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Supannee Homsombat BSBMGT617 ASS 1.


BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan

Assessment Task 1 – Assignment
Part A.
1) Outline three reasons why a company may choose to develop a business plan.
Ans. It’s critical to evaluate organisation strategic plan and develop business plan in order to
know the purpose strategic, business and operational plans. Thus through those plans, review
the essential components needed for those business plans. Identify business goals and
objectives of the business plan to ensure it goes smoothly according to plan.
 It enables us to identify trends and emerging challenges which are currently or will
impact the future on the organisation.
 It helps to improve projects outcomes and help a corporation to identify and control
external risks.
 Identify and monitor trends, challenges and perceptions overtime within group of

2) Outline the key steps involved in developing a business plan.

Ans. First, identify the customer revenue stream by dividing it into separate group of small,
medium or large then picking revenue as the main criteria to identify your biggest revenue
stream based upon the assumption that the revenue is clearest sign if someone is satisfied
with your product/ service. Within the best revenue stream identify the best customer bring
you most value, it will be clear guideline to find target customer profile. Analyze your best
customers, common traits among them and identify your target company profile. Analyze the
actual buyer who will take decision to buy your product in terms of company positions,
demographics, psycho-graphics and behaviour shared by your best buyer.

3) Outline five common components of a business plan.

 Review and evaluate pre-existing strategic, business and operational plan if available
 Analyse and interpret business mission, vision, values and objectives
 Consult with stakeholders
 Review market requirements for the product or service, profile customer needs, and
research pricing options.

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 Develop performance objectives and measure through consultation with key


4) Outline three areas that the initial business planning process may address.

1 Perception of Opportunities:
Perception of opportunities is not strictly a part of the planning process. But this awareness

opportunities in the external environment as well as within the organisation is the real
starting point

for planning. It is important to take a preliminary look at possible future opportunities and
see them

clearly and completely.

2 Documentation of business:
Investors want to make sure that business is going to make them money. Because of this

expectation, investors want to know everything about business. To help with this process,

document everything like expenses, cash flow and industry projections.

3 Have a strategic marketing plan in place:

A great business plan will always include a strategic and aggressive marketing plan. This

includes achieving marketing objectives such as:

 Introducing new products

 Extending or regaining market for existing products

 Entering new territories for the company

 Cross-selling one product with another

 Entering into long-term contracts with desirable clients

 Raising prices without cutting into sales figures

5) Outline the purpose of a SWOT analysis in a business planning process.

We can say that the purpose of SWOT analysis is to study the internal and external
environments of a company, through the identification and analysis of the strengths and
weaknesses of the organization, and the opportunities and threats to which it is exposed.
Part of the purpose of SWOT analysis is to also assertively identify factors that influence the
functioning of the organization providing very useful information in the strategic planning

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We can divide SWOT analysis into two parts: the internal environment where strengths and
weaknesses are identified, and the analysis of the external environment, where threats and
opportunities are determined.
Strengths and weakness of the plan


- Targeted on work professional who able to afford higher lifestyle

- Strong purchasing power from customer
- Peter Drew is the designer and owner, which doesn’t rely on external manpower in
terms of designing.
- Spending time on business development with key contracts, building service firms and
property developers.

- Can’t received much project due to short manpower
- High cost on hiring lawyers to conduct new diligence towards new major clients and set
up the contract and payment terms.

6) Describe the relationship between performance objectives and key performance

indicators in a business plan.
Ans. There exist a relationship between performance measures and business objectives.
Business objectives entail statements of specific outcomes that ought to be achieved. For
these outcomes to be achieved there are certain activities that need to be undertaken within
the organization. The activities need to be conducted in a certain way if the specific outcomes
are to be achieved. The best way to ensure that these activities are being conducted in the
desired manner is by use of performance measures. There exist qualitative and quantitative
ways of measuring performance. All the resources in the organization can be examined
through this mechanism. If everything is operating as planned, it means that the
organization’s objective of attaining its mission and vision is feasible. If the performance
measures indicate otherwise, the organization might need to adjust its objectives or identify
other ways of attaining these objectives

7) Explain why it is important for a business to use a range of performance measures

within its business plan.
Ans. Performance measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing and reporting
information regarding the performance of an individual, group, organization, system or
component. One of the most important aspects to be considered in relation to performance
measurement process is that the performance measures work qualitatively to provide useful

Supannee Homsombat BSBMGT617 ASS 1.

information about products, processes and services that are produced in a business. Hence,
implementing performance measures is a great way to understand and manage and improve
what a business organization does.

The measurement of performance is a continuous process which involves checking the

performance against the standards that have been fixed to be followed. It leads to compare the
actual performance with the established standards.

