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The Essential Guide to Building

Analytic Applications



Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 1: Embedded Analytics Is Transforming Product Roadmaps........................................................................... 4
The Data Divide.. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Data-Driven Services Are Taking the Lead. . ................................................................................................................................. 7
Best Practices for Data Storytelling.. ..........................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2: Designing Dashboards......................................................................................................................................... 13
Dashboards as Guides for Decision Making............................................................................................................................... 14
Speaking the Language of Your Customer.................................................................................................................................18
Designing With a Purpose......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 3: Product Strategy for Analytic Applications................................................................................................... 25
Articulating Your Product Strategy........................................................................................................................................... 26
The Job Behind the Feature...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Data as an Accelerator.............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Mapping for the Persona.. ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
An Application Fit for Use......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 4: Predictive Analytics Is the Future. . ....................................................................................................................41
Improving the Value of Analytics.............................................................................................................................................. 42
Decision Support vs. Decision Automation............................................................................................................................... 44
Advanced Capabilities. . ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Chapter 5: Security Is Crucial...................................................................................................................................................... 51
Preparing for Proper Deployment. . ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Identifying Risks and Vulnerabilities......................................................................................................................................... 54
About Logi Analytics.....................................................................................................................................................................57

Analytics has become a foundational

requirement for any application.
More than 85 percent of software teams have embedded some form of analytics, dashboards, or reports within
their applications, as shown in our 2018 State of Embedded Analytics Report.

Embedding analytics in software presents some unique opportunities—and poses unique challenges—to
application teams. What are best practices when designing the UI and UX of embedded dashboards, reports,
and analytics? What should application teams know about implementing security that works with the rest of
their products? What should product managers keep in mind when adding an analytics project to their roadmap?

We talked to experts about what it takes to build a successful application with analytics at its core.

No matter where you are in your analytics journey, get advice from experts on:
When to add or enhance new features such as analytics

How to interview customers for vital insights

Ways to optimize the user experience

And much more…


Embedded Analytics Is Transforming

Product Roadmaps
Every application team today—whether they’re an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) working on a commercial
application or an IT team working on an internal application—faces the challenge of delivering more valuable
software to end users. One way to do this is with embedded analytics. But does it work? Embedded analytics
has become so important that teams estimate it contributes 51 percent of an application’s total value. In Logi’s
2018 State of Embedded Analytics Report, 96 percent of respondents said it has increased overall revenue for
their organizations.

As a result, the pace of innovation has vastly accelerated as companies seek the next great feature to differentiate
their software and drive customer value—leading to seismic shifts in analytics. We talked to industry leaders who
discuss emerging capabilities in the analytics space. What trends can we expect to see for 2020 and beyond?
How are data-driven services transforming business models?

Expert advice in this chapter:

The Data Data-Driven Services Best Practices for
Divide Are Taking the Lead Data Storytelling


The Data Divide


Wayne is an internationally recognized thought leader in business intelligence and analytics.

He is the founder and principal consultant at Eckerson Group, a full-service consulting firm
that provides thought leadership and education to help organizations get more value from
data and analytics.

What trends do you see for business The “Data Divide” has replaced the “Digital Divide” in
intelligence (BI) and analytics in 2020 determining winners and losers in the new economy.
and beyond? Organizations that fail to master data and analytics are
now falling behind competitors who do. The winners
use data to proactively capitalize on opportunities and
address problems while losers react after the fact, doing
too little too late until they can no longer compete cost-
effectively with fleet-footed rivals.


How is buyer behavior evolving? It has moved up the chain to business executives.
Digital, data, and analytics is becoming an imperative—
it’s “transform or die,” basically. We are seeing the rise of
C-suite titles such as Chief Data Officer, Chief Analytics
Officer, etc.

What are some emerging capabilities We’re seeing AI in everything to facilitate self-service,
in the analytics/BI space? data prep, anomaly detection, root cause analysis,
remediation, and optimization. We are quickly moving
from human intelligence to augmented intelligence to
automated intelligence. Machines will make most of the
decisions in the future.

How is embdded analytics different Embedded analytics is typically more operational,

than BI? embedded charts, tables, and even entire self-service
environments inside operational applications, like
Salesforce. We are also seeing the rise of custom analytic
applications where the analytics is built into a custom
application that is mission-critical to the company.

Should application teams develop a Yes, especially when trying to monetize data or
“product” vs a “project” mindset? analytics. To create a revenue- or customer-facing
product, you need to engage many other parts of the
business: sales, marketing, legal, support, etc. and have
a clear product plan and rollout strategy.


Data-Driven Services Are Taking the Lead


Doug focuses on data-driven decision making. His Data-to-Decisions research examines

how organizations employ data analysis to reimagine business models and gain a deeper
understanding of their operations and customers. His research acknowledges the fact that
innovative, data-driven applications require a multi-disciplinary approach, starting with integration
and orchestration technologies, including next-generation data platforms, continuing through
business intelligence and advanced analytics, and increasingly harnessing machine learning and
cutting-edge data science.

How is embedded analytics different Business intelligence has typically been in the descriptive
from business intelligence? analytics vein, like a report that is very rearview mirror.
We have moved to the analytics part
of that and we’re getting much more active, exploratory,
and diagnostic. Not just what happened, but why did
it happen? If you add the embedded, that means it’s
available in the context of work. It’s not a separate
analytic interface that you go off to but right there
within the context of your transactional or working
interface. You’re seeing much more concise, granular,
analytic information in the context of something you’re
doing very specifically.


What are the benefits of embedding The BI and analytics world of vendors has focused a lot
analytics for the end user? on this idea of democratization. Not everybody wants to
be a data analyst and go off into a separate place—they
want to get their work done. Embedding is a route to
democratization and a route to getting to more business
users because they don’t have to go off to a separate
interface and interpret. They can get much more
concise information that supports the decisions they’re
trying to make and what they’re trying to understand in
the context of their work. They’re getting information
that supports a deeper understanding and supports
driving towards actions.

How important is it that users can act Business people don’t want to sit there and interpret.
immediately based on the insights? They want to know what to do. Embedding is a way to
be more outcome based, not only because you have
more concise information. People are looking to cross
that divide from descriptive and diagnostic into more
predictive and prescriptive. What’s required to get to
predictive is a more concise context.

