, GOR methods, neural network methods.
4.3. Homology modelling; abintio method, threading methods.
4.4. 3-D structure visualization and simulation - Visualization of structures using SPDBV.
4.5. Structure-based drug discovery; binding sites detection; docking.

1. Bioinformatics databases - NCBI
2. Pairwise sequence alignment using BLAST
3. Sequence similarity searching for DNA
4. Multiple sequence alignment and editing - CLUSTALW
5. Phylogenetic analysis using distance based methods & character based methods using PHYLIP
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

6. Gene prediction tools – ORF Finder.

7. Prediction of secondary structure of proteins – Homology modeling using GCG.
8. Sequence based prediction and validation of 3d Protein structure – 3D check or Procheck.
9. Docking studies using GOLD or AMBER.

Text books:

1. Bioinformatics. Genome and sequence analysis by David Mount, CSH Publications

2. Essential Bioinformatics by Jin Xiong, Cambridge University Press, 2011.


1. Cynthia Gibas, Per Jambeck, “Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills”, O'Reilly Media,Inc.,
2001. 8 2. David Edwards, Jason Eric Stajich, David Hansen, “Bioinformatics: Tools and
Applications”, Springer, 2009.
2. David W Mount, “Bioinformatics: Sequence and genome analysis”, Cold spring harbor
laboratory press, 2nd edition, 2004.
3. Stan Tsai C., “Biomacromolecules: Introduction to Structure, Function and Informatics”, John
Wiley & Sons, 2007.
4. Attwood T K, D J Parry-Smith, “Introduction to Bioinformatics”, Pearson Education, 2005.
5. ParagRastogi, “Bioinformatics Methods And Applications: Genomics Proteomics And Drug
Discovery”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 3rdedition, 2008.
6. Computational Molecular Biology – An Introduction by Peter Clote, Rolf Backofen, John Wiley
& Sons.
7. Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications- SC Rastogi, N Mendiratta & P Rastogi.
8. Bioinformatics Principles & Applicatrions by Zhumur Ghosh, Oxford University Press

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_304
Semester - III
Elective II
Paper IV - Endocrinology

UNIT I – Chemical and Neural Integration 15 Hrs

1.1 Scope and position of endocrinology.

1.2 Concept of neurohumors and neurotransmitters.
1.3 Characteristics of neural and hormonal integration, neuro-endocrine mechanism.
1.4 Hormones as chemical messengers; Regulation of hormone secretions.
1.5 Concept of internal environment and homeostasis.

UNIT II - Endocrine Glands and their Hormones 15 Hrs

2.1 Invertebrate endocrine system – Hormones and their functions (Coelenterata and
2.2 Invertebrate endocrine system – Hormones and their functions (Arthropoda and
2.3 Hypothalamus and its secretions.
2.4 Vertebrate endocrine glands – Structure, hormones and functions of pituitary, thyroid,
parathyroid and thymus.
2.5 Vertebrate endocrine glands – Structure, hormones and functions of adrenal, pancreas,
pineal, gastro-intestinal tract and gonads.

UNIT III - Chemistry of Hormones and Mechanism of Hormone Action 15 Hrs

3.1 Classification of hormones.

3.2 Biosynthesis of release and transport of amino acid derivatives.
3.3 Biosynthesis and transport of peptide and steroid hormones.
3.4 Membrane bound and intra cellular receptors.
3.5 Mechanism of action of amino acid derivatives, peptide and steroid hormones.

UNIT IV - Clinical and Applied Endocrinology 15Hrs

4.1 Obesity – Role of hormones and its metabolic complications – The role of Adipokines
Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidemia.
4.2 Hormones in IVF, pregnancy testing, and Amniocentesis.
4.3 Clinical disorders of male and female gonads.
4.4 Pheromones in applied endocrinology; Induced breeding in fish.
4.5 Hormones in Sericulture and Apiculture.

1 In situ demonstration of endocrine glands of rat.
2 Histology slides of Endocrine glands - Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas,
Ovary &Testis, and Uterus.
3 Effect of Eye Stalk ablation on Blood Glucose levels in Crabs.
4 Identification of Gonadotrophin in Human urine samples.
5 Effect of thyroxin and thiourea (antithyroid agent) on oxygen consumption in fish.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

6 Effect of parathormone on serum calcium levels in Rat.

7 Effect of insulin and adrenalin on blood glucose levels in Rat.

Suggested Books

1 Comparative Endocrinology of Invertebrates by Highman and Hill.

2 Comparative Vertebrate Endocrinology by P.J.Bentley, Cambridge Univ. Press.
3 General and Comparative Endocrinology by E.J.W. Barrington, Oxford Clarendan Press
4 Endocrinology Vol.1-3 by DeGroot
5 Text Book of Endocrine Physiology by C.R.Martin, Oxford Univ.Press, New York.
6 Text Book of Endocrinology by Turner and Bangnara (W.B.Sanders).
7 Vertebrate Endocrinology by Mc.Hadley.
8 Text Book of Comparative Endocrinology by Gorbman A, and Bern H.A., John Harley and
Sous, New York.
9 Essential Endocrinology by JoenLaycock and Peter Loise Oxford Univ. Press.
10 A Text Book of Medical Physiology by ArthrumaC.Gnyton.
11 Text Book of Endocrinology by R.H.Williams (W.B.Saunders).

