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The choice of extreme sports available to speed-loving, thrill-seeking, sports-mad

adrenaline junkies continues to grow each year. Some, zorbing for example, where you
roll down a hill inside a three-metre high plastic ball, give the same sort of kick as a
fairground ride. Others, such as extreme ironing, are plain weird: you take an ironing
board to an inaccessible location and iron a few clothes. Most, like paragliding or bungee
jumping, are individual activities where participants get a buzz from dicing with death.
However, a new generation of ultra-fast team games combine the exhilaration of extreme
sports with the fun of cooperative teamwork. Slamball, for instance, is a kind of basket-
ball played on a court consisting of a series of trampolines on which the players bounce
around. And if none of these appeal to you, how about barefoot water-skiing, or sand-
surfing where a skateboard is attached to the back of a four-by-four with a tow rope?

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