Where do you see the market currently? There are the pioneers, fast followers, laggards, and
Is there a desire to move more towards cautious adopters. Pioneers and fast followers are
outcome or are people still trying to the software companies and analytics is a big part of
level-set with the rearview mirror? their service offering. Banks are looking at aggregated
information and providing benchmark information to
businesses and credit card companies offer insight
on an aggregated basis on local spending patterns to
businesses like retailers and restaurants.


Data-driven services are leading innovative organizations

in their digital transformation. It’s helped them change
their business model and differentiate themselves from
competition. It helps with their profitability to have
something that makes them stickier, offers more value,
and distinguishes them from everybody else. If you can
differentiate your business with a data-driven product or
service, you’re going to become stickier and you’re going
to be less prone to being pressured on costs because
you’re not just like every other provider.

“ If you can differentiate your business with a data-driven product

or service, you’re going to become stickier and less prone to being

pressured on costs because you’re not just like every other provider.


Best Practices for Data Storytelling


Mico is the founder of BI Brainz and the BI Dashboard Formula (BIDF) methodology, where she
has trained thousands globally how to strategically use the power of data visualization to enhance
the decision-making process. Her proprietary BI Dashboard Formula Methodology (BIDF) fuses
the art of data storytelling and visualization to drive users to take action. Mico’s ability to help
companies gain ROI from their business intelligence investments has been sought out by Fortune
500 companies such as Shell, FedEx, Nestle, Qatargas, Ericsson, Procter & Gamble, Kimberly-
Clark, FedEx and more. Rated as the #7 most influential entrepreneur in BI by Onalytics, she also
authored Data Visualization for Dummies (Wiley 2014).

What are the best practices for data When telling the stories, there are three key things
storytelling in the context of to keep in mind:
embedded analytics?
• The message has to be really focused. Identify your
top two avatars and really understand what they are
seeking to do. With embedded analytics, it’s easy to
want to capture a huge net of audience. But with
that, you end up providing something to no one.

• Outline your KPIs and limit them to three to five. You

have the appropriate trends that show people how
they got to where they are, and then you have a
level of options or buttons.


• Keep it simple, yet dynamic. Not just graphics that are

super clean or graphics that are pretty, but simple in
the fact that at the first glance, the user can actually
comprehend what they’re trying to get out of it.

How should application teams think With embedded analytics, there are more opportunities
about data stories when they’re for testing. A lot of tools coming out today use multiple
embedding dashboards and reports heat maps and confetti maps. They show you exactly
as compared to a more standard BI where people click, where they came from, what’s being
instance? Is it different? used, and how often. Specifically with dashboards or
reports embedded into an interface, that level of detail
is important. If you have analytics, it’s very visual and
if there’s an area in your story that’s not receiving any
attention, you need to make note of it and remove
it. Don’t just let it sit there because you’re building
something out. You can evolve faster because you
don’t necessarily have to check with a user on every
turn. Tracking can be automated and you can make
adjustments and push it out and see how people will
respond. It’s slightly different than the standard BI. When
analytics are embedded, you can track usage and figure
out what’s being used and what’s not being used.

Are there common data storytelling There are a few things. As mentioned earlier, the
mistakes you see application teams number one mistake is building far too many avatars.
making, and what can they do to You have a large audience. With a bank, for instance,
avoid this? you’re talking about thousands and thousands of users.
It’s very tempting to just build a story that captures
everybody so you need to be focused.


A second mistake is making it complicated. There are

many embedded solutions can get super creative but
can be taken too far. It goes back to simplicity.

Another mistake is getting out the first application and

then not evolving it fast enough. Like everything else, if
you put something out there and you don’t continue to
make it dynamic in nature, you can’t keep it top of mind
with people. It will easily be forgotten. There has to be a
plan once things go out, so it’s continued to be treated
like a product and pushed out to users consistently to
make sure you are gaining adoption.

Lastly, embedded analytics is a great opportunity

to personalize views for users. Unlike traditional BI,
where you’re pushing something out and it’s typically
a “set it and forget it” mentality, embedded analytics
can be constantly improved and updated. There’s
an opportunity to utilize conversational elements
that get users engaged and keep them engaged. For
many software teams this is a missed opportunity, an
afterthought, or just not even involved in a standard BI


Designing Dashboards
A dashboard serves as a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve an objective.
They transform raw data into critical information, rich stories, and easily understandable data visualizations
for your users, who can comprehend and act on it in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take them.

Dashboard design can mean the difference between users excitedly embracing your product or ignoring it
altogether. Great dashboards lead to richer user experiences and significant return on investment (ROI), while
poorly designed dashboards distract users, suppress adoption, and can even tarnish your project or brand.

Expert advice in this chapter:

Dashboards as Guides Speaking the Language Designing With
for Decision Making of Your Customer a Purpose


Dashboards As Guides for Decision Making


Laura is a product manager and the author of Build Better Products and UX for Lean Startups.
She has worked as an engineer, UX designer, and product manager at startups and large
companies in Silicon Valley. She blogs about UX, research, product management, and lean
startups at

What are the risks of bad UX design for Generally speaking, dashboards should be guides for
embedded dashboards/reports people who want to make decisions. In most products,
in applications? they exist to give users a quick overview of what’s going
on so that they can choose what needs their attention.
For example, a dashboard might tell the head of sales
which sales reps are missing their targets so that they
can make early changes rather than be surprised by bad
numbers at the end of the quarter.

When dashboards are hard to understand or don’t have

the right data, users can’t rely on them to make good
decisions. In the sales example, a confusing or hard
to use dashboard could cost the company money by


making it harder for the head of sales to get a quick

overview and make better decisions.

How can product teams tell if their No product is good or bad in a vacuum. A dashboard is
dashboard UX is good or bad? What only good if it makes the people using it more effective
are the signs of good/bad UX design without hurting other people. You can tell you’ve got
for analytics/data visualizations? a great dashboard the same way you’d find out if you
had a great product. First, you need to make sure that
you know what the goals are for the dashboard. Then
you need to figure out if the dashboard is helping users
reach those goals. You can do that with qualitative and
quantitative user research.

