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A Study on


With reference to


An execution examination shape can educate more regarding an association than different
pointers. There are diverse structures utilized by various associations in surveying execution of their
workers. According to Human Resources Management professionals, there could be standard shape
for execution examination. 'Set of working responsibilities', 'Execution Level', 'Execution Factors',
'Appraiser's Additional Comments', Appraisee's Feedback' are regular components fused into such a
standard shape. Rating blunders effectively rise among these components in an execution
examination shape. Simply understanding these blunders can't guarantee a compelling execution
evaluation. A logical and precise approach viz. 'Lattice Approach' can create a blunder free execution
evaluation et cetera meets the mission of Performance Management. In an activity learning program,
the creator continues with examine on the Performance Management Systems of an association. He
distinguishes diverse rating mistakes conferred by the appraisers in that. A further report on rating
mistakes raise customized learning of rating blunders. At that point, his scrutinizing knowledge
prompts an investigation of any conceivable cure. In the long run, the Author finds the 'Framework
Approach' a viable counter-measure against some evaluating mistakes.














Human Resource Management (HRM) is the capacity inside an association that spotlights on
enrollment of, administration of, and giving guidance for the general population who work in the
association. Human Resource Management can likewise be performed by line directors.

Human Resource Management is the authoritative capacity that arrangements with issues identified
with individuals, for example, remuneration, procuring, execution administration, association
advancement, security, health, benefits, worker inspiration, correspondence, organization, and

Human asset administration (HRM) is the key and intelligible way to deal with the administration of
an association's most esteemed resources - the general population working there who independently
and all things considered add to the accomplishment of the goals of the business. The expressions
"human asset administration" and "HR" (HR) have to a great extent supplanted the expression "staff
administration" as a depiction of the procedures engaged with overseeing individuals in
organizations.In straightforward words, HRM implies utilizing individuals, building up their abilities,
using, keeping up and repaying their administrations tuned in to the activity and authoritative


Human Resource Development (HRD) is the system for helping representatives builds up their own
and hierarchical aptitudes, learning, and capacities. Human Resource Development incorporates such
open doors as worker preparing, representative vocation improvement, execution administration and
advancement, training, coaching, progression arranging, key representative recognizable proof,
educational cost help, and association improvement.

The focal point of all parts of Human Resource Development is on building up the most unrivaled
workforce with the goal that the association and individual representatives can achieve their work
objectives in support of clients.

Human Resource Development can be formal, for example, in classroom preparing, a school course,
or a hierarchical arranged change exertion. Or then again, Human Resource Development can be
casual as in representative training by a director. Solid associations put stock in Human Resource
Development and consider every contingency.


Execution examination alludes to all the formal methods used to assess an individual, his
commitments and potential. At the end of the day, it is to plan and measure the execution of a person
as far as the prerequisite of the activity or it is a procedure of discovering how compelling the
association has been at contracting and putting a representative.

Execution examination is a formal arrangement of survey and assessment of individual or group

errand execution. While assessment of group execution is basic when groups exist in an association,
the focal point of execution examination in many firms stays on the individual representatives.
Notwithstanding the accentuation, a powerful examination assesses achievements and starts gets
ready for improvement, objectives and goals.


Appraising the performance of individuals, groups and organizations is a common practice of

all societies. While in some instances these appraisal processes are structured and formally
sanctioned, in other instances they are an informal and integral part of daily activities. Consciously of
unconsciously evaluate our own actions from time to time. In social interactions, performance is
conducted a systematic and planned manner to achieve widespread popularity in recent years.

Performance appraisal is essential to understand and improve the employee's performance through
HRD. In fact, performance appraisal is the basis fore HRD. It was viewed performance appraisal was
useful to decide upon employee promotion / transfer salary determination and the like. But the recent
developments in human resources management indicate that performance appraisal is the basis for
employee development. Performance appraisal indicates the level of desired performance level, level
of actual performance and the gap between these two. This gap should be bridged through human
resources development techniques like training executive development etc.

According to the past survey it was noticed that the performance appraisal system in
this company was not up to the mark. Hence there would be scope for giving few suggestions as per
my knowledge to improve the performance appraisal system which was quite essential for the better
performance of the employees.

Execution examinations give workers and chiefs chances to talk about territories in which
representatives exceed expectations and those in which representatives require change. Execution
examinations ought to be led all the time, and they require not be specifically connected to
advancement openings.

Individual Attention

Amid an execution evaluation survey, an administrator and a representative talk about the worker's
qualities and shortcomings. This gives the worker singular exposure with the administrator and an
opportunity to address individual concerns.


Representatives need to know when their activity obligations are being satisfied and when there are
issues with their work execution. Supervisors should plan this correspondence all the time.

Profession Path

Execution evaluations enable representatives and managers to talk about objectives that must be met
to progress inside the organization. This can incorporate recognizing aptitudes that must be gained,
territories in which one must enhance, and instructive courses that must be finished.

Worker Accountability

At the point when workers know there will be consistently booked assessments, they understand that
they are responsible for their activity execution.

Convey Divisional and Company Goals

Other than conveying workers' individual objectives, representative examinations give the chance to
supervisors to clarify hierarchical objectives and the manners by which workers can take part in the
accomplishment of those objectives.


• To ponder the need and significance of "Execution Appraisal".

• To depict the profile of "HETERO”".

• To contemplate the execution evaluation usage in HETERO DRUGS.

• To make information investigation and understanding in light of the view of the

representative in the association.

• To condense and discover certain proposals for the weak of Performance Appraisal
framework in the organization.


After the goal of the investigation has obviously expressed, the following stage in formal
venture is to decide the source from which the information is required to be gathered. The
information accumulation is a fascinating part of the examination accomplishing information
successfully the data comprises of two sorts of information. The chart is as per the following:

Information accumulations:

a) Primary information:

The essential information are those, which are gathered newly and out of the blue, from the
representatives specifically. It is gathered through the accompanying techniques.

1. Questionnaire: A structure of survey was arranged and dispersed among

the representatives and laborers.

2. Interview: Personal meetings and communication with the workers and temporary
worker work.

3. Observation: By watching the workplace.

b) Secondary information:

The optional information are those which have just been gathered by somebody or else which
have been gone through factual process. Wellsprings of optional information can be sorted
into two general classifications named distributed and unpublished measurements. Different
sources are accessible to be specific books, cooperative energies month to month
(Chakaravahini) books and so forth and furthermore gathered from different documents,
records and collaborations throwing Ltd.