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_304
Semester - III
Elective - II
Paper IV - Phytonematology

UNIT I - Introduction, Taxonomy and Collection Methods 15 Hrs

1.1 Introduction to plant parasitic nematodes, historical perspective and their significance.
1.2 Scope, significant and development of phytonematology in India.
1.3 General characters, taxonomy upto family level with representative examples.
1.4 Techniques of nematode collection from different habitats (soil, root, shoot, leaf, seed and
1.5 Collection of nematodes, counting, fixing, staining, mounting, micrometry and
deMan’s ratio.

UNIT II - Morphology and life cycles 15 Hrs

2.1 General account of nematodes, morphology and pattern of life cycles.

2.2 Structure of cuticle, cuticular modifications, structure of body wall and musculature.
2.3 Habit, habitat, life history and pathology of Rice nematode (Hirschmaniella) and Lance
nematode (Hoplolaimus).
2.4 Habit, habitat, life history and pathology of Cyst nematode (Heterodera) and Root-knot
2.5 Predatory nematodes and control measures.

UNIT III - Feeding, pathology and symptoms 15 Hrs

3.1 Digestive system –Types of oesophageal modifications and associated digestive glands.
3.2 Types of stylet and feeding mechanisms.
3.3 Host and nematode parasite relationship; Nematode injury – histopathology.
3.4 Field symptoms - General and specific (above ground and below ground).
3.5 Nematode associations and formation of disease complexes.

UNIT IV - Nematode control 15 Hrs

4.1 Physical methods – Tilling, fallowing, sun drying, hot water treatment, fumigation.
4.2 Cultural practices - Crop rotation, trap crops.
4.3 Chemical control of nematodes and its consequences in the ecosystem.
4.4 Biological control of nematodes and its field application.
4.5 Integrated Nematode Management (INM).


1. Collection of soil and plant parasitic nematodes by various techniques.

2. Nematode counting and calculations (frequency).
3. Nematode fixing, staining and mounting methods.
4. Identification of phytonematodes by deMan’s ratio.
5. Identification of predominant plant parasitic nematodes of the following crops:
1. Rice 2. Ground nut 3. Vegetables
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

6. Field trip – Observation Book.

List of Books

1. Principals of Nematology – Thorne.

2. Nematology - Saucer and Jenkins.
3. Plant parasitic nematodes – Zuckerman,Mei and Rhode.
4. Nematology ecology –and plant diseases – H.R.Wallace.
5. Plant nematodes and their control – Heinz Decker.
6. Plant nemotology – Siddiqui and Jairajpuri.
7. A treatise on Phytonematology – P.Parvata Reddy.
8. An introduction to plant nematology – J.C.Edwards and S.L.Mishra.
9. Soil and fresh water nematodes – T.Goodey.
10. A manual of Agricultural Helminthology-Filipjev I.N.and Schurmann Steckovan J. H.
11. Introduction to Nematology – Chitwood B.G. and Chitwood M.B.
12. The biology of plant parasitic nemotodes –Wallace H.R.
13. Plant nematology – Edited by Southy J.F.
14. Biological Control – Shamim Jairajpuri et al.
15. Plant Phathogens – Nematodes – R.S.Singh and J.Sita ramaiah.
16. Phytonematology – Mrinal K.and Dasgupta.
17. Nematode vectors of plant viruses – C.E.Taylor and B.J.F.Brown.
18. Root Parasitic nematodes – Hoplolaimidae.
19. Plant pathology – George N Agrios.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_304
Semester - III
Elective II
Paper IV - Sericulture

UNIT I - Introduction 15 Hrs

1.1 Introduction - Sericulture as an agro industry

1.2 Mulberry cultivation - Varieties of Mulberry, Agroclimatic conditions for Moriculture,
Agricultural practices - Tilling & systems of Planting, intercultivation. Mulching, Pruning,
Manuring, Harvesting and Preservation of leaves.
1.3 Diseases of Mulberry and their management - Bacterial diseases, Viral diseases, Fungal
1.4 Mineral deficiency diseases and their management
1.5 Insect Pests of Mulberry and their management

UNIT II - Biology of silk worms and food plants 15 Hrs

2.1. Biology, food plants and culture of mulberry (Bombyx) and non mulberry Silkworms (tasar, eri
& muga)
2.2. External morphology of silkworm - egg, larva, pupa & adult
2.3. Internal morphology of silkworm - Digestive, respiratory, nervous, excretory and reproductive
2.4. Morphology and anatomy of silk glands.
2.5. Properties and composition of silk.

