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Invitation to Tender

B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential





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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential





















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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential

Enquiry Receipt Acknowledgement

Please return this acknowledgement to [email protected] not later than seven (7) days from receipt of
Tenderer’s ref.:

Tenderer’s Company Name: …...…………………………………………………………………………………

Company Address: ……………………………………………….………………………………….…………......


E-mail address: …………………………………………… Mobile: ………………………...…….…………….

Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge receipt of the Invitation to Bid for the Enquiry No: B200187PIM

Enquiry Title: Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services

We shall: (Please tick as appropriate)

 Submit a Tender

 Not submit a Tender

1. In case of decline, please return all Enquiry Documents on or before the date fixed for receiving

2. State reason/s: ……………………………………………………………………………………




Yours faithfully,

Name (Print): ………………...……….………………… Signature: ………………………………….

Position: ………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………….

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential


1. The Company has nominated Amos Ologunleko, Reference indicator – PI, Telephone 08039053220, e-
mail [email protected] to act as Contract Owner in connection with the Service. The
Contract Holder in connection with the Service is John Beecroft, Reference Indicator PIM/3, Telephone
08039053834; e-mail [email protected]. However, from time to time, the Company may notify
and nominate other Company Personnel to act on behalf of the Contract Owner who shall hold all
relevant authority of the Contract Owner.

2. Contract resulting from this tender is expected to start in Quarter 1 2021 with duration of 3 years.

3. The Tenderer is required to immediately check the pages of the enquiry to ensure completeness. Upon
confirmation, the Tenderer shall acknowledge receipt to the Contracts Section of the Company, see Part
A, herein.

4. The tender shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this invitation to tender and any
addenda that are issued and the General Conditions of Contract for Nigeria LNG Limited.

5. All queries concerning the preparation of Tenders shall be addressed to the Contracts Department of
the Company, for the attention of Chinedu Onyia, e-mail [email protected] .

6. Except as provided herein, Tenderers are not permitted to contact any member of the Company’s staff
(nor any of the Contractor Companies engaged by the Company) on any matter relating to this tender.
In the event of any such communication by the Tenderer, it shall not be considered binding on the

7. The Tender Document is made of parts A – D that contain instructions with regard to the Tender, whilst
Part E Sections 1 – 9 is a draft of the Contract Document and contains all the conditions that shall be
applicable to the Service. The Tenderer shall not, without the written consent of the Company, make any
alteration or addition to the text of this document and shall return this document in the form that it has
been received. It should not be taken apart and included in a separate document or altered in any

The technical bid shall be submitted on or before the bid due date, via electronic mail sent exclusively to
[email protected], with subject “TENDER B200187PIM: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”.

Tenderer should note that a limit of 9Mb applies to all incoming email correspondences into the
[email protected] email box. Consequently, the electronic file sizes should not exceed 9Mb. If the
file size exceeds this amount, it should be split into multiple files each less than 9Mb and sent in
separate emails. Such emails shall be named accordingly in this format, “TENDER B200187PIM –
Technical Proposal – Part 1 of Y”, where Y is the number of separate emails.

Tender Parts Comprising Tender Due Date & Evaluation Process

Mode of Submission
Technical Bids Technical Bid. All 1600 hours on Friday, Technical bids will be
qualifications, exceptions, 26th February, 2021, evaluated first to
etc., must be sent along submitted via email sent determine technically
with the Technical bid. exclusively to suitable bidders.
[email protected]
Commercial Commercial Bid, including 1600 hours on Friday, Evaluated for contract
Bids any alternative bid 26th February, 2021, award.
submitted via email sent
exclusively to
[email protected]

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential
11. All details of the Tender and any subsequent clarification or amendment thereof, including prices and
rates shall remain valid for acceptance by the Company for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty)
days from the latest submission date stated in the enquiry letter and on contract award shall remain
fixed and firm for the duration of the contract unless expressly stated otherwise therein.

12. The Tenderer’s Technical Submission document must be sequentially numbered “1, 2, 3 … etc.” without
any breaks in the numbering and with the last page being numbered and identified as the “LAST”
page. All pages of the tenderer’s submission shall be duly signed/or stamped by the Tenderer.

13. All matters pertaining to the Tender must be treated in the strictest confidence. The Tenderer shall
ensure that its employees or agents will not disclose any documents, information, addresses,
conversations or the like to any third party unless for the express purpose of compiling an offer for the
works, and such suppliers or subcontractors shall maintain confidentiality.

14. By submission of a tender, the Tenderer warrants that:

- The prices have been arrived at independently without any collusion with any other Tenderers or
Third Party.
- The prices quoted have not been disclosed directly or indirectly to any other Tenderer nor will they be
- No canvassing has taken place.
- The Tenderer accepts the Company’s Conditions of Contract

15. Any request for clarifications and/or further information and/or site visits must be made in writing at
least 7 calendar days prior to the Tender due date. All costs associated with any site visit shall be to
Tenderers account.

16. Tenderers are required to complete and return all sections of this Tender. In the event of insufficient
space in the Company’s tender document, the Tenderer shall attach additional sheets. The tender shall
be completed in ink or typewritten and must not be written in pencil. In the event of an error, such shall
be scored out and rewritten/typed. Under no circumstance shall correction fluid be used for alterations.

17. The Tenderer certifies that all documents submitted in response to the requirement of this contract
containing data, information, certificates, permits, licences, and the like, are in all ramification and
intent true and correct, or in the cases where copies of any of such documents are submitted, they are
true copies of the original. The Company reserves the right to, at any time when it deems it necessary,
seek to verify the integrity or authenticity of all documents submitted by the Tenderer. If any submitted
document contains information that is proved to be false or incorrect or has been altered, modified or
mutilated in any manner howsoever, with the intention to deceive or jeopardise the contract award
process, the Company reserves the right to undertake any of the following course of action:
a) disqualify the Tenderer from the contract award process;
b) suspend the Tenderer for unspecified period from future contract award processes;
c) de-list the Tenderer from the Company's approved list;
d) terminate any contract awarded on the basis of the incorrect, untrue, false, altered, or modified
document; and/or;
e) Cause the Tenderer to be prosecuted.

18. The Tenderers shall bear all costs, expenses and any other costs associated with preparation and
submission of the tender.

19. The Company reserves the right to request for any additional technical or commercial information
deemed necessary after opening of the tenders including but not limited to the breakdown of any
pricing, rates, percentages etc.

20. The Company is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender and may accept a tender in part or in
whole at its sole discretion.

21. In the event the Tenderer wishes to decline to tender, the complete tender document shall be promptly
returned to the Company with a covering letter indicating the reasons for declining.

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential
22. The Tenderer’s terms and conditions, or any other documentation belonging to the Tenderer are not
recognized and shall not be accepted if at variance with the Company Invitation to Tender.

23. Failure to comply with these instructions or any detailed requirements of the Tender documents may
result in disqualification.

24. In Part E Section 1 to 9, any reference to the ‘Contractor’ should be construed as meaning the
‘Tenderer’ for the purposes of preparing the Tender submission.

25. It is imperative that the Tender is made strictly in accordance with the Company’s requirements. If the
Tenderer considers it could make a more attractive technical and/or commercial offer, this may be
submitted as an alternative and separate proposal provided that a tender is also received in exact
compliance with the enquiry document. Any supporting or additional information from the Tenderer
shall be page-numbered and presented in a separate folder with a clear index describing the contents,
the page reference for each section and the Company enquiry cross reference clauses.


1.1 Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) is committed to the development of the Nigerian Oil and Gas business
in alignment with the NOGICD Act 2010 on Nigerian Content.

“NIGERIAN CONTENT " is defined in the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development
(NOGICD) Act as “the quantum of composite value added to or created in the Nigerian economy by a
systematic development of capacity and capabilities through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian
human, material resources and services in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry”.

As from the commencement of the Act, the minimum Nigerian Content in any project, service or
product specification to be executed in the Nigerian oil and gas industry shall be consistent with the
level set in SCHEDULE TARGETS in the NOGICD Act and any other targets as may be directed by the
Nigerian Content Monitoring Board.

It is important that Tenderers familiarize themselves and comply with the provisions of the Nigerian Oil
& Gas Industry Content Development Act of 2010 otherwise referred to as “The Nigerian Content Act”
in their Tender and in execution of Contract(s) that may result from this tender.

1.2 The Tenderer shall comply with all the provisions of the NOGICD Act 2010 that relate to this Contract.
In particular, the Tenderer must comply with the minimum Nigerian Content % Targets for the Scope
of Work (Scope) items which are covered in the SCHEDULE of the NOGICD Act and any other
requirement that may arise from time to time not explicitly stated in this Contract but which apply to
the Contract in fulfilment of the NOGICD Act, in the submission of their Tender.

1.3 The SCHEDULE Targets in the NOGICD Act – (shown as Schedule A in the attachment) are included
to guide the Tenderer in what % Target Nigerian Content is required by Nigeria LNG Limited in the
Scope of Works to comply with the Act.

1.4 The Tenderer shall confirm and describe in full the work to be completed in Nigeria in fulfilment of the
NOGICD Act requirements. The capability of the Tenderer to execute the identified work scope items
for Nigerian Content will be subject to verification during the Technical Evaluation stage.

1.5 Prior to Award of a Contract, the Contractor shall agree its Nigerian Content Execution Plan with the
Company in line with the template contained as an Attachment, and this Plan will set out the Nigerian
Content deliverables applicable to the works.

1.6 The Scope items and their associated costs will be clearly identified and described in the Commercial
Tender in the NIGERIAN CONTENT EXECUTION PLAN with the pricing schedule and as a narrative
outlining Nigerian Content commitments.

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1.7 The successful Tenderer shall execute all Work detailed in its Nigerian Content Execution Plan in line
with the NOGICD Act. Deviations from the agreed Nigerian Content deliverables are not acceptable
except with prior written consent from NLNG.

1.8 It is the Tenderer’s responsibility to identify Nigerian Content opportunities to support the minimum
requirements in the SCHEDULE to the Act as well as examine further potential opportunities to meet
the NOGICD Act requirements.

1.9 The Contractor is responsible for the correct assessment of the conditions relevant to the Works and
prevailing on Bonny Island. Some of these conditions that may have cost implications have been listed
below including but not limited to the following:

Materials and Logistics Access into and out of Bonny Island is often via passenger boats,
cargo barges and the likes.

Manpower and Wages Community stakeholders, Bonny wage agreement, labour


HSEQ Standards and Control Company standards and controls are strictly enforced.

Weather Average rainfall in Bonny is more than in Port Harcourt and Lagos.

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1.0 Tenderers are to complete the following Technical Tender Schedule for submission as their Technical
Submissions in accordance with the Information and Instructions to Tenderers. The information
submitted will be assessed by the Company to determine the technical capability of the Tenderers to
perform the works. Only those Tenderers that are assessed as being technically capable of performing
the works will have their commercial tenders assessed.

2.0 Contractor Details and Personnel involved in Tender Preparation.

The tenderer shall provide the following information about the tendering company and the personnel
involved in preparation of the tender.

2.1 Company Name: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Registered Address: ...……………………………………………………………………………..

Operating Address: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone Number: ……………………………… Mobile Number:.……………………………

Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Website: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2.2 Person with Overall Responsibility for the Tender:

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Position in Company: ……………………..……………………………………………………..