An example of 40 workers has been chosen .Although it seems to be a little example keeping
in see the substantial number of representatives it must be restricted on account of time
constraint(8 weeks).Even then the example measure isn't thought to be little. It is sufficient to
make inferences.


Since representatives from all levels (strata) to be specific the best level, the center level, and
the lower level will undoubtedly encounter pressure, the example needs to incorporate
workers from all levels. Stratified irregular examining strategy was chosen while getting
ready poll as this was the main procedure that made inferences precisely.


As the study revolves around the performance appraisal of human resources aspects the
overall organization performance cannot be ascertained. In spite of giving honest and sincere efforts
there are several limitations, which are as follows:

 The period of study is only for about 2months, which is a major constraint.

 The perception bias or attitude of the respondents may also act as hurdles to the study.

 The study is only confined to performance appraisal.

 The study cannot be oriented with all HRM practices followed by

 MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA. because of the paucity of time requirements.

 The sample size taken for the research is small due to the constraint of time.


 The first section manages prologue to the subject and to the organization and it additionally
comprises of Need for the investigation, Objectives of the examination, Methodology, and

 The second section comprises about the association profile and about the organization profile

 The third section comprises of Theoretical edge work of


 The fourth part comprises of Analysis and Interpretation of the investigation.

 The fifth section comprises of Summary, Findings, and Suggestions.




The historical backdrop of execution evaluation is very concise. Its underlying foundations in the mid
twentieth century can be followed to Taylor's spearheading Time and Motion contemplates. In any
case, this isn't extremely useful, for the same might be said in regards to nearly everything in the field
of present day HR administration.

As a particular and formal administration methodology utilized as a part of the assessment of work
execution, evaluation truly dates from the time World War - not over 60 years back.

However in a more extensive sense, the act of examination is an extremely old workmanship. In the
size of things authentic, it may well make a case for being the world's second most seasoned calling!

There is, says Dulewicz (1989), "... an essential human inclination to make judgments about those
one is working with, and additionally around oneself." Appraisal, it appears, is both unavoidable and
all inclusive. Without a precisely organized arrangement of examination, individuals will tend to
judge the work execution of others, including subordinates, normally, casually and subjectively.

The human slant to judge can make genuine motivational, moral and legitimate issues in the working
environment. Without an organized evaluation framework, there is minimal possibility of
guaranteeing that the judgments made will be legal, reasonable, solid and exact.

Execution evaluation frameworks started as basic strategies for money defense. That is, evaluation
was utilized to choose whether or not the pay or wage of an individual worker was legitimized.

The procedure was solidly connected to material results. In the event that a representative's execution
was observed to be not as much as perfect, a cut in pay would take after. Then again, if their
execution was superior to anything the manager expected, a compensation rise was all together.

Little thought, assuming any, was given to the formative potential outcomes of evaluation. On the off
chance that was felt that a cut in pay, or an ascent, ought to give the main expected stimulus to a
representative to either enhance or keep on performing great.

Once in a while this essential framework prevailing with regards to getting the outcomes that were
expected; yet as a general rule, it fizzled.

For instance, early motivational analysts knew that distinctive individuals with generally rise to work
capacities could be paid a similar measure of cash but have very unique levels of inspiration and

These perceptions were affirmed in experimental investigations. Pay rates were vital, yes; however
they were by all account not the only component that affected representative execution. It was
discovered that different issues, for example, spirit and confidence, could likewise have a noteworthy

Subsequently, the customary accentuation on remunerate results was dynamically dismissed. In the
1950s in the United States, the potential value of examination as instrument for inspiration and
advancement was steadily perceived. The general model of execution examination, as it is known
today, started from that time.

Current Appraisal

Execution examination might be characterized as an organized formal communication between a

subordinate and manager, that for the most part appears as an occasional meeting (yearly or semi-
yearly), in which the work execution of the subordinate is inspected and talked about, with a view to
recognizing shortcomings and qualities and additionally open doors for development and abilities

In numerous associations - yet not all - evaluation comes about are utilized, either straightforwardly
or by implication, to help decide compensate results. That is, the evaluation comes about are utilized
to distinguish the better performing representatives who ought to get the lion's share of accessible
legitimacy pay builds, rewards, and advancements.

By a similar token, evaluation comes about are utilized to recognize the poorer entertainers who may
require some type of directing, or in outrageous cases, downgrade, expulsion or abatements in pay.
(Associations should know about laws in their nation that may limit their ability to reject
representatives or reduction pay.)

Regardless of whether this is a fitting utilization of execution examination - the task and avocation of
prizes and punishments - is an extremely indeterminate and hostile issue.

Scarcely any issues in administration blend up more discussion than execution evaluation.

There are numerous legitimate sources - scientists, administration pundits, and psychometricians -
who have communicated questions about the legitimacy and unwavering quality of the execution
examination process. Some have even recommended that the procedure is so naturally imperfect that
it might be difficult to consummate it (see Derven, 1990, for instance).

At the other outrageous, there are numerous solid promoters of execution examination. Some view it
as conceivably "... the most essential part of authoritative life" (Lawrie, 1990).

Between these two extremes lie different schools of conviction. While all embrace the utilization of
execution evaluation, there are a wide range of assessments on how and when to apply it.

There are those, for example, who trust that execution evaluation has numerous essential worker
advancement utilizes, yet despise any endeavor to connect the procedure to compensate results -, for
example, pay rises and advancements.

This gathering trusts that the linkage to compensate results decreases or wipes out the formative
estimation of examinations. As opposed to an open door for valuable audit and consolation, the
reward-connected process is seen as judgmental, reformatory and nerve racking.

For instance, what number of individuals would readily concede their work issues if, in the
meantime, they realized that their next pay rise or a much-needed advancement was riding on an
evaluation result? Likely, in that circumstance, numerous individuals would deny or make light of
their shortcomings. Nor is the want to misshape or deny reality bound to the individual being
assessed. Numerous appraisers feel awkward with the consolidated part of judge and killer.