UNIT III - Silkworm rearing 15 Hrs

3.1 Rearing House and rearing appliances.

3.2 Environmental conditions for silkworm rearing.
3.3 Rearing of early stages (Chawki rearing) and late stages of silk worms.
3.4 Mounting and harvesting of silkworm cocoons.
3.5 Silkworm diseases and pests.

UNIT IV - Harvesting technology 15 Hrs

4.1 Transport of cocoons to the cocoon markets.

4.2 Commercial characters of cocoons, defective cocoons and price fixation
4.3 Reeling technology – mulberry and vanya silk rearing.
4.4 Seed technology – Grainage, DFLs.
4.5 By-products- types and uses.

1. Rearing appliances
2. Study of life history of silkworm by rearing.
3. Identification of different types of silk worms - Mulberry, Tasar, Eri and Muga
4. Identification of defective cocoons
5. Sex differentiation of larva, pupa and adult silkworms
6. Preparation of permanent slides of month parts, spiracles and appendages of larva
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

7. Dissection of silk glands of the silk worm larva

8. Dissection of digestive and nervous systems in the larva
9. Dissection of reproductive organs in the adults moths
10. Calculation of Shell Ratio.
11. Visit to the Cocoon market.
12. Visit to the Reeling Centre and Grainage Units

Books recommended:

1. FAO Manuals
2. Ullal and Narasimhanna: Hand Book of Practical Sericulture
3. Manjeet Singh Jolly: Appropriate Sericulture Techniques
4. CSB Bulletins of Sericulture
5. Ganga and Sulochana Shetty: An Introduction to Sericulture
6. NCERT Manuals of Sericulture

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_304
Semester - III
Elective II
Paper IV - Wildlife Biology

UNIT I - Wildlife in India and its conservation 15 Hrs

1.1 Physiographic zones: Himalayas, Indo-Gangetic plains and Deccan Plateau; Biogeographic
Zones and their characteristics
1.2 Forest types of India and associated wildlife: Evergreen forests, Deciduous forests, Littoral
and Swamp forest (Mangrove forest), Thorn forest, Tropical forests, Temperate forests, Sub
Alpine forest, and their sub types
1.3 Biodiversity hotspots; Protected Area Network of India: Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks,
Biosphere Reserves, and Community Conservation Areas
1.4 Threatened wildlife of India; Laws and legislations: Wildlife Protection Act, Biodiversity Act
1.5 International treaties for wildlife conservation: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD);
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES);
Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)

UNIT II- Herpetology 15 Hrs

2.1 Systematics of amphibians and reptiles; amphibian diversity in India; reptilian diversity in
2.2 Herpetofaunastudy techniques: signs (visual, acoustics and indirect evidence); capture
techniques – pitfall traps, drift fencing, noose, hooks and tongs, handling, measuring, sexing
and aging herpetofauna; Survey techniques – quadrate (random and clustered), transect,
visual encounter survey
2.3 Inventorying and monitoring techniques: time and area constraint searches, active sampling
(dipnetting, kick sampling, stove piping, egg mass and nest counts, basking surveys)
2.4 Capturing, handling, measuring, sexing and aging amphibians, turtles and tortoises, lizards
and non-venomous snakes; photography and photo-vouchering
2.5 Effects of climate change on herpetofauna; amphibian extinctions, chytrid infection; range
shifts among reptiles

UNIT III - Ornithology 15 Hrs

3.1 Systematics of birds; bird diversity in India; observational techniques for aquatic and
terrestrial birds
3.2 Breeding biology: mating systems, courtship, nest building, types of nests; foraging
behaviour, food (trophic status), territoriality; social systems - solitary, communal, flocks
(single species and mixed species)
3.3 Bird communities - guilds, stratification, resource partitioning; economic importance of
birds; effects of anthropogenic activities on birds
3.4 Bird study techniques: bird signs (visual and acoustics); capture techniques - nets and
traps, handling, measuring, sexing and aging birds; Survey techniques - transects (point
and line), nest monitoring, capture and marking
3.5 Birds as environmental indicators – habitat quality, pollution, biodiversity and disease

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

15 Hrs
UNIT IV - Mammalogy

4.1 Systematics of mammals; mammalian diversity in India; observational techniques for

non-volant and volant mammals
4.2 Capturing mammals: Capture devices, baits, trap arrays and interval for small terrestrial
and volant mammals; sexing and aging mammals
4.3 Mammalian study techniques: Visual, olfactory and acoustic signs; remote trip cameras
and GPS tags; data handling, analysis and interpretation
4.4 Estimation of mammal abundance, species richness, population size and density
4.5 Human health concerns in wildlife surveys; ethics in wildlife research – legal and cultural
considerations; trapping, processing and handling animals