Telephone Number: …………………………… Mobile Number: .……………………………

Email address: .…………………………………………………………………………………..

2.3 Other persons (including sub- contractors, sub-consultants and advisors) who worked on the tender

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Responsibility in tender preparation: ……………………………………………………………..

Position in company (if direct employee): ………………………………………………………..

Employer and Address (if sub-contractor, sub-consultant or advisor): ………………………….


Telephone Number: …………………………… Mobile Number: ……………………………..

Email Address: .…………………………………………………………………………………..

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Technical Tender Schedules to be completed and submitted as the Technical Bid submission for each
applicable scope are as follows:-


The Tenderer shall provide the following information:
Tick To Page
S/N DESCRIPTION Indicate Reference
Response is in Tender
included Package
Provide details of your Company and highlight areas of what
makes you different from your competitors

1 Provide all necessary licenses, permits and statutory requirements

necessary for the contract including but not limited to;

• Certificate of Incorporation
• Corporate Affairs Commission Forms CO2 and CO7
• DPR permit
2 Tenderer shall submit its HSE management plan for the contract
(covering environmental and waste management, medical care,
Hazard assessment program/Emergency response, incident
management plan, PPE Management)

3 Tenderer shall submit its HSE and Commercial risk register

inclusive of mitigation plan for the identified risk for the subject

4 Provide details of Tenderer’s Subcontracting or Technical

Partnership proposal for any aspect of the work plan (where
applicable). – use Table 1 below

5 Provide details of any pending or on-going bankruptcy issue that

may affect the tenderer’s reputation or ability to perform on the

6 Details of any pending or on-going litigation that may affect the

Tenderer’s reputation or ability to perform on the Contract.

7 Positive statement affirming acceptance of all NLNG’s terms and

conditions, including General Business Principles. Otherwise,
provide list of all technical/commercial deviations/exceptions and
qualifications from the Contract terms and conditions.

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SECTION A Tick To Page

Indicate Reference in
Response is Tender
included Package

1 Provide a proposed Contract-specific Organisation Structure. The

organisation shall also show relationship with the parent company
and if a Joint Venture, the interface relationship and reporting lines.
Subcontracting provisions should also be clearly shown in the

SECTION B Tick To Page

Indicate Reference in
Response is Tender
included Package
1 Previous Experience:
a) Provide evidence of relevant experience within the last 5 to
10 years, in the provision of the proposed Flange
Management System to be deployed.
b) Provide verifiable supporting documentation, including client
sites and contact numbers for the relevant experience (such
as previous contract award letter, completion certificate,
commendation awards, etc.)
The Company reserves the right to seek references prior to offering
any works. –Use Table 2 below.
Equipment, facilities, hardware and accessories
Provide details of the proposed flange management system
OEM of product, equipment ownership, age, capacity; maintenance;
back-up/spares; OEM support, licenses/certification
Work Plan
Provide detailed proposed work plan for the deployment of the
proposed system including:
Mob/demob, schedule, coordination, procurement, methodology,
crew size per activity, reports, management tools (including software
QA/QC Plan
Provide detailed proposal to manage quality assurance and
Provide evidence that proposed Package can interact with field tools
(digital torque wrench, tablets) via Bluetooth/the Cloud.
Provide Evidence of Proposed Package conformance to a reliable
ISMS Windows 10 Compliant
Provide evidence or real time data tracking capability between field
activities and flange management system.

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SECTION B Tick To Page

Indicate Reference in
Response is Tender
included Package
Provide evidence of provision of Mobile device (Tablet) for field Data
Management activities. Integration of Tablets and wrench with
software to eliminate human errors in data transfer.
Software Robustness
Provide evidence of Complete robustness and ability of proposed
software package to load flange drawings and Flange data from
Excel Spreadsheet with data from existing 3-D Model and SAP.
Provide Evidence of access to a source of bolt load calculations that
is controlled, independently verified and in line with industry best
practice. Software provides a permanent, searchable record of every
joint history along with a means to manage, track and control the
status of every bolted joint
Provide Risk Management Plan to reflect ability to identify and
mitigate all risks associated with cloud hosting including data
protection and security aspects.
Provide Evidence of field tools /tablets being Ex-rated and capability
of data encryption during transmission and storage.
11 Provide details of End User Training program.
Provision of backup system in the event of a system failure.
Ability to download data to store in alternate repository
Provide details of Post Installation /Commissioning Support Services,
Warranty, Calibration support

Table 1: Subcontractors List


Description of the Works


Company Name Address Tel No Web Page

Sub-Contract Manager - Name Address Tel No E-Mail

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Table 2 Previous Experiences



Description of the Works Location Start Date End Date


Company Name Address Tel No. Web Page

Client’s Contract Manager - Address Tel No. E-Mail


lumps sum, hourly rates etc.

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The form for the Tender Submission comprises two parts, Page A and Page B. The Tenderer must complete
both pages.




To: Nigeria LNG Limited,

Bonny Island, Rivers State


Having examined the Enquiry Document, the Appendices, and the General Conditions of Contract for Nigeria
LNG Limited, we hereby submit our Tender for the services as described in the Enquiry No. B200187PIM
dated January 2021 and any addenda to date issued thereto.

This Tender together with the Contract Award and the Memorandum of Agreement, shall constitute a binding
contract between us.

We understand that you are neither bound to accept the lowest or any Tender that you may receive, nor are
you responsible for any expense incurred by us in tendering.

This offer remains firm and open for acceptance for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the
date of return, as stated in the enquiry documentation, or as subsequently amended in writing by Nigeria LNG

I/We, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(the undersigned tenderer) of address



do hereby offer to perform the Work for the Contract for the Provision of Computer Based Flange Data
Management Services in the sums stated in Section 8.

This Tender comprises:

Document Description Pages Dated
Form of Tender A and B
Technical Submission (submitted under separate cover) 1 to
Enquiry Document containing prices in Section 8. 1 to
Any other documents to be listed by the Tenderer: 1 to

Only the above documents to be considered in the evaluation of the tender and award of any contract

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Enquiry Title: B200187PIM


Tenderer to complete the following: -

Company Name ………………………………………………………………………

Telephone Number ………………………………………………………………………

Mobile Number ………………………………………………………………………

Facsimile Number ………………………………………………………………………

E-mail Address ………………………………………………………………………

Signed for and on behalf of the Tenderer * by an authorised signatory

Name ………………………………………………………………………

Signature ………………………………………………………………………

Position ………………………………………………………………………

Date ………………………………………………………………………

Witnessed by Name ………………………………………………………………………

Signature ………………………………………………………………………

Position ………………………………………………………………………

Date ………………………………………………………………………

[* NOTE: If the Tenderer consists of more than one company (e.g. Joint venture or consortium), each company
in the joint venture or consortium must execute the Tender Form, using a separate signature block.]

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential



Contract Number: B200187PIM

Contract Title: Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services

This Agreement is made on the ….. day of ……………, 2021, between Nigeria LNG Limited, a company
incorporated in Nigeria, under the laws of Nigeria, having its registered office at NLNG Road, Amadi Creek,
off Eastern Bye-Pass, Port Harcourt, Rivers State (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’ which expression
shall where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns) of the one part and
…………………….. a company duly incorporated in ………………. having its office at
…………………………………….. (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Contractor’ which expression shall where the
context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns) of the other part.


A. The Company is engaged in the production of Liquefied Natural Gas and owns and operates a
Liquefied Natural Gas Plant on Bonny Island, Rivers State, Nigeria. Further information can be found
on the Company’s website

B. The Company wishes to appoint a Contractor to undertake the Provision of Computer Based Flange
Data Management Service. The Contractor shall carry out these works and services as and when

C. The Contractor is capable of providing works and services for and on behalf of the Company and
shall satisfy itself as to the nature of the works, including general and local conditions, and shall
provide all management, administration, supervision personnel, mobilisation, demobilisation,
temporary site facilities, plant, transportation, accommodation, equipment, parts, materials, tools,
instruments, services, attendances, consumables, data, drawings, measurements and any other
resources, requirements or activities whether of a temporary or permanent nature, except otherwise
indicated herein, and shall with all due care and diligence execute the Work and satisfactorily perform
all of its specific and implied obligations under the Agreement or any part thereof.

Now therefore in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants and conditions the parties hereby agree to
enter into this contract under the following terms and conditions:

1.0 Contract

The Contract comprises of the following documentation:

Section 1 – Memorandum of Agreement. Ref. B200187PIM dated …………………………….

Section 2 – Particular Conditions of Contract
Section 3 – General Conditions of Contract
Section 4 – Scope of Work
Section 5 – Service Instructions
Section 6 – Provision by Company
Section 7 – Specifications and Drawings
Section 8 – Rates and Prices
Section 9 – Contractors Quote
Attachments and Appendices

2.0 Duration

The Contract Period shall be for a duration of three (3) years from the effective commencement date.

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3.0 Contract Price

In consideration of the due performance of the Works by the Contractor and the performance of its
other obligations under the contract, the Company shall pay to the Contractor all sums in accordance
with the attached Schedule of Rates and Prices, as well as other sums or amounts as may become
payable to the Contractor pursuant to the provisions of the contract, (herein called the Contract Sum).

4.0 Invoicing

The Contractor shall submit invoices based upon the agreed valuation of work done to the following
The Manager, Bonny Finance Services,
Production Admin Building,
Nigeria LNG Limited,
Bonny Island, Rivers State

5.0 Contract Non-Exclusivity

The Company is not obligated to use the Contractor to provide or exclusively perform this or any
services described in the contract. The Company at its discretion may contract with other persons, firms
or companies to perform similar or concurrent services, in part or whole, as those described in the

6.0 Severability

If any provision of this Contract is declared invalid by any competent authority, then such provision shall
be deemed automatically adjusted to conform to the requirements for validity as declared at such time
and as so adjusted, and shall be deemed a provision of this Contract as though originally included. If
the provision invalidated is of such a nature that it cannot be so adjusted, the provision shall be deemed
deleted from this Contract as though the provision had never been included. In either case, the
remaining provisions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect.

This Agreement may be signed in counterparts with the same effect as if all signing parties had signed the
same document. All counterparts shall be construed together and constitute one and the same Contract.
In Witness Whereof the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed and their respective
authorised officers have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first written above.

For The Company For The Contractor

Signed By: Signed By:

Name : ……………………………………. Name: ………………………………………

Position : ……………………………………. Position: ……………………………………

Signature: …………………………………. Signature: ……………………………………

For The Company For The Contractor

Witnessed By: Witnessed By:

Name : ……………………………………. Name : …………………………………………

Position : ……………………………………. Position : …………………………………………

Signature : ……………………………………. Signature : ………………………………………

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In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings
hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires: -

1.1 ‘Bill of Quantities’ shall mean an approximate schedule of work, services and attendances to be
provided under the Contract with the estimated quantity entered against each item.

1.2 ‘Commencement Date’ shall mean the date of commencement of Work and/or Services

1.3 ‘Company’ shall mean Nigeria LNG Limited.

1.4 ‘Contract Sum’ shall mean the sum calculated in accordance with the Contract that represents the
total cost to the Company of the Works or Services.

1.5 ‘Contractor’ shall mean the Original Equipment Manufacturer/Agent authorised to undertake the
Works or Services.

1.6 Contract Call Off” or “CCO” is a commitment placed by the Company on a selected contractor or
consultant which specifies services or attendances to be rendered with an agreed scope in an
agreed timeframe at an agreed charge or rates.

