Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that provide important

and vital information on how research projects were designed and developed.


According to Abdulla, Mohammad, & Nabil, (2016) Time management is the

process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. It

is the skill in which all students should not only know, but also need to know how to

apply. Students have a lot of tasks and have to satisfy a lot of different lecturers, and

the grades for each subject are determined by the academic task quality.

Faisal, et al (2017) stated that there are a lot of students who are unsuccessful

in academic facing difficulties in their time management and complaint that they do not

have sufficient time to perform certain task.

Aduke (2016) stated that both of the procrastination and prioritization are the

common time management troubles for students who pursuit their academic. Thus, it is

crucial for students to learn and know some of the time management proper step. For

instance, prioritize the most important matters, and focus on issues, which are critical

for success.

According to Kithinji and Kanga (2017), in all education systems, academic

performance is the criterion or standard of judging the quality of student s learning

which is accepted globally. Academic performance usually is assessed by continuous

assessment or examinations. However, there is no public recognition on how academic

performance is best assessed or what aspects are crucial. Academic performance

appears to improve when time is well managed.

According to Olowookere et al, (2016) students’ improper time management are

related to lower academic achievement. Behaviours like inappropriate time allocation,

participating in unnecessarily activities that consume time, spending a lot of time on

social networks and last minute preparation for examination, have caused a huge

interruption for students and are often discussed as one of the main reasons for low

academic performance.

According to Mushtaq and Khan (2018) the student academic performance is

measured by many ways such as Cumulative. Academic performance is the outcome of

education— the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their

educational goals.


(Karim et al, 2015) stated that the literature revealed that time management

practices that connected to the individual's awareness and attitudes about time

management and is comparable the perception of having control over time. Therefore,

time attitudes comprise the perception that the individual is in control of time the
perception that the person is efficiently managing his time and the perception that the

individual is making constructive utilization of time.


Alrheme and Almardeni (2017) aimed at identifying the students' viewpoint

about how to time in terms of planning, organizing, directing and censorship and its

effect on academic performance as long as identifying the personal variables effects on

academic performance. The data were collected through a sample of some junior high

students. The study results showed that the planning was of high effect on academic

performance proved by a correlation coefficient.

Nashrullah and Khan (2016) identified time management variables to include

planning (Short-range and long-range), time attitude as independent variables linking to

the students’ academic performance. Findings showed that time management variables

such as short-range, long-range and time attitude are significantly correlated to

students’ academic achievement.

Indreica et al. (2016) examined the influence of effective management to

students’ academic performance in terms of Grade Point Average (GPA). Findings

revealed that, effective management programs elevate the GPA and concluded that

successful students are good time managers. Specifically, factors such as time

management behaviors, time attitudes and control of time are significant predictors of

students’ academic performance. Students’ academic performance is usually measured

on the students’ GPA.



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