1 Mapping the biogeographic zones of India using free open source online resources
2 Determination of herpetofaunal diversity through visual encounter surveys
3 External morphological measurements and sexing of amphibians
4 External morphological measurements, pholidosis and sexing of gecko
5 External morphological measurements a bird
6 External morphological measurements, sexing and aging of a rat
7 Craniodental measurements and analyses of relationships between parameters using
mammalian skull
8 Estimation of density of birds using strip transect method
9 Inventorying bird species richness and calculating diversity indices
10 Calculation of diversity and evenness indices between two habitats using birds as example
11 Preparation of species distribution map using DIVA GIS
12 Acoustic surveys of bats and analysis of call data
13 Visit to Nehru Zoological Park / any protected area for field study

List of Books
1. Fundamentals of Wildlife Management. By Rajesh Gopal
2. Ecological Census Techniques: A Handbook. By Sutherland, W.J.
3. Wildlife Biology. By Raymond F. Dasmann
4. A Field Guide to Birds of the Indian Subcontinent.By Krys Kazmierczak
5. The Book of Indian Animals. By S.H. Prater
6. The Book of Indian Reptiles and Amphibians. By J.C. Daniel
7. Snakes of India: The Field Guide. By Romulus Whitaker & Ashok Captain
8. Amphibians of Peninsular India. By R.J. Ranjit Daniels
9. South Asian Mammals: Their Diversity, Distribution, and Status. By Chelmala Srinivasulu and
Bhargavi Srinivasulu

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_401
Semester - IV
Core Paper
Paper - I: Animal Biotechnology

UNIT I - Introduction and Animal Improvement 15 Hrs

1.1 Introduction to biotechnology- scope, importance and its applications.

1.2 Mammalian reproductive systems and gametogenesis.
1.3 In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer; ICSI, sperm sexing.
1.4 Cryopreservation, cryoprotection and gamete banking.
1.5 Biotechnology in improvement of live stock herds and breeding selected traits.

UNIT II - In vitro culture of cells and tissues 15 Hrs

2.1 Cell culture - Equipment and materials for cell culture technology, principle of sterile
techniques and cell propagation, primary and established cell line cultures.
2.2 Mammalian cell lines & their characteristics.
2.3 Basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro, disaggregating of tissue and
primary culture, maintenance of cell culture, cell separation.
2.4 Tissue culture system – cell tissue fragment, organ and embryo cultures, merits and
2.5 Scaling-up of animal cell culture, cell synchronization, cell cloning, micromanipulation,
cell transformation.

UNIT III - Production of recombinant organisms and transgenic animals 15 Hrs

3.1 Cloning of mammals.

3.2 Transgenic animals; creation of transgenic mice, retroviral vector method,
Microinjection, embryonic stem cell method – short gun, electroporation, lipofection,
3.3 Production of other transgenic animals – cattle, sheep, pigs and fish.
3.4 Large scale culture and production from genetically engineered animal cell culture
3.5 Large scale culture and production from recombinant microorganisms –Downstream

UNIT IV - Application of Biotechnology 15 Hrs

4.1 Medical biotechnology – Application of RFLP in forensic science, hybridoma technology

and production monoclonal antibodies.
4.2 Environmental Biotechnology - Bioassay, biosensors in ecotoxicological screening;
Bioleaching of metals by microorganisms; Bioabsorption of metals by bacteria.
4.3 Insecticide development – biopesticides; Bacillus thuringiensis – mode of action of
toxin, toxin gene isolation and engineering of B. thuringiensis.
4.4 Biotechnology of aquaculture - sex reversal in fish and sterile fish culture.
4.5 Use of animals as bioreactors; Knock out model systems and their utility.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

1 Preparation of culture media:
a) Bacteria; b) Fungi
2 Methods of cultivating Bacteria and Fungi
3 Isolation and characterization of microbes useful in fermentation.
4 Staining Techniques for microbes:
a) Gram’s staining; b) Spore & Capsule staining;
c) Acid-fast stain; d) Fungal stains
5 Determination of microbial Growth Curve.
6 Antibiotic sensitivity test.
7 Yield estimation in fermentations products:
a) Aspergillus niger-citric acid; b) Lactobacillus – Lactic acid from curd; and
c) Saccharomyces cervisiae (Yeast) Alcohol
8 Microbial evaluation of stored foods from plant/animal origin for contaminants/toxins.
9 Visit to Quality Control Labs.