8) If a business plan has an objective of improving customer satisfaction, describe three

performance measures that could be used to measure customer satisfaction.
● Ans. Understand expectations

Understanding what customers expect from us will provide ground to satisfy their
expectations by giving them enjoyable service. Making an effort to discover what customers
expect from us in terms of service and products is the way to satisfying their needs.

● Pinpoint specifics

Whether a customer is satisfied or not, we need to collect information to help us assess the
situation. Collect information about what customers purchased, what they liked and they did
not like, their actual purchase expectation and their suggestions for improvement.

● Loyalty measurement

Customer loyalty is the likelihood of repurchasing products or services. Customer satisfaction

is a major predictor for repurchasing and it is influenced by explicit performance of the
product, value and quality. Loyalty is basically measured when a customer recommends to a
friend, family member about a given product. Overall satisfaction, repurchasing and
likelihood of recommending to a friend are indicators of customer satisfaction.

9) Describe the balanced scorecard approach in relation to performance measurement

Ans. The Balanced Scorecard is a management system. It’s a way of looking at our
organization that focuses on our big-picture strategic goals. It also helps us choose the right
things to measure so that we can reach those goals.

Traditionally, companies have judged their health by how much money they make. Financial
measures are definitely important, but they only give us part of the picture. They focus on the
short-term, and we’re trying to build an organization to stand the test of time. The name

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“balanced scorecard” comes from the idea of looking at strategic measures in addition to
traditional financial measures to get a more “balanced” view of performance.

10) Outline key stakeholders who may be involved in business planning.

Ans. Key stakeholders to be involved in strategic planning are those having a vested interest
in the success of the organization. They include employees, unions, customers, vendors,
shareholders, regulatory agencies, owners, supply chain partners, community members, and
others who depend on and/or serve the organization. Each has a unique perspective about
what it will take for the organization to succeed. External stakeholder opinions and insights
are especially valuable in the early stages of planning where they add insight to
understanding the operating environment, as well as to a vision of the organization’s future.
Employees know the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, often understand what
gets in the way of success, and have first-hand knowledge of what it takes to deliver.

• Access to textbooks/other learning materials
• Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
• Access to sample strategic/business plans:
• Business Plan Template
• Operational Plan
• Employment Agreement Template
• Induction Checklist
• Space for a meeting
• Roleplay participant (your assessor)
• Notes of the areas that you will discuss at the meeting (question 1)

Business Vision Ozhouse are constantly working to establish ourselves as the most

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respected and sought-after contract cleaning and facilities support

service in Melbourne. Also, to provide the customer with all
residential cleaning services in an environmentally sound, completely
trustworthy, and professional manner. We exist to attract and maintain

Business Values Respect:

Ozhouse cleaning will taking time to understand and value each

person and respecting their choices.

Ozhouse cleaning ensuring integrity towards our staff, our customers,

the community and the environment.

Ozhouse cleaning a symbol of duty of care for our staff, customers

and the environment.

To always look to provide the best quality experience with regards to

our cleaning and our customer service.

Ozhouse cleaning to act with honesty, openness and do what we say

we will do.

to be industry leaders.

Business Objectives
and Goals During the upcoming year we have a range of objectives which focus
on building our brand recognition for providing customers with a
professional and friendly service and to increasing sales.

Thus, objectives are increasing the number of clients by 20% in the

first year of introducing commercial cleaning services and 10%

We also want to meet or exceed the expectations of customers and to

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implement best practice in cleaning operations, including

environmentally sustainable practices.

Financial Targets Ozhouse key objectives which are fundamental to our business in
delivering world-class cleaning and customer service, are as follows:

Provide our customers with a professional and friendly service.

To increase the number of clients by 20% in the first year of

introducing commercial cleaning services and 10% thereafter.

Meet or exceed the expectations of customers.

Implement best practice in cleaning operations, including

environmentally sustainable practices.

Management The company was established in 2005 and is a family business

arrangements established and operated by James and Nancy Anderson. James and
Nancy are the Directors of the company. Their daughters, Amanda
and Sarah, are also employed by the company. Amanda is the
Operations Manager and Sarah is the Administration Manager.

Marketing approaches Dealing directly with customers, conveniently in the customers'

and strategy houses in Melbourne.  Ozhouse Clean will receive clothes from and
return them to customers' houses. Requests for urgent situation
pickups and deliveries will be accommodated, and a nominal fee

Operational Plan Ozhouse Clean employs 15 cleaners, all of whom are part-time
contract staff working between 10 – 15 hours a week. The company
currently has approximately 70 regular clients, based around
Melbourne's inner city. These clients require regular home cleaning,
either weekly or fortnightly for hours ranging from 3 – 6 hours. A
standard hourly rate of $40 per hour is charged. Staff receive an
hourly rate of $25 per hour with the cost of the products provided to
staff for cleaning, including equipment and ongoing supplies, works
out to be approximately $2 per hour on top. The company is also

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considering whether it may be wiser to move to employing a number

of full-time, permanent cleaning staff. This is partly because there is a
high turnover of casual staff and little loyalty to the company. Staff
costs for employing full-time cleaners are $55,000 per cleaner per
year including all superannuation payments.