Does your sales dashboard help your head of sales make

better decisions about how to allocate sales reps? Does
it help the company sell more products on a long term
basis? Does it save money or time? Does it help the rest
of the company know what’s going on? It’s probably a
good dashboard.

Once you know the concrete and measurable goals

of the people using the dashboard, it’s much easier to
understand whether your dashboard is any good.

Are there common mistakes you I see three common mistakes when designing dashboards:
see product teams make when they
design dashboards/reports for their • No follow up. A lot of dashboards are very static
applications? things that don’t give users a next step to take.
When a dashboard is integrated into the rest of the


product correctly, there will be obvious calls to action.

For example, if you have a dashboard showing server
errors across a system, a great dashboard will give
the user a very clear way to jump immediately to the
biggest problem and fix it.

• No drill down. Dashboards are, by their nature, high

level things. They generally summarize a lot of data and
provide it at a glance. Unfortunately, a lot of dashboards
don’t make it easy to investigate further. Maybe the
marketing dashboards shows a sudden drop in email
opens over the past four weeks. Does it also give
the user the ability to drill down into the underlying
information so they can start to investigate why that
drop might have happened?

• No context. Most dashboards are made up of

aggregate numbers of things. Unfortunately, a lot of
times, single numbers aren’t at all useful out of context.
What does it mean if you sold 20 items yesterday?
It depends a lot on how many you sold yesterday
and the week before and the year before, etc. Does
20 items represent a 10x increase over what you
sold yesterday? A 1000x drop? To have a truly useful
dashboard, you need to show numbers in cohorts that
make sense to the end user. You need to show whether
numbers are going up or down and, if possible, help the
user to understand why those things are happening.


What are the most important steps Building useful dashboards requires the same skills
or best practices application teams as building any great product. Spend time observing
can take to improve their analytics users and understanding their ultimate goals. Don’t just
experiences? ask what they want to see. Figure out what they’re trying
to do, and then build things that help them do it.


Speaking the Language of Your Customer



Tristan Kromer is a lean startup coach and founder of Kromatic. He works with innovation
teams and leaders to create amazing products and build startup ecosystems. Anteo Quiroz is an
innovation coach at Kromatic. He works with innovation teams and leaders to create amazing
products and build startup ecosystems.

What are some of the most common Dashboards have a few common uses:
ways you have seen dashboards used?
• Warnings: When your oil pressure gauge indicates
a dangerous situation, you’d better pull over and
take action. If you don’t, your car will pull over on
your behalf.

• Analytics: Automobile dashboards are not designed

for the driver to double click on the “check engine”
light while in motion, which would be dangerously
distracting. Much in the same way, the level of drill-
down information in Google Analytics can be very
distracting, severely reducing productivity.


Nevertheless, today’s business dashboards can (but

not necessarily should) provide a level of analysis by
incorporating pivot tables, GANTT charts, and more.
Once a warning is triggered, users can conduct further
analysis to either decide on a course of action or
dismiss the red alert altogether.

• PR / Morale: I admit it—I’ve kept track of a few vanity

metrics over the years. Sometimes you need to show
something like “total value of potential sales in our
CRM,” even though there’s no action to take and you
pretty much always want it to be higher.

Sometimes it helps to easily collect numbers for

an annual stockholder meeting (or all-hands staff
meeting) that make everything look good, and there’s
no shame in that. Morale is important.

• Situational Awareness: Agilists like to use the term

Information Radiator to describe any artifact that one
simply cannot help but absorb data from just by being
in the same room. When Captain Picard calls for red
alert, the information radiators spring into action, and it
is impossible for anyone on the Enterprise to not know
that the red lights and sirens mean they’d better get to
battle stations.

Some dashboards are designed to keep organizations

aligned by maintaining a constant level of awareness
around certain KPIs so no one can claim ignorance.
This includes that “This facility has gone 5,843 days
without an assimilation” sign. As Locutus of Borg might
say, resisting this information is futile.

How can products team ensure that You speak a very specific language than your
customers understand the dashboard? customers—that of your product. Probably very well.
But you also need to speak the language of your
customer who uses the product.

If our earlier reference to “This facility has gone 5,843

days without an assimilation” left you stranded at a
starbase, you probably don’t speak Trek. If our recent
assimilation dashboard is meant for Trekkies, that might
not be a problem. But specialists in any domain tend to
invent their own language very quickly, and it becomes
second-nature to them, forgetting that no one else
speaks the language of Star Fleet.

One startup I worked with had a clear value proposition

for small businesses—to “increase your CLTV”—a very
important metric. But after a round of discovery testing,
they quickly realized that their small business Mom and
Pop customers didn’t know what CLTV stood for. By
testing the language, they were able to figure out that
simply saying “keep customers around for longer, buying
more” was going to be more effective with their target

Dashboards are the same. Your fancy icons might

make sense to you and save precious space, but to the
customer, your dashboard is an incoherent mess. You
have to make sure you didn’t just build the world’s most
elaborate Christmas tree ornament.

The clearest, most easily understood dashboard should

make sense to the customer.


How can product teams know which Many high-level business dashboards are relatively
features to include? static since the data isn’t changing moment by moment,
so interaction and usability are often secondary
considerations. Even when it comes to the analytics use
case, there is often a design assumption from engineers
that the analysis is being done by a power user who will
want a ton of features and doesn’t mind struggling with
a ton of dropdowns.

But a lot of folks, myself included, just want something

simple. You have to set up a dashboard before you use
it, and setting one up is a fairly traumatic process—
particularly if you’re a senior executive who struggles
activating “the Snapchat.”

Out-of-the-box configurations and a good onboarding

flow can help get the user to that first moment of
happiness when they actually see something that’s
important to them. So, know what the job-to-be-done
is, and make sure the customer can find that happiness
as quickly as possible. 


Designing With a Purpose


Midori is an Information Designer at Venngage. She designs visual solutions to communication

problems in science and medicine. She also writes and speaks with the aim of helping non-
designers improve their visual communication skills.