Suggested Books

1 Culture of Animal cells. R. Ian Freshney, Wiley Liss.

2 Animal Cell culture – Practical Approach – Ed. John R W Masters, Oxford.
3 Animal Cell Biotechnology, 1990 – Speir, RE and Griffith, JB, Academic Press.
4 Molecular Biotechnology – Glick &Pasternock.
5 Gene manipulation – Old & Primrose.
6 Biotechnology – S. Mitra.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_402
Semester- IV
Core Paper
Paper - II: Fish Biology

UNIT I - Introduction and Diversity of Fishes 15 Hrs

1.1. Introduction, general characteristics, evolutionary succession and fossil history of fishes.
1.2. The early evolution of fishes; Chondrichthian fishes - Sharks, Skates and Rays.
1.3. Characterization and classification of: Ostracoderms, placoderms, acanthodians, holocephali,
and elasmobranchs.
1.4. Characterization and classification of cyclostomes, sarcopterygii, dipnoi, and actinopterygii.
1.5. Integumentary system - basic structure of skin, dermal and epidermal pigments, fins, and

UNIT II - Fishes habits and habitats 15 Hrs

2.1. Buoyancy – Dynamic lift and static lift; swim bladder- structure and function.
2.2. Locomotion – Myotomal muscles and caudal fin oscillation mechanisms
2.3. Feeding mechanisms – Food habits and feeding, fish as predators and prey; Food chains and
food webs.
2.4. Osmoregulation and ion balance – Freshwater, brackish water and marine teleosts; kidney and
salt balance
2.5. Fish migration, migratory mechanisms, mating, and parental care.

UNIT III - Fish Biology 15 Hrs

3.1. Skeletal system - skull, splanchanocranium, jaw suspension and vertebral column.
3.2. Digestive system – Digestive tract, enzymes and digestion.
3.3. Respiratory mechanism – Respiratory gills and lungs.
3.4. Circulatory system – Heart and accessory pumps.
3.5. Excretory system – Excretory organs and excretion.

UNIT IV - Fish biology and Embryogenesis 15 Hrs

4.1. Nervous system- Central nervous system, brain and peripheral nervous system.
4.2. Sense organs – Olfactory, taste buds, touch receptors, photoreceptors, lateral line and internal
4.3. Endocrine system – Pituitary gland, urohypophysis, adrenal gland, gonads, and thyroid gland.
4.4. Reproductive system- Male and female reproductive organs; role of hormones.
4.5. Embryogenesis - Early development and post embryonic development.

1. Marphometric identification of fishes.
2. Meristic characters of fishes.
3. Dissection and preparation of permanent slides of scales.
4. Isolation of pituitary gland.
5. Identification of fish developmental stages - egg, spawn, fry fingerling and adult.
6. Dissection of Weberian ossicles.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

7. Dissection of digestive system.

8. Dissection of reproductive system.
9. Sexual differentiation of fishes.
10. Determination of chlorides in heterosmotic media.


1. Textbook Of Fish Biology & Indian Fisheries Rahul P Parihar

2. A Text Book of Fish Biology and Fisheries by S S Khanna and H R Singh,
3. Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries,( Vol I & II) by Paul J. B. Hart and John D. Reynolds
4. Fish Biology by, C B L Srivastava.
5. Fauna of British India, including Ceylon & Burma – by Francis Day.
6. Indian Fishes and Fisheries – Jhingran.
7. Introduction to Fish Physiology – Dr. Lynwood S. Smith
8. An Introduction to fishes – S. S. Khanna
9. Ichthyology – K.F. Lagler, John F., Bardach, R. R. Miller and D. R. May Passino

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_403
Semester - IV
Elective I
Paper - III: Neuroscience - II

UNIT I - Sensory System 15 Hrs

1.1 Types of receptors, basic mechanisms of sensory transduction; sensory circuit and
sensory pathways
1.2 Neurobiology of chemorception – taste and smell
1.3 Neurobiology of somatic sense
1.4 Neurophysiology of hearing
1.5 Neurophysiology of vision

UNIT II - Sensory and Motor System 15 Hrs

2.1 Pain and it’s mechanism - physiological and neurohumoral.

2.2 Muscle sense – receptors, muscle spindle and GTO.
2.3 Neurobiology of Autonomic function; Motor hierarchies.
2.4 Reflex, reflex pathways and coordination of reflexes.
2.5 Mechanism of locomotion and movement.

UNIT III- Developmental neurobiology 15 Hrs

3.1 Induction and patterning of nervous system

3.2 Generation and survival of nerve cells, neurotrophic factors
3.3 Guidance of axons to their targets, synaptogenesis and developmental plasticity
3.4 Neural connection and their reactions to injury
3.5 Regeneration, reinnervation, sprouting; neural specificity; Remodeling of neural

15 Hrs
UNIT IV - Applied Neurobiology

4.1 Concept of stress; physiological basis of stress and its disorders.

4.2 Role of muscles in sports, slow and fast muscles in exercise and its metabolism.
4.3 Diseases of motor units - neuropathies and myopathies.
4.4 Neuronal disorders – Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, psychosomatic disorders.
4.5 Behavioral disorders, drug abuse and dependence.