• Email with business plan attached

• Email customer survey attached
• Email template of employment agreement attached
1. Prepare to develop business plan
Review the Business Plan Template.
Prior to meeting with the Senior Management Team, review and evaluate the scenario
information and the current operational priorities plan. You should also review the Business
Plan Template.
Make notes for discussion at the meeting.
* Please note: Your assessor will advise you in class of the date and time of the meeting.

Date: 06th March (Friday)

Venue: Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5 Room 501
Time: 12:30 pm - 01:30 pm

2. Meet with Senior Management to discuss the business plan

The meeting is required to:
• Provide all information in user-friendly terms.
• Explain the purpose of a business plan and its benefits.
• Explain components that will need to be included in the business plan.
• Outline your interpretation of the business’ vision, mission and values based
on your evaluation of existing information and for discussion.
• Discuss proposed performance objectives and key performance indicators to
assess achievement of the objectives.
• Discuss research results regarding customer loyalty initiatives.
• Listen to the feedback provided by the management team (your assessor)

Supannee Homsombat BSBMGT617 ASS 1.

Dear ………………….,

I would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss about the company performance and
solve the issued that has been happened.
The meeting will take place on Room 501 Level 5, starting at 12.00 pm and will be
finishing at 12.30 pm. It will be held at Sydney CBD campus, on George street, Sydney
CBD.. Please can you confirm whether you will be able to attend the meeting by email
address or phone call as per contact attachment.
As per the customers unsatisfied about our service such as overlook to cleaning the
surface of mirror in the bathroom, do not empty the bin in the garage and mixed up the
trash. Which may issue to the person who come to collecting in the next day.
we are acknowledged about this situation and found that our new employee did not
attended to the WHS course, and missed out the induction. Which is crucial before start
working with us.
We are implement the WHS forms before starting every shift and end of the shift to
improving and avoid the issues. Associates are encouraging to filling the working check
list forms and send to the supervisor before leaving the duty.
This issue are the main factors that decreased guest expectation and service which
customers will be expended via WOM, and drop a line in social media. its will destroy the
company awareness as well.
I have enclosed 2 additional documents which provided some background information on
company performance and issues. An any suggestion is more than welcome to discussion.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,



Operation Manager, OZHouse Cleaning

3. Develop business plan

Business plan Template.

Supannee Homsombat BSBMGT617 ASS 1.

Another file attached

4. Send an email to the management team (your assessor)(E- mail 1.)

The directors of the company have approved the business plan and have asked you to begin
implementation. Your first task is to email the management team the approved business plan.
 introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Attach your business plan to the email.
Dear ………..
I would like to invite you for a meeting to discuss about the firm performance and solve the
problem that has been happened.
The meeting will take place on Room 501 Level 5, starting at 12.00 pm and will be finishing
at 12.30 pm. It will be held at Sydney CBD campus, on George street, Sydney CBD. Please
can you confirm whether you will be able to attend the meeting by email address or phone
call as per contact attachment.
I have enclosed two additional documents which provided some background information on
company performance and issues. An agenda will also be sent to your shortly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Operation Manager, OZHouse Cleaning

5. Assist Amanda with an implementation task

*The customer satisfaction survey.
During this activity you need to take turns training each other:
• Part 1 – team member 1 role plays Amanda while team member 2 coaches her on
developing a survey in a Word document
• Part 2 – team member 2 role plays Amanda while team member 1 coaches her on how to
upload the survey to email and distribute.

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Your assessor will be looking to see that you can effectively coach and train someone by
demonstrating, assisting and guiding.
 * Send your survey to customers via email (your assessor) (E- mail 2.)

Dear ,……,
I wrote this email is to inform that I have attached the customer survey to you. The purpose
of this customer satisfaction surveys can become imperative tools for improving our business
and ensuring our customers are happy and loyal. As to improve our best service I will
provided this to customer every month by our website online and company email.

I look forward to hearing from you if you have any suggestion. Any questions please feel free
to contact me.


Operation Manager (Oz house Cleaning service)

Customer Survey analysis Report

The report is to analyse the results and develop a short briefing report for our team about the
results of the survey, as well as your recommendations for changes to customer services or
standards based on our analysis
A customer survey has been completed by sending out a one-off survey to 300 customers via
49 customers responded to the survey and the findings are as follows:
Overall satisfaction with Oz house Clean services:
26 totally satisfied, 18 somewhat satisfied, 4 dissatisfied and 1 totally dissatisfied
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they are
totally satisfied is 42%.
Ease of doing business with Oz house Clean:
20 totally satisfied, 19 somewhat satisfied, 8 dissatisfied and 2 totally dissatisfied
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they are
totally satisfied with ease of business is 47%.