Such hesitance isn't hard to get it. Appraisers frequently know their evaluates well, and are
commonly in an immediate subordinate-chief relationship. They cooperate regularly and may, on
occasion, blend socially. Recommending that a subordinate needs to look over certain work abilities
is a certain something; giving an evaluation result that has the immediate impact of discrediting an

advancement is another. The outcome can be disdain and genuine assurance harm, prompting
working environment disturbance, soured connections and efficiency decreases.

Then again, there is a solid opponent contention which guarantees that execution examination should
unequivocally be connected to remunerate results. The supporters of this approach say that
associations must have a procedure by which rewards - which are not a boundless asset - might be
straightforwardly and genuinely dispersed to those most meriting based on legitimacy, exertion and
results. There is a basic requirement for profitable equity in associations. Execution evaluation -
whatever its handy imperfections - is the main procedure accessible to help accomplish reasonable,
average and reliable reward results. It has likewise been guaranteed that assesses themselves are
slanted to trust that evaluation results ought to be connected specifically to remunerate results - and
are suspicious and baffled when told this isn't the situation. As opposed to feeling eased, assesses
may presume that they are not being told every bit of relevant information, or that the evaluation
procedure is a sham and exercise in futility.

The Link to Rewards

Research (Banister and Balkin, 1990) has revealed that assesses appear to have more noteworthy
acknowledgment of the examination procedure, and feel more happy with it, when the procedure is
specifically connected to rewards. Such discoveries are a genuine test to the individuals who feel that
evaluation results and reward results must be entirely disengaged from each other.

There is likewise a gathering who contends that the assessment of representatives for remunerate
purposes, and straight to the point correspondence with them about their execution, are a piece of the
fundamental obligations of administration. The act of not talking about reward issues while
evaluating execution is, say pundits, in light of conflicting and tangled thoughts of inspiration.

In numerous associations, this irregularity is exasperated by the act of having separate wage and pay
audits, in which justify rises and rewards are chosen self-assertively, and frequently covertly, by
directors and supervisors.

Execution examination, otherwise called worker evaluation, is a technique by which the execution of
a representative is assessed (for the most part regarding quality, amount, cost and time). The

foundations of execution evaluation can be found in Frederick Winslow Taylor's opportunity and
movement contemplate [citation needed]. Execution evaluation is a piece of vocation advancement.

Execution evaluations are a normal survey of representative execution inside associations.

By and large, the points of a plan are:

• Give criticism on execution to workers.
• Identify representative preparing needs.
• Document criteria used to dispense authoritative prizes.
• Form a reason for work force choices: pay builds, advancements, disciplinary activities, and
so forth.

• Provide the open door for hierarchical conclusion and improvement.

• Facilitate correspondence amongst representative and manager.

• Validate determination methods and human asset arrangements to meet government Equal
Employment Opportunity prerequisites.

A typical way to deal with surveying execution is to utilize a numerical or scalar rating framework
whereby directors are requested to score a person against various goals/qualities. In a few
organizations, representatives get appraisals from their chief, associates, subordinates and clients
while additionally playing out a self evaluation. This is known as 360° examination.

The most famous techniques that are being utilized as execution examination process seem to be:

• Management by destinations (MBO)

• 360 degree examination

• Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS)

• Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

• Trait based frameworks, which depend on components, for example, respectability and
scruples, are additionally usually utilized by organizations. The logical writing regarding the matter
gives confirm that evaluating empl



Indian bulk drug industry

The historical backdrop of execution evaluation is very concise. Its underlying foundations in
the mid twentieth century can be followed to Taylor's spearheading Time and Motion
contemplates. In any case, this isn't extremely useful, for the same might be said in regards to
nearly everything in the field of present day HR administration.

As a particular and formal administration methodology utilized as a part of the assessment of work
execution, evaluation truly dates from the time World War - not over 60 years back.

However in a more extensive sense, the act of examination is an extremely old workmanship. In
the size of things authentic, it may well make a case for being the world's second most seasoned

There is, says Dulewicz (1989), "... an essential human inclination to make judgments about those
one is working with, and additionally around oneself." Appraisal, it appears, is both unavoidable
and all inclusive. Without a precisely organized arrangement of examination, individuals will tend
to judge the work execution of others, including subordinates, normally, casually and subjectively.

The human slant to judge can make genuine motivational, moral and legitimate issues in the
working environment. Without an organized evaluation framework, there is minimal possibility of
guaranteeing that the judgments made will be legal, reasonable, solid and exact.

Execution evaluation frameworks started as basic strategies for money defense. That is, evaluation was utilized
to choose whether or not the pay or wage of an individual worker was legitimized.

The procedure was solidly connected to material results. In the event that a representative's execution was
observed to be not as much as perfect, a cut in pay would take after. Then again, if their execution was
superior to anything the manager expected, a compensation rise was all together.

Little thought, assuming any, was given to the formative potential outcomes of evaluation. On the off chance
that was felt that a cut in pay, or an ascent, ought to give the main expected stimulus to a representative to
either enhance or keep on performing great.

Once in a while this essential framework prevailing with regards to getting the outcomes that were expected;
yet as a general rule, it fizzled.

For instance, early motivational analysts knew that distinctive individuals with generally rise to work
capacities could be paid a similar measure of cash but have very unique levels of inspiration and execution.

These perceptions were affirmed in experimental investigations. Pay rates were vital, yes; however they were
by all account not the only component that affected representative execution. It was discovered that different
issues, for example, spirit and confidence, could likewise have a noteworthy impact.

Subsequently, the customary accentuation on remunerate results was dynamically dismissed. In the 1950s in
the United States, the potential value of examination as instrument for inspiration and advancement was
steadily perceived. The general model of execution examination, as it is known today, started from that time.

Current Appraisal

Execution examination might be characterized as an organized formal communication between a subordinate

and manager, that for the most part appears as an occasional meeting (yearly or semi-yearly), in which the
work execution of the subordinate is inspected and talked about, with a view to recognizing shortcomings and
qualities and additionally open doors for development and abilities improvement.

In numerous associations - yet not all - evaluation comes about are utilized, either straightforwardly
or by implication, to help decide compensate results. That is, the evaluation comes about are utilized
to distinguish the better performing representatives who ought to get the lion's share of accessible
legitimacy pay builds, rewards, and advancements.

By a similar token, evaluation comes about are utilized to recognize the poorer entertainers
who may require some type of directing, or in outrageous cases, downgrade, expulsion or
abatements in pay. (Associations should know about laws in their nation that may limit their
ability to reject representatives or reduction pay.)