1.7 ‘Documentation’ shall mean all drawings, tracings, designs, specifications, calculations, data,
material sheets, programmes, correspondence, computer software and all other documents,
models and other design aids, which convey information relevant to the Services including that
produced by data processing systems.

1.8 ‘Employee’ and ‘Personnel’ means any person provided by the Contractor or Sub-contractor to
carry out the Works or Services.

1.9 ‘Engineer’ shall mean the person designated by the Company to manage the Contract on its

1.10 ‘Nigerian National’ shall mean those personnel who hold Nigerian Citizenship and are domiciled
in Nigeria.

1.11 ‘Expatriate’ shall generally mean those personnel who hold citizenship and/or are domiciled in
countries other than the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

1.12 ‘GTS’ means the Gas Transmission System transporting natural gas from the Gas Suppliers Sites to
the Manufacturing Complex located at Bonny Island.

1.13 ‘Appendix to Tender’ means the completed pages entitled appendix to tender which form part of
the Form of Tender

1.14 ‘HSE’ means, Health, Safety and Environment.

1.15 ‘IA’ means the Industrial Area or Plant Complex located on Bonny Island.

1.16 ‘RA’ means the NLNG Residential Area located on Bonny Island.

1.17 ‘ISB’ means the Company’s Integrated Support Base located at Amadi Creek, Off Eastern Bypass,
Port Harcourt.

1.18 ‘Regulations’ shall mean all statutes and any enactment, order, regulation or other similar
instrument of any Local Authority or Government body as amended by subsequent regulation or

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legislation and in addition, any standards, specifications, codes of practice and requirement
specified by the Company under the Contract.

1.19 ‘Scope of Work’ shall mean the document describing the nature and extent of the Company's
requirements under the Contract and any variation thereto as may from time to time be directed in
writing by the Engineer or his nominated Representative.

1.20 ‘Service’ or ‘Work’ shall mean all activities pertaining to design, production of drawings,
management, administration, supervision, provision of personnel and/or equipment, plant,
transportation, tools, machinery, materials, services, utilities, protections, attendances, and any
other resources, requirements or activities necessary for satisfactory performance of the Contract or
any part thereof.

1.21 ‘Site’ shall mean the land, waters, air and other places on, under, in, or through which the work is
to be performed or materials or supplies are being obtained, stored or used for the purpose of the

1.22 ‘Site Instruction’, ‘Variation Order’ or ‘Change Order’ shall mean a written instruction signed by
the Company delegated authority to add, omit, alter or modify the design, specification, quantity,
or method of execution of the works, with the resultant effect on price and/or programme, if any.

1.23 ‘Sub-contractor’ shall mean any person, agent, company or other organisation (other than the
Company or the Contractor) having a contract either directly or indirectly with the Agent for the
performance or execution of the Services or any part thereof.

1.24 ‘Time for Completion’ means the time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be)
under Sub-Clause 12 Commencement of Works and/or Services and Time for Completion as
stated in the Appendix to Tender, calculated from the Commencement Date.

1.25 ‘DEP’s’ means Design and Engineering Procedure.

1.26 ‘DIN’ Standards means Deutsches Institut Fur Normung EV.

1.27 ‘ASTMI’ means American Standard for Testing and Materials International.

1.28 ‘AS/NZS’ means Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard


2.1 Form of Contract

2.1.1 The Contract type is Unit Rates, see Section 8 – Rates and Prices and shall be placed by way
of a Memorandum of Agreement referring to the Enquiry, the offer documentation and any
other information/documentation with contractual consequence.

2.2 Outline of the Obligations of the Contractor

2.2.1 The Contractor shall execute the Works in accordance with the Contract, which includes these
contract conditions.

2.2.2 The Work shall include and the Contractor shall provide all that is required, whether specified
or implied that is reasonably necessary to satisfy the Company’s requirements as specified in
the Contract.


The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. If any
conflict occurs between the various documents comprising the Contract, the order of precedence shall
be: -
a. Statutory Regulations;
b. Memorandum of Agreement (Section 1)
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c. Deviations as agreed by Company and Contractor
d. Particular Conditions of Contract (Section 2)
e. The General Conditions of Contract for Nigeria LNG Limited and its Appendices (Section 3))
f. Minutes of any Clarification Meeting(s)
g. Contract Documents (Section 4 - 9)
h. Company Standards and Procedures;
i. Other Specifications and Standards.


The Contractor shall comply with the General Conditions of Contract for Nigeria LNG Limited and as
amended and amplified herein.
4.1 The Contractor shall execute the Works in accordance with the Contract.

4.2 The Contractor shall give priority to the Company in the provision of Work or Services relating
to this Contract and it is an express requirement that the Contractor allocates the necessary
resources to sustain the required input levels throughout execution to ensure planned progress
and timely completion.

4.3 The Works shall include and the Contractor shall provide, all that is required, whether
specified or implied that is reasonably necessary to satisfy the Company’s requirements as
specified in the Contract, and as which may be required to ensure safe and proper operation
of the Works.

4.4 The Contractor warrants that upon completion the Works shall be fit for the intended purpose
as explicitly mentioned in the Contract.

4.5 The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the Works that become apparent during the
Maintenance Period.


5.1 It shall be a responsibility of the Contractor to maintain harmonious relations with its
employees at Site as well as with the local communities including Bonny Island. The
Contractor shall have a Community Liaison Officer who shall be responsible for liaising with
the local communities, and for ensuring that Contractor maintains harmonious relations with
the local communities but not so as to injure or harm relations of the local communities with
other Contractors or the Company. The Contractor shall at all times liaise/coordinate his
activities with the Company’s own Local Relations activities and Local Relations management

5.2 The Contractor’s Community Liaison Officer shall not unreasonably raise the expectations of
reward or business to the Local Communities, but shall actively seek to minimize any adverse
effects of the demands and activities of the local communities on the Company’s operations
generally and specifically of the obligations of the Contractor under his Contract.

5.3 The Contractor shall be deemed to have included within its Contract rates and prices all costs
associated with maintaining sound local and community relations and generally for complying
with the requirements of this clause.

5.4 All communications with the local communities shall be notified to the Engineer.

6.0 The Contractor shall keep the Engineer appraised at all times of any and all matters that concern the
Contractor’s workforce and with all Union matter that may affect the Workforce or the progress of the

7.1 Clause 1 - Definitions

The definition of ‘Engineer’ shall be replaced with the following:

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“Engineer” means the Company’s Chief Engineer, or such other person as may from time to time be
nominated by the Company. Wherever the Engineer is required to exercise a discretion, express an
opinion, or agree or determine any matter then such a discretion, opinion, agreement or determination
shall be made in a fair and reasonable manner.

7.2 Clause 14– Returns, and Information and Audit Rights

Add sub-clause 14 (v) as follows:

The Contractor shall permit the Company or its duly authorized representative to carry out Nigerian
Content audits from time to time to ensure compliance with the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content
Development Act.

7.3 Clause 20 – Compliance with Labour Regulations

Add 20 (viii);

Where the Contractor engages a Nigerian domiciled in Nigeria to undertake this work on behalf of the
contractor, the contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Employee Compensation Act 2010.

7.4 Clause 21 – Damages, Injuries and Insurances

Amend clause 21 as follows:

(i) The object of this Clause is to make provision for the allocation of insurable risks between the
Contractor and Company, the Contractor and Sub-Contractors, and in particular to minimise the
duplication of insurance cover by the Company, the Contractor and Sub-Contractors.

(ii) Subject to any express terms and conditions in the Contract to the contrary, neither party shall be
liable to the other for indirect loss howsoever caused which shall include, but not be limited to, loss of
use of property, business interruption, loss of profit or anticipated profit, loss of revenue and loss of

(iii) The Contractor shall assume entire responsibility for and shall indemnify and hold the Company
harmless against all losses, liabilities, claims, costs and expenses arising directly or indirectly out of or
in connection with the execution of the Works and arising from:

(a) loss of or damage to the property and equipment of the Contractor and/or its Sub-Contractors
howsoever described, including without limitation any Plant and Materials;

(b) injury, including fatal injury and disease, to employees of the Contractor and/or Sub-
Contractors, employed or engaged upon or in connection with the Works or who may properly
be on the Site in connection with the Works;

(c) loss of or damage to the property of and/or injury, including fatal injury and disease to third
parties (excluding employees of the Company) and in such case except to the extent that the
gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Company has caused or contributed to such injury,
loss or damage.

(iv) The liability of the Contractor arising from (c) above shall, for any one incident or series of incidents
arising from one event, be limited to a combined limit of $25,000 and unlimited as to the number of
occurrences. In excess of this level, liability shall be determined by reference to the applicable law.

(v) The Company shall assume entire responsibility for and shall indemnify and hold the Contractor and
its Sub-Contractors harmless against all losses, liabilities, claims, costs and expenses arising directly
or indirectly out of or in connection with the Works and arising from:

(a) injury, including fatal injury and disease, to employees of the Company;

(b) loss of or damage to property of the Company;

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(c) loss of or damage to the property of, and/or injury, including fatal injury and disease to third
parties (excluding employees of the Contractor and its Sub-Contractors) and in such case except
to the extent that the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Contractor has caused or
contributed to such injury, loss or damage.

(vi) The Company shall provide and maintain at its own expense the following insurances, noting the
Contractor and all Sub-Contractors as co-insured, and there will be no obligation on the Contractor
to supply these insurances and consequentially, the cost of such insurance shall not be included in
the Contract price:

(a) Insurance for Loss of or damage to Company property and equipment;

(b) Subject to Clause 21(iii)(c) above, Third Party Liabilities which may arise out of or in connection
with the execution of the Works.

Copies of these insurance policies shall be provided to the Contractor on request. For the avoidance
of doubt, the insurance provided by the Company does not cover liabilities arising from the use of
waterborne craft.

(vii) The Company shall maintain a Group Life Assurance policy in respect of employees of the Company,
or any such other policy for employees as stipulated by Nigerian legislation.

(viii) The Contractor shall maintain the following insurances in full force and effect during the whole
period of the Works and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that these insurances
comply with local legislation:

(a) Employee Compensation, Employees Liability and/or Employers Liability Insurance, Health
Insurance (or similar as required by law) in respect of the Contractor's employees engaged in the
execution of the Works;

(b) Public/Third Party and Passenger Liability Insurance in respect of motor vehicles, and/or
equipment used by the Contractor in connection with the execution of the Works;

(c) Unless provided by the Company, All Risk Insurance Policy which shall note the Company and all
Sub-contractors employed under the Works as co-insured (for construction activities) with
appropriate limit based on Contract Value;

(d) Group Life Assurance Policy for its employees in line with any applicable legislation and/or

Where the Contractor is responsible for works on, over or under water it shall ensure that every vessel
used in connection with such works has full Hull and Machinery and Protection & Indemnity or other
relevant maritime insurance cover and is at all material times seaworthy.

The Contractor shall ensure that all Sub-Contractors maintain similar insurances in full force (or are
noted in its own policies where appropriate) and effect during the whole period of the Works in
respect of their employees, motor vehicles, equipment and waterborne craft.

(ix) The Contractor's and Sub-Contractors' Employers Liability insurance(s) shall contain provisions
whereby, if any claim or proceedings in respect of which the Contractor and/or Sub-Contractors
would be entitled to receive indemnity under such insurances is brought or made against the
Company, the insurer(s) will indemnify the Company against such claim or claims and any costs,
charges and expenses in respect thereof.