What are some common mistakes One of the most common mistakes I see in data
to avoid when presenting data? visualization is the misuse of color. Because color
has such an impact on the aesthetics of the design,
designers often choose color schemes based on their
own personal preferences or the requirements of the
brand they’re designing for. But color naturally carries
meaning in data visualization—it communicates
information about relationships within the data and
can be used to guide the viewer’s eye within the
design. Color choices should be made with intention
with presenting data, especially when designing
complex dashboards.


Another common mistake is using charts that don’t

reflect the structure of the data they’re displaying or
the goal we’re trying to achieve, like using a bar chart
to show a trend over time. We can expect viewers
to be familiar with the conventions of basic charts,
and we have to make our design choices with those
conventions in mind.

What are some best practices 1. Design with a purpose: Your first step in any
for dashboard design? dashboard design project should be to clearly define
the purpose of the dashboard, because you’ll never
be able to design a dashboard that is all things for
all people. Each dashboard should be designed for a
specific purpose, and cater to the needs of a specific
end user.

2. Use visual hierarchy to guide your viewer’s attention:

Visual hierarchy is important in any UI, but it’s
critical in dashboard design, where the content of
the design can be particularly dense and complex.
Fortunately, using visual hierarchy in a dashboard is
no different than using visual hierarchy in product
design—the size, color, and weight of each element
should reflect the importance of that element within
the entire display, and the order in which you expect
the viewer to view each element.

3. Make the most of progressive disclosure: A useful

tactic to help you avoid putting too much data into
a single dashboard is to use progressive disclosure.


That is, show a high-level snapshot of the data up

front, while allowing the user to drill down deeper if
they want to. This can help ensure your viewers won’t
be overwhelmed with too much data.

“ Your first step in any dashboard design project should be to clearly

define the purpose of the dashboard, because you’ll never be able to

design a dashboard that is all things for all people.

What are steps that you can take to Like I mentioned earlier, every dashboard should be
ensure that an analytics dashboard designed with a specific end user in mind. The best
or report is useful and usable? way to ensure the dashboard is useful and usable is to
involve those end users in the design process. Just like
you would when designing a product, talk to your users
to learn about their workflows, their pain points, their
needs, and their wants. Before you start designing, make
sure you have a thorough understanding of how the
dashboard is going to be used. And as soon as you have
a design in mind, show it to those users and get start
getting feedback!


Product Strategy for Analytic Applications

A golden rule of product management is to focus on what your customers want to achieve, instead of the
features or tools they’re requesting. It’s no different when it comes to embedded analytics—product managers
need to think about what users really want from their dashboards and reports. While your users may be attracted
to the “eye candy” of dashboards, you need to focus on the job your customer is trying to do.

Whether you’re adding new analytics capabilities to your product or another feature entirely, you need to
consider many of the same steps and roadblocks. In this chapter, our experts provide detailed advice on
conducting customer interviews, navigating changing user requirements, and distinguishing a need from a want.
When it comes to your product roadmap, it’s all about the journey.

Expert advice in this chapter:

Articulating Your The Job Behind Data as an
Product Strategy the Feature Accelerator

Mapping for the An Application

Persona Fit for Use


Articulating Your Product Strategy


Janna is the co-founder of ProdPad, a software that helps product managers plan and deliver
better products. Janna also organizes ProductTank events around the world, including Mind
the Product, a global community of product managers. She likes to inspire great product
conversations by asking: “What problem are you trying to solve?”

How do user requirements change When you first start building a product, you attract a
over time? certain type of user: The early adopter. This type of user
tends to appreciate cutting edge technologies and can
stomach being part of a beta program. If done right,
they make great advocates and will help you immensely
with reporting early bugs and pointing out any areas
where your first versions of the product fall short.

But users change. You won’t always attract early

adopters, and as your product matures, the type of users
that you acquire will have different, and often more
difficult, requirements. Later customers have the benefit
of a wider range of competitors to choose from, and


have little tolerance for the fast and furious releases that
set you apart in your early MVP days.

And because your incoming customers change, your

overall customer base changes. Over time, you’ll find
yourself having to cater to a mix of customers. You’ll
have the increasingly advanced users who’ve been
using your product since the early days and know all
the shortcuts and just need that ‘one extra feature’ to
make their lives complete, as well as the brand new
customers who’ve just signed up and need to quickly
understand the breadth of your feature set. So managing
user requirements for a mature product can become
exponentially more complicated than managing them
for a newly launched product.

Any advice/tips for PMs who want You can stay ahead of changing user requirements by
to stay ahead of changing user building in time for validation and learning. Many teams
requirements, and/or make sure simply focus on building feature after feature, which is
they’re aware of them early? great for your cadence, but really ineffective for making
sure that you’re continually solving the right problems.
The best product teams make room for learning,
and make structured validation a key part of their
process, rather than an afterthought. This way, if user
requirements change, the product managers are clued
into it as soon as possible and can update their roadmap
to reflect the new needs of the market. Validation
at every step of a feature build ensures that the final
feature actually solves the problem it set out to solve,
rather than, quite commonly, diverging from the original
need into a spec of its own making.


How can product teams be strategic A good product strategy ties in both top down and
when adding new features and bottom up thinking. Top down means looking at the
planning their roadmaps? company vision and company level objectives, and
outlining the obstacles and problems you’ll need to
tackle along the way. Bottom up means listening to the
market and your customers, and understanding all of the
opportunities in the field. The best product managers
combine these approaches, and stitch together a plan
that involves finding the best opportunities that the
market presents which also tie back to the company
level goals. This then culminates into a product roadmap
which helps to articulate the product strategy.

When planning your work ahead, think about your total

work in terms of pie. Every new feature that goes in
there is taking up a slice of the pie. But you’ll also need
slices left over for validation, discovery and iteration,
so don’t cram your roadmap full of features. Each time
you commit to something, you’re having to say no to
any number of other things, so you’re better off leaving
blanks in your roadmap rather than trying to fill up every
available space. Instead of thinking of your roadmap as
a perfect plan of everything you’ll achieve, think of it
instead as a prototype for your strategy: A way to draft
out and check your assumptions on what you think
needs to be achieved, what opportunities you think you
can take advantage of, and what order you think you
should tackle them in, in a format that you can bring to
other stakeholders to get their input on it. After all, the
value of roadmapping is less about the final roadmap
and more about the process of roadmapping itself.