Regardless of whether this is a fitting utilization of execution examination - the task and
avocation of prizes and punishments - is an extremely indeterminate and hostile issue.

Scarcely any issues in administration blend up more discussion than execution evaluation.

There are numerous legitimate sources - scientists, administration pundits, and

psychometricians - who have communicated questions about the legitimacy and unwavering
quality of the execution examination process. Some have even recommended that the
procedure is so naturally imperfect that it might be difficult to consummate it (see Derven,
1990, for instance).

At the other outrageous, there are numerous solid promoters of execution examination. Some
view it as conceivably "... the most essential part of authoritative life" (Lawrie, 1990).

Between these two extremes lie different schools of conviction. While all embrace the
utilization of execution evaluation, there are a wide range of assessments on how and when to
apply it.

There are those, for example, who trust that execution evaluation has numerous essential
worker advancement utilizes, yet despise any endeavor to connect the procedure to
compensate results -, for example, pay rises and advancements.

This gathering trusts that the linkage to compensate results decreases or wipes out the
formative estimation of examinations. As opposed to an open door for valuable audit and
consolation, the reward-connected process is seen as judgmental, reformatory and nerve

For instance, what number of individuals would readily concede their work issues if, in the
meantime, they realized that their next pay rise or a much-needed advancement was riding on
an evaluation result? Likely, in that circumstance, numerous individuals would deny or make
light of their shortcomings.

Nor is the want to misshape or deny reality bound to the individual being assessed. Numerous
appraisers feel awkward with the consolidated part of judge and killer.

Such hesitance isn't hard to get it. Appraisers frequently know their evaluates well, and are
commonly in an immediate subordinate-chief relationship. They cooperate regularly and may,
on occasion, blend socially. Recommending that a subordinate needs to look over certain
work abilities is a certain something; giving an evaluation result that has the immediate
impact of discrediting an advancement is another.

The outcome can be disdain and genuine assurance harm, prompting working environment
disturbance, soured connections and efficiency decreases.

Then again, there is a solid opponent contention which guarantees that execution examination
should unequivocally be connected to remunerate results.

The supporters of this approach say that associations must have a procedure by which rewards
- which are not a boundless asset - might be straightforwardly and genuinely dispersed to
those most meriting based on legitimacy, exertion and results.

There is a basic requirement for profitable equity in associations. Execution evaluation -

whatever its handy imperfections - is the main procedure accessible to help accomplish
reasonable, average and reliable reward results.

It has likewise been guaranteed that assesses themselves are slanted to trust that evaluation
results ought to be connected specifically to remunerate results - and are suspicious and
baffled when told this isn't the situation. As opposed to feeling eased, assesses may presume
that they are not being told every bit of relevant information, or that the evaluation procedure
is a sham and exercise in futility.

The Link to Rewards

Research (Banister and Balkin, 1990) has revealed that assesses appear to have more
noteworthy acknowledgment of the examination procedure, and feel more happy with it,
when the procedure is specifically connected to rewards. Such discoveries are a genuine test
to the individuals who feel that evaluation results and reward results must be entirely
disengaged from each other.

There is likewise a gathering who contends that the assessment of representatives for
remunerate purposes, and straight to the point correspondence with them about their
execution, are a piece of the fundamental obligations of administration. The act of not talking
about reward issues while evaluating execution is, say pundits, in light of conflicting and
tangled thoughts of inspiration.

In numerous associations, this irregularity is exasperated by the act of having separate wage
and pay audits, in which justify rises and rewards are chosen self-assertively, and frequently
covertly, by directors and supervisors.

Execution examination, otherwise called worker evaluation, is a technique by which the

execution of a representative is assessed (for the most part regarding quality, amount, cost and
time). The foundations of execution evaluation can be found in Frederick Winslow Taylor's
opportunity and movement contemplate [citation needed]. Execution evaluation is a piece of
vocation advancement.

Execution evaluations are a normal survey of representative execution inside associations.

By and large, the points of a plan are:

• Give criticism on execution to workers.

• Identify representative preparing needs.

• Document criteria used to dispense authoritative prizes.

• Form a reason for work force choices: pay builds, advancements, disciplinary
activities, and so forth.
• Provide the open door for hierarchical conclusion and improvement.

• Facilitate correspondence amongst representative and manager.

• Validate determination methods and human asset arrangements to meet government

Equal Employment Opportunity prerequisites.

A typical way to deal with surveying execution is to utilize a numerical or scalar rating
framework whereby directors are requested to score a person against various
goals/qualities. In a few organizations, representatives get appraisals from their chief,
associates, subordinates and clients while additionally playing out a self evaluation. This
is known as 360° examination.

The most famous techniques that are being utilized as execution examination process
seem to be:

• Management by destinations (MBO)

• 360 degree examination

• Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS)

• Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

• Trait based frameworks, which depend on components, for example, respectability and
scruples, are additionally usually utilized by organizations. The logical writing regarding
the matter gives confirm that evaluating empl

World-over, the Pharmaceuticals business is centered around Allopathy, the most present day
medicinal science. Different methods of restorative treatment such Homeopathy, Ayurveda and
Unani are more predominant in underdeveloped nations.

The fares from the Indian pharmaceutical industry to the very much directed market in United States
of America is expanding quickly, by recording the most elevated development in the current
monetary year when contrasted with the current past.

The Indian pharma fares to US have effectively recorded a positive energy ideal from the year 2002,
expanding from USD million 489.08 in April 02-March 03 to USD million 680.50 in April 2005 –
March 2006.