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Customers who said they would use Oz house Clean Services again are:
42 totally satisfied, 6 somewhat satisfied, 1 dissatisfied and 0 totally dissatisfied
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that would use
services again is 72%.
Customers who said they would recommend Oz house Clean to others:
38 totally satisfied, 8 somewhat satisfied, 3 dissatisfied and 0 totally dissatisfied
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate that they
would recommend the company to others is 63%.
Other comments made in response to question inviting customer suggestions:
Cleaning staff great, but phone service a bit average
Customer service staff could do with a bit more knowledge about products sold by the
company, good on services knowledge but not on products
Optional extras such as ironing would be great as an add on service

Customer Survey analysis Report in Tables and Chart

Totally satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Totally dissatisfied
Overall satisfaction 26 18 4 1
Ease of doing business 20 19 8 2
Customers who would use Services again 42 6 1 0
Customers who would recommend to others 38 8 3 0

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Recommendation (based on customer survey)

Make a connection with your customers: A personal connection with customers creates an
emotional bond, regardless of the channel the customer is using. For example, many
organizations have instructed their employees to greet customers within 15 seconds and
engage those who would like to have a dialog about their interests. But be careful not to fall
into that classical dialog trap: “Good day, sir! How may I help you?” … “Hi, no thanks, I am
just looking around.”. How can you make your customers truly welcome?

Use online communities for your benefit: You can get really good insight through online
communities and forums. Your customers will Google you, so why don’t you also? It is
important to listen to customers’ conversations in social media to gain a better understanding
of customers’ behaviors, needs, and preferences.

Find passion internally: You should search your organization internally for customer
champions rather than only relying on outside experts. The best data and the insights that you
need to carry out customer experience activities are right within your own organization. You
should appoint  a customer experience leader and designate her/him to form and lead a
centralized customer experience team.

Leverage analytics and reporting tools:  Too many organizations have gathered a lot of
information in their CRM systems without using them properly. A quick way to gain a strong
lead in customer experience is to use analytics and reporting tools to look at this information.
For example, Best Buy used a reporting tool early on in the economic downturn to understand
why more customers were applying for financing for their purchases, but there also was a
drop in purchases costing more than 1,000 USD.

Here are some reflective questions you can use to think about how you could create better
customer experience:
 Do you connect with your customers in a genuine, meaningful way?
 Do you rule or processes that you should get rid of?
 Do you evaluate your customer experience periodically?
 Do you have some little extra things in your services or products that customer
 Are people in your organization passionate to promote your organization online?
 Are you reusing the good customer experiences that your customers share?
 Do you use your CRM and customer data efficiently?

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6. Onboard a new employee

Employment Agreement Template.
Prepare the employee contract template included in your resource folder in the relevant
sections using the information below:

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Employee: David Smith, 5 Wellington Way, Melbourne 3000

Working hours: 9 am – 5pm.
38 hours per week
Fortnightly payment basis

7.Email to the new employee (E-mail 3.)

• Introduce and summarise the contents of the contract.
• Inform them of a training session they need to attend with Amanda as part of the
induction process which will occur next Monday at 9am.
• Provide a summary of the training as taken from the induction checklist (please refer
to the resources folder on Moodle) and let them know they can direct any questions they
have to Amanda who will be their direct manager moving forward.

Email subject line: Welcome to OZ House clean


We are all really excited to welcome you to our team! As agreed, your start date is next
Monday. We expect you  to be in our offices by 09.00am and our dress code is business
If necessary, remind your employee that they need to bring their ID/ paperwork.

At OZ House clean, we care about giving our employees everything they need to perform
their best. As you will soon see, we have prepared your workstation with all necessary
equipment. Our team will help you setup your computer, software and online accounts on
your first day. [Plus, if applicable, mention any extra things you’ve prepared for your new
hire, like a parking spot, a coffee mug with their name or a company t-shirt.]

We’ve planned your first days to help you settle in properly. You can find more details in the
enclosed agenda. As you will see, you’ll have plenty of time to read and complete your
employment paperwork (HR will be there to help you during this process!) You will also meet
with your hiring manager to discuss your first steps. For your first week, we have also

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planned a few training sessions to give you a better understanding of our company and

Our team is excited to meet you and look forward to introducing themselves to you during
planned event.

If you have any questions prior to your arrival, please feel free to email or call me and I’ll be
more than happy to help you.

We are looking forward to working with you and seeing you achieve great things!

Best regards,

Operation Manager (Oz house Cleaning service)

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