(x) Unless otherwise notified in writing to the contrary, the Contractor shall, in respect of any claim or
claims which may arise, take all or any action which may be necessary to ensure prompt settlement
of such claim or claims. In respect of insurance effected by the Company, the Contractor shall deal
through the insurance brokers and/or loss adjusters nominated by the Company.

(xi) The Contractor and its Sub-Contractors shall submit current copies of all insurances policies related
to the Contract to the Company
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(xii) Nothing contained in this Clause 21 shall limit the liability of the Contractor or its Sub-Contractors for
any damage, loss or injury arising from the use of waterborne craft.

7.5 Clause 31– Contract Prices

Delete Clause 31and replace with:

Rates and Prices recompense are to be fixed and firm for the period of the Contract, and no fluctuations,
inflation, currency variation or any other escalation to the prices and/or rates shall be considered during
the contract duration.

7.6 Clause 34 – Contractor’s Default Bankruptcy, etc.

Add sub-clause 34 (ii) a. as follows:

The Company shall have the right to terminate the Contract on giving written notice to the Contractor,
which may have immediate effect, without prejudice to any other rights available to it under the Contract or
at law, if the Engineer considers that the Contractor has breached or is about to breach any provision of
the Contract relating to the Nigerian Content deliverables and applicable Schedule Targets for this

7.7 Clause 35 – Force Majeure

Replace the entirety of clause 35 with the following:

(i) Force Majeure shall comprise any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either party which
prevents, delays or impedes the due performance of the Contract, including but not limited to, the
a) War or hostilities;
b) Riot or civil commotion;
c) Terrorism;
d) Earthquake, flood, fire or other natural physical disaster;
e) Denial of the use of any port, airport, shipping service or other means of
public transport where no reasonable alternative is available;
f) Official strike or lock-out or other official industrial action by workers or
g) acts of Government or regulatory authorities;
h) epidemics or pandemics that were not known to the parties as at the date of entering the Contract, and
subject to the provisions of sub-article (v) below.
The mere shortage of labour, materials or utilities shall not constitute Force Majeure.

(ii) If either party to the Contract is prevented or delayed from or in performing any of its obligations under
the Contract by Force Majeure, then it may notify the other party of the circumstances constituting the
Force Majeure and of the obligation, performance of which is thereby delayed or prevented and the party
giving the notice shall thereupon be excused the performance or punctual performance, as the case may
be, of such obligation for so long as the circumstances or prevention or delay may continue.

(iii) Notification under this provision for extra time for delay in completion by either party shall be given
within seven (7) days of the commencement of such circumstances.

(iv) If performance of the Contract is substantially prevented for a continuous period of four (4) months by
virtue of any event falling within the provisions of Sub-Clause 35 (i), then either party may, by written
notice to the other, terminate the Contract. In the event of such termination, the rights and obligations of
the parties shall be the same as if the Contract had been terminated by the Company under Clause 36
(Suspension and Special Powers of Termination) and Clause 37 (Termination Generally).
(v) Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the novel Coronavirus pandemic (‘Covid-19’) shall not be
considered a Force Majeure event and during the continuance of the Contract, and no impact arising
from, relating to or in connection therewith will entitle Contractor to a variation under Clause 13, provided
that in the event of a significant deterioration of the situation after award of the Contract, that necessitates
measures which include but are but not limited to:
• A lockdown of the project Site;
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• Restriction in the number of personnel working on site beyond the levels permitted at the time the
Contract is awarded;
• Embargo on clearing activities at the sea port/airport in Nigeria or in any country where project
materials originate from;
• Total restriction to domestic or international airport traffic (inbound and outbound movement) in
Nigeria or in any country where project personnel originates from;
• Suspension in the mobilization of goods;
• Restriction of personnel movement (In-country and overseas);
• Restriction in the obtention of visas/work permits in Nigeria (for instance but not limited to the closure
of Nigerian embassies in home countries; or
• Requirement to quarantine personnel beyond the levels applicable at the time the Contract is

and a party satisfactorily demonstrates that it is not within its control, and cannot be effectively mitigated,
this will be considered as a Force Majeure event and qualify for time extension only.


Company Representative …………………………………………………….

Contractor Representatives .............................................................

Contract Type Measured rates

Contract Sum USD

Withholding Tax Will be applied

VAT/ Import Duties Will be applied

Commencement Date Quarter 1, 2021

Duration 3 years

Kick-Off Meeting Within 14 days of commencement Date

Verbal Instructions to be confirmed in Writing Within 7 days

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See Attachment 3

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1.1 The Company is a Gas Manufacturing Company engaged in the production of Liquefied Natural Gas.
It is a business based in Bonny Island, Rivers State, Nigeria.

1.2 The Company wishes to appoint a Contractor to supply to site on a call-off basis, the necessary
specialist personnel, tools, technical advice, services and attendances for the provision of Computer
Based Flange Data Management Service for Nigeria LNG Limited.

1.3 Throughout the duration of the contract, the Contractor shall be available to mobilize for provision of
the service at short notice.

1.4 It is the Company’s policy to maximise the participation of local, Regional, Indigenous and other
Nigerian Contractors in services contracted out. This Policy also strongly encourages the employment
of local indigenes and training programmes to meet job competence requirements.

1.5 Whilst every attempt is made to provide accurate information in the Scope of Work, this information is
indicative and not exhaustive, It remains the Contractor’s responsibility to identify all tasks which shall
be undertaken, and all equipment and materials which shall be supplied to carry out the work as
necessary for the scheduled completion of the project according to the requirements of the Company.


2.1 The Contractor shall give priority to the Company in the provision of Work or Services relating to this
Contract. If the Company requires any unforeseen additional Services, the Contractor shall perform
such services at rates quoted in the approved Rates and Prices.

2.2 It is an express requirement of this contract that the Contractor accepts its obligations to manage and
administer its resources to enable it to fully comply with the defined service levels and meet
emergencies and peaks in workload requirements. The Contractor must ensure that these objectives
are fully understood and that the management structure and procedures are in place to ensure
successful execution.


The Contractor shall be authorised to commence work on an individual Work Package, when it
receives notification through a Contract Call Off Order (CCO) from the Company advising it to
commence work, to meet the Company requirements.


4.1 The Contractor shall provide the necessary personnel, advice, materials, tools, and attendances for the
provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Service.

4.2 The Scope of Work for the service shall include the following:

i) Procurement and Installation of a flange management software system to manage bolted

flange connections. Note: The vendor is to make a proposal of a suitable FMS that achieves
section 4.2.iii and provide the details of the product

ii) Procurement of Intrinsically Safe Digital Torque Wrench, Intrinsically Safe Tablets (that can
interact with the software) and accessories

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iii) Implementation of data management system to provide a permanent comprehensive,
searchable record of flange joints, and upload all verified flanged connections in each train,
utilities, and other units within the plant into the database, based on 3D-model data and
process data. The data management system will:
• Provide a permanent comprehensive, searchable record of flange joints
• Identify all flanged connections in each train, utilities, and other units within the plant.
• Contain all relevant data for each identified flanged connection, based on 3D-model
data and process data.
• Contain the latest status of each flanged connection, last tightening data, operator,
supervisor, etc.
• Contain the history of the connection, like failure data, previous tightening data, etc.
• Establish and document baseline and historical data status (including failure history of
each flanged connection, last tightening data, responsible party etc.
• Provide possibility for troubleshooting, reporting, etc

iv) Review and verification of flange data extracted from the NLNG 3-D model for completeness
and technical accuracy vis-à-vis the relevant standards (ASME/DEP). Upload the flange data
into the FMS post-verification.
Note: Required data from the NLNG 3D model such as flange size, gasket size and
specification, and torque values will be provided by NLNG

v) Provision of technical support post-implementation on proactive actions to prevent flange

leaks and optimise the FMS. These would include system support such as resolution of
software glitches, updates, and upgrades. Other support will include expert advice and
implementation of best practices. Any emergent support required with respect to the system
will also come under the technical support.

vi) End user Training and post implementation documentation

vii) Establishment of the optimised required seating bolt load and torque/tension values for all
joints using the joint Integrity program. Such advise/calculations would be based on data
(process, mechanical & material) supplied by NLNG. Where there is a discrepancy between
the required and actual torque/tension/bolt loading, Contractor is expected to bring such
issues to NLNG’s Notice.

5.0 Nigerian Content

5.1 Deliverables & Reporting Requirements during the Execution of the Works, which will be Strictly
Monitored by the Contract Holder.

5.2 The Contractor shall maintain a Nigerian Content Plan throughout the Contract duration including
any extensions thereto. This Plan shall document all aspects of the Contractor’s strategy for achieving
the Nigerian Content commitments in accordance with their submitted Technical & Commercial
proposal and consistent with the minimum targets set in Schedule of the Act and deliverable
agreements with the Company.

5.3 During the period of the Contract, Contractor shall without limitation do the following:-
▪ The Contractors must familiarize itself and comply with reporting requirements in the NOGICD
▪ Appoint a Nigerian Content Focal Point who shall have the responsibility for the
Implementation of the Contractor’s Nigerian Content Plan and Report Periodically on
▪ The Contractor shall maintain a NIGERIAN CONTENT EXECUTION PLAN as submitted in the
Commercial Tender package. The plan shall be finalized with the Company before Contract
award and a copy of the agreed NIGERIAN CONTENT EXECUTION PLAN submitted to
Company for monitoring compliance during and/or after execution.
▪ Monitoring of the Nigerian Content in the Plan shall be reviewed and agreed during the Kick-
Off meeting and shall form part of the elements of regular Performance Reviews.

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▪ After Contract award, the Contractor shall be required to submit periodic reports by means of
NIGERIA CONTENT COMPLIANCE MONITORING FORM which shall also include details of
deviations from the agreed NIGERIAN CONTENT EXECUTION PLAN to the NLNG Authorized
Representative. The Contractor shall notify the Company in writing where deviations from the
agreed Plan are observed.
▪ Grant full access to NLNG’s Nigerian Content team / Nigerian Content Monitoring Board
representatives or any other Government Agencies into its books /accounts/ records/ payroll
summary/ Contractor payments with a view to ascertaining the level of implementation of
Nigerian Content.
▪ At the end of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit a final Nigerian Content report to the
NLNG Authorized Representative, which shall be evaluated to rank Contractor’s performance
as either below target, threshold, on target or above target.
▪ The Company shall officially recognize Contractors that consistently perform above target and
where specific Contractors consistently default, the Company shall flag this as poor
performance in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and restriction on future
invitations to Tender for Company work.

5.4 In pursuing its Nigerian Content Plan the Contractor shall:

▪ Proactively pursue opportunities for undertaking work with Nigerian companies by employing
Nigerian labour;
▪ Proactively pursue the use of Nigerian fabrication facilities where competency exists, specifically
including the use of Nigerian facilities by its foreign Subcontractors;
▪ Include requirements for maximization of Nigerian Content by all its Subcontractors;
▪ Encourage its foreign Subcontractors to enter into sustainable and value adding relationships
with Nigerian companies;
▪ Specifically reserve work scopes in respect of services for which there exists Nigerian
capabilities and potential for development.