PRACTICALS: (All experiments involving live animals are for demonstration only)

1 Tail flick test for measurement of pain.

2 Spinal reflexes in decerebrated animal.
3 Preparation of neuromuscular system for electrophysiological recording.
4 Biochemical differentiation of fast and slow muscles – SDH, LDH activities, glycogen and
lactatate content in altered neurobiological conditions.
5 Effect of ankle sprain on muscle metabolism.
6 Determination of contractile properties of muscle in pathological condition.
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

7 Determination of conduction velocity in nerve.

8 Induction of stress and estimation of on glycogen, lactate, AChE and Na-K ATPase
9 Experimental studies on atrophy, hypertrophy of muscles and nerve degeneration as well
as regeneration.
10 Moto rod test for motor coordination.

Suggested Books

1 Physiology and biophysics – Ruch and Patten

2 A text book of muscle physiology – D. A. Jones and J. M. Round
3 Neurobiology – Gorden M Sheperd
4 Principles of neural science – E. Kandel and others
5 Essentials of neural science and behaviour – E. Kandel and others
6 Behavioral neuroscience – Cottman
7 From Neuron to Brain – Nichollas, J. G. others
8 Neuroscience – A. Longstaff
9 Elements of molecular Neurobiology – C U M Smith
10 Physiology of excitable cells – D. J. Aidley
11 Text book of medical physiology – Guyton

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_403
Semester - IV
Elective I
Paper - III: Medical Entomology - II

UNIT I - Source Reduction and Environmental Methods for Vector Control 15 Hrs

1.1. Habitat management; Improvement of water supply and storage; solid waste management.
1.2. Prevention of breeding sites and removal or destruction of breeding sites.
1.3. Improvement of environmental sanitation and hygiene.
1.4. Protection of food, eating utensils and people from contact with flies.
1.5. Environmental modification and manipulation.

UNIT II - Physical, Mechanical, and Personal Protective Control measures. 15 Hrs

2.1. Baits and traps, avoidance and diversion of biting Diptera.

2.2. Making houses and shelters insect-proof; Insecticide-treated screening and curtains.
2.3. Impregnation - treated clothing, treating fabrics with an insecticide; protective clothing.
2.4. Insecticide vaporizers, electric liquid vaporizer, pressurized spray cans, spray gun.
2.5. Netting materials, mosquito net models and problems with mosquito nets, Insecticide-treated
mosquito nets and outdoor supports.

UNIT III - Biological Control 15 Hrs

3.1. Biological control of vectors through predators and pathogens.

3.2. Extraction of plant materials for vector control.
3.3. Synthesis of plant medicated Silver nanoparticles and applications.
3.4. Genetic control of vectors: Sterile Insect Technology (SIT)
3.5. Insect Growth Regulators (IGR): Chitin synthesis inhibitors and juvenile hormones.

UNIT IV - Chemical Control 15 Hrs

4.1. Classification of Insecticides and their mode of action; Antiquity of insecticides.

4.2. Synthetic insecticides: Organochlorides, Organophosphates, Carbamates, Pyrithroids.
4.3. Toxicity of pesticides, Insecticide appliances and safety precautions.
4.4. Repellents & attractants: DEET, Semiochemicals.
4.5. Methods of insecticide applications, and development of a Module for Integrated Vector

1. Surveillance and writing a report on breeding habitat of cockroach / housefly / mosquito
breeding habitats.
2. Collection of indoor / outdoor resting mosquitoes / housefly/ Cockroach and preparing an
voucher specimen.
3. Preparation of plant extracts for larvicidal activity.
4. Estimation of man hour landing of mosquitoes and assessment of man-vector contact.
5. Bioassay of vectors through biological and chemical agents.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

6. Study of species diversity indices - Species Richness, Simpson’s Index, Shannon-Weiner Index,
and Pileou’s Evenness Index.
7. Estimation of gonotrophic cycle duration.


1. Biology of Disease Vectors, 2nd Ed., William C. Marquardt, 2004, Elsevier Academic Press.
2. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2nd Ed., Gary Mullen and Lance Durden.
3. Medical Entomology: A Textbook on Public Health and Veterinary Problems Caused by
Arthropods, Revised Edition, Edited by Bruce Eldridge and John Edman.
4. Medical Toxicology by Richard C. Dart. Pub: Lippincott Williams & Wilkin.
5. Manual of Medical Entomology by Deane P. Furman & Paul Catts.
6. Infectious Diseases of Arthropods by Goddard.
7. Hand Book of Medical Entomology by K N Panicker, Geme Urge Dori.
8. Medical Entomology for Students 5th edition by Mike Service.
9. Destructive and Useful Insects by R. L. Metcalf.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_403
Semester- IV
Elective I
Paper - III: Parasitology - II

UNIT I - Protozoology 15 Hrs

1.1 Protozoan ecology, nutrition; population structure and kinetics.

1.2 Metabolic pathways in protozoa – carbohydrate, protein and lipids.
1.3 Antimetabolites analogs, inhibitors and transport phenomenon in protozoa.
1.4 Enzyme secretions and activity; nucleic acids composition and its synthesis.
1.5 Respiration in protozoa; nutritional requirements and nitrogen excretion.