The Job Behind the Feature


David is an author and founder based in Silicon Valley. In 2015, he founded Precoil to help
companies find product market fit using lean startup, design thinking and business model
innovation. David has helped validate new products and services at companies such as GE,
Toyota, Adobe, HP and Behr. Prior to advising, David spent over 10 years of his career scaling
technology startups.

How do you know if you should add a One of my all-time favorite quotes is from Theodore
new analytics feature to your product? Levitt. “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill.
They want a quarter-inch hole.” This mindset not only
applies to drills, but it also applies to your software.
Behind every tool or feature request you receive is a
customer job to be done. It’s a task they are trying to
accomplish but unfortunately, they may not be able to
clearly communicate that to you.

Most likely you only see the tip of the iceberg as the
customer requests come in through your sales team,
customer support, email and social media. It’s your
responsibility to get to the job behind that feature


request, determine if it’s a mutually beneficial feature

to build and then turn that learning into action. Luckily,
there are a few ways you can approach this dilemma,
rather than simply building what they request.

What are some best practices for Customer interviews are deceptively hard to do well, but
conducting customer interviews to get by following a few guidelines, you’ll become an expert
to the job behind the feature request? in no time.

• First, you’ll need to write down what you’d like to

learn in the form of a hypothesis. It may sound trivial,
but writing what you’d like to learn down will help
you anchor your interview in validated learning.
Ad hoc interviews can be useful at times, but often
they turn into a long conversation that doesn’t
help you come to a decision. It takes time to find
customers to interview, schedule a mutually agreed
upon time, conduct the interview, take detailed notes,
synthesize the feedback and come to a decision.
You’ll want to make the most of it. I recommend
using the “We believe that…” format for your
hypothesis. For example, “We believe that customers
need to sort inventory by stock value.”

• Second, you’ll need to write an interview script.

While this sounds intimidating, it isn’t meant to be.
The script simply gives you a guideline to follow so
that you try to extract as much learning as you can
about the hypothesis. I recommend to keep it short
and sweet, follow a basic flow to get your customer
talking and you listening.


• Third, you’ll need to conduct the interviews. I

recommend doing them in pairs, so you can focus
on conducting the interview while your team
member takes notes. I’ve found it very difficult to
ask questions, take detailed notes while actively
listening and think of the next question to ask as a
follow up. Having another team member makes it
so much easier. The scribe who takes notes should
write down exact quotes, instead of paraphrasing.
When you paraphrase, the bias starts to sink in
early instead of being objective. The scribe should
also take note of body language, which is why I
recommend doing these in person or over video.
Once the interview is over, quickly debrief after and
decide if the script needs to be updated.

• Finally, you turn your interview notes into learning.

If you perform 15-20 of these interviews, it can
generate quite a stack of notes. Don’t pick out the
quotes you want to hear and then go build the
feature. Instead, write each quote down on a sticky
note. Then put all of the sticky notes onto the wall.
Ask your team, “Which of these are the same or
are saying the same thing in a different way?” Then
group those into clusters and label them. This will
help you sort all of the feedback into themes in
order to make an informed decision.


Do you then build the feature? Customer interviews are one way to get to the job
behind the feature, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you
should rush off and immediately build the feature. Sites
like Google often incrementally invest in new features
by first running more experiments. They may paper
prototype features with customers, show them clickable
dashboards without any of the backend infrastructure
in place or release a feature stub on the live site. The
feature stub is essentially a link to a feature, but when
clicked shows a “We’re not ready yet” message.

All of these options and more are available to you.

Remember, there’s a big difference between looking
at something versus looking for something. Make sure
your investment in new features is built on a foundation
of customer evidence.

“ There’s a big difference between looking at something versus looking

for something. Make sure your investment in new features is built on

a foundation of customer evidence.


Data as an Accelerator


John works as a product evangelist at Amplitude. As a former UX researcher at

AppFolio, a product manager at Zendesk,, AdKeeper and RichFX, a startup
founder, and a product team coach, John has a perspective that spans individual roles,
domains, and products.

What are some best practices for People converge too quickly in their mind on a solution.
holding user interviews and/or And that guides their question asking. Allow your teams
gathering user requirements? to be a lot more divergent in the beginning. Some
people say, “Okay, we’re going to go out and interview
five users. And then, we’re going to know what’s going
on.” But by the third interview, because of the pet
solution they had in their mind, all their questions are
biased to that solution. Create a learning backlog and be
pretty rigorous about not pulling everything in progress
at once. Start with very specific questions.


How do you know what capabilities The customer is always right and they’re always wrong.
your users need versus what they Especially in B2B, people know and understand the job
just want? they need to do, deeply. A lot of times, their vision of their
job might be constrained by how that job has been done
for the last 20 years or so. For instance, an accountant is
always used to manually going through and reconciling
everything. So the job is perfect reconciliation and
reducing risk. It’s not going through all their individual
items. If you go in with this idea, you might have some
innovation on how to do that. Customers are not skilled
UX researchers or business analysts. It’s not to discount
the customer, but you go in and really respect their
knowledge of their job. With this perspective, it becomes
much more empowering.

How can product teams validate their It boils down to getting it in front of them as quickly
users’ requirements throughout the as humanly possible. Some things are more important
development phase? to de-risk than others. The word “requirements” is
very loaded. Who is requiring what? We want a Boeing
airplane to stay in the air. So there’s requirements when
it comes to building a guidance system for Boeing. But
with a lot of B2B things, what is a requirement? What it
boils down to is prioritizing areas of risk. And that risk
might be technical. We don’t know if this thing will stand
up and if we’ve picked the right tools.


How does a product team know it’s You need dashboards as early as humanly possible.
time to add new dashboards, reports, You need a way to communicate, and it’s often through
or data visualizations to their product means related to data. Any time you need to make sense
roadmap? of a problem, or understand an opportunity, you will
need a lot of qualitative and quantitative data. The earlier
you can introduce that to build a shared language about
work and share an understanding, the better.