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1.1 Obligations of the Contractor

1.1.1 The Contractor shall satisfy itself as to the nature of the works, including general and local conditions,
and shall provide all management, administration, supervision, personnel, mobilisation,
demobilisation, any other necessary resources, requirements or activities and shall with all due care
and diligence execute the Work and satisfactorily perform all of its specific and implied obligations
under the Contract or any part thereof.

1.1.2 The Company does not guarantee an even flow nor a continuity of work, and it is an express
requirement of the Contract that the Contractor accepts its obligations to manage and administer its
resources to a reasonable level ensuring availability to enable it to fully comply with any service levels
requirements, emergencies and peaks in workload.

1.1.3 Whilst the Contractor is mobilising its personnel, it shall prepare a detailed work execution plan for
review by the Company. Such plan shall consider all requirements necessary to execute the work in an
efficient and timely manner, (such as items to be provided by the Company, number and grades of
Contractor personnel, equipment, tools and consumable requirements, estimated duration for the
work, etc).

1.1.4 All work done under this Contract shall be to International and National codes/standards and in line
with Company procedures and work instructions. To ensure this quality, the Contractor shall only
supply properly qualified/trained personnel, provide correct procedures and instructions and ensure
proper execution.

1.1.5 The Contractor shall be encouraged to adopt a management style that engenders a culture of safe
working practices, care for the environment and continuous business improvement. The Contractor’s
personnel shall be expected to make an active and positive contribution to the promotion of ideas and
incentives encouraging the implementation of improvements to the safety, efficiency and cost
effectiveness of the work.

1.1.6 The Contractor shall develop a good working relationship with all other Contractors associated with
the Company’s operations.

1.1.7 The Contractor shall highlight to the Company any deficient equipment or system in a professional,
consistent and impartial manner. In this respect, the Contractor shall bring to the immediate attention
of the Company any errors, omissions or anomalies, as early as possible to minimise the amount of
abortive work or other adverse consequences

1.1.8 The Contractor’s personnel shall be required to comply with all Company safety rules and regulations
including the Company’s Permit to Work systems and procedures

1.1.9 All personnel provided by the Contractor shall be fluent in the English language, written and verbal,
able to read drawings and specifications, have been fully trained and certified by the Contractor and
have the requisite skills and experience to undertake the necessary works in a timely and professional

1.1.10 All personnel provided by the Contractor shall be trustworthy, diligent, capable and efficient in
performing the work. Any personnel found not to meet these basic requirements shall be promptly
removed and a replacement provided entirely at the Contractor’s cost and expense, including those
costs associated with demobilising the originally provided personnel and mobilising replacements

1.1.11 The Contractor shall provide CV’s and certificates for its proposed personnel when so requested by the
Company. The Contractor shall provide e-mail details and telephone and GSM numbers of its key

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personnel for contact purposes. Any changes to these details shall be immediately notified to the

1.1.13 All Contractor’s personnel working on site shall be required to enter into a Secrecy Agreement, with
the Company undertaking not to divulge any information on the Company’s operations, assets and
facilities to any party. See attached Secrecy Agreement.

1.1.14 The Company and the Contractor acknowledge that the arrangements herein are such that no
Contractual relationship exists between the Contractor’s personnel and the Company. In the event any
person claims or a court, tribunal or Government body finds for any purpose that the Contractor’s
personnel is an employee of the Company, the Contractor undertakes to defend such claims and to
indemnify the Company against all legal and other costs incurred by the Company as a direct or
indirect result of such claim or finding.

1.1.15 The Contractor must obtain the written permission of the Contract Owner before engaging any Sub-
contractor for provision of work or services under this Contract.

1.1.16 When required by the Company, the Contractor will assist in the training of Company technical
personnel, in the form of on-the-job mentorship training for transfer of skills.

1.1.17 The Contractor shall always consider the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s installations, drawings
and specifications when undertaking the work. Generally, copies of as-built drawings, manuals and
the like are available with the Company.

1.1.18 All changes to the equipment, software and respective drawings and specifications shall only be
executed by means of the Company change procedure. The Contractor shall update the service
manuals and drawings wherever modifications have been implemented.

1.1.19 The Contractor shall maintain prompt response to all the Company’s emergency call-out requests.
The Contractor’s personnel shall be readily available and mobilised in the shortest time possible which
in any circumstance shall not exceed 2 calendar days.

1.1.20 To enable the Contractor to always maintain mobilisation in accordance with the Company’s
requirements, the Company shall ensure that any non-indigenous personnel shall continuously
maintain up to date visas and permits to enable them to enter and work in Nigeria.

1.1.21 The Contractor shall give priority to the Company in the provision of Work or Services relating to this
Contract. However, the Company will give sufficient notice to Contractor to cover the average time to
obtain the required visas plus a sufficient notice which cannot be less than 14 calendar days to allow
the Contractor to make his engineers available. If the Company requires any unforeseen additional
Services, the Contractor shall perform such services at rates to be agreed between both parties. Such
additional services shall be subject to the Company providing sufficient notice to ensure that the
necessary visas are obtained on time.

1.2 Plant, Equipment and Tools

1.2.1 Where the Contractor is required to provide specialist plant, equipment and/or tools for the work,
these shall be fit for purpose and comply with the original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM)
specifications and drawings. The Contractor may not modify OEM specifications without the specific
agreement of the Company.

1.2.2 All items of Plant, Equipment and Tools provided by the Contractor shall comply in all respects with
the requirements set forth in the Contract. They shall be fully insured and at all times maintained and
calibrated by qualified personnel at prescribed intervals. Where necessary, plant, equipment and tools
used for the work shall be furnished with current test, calibration and safety certificates issued by a
competent Authority against a traceable standard.

1.2.3 All items shall be supplied complete with the necessary accessories and consumables in sufficient

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1.2.4 Where the Contractor is providing tools and test equipment, it shall ensure that such equipment will
not interfere with electronic equipment in the area such as communication, instrumentation or field
equipment used for controlling and/or safeguarding the Company’s manufacturing process.

1.2.5 Where possible, the Contractor’s personnel shall hand carry items of plant, equipment and/or tools
agreed to be provided for the work to the Site. Where the Contractor’s personnel are unable to hand
carry items of plant, equipment and/or tools, these shall be mobilised to NLNG Integrated Support
Base (ISB), Port Harcourt, with the company being responsible for the transfer of equipment to the
plant Site and return to ISB on demobilisation. Alternatively by agreement, equipment may be made
available ex-works Country of Origin, with the Company being responsible for collection and delivery
to the Site

1.2.6 If the Company requests the Contractor to supply or hire specialised items of tools, plant materials or
equipment not included in the normal service rates, the associated costs shall be chargeable on a
reimbursable basis. Such rates shall take into account the quoted rates associated with similar items.
Details of type, quantity and cost of such equipment shall be agreed between the Contractor and the
Company before supply or hire commences and shall be confirmed on a CCO. Any equipment hired
for the works by Contractor shall be off-hired/returned to hirer at the earliest opportunity.

1.2.7 The Contractor’s Engineer(s) shall be responsible for safeguarding and maintaining its own items of
plant, equipment and tools used to perform the work.

1.2.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe keeping and good condition (fair wear and tear
excepted) of any items of plant, equipment and/or tools issued to it by the Company. Where it is
agreed for the Contractor and its personnel to use Company plant, equipment and/or tools, it shall
maintain these in accordance with the Manufacturers handbooks and Company specifications and
operate them to the highest standards using skilled operators.

1.2.9 Any damage occasioned by the Contractor on Company owned plant/equipment/tools shall be
required to be rectified by the Contractor entirely at its own cost and expense. Where damage
occasioned by the Contractor results in a write off, the Contractor shall provide a replacement of
similar quality to the item originally provided, entirely at its own expense. In all such instances the
Contractor shall undertake repair or replacement in a timely manner so as not to impede progress of
the works.

1.2.10 Where progress is being impeded due to any of these circumstances, the Contractor shall immediately
arrange to provide suitable temporary plant, equipment and/or tools which shall be maintained at the
works pending repair of the damaged item or delivery of a replacement.

1.3 Medical

1.3.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for medical facilities for the support of his personnel. The
Contractor shall also be required to ensure that sufficient members of his personnel engaged on the
Site are First Aid trained.

1.3.2 Before being deployed upon the works the Contractor must ensure that his employees have been
medically examined and certified that they are fit to work upon the tasks they will execute and the
work they will do.

The Contractor shall be expected to provide personnel, medically and mentally fit. The Contractor
shall formally notify the Company of any known medical or mental disability or condition of any
personnel which may adversely affect his/her health or safety, or the health or safety of others.
The Contractor’s employees over the age of 40 years must be re-examined every 12 months, and
those under 40 years must be re-examined every 3 years. The Contractor must retain such certificates
of fitness to work and make these available for inspection by the Company.

1.3.3 Malaria Prevention Awareness for Non-Immune Personnel

All Expatriate personnel are considered to be non-immune to the strains of malaria that are endemic
in Nigeria. Immediately upon arrival at the Company’s facilities and before any non-immune person
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will be issued with or re-issued with a Company identity card, such persons must register their
presence, with the Company’s Chief Medical Officer at the Company Hospital in the Residential Area,
and at the same time provide:
• a letter from their employer stating that their employer will be responsible for the cost of any
preventative measures or any treatment they might require.
• a copy of their pre-employment medical report.

There will be no charge for such registration and subsequent advice. The cost of any prophylaxis and
or Malaria First Response Treatment Kits provided will be charged to the employer at cost.

1.3.4 The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel have access to medical care and that occupational
health aspects of their jobs are recognised and managed.

1.4 Normal Working Hours

The Contractor shall operate on the basis of working those hours necessary to complete the works in a
timely and efficient manner, mindful of the possible emergency nature of the requirement. Any
additional working time deemed necessary by either party shall be agreed prior to commencement of
the work.

Any stand down time or non-productive time for personnel on site due to operational circumstances
beyond the Contractor’s control shall be chargeable at the rates stated in Section 8 - Rates and Prices,
unless agreed otherwise in writing.

The Contractor’s normal working hours shall be: Mondays to Saturdays, 0700 hours to 1800 hours.


2.1 Ordering of Service

2.1.1 A Contract Order (by way of a Memorandum of Agreement) will be issued to the Contractor to cover
the services, which may be instructed during the term of this contract.

2.1.2 The specific scope of services, required resources, programme and estimated cost thereof, shall be
stated on a Contract Call Off (CCO), relating to each service call-off. A CCO will be issued to cover
the Works or Services in accordance with the Contract rates.

2.1.3 If any element of work or service required by the Company is not covered by the Contract rates, the
Contractor and the Company shall agree an estimated cost for the service, taking into account key
elements such as mobilisation, estimated time to perform the works, personnel, spare parts,
equipment, tools, and material requirements, etc. The work scope, required resources, programme
and estimated cost thereof, shall be stated on the CCO relating to the each service Call-Off.

2.1.4 The Contractor shall not mobilise its personnel and/or equipment, materials, tools or spares until it is
in possession of a valid CCO, unless, in the opinion of the Company, the works are of an emergency
nature, in which case verbal instructions shall be confirmed within 48 hours by the issue of a CCO.
Any faxed or e-mailed CCOs shall be confirmed by the original Call Off paper within 5 working days.

2.1.5 At demobilization, the Contractor shall provide day work sheets and Company completed time sheets,
which indicate the total hours/days, expended per person

2.1.6 The Company also reserves the right to issue discrete packages of work for possible completion by the
contractor on a Lump Sum or other incentive-based reimbursement structure. Such additional work
shall be authorised under a variation to the Contract.