From being an import subordinate industry in the previous 1950,s Indian pharmaceutical industry has
accomplished independence and increased worldwide acknowledgment as a maker of minimal effort
brilliant mass medication and details. Driving Indian organizations have created foundation in more
than 60 nations including created markets like USA and EUROPE. Over the most recent couple of
years a few pharmaceutical organizations have shown that they forces the capacity to take part in
financially practical innovative work exercises and end up plainly huge players in the worldwide


Ranbaxy Laboratories

(Sri S T Kalairaj, Chairman)

Ranbaxy is the pioneer in the Indian pharmaceutical market, taking in $1.174 billion in incomes for a
net benefit of $160 million of every 2004. It was the principal Indian pharmaceutical to have a
restrictive medication (broadened discharge ciprofloxacin, advertised by Bayer) affirmed by the U.S.
FDA, and the U.S. advertise represents 36% of its deals. 78% of Ranbaxy's deals are from abroad
markets; its workplaces in 44 nations oversee producing in 7 nations and conveyance in more than

IMS Health evaluated that Ranbaxy is among the best 100 pharmaceuticals on the planet and that it is
the fifteenth quickest developing organization. By 2012, Ranbaxy plans to be one of the best 5
generics makers on the planet, and it combined its position with the buy of French firm RGP Aventis
in 2003. Ranbaxy additionally has higher desires, be that as it may, "to assemble an exclusive remedy
business in the propelled markets." To this end, it keeps a devoted research office in Gurgaon staffed
with more than 1100 researchers. They as of now have two particles in Phase II trials and 3-5 in pre-
clinical testing. It burned through $75 million in R&D in 2004, a 43% expansion over its 2003 use.

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories

(Dr.K. Anji Reddy, Chairman)

Established in 1984 with $160,000, Dr. Reddy's was the main Asia-Pacific pharmaceutical outside of
Japan and the 6th Indian organization to be recorded on the New York Stock Exchange. It earned
$446 million in financial year 2005, determining 66% of this wage from the remote market. Keeping
in mind the end goal to reinforce its worldwide position, Dr. Reddy gained UK-based BMS
Laboratories and backup Meridian Healthcare.

Albeit 58% of Dr. Reddy's incomes originated from nonexclusive medications, the organization was
focused on WTO-consistence some time before the 2005 bill produced results, and a large portion of
these items were at that point off patent. Dr. Reddy has for some time been an examination arranged
firm, going before huge numbers of its associates in setting up a New Drug Development Research
(NDDR) in 1993 and out-authorizing its first compound only four years after the fact. Dr. Reddy's
has since outlicensed two more atoms and as of now has three others in clinical trials.

In spite of the fact that Dr. Reddy's is traded on an open market, the Reddy family (counting
organizer/executive K. Anji Reddy, child in-law/CEO GV Prasad and child/COO Satish Reddy)
holds a strong 26% offer in the organization.

Nicholas Piramal

(Asish Mishra, Chairman)

Presently an organization netting $350 million every year, Nicholas Piramal began its reality with the
1988 obtaining of Nicholas Laboratories and became through a progression of mergers, acquisitions

and collusions. The organization has shaped a name for itself in the field of custom assembling. It
refers to its 1700-man worldwide deals drive as another center quality; with its obtaining of Rhodia's
inward breath sedatives business, Nicholas Piramal picked up a deals and promoting system crossing
90 nations.

Nicholas Piramal is all around balanced for the test of getting by in the consequence of item patent
insurance. The organization has regarded licensed innovation rights since its initiation and declined to
"bolster non specific organizations looking for first-to-document or ahead of schedule to-showcase
methodologies." Instead, it chose to make its own protected innovation and opened an examination
office last November in Mumbai bearing in mind the end goal of propelling its first medication in
2010 at a cost of $100,000.24.



Managing Director, Hetero Drugs Ltd.

Hyderabad: Hyderabad-based Pharma Company Hetero Drugs Ltd, A relatively young company in the
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is making rapid strides both nationally and internationally. Involved in the
manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished dosage forms, Hetero is one of the very few
companies which have been able to carve a niche in the market given the present Scenario where it requires
intellectual strength, core competencies and the right vision for the future.

Address: H.No. 8-3-166/7/1, Erragadda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500 018, India

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Today, it’s a name which epitomizes hard work, experience and success. A relatively young company
that is making its presence felt and making rapid progress nationally and internationally.

Involved in the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished dosage forms, Hetero
is one of its kinds of the very few companies which have been able to carve a niche in the pharmaceutical
industry given the present scenario where it requires a right blend of intellectual strength, core competencies
and a precise foresight for the future.

Hetero has come a long way since its inception in the year 1993 to be recognized as a strong
player in the field of pharmaceuticals, as a result of its combined strength in research, manufacture
and marketing.

Established in the year 1993, with the motto to be the best in the API manufacturing, Hetero
today embodies the vision of a top notch player in developing and commercializing products catering
to a variety of therapeutic categories, integrating into a leading finished dosage manufacturer.

True to the Statement, "Where the Future Started Yesterday", with a foresight on the current trends in
the Pharmaceutical Market, Hetero has grown from strength to strength, combining its Research
Strengths, Manufacturing Capabilities, and Human Resources and well established quality
management system.

With full-fledged marketing capabilities, the company has been able to market its products in
over 100 countries in Asia, Middle-east, Eastern Europe and Latin America. With its compliance to
the most stringent regulatory requirements, Hetero has today gained foothold to market several of its
APIs in the United States, Canada and Europe. With all six manufacturing facilities being supported
by excellent infrastructure and compliance to the GMP requirements, Hetero has crossed numerous
milestones in a comparatively short period since its inception.

Hetero Drugs Ltd has been chosen by the Clinton Research Foundation as one of the four
Indian pharmaceutical companies that would supply HIV/AIDS drugs to four African and nine
Caribbean nations. HDL range of three drug combinations, namely 'Nevirapine', 'Lamivudine',
'Stavudine', were available at a price that AIDS patients in India could afford

The spirit and brain behind the success story of Hetero is its founder Dr.BPS Reddy, a Scientist who
started the company drawing immense strength from the vast and rich experience he gained during
his earlier stint at the Laboratory where he was instrumental in developing and commercializing
processes for several APIs.

The Company was started by him with a vision to be recognized as an aggressive company
that combines its strength of R&D and manufacturing with definite advantages in terms of cost and
chemistry with a strong emphasis on Quality of the products.

The untiring efforts of the Chairman saw Hetero develop processes for several products at
relatively low cost, thus making it possible for several life saving drugs to be available at affordable
prices, meeting all the Regulatory and Quality norms.

With the organization having reached a point where it is identified among the widely
recognized companies, the Chairman is now focusing on giving new dimensions to the company in
terms of exploring possibilities of further growth, exploring new horizons in the field of
Pharmaceutical development and evolving strategies to take the company to greater heights.