How can product teams establish that Often, if you have a fancy dashboard and a user catches
there’s a demand for their dashboard? a hint of it, they’ll think it’s amazing or great. The eye
Should they be adding a new analytics candy is powerful. But when it comes to the UX side, the
feature entirely? product side of things, you really need to think about
the job that your customer is trying to do and think
about presenting data to them as just an accelerator
to get that job done. Because the risk that you run
is putting generalized analytics into your product.
Everyone says it’s helpful to them but it doesn’t really
help your customers be better at what they do.

In a B2B context, especially, you need to service the

jobs your end users need to do. You can be a lot more
efficient about introducing features. Instead of needing to
present generalized analytics about everything and being
everything to all your customers, you can be much more
iterative. That’s where the value of your product comes
in, because you shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel to
get a lot of this stuff embedded in your products. Once
you know what job needs to be done, this gives you a
way to push it out there a lot faster.


Mapping for the Persona


Annette is Founder/CEO of CX Journey Inc., a boutique consulting firm specializing in helping

clients ground and frame their customer experience strategies in/via customer understanding.
Her passion lies in teaching companies about customer experience and helping them
understand the importance of the employee experience to a great customer experience. She
has 25 years of experience in the customer experience space, helping companies improve
customer satisfaction and retention as well as the employee experience.

Are there common mistakes you see Three most most-common mistakes I see are as follows.
product teams make when collecting I think they are all intertwined.
customer feedback?
1. The first mistake I see is to not collect customer
feedback or bring feedback into product design.
Allowing the product to be designed by software
engineers based on internal requirements without
first understanding who the customer is, use cases,
problems to solve, etc. happens more often than
anyone cares to admit.

2. The second mistake I hear about is getting feedback

after the design, i.e., finding a customer for the


product rather than designing a product for the

customer. I’ve had several conversations with folks
working at startups who have developed a product
and are now trying to find customers for
their products.

3. And the third mistake is thinking that product focus

is different from customer focus. I’ve shared many
times about a question I heard on a webinar last
year where the listener asked: “But if I focus on the
customer, won’t that take away from my focus on
the product?” I suppose this ties in a bit with #2. If
the two don’t go hand in hand, if you don’t bring in
the customer and her voice while your designing the
product, then for whom are you designing.

What are some tips for creating • Map the journey from the customer’s viewpoint with
a customer journey map? the customer. The customer must be involved in the
mapping process.

• There are many journey mapping frameworks, but

they all include what the customer is doing, thinking,
and feeling. If you’re not including these three
things, then you’re not journey mapping.

• On that note, mapping just lifecycle stages or

touchpoints is not journey mapping. Don’t get stuck
in that trap and call in journey mapping. Mapping
at that high level doesn’t help you understand the
customer experience at all.


• Start mapping by identifying the persona for which

you’re mapping, as well as a clearly defined scope
for the map.

• Know that journey mapping is a tool and a process.

The process entails more than just creating the
map. You’ve also got to conduct root cause analyses
and create the corresponding service blueprint,
which identifies the people, tools, systems, policies,
and processes internally that support the experience
the customer is having. And then you’ve got to
ideate and co-create the future state experience
with the customer.

Why is CX design important when an The customer experience is important to consider when
application team is building a new designing or building any type of product, including a
dashboard/report for their product? dashboard or report. You have to remember that the
customer is the one buying and using the product.
So, understand who the customer is and what problems
she’s trying to solve or jobs she’s trying to do—and
develop the product with that in mind.

When the customer and her experience aren’t

considered when you’re building a product, resulting
in the product not meeting her needs or doing what
she thought it would do, that means she’s going to call
customer service. Chris Zane said that “customer service
is what happens when the experience breaks down.”
This is so true. When you design for the customer, the
business benefits in many ways, not the least of which
is reduced call volume in the contact center.


An Application Fit for Use


Ben is the author of several publications including What Drives Quality. As an adviser,
trainer, and coach, he helps organizations with effectively deploying software development
and management practices. He focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration and
communication, and professional development, to deliver business value to customers.

Product teams want to build quality My definition of the quality of an app is how much it
applications. But what does that mean? satisfies the needs of the people who use it and the
value that it delivers to them.

This definition takes an external view, putting quality in

the eyes of the beholders (the users) who decides if a
software product or service has sufficient quality or not.

If the quality of an app is insufficient according to the

users then they will not use it. This is what makes it so
important to design quality in from the start and don’t
deliver earlier versions of apps with insufficient quality.


How do you know that your application To deliver value, an app has to fit the purpose. It has to
is providing value? do what users need and expects it to do.

Defining the needs for apps may include activities like

user experience (UX) design or user interface (UI) design.
The aim of such activities is to help teams to produce a
software product that is easy to use and does what users
expect that it would do. Developers and testers need
to communicate closely with the designers doing UX/
UI activities to understand how the product should look
and how the users will be using it.

What are some key considerations for Fitness is a relative thing, it’s not binary. Usually, apps
designing an app that is “fit for use”? don’t cover all needs, one app might have a better fit for
you than another one.

A technique to design apps for fitness is personas.

They can be used to represent and understand typical
users of your app. Each persona describes a specific
category of users and explores how they use the app,
their values, expectations and needs, background, role,
and responsibilities, etc. My experience is that personas
make it easier for teams to identify with the users.

You have to be connected with your users,

communicate as much as possible with them, and
collaborate to increase your understanding of their
needs and deliver apps that are fit for use.


Predictive Analytics Is the Future

While every application has a minimum requirement to “offer analytics,” forward-thinking companies recognize
the opportunity to differentiate themselves. They’re going beyond basic capabilities like interactive dashboards
and data visualizations and embedding sophisticated features such as predictive analytics. Predictive analytics
uses historical data, machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help users act preemptively. But it’s a
complex capability, especially when you’re an application team trying to embed predictive analytics in your
software. When companies take a traditional approach to predictive analytics (meaning they treat it like any
other type of analytics), they often hit roadblocks.

Companies that succeed say predictive analytics makes their applications infinitely more valuable, separates
software from competitors, and offers new revenue streams. We interviewed predictive analytics experts who
share insights on new opportunities, common challenges, and ways your end users can benefit from this
capability today.

Expert advice in this chapter:

Improving the Value Decision Support vs. Advanced
of Analytics Decision Automation Capabilities


Improving the Value of Analytics


Marcus has more than three decades of in-depth information technology experience, and more
than 20 years of experience developing data-driven solutions for companies.