2.2 Meetings

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The Contractor will be required to attend meetings from time to time as directed by the Contract
Owner for the purposes of discussing progress of the various works and other matters pertaining to
this Contract.

2.3 Planning and Progress

The Contractor shall prepare and agree with the Contract Owner a sequence of carrying out the
various aspects of the works. If it becomes necessary, the Contract Owner may instruct a change in
the sequence, and the contractor shall immediately rearrange the resources to undertake the
instructions of the Contract Owner.

2.4 Invoices

2.4.1 The Contractor will submit one invoice per month within 14 days of the end of the month in which the
services have been satisfactorily supplied. The Contractor’s invoice for the work shall include and be
supported with the following as applicable:

a. Contract Order Number

b. Contract Owner’s name and reference indicator
c. Tax Identification Number (TIN)
d. A copy of the Contract Call Off associated with the work.
e. The original Company time sheet indicating name, title, category of person, etc., duly
authenticated by the Contract Owner or nominated signatory. Time sheets shall be submitted for
approval within 5 days of the end of the month in which the work was executed. Only those
days/hours properly authorised will be paid for by the Company.
f. Where specialist tools or equipment has been supplied the Contractor’s invoice shall be in
accordance with rates stated on the CCO or WO and as agreed between the parties as per the
administrative procedures detailed hereof.
g. Any other information as requested by the Company Finance Department

Tax Identification Number (TIN)

It is statutorily mandatory that all Tax Payers both Individuals and Incorporated Entities (local or
foreign entities operating in Nigeria) must have a Tax Identification Number (TIN). Therefore, the
Contractor is required to include his Tax Payer's Identification Number (TIN) visibly on all invoices

2.4.2 Payment due date shall be within 45 days of receipt by the Company of the Contractor's uncontested
invoice. The Contractor shall be notified in writing by the Company within 7 days of receipt of any
contested invoice. All contested invoices shall be clarified by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the
Company to enable reconciliation and payment. The Company's approval of the Contractor's invoice
shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

2.4.3 Payments will be made by direct bank transfer. The Contractor is to advise the Company of its
Banker’s details and nominated account number to receive remittances for services related to this

2.4.4 The Contractor's invoice shall show the governing rate of VAT and the amount of VAT included in the
gross value of the invoice. The VAT reimbursement for this service will however be undertaken by the
Company directly to the Federal Inland Revenue Service and a receipt of all payments in respect
thereof provided to the Contractor.

2.4.5 A Government withholding tax will apply to only the elements of this contract that is executed in
Nigeria. NLNG has a duty to deduct such tax and any other amount required by law at the point of
payment from any amount payable to the Contractor that is subject to withholding tax. This is not
applicable to reimbursable expenses charged at cost without overhead or profit. The rate of
withholding tax for the type of service provided under this contract is currently 5%. Any change to the
current chargeable rate of withholding tax and which is applicable to the Contractor’s payments shall
be reflected in an adjustment to the Contractor’s rates accordingly.

2.4.6 The Contractor shall make reasonable efforts to submit its valuations for all completed works within
30 days of the end of the month in which the works are completed.

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2.4.7 Invoice Address: The Contractor shall address and direct its invoices to:

The Manager Bonny Finance Services (FNP),

Admin Building.
Nigeria LNG Plant Complex,
Bonny Island, Rivers State,

2.4.8 Right to Audit

The Contractor and its Sub-contractors shall allow the Company and any auditing firm appointed by
the Company access at all reasonable times to all files, data, correspondence, books and accounting
records of the relating to the Contract (excluding however those dealing with the make-up of lump
sum prices or of hourly/daily rates) for the purpose of auditing or having audited such files, data,
correspondence, books and accounting records.

2.4.9 The Contractor and his Sub-contractors shall maintain such information as may be required under this
clause for a minimum period of two (2) years from the date of completion of the Works.

2.5 Reporting and Correspondence

2.5.1 The Contractor shall be required to produce a monthly report, where applicable, within 15 days of
completion of the preceding month or upon completion of the work as the case may be. The format of
such report shall be subject to approval by the Company but shall as a minimum detail the work
performed in the previous month and current status of work not yet complete. This shall be
supplemented with a new programme indicating all the relevant works yet to be completed, a forecast
on the work completion date, accompanied by quality observations, HSE performance etc.

2.5.2 The Contractor shall keep the Company informed at all times on the progress of the works and submit
for review and comment all documents including but not limited to sketches, drawings, calculations,
reports and recommendations in a timely manner for review and comment without delaying the
performance of the works.

2.5.3 The Contractor shall maintain a complete dossier of the work which shall include but not be limited to
inspection records and certificates, work orders, drawings, calculations, etc.

2.5.4 The Company shall require the Contractor’s personnel to follow the reporting and communication
structure as instructed from time to time by the Company. Generally, all written communications
(except general document transmittals) to the Company shall be authorised and signed by the
Manager and issued to the Company’s Contract Owner. Day to day verbal communications and
general instructions are likely to be between the Company discipline Lead Manager/Engineer and
Contractor Senior/Supervisory personnel.

2.5.5 The Contractor shall produce on a weekly basis a labour return sheet showing the name, trade, state
of origin and days in attendance for each person engaged in the Works, including managers,
supervisors and administrators. Copies of the collective labour returns for each month shall be given
to NLNG Contracts section no later than the first week of the following month.

2.6 Insurance

At pre-mobilisation the Company shall require the Contractor to provide copies of its current
certificates for Group Life insurance, Third Party/Public Liability Insurance, and evidence of compliance
with the Employee’s Compensation Act all in accordance with existing law.

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Other than is specified in the Contract, the Company shall not provide any services or facilities to the
Contractor, and the Contractor shall be responsible for providing all that is required to execute the
Work in accordance to the Contract.

1.1 The Company shall provide radios and/or pagers if and when these are required for the work.

1.2 The Company will be responsible for the following on site:

a. Any electric power and water for the works
b. Erection and removal of scaffolding where required;
c. Assistance for any electrical termination to Company’s existing power distribution system;
d. Fire prevention and fighting equipment for the work on the request of the Contractor.
e. Confirm compatibility and integrate vendor software with Company systems

1.3 All normal fuel and lubes required to operate the Company or Contractor owned plant, equipment
and/or tools, shall be provided by the Company.

1.4 The Contractor shall state any other items of specialist tools, plant, equipment or attendances that it
has not included for and which the Company should make available for the service.


The Company requires all Contractor personnel working on its site to be inducted in the Company’s
safety induction program and the costs for compliance with this requirement for its personnel shall be
deemed to be included in the Contractor’s overheads. Upon successful completion of their induction,
the Contractor’s personnel shall be issued with a Company identity card bearing the Company’s
corporate logo and passport sized photograph with the name of the personnel that they are to
continuously display when engaged on the Works. On the employee’s final day on site, his or her
identification Card shall be surrendered to the Company. Loss or failure to return any ID Cards may
incur financial penalties against the Contractor.


In the event of a medical emergency, the Company shall provide emergency treatment for stabilisation
of the patient. The Company shall not provide consultation or treatment facilities for general sickness,
any medication, ongoing treatment, hospitalization, evacuation or any other medical
condition/requirement. Where the Contractor’s personnel are affected, the Contractor shall be
responsible to maintain contact with their next of kin, as appropriate, on 24 hours a day basis. The
Contractor shall maintain up to date personnel records, including names, ages, nationality, addresses,
contact telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, details of next of kin etc.

The Company shall provide the Contractor’s personnel within the duration of the works in Bonny
Island access to a medical doctor in case of emergency. All medical costs incurred shall be to
Contractor’s account. However, the Contractor shall make arrangements for emergency medical
evacuation or repatriation in cases of fatality i.e. MEDEVAC for its personnel as advised by the
Company’s Chief Medical Officer.


The Company shall provide all office accommodation which may be shared, and equipment as
appropriate to the duties of the Contractor’s personnel.

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The Company shall provide lunch for contractor’s personnel while on site in Bonny at the Company’s
designated restaurants.

All other foods, snacks, beverages, meals etc. taken shall be to the personal accounts of the
Contractor. The Company shall not bear any such costs and shall not reimburse the Contractor’s
personnel for such costs.


The Company shall provide for all authorized Contractor’s personnel and supplies in connection with
these works in Bonny, the following:
• Boat transportation between NLNG Bonny and Port Harcourt terminals
Contractor is to give at least three weeks’ notice to NLNG to arrange transportation for personnel
to/from Port Harcourt.

The contractor shall be allowed to move items and equipment for this work on NLNG barge/boat.
Items shall be moved at contractor’s risk.


Company will provide internal telephone lines and at its discretion, external lines for access to the
Nigerian Network. These telephone lines shall be used strictly for business purposes. If the
Contractor’s personnel make calls other than for business purposes of the Company, the cost thereof
shall be to the Contractor’s personnel account.

Internet facilities such as e-mail and web facilities shall be made available to the Contractor’s
personnel. This system shall however be subject to normal Company and contractor’s codes regarding
access to prohibited materials.


Company shall provide contractor personnel transport to and from the office facilities and

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1.1 All Contractor activities will be subject to and shall comply with the Company Policy on Health, Safety
and Environment, (HSE), of this document, including all associated statutory legislation and Company
regulations, any regulations either in effect at the time of Tender or brought into effect thereafter, and
shall take all necessary precautions related to or arising out of performance of the service.

1.2 The Contractor shall and shall cause all his personnel at all times to comply with
− The Company’s policy on Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), Smoking Policy, Drug and
Alcohol Policy and Quality Policy,
− The NLNG Production Division Common Procedures Manual - HSE Induction Manual doc ref
HSS PR07 Issue No 3 - 21/5/13.
− The Nigeria LNG Bonny Island – 12 Life Saving Rules, Statement on Business Principles, and
Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Policy.
− Fitness to work as defined in the Guidelines on General Medical Standards of Fitness to Work
ref CMO PR 12.

1.3 The Company may at its discretion and/or on a regular schedule basis audit the Contractor's
compliance with the Company's Health, Safety, Environment and Quality standards and the
Contractor shall co-operate in such audits as defined in the Conditions of Contract.

1.4 The Contractor shall maintain a documented Safety Management System and shall demonstrate that
the interfaces between the Contractor’s and Company’s Safety Management Systems are compatible.
The Contractor shall ensure that its Sub-contractor’s systems for management of HSE also follow the
principles outlined in the Company procedures.

1.5 The Contractor’s personnel must at all times demonstrate a positive attitude towards working safely,
and participate in improving working methods to facilitate safe working.

1.6 The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel engaged in the service, bring to the immediate notice of
the Contract Owner, all potential health and safety hazards, including near miss incident/s, so that
relevant action may be taken to prevent injuries and provide a safe and healthy workplace. The
Contractor shall notify the Company immediately on an “Incident Report Form”, of any event,
incidents, accidents or near misses which could have caused, or has caused the following:-
a. Injury, illness, absence, or man hours lost
b. Loss or damage to the property of the Company or the Contractor.
c. Product loss or interruption to the work.
d. Negative impact on the environment.
e. Theft, vandalism, etc.

1.7 The Contractor shall either investigate such events and/or shall co-operate fully with the Company in
cases where the Company decides to carry out its own investigation of such events. The Contractor
shall implement all recommendations arising from investigations and shall ensure that findings are
fully communicated to Contractor personnel.