UNIT II - General account and Taxonomy of Nematodes. 15 Hrs

2.1 History, scope and significance of nematodes.

2.2 Classification of nematodes upto family level with examples.
2.3 Functional anatomy – Structure of cuticle and cuticular modifications, Body wall, musculature
and pseudocoelom.
2.4 Digestive system with special reference to oesophageal modifications and associated glands.
2.5 Excretory system, nervous system and sense organs of nematodes.

UNIT III - Morphology, Development, Life cycles and Pathology 15 Hrs

3.1 Reproductive system, types of eggs, embryology and development.
3.2 Life cycles, pathology, treatment of the gastrointestinal nematodes; tissue nematodes,
epidemiology and geographical distributions of
a. Strongyloides stercoralis
b. Ancylostoma duodenale
c. Visceral larva migrans, dermatitis and pulmonary bronchitis.
d. Dracunculus medinensis, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Trichinella spiralis.
3.3 Origin and evolution of animal nematode parasites and host interaction.
3.4 General account of entomophilic Nematodes – characteristics and classification.
3.5 Nematicides and their action, Nematode drug resistance.

UNIT IV - Acanthocephala 15 Hrs

4.1 Medical Acanthocephalans - general account, morphology, life cycle, clinical symptom,
pathogenecity, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of the diseases caused by
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceous and Moniliformis moniliformis.
4.2 The role of vectors in spreading of diseases in humans.
4.3 Host -parasite relationships and their immunological reactions.
4.4 Innate and acquired immune resistance.
4.5 Antihelminthic drug action and drug resistance.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology


1. Collection of nematode parasites and acanthocephalan parasites, fixation, preparation of

permanent slides and their identification.
2. Hosts – cockroaches (invertebrate), fish (carps & catfishes), birds (fowl), and mammals (sheep
and cattle).
3. Identification of nematode eggs and larval stages.
4. Blood smear preparation for the identification of Palsmodium spp.
5. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in normal,
infected tissues and parasites.
6. Ecology of parasites and biostatistical calculations of incidence, intensity, density and index of
infection of nematode parasites.

List of books:

1. Principles of nematology – by Chitwood B.G. and Chitwood M.B.

2. Nematode parasites of domestic animals and of man – by Levine Norman D Burgess publishing
Co. Minneapolis.
3. The natural history of Nematodes by Pionar G.O., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
4. The organization of nematodes by Croll N.A., Acdemic press.
5. The physiology of nematodes by Lee D. L. & At. Kinson, Columbia University Press, New York.
6. Agricultural Helminthology – Filipjev I. N.
7. General Parasitology by Cheng T.C.
8. Introduction to animal parasitology by J. D. Smith.
9. Entomophilic nematodes and their role as biological control of pest insects by George Poiner,
Pub. INC Engle wood cliffs, New Jersey.
10. Parasitology by Noble & Noble.
11. Parasitology by K. D. Chatterjee.
12. Parasitology by Chandler.
13. Human Helminthology - by Faust.
14. Medical Zoology by Sobti.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Code Zoo_403
Semester - IV
Elective I
Paper - III: Comparative Animal Physiology - II

UNIT I - Responses of animals to their environment 15 Hrs

1.1 General receptor characteristics, receptor potentials and sensory coding.

1.2 Adaptations in organ systems for reception – chemo-, thermo-, mechano-, and electro-
1.3 Central nervous system - Insect to vertebrate comparison.
1.4 Integration for effective behavior - spinal reflex; Learning and memory and its genetic
1.5 Stress biology and related disorders.

UNIT II - Effectors and responses 15 Hrs

2.1 Gland effectors for secretion - mechanism of target tissue activation and mechanism of
2.2 Types of muscle fibers slow, fast and asynchronous flight muscle.
2.3 Mechanism and chemistry of muscle fiber contraction.
2.4 Accessory movements – skeletal levers, elastic movements.
2.5 Effectors for movement – cyclosis, amoeboid, ciliary, flagellar movements, and control of

UNIT III - Circulation of body fluids 15 Hrs

3.1 Major types of body fluids – fluid compartments.

3.2 Classification of circulatory mechanisms.
3.3 Types of vertebrate hearts, heart rate, regulation and cardiac output, chemical and
nervous control of heart rate.
3.4 Invertebrate hearts – annelids, scorpion, insect, crustacean, molluscan, and tunicate
3.5 Regulation of vertebrate circulatory systems.

UNIT IV - Control of reproduction –adaptations to environment 15 Hrs

4.1 r -selected and k- selected reproductive patterns; timing with respect to environmental
variables, photo periods.
4.2 Hormonal control of insect growth and reproduction.
4.3 Hormones and development; sexual behaviour in vertebrates; pregnancy and parental
4.4 Influence of environmental factors on chromatophore systems.
4.5 Biological rhythms circadian - circumlunar and circannual rhythm.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

PRACTICALS: (All experiments involving live animals are for demonstration only)

1 Maze behaviour studies in rat.

2 Metabolic distinction of slow and fast muscles.
3 Kymographic studies of muscle properties.
4 Effect of temperature on heart beat of crab
5 Effect of AchE and adrenaline on heart beat in crab.
6 Effect of estrogen on serum calcium levels of rat
7 Pregnancy testing by using HCG kit.
8 Dissection of nervous system of cockroach and crab.
9 Dissection of Male and Female reproductive systems of cockroach and crab.