Dr.B. Parthasaradhi Reddy
A.V.Narasa Reddy (Chairman &Managing
B.Nagi ReddyTech) M.Pera Reddy

(Director-Executive) (Director -Finance)

J.Sambi Reddy


C.Bhaskar Reddy M.Srinivasa Reddy

(Director-Quality Control) (Director)

S.Vasu Reddy


8-3-166/7/1, “Hetero House”
Chartered Accountants
Hyderabad – 500108
504, Vijaysree Apartments
Ph: 91-40-23704923/24/25
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500073
Fax: 91-40-23704929

Bonthapally (village)

Plot No. B 80 & 81 Jinnaram (Mandal)

APIE, Balanagar Medak (Dist)

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Predessh.

Plot No. 16, CIE

Hetero Group








The Company has been Scaling New Heights on a continual basis. These achievements have been the
result of concerted efforts on the part of different functions within the organization to achieve the
organizational goal of being a leader.

In its path to success, Hetero has seen many a milestone being crossed and achieved many awards on
various fronts. Awards for exemplary work in R&D and marketing are just a few to name.

A track of few events that saw Hetero reaching its Zenith of glory is:

 National Award for “Best Efforts in Research and Development” from the Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India,
in the year 1996.
 Highest Exporter award (for the year 1999) against stiff competition from internationally
recognized domestic competitors.
 Approval of the API facilities by USFDA for compliance to CGMP norms
 Approval of the finished dosage facilities by whom for the supply of anti-retroviral drugs.

Vision & Values

Hetero visualizes itself as an aggressive player in the global pharmaceutical scenario, supplying
generics developed, combining intellectual property, research strengths and strong human resource

The company values the concepts of having social responsibilities in the course of its assent to
greater heights. It strongly believes in focusing on customer requirements and delivering the products
at the right pace.

Hetero considers its human resources as the core of all its capabilities and believes in tapping and
honing the talents of its members to reach the zenith of success.

It believes in continuous evaluation and improvement in all the factors that contribute in transforming
the organization into a global force to reckon with.

Hetero takes due cognizance to the fact that the processes that it develops should be all eco-friendly
and should not result in any consequence that harms the ecological harmony.


Hetero’s Mission is to be a globally acclaimed Pharmaceutical Company, Meeting the requirements

of Healthcare imbibing the philosophy of both commercial and social concerns, driven by research
and manufacturing capabilities.


Hetero API Facilities are designed to meet the best of global standards for an API Facility.

This state- of- the- art facilities caters to the growing demand of manufacturing a large spectrum of

Hetero's production muscle stems from its endeavors to install plant, equipment, systems and
personnel that portray the best in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Professional teams equipped
with cutting-edge technology come together in developing, commercializing and delivering latest
Intermediate and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients across the globe.

Hetero's state-of-the-art plant, which conforms to stringent CGMP guidelines, facilitates pilot and
large scale production. This has enabled it to deliver a wide range of APIs of international standard
and intermediate chemicals for diverse healthcare applications.


Hetero’s emphasis has always been on Research and Development. The emphasis was to ensure that
the processes being adopted for the products are cost effective, safe to handle and with optimum
advantage in terms of yield and quality.

Having laid solid foundation towards the end Hetero’s R&D approach has also taken cognizance of
the present scenario where stringent patent regime is under implementation. Hetero’s teams of
scientists have been and are involved in developing non-infringing processes for its products. With its
ability to explore new heights and achieve the best, Hetero has been able to file patents for several of
its processes.

From an organization, which was concentrating on developing processes for API’s Hetero, has now a
full-fledged R&D Facility for formulation development.


 Strong emphasis on Research and Development.

 Ability to develop processes for a large range of therapeutic Categories.

 Ability to orient and adapt to the changing facets of Industry, particularly in terms of
Regulations, Intellectual property and Manufacturing Capabilities.

 Cohesive team of Skilled Professionals in all Wings related to Research, Manufacture and

 Strong Customer base and market Presence.

 A Strong Commitment towards the society to provide timely support by providing life Saving
drugs at relatively low costs, Short Span of time.




Human Resources are the greatest assets for any organization. These recourses
should be developed to their fullest extent for the efficient functioning of an organization and their
performance needs to appraise continuously.

The present study is aimed at analyzing the “Performance Appraisal system” at MAHINDRA
& MAHINDRA. There is a felt, need and justification to conduct surveys and to know the
perceptions of employees regarding existing practices. A structured questionnaire has been surveyed
among 40 respondents by adopting strata technique. And their perceptions are analyzed and
interpreted in this chapter.

For the purpose of survey, a sample of 40 employees has been taken into consideration with
a view to assess the "Performance Appraisal System" in MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA Performance
appraisal helps in the assessment of individual potential.

Table-4.1 Performance Appraisal is the assessment of individual potential.

S.No. Rating Scale No. of In%

1 Strongly Agree 7 17.5
2 Neutral 4 10
3 Strongly Disagree 0 0
4 Agree 29 72.5
5 Disagree 0 0
Total 40 100





10 Series1

Strongly Neutral Srtongly Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree


From the above table-4.1 it can be known that 72 % of respondents have agreed about the
assessment of individual potential and 17.5 % of them have strongly agreed of the above statement
and 10 % of the employees are in a neutral stage and where none of them have disagreed for the
above statement. So majority of the respondents i.e. 72.5 % of the respondents have agreed about
the assessment of individual potential.


From the above analysis we can interpret that, some of the employees were in neutral
position, because the appraisal system in the organization was not in a full fledge way.

Performance Appraisal system followed in the organization is rational and fair.

S.No. Rating Scale No. of ln%


1. Strongly Agree 1 2.5

2. Neutral 12 30
3. Strongly Disagree 1 2.5
4. Agree 22 55
5. Disagree 4 10
Total 40 100




10 Series1

Strongly Neutral Srtongly Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree


From the above table-4.2 it can be known that, 55% of respondents have agreed that die
performance appraisal system followed in the organization rational and fair and 30 of the
respondents are in neutral stage. Where as 2.5pciceiU of the respondents have agreed for the above
statement and 2.5petce&t of the respondents have strongly disagreed, where 10 % of the
respondents have disagreed for the above statement.


From the above analysis we can interpret that, some of the employees were in neutral
position. Because the organization doesn’t following the company’s policies fairly.


Job expectations are informed and the superiors set the tasks.