1.8 All the Contractor’s personnel shall be required to attend the Company’s HSE induction course and
any drivers of vehicles shall be required to hold and maintain a valid Nigerian Driving Licence and be
required to attend the Company Defensive Driving Course and test. Furthermore, the Contractor’s
personnel shall attend the Company “Permit to Work” and "Live Plant" induction courses, and comply
with the relevant requirements as applicable.

1.9 The Contractor’s responsibility to its personnel shall include, but not be limited to:

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a. Identification of special risk groups (such as exposure to high noise, vibration, asbestos,
chemicals, vapours, dust, heat exposure, etc.) among its personnel and providing the
monitoring and surveillance of affected persons where necessary.
b. Monitor and control occupational hazards with strict record keeping of known risks.
c. Maintain records of sickness absence.
d. Provide education to personnel in matters relating to occupational health hazards at their
workplace and ensuring that workplaces are kept in a safe and maintained condition.
e. Adhering to accepted standards of hygiene, sanitation and food preparation.

1.10 The Contractor may be required to participate in a Job Hazard Analysis for the subject work scope.
Possible hazards may include:
a. During unloading, possible irritation from dust.
b. Skin burns.
c. Falling objects from structures (drums, particles, bolts etc.).
d. Staff working inside the column.
e. Ignition of pyrophoric material which could result in fire due to the presence of sulphur

1.11 The Company shall have the right to audit the Contractor’s adherence to these requirements.

1.12 If in the reasonable opinion of the Company, the Contractor is executing the work in a manner which
constitutes a breach of any of the requirements of the relevant Safety Management System, including
Health, Safety or Environmental policies, the Company shall advise the Contractor accordingly and
the Contractor shall immediately correct the situation. Any loss suffered or expense incurred by the
Contractor in this respect will not be reimbursed to the Contractor, nor shall the Contractor be allowed
to claim an extension on its programme due to such circumstance.

1.13 The Contractor shall be expected to provide competent and well trained personnel, medically and
mentally fit, not suffering from colour blindness, a fear of heights or claustrophobia with experience
and qualifications commensurate with the high standards expected by the Company. The Contractor
shall formally notify the Company of any known medical or mental disability or condition of any
personnel which may adversely affect his/her health or safety, or the health or safety of others.

1.14 In the event of a medical emergency, the Company shall provide emergency treatment, medication,
hospitalisation and ongoing treatment for stabilisation of the patient until such time as medical
evacuation can be effected by the Contractor. Where appropriate, the Contractor shall maintain
contact with its employee/s next of kin, on a 24 hours a day basis. The Contractor shall maintain up to
date personnel records, including names, ages, nationality, addresses, contact telephone numbers, e-
mail addresses, details of next of kin, etc.

1.15 The Company may grant authorised Contractor personnel access to medical consultation and
treatment facilities for general illness, minor injury, etc., chargeable at schedules of rates published
from time to time by the Company’s Chief Medical Officer

1.16 The Contractor is required at all times to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and tidiness in all of
the areas where it is working and shall maintain strict control of all potential pollution sources to
ensure that no pollution takes place. The Contractor shall minimise the quantity of waste resulting
from execution of the works. The Company shall arrange for collection and disposal.

1.17 The Contractor shall maintain strict control of all its personnel to ensure that smoking/naked flames
are not allowed anywhere on the Site except where there is control through a Permit to Work System
or in areas designated as “Safe” by the Company. The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel are
aware, through training, of the hazards associated with the operational process of an LNG plant and
the dangers of smoking and naked flames/lights.

1.18 Company Permit to Work System

1.18.1 Where work is to be executed inside the Plant premises, the Contractor shall attend the Company HSE
Induction course and comply with Company ‘Live Plant’/‘Permit to Work’ requirements where

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1.19 HSE generally

1.19.1 The Company Industrial Area can be subdivided into two parts:
a) Non-Operational Area/part and
b) Operational Area/part.

1.19.2 In the Non-Operational part both petrol and diesel driven cars, plant, equipment and tools are
allowed, in the Operational part only diesel driven items are allowed.


2.1 The Company requires all Contractor personnel seeking to enter the work site to continuously display
a valid Company Identity Card along with a Contractor ID card. Should the Contractor’s personnel
lose the Company issued ID card, he shall be required to comply with the Company procedures
relating to notification of loss and be required to pay a penalty currently at N3,000 (Two Thousand
Naira). On the Contractor employee’s final day on site, his or her Identification Card will be
surrendered to the Site Agent or Company’s Management as appropriate. Loss or failure to return and
ID Cards may incur financial penalty of N3,000.

2.2 The Company requires the Contractor and its personnel to consent to the searching, at any time by an
authorised representative of the Company, of their person or of any article including, without
limitation, any vehicle, container, package, box, hold-all, suitcase or the like which is in the possession
or use of the Contractor on Company premises or being transported or retained by the Contractor on
behalf of the Company or the Contractor. Any person not complying or unwilling to comply will not be
permitted access to the Company premises and/or shall be removed from the premises. The
Company shall not accept liability for any costs arising directly or indirectly out of such circumstances.

2.3 The Company shall provide secure on site storage facilities for the Contractor’s plant, equipment,
materials, tools etc., used for the Works. The Contractor should adequately mark and/or tag its owned
items declaring ownership thereof. In the event of theft, burglary, damage and/or vandalism, such
shall be immediately reported to the Business Owner.

2.4 The Contractor is required to take appropriate precautions to safeguard confidential documentation
and data.


3.1 The Contractor must demonstrate a commitment to Quality Management and continued
improvement, and shall comply with the Company Policy on Quality assurance and Quality control, a
copy of which will be provided upon the Contractor’s request

3.2 The Contractor shall have an established, implemented, effective Quality Management System based
on ISO 9000 or equivalent, incorporating organisation, structure, responsibilities, activities, resources,
skills, procedures, audit and controls that ensure and demonstrate the Contractor’s capability to
perform the works and provide the service to the required standard.

3.3 The Contractor shall submit an outline Quality Policy Statement signed by its highest executive officer
stating its commitment to Quality.

3.4 The Contractor shall also have an outline Quality Plan which shall show the extent and manner in
which it proposes to manage Quality on this Contract.

3.5 The Company shall at all times have the right to carry out an audit of the Contractor’s quality system.


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(a) Contractor confirms that it is aware of and aligns with the Company’s ‘Goal Zero’ objective and to this
end will strive to ensure that all services relating to the performance of its obligations are carried in
accordance with all applicable safety standards.

(b) It shall be the responsibility of Contractor to ensure that at all times during the performance of its
obligations under the contract, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (‘PPE’) appropriate to the
contract type as advised by Company and/or in line with any relevant practice, process, procedure or
any applicable rules, regulations and legislation established by any relevant authority are fully and
effectively complied with.

(c) Contractor will apply the following hierarchy of control to manage the use of PPE:

(i) eliminate the hazard or exposure;

(ii) substitute materials or equipment to reduce the hazard or exposure;

(iii) use engineering control of the hazard or exposure; and

(iv) use procedural control of the hazard or exposure.

(d) Contractor will at all times monitor all hazards, exposure and controls related to the performance of its
obligations under the contract, and shall verify that PPE remains effective in the event of any changes to
such hazards, exposures, or controls. It is also the duty of Contractor to keep itself advised of any
changes to the Scope of Work for the contract, and any applicable practice, process, procedure, rules,
regulations and legislation established by any relevant authority and relevant to such scope changes, to
ensure that any effect of such changes are adequately reflected in the type and quality of PPE to be used
for the performance of its obligations.

(e) Contractor shall establish and maintain a procedure to manage the use of PPE for the performance of
all aspects of its obligations under the contract. In particular, Contractor shall:

(i) specify where and when PPE must be used;

(ii) specify the quality and types of PPE to be used;

(iii) specify methods for communicating to all personnel of Contractor and any of its sub-contractors
of the conditions in which PPE must be used, and the correct behaviours in the event of any
change in the relevant hazards, exposure and controls;

(iv) specify modalities for the fitting the personnel of Contractor and any of its sub-contractors for

(v) specify how personnel of Contractor and any of its sub-contractors are trained on the proper
deployment and use of PPE as well as on any applicable limitations to its use;

(vi) specify how PPE is issued, inspected, maintained, stored, and replaced; and

(vii) document the arrangements for personnel of Contractor and any of its sub-contractors to have
fitness evaluation prior to the use of respiratory protection in line with the requirements in the
Fitness to Work provision, contained in the Contract, or if not set out in the Contract, as required
by the relevant NLNG Procedures or any applicable rules, regulations and legislations.
(f) All PPE shall be inspected and approved by the Company Representative before they are deployed for
use by any personnel of Contractor and any of its sub-contractors in connection with the performance of
its obligations under this contract.
(f) Contractor shall ensure that PPE provided to personnel of Contractor and any of its sub-contractors
have sufficient quality assurance certifications [CE markings and standard references] as advised by
Company and/or in line with any relevant practice, process, procedure or any applicable rules,
regulations and legislation established by any relevant authority, and that the PPE of such manufacturers
are certified to ISO 9000 or equivalent.

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(g) The breach of this clause shall be considered a material breach of the contract which will entitle
Company to terminate the Contract with immediate effect.

Description Size Minimum specification

Disposable Coveralls M, L, XL, XXL Heavy Duty Disposable coveralls
Inherent Fire Proban treated coveralls for Fabricators, EN531 minimum
resistance Coverall rating A, B1, C1
(i) Flashguard Inherent Fire-resistant Coveralls
International Standards: Must meet NFPA 2112, EN/CE
Colour: Blue.
Coverall must have a classic look and a great fit.
Should feature eight pockets and hard wearing, non-
sparking YKK Nomex zips throughout. 100% brass press
studs and covered on the inside, so no brass connects
directly to skin. Provide double stitched seams and stress
seams should be bar-tacked for strength
a) Two -way concealed front zip
b) Large pleats in the back for freedom of movement
c) Two concealed chest pockets with zip closure
d) Gas detector and pen pocket on sleeve
e) Two side pockets with hidden exterior -to-interior access
through pocket lining
from cotton or
f) Two back pockets, one with flap
polyester cotton.
g) Tool pocket on the right leg
Fire resistance
h) Elasticized waistband
ability should be in
i) Adjustable snaps on cuffs and ankle openings
accordance with
j) Reflective FR stripes over the shoulders and around legs
EN531 or equal,
and arms
minimum rating A,
Coveralls B1, C1. Coveralls
(ii) Nomex IIIA Inherent Fire-resistant Coverall
shall have long
Material: Nomex IIIA
International Standards: Must meet NFPA 2112, EN/CE
coverall shall be
Colour: Orange
used when
This coverall must have a classic look and a great fit.
Should feature eight pockets and hard wearing, non-
sparking YKK Nomex zips throughout. 100% brass press
studs and covered on the inside, so no brass connects
directly to skin. Provide double stitched seams and stress
seams should be bar-tacked for strength
a) Two -way concealed front zip
b) Large pleats in the back for freedom of movement
c) Two concealed chest pockets with zip closure
d) Gas detector and pen pocket on sleeve
e) Two side pockets with hidden exterior -to-interior access
through pocket lining
f) Two back pockets, one with flap
g) Tool pocket on the right leg
h) Elasticized waistband
i) Adjustable snaps on cuffs and ankle openings
j) Reflective FR stripes over the shoulders and around legs
and arms
Leather apron and
M, L, XL, XXL For Fabricator use
Chemical Suits S, M, L, XL, XXL Chemical Suits - Boiler suits North Northylon
Rain Coats S, M, L, XL, XXL PVC Wet Suits
S, M, L, XL, XXL, 280gsm super fleece with interactive full zip fleece cuffs,
XXXL adjustable shock cord hem