What are the benefits of embedding Embedding predictive analytics helps improve the value
predictive analytics into an existing of analytics in existing business applications, enabling
business application? users to access all the data they need at the right time
and context, more efficiently, enabling valuable insights,
helping streamlining internal business processes,
monitoring latent risks, identifying trends, and also
creating mechanisms for continuous improvement.


“ All customer relationship actions can benefit from more accurate

information—from engaging audiences to customer loyalty.

How can end users use predictive Predictive analytics can help you to upsell customers
analytics to upsell customers? in many ways: enabling qualified lead generation,
more information about your ideal customer profile,
information to adjust services or products according
to customer tastes, better information for marketing
campaign targeting, and finding the best channels to
reach your target audience.

For companies interested in predictive In my opinion, a good way to start applying predictive
analytics, where should they begin analytics to a business is in its marketing and sales
their journey? strategy. All customer relationship actions can benefit
from more accurate information—from engaging
audiences to customer loyalty. As generated leads
become paying customers, data collected from new
customers influences the next actions taken, improving
the whole marketing and sales process.


Decision Support vs. Decision Automation



Eric is the founder of the Predictive Analytics World and Deep Learning World conference series,
and executive editor of The Predictive Analytics Times. He is the author of the award-winning
Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die, a former Columbia
University professor who used to sing to his students, the host of The Dr. Data Show, and a
renowned speaker and educator

How do you define predictive analytics? Predictive analytics is basically a synonym of machine
learning. Although, it’s a bit of a subset: learning from
data in order to make predictions for each individual in
order to render all large scale operations or activities
undertaken by organizations more effectively. Each
individual prediction, such as whether someone would
respond to an upsell offer or whether they’re going to
cancel their ongoing subscription, directly informs the


What are the benefits of embedding When you’re talking about embedding analytics, it refers
predictive analytics? to a case where the analytics are delivered to a human.
From the end user perspective, it might be a customer
service agent on the phone with a customer who might
be a prospect for upsell. If we’re talking about delivering
analytics to humans, then in the case of predictive
analytics and machine learning, we’re talking about
decision to support rather than decision automation.

The value propositions of those two different directions

are essentially the same. Some cases are more focused
on decision automation. Decision automation would
be where it doesn’t get delivered to a human, the
predictive analytics just automatically makes a decision.
For example, whether to include a customer on the
contact list for a marketing campaign. You might have
a prospect list of 100,000 and then the predictive
model scores the probability alongside each individual
customer record to tell us how likely they are to respond
to this particular marketing campaign.


How would you recommend someone You want to assess the greatest opportunities which
start their predictive analytics journey? are basically anywhere there’s large scale operations,
such as mass marketing, and you think that could be
done more effectively. With the probabilities output by
pick the model, pick model is the thing generated by
machine learning. It’s the thing, it’s the new intelligence
gained from historical data. The thing it learns and
that thing, that predictive model, which is because it’s
a pattern, rules or formulas that has been determined
over historical data, now can be applied to current
data and make predictive probabilities or predictions
for each individual. These predictions aren’t generally
accurate in the conventional sense of the work up.
They’re significantly better than guessing. It’s a huge win
to apply it systematical over large numbers or decisions.
The lowest hanging fruit for an organization is often
targeting customer retention by predicting who is most
at risk of departure or defection is.

This is human behavior. You can’t look at an individual

and say, “I know like a crystal ball that this person is
definitely going to cancel next month.” But you can
put the odds on it. And when those odds are applied
systematically over large numbers of individuals, that’s
where these large scale operations are rendered
more effective. It’s a question looking at what are the
operations occurring and unmask.


What is the business value of Sales has to start with the value proposition first and
predictive analytics? How can it focus on the technology second. The value proposition
affect a company’s bottom line? is often a very simple arithmetic forecast. For targeting
marketing, it’s simple arithmetic to show that if we only
expend the cost of contact to the top 25 percent of
customers most likely to actually make the purchase
as a result of the marketing treatment. First, we cut
the marketing cost by 75 percent we also lose some

But if the predictive model is doing its job, then the

majority of positive responses are concentrated within
that top 25 percent. So simple arithmetic, you take
your marketing budget, you slash it by 75 percent, you
cut the actual sales by whatever it ends up being, 20
percent, and then you look at what the bottom line is.
And in some cases it’s multiplied by many times over,
a few times the return on investment of a marketing
campaign could multiply by three or five depending
on the circumstances and what your baseline is. Mass
marketing in that case, but the same kind of thing
applies to all these value propositions. You just want
to show operationally this is what’s going to happen.
Instead of applying this treatment over this many
people, we’re going to be more selective and applied
over a smaller subset. Here are the business results,
whether they’re in terms of profit or some other
business metric. And then you can say, this is how we’re
going to do it.


Advanced Capabilities



Ronald helps data-driven companies generate business value. He has been recognized as one
of the top 10 Global Big Data, IoT, Data Science, Business Intelligence Influencer by Onalytica,
Data Science Central and Klout and top 10 Predictive Analytics influencer by Dataconomy,
is author for leading Big Data sites like The Economist, Datafloq, Data Science Central
Dataconomy and is public speaker at leading Big Data, Data Science and IoT events.

How can embedded predictive analytics Embedded predictive analytics can work perfectly
increase value in existing applications? within existing applications, as it can increase the value
associated with them.

To begin with, these applications can empower business

users and increase user adoption. This will not only
ensure that you have more users, but will also make sure
that users are satisfied while using the application. The
use of embedded predictive analytics will also deliver
improved UX to users.

Business applications that have embedded analytics

will stand out in the market because of faster processes


and improved UX. By embedding predictive analysis

in business applications, businesses can achieve faster
revenue growth and increase operational efficiency.
The business application can also help reduce customer
churn by focusing on the customer.

Once you include predictive analysis within your

application, your team can work together to achieve
advanced capabilities. Insights that require quick action
can be handled immediately based on the gravity
of the situation.

What are other benefits of embedding Predictive analytics presents a complex challenge, which
predictive analytics? when mastered can help multiple industries around us.