S, No. Rating Scale No. of respondents In%

1. Strongly Agree 3 7.5

2. Neutral 10 25
3. Strongly Disagree 0 0
4. Agree 24 60
5. Disagree 3 7.5
Total 40 100




10 Series 1

Strongly Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

Analysis: From the above table-4.3 it can be known that, 60% of respondents have agreed that
the job expectations are informed and the superiors set die tasks. And 25% of die respondents are in
neutral stage and 7,5% strongly agree for above statement and where as 7.5% of the respondents
disagree for die above statement, none of them are in a stage of strongly disagree opinion.

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that, some of employees were in neutral position.
Because the job expectations were not informed, and the tasks were not assigned by superiors


Performance Appraisal followed in the Organization helps to the Training and development needs of

zS.No. RatingScale No. of In%

1. Strongly Agree 6 15
2. Neutral 4 10
3. Strongly Disagree 0 0
4. Agree 27 67.5
5. Disagree 3 7.5
Total 40 100

Series 1
Strongly Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree


From the above table-4.4 it is found that, 67.5% of respondents have agreed for the performance
appraisal followed in the organization helps to assess the training and development needs of
employee and I5 % of them have strongly agreed in ID-% of the respondents are in neutral stage and
the remaining 7.5% of the respondents are in disagreed opinion. Where none of them are is strongly
disagreed opinion.

Interpretation: The above analysis states that, majority of the employees opined that a good
performance appraisal system in the organization, helps to train and develop an employee in all


The Performance appraisal in the organization helps to recognize the competence and potential of an

S.No. Rating Scale No. of respondents ln%

1. Strongly Agree 4 10

2. Neutral 3 7.5
3. Strongly Disagree 1 2.5
4. Agree 30 75
5. Disagree 2 5
Total 40 100

10 Series 1
Strongly Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree


From the above table-4.5 it is found that, 75% of respondents have agreed for the performance
appraisal in the organization helps to recognize the competence and potential of individual and 10 %
of the respondents have strongly agreed, and 7.5% of the respondents are in neutral stage and 5% are
in disagreed opinion where as 2.5% of the respondents strongly disagree for the above statement


The above analysis elicits that, some of the employees were in neutral and disagree position.
Because the appraisal process in the organization is not that much effective.


Employees are happy with the assessment of performance followed in the organization.

No. of
S.No. Rating Scale ln%
Graph-4.6 respondents
1. Strongly Agree 3 7.5

2. Neutral 14 35
3. Strongly Disagree 0 0
4. Agree 18 45
5. Disagree 5 12.5
Total 40 100

Series 1
Strongly Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

Analysis: From the above table-4.6 it is found that, 45% of respondents have agreed that they
are happy with the assessment of performance appraisal followed in the organization. And 35 % of
the respondents are in neutral stage and 12.5% of the respondents are in a disagreed stage where 7.5%
have strongly agreed for the above statement but none of them have strongly disagreed for this

Interpretation: We can interpret that, most of the employees were in disagree and neutral position.
Because the assessment system in the organization was not up to the mark.

Employees have been appraised fairly according to the company's policies.

S. No. Rating Scale No. of In %

1. Strongly Agree 2 5
2. Neutral 13 32.5
3. Strongly Disagree 0 0
4. Agree 23 57.5
5. Disagree 2 5
Total 40 100


Analysis: From the above table-4.7 it is found that, 57.5% of respondents have agreed that the
employees have been appraised fairly according to the company policies and 32.5% of the
respondents are neutral stage and 5% of them are strongly agree and where as 5% of the respondents
disagree for the above opinions and none of them have disagree for the above opinion.
Interpretation: Here we can state that, most of the employees were in disagree and neutral position.
Because performance appraisal was not done fairly according to the companies policies.

Table-4.8 Advises and suggestions are given to the employees during the appraisal process.

S. No. Rating Scale No. of In%

1. Strongly Agree 3 7.5
2 Neutral 15 37.5
3. Strongly Disagree 0 0
4. Agree 10 25
5. Disagree 12 30
Total 40 100

Analysis: From the above table4.8 it is found that, 30 % of respondents have disagreed that
advises and suggestions are given to the employees during the appraisal process and 25% of them
have agreed and 7.5% of the respondents strongly agree and majority of the respondents i.e. 37.5%
are in a neutral stage and none of them have disagreed for the above statement.

Interpretation: The above analysis exhibits that, employees are expecting many more
suggestions and advises, during the appraisal process that would be helpful for their career.


The employees accept the appraisal feed back as.

S. No. Rating Scale No. Of %

1. Positive way 3 7.5
2. Uninteresting 15 37.5
3. Negative way 0 0
4. Neutral 10 25
Total 40 100


Analysis: From the above table-4.9 it is found that, 50% of respondents have a positive
way regarding acceptance of the appraisal feed back. And 47.55 of them are in a neutral
opinion and 2.5% of the respondents feel it uninteresting on the above statement. And none
of them have a negative acceptance of this statement


This analysis shows that, employees are not much interested in taking the appraisal feedback.

Table-4.10 The appraiser of the company should be.

S.No. Rating Scale No. of In%

1. Superior 13 32.5
2. HOD 25 62.5
3. Subordinate 1 2.5
4. Peer groups 1 2.5
Total 40 100

Analysis: From the above table-4.10 it is found mat, 62.5perecent of respondents feel that
their HOD should be their appraiser and 32.5% of them feel that their superior should be the
appraisal and 2.5% of the respondents feel that their subordinates and peer groups should be
the appraiser.

Interpretation: This states that, the appraiser should be the head of the department, the employee
feel that he is the right person to evaluate their performance.


Employee need to be assessed as.

No. of
S.No. Rating Scale In%
1. Once in 3 months eents 8 20
2. Once in 6 months 11 27.5
3. Once in a year 21 52.5
Total 40 100



Analysis: 20

From the 15
table-4.11 10 Series 1 it is
found that,
52.5% of 5

Once in 3 Once in 6 Once in a
months months year

respondents feel that their appraisal system should be once in a year and 27.5% of the respondents
feel that it should be twice in a year (6 months) and where as 20% of the respondents feel that it
should be for every 3 months.
Interpretation: Here, the employees felt that, they need to be assessed once in a year, as they
felt it is a right period of time to assess the performance.


The performance appraisal followed in the organization makes the employees.