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential

Description Size Minimum specification

Coveralls/ Shirts/
S, M, L, XL, XXL, 100% Cotton Summer weight Drill Reflective Combination
Trousers (Non Plant
XXXL Overall, long sleeve, flame resistant. BS6249.EN470
Area e.g. RA)
Thermals S, M, L, XL, XXL, Manufactured from inherently fire resistant or treated flame
XXXL resistant materials
Manufactured from fire resistant PVC or Polyurethane coated
Waterproofs fabric
Manufactured from inherently flame resistant or treated
Zero Hood flame resistant material
Medium weight stockinet gloves with knitted wrist. Simple
Cotton Gloves S, M, L
Tough general purpose industrial glove with beaded cuff for
Rubber Gloves S, M, L, XL tear resistance and easy pull on. High resistance to water
based chemicals
Water repellent cowhide grain leather gloves with knitted
Leather Gloves S, M, L, XL Kevlar lining for protection against cut in a greasy
Water repellent cowhide grain leather gloves with knitted
Welding Gauntlets S, M, L, XL Kevlar lining for protection against cut in a greasy
atmosphere. Fire resistant. EN407
Seamless Knitted cotton Polyamide liner with a flexible latex
Latex Gloves S, M, L
palm coating. Excellent grip in both wet and dry condition
Chemical Resistance
Gloves (Nitrosolve S, M, L, XL Marigold Chemical Resistance Gloves, Nitrosolve Z51G
Bump Hats Multi Purpose low dome type helmet manufactured from
(Confined Space) high density polyethylene
MSA V Guard Safety Helmet equipped with suspension
harness and slip ratchet adjustable headband, Chinstrap
Hard Hats Green, White, Red
BS5240, EN397
Green Hat is for new hires and visitors
Clear shield, white or plane with side shields for all round
Safety Glasses -
protection. Safety glasses EN166, e.g. Uvex Astrospec 9168
Ear Plugs - Ultrafit Premounted earplugs EN352
Nose Masks - FFP1/2/3, Valved dust mist fume respirator
Welding respirator - Manufacturer 3M Model 9925 EN 149:2001FFP2
Grinding face shield - Clear shield covering the face for grinding
Welding screen for
- BS1542 Class 3
head / face
Helmet Ear
- Helmet Ear Defenders, suitable to clip onto helmet. EN397
Oil resistant, skid resistant sole, minimum stitching, flexible
Safety Shoes 6 – 13 sole and upper, light weight, internal padding on steel toe
cap. EN 345-1 S3
For Fabricators - Oil resistant, skid resistant sole, minimum
Fabricators boots 6 – 13 stitching, flexible sole and upper, light weight, internal
padding on steel toe cap. EN 345-1 S3
Rain Boots 6 – 13 Steel toe rain boots EN 345-1 S3


5.1 The Contractor shall apply the Company approved specifications to the Works. These are available for
perusal with the Company.

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B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential
5.2 The Contractor shall always consider the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s installations, drawings
and specifications when undertaking the work. Generally, copies of as-built drawings, manuals and
the like are available with the Company.

5.3 All changes to the equipment, software and respective drawings and specifications shall only be
executed by means of the Company change procedure. The Contractor shall update the service
manuals and drawings wherever modifications have been implemented

5.4 All drawings and specification information is to be read in conjunction with the other elements of this
enquiry document as appropriate.

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B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential




1.1 The pricing schedule hereof shall apply for payment of the Contract unless other mechanisms are
expressly stated and agreed between the Company and the Contractor.

1.2 The quoted rates shall apply regardless of weekends or Public Holidays.

1.3 The Contractor shall price all items for all sections which he considers having a value. If any item is
not priced by the Tenderer or shown as "nil" or "included", it shall be deemed to be of no value or
that the cost has been spread throughout other items which have been priced.

1.4 Where the Contractor considers a category of personnel is not necessary for performance of the
service, it shall enter “not applicable”.

1.5 Any specialized item of tools, equipment or materials/spares to be supplied by the Contractor and
not included in the normal service rates shall be negotiated and agreed between the Company and
the Contractor in accordance with market rates plus an acceptable handling charge. Such rates shall
take into account similar items against which a schedule of rates has already been agreed. The
CCO shall state details of such additional services.

1.6 The Contractor is deemed to have allowed for all Overhead costs for example, home office and on-
site management, administration, logistical support, recruitment, interviewing, company taxes (e.g.
withholding tax, corporation tax), mobilization/demobilization, and all Direct and Indirect costs
whether fixed or variable, including head office costs and head office costs to field.

1.7 Rates and Prices recompense are to be fixed and firm for an initial period of two years, and no
fluctuations, inflation, currency variation or any other escalation to the prices and/or rates shall be
considered during the year unless expressly stated otherwise herein.

1.8 Rates and Prices may be reviewed after two years and the rates adjusted upward or downward as a
result of significant effect on operating expenditure. This may be the result of changes in Statutory
legislation or variations in the cost of resources necessary for satisfactory execution of the works. Any
proposal by either party to vary the rates at the yearly review shall be fully documented and

1.9 Nigerian Value Added Tax (VAT)

The prices and rates contained in the Contract shall be exclusive of Nigerian VAT. The Contractor’s
invoice shall show the governing rate of VAT and the amount of VAT included in the gross value of
the invoice. The VAT reimbursement for this service will however be undertaken by the Company
directly to the Federal Inland Revenue Service and a receipt of all payments in respect thereof
provided to the Contractor.

1.10 The overall chargeable rate is inclusive of, but not limited to the following:
a) Personal salary payable directly to the Contractor’s personnel,
b) Appropriate medical insurances including medical evacuation,
c) Nigerian personal income tax,
d) Withholding tax (will be deducted from all invoices for services provided in Nigeria)
e) Employer’s Liability/Workmen’s Compensation Insurance, Public/Third Party Liability Insurance,
Motor Vehicle Insurance and any other insurance as required by the General Conditions of
Contract for Nigeria L.N.G. Limited, and in accordance with existing law.
f) All costs of taxes and contributions raised by law, trade unions, or other burdens with respect to
the payroll of Contractor (e.g. old age benefits, welfare funds, pensions, annuities, disability
insurance’s etc) including but not limited to:
i) All costs of Contractor’s standard employee benefits (e.g. bonuses, retirement funds, health
and life assurances, profit sharing schemes and share purchase schemes),
Invitation to Tender 43 of 48 January 2021
Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential
ii) All costs of Contractor’s standard employee benefits (e.g. bonuses, retirement funds, health
and life assurances, profit sharing schemes and share purchase schemes),
iii) All Contractor’s training and certification, and PPE,
iv) Administrative, management and logistical support,
v) Any staff salary increments associated with working and residing in Nigeria
vi) Payment of salary during periods of sickness and other times when the personnel may not be
able or required to work
vii) For Expatriate personnel, Quota, Visa and Work Permit, Resident Permit and any other
necessary documentation,
viii) Repatriation costs on completion of the works (other than those provided by the Company –
refer to Section 6 and relevant sub clauses thereof)
ix) Attending meetings and reporting.
x) Transport cost of contractor personnel between accommodation and plant site.
xi) Any appropriate special needs.


Tender B200187PIM - Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Service


Unit Rate
Description of Activities
a) Personnel Services UOM Amount ($)

Vendor Rep (1 Field Engineer)- Days

Installation & Commissioning, Training of Staff/End users, Loading &
Integrating Flange data into Software package.

Flight & Travel Cost to Site (Visa, Ticket, Medical, Admin Charges) visit

b) Hardware
Intrinsically Safe Digital Torque Wrench Each

5 Set of Sockets (Range 1/2", 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 & 1") Each

Intrinsically Safe Digital Pressure Gauge Each

Intrinsically Safe Tablet & Case Each

Torque Multipliers Each

Hardware service plan; Annual Fee Each

c) Software & Licence

Software Licence; Annual Fee Annual

Remote Support; Annual Fee Annual

Cloud Server capacity: Annual Fee Annual

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential


3.1 The Company shall make payments to the Contractor based upon the value of work done. In
no event shall the Company be required to pay in excess of the value of work done.
Payments will only be made against Contractor invoice supported by such documentation, as
the Company shall reasonably require.

3.2 Where work is defective or omitted, the estimated cost of rectifying that defect or omission
may be taken into account and deducted from any payments otherwise due to the Contractor.

3.3 If the Contract provides that before a payment is made, a test must be passed or insurance
effected, or some other requirement must be fulfilled, and if the Contractor has not complied
with such requirement, the Company may withhold payment appropriate to the unfulfilled
requirement/s, without recourse from the Contractor until such time as the requirement has
been fulfilled.


4.1 The Tenderer has satisfied himself as to the meaning of every item in the Enquiry
documentation. No claim for additional payment to the Tenderer will be allowed for any
error, omission or misinterpretation in this respect
4.2 The Company reserves the right to issue discrete packages of additional work for execution by
the Contractor on a Lump Sum, Unit Rates, or other incentive-based reimbursement structure.
Such additional work shall be authorised by a Variation Order to the Contract.

4.3 If the Contract provides that before a payment is made, a test must be passed or insurance
effected, or some other requirement must be fulfilled, and if the Contractor has not complied
with such requirement, the Company may withhold payment appropriate to the unfulfilled
requirement/s, without recourse from the Contractor until such time as the requirement has
been fulfilled.

5.1 Only work confirmed by the Contract Owner or his authorised nominee as satisfactorily
completed, as at the valuation date, shall be subject to application for payment by Contractor.

5.2 The currency of invoicing and payment shall be United States Dollars (USD).


6.1 The Company shall pay uncontested invoices within forty-five (45) days of receipt at NLNG
Finance Department, Bonny. The Contractor shall clarify any contested invoices to the
satisfaction of the Company before payment is effected. The Company’s approval of the
Contractor’s invoice shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed

6.2 The prices and rates contained in the Contract shall be exclusive of Nigerian VAT. The
Contractor's invoice shall show the governing rate of VAT and the amount of VAT included in
the gross value of the invoice. The VAT reimbursement for this service will however be
undertaken by the Company directly to the Federal Inland Revenue Service and a receipt of all
payments in respect thereof provided to the Contractor

6.3 A Government withholding tax applies to this category of Contract and the Company has a
duty to deduct such tax and any other amount required by law at the prevailing rate from any
relevant amount payable to the Tenderer

6.4 The Tenderer will be held responsible for maintaining all records and obtaining the necessary
signatures in substantiation of his invoices

6.5 The Contractor shall make reasonable efforts to submit its application for payment for the
completed works within thirty (30) days of the end of the month in which the works are

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Invitation to Tender
B200187PIM – Provision of Computer Based Flange Data Management Services Confidential
6.6 All remittances made by the Company shall be made by way of bank transfer. The Contractor
shall make available his bank details to NLNG Finance Department to enable payment.


PLAN with Value and include as part of its commercial proposal

For the purposes of this Contract, Nigerian Content shall be measured using the NIGERIAN

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