The first challenge is of experience, which can impact

action integration. Experienced workers are required
to make sure that everything remains exciting. The
presence of experienced workers will help your app
stand out. Moreover, model development is required
for all predictive models in play within the application.
Finally, information distribution is also a must.


What are some industry-specific The industry-specific use cases for embedded predictive
benefits of embedding predictive analytics include usage in healthcare for proper
analytics? documentation and analysis of patient records, retail
for inventory check, and eCommerce for tracking.
Other industries include hospitality, finance, and

Regardless of the industry, the shift towards

embedding predictive analytics can help provide
solutions for numerous high-value business problems.
It can also help businesses keep in pace with the
market innovations around us. The end result is
that of increased business intelligence, which every
organization is striving to achieve today.


Security Is Crucial
For application teams, security scenarios can be complex and have very precise requirements. If you don’t start
with security, nothing else matters.

Embedding a third-party product—such as a platform for embedded dashboards, reports, and analytics—can raise
new security challenges. Other products have their own security frameworks and may not integrate seamlessly with
your setup, or they may even introduce new risks or gaps in security. This can lead to delays in your release cycle
and negatively impact your ability to grow and maintain your product over time.

In this chapter, application security experts outline key considerations for choosing and embedding a third-
party product in your applications. What are the risks of not asking the right questions early on?

Expert advice in this chapter:

Preparing for Proper Identifying Risks and
Deployment Vulnerabilities


Preparing for Proper Deployment


Edwin is the Application and Software Security Team Lead for Tyro Payments. His approach
toward application and software security is to raise security awareness, provide light touch
controls to the software development life cycle to increase visibility of security issues and work
closely with engineering teams to quickly develop secure applications. He has presented at
a number of events, including RSA, All Day DevOps, AppSec Day and DevSecOps Leadership
Forum. Edwin started out as a software engineer and transitioned into the application security
role to lead a range of security initiatives when the company was working towards obtaining an
unrestricted banking license.

When embedding a third-party It ultimately boils down to CIA. CIA is the Confidentiality,
solution in your software, what are Integrity and Availability of the data/service.
some key considerations that you
need to think about? Some questions to ask about them are:

1. What is the impact if a breach to confidentiality


2. What is the impact if the service of data being used

has suffered a breach?


3. What is the impact if the service being provided is

not available for an hour? What about a week? What
would the impact be?

From those questions, you’ll be able to drive deeper down

to more fine-grained questions like “How do they deal with
discovered vulnerabilities in open source libraries?”

What are the risks of not asking these Not asking these questions early might result in the
questions from the very beginning? business investing in rolling out a third party product
that might not be the right fit or properly deployed. The
consequences of that is delays in the project due to
additional work that needs to be done.

What are some common security I have seen people integrate platforms with multiple
mistakes people make when authentication systems. This usually results in users
integrating a third-party platform having multiple credentials, which is a nightmare
(such as embedded analytics) with to manage especially when adding new users or
their application? removing them as a part of the exit process when
they leave the company.


Identifying Risks and Vulnerabilities


Tal has 15 years’ experience in the information security field, specializing in security research
and vulnerability assessment. Prior to being the Head of Security Research at Protego, Tal was
a tech leader at AppSec Labs, leading and executing a variety of security projects for serverless,
IoT, mobile, web, and client applications, as well as working for leading security organizations,
such as Synack, CheckPoint, and RSA. Tal is also a keen speaker; training DevOps and hackers
around the world, as well as lecturing at major security conferences; and a neat developer,
experimenting daily with offensive and defensive security.

What are some common security The main problem is new vulnerabilities being
mistakes people make when introduced into the system and there is always this
integrating a third-party platform risk when integrating a third-party. Even after going
with their application in order to add through due-diligence, and achieving compliance with
a new capability (such as dashboards most standards, there is a chance that the third party
and reports)? has a known or unknown vulnerability in the system
that will now become your problem as well. As for
vulnerabilities that are introduced through common
libraries, it is important to integrate security for your
applications, either in the cloud as a SaaS solution
or even in the local stations for developers that will
analyze the application code in search for these known
vulnerabilities prior to deployment. They then should


monitor the application code in search for anomalies

and vulnerabilities.

“ In terms of security, the most important requirements are regulations

and standards. You do not want to integrate a solution that will

interfere with your compliance requirements (e.g. HIPAA, GDPR)

and security posture.

What are security requirements to look In terms of security, the most important requirements
for when you’re evaluating platforms are regulations and standards. You do not want
or vendors to add new features to your to integrate a solution that will interfere with your
application? compliance requirements (e.g. HIPAA, GDPR) and
security posture. For example, what are the vendor’s
capabilities and policies for protecting data? If you can,
makes sure to ask the third party to provide you with a
penetration-testing report that shows that they have put
efforts into making their system secure.

Also, their dependencies become yours now. Not

only should you watch out for the introduction of
vulnerabilities by their applications into your system, but
you also need to access their support. Good support
could help you resolve security and non-security issues
quickly. If the third party tends not to be responsive, you


could be left with some security issues that no one will

address. In addition, check out their documentation.
Good documentation is a testament to their overall
product management and support.

When integrating third party When introducing new features and technologies to
technology into your application’s your application, you first need to make sure you have
existing tech stack, what are key a have well defined and documented requirements.
considerations you need to think What are the business processes will you be supporting?
about from the very beginning? What standards and regulations are you subject to?
Do your research, a few hours in Google is not enough.
You want to be sure that you maintain your
security posture.

If you have the resources, assign a vendor selection

team that will lead the full process. Weigh in cost,
architecture, support, security and compliance to come
up with the best solution for your organization. You can
compromise on each of these aspects, but make sure
you take responsibility for the risks.


About Logi
Delivering compelling applications with analytics at their core has never been more crucial—or more complex.
Logi is the only developer-grade analytics platform focused exclusively on embedding analytics in commercial
and enterprise applications. Logi leverages your existing tech stack and supports unlimited customization and
white-labeling, so you can quickly build a completely unique analytics experience.

Over 2,100 applications have trusted the Logi platform to deliver sophisticated
analytics capabilities and power their businesses. The company is headquartered
in McLean, Virginia, with offices in Ireland and England.

Learn more at


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