S.No Rating Scale No. of In%

1 Motivating 38 95
2 De motivating 2 5


Analysis: From the above table-4.12 it is found that, 95% of respondents are motivated towards
performance appraisal followed in the organization and 5 % of the respondents demotivates for the
above statement.
So majority of the respondents i.e.. 95 % of the respondents have motivated towards the appraisal
system followed in the organization.
Interpretation: From the above study, employees felt performance appraisal system as a
motivating factor.

Types of errors / problems have impact on performance rating in the Organization.

S. No Rating Scale No of In%

1 Influence 9 22.5
2 Attitude 16 40
3 Biased 8 20
4 Personal Grudge 1 2.5
5 Subjectivity 5 12.5
6 Status Effect 1 2.5


Analysis: From the above table-4.13 it is observed that, appraisal system is rated by attitude that
is 40% and 22.5% of the respondents by influence and 20% by biased, 12.5% by subjectivity and
2.5% by personal grudge and remaining 2.5% by status effect.

Interpretation: The employees opined that, attitude factor have a greater impact on the
performance appraisal system.

Table -4.14
Feedback on Performance is communicated after assessment of the Performance.

S.No Rating Scale No of In%

1 Yes 19 47.5
2 No 21 52.5

Analysis: From the above table-4.14 it is found that, 52.5% of respondents disagree that feed
back on performance is communicated after assessment of the performance appraisal. And 47.5% of
the respondents agree for the above statement.

So majority of the respondents i.e. 52.5 % of the respondents have disagreed that the
feedback on performance is communicated after assessment of the performance appraisals.

Interpretation: Here, the some of the employees express their view that, the performance
feedback need not be communicated after the assessment, while some of them felt that it is


Employees are aware of 360-degree appraisal.

S.No Rating Scale No of Respondents In%

1 Yes 11 27.5
2 No 29 72.5



From the above table-4.15 it is found that, 72.5% of respondents are aware of 360-
degree appraisal and 27.5% of die respondents are not known of 360-degree appraisal.

So majority of the respondents i.e.. 72.5 % of the respondents have agreed that they
were aware of 360 degree appraisal


Here from the above study it is known that, the employees are not completely aware of 360-
degrees appraisal system.




 More than half of the employees (72.5%) agree that Performance Appraisal is the
assessment of individual potential.
 Some of the employees (30%) neutral that Performance Appraisal system followed in the
organization is rational and fair.
 Some of the employees (25%) neutral that Job expectations are informed and the
superiors set the tasks.
 Most of the employees (67.5%) agree that Performance Appraisal followed in the
Organization helps to the Training and development needs of employee.

 Some of the employees (5%) disagrees that The Performance appraisal in the
organization helps to recognize the competence and potential of an individual
 Less than half of the employees (35%) disagrees that they are happy with the assessment
of performance followed in the organization.
 most of the employees (32.5%) neutral that they have been appraised fairly according to
the company's policies.
 Most of the employees (30%) disagrees that Advises and suggestions are given to the
employees during the appraisal process.
 Most of the employees (37.5%) uninterestingly accept the appraisal feedback.
 Most of the employees (62.7%) feel that appraisal should be given by HOD.
 Most of the employees (52.5%) that they need to be assessed as once in a year.
 All most of the employees (95%) feels that the performance appraisal followed in the
organization makes the employees Motivated.
 Most of the employees (40%) think that attitude have impact on performance rating in the
 Most of the employees (52.5%) do not agree that Performance is communicated after
assessment of the Performance.


As per the study the following are the suggestions:

 The Performance Appraisal in the organization should be in a full fledge way so that the

others will be accepting this.

 As the Performance Appraisal is helpful to the employees by the assignment of superiors

task by training & development which should be more effective so that the other

employees will also be attracted.

 The Performance Appraisal should be assist effectively to the employees as it recognizes

the competence and potential of an individual.

 Employee’s appraisal should be fairly done according to the companies policies so that it

will assist the performance of the employees.

 The company should give some advises and suggestions to the employees during the

process and should get there feedbacks about the process.

 The employees should assess and appraised by their HOD once in a year.

 The employees should be aware of 360 degrees appraisal and the organization should

follow this to motivate the employees.


■ The options required strong motivation to face the challenges.

■ Proper training and satisfaction at all levels will be the strongest foundation to

launch an assault on the challenges and convert the challenges to opportunities

through effective performance appraisal measures in the organization.

 In future performance appraisal measures will have to be planned in relation to the

changes taking place.

 The performance measures leads exist both at fresh entry level as well as to continuing

education level for working personnel.

 An effective safety measures based on emerging trends suggests model for achieving the

targets which will make paper industry in India truly competitive.



 Donald L. Kirkpatrick, 2006, Improving Employee Performance through Appraisal and

 Richard Rudman, 2003, Performance Planning and Review.
 Roger E. Herman, 1997, The Process of excelling, oak Hill press.
 P. Subba Rao, 2006, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial
Relations, Himalaya Publishing House.


 Gitam Journal of Management.

 Journal of Occupational and Environmental medicine.
 Indian Journal of Social Work.
 Indian Journal of Human Resource.


1. Is Performance Appraisal helps in the assessment of individual potential?

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

2. Does the Performance Appraisal system followed in the organization is rational and fair?

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

3. Whether the Job expectations are informed and the superiors set the tasks?

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

4. Does the performance Appraisal followed in the organization helps to assess
the training and development needs of employee?

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

5. Does the Performance appraisal in the organization helps to recognize the

competence and potential of an individual?

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

6. Whether the employees happy with the assessment of Performance followed in the


Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

7. Does the Employees appraised fairly according to the company’s policies?

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

8. Does the Advises and suggestions are given to the employees during the appraisal


Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

9. How do the employees accept the appraisal feedback?

Positive way Negative way

Uninteresting Neutral

10. Who should be the appraiser?

Superior Subordinate

HOD Peer group

11. How often should an employee be assessed?

Once in 3months

Once in 6months

Once in a year

12. How the performance appraisal followed in the organization?



13. What types of errors / problems have impact on performance rating in

the organization?

Influence Biased Subjectivity Status Effect

Attitude Personal Grudge

14. Whether the Feedback on performance communicated after assessment of the


Yes No

15. Are you aware of 360-degree appraisal?

Yes No


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