Suggested Books

1 Comp. Animal Physiology by Ladd Prosser (Publ. W. B. Samders, Philadelphia).

2 Comp. Animal Physiology by William Hoar, (Pub. E.E.E. IBH).
3 Animal Physiology – Adaptation and function., By F. Reed Hainsworth (Publ. by Addison-
Wesley Publ. company, Calofornia).
4 Animal Physiology by Kent Schmidt Nielson (Publ. E.E.E. IBH).
5 Animal Physiology and adaptation by David Gordon.
6 Animal Physiology by Wilson.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology
Code Zoo_403
Semester IV
Elective I
Paper - III: Fisheries - II

UNIT I - Seed Production Technology 15 Hrs

1.1 Fish and prawn seed resources in India.

1.2 Collection of seeds from natural resources and transportation of seeds.
1.3 Advanced techniques in seed production - Induced breeding methods in fishes and
1.4 Bundh breeding, brood stock management.
1.5 Hatcheries – Types, construction and management of hatcheries.

UNIT II - Pond and Reservoir Management 15 Hrs

2.1 Site selection, design and construction of aquafarms.

2.2 Pre-stocking pond management – Aquatic weeds, insects and their control.
2.3 Farm Management - Nursery, rearing and stocking ponds.
2.4 Reservoir ecosystem.
2.5 Reservoir fisheries and their management.

UNIT III - Feed and Health Management 15 Hrs

3.1 Feed management – Feeding habits of cultivable fishes; nutritional requirements,

supplementary feeding.
3.2 Live feed – Fish food organisms, culture of plankton; significance of plankton in
3.3 Health management of fishes – Parasitic and non-parasitic diseases and their control.
3.4 Health management of prawns – Parasitic and non-parasitic diseases and their control.
3.5 Disease diagnosis and therapeutic methods.

UNIT IV - Cultures and Integrated Farming 15 Hrs

4.1 Composite fish culture; Sewage-fed, cage and pen cultures.

4.2 Air-breathing and ornamental fish culture.
4.3 Integrated fish cum agriculture – Paddy, Horticulture and Azolla.
4.4 Integrated fish cum livestock – Poultry, Piggery and Dairy.
4.5 Utilization of renewable energy resources and bio-gas slurry in aquaculture.

1 Identification of freshwater fishes.
2 Identification of Freshwater fish developmental stages.
3 Identification of freshwater prawns.
4 Identification of scampi developmental stages.
5 Identification of diseased fishes and prawns.
6 Analysis and identification of phyto- and zoo-planktons and benthos.
7 Culture of phyto- and zoo-planktons.
8 Separation of pituitary gland from fish
New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

9 Demonstration of induced breeding technology.

10 Field trips to seed and rearing farms and submit an observation report (weightage of 10
marks to be given to each candidate).

Suggested Books

1 Water quality criteria for fresh water fish. Albastor, J. S. and Lloyd, R. Buttorvorth
2 Fish and Fisheries of India – Jhingran, V. G. Hindustan Publishing Corporation New Delhi.
3 The fishes of India – Francis. Day. Vol. I &II, New Delhi – CSIR.
4 The freshwater fishes of Indian Region – Jayaram, KC. Narendra Publishing house, New
5 Prawns and prawn fisheries – Kurian, C.V. and Sebastian, V. O. Hindustan Publishing
Corporation, New Delhi.
6 A manual of freshwater aquaculture – Santhanam, R. Suklllnaran. N. Natarajan Oxford
and IBHPublishing Company, New Delhi.
7 Freshwater aquaculture – Rath, R. K. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.
8 Text book of fish culture, breeding and cultivation of fish – MareelHuet, Fishing News
9 Aquaculture development, processes and prospects – TVR Pillaay Fishing news books.
10 Aquaculture – John, E. Bardach, John H. Ryther, W.O. Mclamey, John Willey and Sons,
New York.
11 Fish Ecology – RJ. Wotton, Dalckie, Chapman and Hall, New York.
12 Environmental stress and fish diseases – Wedemeye, G. A. Narendra. Publishing House.
13 Diseases of fishes – C. Vandujn, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
14 Aquaculture Principles and Practices by T. V. R. Pillay.

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18
M.Sc. Zoology

Code Zoo_406/454
M.Sc. Zoology Semester IV


Credits 6

Credits Marks
Research Design 1 25
Research work 1 25
Completion seminar 1 25
Dissertation, Final presentation & Viva 3 75

New CBCS Syllabus for 2016-18

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